Thursday 14 May 2020

MoFTL II Series for Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching

Teaching is a part of  how someone's  strategy to transfer knowledge and experience. Thus,  teachers have to design their teaching plan including the purposes of the study, the materials, the activities, and the assessments. Actually, the role of the teachers do not only deliver knowledge and experience but also wellbeing. Therefore, they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses. To see how teachers do teaching grammar and vocabulary, you could see these following videos. Please review them and describe how they are  appropriate with Indonesia context. Give your comments in this forum as your attendances. Thanks for joining this lesson.

please see these following videos to learn how teaching grammar and vocabulary

video 1

video 2

video 3


  1. My name: Rika Wulan Dari
    NIM: 171230091/6C
    Learn grammar and vocabulary are important part in learning english. With know much vocabularies and grammar structure we can know language well. The videos are appropriate when the method of teching use in Indonesia because the method is acttractive that method student like.
    learn grammar looked seriously, sometime student feel bored and not understand when the teacher delivered the material with attractive method the student will interest to follow the material. The video also show learning use the media it will give strong memory for the student.

  2. Name : Gita Ayu Sahdila
    NIM : 171230165

    Vocabulary and grammar must be taught and learned together. Grammar must be considered and learned from input that focuses on meaning, children must be able to see the relationship between form and function. The teacher must provide a lot of meaningful practice and guidance in attending to language form. So children will learn grammar as a whole.

  3. Rizki Aulia Rahman
    171230163 /VI E

    I really like this video. It's funny, relevant, meaningful, and very interesting. learn about how to remember information and this is way, create stories for the word, memorize vocabulary for the long term. a very good example of applying this method to an English class.

  4. Name:Fitra Bela Wulandini
    NIM: 171230139
    Class: TBI 6D
    Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to life situations is very important. The teacher connects between theory and its users. it can be seen that in one of the videos, it starts with "ice breaking" which will make students more enthusiastic in learning, and can concentrate well. Because if we study grammar seriously, students will feel bored and do not understand when the teacher presents the material.
    Then, when reviewing the lesson, students are very active and the teacher explains clearly.
    All three of these videos also show learning using media that will be cool, not bored and certainly easy for students to understand. This strategy is very effective for Indonesian students.

  5. Aisyah Rahmah F

    In my opinion about the video is explain teaching vocabulary and grammar. Then The teaching of grammar and vocabulary is a complex but crucial process in the course of an educational and epistemological program for learning any language, especially English. It is all mandatory fora teacher of English to teach vocabulary and grammar so that the learner can develop the four basic skills of learning a language. In every teaching strategy, a method followed by theory, objectives determination (general and specific), syllabus designing, curriculum scheduling, checklist assembling, material selecting, and lesson planning are marked as the mandatory steps to be taken by a teacher of English

  6. Name : Farhan Abdurrachman (171230103)
    Class : TBI 6C

    From the 3 videos that I have seen the most interesting is the first video is a teacher from Turkey, he explained how to speak English material for young students, which I can take is to have to have humor, learn to memorize new vocabulary by using photo as a tool. The second video explains grammar, while the third video practices learning grammar in an interesting way. Of the three videos the most interesting are presenters from the first Turkish video.

  7. Name : Iis Amalia (171230157)
    Class : TBI 6E

    This video is very interesting to watch, especially practiced in the classroom, besides learning grammar and vocabulary, we also need to understand the meaning of the vocabulary and grammar, then we can also find more vocabulary learned, and it's easy to be remembered. because learning vocabulary and grammar must be balanced to learn, because both are very important in learning English, and are interrelated.

  8. Fenty Nurhayati Nufus

    In my opinion From the first video, media images in a class will affect student learning which will be very easy to remember and understand.
    Second video, communication research I think that students can be encouraged to do some analytical work, particularly where communicative outcomes are affected.
    Third video, learning grammar using games is also very useful for increasing enthusiasm in learning English. This is because students can both communicative and collaborative learning so that they can be interesting in the learning process.
    after watching these video about grammar and vocabulary teaching are very good, the method can be applied, so it is good for teachers and students in Indonesia.

  9. Nama: Siti Kholifatunnisa (171230077) TBI 6C

    My opinion from the first video I watched, I learned about as much as you can, we have to teach funny to always remember in his brain. to teach young learners what we have to do is Fresh air, tidy classroom, peace and humor, and movement.

    Movement: where you move according to what you learn, for example you want to teach vocabulary.
    You have to show like picture or movement just as interesting as possible so that young learners are interested.

  10. Nurlita aristiani 171230173 from the three videos that I really like is a video where Turkish lecturers explain lessons for parents with a song to arouse their enthusiasm, and when the lesson takes place the delivery of material is very clear and easy to understand hopefully this way of teaching can be applied by Indonesian teachers because the way to teach is very good.

  11. Name : Tsania padhila
    SRN : 171230142 / TBI 6E

    I like learning vocabulary and grammar that is there, this learning shows how the teacher teaches students using good media, which is not boring, because learning grammar is very boring in general, but with learning in the video, it makes students not get bored, and who the most important is easily understood by students. All three videos are very effective and suitable for Indonesian students.

  12. Name : Subihat
    Nim : 171230085
    Class : TBI 6 C
    In teaching grammar and vocabulary not only have good techniques and strategies, but skills must be mastered. Then, teaching grammar and vocabulary can also establish the importance of teaching new vocabulary meanings and forms to students, showing how words are used in context, and showing the meaning of new structures and shapes.
    From these three videos, it shows that teaching grammar and vocabulary using media is very effective, easy to understand and not bored for students.

  13. Dewi Anggraeni, TBI 6C, (171230096)
    Grammar and vocabulary are important parts in learning English. From the three videos that I have watched, their discussion is interesting for me to watch. The first video explains how to teach vocabulary to children, the second video is how to teach grammar, and also the third video how to teach grammar in a fun way.

  14. Nia Sulastiana (171230097 ) Tbi c
    In this video,Vocab and grammer were important keys to English learning. So we have to master it from the ground up. From the video, telling us that teaching grammer and grammar requires an intriguing method. I think that learning while playing like that makes it easy for us to understand and remember the meaning and purpose of a vocabulary. The dissonance can also participate, it builds communication between students. This kind of learning is very effective and interesting. Students are happy not to be bored. I think the methodist was also used by Indonesian teachers, especially in kindergarten

  15. Name : Fara Apriyati
    SRN : 171230166
    CLASS : TBI 6E

    Vocabulary most impotant one for the young learners because they take the first step like the burden ELT detox they take the first step to learn vocabulary because the without vocabulary they have struggle in expressing their thouhts and ideas.
    And teaching grammar, is grammar still important and of course with some of the current methodologies that are being used today grammar had different role, different status. That grammar appropriately in conversation, in discussion and persentation.

  16. My name : Abidah Amaliah
    Nim: 171230073
    Class: TBI 6C
    learning vocabulary and grammar must be taught simultaneously. Becaus both of them interrelated. Based on the video, using various strategies is very important for a teacher to help students understand vocabulary and grammar. As in vocabulary learning: first impression (this way will make students happy and interest), repetition (repeating every opportunity, to help students remember what they have learned), personalizing (such as giving various examples of stories in each explaining an image). In Grammar learning can use various games to make learning more interesting and easier to understand. Moreove, added with using media, this makes students very interested in learning grammar and vocabulary.
    As we know that Indonesia students are very difficult to learn vocabulary and grammar. Many of them, these course are making them easy bored. Thus,that strategies to learn vocabulary and grammar could used in Indonesia. Because of that strategy is very appropriate to increase students' comprehension and to make more interest.

  17. Miftah Aulia Utami/171230150/TBI 6E
    Learning grammar and vocabulary is important in Learning English, but sometimes it's boring and difficult to understand, especially grammar. Ind this video we can learn to memorize vocabulary and understand grammar in a fun way, so it's so easier to learn grammar and vocabulary and we can applied in our learning activities in the classroom.

  18. Name : Roudhotul jannah (171230080) tbi 6C
    In this video it is suitable for teaching methods in Indonesia, because this method is very effective and suitable for learning grammar and vocabulary. in this video students are asked to make and arrange correctly the Grammar itself, then students are given sentences or questions and then the questions and answers are eliminated and students are told to answer questions and rewrite the questions that are eliminated. Grammar and vocabulary learning is a learning that is very related, so students are asked to be serious in learning. Grammar and Vocabulary learning techniques are very good to do or use.

  19. Name : Tatu Muspirah, 171230088
    CLASS : TBI 6 c
    from the video I got some activities that made grammar learning not boring :
    1. Change places if..
    - arrange student in a circle with one in the middle
    -middle student says : "change places if+target grammar"
    - change places if it's true
    2. invisible question
    -send 1 or more student out
    -write the target language / question on the board
    - 'in' students prepare an answer
    -bring back the 'out' students
    -they interrogate to work out the question
    3.line up
    -give students a topic based on the target language/grammar
    -students must arrange themselves in the correct order
    -let the students try making target language examples.
    some of these activities are also appropriate when done in Indonesia, because usually students feel bored in grammar learning, so the teacher must provide fun activities

  20. Name : Bai Fadliyah
    SRN : 171230146
    Class: TBI 6E

    I think the video is interesting, especially the first video is very interesting because learning vocabulary can be very easily understood and remembered, the third video also teaches grammar by using games and it is very fun because usually learning grammar is boring. And this is suitable to be applied in Indonesia

  21. Name : Miladiyah ( 171230094)
    Class : TBI 6C
    In my opinion grammar and vocabulary are important part for learning english. grammar and vocabulary are the basic parts of learning English well. learning grammar and vocabulary is sometimes very boring and difficult to understand, but these video shows that teaching grammar and vocabulary is more effective and fun using media or interesting strategies such as using pictures, videos or games. It's shows good idea how a dynamic or fun activity for teaching grammar and vocabulary.

  22. Dini fatihati
    Tbi 6c

    the first video shows how to learn to young learners, generally they are easy to remember but very quickly forget, movement is the key for young learners. the second video shows teaching grammar as a communicative resource it means how language works and also practicing using grammatical roles and so on. the third video shows learning grammar feels fun if we can practice.

  23. An Umillah Istiqomah (171230098)
    TBI 6 C
    Vocabulary and grammar, both are important. The students must have understand grammar or to know vocabulary (both meaning and pronunciation) to build communicative well. In these videos, the technique that apply like drama, conversation and games are teachs to students is very interesting, no borred, and can make the students active.

  24. Dina Roihatul Jannah / 171230158

    From the video above I can conclude that learning grammar and vocabulary is an important part of learning English. The videos are in accordance with the method of using technology in Indonesia which will make students interested especially in grammar learning. Learning grammar is difficult, sometimes students feel bored and uninterested in learning grammar. However, if viewed in this video it might be able to be applied to students because the teaching is cool too, this video shows learning to use media that will provide a strong memory for students because they also enjoy learning.

  25. Name : Ru'yatul Khiiriyawati
    SRN : 171230160
    Class : TBI 6E

    In accordance with the video given by vocabulary and grammar in learning in my opinion, it is very usable for learning or delivery in Indonesia, with the grammar or vocabulary in the video will be very helpful and quite interesting audience. simple that is easy to understand so the audience is able to remember the vocabulary.

  26. Dhita Faradila Tunnisa
    TBI 6C

    In my opinion based on the video, teaching grammar and vocabulary is very effective, fun, and easily to understand their student. And also the method can develop their skill and can improve their skill in grammar and vocabulary. The first video about how to teach vocabulary to young learners, the second video about how to teach grammar, and the third video about how to learning grammar in a fun way.

  27. M. Najmudin (171230144)
    Tbi 6E

    In my opinion Grammar and vocabulary are the souls of any language, no doubt. Moreover, its teaching procedures could be interesting enough. It is universally acknowledged that the more words a learner learns, the more expertise hewill be, the more he will be able to use the language in diverse contexts. Thus, the teaching of grammar and vocabulary cannot be overlooked. But the style of teaching must be given importance as the most of the learner fail to learn grammar and vocabulary only because of monotonous and tedious resource less teaching styles. based on the video, teaching vocabulary and grammar that is easy to understand, meaningfull. That can make students learn more effectively, it can be applied in classroom.

  28. Shofi elsiana maulida
    TBI 6C

    based on video, we should to know that teach vocabulary and grammar can using fun way, effectively, interesting, and easily to understand by students. vocabullary and grammar are important part in english learning, to understand each material and also to cummunication. in that videos also give us any technique which we can take and learn more from their technique, for example in the first vide3o technique for young learner. then, in modern era we also need media to support our teaching. I think these videos can be a references to us as a teacher, that learning is fun, not only in one direction, but there are feedback between teacher and students. so, the class becomes active and alive and students will easily understand it.

  29. Hifni khotibul umam (171230153) based on the videos, I saw the step and strategies how to teach vocabulary and grammar and according to me, the step of teaching on the video is appropriate with Indonesia context, because they teach how to make students enjoy in the class and make student eazy to understand the material. learning grammar is more difficult and boring and sometime we need the strategies to make fun class and attractive. And today in this era We need some media to support our teaching

  30. Name : Intan Nurbaeti
    NIM : 17123089
    TBI 6C
    The first video about how to teach vocabulary to young learners, the second video about how to teach grammar, and the third video about how to make student enjoyable in learning grammar and vocabullary. So in my opinion grammar and vocabulary are important part for learning english. grammar and vocabulary are the basic parts of learning English well. This method can easier to make students get more understanding.

  31. Rina Sobarina (171230154)
    I think teaching vocabulary and grammar through a brain-based teaching learning model like that is very fitting in the context in Indonesia. The learning provided is very pleasant so it is not easily bored or sleepy. Moreover, the brain works very well with things that are fresh, humorous, and fun. Moreover, teaching through flashcards, where there are also teachers doing vocabulary repetition and using interesting images in accordance with the vocabulary called. teaching like this is very context-appropriate and not boring.

  32. Name : Dita Amalia R
    Nim: 171230099/ TBI 6-C

    The study is very interesting before study and the teacher also make geyser for the student, and the expalain the teacher is clearly. And than grammar and vocabulary also one thing that important when we study english language, and based on video we can see study grammar and vocabulary not always bored, if we want to practice and study we can make the study interesting use picture, games and etc. And make student more undersatnding and happy in study.

  33. Name: Elpasari Permata / 171230148

    In my opinion, after I watched 3 videos about vocab and grammar it was very interesting and easy to understand. I can take it we must have humor so that learning vocab and grammar is not boring, a very fun way of teaching. For vocabulary and grammar, we learn to memorize new vocabulary by using various media such as photos, videos, song lyrics, making stories for the word, or other tools, using media, students will enjoy learning vocab and grammar more. Because, vocab and grammar are very important for learning English. So, this method is very suitable to be applied for students.

  34. Name ; shulthoniah
    Class ; TBI 6E
    Nim ; 171230171

    In the first video I see if we teach vocabulary words, the teacher teaches we must be funny and not strict. to do this we need to discuss student needs and movements such as letting students move around the class. This movement is the most important key vocabulary for young students because it takes the first steps like ELT. Our steps when teaching them must have a pleasant impression, they must think that "OK, Mr. Farmer, do something fun and I want to learn it, this is a first impression. If it cannot get their first impression well, they will never care about what to do, repeat doing whatever you want quickly and quickly and in other contexts and in different places, at different times repeat all the time as long as you can do it. Personalization is very important because they put something from their hearts into in their minds learning vocabulary.
    grammar When we teaching grammar we have to go beyond looking at how grammar is used to shape sentence, we have to ask how can grammar be linked to real context for the use of the language, for real communication and that’s where the notion of grammar ar as a communicative resource comes up. What the students want to use language for and how we can incorporate into those uses awareness of the grammar that they’ve learned and the ability to use that grammar appropriately in conversation, in discussion and presentation and so on. Grammar as communicative resource . procedures for teaching vocabulary and grammar can also be done here

  35. Naufali Syafira/Tbi-6E/171230147
    Teaching grammar and vocabulary is important in teaching English. Based on the video i think the video it is suitable for teaching methods in Indonesia for teaching english how to teach fun so that students can understand.


  36. Name: Arni Dhea Seftiani
    Nim : 171230083 - TBI.6C

    According to the video that I saw, In my opinion about the video is explain teaching vocabulary and grammar. After starting with the point that children learn easily and quickly forget, teachers have worked a lot on how to teach vocabulary to young students by improving their memory skills. With teaching that is easy and enjoyable to learn, and not easy to forget by seeing picture card. And this is a teaching that is very easy and effective to apply. After watching this video about grammar and excellent vocabulary teaching, this method can be applied, so it is very good for teachers and students in Indonesia to be easily applied in formal and informal teaching.


  37. Name: Arni Dhea Seftiani
    Nim : 171230083 - TBI.6C

    According to the video that I saw, In my opinion about the video is explain teaching vocabulary and grammar. After starting with the point that children learn easily and quickly forget, teachers have worked a lot on how to teach vocabulary to young students by improving their memory skills. With teaching that is easy and enjoyable to learn, and not easy to forget by seeing picture card. And this is a teaching that is very easy and effective to apply. After watching this video about grammar and excellent vocabulary teaching, this method can be applied, so it is very good for teachers and students in Indonesia to be easily applied in formal and informal teaching.

  38. Siska Amelia

    Teaching grammar and vocabulary
    Before teaching grammar and vocabulary to the student, teacher need to know what brain needs. Some of them are tidy classroom, humour, and maovement. So, teacher can begin their class with small movement to make student be interested.
    And something that teacher know to teach vocabulary and grammar are :
    1. First impression
    2. Repetition
    3. Personalizing
    As we know that grammar is the communicative resourch. So, the teacher can implementation their approproately material with conversation, discussion, and presentation that relate with student real life.
    During learning proccess, teacher has to build a good interaction with student, like learning by playing. Teacher can do it, to make class more be fun. There are :
    1. Change places if
    2. Line up
    3. Invisible question/ sentence
    4. Mind map.
    Thank you

  39. Maya Hafiah 171230167
    TBI 6E

    Grammar is important because it provides information that helps the reader's comprehension. It is the structure that conveys precise meaning from the writer to the audience. Eliminate grammatical errors from your writing, and reward your readers with clear communication.
    Vocabulary represents one of most important skills necessary for teaching and learning a foreign language. It is the basis for the development of all the other skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling and pronunciation.

  40. Name : Putri Oktaviani (171230116)
    Class : TBI – 6 D

    In my opinion, based on the video that I watched, teaching grammar and vocabulary using strategies is the right way to teach them effectively. One of the strategy is brain-based. I think this is appropriate strategy that must be applied before we start learning process. Because it will help students to remember what vocabulary that they have gotten. Next, in some cases learning grammar is hard for students in Indonesia because they need to understand the grammar rules and the function of grammar itself. So, teacher need an appropriate strategy like telling story and ask question that related with their daily life. So, students required to use it as the process of communication. In addition, with using games also students will feel happy for learning grammar.

  41. Violitta Amanda

    After watching the video the note that i take from it is important to make energizer first before study for all the student can enthusiast first before they study. So the important things to study grammar is being able to use that knowledge of language while one is in the process of communicating. Thats mean from grammar as communicating resource.
    so how to that appropriate for Indonesia ? I think, after their get some material the next step is, we can using conversation strategy with the teacher first and with their friend in pair or club. From conversation strategy the student know the using form of grammar in all tenses it self (practicing)

  42. Name : Aam amalia
    TBI 6e

    based on the video that I saw, in teaching grammar and vocabulary is very good, effective, and easy to understand for students. In this teaching strategy we can imitate them so they can improve their skills in grammar and vocabulary. The first video is about how to teach vocabulary to young students, the second video is about teaching grammar, and the third video is about how to learn grammar in a fun way.

  43. Name: Eri Fettri
    Nim: 171230074
    Class: TBI-6C

    In my opinion, based on the three videos that I watched. I agree with them. That teaching vocabulary and grammar are important for learners, and especially vocabulary for the young learners. Because they are take the first step before they expressing their thoughts and ideas. So, we should teach them with the funny step don't use a strict way. Then when we teach grammar, we are teaching grammar as a communicative resource. Beacuse with that method they able to use that knowledge of language as example that Jack.c. Richard gave in his video.
    So, I think those methods are appropriate for Indonesia context. Because those methods are funny, attractives and of course interesting. It can make the learners enjoy to learn vocabulary and grammar.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Name :Sutihat (171230172)
    Tbi 6 E

    in my opinion, after I watched the 3 videos, I think teaching grammar and vocabularies in the videos is very suitable to be applied in Indonesia, because from the videos the way to teach is very interesting and that's what students need, so they are interested. because grammar and vocabularies are very important for students especially when communicating. from video 1 to video 3 explaining teaching grammar and vocabularies and using appropriate methods, the videos explain how to teach vocabulary to young learner improving memory skills so young learner learn very easily and don't forget very quickly, the next video has another way of teaching that makes it interesting in learning, students will feel happy and enjoy to learning.

  46. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 6 C

    in my opinion based on video, teaching vocabulary and grammar are very interesting, effective, and easily understood by students. the method used is very helpful for students in learning vocabulary and grammar.
    The first video about how to teach vocabulary to young learners, the second video about how to teach grammar and the third video about how to make student enjoyable in learning grammar.

  47. Name: Amry Muqtashid
    Nim : 171230149
    TBI- VI E

    after watching the video, we can assess that the teaching of grammar and vocabulary in the video is very effective and easy to understand. from the strategies and teaching methods in this video students can easily improve their skills in grammar and vocabulary, and for us as prospective teachers, this video is good for us to learn how to teach grammar and vocabulary.
    The first video is about how to teach vocabulary to young students to be easily understood, the second video is about teaching good grammar, and the third video is about how to learn grammar in a fun, not boring and too monotonous way.

  48. Dinda Ryanti

    Teaching grammar and vocabulary is a complex but crucial process in the course of an educational in learning any language, especially English. In the first video  how to teach vocabulary to young learners, the second video about how to teach grammar, and the third video about how to make student enjoyable in learning grammar and vocabullary. In order to make grammar and vocabulary more interesting for students, I’d recommend a more using various strategies is very important for a teacher to help students understand vocabulary and grammar.

  49. Agnia Silmi
    TBI C/6

    Teaching grammar and vocabulary as explained from these videos can be done to teach grammar and vocabulary to students in Indonesia. Can be applied at various levels of education. Before starting learning, entertainment needs to be done for a moment so that students are enthusiastic and interested in learning. Teaching grammar and vocabulary using media is very effective, not boring so learning takes place with fun.

  50. Name : Silfi Novira
    Kelas : TBI 6.C
    Nim : 171230101

    in this video, in my opinion the method used in teaching grammar and vocabulary is very interesting, and also easy to understand to be taught to students, so that students can be active in learning and also this method is Good to use in Indonesia. And also Grammar and vocabulary learning is a learning that is very related, so students are asked to be serious in learning.

  51. name : Masnawati
    NIM : 171230082/ TBI 6C

    from those videos i conclude that vocabulary and grammar both are important things in English learning because they are the power of mastery language. so, the teacher have to have many strategies to make students are interesting and enjoy during study. in learning vocabulary students has three points are: first impression, repeatitation and reanalizing.

  52. Name: Khoirunnisa
    NIM: 171230090
    What I got from the video is that vocabulary is the most important for the young learners because they take the first step like the burden ELT detox, without vocabulary the student will have struggles to express their thoughts and ideas. How we do it? For the first bis first impression, then the second is repetition, and the last is personalizing. Beside that, teaching grammar as a communicative resources, in many book the way grammar is taught traditionally the focus is on understanding how language works and also practicing using grammatical rules and so on, at the level of the sentence, and so student study how to use adverb, how to use tenses, and so on. But what's important of course is being able to use that knowledge of language while one is in the process of communicating, that's what mean that grammar as a communicative resources.

  53. Name: Avionica Diar Aisya
    Class: TBI-6C
    Nim: 171230075

    From the video we know teaching grammar and vocabulary must be fun, interesting,and necessary use body movements so students are more active and enjoy during learning, because if from the beginning the students are not interested they will underestimate it. And I think the strategy used in the video is good to apply in Indonesia.

  54. Name: Junaini Ratna Sari
    NIM: 171230093
    Class: TBI6.C
    I think the method of teaching vocabulary is very important, because vocabulary is the most important, if we do not provide or introduce vocabulary then our students will be confused to speak English or learn English, because they only have a little vocabulary, therefore we must teach vocabulary first after that teach grammar. the method in teaching grammar is very important, because with grammar we can suckle word for word and speak and write in English too regularly, because we know the grammar.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Name : Rahmah Dyani Sya'baniah (171230105)
    Class : TBI - 6C

    In my opinion teaching and learning grammar and vocabulary with contextual methods is very effective for sharpening vocabulary and grammar, and it is also easy to survive in our memory. It can also use media related to context. grammar can also be used for communication in accordance with existing contexts in accordance with its structure.

  57. Egista Sri Handayani
    TBI 6D

    Problem in video 1 is very relate with student in Indonesia. They learn something new so excited, they learn very easily but they forget very quickly. So the strategy in that video very useful to teach Indonesian students. Firstly is first impression. This activitie should fill with warm up with student, so the student can prepare their self to follow the material. Second is repetion. When start in the material we should take care of student like what they want, they needs ice breaking and more practice than theories. Third is personalizing. With show the student some media like picture so you can added the story to make them remember.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Name: Maulani Mumtaz
    Nim: 171230106
    Class: TBI 6D
    The method from those video are interesting, I suggest those method are use in Indonesia. Because that was fun, easy to understand, and easy to remember. When we practice it the student will happy and they quick to understand. When we teaching grammar or vocabulary for student, do not too serious because students will feel bored and do not understand when the teacher presents the material.

  60. Name : Lailatul Qodariyah
    NIM : 171230072
    Class : TBI C
    from the video a lot of lessons we can take. we know that learning grammar and vocabulary is very important in learning English. therefore, we must use appropriate learning methods so that students do not feel bored and become enthusiastic. the video is a good example of learning to teach grammar and vocabulary.

  61. Name : Dicky Nurhuda Winata
    Nim : 171230155
    Class : Tbi 6 E

    My view of this material through the video, we can judge the teaching of grammar and vocabulary in the video to be very effective. From the teaching methods in this video students can easily improve their skills in grammar and vocabulary. Then it is important for teachers to keep growing how those teaching, methods, and media materials are constantly being corrected because technology is constantly developing.

  62. Name : Rani Irawati
    NIM : 171230095
    Class : TBI 6C

    My opinion after i wached the videos, teaching vocabulary and grammar are very important in english learning. Because, vocabulary and grammar are things of language mastery. In the videos teaching vocabulary is effective by using the contextual method. Teaching vocabulary and grammar must be interesting, enjoy, and fun in learn. From the video the students are easily to improve their english language expecially in vocabulary and grammar skill. And the teacher must use the effective method in teaching grammar.

  63. Dewisilvi
    Tbi 6c

    In my openion this is good
    Vocabulary and grammar must be taught and learned together by children and teachers
    Grammar must be considered and studied focusing on meaning, children must be able to see the relationship between form and function.
    Grammar is important because it provides information that helps the reader understand. This is a structure that conveys the exact meaning of the writer to the audience.
      Vocabulary represents one of the most important skills needed for teaching and learning a foreign language. This is the basis for the development of all other skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling and pronunciation.

  64. Name : Khusnul Khotimah
    SRN : 171230129
    Class : TBI 6D
    Based on the video that I watched. In my opinion, teaching grammar and vocabulary had to use very effective strategies. One strategy is brain-based. I think this is the right strategy that must be implemented before we begin the learning process. Because it will help students to remember what vocabulary they got. Learning grammar is quite difficult for students in Indonesia because they need to understand the rules of grammar and the function of grammar itself. Students are required to use it as a communication process. Then, coupled with the game so that students feel happy learning grammar. So, we as teachers need the right strategies such as conversations, discussions, and presentations related to students' real lives.

  65. Name : Uun Hunayah
    Srn : 171230122
    Class : TBI 6D

    From the videos that I have watched, I can conclude that grammar and vocabulary are the first step in teaching foreign languages, especially for students who want to learn. Therefore a teacher must arrange the strategies and methods of learning. In this video there are some good strategies and methods to be implemented in teaching, but it would be nice before teaching the teacher to know the background of his students and know what students need in learning so the teacher can use the methods and strategies that are appropriate in terms of this.

  66. Mila Silvia Febrianti (171230132)6D

    Learning grammar and vocabulary is important when we learn English. There are the methods how to teach vocabulary and grammar. I think,the method all of the videos is effective to be applied in Indonesia. Sometimes, learning grammar is very boring. But in the video shows how to make students enjoy in the class and makes it easy for student to understand the material.

  67. Adelia Ramayanti
    TBI 6D

    Teaching vocabulary to young learners through brain-based teaching strategies
    Children can learn very easily but they can forget quickly. When children learn something new, their neuron in the brain connected each other and that's called learning. Amygdala is the high of children's brain, if we can get that, we can teach them however we want.
    Needs of the brain: water, glucose, fresh air, tidy classroom, peace, humor, movement.
    The step teaching vocabulary to young learners :
    1) first impression
    2) repetation
    3) personalizing

    Jack Richard on Grammar
    Using grammar as a communicative resource. When we are teaching grammar we have to go beyond looking at how grammar is used to shape sentences, we have to ask how can grammar be linked to real contexts for the use of the language, for real communication and that's where the notion of grammar as a communicative resource comes up.

    Versatile Grammar Activities
    Teaching grammar can be boring if we just focus on the text book resource, but actually there are some activity (games) that can we use to teach grammar in class, such as:
    1) change places if
    2) invisible question
    3) line up
    4) day 1 mind map.

    My opinion about those videos, all the strategies can be apply in Indonesian context, from the first video, we know that every human has the same structure of the brain. So it is appropriate with every students.
    From the second video, I do really agree that grammar as a communicate resource because when we learn grammar we must use it in our daily conversation.
    And from the last video, shows that learning grammar not always being bored, it can be fun by apply games in the classroom.

  68. Name: Ridho Hafizh Firdaus
    Class: Tbi D
    NIM: 171230109

    My opinion after i watched videos, teaching grammar and vocabulare are important. Then the way to teach grammar was connected by reality, its make effective teaching from Jack Richard, for example: we make conversation using past,present,and future, we should practice how to use all of them, By conversation. It's really effective than we just make how to make sentence

  69. Name : Sri Rahayu (171230110)
    Class: tbi 6D

    In my opinion, from the first video ia very nice. Teaching grammar and vocabulary for young learners. Vocabulary and grammar are interdependent: Language users need to understand the complex interaction between vocabulary and grammar which will help learners to be fluent speakers and writers.
    Vocabulary and grammar are stored together in the mental lexicon in typical combination rather than in isolation. Therefor, they should be learnt together.
    From picking up words to knowing words : When children pick up new words, they might be able to recognize a vocabulary item without knowing the exact meaning which will make it not easy for them to remember and use the word later.
    Knowing an item of vocabulary will also include being able to spell it correctly and knowing grammatical information about it.
    The more we know about a word, the more we enter the world of grammar.
    Learning grammar is a messy process : Learning grammar is very dry activity. Therefor, it is better to be noticed from the meaning-focused input.
    Children need to be able to see the relationship between form and function.

  70. Name: Falasifa Ajda (171230111)
    Class: TBI 6 D

    From the videos i watched, such as in "Jack C. Richard on Grammar" I know that grammar as communicative resource, because it understanding how language works and practicing. I think the learning is approppriate in Indonesia, such as make comversation in daily by using grammar. It is a simple method to make student understand to grammar and how to use it.
    In video with title "The teachers room: versatile grammar activities" tell many method to teaching grammar such as a game (change place if..., invisible question and line up) that make the students feel interesting when learn it. I think it is appropriate for Indonesian students. Because I think that was easy game and the student will can do that easily.
    In "Teaching vocabulary for learners through brain-based teaching strategies by Setenay Celik" I get the point from the video, that the teacher have to know student's brain, because in learning, the brain that works. Because many student easy to memories but quickly forget the lesson. Vocabulary was an important to learn in the first lesson. In the first impression the teaching doing fun. Here also there is a game such as memory game, and while the student have finished the game, the teacher gives the gift that keep other students motivated and study harder. In my opinion, the learning will be effective in Indonesia. Because that method make the students feel comfortable.

  71. Eka Puspitawati (171230135) 6D

    I think, learning grammar and vocabulary is very important when we are learning English. Why? because it will facilitate us in speaking, reading or writing. There are methods of how to teach vocabulary and grammar. In my opinion, all the methods in the video are very effective to be applied in Indonesia. In addition, the video shows how students can enjoy and not get bored in learning Grammar and vocabulary.

  72. Eka Puspitawati (171230135) 6D

    I think, learning grammar and vocabulary is very important when we are learning English. Why? because it will facilitate us in speaking, reading or writing. There are methods of how to teach vocabulary and grammar. In my opinion, all the methods in the video are very effective to be applied in Indonesia. In addition, the video shows how students can enjoy and not get bored in learning Grammar and vocabulary.

  73. I think used the method in teaching grammar is very important because it's easy to understand to learning the students. So their can easily for improve skill by this method for grammar and vocabularies.
    The first video about how to teach vocabulary to young learners,
    The second video about how to teach grammar,
    The third video about how to make student enjoyable in learning grammar.
    And from thats video we can now how to teach grammar is very interesting and make enjoy to learning.

    M. Yasir Khatami (171230137)
    TBI D

  74. Name Nur anisa

    I my opinion after watching 3 videos that become references, I really like the video, because the teaching methods and delivery methods in learning in the classroom are very fun and do not make students boring learning, I think it can be applied in Indonesia because it is very interesting, especially in the grammar teaching video it's very fun, funny and fun but while learning and in my opinion it really helps students to better understand it.

  75. Based on the videos what i watched, i think this metod effective, interesting and easily to undertand. The videos teach how to teach grammar and vocabulary. It's important to students understood what the people say. For example, based on jack richard. He teach using conversation to improve their grammar, speaking, also speaking. All method relate too indonesian's student cause all method easy to understand.

  76. Name: Wida robiyah (171230124)
    Class: tbi 6D
    Teaching grammar is challenging for teachers just as learning grammar is challenging for students. Though grammar may sometimes feel like a chore, it’s an important part of language learning, so it’s best to make it as fun and engaging as possible.and in my opinion in this video the method used is very interesting, and does not bore the students, and teaching like this is suitable for use in Indonesia. Because it's fun and easy to understand, then easy to remember. This method is so good that grammar lessons are no longer boring but fun.

  77. Nama: Marisa Romdon
    Class: TBI 6/D
    Nim: 171230134

    Grammar and vocabulary are the important things in learning english.
    For sure, learning grammar very bored and difficult sometimes. This video shows how to learn using the game. I think this is effective because the game can make the learning atmosphere more enjoyable. This method will help students to remember what vocabulary that they have got.

  78. Name : Qurrotu Aini
    Srn : 171230126
    Class : tbi 6d
    I have watched the video, i think the strategy based on video is interesting and suitable for Indonesia. Because if the student learn with fun method, they can received the material easier.

  79. In my opinion teaching grammar and vocabulary as in the second video is appropiate if the method applied in Indonesian. Using two sides pictures, and the steps are first impression, repetition, and personalizing. It will helps the students to remember the vocabulary easily

  80. Wilda Najiya/TBI 6D/171230136
    In my opinion teaching grammar and vocabulary as in the second video is appropiate if the method applied in Indonesian. Using two sides pictures, and the steps are first impression, repetition, and personalizing. It will helps the students to remember the vocabulary easily

  81. In the video,I have opinion that teaching grammar and vocabulary are important.Jack Richard said that "Grammar can use to presentation,communication,discussion.Grammar is a communicative of resources" it means grammar is important in our life. In video there are how to teach vocabulary,the video can give us that before teach,the teacher should make the student fun and there are steps to learn vocabulary such as first impression,repetition,and personalizing may the student can remember and take in their brain. Even in other video,learning grammar can use while playing the game so the student can enjoying learning grammar.

  82. Name : Nisa Aulia
    Class : TBI-6D/171230108

    In my opinion, grammar and vocabulary are important in learning English. because when we have the ability in grammar and vocabulary will facilitate us in speaking. the method in this video can also be applied in learning English in Indonesia.

  83. Name : Halimatusaadiah
    Class : 171230128

    From all those videos i've watched, the methods which is all the presenter used is appropiate which is discussing and using some games are in. Using some stuff to support the method like pictures and videos and also games make the students enjoy and get some fun from learning grammar and vocabulary. They will not get bored and foucus to all the material that the teacher had been given. The another reason why those methods would be so good is most Indonesian people are interested in matters relating to images and videos rather than memorization and reading.

  84. Name: Vina Nabil Hazimah Bajuri
    Nimu 1712319071 (6D)
    learning grammar and vocabulary is an important part of learning English. By knowing a lot of vocabulary and grammatical structure we can know the language well. The videos are suitable when the method of using technology in Indonesia because this method is interesting that the method is like a student.
    Teaching grammar and vocabulary is very important. The teacher connects between theory and those who use it. in one video, it starts with the "ice breaking" method which will make students more enthusiastic in learning, and can concentrate well. Because if we study grammar seriously or monotonously, students will feel bored and difficult to understand.
    then students can become very active and the teacher explains clearly.
    this video also shows learning using media that is not boring. This strategy is very effective for Indonesian students.

  85. Eka Puspitawati (171230135) 6D

    I think, learning grammar and vocabulary is very important when we are learning English. Why? because it will facilitate us in speaking, reading or writing. There are methods of how to teach vocabulary and grammar. In my opinion, all the methods in the video are very effective to be applied in Indonesia. In addition, the video shows how students can enjoy and not get bored in learning Grammar and vocabulary.

  86. Dede Andini. 171230121
    Grammar and vocabulary are important part for learning English language. How we can understand if we have less vocabulary and how we can know what the meaning of the conversation if we do not understand grammar. Grammar and vocabulary have closed relations.base on the video learning grammar and vocabulary is easy, why is it happened? Because the teacher though them with interesting situation. Therefore students feel comfortable in learning.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Neng Elas/171230120/ TBI 6D

    Vocabulary and grammar are interdependent: Language users need to understand the complex interaction between vocabulary and grammar which will help learners to be fluent speakers and writers.
    * Vocabulary and grammar are stored together in the mental lexicon in typical combination rather than in isolation. Therefor, they should be learnt together.
    * From picking up words to knowing words : When children pick up new words, they might be able to recognize a vocabulary item without knowing the exact meaning which will make it not easy for them to remember and use the word later.
    * Knowing an item of vocabulary will also include being able to spell it correctly and knowing grammatical information about it.
    *The more we know about a word, the more we enter the world of grammar.
    *Learning grammar is a messy process : Learning grammar is very dry activity. Therefor, it is better to be noticed from the meaning-focused input.
    * Children need to be able to see the relationship between form and function.
    * Learning grammar is not a liner process which means it is natural for children to make mistakes and acquire grammatical forms only partially at first.

  89. Name : Dede silvia (6d) 171230130
    Teaching vocabulary brain based
    First impression
    I think that strategy to teach vocabulary to young learners by improving students memmory skill and it make easier for student remember the new vocabularies and it is good to applie in indonesian context teaching vovcabularies.
    So i think teaching brain - based strategy for young learners is so very effective.
    Jack. Richard on Grammer
    Teaching grammer still important and teaching grammer is communicative resourch.
    Practicing using communicative role and sentence The teacher's room fersatile grammer activity
    Teaching grammer sometime can be bored, so how the teacher make a fun activity up your sleeve in class room so some versetile activity the teacher can use for teaching Grammer.
    1. Change places if
    2. Invisible question
    3. Line up
    4. Day 1 mind map

    Than, from those videos in my opponion that for teacher indonesian can use that strategy to teaching Vocabularies and grammer...
    And i think that is very effective

  90. Sri Rahayu (171230110)

    I think, The teaching of grammar and vocabulary is a complex but crucial process in the course of an educationaland epistemological programmeforlearning any language, especially English. It is all mandatory fora teacher of English to teach vocabulary and grammar so that the learner can develop the four basic skills of learning a language. In every teaching strategy, a method followed by a theory, objectives determination (general and specific), syllabus designing, curriculum scheduling, checklist assembling, material selecting, and lesson planning are marked as the mandatory steps to be taken by a teacher of English. In case of methods, generally four types of method i.e. Grammar Translation method, Directmethod, Audio-lingual method and Communicative Language Teaching method can be specified. Further, in case of teaching vocabulary, diverse methods particularly- keyword method, word map,restructuring reading materials, root analysis and so on can also be marked as necessary. While we come across syllabus designing, we find: Grammatical syllabus, Structural syllabus, Situational syllabus and Notional-functional syllabus.
