Friday 23 April 2021


 Listening as one of English skill is very important for our lives. Therefore, every students of English department should master it. Interpretative listening as one of listening subject in 2nd semester provides students with theory and practices to develop the meaning of oral text. They should understand how people communicate as well as native does. To measure how students understand the topics along seven session, the students have to do this test as mid term test. 

Instructions: please read basmallah. Then, do these following questions briefly in my comment column in this blog for 100 minutes. 

  1. Listen to the following dialogues in this short story. Find out any compound words and phrases!

  2. How many simple sentences are in that conversation?

  3. Describe the location of the story!

  4. Mention the main ideas in that short story!

  5. What kind of expression oftenly used by people in the story’s dialogues?


  1. 2. There 1465 simple sentence inthis story
    3. In house tom, cruch,leak,under apple tree, school, bus
    4. This story tell about journey tom in his daily we can know about young boy daily in this story
    5. Tom was person easy going and can easy apologive his friend and energetic boy
    His mother was worry about his cat
    His teacher was teacher hard tom
    The pastor was spirit in his speech
    His friend as angry to him

  2. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Class: TBI 2 A
    1. The compund words in the chapter 1 are 4 words and phrases such as ¹Tom was surprised because he did not see new people often, ²He's got shoes, a new clothes, and a tie, ³Tom looked at him and the big boy looked at tom, and ⁴Then Tom pushed the boy and the boy pushed Tom.
    2. The much of simple sentences in conversation in chapter 1 are 10 sentences such as ¹I never learn, ²Well, i can, ³You're afraid, ⁴I'm not afraid, ⁵I can beat you, ⁶No, you can't, ⁷Yes, you are, ⁸No, I'm not, ⁹There was silence, and ¹⁰There was more silence
    3. The story take a place in a village named St. Petersburg
    4. The main idea of the story is a schoolboy that always getting loads of trouble and learning through his experience.
    5. The people oftenly use the expression with asking about something

  3. Name : Muhammad Khaeirul Rizqi
    Nim : 201230029
    Class : 2 A TBI
    1. Chapter 1 tom and friend
    2. There 150 simple sentences at story
    3. At house tom and under apple tree
    4. This story tell about tom and big boy do making friendship
    5. Cousin tom was worry about him and belive his can do it
    Tom the villege boy was sad after fight with big boy after that they making frienship
    Big boy (tom friends) was angry to tom when he said not like his and apologive and making friends ship

  4. Name: Annisa Cikal Mujahidah
    Nim : 201230013
    Class : TBI 2A
    Answer chapter 2
    1. There are some compound sentences in chapter 2 :
    - Get up immediately Tom and get ready for school
    - Sydney was soon a sleep but Tom was not
    - Now go and sit with the girl
    2. There are very many simple sentences in chapter 2, such as:
    - She was very beautiful
    - What your name?
    - Tom not a good student
    - Let me see it
    - Look over there Hock
    3. The location of the story on chapter 2 is in the class Tom’s school
    4. Tom not a good student, he late for school
    5. Expression oftenly used by people in the story’s dialogues is
    Tom : enjoy
    The Teacher : angry
    The Girl : Interisting

  5. Name : Hilmy Aulia Rahman
    NIM : 201230031
    Class : TBI 2A
    Chapter 4 : Jacksons Island
    1. The Compound Sentences from this Chapter :
    - it was now summer, and there was no more school.
    - “go home and bring some food” said tom.
    - Tom brought some meat to eat, Joe brought some bread, and huck brought a friying pan.
    2. There are about 30 simple sentences in this chapter.
    - First they met on the shores of the Mississippi River.
    - And then they go to a Jackson Island.
    - After 3 days, they went home and go to the church. Because people thought they were dead.
    4. Tom and his friends went to Jackson island.
    5. – Tom and his friend was excited during they trip.
    - Their parents were sad because they thought their sons were dead.

  6. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti

    Chapter 1(Tom and fence)

    1.)What I encountered in compound sentences in chapter 1 are:
    -Very big,expensive clothes,new shirt,unhappy,not smile.

    2.)There are many simple sentences in chapter 1, including one of them,are:
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -Big boy beat Tom
    -Then he continue painting
    -He continue panting the fence
    -I can swimming everyday
    -He went back home

    3.)Tom lived in the small village of st Petersburg with his Aunt Polly,his brother Sid and his sister Mary.The summer evenings were long,and in the evenings Tom like walking around the village.

    4)In this chapter 1 tells of Tom who lives in a small village with his aunt, brothers and sisters. He works as a fence painter.

    -Bigboy angry
    -Bigboy crying
    -Aunt Polly,confused looking for Tom
    -Aunt love Tom
    -Tom hates works
    -Tom did not like Big Boy.

  7. Name : maharani
    Nim. : 201230017
    Class: TBI 2A

    1.he lifted the glasses and looked under them
    2.There are 4 simple sentence in the conversition
    3. caves, rivers, houses, schools, under apple tree, cemeteries, and forests
    4.Teenager adventure exploring the outdoors by the river, after Tom quarrels with his best friend he lives with Aunt Poily
    5.the mother tom was angry to him
    -the teacher has been firm to the tom
    -His best friend hates Tom

  8. Nama : Anna sulistiana
    Nim : 201230011
    Kls : TNI 2A

    1. The Compound Sentences from this Chapter:

    -it was now summer, and there was no more school.

    "go home and bring some food" said tom.

    -Tom brought some meat to eat, Joe brought sotme bread, and huck brought a friying pan.

    2. There are about 30 simple sentences in this chapter.

    3. First they met on the shores of the Mississippi River.

    - And then they go to a Jackson Island.

    - After 3 days, they went home and go to the church. Because people thought they were dead.

    4. Tom and his friends went to Jackson island.

    5.-Tom and his friend was excited during they trip.

    - Their parents were sad because they thought their sons were dead

  9. Nama : Eko Saputra
    Nim : 201230008
    Kls : TNI 2A

    1. The Compound Sentences from this Chapter:

    -it was now summer, and there was no more school.

    "go home and bring some food" said tom.

    -Tom brought some meat to eat, Joe brought sotme bread, and huck brought a friying pan.

    2. There are about 30 simple sentences in this chapter.


    First they met on the shores of the Mississippi River.

    - And then they go to a Jackson Island.

    - After 3 days, they went home and go to the church. Because people thought they were dead.

    4. Tom and his friends went to Jackson island.

    5.-Tom and his friend was excited during they trip.

    - Their parents were sad because they thought their sons were dead

  10. Name : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    NIM : 201230007
    Class : TBI II A

    Chapter 1
    1. compound (The old lady pulled her spectacles)
    words ( no answer) phrases (A bit of a scare shot through Tom)

    2. There are many simple sentences in chapter 1, including one of them,are:
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -He went back home
    -Then he continue painting
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy beat Tom
    -I can swimming everyday
    -He continue panting the fence

    3.the events of the story chapter I, all happened in a village called St. petersburg. There is where the incident happened at Tom's house which was strengthened through the aunt who called Tom and looked for him into the room.

    4. Tells of Tom who lives in a small village with his aunt, brothers and sisters. He works as a fence painter.

    5. Expressions that are often used by people in the story are expressions of anger and resentment.

  11. Name : Mafrodatunnufus
    NIM : 201230034
    Class : TBI II A

    Chapter 1
    1. compound (The old lady pulled her spectacles)
    words ( no answer) phrases (A bit of a scare shot through Tom)

    2. There are many simple sentences in chapter 1, including one of them,are:
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -He went back home
    -Then he continue painting
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy beat Tom
    -I can swimming everyday
    -He continue panting the fence

    3.the events of the story chapter I, all happened in a village called St. petersburg. There is where the incident happened at Tom's house which was strengthened through the aunt who called Tom and looked for him into the room.

    4. Tells of Tom who lives in a small village with his aunt, brothers and sisters. He works as a fence painter.

    5. Expressions that are often used by people in the story are expressions of anger and resentment.

  12. Name : Tatu Maftuhah
    NIM : 201230003
    Class : TBI II A

    Chapter 1
    1. compound (The old lady pulled her spectacles)
    words ( no answer) phrases (A bit of a scare shot through Tom)

    2. There are many simple sentences in chapter 1, including one of them,are:
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -He went back home
    -Then he continue painting
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy beat Tom
    -I can swimming everyday
    -He continue panting the fence

    3.the events of the story chapter I, all happened in a village called St. petersburg. There is where the incident happened at Tom's house which was strengthened through the aunt who called Tom and looked for him into the room.

    4. Tells of Tom who lives in a small village with his aunt, brothers and sisters. He works as a fence painter.

    5. Expressions that are often used by people in the story are expressions of anger and resentment.

  13. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    Class : 2A, TBI
    Chapter 1(Tom and fence)

    1.)What I encountered in compound sentences in chapter 1 are:
    -Very big,expensive clothes,new shirt,unhappy,not smile.

    2.)There are many simple sentences in this chapter, including one of them,are:
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -Then he continue painting
    -He continue panting the fence
    -I can swimming everyday
    -He went back home

    3.)Tom lived in the small village of st Petersburg with his Aunt Polly,his brother Sid and his sister Mary. In the summer evening Tom were like walking around the village. After Tom and big boy squerel, Tom go to Apple tree for continuous her works.

    4)In chapter 1 tells of Tom who lives in a small village with his aunt, brothers and sisters. He works as a fence painter.

    -Bigboy :angry
    -Bigboy :arogant
    -Bigboy :crying
    -Aunt Polly:confused looking for Tom
    -Aunt :love Tom
    -Tom :hates her works
    -Tom :did not like Big Boy

  14. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI/2A

    1. Compound words and Phrases
    Compound words : Sunday, something, everyday, nothing.
    Compound phrases : A small boy, the old lady, ran away, ran past, a big boy, few minutes, moved back, my brother, my sister, my apple, old knife, old key, back home, white fence.
    2. Simple sentence
    There are many simple sentences of the short story in chapter one. In my point of view, there are 38 simple sentences (approximately). Such as :
    - I told you not to eat the jam.
    - Tom lived in the small village of St. Petersburg.
    - The boy was a stranger.
    - Tom did not like him.
    - He was very unhappy.
    - Etc.
    3. The location of the story is in small village spesifically at St. Petersbug. To prove that, we can listen carefully from the dialogues, the speaker said :
    - Tom lived in the small village of St Petersbug with his aunt Polly, his brother Sid and his sister Marry.
    - In the evenings, Tom liked walking around the village.
    4. Main idea of the story in chapter one is paint the fence.
    5. There are several kind of expressions oftenly used by people of the story. They are :
    a. Expression for asking information
    “What are you doing, Tom?”
    b. Expression for giving instuction
    “Look at your hand and your mouth!”
    c. Expression for offering help
    “Let me paint a little, Tom!”
    d. Expression for asking help
    “Oh, Please, Tom! Please can I paint?”
    e. Expression for gratitude
    “I’m sorry, Ben”
    f. Expression for caution
    “Don’t come home late!”

  15. Nama:yuni anggraeni
    Nim: 201230035
    Class :TBI 2A

    Chapter 1 : the old lady pulled her spectacles

    2. There are many simple sentence in chapter 1 they are :
    - tom must work tomorrow
    - I can swimming everyday
    - he went back home
    - big boy looked at tom
    3. The events of story chapter 1 ,tom live in small village with his aunt

    4.tells about tom who live in small village with his aunt and how about his activities everyday

    5.expressions that are often used by people in the story are expression of anger and resentment.

  16. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim : 201230016
    Class : TBI2A

    Chapter3 (The grave yard)

    1. I'm promise, Blood knife, he was young, you're friend, i'm scared.

    2. There are 22 simple sentences in this chapter.

    3. The grave yard and Village.

    4. Tom and Hock saw three ghosts moved quietly to the grave yard.

    5 Expression :
    -Tom and Hock: Terified
    -Muff father : Angry, Confused
    -Dr. Robinson : Angry
    -Muff Father's friend : Angry

  17. Nama: Dewi Puspita Sari
    Nim: 201230010
    TBI 2A
    Bab 1: (Tom dan pagar)
    1. Kata majemuk dan Frasa Kata
    majemuk: Minggu, sesuatu, setiap hari, tidak ada.
    Frasa majemuk: Seorang anak laki-laki kecil, wanita tua, melarikan diri, berlari melewati, seorang anak laki-laki besar, beberapa menit, pindah kembali, saudara laki-laki saya, saudara perempuan saya, apel saya, pisau tua, kunci lama, kembali ke rumah, pagar putih.
    2. Ada banyak sekali kalimat sederhana di bab 2, seperti:
    - Dia sangat cantik
    - Siapa namamu?
    - Tom bukan murid yang baik
    - Coba saya lihat
    - Coba lihat di sana Hock
    3. Lokasi cerita pada bab 2 ada di kelas sekolah tom.
    4.Gagasan utama cerita dalam bab satu adalah mengecat pagar.
    5. Ekspresi yang sering digunakan oleh Orang-orang dalam dialog cerita adalah
    Tom: selamat menikmati
    Guru: marah
    Gadis itu: Interisting

  18. Name: Dwi febriyanti
    NIM: 201230020
    Class: TBI 2A


    1. Compound words: looked after, unhappy, great idea, carefully, suddenly, silently, sunny.
    Phrases: I can beat you,I love you, I like it.

    2. There are 49 simple sentence on this chapter

    3. St. Petersburg, missouri Aunty polly's hometown

    4. The man idea behind this story is just an average little schoolboy getting into loads of trouble all the time and learning things through experience. he doesn't do the childish things he would've earliar nd he does thinngs for other people instead of just for himself.

    5. Looked behind you, I love you, I like it, please

  19. name : Adelia rizky
    NIM : 201230006
    class : TBI_2A

    Chapter 3 THE GRAVEYERD

    1. gosh, what, but why, diging, your a friend, i'm promise.

    2. i'm really sceard, i can see the goshes, can ghos see us, gosh can see averything, why did i come here, why there here,the doctor want to died body, you must give us 5 dolar, i'm not giving you more money, i want more money, you give me nothing, don't hit my friend, and many more simple sentence.

    3. the graveyard

    4. Tom and Hock saw the murder of Dr, Robinson wich Joe and Ed did, ehen they want to takeing died body for Dr, Robinson.

    5. afraid, cuse Tom and Hock saw the murder, and when Joe and Ed killd Dr, Robinson

  20. Aulia mahdiah (201230021)
    Chapter 1
    1. Example compound :
    Forty times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you. Hand me that switch
    2. There are many simple sentences in this dialogue because the conversations in this dialogue are common daily, one of which is “I don't know, aunt”
    3. At first, the teacher looked for Tom in the house and looked for him around the yard of the house and the location of painting in the yard of the house near the tree
    4. Themes are fundamental ideas and often universal ideas are explored in a literary work
    5. Angry

  21. Name: Siti Hayatun Nisa
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230001

    Chapter 6 : The Haunted House

    1. - Compound words: daytime, downstairs, upstairs, fireplace, small men, outside, old tree, old house, wonderful

    - Phrases : At Night, Digging, In the Night, the two man sat on the floor.

    2. There are many simple sentences on chapter 6, such as:

    - The small men wore dirty clothes.
    - Old spanish man with long white hair
    - I amhot
    - I am tired
    - Tom and huck were upstairs.

    3. The location: At the haunted house

    It was an old lonely place there was silence all around. Strange place with everything was old and broken. No one live there and that make Tom and Huck afraid.

    4.Main idea:

    Every young boy wants to find a treasure and tom did to. One hot summer day, he told huck about her idea to look for the treasure under old trees or houses.

    5. Expression Asking information:

    "What is it? Do you hear a ghost?"
    "What are we going to do with the 650 coins?"
    "Can we put it back? Under the stone?"
    "Where we can hide this gold?"

    Invitation Expression:
    “Let's go to the haunted house. Nobody live there."
    "Let's listen to them"

  22. Nama : Siti Mahdiah
    Nim : 201230024
    Kelas : TBI 2-A

    ANSWER=chapter 1
    1. Compound words and phrases
    •Compound phrases:
    -Aunt Polly looked under the bed but she only found a cat.
    -A small boy ran past and she stopped him with her hand.
    -He hate work but he must do it.
    -Tom always plays tricks on me and I never learn.
    -Tom was surprised because he didn't not see new people often.
    -Tom pushed the boy and the boy pushed To
    -Tom pulled the boy's hair and hit him hard.
    •Compound words
    -He got shoes، shirt, and tie.

    2. There are many simple sentences of the story in chapter 1 (more than 20), such as:
    -He hates work
    -He must do it
    -Tom pulled the boy's hair
    -Tom was surprised
    -The big boy was angry

    3. The small village of st. Petersburg.

    4. The main idea in the story of chapter1 is 'Tom and The Fence'.

    5. The expression oftenly used in the story of chapter 1:

    -Tom was surprised because he didn't see new people often.
    -He hates work
    -Aunt Polly was surprised and then she laughed
    -The big boy was angry and started crying

  23. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    NIM : 201230026
    Class : 2A

    Analysis from Chapter 6 - The Haunted house

    Answer :
    1. Compound Words : Without, Anybody, someone, comedown, midnight, Daytime, Downstairs, Upstairs, comeback.

    Compound phrase : At night, In the night.

    2.There are 11 simple sentences in this chapter, such as =
    1.The boys went to Cardiff hill
    2.Robbers put treasures in an old trees and old houses
    3.He told Hook about his idea
    4.There's nothing under the trees
    5.There are two men Downstairs
    6. Tom and Hook watch with excitement
    7.He found an old box The box was full of gold coin
    8.Every young boys want to find the treasures
    9. Tom and Hook didn't follow them
    10.The two men took the silver and gold away
    11. They wanted to find the treasures.

    3.The setting of the story was in an old house in cardiff hills. The old house is obsolete and nobody lives there.

    4. Main Idea : Every young boy wants to find a treasure.

    5.The story in chapter 6 often use asking and giving command/ Instructions expressions. For example : "No, don't move! let's sit down on the floor", "Bring this box !", "Can we put it back? Under the stone?".

  24. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    Chapter 1 : TOM AND FENCE
    1. Compound words in the first Chapter :
    Phrases in the first Chapter :
    -Big boy
    -New shirt
    -Painting a fence
    -Old key
    -Beautiful white fence
    -Very good
    -explensive Clothes
    -Some Apples
    -Big Apples

    2.There are a lot simple sentence in the first Chapter such as :
    "Tom like walking"
    "He saw a big boy"
    "Tom looked him"
    "Tom push the boy"
    "The boy push Tom"
    "He hate worked"

    3.The location of story in the chapter one is on small village, St.Peterburg, Missouri. With his aunt polly, his brother Sid and sister marry

    4. The main idea is Tom hides, Fight and Plays.

    5.Expression of people in the chapter one:
    -The old lady was angry in the beginning
    -Tom was surprise when the boy show up
    -Tom was unhappy when Saw a long fence
    -The aunt was very happy when Saw a beautiful long fence

  25. Nama: Zakia Umami
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230014

    Chapter 3: The Graveyard

    1. There are some compound sentences in chapter 2 Tom and Huck
    Tom met his friend bluckleberry finn Huck's father drank whisky all the time and did not work, Huck lived in the street and did not go to school, his clothes were old and dirty. All the mothers of the village hated him because he was lazy and used bad language. Huck went to take a dead cat to the Graveyard after midnight.There were a lot of grave, everything was dark and scary, they soon found the grave.

    2. There are many simple sentences in the chapter 3, such as:
    - I can see ghost
    - They are coming here
    - I'm Really scared
    - Ghosts can see everything
    - Don't be afraid
    - The three ghosts moved quietly in the gravyard
    - They come close to Tome and Hock
    - One of them is Muff Potter
    -They want to rob a grave
    -Injun Joe and Muff Potter started digging
    -Do you want us to take a body
    -You must give us five dollars
    -I paid you this morning

    3. The location of the story in Chapter 3 There are:
    -Graveyard, when Tom and huck want to find the grave of Hoss Williams.
    -Road, Ground, when Injun Joe fight with doctor Robinson, and then Injun Joe fell to the ground.
    -Village, when Tom and Huck know and saw everything behind the tree, that Muff Potter killed doctor Robinson, they're shocked and then go back to the village.
    -Old house, and then Tom and Huck arrived at an old house, and decided to hide there.

    4. The main Idea of the story chapter 3 is: Tom and huck want to find the grave of Hoss Williams In the graveyard and then Tom and Huck accidentally they saw a fight that happened to three men, Injun Joe, Dr. Robinson and Muff Potter, they were fighting over the dead body. And Muff a digging wanted to pay 5 dollars for a dead body, but Doctor Robinson didn't want it, so there was a fight and a murder that occurred, on Dr. Robinson by Muff Potter.

    5. There are some expressions oftenly used by people in the story’s Chapter 3:

    * Muff Potter feel so confused when Injun Joe said that he killed Dr. Robinson with a Knife, and hit on the head till fail on the ground. And then Muff Potter said that this is terrible and whisky, and after that Muff potter cried he feel so sad and he cried because he had killed Dr. Robinson

  26. Name : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 210230015
    Class : Tbi_2a

    Chapter I
    1. Find Compound words and Phrases
    Compound words : nothing, something.
    Compound phrases : A small boy, the old lady, a big boy, few minutes, moved back, my brother, my sister, my apple, old knife, old key, back home,

    2. Simple sentence
    There are many simple sentences of the short story in chapter one. There are
    - I can swimming everyday.
    - The boy was a stranger.
    - Tom did not like him.
    - He was very unhappy.
    -No, I'm not.
    3. The location of the story is in small village spesifically at St. Petersbug. the speaker said :
    - Tom lived in the small village of St Petersbug with his aunt Polly, his brother Sid and his sister Marry.

    4. Main idea of the story is fight and plays.

    5. There are several kind of expressions oftenly used by people of the story. They are
    -Bigboy, angry
    -Bigboy, crying
    -Aunt Polly,confused looking for Tom
    -Aunt, love Tom
    -Tom, hates works
    -Tom, did not like Big Boy.

  27. Name : Melinda Hestiana
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230037

    Analysis chapter 1 – Tom and the Fence

    1. Compound words :
    - No one
    - Stove-lids
    - Without
    - Anybody
    - Someone
    - Comedown
    - Daytime
    - Downstairs
    - Upstairs
    - Comeback
    - Afternoon
    - Himself
    - Overlooked
    - Themselves
    - Sometimes
    - Week-day
    - Sidewalk
    - Graveyard

    Compound phrases :
    • like it
    • moved back

    2. There are so many simple sentences in chapter 1, such as :
    • Tom did play hookey
    • The old lady whirled round
    • He opened his jacket
    • The boy was a stranger
    • There was silence
    • He wasn’t the model boy of the village
    • I will lick you for that
    • The summer evening was long
    • You’re a coward and a pup
    • I dare you to step over that
    • The boy only struggled to free himself
    • He got home pretty late that night
    • Tom struck them to ground

    3. The location of the story in chapter 1, all happened in a small village namely St. Petersburg. There is an incident happening at Tom's house which is strengthened through the aunt who calls Tom and looks for him to the room, he jumps over the fence of his house and up the window of his room.

    4. Mark Twain's story of teenage adventure, Tom Sawyer who lives in the home of generous Aunt Polly and his brother Sid and his sister Mary. He has naughty, mischievous, and nosy behavior that often makes Aunt Polly cry almost every day likewise his teacher because he is so annoying. someday his behavior brought him bad luck, he came home at night after fighting with a newcomer, at which time Aunt Polly was waiting for him and he decided to make him work the next day, as punishment. The main idea of the story in chapter one is that of an average schoolboy who is annoying and always has a lot of trouble all day long in his life.

    5. Expression of asking and giving permission :
    • let me paint a little, Tom
    • oh, please, Tom! please can I paint? I'm good at painting too.
    • yes, go and play! But don't come home late!

    - Tom: Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience. As the novel progresses, he begins to take more seriously the responsibilities of his role as a leader among his schoolfellows.

    - Aunt Polly: Tom’s aunt and guardian. Aunt Polly is a simple, kindhearted woman who struggles to balance her love for her nephew with her duty to discipline him. She generally fails in her attempts to keep Tom under control because, although she worries about Tom’s safety, she seems to fear constraining him too much. Above all, Aunt Polly wants to be appreciated and loved.

    - Sid: Tom’s half-brother. Sid is a goody-goody who enjoys getting Tom into trouble. He is mean-spirited but presents a superficial show of model behavior. He is thus the opposite of Tom, who is warmhearted but behaves badly.

    - Mary: Tom’s sweet, almost saintly cousin. Mary holds a soft spot for Tom. Like Sid, she is well behaved, but unlike him, she acts out of genuine affection rather than malice.

    - Newcomer: arrogant

  28. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    NIM : 201230018
    Class : 2A


    1. The Compound that I find out are Sunday, Something, Look After, Nothing, Big Boy, Big Apple, Moved Back, Ran Away, Old Lady.

    2. In this story, there are many simpel sentences, like :
    - Tom must work tomorrow
    - The big boy was angry
    - World was happy
    - The boy was a stranger
    - Tom did not like him
    - You are working for your aunt
    - I can swim everyday

    3. The location is in Tom’s house in a small village at St. Petersburg

    4. The main idea in this chapter is painting the fence

    5. There is any kind of expression in this story
    - Giving Instruction
    *I told you not eat the jam
    *Don’t come home late
    *Look behind you

    - Getting Information
    *Where is that boy?

    - Following to Invite
    *You can come with me

  29. Fathima Eka Septianti
    TBI 2A

    Chapter 8: The Treasure
    1. Compound words: Became, another, because, sometime, something, around
    2. There were many simple sentences, such as:
    - She was very weak
    - No one went to sleep that night
    - We were hungry and scared
    - He was dead
    - Everyone was amazed
    3. Location: McDougal's Cave, St. Petersburg
    'Many men from St. Petersburg went to the cave and opened the big doors'
    'They took a small boat and went down the Mississippi River to McDougal's Cave'
    'A lot of people in St. Petersburg saw the boys and the treasure'
    4. Main Idea: Found the treasure
    5. Expressions:
    "Is something wrong, Tom?"
    "No, we won't. I've got candles and a long string. Let's go and get a boat!"
    "You're right! It's the cross!"
    "Let's dig under the cross"

  30. Name: Mutia Hernata
    NIM: 201230004
    Class: 2-A TBI

    Answers from chapter II (Tom and Huck)

    1. Compound words in chapter 2: Tonight, midnight, sunday, everyone, grave yard

    Compound sentences :now go and sit with the girl, get up immediately Tom,and get ready to school

    2. There are lots of Simple sentences in chapter 2 such as:

    He was in love, Let me see it, Thank you, what's your name, she is so beautiful, Huck was happy, etc.

    3. Location on that story :

    Tom's house: where Tom and his family lives
    Church: place of worhip
    School: a place Tom doesn't like
    graveyard: creepy and misterious place

    4. The main idea of this chapter:
    Tom is lazy and curious child.
    On St. Petersburg village all mothers hate Huck, but all the children admire him. Huck is misterious and curious child.

    5. The expression oftenly used by people in the story's dialogues :
    Angry, curious, and interesting.

  31. Nama: Ana Rosaliatul Hasanah
    Nim: 201230036
    Kelas: TBI 2A

    Answer: Chapter 1
    1. Compound Words:(8)Run away, moved back, unhappy, nothing, do it, sat down, came by, a lot of.
    Phrases: An old blue bottle, an old key, an old knife,he came to look at the fence,he's got shoes,a new shirt and a tie, my clothes, soon they where on the ground. Etc

    2. Simple Sentence: 26
    -I love Tom
    -she cried
    -he was unhappy
    -the boy was strange
    -he went back home
    -Ben watched Tom

    3. Location: at Aunt Polly's house and her yard. In a small village of St Petersburg.

    4. The main idea of this story is the ingenuity of Tom Sawyer who always has trick and high imagination in dealing with or doing something and makes it easy.

    5. Asking and giving permission
    -"Let me paint a little, Tom?"
    -"no Ben, I can't.
    Agree and disagree
    -"you working!"
    -"Do you call this working? "
    -"Of course this is working, you painting a fence."
    -Maybe it's work, but maybe it isn't.
    Giving Opinion
    -"Maybe it's work, but maybe is isn't. I like it. I can swim every day but I can't paint a fence every day.

    1. Nama: Ana Rosaliatul Hasanah
      Nim: 201230036
      Kelas: TBI 2A

      Answer: Chapter 1
      1. Compound Words:(9)Run away, moved back, unhappy, nothing, do it, sat down, came by, a lot of, Something.
      Phrases: An old blue bottle, an old key, an old knife,he came to look at the fence,he's got shoes,a new shirt and a tie, my clothes, soon they where on the ground. Etc

      2. Simple Sentence: 26
      -I love Tom
      -she cried
      -he was unhappy
      -the boy was strange
      -he went back home
      -Ben watched Tom

      3. Location: at Aunt Polly's house and her yard. In a small village of St Petersburg.

      4. The main idea of this story is the ingenuity of Tom Sawyer who always has trick and high imagination in dealing with or doing something and makes it easy.

      5. Asking and giving permission
      -"Let me paint a little, Tom?"
      -"no Ben, I can't."
      Agree and disagree
      -"you working!"
      -"Do you call this working? "
      -"Of course this is working, you painting a fence."
      -Maybe it's work, but maybe it isn't.
      Giving Opinion
      -"Maybe it's work, but maybe is isn't. I like it. I can swim every day but I can't paint a fence every day.

  32. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A
    Chapter 1 : Tom and the Fence

    1. Compound words : without, anybody, someone, sometimes, overlooked, comedown, weekday, comeback, afternoon, graveyard
    Compound phrases : like it, ran away, few minutes, moved back, old knife

    2. Simple sentences
    - He opened his jacket
    - Tom must work tomorrow
    - Tom looked him
    - The boy was a stranger
    - Tom push the boy

    3. The location of the story in chapter one is in a small village specifically at St. Petersbug, Missouri. Tom lived with his aunt Polly, his brother Sid, and his sister Marry. In the summer evening Tom were liked walking around the village.

    4. The main idea in chapter one is Tom fight, plays as a frence painter.

    5. Kind of expression by people in the chapter one :
    "What are you doing, Tom? (Asking information)
    "Look at your hand and mouth" (giving instruction)
    "Let me paint a little, Tom!" (asking permission)

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  36. Name: Soraya Farlika salsabila
    Nim: 201230002
    Class: TBI 2A
    Chapter 5
    1) compound words: someone, anyone, midnight
    Phrases: at night, in the night
    2) there are 3 simple sentence
    -they want to small jail and they Saw muff
    -muff looked old tired and unhappy
    - Tom became the hero of st. Petersburg
    3) location st. Petersburg &trial
    4) main idea the trial
    5) Tom and huck are sad that muff is such a good person but he is on trial

  37. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032
    Chapter 1 "Tom and the Fence"

    1. Compound words : unhappy, Saturday,Sunday, something, everyday, nothing.
    Coumpound phrase : old lady, ran away, few minutes moved back, old knife.
    2. In my opinion, there are many simple sentences of the short story in this chapter, such as :
    I love Tom.
    I can beat you¬!
    He came to look at the fence.
    He continoued painting.
    He looked at his work and smiled.
    He went back home. etc
    3. The location of the story is in the small village of St Petersburg. In the evenings Tom liked walking around the village.
    4. Tom plays, fights, and hides.
    5. There are several kind of expression. Such as:
    - Giving instruction :
    “Look at your hand and your mouth!’
    “Oh, Aunt Polly, look behind you!”
    “But don’t you come home late!”
    - Request something
    “Oh, please, Tom! Please can I paint? I’m good at painting too”
    - Asking for an apology
    “I’m sorry, Ben. Aunt Polly wants me to do it because I,m very good painting....”
    - Expression declinining :
    “No, Ben. I can’t”
    - Expressing likes
    "I like it!"

  38. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    NIM : 201230028
    Class : TBI 2A
    Chapter : 1 - Tom and The Fence

    1.Compound words:
    Run away, looked after, everyday, carefully, came by, suddenly, sat down, nothing, unhappy
    Phrases words:
    I love you, i like you

    2.Simple Sentence:
    There was silence, the boy was a stranger, he hates work, he must do it, Tom must work, he saw a big boy, Tom was surprised, Tom looked at him, big boy looked at tom, tom did not like him, the boy pushed tom, and etc.

    3. St.Petersburg and aunt Polly's house

    4. The main idea of this story is about how genius and brave Tom is.

    5. Greeting expression: "what are you doing?"
    Apology expression: "I'm sorry Ben"
    Ability and Disability Expression: "No,you can't","Yes,i can".
    Like expression: "I like Tom"
    Offering help expression: "Let me paint a little Tom"
    Warning expression: "But,don't come home late!"

  39. Name : Nur karinah
    Nim : 201230038
    Class : TBI 2A

    Chapter 1 : TOM AND THE FENCE

    1. Compound word : unhappy, suddenly, something, nothing, a new clothes, big boy, slowly, carefully, himself etc.
    2. There are many simple sentence in this short story, such as :
    -I told you not to eat the jam
    - The boy was a stranger
    - I can swimming everyday
    -I love Tom
    - I never learn
    - You're afraid
    -I'm afraid
    - He went back home
    - etc.
    3. The location of the story on chapter 1 is in a village of St.Petersburg.
    4. The main idea in this short story is Tom hides, fights, and hides.
    5. The people oftenly used expression with asking information, giving instruction, offering help, asking help,etc.

  40. Nama : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    Bab 3

    1. Compound words :
    Injun Joe took the doctor's arm and the doctor hit him.

    Muff potter ran away and Injun Joe watched him

    2. a. Doctor hit him
    b. I'am really scared
    c. I paid you this morning

    3. a). At hoss william's grave
    b). Back to village
    c). At an old house

    4. Tom and Huck who want to go to Hoss William's grave accidentally see Dr. Robinson, Moff and Injun Joe who fought over Hoss William's body and a fight that resulted in Dr. Robinson died which Moff did accidentally.

    5. a. Moff was very confused
    b. Dr. Robinson angrily
    c. Tom and Huck terrified.
    d. Tom and Huck afraid of Injun joe

  41. Name : Wafa Mawaddah
    NIM: 201230023
    Class : 2A TBI

    1. Phrases : small village, big boy, dirty clothes
    -compound word: unhappy, every day, can't
    2. Simple sentence : You're working, You're painting a fence, I can swim every day
    3. Location : small village of St.peterburg
    4. In this chapter 1 contain main idea namely: background and Characteristics of Tom.
    5. " I never learn, Tom always plays tricks on me and I never learn. I love Tom."
    "Why don't to try."
    "What kind I do with this boy?well, tomorrow ia Saturday, and he just work!"
    " Is Saturday and i'm muat paint this long fence."
    "Of course it's work, You're painting a fence.

  42. Name:Dila irasanti
    Class:2A TBI

    Chapter 1(Tom and fence)

    1.)What I encountered in compound sentences in chapter 1 are:
    -Very big,expensive clothes,new shirt,unhappy,not smile.

    2.There are many simple sentences in chapter 1, including one of them,are:
    -Big boy looked at Tom
    -He went back home
    -Then he continue painting
    -Tom must work tomorrow
    -Big boy beat Tom
    -I can swimming everyday

    3.First they met on the shores of the Mississippi River.

    - And then they go to a Jackson Island.

    - After 3 days, they went home and go to the church. Because people thought they were dead.

    4.Tom and Hock saw three ghosts moved quietly to the grave yard.

    5.5.The story in chapter 6 often use asking and giving command/ Instructions expressions : "No, don't move! let's sit down on the floor", "Bring this box !", "Can we put it back? Under the stone?".

  43. Name : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI-2 A
    Chapter 3

    1. Compound words : nothing, anything, anyone, everything.
    Compund phrases : pulled it out, fell on top, body away, last night, got up, ran away, moved away, ran out.
    2. There are many simple sentences in this chapter, I think there are 20. Like as :
    - I'm really scared, Ghosts can see everything, we must be very quiet, He cuts bodies anf studies them, etc.
    3. The location of the story is in the graveyard.
    4. Main Idea of the story in the chapter three is Dr. Robinson take dead body and bring it to him house, because he want to cuts the bodies and studies them, but he instruct to Muff and Injun joe to take the bodies to him house. And doctor won't give them money, and they killed the doctor.
    5. Expression for asking information
    "What happened?"
    Expression for giving instrunction
    "Don't tell to anyone, don't be afraid"
