Sunday 23 June 2024


 Mahasiswa telah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris I selama satu semester. indikator pencapaian belajar mereka terhadap mata kuliah ini adalah ketika mampu mengidentifikasi struktur sederhana kalimat pada suatu teks serta  mampu memahami makna pada suatu kalimat berdasarkan tenses yang dipakai. Dalam rangka menilai kemampuan mahasiswa tersebut, mereka wajib mengerjakan soal akhir semester pada link inilink ini. jawaban dituliskan pada kolom komen di blog ini dengan menuliskan nama, NIM dan kelas paling lambat selasa, 25 Juni 2024, pk. 23.59 WIB.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nama : Ginta Ikhsan Yaltio
      Nim : 122310070
      Kelas : PAI 2 B

      ANSWER :
      (SOAL 1)
      1. Kalimat Kausatif:
      The active role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education is crucial as they inspire change through advocacy and innovation.
      - Penjelasan: Menggunakan bentuk kausatif untuk menunjukkan bahwa generasi Islam memainkan peran aktif dalam mempengaruhi pendidikan abad ke-21.

      2. Kalimat Aktif:
      The Islamic generation plays a pivotal role in shaping 21st-century education through proactive engagement and leadership.
      - Penjelasan: Menggunakan bentuk aktif untuk menyoroti bagaimana generasi Islam secara langsung terlibat dalam mengubah pendidikan modern.

      Kalimat Pasif:
      In 21st-century education, the role of the Islamic generation is acknowledged as vital in promoting values-driven learning and global citizenship.
      - Penjelasan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif untuk menekankan pengakuan terhadap peran generasi Islam dalam pendidikan global.

      (SOAL 2)
      1. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident..."
      Tense: Simple Past ("condemned")
      Penjelasan: Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah dilakukan (mengutuk) oleh CAIR terhadap kejadian tersebut.

      2. "...along with Israel’s killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza."
      Tense: Present Continuous ("killing")
      Penjelasan: Menggunakan present continuous untuk merujuk pada tindakan yang sedang berlangsung atau yang baru-baru ini terjadi (pembunuhan oleh Israel).

      3. “These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped..."
      Tense: Simple Present ("must be stopped")
      Penjelasan: Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu keharusan atau permintaan agar tindakan tersebut dihentikan.

      4. "...said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director.
      Tense: Simple Past ("said")
      Penjelasan: Digunakan untuk merujuk pada pernyataan yang telah diucapkan oleh Ibrahim Hooper.

      5. "...if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing."
      Tense: Present Simple ("fails"), Future ("could see")
      Penjelasan: Present simple digunakan untuk menyatakan kondisi (if clause), sementara future tense ("could see") digunakan untuk menyatakan kemungkinan di masa depan.

      6. “It’s not standard practice..."
      Tense: Present Simple ("It's")
      Penjelasan: Digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta atau situasi yang umum.

      7. "...I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out."
      Tense: Future ("will find out", "will be doled out")
      Penjelasan: Future tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan harapan atau prediksi di masa depan.

      8. "...Des Roches told Al Jazeera."
      Tense: Simple Past ("told")
      Penjelasan: Digunakan untuk merujuk pada pernyataan yang telah diucapkan oleh David Des Roches.

  2. Nama : Irma Yanti
    Nim : 231210010
    Kelas : PAI 2A

    (Soal pertama)
    -Paragraf 1
    The Islamic generation has been made to realize the importance of adapting to the rapidly changing educational landscape of the 21st century. They are actively seeking ways to integrate traditional Islamic values with modern educational approaches, which has caused a significant shift in how Islamic education is perceived and delivered. The youth are encouraged to embrace technology and critical thinking skills, while simultaneously preserving their religious and cultural heritage.
    -Paragraf 2
    This new approach has led educators to develop innovative curricula that combine Islamic principles with contemporary subjects. Students are being taught to apply Quranic teachings to real-world problems, which enables them to become more engaged global citizens. As a result, the Islamic generation is increasingly seen as a bridge between traditional wisdom and modern progress, fostering interfaith dialogue and promoting a more inclusive educational environment.

    (Soal kedua)
    1. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza."
    - Tenses: Simple past (condemned, killing)
    2. "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped."
    - Tenses: Present simple with modal verb (must be stopped)
    3. "American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians,"
    - Tenses: Present simple with modal verb (should not be used)
    4. "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - Tenses: Present simple with modal verb (must end, begin)
    5. "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing."
    - Tenses: Simple past (said), present simple (fails), simple present (could see)
    6. "It's not standard practice."
    - Tenses: Present simple (is not)
    7. "I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out."
    - Tenses: Present simple (hope), future simple (will find out), simple past (did), future simple (will be)
    8. "Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy,"
    - Tenses: Present simple (can make, is evolving)
    9. "Des Roches told Al Jazeera..."
    - Tenses: Simple past (told)

  3. Nama : Siti Nurkholishoh
    NIM : 23121005
    Kelas : PAI - 2B
    1. : The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are not only expected to excel academically but also to instill moral values in the young minds of tomorrow. Through their active involvement in educational institutions, they can inspire students to think critically, embrace diversity, and contribute positively to society. By creating a conducive learning environment and promoting Islamic principles, the Islamic generation can nurture a generation of individuals who are not only well-educated but also compassionate and ethical human beings. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in fostering a sense of community and unity among students, paving the way for a brighter future where education becomes a tool for positive change and progress.
    2. : Let's analyze the use of tenses in this text:
    1. Past Tense:
    - "condemned" - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned the incident.
    - "killing" - CAIR condemned Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and Tuffah neighborhood.
    - "was involved" - The investigation will find out who was involved in the incident.
    - "failed" - David Des Roches mentioned that if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved, others could see their actions as a license to do the same thing.

    2. Present Tense:
    - "must be stopped" - The Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped, according to Ibrahim Hooper.
    - "should not be used" - American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim, and starve innocent civilians.
    - "must end" - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - "begin to recognize" - The Biden administration must begin to recognize the humanity of the Palestinian people.

    3. Future Tense:
    - "will find out" - The investigation will find out who was involved in the incident.

    - Alhamdulillah-

  4. Nama : Nurul Anisa
    Nim : 231210004
    Kelas : Pai 2A

    1. The Role of the Islamic Generation in 21st Century Education
    The role of the Islamic generation in 21st century education is very important because they are the bearers of Islamic values ​​and knowledge. It is their responsibility to ensure that Islamic education remains relevant and adaptable to the changing needs of the modern world.

    To fulfill this responsibility, the Islamic generation must be actively involved in all aspects of education, from curriculum development to the teaching and learning process. They should also work to make Islamic education more inclusive and accessible to all students, regardless of their background or beliefs. By doing this, generations of Muslims can help ensure that Islamic education continues to play an important role in shaping the minds and hearts of future generations.

    Here are some specific examples of how the Islamic generation can be involved in education:

    Developing an Islamic curriculum: Generation Islam can work together with educators to develop a curriculum that is relevant to the 21st century and based on Islamic values.
    Teaching Islamic studies: Generation Islam can become Islamic studies teachers, ensuring that students have access to high-quality Islamic education.
    Mentoring students: Generation Islam can mentor younger students, providing them guidance and support as they navigate their educational journey.
    Volunteering at school: The Islamic Generation can donate their time at school, helping with various tasks such as tutoring, counseling, and organizing extracurricular activities.
    Advocating for Islamic education: The Islamic Generation can advocate for Islamic education at all levels, from local schools to the central government.
    By taking on this role, the Islamic generation can make a significant contribution to the future of education. They can help ensure that Islamic education remains a powerful force for good in the world.

    2. Tense Analysis of the Text:

    Past Tense:

    * condemned (CAIR)
    * killing (Israel)
    * said (Hooper)
    * must have been stopped (massacres) - implied past tense based on the context of condemnation
    * began (recognize)
    * failed (Israeli military)
    * did (soldiers)
    * find out (investigation)
    * will have been (exemplary punishment) - future perfect based on a condition in the past

    Present Tense:

    * is (CAIR)
    * along with (Israel's killing) - describes an action happening concurrently with the condemnation
    * should not be used (taxpayer dollars) - expresses a general principle
    * sees (Des Roches) - refers to a habitual action or general statement
    * hopes (Des Roches) - present tense but refers to a future desire
    * tells (Des Roches) - refers to the act of speaking at the moment (within the reported speech)

    Future Tense:

    * must be stopped (massacres) - expresses a future necessity
    * must end (complicity) - expresses a future necessity
    * could see (others) - expresses a future possibility based on a condition in the present
    * will be (exemplary punishment) - simple future

  5. Nama : Bayu Angga
    NIM : 231210043
    Kelas : PAI 2B


    1. The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are not only expected to excel academically but also to instill moral values in the young minds of tomorrow. Through their active involvement in educational institutions, they can inspire students to think critically, embrace diversity, and contribute positively to society. By creating a conducive learning environment and promoting Islamic principles, the Islamic generation can nurture a generation of individuals who are not only well-educated but also compassionate and ethical human beings. Additionally, they play a pivotal role in fostering a sense of community and unity among students, paving the way for a brighter future where education becomes a tool for positive change and progress.
    2. Present Simple:
    "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident..."
    "American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians..."
    "The Biden administration must end its complicity
    Present Continuous:
    "Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati

    Past Tense:
    * condemned (CAIR)
    * killing (Israel)
    * said (Hooper)
    * must have been stopped (massacres) - implied past tense based on the context of condemnation
    * began (recognize)
    * failed (Israeli military)
    * did (soldiers)
    * find out (investigation)
    * will have been (exemplary punishment) - future perfect based on a condition in the past

    • "Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    • "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."

  6. Nama : Asilah adani
    NIM : 231210028
    Kelas : PAI 2A

    1. The Islamic generation has a vital role to play in shaping 21st century education. They can cause meaningful change by advocating for educational reforms that align with Islamic principles. Such reforms should cause schools to prioritize moral and spiritual development alongside academic achievement. Islamic educators can also actively develop new curricula and teaching methods that inspire students to become lifelong learners and dutiful citizens.
    Moreover, the Islamic generation must ensure that education systems do not passively perpetuate outdated or un-Islamic practices. Outdated teaching methods should be replaced with active, student-centered approaches. Curricula that passively promote secular or materialistic worldviews must be reformed to actively incorporate Islamic knowledge and values. By taking these active steps, the Islamic generation can cause education to cultivate individuals who think critically, serve their communities, and please Allah.
    2. a. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza."
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan simple past tense untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan yang terjadi di masa lalu ("condemned", "killing").
    b. "'These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians,' said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director."
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan present modal ("must be stopped", "should not be used") untuk menyatakan keharusan dan kewajiban.
    c. "'The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people.'"
    - Kalimat ini juga menggunakan present modal ("must end", "begin to recognise") untuk menyatakan keharusan.

    NIM: 231210011

    1. The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are actively involved in shaping the future of education by creating innovative curricula that cater to the needs of modern students. The Islamic generation is not only responsible for designing these curricula but also for implementing them effectively, ensuring that students receive a comprehensive education that combines academic and moral values. This proactive approach has led to significant improvements in educational outcomes, as students are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

    Meanwhile, the Islamic generation is also playing a vital role in promoting education through various initiatives. They are actively engaging with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of education and are working tirelessly to establish educational institutions that provide quality education to underprivileged students. These efforts have not gone unnoticed, as the community is actively supporting these initiatives, leading to a significant increase in educational opportunities for all. In this way, the Islamic generation is not only shaping the future of education but also ensuring that education is accessible to all, regardless of their background or socio-economic status.

    2. 1) Present Simple: "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident..."
    - "condemned" adalah present simple, karena tindakan tersebut dilakukan pada saat tertentu.
    2) Present Perfect
    - CAIR also condemned.
    - The investigation will find out who did this.
    3) Present Simple: "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    "must end" dan "begin to recognise" adalah bentuk present simple yang menunjukkan tindakan yang harus dilakukan sekarang.
    4) Future Simple
    - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - Others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.

  8. Nama : Fitriyahtuzzahriyah
    Nim : 231210014
    kelas : PAI 2 A

    1. Here's a brief text discussing the role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education:

    A. Causative Sentences (Active and Passive):
    - Active: "The Islamic youth actively contribute to modernizing educational approaches."
    - Passive: "Innovations in education are driven by the active participation of the Islamic youth."

    B. The Role of the Islamic Generation in 21st-Century Education:
    The 21st century presents unique challenges and opportunities for education. Within the Islamic community, the younger generation plays a pivotal role in shaping educational practices. Their active involvement in curriculum development, technology integration, and community outreach ensures that Islamic education remains relevant and adaptive. By embracing both tradition and innovation, they contribute to a holistic approach that prepares students for the complexities of the modern world.

    2. Let's analyze the tenses in the provided text:
    a. Past Tense:
    - "condemned" (simple past) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) expressed their disapproval.
    - "killing" (present participle) - Israel carried out attacks resulting in casualties.
    - "said" (simple past) - Ibrahim Hooper made a statement.
    - "failed" (simple past) - If the Israeli military didn't discipline the soldiers, consequences could arise.
    - "did" (simple past) - The investigation will find out who was responsible.
    b. Present Tense:
    - "must be stopped" (modal verb + base form) - The call to end the massacres and war crimes.
    - "should not be used" (modal verb + base form) - American taxpayer dollars should not fund violence.
    - "begins to recognize" (simple present) - The Biden administration's action to acknowledge humanity.
    c. Future Tense:
    - "will find out" (modal verb + base form) - The investigation will uncover the truth.
    - "will be exemplary punishment" (modal verb + base form) - Des Roches hopes for appropriate consequences.

  9. Nama : Apriyanti
    NIM : 231210030
    Kelas : PAI 2A

    1. In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education is crucial, both actively and passively. Actively, they contribute through initiatives that blend Islamic values with modern educational approaches, promoting a well-rounded learning experience. Passively, their influence is seen in nurturing critical thinking and ethical decision-making among students, fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy.

    Furthermore, by actively participating in educational reforms and quietly shaping moral foundations, the Islamic generation ensures that future generations are prepared to navigate the complexities of the modern world while upholding Islamic principles. They advocate for inclusive practices and create environments where all learners feel valued and respected, promoting a future where education not only imparts knowledge but also fosters understanding and compassion across cultures and beliefs.

    2. 1). Present Simple
    - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned the incident.
    - Israel’s killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.
    - Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director, said.
    - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, said.
    2). Present Continuous
    - Israel war on Gaza live: At least 42 killed in Shati and Tuffah.
    3). Future Simple
    - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - Others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
    4). Active
    - CAIR condemned the incident.
    - Israel killed some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.
    - Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director, said.
    - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, said.
    5). Conditional
    - If the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.

  10. Nama : Pini Rahayu
    NIM : 231210029
    Kelas : PAI 2A
    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. They have initiated numerous educational reforms, which have led to improved access to quality education in many Muslim-majority countries. By emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and ethical values, they have empowered students to become proactive learners. For instance, many young Muslim educators have made schools integrate technology into their curricula, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the modern world.

    In addition, the Islamic generation has been influenced by various global educational trends. As a result, innovative teaching methods and inclusive educational practices have been adopted in schools across the Muslim world. Scholars and teachers have been encouraged to participate in international conferences, allowing them to exchange ideas and gain new insights. Consequently, these educators have been inspired to create more engaging and dynamic learning environments, which have greatly benefited their students.
    2. Tense Analysis of Text
    Simple Past :
    - "condemned" (simple past) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) expressed their disapproval.
    - "killing" (present participle) - Israel carried out attacks resulting in casualties.
    - "said" (simple past) - Ibrahim Hooper made a statement.
    - "failed" (simple past) - If the Israeli military didn't discipline the soldiers, consequences could arise.
    - "did" (simple past) - The investigation will find out who was responsible.
    Present Tense :
    - "must be stopped" (modal verb + base form) - The call to end the massacres and war crimes.
    - "should not be used" (modal verb + base form) - American taxpayer dollars should not fund violence.
    - "begins to recognize" (simple present) - The Biden administration's action to acknowledge humanity.
    Future Tense:
    - "will find out" (modal verb + base form) - The investigation will uncover the truth.
    - "will be exemplary punishment" (modal verb + base form) - Des Roches hopes for appropriate consequences.

  11. Nama : Eis Novita
    NIM : 231210036
    Kelas : PAI 2 A

    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education is multifaceted and crucial. On one hand, the generation is actively involved in shaping the educational landscape through their innovative approaches and commitment to Islamic values. For instance, they are actively promoting the integration of Islamic teachings into the curriculum, which helps to foster a deeper understanding of the faith among students. This proactive approach has led to a significant increase in the number of students who are now more inclined to adopt Islamic values in their daily lives.

    On the other hand, the Islamic generation is also playing a passive yet crucial role in the educational process. Their contributions are often overlooked, but they are instrumental in creating a supportive environment that encourages students to explore their faith. For example, the generation is often involved in organizing events and activities that promote Islamic awareness and understanding. These events not only provide a platform for students to engage with their faith but also help to foster a sense of community and belonging among them. Ultimately, the Islamic generation's dual role in education is vital in shaping the future of Islamic education and ensuring that it remains relevant and effective in the 21st century.

    2. 1. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.
    - Tense: Simple Past
    - Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan "condemned" yang merupakan bentuk past tense dari kata kerja "condemn", menunjukkan tindakan yang sudah selesai di masa lalu.

    2. "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.
    - Tense: Simple Present (passive)
    - Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "must be stopped", menunjukkan keharusan yang berlaku saat ini.

    3. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.
    - Tense: Simple Present (passive)
    - Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "should not be used", menunjukkan keharusan atau larangan yang berlaku saat ini.

    4. "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - Tense: Simple Present
    - Keterangan: Menggunakan "must end" dan "begin to recognise", menunjukkan keharusan atau anjuran yang berlaku saat ini.

    5. David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
    - Tense:
    - "said" -> Simple Past (Des Roches said)
    - "fails" -> Simple Present (if clause)
    - "could see" -> Simple Present (main clause)

    6. "It's not standard practice.
    - Tense: Simple Present
    - Keterangan: Menggunakan "is", menunjukkan keadaan saat ini.

    7. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.
    - Tense:
    - "hope" -> Simple Present
    - "will find out" -> Simple Future
    - "did" -> Simple Past
    - "will be... doled out" -> Simple Future (passive)

    8. Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy," Des Roches told Al Jazeera.
    - Tense:
    - "can make" -> Simple Present
    - "is evolving" -> Present Continuous
    - "told" -> Simple Past

  12. Nama : Mahdiyatul Maisa
    NIM : 231210008
    Kelas : PAI 2 A

    1. “Peran Generasi Islam Dalam Pendidikan Abad 21”
    The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are actively involved in shaping the future of education by creating innovative curricula and teaching methods that cater to the needs of modern learners. This is evident in the way they design and implement educational programs that emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving, and community engagement. Furthermore, they are not only responsible for imparting knowledge but also for fostering a sense of social responsibility and moral values among students.

    In addition to their active role, the Islamic generation is also instrumental in promoting education through various initiatives. For instance, they organize workshops, seminars, and conferences that focus on the importance of education in the Islamic perspective. These events not only provide a platform for knowledge sharing but also serve as a catalyst for change, inspiring young minds to pursue their educational goals. Moreover, their efforts in promoting education have led to a significant increase in the enrollment of students in Islamic educational institutions, which is a testament to their dedication to the cause of education.

    2. Identifikasikan kalimat pada teks di bawah ini dengan menggunakan analisis ‘tenses’ :

    1.“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.”
    • Tense : Past simple (condemned) dan Past simple (killing)
    • Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah terjadi.

    2."These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.”
    • Tense : Present simple (must be stopped) dan Past simple (said)
    • Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang harus dilakukan sekarang, serta tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah dilakukan.

    3."The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    • Tense: Present simple (must end) dan Present simple (begin)
    • Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang harus dilakukan sekarang.

    4.“David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.”
    • Tense : Past simple (said) dan Present simple (fails) dan Present simple (could see)
    • Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah dilakukan, serta tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang dapat terjadi sekarang.

    5."It's not standard practice. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out. Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    • Tense : Present simple (is) dan Future simple (will find) dan Future simple (will be) dan Present simple (can make)
    • Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang terjadi sekarang, serta tenses future simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

    NIM : 231210064

    1. "The Role of the Islamic Generation in 21st Century Education":

    The Islamic generation has played a pivotal role in shaping 21st-century education. They have caused significant changes in educational policies and curricula, ensuring that Islamic values and principles are integrated into the learning process. Scholars and educators from the Islamic world have actively influenced the development of new teaching methodologies, emphasizing the importance of ethical and spiritual dimensions alongside academic excellence.
    The integration of Islamic teachings has led to the creation of innovative educational models that foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between faith and knowledge. These efforts have been recognized globally, with many non-Muslim institutions adopting aspects of the Islamic educational approach. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has been transformative, as they have caused a shift in the way we perceive and deliver education, ultimately equipping students with the necessary skills and values to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

    2. Here's the breakdown of tenses in the text:
    a) Simple Present
    -The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) "is" the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.
    -The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) "condemned" the incident. (This can be interpreted as a habitual action or a one-time event in the present)
    -Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director, "say" (This refers to his position and likely habitual way of speaking on behalf of CAIR)
    -David Des Roches, a professor... "sees" their actions... (This can be interpreted as a general observation or his current perspective)
    -Des Roches "tells" Al Jazeera... (Similar to "says", indicates his action in the present moment)

    b) Simple Past
    -(Killed) Israel's killing of some 43 people... (Action completed in the past)
    -(Stopped) "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be *stopped*." (Desired action in the past)
    -(Used) "American taxpayer dollars should not be *used*..." (Action completed in the past)
    -(Said)Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director, *said*. (Specific statement made in the past)
    -(Did)David Des Roches, a professor...
    -(said) if the Israeli military *fails* to discipline... (Action not completed in the past, hypothetical)

    c) Conditional Analysis (Future Unreal)
    -(Fails) "...if the Israeli military *fails* to discipline..." (Hypothetical situation)
    -(Could see) "...then others *could see* their actions..." (Potential consequence of the hypothetical situation)
    -(Will find out)"I hope that the investigation *will find out*who did this..." (Potential future action based on the hope)
    -(Will be) "...and I hope there *will be* exemplary punishment doled out." (Potential future action based on the hope)

    d) Simple Future
    -(Must be stopped) "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes *must be stopped*." (Emphasized necessity in the future)
    -(Should not be used) "American taxpayer dollars *should not be used*..." (Moral obligation against a future action)
    -(Must end)"The Biden administration *must end* its complicity..." (Emphasized necessity in the future)
    -(Begin) "...and *begin* to recognize..." (Emphasized necessity for a future action)

  14. Nama : Muhammad Sholahudin Al Ayubi
    NIM : 231210057
    Kelas : PAI 2B

    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has been pivotal in shaping modern pedagogical approaches. Educators have been made to rethink traditional methods by incorporating Islamic values and principles. By fostering a culture of critical thinking and ethical behavior, the younger generation has influenced curriculum development. Teachers are encouraged to integrate contemporary technology with classical knowledge, enabling students to navigate the complexities of modern life while remaining rooted in their heritage.
    Furthermore, various institutions have been inspired to adopt a more holistic approach to education, emphasizing both intellectual and spiritual growth. This shift has led to the creation of programs that promote intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. Students are being given opportunities to engage in community service, highlighting the importance of social responsibility. Through these efforts, the Islamic generation ensures that education in the 21st century not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates wisdom and compassion.

    2. 1) Simple Past Tense:
    - also condemned the incident
    - I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.
    2) Simple Present Tense:
    - should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians.
    -must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people.
    3) Future Simple Tense:
    - I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.
    4) Present Continuous Tense:
    - you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy.

  15. Nama: Rismawati
    kelas : 2 pai b
    Nim. : 231210049
    1.The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education is crucial. Leaders in the community have made young Muslims take part in educational reforms by encouraging their involvement in STEM fields. Scholars and educators were inspired by this movement to integrate Islamic values with modern educational techniques, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded and morally grounded education.

    Furthermore, many initiatives were set up to provide access to quality education for all. Online platforms have been created to reach students in remote areas, and traditional teaching methods were combined with innovative technologies. By fostering an environment where Islamic principles and contemporary knowledge coexist, the Islamic generation is shaping a future that embraces both faith and progress.

    2.Dewan Hubungan Amerika-Islam (CAIR), organisasi advokasi dan hak-hak sipil Muslim terbesar di Amerika Serikat, juga mengecam tindakan tersebut.
    “Pembantaian dan kejahatan perang Israel-AS harus dihentikan .”
    “Dolar pembayar pajak Amerika tidak boleh digunakan
    “Pemerintahan Biden harus mengakhiri imulai mengenali
    Tense Sederhana Masa Lalu

    Dewan Hubungan Amerika-Islam (CAIR), organisasi advokasi dan hak-hak sipil Muslim terbesar di Amerika Serikat, juga mengecam tindakan tersebut.
    David Des Roches, seorang profesor di Universitas Pertahanan Nasional di AS, mengatakan demikianjika
    “Jika tidak, Anda dapat menyatakan secara adil bahwa hal ini akan berkembang menjadi kebijakan,” kata Des Roches kepada Al Jazeera.
    Hadirkan Tense Berkelanjutan

    Tidak ada kalimat yang menggunakan present continuous tense dalam teks ini.
    Tense Sederhana Masa Depan

    Saya berharap penyelidikan akan menemukan siapa yang melakukan ini, dan saya berharap akan ada hukuman yang setimpal.
    Hadirkan Tense Sempurna

    Tidak ada kalimat yang menggunakan present perfect tense dalam teks i
    Bentuk Kondisional Saat Ini

    “Jika militer Israel gagal mendisiplinkan merekabisa melihatmilik mereka
    “Kalau tidak, kamu bisa mengadakan pameran
    Dengan mengidentifikasi 'tenses' pada setiap kalimat, kita dapat memahami konteks waktu dari setiap pernyataan dalam

    NIM : 231210031
    KELAS : PAI 2 A

    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st century education is very diverse and important. On the one hand, this generation is actively involved in shaping the educational landscape through innovative approaches and commitment to Islamic values. For example, they actively promote the integration of Islamic teachings into the curriculum, which helps foster a deeper understanding of the faith among students. This proactive approach has led to a significant increase in the number of students who are now more inclined to adopt Islamic values ​​in their daily lives. On the other hand, the Islamic generation also plays a passive but crucial role in the educational process. Their contributions are often overlooked, but they play an important role in creating a supportive environment that encourages students to explore their faith. For example, this generation is often involved in organizing events and activities that increase awareness and understanding of Islam. These events not only provide a platform for students to engage with their faith but also help foster a sense of community and belonging among them. Ultimately, the dual role of Islamic generations in education is very important in shaping the future of Islamic education and ensuring Islamic education remains relevant and effective in the 21st century.

    2. Past tense David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, said if the Israeli military failed to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others would see their actions as permission to carry out such actions. do the same thing"

    Present tense "American taxpayer funds should not be used to kill, maim, and starve innocent civilians".

    Future tense "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin recognizing the humanity of the Palestinian people"
    Present Simple : "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of approximately 43 people in attacks on the Shati and Tuffah refugee camp neighborhoods in North Gaza.”

    Present Continuous : "This Israeli-US massacre and war crimes must stop."

    Present Simple: "American taxpayer funds should not be used to kill, maim, and starve innocent civilians."

    Present Simple : "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin recognizing the humanity of the Palestinian people."

    Present Simple: "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as permission to do the same."

    Present Simple : "This is not standard practice."

    Future Simple : "I hope the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be appropriate punishment."

    Future Simple : "Otherwise you can fairly say that this will develop into policy."

    Present Continuous : "This Israeli-US massacre and war crimes must stop."

    Future Continuous : "if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others may see their actions as permission to do the same."

    Future Perfect: "I hope the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be appropriate punishment."

    Past Continuous : "if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others may see their actions as permission to do the same."

    Past Perfect: "I hope an investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment."

    Future Perfect Continuous: "otherwise you can fairly state that this developed into policy."

  17. Nama : Futihat
    NIM : 231210059
    Kelas : PAI 2B

    NO 1
    The Islamic generation has an important role in carrying out religious and humanitarian values ​​in the 21st century. They inspire positive change by creatively practicing Islamic teachings, such as raising funds for humanitarian aid and promoting peace through interfaith dialogue. Through education and advocacy, they support human rights and encourage sustainable economic development.
    On the other hand, their role in strengthening Islamic identity amidst global challenges is reflected in their efforts to build inclusive social and cultural networks, which respect the diversity of modern society.
    NO. 2
    1. Simple Present Tense
    - "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, (also condemns) the incident..."
    - "American taxpayer dollars (should not be used) to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians"
    2. Present Continuous Tense
    - "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes (must be stopped)"
    3. Past Tense
    - "CAIR’s national communications director (said)"
    - "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, (meanwhile said)*
    4. Future Tense
    - "The Biden administration (must end) its complicity in this genocide..."
    - "I hope that the investigation (will find) out who did this..."
    - "I hope there (will be) exemplary punishment doled out..."
    5. Passive Voice
    - "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes (must be stopped)"
    - "Exemplary punishment (will be) doled out"

  18. Nama : Wahyudi Setiawan
    NIM : 231210018
    Kelas : PAI 2 A

    A. The Islamic generation plays a vital role in shaping the future of education in the 21st century. Their involvement in educational institutions not only enhances the quality of teaching but also fosters a sense of community and belonging among students. As a result, students are more likely to engage actively in the learning process, leading to improved academic performance and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

    B. Moreover, the Islamic generation's commitment to education has led to the establishment of various educational programs and initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of students. These programs not only provide students with a comprehensive education but also equip them with the necessary skills and values to succeed in an increasingly complex and interconnected world. Therefore, the Islamic generation's role in education is crucial in shaping the minds of future generations and ensuring a brighter future for all.

    1.“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.”
    * Tense : Past simple (condemned) dan Past simple (killing)
    * Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah terjadi.

    2."These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.”
    * Tense : Present simple (must be stopped) dan Past simple (said)
    * Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang harus dilakukan sekarang, serta tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah dilakukan.

    3."The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    * Tense: Present simple (must end) dan Present simple (begin)
    * Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang harus dilakukan sekarang.

    4.“David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.”
    * Tense : Past simple (said) dan Present simple (fails) dan Present simple (could see)
    * Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses past simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang telah dilakukan, serta tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang dapat terjadi sekarang.

    5."It's not standard practice. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out. Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    * Tense : Present simple (is) dan Future simple (will find) dan Future simple (will be) dan Present simple (can make)
    * Keterangan: Kalimat ini menggunakan tenses present simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang terjadi sekarang, serta tenses future simple untuk menggambarkan aksi yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

  19. Name : Aulia Tazkia
    NIM : 231210063
    Class : PAI 2B
    Answer :
    No. 1
    "The Role of the Muslim Generation in the 21st Century"
    In the 21st century, the role of the Muslim generation is crucial in various aspects of life, including politics and humanity. Young Muslims are encouraged to be more active in the political arena to bring about positive change. They should not only be observers, but also actors of change who contribute to making policies that are fair and inclusive. Young Muslim leaders are championing human rights at various international forums. They strive to advocate for important issues such as social justice, peace and minority rights (Active voice). Senior leaders inspire young people to engage in politics by providing training and support. They ensure that youth understand the importance of political participation and have the necessary skills to play an active role (Causative sentence). Many humanitarian initiatives have been undertaken by Muslim organizations around the world. Humanitarian aid is channeled to various countries affected by conflicts and natural disasters. In addition, various education and health programs have also been implemented to improve the welfare of the community (Passive voice).
    Humanitarian activists are causing major changes with their campaigns and actions. They call on the global community to care more about the suffering of their fellow human beings, regardless of religious and cultural backgrounds (Causative sentence). Muslim youth have also been empowered to become agents of change. Through various leadership programs, they are groomed to take an important role in building a more just and peaceful society (Passive voice). As such, the generation of Muslims in the 21st century has a great responsibility to be actively involved in politics and humanitarianism. Through education, participation and action, they can create positive change that has a far-reaching impact on the global community.
    No. 2
    a. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza. (Simple past)
    b. "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director. (Simple past)
    - must be stopped : modal present/passive voice.
    - should not be used : modal present/passive voice.
    c. "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - must end : modal present.
    - begin : simple present.
    d. David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
    - said : simple past
    - fails : simple present
    - could see : modal present
    e. "It's not standard practice. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out. Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy," Des Roches told Al Jazeera.
    - is : simple present
    - hope : simple present
    -will find out : future simple
    - did : simple past
    - will be : future simple
    - can make ; modal present
    - is evolving : present countinous
    - told : simple past

  20. Nama: Suci Damaiyanti
    NIM: 231210058
    Kelas: PAI 2 B

    Jawaban no. 1
    In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education is pivotal, both in active participation and passive influence. Active engagement involves Muslims actively promoting educational reforms and advocating for inclusive curricula that integrate Islamic values with modern knowledge. They initiate dialogues on curriculum development that harmoniously blend religious teachings with scientific advancements, ensuring a holistic education for future generations.

    Passively, the Islamic generation influences education through the promotion of moral values and ethical principles rooted in Islamic teachings. By embodying these values in their daily lives, they serve as role models for younger generations, shaping their worldview and guiding them towards academic excellence tempered with moral integrity. Through these dual roles—actively shaping educational policies and passively influencing through moral guidance—the Islamic generation plays a crucial part in shaping a balanced and progressive educational landscape for the 21st.

    Kalimat-kalimat tersebut dapat dianalisis dari perspektif kalimat aktif, pasif, dan kausatif sebagai berikut.
    - Kalimat Aktif:
    "Muslims actively promoting educational reforms and advocating for inclusive curricula..."
    Kalimat ini adalah contoh dari kalimat aktif, di mana subjek ("Muslims") melakukan tindakan ("promoting" dan "advocating").
    - Kalimat Pasif:
    "...the Islamic generation influences education through the promotion of moral values..."
    Kalimat ini menggunakan konstruksi kalimat pasif, di mana subjek ("the Islamic generation") menjadi objek ("influences education"), dan tindakan ("influences") menjadi fokus utama tanpa menjelaskan siapa yang melakukan tindakan tersebut secara langsung.
    - Kalimat Kausatif:
    "They initiate dialogues on curriculum development..."
    Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat kausatif, di mana subjek ("They") menyebabkan tindakan ("initiate dialogues on curriculum development") yang dilakukan oleh pihak lain, yaitu dialog-dialog pengembangan kurikulum.

    Jawaban no. 2
    1. Simple past
    - Pada kalimat: "...The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, ..."
    Penjelasan: Kata kerja "condemned" menunjukkan tindakan yang telah dilakukan di masa lalu.
    - Pada kalimat: "...meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident"
    Penjelasan: "Said" dalam simple past menunjukkan tindakan berbicara di masa lalu.
    - Pada kalimat: "Des Roches told Al Jazeera..."
    Penjelasan: "Told" dalam simple past menunjukkan tindakan berbicara yang telah terjadi di masa lalu.
    2. Simple Present
    - Pada kalimat: "...The Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident"
    Penjelasan: "Fails" dalam present simple menunjukkan kemungkinan saat ini.
    - Pada kalimat: “It’s not standard practice".
    Penjelasan: "Is" adalah bentuk present simple, menunjukkan fakta atau keadaan saat ini.
    - Pada kalimat: "I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out".
    Penjelasan: "Hope" dalam present simple menunjukkan harapan saat ini.
    3. Future Simple
    Pada kalimat yang sama pada kata will find dan will be
    Penjelasan: "Will find" dan "will be" menggunakan future simple untuk menunjukkan harapan akan tindakan di masa depan.
    4. Present Continuous
    Pada kalimat: " can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy,”
    Penjelasan: "Is evolving" dalam present continuous menunjukkan perubahan yang sedang terjadi.

  21. Nama : Sifa Aulia
    NIM : 231210013
    Class : PAI 2A


    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. Educators and leaders have encouraged young Muslims to pursue advanced studies, which has resulted in a surge of academic achievements and innovations. This active involvement is reshaping educational paradigms, as young Islamic scholars introduce new perspectives and solutions to contemporary challenges.

    Institutions are being transformed by the contributions of this dynamic generation. Many schools and universities have been influenced by their dedication to integrating traditional Islamic values with modern educational practices. This synthesis allows students to receive a holistic education, which prepares them to excel in both their personal and professional lives.

    1.The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.

    -Tense: Simple Past
    -Keterangan: "Condemned" (kata kerja bentuk lampau) menunjukkan aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.

    2."These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.

    -Tense: Simple Present Passive
    -Keterangan: "Must be stopped" menggunakan bentuk pasif dengan modals (must) di masa sekarang.

    3.American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.

    -Tense: Simple Present Passive
    -Keterangan: "Should not be used" menggunakan bentuk pasif dengan modals (should) di masa sekarang.
    -Tense: Simple Past
    -Keterangan: "Said" (kata kerja bentuk lampau) menunjukkan aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.

    4."The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."

    -Tense: Simple Present
    -Keterangan: "Must end" dan "begin" menggunakan bentuk sekarang dengan modals (must) untuk menunjukkan tindakan yang harus dilakukan di masa sekarang.

    5.David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.

    -Tense: Simple Past
    -Keterangan: "Said" (kata kerja bentuk lampau) menunjukkan aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.
    -Tense: Simple Present
    -Keterangan: "Fails" menggunakan bentuk sekarang untuk menunjukkan kondisi yang sedang berlangsung atau umum.
    -Tense: Simple Present
    -Keterangan: "Could see" menggunakan modals (could) dengan bentuk sekarang untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan.

    6."It's not standard practice. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out. Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy." Des Roches told Al Jazeera.

    -Tense: Simple Present
    -Keterangan: "It's" (it is) menggunakan bentuk sekarang.
    -Tense: Simple Present
    -Keterangan: "Hope" menggunakan bentuk sekarang untuk menunjukkan harapan yang ada sekarang.
    -Tense: Simple Future
    -Keterangan: "Will find out" dan "will be" menggunakan bentuk masa depan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang akan datang.
    -Tense: Present Continuous
    -Keterangan: "Is evolving" menggunakan bentuk continuous sekarang untuk menunjukkan proses yang sedang berlangsung.
    -Tense: Simple Past
    -Keterangan: "Told" (kata kerja bentuk lampau) menunjukkan aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.

  22. Nama : Khusnul Khotimah (2311210068)
    Kelas : Pai 2-B

    1. he Role of the Islamic Generation in 21st Century Education

    The Islamic generation has a crucial role to play in shaping the future of education in the 21st century. Muslims are encouraged by Islamic teachings to pursue knowledge and education, and to contribute to the betterment of society. As such, the Islamic generation has the potential to make a significant impact on the educational landscape.

    One way in which the Islamic generation can contribute to education is by promoting values-based education. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of ethical and moral conduct, and these values can be integrated into all aspects of education. By promoting values-based education, the Islamic generation can help to create well-rounded individuals who are not only academically successful but also morally upright.

    2. menganalisis tenses
    Simple Past Tense:
    condemned: Menyatakan kecaman (CAIR mengecam insiden tersebut)
    killed: Membunuh (Israel membunuh 43 orang)
    said: Mengatakan (Ibrahim Hooper mengatakan...)
    must be stopped: Harus dihentikan (Pembantaian dan kejahatan perang harus dihentikan)
    should not be used: Seharusnya tidak digunakan (Dana pajak Amerika tidak seharusnya digunakan...)
    ended: Mengakhiri (Pemerintahan Biden harus mengakhiri...)
    failed: Gagal (Jika militer Israel gagal...
    did: Melakukan (untuk melakukan hal yang sama)
    find out: Menemukan (investigasi akan menemukan siapa yang melakukan ini)
    d oled out: Diberikan (hukuman berat akan diberikan)

    Present Tense:
    is: Merupakan (CAIR adalah...)
    recognizes: Mengakui (Pemerintahan Biden harus mengakui...)
    hopes: Berharap (David Des Roches berharap...)

    Modal Verbs:
    must: Keharusan (Pembantaian dan kejahatan perang harus dihentikan)
    should: Sebaiknya (Dana pajak Amerika tidak seharusnya digunakan...)
    could: Bisa (tentara lain bisa melihat tindakan mereka sebagai izin...)

  23. Nama :Muhamad Zulkipli
    Nim : 231210069
    Kelas : PAI 2B
    1. In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education is crucial, both in active participation and passive support. Active involvement includes shaping curriculum to integrate Islamic values, fostering a holistic approach to learning that encompasses spiritual and moral development alongside academic excellence. Passive support is evident in advocating for policies that promote religious tolerance and understanding within educational institutions, ensuring a nurturing environment for students of all faiths. This dual role highlights their commitment to not only preserving Islamic principles but also contributing positively to broader educational reforms that benefit society as a whole.

    Moreover, the Islamic generation's influence extends beyond traditional classrooms into digital realms, where they utilize technology to disseminate Islamic teachings globally. They actively engage in creating online educational platforms that offer accessible resources for learners worldwide, thereby bridging cultural divides and promoting interfaith dialogue. Passively, their efforts ensure that digital spaces uphold Islamic ethics and values, safeguarding vulnerable communities from harmful content. Through these combined efforts, the Islamic generation continues to shape education in the 21st century, emphasizing inclusivity, innovation, and the timeless principles of Islam in a rapidly evolving world.
    2. Dalam teks tersebut, terdapat beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan berbagai analisis tense:

    Present Tense:

    "Dewan Hubungan Amerika-Islam (CAIR), organisasi advokasi dan hak-hak sipil Muslim terbesar di Amerika Serikat, juga mengutuk insiden tersebut..."
    Penggunaan present tense ("mengutuk") menunjukkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung atau umum dilakukan.
    Simple Past Tense:

    "Pembunuhan sekitar 43 orang oleh Israel dalam serangan di kamp pengungsi Shati dan lingkungan Tuffah di Gaza utara."
    Simple past tense ("Pembunuhan") digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau.
    Future Tense:

    "Pemerintahan Biden harus mengakhiri keterlibatannya dalam genosida ini dan mulai mengakui kemanusiaan rakyat Palestina."
    Future tense ("harus mengakhiri", "harus mulai mengakui") menunjukkan tindakan yang diharapkan atau direncanakan untuk masa depan.
    Conditional Tense:

    "David Des Roches ... mengatakan jika militer Israel gagal mendisiplinkan tentara yang terlibat dalam insiden tersebut, maka pihak lain dapat melihat tindakan mereka sebagai izin untuk melakukan hal yang sama."
    Penggunaan conditional tense ("jika ... maka") menunjukkan situasi yang bersyarat atau kemungkinan di masa depan tergantung pada suatu kondisi.
    Dengan menggunakan analisis tense ini, kita dapat memahami waktu dan konteks dari masing-masing pernyataan dalam teks tersebut.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Nama : Nayla Hafid Azzahra
    NIM : 231210044
    Absen : 08
    Kelas : PAI - 2B

    1. (Kalimat Pasif) *In the 21st century, education has undergone significant transformations.* The rapid advancement of technology and the ever-changing social landscape have necessitated a new approach to learning. In this dynamic environment, the Islamic generation has a crucial role to play in shaping education for the future.

    Muslim youth can actively contribute to 21st-century education by embracing their faith as a source of knowledge and guidance. (Kalimat Kausatif) *Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge, critical thinking, and ethical conduct.* These values are essential for preparing students to thrive in a complex and interconnected world. (Kalimat Aktif) *Moreover, the Islamic generation can utilize their technological skills to develop innovative educational tools and resources.* By creating engaging and interactive learning experiences, they can make education more accessible and inclusive for all.

    2. - simple past
    "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident"

    Kata said di dalam kalimat tersebut merupakan suatu kata yang telah di ucapkan pada waktu yang telah berlalu, maka bisa disebut simple past

    - simple present
    "... The Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident"

    Kata fails disini bisa masuk ke dalam kategori simple present, karena bisa menunjukkan kemungkinan pada saat ini.

    - simple future
    "I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out"

    Pada kata will find dan will be, disini menggunakan simple future, karena untuk menunjukkan harapan akan tindakan di masa depan.

  26. Nama : Hadid Indra Darsiyanto
    Kelas : PAI 2B
    NIM : 231210045

    Jawaban no 1

    The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are actively involved in shaping the future of education by creating innovative curricula that cater to the needs of modern learners. This is evident in the way they design courses that integrate technology and traditional teaching methods, making learning more engaging and effective. Moreover, they are responsible for ensuring that the values of Islam are incorporated into the educational system, fostering a sense of moral responsibility among students.

    In addition, the Islamic generation plays a significant role in promoting education through various initiatives. They organize workshops and seminars that focus on the importance of education and its impact on personal and societal development. These events not only raise awareness about the value of education but also provide opportunities for students to learn from experts in the field. Furthermore, they are actively involved in fundraising efforts to support educational programs and initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to the cause of education.

    Kalimat Aktif:

    "They are actively involved in shaping the future of education..."
    "This is evident in the way they design courses..."
    "Moreover, they are responsible for ensuring that the values of Islam are incorporated..."
    Kalimat aktif menyoroti subjek (mereka) yang melakukan tindakan langsung.

    Kalimat Pasif:

    "The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial."
    "These events not only raise awareness..."
    "Furthermore, they are actively involved in fundraising efforts..."
    Kalimat pasif menyoroti objek atau penerima dari tindakan tanpa menyebutkan subjeknya secara eksplisit.

    Kalimat Causative:

    "They are actively involved in shaping the future of education by creating innovative curricula..."
    "Furthermore, they are actively involved in fundraising efforts to support educational programs and initiatives..."
    Kalimat causative menunjukkan bahwa subjek (mereka) menyebabkan atau menyuruh terjadinya tindakan oleh orang lain (membuat kurikulum inovatif, menggalang dana untuk program pendidikan).

    Dengan demikian, teks tersebut menggunakan variasi kalimat aktif, pasif, dan causative untuk menggambarkan berbagai peran dan aktivitas generasi Islam dalam dunia pendidikan pada abad ke-21.

    Jawaban no 2

    Kalimat yang terkait dengan analisis "tenses" adalah:

    1. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.
    -Tense: Simple Past
    -Keterangan: "Condemned" (kata kerja bentuk lampau) menunjukkan aksi yang sudah selesai dilakukan di masa lampau.

    2. "...along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighborhood in northern Gaza."
    Tense: Present Continuous ("killing")
    Explanation: Uses the present continuous to refer to an action that is in progress or has recently occurred (killing by Israel).

    3. a). The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - must end : modal present.
    - begin : simple present.
    b). David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
    - said : simple past
    - fails : simple present
    - could see : modal present

    4. Future Simple
    In the same sentence the words will find and will be
    Explanation: "Will find" and "will be" use the future simple to shows hope for future action.

  27. Nama : Intan Fitria
    Nim :231210021
    Kls :PAI 2A

    1.a.The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. They are actively involved in shaping the educational landscape, not only by creating innovative curricula but also by fostering a sense of community and social responsibility among students. The Islamic generation's efforts in promoting a values-based education have been instrumental in shaping young minds and preparing them for a rapidly changing world.
    b. Meanwhile, the impact of their contributions is not limited to the classroom. Their initiatives in establishing educational institutions and programs have been instrumental in providing access to quality education for underprivileged communities. These initiatives have been widely recognized and appreciated, with many institutions and organizations actively seeking their expertise and guidance. The Islamic generation's dedication to education has not only improved educational outcomes but also inspired a new generation of leaders and change-makers who are committed to making a positive difference in society.
    2. Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" adalah sebagai berikut:
    Past Simple: "killed", "condemned", "said", "end", "recognise", "hope", "find", "doled out".
    Present Simple: "must", "should", "is", "are", "can", "will".
    Future Simple: "will".
    Present Continuous: "are surging".
    Past Continuous: "were told".
    Past Perfect: "had been".
    Future Perfect: "will have".
    Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" untuk menjelaskan peristiwa masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan.

  28. Nama: Taufiq Hiadayatullah
    Nim : 231210024
    Kls : Pai A

    Jawaban no 1
    In the 21st century, education plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals and societies. Islamic education, in particular, holds immense significance in guiding the younger generation towards moral and intellectual excellence. The Islamic generation, therefore, bears a crucial responsibility in contributing to the advancement of education.

    One of the primary ways in which the Islamic generation can contribute to education is by actively participating in the teaching and learning process. This can be done by volunteering in schools, tutoring students, or developing educational materials. Additionally, the Islamic generation can engage in research and scholarship, producing valuable knowledge that can enhance the understanding of Islamic teachings and their application in the modern world.

    Jawaban no 2
    Tense Analysis of the Text:
    Simple Past Tense:

    condemned (CAIR, Des Roches)
    killed (Israel)
    stopped (Hooper - referring to massacres)
    used (Hooper - referring to taxpayer dollars)
    must have ended (Hooper - referring to complicity)
    must have recognized (Hooper - referring to humanity)
    failed (Des Roches - referring to Israeli military)
    did (Des Roches - referring to soldiers)
    will find out (Des Roches - referring to investigation)
    will be (Des Roches - referring to punishment)
    made (Des Roches - referring to fair case)
    evolved (Des Roches - referring to policy)
    Present Tense:

    holds (descriptive statement)
    said (Hooper)
    meanwhile said (introduces Des Roches' statement)
    hope (Des Roches)
    can make (Des Roches)
    Present Perfect Tense:

    Not used in this excerpt.
    Future Tense:

    must be stopped (Hooper)
    must end (Hooper)
    must recognize (Hooper)Simple Past Tense:

    condemned (CAIR, Des Roches)
    killed (Israel)
    stopped (Hooper - referring to massacres)
    used (Hooper - referring to taxpayer dollars)
    must have ended (Hooper - referring to complicity)
    must have recognized (Hooper - referring to humanity)
    failed (Des Roches - referring to Israeli military)
    did (Des Roches - referring to soldiers)
    will find out (Des Roches - referring to investigation)
    will be (Des Roches - referring to punishment)
    made (Des Roches - referring to fair case)
    evolved (Des Roches - referring to policy)
    Present Tense:

    holds (descriptive statement)
    said (Hooper)
    meanwhile said (introduces Des Roches' statement)
    hope (Des Roches)
    can make (Des Roches)
    Present Perfect Tense:

    Not used in this excerpt.
    Future Tense:

    must be stopped (Hooper)
    must end (Hooper)
    must recognize (Hooper)

  29. Nama: Adam Shohib
    Nim: 231210050
    Kelas : PAI 2B

    Jawaban nomor 1
    The job of the Islamic age in training in the 21st century is exceptionally assorted and significant. Through their innovative methods and technological expertise, they are, on the one hand, actively shaping the educational landscape. For instance, they assume a significant part in making drawing in instructive substance and stages that meet different advancing necessities, accordingly improving the generally speaking instructive experience. This proactive job is obviously apparent in their drives to create and execute state of the art instructive apparatuses and techniques, which have essentially worked on the nature of training.

    Then again, the Islamic age likewise assumes a significant part in propelling training through beneficent endeavors and local area contribution. They are actively involved in a variety of educational endeavors, including the creation of schools, the distribution of scholarships, and the planning of educational events. What's more, they additionally add to the improvement of instructive approaches and projects by offering their aptitude and bits of knowledge. Because of their collective efforts and contributions, they help shape the educational landscape, so their role is both active and passive in this instance. In general, the Islamic generation had a significant and lasting impact on education in the 21st century, and their contributions will have a significant impact on how education develops in the future.

    Jawaban no 2
    Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" adalah sebagai berikut:
    Past Simple: "killed", "condemned", "said", "end", "recognise", "hope", "find", "doled out".
    Present Simple: "must", "should", "is", "are", "can", "will".
    Future Simple: "will".
    Present Continuous: "are surging".
    Past Continuous: "were told".
    Past Perfect: "had been".
    Future Perfect: "will have".
    Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" untuk menjelaskan peristiwa masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan

  30. Nama: Monica Pratiwi
    Nim: 231210060
    Kelas: Pai 2 b
    1. The Islamic generation has the potential to significantly impact the educational landscape of the 21st century. Their active involvement in curriculum development and educational reforms can be instrumental in shaping a more inclusive and diverse learning environment. This generation can be empowered to advocate for educational policies that cater to the needs of a multicultural society, ensuring that all students have access to quality education.

    Furthermore, the Islamic generation can be passively influenced by the evolving educational landscape. They can be shaped by the educational systems and ideologies put in place by previous generations. Through passive engagement, they can absorb knowledge, values, and skills that have been passed down, contributing to the preservation and transmission of Islamic traditions and teachings in the realm of education.
    2. Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" adalah sebagai berikut:
    Past Simple: "killed", "condemned", "said", "end", "recognise", "hope", "find", "doled out".
    Present Simple: "must", "should", "is", "are", "can", "will".
    Future Simple: "will".
    Present Continuous: "are surging".
    Past Continuous: "were told".
    Past Perfect: "had been".
    Future Perfect: "will have".
    Kalimat yang menggunakan analisis "tenses" untuk menjelaskan peristiwa masa lalu, masa sekarang, dan masa depan.

    1. nama:ammar abdillah Ahmad
      Kelas:pai 2a
      1. In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education is crucial, both in active participation and passive support. Active involvement includes shaping curriculum to integrate Islamic values, fostering a holistic approach to learning that encompasses spiritual and moral development alongside academic excellence. Passive support is evident in advocating for policies that promote religious tolerance and understanding within educational institutions, ensuring a nurturing environment for students of all faiths. This dual role highlights their commitment to not only preserving Islamic principles but also contributing positively to broader educational reforms that benefit society as a whole.

      Moreover, the Islamic generation's influence extends beyond traditional classrooms into digital realms, where they utilize technology to disseminate Islamic teachings globally. They actively engage in creating online educational platforms that offer accessible resources for learners worldwide, thereby bridging cultural divides and promoting interfaith dialogue. Passively, their efforts ensure that digital spaces uphold Islamic ethics and values, safeguarding vulnerable communities from harmful content. Through these combined efforts, the Islamic generation continues to shape education in the 21st century, emphasizing inclusivity, innovation, and the timeless principles of Islam in a rapidly evolving world.
      2. Dalam teks tersebut, terdapat beberapa kalimat yang menggunakan berbagai analisis tense:
      Present Tense:

      "Dewan Hubungan Amerika-Islam (CAIR), organisasi advokasi dan hak-hak sipil Muslim terbesar di Amerika Serikat, juga mengutuk insiden tersebut..."
      Penggunaan present tense ("mengutuk") menunjukkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung atau umum dilakukan.
      Simple Past Tense:

      "Pembunuhan sekitar 43 orang oleh Israel dalam serangan di kamp pengungsi Shati dan lingkungan Tuffah di Gaza utara."
      Simple past tense ("Pembunuhan") digunakan untuk menunjukkan kejadian yang sudah terjadi di masa lampau.
      Future Tense:

      "Pemerintahan Biden harus mengakhiri keterlibatannya dalam genosida ini dan mulai mengakui kemanusiaan rakyat Palestina."
      Future tense ("harus mengakhiri", "harus mulai mengakui") menunjukkan tindakan yang diharapkan atau direncanakan untuk masa depan.
      Conditional Tense:

      "David Des Roches ... mengatakan jika militer Israel gagal mendisiplinkan tentara yang terlibat dalam insiden tersebut, maka pihak lain dapat melihat tindakan mereka sebagai izin untuk melakukan hal yang sama."
      Penggunaan conditional tense ("jika ... maka") menunjukkan situasi yang bersyarat atau kemungkinan di masa depan tergantung pada suatu kondisi.
      Dengan menggunakan analisis tense ini, kita dapat memahami waktu dan konteks dari masing-masing pernyataan dalam teks tersebut.

  31. Jawaban No 1 :
    In the digital era which continues to develop rapidly, Islamic education is faced with significant challenges as well as promising opportunities in the 21st century. The development of digital technology has completely changed education, influencing the way we learn, access information, and interact with the world around us. Starting from there, it can be seen that the role of digital technology in Islamic education in the 21st century is very important. Digital technology helps humans to expand accessibility, improve learning methods, and strengthen religious understanding. In the context of Islamic education in the digital era, digital technology has a very important role in educational transformation. The development of digital technology allows Islamic education to become more accessible, interactive and inclusive. Through online platforms, mobile applications, and social media, individuals from various parts of the world can access high-quality Islamic educational resources. This enables the global spread of religious knowledge and increases intercultural understanding and tolerance. Apart from that, digital technology also opens the door to more interactive, creative and interesting learning methods in Islamic education. With multimedia content such as videos, animations and simulations, religious concepts can be presented in a more visual and engaging way. Online platforms and social media enable direct interaction between students and educators, facilitating discussion, exchange of ideas, and collaboration between Muslims around the world. It creates a space to share knowledge, solve problems together, and strengthen understanding of religion.

    Identify active sentences
    - The development of digital technology allows Islamic education to become more accessible, interactive and inclusive.
    - Digital technology has a very important role in educational transformation.
    -Digital technology also opens the door to more interactive, creative and interesting learning methods in Islamic education.

    Identify passive sentences
    - In the digital era which continues to develop rapidly, Islamic education is faced with significant challenges as well as promising opportunities in the 21st century.
    - With multimedia content such as videos, animations and simulations, religious concepts can be presented in a more visual and engaging way.

    Identify causative sentences
    -The development of digital technology has made a complete change in education, influencing the way we learn, access information, and interact with the world around us.
    -Digital technology helps humans to expand accessibility, improve learning methods, and strengthen religious understanding.

    Jawaban NO 2 :
    1. Simple Present Tense
    - "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemns the incident..."
    - "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognize the humanity of the Palestinian people.

    2. Simple Past Tense
    - Israel’s killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.
    - "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military failed to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident..."

    3. Present Perfect Tense
    - "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped."
    - "I hope that the investigation will find ou who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.

  32. Nama: Alfard Afifi
    NIM: 231210062
    Kelas: PAI 2B

    1. "The role of the Muslim Generation in 21st-century education is crucial. They have the potential to shape the future of education by promoting Islamic values and fostering a holistic learning environment.

    Muslim students can be empowered to become active learners and critical thinkers through the implementation of effective teaching methodologies that emphasize experiential learning and problem-solving skills. Moreover, they should be encouraged to engage in community service projects and interfaith dialogues in order to develop their empathy, compassion, and understanding of diverse perspectives. By providing Muslim students with these opportunities, we can prepare them to become leaders who will make a positive impact on the world."

    A. Kalimat Kausatif
    "Muslim students can be **empowered** to become active learners and critical thinkers through the implementation of effective teaching methodologies that emphasize experiential learning and problem-solving skills."
    Kalimat ini menggunakan kata kerja kausatif “empowered” untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyebabkan hal lain terjadi (dalam hal ini siswa muslim menjadi pembelajar aktif dan pemikir kritis).

    B. Kalimat Aktif
    "Muslim students can be empowered to become active learners and critical thinkers through the implementation of effective teaching methodologies that emphasize experiential learning and problem-solving skills."
    Kalimat ini juga termasuk dalam kalimat aktif karena subjek kalimat (Muslim students) sedang melakukan tindakan “become active learners and critical thinkers”.

    C. Pasif
    The role of the Muslim Generation in 21st-century education is crucial."
    Kalimat ini berbentuk pasif karena subjek kalimat (The role of Muslim Generation) tidak melakukan tindakan yang “penting”. Sebaliknya, tindakan tersebut dilakukan terhadap subjek oleh sesuatu yang lain.

    2. Analisis Tenses
    A. Simple Past Tense
    Condemned, Stopped, Used, Failed

    B. Simple Present Tense
    "Could" mengekspresikan sebuah kemungkinan yang ada

    C. Future Tense
    "Must be stopped" Hal yang akan/harus dilakukan di masa depan

  33. Nama : Ibnu Sabilillah
    NIM : 231210003
    Kelas : PAI 2A

    1. "The Role of the Muslim Generation in the 21st Century"
    In the 21st century, the role of the Muslim generation is crucial in various aspects of life, including politics and humanity. Young Muslims are encouraged to be more active in the political arena to bring about positive change. They should not only be observers, but also actors of change who contribute to making policies that are fair and inclusive. Young Muslim leaders are championing human rights at various international forums. They strive to advocate for important issues such as social justice, peace and minority rights (Active voice). Senior leaders inspire young people to engage in politics by providing training and support. They ensure that youth understand the importance of political participation and have the necessary skills to play an active role (Causative sentence). Many humanitarian initiatives have been undertaken by Muslim organizations around the world. Humanitarian aid is channeled to various countries affected by conflicts and natural disasters. In addition, various education and health programs have also been implemented to improve the welfare of the community (Passive voice).
    Humanitarian activists are causing major changes with their campaigns and actions. They call on the global community to care more about the suffering of their fellow human beings, regardless of religious and cultural backgrounds (Causative sentence). Muslim youth have also been empowered to become agents of change. Through various leadership programs, they are groomed to take an important role in building a more just and peaceful society (Passive voice). As such, the generation of Muslims in the 21st century has a great responsibility to be actively involved in politics and humanitarianism. Through education, participation and action, they can create positive change that has a far-reaching impact on the global community.

    2. : Let's analyze the use of tenses in this text:
    a). Past Tense:
    - "condemned" - The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) condemned the incident.
    - "killing" - CAIR condemned Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and Tuffah neighborhood.
    - "was involved" - The investigation will find out who was involved in the incident.
    - "failed" - David Des Roches mentioned that if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved, others could see their actions as a license to do the same thing.
    b). Present Tense:
    - "must be stopped" - The Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped, according to Ibrahim Hooper.
    - "should not be used" - American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim, and starve innocent civilians.
    - "must end" - The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide.
    - "begin to recognize" - The Biden administration must begin to recognize the humanity of the Palestinian people.
    c). Future Tense:
    - "will find out" - The investigation will find out who was involved in the incident.

  34. Nama: Muhammad Mukhlis Qolbun Salim
    NIM: 231210009
    Kelas: PAI 2A

    No. 1
    The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. Educators have encouraged young Muslims to take part in shaping educational reforms. They have implemented innovative teaching methods to ensure that students not only gain knowledge but also develop critical thinking skills. The community has been empowered to establish institutions that integrate modern education with Islamic values, making it possible for students to receive a well-rounded education.
    In various countries, schools have been built to provide quality education rooted in Islamic principles. Scholars are being motivated to conduct research that addresses contemporary educational challenges. Governments have recognized the importance of these initiatives and have provided support to expand such educational programs. Through these efforts, the new generation of Muslims is being prepared to contribute meaningfully to the global community while maintaining their cultural and religious identity.

    No. 2
    a). "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.
    • Tense: Simple Present (passive)
    • Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "must be stopped", menunjukkan keharusan yang berlaku saat ini.

    b). American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.
    • Tense: Simple Present (passive)
    • Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "should not be used", menunjukkan keharusan atau larangan yang berlaku saat ini.

    c). "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    • Tense: Simple Present
    • Keterangan: Menggunakan "must end" dan "begin to recognise", menunjukkan keharusan atau anjuran yang berlaku saat ini.

    d). David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
    • Tense:•- "said" -> Simple Past (Des Roches said)
    • "fails" -> Simple Present (if clause)
    • "could see" -> Simple Present (main clause)

    e). "It's not standard practice.
    • Tense: Simple Present
    • Keterangan: Menggunakan "is", menunjukkan keadaan saat ini.
    f).. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.
    • Tense:
    • "hope" -> Simple Present
    • "will find out" -> Simple Future
    • "did" -> Simple Past
    • "will be... doled out" -> Simple Future (passive)

    g). Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy," Des Roches told Al Jazeera.
    • Tense:
    • "can make" -> Simple Present
    • "is evolving" -> Present Continuous
    • "told" -> Simple Past


  35. Nama : Dzacky Awaludin
    NIM : 231210056
    Kelas : PAI 2B

    The Islamic generation plays a vital role in 21st-century education by merging traditional values with modern knowledge. Teachers are making students engage in critical thinking and incorporating technology in their lessons.

    Schools have been encouraged to create inclusive environments that respect diverse perspectives. By providing professional development for educators, institutions are enabled to foster dynamic and interactive learning experiences.

    1. Present Simple :
    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident.
    2. Present Continuous :
    At least 45 Palestinians have been killed and dozens wounded in separate Israeli strikes on Friday.

    3. Past Simple :
    Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.

    4. Future Simple :
    I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.

  36. Nama: Agung setiawan
    NIM: 231210065

    1. The results shows that the role of islamic education in building students character was carried out through the following activities: (1) intra-curricular activities: in this activity, the teacher and learning process off all subjects namely Qur'an hadith, Fiqh, History of islamic culture, Arabic, and Aqeedah Akhlak. The teacher connects directly with material of akhlaq or character, (2)Extra-curricural activities include: Tilawatil Qur'an (reading the Qur'an) using digital literacy methods, Tahfidzul Qur'an (memorizing the Qur'an), Qitobha, Hadroh (islamic music) and Calligraphy. Through these two types of activities built several characters: religious, honest, fond of reading, responsible, independent, appreciating, achievements, caring socially and hard work. By having the character, the students are ready to face the industrial.

    2. "Des Roches told Al Jazeera" past present tense

    NIM : 231210037
    KLS : PAI 2B

    1. In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education is pivotal, actively shaping the future through their contributions. Islamic scholars and educators initiate transformative educational reforms, promoting critical thinking and ethical values among students. The curriculum is designed to cultivate a deep understanding of Islamic principles, utilizing modern teaching methodologies. Additionally, the active involvement of the younger generation ensures that educational initiatives are continuously adapted to meet evolving societal needs.
    Islamic education in the 21st century is also influenced by proactive measures taken by students and scholars. They are engaged in fostering a conducive learning environment, where traditional Islamic teachings are blended with contemporary knowledge. Moreover, innovations in educational technology are being implemented to enhance learning outcomes, reflecting a commitment to holistic development. Thus, the Islamic generation plays a crucial role in shaping educational discourse, both actively and passively contributing to a more inclusive and progressive educational landscape.

    2. Dalam teks tersebut, terdapat beberapa kalimat dengan berbagai bentuk tenses (waktu):

    1. *Present Simple*: "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemns the incident..."
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk present simple ("condemns") untuk menyatakan fakta umum atau kebiasaan.

    2. *Present Perfect*: "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director.
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk present perfect ("have been stopped") untuk mengekspresikan aksi yang dimulai di masa lalu (masacres and war crimes) dan relevansi mereka terhadap saat ini.

    3. *Future Simple*: "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognize the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk future simple ("must end", "will begin") untuk mengekspresikan tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

    4. *Present Continuous*: "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing."
    - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk present continuous ("is evolving") untuk mengekspresikan perubahan yang sedang berlangsung atau proses yang sedang berlangsung.

    Dengan demikian, teks tersebut menggabungkan beberapa bentuk tenses yang berbeda untuk menyampaikan informasi dengan tepat waktu dan kejelasan yang diperlukan.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Nama: Ahmad Rafiuudin
      NIM: 231210071
      Kelas: PAI 2B

      No. 1
      In the 21st century, the role of the Islamic generation in education has been actively emphasized by numerous scholars. They have inspired young Muslims to pursue knowledge and innovation, shaping a future where Islamic values and modern education coexist harmoniously. Educational institutions have been encouraged to integrate ethical teachings with contemporary curricula, ensuring students are not only academically proficient but also morally grounded.

      Various initiatives have been launched to empower the Islamic generation to contribute significantly to global education. Scholarships have been provided, and mentorship programs have been established to guide the youth towards leadership in various fields. By promoting an environment where traditional values meet modern educational practices, the Islamic generation has been enabled to play a pivotal role in addressing the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

      No. 2
      a). "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.
      • Tense: Simple Present (passive)
      • Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "must be stopped", menunjukkan keharusan yang berlaku saat ini.

      b). American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.
      • Tense: Simple Present (passive)
      • Keterangan: Menggunakan bentuk pasif "should not be used", menunjukkan keharusan atau larangan yang berlaku saat ini.

      c). "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
      • Tense: Simple Present
      • Keterangan: Menggunakan "must end" dan "begin to recognise", menunjukkan keharusan atau anjuran yang berlaku saat ini.

      d). David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.
      • Tense:•- "said" -> Simple Past (Des Roches said)
      • "fails" -> Simple Present (if clause)
      • "could see" -> Simple Present (main clause)

      e). "It's not standard practice.
      • Tense: Simple Present
      • Keterangan: Menggunakan "is", menunjukkan keadaan saat ini.
      f).. I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.
      • Tense:
      • "hope" -> Simple Present
      • "will find out" -> Simple Future
      • "did" -> Simple Past
      • "will be... doled out" -> Simple Future (passive)

      g). Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy," Des Roches told Al Jazeera.
      • Tense:
      • "can make" -> Simple Present
      • "is evolving" -> Present Continuous
      • "told" -> Simple Past


    2. Nama : Rusdi Mubarok Matondang.
      Nim : 231210019.
      Kelas : PAI 2 A.

      1.) The Islamic generation has been made aware of its critical role in shaping 21st century education. Muslim youth are actively participating in educational reforms, causing traditional systems to be reevaluated and modernized. They have had their voices amplified through social media and grassroots movements, which has led to increased attention on Islamic perspectives in curriculum development. As a result, more inclusive and diverse educational content is being created and implemented in schools worldwide.

      Islamic scholars and educators are having their expertise leveraged to integrate Islamic values with contemporary teaching methods. This fusion is enabling students to be equipped with both spiritual guidance and practical skills needed for the digital age. The younger generation is making educational institutions recognize the importance of character development alongside academic achievement. Consequently, holistic learning approaches are being adopted, and students are being encouraged to become ethical, socially responsible global citizens while excelling in their chosen fields.

      2). 1. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) ... also condemned the incident" - Simple Past

      2. "along with Israel's killing of some 43 people" - Present Participle (gerund)

      3. "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped" - Present Simple (modal verb)

      4. "American taxpayer dollars should not be used" - Present Simple (modal verb)

      5. "said Ibrahim Hooper" - Simple Past

      6. "The Biden administration must end its complicity" - Present Simple (modal verb)

      7. "and begin to recognise" - Present Simple (infinitive)

      8. "David Des Roches ... meanwhile said" - Simple Past

      9. "if the Israeli military fails to discipline" - Present Simple (conditional)

      10. "then others could see their actions" - Present Simple (modal verb)

      11. "It's not standard practice" - Present Simple

      12. "I hope that the investigation will find out" - Present Simple + Future Simple

      13. "and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out" - Present Simple + Future Simple + Past Participle

      14. "Otherwise, you can make the fair case" - Present Simple (modal verb)

      15. "that this is evolving into policy" - Present Continuous

      16. "Des Roches told Al Jazeera" - Simple Past

  39. Nama : Muchammad Fitrul Qolbi
    Nim : 231210015
    Kelas : PAI 2 A

    1. The Role of the Islamic Generation in 21st-Century Education

    The 21st century presents dynamic changes and rapid technological advancements. In this context, Islamic education plays a crucial role in shaping the character and competencies of the younger generation. Drawing from the Qur'an and Hadith, Islamic education emphasizes moral values, ethics, and cognitive skills.

    It integrates holistic approaches to develop 21st-century competencies, including critical thinking, adaptability, and social responsibility. By grounding itself in strong moral foundations, Islamic education equips students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world while upholding Islamic principles.

    a) "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident..."
    - Kalimat ini menggambarkan tindakan yang terjadi di masa lalu (past tense). CAIR mengutuk insiden tersebut.

    b) "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped. American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director."
    - Kalimat ini menggambarkan tindakan yang berlangsung saat ini (present tense). Ibrahim Hooper menyatakan pendapatnya tentang perlunya menghentikan kekejaman dan kejahatan perang.

    c) "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people.”"
    - Kalimat ini menggambarkan tindakan yang harus dilakukan di masa depan (future tense). Biden harus mengakhiri keterlibatannya dalam genosida ini dan mengakui kemanusiaan rakyat Palestina.

    d) "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing."
    - Kalimat ini menggambarkan tindakan yang berlangsung di masa lalu (past tense). David Des Roches menyatakan bahwa jika militer Israel gagal mendisiplinkan tentara yang terlibat dalam insiden ini, orang lain dapat melihat tindakan mereka sebagai izin untuk melakukan hal yang sama

  40. Nama:Indah lufika amaroh
    Kelas:PAI 2A
    MK:Bahasa inggris

    1).The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. This generation, driven by a deep sense of responsibility, is making notable strides in various educational fields. They have been encouraged to adopt innovative teaching methods, blending traditional Islamic values with modern educational practices. Teachers are motivated to integrate technology into their classrooms, allowing students to access a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. These efforts have caused a shift in the educational landscape, creating a more dynamic and inclusive environment for learners of all backgrounds.

    Moreover, numerous initiatives have been taken by young Muslim educators to promote educational equality. Scholarships and mentorship programs have been established to support underprivileged students, ensuring that they receive the same opportunities as their peers. Educational institutions have been made aware of the importance of inclusivity and diversity, prompting them to create more supportive learning environments. As a result, the impact of the Islamic generation's contributions to education is being felt worldwide, fostering a culture of knowledge and understanding that transcends cultural and religious boundaries.

    2).1.The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel’s killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.

    Tense: Simple Past
    Explanation: "condemned" is in the simple past tense, indicating a completed action in the past.

    2.“These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.

    Tense: Modal + Passive Voice
    Explanation: "must be stopped" uses the modal verb "must" and the passive voice "be stopped."

    3.American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director.

    Tense: Modal + Passive Voice (present)
    Explanation: "should not be used" uses the modal verb "should" and the passive voice "be used."

    4.“The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people.”

    Tense: Modal + Infinitive (present)
    Explanation: "must end" and "must begin" use the modal verb "must" followed by the base form of the verbs "end" and "begin."

    5.David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.

    Tense: Simple Past, Present, Modal (future)
    Explanation: "said" is in the simple past tense. "fails" is in the present tense. "could see" uses the modal verb "could" followed by the base form of the verb "see."

    6.“It’s not standard practice.

    Tense: Simple Present
    Explanation: "It’s" (It is) is in the simple present tense.

    7.I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.

    Tense: Simple Present, Simple Future
    Explanation: "I hope" is in the simple present tense. "will find out" and "will be" are in the simple future tense.

    8.Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy,” Des Roches told Al Jazeera.

    Tense: Simple Present, Present Continuous
    Explanation: "can make" uses the modal verb "can" and the base form "make." "is evolving" is in the present continuous tense. "told" is in the simple past tense.

  41. Nama : eka faradilah
    Nima : 231210066
    1. The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. This generation, driven by a deep sense of responsibility, is making notable strides in various educational fields. They have been encouraged to adopt innovative teaching methods, blending traditional Islamic values with modern educational practices. Teachers are motivated to integrate technology into their classrooms, allowing students to access a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. These efforts have caused a shift in the educational landscape, creating a more dynamic and inclusive environment for learners of all backgrounds.

    Moreover, numerous initiatives have been taken by young Muslim educators to promote educational equality. Scholarships and mentorship programs have been established to support underprivileged students, ensuring that they receive the same opportunities as their peers. Educational institutions have been made aware of the importance of inclusivity and diversity, prompting them to create more supportive learning environments. As a result, the impact of the Islamic generation's contributions to education is being felt worldwide, fostering a culture of knowledge and understanding that transcends cultural and religious boundaries.

    2).1.The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel’s killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza.

    Tense: Simple Past
    Explanation: "condemned" is in the simple past tense, indicating a completed action in the past.

    2.“These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped.

    Tense: Modal + Passive Voice
    Explanation: "must be stopped" uses the modal verb "must" and the passive voice "be stopped."

    3.American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians,” said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR’s national communications director.

    Tense: Modal + Passive Voice (present)
    Explanation: "should not be used" uses the modal verb "should" and the passive voice "be used."

    4.“The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people.”

    Tense: Modal + Infinitive (present)
    Explanation: "must end" and "must begin" use the modal verb "must" followed by the base form of the verbs "end" and "begin."

    5.David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do the same thing.

    Tense: Simple Past, Present, Modal (future)
    Explanation: "said" is in the simple past tense. "fails" is in the present tense. "could see" uses the modal verb "could" followed by the base form of the verb "see."

    6.“It’s not standard practice.

    Tense: Simple Present
    Explanation: "It’s" (It is) is in the simple present tense.

    7.I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out.

    Tense: Simple Present, Simple Future
    Explanation: "I hope" is in the simple present tense. "will find out" and "will be" are in the simple future tense.

    8.Otherwise, you can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy,” Des Roches told Al Jazeera.

    Tense: Simple Present, Present Continuous
    Explanation: "can make" uses the modal verb "can" and the base form "make." "is evolving" is in the present continuous tense. "told" is in the simple past tense.

  42. Nama : Adi Wahyudin
    Nim : 231210051
    Kelas : PAI 2B
    1. SOAL NOMOR 1
    The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. This generation is actively involved in shaping the future of education by creating innovative learning methods and curricula that cater to the needs of modern students. For instance, they are actively developing digital resources and educational platforms that enhance the learning experience and make education more accessible to a wider audience. Moreover, they are also responsible for promoting a culture of lifelong learning and encouraging students to take ownership of their education.
    On the other hand, the Islamic generation is also playing a significant role in promoting the values of compassion, empathy, and social responsibility in education. They are actively promoting these values by incorporating them into the curriculum and by engaging in community service projects that benefit society. Furthermore, they are also responsible for creating a safe and inclusive learning environment that fosters respect, tolerance, and understanding among students from diverse backgrounds. By doing so, they are helping to build a more harmonious and just society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
    1. Kalimat Kausatif:
    * "The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial."
    * "This generation is actively involved in shaping the future of education."
    2. Kalimat Aktif:
    * "The Islamic generation is shaping the future of education.
    * "They are creating a safe and inclusive learning environment."
    3. Kalimat Pasif:
    * "The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial" (the role is crucial, not the generation)
    * "A safe and inclusive learning environment is being created" (the environment is being created, not they).
    2. SOAL NOMOR 2
    Kalimat yang terkait dengan analisis "tenses" adalah:
    * "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States’ largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident..." - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk "present simple" untuk mendeskripsikan situasi yang terjadi.
    * "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped." - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk "present simple" untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan yang harus dilakukan.
    * "American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians." - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk "present simple" untuk mendeskripsikan situasi yang tidak diinginkan.
    * "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide..." - Kalimat ini menggunakan bentuk "present simple" untuk mendeskripsikan tindakan yang harus dilakukan

    KELAS : PAI 2B
    NIM : 231210041

    1. The role of the Islamic generation in education in the 21st century is crucial. The Islamic generation is actively involved in shaping the educational landscape (aktif), as they strive to integrate Islamic values into the curriculum. The curriculum is being shaped (pasif) by their efforts, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that combines academic knowledge with spiritual growth.
    The Islamic generation is responsible for creating a conducive learning environment (kausatif), where students can explore their faith and develop their critical thinking skills. The environment is being created (pasif) through various initiatives, such as establishing Islamic schools and promoting interfaith dialogue. The initiatives are being taken (aktif) by the Islamic generation to ensure that education is not only academically rigorous but also spiritually enriching.

    2. Past Simple:
    • "CAIR condemned the incident."
    "Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza."
    • "Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director, said."
    • "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said."

    Present Simple:
    • "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident."
    • "American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians."
    • "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."

    Future Simple:
    • "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    • "I hope that the investigation will find out who did this, and I hope there will be exemplary punishment doled out."
    Present Continuous:
    • "UN agencies are warning that over one million people in Gaza are at risk of starvation."

    Past Continuous:
    • "Larry Hebert Jr, the death of six-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire was a turning point."

    Future Continuous:
    • "You can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    Present Perfect:
    • "Two US Air Force members are requesting to become conscientious objectors over the US’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza."

    Past Perfect:
    • "For Larry Hebert Jr, the death of six-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire was a turning point."

    Future Perfect:
    • "You can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    Present Perfect Continuous:
    • "Larry Hebert Jr, the death of six-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire was a turning point."

    Past Perfect Continuous:
    • "Larry Hebert Jr, the death of six-year-old Hind Rajab in February after she was trapped under Israeli fire was a turning point."

    Future Perfect Continuous:
    • "You can make the fair case that this is evolving into policy."
    Present Simple Passive:
    • "The loss of civilians and the ongoing violence in Gaza are unacceptable."

    Past Simple Passive:
    • "The location of its humanitarian office at the Masawi camp for displaced people – which was damaged by Israeli shelling that killed at least 25 people and wounded 50 people on Friday – was known to warring parties."

    Present Continuous Passive:
    • "The violence in Gaza must be stopped."

  44. Nama : Delisa Saprilla
    NIM : 23121007
    Kelas : PAI 2 A

    The role of the Islamic generation in 21st-century education has become increasingly significant. Educators have made students understand the importance of integrating Islamic values with modern knowledge. This effort has led to the development of a more comprehensive educational system, where traditional teachings and contemporary skills are harmonized. Schools are encouraged to implement curriculums that foster critical thinking, creativity, and ethical behavior, which prepare students to face global challenges.

    Furthermore, initiatives have been taken to ensure that the Islamic generation actively participates in educational reforms. Governments and organizations are being persuaded to support programs that promote lifelong learning and technological proficiency. By doing so, they help create a generation that is not only knowledgeable but also spiritually grounded. The impact of such initiatives is seen in the increasing number of students who excel academically while upholding strong moral principles.

    1. "The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the United States' largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, also condemned the incident, along with Israel's killing of some 43 people in attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in northern Gaza."
    - Tense: Past Simple (condemned)

    2. "These Israeli-US massacres and war crimes must be stopped."
    - Tense: Present Simple Passive (must be stopped)

    3. "American taxpayer dollars should not be used to kill, maim and starve innocent civilians," said Ibrahim Hooper, CAIR's national communications director.
    - Tense: Present Simple Passive (should not be used), Past Simple (said)

    4. "The Biden administration must end its complicity in this genocide and begin to recognise the humanity of the Palestinian people."
    - Tense: Present Simple (must end,begin)

    5. "David Des Roches, a professor at the National Defense University in the US, meanwhile said if the Israeli military fails to discipline the soldiers involved in the incident, then others could see their actions as a licence to do.
