Wednesday 6 May 2020

Session 14: In the Office

Students of English department should understand how to communicate in different situation including in the office. It has many varied participants such as staff, manager, etc. The work field, multinational company needs graduates within a good English skill. It requires many competent human resources. Therefore, this session is very important to develop all skills especially interpretative listening. The students are expected to apply their knowledge and experience in real world. Please click these following channels to know what component are oftenly  used in the office and to face an interview. After listening to the video, please tell me how to your interview does well. Write your comment in this forum as your attendances in my class. Thanks


  1. Present.
    Nurul Alfiah (191230031)
    if I'm interviewed. the things that I think are right to do during an interview include explaining my abilities. not explaining things that are not important, providing information that companies want to know about me, not talking beyond what was asked. I will tell you what my hobbies are, what I always do, what I like, what I want, and how confident I am of my abilities. and be polite I will prioritize. I think that will be enough to convince the interviewer.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    TBI 2A

    Four effective techniques can be use to give better answers to job interview questions in English :

    1. Make your interview answers more concise
    It means, don’t waste words. If you speak concisely, you get right to the point and don’t add anything unnecessary to your answer.
    because you might ramble. Ramble means to talk a lot without saying much. This won’t give the interviewer a good impression.
    How to be more concise :
    First, avoid unnecessary details. Don’t give your entire work history; the interviewers can get that from your CV if they want it.
    Secondly, speak in full sentences with a clear beginning and end. This means you need to be thinking ahead while you speak.
    Thirdly, think about what you want to highlight in your answer, and put it at the beginning. This will give your answer a clear direction.
    2. Use signposting language in your interview answers
    Using signposting language well makes your answers much clearer and easier to follow.
    3. Use STAR method
    STAR means situation, task, action, result. You can start your answer by giving the context: what was the situation, and what did you have to do?
    Then, you talk about what you actually did, and what the end result was.
    4. Mirror Key Words: Impress your interviewer
    It means using some of the same words and expressions as the person you’re talking to.

    how to face a job interview well :
    in my opinion, the key to a good successful interview is confidence. It matters alot more than actually knowing the subject.
    Be yourself, speak up as if those are thats your last attempt, use the right words at the right time, talk with an assumption of already being a part of their team, look into their eye and add value to what your answers by supporting them with short examples.

  4. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 2 A

    Before the interview time I will prepare answers and prepare myself for the interview and I will ask the person who has interviewed before, I will try to answer honestly and not overstated because it is better to be honest, and when my interview will be, I don't seem uptight about trying to relax and enjoy the interview, so that it will go well

  5. Nurma Yunita (191230004) Present

    Doing interviews for work is important. And if I do that interview, what I will do is of course explain myself. But not everything has to be explained, I just need to explain what my abilities, strengths, and weaknesses are. if at a company I will say that I can work together with the team, with hard work. And I'm also ready to lead, with the concepts I have that are certainly balanced with the company. And if asked to convey whatever abilities I have, of course I will deliver it. the main thing in this interview is how we behave in front of the interviewer, and what we should do is to be polite and not manipulate what we say. because if what we say is not in accordance with ourselves, then in the future it will also be bad.

  6. Name: Dewi Ramayanti
    Nim: 191230013
    If I am interviewed, I will provide information that is needed by the company, tell me about the educational background, hobbies, address, and position of what is wanted in the company according to our abilities, and be polite when interviewed, and respond if asked to answering in my opinion it is enough if we are being interviewed

  7. Name : Eci Ayumi
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 191230003

    What I do when doing interviews is, research about the company and the industry that is run, preparing the value of selling points themselves well, preparing answers to general job interview questions, anticipating interviewer shot questions, practicing in answering questions, polite but not passive.

  8. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 191230011

    I will prepare the best answer possible and not beat around the bush. and prepare some answers to questions that might be asked during the interview using answers that are effective and also useful. because every answer we give is very influential for the success of the interview.

  9. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    " Present "

    When I was in the interview. The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to prepare everything in my power and certainly my confidence as well. And it is usually to be convincing, when asked an experience, I will refer to an important point or best experience I have during that activity. And when I was trying to speak up firmly and clearly, so that the person who interviewed me would have confidence in me. But when answer questions I don't answer with long answers because I think they don't need it, but what they need is a brief, concise, clear answer. And i always practice to answer a question before i interview.

  10. Name : Asha febriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    Nim : 191230021
    we must first be confident and use tricks to answer appropriately during job interviews. Example 8 Common Job Interview Question
    1. Tell me a little about your self
    2. Where do you see yourself five years from now
    3. What are your strengths/weaknesses ?
    4. What is your leadership style ?
    5. Why do you want this job ?
    6. Why should we hire you ?
    7. Can you tell about a time when you demonstrated
    8. tell me about a time you deal with a challenging situation at work
    at that stage you have to answer it seriously and don't waste words, it you speak concisely you get right to the point and don't add anything unnecessary to your anwer.

  11. Nama : Sekar Ayu
    Nim : 191230016
    Class : Tbi 2A

    during the interview, I will provide information about my competence and provide information in accordance with what is needed by the company, as well as provide biodata and complete the address and position we want in the company in accordance with the capabilities that I have, and give a polite and friendly attitude when interviewed, and provide appropriate responses if asked to answer questions In my opinion it is enough if we are being interviewed

  12. Name :Rana Salwa
    NIM :1230032.

    If I am interviewed, first I must prepare myself, not nervous, confident and confident. I have a few questions about my life, I will answer truthfully, and explain the answers, in detail and in detail. Because I think the interviewer wants to know the extent of my ability to speak, think, and trust in my job, I will tell him what kind of character I am about my job, and make sure that I deserve to be hired, and keep on talking politely,

  13. Name :Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    Class :TBI 2A
    NIM : 191230035

    When we wanna get a job, we often face the interview. Where the interviewer will give us question, and our answer is determine the result of interview. Then, if i do the job interview, i'll prepare it well. because the interviewer want to know about "do i deserve a job" then i have to give my best about my self.
    here i need a listening skill and speaking with a good gramatical and the polite words

  14. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    Nim: 191230017

    interview is one of the most important in the stages of getting a job. if I will do an interview, I will explain the educational background, the skills that I have, and answer all the questions given. before I answer the questions given, I will learn what will be asked during the interview and ask people who have experienced interviews.and at the time of the interview we must be honest. We cannot overdo or reduce our abilities.

  15. Name : Nurul kholifah
    Nim : 19123001

    After I saw these 2 videos. I understand what preparations I have to make if I am interviewed. I thought if I was in the interview I would answer the question with the fact that, I should be able to convince the interviewer to believe that I deserved this job. I think the interviewer needs our honesty and abilities. I should speak politely

  16. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh.

    Name : LIYANTI
    Code : 191230027

    Alhamdulillah, when I was worked at the company.
    The first Time is send a document via email (softfile) and direct to interview at company, and when I was Interview, I think this tips In sya Allah can to use for Us. 🙏

    My opinion about good interview is :
    -First, We must dress neatly.
    Why? Because of this point an important, when HRD look at Us. Definitely, the first time is our dress neatly for make interesting.

    -Second, don'f forget to Bring our job application (Hardfile) using Maps the color brown.

    -Third, keep attitude. When we enter a interview room the first time must give permission.
    Ex. Before enter, we can knock on the door. And say greeting to HRD. ex : "Good Morning Mr/Mrs" while shake hands.

    -Fourth, stay stand if HRD have'nt give permission sit to Us.

    -Fifth, sit up straight and keep Smile. Why? Because of that's also part an important of good body language. We can show our confident of body language.

    -Sixth, When the beginning. if HRD start a question and talk about ourselves.
    Tips : We can tell ourselves more simple, more concesi, complex, easier and details.
    Don't forget to Using signposting language for makes our answer much clearer and easier to follow the answer.
    Mistake Answer : Don't wast words and talk a lot of.

    -Seventh, The point We must to be confidence. Confident with ourselves for answer by answer and the point is making other to be sure, be confident with Us from our answer.

    -Eighth, don't shy to show our skills and ability when, we are interviewing.

    -Nineth, when we answer about describe ourselves, experience, problem solving or others.
    Tips : give great answer, show our passion for helping others, relevant, powerful and more confident.

    The conclusion :
    1. Prepare and exercise.
    2. Keep attitude
    3. Polite
    4. Confident
    5. Honest
    6. Relevant
    7. Simple but details

    Maybe that's all from me, sorry if there is mistake. And the last I say, Wassalamu'alaikum ..

    Thanks 🙏

  17. Name suherni
    Nim 191230002

    In the office definetly we will do jobs interview, the questions example such as 1. Tell me a little about your self
    2. Where do you see yourself five years from now
    3. What are your strengths/weaknesses ?
    4. What is your leadership style ?
    5. Why do you want this job ?
    6. Why should we hire you ?
    7. Can you tell about a time when you demonstrated
    8. tell me about a time you deal with a challenging situation at work.

    And after that maybe we can tobe a new employeer

  18. Name: eva aprilia
    Nim : 191230005

    in my opinion if you want the interview to run smoothly we have to prepare a very large confidence, introduce ourselves calmly not tense, so as not to be confused or tense when given a question then we must learn a lot of things that are likely to appear in interview conversations .

  19. Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033

    when I will interview I will prepare the best answer, but not out of what was asked. and I will look for some information about the field that I will elaborate. as much as possible to give the best answer.I will make interview answers more concise. And There are three things the candidate does which I should try to avoid:
    One: the candidate includes lots of unnecessary details.
    Two: he doesn’t speak in full sentences.
    Three: he doesn’t have any clear direction.
    Then, not out of the topic of discussion

  20. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006

    if i will interview, beforehand I will prepare everything well and do exercise. wear clothes that make you confident and at the interview I will answer questions with short sentences, clear and precise to the purpose of the answer, do not beat around the bush and will give enthusiastic responses with full confidence that if we get involved in the company we will prove we deserve to be in that company.

  21. Name: Afridah
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM : 191230014

    ways that can be used to provide better answers to job interview questions in English:

    - Learn about the most common job interview questions in English
    - Make good, clear, concise answers to job interviews in English
    - Compare sample answers to recognize the best answers to job interview questions
    - Understand how to add structure to your job interview answers
    - Impression of your interviewers by reflecting key words from questions they ask in job interviews

    in my opinion the way for a successful and successful interview is to use language that is good and right, tell about your abilities and experience, the most important thing is confidence because with confidence we are not nervous in answering interviewer's questions.

  22. NAME : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 191230007

    When I was somewhere to do an interview. The first thing I will do is prepare myself to be more confident. I will look neat, polite, and pleasing to the eye. Then I will really take care of my ethics while in the office. when in the office, I will explain what skills and potential that I have. In a tone that is pleasant to hear and easy to understand. If asked by the person who interviewed then I will answer. An important point when conducting interviews is maintaining ethics. Because the ethics we use are a reflection of ourselves.

  23. in my opinion when we want to do interviews, the thing that needs to be done is
    •Share your abilities with enthusiasm and confidence.
    •Avoid convoluted explanations when giving long answers
    •Show that you are able to work in a team
    •Don't think about an answer for too long Answer diplomatically, but not grandiose
    •Do not dismantle the company's previous disgrace (if you have worked elsewhere)

  24. Riska Rahayu

    I'm going to practice a lot to help me make a good impression and to not being confused and spechless to answer the questions given. Wear my nice best neat clothes. Sharing my experience, background and skills.

  25. Name : Devi Nuraeni
    Nim : 191230022

    If I do an interview of course I will explain myself, my ability, and by telling of personal favorites. Of course these answers must follow the context and circumstances that occur when questions are asked. Usually the person asking the question thought that it would not take too long to answer in a concise, wordy manner, and being polite should certainly be accompanied with a professional impression when it's interviewed

  26. NAME: Sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    NIM: 191230001

    I will prepare the best answer possible and no worries. and prepare some answers for questions that might be asked during the interview using effective and useful answers. things to consider when answering questions when interviewed for example such as:
    1. Tell me a little about your self
    2. Where do you see yourself five years from now
    3. What are your strengths / weaknesses?
    4. What is your leadership style?
    5. Why do you want this job?
    6. Why should we hire you?
    7. Can you tell about a time when you demonstrated
    8. tell me about a time you deal with a challenging situation at work.

     Even better if I want to apply for a job to a bigger company, I have to prepare myself more like I have to have good work experience beforehand so that the information in the CV also convinces the judges who interviewed us when they want to apply for a job to further emphasize the ability skills if we are accepted to work in a company that we want. because it will be more potential to be placed in a good position if you already have the experience and our ability has been proven.

  27. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Nim : 191230010

    When I will apply for a job with a company then do an interview then what I will do is prepare to increase my confidence, not be nervous and remain calm to answer questions from HRD. Answering questions that include unnecessary details, speak focusing has any clear direction. Having knowledge about the company where I will be interviewed. Good looking appearance is not striking is quite simple but memorable. Speak with polite but firm. The answer must clear in the beginning until the end. Practice for myself speaking try again and practicing. Therefore will increase confidence and add a good impression to HRD.

  28. Name:M. Ibrahim Al Adhim

    Okay, in my opinion there are three things we should pay attention to when we are interviewed, first, we don't need to explain too much about ourselves, secondly, we must use language with full sentences, and the last, we must answer briefly and right, if we answer it too detailed it will make us not focus on what is being talked about

  29. Name :Didi Hudaya
    NIM : 191230034

    When i will interview, I explain about myself, i will prapare every thing, and we must confident and we must keep clean

  30. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    If I interview I will go to great lengths to prepare any reference material that will be used or discussed in the interview. I will prepare it from day to day so that during the interview I will be more confident and I will have to prepare my mental and confident mind and continue to think optimistically. And during my interview I had to relax and calm down because it really affected me

  31. Magfiroh 191230018

    Before I do the interview I will prepare myself mentally and courage and learn what is asked during the interview and prepare for the interview and I will ask the people who have been interviewed before, asking more experienced people is very important so we know the points what things must be prepared

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025
    Class : TBI 2 A
    Peesent Mrs,

    To get the interview going smoothly, the most important thing is to prepare well. It is particularly a matter of what questions questions will be asked by his inquirers many ways in which answers are published to help us answer questions so that our answer can be accepted. And the two videos contain a majority of some techniques that we can use to answer the question in English:

    1. A deeper understanding of the 8 common job interview question like :
    - Tell me about your self
    -where do you see yourself five years from now?
    -what are your strenghts/weaknesses?
    -what is your leadership style?
    -can you tell me about a time when you demonstrated.....
    -Tell me about a time you dealth with a challenging situation at work
    -Why do you want this job?
    -Why should we hire you?
    2. Make your answer concise
    with step :
    1. Avoid unnecessary details
    2. Speak in full sentences with a clear beginning and end
    3.think about what you want to highlight in your answer, and put it at the beginning.
    this will give you answer a clear direction
    3. Using signposting language
    Means : words and phrases which show your listener where you going.
    example : the words 'for example', finally, that means that, also, first of all, in that, for instance.
    4. How to add structure to your answer
    There's a method we can use here its called STAR method (situatio,task,action,result) answer by giving the context what was the situation, and what did you have to do. then what actually did and what the end result was.
    5. Mirror key words
    Mirroring means : using some of the same words and expressions as the person youre talking to.
    And the key to some of these techniques is to make ourselves confident, calm, focus and not nervous.

    My apologies for the late Mrs

  34. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : Tbi 2a

    Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan
    menurut saya , ada beberapa cara yg harus dilakukan saat wawancara agar wawancaranya lancar dan baik.
    1.Ceritakan kemampuan Anda dengan antusias dan percaya diri.
    2. Hindari penjelasan berbelit-belit saat memberi jawaban panjang
    3.Tunjukkan bahwa Anda mampu bekerja dalam tim
    4. Jangan memikirkan jawaban terlalu lama
    Jawab dengan diplomatis, tapi tidak muluk-muluk-m
    5. Jangan membongkar aib perusahaan sebelumnya (jika pernah bekerja di tempat lain)
    in my opinion, there are several ways that must be done during the interview so that the interview is smooth and good.
    1. Tell your abilities with enthusiasm and confidence.
    2. Avoid convoluted explanations when giving long answers
    3. Show that you are able to work in a team
    4. Don't think about an answer for too long
    Answer diplomatically, but not grandiose
    5. Do not dismantle the company's previous disgrace (if you have worked elsewhere)
