Tuesday 6 October 2020

Present and Past Perfect Tense


Instructional design:

students could differentiate, understand, and use present and past perfect in real life context either spoken or written


The formula, the examples, and the comparison between the use of present and past perfect based on the time of something happened

Methodology of teaching:

Communicative approach & Task-based approach


Learning grammar means that you learn about the sentence's pattern and meaning. Skinner (1957) said that meaning could be seen through referent (things) and word. Meanwhile, Chomsky said that language contains not only meaning but also rules. Therefore, almost all things in this world are connected to words and meaning. They involve in our lives either in spoken and written. People then try to communicate word and meaning to express their wants, needs, and intentions through communication. To join my second session, you should follow some stages. The stages for this session consist of these following activites:

1. click this presentation and see the video to do your task.

2. click this learning channel to practice your language ability in learning this topic.

Thanks for doing this second meeting of IEG in this semester. 


  1. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230031

    1. During pandemic, i had tried to learn English with every main. Some of them are practiced my listening skill with heard a song, movie, or the dialogue in English. I had spent last month with recording my voice when i had told and describe about something with English. Sometime i have read a news or the article and have tried to analysis some problem in grammar that is related with the text i read. And then i am also collected some vocabulary that i have found when i heard a song

    2. I had played the video in the last time. In the video i have seen a thriller of movie. The movie name is 5th wave. In the footage of the video have shown accident that has accoured in a city and that has caused a lot of destruction. Many people have become victims but some people have also been able to saved themselves.

  2. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A

    1. All about my learning in this pandemic. I've been read some RPS from some lecturers for the online learning. And my class friends have done some video meeting for some courses. And when the course has begun it was had some problems. Like attendance, video meeting, and others. And in some courses also my class had made some group for presentation. Although sometimes I think online course isn't effective but I have been doing my best.

    2. On the day in the school, some students has looked natural disasters, therefore on that time the school is stopped for several time. And the students must wait they parent for takes them in the school. Meanwhile, there are a girl with her little brother had taken water in the middle of the wood and after it, they want to go to their home but not long after that there's earthquake was happened.and they have been running and left their water on the place for safe their self. After that, the tsunami was happened soon. There has been running and climbed the tree for safe their self. And in the city which is located on the coast the tsunami had happened too. Displace everything that got in the way. Much of people has died. Like the happiness had been going after it.

  3. Nama:Dewi Ramayanti
    -Present perfect tense
    My learn activity along this phandemic has lern by virtual and it inffetive,
    And i has understanded theory which had given lecturer, and learn
    Activity along phandemic had bored
    - past perfect tense
    My learn activity along this phandemic has lern by virtual and it inffetive,
    And i has understanded theory which had given lecturer, and learn
    Activity along phandemic had bored

    2. There is a daughter named Cassie aged 16 years who saw a plane crash near her school turned out to be a mysterious object similar to a UFO And finally the UFO attacked with five stages The first stage turns off all electronic devices and the second stage vehicles the aliens make a big wave to eradicate humans on the mainland, the third stage infects humans with a virus that makes fellow humans infect, the fourth stage living humans are brought by the military to the shelter and the military kills the residents of the shelter The fifth stage, the children are allowed to live and are taught to kill the humans who survive

  4. Annisa Laila Cahyani 191230023
    TBI 3A

    Have you stayed on your gadget all day? During this long pandemic, I have used my cell phone also my notebook for all my online learning activities. At first, I really enjoyed it because I do not have to go to campus. I have not felt the boredness yet. But day by day, without certaintly when will this pandemic end, I reached my peak of boredness. I think, we are all agree that online learning has not effectived as when we learned on class. I have stayed on my cell phone for online class and have used my notebook for live virtual class and do the assignment. Bad signal is my enemy. A not good signal is really bothered me. I can not focus on class. Hope we all can back as before and doing activity as usual normally.

    It started with a strong wind that makes an airplane has fallen from the sky. The female has felt afraid, she said there will be no more engines and electiricities. It has showed a horrific disaster that destroy city. In the end of the video, there is only one man who standing on the rooftop and looks sad.

  5. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    1.During the first semester I had felt comfortable studying in the class, everything was fun and the subject was easy to understand, however, this year I was forced out of the comfort zone and I had to stay home and study at home, and I was very uncomfortable, and when the online material was delivered so inadequately to me, I have tired to this situation, But from my current circumstances I could learn that I should thank god for everything that god has given to me

    2.In a city where the world had already suffered destruction The crash caused an airplane, and one day when a woman and her brother went down to a river in the middle of the forest to take water, there came a disaster that was a tsunami that hit that forest and the city, many of the people who had not been able to save their lives, and luckily the woman and her brother were quickly on the tree when the water came and they survived the catastrophe, but the damage was sustained

  6. Eci Ayumi
    TBI 3 A

    1. This year learning activities were carried out at home due to the pandemic. I have used my phone for learning activities and using several applications such as zoom, google classroom and etc. Every 1 in the afternoon I started studying and listening to presentations. Online learning activities finish in the afternoon around half past five. After that I do assignments given by the lecturer and do other activities.

    2. In the video I have seen a movie trailer. the movie tells the story of a disaster caused by aliens. There are 3 important figures a father, daughter, and son who are trying to survive the disaster.

  7. Name : Suherni
    Class : TBI 3 A
    NIM. : 191230002

    1. During this pandemic, I felt that learning was less effective, moreover, there were a lot of disturbances such as bad cellular networks and insufficient internet quotas. In the past, when the corona virus did not exist, I always felt happy because I could study on campus, and met my friends and we went to lunch together but that doesn't happen anymore now.
    what happens now is just hold the smartphone and always focus on it. I have done online learning until bored. Now is a difficult time for all of us. We all should prayed that things improve and the pandemic gone.

    2. One day there is a girl in the school, and then she has seen the cars accident and followed by the crash of the plane.
    The students has retturned and she has gone by she's father.
    When she has came home the girl and she's little brother going to the lake to take a water.

    suddenly the trees swayed and a lump of water appeared ready to hit them. Then they both ran and climbed a tall tree so they wouldn't be carried away by the water currents. in another place, people were busy running up tall buildings to save themselves, after the tsunami was gone, the whole city fell apart.

  8. Name : Asha febriyanti
    Bom : 191230021
    1. Present perfect tense + past perfect
    During pamdemic, I have implemented health protocols by washing hands etc. And i had learn online class every day. Like lern by virtual, example presentation and discussion.

    2. I've seen a film before, the title is The movie name is 5th wave.
    the movie tells the story of a disaster caused by aliens. Cities has been destroyed and life was lost. Among the chaos a family trying to survive.
    There are 3 important figures a father, daughter, and son who are trying to survive the disaster. And they have a loved for they family.because they had a high determination to live.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Name: Sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    NIM: 191230001

    1. Before the pandemic hit this country, I had learned by coming to campus and learning by meet directly with the lecture. But, because the pandemic is still going on and there’s still no vaccine available, I haven’t learned by coming to campus again. So, now we use the method of learning with internet and often gets network disturbances, that make difficult students and even lecture to intact during the lesson.

    2. in the trailer for the film The 5th Wave, one day a strange object appears that causes electro-magnetic waves that make a plane crash when she has studied at school, from there things start to mess. she has survived from all dangers and protect his younger brother from various kinds of attacks.at the end of the video there is a man standing on the roof who sees his city being destroyed by a large wave of water.

  11. Eva aprilia
    TBI 3A

    1. The story about my learning activity in this pandemic, everyday is different from the day before, because today i have assigment for ecxplain next week, but yesterday i had not understood the material what explained by lecture because the online learning sistem made me confused, and i have't understand for the sistem every i want to start the material the sistem always make me don't understand to start because there are too many systems that you have to use to learn online.

    2. Rewrite the story in the vidio, When going to school like a normal day, a woman saw many cars that lost control and resulted in many accidents and a plane crashed near her school.
    no one knows the cause but it makes everyone uneasy, schools are closed, and many of them are scared
    A girl who protects her little brother in the forest, they have been hited by a disaster, namely an earthquake, and a tsunami.???
    With the struggle of their brother, they both survived the tsunami but not the people in the city, the city had destroyed, they had not survived and there was no longer a beautiful life like before.

  12. Name: Nurma Yunita
    NIM: 191230004

    1. I want to share my learning activities during the pandemic. I have been studying at home for seven months. There are several applications for learning. While studying at home, I often had difficulty with poor network access. When the lights go out in my area there wasn't signal and I had gone to another area to get a signal. during the pandemic I studied online. There are several learning methods such as discussions, watching videos, and so on. The learning is still not effective. I have some relaxed ways of studying during this pandemic. like listening to music or watching movies in English to improve my listening skills, not only listening skills but I can find new vocabulary too.

    2. This video tells about a woman who witnesses strange events. events she saw when she was at school. Then witnessed several strange events that followed, such as the means of transportation suddenly destroyed, came a very large wave of water that could eradicate humans on land. when she was in the middle of the forest to fetch water, suddenly a great earth shaking and finally brought a very large wave of water. then she climbed into a tree to avoid the waves earlier. many events that happened unexpectedly.

  13. Name : Rizky Amalia
    Class : TBI 3 A
    NIM : 191230033

    1. Last week, my friends and I started studying online. We have been doing this since the start of the pandemic. When we studied at zoom, we directly captured our meet for memories. We have studied online in much application such WhatsApp group, Zoom meeting, Blog, E Learning and Etc.

    2. one day, in school hours, suddenly the car crashed quite fast, and soon the plane lost control and crashed suddenly. Until there was news about natural disasters and the school was closed. everyone panicked and scared. until one day, a pair of brothers took water in the river. on the way home, suddenly they were trapped in a very big earthquake, lucky they survived. soon there was a roar of tsunami water that could hit anyone in front of him. until they save themselves by climbing a tree, not much different, Tsunay also destroys urban buildings and the creatures that are in it. the life that was once lost

    NIM: 191230016

    1. Last semester I have studying on campus with my classmates face to face with the lecturer, discussing became a habit every day in class.
    This semester we hadn’t done study and we started doing online lectures (at each house) face-to-face with lecturers and friends through laptop or cellphone monitors, our discussions were still going on, but often interrupted by the network.

    2. I have seen One day there was a disaster that befell the brothers in a forest. That disaster also damaged the preservation of the forest, so they tried to save themselves in a tree.
    after I hadn’t see the incident in the forest, then later a similar disaster occurred in a city that destroyed many luxurious buildings and many people fled themselves like the brothers.

  15. Nama : Rana Salwa
    NIM : 191230032
    Kelas : TBI 3A

    1. Study durung Corona virus, Verry different from the usual. But, i have achieved value that i targated, even by studyi g online. Cell phone leading has it drawback. Start from the signale, the Quota.
    Because college is being hold at home. I gone boarding house last month.

    2.At school, some students sawa plane crash and they had to be sent home to pick up their parents. And this first week, he and his little brother walked into the lake to fetch water. But after an earthquake struck, the surrounding trees fell. They run as fast as they can when a stunami is climbing a tree. Elsewhere the tsunami also occurred, sinking cities and towering buildings, until only a few humans survived

  16. Villy Al Viyani TBI 3A

    1. 18th March 2020 it is the first day to work, pray, and study from home because the pandemic named Covid-19 has contagious in Indonesia since 1st March 2020. Until now we still learning from home because this pandemic got worse in Indonesia even this activity will be extended until the end of this year. Previously my activities were mostly spent studying and activities on campus or outside the home but now all of activities are carried out at home. I have already read some novel from e-book and wachted English movies and often listening to music. I have installed some application to learn English or from website. Study from home is not also easy. We have adapted the new technology and learning atmosphere. Because now I spent my activities at home so after I had finished studying I would finished my homework.

    2. From the video one day in the developed a plane tragedy has fallen, everyone is scared and the atmosphere of the city is increasingly changing. Then there was a girl and her brother who were taking a drink in the river but the Tsunamy disaster suddenly hit the city but they have survived by climb up into a tree. The tsunamy got bigger and crashed into the middle of the city that had destroyed every city building and many casualties. After the tsunami stopped a man from the top of the building looked around the city which had been damaged by this disaster and he looked very concerned

  17. Bismillah...
    NIM : 191230027
    CLASS : TBI 3 A

    1. The first Answer :

    Halo, If we talk about our activity.
    All the time in the pandemic era.
    Since pandemi. Of course this condition so different than before.
    As usually, we have studied by face to face. But, Now. All of students studied by online or e-learning.
    But, it's never made us to give up and never stop to studying. Up to Now.
    And last morning. I have already read a book for an hour.
    Have you ever bought a book ? Yes, I Have..
    If i have a money and I always bought a book.
    Up to now. Why? Because I think by book made us get much benefits. With book we will get knowledge, information, and etc. It's so interest and fun.
    Moreover, I have studied by free web such as british council, learning english and etc.
    In this web, there are so many material we can used for learning english.
    As like writing skills, listening skills, reading skills, and etc. All about english. Start from basic level. It's recommended for us.
    Since an hour ago. I have watched a youtube channel name's adriana . She has from America. When I watched by her youtube made me understood than before.
    And lately, I prove our english skills by myself. I have spoken english by myself. Some time In my room, and some time in my living room and anywhere without partner to communication. It's so crazy, but i fun to do it.. Hehehe...
    Because, this activity made me practice our speaking skills. Althought we never known that's true or false but we're still study. And my opinion, any condition have'nt prevent us from continuing to learn.

    2. The Second Answer :
    I've seen a film. This film describe to Humanity is on the verge of extinction, destroying the earth, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and diseases.
    In the house, there is a woman.
    She is standing in front of the window while looking up. And suddenly, she's look at a plane exploded and gave off a fire.
    And she has shocked.

    The human rase stands, drough.
    In the middle of the forest. I see, There are two sibling was taking a water in the lake. After that, their walk out a lake and Suddenly, while walked the earth shook like an earth shepherd and the trees feel at once.
    their running trying to save themselves.
    Old sister hug and keep her young brother .

    Then after safe .. suddenly he looked at the clouds like there was a big wave from above towards the land, it was a tsunami. and he immediately ran to save himself.
    then after safe .. Suddenly, she looked at the clouds like there was a big wave from above towards the land, it was a tsunami. and he immediately ran to save himself.
    And that, a huge tsunami shook this country and mankind on earth.
    Finally, and the end there is a man on top of a tall building who survived the tsunami disaster and he stands there sadly seeing the condition of the earth which was destroyed by this tsunami disaster.

    I'm sorry if there is mistake
    Thanks you so much.. Ms 🙏

  18. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025
    TBI 3 A

    1. During the pandemic, learning activities are carried out online. And I have utilized various web and apps to learn. My learning activities at the time of the pandemic have also been spent constantly going through cell phones, laptops and purchasing Internet packages for online study supplies. This has made me constantly worried about the cost of studying Internet packages. During this pandemic too I became interested in learning more about writing. And I was interested in writing poems and opinions. Finally, I have written a lot of poems. Why would my pandemic be interested in writing? Since I had felt tired to stare at the screen of my phone or computer, I chose to write anything that had to do with the lesson.

    2. The video from the link tells about the threat of human extinction with several causes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and others. A young girl (Cassie) saw that there was a lot of weirdness and destruction around her. Then he and his younger brother made preparations to go and had already fetched water for their needs. On their way through the forest, they had been hit by the earthquake for several minutes with panic to avoid falling trees. After that, they heard and saw the roar of the high waves of water that were about to hit them. Finally they tried to run to save themselves by climbing into a tree. And they have managed to escape from the tsunami. However, the tsunami hit and wiped out all places, buildings and people. There was left a man looking at the surrounding which was destroyed and lonely.

  19. Nama : Devi Nuraeni
    Nim : 191230022
    Kelas : Tbi 3A

    1. During pandemic. I find it difficult to do learn activity especially with online learn systems that are Rated far from effective words. Sometime there are obstaeles to learn, ranging from unstabilized internet connections etc. Bat i had to all without yielded

    2. In this video I have seen a movie trailer telling mankind the brink of extinction caused by aliens, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and diseases. There are three key personages - a father, a daughter, and a son. They're trying to survive the disaster.

  20. My daily activities during the pandemic is usually, I wake up at 5am. I had take a shower when I will prayers. After that, I have cleaned the entire house before doing any activity. Lately my busy has become a private tutor. I teach in the morning and night. Sometimes I feel sad because of loneliness at home, but I'm grateful that I can sleep well. And that I have seen korean's movie.

    1. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
      Nim : 191230012
      Class :Tbi 3a

      My daily activities during the pandemic is usually, I wake up at 5am. I had take a shower when I will prayers. After that, I have cleaned the entire house before doing any activity. Lately my busy has become a private tutor. I teach in the morning and night. Sometimes I feel sad because of loneliness at home, but I'm grateful that I can sleep well. And that I have seen korean's movie.

    2. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
      Nim : 191230012
      Class :Tbi 3a

      My daily activities during the pandemic is usually, I wake up at 5am. I had take a shower when I will prayers. After that, I have cleaned the entire house before doing any activity. Lately my busy has become a private tutor. I teach in the morning and night. Sometimes I feel sad because of loneliness at home, but I'm grateful that I can sleep well. And that I have seen korean's movie.

  21. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. So far, my story in learning activities during this pandemic, I have learned a lot of the new things and new habits. Because learning activities are transformed into an online system that forces us to follow and we as students must adapt to a new system. And In fact, there are many obstacles with this learning system, one of which is the signal that access didn't always stable for online learning. I hope the world will get better soon so we can do normal activities again.

    2. After I have watched the video, there was a woman who saw the plane crash. Then there are sister & brother who are in the forest, suddenly there was an earthquake, that caused the trees to fall because the water started to rise to the land and the tsunami destroyed the city and in many people scattered out of the building

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Name : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Calss : TBI3A

    # Learning during the current pandemic is different from the past this pandemic does not only affect adults but children as well, which has limited the activities that we used to live now are limited. if asked, was it so much fun? Of course we used to be free to do activities, and studying during a pandemic is now more difficult by studying in class first, in the past we could study freely in class and anywhere else, before we went to campus freely and excitedly,i felt that learning was less effective, there were a lot of disturbances such as bad cellular networks and insufficient internet quotas.and I have to stayed at home and study at home, and I am very uncomfortable, the online material is very inadequate for me, I have a little material difficulties,i felt that learning was less effective, and I hope to be active as usual again

    # From the video, after the tragedy everyone was scared, Then there was a girl and her brother who were looking for water in the river but a tsunami suddenly hit the city but they survived by climbing up a tree. Tsunamy got bigger and flattened entire buildings and many casualties.

  24. Name:naufa auliyatul faizah

    1.During in this pandemic I had studied RPS lectured every subjected, in addition to this presentation on via zoom face-to-face with professors and other friends sometimes using LMS as well but I don't really liked the LMS because the server always made a challenged to nearly all subjected but we have to filled out the LMS because it's college. In addition to sometimes discussing in whatsapp, at times I had enjoyed listening to vlog on youtube about the studied of English.
    2.From a video I had watched called the 5th wafe. I had saw in vidioed some of the viewed of the disaster in which those affected were survivors and were not, but we had as men must be careful wherever we are and always drawn closer to god so that wherever we are we had must always be watched over by God.

  25. Nama : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    Class : TBI 3 A

    1. Along this pandemic, after the government has established all students or indonesians to stay home at all times during their activities, it is the policy of the entire student body to stay home, engage in online teaching learning activities.
    As for my experience of learning in these troubled times is that, I often feel dizzy and uncertain, surely I was find it very difficult to carry out this method of online study in these troubled times. The way I felt during my online studies I didn't really understand the material. Only duty, duty and duty are to be drained. Now, system learning methods, all built up over time, while they are very difficult for me, especially in terms of network or signal, if I may expect of course I want to end this online study immediately, I want to learn maximum, I want to understand everything, I want to learning well.

    2. From the video I have observed a natural malfunction in the some cities, the human beings inside the video looked very frightened. Beginning with the crashed airship, the fallen tree tree, the water came in its roar (like sunami), a tall building consumed by the waves. The building provided an escape route for the destruction of that natural world. As for the two brothers in the video, congratulations on climbing a tree higher than the running water

  26. Nama : Nurul Kholifah
    Nim : 191230019

    1. Covid-19 came to China on 2019, and it spread throughout the world. The 8 months of Indonesia have been affected by the covid 19 plague, creating both a need for physical distance and the need to be physically separate, the isolation of antimicals at home. The epidemic hampers one of them is a college activity conducted online. I have studied online for five months. With doing online study has left me with less understanding than mater, less learning resource because I have not gone to the library, I have for material resources from the Internet to be so wasteful of the quota my friends feel similarly.

    2. From video I had watched the 5th wife. I saw some students who looked strange events starting with cars crashing, planes crashing. woman and a little boy have walked in a forest and they saw fallen trees. They ran away trying to escape the raging waves of water. Many buildings were damaged by the big wave, many people tried to run and enter the building, there was a woman who resigned or gave up herself.

  27. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    Nim: 191230017

    1. During this along pandemic, i had tried to keep learn.I've been spent a lot of time at home for online classes.We have studied and discussed as usually do but in a virtual way.I've been used many applications to support these online classes, such us whatsApp group, e-learning, g-classroom, webex, etc.Sometimes i have a lot problems during online course, like a signal difficulties, limited quotes, and network error.Honestly i was uncomfortable study feom jome because the situation at home isn't always condusive.

    2. One day a girl saw plane crash near her school. After that incident, everyone was frightened that no more engine, no more electricity and no more running water. A few days later girl took her little brother to look up river water for their water supply. On the way home, there was suddenly a rumbling sound and a huge wave of water hit the ground. The girl and her brother panicked and rushed to a high tree to escape. Massive waves of no matter which swept the land up into the tall buildings were swept away.

  28. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    NIM : 191230035

    1. During the pandemic, i have learnt harder because lerning online is harder. The pandemic has made us to stay home. I'm as student has done an online classes. Learn, discuse, end etc was moved to online. Sometime i felt difficult when i'm done an online classes. Because it needs a good signal to support, but to get a good signal is not easy.
    2. The girl has saw to the window, there was a crashes of plane near her school. After that no more engine, no more electricity, no more water. Then, when the girl and her lil brother tried to take water from the lake, suddenly they feel quake and at that time the trees are fall. A minutes later come the tide because a very big wave has attacked everything in front.

  29. 1. The beginning of my 3rd semester has started early this October. I have also received some of the lecture materials. the online lecture has been going on for 2 weeks. During this online lecture many assignments were given at the beginning of the meeting, but I have finished it right away. I hope this online lecture ends soon and continues with campus meetings.

    2. In the 5th wave film, the information that I got was some humans who survived a disaster caused by an alien invasion. With the human race at the risk of getting wiped out owing to an alien invasion, Cassie, one of the few survivors, decides to risk everything to find her younger brother, Sam.A colossal alien spaceship is circling Earth, guided by extraterrestrial life referred to as "The Others". Ten days later, The Others unleash their 1st Wave, an electromagnetic pulse that permanently disables all electrical power and communications worldwide. The 2nd Wave has The Others manipulate the planet's geology and fault lines, causing earthquakes and megatsunamis that destroy coastal cities and islands, including Hallandale Beach, Tower Bridge, Bangkok and New York. Lake Erie floods but Cassie is able to survive by climbing a tree. For the 3rd Wave, The Others modify a strain of avian flu virus and spread it across the planet via birds. The population is decimated, with Cassie's mother one of the casualties. The unit's commander, Colonel Vosch, claims there is an imminent threat of a 4th Wave and they will take the children to safety at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, intending to bring the buses back to retrieve the adults.The squad deduces the plan to have them kill real unpossessed humans, making them the 5th Wave. Ben sends his squad into the woods and returns to base, claiming his squad was killed, for the purpose of retrieving Sam, who was left behind. Ben confronts Colonel Vosch about child warriors being the 5th Wave and Cassie kills Sergeant Reznik during her one-on-one indoctrination spiel. Ben and Cassie find each other and leave to find Sam

  30. Name : Siti Fatimatuzzahra
    Class : TBI 3C
    NIM : 191230081

    Answer :

    1. It had been several months that we have faced with unusual circumstances due to the presence of Covid-19, which had hampered our various activities including lectures. Usually, teaching and learning activities are carried out offline (face-to-face), but recently everything has moved online. Actually it is not an obstacle not to learn. Online learning makes it easier for students to study however they want with their respective talents, if they intend. During this pandemic, I prefer to spend my time in my room for reading a few books and writing a little about what I already know. However, there are always obstacles, including networks, quotas and in the world of university, lecturers are sometimes difficult to contact.
    2. I have watched the video, it tells about how human lif that only temporary. Wealth, the splendor of buildings are only ornaments of the world that God has entrusted and when God wants to take them, only with earthquakes and stunks all run aground. In the video, it’s also explained how a sibling attempted to survive by climbing a tree and a man who was rescued was frozen with a blank look. I dunno, they were lucky people or vice versa.

  31. Name : TB Raihan ALi Rizkie
    NIM : 19123102
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. In this pandemic we learn online, to be honest , we really miss learning on campus , espescialy when we learn online , there are too many problem , like internet connection, Elearning sites broke down , and too many assignment

    2.The movie name is 5th wave , from the clip that i saw , maybe the movie is about alien invasion that invade earth using their power to create natural disaster , there are 5 wave that human gonna need to survive , the first wave was the tsunami and the earthquake , from the information that i found The human race stands on the brink of extinction as a series of alien attacks decimate the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease. Separated from her family, Ohio teenager Cassie Sullivan (Chloë Grace Moretz) will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. Fate leads her to form an alliance with Evan Walker (Alex Roe), a mysterious young man who may be her last hope. Forced to trust each other, Cassie and Evan fight for survival during the fifth assault from the invaders.

  32. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. During the pandemic, I tried to learn English by answering the training on the English application. In that application I can learn about vocabulary, grammar, listening, TOEFL, and many others. As a student, I have tried to understand the material listed in the RPS. Every evening I work on assignments from my lecture, such as paper, power points, and videos. It's exhausting, but when it's over it feels so good and happy. What is more, I've been watching movies and listening to music lately to improve my listening ability.

    2. I saw a video, the film is called 5th wave. Cassie Sullivan's life started out normal. He became a high school student taking classes while watching a video. Then something happened when his classmates saw the plane crash in front of the school. Children are separated from parents by the military. Back at his parents' house, they saw alien spacecraft floating in the sky. People were panic stricken until children were separated from their parents children and teenagers trained by the military to become stronger against attack on earth. Until Cassie was able to survive the cataclysms of the earth. Natural disasters have occurred such as tsunamis and powerful earthquakes. Cassie took off with her bine an m4 carbine. He wants to help his brother and his friend Ben Thomas parish. Cassie Sullivan wielding an m4 carbine out of the woods. Cassie managed to survive and search for food in her town. Now the city has turned into a dead city.
    Earth was damaged by a mysterious spacecraft. People refer to it as "the other one." There are the five signs that left earth devastated: the alien craft unleashed the first wave. The first wave causes the electricity in the earth to fail completely. A second wave emerged from a massive tsunami and earthquake that killed many people. The third wave of the flu virus infected people, including cassie's best friend. The fourth and fifth waves of cassie must stand by and rescue those closest to her.

  33. Name :Ratu viola Nurindah
    From:TBI 3C

    1.It has been a few months since I had been studying college bravely (online) because of the pandemic that had occurred which required me to stay at home. However, there were several shops that I felt and it greatly hampered the activity process, namely weakening internet access due to inadequate quota, and tools. Less applied learning by me as a student application is less effective so that it hinders my learning process.
    2. This film is about the destruction of the earth that eliminates humans and destroys the land.Humanity is on the brink of extinction when a series of alien attacks destroy the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease. Apart from her family, will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. Fate led him and allied himself with the Evan Walker. A mysterious young man who might be his last hope. Forced to trust each other, Cassie and Evan struggle to survive during the invader's fifth attack.

  34. Name : dinda salsabila
    191230079 / TBI 3 C
    1. The pandemic is still not resolved, so we students must continue to study at home. already entered into learning activities we must be ready with assignments. reading rps given by the lecturer, making groups, papers and others. it was very difficult on the network around my house, making the class time process very annoying, but that was not one of the reasons not to attend class hours.
    2. after I watched this film. This film tells the story of an earth being attacked by aliens from outer space. Cassie Sullivan (Chloe Grace Moretz) 's early life changes after being attacked by aliens from outer space. Cassie was separated from the family and survived alone with several weapons. Cassie Sullivan's life was normal at first. He became a high school boy who was taking lessons in class while watching videos. Then something happened when his classmates saw the plane crash in front of the school. Children were separated from parents by the military.

  35. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. The movie name is 5th wave. this movie is tells about :
    one day, suddenly the car crashed quite fast, and soon the plane lost control and killed a lot of people and there was a natural disasters and the school was closed. everyone panicked and scared. Until one day,
    a girl (cassie) and her young brother (Sam) had to gather water from a nearby lake. They made preparations to go and had already fetched water for their needs. On their way through the forest, they had been hit by the earthquake for several minutes with panic to avoid falling trees. After that, they heard and saw the roar of the high waves of water that were about to hit them. Finally they tried to run to save themselves by climbing into a tree. And they have managed to escape from the tsunami. However, the tsunami hit and wiped out all places, buildings and people.

    2. During this pandemic, I have live in a boarding and I followed the activities there. I must be able to divided my time. I have used my cell phone and laptop for all live virtual class and to do my assignment. I've felt that online learning has not effectived. There were a lot of disturbances such as bad cellular networks and insufficient internet quotas.
    And also i had not understood the material what explained by lecture because the online learning sistem made me confused, and i haven't understood for the system in every material, because there are too many systems that we used. I felt bored in this learning system

  36. Name: Maftuhah
    Nim: 191230091
    Class: TBI 3C
    1. During the pandemic, learning activities have changed, All learning activities are carried out virtually.Through online we can still learn as usual even though we are not face to face in person. During this pandemic there are many learning activities that we can do such as reading books,journals, and increase knowledge from various knowledge media, but there are many obstacles that we feel when studying online, for example constrained by poor signals because not every region has stable network conditions, and also the difficulty of students in understanding the material presented. But for the current pandemic online is an effective solution so that we continue to learn during this pandemic period.

    2. When the woman saw the window suddenly there was a plane that fell and caught fire. Many were sad about that incident. Then one day a woman and a boy were walking in the forest and then they took water there suddenly the trees fell, a woman was also trying to protect the boys. After conditions began to improve, they continued their journey. Just a few steps suddenly heard the roar of the sound behind the tree and then the waves of water immediately burst the surface of the forest, a woman and boy were trying to run to save themselves by climbing a large tree around it, and they survived. did not stop there the waves of water spread across the city and destroyed the tall buildings that were there, everyone panicked and ran to save themselves but the waves were so big that they too not safe.

  37. Name : Rina
    NIM : 191230071
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. My story is learning from home during the pandemic: now I think learning from home is very ineffective, especially for me and other people who have difficulty getting signals, economic crisis, sometimes just opening a website, zooming or google meet is really hard because it doesn't exist signal.

    2. The video is about While attending school like a normal day, Cassie (Chloë Grace Moretz), a 16 year old woman, saw a plane crash near her school. After that, a mysterious object looks like a UFO. separated from her family, o hiyo teenager cassie Subhanallah will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother sam. fate leads her to form an alliance with evan walker a mysteriuos young man who may be her last hope. forced to trust each other, cassie and evan fight for survival during the fifth assault from the invaders

  38. Nama : Hena Hopipah
    NIM : 191230105
    Class: TBI-3C

    1. I have live at home for months during this time of the corona pandemic. I have done all activities just at home. study at home and other activities. When studying online we have used several applications that help us understand the material. Honestly, I really missed college. Missing friends too, because we had not met each other while this corona pandemic

    2. in the video there are several disasters that occur.

    First, the accident that causes cars to collide and crashes the plane. Two children who saw the accident were very shocked.

    After that there was an earthquake followed by a tsunami. A girl and her brother try to save themselves by climbing a tree. Meanwhile, in other places there were many victims from the tsunami.

    From the film I can conclude that 1st wave is turn of all global electrical power and 2nd wave is use all the earts oceans to wipe out all coastal cities.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Nama: Siti Najwa
    NIM: 191230088
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    1. The 3rd semester, learning is still using the online system because we are still in a corona pandemic situation and now the campus is instructing teaching and learning activities through e learning. The web is used to fill in attendance, read RPS and also get lesson material from lecturers. In my opinion, learning with an online system like this is less effective and efficient because there are so many obstacles that are experienced such as signals, quotas, and also the weather which is sometimes less supportive. In addition, the communication between students and lecturers was not effective enough that it confused students in understanding the material and instructions given by the lecturer. Since the time of this pandemic I have learned a lot through YouTube and google. I hope that this corona pandemic will end soon so that learning becomes normal again.

    2. From that video, showing that there is a woman standing behind the window, she saw an airplane that lost control and crashed right in front of his house. She looks so scared. One time she and his brother took water using several bottles, after they thought it was enough they went to home. On the way home there was an earthquake which knocked down small trees. They ran away to save themselves, until they almost arrived home suddenly a Tsunami appeared from behind the big trees maybe it was from the lake where she took the water I think. They ran as fast as possible and decided to climb a big tree to avoid the big tsunami.
    on the other hand, the state of the city which is located near the coast. The tsunami destroyed all buildings except for a few sturdy ones. everyone fled to escape the tsunami but only a few of them survived. At the end of the video, a man is staring at the city chaos caused by the tsunami.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Name : Siti Masitoh
    NIM : 191230080
    Class : TBI-3C

    1. I really like writing, I have written for 3 years. Writing makes me calm because it can convey myheart.
    During this pandemic, I have taken my time learning to write.
    Now, I am learning to write an essay. And I had created an essay for the scholarship requirements entitled "Education and the role of educators in facing the challenges of education in the new normal era".
    Hopefully I can pass the scholarship selection.

    2. I have watched the video, ending from the film the 5th Wave. It tells about the tsunami disaster, water begins to rise to the land, a boy and a woman try to save themselves by climbing a tree. Until the peak, the tsunami reached the city center and hit buildings. The workers tried to save themselves up the stairs, but the tsunami hit them faster.

  43. Nama : Muhammad Mufid Jayatri
    Nim : 191230099
    Class: TBI 3 C

    1.Since march, we have gottan news that corona already spread in indonesia,since Then lectures will be change online. During this pandemic, i have tried to learn anyting :) especially about lectures.then i've been spent many time to learn with online class because online class made me harder to understood the lesson and made me headache ,caused since morning untill noon, during stay at home i also read some book because i believe if we read books we will be smart and more benefit in the future. Back again to the lectures, i got some problems when lectures, like a limited quota, in my home signal worse so that made me angry/dissappointed and often network errors. If only the lectures were offline might be my friends and i easier to understood the lessons. I wish this pandemic would end.

    2.the woman has seen from the window there was crashes plane near her school everyone was frightened after that conditions change became no more engine,no more electricity,no more water .a few days later when the woman and her brother tried to take water from the lake for their water supply,on the way home suddenly they feel earth quake and at that time are tree fall. The woman and her brother panicked. They ran fast and rushed to a high tree to escape. A few minutes lxater, the high waves came sweeping the building and whatever was in front of it.

  44. Nama: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    1. during this pandemic, i've had done online classes, these online classes have held from march to october and we don't know how long it's going to be last, because this pandemic hasn't ended yet, it has been so hard to learn in this pandemic, because we must had a better signal but it's difficult to be found. there has been bad weather which caused a disturbance.

    2. One day the girl saw a plane crash near her school through the window, after that all the power was out, nothing worked, and then one day later, she took water with her brother in the river, on the way to house, suddenly the water came rushing over the woman and her brother, they were panic and escaped by climbing a tree. On the other side of the city, the wave was so high and the whole community was panic, they tried to escape by going up to the building, but they were nowhere to be saved because the water was rushing over them, only a few people were saved, everything was gone.

  45. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    NIM : 191230078
    Class : TBI 3 C

    Apparently, due to this situation, everybody starts working from home, whether you're a teacher, student, etc. this pandemic got us stuck in our house to survive from the virus, but sometimes I still went out with my friends, goofed around but still observe to regulatory health protocols, that's one of the reasons that all the educational institutions let all their students learn their new classes via online which is kind of fun at the moment but, as the time passed by, I do find myself in a struggle with these things, I mean like pile up tasks, difficulties in accessing the web due to websites that very often get errors and focus on learning becomes less and less however, I do hope this pandemic soon to be over also the situation is getting back normal such as good old days.
    Based on the video that I watched is there's a blonde girl named cassie, at that time she was in school like a normal day, but then in the middle of the class she saw a plane crash near her schoolyard followed by a mysterious plane that looks like UFO, not long after that, alien appeared and began to exterminate the humans. besides she is on the run, she's also desperately trying to save her little brother, she teams up with a young man who may probably become her last hope.

  46. Name : Wardah Makhrofatul Jannah (191230097)
    Class : TBI 3-C

    1.During online learning, I felt positive and negative impacts. The positive impact that I feel includes a time and place that does not require special place. Through online, I can do learning anytime and anywhere. However, the negative impact that I feel is a lack of understanding because there is no direct practice. In addition, online also requires users to use hardware such as handphone or laptops and internet networks such as quotas and wi-fi

    2. I have watched the video who has a title 5th wave, from the video i saw tells the story of a teenager Cassie who saw a plane crash near his school.
    After another look, it turned out that the plane looked like a UFO.
    Then the alin appeared and eradicated the humans.
    The eradication and attack was carried out in five stages.
    Namely, the first stage turns off all electronic devices and human vehicles.
    In the second stage, the aliens create a large water wave that hits the land.
    Continue to stage three, the moment when aliens infect humans using viruses.
    In the fourth stage, surviving humans are taken by military personnel to a shelter.
    In the fourth stage, Cassie realized that not all humans are pure humans.
    the fifth stage The children who are saved will later be indoctrinated to kill the surviving humans.

  47. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 2C

    1). 2020 is a year when the order of our daily lives changes due to a pandemic that occurs around the world.
    As a student, I was also affected by this pandemic. I have studied at my home since few months ago. Usually my friends and I meet in person to study and do assignments however, now only through our smartphone.
    When I had finished my assignments I will help my younger sister who is also studying online. I think it's interesting and sometimes annoying but I feel satisfied about it.
    If I have free time, I watch my favorite variety shows, movies or listen to the songs. Besides being fun, Its also can increase my English vocabulary and also can practice how to speak in English. So, call it “learn in a fun way”.
    I hope this pandemic will end soon, we can do our daily activities and everything returned to normal.

    2. Cassie's life was normal at first. Then something happened when Cassie and her classmates saw the plane crashed and caught fire in front of the school. People were in panic, Cassie managed to survive with her younger brother and search for food supplies in her town. Now the city has turned into a dead city. Earth was damaged by a mysterious spaceship, people called it "The Other". Cause the electricity on earth is totally dead. However, suddenly appeared an earthquake and a large tsunami that killed many people. Cassie and her younger brother took shelter from the tsunami by climbing a tree. Cassie must survive and save the people closest to her.

    TBI 3C

    1) none of this is fun. I felt stressed out for 'no signal', not enough understand the material that the lecture sent to us. Moreover in this third semester, the learning activities started in the afternoon so i got sleepy.
    However, with all distractions i gotten i tried to replace myself on the 'new comfort zone'. In the morning sometime i had workout and listened my favorite songs to keep myself in the good mood. Then, i would get ready for do learning activities on online classes.

    2) What i got on my mind is this story told a teenager saw a deadly attack from somewhere to the earth. There were high wave swept all the buildings around.
    She (teenager) was on the run, desperately trying to save her brother from the wave. They climbed a bigvtree to eschewed. The world seemed being creepy now.

    TBI 3C

    1. During a pandemic, I do many things indoors. during school days, I teach my younger siblings to study online at home and also do some homework. During the weekends, I spend time listening to music, watching movies, and also reading novels in English to increase my vocabulary. sometimes I do a little question about the TOEFL as an exercise.

    2. The film The 5th Wave tells the story of a teenager who sees a plane crash near his school. After another look, it turned out that the plane looked like a UFO. Then the aliens appeared and eradicated humans. The extermination of aliens against humans is divided into five stages, namely, first turning off all electronic devices and human vehicles then killing humans. second, the aliens made a large wave of water that hit the land so that all humans on the land were destroyed. third, aliens infect humans using viruses. This infection is transmitted by birds on earth. The birds then excrete poop containing the virus. The virus then spread and kill humans. Fourth, people are still alive were taken by military members to a shelter. The children were brought to the camp, while the adults go into a barracks. fifth, children rescued it will be indoctrinated to kill the man who survived.


  50. 1. during this pandemic, i had tried to learn more about English. i have been followed some courses for make my English skill is more better. but i think study during this pandemic is not effective because we’ve been looked to handphone or laptop everytime.all of the students have studied from online. and we get alot of problem if we study from online, like the signal , and the miss comunication between one and each other.

    2. While attending school like a normal day, a 16 year old girl saw a plane crash near her school. After that, a mysterious object looks like a UFO .Not long after that, aliens appeared and began to exterminate the humans. Extermination or assault occurs in five stages. The first stage turns off all electronic devices and vehicles. The aliens also killed some humans whose devices were damaged in this first stage.The alien's second stage created a large water wave that hit the land. This was done by aliens to eradicate humans on land.The third stage infects humans with viruses. Aliens use birds that are on Earth. The birds will drop poop containing the virus. The virus will spread and kill humans. Fellow humans will also infect each other.The fourth stage, the surviving humans were taken by military personnel to a shelter. The children were taken to the camp, while the adults were taken to the barracks. The occupants of the barracks were later killed by the military.From that incident Cassie realized that not all humans are real humans.The children who were intentionally saved were then indoctrinated to kill the surviving humans. This is the fifth stage. Cassie and those who survived must find a way to survive.

    TBI 3C

    1). During this pandemic, with the holding of this online lecture, I felt uncomfortable, because there were several problems with this online lecture. such as an unstable signal while attending a bold lecture, so there are not a few materials that are not understanding due to the disconnection of the internet network, besides that I also have to divide my time between making lecture assignments and helping parents work at home. In fact, sometimes there are class schedules that are not suitable, and there are some lecturers who use vacation time for lectures.

    2). This film tells the story of a girl who first saw a plane crash and emitted a very large fire. After this incident the city began to get chaotic, and the next day a brother was taking water in the forest to be precise by the lake, suddenly the water from the lake came in waves suddenly from that direction. then the brothers saved themselves by climbing trees that were quite high. this tsunami destroyed the forest and buildings including its contents. after the tsunami incident in this video there is one man who survived and saw all the events of this tsunami.

  52. Name : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Class : TBI 3C
    1. during this pandemic, i had tried to learn more about English. i have been followed some courses for make my English skill is more better. but i think study during this pandemic is not effective because we’ve been looked to handphone or laptop everytime.all of the students have studied from online. and we get alot of problem if we study from online, like the signal , and the miss comunication between one and each other.

    2. While attending school like a normal day, a 16 year old girl saw a plane crash near her school. After that, a mysterious object looks like a UFO .Not long after that, aliens appeared and began to exterminate the humans. Extermination or assault occurs in five stages. The first stage turns off all electronic devices and vehicles. The aliens also killed some humans whose devices were damaged in this first stage.The alien's second stage created a large water wave that hit the land. This was done by aliens to eradicate humans on land.The third stage infects humans with viruses. Aliens use birds that are on Earth. The birds will drop poop containing the virus. The virus will spread and kill humans. Fellow humans will also infect each other.The fourth stage, the surviving humans were taken by military personnel to a shelter. The children were taken to the camp, while the adults were taken to the barracks. The occupants of the barracks were later killed by the military.From that incident Cassie realized that not all humans are real humans.The children who were intentionally saved were then indoctrinated to kill the surviving humans. This is the fifth stage. Cassie and those who survived must find a way to survive.

  53. Name: ila karmelia 191230087
    Class: TBI 3C

    1.During this pandemic I felt very uncomfortable because I had to study online, stay at home, and this really made me feel bored and uncomfortable with this pandemic. The bad moment is , I felt difficult to understand the theory.

    2.When a cassie's looked at the sky suddenly the plane crashed and there was an accident, and she was in school as usual, suddenly she ran away because of afraid and went to the forest with her brother, suddenly they heard a very strange sound behind them, they turned to behind slowly and immediately a very large water came, a woman and her sister immediately ran too fast to save themselves up in the tree

    NIM : 191230074
    Class : TBI 3C

    My learning activity during this pandemic it's not efective. i had been studied by online class since the virus was spread out fastly. i'dont believed that we have to studied at home for to long, since march 2020 until now. As we know the strugles learning via online is made us confused to learn fluently and i think it could be consideration for a lecturer to teach us lerning with online classes. this pandemic made us couldn't get into the class and it's actually bored i hadn't meet my friend to discus every course with efective. During july to september i have filled my spare time with learning english by watched some film, video on youtube, news, with english language . i had been heard some lecturer podcast to practice my listening skill.

    About that film, first there was a girl named casie seing a mysterious object appears in the sky over earth. Then come the different waves The first wave is an electromagnetic pulse that kills the power across the globe. casie was seeing the Airplanes fall from the sky. The second wave is when series of tsunamis that wipe out coastal areas casie and her young brother survived from the water and runing up into a big tree . At the same times tsunamis crushed the city and a lot of people safe themselves in the end look the man who still live.

  55. Nama: Siti Najwa
    NIM: 191230088
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    1. The 3rd semester, learning is still using the online system because we are still in a corona pandemic situation and now the campus is instructing teaching and learning activities through e-learning. The web is used to fill in attendance, read RPS and also get lesson material from lecturers. In my opinion, learning with an online system like this, it's less effective and efficient because there are so many obstacles that are experienced such as signals, quotas, and also the weather which is sometimes less supportive. In addition, the communication between students and lecturers was not effective that it confused students in understanding the material and instructions given by the lecturer. So, Since the time of this pandemic I have learned a lot through the YouTube and google. I hope that this corona pandemic will end soon so that learning becomes normal again.

    2. From that video, showing that there is a woman standing behind the window, she saw an airplane that lost control and crashed right in front of her house. She looks so scared. One time she and her brother took water using several bottles, after they thought it was enough, they comeback to home. On the way return to home there was an earthquake which knocked down small trees. They ran away to save themselves, until they almost arrived home suddenly a Tsunami appeared from behind the big trees maybe it was from the lake where she took the water, I think. They ran as fast as possible and they decided to climb a big tree to avoid the big tsunami.
    on the other hand, the state of the city which is located near the coast. The tsunami destroyed all buildings except for a few sturdy ones. everyone fled to escape the tsunami but only a few of them survived. At the end of the video, there a man is staring at the city chaos caused by the tsunami.

  56. Siti Azizah
    Nim 191230082

    1. First
    During this pandemic I have started studying online, and it feels like Masya Allah Alhamdulillah there is a headache and I understand too, and hopefully this pandemic will end soon and we can carry out lectures as usual again, hopefully all friends and lecturers will always be given health, Aamiin Allahuma amen.
    and I think learning during this pandemic was less effective because of the cellphone and every time we see the cellphone for too long it makes the eyes sting and dizzy, and there are other obstacles because the signal is less supportive.

    first the plane crashed, then everyone was afraid that there was a shaking shaking the earth, and everyone sat there in one place in fear.
    then there were two brothers and sisters, were taking water in the river after walking a few steps then the earth shook very hard and the trees fell. Not long after, the siblings climbed to the top of the tree at the Karnakan Sunami attacking all corners of the city.
    Then the people in the city ran up the building, but all was in vain because the tsunami water was getting higher and killed one by one.

    Alhamdulillah done ❤️

  57. Rini sri wahyuni
    Tbi 3 c

    During this pandemic period, my friends and I kept on doing activities at home all day, as well as studying. What I usually study at the campus with friends can look at the teachers' faces now only through virtual ones, sometimes I can look at the faces of the teachers, sometimes not, for me to learn during this pandemic it makes me a little difficult because the signals in our environment are not too adequate and the quota we have sometimes it becomes an obstacle to learning, studying during this pandemic also makes me learn to be more independent, but even so it doesn't make me give up sometimes I go to a place where there are lots of signals such as rice fields for example, but only sometimes if the signal is really not good In our environment, there are also other obstacles that I experienced during this online lecture period, for example when we use other applications to learn sometimes even though the signal is good but sometimes there are separate obstacles from the application that make us sometimes pass what the teacher is talking about. Hope this pandemic will ends so that we can learn to return to normal as usual.

    from the video that I watched above Based on the description in Youtoub the girl is named Cassie, while at school Cassie saw a plane that crashed near her school, after that a mysterious object looked like UFO. then cassie went to a river to fetch water for her brother. on the way after taking the water suddenly there was a large wave of water behind Cassie and her sister who increasingly approached Cassie and her sister climbed a tree to save herself, while the waves of water grew bigger and hit everything that was there in that city, even all humans did not exist because of drowning in the flood

    NIM : 191230085
    CLASS : TBI 3 C

    1. During the pandemic, I had studied at home. Which automatically made me learn to use an online system. I had studied an received the material from WhatsApp group, YouTube, google classroom, e-learning etc. Maybe this is first time for me, and I felt very troubled at the start.
    In my experience I was unable to fully understand the material, because Sometimes a lot of material cannot be understood just by reading, but it needs to be explained orally. Not to mention the sometimes unfriendly signal problem, plus too long holding and played gadgets that make eye health worse.
    But like it or not I had to get used to and learned to adapt to this situation. but I also hope that this pandemic will end soon, so that my friends and I can study offline again.

    2. One day, in a place, a girl was seen looking out the window. Then suddenly, the girl saw the plane that lost balance and finally crashed into the road. Because of that incident, a lot of damage was done and it scared a lot of people.
    And the girl came out with her younger brother to fetch water into the river, when they were on their way home, suddenly there was a shaking which made the trees fall. Not long after, it was seen that the water was getting closer and closer and damaged the surrounding environment (commonly called a tsunami). Then they chose to climb into a tall tree to save themselves. The disaster destroyed buildings and caused many casualties and at the end, a man is seen looking at the surrounding conditions which have been destroyed by the disaster that befell the city.

  59. Name:Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    Class:TBI 3C

    1.Learning from home has become part of the 'new normal' of Indonesians living in the midst of the corona virus pandemic.Whatsapp group, e-learning, G-Class room have several applications to support these online classes. Even though there are many problems such as like a disignal difficulties, network error and limited quota. And even though you have to understand the limited activities due to this pandemic, the learning situation at home must remain conducive

    2.A woman named Cassie (Chloë Grace Moretz) and her friends saw a plane crash near her school.
    And after he was in the forest with his younger brother there was a sudden tsunami, after that appeared different in terms of ufo and the aliens appeared and started to exterminate the humans. Extermination or assault occurs in five stages. The first stage turns off all electronic devices and vehicles. The aliens also killed some humans whose devices were damaged in this first stage (which caused the plane crash near Cassie's school)
    The second alien made a large water wave that hit the land (this is what Cassie experienced when she was in the forest). This was done by aliens to eradicate humans on the mainland. In the fourth stage, the surviving humans were brought by military members to a shelter. The children were taken to the camps, while the adults were taken to the barracks. The inhabitants of the barracks were then developed by the military.
    From that incident Cassie realized that not all humans are real humans.
    The children who were intentionally saved were then indoctrinated to kill the surviving humans. This is stage five. Then Cassie and those who endure must find a way to become undoctrinated and survive.

    NIM : 191230086
    CLASS : TBI 3C

    a. Many students have started complaining about the recovery process being done online. Starting with boredom with this system, the number of assignments given by the lecturers, and the desire to meet friends and want to experience face-to-face lectures which they think is very helpful in understanding science effectively. My place is a bit difficult to signal, that's why a lot of metrics are sometimes unclear, plus I have to provide quota every day, sometimes I buy quota every week, sometimes every day, because online lectures take up quite a lot of quota and we students have to ask for money to parents. In my opinion, many other campuses get subsidized tuition quotas from the government, but from our campuses there is still no explanation about this. and this is very, very concern for us who really look forward to the assistance of the quota subsidy. there is something else that is less fun, namely sometimes in the ease of learning online it feels difficult because it is difficult to access e-learning due to network difficulties and down servers. I also felt more assignments were given, so I was a little bothered with them. Our hope is that this plague will pass quickly and things will return to normal. especially the state of the economy in this country.

    b. While attending school like a normal day, Cassie (Chloë Grace Moretz), a 16 year old woman, saw a plane crash near her school. After that, a mysterious object looks like a UFO.

    Not long after that, aliens appeared and began to exterminate the humans. Extermination or assault occurs in five stages. The first stage turns off all electronic devices and vehicles. The aliens also killed some humans whose devices were damaged in this first stage.

    The alien's second stage created a large water wave that hit the land. This was done by aliens to eradicate humans on land.

    The third stage infects humans with viruses. Aliens use birds that are on Earth. The birds will drop poop containing the virus. The virus will spread and kill humans. Fellow humans will also infect each other.

    The fourth stage, the surviving humans were taken by military personnel to a shelter. The children were taken to the camp, while the adults were taken to the barracks. The occupants of the barracks were later killed by the military.

    From that incident Cassie realized that not all humans are real humans.

    The children who were intentionally saved were then indoctrinated to kill the surviving humans. This is the fifth stage. Cassie and those who survived must find a way to survive.

    How is the assessment of this film?

    This film by director J Blakeson and writers Susannah Grant, Akiva Goldsman and Jeff Pinkner premiered on January 22, 2016. With a duration of 112 minutes, The 5th Wave is under the auspices of the Sony Pictures production studio.

    During the screening, Box Office Mojo recorded the film's revenue of more than 109 million United States (US) dollars. A total of US $ 74 million of this came from international broadcasts.

    The Rotten Tomatoes website gave the film a score of 15 percent, while viewers gave it a score of 38 percent. Another note, the IMDb site gives a score of 5.2 out of 10.

  61. Name : Ficka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI B

    1. From March until now we are all encouraged to study at home, it is very boring and less effective actually, because I think studying at home is very difficult, sometimes I don't have a signal at home, especially for my friends who live in places where it is still difficult to get a signal. Even though before March I had the desire to study English in Pare but because of this pandemic I couldn't go there. but it's okay I still have books that I can study.

    2. from the video I watched, there was a girl named Cassie, while at school Cassie and her friend saw the plane that crashed and everyone panicked, then it seemed like there was a mysterious object that looked like a UFO then after that Cassie and her younger brother went to the river to pick up water then came an earthquake and big waves then Cassie and her sister climbed a tall tree, then a tsunami appeared from the beach area and hit tall buildings, many people wanted to save themselves but didn't.

  62. Name : Novita Maharani
    NIM : 191230062
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. Before the semester 2 lecture vocation ends. I'm still doing study activities at home. I had thought a lot of time have wastedwasted between my studies.I had decided to help a lot with my mother's activities at home. After a while I did this activity. I had bored, and so, I had decided to found a job. And Alhamdulillah in the midst of this pandemic I had accepted to work at one of the Rice stalls in my area, as a waiter there. After a few days, I had offered also to teach at one of the houses in my village. Alhamdulillah, until now, I continue to do this activity without disturbing my study time.

    2. Of that video
    There was a woman who was doing her usual activities, but suddenly, she always saw disaster. As he was looking out through the window he saw a car crash, then he also saw a plane falling from the sky. And when he was playing in the lake with a child, an earthquake occurred, not long after the tsunami hit, he immediately saved himself.

  63. Name : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052
    Class: TBI 3B

    1.From semster 2 till now we're all still studying at home. The virus spread in Indonesia: covid-19. Studying at that house is so boring being unable to meet my friends and being boring may be boring at times.And online learning is also less effective.
    Why would I say less effective ?

    Because not all the signals are good and sometimes my signals at home aren't good and lavished at Internet packages.
    My home study activities during this pandemic I used the wa and yt groups. It's like listening to English songs and movies. I hope this pandemic goes away from Indonesia soon and I hope that I can get back to the pare.

    2.from the vidio I watched There was a girl named cassie. Cassie was at school with her friends. One of his friends was looking in the window and sawa plane crash and set off a big explosion.
    On the other hand, a little girl with her brother was taking water in a "real estate" when suddenly there was an earthquake and they ran. When they were running suddenly from behind them there was a huge wave following them and they climbed into the tree. Those waves are tsunamis. The tsunami hit the cities there and also devastated tall buildings. In those buildings there are so many people, these people trying to save themselves and not care about each other. They only care about their own lives.
    From this video we learn that death can come at any time and everyone were gonna die

  64. Name: Nurul kholifah
    Nim: 191230100
    Class: TBI 3C
    1. Studying in this time of the pandemic was so difficult for me, because of the network access that I was so difficult to get, that sometimes I had to miss a few more subjects if it was raining or not I couldn't make it online because of the weather that it was impossible for me to go so far for signals.
    But the advantages of learning during this time of the pandemic were that I spent more time with my family or did more with my mother at home.

    2. There may be a new way to take the oceans’ temperature: using sound. Like the atmosphere, they are warming because of climate change, and they have absorbed about 90 percent of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases. This alteration contributes to sea-level rise, imperils marine species and influences weather patterns.

    But tracking the warming is tricky. Ship-based observations capture only snapshots in time over a minuscule portion of the seas. Satellite observations cannot penetrate very deep below the surface

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  66. Name : Wulan Kurniasari
    Nim : 191230041
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. Since this pandemic, we might do study activities at home. It happened from March until now. It turned out that studying at home was not as easy as I thought. Studying at home was more difficult than studying directly on campus. There used to be a lot of problems at home, such as a signal that was sometimes difficult to get, parents who used to complain about internet quotas, etc. On the other hand, I was trusted to be the Covid-19 task force in my place which made it difficult for me to divide my time. Finally I had decided to resign from the covid task force, so that I had could focus more on studying. Even though I had resigned from the Covid-19 task force, I still have to help my other friends.

    2. Based on the videos I have watched. There was a girl named Cassie. While she was in school, she saw a plane crash near her school. She looks shocked. After that, a mysterious object looks like a UFO. Then, she went with the child to get water. Not long after that, came the tsunami. She immediately ran with the small child and saved theirself by climbing into a tree. finally Cassie managed to survive the disaster on earth. And then the tsunami broke through the building, and the people who were inside ran to save themselves.

  67. Name:Fitri
    Nim :191230070
    Class :TBI 3B

    1.During the pandemic, I had studied at home because all universities, schools all had to study at home because of the Covid 19 pandemic, every day I had studied online, in my opinion studying online was not effective, especially for me who live in a village and have difficulty getting signals. Sometimes it takes a long time to open a website, let alone zoom or google meet, because in that village the signal is very difficult

    2.From the video I watched there was a girl named Cassie. On the other hand there is a girl with her sister who is fetching water. Suddenly there was an earthquake and they ran. As they ran from behind, there was a large wave that followed. And they climbed into the tree. The tsunami that hit the cities there and also destroyed tall buildings in the building was a lot of people. they all try to save themselves. And they don't think about each other. They only care about their own life.

  68. Name : Fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nim : 191230068
    Class : TBI 3B

    1.Since this pandemic we all have been required to do everything at home, and it is including me. I had been learning activities from inside the house, many things happened in the learning process from home. Well, one of the main things is the difficulty of the network. I also was having trouble networking for my self. Sometimes I also looked for networks to the middle of the field to find the networks. But I think this will be an interesting experience for me in the future.
    2.From the video I watched there was a girl named Cassie. On the other hand there was a girl named her brother who was fetching water. When suddenly there was an earthquake and they ran. As they ran from behind there was a large wave following. And they climbed into the tree. The wave was a tsunami. The tsunami hit the cities there and also destroyed the tall buildings and in the buildings there were so many people. These people are trying to save themselves. And don't care about each other. They only care about their own life.

  69. Linda Muflihah

    1. During the pandemic, my learning activities were ineffective and inefficient, had many shortcomings and could not ask the lecturers directly and could not understand explanations directly. I have experienced learning activities like this since March until now. However, by studying from home, I can access the material anytime and anywhere without being hindered by space and time.

    2. This film is an earthquake event before the terrible tsunami. There are children with sister who are walking in the forest and feel the earthquake until a tree collapses because of the earthquake. Then, after a few seconds, waves of water with a very large volume came and they climbed a large tree so they would not be carried away by the terrible water. on the other side of the city, everyone saw how the tsunami waves were and hit them all and the city was destroyed by the tsunami.

  70. Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    TBI 3B

    1. covid-19 had made me study from home. During this pandemic, I thought that I had a new hobby. It is reading. I also watched some educational TV shows and I have learnt so much from them. Lately, I have been interested in learning the Korean language. I have used some applications to learn languages. I used to learn for about 20 minutes a day.

    2. That day was the last "normal" day for Cassie because the world was so weird. The world was attacked by aliens. They call it "the others" . The others attacked humans with 5 waves. The first wave, the others had eliminated the power and the lights. The second wave, the others had caused a massive tsunami and had wiped out so many people. In the third wave, the others had infected humans with a virus and the virus had killed humans. The fourth wave, humans that are still alive, had been brought to shelter by the soldiers. Actually, they're killing the mature and kidnapping the children. On the fifth wave, the children were indoctrinated to kill people that were still alive by the soldiers. and from this, Cassie and some people who have survived should have found how to survive. and from this, Cassie and some people who have survived should have found how to survive.

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  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Nur Isnaeniah
    nim ; 191230044
    TBI 3B

    1. it has been two weeks since I started college until today, material to material has started to be given and discussed in the chat in the zoom application, I have a schedule from Monday to Friday.
    in this pandemic situation, I usually start my learning activities by preparing all things like laptop and notes, and doing every assignment, sometimes I also watched short videos in English to improve my English. I had looked for new vocabulary and learn every English pronunciation.

    2. one day, While at school as usual, Cassie is her name, she is 16 years old, she saw a plane crash near her school from the window of the class. In next scene, when Casie and her younger brother, his name is Sam fetched water, there was a sound behind the tree and water appeared flowing from behind the tree, the water was getting more and more flowing, the siblings tried to save themselves by climbing a big tree, then they save from the big wave. In next secene, elsewhere a huge wave crashed into the city, a huge water that couldn't be measured how high it drowned people. It's really terrible where the world is broken everywhere, the power of the planet was like being killed, there were no machines, no electricity, and water flows even every island is lost. But there was a mysterious young man who survived the incident and made Cesie think he was his last hope.

  74. Name: yusny fadilah
    Nim: 191230139
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. During the pandemic, i had studied at home, because the government instructed during the pandemic all university and scholls to study at home. online learning is not very effective in my opinion, because what I feel is that it is difficult to understand the subject matter, and it is difficult to divide time.
    I have my own way to avoid stress in studying. I started by taking a shower first so that my body would be fresh, then I had to prepare snacks so I wouldn't get bored while studying, and I also played my song playlist.
    2. in the video there is an older sister and her younger brother who are in the forest, suddenly just as they wanted to go home, an earthquake occurred, not long after that there was a huge tsunami, which destroyed a city.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Assalamualaikum...
    Name : Titin Sumiyati
    Nim : 191230120
    Class : TBI 3D
    1. During pandemic, I had get up in the morning because the lectures started at 1 PM until 5 PM. I have stayed at home for a long time because I haven't wanted to late the material on the e-learning. I checked my phone if there are materials. When the lesson has started I have focused to the materials which provided. Therefore I asked to my friends about the materials, now we have used zoom application for met up with our lecturer. Because that method to be affective for us. If we haven't understanded the materials we asked to lecturer on videos. It's easy.
    2. The videos are about natural disasters to earthquakes, tsunamis, planetary damage that will occur at the end of the world and survival.

  77. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 3 C

    1. Now we're staying home. To be honest, I want this pandemic to end soon. During the pandemic I had learned English using social media on youtube. This social media has great reviews for my English studies like vocabulary, listening, speaking, grammar, and so on. Every morning I tried to understand the material that the lecturer had given me. Learning online is boring fast. But this we must do for the common good.

    2. I've seen a video, it's called 5th wave. Something when a plane crashed in front of the school. They saw alien craft floating in the sky. People were stricken with panic and cassie was able to survive a natural disaster. Natural disasters have occurred like tsunamis and massive earthquakes. Now the city has turned into a dead city.
    Earth was damaged by a mysterious spacecraft. There are five signs of a devastating earth: the alien craft unleashed the first wave. The first wave caused electricity on earth to shut down completely. A second wave emerged from a massive tsunami and earthquake that killed many people. A third wave of the flu virus infects people, including cassie's best friend. The fourth and fifth waves of cassie were to stand up and rescue those closest to her.

  78. Alfina Nurhasanah
    Tbi 3D
    1. during pandemic, we has learned with E-learning from university, there still have munch of deficiency, E- Learning has recently eror and make me worry if I cant submit my present, and my assigment. during pandemic, I have stayed at home since early March, and its bored. at home I have learned English, usually for upgrade my English skill, I have watched youtube video about how to pronounce some word. and I did'nt want to regret and I had studing hard for my future.
    2. in this video there are 2 girls who are watching the explosion from the window, and she goes to the forest and there is sunami the sister saves his sister first, by raising his sister to a tree, and at that time a very large sunami hit the city, and at the end there is a boy who survived being in town because of sunami.

  79. Name: Jihan Alifah
    NIM: 191230136
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. It’s been 8 month since pandemic, can’t believe I survived until now. Doing activities at home is bored. Before semester three has started, I usually learning by watching youtube video, sometimes practice by myself, listen to music and reading English article. And now it has been two weeks since we started college activities and we still learning from home. We usually started class at 1 pm, usually we do a presentation and do exercises.

    2. There’s a woman saw cars that lost control and resulted many accident and a plane crashed near her school. In the forest there are two sibling was taking a water but suddenly came a wave of water, they ran and trying to climb the tree luckily they survived. Tsunami get bigger in the city and destroy every building and everything gone because this disaster.

  80. Name : Intira Maharani
    SRN : 191230121
    Class : TBI 3D

    1.The pandemic has been known for eight months. Since the pandemic, I have done many things at home. Everyday I helped my mother to clean up the house and cooked some food for my family. And I have love to cooked since pandemic. I had studied food recipes before I cooked the food. In addition, I also did home study. I have to learned the material by myself. If there’s material that I can’t understand I will ask to my friend about the that. That’s all my activity along this pandemic.

    2. This scene tell about earth’s destruction. At the first, there is a girl. She saw a plane that crushed in her school. And then she goes to river to take some water for her brother. And suddenly there was a tsunami that hit the city. They had climbed a tree before tsunami hit them. Tsunami had destroyed the city. And many people have died.

  81. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. During the pandemic, I was forced to change the learning method from face-to-face learning in class to study at home. When the new semester started, the first week I had an online meeting with several lecturers and discussed the class contract for this semester. The following week I began to be given learning materials and several assignments, independent and group assignments. Even though the current learning methods are less effective and are making my time difficult, I will do my best to ensure that the knowledge given to me is not in vain.
    2. The scene starts with a girl and her friend who was at school seeing a car hit another car then the plane crashed and exploded, she saw it was shocked until she came home from school.
    In the setting of moving to the forest, the girl and her younger brother take river water and put it in a bottle. But suddenly an earthquake occurred and brought down some trees. Not long after the earthquake, a tsunami came and made the girl and her younger brother save themselves by climbing a big tree.
    Then the scene moved to the beach on the outskirts of the city, big waves swept over the city and the people around there panicked to save themselves into the building. At the end of the scene, a boy looks up at the city sky and sees a strange shaped object.

  82. ANISSA SITI NURHALISA (191230110)
    TBI 3D

    1. During pandemic,my activities is study from home. Its like reading materials of the presentation, listen to the lecturer explain through a voice note or virtually through one aplication. In my opinion, study from home is less conducive. Why do i think that study from home is not conducive? Because the main problem is like networking the internet, its the requitment that makes online study inconducive. But we have to adapt to situations like this. Because circumtances require all of us study online. And my activities has help out parent's work, guarding my nephews and learn from home.

    2. I've seen, in this film the 5th wave, four waves of increasingly deadly attacks have left most of earth decimated agains a backdrop or fear and distrust. The girl is on the run, desperately trying to save her younger brother. As she prepares for the inevitable and lethal 5th wave. The girl teams up with a young man who may become her final hope.

  83. 1.my learning activities during this pandemic, in the morning i wake up and take a bath then eat breakfast. And do housework such as sweeping, cleaning the yard, washing and others. After everything was done and the time for dzuhur arrives I rush to take a bath and perform ablution to perform the dzuhur prayer, after that I get ready to take part in online learning. at night I reopen the material that I studied, and do the assignment given by the lecturer.

    2. The film tell me about the human stands on the brink of extinction, when they do the activies, suddenly earhtquakes come, and tsunami deseas happened. at the time they can't go anywhere, they run here and there to get the protect. but it is impossible, because tsunami damaged all anythings. So i saw in the film that a girl try to save her young brother from tsunami.

  84. Siti Kamilah (191230109)
    TBI 3D
    1.my learning activities during this pandemic is online learning. in the morning i wake up and take a bath then eat breakfast. And do housework such as sweeping, cleaning the yard, washing and others. After everything was done and the time for dzuhur arrives I rush to take a bath and perform ablution to perform the dzuhur prayer, after that I get ready to take part in online learning. at night I reopen the material that I studied, and do the assignment given by the lecturer.

    2. The human stands on the brink of extinction, when they do the activies, suddenly earhtquakes come, and tsunami deseas happened. at the time they can't go anywhere, they run here and there to get the protect. but it is impossible, because tsunami damaged all anythings. So I Saw in the film a girl try to save herself and her young brother from tsunami.

  85. VINA FITRIYANI PUTRI (191230113) TBI 3D

    1. eight months have passed, the corona virus outbreak has not yet reached an end. Hundreds and even tens of thousands of Indonesians were affected by the plague. Many factors influence the impact of this epidemic which is the economic decline, the large number of unemployment rates, even as a student I feel the consequences of this epidemic. In terms of learning that is carried out online, there are many shortcomings such as weak internet connection, data quota and many students who have to look for signals to take part in this learning. Currently, my activity is still serving in one of the huts in the city of Serang. Three months have passed, I have also participated in activities at this lodge in accordance with the health protocols that have prevented transmission from this corona virus outbreak.

    2. In this video it can be concluded that the earth is shaking and the shaking is very powerful which is better known as an earthquake. So that it caused the crash of the plane and resulted in natural damage due to the earthquake. Until the emergence of very high waves about 20 meters from the coast and hit the tall buildings, so that many people fled to higher places and climbed the top floor of the building. The wave destroyed the residence of the population and the building was destroyed.


    1. From Monday to Saturday, I usually wake up at 5 am. I need to prepare myself to study. There are many activities I have to do before going to study.
    First of all, I made my bed until it was very neat. After that, I swept the floor. I love to see my room is neat and clean. When I was sleepy, I took a walk around the house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body.
    Then, I prepared several books according to schedule. I don't want to leave any books. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, then took a shower. Finally I had breakfast. Before studying, waiting for the time to come online learning I read it and ate lunch. I enjoy studying time. This time learning is not like usual, in the current pandemic era we must maintain social distancing.
    School finishes at 4pm. After studying, I change into my casual clothes as usual. I usually help the parents cook for our dinner then help wash the dishes after eating. After watching TV for an hour, I studied and did my homework. Finally I slept at 11pm.

    2. when I saw the video, it was about two children, a girl and her younger brother maybe, from the beginning of the film it was seen that the girl saw signs of a natural disaster, seen from the shaking earth, and the plane crashed, and when the girl and her younger brother took the water in the river, the earth began to shake and they both ran, and suddenly the girl saw the water that was very heavy like a very big wave towards them, and they both ran, and they both escaped by climbing a big tree. , finally they survived, but the water led to the big city and hit the entire large building, along with the people there, and everything in the city was completely destroyed, only one person was left, and the girl was also her younger brother.

  87. Name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    NIM : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. During this pandemic, i have been studying online class. I had used via whatsApp, zoom, google classroom and another media that we could do for online learning. But it was so boring, Because the government asked us to stay at home. and from the middle of june till september it was the time for college student to get holiday.
    At that time the government had given the information about new normal. in the same time i had gotten job to teach english in pekalongan, central java. When i had known for the third semester i will be studying by online learning. I took this opportunity to go to pekalongan. I felt i was very lucky, because i can do something useful for my self during this pandemic, of course that is improve my way to be good teaching in english, to adaptation in new enviromnet and learn learning system in aother school.

    2. Based on video that i have watched, i will rewrite the story from this video.
    Once upon time, there was a girl, her name is casie, she was studying in the class with her friends. Suddenly the power was failure, casie walked to the window and looked around but, suddenly casie saw a plane had crashed near her school which caused a big explosion and burned some cars. It made casie shocked and trembeling. Because of that accident, the students were gathered in a big room and wait their parents to picked them up. Then casie was picked up by her father, and it was last time casie saw her friends.
    In next scene, casie was taking water in the lake with her young brother, his name is sam. When they went back by bringing some bottles in the small troller, suddenly earthquake came. They ran as fast as possible and left their small troller to save themselves. After earthquake suddenly the big wave came from behind the trees, and it was the second time their soul threatened. They ran and climbed to the big tree to save themselves, then they hug each others and they had saved from the big wave.
    In next scene, there was a powerful tsunami slammend into the city. So, there is one of buildings which are many employees ran to the stair but, there was 1 employee which is she wasn’t struggle to save herself and she just received her destiny. in the end all people was brought by big wave.
    After that accident, all city had been broken cause of powerful tsunami. There was one person who saved from that accident and he lookked to the city which had been broken from top of the roof building. He saw a strange thing in the sky and it was like ufo.

  88. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    Nim: 191230132
    Class: TBI 3D
    1. My activity in this pandemic not going well, but they are good experience and I just got it. In this pandemic I teach private lessons at home. Even so I didn't forget to do my obligation. At Home I can help my parents more, and i selling some food online and i don't ask my parents for money. But I think this pandemic it's not condusive for lecturer because many problems like limited communication and lack of signal. In the pandemic I was taught to be more mature in managing my time.

    2. The 5th wave, it's a thrilling, creepy, and pathetic film for me. We can see one example from the end of the world there. The girl trying to protect her younger brother from that incident. until in the end they survived the incident, whereas at first they weren't so sure they'd survive. We can learn from the film for protect one another.

  89. Name : Irma Eka Pratiwi
    NIM : 191230106
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. When the Pandemic hit the bamboo country at the end of 2019, at that time it had not yet entered all corners of the world including Indonesia. Now it has entered Indonesia for almost ten months starting from mid-March to this October. Various efforts and efforts to reduce the Covid-19 outbreak have been used but still have not abated. Many changes have occurred in various fields, especially those most visible in the fields of economy and education.

    Since mid-March until now, my learning activities have not met face to face because I have avoided the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. In the past, I studied directly and formally in the classroom, but now everything has changed drastically in my learning process by using e-learning media. Where I still cannot accept it well and am very unfamiliar with the media, but over time I realized that only e-learning media was the right one to use in situations like this despite its many shortcomings.

    a. Inadequate facilities. The facilities that I get when face-to-face learning with e-learning learning are very different because when learning to face face to face facilities on campus is very adequate such as projectors, wifi but if e-learning is very less like there is no internet quota.
    b. Lack of material understanding. I really felt this, first when I learned directly I was very easy to absorb the material delivered by lecturers but now during learning e-learning I don't focus on learning.
    c. Student interactions and lecturers are very minimal I usually learn to face face to face to communicate with lecturers directly but now vice versa. Although there are many shortcomings but learning during this pandemic also gives me a lesson, "wherever, whenever, however, I learn to still be able to enjoy and understand the plates I get".

    2. One day there a girl named Katty and her two friends who saw the scenery outside the school. They have surprised when they have seen 2 cars collided, then after that the plane crashed, destroying the car and its surroundings with blazing fire. After that they have sad in the hall contemplating the incident.
    Then Katty and her younger brother have gone to a lake to get a bottle of water after they had gotten the water, on the way home there was an earthquake that knocked down the trees, not only stopped there but continued with flash floods that made Katty and James scared. They have the idea to climb into the tree and finally they survived. The ordeal continued until a tsunami hit a developed city. The tsunami caused people to run to tall buildings to save themselves but only one survivor was left. Every society and island disappeared instantly.

  90. IEG
    Name : EKA MALIKA
    Class : III D
    1. The students in our country have faced the pandemic for the last half of year. Stressfull have axctualy happened. We have never faced like it before. And then my learning activity along this pandemic has really changed at all. I have started My learning activity using online method such as whats App group, google classroom, zoom meeting and recently moved to e-learning so I have to learn it more. I have found a lot of difficulties while learning online. less friendly signal and minimum internet quota. I have copied many course material files, before they were deleted or ran out of internet quota. Because we used to learned by face directly and it has more worked. So I have prayed for this pandemic will end quickly.

    2. 2.A woman and a group of people who are in a building like a lecture have been shocked by a car and plane accident from the glass windows of the building directly, everyone walks out and gathers in the hall hugging each other in sadness over what happened, no more cities big ones, no more running around no more friends as if the earth is being destroyed. A moment after that a woman fetches water in a lake which is seen for drinking supplies, then the earth shakes and the impact of the tsunami water rolls over her and obliterates everything, cities, buildings. And one man remains on top of the building to see the stretch of every crucial city, every broken and lost island.

  91. Name: Herlina Wati (191230115)
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. From Monday to Friday I usually wake up at 5 am. I need to prepare for school. There are many activities I have to do before going to school
    for now I don't need to went to school because studying with an online system due to Covid 19, we have been studying for eight months with this during system. my activities after waking up
    First of all, I made my bed until it was very neat. After that, I swept the floor. I love to see my room is neat and clean. When I'm sleepy, I take a walk around the house. Also, I do some physical movements to stretch my body.

    Then I take a shower after taking a shower I eat breakfast and clean the house, and after I finish watching TV while waiting for online learning to start, after online learning is over, if I get bored I often try to cook new things and it's very fun for me, and usually I sleep at 10 at night. maybe it's my daily life "during the pandemic and hopefully COVID-19 will quickly disappear from this world and we can live normally as before.

    2. In the film I saw a frightening incident, the tsunami that claimed many lives, and also I saw brothers and sisters who were in the lake when the tsunami came to save themselves from the tsunami by climbing into trees. and some of the workers climbed onto the building to save themselves and this incident took a lot of casualties.

  92. Name: Ulfa Nadya
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM. : 191230108

    1. Make a story about learning activity
    me making a story' about my learning activity Aling this pandemic by using present perfect tense and past simple tense. As all of you know we have online learned since early march until now. I finished 1 semester by using staterpack of online learning like zoom application then used classroom all of the time. Didn't meet the lecture directly it's totally uncondusive way, i lost a lot of things in my second semester because this pandemic particullary about learning online. I have never done this way before, and i have still learnt this way until now. New semester has already been held 2 weeks less. I maked my plan before my world begin, the plan like journal, so my projects Will be more organized.
    2. Rewrite a story based on the video
    5th Wave
    A woman was at school like a normal dat, the woman Saw a plane crash near her school. And three are some waves. The video highlight a woman and a child on the river then they were walking to the forest, sudden the wave came maked many trees fall down. A small wave of water hit the land, they climbed the highest tree, but unfortunately a bigger wave of water hit the land the height reach far beyond skycraper and destroyed everything

  93. Name: Ulfa Nadya
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM. : 191230108

    1. Make a story about learning activity
    me making a story' about my learning activity Aling this pandemic by using present perfect tense and past simple tense. As all of you know we have online learned since early march until now. I finished 1 semester by using staterpack of online learning like zoom application then used classroom all of the time. Didn't meet the lecture directly it's totally uncondusive way, i lost a lot of things in my second semester because this pandemic particullary about learning online. I have never done this way before, and i have still learnt this way until now. New semester has already been held 2 weeks less. I maked my plan before my world begin, the plan like journal, so my projects Will be more organized.
    2. Rewrite a story based on the video
    5th Wave
    A woman was at school like a normal dat, the woman Saw a plane crash near her school. And three are some waves. The video highlight a woman and a child on the river then they were walking to the forest, sudden the wave came maked many trees fall down. A small wave of water hit the land, they climbed the highest tree, but unfortunately a bigger wave of water hit the land the height reach far beyond skycraper and destroyed everything

  94. Name : Hatada Azkiya
    Class: TBI 3b
    NIM : 191230064

    1. During this pandemic, I spent my time studying the yellow book at the Islamic boarding school, from there I learned about prayer, ablution, fasting and others. besides that, I also CV my time for watching YouTube content about the events that were happening at this time, so that I would always update the current news. After studying the kitab in my boarding school, we worked to make a building that we often call kobong. Not only that, we also always
    clean together for my boarding school as well.
    Sometimes i also always repeat my course like reading a book such as novel, or article on Google. After That i have memorize in my daily
    Activities for yellow book.

    2.2. Based on the video that i have watched, there was a girl named Cassie. On the other hand there is a girl with her sister who is fetching water. Then suddenly, the girl saw the plane that lost balance and finally crashed into the road.a girl (cassie) and her young brother (Sam) had to gather water from a nearby lake. They made preparations to go and had already fetched water for their needs. On their way through the forest, they had been hit by the earthquake for several minutes with panic to avoid falling trees. After that, they heard and saw the roar of the high waves of water that were about to hit them. Finally they tried to run to save themselves by climbing into a tree. And they have managed to escape from the tsunami. However, the tsunami hit and wiped out all places, buildings and people. Because of that incident, a lot of damage was done and it scared a lot of people. The disaster destroyed buildings and caused many casualties and at the end, a man is seen looking at the surrounding conditions which have been destroyed by the disaster that befell the city.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Name : Maftuhah Hanum
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230065

    1. Has anything changed during learning during the pandemic? Yes, of course. I've been hoping this semester to enter class. but it didn't, and I think online learning is a little ineffective. because it is certain that there are many obstacles that are experienced, such as signals and others. and while at home I have been English teaching activities to fill my spare time, but I hope for this pandemic to end quickly and we can carry out activities on campus again.

    2. From these snippets I can conclude that natural disasters cannot be predicted. and we have know, that the main factor in the disaster occurred because it was destroyed by aliens who came from another planet. as you can see, the first disaster is an earthquake that has occurred and is followed by a tsunami that will destroy buildings and even the surrounding environment. and after that, there was a man who was lamenting what had happened from the top of a tall building.

  97. Name : Nisrina nurhikmah
    NIM : 191230049
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. Since the spread of the corona virus in Indonesia, the government has recommended doing activities at home only, including learning activities. I've been carrying out studying at home since a few months ago, studying at home is very boring and uncomfortable. Before corona, I studied face-to-face with the lecturer, but after the quarantine started I could only learn virtual using zoom meetings or other applications. Learning online made it difficult for me to understand the material that the lecturer conveyed. I hope that the corona pandemic will end quickly so I can study as usual again.

    2. This video tells of a girl named Cassie who saw the plane crash in front of her school, without realizing that the plane was the beginning of all the events that would happen. After that he went home. and at home cassie went with her young brother to fetch water in the river but when they were about to go home the trees began to fall and there was a sound of a large water wave, cassie and her young brother Sam ran away leaving a bottle of drink that had been filled to save themselves, they climbed onto the big tree and survived the tsunami waves.

  98. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI 3 B

    1. During this pandemic, I have tried several ways to learn to improve my English skills, such as listening to music, watching movies, reading stories in English and also using English learning applications. I study for fifteen minutes a day, this method is very effective for me to acquire new vocabulary every day.

    2. I've watched the video, it tells about the five wave attack from the aliens. One of them is the electromagnetic pulse that blows out all the electricity and the vehicles on earth, as well as the tsunami that destroys the city. In the video I saw a woman and her younger brother on the way home after picking up a few bottles of water, after which tree branches fell and a huge wave of water burst, they had saved by climbing a big tree. A tsunami broke out in the city, and everyone ran for safety.

  99. Name:M och Falda Rama Akbar
    Class: Tbi 3B
    Nim: 191230057

    1. My learning activities during the pandemic were not effective. During this pandemic I have been studying online. Learning online makes us confused to understand it, since this oandemic we have to be at home, I have been filled my spare time by watching youtube, studying English and helping my parents at home.

    2. About the film, first there was a girl named casie who saw a mysterious object appear in the sky above the earth. Then came a different wave the first wave of electromagnetic pulses that kill power all over the world. Casie saw planes fall from the sky. The second wave was when a series of tsunamis swept across the coast of casie and her younger brother escaped the water and ran to the big tree. At the same time a tsunami destroyed the city and many safe people themselves were finally seen alive.

  100. Name: Sarah lidya balqis
    Class: TBI 3D
    NIM: 191230133

    1. The corona virus outbreak, which has recently spread throughout the world, inevitably forces us to stay at home indefinitely, certainly makes us uncomfortable. everyday i wakeup in the morning to prepare online class, help my mother for clean my house or do homework. sometimes i video call with my bestfriend to let go of longing and confide in. i usually watch a movie if i had free times or listen music to unwind. my daily activity not too much and keep repeating itself during pandemic.

    2.This film tells the story of aliens and humans.  Aliens colonized the earth with their terrors divided into five waves.  The first wave was Aliens carrying out a power cut.  The second wave namely Aliens caused an earthquake and a Tsunami flood.  The third wave is Aliens spreading the bird flu virus.  The fourth wave namely Aliens enters the human body and controls it.  The fifth wave is still a mystery.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Name: Nuraisyah
    NIM: 191230055
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. Since this pandemic, I have been doing many activities at home, such as studying online using the zoom application media, Classroom, e-learning, WhatsApp and other application media. And to fill my spare time, I read Islamic novels, help my parent, do homework, and many more. On the other hand I also have to divide my time between studying online and studying at the Islamic boarding school, I study kitab at the Islamic boarding school but it's not as usual, because many students choose to go home because of this pandemic, but on the other hand I focus more on studying kitab in Islamic boarding school because I am learning online, and I do many other useful activities.

    2. The film tells about aliens destroying the earth, the synopsis of the film is that there is a woman named Cassie who is at school, then Cassie sees a plane crash near her school. In another scene Cassie and her younger brother named Sam are fetching water in a river, when they walk home, a big tree falls and there is a tsunami, Cassie and her younger brother Sam then run to save themselves, they climb into the tree, and they survived the tsunami

  104. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi
    Class : TBI 3B
    Nim : 191230059

    1. during this pandemi i have stayed at home, i have lied on my bed, i've worked the homework like dishes, cleaned the house, i've tried to cook latest food recipes and i had been watching k-drama everyday since it started. in addition i had completed a lot of college assignments. last month I had worked at a company to fill my spare time. thats all

    2. This film tells the story of brothers who were walking through the forest suddenly there had been an earthquake for several minutes and the tsunami waves had been followed. they had tried to save themselves by climbed a banyan tree.

  105. Nama : Mia atmiati
    Nim : 191230063
    Class: TBI 3B

    1.It was happy at first. When it wasn't called upon, when my city wasn't in the red zone. But after that paradox, everything changes. Plus one that constantly comes, one that is beyond comprehension and preparedness and challenging. My story on holidays, only at home but occasionally with friends that are close and accessible and still sterile from viral dissemination.
    You know, sometimes it's just to get out of the house to get a network or a signal to get the job done and figure out what to do because my house is in a jam zone.
    Many schemes were prepared for school holidays but almost all of them completely canceled because of being helpful to the government in dealing with the spread of the corona virus disease. When at home, there was a lot of homework to do. With a parent who doesn't understand the duties my teacher has given me. Even if it seems a lot of time to lie down while doing your job, it is not focused on the lever person who is always advising you not to be long with your phone or even to linger outside who is actually doing the job and searching for a network or signal. From this holiday many changes, from irregular hours of sleep, a shower of everything, stomach feeling often hungry, eyes prolonged to see a cell phone or blue light, restricted travel, limited social privileges and so on. The point is, my story is no different than the others. I guess it's a good thing I don't stay at home much and I don't often go out. Starting from the interest of the house, personal even duties

    2.The first thing that intrigued me watching this series of course saw the existence of alex lawther. After attracting my attention at the gaming tables and suddenly striking in black mirror, it became a binding duty to watch the end of the f ***ing world. This netflix series was lifted off the graphic novel the end of the fucking world by Charles s. forsman.
    The end of the f **ing world tells of two strange 17-year-old boys named James and alyssa. James (alex lawther) is a boy who label himself a psychopath. As for alyssa (Jessica barden), the moody girl likes to talk and run around.
    One day, James and allysa met. Then, in short order, they decided to run away from home. During the escape, James and alyssa had to deal with the many events that required their survival; From James' desire to kill, until alyssa was constantly trying to figure out if a compassion was still within his grasp. The escapism finally convinced James and alyssa that they loved each other.
    In this series, I feel the confusion, insanity, curiosity, loss, and a general lack of judgment that many adolescents do. Amazingly, it is packed with a weirdly humongous tingness. The love stories of James and alyssa aren't like ind's stories.

  106. Name : Herlina
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM :191230042

    1. During this pandemic I studied several yellow books, which contained the science of fiqh, nahwu shorof, tajwid. And memorize the book of yellow. In addition to that I often cook and my friends for daily meals. Not only did I also exchange stories with my roommate.

    2. This film tells the story of brothers and sisters. Her older sister is named Cassie and her sister's name is Sam They were playing together, and they looked out at the window, and before long a car crashed in front of their house. And all at once they looked out of the house. After the accident they saw the plane crash into the forest, only to find that it crashed into the crashed car. Then after Cassie and the sister of Samtook water down to the river, after fetching water and then they went home. Before long they heard the sound of water shaking behind them, a tsunami occurred. Terrified, they climbed into a tree and shortly thereafter destroyed an entire city.

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  108. Name: Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    Nim: 191230058
    Class: TBI - 3B

    1. During the quarantine, we know this is a difficult time, especially for activities on campus. Our campus has been closed because the pandemic began spread. Very forced, we haven't entered the college since March 2020. That way the campus issued a policy to study at home online. While studying online, I was experienced many problem. I hadn't had much internet quota, even though I had a good signal at home. I have to set aside more of my pocket money, so that I can buy a quota to be able to continue taking courses online. During this online learning there were also many things that I didn't understand, I couldn't learn much freely with my friends who understood better. I hope this pandemic will end quickly and we can all carry out our usual activities outside the home. Aamiin.

    2. The 5th Wave film tells about aliens who want to eradicate humans on earth. The extermination and attack of the aliens takes place in 5 stages. In the first stage these aliens turned off all electronic devices and vehicles, from which they killed some of the humans whose devices have been damaged. Apart from the first stage, the aliens continue to exterminated humans on earth until the final fifth stage. The aliens teach many children to kill the surviving humans.

  109. Name : Ainun Nadiroh
    NIM : 191230038

    1. During the pandemic spread of in Indonesia, all schools and universities are close, all students study at home, and as long as I am at home, I have a daily activities , such as : sweeping the floors, washing clothes, mopping the floors, keeping the shop, sunbathing every morning, and doing sport. Sometimes I play with my little sister and some children. I feel so bored with my routine activities. Sometimes I go to waterfall with my friends, and I also go to my friends home, because I feel so bored and I think I must go to some places for traveling.

    2. This video tell about disasters in a city, like wind, earthquake and tsunamis. So everyone was very scared and panic.
    One they there were two children, one teenage girl and one a boy. There were going to forest for fetch water in a lake, suddenly earthquake they are was sacred, so after while there was wave like tsunami, so they are run quickly, and then they are climb into the tree for save themselves. So this wave drowned a city, everyone scared and panic, they are running for save themselves.

  110. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Nim : 191230116
    Class : TBI 3D
    1. This pandemic has began since at last 2019, i have learned english alone for six month. This situation is very difficult because we have learned online with application and must have a nice network. Let me tell you about my yesterday activity...
    Yesterday i did all of my class works, i washed and kept my little brother. Last night i did my homework then i slept... Almost my daily acativity same of my yesterday activity.

    2. From the scenes I watched, starting with the arrival of a large flying object, then there were several tragedies that resulted in the dysfunction of all areas of technology completely shut down, including cars colliding with each other and airplane accidents due to engine failure. There was a woman and her brother who were taking water from a bottle. Then there was an earthquake followed by an unexpected tsunami, the woman and her brother climbed a tree to survive. everyone was running for a safe place to take shelter but could not escape and was hit by the tsunami. And after that on the roof of the building there was a man looking at the city that had been destroyed by the tsunami.

  111. Name : Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230112

    1. It's been eight months since the pandemic, as usual every day I wake up to eat and after eating I take a shower to prepare for the online lecture immediately. This semester's online lectures use e-learning, wag, zoom, and Google meet. courses usually start between 9:00 am and finish, from Monday to Friday. To fill my spare time before class starts, I take the time to clean the room and after that use my cellphone to chat with my friends about assignments and the like. Since this online lecture I sometimes miss courses, because in my place of residence there is often no signal when there is a power cut and it makes me uncomfortable with this kind of online learning. And when all my classes are done, I do other things as well as the next day.

    2. In class Cassie and her friends saw a collided car, then at that moment the plane crashed and the pieces fell on the car that had collided earlier until an explosion occurred. When Cassie and Sam went to the forest to fetch water from the river they were caught by the earthquake and ran after the earthquake stopped. Cassie saw the tsunami in the direction of the river then Cassie and Sam immediately went to save themselves by climbing a tree they finally survived. Continuing on the beach, a terrible tsunami occurred. Everyone ran to save themselves by entering the tall building and eventually the tsunami destroyed the entire city.

  112. Name : sahrul romadoni
    Class: tbi 3 b
    Nim. : 191230067

    1.My learning activities during the covid 19 season. In this covid season, lecture learning activities have not been carried out as usual, namely face to face, but have been replaced with an online learning system. It's had been 2 weeks lectures started and 2 weeks the online learning system had been implemented. I study only using my cellphone, looking at the material on the web that has been provided and filling in attendance on the web that has been provided can also be campus. I get a lot of time when studying online, because it has nothing to do with organizational activities. In this season I learned more to translate a story that I read on google using English. Thank God I have translated some of the short stories I read, such as the story of Timun Mas, si Kancil, and Malin Kundang. I am learning to translate English words into Indonesian with the aim of getting new vocabulary that I don't know yet.I do this activity in the morning and at night. but when I've lived in the boarding school , i only do it every night.

    2. there is a beautiful girl named Cassie. On the other hand there is a woman along with her sister who is fetching water. Suddenly, the girl saw the plane that had lost balance and control. finally the plane crashed into the road. A girl (cassie) and her younger brother (Sam) have to fetch water from a nearby lake. Then they get ready to go and have taken water for their needs. On the way, while going through the forest, they were shaken by a fairly large earthquake for several minutes, frantically avoiding the fallen trees. After that, they heard and saw the roar of high waves that were about to hit them. they try to run and save themselves by climbing a tall tree that is not reached by water. Finally they also managed to escape from the tsunami. But the tsunami that hit it wiped out all places, buildings and people who were there. Because of the tsunami, a lot of damage was done and it scared a lot of people. The disaster destroyed buildings and caused many casualties.

  113. nama : firdha laila ramadhanti
    nim : 191230060

    1. During the pandemic spread of in Indonesia, all schools and universities are close, I woke up at 04.30 am yesterday. after woke up, I took ablution and prayed shubuh. I didn't forgot to cleaned my bed room. After that, I cooked my breakfast and took a bath.and i preaper for followed cycle of memorizing al-quran until evening , at 18.00 I had to prayed Maghrib and read a holy qur'an. in the night , sometimes I relaxed and joked with my sister. but, I didn't forget to did homework or studied. and soon after did my task. I went to bed and slept at 22.00 o'clock.

    2. the summary Based on the video I have watched, There a girl has looked out the window, she has seen a car accident, then she has seen a plane that lost control and crashed on the road, right near her school.in that incident there was one family who lost one of the family members, the only remaining was his younger brother and sister. The pandemic made an older sister look after her sister because after the incident the water overflowed again .

  114. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    NIM : 191230048

    1. During this pandemic, I stay live in boarding school and i follow the activities. I spent my time studying the yellow book at the Islamic boarding school. if there is free time i relax to play games, because I need entertainment. Not only that, sometimes I like to watch funny videos and the latest news. I finish all tasks as soon as possible so I can sleep early.
    from March until now learning is still online due to this pandemic. online learning is very boring and I feel dizzy too often playing on my mobile. learning is not effective because it is difficult to transcribe the material online.

    2. The film 'The 5th Wave' carries the theme of action, adventure, and sci-fi which presents suspenseful scenes throughout the course of the film.
    Tells the story of a mysterious alien attack that is carried out in waves and aims to eradicate humans from the earth.

  115. Name : mafazatul Awaliyah
    Nim : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. During this pandemic I have activities that allow me to gain new experiences for my life. The activities that I do are fill my spare time to teach elementary school children of religion which gives me motivation to broaden my insight and train myself mentally before I actually take on the task I am a scholar with education, that is to become a teacher who teaches me the meaning of patience to educate children who have various kinds of behavior of various ages

    2. The conclution on the video That's about the natural disasters, namely tsunamis, which at that time became the main topic in history which said that at that time was the breaking point of the world which made everyone afraid of that statement but that fear was only a natural disaster that occurred on earth

  116. Name :Nawiroh
    Nim : 191230047
    Class: TBI 3b

    1.Learning is an activity undertaken by a person to gain knowledge through various methods of learning, for example in the current pandemic I am doing learning activities using social media to train the brain in learning through music, English films, watching video story telling etc. the like, I do these activities in order to continue to train my abilities and also so as not to get bored or bored in learning, even if only studying at home.

    2. according to the video that I saw there was an accident caused by a malfunction of a machine. There was a woman and her brother who were getting water from a bottle. Then an earthquake followed by an unexpected tsunami, the woman and her brother climbed a tree to survive. everyone was running around looking for a safe place to take shelter but could not escape and was hit by the tsunami. And after that on the roof of the building there was a man looking at the city that had been destroyed by the tsunami.

  117. Name : Ahmad Fadli Robby
    NIM : 191230069
    1. Some people may be accustomed to conditions that are much different from their previous lives. Pandemic is quite difficult for everyone to do activities, especially for students. Previously, everyone used to learn face-to-face, which in fact was more effective and facilitated the process of absorbing knowledge but had to stop temporarily and who knows when the learning process of a new model called online ends.
    Learning and absorbing information from being obstructed by place, space and time is quite overwhelming. In fact, many of the students take advantage of this limitation to steal their learning time by doing other activities, for example playing games while the learning process is in progress, and many even go to sleep on purpose.
    In terms of understanding, the material presented is exactly like what is delivered when it is still face to face, but trivial limitations such as bad signals, limited time and even electronic devices make it difficult for students to capture accurate information or even ask questions about Theory.
    Although there are many negative sides of online learning that have been undertaken for almost 1 year, some positive sides have certainly emerged. We can be more independent in digging up information and concrete resources to add material, We can listen to learning anywhere and anytime, We can more appreciate meeting time and face to face with teachers who have limited time, and we can also learn technology supporting the educational process in order to add insight as well as facilitate teaching and learning activities.
    2. Starting with the arrival of a large flying object, then there were several tragedies that resulted in the dysfunction of all areas of technology completely shut down, including cars colliding with each other and airplane accidents due the engine failure. The video shows a terrible disaster that destroyed the city. At the end of the video, there is only a man standing on the rooftop looking sad and scared.

  118. In March 2020 Indonesia even the whole world was hitten by the Covid 19 outbreak, where the plague was very dangerous for human, until the government advised to everyone to stay at home or it could be called a quarantine period, and to keep their distance when talking to other people. Schools, factories, offices, mini markets are all closed during this pandemic.

    so that the lecture was closed. Alhamdulillah, during the pandemic I was in a shack, and this outbreak has made us always be at home or in a shack, both doing work and reciting the newspaper, while being lodged we are prohibited from leaving the cottage by the head of the lodge, because he is very worry about his students and he also gives a message to us so that we always maintain health.

    Finally, the lecture entered but did not meet face to face between lecturers and students, but lectured online.

  119. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051
    Class: TBI_3B

  120. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051

    2.There was a child named Cassie and his younger brother named Syem, and they looked at the window then they saw that in front of their house there was a car accident, and they also saw that the plane exploded and the explosion hit the car. Cassie and her sister took water into the river then returned home and soon they heard a huge lunge from behind them and it turned out to be a tsunami and then Cassie and her sister climbed into the tree then the tsunami grew bigger and destroyed the whole city.

  121. Name :Zian lestari
    Nim :191230050
    Class :tbi 3 b

    1.activity durung the pandemic are Cartier out with a lot of activities,one of which is lecturing at home or online using a computer or cellphone.not only that,the activities carried out daring the pandemic peried are to spend the best time as well as lam a santri at a boarding school doing cottage activities such as the koran and many other things too.
    2.the conclution on the Vidio thats about the natural disasters,namely tsunamis which at the time became the main topic the history which said that at that time was the breaking point of the world which Made everyone afraid of that statement but that feat was only a natural distarter that occurred an earth

  122. Name :Ahmad Najiullah
    Nim :191230043
    Class :TBI 3B

    1. tells of the beginning of the corona pandemic appearing in Wuhan, China in 2019
    Corona at that time was taken lightly by most people in various parts of the world, but currently the virus is labeled dangerous because it has claimed many lives.Therefore, in March most of all schools / colleges / other educational pathways required students to study at home via online / online. and in 2020 this year-end student national exam is also removed by the government. A number of students admitted that they miss studying in class and chatting with school friends like normal times.
    2020 is still two and a half months, but it is already hard for many people. Since WHO decided the corona virus as a pandemic, the world situation has changed 180 degrees, including in Indonesia, my homeland. The #stay atau home movement and social distancing have limited some activities.

    2. One day, James and allysa met. Then, in a short time, they decided to run away from home. During the escape, James and alyssa had to cope with many events requiring their survival; With James' desire to kill, until alyssa was constantly trying to figure out if she could still understand compassion. The escapees finally convinced James and alyssa that they loved each other.

  123. Name : Noni Emelia Putri
    Nim : 191230046
    Class : TBI 3B

    what I got from the story there are 2 problems
    1. There are 2 brothers whose names are sad and sem when they were looking out the window they saw a car crash and the car exploded, after that they looked to the sky and saw the plane crash and explode and the explosion hit the car.
    2. the second incident when kesih and sem went to the river they heard a strong sound of water, and that sound was the sound of a tsunami they ran but it was useless the tsunami destroyed the city.

  124. Name: Wardatul Jannah
    NIM: 191230126
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. Because Covid-19 learning has become online. learning to use several applications, including the zoom application, e-learning, Google meet and the WhatsApp group. And because we use the application we must have a good network.
    Apart from studying online, I also have other activities, helping my parents at home, helping with sales, helping siblings to explain their school lessons and after Maghrib I had to go to study kitab and Al-Qur'an to the Islamic boarding school which is not too far from my house.

    2. The 5th wafe film tells about aliens who want to destroy the earth. and the film also describes a pair of younger siblings.
    one day her brother named Cassie was at school, then Cassie saw a car collide, and there was a plane crash. On the other day Cassie and her younger brother named Sam were fetching water in the river, on the way suddenly there was an earthquake and trees fell, midway Cassie saw the tsunami and they both ran to save themselves, then Cassie and Sam climbed a big tree to avoid the tsunami.

  125. Name : Waladi Mulya Bahri Wijaya
    Class : TBI III D
    NIM : 191230119

    1. Past Simpel, example: Rizky played mobile legend in smart phone
    Present perfect, exmple: Ahmad has studied the grammar in e-learning since 2019.

    2. This film tells the story of the end of thr world where there are many natural disaters that hit every area such as tsunami, flash floods and meteor shower that are make humans panic and fear to escape from these natural distasters.

    And in this film we can lesson as muslim that the apocalypse is bound to happen and we have to beliave in it but no one know when it will happen only other Allah SWT, therefore we must worship him to increase our worship and get pleasure from him so that we die khuslnul khotimah.

  126. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D

    1. As we know, currently, we are experiencing the Covid 19 pandemic. It has been happening since March. All face-to-face learning activities have stopped. Not only learning, many jobs cannot run smoothly as usual, due to the emergence of the corona virus in Indonesia, which forces us to do something only at home. Initially, I was very happy to hear online learning, but over time, I felt that online learning was very ineffective. Many materials are poorly understood, not as optimal as face-to-face learning, quota constraints, sometimes unstable, and internet networks. I hoped that learning online would only take one smester, but it turns out that the corona virus is getting worse in Indonesia, so that until now we are still undergoing an online learning system. I miss going to campus, meeting my lecturers and friends, and studying in class. I hope this pandemic will end soon, so all activities can be carried out normally as usual, not online.

    2. "The 5th Wave- The End of the world" film is tell about The human race stands on the brink of extinction as a series of alien attacks decimate the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease. Separated from her family, Ohio teenager Cassie Sullivan (Chloe Grace Moretz) will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. Fate leads her to form an alliance with Evan Walker (Alex Roe), a mysterious young man who may be her last hope. Forced to trust each other, Cassie amd Evan fight for survival during the fifth assault from the invaders.

  127. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D

    1. As we know, currently, we are experiencing the Covid 19 pandemic. It has been happening since March. All face-to-face learning activities have stopped. Not only learning, many jobs cannot run smoothly as usual, due to the emergence of the corona virus in Indonesia, which forces us to do something only at home. Initially, I was very happy to hear online learning, but over time, I felt that online learning was very ineffective. Many materials are poorly understood, not as optimal as face-to-face learning, quota constraints, sometimes unstable, and internet networks. I hoped that learning online would only take one smester, but it turns out that the corona virus is getting worse in Indonesia, so that until now we are still undergoing an online learning system. I miss going to campus, meeting my lecturers and friends, and studying in class. I hope this pandemic will end soon, so all activities can be carried out normally as usual, not online.

    2. "The 5th Wave- The End of the world" film is tell about The human race stands on the brink of extinction as a series of alien attacks decimate the planet, causing earthquakes, tsunamis and disease. Separated from her family, Ohio teenager Cassie Sullivan (Chloe Grace Moretz) will do whatever it takes to reunite with her brother Sam. Fate leads her to form an alliance with Evan Walker (Alex Roe), a mysterious young man who may be her last hope. Forced to trust each other, Cassie amd Evan fight for survival during the fifth assault from the invaders.
