Friday 8 May 2020


Teachers and students in Indonesia as a part of global citizens should know and understand what the future skills are. They face society changing rapidly and may find some challenges such as enviromental, economic, and social (OECD, 2018). Therefore, World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020 provides four C's future skills including Collaborative, Communicative, Critical Thinking and Creative thinking.

In accordance with OECD, Collaborative & Communicative skills represent the students' ability to nurture his  or her passions to make connection between different learning experiences and opportunities in collaboration with others. Furthermore, Critical and Creative thinking refer to the way how student being active in all dimensions of life since they have to navigate the  uncertainty situation, across wide variety of contexts (past, present, future) and in social space (family, community, region, nation, and world).

The future skills above should be unified with language skills- listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary to achieve sustainable life. The teachers must adopt global implications in their teaching within national attitudes and values as Ki Hajar Dewantoro's philosopy in building national education. Teachers competence and experience (quality) impact on their students' performance (Quiglay, 1950). 

Today, the material is teaching writing demonstration. Please you see the video in this link and share your ideas about its content. Is it appropriate for Indonesia context? Provide your comments in this forum as your attendances. Thanks for attending this class.

please see this video to know teaching writing practice


  1. Name : Vina Nabil Hazimah Bajuri
    Nim: 171230133
    Class: TBI-6D
    In my opinion, the method used is very effective and easy to understand, so if you have difficulty teaching writing, you can try the method in the video.
    Before a students write, provide a warm up for the topic,after that Provide a model of the writing, given a number of approved models, then allowed students to start reading, then provide task that break the writting into small chunks, after that have student share their work and have students revise their work.

  2. Name : Sri Rahayu
    Nim : 171230110/ TBI D

    I think, the method used in this video is very good for the development of writing, very effective for the development of writing skills. in Indonesia this might be very suitable for use in teaching foreign languages. because here the students are more active, and after getting their writing results, students read the results of their writing. before starting the task students read first, starting from the teacher who reads followed by his students. This method is very fun for students because there is reciprocity.

  3. Name:Neng Elas

    In my opinion what I watched from the video about teaching writing was very good, what was taught was not only for writing but also at the same time reading it, how to write it, making students become more active in the classroom. I think if the teaching is applied in Indonesia it is suitable because the motive is good and not too complicated, students also enjoy participating in the learning activities.

  4. In my opinion about this video,it can appropriate to use in student indonesia because the method was use is easy for beginning and easy to understand and easy to used so the student comfortable taking,and understand. For example,the teacher try to student make the writing with their daily activity so the student can easy to make it beacuse the topic not out in their life, like life skill and work skill (what they are to do in every day), started from make phrases and senteces.Than the student try to share their works each other and give the comment or correction about their work each other. It can make the student learning together and known what they are mistake each other.

  5. Name: Falasifa Ajda
    SRN: 171230111
    Class: TBI 6 D

    In the video, tell that the way of developing writing skills are:
    •Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    •Provide a model of the writing
    •Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    •Have students share their work
    •Have students revise their work
    So, I think, its appropriate for Indonesia context. The way of teaching from the teacher in the video is easy to understand, and I think it also appropriate for indonesian students. Because, the teacher gives stimulus or a warm up in the first meeting. The material also is about daily life, such as tell about job, skill, etc. The students also share their writting to their friend and then if their written is wrong, they revise it. I think, it is the good method to develop writing skill for every student. Especially for Indonesia context.

  6. Name: Rika Wulan Dari
    NIM: 171230091/ 6C
    When i heard the video i said something in my heart i ever studied like this way in writing class. In writing four, Miss Ila used this method. She gives us the tofic than we write the topic into paragraph. Therefore the task shared to the classmate and they read and corrected what they have studied before. Give the revise in the paper to indicated the writer if she or he was wrong in that point.
    I think this method aproppriate when use for teaching writing. encourage students to know about the lesson because he was asked to be able to correct a paragraph for example. This video explain how to study writing. The teacher give the sentences to warm up student for the topic. Next the student need the models of writing that is e-mail. After student finish their work, they share the work to the classmate. The second part the student read the paper with silance and the third part the student to comment and make suggustion. Therefor student resive their work.

  7. Mawatdah 171230168 (TBI 6E)

    Warm up the topic before students write - give writing models - allow students to start reading - give assignments that break writting into small pieces - after the students finish their writing there was a peer review activity (students reading their work out loud to their partner, the student exchanging paper reading their partner's work, the opportunity for students to comment on their partner's work and make suggestions for corrections).
    I think this method is effective. So students can not only do their own work but can also provide comments and input to their colleagues and vice versa

  8. Name : Eka Puspitawati
    Nim : 171230135/ 6D

    In my opinion, the method used in video is very effective for developing writing skill. The ability to write is one thing that is very important and must be considered. bearing in mind this is very important, therefore there is a need to improve the ability to write. There are several things that must be considered to develop writing skills including before students write, provide a warm up for the topic, problem a model of writing, provide tasks that break writing into small chunks, have students share their work and have students revise them work

  9. name : ulung hidayatulloh (171230112)
    Class : tbi-6D
    my opinion, after watching the VIDEO I thought that it was an easy and suitable method to be applied or used by teachers in Indonesia, because it was effective in developing students' writing skills such as vocabulary and grammar. The method is divided into 3 stages which aim to improve students' analysis from the work of their friends. with increasing analysis skills students can easily realize which writing structures are wrong.

  10. Nur Anisa
    Tbi 6 E
    in my opinion from what I have seen in the video, about writing skills the method used is very appropriate and very good, method, can be seen from the beginning the teacher gives direction to students so students repeat the words of what they read, and in my opinion it is very good, students not only focus on the ability to write, but also include reading and practicing fluency in reciting the correct words, then students are given time to write from a predetermined topic after that is read and corrected by friends next to them whether the writing structure is correct or not is very effective because to train students to be more active learning in class and the method makes the classroom atmosphere not monotonous, I think if the teachingmethod applied in Indonesia is very suitable because the method used is very good in teaching writing,

  11. Naufali Syafira/171230147/TBI-6E
    In my opinion, based on the video The method is very easy for students to understand because there are examples of models. Making homework very effective because it does not reduce learning time, students are allowed to work on assignments after learning time is finished can relieve students because they can ask friends or teachers, reviewing with their partners is very helpful in correcting their assignments. I think this method is in appropiate with learning in Indonesia

  12. Name : Nisa Aulia
    Class : TBI-6D/171230108

    In my opinion, based on the videos that I have seen teaching writing is very effective, and is good for developing writing skills, and the method in learning is also very fun and students are also easy to follow writing learning in the class. with the topic before starting writing, students can develop the topic when writing.

  13. Nama:Sri Rahayuningsih
    Nim: 171230119
    Class: Tbi 6 D

    I think this method appropriate to teaching writting in indonesian context. This methode good to improve their writting skill. First, the teacher give the stimulus and then the teacher give the task to write email. After write email, the student read and share their work with their friends. It is good activities to develeop their writting skill.

  14. Kurniati 171230159 (TBI 6E)

    in my opinion the teaching methode of writing in the video is appropriate to be applied in Indonesia, because the way of teaching is very easy to understand and do by students and I think, it is effective nd interesting because students are more active and feel challenged.

    There is some way of Developing writing skills based on the video:
    1. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic.
    2. Provide the model of writing.
    3. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks.
    4. Have students share their work.
    5. Have students revise their work.

  15. Name :Dede Andini
    NIM :171230121
    I think, teaching writing through video is one of the effective the video, the explanation is easy to understand and the teacher give some stimulus to create critical thinking of the students. As we know, writing is productive skill, so that the teacher can see the improvement of their students by the results of writing and in that video they can learn and correct the results by their self. In the other hand, the method is teach them to share the results so that they know who will help them when they do not understand the material.

  16. Name : Khusnul Khotimah
    SRN : 171230129
    Class : TBI 6D
    In my opinion, after I watched this video it turned out to be appropriate for the Indonesian context. The way to teach is also easy to understand, and suitable for Indonesian students. Because, when teaching the teacher gives a stimulus or warm up at the initial meeting. The teaching material is about our daily lives, such as talking about introductions, work, etc. Then, students also share their writing with their friends and then if their writing is wrong, they revise it. So this method is very good for developing writing skills for every student especially in Indonesia.

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  18. Name : Qurrotu Aini
    Srn : 171230126
    Class : tbi/VI D
    Based on the video that i have watched. So there are step and model to teach student, espically ini level beginning. There are 5 step
    1. Provide a warm up for the topic
    2. Provide a model of the writing
    3. Provide task that break the writing into small chunks
    4. Student at share their work
    5. Review their work
    As we know, writing is the hardest skill to learn. But this skill ia very important, because its can improve their ability on English skills. So, if we use the step like on the video. It Will easier to student can improve their skill.

  19. Name : Dicky Nurhuda Winata
    Class : TBI 6 E
    Nim : 171230155

    In the video I once learned this in writing class. I think this method is appropriate when used to teach writing. The student education to know about the lesson because he or she is asked to be able to correct the paragraph. In the video, it explains how to learn to write. The teacher gave a sentence to warm the student up for the topic. Next student needs a writing model which is through electronic mail. After students have finished their work, they share the work with the teacher. Then the teacher gave the job to all the students to correct and correct it.

    Thank you

  20. Dina Roihatul Jannah/171230158/TBI VI E

    in my opinion this writing learning method is effective, interesting and easy to understand. moreover to teach in the first phase of learning to write by giving them a warm up first at the beginning and giving a model. then they start writing and start thinking about what they are going to write and also correct it through friends making them want to continue to make better and develop their writing. There is nothing wrong with this method and it's good to apply.

    1. Name : Dede silvia
      Nim : 171230130
      Class : 6 D
      What i have whatched this video, there are some step method to teach writting skill
      1. Before student writte, provide a warm up for the topic. The teacher give the tittle, and writte the materials in board, and the student folow up what teacher said. Than the teacher explain the material.
      2. Provide a model of the writting. The teacher give the model of writting for student and student read the writting.
      3. Provide tasks that break the writting into small chuncks. The teacher give some exercise and some question for the student and they answer it.
      4. Have student share their work. After the teacher give work... The student share their writting in their friend and change with their patner.
      5. Have student revise their work. If there a wrong the student revise their work, and after that the writting to publish their work.
      So, in my opponion this method is very suitable or good for indonesian context. Because I think this method is easy to understood and easy for student make the writting.

  21. Name: Marisa Romdon
    Nim: 171230134
    Class: Tbi 6/D
    I think the method that used in this video is appropriate . Starting from how teachers do warm ups to provide the stimulus to students. After that, teachers provide the model of the writing and use skills that are not far from what students often use, namely work and life skills. when students are finished with the writing assignments given, students can also share their writing with others and they can be corrected to know whats wrong on their writing and revise it.

  22. Siska Amelia
    I agree with Dennis Johnson that is the first things about writing skill. There are :
    1. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic. Teacher can ask student to repeated what teacher said, and it is can improve students vocabulary.
    2. Provide a model of the teaching writing. I think it is important, because that have example and explanation about the material. Students can read and write down their answer
    3. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks. I agree because it make active learning, cteative thinking, and student center. Students can interraction with their classmate, and teacher can give homework.
    4. Have students share their work. Like, reading the partner assignment and make suggestion to correction.
    5. Have students revise their work. Student work can publishing or post in the classroom.

    And it is appropriate for Indonesia context, and at the number 5 can do it in this condition ( covid-19 ) student can write their answer in the classroom or other or like we do now in the blog.
    So, writing skill is the proccess, movement, and something always improve thoughts. Thank you

  23. Adelia Ramayanti
    TBI 6D

    In my opinion, the video gives appropriate and effective strategies for Indonesian students in learning writing. The video show the way in teaching writing by:
    1) start the class with small talks; it will build the motivation of the students
    2) do warm up to make students ready for the lesson
    3) find the main idea about the topic that will be writen
    4) provide a model of writing
    5) provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks 
    6) have students share their work
    7) have students revise their work

  24. Name : Fitra Bela Wulandini
    Nim: 171230139
    Class: TBI-6D
    Based on my opinion, the method is effective. The teacher gave an appropriate method to increase writing skill and it is also according to their level.
    Student looked more active during the learning. So, it is a purpose of teacher. The teacher explained nicely and easy to understand. Therefore, this method is appropriate to Indonesian learning. Because, the teacher can gave a phase of writing to mastery the content. Not only that but also student and teacher interact each other more active. In a way (according to video) The teacher gave the sentences to warm up student for the topic. Then, the student need the models of writing (e-mail). After it, they share the work to their friends. Finally, it's revised. It used more practice of writing.
    So, I remembered about one quote, "Practice makes Perfect".

  25. Name : Iis Amalia (171230157)
    Class : TBI 6E

    in my opinion, from the video writing method used is effective and fun. In these skills students are able to understand and be able to follow class learning. in this writing skills students are able to convey ideas, ideas, and messages to readers with specific goals. writing activities can be a medium or a learning tool for language components because in writing skills students are required to apply grammatical knowledge, sentence structure, idioms and vocabulary.

  26. Name : shultShulth
    Nim. : 171230171
    Class : tbi 6E

    in my opinion the writing skills of this video can be used by students in Indonesia by the teacher, because the method used is very good and easy to teach, "for example the teacher sets an example in their daily lives, so they are easy to understand and will have no difficulties when trying understand "in my opinion this method should be used here.

  27. Name : M. Yasir Khatami (171231037)

    I thing in video is very effective for developing writing skill for the method of teaching writing, because it is very easy for applied for teaching in our country. This method is appropiate with learning in Indonesia because it is very goof in teaching writing. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic, this way or strategi for easy to understand the material.

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  29. Fenty Nurhayati Nufus

    In my opinion after watching this video about teaching writing is very good, the method used is easy to do and easy to understand so it is good for teachers and students in Indonesia. Because this method uses :
    - Before Students write, provide a warn up for the Topic.
    - Provide a model of the writing.
    - Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks.
    - Have Students share their work.

    By using this method, students not only learn writing but also reading. Which makes students become more active.

  30. Name : Izzatuddini Islamiati
    SRN : 171230141
    Class : TBI - 6E

    In my opinion the method used in learning writing skills in the video is good and if the method is applied in Indonesia it might be effective because the teacher does not directly instruct his students to write but before writing the teacher will provide a warm-up / explanation, after that the teacher will provide a model of writing which is needed by students to do their writing, then the teacher instructs students to read and after that is given an assignment to write from the text that has been read. After students work on their assignments then they are corrected together while justifying if something is wrong. In this method, students also look relaxed but actively follow the lessons conveyed by their teacher.

  31. Name : Bai Fadliyah
    NIM : 171230146
    Class : TBI 6E

    In my opinion from what I have seen in the video, the method is suitable to be applied in Indonesia because in writing learning uses a very good learning model, and is very effective, when learning students also play an active and not passive role, and for homework exercises given very effective because it does not reduce their learning time, and they are also allowed to do it after the study time is over, if they have no understanding they may ask friends and teachers whether the writing should be improved or not, and it is very beneficial for them.

  32. Maulani Mumtaz
    TBI 6D
    Writing is especially challenging for ESL students, most students tell (to that teacher) that's the hardest skill to learn it's with and the skill that they're most uncomfortable with but it's important because giving this students opportunity for writing is something that's going to improve the level of their fluency. It’s
    important to teach process writing in ESL because students need to feel successful and all of us know that we write a first draft we feel successful about it we're self-conscious about the skill they have the least practic.
    Developing writing skills:
    ⁃ Before students write provide a warm up for the topic
    ⁃ Provide a model of the writing
    ⁃ Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    ⁃ Have students share their work
    ⁃ Have students revise their work

    My opinion:
    The method is easy and we can practice the method in Indonesia. The class discuss about work skills and life skills. Firstly the teacher order them to read the model, after reading the model students had to write questions about the model. So they had to answer the questions they have given. When they answer the question it is they writing practice. Then the teacher ask them to read their ‘writing’ by reading out loud with the classmate or partner. After reading out loud, the students exchanging paper with their partner or classmate so they reading the partner’s paper by silently. And the last part is the teacher give opportunity for students to comment on their partner’s work.

  33. Mila Silvia Febrianti (171230132) 6D

    I think the teaching method from the teacher in this video is easy to understand, and also appropriate for Indonesian students. Because in the video tell the method of developing writing skills, which is to warm up the topic before students write, so provide a model of writing , give assignments that break the writing into small chunks. After students complete their assignments, students share their work and then ask students to revise their work.

  34. Name : Putri Oktaviani (171230116)
    Class : TBI-6 D

    In some cases especially indonesia that use english as foreign language, writing is the hardest skill because they need to produce the language. Though it's hard but by practice for writing it can improve the fluency of student. Based on the video, i think the method that teacher use can be teach in indonesia. This is appropriate to develop students wiriting skills because teacher needs to provide the idea (it can improve students critical thinking). Then, provide model of the writing (for beginning students can try to write that similar with model and ask them to make their own writing). Last, peer review activity (by sharing the result of their own writing to others, it can help each other for correct the errors from the text).

  35. Name : Uun Hunayah
    SRN : 171230122
    Class : TBI 6D
    In my opinion, the teaching method on the video is very well applied for novice students in learning how to write correctly. In the video the material taught is very basic and close to daily life. When the teacher gives homework, in assessing the work is very effective because it can train students in reading, can make a good relationship with other students through the exchange of their homework and can improve skills about the structure and grammar in writing the homework. In the context of teaching writing in Indonesia, this kind of teaching should be adopted and applied. Maybe there are teachers who have applied it and some who haven't. By using teaching methods like this, not only can develop writing skills, but also can develop other skills such as reading and analyzing the accuracy of structure and grammar.

  36. Name : Tsania padhila 171230142
    Class : TBI 6E
    in my opinion this writing learning method is interesting, precise, easy to understand, and does not make it saturated. The teacher tries to make students write with their daily activities, this makes students easier to write, because based on the experience they have experienced, and students try to share their work with each other then provide comments or corrections. This of course can make students learn together and understand their mistakes with each other. This method is suitable for use in Indonesia

  37. Aisyah Rahmah F
    TBI 6E

    In my opinion from the video is The teacher’s writing is discussed, revised, pulled apart, and put back together again. Teachers are more likely to use phrases such as, “let’s think together about how we could…” Even though the teacher orchestrates the way in which the conversation about the writing goes, popping out specific points, and of course creates the writing itself, the The Teach portion of the minilesson is less about the teacher putting on a show and more about the teacher inviting students to think alongside her.
    Even though the way in which demonstration writing is approached has changed subtly, it is just as, or perhaps more so, important to the writing workshop. Of course, those of us who believe in writing workshop already believe in the power of using teacher writing in mini lessons. That doesn’t make creating it on a regular basis, when we are bombarded with countless other responsibilities, any easier.
    For demonstration writing, meant to help you get more bang for your writing back :
    1.Demonstration writing need not be long
    2.Writing should match what kids are able to do and what they’re struggling with
    3.Writing should be attainable for kids
    4.Use your writing as a way to show what you do when the going gets tough

  38. Name: Halimatusaadiah
    Class: TBI 6D
    NIM: 171230128

    In my opinion after watching that video that the method that he used for teaching writing to students is good because beside writing, he also teach reading and acquant many vocabularies in order to expand the vocabularies the students have. because writing and reading are related matters, thats why he used that method. This method is very suitable to be used or applied in Indonesia, in all ages and level.

  39. Egista Sri Handayani
    TBI 6D

    As I see it in the resources. In that video, teacher use completely teaching technique that is very useful to teach writing esl student like in Indonesia. First, before student write, provide a warm up for the topic. So student can known and prepare their self to the topic that will learn and then lesson start with think about the material. Second, provide a model of the writing. Fill with read the moduls and then write answer the questions. Third, provide task that break the wariting into small chunks. This fill with student generate their idea about the material and their discuss it with others with shere their work. There are the very helpful process to teach writing to esl student.

  40. Name : Ru'yatul Khoiriyawati
    SRN : 171230160
    Class : TBI 6E

    In my opinion this writing learning method is effective, interesting and easy to understand. Writing is also included in the level of the most difficult language skills because to produce a good writing requires mastery of three other language skills.

    1.student writing should
    based on meaningful personal topics,
    2. conversation should be
    done before carrying out activities
    3. writing ability should
    manifested in pleasant situations.

    In this era we cannot underestimate writing skills. Being a good writer requires a lot of practice and sensitivity. It is also a good idea to practice from today, and feel the results in the future.

  41. In my opinion, after watching the video the teacher had good method in teaching writing ti the student. I think this method also can be applied to Indonesian student. First the teacher do the warming up about the topic that the student will do. The teacher give the example of the writing text and make the question from the text. The purpose is to generated the student vocabulary before do their writing. The teacher also follow-up the students to do the revision, correction, and adding content in need to make sure the students writing finish perfectly.
    Wilda Najiya/171230136/TBI 6D

  42. Miftah Aulia Utami/171230150/TBI 6E

    In that video we learn about teaching writing demonstration. I think, the method is appropriate to applied in indonesia. Because the method is simple and fun, before the students write the teacher give a warm up for the topic, give a model of writing, until the students share their work and corrected it together. So it can make the students will be more interested and active.

  43. Name : Gita Ayu Sahdila (171230165)
    Class : TBI 6E

    Based on the video, there is some way of developing writing skills are:
    Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic. Provide a model of the writing. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks. Have students share their work. Have students revise their work.

    I think this methode is very good and easy to understand. The methode so clear because there are example of models. This methode is very effective for students in Indonesia. This methode can improve their ability in English skills.

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  46. Rizki Aulia Rahman
    171230163/TBI VI_E
    In my opinion, the method used is very effective and to develop writing skills. The ability to write is one thing that is very important and must be considered. Remember this is very important, therefore there is a need to improve writing skills to teach in the first phase of learning to write by giving them warm up first and giving a model. There is nothing wrong with this method and it is good to apply.

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  49. Elpasari Permata (171230148)

    In my opinion, after watching a video about writting skills, I think the method is appropriate and easy to be applied by teachers in Indonesia. This method is very interesting and easy to understand. It is effective in developing students' writing skills, such as vocabulary and grammar. And will be quickly understood because there are examples of models. When used to teach writing, the teacher encourages students to analyze, because they will be asked to improve paragraphs or grammar. With increasing analytical skills, students can easily realize which writing structure is wrong. The teacher gives a sentence to students on the topic. I think this method is appropriate when applied in Indonesia because it is very interesting and suitable.

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  51. ainul miftahil ulum
    tbi 6 d

    In my opinion, the method of teaching on video is good for novice students in learning how to write correctly. In the video there is learning that is taught very basic and close to everyday life. When the teacher gives homework, in assessing the work is very effective because it can train students in reading, can make a good relationship with other students through the exchange of their homework and can improve skills about structure and grammar in writing homework. In the context of teaching writing in Indonesia, this kind of teaching must be adopted and applied. Maybe there are teachers who have applied it and some who haven't. By using teaching methods like this, not only can develop writing skills, but also can develop other skills such as reading and analyzing the accuracy of structure and grammar.

  52. Name: M. Najmudin (171230144)
    Class: Tbi 6E

    In the video, the method to improve students english writing skills need to:
    -Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    -Provide a model of writing
    -Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    -Have students share their work
    -Have students revise their work
    In my opinion, the method applied in the video is very effective for learning writing skills, because teaching and delivery of material is easy to understand, I think this method needs to be applied in Indonesia, because by using this method students will be more effective to improve their writing skills.

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  54. after watching that video about teaching writing, i think that method is very good for teaching writing. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic, this way or strategi for easy to understand the material and students can more active and students can improve their skills. So, this method is appropriate for Indonesia context.


  55. Wida robiyah (171230124) tbi 6D

    I think in this video the teacher has given the right method to improve writing skills, the teaching method used is very easy to apply and also very effective, therefore this method is suitable for teaching in our country Indonesia, in this video the method it is very good that the teacher gives ideas to provide topics before students write and directs them to the writing that releases their thoughts, and provides a writing model, then students share their work and then ask students to revise their work.

  56. Rina Sobarina

    In my opinion, the teaching of writing contained in the video fits the context in Indonesia. This is because teaching is systematic, directed, contextualized, and easy to apply. Very good for teachers to warm up before entering into the material to be delivered. After that, teach writing models that are appropriate to the material. And the teacher is also important to provide training or assignments, so that students are also able to practice the material presented. After that, discuss each other on the results of the assignments of each student, so students know where the error lies in writing and are able to correct it. Especially if before the lesson begins with a prayer. Of course this is able to cover the K-13 core competencies that must be achieved by students in Indonesia.

  57. Agnia Silmi
    TBI C / Semester 6

    In my opinion, based on the video. The method of developing writing skills in the video is appropriate or suitable for teaching English writing in Indonesia for students of all levels. Because the application of an easy method to make teachers know the location or where of writing errors students and students share their work and revise it themselves will make them better know and understand the of writing errors also makes them independent because revise their own work but also with guidance.

  58. Nurlita Aristiani 171230173
    It's import to give a student the opportunity for writing is someting that going to improve their fluency its import to teach the writing process in ESL because the student needs to feel successfull. Since the goal of the writing lesson is for students to write about the skills and we generated a list with students to brainstorm.
    in the video the method used is very interesting and useful for students and makes writing lessons more enjoyable, and this can be applied in Indonesia because the method is very easy to understand and fun.

  59. Fauka Noer Fajari (171230100)

    Demonstration method is an alternative step of learning that is used to visualize a series or the workings of an object related to the learning process.
          This method is aimed at students who are still below their ability to produce procedure texts. the lack of students' expertise in making procedural texts against the background of the lack of planned learning made by educators, is less precise in using learning methods in the continuity of teaching and learning.
          The choice of demonstration method in learning becomes very important, if the method is not in harmony with learning, the material will not be conveyed properly, the method used cannot expand every potential possessed by students in pouring their writing due to lack of understanding of the text. The method used by the teacher plays an active and productive role. If the method used is able to make students become actively productive, then not only students who have motivation to learn, but teachers are motivated to provide good teaching at the same level to students.

  60. Intan Nurbaeti 171230089

    Based on the video the demonstration method is an alternative step of learning that is used to visualize a series or the workings of an object related to the learning process. The teacher gave an appropriate method to increase writing skill and it is also according to their level. 
    Student looked more active during the learning. So, it is a purpose of teacher. The teacher explained nicely and easy to understand. Therefore, this method is appropriate to Indonesian learning. Because, the teacher can gave a phase of writing to mastery the content. Not only that but also student and teacher interact each other more active. In a way (according to video) The teacher gave the sentences to warm up student for the topic. Then, the student need the models of writing (e-mail). After it, they share the work to their friends. Finally, it's revised. It used more practice of writing. 

  61. Name: Junaini Ratna Sari
    Nim: 171230093
    Class: TBI.6C
    in my opinion the way given in the video like:
    1. before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    2. provide a model of the writing
    3. provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    4. have students share their work
    5. have students revise their work.
    in this way learning to write in the classroom will be effective and can develop writing skills.

  62. Name : Miladiyah
    NIM : 171230094
    Class : TBI 6C
    In my opinion, according to the video i think the method are simple and easy to understand for esl students, because The teacher gave students the opportunity to write, which is to increase the level of fluency of students. It is good method can applied for Indonesian people. The teacher provide to students to read text, and write the answers of two questions about the model. And the purpose of the activity was for students to begin generating the language that be used in the follow up the writing. Using process writing in the classroom is very helpful to students because it gives them the sense from the beginning. It is very. Helpful for esl students to understand how to write.

  63. Aam amalia
    TBI 6e

    I think I have watched the video about this skill writing is very good, effective and easy to apply by the teachers. This method is very easy to understand for students in developing student writing skills, such as vocabulary and grammar and will be eliminated, and this is also suitable for beginners in learning to write.

  64. masnawati(171230082_TBI 6C)

    in my point view about that video is. for developing writing skill is as a teacher we have to provide a warm topic before the students write and the student repeat the teacher when read a written. so, give the student vocabulary. after that the teacher provide a model of writing after students read the model they have to write down/answer the article that given by the the teacher. so, the teacher also have to provide tasks that break that break the writing into small chunks and the teacher as their task to correct and as the student to revise their tasks if there is some mistake.

  65. Hifni khoibul umam

    In the video I saw the method of writing is eazy to do, the teacher teach a simple method, he made the students enjoying the class.
    Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic, provide a model of the writing, provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks, have students share their work, have students revise their work

  66. An Umillah Istiqomah 171230098
    TBI 6 C

    Based on the video that I have watched, my opinion is the method of writing skills that apply is effective, interesting and easy to understand. This method appropriate to be applied in Indonesia.
    There are several steps to teach write, they are:
    1. Before students write, provide a warm up for the Topix. The students started thinking the idea, like "I Van drive a car". This step the teacher give a good grammatical and repeat the idea that has written to the students.
    2. Provide a model of writing. Students have write the answer to the question about model.
    3. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks. For example the students dan answer the questions by own writing, like "own job, own skill, etc".
    4. Have students revise their work
    5. Publishing. The students relize their writing in front of the audience. Complex students work around the room.

  67. Name : Subihat
    Nim : 171230085
    Class : TBI 6 C

    In my opinion, based on video about writing demonstration. The method is very effective for student in Indonesia, and this method can improve writing skills. Because, there are several steps to write, they are : Before students write, provide a warm up for the Topic. Provide a model of writing, students have write the answer to the question about mode. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks. Have students revise their work. And the last Publishing, he students relize their writing in front of the audience, complex students work around the room.

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  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Name: Dita Amalia Rahmah
    Nim: 171230099
    Class: Tbi 6C

    I think the method according the video is so interesting, because the active teacher and make the atudent active and not boring, and i think that can we use in EFL.
    And the video also tel how to developing writing skill.
    1. Before student write, provide a warm up for the topic.
    2. Provide a model of the writing.
    3. Provide task that break the writing smalk chunk.
    4. Have student share their work.
    A. Reading the task
    B. Change the paper
    C. Upportunity to make suggestion
    5. Have student resive their work.

  71. Name : Sutihat ( 171230172 )
    Class : Tbi 6 E

    In the video, the method to improve students english writing skills need to:
    -Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    -Provide a model of writing
    -Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    -Have students share their work
    -Have students revise their work

    In my opinion, after I watched this video, the method used in writing skills is in accordance with the context in Indonesia, because in this method it is very easy for teachers to do it, and this method also makes their students understand quickly, in this method also the learning process which is very interesting and makes students active, and is better at mastering writing skills because they understand weaknesses and strengths in their writing skills after they revise these writting skills

  72. Dewi Anggraeni
    TBI 6C

    Based on the video, there are steps for teaching writing. first, before students write, the provide warms up for the topic, the second student, prepares a writing model for students, thirdly, gives assignments that break the writing up into small pieces, and finally ask students to revise their work. In my opinion the method is quite good, simple and easy to teach writing to students.

  73. Name : sgofi elsiana maulida
    nim : 171230071
    class : TBI 6C

    in the video, I think it's effective to teach writing. the teacher using a method that make the students activelly to write. writing is a process that we move from our initial writing to final drafts.
    the methode are:
    the first before students write, provide a warm up for the topic (the first we talked about skill and then we wrote on the board)
    the second provide a modelof writing, we can give an example of letter/email, the students read and then write the answer.
    the third provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks, have students share their work, have students revise their work if they made mistake.

  74. Name : Sutihat ( 171230172 )
    Class : Tbi 6 E

    In the video, the method to improve students english writing skills need to:
    -Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    -Provide a model of writing
    -Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    -Have students share their work
    -Have students revise their work

    In my opinion, after I watched this video, the method used in writing skills is in accordance with the context in Indonesia, because in this method it is very easy for teachers to do it, and this method also makes their students understand quickly, in this method also the learning process which is very interesting and makes students active, and is better at mastering writing skills because they understand weaknesses and strengths in their writing skills after they revise these writting skills

  75. Name : Roudhotul jannah
    NIM / Class : 171230080 / TBI 6 C

    Based on the video that I have watched, my opinion is the method of writing skills that apply is effective, interesting and easy to understand. This method appropriate to be applied in Indonesia. There are several steps to teach write, they are: First, before students write, provide a warm up for the Topix. Teacher worked with students to brainstorm a list of skills which then teacher wrote on the board and I appealed student to read and repeat. Second, provide a model of writing. for students to read a model for writing and the models are so important at every level and students need a model for writing and the model was in form of an email for their own writing. Third, provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks. used to discuss the model and then I used similar four questions. And fourth, have students revise their work. Students reading their work out loud to their partner, students making revisions, making corrections.

  76. Dhita Faradila Tunnisa (171230076)

    In my opinion based on the video, the method of teaching writing is very effective and easy to apply in that condition especially for student in this country. The method that apply by the teacher is it a suitable in our curricullum it means the students can be student center in the class like more active than the teacher. The method also can improve their writing skills such as, vocabulary, grammar, coherence, and also very suitable for beginner learner.

  77. Name: Tatu Muspirah
    NIM : 171230088
    CLASS : TBI 6 c
    This method is simple and easy to understand for students, because the teacher gives students the opportunity to write, which is to increase the level of fluency of students. The teacher gives students to read the text, and write answers to two questions about the model. In addition, the teacher gives a sentence to warm students to the topic. Then, students need a writing model (email). After that, they share the work with their friends and they revise it. And the purpose of this activity is for students to start producing the language used in the follow-up to writing. So this method is appropriate for Indonesian students too

  78. Dinda Ryanti

    There are many techniques or guidelines for improving writing skills.I think in that video the method of developing writing skills is appropriate or suitable for teaching English writing in EFL especially in Indonesia.Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic, provide a model of writing,have students share their work. Thus, this strategi more easy to understand and students can improve their writing skills.

  79. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 6 C

    In my opinion, this method is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia because it is very easy to understand and effective.
    There are several ways to develop writing skills based on video:
    1. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic.
    2. Provide a model of the writing.
    3. Provide tasks yhat break the writing into small chunks.
    4. Have students share their work.
    5. Have students revise their work.

  80. Name:Abidah Amaliah
    Class:TBI 6C

    Based on video, give some technique how to developing writung skill. In my mind, it is can apply in our country (Indonesia).This technique can help student to increase their ability in writing skills.
    Writing is specific challenging for student to learn. Writing is process to move on final draft.
    The following technique to developing writing skills:
    1. Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic. (It is to train brainstorming life skill. Start with think about idea (life skill). We can use vocabulary to arrange some idea in some sentence).
    2. Provide a model of the writing (for example letter (email) the teacher try to give some model of writing to the student in developing writing skills).
    3. Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks (the student practice to answer some questions and try to make a simple paragraph).
    4. Have students share their work (the student exchanging their task paper to others).
    5. Have students revise their work (the teacher find out the problem and overcome it, and we can publish our paper).

  81. Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.
    Name: Khoirunnisa
    NIM: 171230090
    Class: TBI-C / VI
    Writing is the most difficult skill in learning English, because we are asked to develop ideas using our own language. In my opinion, the methods in the video can be used in Indonesia, where at the beginning of learning students will be given stimulation so that they can develop ideas from simple topics, then after that use a model such as for example given a text and then ask them to answer questions based on the text but developed in their own language and do not forget to also use a dictionary for us who still lack vocabulary, then they will write the results, and exchange ideas with my classmates by exchanging results and correcting each other so that we will better understand how good writing.

  82. Name: Eri Fettri
    SRN: 171230074 (TBI-6C)

    In my opinion, based on the the video about developing writing skill using process writing technique is very effective and interesting. Because the technique or method is easy to be understand by students in every levels. Beginning with give a warm up of the topic. Provide a model of the writing. Provide tasks as homework to maximize the class. Share student's work. Then sudents revise their work. The process is helpful to Students, because it gives them the sense from the beginning that writing is a process, and that can always improved on.

  83. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    Name : Rahmah Dyani Sya'baniah (171230105)
    Class : TBI - 6C

    In my opinion the method in the video is very effective to be used for writing skills, students can follow how to write and are good with appropriate models. Students can also develop their reading skills before trying writing. Writing can also begin with the conditions and their self-introduction. In this method students can also improve critical thinking of the questions and answers that are correct and justify and also comment on the results of their friends writing.

    Thank you,
    Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

  84. Avionica Diar Aisya-171230075

    In my opinion the teaching methode of writing based on the video is appropriate to be applied in Indonesia, because some lecturers have used this method when teaching.And most students feel there is progress in their writing skills.
    1.Give some clue about the topic will be present.
    2.Give a model of writing
    3.Give some questions about the topic of model writing.
    4.Give the feedback of the results from what they have done

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  87. Name: Arni Dhea Seftiani
    NIM : 171230083/TBI.6C

    In my opinion, after watching the video. By applying the teaching of writing it is very easy and effective for this level of students on a regular basis.
    Can be done by doing techniques such as:
      1. Before students write, warm the topic.
      2. provide writing models
      3. give a task that breaks the writing into small pieces
      4. ask students to share their work
      5. ask students to revise their work.
    In this way learning to write in class will be effective and easily obtained and can develop writing overall skills.

  88. Name : Ridho Hafizh Firdaus
    Nim :171230109

    In my opinion, after i was watching this video, the method is good for english learners to develop writting skills, because the teacher provide easy way to understand how they write in english language, especially for beginer, the teacher will be check they result after following the class, then he will be corrected they answer.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

    TBI 6C

    in my opinion the method taught in the video is very good and suitable for all ages because it is easy to understand and apply. Because the application of an easy method to make teachers know the location or where of writing error student.

  91. After I watched a video on YouTube about teaching writing, there was a teacher who taught writing step by step, starting from reading first and translating written sentences, and in the video the teacher must have a unique learning model so that students do not have to bother learning. then in this video students are not immediately instructed to write but students are instructed to accept the initial sentence.

  92. Nia sulastiana (171230097) tbi 6c
    As soon as I saw the video, I thought it was one of the simlple, but nice. The instructions are easily understood. He teaches at the first level. Besides instructions until writing in the vidio are instructions to read their writing and correct with a friend. This is very interesting. So that learning can be easily understood

  93. Ainul Qonitah, 171230152, Tbi 6 E

    In my opinion, the method in the video is appropriate for teaching writing that used in Indonesia. It is an easy method and easy to understand for the beginning students. It is not only improve the writing skill, but also vocabulary.

  94. Name : Silfi Novira
    Kelas : TBI 6.C
    Nim : 171230101

    In the video, the method to improve students english writing skills need to: 
    -Before students write, provide a warm up for the topic
    -Provide a model of writing
    -Provide tasks that break the writing into small chunks
    -Have students share their work
    -Have students revise their work

    In my opinion, after I watched this video, the method used in writing skills is very helpful in learning, because this method makes it easy for teachers to teach their students to understand quickly, and also in this method can also make students active in learning, and deepen in mastering writing skills.

  95. Name: Amry Muqtashid
    Class: TBI-6E
    Nim: 171230149

    in my opinion, the method and the steps are
    very effective with the method
    - Before student writing
    - provide warm up for the topic
    - Provide the model of writing
    -ask students to make one small print, or cut
    the most important small print.
     - Have students share their work
    - Revise their work.

    I think these steps are good, because they are very easy to do for students and have a lot of influence on student understanding

  96. Rani Irawati
    TBI 6C

    My opinion after i watched the video, the method of teaching writing is effective and simple for the teacher when give the material to the learners. and learners also easy to understand the material by this method.

    this method also is appropriate for teaching writing in Indonesia.
