Wednesday 13 May 2020


Bus station is one of public places providing a transportation. People could interact and have transaction in this place. Therefore, we sometimes find canteen, souvenir shop in the bus station. There are some expressions used in this place such as ticketing, greeting, etc. It is very important for English students understanding the context and text applied in this place. Please listen to this following video. Write the expressions used in the video and how to make an effective communication in the bus station. Do in this forum as your attendaces in my class. Thanks for your participation.

please see these following videos to learn how people communicate in the bus station,

video 1

video 2


  1. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah 191230012
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : TBI 2 A
    to make effective communication on the bus we can use the following sentences or expressions.
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. l'll be here for 4 daya. What's the best deal?
    3. What's the best way to get to....from here?
    4. I think l missed my stop. Where can i get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    5. Do you know when the next bus/train comes? It'll be 20 minutes. You should just walk.

  2. Annisa Laila Cahyani ( 191230023 )
    TBI 2A
    The expressions that can be used in public transportation based on the video :
    1. Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    It means that it lasts for the whole week, you can have unlimited rides and save money.
    2. What is the best way to get to _________ from here?
    It is still kind of has to do asking for direction but it is specifically for transportation.
    3. Where can I get / catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    Can be used in a worried situation.
    4. Do you know when the next bus / train comes?
    You can use this expression when you are don’t know or unsure when will the the next bus or train comes.
    5. Do you know where I can get / catch a taxi?
    When you miss the public transportation, you probably will ask stranger the taxi stand.
    How to make an effective communication in the bus station :
    First, you can greet the stranger to make a good impression,
    “ Hello / excuse me, good morning / good afternoon. ”
    Then you should give little informations about yourself,
    “ I’m new here and I want to go to Jakarta, do you know which bus should I take? ”
    You can also say,
    “ I don’t want to bother you, but do you know which bus should I take to go to Jakarta? ”

  3. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 2 A
    NIM : 191230010

    5 Expression on public transportation (Bus station, subway, taxi)
    1. Go to the ticket window and ask when we going to be there for couple days "Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?"
    2. Asking for direction "What's the best way to get to .... from here?"
    3. When we'r on the bus trying to get off the bus at a certain stop but that 'stop' go by and we didn't get off. We can ask the bus driver or another passenger "I think i missed my bus stop. Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?"
    4. Waiting the bus on the bus stop we can ask the another passenger or someone on the street "Excuse me, i don't want to bother you. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?"
    5. For taking a taxi. When no more bus and we could ask "Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi?"

    How to make an effective communication
    You can make a greetings or good expression to another passenger on the bus station
    1. "Excusme me, Hello, Can i ask you?, Morning"
    2. "Sorry, I don't want to bother you. Do you know..."
    3. "Thank you so much, Oh OK I will go there. Have a nice day"

  4. Sekar Ayu
    TBI 2A

    Expressions used by public transportation based on video:
    1. Can I get permission for a week for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get _________ from here?
    3. Where can I get / take the bus in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus / train is coming?
    5. Do you know where I can get / take a taxi?

    How to make effective communication at the bus station:

    can use polite greetings with the people around us that we meet to get the right information.

    ask the core things so they don't interfere.

    don't panic and look for the nearest information center about bus departures.

  5. Present.
    Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031

    Video 1
    5 expression we can use to ask to getting the public transfortation
    1. If want to get a good deal on public transfortation. We can use "Can I get a week long subway/bus pass?"
    2. Asking for direction, specifically for transfortation. We can use "What's the best way to get to---from here?"
    3. The expression that used in a situation where we are a little bit worried. We can use "I think I messed my bus stop. Where can I catch a bus/subwat going the opposite direction?"
    4. If we just waiting the bus/subwat too long. We can use "Do you know when the next bus/subway comes?"
    5. The expression for taking a taxi. We can use "Do you know where I can get a taxi?"

    Video 2
    Phrases recomended
    1. I want to go to----which is bus to away take?
    2. I want to go to----is it right bus?
    Vocab to repeat
    Bus - Train - Bus Station - Bus Stop - Get on - Get off - Cross the road - The number nine

    How to make an effective communication in bus station?
    If we want to travel somewhere by public transport. we can ask for directions, departure schedule, accuracy of transportation and so on. we can ask the station clerk or other passengers. try to ask politely, use the word excuse me or we can also make magic phrases, like excuseme, i don't mean to bother you. we can ask with the recommended expressions in these two videos.

  6. Naufa auliyatul faizah

    The exspressions ini the vidio and how to make an effective communication in the bus station.

    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. Do you know when the next bus / train comes?
    3. Where can i get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. What is the best way to get to,,, from here?

  7. Fitriyatul Janah

    Based the video, expression can use in public transportation :
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for subway?
    2. what the best way to get to there from here?
    3. where can i get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus come?
    5. Do you know where i get the taxi?

    Effective comunication in the bus station:
    First you must be go to the bus station and ask to another passanger "Excuse me, i want to go to Bandung, which bus to i take?"
    then another passanger tell the right bus.
    then ask the driver "I want to go to Bandung, it his the right bus?.

  8. Name: Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004

    5 expression we can use to ask on public transportation
    1.Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2.Asking for direction "What's the best way to get to .. from here?
    3.Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4.Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    That's expression when we waiting a bus or train
    5."Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi?"
    That's expression when we wnat get out off the bus, and we want go home and not found the taxi.

    How to make an effective communication
    You cab use a greetings, for example
    -excuse me,
    -good morning, good afternoon
    -thank you

  9. Eci Ayumi

    Expression used in the video:
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to...from here?
    3. Where can i get/catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know when i can get/catch a taxi?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus.
    1. Excuse me, good morning May I ask?
    2. Sorry to bother, do you know this address?
    3. Thank you, sorry to bother you

  10. Name : Asha febriyanti
    Nim : 191230021
    Class : Tbi 2A
    Expression used in the video:
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to...from here?
    3. Where can i get/catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know when i can get/catch a taxi?
    How to make an effective communication in the bus.
    "Where can I take the bus route ..." you can ask people at the bus terminal and first use "excuse me sorry to disturb, do you know ..."
    excuse me/good morning/sorry to bother you
    At first communication in the bus

  11. Present.
    Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 191230007

    The expressions that can be used in public transportation based on the video :
    1.Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2.Asking for direction "What's the best way to get to .. from here?
    3.Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4.Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    That's expression when we waiting a bus or train
    5."Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi?"
    That's expression when we wnat get out off the bus, and we want go home and not found the taxi.

    How to make effective and good communication. You should definitely consider being friendly and polite to the person who will ask. for example like: 1. "Good afternoon, sorry, I can't ask for your permission. Can I ask?" 2. "use the word (good morning / afternoon / evening). And preceded by the word (excuse me / sorry)" 3. "and don't forget to say THANK YOU and HAPPY STAY then pray for a pleasant day.

  12. Riska Rahayu
    TBI A

    The expressions used in the video :
    1. Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What's the best way to get to .... from here?
    3. I think I missed my bus stop. Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know where I can get /catch a Taxi?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus station :
    The first thing to do is you should greet the person you want to ask nicely. And then give them the reason why are you approaching them or you can be straight to the question.
    ''Excuse me, Sir. I don't want to bother you but may I ask if you know when is the next bus comes?''

  13. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025

    The expression used in the 2 videos is:
    1. If you want to get a good deal on public transportation you might go to the ticketing window and you might ask "Can i get the week long subway pass?, can i get a week long bus pass, can i get a week long pass.
    If they say no we can answer : "Im going to be here for four days, whats the best deal?"
    2. Asking for directions, but its specifically for transportation. "What the best way to get to the.... (Place) and we can use magic phrase here like : " I dont mean to bother you but whats the best way to get to this..... (Place) from here?.
    3. This expression if in a situation where you're a little bit worried
    ex. we're in the bus and trying to get off the bus at a certain stop but you see that stop go by and you didn't get off. we can ask to the driver or passenger " I think i missed my bus stop, where can i get or catched, where can i get a bus in the opposite direction.
    4. This expression we can use when we are waiting bus, we can ask with the magic prase " Excuse me i dont mean to bother you but do you know when the next bus/subway/train comes?
    5. This expression is for taking a taxi. "Do you know where i can get/catch a taxi?", "Excuse me i dont mean to bother you, but do you know where i can get a taxi?"
    6. This expression we can use for ask the right bus. "Excuse me, i want to go to... (place) is this the right bus?"

    And how to make effective communication at the bus station we can use:
    1. Greetings like: -hello, excuse me, morning, etc
    2. Then a polite and kind expression
    - I dont want to bother you.. And
    3. Ask directly about our goal (what we want to know) : - I want to go to.. , do you know about the place..
    4. Our expressions of gratitude are like : -Thankyou so much, Oke thanks etc

    And in general we should be able to adjust our questions. What we will ask and make sure when we ask clearly what we want to know. Definitely use polite words and focus directly on the questions we want to ask and avoid wordy attention to accents or intonations, an pronunciation that is clear and definitely avoid regional accents.

  14. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 2 A

    Expression used in the video:
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to...from here?
    3. Where can i get/catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know when i can get/catch a taxi?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus.
    1. "Excuse me, good morning May I ask? "
    2. "Sorry to bother, do you know this address?"
    3. "Thank you, sorry to bother you"
    4. "Good morning,......"
    5. "Good Afternoon,...."

  15. Name : Devi Nuraeni
    Class : TBI 2A
    Nim : 191230022

    Expression on public transportation bus
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to...from here?
    3. Where can i get/catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know when i can get/catch a taxi?

    How can we make effective communication on the bus
    "excuse me/sorry"
    "good morning"
    "thank you, sorry to bother you"

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : 191230037

    First, Video
    5 expression we can use to ask to getting the public transfortation
    1. If want to get a good deal on public transfortation. We can use "Can I get a week long subway/bus pass?"
    2. Asking for direction, specifically for transfortation. We can use "What's the best way to get to (bla bla bla) from here?"
    3. The expression that used in a situation where we are a little bit worried. We can use "I think I messed my bus stop. Where can I catch a bus/subwat going the opposite direction?"
    4. If we just waiting the bus/subwat too long. We can use "Do you know when the next bus/subway comes?"
    5. The expression for taking a taxi. We can use "Do you know where I can get a taxi?"

    Second, Video :
    Phrases recomended
    1. I want to go to (bla bla bla) which is bus to away take?
    2. I want to go to (bla bla bla) is it right bus?

    The last video , Vocab to repeat :
    Bus - Train - Bus Station - Bus Stop - Get on - Get off - Cross the road - The number nine

    Effective communication :

    Don't forget to say permission the first to the others and call Sir/Miss when we ask to someone.. The last don't forget to say thank you.
    And somewhere, when we confuse about direction don't shy to ask with someone
    Always looking for information about places and direction, and the point is don't forget to bring money, when we urgent situation be better by taxi than bus or subway because taxi more fast and flexible.
    And the last, the point is prepare a money.. Exactly.. because public transportation must using a money.. Hehehe

    THANKS Mrs 🙏

  18. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006

    From the video, we can use expressions to ask questions on public transportation
    1. Can I get permission for a week for the subway?
    2. Ask for direction "What is the best way to get to ... from here?"
    3. Where can I get the bus in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus / train is coming?
    5. "Do you know where I can get / take a taxi?"

    how to make effective communication at the bus station
    First don't show panic, calm down and find the right person to ask
    then, use greeting words like "Excuse me, ..."
    "good morning, ..."
    "sorry, may i ask you ..." and don't forget to end conversation with "thank you"

  19. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    Nim : 191230019
    TBI 2 A

    The expression used on the video of public transportation
    1. can I get weeklong pass for the subway?
    - you must have plenty of time and enough money to transport
    2. what is the best way to get-from here?
    - Thre are some methods involving in communication a question about direction and following a give path
    3. where I can get,catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    - You can cross over to find public transport. This question os used for situations that are critical and correct not to know
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    - The bus or train wil come back around 2:00
    5. Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi?
    - You can get taxi around here, a lot of taxi will pass through

    how to make an effectove communication in the bus :
    You must greet properly and the ask question to get information, tell him wehere you have been and where you want to go.
    1. Excuseme
    2. I want to go to-which is bus to away take?
    3. I want to go to-is right bus?

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  21. Name:Eva aprilia
    Class:Tbi 2A
    Expressiion used in the vidio
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. Where can i get the opposite direction?
    3. Do you know when the next train comes?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus
    Excuse me
    Good morning
    Excuse me sorry to distrub, do you know

  22. 1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway
    They may say yes or the may be say no.
    If they say no you just say i will be here for 4 days. What's the best deal?

    2. What the best way to get to monuments national from here?
    3. I think i missed my stop. Where can i get the bus going in the opposite directions ?
    4. Do you know when the next bus comes?
    5. Do you know where can i get the taxi?

    The vocabolaries on the bus stations
    1. Route map
    2. The schedule of the bus
    3. Ticket bus
    4. Excuse me
    5. Be care full
    6. Orderly
    7. Take care of
    8. pickpocket

    Name suherni
    Nim 191230002

  23. Afridah

    expressions can be used in public transportation:
    1. Can I get a pass for a week for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get there from here?
    3. Where can I get the bus in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus is coming?
    5. Do you know where I get a taxi from?

    Effective comunication in the bus station:
    "Excuse me, Hello good morning, can I ask you?"
    " Thank you"

  24. Present
    Name: Sausan Indah N.A
    NIM: 191230001
    Class: TBI 2A

    video 1
    There are 5 examples of expressions of interaction with others when they want to get public transportation, namely:
    1. "Can I get a subway / bus ticket for a week?" - to get a good offer for public transportation. -
    2. "What's the best way to go --- from here?" - for advice. -
    3. "I think I messed up my bus stop. Where can I take the bus / subwat in the opposite direction?" - to be used in situations where we are a little worried.-
    4. "Do you know when the next bus / subway is coming?" - for If we just wait for the bus / subwat for too long.-
    5. "Do you know where I can get a taxi?" -To take a taxi.-

    How to make an effective communication in the bus?
    when asking unknown people we must use polite words, such as:
    1. "Excuse me, good morning May I ask?" Etc.
    2. "Sorry to bother, do you know this address?"
    3. "Thank you, sorry to bother you"

  25. Name : Rizky Amalia
    Nim : 191230033
    The expressions that can be used based on the video :
    1. Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to _________ from here?
    3. Where can I get / catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus / train comes?
    5. Do you know where I can get / catch a taxi?
    How to make an effective communication in the bus station :
    First, you can greet the stranger to make a good impression, “ Hello / excuse me, good morning / good afternoon. ”
    You can use good and polite language and speech before compiling example: "Sorry, do you know when the next bus / train will come?" They will answer: Oh, the next bus / train will come in 20 minutes. " and you will answer: "I don't want to bother you,but Do you know where I should go down later?"

  26. Name : Rizky Amalia
    Nim : 191230033
    The expressions that can be used based on the video :
    1. Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What is the best way to get to _________ from here?
    3. Where can I get / catch the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus / train comes?
    5. Do you know where I can get / catch a taxi?
    How to make an effective communication in the bus station :
    First, you can greet the stranger to make a good impression, “ Hello / excuse me, good morning / good afternoon. ”
    You can use good and polite language and speech before compiling example: "Sorry, do you know when the next bus / train will come?" They will answer: Oh, the next bus / train will come in 20 minutes. " and you will answer: "I don't want to bother you,but Do you know where I should go down later?"

    NIM: 191230018

    The exspressions usd this vidio
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for the subway? 2. What is the best way to get to..from here? 3. Do you know when the next bus / train comes?
    4. Do you know when I can get / catch a taxi? 5. Where can I get / catch the bus going in the opposite direction?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus station
    first you can greet first and you can ask if you are bothering it and if you don't ask what you want to ask

  28. Name: salsabila azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class; TBI 2A
    Expression used in the vidio:
    -can i get a week-long pass for the subway?
    -what's the best way to get to....from here?(asking for directions)
    -where can i get the bus going in the ooposite direction?
    -do you knowwhen the next bus/train comes?
    -do you know when i can get/catch a taxi?

    How to make effective communications in the bus:
    Ask the right person for asking the direction and use the good word for asking someone, like..
    "Excuse me, i don't want to bother you,but...."

  29. Name : Rana Salwa

    The expressions used in the video :
    1. Can I get a weeklong pass for the subway?
    2. What's the best way to get to .... from here?
    3. I think I missed my bus stop. Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know where I can get /catch a Taxi?

    How to make an effective communication in the bus station : You must greet properly and the ask question to get information, tell him wehere you have been and where you want to go. Example:
    1. Excuse me, good morning May I ask? 
    2. Sorry to bother, do you know this address?
    3. Thank you, sorry to bother you

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  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Fahmi Amirudin

    expression can use in public transportation :
    1. Can i get a weeklong pass for subway?
    2. what the best way to get to there from here?
    3. where can i get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus come?
    5. Do you know where i get the taxi?

    For Effective comunication in the bus station you can say
    -Good moring/afternoon/evening
    -thank you

  33. Name : Uun Unaeni
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 191230029

    5 Expression that we can use to ask on publick transportasition

    1. Can I get a weeklong past for the subway?
    2. What's the best way to get to_______from here?
    3. I think i missed my stop. Where can I get the bus going in the opposite direction?
    4. Do you know when the next bus/train comes?
    5. Do you know where I can get/catch a taxi?

    How to make an effective communication

    We can use or say
    > "Excuse me, Good Morning..may i ask?
    > "Sorry disturbe your time, i want to Surabaya, Which bus that I can take?
    > "Thanks for your attention" i'm Happy to have a friend like you.."

    Thanks Mrs🙏🙏🙏🙏

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