Friday 29 May 2020


      People interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge. This knowledge consists of thought and culture expression through sounds, words, and sentences deriving from their real habitual patterns. Therefore, people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures. if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture? You may find the answer in this following link. 

          I tell you the keys. First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society. Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes. Please click the link below to understand what the secret of psychology is. Thanks for doing this online learning together. Please give your comment and share your idea in this blog. 

Open this link to understand about psycholinguistics

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