Thursday 23 April 2020

Listening demonstration

In accordance with my research (2018) in aviation company, listening becomes one of very important skills in working field. The workers need it to respond their team while doing a job. Unfortunately, many schools particularly vocational schools do not give attention on it. This, the graduates could not learn how to apply this skill in a real situation. Session 12 for MoFTL II class possibly impacts on your way of teaching listening. Please click this video to see how teachers should do teaching listening better. Please give comment on this blog as your attendances in the class. Thanks a lot.


  1. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    My name Rizki Aulia Rahman (171230163)

    "Teaching listening actively"
    Set active listening task:
    -Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
    -Prediction tasks > Use student life knowledge of context.
    Facilitate of listening set active:
    ● Motivate involve
    ● Create interest
    ●Pre teach key vocabulary
    ●Use student knowledge
    ●activate, and
    ●involve preedection

    Thank you
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb

  2. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    My name tsania padhila (171230142)

    Set active listening task
    - recognition tasks : True false ; order number ; sequence ; tick ; wrong word.
    - prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

  3. Assalamualaikum wr wb I'm Gita Ayu Sahdila (171230165)
    There are six kinds of listening skills
    • Reactive (listen and repeat)
    • Intensive (listen on a focused sound)
    • Responsive (listen and respond - briefly)
    • Selective (listen for particular items in longer passage)
    • Extensive (listen for interactive/responsive purposes)
    • Interactive (listen to discuss, respond, debate)

  4. Name: Dina Roihatul Jannah / 171230158

    Set active listening task:
    • Recognition tasks: true false; order number; sequence; tick; wrong word
    • Prediction tasks - use student Life knowledge of context
    Facilitate, set task:
    • Pre-teach key vocabulary
    • Create interest
    • Motivate Involve
    • Use students knowledge
    • Activate
    • Involve prediction
    • Student centre feedback
    • Exploitation of task for …..
    • Check in pairs first
    • Listen/read again, elicit answers
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and answer
    • Elicit reasons

  5. My name is nurlita aristiani 171230173.
    1. Before the listening thing you cab use is motivate involve to get student knowladge and created interest and also gives the opportunity.
    2. Set active listening task:
    - recognition task = true false, putting sumeting they like, order number, sequence, tisk, wrong word.
    3.The important thing when yoo're doing listening is not get them to give answer but play it again to give them a change to hear it, play it again make sure they read and talk about they answer.
    4. Make student interest, student centred feedback.
    5. Feedback
    -cheak in pair first
    - listen/read again elicit answer
    -use question
    -student ask and answer
    -elicit reason.

  6. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Shulthoniah (171240171)
    Set active listening task
    . Recognitation tasks : true false : wrong word
    . Predection tasks - use student life knowledge of context

    Feedback :
    . Check ini pairs first
    . Listen or read again
    . Use question
    . Student's ask and answer
    . And the last elicit reasons

  7. Fenty Nurhayati Nufus 171230162
    Teaching Listening Actively
    Before listening :
    - Got your student knowledge and it created interest.
    - Give the opportunity of teaching the vocabulary.

    Set active listening task :
    • Recognize task : true false, order number, sequence, tick wrong word.
    • Prediction task : use student life knowledge of content.

    When doing listening not to give the answer but to play it again to give then a chance to hear it to play again.

    Feedback :
    • Check in pairs first.
    • Listen and read again, elicit answer.
    • Use question.
    • Students ask and answer.
    • Elicit reasons

  8. Shofi elsiana maulida TBI 6C (171230071)
    Set active listening task
    . Recognitation tasks : true false : wrong word
    . Predection tasks - use student life knowledge of context

    You've set a task which is a recognition task and get your prediction tas using their knowledge
    Facilitate of listening set active:
    ● Motivate involve
    ● Create interest
    ●Pre teach key vocabulary
    ●Use student knowledge
    ●activate, and
    ●involve preedection
    They involved and they're not worrying because focused on somethig simple that they can do. They're not less trying to listen to every word

    Feedback :
    . Check ini pairs first
    . Listen or read again
    . Use question
    . Student's ask and answer
    . elicit reasons

  9. Name : Miladiyah (171230094)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.
    2. The important thing when you are going listening is not to get them to give the answers, but to play it again to give them a chance to hear it, to play it again but then you can also add another task.
    3. In order for it to be easier is read it, make sure they read.
    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  10. Assalamualaikum
    Name :Maya Hafiah (171230167)

    " Teaching listening actively"

    1. Set Task
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Pre-teach key vocabulary
    - Student-centered feedback
    - Exploitation of task
    - Activate
    - Involve prediction
    - Use student knowledge

    2. Set Active Listening Task
    - Recognition task:true false; order
    number; Sequence; tick; wrong word
    - Prediction task - Use student life
    knowledge of context.

    3. Feedback
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen / read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  11. Name: Elpasari Permata (171230148)

    Set active listening task:
    -Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick = wrong word
    -Prediction tasks = Use student life knowledge of context.
    This here where you've set a task which is a recognition task you've got your Prediction tasks using their knowledge very simple things to focus their listening and focus their attention as they are actually doing the listening because then they are involved and they are not worrying because if they are focused on something simple that they can do they are not less trying to every single word and that is the important thing because it is trying to listen every word that causes panic.
    Facilitate of listening set active:
    • Motivate involve
    • Create interest
    • Pre teach key vocabulary
    • Use student knowledge
    • Activate, and
    • Involve preedection

    • Check in pairs first 
    • Listen/read again, elicit answers 
    • Use questions 
    • Students ask and answer
    • Elicit reasons

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Name : Iis Amalia (171230157)

    Teaching listening actively
      Set active listening task:
      -Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
      -Prediction tasks > Use student life knowledge of context.

    Facilitate of listening set active* :
      - Motivate involve
      -Create interest
      -Pre teach key vocabulary ( Teaching vocabulary goes beyond memorizing words with flashcards. It is process that begins with encountering a word and ends when a student can produce the word).
      -Use student knowledge
      -involve prediction

    - check in pairs first
    - listen/read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

  15. Name: Dewi Anggraeni.tbi6c. 171230096
    Teaching listening activy

    Before listening and after listening, that very important. Before listening, before listening very important the listening things that can use motivate possibly, you can get students knowledge and it created interest and also you can gives the opportunity of teaching vocabulary.

    Set active listening task
    -regocnitive tasks: true false, order number, tick, wrong word.
    -prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of context.

  16. Name : Izzatuddini Islamiati
    SRN : 171230141
    Class : TBI 6E

    Teaching Listening Actively
    Before the listening, there are some things that students can use :
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Use students knowledge
    - Activate
    Pre-teach key :
    - Vocabulary
    - Pronounciation as well
    After : - Checking comprehension
    The students have to understand the general idea, not understand every single word.

    Set active listening task :
    - Recognition tasks : true-false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    - Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.

    Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  17. Assalamualaikum I'm Mawatdah 171230168

    Before the listening is thing that you can use to motivate possibly, involved the student knowledge and created interest. "An active listening task is where the student you never ask stident to just listen to a tap".

    Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition tasks : true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
    2. Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    *Check in pairs first
    *Listen/read again, elicit answers
    *Use questions
    *Students ask and answer
    *Elicit reasons

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Assalamualaikum.wr.wb
    Tatu Muspirah (171230088)
    Set active listening task :
    Recognition tasks : True false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context

    Feedback :
    Check in pairs firts
    Listen/ read again
    Use question
    Student ask and answer
    Elicit reasons

  20. Dini Fatihati (171230087) TBI 6C
    1. Before and after listening is very important. Before listening is things that you can use motivate, got your student knowledge, and create interest it also give the opportunity of teaching the vocabulary.
    2. Set active listening task :
    -recognition task = true/false or something that they like
    -prediction task
    3. Pretest : pronountiation
    After : checking comprehension
    4. Teacher should do all the time : "before plan anything, we can plan as far as the book heavy very brainstorm".
    5. The important things when you're doing listening is not to get them to give you answer but to play it again to give them a chance to hear it to play it again but than you can also add another, add another task and what do you think as you say.
    6. Before listen, must read
    7. Feedback :
    -check in pair first
    -listen and read again
    -use question
    -student ask and answer
    -elicit reason

  21. Ainul Qonitah 171230152

    Teaching listening.
    Before : Pay attention to structure and key words and key phrases.

    Set active listening task:
    • Recognition task : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    • Prediction task : Use student life knowledge of context

    Facilitate of listening:
    • Create interest
    • Motivate involves
    • Use studnets knowledge
    • Activate
    • Involve Prediction

    • Check in pairs
    • listen again, elicit answer
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and anwer
    • Elicit reason

  22. Assalamualaikum
    My name is rika wulandari /6c/ 171230091
    People do listening:
    - to created interest
    -to get knowledge
    #in listening activity we dont attent to every single word but attent to general idea.
    To help in listening
    -Add note
    -tick the text
    #when confused answer the question go back to hear
    Sat active listening task:
    1. Recognition task: true false, order number; sequence; tick;wrong word
    2. Prediction task, use student life knowledge of context
    #feed back
    1. Check in pairs first
    2. Listen/ read again, elicit answer
    3. Use questions
    4. Student ask and answer
    5. Elicit reason

  23. Assalamualaikum
    My name : Subihat
    NIM : 171230085
    Class : TBI 6 C

    Listening has several problems such as unfamiliar, noise, too fast and too many words, recognizing vocabulary pronunciation.

    1. Set active listening task:
    • Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    • Prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of context

    2. Facilitate :
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Pre-teach key vocabulary
    - Student-centered feedback
    - Exploitation of task
    - Activate
    - Involve prediction

  24. Fauka Noer Fajari (171230100)

    A Good Teacher is a Good Communicator
    A Good Communicator Not only gives messages, but also receives messages
    A good teacher must not only be a good writer or speaker; but also a good Listenter


    Effective classroom leaders or lecturers are not only knowledgeable and skilled teachers, but they are good active listeners. Good listening skills are needed to develop empathy and understanding with students and to assess whether they understand what is taught. Listening skills also help in negotiating with students and mitigate potential class conflicts.
    The first step is to open yourself to the 'incoming message' and try to feel the true and basic meaning of what was said.

    The second step is to start interpreting, or reconstructing, what is said, always remembering that words have different meanings for different people.

    The third step is evaluating what is being said, only after you have made a fairly objective interpretation of the message.

    The fourth stage responds. Here you show that you are really listening.

    these are the steps we must take in the process of learning to listen

  25. My review after watching the video is..
    - students should understand general idea.
    - set active listening task :
    • recognition tasks : true-false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    • prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    - before we plan anything we should plan for brainstorming.
    - before listening student should read the kind if task and guessing the answer should there is in the task.
    - to make student focus to the task is to close all the text in the book except the task. So students cant be disturbed.
    - teacher should helps students with the prediction and motivation for listening.
    - to know the student understanding using ;
    Feedback :
    -check in pairs first
    -listen/read again, elicit answers.
    -use question.
    -student ask and answer.
    -elicit reason.

  26. Abidah Amaliah (171230073)

    "Teaching Listening Actively"
    #Before listening : the teacher have to give set task below
    Set Task
    1. Motivate Involve
    2. Create Interest
    3. Use Student Knowledge
    4. Key Vocabulary
    5. Activate
    6. Involve Prediction
    7. Student-Centred Feedback
    8. Exploitation of Task
    #While Listening : the teacher lead by providing set below
    Set Active Listening Task
    1. Recognition Tasks:true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    2. Prediction Tasks-use student life knowledge of context.
    # After Listening: there are feedback between teacher and student.
    1. Check in Paris Fisrt
    2. Listen/Read again, elicit answer
    3. Use Questions
    4. Students ask and answer
    5. Elicit Reasons

  27. Ru'yatul Khoiriyawati 171230160

    ●Set active listening task
    1. Recognition taks : true false; ordernumber,sequence,tick,wrong word.
    2.prediction tak-use student life knowledge of context
    motivate involve,create interest,use student knowlede,activate.
    •pre teach key
    vocabulary,prononciation aswer.
    1. check in pairs first.
    2. listen/read again,elicit answers.
    3. Students ask and answer.
    4. Elicit reasons.
    5. Use questions.

  28. Name :Fara Apriyati
    SRN :171230166
    Class:TBI 6E

    "Teaching Listening Actively"

    Set active listening task:
    • Recognition task : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    • Prediction task : Use student life knowledge of context.

    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

  29. Roudhotul Jannah (171230080) tbi 6C

    Set active listening task: recogonition take: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word. Prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of context.
    Feedback : check in pairs first, listen/read again, elicit answers, use question, students ask and answer, elicit reasons.
    Facilitate of listening: Create interest, Motivate involves, Use studnets knowledge, Activate, And Involve Prediction.

  30. NAUFALI SYAFIRA (171230147)/ TBI 6 E
    Set active listening task :
    - recognition task : true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    - prediction task- use students life knowledge of contex

    when doing listening is not to get students to give answers but to play it again to give they a chance to hear it to play it again.

    in order for it to be easier what do they need to do better you play tape is reading

    facilitate for set task :
    - create interest
    - motivate
    - use student knowledge
    - preteach key vocabulary psi
    - acyivate
    - involve prediction
    - student centred feed back

    what is i,porting and have to keep remembering. prediction task using students knowledge very simple thing to focus their attention. when sstudent are involved and they not worring bcs if they focus on something simple that student can do theye're not less trying to listen to every single word

    feedback :
    - checkin pairs first
    - listen/read again, elicit answer
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reason

  31. Kurniati (171230159)
    "Teaching Listening Actively"
    Before listening, there are some important that u can use: motivate, involve the students knowledge, creat interest and also give the vocabulary and pronounciation as well.

    *Set active listening task
    1. Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, tick, and wrong word.
    2. Prediction tasks: Use students lofe knowledge of context.

    * Feedback:
    1. Check in pairs first
    2. Listen/read again, elicit answers
    3. Use question
    4. Students ask nd aswer
    5. Elicit reasons

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. An Umillah Istiqomah (171230098) TBI 6C

    *Teaching Listening Actively*
    Set active listening task:
    -Recognition task : True false, order number, sequence, wrong word.
    -Prediction task : Use student life knowledge of context

    Facilitate of listening:
    -Create interest
    -Motivate involves
    -Involve Prediction
    -Use studnets knowledge

    -Check in pairs
    -Listen again, elicit answer
    -Use questions
    -Students ask and anwer
    -Elicit reason

  34. Rina Sobarina (171230154) Tbi 6e
    Teaching Listening Actively
    In teach listening, you must understand general idea, not only word. So, you must speak with good pronunciation and speak clearly.
    1. Set active listening task
    • Recognition tasks : true false, order number, tick, wrong.
    word, sequence.
    • Prediction tasks : use student knowledge of context.

    Before give test or task, the teacher must have pronunciation as well, checking comprehention, must speak with clearly, moticate involve, create interest, use student knowledge, involve prediction.

    Must feedback :
    • checking in pairs first
    • listen and read again
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reason

  35. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    My name is Aisyah Rahmah 6E (171230145)

    °Teaching Listening Actively°
    Active listening encompasses being nonjudgmental, with an emphasis on listening and not immediately solving the issue or problem. Active listeners don’t jump ahead to think about solutions while the speaker is still speaking. They also refrain from getting defensive. Active listening is a structured way of listening and responding such that the speaker knows you’re truly interested in their ideas, concerns, and opinions. It involves giving the speaker your undivided attention, withholding judgment, and being mindful of your facial expressions and body language because nonverbal communications to show your respect for the speaker.

    Suspend judgment: We can reduce misunderstandings and our tendency to jump to conclusions, often caused by our biases or expectations based on past experiences. Before and while listening to the speaker, check your frame of reference to avoid letting your preconceptions or predictions about what will be said interfere with your fully attending to the speaker.

    Focus on the speaker: As the other person speaks, maintain eye contact but note nonverbal cues—the speaker’s facial expressions, vocal inflection, or posture. Consider how your own tone, posture, position, and expressions might be interpreted by the speaker. Either remain neutral or provide encouraging nonverbal cues such as nodding affirmatively, smiling, or leaning toward the speaker. With reluctant speakers, you can use encouraging phrases like “I hear what you’re saying” or “Please continue.”

    No interruptions: Even questions you feel are important may potentially interrupt the speaker’s flow as well as confidence. If you can, try to remember your question. If you need to, write your questions and thoughts down, but explain before the conference that what you write is to help you remember things said and that you want to ask. To reinforce trust and further communication, keep your notes open for the speaker to see.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Bai fadliyah (171230146)

    •Before listening and after listening, that very important. Before listening, before listening very important the listening things that can use motivate possibly, you can get students knowledge and it created interest and also you can gives the opportunity of teaching vocabulary.
    •Active learning task where the students never ask student to just listen to a tape. Don't want to understand every word you just to understand a general idea.
    •Set active listening task
    -Recognition task : true false, order number, sequence tick, wrong ord.
    -Predication task : use student life knowladge of context.
    -Check in pairs first
    -Listen/read again, elicit answers
    -Use questions
    -Students ask and answer
    -Elicit reasons

  38. Set active listening task
    ■Recognition task = true false; order number; secuence; tick; wrong word.
    ■ prediction task = use students life knowledge of content.
    Feedback :
    1. Check in pairs firs
    2. Listen/ read again, elicit answer
    3. Use question
    4. Students ask and answer
    5. Elicit reason

    ●Teacher want student to understand general idea about what they listen.
    ●The important thing when you doing listening is not to get them to give you answer but to play it agin to give them a chance to hear then you can also add another task

    Hifni khotibul umam (171230153)

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Arni Dhea Seftiani (171230083)
    1. Set active listening task
    - Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    - Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.
    2. Facilitate of listening set active:
    ● Motivate involve
    ● Create interest
    ●Pre teach key vocabulary
    ●Use student knowledge
    ● activate, and
    ● involve preedection
    output :
    *Student centred feeedback
    *Exploitation of task for ......
    3. Facilitate personalize teaching vocabulary use student knowledge:
    From Brainstrom - Sports
    - ways to describe
    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Dinda Ryanti (171230078)

    "Teaching Listening Actively"

    Effective listening is about self-awareness and requires concentration and a focused effort that is known as active listening. 
    - The important things before and after listening  
    you can to motivate listeners, can get students
    knowledge and then it can created interest and
    also you can gives the opportunity of teaching
    - Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition tasks: true false, order number,
    sequence, tick, wrong word.
    2. Prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of
    - Feedback:
    1. Check in pair first
    2. Listen and read again
    3. Use question
    4. Student ask and answer
    5. Elicit reason

  44. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    My name is Intan Nurbaeti
    Class TBI 6C
    Before listening and after listening, that very important. Before listening, before listening very important the listening things that can use motivate possibly, you can get students knowledge and it created interest and also you can gives the opportunity of teaching vocabulary.
    •Active learning task where the students never ask student to just listen to a tape. Don't want to understand every word you just to understand a general idea. 
    •Set active listening task
    -Recognition task : true false, order number, sequence tick, wrong ord.
    -Predication task : use student life knowladge of context.
    -Check in pairs first
    -Listen/read again, elicit answers
    -Use questions
    -Students ask and answer
    -Elicit reasons

  45. Assalamu'alaikum,
    My name is Siska Amelia (171230151) TBI-6E
    How to Teaching Listening Actively
    As the teacher that teach listening skill, we must created interest and student knowledge.
    We can telling to the student that in listenibg skill the important thing is noy to understand word by word, but we must understand general idea.
    Before we give task for the student, teacher should be planning anything about the lessin plan, like create the task and see how difficult to student and also must appropriate with student ability. Don't make student listen twice to understand the task and to get the answer, so the want to play it again.
    The listening task explain something simple recognize and realky important.
    Like : - Recognition task : True false (about thing that student like)
    - Prediction task : About sport that they like ( vocab, pronunciation, checking comprehesion) and making the student focus to simple things that they listen, not to every single word.
    The important thing about the listening skill are teacher must develop ability listen and recognize. Don't make student focuse on reading, because they wont focuse on listening. Mke concentration on key word.
    And the last is feedback :
    - check in pairs first
    - listen/ read again
    - Use question
    - make student ask and answer
    Thank you, Wassalamu'alaikum

  46. Name: M. Najmudin
    Nim: (171230144)
    Class: Tbi 6E

    "Teaching Listening Actively"

    #Before listening
    Set task:
    A. Motivate involve
    B. Create interest
    C. Activate
    D. Use student knowledge
    E. Involve prediction
    F. Exploitation of task
    G. Student centred feedback
    H. Key vocabulary
    #while listening
    Set active listening task:
    - Recognition tasks: True fals, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    - Prediction task: use student life knowledge of context.
    A. Check in pairs first
    B. Listen and read again
    C. Use questions
    D. Student task and answer
    E. Elicit reasons.

  47. Dhita Faradila Tunnisa (171230076) TBI 6C

    "Teaching active listening"

    1. Set active listening task:
    • Recognition task : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    • Prediction task : Use student life knowledge of context.

    2. Facilitate :
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Pre-teach key vocabulary
    - Student-centered feedback
    - Exploitation of task
    - Activate
    - Involve prediction

    3. Feedback :
    - Check in pairs
    - Listen again, elicit answer
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and anwer
    - Elicit reason

  48. Assalamualaikum ..
    Iam Sutihat (171230172) Tbi 6-E
    This is a review from me
    a teacher must give students a general understanding of ideas, so before learn to listen, must arrange active listening assignments:
    1. Recognition task: true false, sequence number, sequence, and check: wrong words
    2. Predictive tasks: use students' life knowledge about context.
    Facilitates active listening settings:
    • Motivate to get involved
    • Create interests
    • Pre teaching key vocabulary
    • Use student knowledge
    • Activate, and
    • Involve the introduction

    • Check in pairs first
    • Listen / read again, get answers
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and answer
    • Cause reasons

    so a teacher must involve students so students are more interactive

  49. Assalamu'alaikum..wr.wb.
    My name is Eri Fettri (171230074)

    When we want to teaching listening, we should explain to our students the important what's before and after listening. For before listening we can use to motivate possibly, to get your students knowledge and it create Thier interest.Pre-teach key vocabularies, how to pronunciation that word, or teach them to use tick before listening. Then, we can use pre listening and post listening. There are set active listening task:
    1. Recognition task: true-false, order number, sequence tick, wrong word.
    2. Prediction task: use students life knowledge of context.

    Because we want to develop their ability to listen and recognize, you can use feedback as:
    1.Check in pairs first
    2. Listen/read again, elicit answers
    3. Use questions
    4. Students ask and answers
    5. Check reasons

    The important when you're doing listening is not get them to give you answers but to play it again to give them a chance to hear it to play it again.

  50. Making a task
    A) the first task = right or wrong; Number of orders.
    B) the second task of "testing a student's life's knowledge of material."
    Responses listen, get answers, use questions, students discussion and ask, excuses emerge.

    Teachers should be able to understand a student's ability so that the student develops.

    The important aspects when you listen are not to make them comfortable and develop on their own without us insisting on their will.

  51. Name: Avionica Diar Aisya
    Class: Tbi-6C
    Before listening the teacher have to give some set tasks:
    •Create Interest
    •Use student knowledge
    •Active centred feedback
    •Exploitation of tasks

    ~Before listening the record/audio students will find easy tasks,but when they are listen the record/audio usually difficult.
    ~When students writing usually they can't focus listen the audio/record.

    Set active listening task:
    •Recognition task : true false;order number; sequence ;tick; wrong word.
    •Predication task : use student life knowladge of context.
    •Check in pairs first
    •Listen/read again
    •Use question
    •Student ask and answer
    •Elicit reasons

  52. Name : Rahmah Dyani Sya'baniah (171230105)
    Class : TBI - 6C

    "Teaching Listening Actively"
    1. Active listening task is where the students you Can never ask students to just listen to a tape (understanding general idea)
    a. Pre listening :
    - Motivate students and give opportunity teaching of vocabulary
    - Pronounciation as well
    - Checking comprehension
    B. Post listening :
    - Recognition tasks : true fals; order number; sequence; tick; picking wrong word
    - Prediction tasks : using their knowledge very simple things to focus their listening and their attention

    2. Steps :
    - Read, they'll need and they can talk about the answers
    - Discuss true-false
    - put a question mark.
    - Prediction and listen again to do right

    3. Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons.

  53. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    My name is Rani Irawati
    TBI 6C
    Teaching Listening actively
    •Active learning task where the students just listen to a tape.

    Before listening the tape the teacher must
    Set task:
    A. Motivate involve
    B. Create interest
    C. Activate
    D. Use student knowledge
    E. Involve prediction
    F. Exploitation of task
    G. Student centred feedback
    H. Key vocabulary

    while listening going on
    Set active listening task:
    - Recognition tasks: True fals, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    - Prediction task: use student life knowledge of context.

    Feedback of listening
    A. Check in pairs first
    B. Listen and read again
    C. Use questions
    D. Student task and answer
    E. Elicit reasons.

  54. Name : Silfi Novira (171230101)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.
    2. The important thing when you are going listening is not to get them to give the answers, but to play it again to give them a chance to hear it, to play it again but then you can also add another task.
    3. In order for it to be easier is read it, make sure they read.
    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  55. Name : Dita Amalia Rahmah (171230099)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    2. when we teach listening we do not get the answer from the student but how is understand fron the student about the material, but we must give a chance for the student for hear the material.

    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Agnia Silmi
    TBI 6C

    A. Set active listening task :
    - Recognition tasks :
    True false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    - Prediction tasks :
    Use student life knowledge of context
    B. Feedback :
    Check in pairs firts
    Listen / read again
    Use question
    Student ask and answer
    Elicit reasons
    C. Disadvantages:
    In the video the presenter is more dominant in giving and explaining the material, as well as question and answer. Active listening is only done once.
    D. Advantages:
    The presenter uses infocus and the infocus screen to giving the material. The presenter's voice is clear.

  58. Miftah Aulia Utami/TBI 6E/171230150

    "Teaching listening actively"
    Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition tasks: true false; order number; sequence; tick; wrong word
    2. Prediction tasks - use student Life knowledge of context
    Facilitate of listening set active:
    1. Motivate involve
    2. Create interest
    3. Pre teach key vocabulary
    4. Use student knowledge
    5. Activate, and
    6. Involve predection
    Feedback :
    1. Check ini pairs first
    2. Listen or read again
    3. Use question
    4. Student's ask and answer
    5. Elicit reasons

  59. Name: Amry Muqtashid
    Class : TBI - VI E
    Nim : 171230149
    "Teaching active listening"

    1. Set active listening task:
    - Recognition task
    Example : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    - Prediction task
    Example : Use student life knowledge of context.

    2. Facilitate :
    - Create interest, make the content or material as attractive as possible, so that students' interest is high in listening learning
    - Motivate involve, motivate students and get involved in teaching listening
    - Use student knowladge, use student knowledge to think about something they hear
    - Activate, active in class so that learning is fun
    - Involve prediction, predict in advance the words that come out as compared to learning to get used to
    - Exploitation or assignments, provide tasks that are in accordance with what was received before.
    - Feedback is centered on students, making students feedback so students receive what they hear and the class atmosphere becomes active
    - pre teaching key vocabulary, ask key vocabulary so that when speaking it is easy to understand

    3. Feedback :
    - Check in pairs
    - Listen again, elicit answer
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and anwer
    - Elicit reasons

  60. Name: Junaini Ratna Sari
    Nim: 171230093
    Class: TBI.6C

    Set active Listening task:
    1. Recognition task (true false;order number; sequence; tick; wrong word
    2. Prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of context. Prediction: sports life
    1. Create interest
    2. Motivate involve
    3. Use student knowledge
    4. Active
    5. Involve prediction
    6. Exploitation of task for
    7. Student centred feedback
    8. Pre-teach key vocabulary PSI

    Teaching vocabulary
    Use student knowladge
    Brainstorm:sports & ways to describe
    1. Check in pairs first
    2. Listen / read again, elicit answer
    3. Use questions
    4. Students ask and answer
    5. Elicit reasons

  61. Facilitate of listening: Create interest, Motivate involves, Use studnets knowledge, Activate, And Involve Prediction.
    Set active listening task: recogonition take: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word. Prediction tasks: use student life.

    Student muat know the pronunciation of vocabulary, checking comperhention, and something simple to recognize. And we Must developed skill of writing and reading it's very important to help listening skill

  62. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..
    My name is Khoirunnisa (171230090) from TBI-C 6th semester.
    "Teaching Listening Actively"
    ‌Before listening is things that you can use here to motivate involved got students' knowledge and created interest also give opportunity to teaching the vocabulary.
    ‌The activities, there are pre-listening and post-listening.
    ‌Set active listen task:
    ✓ Recognition task; true false, order numbers, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    ✓ Prediction task - use students life knowledge of content.
    ‌After listening is things for checking comprehension.
    ‌Listening also the activity that firstly look so easy but after we listen something, we will realized that it's absolutely quite difficult.

    Thank you..
    Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

  63. Name : masnawati (171230082)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    2. when we teach listening we do not get the answer from the student but how is understand fron the student about the material, but we must give a chance for the student for hear the material.

    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Name : masnawati (171230082)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    2. when we teach listening we do not get the answer from the student but how is understand fron the student about the material, but we must give a chance for the student for hear the material.

    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  66. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 6 C

    "Teaching Listening Actively"

    Before the listening is thing that you can use to motivate possibly, involved the student knowledge, and create interest.

    1. Set active listening task
    - recognition tasks: true/false, order number squence, tick, wrong word.
    - prediction task: use student life knowledge of context.

    2. Feedback:
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reason

  67. Name: Vina Nabil Hazinah Bajuri
    Nim: 172230133

    Set active listening task
    - Recognition task : true false,order number, sequence,tick,wrong word.
    - prediction task: use student,life knowledge of content.
    The important think when you doing listening is no to get them to give you answer but you play the game to give the a chance. But you can also gave another task.
    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again, elicit answer
    - use questions
    - student as and answer
    - elisit reasons

  68. Name : Sri Rahayu (171230110)
    Class : TBI 6 D

    Set active listening task
    - recognition tasks : True false ; order number ; sequence ; tick ; wrong word.
    - prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

    Students must know vocabulary pronunciation, check congratulations, and something that is easily recognized. And we must develop writing and reading skills. It's important to help listening skills.

  69. M.Yasir Khatami (171230137)
    TBI D VI

    >Teaching listening actively

    # Facilitate of listening set active* :
    - Motivate involve
    -Create interest
    -Pre teach key vocabulary ( Teaching vocabulary goes beyond memorizing words with flashcards. It is process that begins with encountering a word and ends when a student can produce the word).
    -Use student knowledge
    -involve prediction

    # Set Active Listening Task
    - Recognition task:true false; order
    number; Sequence; tick; wrong word
    - Prediction task - Use student life
    knowledge of context.

    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen / read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  70. Name: sri rahayuningsih
    Nim: 171230119
    Kelas: Tbi 6 D
    Active listening requires the listener to fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said. You make a conscious effort to hear and understand the complete message being spoken, rather than just passively hearing the message of the speaker.
    Set active listening task
    1. Recognition taks : true false; ordernumber,sequence,tick,wrong word.
    2.prediction tak-use student life knowledge of context
    motivate involve,create interest,use student knowlede,activate.
    •pre teach key
    vocabulary,prononciation aswer.
    1. check in pairs first.
    2. listen/read again,elicit answers.
    3. Students ask and answer.
    4. Elicit reasons.
    5. Use questions.

  71. Name : Neng Elas/ 171230120/TBI-6D
    Set active listening task
    Recognition tasks : true false; Order number ; sequence; tick; wrong word
    Prediction tasks- use student Life knowledge of context
    Motolivate involve
    Use student knowledge
    Active involve prediction
    Exploitation of task for...
    Create interest
    Pre-teach key vocabulary PSI
    Student Contreras Facebook

  72. Nama : Wilda Najiya
    Nim : 171230136/6D

    Conclusion :
    Set active listening task
    - Recognition task : true false,order number, sequence,tick,wrong word.
    - prediction task: use student,life knowledge of content.
    The important thing when we do the listening yo the student is not not to get the students to give the answer, but to give then another chance yo play it again, and also the teacher can add another task.
    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again, elicit answer
    - use questions
    - student as and answer
    - elisit reasons

  73. Name: Mila Silvia Febrianti (171230132)6D
    There are facilitates of Listening set active:
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Use students
    - Involve prediction
    - Activate
    Pre-teach key :
    - Vocabulary
    - Pronounciation as well
    And after : - Checking comprehension.
    Set active listening task :
    - Recognition tasks : true-false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    - Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.
    Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons


  74. Name: Fitra Bela Wulandini
    Class: TBI VID
    "Teaching listening actively"

    Set active listening task
    - Recognition tasks: True false, order number, sequence, and tick wrong word.
    - Prediction tasks: use student life knowledge of content.

    Facilitate of listening set active:
    1. Before listening:
    #Motivate involve
    #Create interest
    #Use student knowledge
    2. Pre-teach key vocabulary
    3. After listening: Involve prediction in order to comprehension.

    Feedback :
    - Check-in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit the answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  75. Teaching listening actively

    Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    2. Prediction tasks: use student Life knowledge of context.

    Facilitate of listening set active:
    1. Motivate involve
    2. Create interest
    3. Pre teach key vocabulary
    4. Use student knowledge
    5. Activate, and
    6. Involve predection

    Feedback :
    1. Check ini pairs first
    2. Listen or read again
    3. Use question
    4. Student's ask and answer
    5. Elicit reasons

  76. Name: Maulani Mumtaz
    Nim: 171230106
    Class: TBI 6D
    Teaching listening actively
      Set active listening task:
      -Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
      -Prediction tasks > Use student life knowledge of context.

    Facilitate of listening set active* :
      - Motivate involve
      -Create interest
      -Pre teach key vocabulary
      -Use student knowledge
      -involve prediction
    - check in pairs first
    - listen/read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

    The important when you're doing listening is not get them to give you answers but to play it again to give them a chance to hear it to play it again.

  77. Name: Dede Andini
    NIM : 171230121
    Class : TBI 6D
    1. Set active listening task
    . Recognitation tasks : true false : wrong word
    . Predection tasks - use student life knowledge of context
    Before listening the teacher have to give some set tasks:
    •Create Interest
    •Use student knowledge
    •Active centred feedback
    •Exploitation of tasks
    2. The important aspects when we teach listening we don't give them an answer. Play the audio and let them answer the questions by their own answers.
    • Check in pairs first
    • Listen / read again, get answers
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and answer
    • Cause reasons

  78. Name: Ridho Hafizh Firdaus
    Nim: 171230109

    Teaching english actively

    -Recognition task: true or false, sequence, tick, and wrong word, and order number
    -Prediction task: use student life of knowledge of content

    Should giving student task:
    Motivate involve
    Exploration-task for
    Student-centered feedback
    Create interest
    Pre-teach key vocabulary PSI

  79. Name : ulung hidayatulloh
    Class : TBI-6D
    Nim :171230112
    How to teach listening actively
    1. Pre listening listening
    Active listening task is purposed to understand and recognize the general idea of the materials.
    Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
    2. Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.( Using picture)
    Facilitate of listening set active:
    ● Motivate involve
    ● Create interest
    ●Pre teach key vocabulary
    ●Use student knowledge
    ●activate, and
    ●involve predection

    • Check in pairs first
    • Listen/read again, elicit answers
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and answer
    • Elicit reasons

  80. Name: Eka Puspitawati
    Nim : (171230135) 6D

    Teaching listening actively

    In this video there are some things that students must pay attention to before listening :
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Use students knowledge
    - Activate
    Pre-teach key :
    - Vocabulary
    - Pronounciation as well
    And for after :
    - Checking comprehension.

    Set active listening task :
    - Recognition tasks : true-false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    - Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.

    Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  81. Name : Egista Sri Handayani (171230125)
    Class : TBI 6 D

    Set active listening task
    - recognition tasks : True false ; order number ; sequence ; tick ; wrong word.
    - prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    Facilitate of listening set active :
    - Motivate involve
    -Create interest
    -Pre teach key vocabulary. Student must memorizing vocabulary, with use flashcards. It is process that begins with encountering a word and ends when a student can recognize the word.
    -Use student knowledge
    -involve prediction

    - check in pairs first
    - listen or read again
    - use question
    - students ask and answer
    - elicit reasons

    Before listening tasks begin teacher and students must read and discuss the instructions and questions, in order that when students listening carefully without terrible.

  82. Nama : Eva Silvia Watoniah
    Nim : 171230107
    Class : Tbi 6D

    "Teaching Listening Actively"

    Before listening is the thing that you can use to motivate possibly involved the student interest:

    1. Set active listening task:
    a. Recognition task: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    b. prediction task: use students life knowledge of context.
    You've set a task which is a recognition task and get your prediction task using their knowledge.
    2. Facilitate of listening set active:
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Pre teach key vocabulary
    - Use student knowledge
    - Activate
    - Involve preedection
    3. Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

    The teacher also teach the different between free listening and post listening skill.


  83. Adelia Ramayanti (171230138) TBI 6D

    Teaching listening has purposes to checking students' comprehension, learn about pronunciation of the native speaker, build vocabulary.
    There are 2 set active listening task:
    1) Recognition tasks: true false; order number; sequence; tick; wrong word
    2) Prediction tasks - use student life knowledge of context
    1) Check in pairs first
    2) Listen/read again, elicit answers
    3) Use questions
    4) Students ask and answer
    5) Elicit reason

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Name : Khusnul Khotimah
    NIM : 171230129
    Class : TBI 6D
    A. Set active listening task such as:
    1. Recognition task, example is true false
    2. Prediction task, example is use student knowledge of context.
    B. Facilitates such as:
    1. Create interest, make the content or material as attractive as possible, so that students' interest is high in listening learning
    2. Pre teaching key vocabulary, ask key vocabulary so that when speaking it is easy to understand.
    3. Motivate involve, motivate students and get involved in teaching listening
    4. Assignment provide tasks that are in accordance with what was received before.
    5. Activate, active in class so that learning is fun
    6. Use student knowledge, use student knowledge to think about something they hear
    7. Feedback is centered on students, making students feedback so students receive what they hear and the class atmosphere becomes active.
    C. Feedback such as:
    - Check in pairs
    - Listen again, elicit answer
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and anwer
    - Elicit reasons
    Teaching listening skills present a series of challenges. It is perhaps the most ephemeral of language skills hard to understand, teach, and assess.

  86. Name: Marisa Romdon
    SRN: 171230134
    TBI 6/D

    • Listening is things that you can use here to motivate possibly
    • Set active listening task:
    1. Recognition task: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    2. prediction task: use students life knowledge of context.
    You've set a task which is a recognition task and get your prediction task using their knowledge.
    • Facilitate of listening set active:
    - Motivate involve
    - Create interest
    - Pre teach key vocabulary
    - Use student knowledge
    - Activate
    - Involve preedection
    • Feedback :
    - Check in pairs first
    - Listen/read again, elicit answer
    - Use question
    - Student ask and answer
    - Elicit reasons

  87. Wida robiyah (171230124)
    Tbi 6 D
    Teaching listening actively
    Set active listening task:
    Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick: wrong word
    Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.
    *Facilitate of listening set active:
    Motivate involve
    Create interest
    Pre teach key vocabulary
    Use student knowledge
    activate, and involve preedection
    *Feedback :
    Check ini pairs first
    Listen or read again
    Use question
    Student's ask and answer
    elicit reasons

  88. Name : Uun Hunayah
    SRN : 171230122
    From the video that I have watched, I can conclude that before teaching listening, we must motivate students first to create student interest.
    Listening is devided into 2,there are Pre listening and Post listening.
    *Set Active Listening, devided into:
    1. Recognition task : true false, order number, sequence, trick, and wrong word.
    2. Prediction task : use student, life knowledge of context.
    The important thing when we are teach listening, we not to get the answers from the student but to give them a chance to hear again to to see the extent of students' ability to understand the material, beside that you can add another task.
    1. Check in pairs first
    2. Listen or read again, elicit answer
    3. Use questions
    4. Student ask and answer
    5. Elicit reasons

  89. Name: Falasifa Ajda
    SRN: 171230111

    Set active listening task
    - Recognition tasks: true false; order number; sequence; tick; wrong word
    - Prediction tasks - use student Life knowledge of context
    Recognize is something simple that really important , that you never ask students to just listen a tape. You have to focus their listening, so when they involved, they are not worrying.
    The important when listening is, not to get them to give answer, but to play it and give a chance to hear it. To make easy, before play the tape, read it.
    The teacher dont want their student understand every word, but he/she want them to understand a general idea.
    Check in pairs first, to talk see if they agree or not
    Listen/read again, elicit answers . They read again the same thing, so if the teacher is reading, they do it.
    Use questions
    Students ask and answer
    Elicit reasons

  90. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Name : Dede silvia (6D)
    Nim : 171230130
    "Teaching Listening actively"
    Set tesk :
    ▶ Motivate involve
    ▶ Use student knowladge
    ▶ Create interest
    ▶ Activate
    ▶ Involve prediction
    ▶ Pre teach key vocabulary
    ▶ Student center feedback

    Set active listening task :
    ▶ Recognition tasks : True false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    ▶ Prediction tasks : Use student life knowledge of context.

    Feedback :
    ▶ Check in pairs firts
    ▶ Listen/ read again
    ▶ Use question
    ▶ Student ask and answer
    ▶ Elicit reasons

  91. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    My name is Putri Oktaviani (171230116)
    Based on video of Teaching Listening Activity, there is two set active listening task
    1. Recognition task: true false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word
    2. Prediction task - use student life knowledge of context
    Facilitate in teaching listening activity
    -Create interest
    -Motivate involve
    -Student centered feedback
    -Pre - teach key vocabulary psi
    -After - checking comprehension
    So, there is two listening; good listening and terrible listening. Good listening when we can get the meaning and terrible when we can't undersrand that meanings
    And the feedback from teaching activity listening:
    -Check in pair first
    -Listen or read again,elicit answer
    -Use the question
    -Student ask and answer
    -Elicit answer

  92. Name: Nisa Aulia
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    2. when we teach listening we do not get the answer from the student but how is understand fron the student about the material, but we must give a chance for the student for hear the material.

    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  93. Name : Qurrotu Aini
    S.r.n : 171230126
    Tbi 6d
    Set active listening task:
    -Recognition tasks: true false, order number, sequence, and tick = wrong word
    -Prediction tasks = Use student life knowledge of context. Facilitate of listening set active:
    • Motivate involve
    • Create interest
    • Pre teach key vocabulary
    • Use student knowledge
    • Activate, and
    • Involve preedection

    • Check in pairs first
    • Listen/read again, elicit answers
    • Use questions
    • Students ask and answer
    • Elicit reasons

  94. Name: Nisa Aulia
    Teaching listening actively
    1. Set active listening task
    •Recognition tasks : true/false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    •Prediction tasks : use student life knowledge of context.

    2. when we teach listening we do not get the answer from the student but how is understand fron the student about the material, but we must give a chance for the student for hear the material.

    4. Feedback :
    • check in pairs first
    • listen/read again, elicit answers
    • use questions
    • student ask and answer
    • elicit reasons

  95. "Teaching active listening"

    1. Set active listening task:
    - Recognition task
    Example : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    - Prediction task
    Example : Use student life knowledge of context.

    2 Feedback :
    - Check in pairs
    - Listen again, elicit answer
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and anwer
    - Elicit reasons

  96. Name : Aam Amalia (171230169)
    TBI 6e
    "Teaching active listening"

    1. Set active listening task:
    - Recognition task
    Example : True false, order number, sequence, tixk, wrong word.
    - Prediction task
    Example : Use student life knowledge of context.

    2 Feedback :
    - Check in pairs
    - Listen again, elicit answer
    - Use questions
    - Students ask and anwer
    - Elicit reasons

  97. Nama: Siti Kholifatunnisa
    NIM: 171230077
    Kelas: TBI 6C
    Before starting to explain how it is listening (what up to listening) Knowledge, interest, and Vocabulary.
    A. Set activity listening Task
    1. Recognition tasks: True false, order number, sequence, tick, wrong word.
    2. Predication tasks: Use student life knowledge of context (meaning, students know about what the question is, the object of question, focus of style listening and focus style attention).

    And this listening we has pronunciation as well, checking comprehension.
    B. Set task (motivate involve, create interest, use student Knowledge, Activate, involve predication, pre-test key vocabulary PSI,
    student-centered feedback its mean Check in pairs first, listen/read again, elicit answer, use questions, student ask and answer, and elicit reason,
    and study of task for?)

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.
