Tuesday 26 May 2020


Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework. In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities. In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century, please see and download this PPT. It concludes some materials from eligible sources. Thank you for reading it and giving comments.  


  1. Being a teacher have to know every condition that exists, or we can say the teacher must always be up to date. Because adjusting times is very important to help students improve their knowledge. In this ppt is very helpful for us to add insight into how to teach according to the target. Then, in my opinion in this era teachers must have varied teaching strategies, so that students do not get bored quickly in learning and the accuracy of teaching strategies is also important to pay attention to.

  2. Neng Elas/ 171230120/TBI 6D
    The term "21st-century skills" is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world.in the ppt can help us prospective teachers and for all educators to be able to reach the target learners, have a plan for achieving learning. so using a lot of media or technology is very helpful.

  3. Adelia Ramayanti
    TBI 6D

    Based on the PPT, to build an amazing teaching in 21 century, there are some elements that need to be applied in teaching process.
    Teaching process itself changed day by day because of technology, environment, community and economic.
    In this Covid - 19 era, teaching and learning process has changed from offline to online. Media for online teaching such as: video, images, game, etc.
    Although this learning process has changed, but still must be pay attention to the competencies that want to achieved.

  4. Egista Sri Handayani
    TBI 6 D

    According to the PPT, teaching has change in 21 century affected because technology, environment, community, and economy.

    Teaching changes over time. Right now alot of teachers use online teaching with media like video, picture, images, games etc. that they adapt and adopt from previous sources to make their own teaching strategies to achieved the competencies. But when we teach, teacher should not only transfer knowledge and skills but also attitudes.

  5. Qurrotu Aini
    TBI 6D

    Based on ppt, teaching for the student can change from offline to online. Technology will development, and we should follow itu, for the example using media online to learn. Even, not only development of periode is change, but now we all experience of online learning because there is pandemi that happen to us. So should adapted online learning.

  6. Nama : Putri Oktaviani (171230116)
    Class : TBI - 6 D

    Teaching has been through many changes from time to time. Nowadays, teaching becomes easier because it is influenced by increasingly qualified technology, supportive environment, community that supports learning process also economy. In this era, teacher has important roles to engages, motivates, offers and asses students. Teacher should have creative thinking and critical thinking to build a knowledge, attitude and implement do their knowledge and to have a good attitude.

  7. Khusnul Khotimah
    TBI 6D

    Based on PPT, in my opinion to implement an extraordinary and effective learning and teaching system in the 21st century. The learning and teaching process can change at any time with the presence of technology, environment, society and economy. In the current era with the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning and teaching process has changed from offline to online. The learning media must also be made interesting so that students do not get bored in learning and for online teaching such as videos, pictures, games, etc. Although this learning process has changed, but still must pay attention to the competencies to be achieved. But when the process of teaching us as teachers not only transfer knowledge and skills but also the value of a spiritual attitude. Here we have to adjust this online learning. So, we must use technology as well as possible.

  8. Maulani Mumtaz
    TBI 6D

    Nowdays (in 21 century) the teaching process has changed because of technology, environment, community/social and economy.
    In covid-19 era, teacher should changes the strategy of teaching and create many creative and innovative graduates. One of them -change from offline to online-
    The teacher can give the students video, photos, game or etc for teaching classroom. In the online classroom, the students must active like everyone have to talk (asking and telling). And have behaviour (look and listening to who is talking). Student’s ability they are, intelectual skills, communication skills, organizational skills, interpersonal skills. Teacher also must tell them how being positive to face the life’s challanges.

  9. Name : Shulthoniah
    Nim. : 171230171
    Class: TBi 6E

    from the ppt that I read and from the experience now that is happening in Indonesia. That learning is usually done face-to-face directly now students must study online. although learning online teachers must be as creative as possible so that students remain active and do not feel bored, such as providing teaching materials in the form of videos, photos or something that makes students able to develop and be active.

  10. Name: Fitra Bela Wulandini
    NIM: 171230139
    Class: TBI VI D

    Amazing teaching is indispensable for now, not only because there is Covid-19 only. But in the modern era, teachers must know and master technology. Some students have not used technology well, the teacher must be able to educate students to use technology for learning. The most important point in the PPT is how we implement online learning. Learning is usually done traditionally. With the covid-19.,the teacher must prepare online learning well. so that it can be understood by students. certainly, there are many obstacles faced by teachers when teaching. This is one of the challenges teachers can overcome. The best way is of course to give teaching that is creative and critical. So, it makes student more effective to learn.

  11. Name: Falasifa Ajda
    SRN: 171230111
    Class:TBI 6 D

    Based on the ppt I read, in 21 century, the learning process can change due to several aspects, they are technology, environment, social and economy. Now, there is a pandemic (corona virus) which causes all work to be done from home (offline to online), including school (online leaening). Amazing teacher have to able to manage, to engage, to motivate, to assess, and to offer her/his students feedback in online leaening. Because some of them don't understand how to leaening via online, it make the teacher have to develop their creative thinking, critical thinking, learning to learn, communication, collaboration, and socila responsibilities. The teacher can use the media in online learning such as videos, pictures, games, etc. In online leaening, not only the teacher and students who do leaening activities, but parents also appreciate the teacher, also control and help their children.

  12. Name: Sri rahayuningsih
    Class: Tbi 6/D

    Based on ppt, in 21 century learning has been changed from offline to online. It is form to make easier in process learning. because it is influenced by increasingly qualified technology, supportive environment,also economy. Online learning usually use media like picture, videos,games, etc to facilitate in learning process like this condition. The teacher should give the student new method to make the student interest with material that teacher gave.

  13. 21st Century learning means teaching just as you have done in the past centuries, but with way better tools. Today’s teachers have a great advantage, they have powerful learning tools at their disposal that they didn’t have before. 21st Century technology is an opportunity for students to acquire more knowledge. Teachers have the ability to move away from being the dispenser of information to someone who can guide them and prepare them for their future.

  14. Sri Rahayu (171230110)

    The 21st century educator looks forward to the future. They are aware of the ever-changing trends in technology and are in tune of what the future may bring to education. A good 21st century teacher is aware of the career opportunities that will be in the coming years for their students, and are always advocating towards forward thinking and planning to ensure all students will not be left behind. Lastly, the 21st century educator must use teaching strategies to ensure that the focus in education is on preparing today’s children for the future of where they will live and where they will work, not for our current world.

  15. Name : Sutihat (171230172)
    Class : Tbi 6 E

    from blogs and ppt that I read, teachers now don't only teach traditionally, teachers now teach must keep abreast of the times, such as technology, environment, and the community / social economy in teaching, even now can teach from offline to online, moreover now in covid 19 which requires teachers to teach online so teachers must be more creative in teaching online. And teachers must pass challenges in digital development, the teacher must be critical thingking in teaching, and the teacher not only teaches knowledge, skills but also must teach attitudes, because that is the world competency that his students must have

  16. Name : Dede Silvia 6D (17123013)
    Based on ppt, Amazing teaching in 21 century, that happen because world change, such us : Technology, Environment community / social economy from offline to online. it is mean that is will happen in our day, and now we live it like : study or school by daring (online) .
    So many media to teach online : picture, video, game and etc. So my opponion, I think this is so evective and effecient because the student demand to critical and creative thinking, so demand to understand the material even via daring.
    But there are some constraints like signal, kuota and others.... Except that it is so Ok

  17. Siska Amelia
    Based on amazing teaching in 21 century, As the teacher not only teaching the student, but also educating the student. That's mean teacher not only transfer their knowledge to the student, but also have to educate student attitudes. The goals of teacher are create the student that have knowledge and good attitudes.
    Because, in this modern era student have to balence out atyitude and knowledge to resolve global challenges. And now, world is changing, we can see from technology, environment, community/ social, and economy.
    Like at this situation, offline teaching or face-to-face is changing to online teaching through meet application, blog, chat, etc.

  18. Rina Sobarina (171230154)

    Teaching in this 21st century era must be creative. Although traditional teaching is still used by some teachers, of course this time will certainly not be used anymore. Like the teaching system that used to be offline, it has now turned into an online class, especially in times like this. Therefore, in this day and age we must have 4 skills, namely intellectual skills, communication skills, organizational skills, and interpersonal skills. In order to be able to create a creative and innovative generation. So it is important for us as teachers to always increase the source of knowledge to be able to adapt in this time and in the future.

  19. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim: 191230158

    Material: Amazing Teaching

    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main Idea
    In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching.
    They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates.

    Teacher must challenges in digital development.
    -How to engage student
    -How to motivate student
    -How to offer students feedback
    -How to assess student

    And in 21st Century, the teacher must prepare Online Teaching Media, as:
    -Picture/ Photo

    And the teacher must master world life competencies frame work, as:
    -Creative thinking
    -critical thinking
    -Learning to learn

    In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals.

  20. Nama : Ainun isnani
    Nim : 191230151
    Introduction: Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body : In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates.
    Teachers must make students happy learning in this digital era and must prepare learning media well. have to prepare everything, especially in the present era who learns online. and how to prepare good learning styles for the 21st century. prepare all kinds of learning that will make students interested in learning.
    divides 21st century teacher skills into five categories, namely:
    1. Able to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, with indicators including the following:
    a) Encourage, support and model inventions and creative and innovative thinking.
    b. Involve students in exploring real world issues (real world) and solving authentic problems using digital tools and sources.
    c. Encourage student reflection using collaborative tools to demonstrate and clarify students' understanding, thinking, conceptual planning and creative processes.
    2. Design and develop learning experiences and assessments of the digital age, with the following indicators:
    a. Design or adapt appropriate learning experiences that integrate digital tools and resources to encourage student learning and creativity.
    b. Develop a technology-rich learning environment that enables all students to feel curious and be active participants in setting learning goals, managing their own learning and measuring their own learning progress.
    c. Customizing and personalizing learning activities that can meet work strategies for learning styles and the ability to use various digital tools and resources.
    3. To become a model for how to learn and work in the digital era, with the following indicators:
    a. Demonstrate proficiency in technological systems and transfer knowledge to new technologies and situations.
    b. Collaborate with students, peers, and the community using digital tools and resources to drive student success and innovation.
    c. Communicate ideas / ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital media formats.

    Conclusion : They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Mohamad Adam Firdaus (191230154)
    TBI 3E

    - Introduction
    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    - Main body
    In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities

    - Conclution
    In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century, please see and download this PPT. It concludes some materials from eligible sources. Thank you for reading it and giving comments.  
