Sunday 14 June 2020


Hello students,

You will have final test for my subject in this semester. please see the examination sheets and the form of your online presences. Open these following links to see them. submit the answer in the days of your own schedules. Thanks for your attentions.
1. Your attendance list
2. Psycholinguistics test
3. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching II test
4. Interpretative Listening test
and listen to this video to do your listening test


  1. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 2A
    MK: Listening (UAS)

    1. Maude and Raphael they are the once who's following the advince speaking test
    Mary White Side is the eximaner who's write the answer from the question from maude and raphael
    Brighter Horizon is who's asking the question to maude and raphael
    2. -The main idea about advance speaking test
    - supporting idea is the connect with the supporting idea with the interview given about the short question about the picture given from the examiner
    3. Four tenses, they are: simple present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense, and present perfect continuous tense.
    Tense is the time described by a verb, shown by its grammatical form. There are two main tenses in English: Present tense: things that are true when the words are spoken or written. ... In this sentence, goes shows that it is a present tense.
    4. I think the word class is easy to understand and not complicated. yes, the dialogue for being effective is also brief and clear because this dialog is to test the language skills of students.
    5. Yes.
    -Your name so
    - Going to give
    - Getting married
    -face to face

  2. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 2 A

    1. Raphael, Maude - they are the ones following the interview
    Breteath Horison- She was the one who asked the interview questions
    Marie waitside- She was the one who wrote the answers Raphael and maude answered.

    2. -The main idea in the video is Advenced Speaking Test
    -They connect to supproting idea Of the question asked by horison "In this actiivty test i'm going to give you each of the pictures I'd like to talk about two of them on your in know for a minutes, and I'd should gave your quation briefly about you practice pictures

    3.- 4 present tensens are appeared in the dialogues
    -Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense
    -Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. -The word class used on a very effective dialogue is easy to understand
    - Yes word class in the dialog very effective
    -Because the class of words that are used so easily understand is not twisted in speech and very short but understandable

    5. Your name, going to give, getting married,

  3. Nama: Rana Salwa
    NIM. : 191230032.
    Kelas: TBI 2 A.

    1. The speaking test, which consists of two candidates and two examiners. One test (interlocuter) was to speak with Raphael and maude, and the other man was to be test lecturer. And one person.

    2. The main idea id advanced speaking test. And the connect supporting idea with interview, In this activity test i'm going give each of three Picture, i'd like you to talk about two of them on your in know for a minute , and i'd should gave your question briefly About your practice picture.

    3.Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense.
    Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. Yes, word class in the dialog very very effective, because Very easy to understand, and very helpful in composing the sentence according to the grammar, so do not mention the grammar again. And the people we talk to will be easy to understand.

    5. Your name so.
    Going to give.
    Face to face

  4. Name : Eva aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. in the video there are four people, one examiner the name is Breteath Horison and Marie waitsaid is assessor, and two people are tested, and they are named is raphael and maude.

    2. The main idea about advance speaking test , and they conect with the suporting idea with the interview given about the short question and about the picture given from the examiner.

    3. There four
    - Simple peresnt Tense
    - Present continuous tense
    - Present perfect Tense
    - Present perfect continuous tense
    Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. I think the word used in dialogue is good, because it is easy to understand, the word used is also not a difficult language because it is like measuring how high their language level is, and I think this is effective because there are many words that are easy to understand and not complicate someone to understand and capture that video.

    5. Yes, the word is :
    - Your name so
    - Going to give
    - getting married
    - Some people

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    CLASS : TBI 2A
    NIM : 191230010
    1. The interlocutor : Prudence Harrison ; the examiner of the test’s Raphael and Maude will give them some of questions
    The colleague : Marry Moutside ; the colleague of the inclutor tasked with assessing and recording the ability of Raphael and Maude speaking skills
    The participants : Raphael and Maude ; they are students who are being tested in speaking abilities
    2. The main idea of the video is to improve English skills especially in speaking with interview methods and give each other opinions so that they can communicate well. the interlocutor gives some questions that must be answered by the participants. The interlocutor asks them and the participants questions about themselves. Then in the next part the interlocutor gives them photographs and asks them to talk about two of the picture. The interlocutor asks you and your partner to talk together in both. The interlocutor asks some further questions, which lead to a more general discussion
    3. Simple present tense is used fo regular actions or events, fact, fact known about the future, thought and feelings about the time of speaking
    Present continous tense is used for the time of speaking (now), things which are true at the moment, present plans for the future
    Simple past tense use it to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past, most of the time when we are talking about such actions.
    Past continous we use it went to emphasize the continuiong process of an activity or the period of that activity. To talk about pas events which went on for a periode of time
    Present perfect use it when we want to look back from the present to the past.
    Present perfect continous is used to talk about an action or actions that started in the past and continued until recently or that continue into the future.
    4. The use of the word class they are talking about is already effective because the answer of them is clear, accurated, and extendeed. They gives good examples to support the ideas. Both of them use a range of simple grammaical stucture and some complex grammatical forms accurately. Their ideas are generally logical and clear. They could improve their fluency by practising speaking for longer periods.
    5. Yes, when the interlocutor asked the incasked where Raphael came from he answered specifically that is a city in Switzland and explained what his activities were while there. When Maude was asked how long she studied English she answered for 6 years and spent a lot of time studying because she was a hardworker. When they are given an image to describe something they answer with a specific word. Raphael’s answer ‘these three little girls are baking a cake ...’ ‘... they enjoy to play together music’. Maude’s answer ‘we can see two students who are doing different things’; ‘maybe she will pass the test if she ...’; ‘It will be very useful for her to be able to talk to people’.

    Fahmi Amirudin
    TBI 2A

    1. Two candidates (Raphael & maude) and two examiners. One examiner (the interlocutor) will speak to raphael and maude and the other (the assessor) will be listening.

    2. Raphael, from Switzerland, and Maude, from France, take a Speaking test. Both these candidates cope well overall with the tasks in the test. Raphael and Maude do have a relevant discussion on the topic; however, Raphael could be more involved and contribute more to the interaction and Maude could nvolve him more. Ideally the responsibility for maintaining and developing the interaction should be shared, and this involves working together to achieve this.

    3. There are 4 tenses :
    >Simple peresnt Tense
    >Present continuous tense
    >Present perfect Tense
    >Present perfect continuous tense

    4. Yes, effective! Because to arrange sentences that are good and right based on standard sentence patterns, the user of the language must know the type and function of the word class first to avoid mistakes.

    5. Yes, they did! when the interlocutor asked the incasked where Raphael came from he answered specifically that is a city in Switzland and explained what his activities were while there. When Maude was asked how long she studied English she answered for 6 years and spent a lot of time studying because she was a hardworker. When they are given an image to describe something they answer with a specific word.


    NIM : 191230012
    CLASS : TBI 2A
    1. Attendees in the vidio are Raphael and Maude as learners, And Marry moutside, Prudence Harrison were assessments.
    2. The main idea of the vidio two students who are taking the test. The idea arose from each question or test givenby the examinerr to the student, which the student then answered each question.
    3. Present tense is 4, that is : simple present tense,simple present continuous tense, simple present perfact tense, and present perfact continuous tense . The goal is to train the student’s ability to describe the pictures. These tenses are also meant to explain what are doing, and will do in the future.
    4. In my opinion, the word class used in this dialogue is effective because it’s easy to understand and form this video i can learn how to describe a picture. But there are still difficult words to understand that i have to repeat the video several times to make sense of it, perhaps because of the lack of vocabulary i have and the use of speech that participants in dialogue do too quickly.
    5. Yes. An example of one specific phrase is that when At the time the examiner asked maude how long had she studied English? "It has been six years since I learned English. Always and always will learn. Rahael described the picture “ they’re all together for the collage playground”.

    NIM : 191230002
    CLASS: TBI 2 A

    1. Purdge horison as a Quistiner
    Merry whiye side as a minutes
    Raphael as a participant of test
    Maude as a participant of test Also
    2. The main idea is advanced speaking test. And the step to connecting main odea with supporthing idea is with the interview given.

    " this activity i'm going to give you each of three pictures, i'd like you to talk about Two of them. "
    3. there are four tanses there. and the types are Simple present tense,Simple present continuous tense,Simple perfect tense,Simple present perfect continuous tense.

    Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.
    4. In my opinion, the word clss is effective and good. and its use s quite appropriate, for the size of a language test like that needs to be adjusted with the interlocutor, and the questioner s good and the language test oarticipants are also very active n speaking.

    5. yes, participants put out certain words like: your name so, giong to give, etc.

  10. Nama:Dewi Ramayanti
    1. Who is the participant in the Vidio? Describe them briefly!
    The participant in the Vidio is Raphael, Mude and two testers
    2. What are the main idea found in the video? How do they connect with the supporting idea?
    The main idea found in the Vidio is Advenced Speaking Test, and they are connected to supporting ideas because the examiner asks about the speaking test and instructs them to tell the picture

    3. How many ini present tenses appeared in the dialogue? Mention the types of them! Than what are the tenses meant!
    There are three present tenses appeared in the dialogue
    (Jumlahnya blum tau berpa, kita sebutin aja dulu yg kita dnger, yang baru Uun temuin->
    1. Present continuous tenses
    Ex: Raphael Where are you from?
    2. Present Tenses
    Ex : What do you that?
    3. Present perfect continuous
    Ex: Mude, How long have you been studying English?
    4. What do you think of word classes used in the dialogues? Are they effective ? tell me a reason why it is effective or not!
    I think the word class used in the dialogue could have been because this word class is the same as the part of speech, and that was very effective because it was easier to understand and understand and the words were very clear
    5. Do the participant produce specific words? If yes, mention the words!
    - I think
    -and so.....

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Final Exam Interpretive Listening
    Name : Annisa Laila Cahyani
    NIM : 191230023
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Who are the participants in the video? Describe them briefly!
    Answer :
    Raphael, from Switzerland. He has been studying English for 2 years. Maude, from France. She has been studying English for about 6 years.They are taking speaking test.
    Bridget Harrison and Mary Whiteside are the assessor. .
    2. What are the main ideas found in the video? How do they connect with the supporting idea?
    Answer :
    The main ideas are about Raphael, from Switzerland, and Maude, from France, take a Speaking test. Both these candidates cope well overall with the tasks in the test. First, they were asked about where they come from. They connect with the supporting idea with the assessor asked questions in the interview for testing their speaking skill.
    3. How many present tenses are appeared in the dialogues? Mention the types of them! Then, what are the tenses meant?
    Answer :
    There are 4 tenses that appeared in the dialogue.
    Simple present tense, used for used fo regular actions or events, fact, fact known about the future, thought and feelings about the time of speaking.
    Present continous tense is used for the time of speaking (now), things which are true at the moment, present plans for the future.
    Simple past tense use it to talk about actions and states which we see as completed in the past, most of the time when we are talking about such actions.
    Past continous we use it went to emphasize the continuiong process of an activity or the period of that activity. To talk about pas events which went on for a periode of time.

    4. What do you think of word classes used in the dialogues? Are they effective? Tell me the reasons why it is effective or not!
    Answer :
    Yes, they use word classes effectively. Because they gives good examples to support the ideas. Both of them use a range of simple grammaical stucture and some complex grammatical forms accurately. Their ideas are generally logical and clear. They could improve their fluency by practising speaking for longer periods.
    5. Do the participant produce specific words? If yes, mention the words!
    Answer :
    Yes, they produce specific words.
    “It has been six years since I learned English.”
    ‘these three little girls are baking a cake ...’

  13. Nama : Nurul Kholifah
    Nih : 191230019
    Kelas : TBI 2 A


    1. Raphael and maude are two candidate and two examiner. One examiner (the interlocurator) will speak to you and your partner and other (the assessor) will be listening.
    2. The main ideas in this video is Advanced Speaking test.
    Supporting detail in this video, in this activity test I'm going to give you each of three pictures, I'd like to you talk about two of them in your in know for a minutes, an I'd should give your question briefly about your practice pictures.
    3. Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense.
    Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.
    4. In my opinion the word class in the dialogue is very effective, because the words are easy to understand so as to make one understand what is being spoken about, in this dialog the words are very good and the use of the language is excellent.
    5. - Your name so
    -Going to give

  14. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 2A
    1. This video has four participants, two testers namely Horizon and Marrie, and two people as test takers namely Raphael and Maude.
    2. The main idea of this video is, about the speaking test, conducted by two examiners to two participants. In this video the examiner will ask questions about the self participants first. Then after that the examiner will test the participants, for example by means of the examiner giving a picture to the participants, which then they must describe the picture.
    3. There are four types of tenses that appeared in this video, among them are : simple present tense, simple present continuous tense, simple perfect tense, simple present perfect continuous tense.
    a. Simple present tense : this simple present tense in its use can serve to state facts, habits, and also events that occur at this time. There is also a formula that is owned by simple present tense which is relatively simple, namely :
    S + Verb 1
    b. Simple present continuous tense : in this sense, present continuous tense is usually used to show an action or event that is happening when the conversation is taking place. In addition, this continuous tense can also be used to make plans in the future. The formula used to form present continuous tense sentences is :
    S + Am/is/are + Verb-ing
    c. Simple present perfect tense : that said this perfect present tense is a tenses whose function is to show an outcome. In essence, this present perfect tense serves to show that action is still ongoing or has just been completed. The formula used to form the present perfect tense sentence is as follows :
    S + Has / Have + Verb 3 (pat participle)
    d. Present perfect continuous tense : tense is one of the tenses that in use has a function to describe an action that has been completed in the past or can also to describe an action that has begun In the past and is still ongoing until now. Usually, the actions that occur in the formation of sentences using the present perfect continuous tense have a certain duration of time and are relevant to the current and conditions. The formula is :
    S + Has / Have + Been + Verb-ing (continuous form)
    Tense is a change in verb form to express an event that is closely related to the time of the event.
    4. In my opinion the word class used in this dialog is correct and good. Because as we know that word class is also called part of speech. And part of speech has several parts, among them are : verb, noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, conjunction, interjection, and preposition. In my opinion this word classes be effective to use dialog. And this word classes is effective for dialogue use. Because the word class has several important functions in the preparation of sentences, including ; symbolizes thoughts or ideas, then they can be concrete because of the word class. Then, the word class also functions to form various sentence structures and clarify the meaning of ideas and easy to understand.
    5. Yes, Raphael uses a range of simple grammatical structures, for example “these three little girls are baking a cake” and some complex sentences accurately for example “ I don’t think it will be a nice cake”. And Maude uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms accurately for example, “ we can see two students who are doing different things” “maybe she will pass the test if she' it will be very useful for her to be able to talk to people.

  15. Eci Ayumi
    TBI 2 A

    1. Raphael, Maude, and two old woman.
    Raphael and Maude were again tested on English. Raphael has studied English for 3 years. Maude has been studying English for 6 years

    2. It's about learning English (speaking test).
    To improve English skill (speaking).

    And the interlocutor gives you photographs and asks you to talk about two of them.

    3. There are 4 present tenses.
    Simple present, present continuous, present perfect, and present perfect continuous.
    Tenses are very important and basic things when learning English. Tenses are generally used to form a sentence in English based on the time the incident or event took place.

    4. Effective, because it can practice pronunciation. Ideas that arise when trying to describe these images can help improve English.

    5. The words are, school, Australia

    1. Maude and Raphael are two students who are taking an oral English exam. Mary White Side is an eximaner who writes and evaluates answers given by Raphael and Maude. Brighter Horizon is a teacher who is testing Raphael and Maude.
    2. -The main idea in the video is the Speaking Test and expressing Advanced opinions -They are connected with the idea of ​​supproting. From the question raised by the examiner, Brighter Horison. Raphael and Maude were tested in good and right English speaking through the media. his assessment of the way they expressed their thoughts and ideas about what was in the picture.
    3. -simple Present tense
    Simple present tense is tenses that are used when an event is happening right now or a recurring event (habitual).
    - present continous tense
    Continuous present tense is tense that functions to express the action taken in the present (speaking compilation) and something in the future.
    - Simple Past Tense
    Simple past tense is a sentence tenses used to express events that occurred in the past and have ended in the past
    -past continous
    Tense or commonly referred to as Past Progressive Tense is a rule of sentence formation that is used to express something that is happening / is happening before and after a certain time in the past.
    - Present Perfect
    a form of verb used to express an action or situation that began in the past and continues to the present or has been completed at some point in time in the past, but the effect is still ongoing.
    4. I think the word used in the dialogue is good, because it is easy to understand, the word used is also not a jata that is difficult to understand. see from the situation and conditions that are ongoing. which is being tested for English. of course this is very effective and not difficult
    5. - youre name so
    - going to give
    - face to face
    - some people
    - and so

  17. Rizky Amalia
    TBI 2 A

    1. The speaking test, which consists of two candidates and two examiners. Ie : Raphael, Maude - they are the ones following the interview
    Breteath Horison- She was the one who asked the interview questions
    Marry waitside- She was the one who wrote the answers Raphael and maude answered.

    2. -The main idea in the video is Advenced Speaking Test or interview. And that it helps someone interviewed to explain and answer questions, can also improve one's language skills and courage. As instructed by him to explain an image from his own perspective and opinion. another example the questioner asks, and they answer well
    -They connect to supproting idea Of the question asked by breateath horison "In this activty test i'm going to give you each of the pictures I'd like to talk about two of them on your in to know for a minutes, and I'd should gave your question briefly about your practice pictures

    3.- 4 present tensens are appeared in the dialogues
    -Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense
    -Tenses ia time. Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. -The word class used on a very effective dialogue is easy to understand
    - Yes word class in the dialog very effective
    -Because the class of words that are used so easily understand is not twisted in speech and very short but understandable. They gives good examples to support the ideas. Both of them use a range of simple grammaical stucture and some complex grammatical forms accurately. Their ideas are generally logical and clear and makes easy to understand.

    5. -Your name so.
    - Going to give.
    - Face to face
    5. Specific word
    -hese "three little girls are baking a cake.and some complex sentences accurately e.g.I don’t think it will be a nice cake and they could also be preparing for
    -we can see two students who are doing different things maybe she will pass the test if she It will be very useful for her to be able to talk to
    -they enjoy to play together music.
    -she gain knowledge and she get prepared and It will helps her develop a kind of

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. NAME:M. Ibrahim Al Adhim


    1.There are four people in the vidio
    -Prudence horrison:interlocuter
    -marry moutside:colleugue
    -Raphael:student in the test
    -Maude:student in the test

    2.The main idea in the vidio is to improve raphael and maude in english skill especially in speaking in interview method.

    3.there are many tense in this vidio like a:
    -simple present tense
    -simple present continuous tense
    -simple perfect tense
    -simple present perfect continuous tense.

    4.I think the dialoge is effective.. Because teh dialoge is very easy to understand and easy to practice, and the dialoge i think not hard to understand and to practice again

    -Your name
    -going to give
    -getting married


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    Class : TBI.2A
    NIM : 191230031

    1. -Breteath Horison as a test examiner, She give the question and some intruction for test
    -Raphael and Maude as test participants, They would like answer and follow the question and Breteath intructions
    -Marry as Breteath colleague, she would like give an assessment.

    2. This video shows a speaking test activity which was participated by two participants. The examiner gives several questions and orders. Then the participants try to answer and follow the instructions given by the examiner. the examiner will give an assessment of the participants' answers based on the standard assessment. The test lasts for 15 minutes, with 4 parts

    3. In the video found four types of present tense
    a. -Simple Present (nominal). Ex: where are you from?
    -Simple Present (verbal). Ex: What do you do there?
    b. Present Continuous. Ex: I am hard working
    c. Present Perfect. Ex: I have thought (but Maude use word 'think' not 'thought'. This is error structure)
    d. Present Perfect Continuous. ex: How long have you been studying english?
    Tense is a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking. ORIGIN Latin tempus "time"

    4. some of the words spoken by participants seemed to be in error and disorganized. Some of the word classes mentioned in the video sound ineffective. because the placement of positions in the sentence is not neat and inappropriate. as in the phrase "they play together music".
    besides that, the placement of Conjunction is also incorrect, the overused conjunction is "and"

    5. Specific Word, A word can be general or special if it is related to another word.
    Specific word in this video : Nice cake, Australia, Facebook, my friend, music group, little girls, Switzerland, team work, your name, This picture

  22. Name : Afridah
    Nim : 191230014
    Class : TBI 2A


    1.•Raph and Maude were people who had taken the speaking test
    •Marry waitsaid is the author of Raphael and Maude's answers
    •Brighter Horizon testers or someone who asks Raphael and Maude

    2.The main idea in this video is to test the ability to speak English by interview, then the interviewer also provides an image to solicit an opinion about the picture. they are connected by the way the interview was given a question then the participants answered then the answer was written by the author

    3. There four
    • Simple peresnt Tense is used fo regular actions or events, fact, fact known about the future, thought and feelings about the time of speaking
    •Present continuous tense Present continous tense is used for the time of speaking (now), things which are true at the moment, present plans for the future
    • Present perfect Tense use it when we want to look back from the present to the past.
    - Present perfect continuous tense Present perfect continous is used to talk about an action or actions that started in the past and continued until recently or that continue into the future.

    4. the use of class words in the video has been effective because the answer is concise and clear

    5. Yes,( your name so, face to face, some people).

  23. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    NIM : 191230035

    1. The participant of the video are :
    -the interviewer/examiner and her colleague
    -Raphael & Maude
    2. The main idea of that video was an andvanced speaking test. To examine the student who wanna join the Cambridge English.
    The supporting idea : The examiner ask about Raphael&Maude's self and give them pictures to tell and give them a chance to discuse about the picture.
    3. The present tense that appeared in the dialogues are :
    - Simple present
    -Present perfect continues
    -present perfect
    a verb-based method used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action or state in relation to the time of speaking. 
    4. Word classes have important function in organizating a sentence. The functions are to show the speaker's idea or thoughts, and also to form various sentence structure and clarify the meaning of an idea. I think this is effective to use, bcz it have important function
    5. Yes of course,
    -six year (spending to study english)
    -Facebook (mentioned by raphael)
    -Keep in touch

  24. Sekar Ayu Asari
    TBI 2 A

    1. Raphael, Maude - they are the ones following the interview
    Breteath Horison- She was the one who asked the interview questions
    Marie waitside- She was the one who wrote the answers Raphael and maude answered.

    2. -The main idea in the video is Advenced Speaking Test
    -They connect to supproting idea Of the question asked by horison "In this actiivty test i'm going to give you each of the pictures I'd like to talk about two of them on your in know for a minutes, and I'd should gave your quation briefly about you practice pictures

    3.- 4 present tensens are appeared in the dialogues
    -Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense
    -Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. -The word class used on a very effective dialogue is easy to understand
    - Yes word class in the dialog very effective
    -Because the class of words that are used so easily understand is not twisted in speech and very short but understandable

    5. Yes
    - your name so
    - Going to give
    - Getting merried
    - Face to face

  25. Asha17 Juni 2020 12.05
    Asha febriyanti

    1. Raphael, Maude, and two old woman.
    Two old women is The interlocutor or teacher
    Raphael and Maude were again tested on English. Raphael is from Russia, and has studied English for 3 years. Maude has been studying English for 6 years

    2. It's about learning English (speaking test).
    and have 4 parts in the main idea
    Part 1
    The interlocutor asks raphael and maude questions about theyselves. And asked about things like your home town, your interests, your studies, etc.
    Part 2
    The interlocutor gives raphael photographs and asks you to talk about two of them for about 1 minute. And The interlocutor then asks maude a question about raphael photographs and maude responds for about 30 seconds.
    Then the interlocutor gives maude three different photographs. Maude talks about two of these photographs for about 1 minute. And at time the interlocutor asks faphael a question about maude photographs and respond
    Part 3
    This part is divided into two parts and the interlocutor asks raphael and muade to talk together in both. In the first part, raphael will be asked to discuss a question. For example, maude might be asked to discuss things people might consider when making decisions.
    the interlocutor will ask they to make a decision which is related to what they have been discussing.
    Part 4
    The interlocutor asks some further questions, which lead to a more general discussion of what they have talked about in Part 3. Raphael may comment or expand on maude answers if raphael wish.

    3. There are have 8 or more Present Tenses. and the type is a present Tense, Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, and Present Perfect Continuous.
    Tenses are very important and fundamental things when learning English. Tenses are generally used to form a sentence in English based on the time of events or events. In other words, -Tenses has a very close link with the time of an event. An event or incident can take place in the past or the past, now or the present and in the future or the Future.

    4. Effective, because it can practice pronunciation. Remember the memory of memorizing words and ideas that arise when trying to describe the pictures that have been given can help improve English and know how far they master the vocabulary.

    5. Yes.
    Enjoy, decision,nice cafe, skecting, benefit, australia, facebook, little girl, music group, talk, foreignt, two student, holiday, children, face to face,some people, team work.

  26. Bismillah....
    CODE : 191230027
    CLASS : TBI / II A

    1. There are 4 participants
    - Prudence Harrison (The examiner) : She is a examiner . The examiner of the test Raphael and Maude.
    - Merry Warside (The colleague) : She is evaluator
    - Raphael : He is a student and from sweatland city.
    - Maude : She is a student. and She has been studying English for Six years. She is a hard worker.

    2. Topic : Raphael and maude were advanced speaking test. Student get some a question talk about idea, opinion, analist, discribe a picture, suggest, and discussion.
    The main idea : of the video is to improve English skills especially in speaking with interview methods and give each other opinions so that they can communicate well.

    3. 1. Simple present : express a habitual action. As usually use adverb of frequency (always, usually, seldom)
    2. Present continuous : Express an action. State the actions that are currently taking place. activity that is happening at the moment.
    3. Present perfect : states the deeds have been completed and the results are felt until now.
    As usually use time signal as like time duration (just, just now, already, yet), (since, for)
    4. Present perfect continuous : States an act that began in the past and is still ongoing.
    As usually use time duration of process as like (since,for)

    The sentences of tenses. I get it from this video :

    - How long have you been studying english? (Pr. Prf. Cont) -> Verbal
    - I have been studying english for six years (Pr. Prf. Con) -> verbal
    - why migh the people be doing these things together ? (Pr. Pf. Cont) -> Verbal
    - How migh the people be feeling? -> (Pr. Prf. Cont) -> Verbal
    - how can students benefit from doing there different activities ? ( -> Verbal
    - how helpful might the activities be in preparing? (Pr. Prf. Con) -> Verbal
    - what migh people have to consider? (pr. Prf ) -> Verbal

    Tenses Means : Tenses is verb from that time an event. And in oxford dictionary means, changes in verbs that affect time and events.

    4. My opinion, Not effective!
    Because of in this speaking so many interjection words. As like. Hmmmm! , Well...! , So...! And etc. This is make a long time as like confused people. I think not effective.
    And also, I listen there are uncorrect words. As like "Idea You " . I think The correct is "Your Idea"

    5. Yes! The Spesific Words like Music, Family, University, Country, Study, Book, Work, enjoy, play, cook, situation, picture.

  27. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    Tbi 2-a

    1. The participant is raphael and maude, raphael from Switzerland and maude from france.Raphael gives a little information about the place where he comes from in answer to the first question, which it is fine to do. His answer to the second question is clear and accurate.His response to the question about the internet is extended to a suitable length as he gives good examples to support his ideas.Maude begins her answer to the firsquestion with Well ..which gives her time to think about how to answer. Her second answer is extended.In response to the question about spending too much time working or studying, she supports her ‘yes’ with a brief reason; the examiner invites her to extend her answer further,which she then does.
    2. The main idea found in vidio where we can see Raphael,from Switzerland, and Maude,from France,take a Speaking test. And Advanced Speaking test is assessed As you do the test, the assessor focuses on these areas of your English:
    -Grammatical Resource
    - Lexical Resource
    - Discourse Management
    - pronunciation
    - Interactive Communication
    3.- 4 present tensens are appeared in the dialogues
    -Simple peresnt Tense Present continuous tense
    - Present perfect Tense
    -Present perfect continuous tense
    -Tenses ia time.Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.
    4. Yes, effective because its use is not difficult and slightly understandable. It is more efficient than the more complex use or the more difficult to understand in the same sense
    5. Specific word
    -face to face
    -your Name
    -raphael from Switzerland
    -maude from prance
    -hese "three little girls are baking a cake.and some complex sentences accurately e.g.I don’t think it will be a nice cake and they could also be preparing for
    -we can see two students who are doing different things maybe she will pass the test if she It will be very useful for her to be able to talk to
    -they enjoy to play together music.
    -she gain knowledge and she get prepared and It will helps her develop a kind of

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Name: Annisa Febriyani
    NIM: 191230006
    Kelas: TBI 2A

    1. Raphael and maude as people who are doing speaking test, Brigif horison as a interviewer, Marry watson as a colleague

    2. The main idea is there are 4 participant. 2 people who are taking an interview for a speaking test to join one of intitution, tested by one interviewer and one colleague. In the speaking test they are asked to describe and explain the picture and then they discuss about the problem that has been prepared, then they are asked to respond to each other.

    3. There four :
    -Simple present tense
    -Present Continuous tense
    -Present perfect tense
    -Present perfect continuous tense.
    Tenses is play a crucial role in the English language. Tense is a form of verb in English to indicate time (present, future, or past)

    4. Yes, the use of word classes in the dialog is effective, because word classes can distinguish the function of each word based on its use and make easier to understand.

    5. Yes. They are product the specific word, an example :
    -"Your name so..."
    -"Going to give..."
    - "Face to face"
    - "These three little girls are baking a cake ..."
    - "They enjoy to play music together"

  30. Riska Rahayu
    TBI 2 A

    1. Raphael, Maude, Mrs. Harrison and her colleague Merry. Raphael is the boy who came from Switzerland. He kinda looked like a shy boy. He prefer meeting people by face to face than from Internet. Maude is the girl one, she has been studying English for six years. She's a hard worker and enjoy learning English. Mrs. Harrison seems kind, she often smiles. I don't know about Mrs. Merry because she just sit behind Mrs. Harrison in the whole video.

    2. The main idea that can be found in the video is improving English skills with interview method. In the video, they use question and answer method with one person asking and the participants answers to every questions given.

    3. There are five tenses used in the video.
    ㅡ Simple Present tenses, is a tenses used for on going event.
    ㅡ Simple Past tense, is a form of tense that describes an event that occurred at a specific time in the past.
    ㅡ Present continuous tense, is a tense that serves to express the action that is being done in the present (when talking) and something in the future.
    ㅡ Past continuous tense, is a form of verb used to express that an action is happening at a certain time in the past. The action had begun but was not finished at the time.
    ㅡ Present perfect is used to show the relationship between the present and the past. The time of the action or event is before now, but not specific, and we are often more interested in the outcome or result than the action itself.

    4. I think it is effective enough to use. The examiner prepare a good material so the person being tested is easy to understand and has no difficult to talk.

    5. Yes, they produce lot of specific words. Example, when Maude being asked she answered with "It has been six years since I learn English." And Raphael used, "These three little girls baking cake or something. And I think they do it together because they might be a sisters because they look similar." Six and cake include to specific words.

  31. Name : Amelia Damayanti
    Nim : 191230008
    1. Who is the participant in the Vidio? Describe them briefly
    The participant in the Vidio is Raphael from Switzerland and Maudee from France. Both these candidate s cope well overall with the tasks in teh test. Any other is examiner and listener.

    2. What are the main idea found in the video? How do they connect with the supporting idea?
    Answer: The main idea found in the Vidio is Advenced Speaking Test . The Speaking test is 15 minutes long and consists of four parts. The standard test format is two candidates and two examiners. One examiner (the interlocutor) will speak to you and your partner and the other (the assessor) will be listening.

    Part 1 (approximately 2 minutes)
    The interlocutor asks you and your partner questions about yourselves. You may be asked about things like your home town, your interests, your studies, etc.

    Part 2 (approximately 4 minutes)
    The interlocutor gives you photographs and asks you to talk about two of them for about 1 minute. The interlocutor then asks your partner a question about your photographs and your partner responds for about 30 seconds.

    Then the interlocutor gives your partner three different photographs. Your partner talks about two of these photographs for about 1 minute. This time the interlocutor asks you a question about your partner’s photographs and you respond for about 30 seconds.

    Part 3 (approximately 4 minutes)
    This part is divided into two parts and the interlocutor asks you and your partner to talk together in both. In the first part, you will be asked to discuss a question. For example, you might be asked to discuss things people might consider when making decisions. The interlocutor gives you written prompts to help you but does not join in the conversation. After 2 minutes, the interlocutor will ask you to make a decision which is related to what you have been discussing. You have 1 minute for this.

    Part 4 (approximately 5 minutes)
    The interlocutor asks some further questions, which lead to a more general discussion of what you have talked about in Part 3. You may comment or expand on your partner’s answers if you wish.
    3. How many ini present tenses appeared in the dialogue? Mention the types of them! Than what are the tenses meant!
    There are 3 present tenses appeared in the dialogue
    - Present continuous* tenses
    - Present Tenses*
    - Present perfect continuous*
    4. What do you think of word classes used in the dialogues? Are they effective ? tell me a reason why it is effective or not!
    Answer : Yes, Because the class of words that are used so easily understand is not twisted in speech and very simple.
    5. Do the participant produce specific words? If yes, mention the words!
    Answer : yes, bcause when the interlocutor asked the incasked where Raphael came from he answered specifically that is a city in Switzland and explained what his activities were while there. When Maude was asked how long she studied English she answered for 6 years and spent a lot of time studying because she was a hardworker. When they are given an image to describe something they answer with a specific word. Like time work, and many others

  32. Name : Didi Hudaya
    NIM : 191230034
    class : TBI-2A
    Mata Kuliah : Listening

    1. Rafael and maudi they are want following the speaking test
    Brighter horizon is who’s asking the question to maudi and Rafael
    Mary She was the one who wrote the answers

    2. The main idea of the video is “about speaking test"
    - there are question in the reading

    3. present tensens are appeared in the dialogues
    -Simple peresnt Tense
    Present continuous tense
    Present perfect Tense
    Present perfect continuous tense

    4. Very close.
    Yes effective.
    Because the speaker’s speech is easily understood by the listener, and the information conveyed gives rise to feedback from the message, and the language used is very clear.

    5. Your name so,
    going to give,

  33. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025
    TBI 2 A
    1. In the video has four participants :
    - Raphael and Maude both of them are participants who are undergoing an advance speaking test.
    - Horizon: examiners who interview
    - Marry: The assistant examiner in charge of taking notes
    2. The main idea is to test the ability to talk (Speaking test) with such questions like :
    1. Getting personal.
    2. Gave the two pieces of paper with a picture in which to briefly explain the picture
    3. Discussing what people should consider when making decisions
    Where participants will answer and explain to hone speaking skills.
    And they can connect with the supporting idea that is by giving clues about the underlying idea and also through the media like the picture so that the participants can explain.
    3.There are 4 tenses present in the video, namely the simple present tense, present continous tense, simple past tense and present perfect tense. The simple present tense is a form of a verb to state facts, habits, or current events. Present continous tense is a tense that works to reveal actions that are being done in the present (when speaking) and something in the future. Simple past tense is a tenses sentence used to state events that occurred in the past and ended in the past. Present perfect tense is a form of a verb used to present an action or situation that has begun in the past and still continues to present or is completed ata certain point in the past but the effect still remains.
    4. My opinion of the word class used in the dialogue is still less clear in its use and its application may be this because the factor in speaking English is a little difficult to observe word classes in detail, and it is less effective because in that dialogue participants use too many such interjection words like "well"
    5. Yes they speak specific words like music, situations, activities, jobs. when they answer "it has been six years since i learned english" and "these three little girls are baking a cake"

  34. Name : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Calss : TBI 2A

    1. One examiner (the interlocutor) will
    speak to you and your partner and the other (the assessor) will be listening,and raphael and maude.

    2. Raphael and maude , take a Speaking test. Both these candidates cope well overall with the tasks in the test.

    3. There is 4
    √Simple peresnt Tense
    √Present continuous tense
    √Present perfect Tense
    √Present perfect continuous tense.
    Tenses is a form of verb in English to indicate the time (present, future, or past) of an action or event.

    4. In my opinion, the word class in dialogue is very effective and very clear, because the words are easy to understand so that makes people understand what is being said, they make us not confused what they are talking about in this dialogue the words are very good and the use of language is very good.

    5.. Yes.
    Going to give
    face to face
    Your name so
    Getting married

  35. Sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    191230001 TBI 2A
    1. The participants:
    • Horison: who asked questions during the test
    • Raphael and Maude: who took the speaking test
    • Marry:the womam sitting inside and his take notes.

    2. The main ideas in this video is advanced speaking test and give opinions. They are connected with the supporting idea is by questions raised by the examiner, Mrs. Horison.
    3. ther is 5 present tenses in this video.
    simple Present tense, present continous tense, Simple Past Tense, past continous, and Present Perfect.

    - Tenses ia time. Tenses can be understood as a grammar category that emphasizes the use of verbs associated with the time of use. In other words, a speaker or English user is expected to pay attention or consider the time context of what will be said before using a particular verb in his sentence or statement.

    4. In my opinion, the word class in the dialogue in this video is very effective, because it is easy to understand so it is easy to understand by those who hear it in the dialogue in this video the words used are also good.
    5. - I don’t think it will be a nice cake
    - some people
    - giong to give, etc.

  36. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    Nim : 191230017

    1. The participant in this video is :
    • Bridget Horrison, as the interviewer who interviewed Raphael and Maude with the question she asked.
    •Marry Whiteshide, as the judges and assessor Raphael and Maude ability.
    • Raphael.As participant of speaking test, he come from Switzerland and still at school 3 years ago.Sometime he use the internet like a Facebook.
    • Maude.As participant of speaking test, she’s been studying English for a six years and she said English its very useful and she can talk with friend and enjoyed talk with them.
    2. The interviewer gives 3 photograph and ask to talk about two of them and the interviewer be asked to discuss about thing people might consider when making decision.This test is conducted determine the ability participant of speaking test.The participant must be answer the question given by interviewer well and argumentatively and the participant may comment and expand on answered to each other.
    3. There are four tenses used in the video.
    ㅡ Simple Present tenses, is a tenses used for on going event.
    ㅡ Present continuous tense, is a tense that serves to express the action that is being done in the present (when talking) and something in the future.
    ㅡ Past continuous tense, is a form of verb used to express that an action is happening at a certain time in the past. The action had begun but was not finished at the time.
    ㅡ Present perfect is used to show the relationship between the present and the past. The time of the action or event is before now, but not specific, and we are often more interested in the outcome or result than the action itself.

    4. Word classes used in the dialogues is effective, because the aswer and question coheren and clearly
    5. The participant using specific words.
    Music group
    This picture

  37. Nama : Devi Nuraeni
    Nim : 191230022

    1.the interview and her coleague : Raphael and Maude
    One examiner (the interlocutor) : Bridhter Horizon
    The other (the assessor) Will be listening : Marry Moutside
    2. There's an idea that has four parts in it:
    Part 1, The interlocutor asks you and your partner questions about yourselves. You may be asked about things like your home town, your interests, your studies, etc.
    Part 2, The interlocutor gives you photographs and asks you to talk about two of them for about 1 minute. The interlocutor then asks your partner a question about your photographs and your partner responds for about 30 seconds. Then the interlocutor gives your partner three different photographs. Your partner talks about two of these photographs for about 1 minute. This time the interlocutor asks you a question about your partner’s photographs and you respond for about 30 seconds.
    Part 3, This part is divided into two parts and the interlocutor asks you and your partner to talk together in both. In the first part, you will be asked to discuss a question. For example, you might be asked to discuss things people might consider when making decisions. The interlocutor gives you written prompts to help you but does not join in the conversation. After 2 minutes, the interlocutor will ask you to make a decision which is related to what you have been discussing. You have 1 minute for this.
    Part 4, The interlocutor asks some further questions, which lead to a more general discussion of what you have talked about in Part 3. You may comment or expand on your partner’s answers if you wish.
    3. *present perfect continuous; how long have you been studying English
    *Simple present tense; where are you from
    * Simple continuous tense; I'm hard working
    *Present perfect tenar and simple past tense
    4. Yes efektif because The grammar structure was less complicated than it was easy to understand.

    5. Getting maried, nice cake, face to face, music group, two student, your name


  38. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029

    1) Who is the participant in the Vidio? Describe them briefly

    The participant in the Vidio is Horison as the examiner, Marry as who collect papper, Raphael and Mude as the person who answer the test
    Inside the video were the examiner and his assistant. And examiners test rafhael and mude orally. The examiner raises questions social and continues to smile. The examiner asked how long they had studied English and how they could speak English. In the video The examiner wants to see their English skills by having them describe some predetermined pictures. Mude and Raphael took turns describing the picture perfectly well, both seemed hesitant and nervous about answering, but despite Raphael and mude's doubts, the examiners seemed pleased that they always tried to answer every question well. And the experimenter always smiles at the end of the question

    2) What are the main idea found in the video? How do they connect with the supporting idea?
    The main idea found in the Vidio is Advenced Speaking Test.
    What becomes so detailed in the video they are asked opinion, asked to describe or describe the image being asked to describe. And that's all to learn their English skills

    3. How many ini present tenses appeared in the dialogue? Mention the types of them! Than what are the tenses meant!

    There are 4 present tenses appeared in the dialogue
    The type of them
    1. Present continuous tenses
    2. Present tenses
    3. Present perfect continuous tenses
    4. Present perfect tense

    The meant of the tenses
    1. Present continuous tenses, we use when we talk about an action that's happening when we talk about it.

    2. The simple present tense we use when we want to present an action that is a habit, a fact, a constant or permanent thing.

    3. Present perfect continuous tense, we use when we want to explain that an action or action has begun in the past and is still in progress until recently or until subject time speaks.

    4. Present perfect tense is a form of a verb used to present an action or situation that has begun in the past and still continues to present or is completed ata certain point in the past but the effect still remains.

    4) What do you think of what clausses is used in the dialogues? Are they effective ? tell me a reason why it is effective or not!

    I think we have to study and use word classes when we are dialogues, because I think that's excellent. Because it is easy for others to hear and understand what we are saying. Yes, of course that is effective.

    My reason is because using word classes help us to avoid mistakes when studying or speaking in English. In addition, Moreover, using this word class we will not create frivolous sentences

    5) Do the participant produce specific words? If yes, mention the words!

    Yes, the participant produce specific words.
    Good morning, contec book, facebook, playing music, team work, good well, getting married
