Wednesday 15 April 2020

session 11: A short story of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Rosulullah SAW is a great man with many life story. He brings people into a happy way and gives all people opportunity to contribute better for their environment. Therefore, one of his philosophy is giving the best in the life either materials or non-materials. Let Allah meet us with him someday in Akhirat. aamiin yra
please click this link and listen to the video. Try to find out the communicative functions in the story, what is the situation, who are the participants, and what is the main idea of the story. Send your responses in the comment colomn. Thanks a lot


  1. Present Mrs.
    Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031
    Communicative function that i found in this story
    1. Referential : His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muthalib. His mother names Aminah. his Father passed away when he birth and his Mother paased away when he age six years old.
    2. Emotive : " MasyaAllah, that was great"
    3. Conative : "tell me who is the father of the prophet Muhammad?"

    I thought the situation in the videob was pleasant when a father told the Prophet's story to his son who was eager to hear it.

    in the video there is the Father and Son (Amir), as well as the characters in the story (Prophet Muhammad, Ali bin Abi talib, Khadijah, Aminah and others)

    This story tells about the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad from birth to marriage with Siti Khadijah, tells about the people who are around the Prophet Muhammad and his exemplary behavior.

  2. Communicative fungtions

    Motovate=that was great
    Informing date = Story of prophet Muhammad Saw

    the situation in the video in my opinion is relaxed because Amir's father told Amir about the Prophet Muhammad while Amir was studying

    the people involved in the video are Amir and his father.

    The main idea is story of our prophet Muhammad Saw

    My name is suherni
    Nim 191230002
    Tbi 2 A

    NIM : 191230012
    CLASS : TBI 2A
    1. The communicative function in the story in the story is that the emir and the baba provide information and knowledge about the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad. Starting from the womb until the prophet Muhammad SAW Married.
    A. References: His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib. His mother is Aminah. His father died when he was born and his mother died when he was six years old. Then taken care of by his uncle Abu tholib.
    B. Emotive: "MasyaAllah, that's great"
    C. Conative: "tell me who is the prophet Muhammad's father?"

    2. What is the situation?
    Situation of people who tell (baba and amir) they are in the study room and sitting in a chair with a calm situation. While the situation in the story is tense, and many events that occur in it sadly make the story clear and easy to understand.
    3. The actors in the video are amir, baba amir, Prophet Muhammad SAW, Aminah, siti khadizah, abu tholib, merchants, and friends of the Prophet.
    4. The main idea in the story is the life story of the prophet Muhammad SAW from his birth to marriage to siti khadizah.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. -Informing date : His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muthalib. His mother names Aminah. his Father passed away when he birth and his Mother paased away when he age six years old.
    Motivate: MasyaAllah, that was great
    -The situation at night is very quiet and a boy wants to hear the story of the prophet muhammad from his Father.
    -Amir,baba amir, Prophet Muhammad, Ali bin Abi talib, Khadijah, Aminah and others
    -In this video it tells the story of the prophet muhammad from the prophet muhammad born to marry khadijah

  6. in the video there is a father and son (Amir), this story tells about the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad from birth to marriage. tells about the people who are around the Prophet Muhammad and the Prophet's behavior.

    The communicative function that I found in this story
    1. Reference:
    Putra Abdullah, his son Abdul Muttalib. Her mother's name is Aminah. His father died when he was born and his mother died when he was six years old.
    2. Emotional:
    "MasyaAllah, that's great"
    3. Conative:
    "Tell me who is Muhammad's father?"

    Name: Sekar Ayu
    Class:TBI 2A

  7. Present Mrs
    Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 19123004

    1.Communicative functions
    -Referential : The prophet Muhammad is the son of Siti Aminah and Abdullah. His father Abdullah has been passed since his birth.
    -Emotive : “Masya Allah, That was great”
    -Conative : “ Would you tell me story about prophet ?”

    2.The situation :
    The place in this video, in the home. And the situation is relaxed. It was a father telling his son.

    3.The participants,
    In this video the participants is a son and a father. But in this story prophet, the participants is prophet Muhammad, Siti Aminah (his Mother), siti Khadijah (his wife), Abu thalib (his Uncle).

    4.This video tell the story about the prophet’s life from birth.

  8. Name: Sausan Indah N.A
    NIM: 191230001
    Class: TBI 2A

    1. Communicative function:
    - Referential : His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muthalib. His mother names Aminah. his Father passed away when he birth and his Mother paased away when he age six years old.

    - Emotive : " MasyaAllah, that was great" -amazed-

    - Conative : "tell me who is the father of the prophet Muhammad?"

    2. Situation in the video: The situation in the video was that the father gave a education in the story about the prophet Muhammad SAW. They can teach education in faith as well as in religion.

    3. The participle: Baba, Amir, Prophet Muhammad SAW, Ali bin Abi talib, Saidah Siti Khadijah, Aminah and friends of our Prophet.

    4. Main Idea: The story tells about a Prophet Muhammad from his born until marriage with saidah Siti Khadijah (Biography), and what lessons we get in the story of the prophet's life.

  9. Assalamu'alaikum Mrs,
    Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033
    Communicative functions that I found in this video is :
    - Reverential : The baba explained about the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Beginning with Prophet Muhammad was born in mecca on twelve of Rabiul awwal, he is son of abdullah and aminah.
    But the father passed away before his birth, and his mother was died when he is 7 years old.
    - Conative : Will you tell me story another prophets, baba?
    - Emotive : MasyaAllah, that is great, MasyaAllah that was amazing stories.

    The situation based on the video was very calm and amir listened to the story that his father bought with enthusiasm and exited, the baba tell the story in amir room, before amir goes to sleep.

    The participants is Amir and his father. Because amir like and exited to all stories Prophets.

    The main idea of the story is tell about Our Prophet Muhammad history. Beginning from his birth, his life, his behavior, untill he met Khadijah and merried her.

  10. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    TBI 2A

    1. The communicative function :
    Based on the video, the function of communicative that appear in the video is referential, because the context in the participants on the video describe and give information about the life journey of Prophet Muhammad.
    2. The Situations :
    The situations on the video is they are in the study room and sitting in a chair at night..
    3. The Participants :
    The participants who involved are son named Amir and his father (baba)
    4. The main idea :
    The main idea is about the life journey of Prophet Muhammad

  11. Magfiroh
    TBI 2A

    A.The communicative function in the story is that (amir) ie a child and (baba) a father giving information to the viewer of the video and knowledge of the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad Starting from yes born to the prophet Muhammad SAW Married to Khadija

    B. The situation is when Amir sits at his study table asking Baba (father) to tell him the story of the Prophet Muhammad

    C. in the video there are several characters namely Father and Son (Amir), as well as characters in the story (Prophet Muhammad, Ali bin Abi talib, Khadijah, Aminah and others)

    D. This video tells the story of a father who tells the story of the prophet Muhammad to his son by the committee he tells the story of the life journey of the Prophet Muhammad from birth to get married to Siti Khadijah, tells about the people around the Prophet Muhammad and his behavior that is a role model for Muslims

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 2 A
    NIM : 191230010

    1. Communication Function :
    Referential : Muhammad was born in Makkah 12 Rabiul Awal his mother Aminah was the daughter Wahab ibn Abdul Manaf his father Abdullah was the son of Abdul Muthalib
    Emotive : Very good Aamir, Excellent Aamir! that was great
    Conative : Now listen carefully
    Tell me who was the father of prophet Muhammad
    3. The situation based on the story is :
    A. In home when the son (Aamir) studying and he asked her father (Baba) to telling the story about Prophets
    B. The story about Prophet Muhammad SAW in Makkah from he was born and struggling for his life
    3. Participant on the story :
    Aamir and Baba, Prophet Muhammad, Aminah, Abdul Muthalib, Abu Thalib, Khadijah, Ali bin Abi Thalib
    4. Main idea from the story is the journey life of Prophet Muhammad from he was born and struggling for his life when he became an orphan help his uncle herding sheep and become a bussinessman until marriage with Khadijah.

    TBI 2A

    My Answer Is :

    1. The communicative function from this video

    Referential : Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca Arabia (Now Saudi Arabia) on 12 Rabbiyulawal. His mother names Aminah and his father is Abdullah. His Father was died before he was born and he was raised first by his grandfather and then his uncle. He belonged to a poor but repectable family.

    Emotive : "Masya Allah, that's amazing story"
    "Masya Allah that's great"
    "Very Good"

    Phatic : "I'm"
    "hmmm.... "

    Conative : - Father please tell me who is the father of prophet Muhammad Saw ?
    - My son Tell me who was father of prophet Muhammad be has uponed ?

    2. The situations and participants from this video :

    I see in this video there are father and son. And the situation so fun and enjoy for studied . When son's father tell about story of prophet Muhammad SAW.
    His Father and son sit on the chair and face to face while story.
    And his son so exited, curious, good listen and spirit to hear it. Hear story of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
    And A son so Smart , A son can to understand and can to answer a question from his father.

    3. The main ideas from this video :

    "The story and life journey of prophet Muhammad SAW."

  15. Name: Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006

    1. Communicative Function
    -Referential : Tells about the life of Prophet Muhammad from his childhood to become a Rasulullah SAW.
    -Emotive : “Masya Allah, That was great”

    2. the situation in the video is a father and son sitting in a room and the son asks the history of the prophet muhammad and his father to explain in detail.

    3.the participants in the video are the son and the father. there are also figures in the story, there is the prophet muhammad, aminah, abu talib, etc.

    4.The main idea is a video in which there are son and father and then the father tells the complete history of the prophet muhammad

  16. Afridah

    1.The Communicative functions:based on the video communicative function is a father who gives information to his child about the story of the journey of life of the Prophet Muhammad which is very amazing.

    2.the situations: a child is learning and his father comes, who tells about the life journey of the prophet muhammad and his son is very enthusiastic about listening to it.

    3. The participants: Amir and baba ( father)

    4. The main idea: the journey of the Prophet Muhammad's life, from birth to marriage with Siti Khodijah.

  17. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Nim : 191230022

    The communicative function i found on the fucking story of the prophet Muhammad is
    1. Referencial The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born to abdullah the son of abdul mutalib and aminah binti wahab. Unfortunately, his father abdullah died while the prophet was still in his mother's womb. So, he had become an orphan even before being born. On the 12th anniversary of the early elephant rabiul, the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was born. On Monday, April 20, 571 AD. According to local custom, the prophet muhammad was sent to halimatussa 'diah to be fed to milk and to be raised with children to be made.
    2. Emotive " masyaallah, that was great
    3. Conatif: tell me who is the father of the prophet Muhammad? The video situation looks so much when a father tells his son the prophet story. The video actor was amir,his father, and the story inside the prophet Muhammad.
    4. The main idea? The life story of the prophet Muhammad contains many lessons that can be set as an example for the fruits of his heart.

  18. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025-TBI 2A

    -The situation in the video is when the boy's father is studying at night

    -The participant in the video is a father who explains the story of Prophet Muhammad and his son listening. then in the story of Prophet Muhammad, Siti Aminah (Mother of the Prophet Muhammad), Abdul Muthalib (his grandfather), Abu Talib (his uncle), Khadijah (wife) and others

    -The main idea in the story is Tells the journey of life of the Prophet from the beginning of his birth to adulthood and then marriage, until the journey of the Prophet in preaching to the people around him.

    The communicative function is :
    -Referential : I will start telling you of the last prophet got sent to earth, prophet muhammad peace be upon him

    -Emotive : Masyaallah that's great/that was great, Masyaallah that was amazing story

    -Conative : Now listen carefully!

  19. Name: Eva aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    -communication function
    His father is abdullah and his mother is st. Aminah
    And his father duet when he was born and his mother dead when the prophet was six years old.
    Emotive: Masyaallah, that's great.
    Conative: would you tell me about the prophet ?
    -what is the situation
    The vidio at home, father and soon in the relax situation
    -who are participant
    Father an him soon but in the vidio there prophet, st. aminah, abdullah, abdul muthalib, st. Khodijah and the other.
    - what is the main idea
    The vidio story about the prophet from birth, abouy family, and about prophet way life.

  20. Fitriyatul Janah

    1.The communicative functions From Baba's story can provide information and knowledge about the life journey of Prophet Muhammad from birth to marriage.
    References: His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib. His mother is Aminah. His father died when he was born and his mother died when he was six years old. Then taken care of by his uncle Abu tholib.
    Emotive: "MasyaAllah, that's a amazing story"
    Conative :
    -Tell me who was father of prophet Muhammad be has uponed ?
    - What the name mother of prophet Muhammad ?
    2. What is the situation
    Situation of Amir and his father (Baba) they are in a room and sitting in a chair at night with a quiet situation.
    3. The participants in the video are Amir, Baba Amir.
    Participant in the story are Prophet Muhammad SAW, Aminah, Abu Tholib, friend of the prophet, merchant, Siti Khadijah.
    4. The main idea in this story is" the story of the Life journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW"

  21. Annisa Husnul Khotimah

    1.The communicative function based on the video that i watch :
    our propeth Muhammad SAW. he was born on 12 Rabiyul Awwal at Mecca. He has a mother, names Siti Aminah and father, names Abdullah. Before Propeth Muhammad was born, his father has passed away. (referential)

    "Masya Allah, that's amazing story"
    "Masya Allah that's great"
    "Very Good"

    2. The situations and participants from this video :
    In the video there was a father and his son. the situation in that video were very enjoy. The father of son tells about life journey of propeth Muhammad and his family with fun, and his son very interested with the story.

    3. the main idea
    the main idea is the father who told to his son about Propeth Muhammad's Historeis

  22. Name: Nurul kholifah
    NIM : 191230019
    Class : TBI 2A

    -communication function :
    His father is abdullah and his mother is st. Aminah
    And his father duet when he was born and his mother dead when the prophet was six years old.
    Emotive : Masyaallah, that's great.
    Conative : would you tell me about the prophet ?

    -what is the situation ?
    The situation in the video looks very relaxed. There is a father who tells his son the story of the prophet muhammad

    -who are participant?
    Father an him soon but in the vidio there prophet, st. aminah, abdullah, abdul muthalib, st. Khodijah and the other.

    -what is the main idea ?
    The story of the life journey of prophet Muhammad SAW.

  23. K

    Name: Dewi Ramayanti
    Class: TBI 2 A
    Nim: 191230013

    Communicative Function
    -Referential : Tells about the story of the prophet Muhammad from birth until he became an adult and finally married and became a prophet Muhammad
    -Emotive : “Masya Allah, That was great”

    In video there is father and son (amir )
    -character in the story:
    Nabi Muhammad
    Siti aminah
    Abu Thalib
    Abdul mutholib
    -the situation of the child with his father is the child who wants to be told a story and finally his father tells the story of the prophet muhamad and his son really liked the story

  24. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029

    🗒️Referential :
    The father explain to his boy, Muhammad has born in Makkah/Arabia on 12 Rabiul Awwal his mother Aminah. The prophet Father death before he was born, and his mother was death when the prophet 6 th old

    🗒️Emotive :
    ✍️ Maa Syaa Allah That's great
    ✍️ Excellent Amir, That's was great
    ✍️Maa syaa Allah that was an amazing story

    🗒️Conotive :
    ✍️ Now. listen carefully
    ✍️ Tell me me who is the father of prophet Mohammad

    🗒️Phatic :
    ✍️ Will you tell me the story event other prophet baba?,
    ✍️ when the mother and the father of prophet was death?

    2. Amir and his father's situation at night was a quiet silence in the silence of the night, where crickets were heard at night. Amir was so happy when his father would tell the story of the prophet muhammad. Seen between the two is a deep tranquility..

    3. The participant of this story is Amir and his father ( Baba )

    4. The main idea of the story is tell the meaningful or good life of the prophet muhammad

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Name : Rana Salwa
    NIM : 191230032
    Class: TBI 2A

    Communicative functions that I found in this video is :
    - Reverential : The baba explained about the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Beginning with Prophet Muhammad was born in mecca on twelve of Rabiul awwal, he is son of abdullah and aminah.
    But the father passed away before his birth, and his mother was died when he is 7 years old.
    story another prophets, baba? . -Conative: "tell me who is the prophet Muhammad's father?"

    - Emotive : MasyaAllah, that was great,
    The situation at vedio: when amir was studying, amir asked baba (father) to tell the story of the prophet muhammad
    enthusiasm and exited, the baba tell the story in amir room, before amir goes to sleep.
    The participant is amir and his father. His father loved telling stories about the prophet and amir very much loved hearing his father's.
    The main idea of this story was the beginning of the apostolic life until he married khadijah

  28. Name : Asha febriyanti
    Nim : 191230021
    Class : Tbi 2A
    1.Communicative function
    - References : the story of life of prophet Mohammad
    - emotive : MasyaaAllah, that was great
    - conative : would you tell me, who is the prophet Muhammad's father

    2. The situation in the video is relaxed because the father tell to son about story of prophet Mohammad

    3. The participans in the video is father and his son. In the story is prophet Muhammad, Aminah, Khadijah, abu Thalib and and the followers of the prophet Muhammad

    4. Main idea
    The story about father who recounts the journey of the prophet Muhammad from the time before to be a prophet and to be a prophet to his son

  29. Name : Eci Ayumi
    Class : TBI 2 A
    NIM :191230003
    1.Communicative function
    - References : the story of life of prophet Mohammad
    - emotive : MasyaaAllah, that was great
    - conative : would you tell me, who is the prophet Muhammad's father

    2. The situation in the video is relaxed

    3. The participans in the video is father and his son. In the story is prophet Muhammad, Aminah, Khadijah and abu Thalib

    4. The story about prophet Muhammad and Khadijah

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : 191230007
    Class: TBI 2A

    1.The communicative function in the story in the story is that the emir and the baba provide information and knowledge about the journey of the Prophet Muhammad's life that is full of important events. Starting from the womb until the prophet Muhammad SAWi Married to Siti Khadijah.
    A. References: His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib. His mother is Aminah. His father died when he was born and his mother died when he was six years old. Then treated to adulthood by his uncle, Abu Tholib.
    B. Emotive: "MasyaAllah, that's great"
    C. Conative: "tell me whose father is the prophet Muhammad?"
    2. What is the situation? Situation of people who say (baba and amir) they are in the study room and sit in chairs with calm situations. While the situation in the story is tense, and many events that occur in it make the story full of emotions but are well explained by baba so that emir easily understands it.
    3. The actors in the video are amir, baba amir, Prophet Muhammad SAW, Aminah, siti khadizah, abu tholib, traders, and the companions of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
    4. The main idea in this story is the life story of the Prophet Muhammad who was full of extraordinary events and miracles from birth to marriage to siti khadizah.

  32. Assalamualaikum Mrs,
    Name: salsabila azizah
    NIM: 191230011

    -Information of the date :father of muhammad is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muthalib. Mother of muhammad is Aminah. his father died before he was born and his Mother died when he was six years old.
    Motivate: MasyaAllah, that was great
    -the situation in the video was very calm and amir was very enthusiastic to hear the story from his baba
    -Prophet Muhammad, Ali bin Abi talib, Khadijah, Aminah and others
    The main idea of this story is from at the birth of the Prophet, how was his life, and how he met with khodijah and then married her

  33. Fahmi Amirudin

    1. Communicative function:
    His father is Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muthalib. His mother names Aminah. his Father passed away when he birth and his Mother paased away when he age six years old.

    •Emotive : " MasyaAllah, that was great" -amazed-

    •Conative : "tell me who is the father of the prophet Muhammad?"

    2. Situation in the video
    The situation in the video was that the father gave a education in the story about the prophet Muhammad SAW. They can teach education in faith as well as in religion.

    3. The participle:
    -Prophet Muhammad SAW
    -Ali bin Abi talib
    -Saidah Siti Khadijah
    -Aminah and friends of our Prophet.

    4. Main Idea
    The story tells about a Prophet Muhammad from his born until marriage with saidah Siti Khadijah (Biography), and what lessons we get in the story of the prophet's life.

  34. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    1. The communicative function from this vidio
    ~the father explain to his boy, Muhammad was born around 570, AD in Mecca (now in Saudi Arabia). His father died before he was born and he was raised first by his grandfather and then his uncle. He belonged to a poor but respectable family of the Quraysh tribe. The family was active in Meccan politics and trade.
    ~Emotive : Masya Allah, that's amazing story.
    2. The situasions and Participants from this vidio
    ~In this vidio there are father and son, in home very relaxed. And the father telling about Prophet Muhammad SAW

    ~in the video there is the Father and Son (Amir), as well as the characters in the story (Prophet Muhammad, Ali bin Abi talib, Khadijah, Aminah and others)
    ~The main idea about Prophet Muhammad SAW

  35. Riska Rabayu
    TBI 2A

    1.Communicative function

    To build a good relationship between parent and their kids.
    Emotive : Masyaa Allah, that was great.
    Conative : Would you tell me who is the prophet Muhammad's father?

    2. The situation in the video is at a silent night with cricket noises and comfortable room.

    3. The participans in the video is a father (Baba) and his son named Amir.

    4. The main idea is about Muhammad SAW journey.

  36. Good job. I think some of you have understand what communicative functions are
