Wednesday 29 April 2020

Session 13: Teaching speaking demonstration

Speaking is one of important skills since people use it to deliver ideas and information through spoken product. Therefore, it is one of productive skill. Nunan (1989) devides speaking into two types referring to monologue and dialogue. The difference between monologue and dialogue is in the process of production. Monologue involves one person whereas dialogue needs more than one. Thus, every  form and meaning of speaking is
dependent on the context in which it occurs, the participants, and the purposes of
speaking (Burns & Joyce, 1997). Thus, it is known as a communicative competence. Kingen  (2000: 218 in Torky, 2016) combines both the transactional and interpersonal purposes of speaking into these following categorises. They are as follow:
1- Personal - expressing personal feelings, opinions, beliefs and ideas.
2. Descriptive- describing someone or something, real or imagined.
3. Narrative-creating and telling stories or chronologically sequenced events.
4. Instructive-giving instructions or providing directions designed to produce an outcome.
5. Questioning-asking questions to obtain information.
6. Comparative-comparing two or more objects, people, ideas, or opinions to make judgments about them.
7. Imaginative-expressing mental images of people, places, events, and objects.
8. Predictive-predicting possible future events.
9. Interpretative-exploring meanings, creating hypothetical deductions, and considering inferences.
10. Persuasive-changing others’ opinions, attitudes, or points of view, or influencing the behavior of others in some way.
11. Explanatory-explaining, clarifying, and supporting ideas and opinions.
12. Informative-sharing information with others.
So, every speakers should consider not only the situation but also the purposes of their speaking in order to achieve a goal.

Please click this video to enrich your knowledge and experience on teaching speaking. Please give your comments in this forum in the area of effective  teaching speaking for Indonesia context.


  1. Assalamualaikum wr wb.
    It's me Rizki Aulia Rahman_171230163
    In my opinion video on youtube not effective in learning speaking. Because, speaking according of Nunan (1989) divides speaking into two types referring to monologue and dialogue. The difference between monologue and dialogue is in the process of production. Monologue involves one person whereas dialogue needs more than one. And the learning video on YouTube refers more to how to teach vocabulary, and there is not speak dialogue and monolugue.
    Thank you
    Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

    1. Please state your reasons why are you arguing that the video is not effective for teaching speaking?

    2. Because, students look passive when speaking from the teacher.
      It in my opinion.
      May yo tell me, if i have mistake.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Assalamualaikum,
    I'm Rahmah Dyani Sya'baniah (171230105)

    I think using media is very effective for teaching speaking such as pictures, visual models, videos etc. because they can express their ideas and train to speak in their language and follow what the teacher says. Teachers and students can use several techniques such as repetitive practice, practice in conversation, question and answer etc. That can improve their speaking skills.

    Thank you,
    Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

  4. Name: Dede Andini
    NIM: 171230121
    Teaching speaking using media can make it easier for teachers and students alike, students can see what is said so they can remember longer. Concrete media will be very helpful in learning speaking, in addition to practicing speaking skills they will also be trained in critical thinking. The most important thing about teaching a foreign language must be interesting so that students are happy, comfortable and interested in learning a foreign language. Why is this so important, to be able to practice speaking skills there must be an interest in oneself and therefore learning speaking skills must be supported by several media such as using media images, videos, games and so forth. In speaking skills the teacher is not only responsible for students being able to speak English fluently but also responsible so that students are willing and able to speak in English, both expressing opinions, asking questions and so on. Using the media can be a special attraction they will be interested in what they see so that their focus can be watched by the teacher. Overall, in my opinion teaching speaking using the media is one effective method.

  5. Assalamu'alaikum, my name is Khoirunnisa (171230090) from TBI-C. Based on the video above, in my opinion teaching speaking to students should be able to adjust to the level of difficulty and age of students. As in the video, if the students we teach are kindergarten or elementary school students, maybe we can use picture as media to stimulate them so that they want to speak English or can also give action by putting something on one of the children and asking the children to repeat the sentence spoken by his teacher, as in the video "He is wearing a jacket". That way, students also have the opportunity to say words and the teacher can find out from there about their pronunciation whether it is clear and good or not. Another thing is if teaching speaking to junior high school or high school kids who usually they have started to be able to discuss with their friends, the teacher can give instructions so that they discuss in advance about a topic after that, they can convey their ideas in front of the class and this can practice their confidence when speaking in front of many people. That's all from me, wassalamu'alaikum. wr.wb

  6. Name :Ru'yatul Khoiriyawati
    NIM :171230160

    in my opinion teaching to speak using media is very effective, such as visual models, pictures, videos and others. because they can express what they think and try to express in their own language. and follow what the teacher says. teachers and students can also use several techniques such as (role play, story completion, discussion, brainstorming, etc.) so students will be open to sharing ideas and improving speaking and to practice their skills.

  7. Assalamualaikum
    Name : Miladiyah
    NIM : 171230094
    Class : TBI 6C
    In my opinion based on video, teaching speaking is not effective because students are very passive and do not understand what the teacher says and what the teacher instructs.I think teaching speaking is more effective using media, such as videos, pictures, or also using other techniques such as using games, story telling, or using role play, it will make students more active, creative and more fun and can also increase their confidence and the students can express their ideas or they own language.
    Thats all from me thank you

  8. Name : Nurlita Aristiani
    Nim : 171230173
    Class : TBI E
    in my opinion teaching speaking using youtube media becomes easier and more enjoyable because sometimes books are very boring and make you impatient to immediately end the learning process. It would be different if you use an English learning video, we not only read the text displayed in the video, but also audio and video presentations that make it easier for everyone to understand the lesson. By using English learning videos, time will be shorter and we can understand more knowledge in this interactive way. By using Youtube to learn any foreign language, at least you can get four benefits, namely: the learning process will be much more fun, learn the correct pronunciation of a word in a foreign language, videos can make understanding the material faster, and can get Learning videos easily from the internet.

  9. Assalamu'alaikum.Wr.wb.
    Name : Tatu Muspirah
    NIM : 171230088
    CLASS : TBI 6C
    The things that I got from the video:
    -if the teacher wants students to practice a particular language, the important thing is the teacher does some oral control exercises from the target language before they start practicing in groups. to practice this control, the teacher can use strict repetition where the teacher stands where all students can see and give them a model and they repeat the teacher
    - It is important that the teacher does not speak at the same time as the student, because the teacher must listen to what the students say.
    -be creative (ex: use instructional media) but generate enthusiasm and interest with this type of sudden repetition and drilling becomes a little more meaningful

  10. Name : shulthoniah
    Class : tbi 6E
    Nim : 171230171

    In my my opinion teaching using media is very effective such as pictures, videos, flashcards, posters and others. but if you use the test dialog or monologue in my opinion it is not appropriate to use the media because you have to directly because I was triggered by Nunan (1989) dividing speech into two types referring to monologue and dialogue. because the two are continuity, though different.

  11. Name: Avionica Diar Aisya
    Class: TBI-6C
    Drilling is one of the teaching methods used in video. Drilling is highly recommended in teaching speaking so students are accustomed to saying the sentence / word. When teaching speaking it is better to use familiar language. Students like discussing interesting topics, use familiar word which students already know and refer to topic which familiar to students from their everyday lives,or etc. In teaching speaking recycle information is very important, because by repeating the same words / sentences, students can understand the meaning of the teacher's. Don't forget give the example of dialogue by alter style of speech, because intonation and stress on important word give students new experience in pronunciation.

  12. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Dewi Anggraeni
    Tbi 6c

    that I got from the video
    Important that teachers organized at the beginning in the lesson and also it's important that the students feel relaxed.
    One you've given the instruction check that they understand usually through their actions watch them. If they do it they've understood, if they don't do it they haven't understood, you have to go back give the instruction again. If enough before the lesson begins then it may take away the necessity for using student's own language. If you want the students to practice particular language then it's often important they you do some controlled oral practice of the target language before they start to practice in groups. Once you've done you controlled practice why not extand that activity in something else for them to do which will allow them practice language that they've practice in previous lessons and push themselves so that they're really getting the most out of the fluency lesson.

  13. Name : Subihat
    Nim : 171230085
    Class :TBI 6 C

    In my opinion, based on video. Explain about teaching speaking technique. According to John Kay, there are several techniques used in teaching speaking. Like, the teacher gives an image of the card, the teacher gives dialogue, the teacher gives the object and the drilling. Of all the techniques it is quite effective, because children are able to express their language.

  14. Fenty Nurhayati Nufus
    In my opinion, teaching speaking using visual media is very effective. Additionally, visual media should be increased the students’ motivation in understanding materials in the teaching learning process. It means, visual media make students easy and convey the students’ remembering of materials. By using visual media is include as
    - Interesting to students
    - Increasing of students' understanding
    - Giving the material accurately and accountable,
    - Information accurately
    - Easily to be understandable and easily to interpreted. And also, visual media is more simple.

  15. An Umillah Istiqomah
    TBI 6 C

    In my opinion, the technique of teaching speaking in the video is good technique because the teacher give instructions to the students when learning speaking and the students are made in groups so that students interact speaking to their friends. The teacher provide opportunities for students to speak up in front of their peers, giving opportunities to give arguement what they understand, that is can build confidence. And the teacher give the media like pictures card that make match with the meaning, the teacher teaches by giving visual media forms, pictures, and drilling. it is very good because students are able to see clearly what is spoken by the teacher and able to remember for a long time because students see the original object..

  16. Name : Iis Amalia (171230157)
    Class : TBI 6E
    In my opinion learning to use YouTube is very fun, and easier. Learning presented here is more relaxed and enjoyable. People who learn English will feel like learning learners are friends themselves. Sometimes here are also presented games and examples of language that are often found. so using English learning videos, time will be shorter and we can understand more knowledge in this interactive way. By using Youtube to learn any foreign language, at least you can get four benefits, namely: the learning process will be much more fun, learn the correct pronunciation of a word in a foreign language, videos can make understanding the material faster, and can get Learning videos easily from the internet.

  17. Name : Roudhotul Jannah
    Nim : 171230080
    Tbi 6C

    In my opinion, they come to Thailand to see what techniques teachers use to get their students to talk and they will give tips from teacher trainer John Kay. It is important for the teacher to arrange the beginning of the lesson but it is also important that students feel relaxed if the teacher is relaxed and the teacher feels part of the lesson, if students will feel relaxed and they will feel more inclined to participate. so the techniques of teaching speaking is the teacher give a student a picture of card, giving dialogue, giving object and drilling. This method is very effective because when the teacher gives a method to his students so the student follows it well.

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  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb
    Name: Rika Wulan Dari
    NIM: 171230091/ 6c

    That video teach us how to make speaking class active and intersting for student.
    1. The teachers teach the student with the object surrounding of the student. Like speaking about the uniform the student wear.
    2. Using media like foto with the words that will help student more understand about what they said
    3. The teacher make student active in speaking
    4. The teacher used drilling method in wich drilling is bestway for student to improve their speaking ability.
    Thank you

  21. Dewi silvi
    Tbi 6c

    InImy opiniont, i thinkusing media is very effective in developing competencies in communicating in oral and written form to reach the target at this level.
    With a learning model to talk like this video can increase student confidence with this method can also be understood what I convey using media.
    Communication with the teacher is also good, the teacher communicates well
    And the teacher gives media such as picture cards that match their meaning, the teacher teaches by giving visual media, drawing, and drilling forms. this is very good because students can see clearly what is said by the teacher and can remember for a long time because students see the original object.

  22. Velina Widyasari
    TBI 6C

    in my opinion teaching to speak using media is very effective. because students can better understand English by looking at pictures for example, and also students are more interested than monotonous learning. but the way to teach is distinguished for each level, for example when teaching students who are still at a low level the instructions used do not have to be full English, but must be accompanied by a language that they understand because it is feared that they do not understand the instructions when using full English.

  23. Name: Dita Amalia Rahmah
    Nim : 171230099
    Class: TBI 6C

    In my opinion based on video teaching speaking is good use media such video, picture and etc. And if i see from the video the student is passive because the student just do what instruction by the teacher, i think much other technique for student speaking such roleplay, game and etc who make all student speaking or role in the study. And if we teach foreign language we must make the studen inetresting, and fun because that what make student struglle and want to learn.

  24. Name : Dhita Faradila Tunnisa
    NIM : 171230076
    Class : 171230076

    In my opinion based on the video, teaching speaking is not effective and can't improve their student speaking skills. Because the students are very passive and can't got it what the teacher instruction. Teaching speaking using media visual such as picture, videos, sketches and other is more effective and can the student improve own speaking skills. And also using technique such as role play, games, debate competition is more can be fun and make student student active because the student can express about their ideas, opinion and etc.

  25. asssalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wb wr
    name: masnawati
    nim : 171230082/tbi 6c

    my point of view after watching the video are:
    > the teacher have to make a strategies how to make students understand about material which given by the teacher. for example the teacher tell something before going to the material.

    > the teacher have to be creative in control class. such as: using media (picture or many else), groupings, make useful language such as slogan with motivation word an so on.

    > the teacher also can teaching speaking by using target language to make students more understand.

  26. Name : Tsania padhila 171230142

    In my opinion, an effective source in the process of learning speaking is to use media, such as visual models, videos, images, the use of media is closer to the meaning of information received rather than just using verbal language. Teaching speech using media can make students easy. Using media can make students arouse motivation and interest in learning, can explain new concepts so students can understand without difficulty and misunderstanding and most importantly can make the learning process more interesting and interactive.

  27. Dina Roihatul Jannah/171230158/TBI VI E

    in my opinion the use of video or games is more effective for teaching speaking. because you can convey the material more clearly to students. Teaching using media can also make variations in the learning process. Students will be more motivated and interested in doing activities.

  28. Shofi elsiana maulida
    TBI 6C

    based on video, I think it is effective to teaching speaking english for foreign language. because, in te concept of teach is and conceptualized well. begin from
    1. warmer (arrange group work),
    2. grouping and
    3. then give instruction.
    This is important if you speak to give instruction you should look around make sure they can well see you and then go for it. other technique, you can ask student and asked it in to repeat what I say and check that they understand through their actions. you can give isntruction "can anybody tell me what this is?" this instruction can make the students active in the class. the students can practice particular language you controlled oral practice of the target language.

  29. Name : Dini fatihati
    Nim : 171230087
    Tbi 6c

    In my opinion, based on video. If the teacher teaches relax, the students will relax. According to John Kay, there are several techniques used in teaching speaking. Like, the teacher gives an image of the card, the teacher gives dialogue, the teacher gives the object and the drilling. Of all the techniques it is quite effective, because children are able to express their language.

  30. Dinda Ryanti
    TBI - 6C

    in my opinion By using video as a media for teaching speaking,students can have a new perspective of teaching learning process. Teaching learning process can be fun. One of four language skill that can be integrated in enhancing learning is speaking. There are various technology implicated in teaching speaking, one of them by using video. Video as a
    media for teaching speaking is suitable for cooperative learning. It is because the use of video is enjoyable for students and can be created into some activities which cover students-centered learning, most of its activities use speaking skill, and can cover all of speaking indicators.
    Video is the best way to develop the skills of initiative, communication, problem-solving that students must work cooperatively in teams and also individual.

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  32. Eri Fettri (171230074)

    In my opinion, the effective teachnique in teaching speaking for Indonesian context is teaching with media. Such as use videos ,pictures or visual prompt to make student creative make dialogue or monologue to show in front of classroom. Then may be we can give the instructions to check their understand about the material that was gave before. And also with media we can mixes the transactional and interpersonal purposes of speaking categories.

  33. Putri Oktaviani (171230116)
    Based on my opinion, the best way to teaching speaking is by using media. Why? Because they will be more interested to us and can understand more about materials. For example, based on video, teacher using cards for teaching speaking to them. Students look interested in the words that contained in the cards and try to pronounce it together. Then, teacher ask students to try pronounce words with their friends. This is right strategy for them to fluently their speaking skill.

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  35. Maulani Mumtaz (171230106)
    TBI 6D
    In the video, the students’s ability are:
    1. The students are able to ask and answer questions (converse).
    2. The student is able to tell stories and describe things (ability to produce language).
    But, in that video is not effective and the teacher doesn’t teach effectively. There are the characteristic of successful speaking activity (Ur (1996: 51)), they are:
    1. Learners talk a lot. As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the activity is in fact occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious, but often most timeis taken up with teacher talk or pauses;
    2. Participation is even. Classroom discussion is on dominated by a minority of talk active participants: all get a change a speak, and contributions are fairly distributed;
    3. Motivation is high. Learners are eager to speak; because they are interested in the topic and have something new to say about it, or because they want to contribute to achieving a talk objective;
    4. Language is an acceptable level. Leaner express themselves in utterances that are relevant, easy comprehensible to each other, and an acceptable level language accuracy.

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  37. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

    Agnia Silmi
    TBI 6C

    My opinion about the video, using media such as pictures and writings, visual models, and others is effective for teaching speaking English. The first primary teacher shows pictures and gives questions to students, and they answer correctly and learn in groups. Whereas the second primary teacher uses visual models and mentions sentences to make students follow what he says using the target language, likewise when showing pictures, he also gives questions. When extension students practice speaking English to friends. Whereas the secondary teacher gives instructions for giving advice and gives cards containing random sentences to be arranged correctly.
    From this video, the obstacle is that students are less actively speaking and only follow, not all students who speak.

  38. Maya Hafiah 171230167
    TBI 6E

    In my opinion, one of the effective speaking teaching techniques is a picture. Pictures can be used as a medium for teaching or reinforcing some learning skills of students. This is because images can translate an idea from an abstract picture into a form that is real and easier to understand. We conclude something or think not only from hearing or reading, but also from what we see around us or from what we remember from being seen. Image media is not only an aspect of a method / technique but also represents a picture of an object, place or person that is an important part of the learner's experience that the teacher must know.

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  40. Name: Falasifa Ajda
    SRN: 171230111
    Class: TBI 6 D

    The current English speaking learning system must prioritize students' communication skills, because that way students will be able to express themselves to learn to follow the rules of English when communicating.
    In my opinion, several techniques for teaching effective English speaking for Indonesia context based on the video I watched is: A warmer, it is a good way, when the teacher arranging group work, such as give each students a picture of an fruit, for example two apples, three bananas etc. Each student have a card with the name of fruit in it. They don't look to other person's picture, but they ask "which fruit of you got" if not same with the asker, she/he will say " you're not my group". Than, in this technique, they attractive to speak. In the video also there is the time where the students discuss in any group. Discussion can be applied when students finish working on the questions. Invite them to discuss the English problem they have been working on so they are accustomed to finding a solution and a conclusion. Role Play or game also will pretend to be a society that faces a social context. The teacher will provide information to students about the role played and students will be faced with a problem. So students will make a conversation in the case that will be experienced.
    The above techniques can be applied in teaching basic English and are very fun. To practice speaking English it must be done as early as possible. Starting from simple exercises like this will form a character to communicate in good English, especially in Indonesia.

  41. Name : Nisa Aulia
    Class : TBI-6D/171230108

    In my opinion, teaching speaking by using media such as pictures, videos, etc is an effective method. video is one of the effective methods, because in addition to being able to see what is in the video they can also follow using their own expressions and language with this method can also increase self-confidence in students.

  42. Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarokaatuh..
    Name : Dicky Nurhuda Winata
    Nim : 171230155
    Class : TBI 6 E

    I think using media is very effective in teaching animation videos, pictures, songs, and visually 3/4 dimensions. Because they were able to express their ideas and train to speak their language. Why this is the main thing, to be able to practice speaking skills must be an interest ina student. In teachers' speaking skills is not only responsible for students the same as when speaking English fluently but also responsible so students are willing to question, argue, arguments.
    Using media can be a magnet for them and they will be interested in what they see. Simply put, in my opinion teaching to speak in the media is one of the most effective methods when in this age of sophisticated technology.

    Thank you

  43. Kurniati 171230159 (TBI 6E)
    In ma opinion, teaching speaking with using media is effective, such as using vocab card can make interesting the students to see and try what the teacher say, and can improve the students to speak.


  44. Rina Sobarina
    Considering the current status of English as a foreign language in Indonesia, not so many people use it in their day-to-day communication.
    I think, the teaching of EFL speaking can be focused on either training the students to speak accurately (in terms of, for example, pronunciation and grammatical structures) or encouraging them to speak fluently. The former is considered to be form-based intruction while the latter is considered to be meaning-based instruction. Form-focused instruction aims to provide learners with language forms (e.g., phrases, sentences, or dialogues) which can be practiced and memorized so that these forms can be used whenever the learners need them. The activities, usually teacher-centered, include repetition and substitution drills which are essentially used to activate phrases or sentences that learners have understood. In contrast, meaning-focused instruction, usually student-centered, aims to make learners able to communicate and the teacher, therefore, plays a role more as a facilitator than a teacher.

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  46. M. Najmudin (171230144)
    Tbi 6E

    In my opinion Audio-visual media helps students develop their speaking ability. It contains authentic sources for students to learn English. Trough audio-visual media will motivate them to speak in English. Effective interactive activities using audio-visual media should be manipulative, meaningful, communicative, and involving learners in using English for a variety of communication purposes.

  47. Sri Rahayu (171230110)
    Class : TBI / 6D

    I think, Media is one of the most important factors
    in supporting teaching and learning process for speaking. Media in education perspective is a strategic instrument in determining the success of the learning process because its
    existence can directly provide its own dynamics for learners. However, by having complete media of learning, students are easy to explore information through visual, audio and audio-visual and can enhance their learning.
    media as a solution of the problems in teaching
    speaking because its existence can help teachers in presenting the material efficiently. This is certainly a positive impact on students and teachers who hold teaching and learning activities. By using media, students have new motivation and interest to learn English. the use of media in teaching and learning process is to improve the quality of students` achievement. In other words, it becomes more effective, interactive, and efficient.

  48. Excuse me. I'm Egista Sri Handayani (171230125) from TBI 6 D.

    After I see the YouTube resource from miss tia. In my opinion the teacher that teach in Thailand school is use effectifelly method and strategy to teach speaking. The first they makes student relax before start the lesson with warmer activities so before the lesson begin student have talking and not boring. Second they begin to instruct student to look at the book and give them instruction and teacher will look around for checking it's students understand the material or not. Third, teacher not use over complicated language and teacher when explain the material they will use some media that makes student interest and they also practice it so the student will repeat it. Last they use extension, to allow the student practice it with they own word in small group or in front of the class, and also they discuss about some issues with aims the student can speak more.

    Thank you in advance.

  49. Name: Amry Muqtashid
    Class: TBI - VI E
    Nim: 171230149
    In my opinion, teaching speaking using media such as pictures, videos is an effective method. video is one of the effective methods, besides pulling the video in the form of moving images and giving voice, this is what in my opinion can provide a stimulus that is easily remembered by students. Then from the content in my opinion can be incorporated into teaching techniques such as role play, story telling, students can see the picture and begin to imagine telling what they see in the picture or video.

  50. Neng elas/ TBI-6D/ NIM:171230120

    In my opinion from the video, the techniques taught by the three teachers are very good, with teaching making groups, using picture media, question and answer between teachers and students, giving examples of children wearing jackets indirectly they can understand what is being done by his friend in front. All of these techniques make children become active talking and understand quickly.

  51. MIFTAH AULIA UTAMI/TBI 6E/171230150
    The teaching of EFL speaking in Indonesia has been closely connected to the concept of communicative competence which is emphasized within the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. As this approach values interaction among students in the process of language learning, classroom activities have a central role in enabling the students interact and thus improve their speaking proficiency.
    In terms of the number of students involved, EFL speaking activities can be classified into individual and group activities. Individual activities such as story-telling, describing things, and public speech are usually transactional, while group activities such as role-plays, paper presentation, debates, small group/panel discussions are interactional. Unlike group activities which have been given much attention in the literature, individual activities are usually listed as activities which can be taught in EFL speaking, yet rarely explored in-depth. Therefore, in the following discussion, group activities are highlighted.

  52. Name : Bai fadliyah
    NIM : 171230146
    Class : TBI 6E

    In my opinion, learning to speak effectively using media, for example by using media flashcards, using media flashcards can train the brain's ability to remember images and words that enable vocabulary and students' speaking abilities. The learning process by using a flash card to improve language skills especially sepeaking because it aims to make the child able to express thoughts through simple language precisely, say what is in the picture flashcards, be able to communicate effectively and arouse interest in being able to speak English, students so that students are more active in learning.

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  54. Arni Dhea Seftiani

    In my opinion,based on the video.Explain the teaching of speaking techniques.According to John Kay,"Teaching English has the same challenges throughout the world", but the solution to this problem is highly dependent on the local context, and for this reason the approach taken focuses on the task that allows participants to connect the video with their specific practices and experiences alone.
    In the concept of teaching is and is well conceptualized.Starting from study:
    2. grouping
    3. Instructions
    - Interactive tasks and videos
      This shows Montakarn, Pathumporn, Sumalee and Supote doing talking activities with their students. John Kay, teacher trainer, provides comments and suggestions.
    - Duty:
    Preparation of activities.This task asks you to think about the type of preparation needed before starting various types of speaking activities.

  55. Nur Anisa
    Tbi 6 E
    in my opinion teaching speaking using media such as video or picture effective and a good starategy, because usually students tend to prefer media such as videos and pictures, and the media makes it easy for students to understand the lessons given. as teachers we can make videos as interesting as possible to show students, each video is equipped with interactive text that students can click on - they will get definitions in context, visual learning aids, and pronunciation for any word. That means they will actively build their vocabulary while absorbing their target language the way the natives use it.

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  57. Name : Farhan abdurrachman
    Nim : 171230103
    Class : Tbi 6c

    My learn today's :
    speaking into two types referring to monologue and dialogue. The difference between monologue and dialogue is in the process of production. Monologue involves one person whereas dialogue needs more than one. Thus, every  form and meaning of speaking is
    dependent on the context in which it occurs, the participants, and the purposes of
    speaking (Burns & Joyce, 1997). 
    after seeing the video on you tube about the teaching technique of speaking (jhon key) that I saw there a teacher uses a different method between teaching primary school level and living in junior high school. the equation that I see from teaching speaking techniques is that a teacher always instructs his students to practice what the teacher has said. in my opinion to learn speaking does need practice as shown in the video, because with practice we will get used to what we are learning

  58. My name is Intan Nurbaeti
    Class TBI 6C
    Based on the video in my opinion, several techniques for teaching effective English speaking for Indonesia context based on the video I watched is: A warmer, it is a good way, when the teacher arranging group work, such as give each students a picture of an fruit, for example two apples, three bananas etc. Each student have a card with the name of fruit in it. They don't look to other person's picture, but they ask "which fruit of you got" if not same with the asker, she/he will say " you're not my group". Than, in this technique, they attractive to speak. In the video also there is the time where the students discuss in any group. Discussion can be applied when students finish working on the questions. Invite them to discuss the English problem they have been working on so they are accustomed to finding a solution and a conclusion. Role Play or game also will pretend to be a society that faces a social context. The teacher will provide information to students about the role played and students will be faced with a problem. So students will make a conversation in the case that will be experienced.
    The above techniques can be applied in teaching basic English and are very fun. To practice speaking English it must be done as early as possible. Starting from simple exercises like this will form a character to communicate in good English, especially in Indonesia.

  59. Name : Izzatuddini Islamiati
    SRN : 171230141
    Class : TBI 6E

    In my opinion, now many linguistics and ESL teachers agree on that students learn to speak in the second language by 'interacting'. Communicative language teaching and collaborative learning serve best for this aim.  Communicative language teaching is based on real-life situations that require communication. By using this method in ESL classes, students will have the opportunity of communicating with each other in the target language.  In brief, ESL teachers should create a classroom environment where students have real-life communication, authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral language. This can occur when students collaborate in groups to achieve a goal or to complete a task.The students may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about an event, or find solutions in their discussion groups.

  60. Using media such as pictures and writings, visual models, and others is effective for teaching speaking English. Because they will be more interested to us and can understand more about materials and also can mixes the transactional and interpersonal purposes of speaking categories, make students interested and understand what they learn.

    M.Yasir Khatami (171230137) TBI VI D

  61. Name : Fara Apriyati
    SRN : 171230166
    Clas : TBI 6E

    Based on vidio, I think that the use of vocab card is highly sufficient to train vocab students in examination and understanding the word discussed. In addition to the learning methodology students tend to be uncomfortable so the learning atmosphere is more effective and efficient

  62. Elpasari Permata (171230148)
    Class: TBI 6E

    In my opinion. Teaching speaking using media can make it easier and more effective for teachers such as videos, pictures, etc. Because they can express what they think and try to express it in their own language. Using visual media makes students easy to understand and comprehend the material faster. Learning is more interesting and not boring. Because you can convey material more clearly to students. Teachers and students can use several techniques such as repetitive practice, practice in conversation, question and answer etc. It can improve their speaking skills. Using media can make students arouse motivation and interest in learning. Because speaking must also pay attention to grammar and correct pronunciation, it must practice and be able to use visual media such as videos, YouTube etc. to improve pronunciation and grammar, and also get more vocabulary. Use media. The use of media is closer to the meaning of information received than just using verbal language.

  63. Siska Amelia
    I agree that speaking is one of important skills since people use it to deliver ideas and information through spoken product. And with the speaking we can know how good their English language. Based on the video youtube that i watched, I can know how to teach speaking techniques by Jhon Kay ( teacher trainer).
    To teaching speaking the student, the first, teacher must make the students feel relax, and warmer in the group work. We can give them some picture, example about animal and ask them "what is it?" make student to speak and express their think. After that giving student instruction, but teacher must look around the student and see it, if any student have not been understand, teacher can askh the other student to help student have not been understand. The next, teacher can give the real examole, like when teacher saya " I am wearing a jacket " So the students now, what the mean of " I am wearing a jacket ". And make them to repeat it what we say. Teacher can ask question to the student to stimulus them, like " what else I am wearing? ".
    Thank you.

  64. Name : Ainul Qonitah
    SRN : 171230152
    Class : TBI E 6
    Based on video, i think the use of media such as picture and video to teaching speaking is a good strategy. Because students will be more interested and easier to understand about the material. An example can be seen in the video. When the teacher tries to provide material using a media card, the students look happy and enthusiastic.

  65. Its importans that teacher organized at the begining of yhe lesson but its also important that the student feel relaxed if the teachers relaxed and teacher feela part of the lesson and is leading by example and students will feel relaxed and they will feel more inclined to participate a warmer is often a good way to make sure that this happen one idea for the warmer is when you are arranging group work.
    Make sure not using any overcomplicated language.
    If you want the students to practice particular language then its often important that you do some controlled oral practice of the target language before they start to practice in groups.
    And its important that you dont speak at the same time with the student because you have to hear what the student are saying.

    Using media is good for teaching speaking, that make students eazy to understanding the lesson.

  66. Name : Wida robiyah (171230124)
    Class: tbi 6D
    To teach speaking, the teacher must design learning activities as well as possible and it also must be supported by various teaching media especially visual media such as pictures, realia, television etc. in order that learning activities is more various, interesting and motivates students to participate actively.
    The presence of visual media presents different learning experience which can stimulate students to think creatively so that they always get new idea to express when they want to speak. The use of these media in teachingEnglish is necessary and meaningful because it can help learners to get more knowledge and information through reading widely, and provide more enjoyment from various sources of facts. The uses of these mediaenable a teacher to write or describe or explain something to the students.

  67. Name : Khusnul Khotimah
    SRN : 171230129
    Class : TBI 6D
    Based on the video, I think techniques for teaching effective English speaking for Indonesia context is by using media. The use of media draws closer to the meaning of the information received compared to using only verbal language. Learning that is suitable for example using pictures, because it is easy to prepare, easy to organize, interesting, meaningful and authentic, and sufficient amount of language. Images can translate an idea from an abstract picture into a form that is real and easier to understand. We can infer something or think not only from hearing or reading, but also from what we see around us or from what we remember from being seen. Image media is not only an aspect of a method/technique but also represents a picture of an object, place or person that is an important part of the learner's experience that the teacher must know. In using picture media in learning speaking with its language components, the following guidelines that can be used are picture series, picture sticks / stick figures, and flash cards. The use of media in learning speaking can motivate teachers to teach better, innovative, interesting, and meaningful.

  68. Name :Eka Puspitawati
    Nim :171230135 (Tbi 6D)

    In my opinion based on video, teaching speaking using media is a very effective method or method especially in helping students learn to speak. media that can be used can be in the form of images, games, videos and others. In addition to facilitating learning, the media used can make students more interested and can explore students' thinking power more critically than what they see / hear. The media used can also be a stimulus for students in learning to speak, because when students are able to think critically students will automatically speak. In essence, teaching using media is more effectively used to improve students' speaking abilities than teaching without using media. Why? because teaching without using media can make students more passive.

  69. Adelia Ramayanti
    TBI 6D

    From the video, I got some techniques of teaching speaking that used by teacher in Thailand. Those techniques are:
    1. Build relax and warm situation in the beginning of class
    2. Give clear instructions
    3. Let students learning in group
    4. Use media like visual picture or card
    5. Give example by practice
    6. Do not use over complicated language while learning process
    7. Hear what students' say
    8. Use repetition and drilling method
    9. Extend the class activity
    In my opinion, some techniques above are very effective to teach speaking for EFL students, because these techniques covered all the activity from beginning the class until the ending of the class. But, I don't see any students speak up in the video, perhaps teacher can stimulate the students to speak confidently in front of class.

  70. Sutihat (171230172)
    Tbi 6-E

    In my opinion, teaching speaking using media is effective and good strategy,because using visuals makes it easy to convey materials to students, and teaching effective speaking in Indonesia can be applied like on YouTube or in Thailand, can use picture media to attract students' attention, create groups so students can mutually express opinions and discussions, and teacher must give instructions to the student then student understands what is instructed by his teacher, teacher can also instruct his students to always useful language, and also provide extensions to students.

  71. assalamualaikum wr wb
    my name Aisyah Rahmah ( 171230145 )

    Research by Peter Skehan on Task-based Learning shows that giving students preparation time significantly increases the range of language used in the performance of the task, whereas the accuracy of the language is not as influenced. If this is so, then it seems sensible to give students preparation time when encouraging them to use new language.

    Imagine you have been working on the language that would be useful for the following task: 'Having a conversation with a stranger on public transport'. You have now reached the stage where you wish students to perform the task. Rather than just give students 10 minutes to prepare and rehearse the task, give students guided preparation time.

    A simple preparation guide for the task could be a few key questions like:
    How will you start the conversation?
    What topics are you going to talk about?
    How are you going to move from one topic to another?
    How are you going to end the conversation?

    After the preparation stage, students give a 'live performance'. This can be in front of the class or group to group in a large class. This increases motivation and adds an element of real-life stress.
    Another way of encouraging students to use new language in a communication activity is to make a game out of it. Give students a situation and several key phrases to include. They get points for using the language.

    Similarly, when working on the language of discussion, you can produce a set of cards with the key phrases/exponents on. The cards are laid out in front of each group of 2/3/4 students. If a student uses the language on a particular card appropriately during the discussion, he/she keeps the card. The student with the most cards wins. If he/she uses the language inappropriately, then he / she can be challenged and has to leave the card on the table.

  72. Assalamualaikum wr wb.
    My name Aam Amalia (171230169)

    In teaching through demonstration, students are set up to potentially conceptualize class material more effectively as shown in a study which specifically focuses on chemistry demonstrations presented by teachers. Demonstrations often occur when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when students are unable to understand application of theories.
    Teachers not only demonstrate specific learning concepts within the classroom, they can also participate in demonstration classrooms to help improve their own teaching strategies, which may or may not be demonstrative in nature. Although the literature is limited, studies show that the effects of demonstration classroom teachers includes a change of perspective in relating to students, more reflection in the teachers’ own classroom strategies, and more personal responsibility for student learning.

  73. My name Abidah Amaliah
    Nim 171230073
    TBI C

    Teaching speaking technique in Tahiland
    Before begin the learning activity, the teacher have to give feel enjoy to student and give focus and keep fluency in speaking.

    Some technique.
    1. Warmer ( look at the card, then the teacher command to read)
    2. Grouping ( give some text, then command the student to speak what are the cluster word)
    3. Instructions ( the student answer what teacher said)
    4. Target language ( give controll practice, for example give a some word, then the student follow it. Make a repitition and drilling)
    5. Usefull language ( give some text and command the student to speak what expression that you use)
    6. Extension ( extended activity, command to tell something, such as tell about your life)

  74. Fitra Bela Wulandini (171230139)

    In my opinion, effective teaching speaking for Indonesia context is using the media. Based on the video is not effective because the student more passive whereas the speaking teaching should be an active class. So that, this strategy should use the media such as pictures, videos, etc. To assessment when learning, the teacher has to use games or role-play to be more understanding about what the content. For example, the material is "Introduction". According to material, the teacher should choose the best strategy and the appropriate media. The best way to improve student speaking is more practice.

  75. Assalamu'alaikum
    Name: Ridho Hafizh Firdaus
    NIM :171230109

    Iny my opinion from that video, that is good strategy from teacher to student using picture media, because the teacher introduce the word from the picture, then the the teacher trying to say the good pronounciation then the student follow the teacher. After they have known the word, they can speak from that word has learned it

  76. Name : Qurrotu Aini
    Nim : 171230126
    Class : tbi 6d

    In my opinion after read the article and watched the video, so many strategy that can use for teaching of speaking. For the example the teacher can give the instruction for the student, the teacher can use media picture and the student mention it in speaming language. And so many other...

  77. Uun Hunayah (171230122) TBI 6D

    In my opinion, the teaching techniques in video are very good. Using picture media in teaching speaking in elementary school is very suitable because the images can stimulate students to answer the pictures according to what they see. Teaching by direct practice and giving instructions to students to recite can also help students about how to pronounce the correct word and make simple sentences. As for teaching speaking in high school, in the video teaches about giving advise through dialogue. This is similar to students playing a simple role. I think this can be developed by forming large groups and making more complex dialogues then practicing in front of friends to develop abilities their speaking skills.

  78. Name : Vina Nabil Hazimah Bajuri
    Nim : 171230133
    Class: TBI6D

    in my opinion, teaching speaking is very interesting when using methods such as showing pictures or demonstrating it directly in front of the class rather than students just sitting watching the teacher become passive if with active methods students will quickly understand and be able to practice it,and for now there are many methods that can be used to teach speaking so it is not difficult to understand, in the video it seems like the teacher is sad forcing his students to understand. Explaning to the students what to do is the challege,because they do not understand English.

  79. Nama: Sri Rahayuningsih
    Kelas: TBI 6 D
    Nim: 171230119

    In my opinion,I think this method is good because there are use picture, postcard and etc. But, when we use this method the student not active (passive) cause they are just do instructions from the teacher and should add the others method like drilling to make the student more active.

  80. In this video we can learn about how to teaching English well. Before we teach,we should give the motivate to students how much important English or how much important speaking English in their future may the students more spirit to learn. Teacher also must get the students attention to focus may the material can relate well. Than the teacher must clearly when give the instructions to students so the students can understand what the teacher instruct. When the teacher explain something,the teacher must clearly and consistent with the target so the students can understand and not confused. In opinion,this video give us the lesson that to be teacher we must hard teaching.

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  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Name: Marisa Romdon
    CLASS: Tbi 6/D
    NIM: 171230134

    In my opinion based on this video, teaching speaking using media such as audio visual media are effective. By using media, students can actively practice the language being taught. Students can speak and practice more about new lesson and with interesting materials. The students too can be more active to express their idea by using their own language. The learning atmosphere can be more fun and joyful.

  84. Name : Dede silvia
    Nim : 171230130
    Class : 6D
    Based on that video, I find out some technique for teaching speaking that use with teacher in Thailand.
    1. For begenning the class the teacher make feel student relaxed.
    2. Make the group
    3. Give instruction
    4. Use the media : picture /draws/vocabulary card
    5. The student speak or express what their about the picture.
    6. One of the student Practice in front of the other student. Such as :
    The student wearing the jacket and say " I am wearing the jacket " and other studert repeat it...
    From that technique I say good... because visual media more effective and efficient. Furthermore, in teaching speaking for example is picture or card Generally, this media used it is because concrete. It means that students should identify and imagine in giving statement of its self.

  85. Name: junaini ratna sari
    Nim: 171230093
    Class: TBI.6C

    1. The teacher must make the students comfortable. 2. give vocabulary to students. 3. Sort the given vocabulary 4. Instruct students to follow the conversation 5. Explain the vocabulary that has been given in English. 6. create small groups to discuss with friends in the group. 7. Give the conversation text to students, ask students to choose partners to make conversations. 8. giving instructions to students explaining the material and instructing students to provide examples of the material provided. 9. give vocabulary to students by using pictures or other examples.

  86. Nama : Silfi Novira
    Kelas. : TBI 6.C
    NIM. : 171230101

    From the video, I got some techniques of teaching speaking that used by teacher in Thailand. Those techniques are:
    1. Warmer
    2. Grouping
    3. Instruction
    4. Target language
    5. Usefull language
    6. Extension.

    In my opinion, some of these techniques are good for teaching speaking, because these techniques use the media, making it easier for students to understand the lesson, and also students can be active in learning but I see obstacles in this technique there are still students who are less active talking and only a few are actively speaking .

  87. Name: Mila Silvia Febrianti
    CLASS: Tbi 6/D (171230132)

    In my opini, teaching speaking using media such as audio visual media is effective. By using media, students can actively practice the language being taught. Students can speak and practice with interesting materials. The other media that can be used,like videos, games, images and etc. In addition to facilitating learning, the media used can make students more interested and can explore students' thinking power more critically than what they see or hear. The students also can be more active to express their idea by using their own language. The learning atmosphere can be more happy and joyful.

  88. Nia Sulastiana (Tbi 6 c)
    from the video we have seen that the speaking technique of speaking requires several media to support learning. One of his clothes is off the picture. Without the images we only surmised the meaning of what our master gave us. What a horse looks like, well boys will imagine themselves what a horse is if it's not supported by the image. In addition to speaking's technique by inviting learners to interact, such as asking students and repeating what the teacher said. Besides the teacher should also practice what the teacher says, like I'm wearing a jacket. The teacher actually wore his jacket. That way the student will understand the meaning of the teacher's words.

  89. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 6 C

    In my opinion, this video is good and inspiring. Teaching speaking should know vocabulary first, memorize vocabulary and repeat vocabulary. after that often hear and speak directly in English. Can also use media such as watching movies or videos in English.

  90. Wilda Najiya
    In my opinion, according to the video tha O've watched before, the teacher had good in organizing the class in the beginning. The students should engaged with the class, the strategy by using picture to improve student's speaking ability can be applied in Indonesia for the goals student's fluency in speaking English

  91. Nama:Siti Kholifatunnisa
    kelas: TBI 6C

    My opinion about this video, learning techniques using images will effectively be learned with students well. Other than that, this is a fun and not boring technique. And a learning method that directly shows the object (showing the jacket to the students) is easier to understand with the students because the item students know it.

  92. Rani Irawati
    TBI 6C

    My opinion about this video, I got some techniques of teaching speaking that used by teacher in Thailand. The techniques are:
    1. Warmer
    2. Grouping
    3. Instruction
    4. Target language
    5. Usefull language
    6. Extension.

    teaching speaking using the image is effective because the learner can see what the teacher mean about the new vocabulary. by showing the image of the object the teacher more easy to give the material.
    in Indonesia also using image is effective because the learner does not know the vocabulary before. by using image they will know about the material by the image.
    teaching speaking in Indonesia also will effective using the technique flashcard, image, grouping, instruction, usefull language, etc.

  93. Rani Irawati
    TBI 6C

    My opinion about this video, I got some techniques of teaching speaking that used by teacher in Thailand. The techniques are:
    1. Warmer
    2. Grouping
    3. Instruction
    4. Target language
    5. Usefull language
    6. Extension.

    teaching speaking using the image is effective because the learner can see what the teacher mean about the new vocabulary. by showing the image of the object the teacher more easy to give the material.
    in Indonesia also using image is effective because the learner does not know the vocabulary before. by using image they will know about the material by the image.
    teaching speaking in Indonesia also will effective using the technique flashcard, image, grouping, instruction, usefull language, etc.

  94. Violitta Amanda

    In my opinion tecahing speakinh usinh media such as video it is very interesting for students because not just only their practicing speaking during class but also to watch the video, from the video also student can learn how to inform or deliver their speaking correctly, the tone of the speaking it self also there's in the video so the student can learn from it
