Wednesday 15 April 2020

Session 11: An example of Teaching Reading Demonstration

Reading is an important skill for people. They have to understand every written symbols in their lives in order to fulfill their needs. They directly know the structure of the sentences including the semantic meaning but they sometimes loose the intentions of text (hidden meanings). Therefore, reading should be taught in early age that is known as literacy. It does not refer to the texts only but also how people apply them for daily communication. People could get more benefits if they could understand what the texts' content are. Please click the video to know a demontration of how to teach reading in a classroom particularly for strudents of elementary school. Give your comment as your attendances in this session.


  1. Assalamu'alaikum Miss, I want to tell you that the link is error 😊

  2. Wa'alaikum salam. Please try again click the link
