Thursday 8 October 2020



Instructional Design:
Students could understand parts of essay and match them with the types of essay. Therefore, students could apply their knowledge of this topic in their real academic practices. 

Introduction to the essay’s body and types 

Written Discussion through PPT and practice 

Essay means a written product of people's idea or opinion, and experience through paragraphs so that their thought and feels sustain the essays' content. The types of essays could be narrative/ explanatory, argumentative, descriptive, and research report. their content are different depending on your writing purposes. if you want to tell history, personal story, you could choose narrative or descriptive. In the other hand, expository and research report are frequently used to describe the data analysis. This types of essay could be seen from the text representation in the essay's parts. Therefore, It is very important to know each part of essay. The essay, for example, may contain different elements depending on whether it is framed as a critical review, a discussion, a personal response or an exposition (Coffin, et. al.,2005). Every writer has to construe their minds into three (3) general parts of essay: introduction, main body, and conclusion (Bailey, 2011, Coffin, 1999). You could learn more about this part in my presentation. please check this PPT and do the instruction there to practice your knowledge and experience in exploring an essay. 


  1. Name : Novi Puji Lestari
    NIM : 191230144

    Introduction : Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body : In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities. In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources.

    Conclusion : They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century.

  2. Name: Nurmala Hayati
    NIM : 191230145

    Introduction: People interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge.

    Main body: This knowledge consists of thought and culture expression through sounds, words, and sentences deriving from their real habitual patterns. Therefore, people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures. if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture? You may find the answer in this following link.

    I tell you the keys. First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society.

    Conclusion: Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Name: Syarifah
    NIM: 191203152

    Essay means a written product of people's idea or opinion, and experience through paragraphs so that their thought and feels sustain the essays' content.

    Main Body:
    The types of essays could be narrative/ explanatory, argumentative, descriptive, and research report. their content are different depending on your writing purposes. if you want to tell history, personal story, you could choose narrative or descriptive. In the other hand, expository and research report are frequently used to describe the data analysis. This types of essay could be seen from the text representation in the essay's parts. Therefore, It is very important to know each part of essay. The essay, for example, may contain different elements depending on whether it is framed as a critical review, a discussion, a personal response or an exposition (Coffin, et. al.,2005).

    Every writer has to construe their minds into three (3) general parts of essay: introduction, main body, and conclusion (Bailey, 2011, Coffin, 1999).

  5. Name : Iin Anis Setiawati
    NIM : 191230150

    Language as a communicative product of human beings represent how they see, adopt, and react to their environment.

    Main body
    It is used either actively or passively in interaction. While being interested in a phenomenon, people will keep it in their memory for short time known as Event Memory or Short Memory. It is devided into seven chuncks of information that are delivered to Intentional Memory. The chuncks could be lost if there is the newest one but people could bring out them by recalling similar memory.

    Memory and language processing are depended either in knowledge or experience to realize language performance.

  6. Name : Muhammad Ikhwan
    NIM : 191230156

    God gives people brains to stimulate and to respond many phenomenon surrounding them. They could be social, cultural, or language phenomenon. It means that the environment could impact on the way of thinking and acting. It shows that human gets his language by the nature (Chomsky) and learns language by looking at people habits (Skinner)

    Main Body
    While being babies, spontaneously, they could produce some simple sounds. Their sound production grows at the same time with our body’s growth. Their speaking ability grows in line with their speech organs’ growth. In the other hand, people try to learn something new from their environment. Therefore, adult people always motivates and introduces them to know more about many things. They deliver ideas of words’ concept and examplify a pattern of sentences. Or, they drill their children to practice some words or sentences in order to realize the students’ performances. As the result the goals of communication will be fulfilled.
    One of English skill is speaking. Speaking in globalization era is an important competency that should be mastered by every English graduates. It has an important role in job opportunities. Moreover, Indonesia is open market for many countries. It applies International free trading. But, this skill becomes one of problems for Indonesia students. They still have no sufficient skills particulary in speaking. Some people including teachers said that most students could not speak English shopisticated. Does it become general issue?. Of course, it is interesting since several experts such as Chomsky and Skinner have different idea of this skill.
    Skinner’s theory begins his experiment in a mouse while getting its meals. He examined gradually, from the easier into the dificult one. He found its activity describing a repeated practice to get the meals. Its way of getting the meals shows a pattern although it does not do regularly. His perspective asserted that drilling is an important element in foreign language teaching such as oral approach and audiolingual approach (Dardjowidjoyo, 2005: 235). Then, his finding is known as verbal behavior (1957).
    In other hand, Chomsky made note to argue Skinner’s theory above. Chomsky’s opinion is that language acquisition does not come from nurture (behaviorism) but from nature (Language Acquisition Device/ LAD). Children achieve their language skills in as the same time as their gesture skills. He argues that they have a set of LAD (Dardjowidjoyo, 2005: 235). He states that only human beings who have LAD so that they can not equity to the animal. They are different creatures. Dardjowidjoyo (2005: 237) said that people need both nurture and nature to acquire a language. Nature must be supported by nurture. Then, peope’s language skill could be reached well. LAD also help them to the appeareance of words. In this case, vocabulary also will influence peope’s thoughts. Therefore, between word and thought relate each other. For example, a baby who has LAD lives in environment in which there is no one speak Indonesia. The baby lives without Indonesia language, he or she possibly until adult might not speak Indonesia.

    Language competency can not be mastered if there is no practices and environment included. This fact explaines that LAD works through practicing.

  7. Name: Alfiah Dwi Rahayu
    Nim: 191230157

    Teachers and students in Indonesia as a part of global citizens should know and understand what the future skills are.

    Main body:
    They face society changing rapidly and may find some challenges such as enviromental, economic, and social (OECD, 2018). Therefore, World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2020 provides four C's future skills including Collaborative, Communicative, Critical Thinking and Creative thinking.

    In accordance with OECD, Collaborative & Communicative skills represent the students' ability to nurture his or her passions to make connection between different learning experiences and opportunities in collaboration with others. Furthermore, Critical and Creative thinking refer to the way how student being active in all dimensions of life since they have to navigate the uncertainty situation, across wide variety of contexts (past, present, future) and in social space (family, community, region, nation, and world).

    The future skills above should be unified with language skills- listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary to achieve sustainable life.

    The teachers must adopt global implications in their teaching within national attitudes and values as Ki Hajar Dewantoro's philosopy in building national education. Teachers competence and experience (quality) impact on their students' performance (Quiglay, 1950).

  8. Name : Kharisma Nidaul Hasanah
    NIM : 191230146

    Intoduction :
    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main Body :
    In the beginning, they must define teaching goals, prepare assignments, make assessments, and practice teaching. Therefore, they have recently learned not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes. Teachers must motivate students to know their own learning strategies and to conduct self-assessments. They cannot teach traditionally like previous teachers have but they will have to adapt and adopt more resources as needed in the future. So they have to take into account the changing world in their teaching situation. Teachers also need to structure their beliefs, values, and knowledge to produce many creative and innovative graduates. They must cooperate with making school education policies, whether local, regional, or national education authorities. Schools and government must manage similar ideas for designing human resources.

    Conclusion :
    In this modern era, teachers must be creative in dealing with change and they must collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals, and to broaden ideas about teaching in the 21st century. One of them is that teachers must already know and be able to master technology. Now there are a lot of technological media for learning, and some students certainly cannot use technology properly, teachers must be able to educate students to use technology in learning.

  9. Name : Sarniti
    NIM : 191230159
    Class : TBI 3-E

    "How to teach speaking"

    Introduction : speaking is one of skills that is important not only as communication skill but also as a means to facilitate the acquisition of target language (Christine & Burns, 2012).

    Main body : Speaking skill is beneficial to improve students' knowledge and experience, and to help them easier get a job. Every student has to master vocabulary and grammar, and how to produce what the spoken content is.Therefore, speaking is a highly complex skill that applies continued process including the speaker's cognitive, physical, and socio-cultural aspects (Burns, 2012). or Nunan (1999) divides the aspects of speaking into two; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy relates to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary whereas fluency involves the content of the spoken text. Teacher's knowledge of the aspects of speaking will help him to design a lesson plan and to implement it.

    There are possibly some methods of teaching speaking. In this article, they are divided into three methods (Kroeker, 2009). He provides Indirect methods, Direct methods, and Indirect Plus methods. Teacher could choose one or more of the methods that being appropriate with students' situation. every student in every region may have different ways of learning. Therefore, it is important to know furtherly them.

    Indirect methods means that the students has to be active in classroom interaction through participation. The examples of the methods are audiolingual method, Communicative Language Learning or Community language Learning. Direct methods include speaking analysis of SLA and discourse analysis through language input and processes, communication strategy, and systemic function of micro-skill.

    Conclusion : The method could be a practice to differentiate between native and non-native speakers or recording speaking. Last, Indirect Plus methods refer to a combination between students' exposure and spoken discourse in speaking interaction. This method could be implemented by doing task-based method.

  10. Talitha Zuleika

    Series for Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching

    Teaching is a part of how someone's strategy to transfer knowledge and experience.

    (Main body)
    teachers have to design their teaching plan including the purposes of the study, the materials, the activities, and the assessments. Actually, the role of the teachers do not only deliver knowledge and experience but also wellbeing.

    Therefore, they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses. To see how teachers do teaching grammar and vocabulary, you could see these following videos. Please review them and describe how they are appropriate with Indonesia context.

  11. Name : Ahmad Hapiduddin
    NIM : 191230172
    Introduction : people interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge. people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures.

    Main body :if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture?
    First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society.

    Conclusion : Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes.

  12. Name : Ahmad Hapiduddin
    NIM : 191230172
    Introduction : people interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge. people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures.

    Main body :if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture?
    First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society.

    Conclusion : Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes.

  13. Name: Arli Salsabila
    Nim: 191230153

    Speaking is one of skills that is important not only as communication skill but also as a means to facilitate the acquisition of target language (Christine & Burns, 2012).

    Main body:
    Speaking skill is beneficial to improve students' knowledge and experience, and to help them easier get a job. Every student has to master vocabulary and grammar, and how to produce what the spoken content is.Therefore, speaking is a highly complex skill that applies continued process including the speaker's cognitive, physical, and socio-cultural aspects (Burns, 2012). or Nunan (1999) divides the aspects of speaking into two; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy relates to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary whereas fluency involves the content of the spoken text. Teacher's knowledge of the aspects of speaking will help him to design a lesson plan and to implement it.

    There are possibly some methods of teaching speaking. In this article, they are divided into three methods (Kroeker, 2009). He provides Indirect methods, Direct methods, and Indirect Plus methods.

  14. Nama : Ade Wirdatus Sholihah
    NIM : 191230149


    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework. In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching.

    Main body
    Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future.

    Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities. In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals.

  15. Siti Azizah
    Nim 191230082

    Learning online durinng the pandemic
    "During this pandemic I have started studying online, and it feels like Masya Allah Alhamdulillah there is a headache and I have an understanding too, and I hope that this pandemic will end soon and we can carry out lectures as usual again, I hope all friends and lecturers will always be at give health, Aamiin Allahuma amen"

  16. Name : Ainun isnani
    Nim : 191230151

    Amazing teaching

    Introduction : Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body : In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates.
    Teachers must make students happy learning in this digital era and must prepare learning media well. have to prepare everything, especially in the present era who learns online. and how to prepare good learning styles for the 21st century. prepare all kinds of learning that will make students interested in learning.
    divides 21st century teacher skills into five categories, namely:
    1. Able to facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity, with indicators including the following:
    a) Encourage, support and model inventions and creative and innovative thinking.
    b. Involve students in exploring real world issues (real world) and solving authentic problems using digital tools and sources.
    c. Encourage student reflection using collaborative tools to demonstrate and clarify students' understanding, thinking, conceptual planning and creative processes.
    2. Design and develop learning experiences and assessments of the digital age, with the following indicators:
    a. Design or adapt appropriate learning experiences that integrate digital tools and resources to encourage student learning and creativity.
    b. Develop a technology-rich learning environment that enables all students to feel curious and be active participants in setting learning goals, managing their own learning and measuring their own learning progress.
    c. Customizing and personalizing learning activities that can meet work strategies for learning styles and the ability to use various digital tools and resources.
    3. To become a model for how to learn and work in the digital era, with the following indicators:
    a. Demonstrate proficiency in technological systems and transfer knowledge to new technologies and situations.
    b. Collaborate with students, peers, and the community using digital tools and resources to drive student success and innovation.
    c. Communicate ideas / ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital media formats.

    Conclusion : They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century.

  17. Name : Lala Rosdiana
    NIM : 191230163

    Title : MoFTL II Series for Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching

    1. Introduction = Teaching is a part of  how someone's  strategy to transfer knowledge and experience.

    2. Main Body = Teachers have to design their teaching plan including the purposes of the study, the materials, the activities, and the assessments. Actually, the role of the teachers do not only deliver knowledge and experience but also wellbeing.

    3. Conclusion = They should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and conclusion vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses. To see how teachers do teaching grammar and vocabulary.

  18. Nama : Ahmad Muttaqin
    NIM : 191230173

    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework. In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching.

    Main body
    Speaking skill is beneficial to improve students' knowledge and experience, and to help them easier get a job. Every student has to master vocabulary and grammar, and how to produce what the spoken content is.Therefore, speaking is a highly complex skill that applies continued process including the speaker's cognitive, physical, and socio-cultural aspects (Burns, 2012). or Nunan (1999) divides the aspects of speaking into two; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy relates to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary whereas fluency involves the content of the spoken text. Teacher's knowledge of the aspects of speaking will help him to design a lesson plan and to implement it.

    They should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and conclusion vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses. To see how teachers do teaching grammar and vocabulary.

  19. Siti Komariah Ulfayati

    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    -Main Body
    they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates.

    schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals.

  20. - Introduction = Teaching is a part of  how someone's  strategy to transfer knowledge and experience. 

    - Main Body = Teachers have to design their teaching plan including the purposes of the study, the materials, the activities, and the assessments. Actually, the role of the teachers do not only deliver knowledge and experience but also wellbeing. 

    - conclusion= they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses.they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses.

  21. Name : Evah Farihah
    Nim : 191230155

    - Introduction = Teaching is a part of  how someone's  strategy to transfer knowledge and experience. 

    - Main Body = Teachers have to design their teaching plan including the purposes of the study, the materials, the activities, and the assessments. Actually, the role of the teachers do not only deliver knowledge and experience but also wellbeing. 

    - conclusion= they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses.they should be a role model in teaching situation. Teaching grammar and vocabulary related to their real life situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses.

  22. Nama : Rifal Nurkholis
    NIM : 191230167

    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework. In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching.

    Main body
    Speaking skill is beneficial to improve students' knowledge and experience, and to help them easier get a job. divides the aspects of speaking into two; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy relates to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary whereas fluency involves the content of the spoken text. Teacher's knowledge of the aspects of speaking will help him to design a lesson plan and to implement it.

    They should be a role model in teaching situation. They should connect between the theories and the uses. To see how teachers do teaching grammar and vocabulary.

    191230140 - TBI 3E

    People interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge. This knowledge consists of thought and culture expression through sounds, words, and sentences deriving from their real habitual patterns.

    Main body
    Therefore, people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures. if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture? You may find the answer in this following link. 

    I tell you the keys. First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society.

    Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes. Please click the link below to understand what the secret of psychology is. Thanks for doing this online learning together. Please give your comment and share your idea in this blog. 

  24. Name : Tresna febriani
    NIM : 191230170
    Class : TBI 3E

    • Introduction
    Essay means a written product of people's idea or opinion, and experience through paragraphs so that their thought and feels sustain the essays' content.

    • Main body
    The types of essays could be narrative/ explanatory, argumentative, descriptive, and research report. their content are different depending on your writing purposes. if you want to tell history, personal story, you could choose narrative or descriptive. In the other hand, expository and research report are frequently used to describe the data analysis. This types of essay could be seen from the text representation in the essay's parts.

    • Conclusion
    Every writer has to construe their minds into three (3) general parts of essay: introduction, main body, and conclusion (Bailey, 2011, Coffin, 1999).

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Name : Erna Erawati
    NIM : 191230164
    Class : TBI 3 E

    Amazing Teacher

    Introduction :
    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body :
    In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation.

    Conclusion :
    Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals.

  27. Name : Dindah Marwah Aulia
    NIM : 191230162


    Introduction :
    People interact with their community using language. They promote language as a cognitive product or knowledge. This knowledge consists of thought and culture expression through sounds, words, and sentences deriving from their real habitual patterns.

    Main Body :
    Therefore, people who live in restricted place won't produce similar language expression with they who live in multiple cultures. if there is a question, which one is the most dominant influencing people's life: thought, language or culture? You may find the answer in this following link. I tell you the keys. First, you should see how does a child groove. He has no language ability in the beginning but he finally could deliver idea using sounds, words, and sentences. It means naturally a child does not apply verbal communication. He only uses his five senses to adopt and imitate the behaviors around him. Second, thought will process any sensory data appeared in society.

    Conclusion :
    Hence, it is very prominent to create more positive environment which help our children lifes. Please click the link below to understand what the secret of psychology is. Thanks for doing this online learning together. Please give your comment and share your idea in this blog.

  28. Name: Serlin Sarah Maulani
    NIM: 191230160
    Class: TBI 3 E

    Amazing teacher

    Introduction: Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body: In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future.

    Conclusion: Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Name: Nazwa Veradia Hasanah
    NIM: 191230143
    Class: TBI 3E

    Introduction: Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    Main body: In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate their students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation.

    Conclution: They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities. Schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals.

  31. Name: Rifatul Muftiah
    NIM: 191230171 /3E

    Instructional Design:

    Students could comprehend about the topic. Then, they could assign it in their obvious works as a teacher.


    Reasons why teacher has to expand their English material.


    Written Discussion through PPT


    The topic is very significant for the students, as teacher candidate, in realizing their knowledge and experience in language learning. Tomlinson (2018) specified that every teacher as a materials developer has to take, to evaluate and to generate materials in order to create his effective classroom. The teacher could complicated many teaching resources in their materials development. The materials could be printed or visualized. To learn more, you could open my presentation and try to bring its content in your further works as teachers. Being a nice teacher makes your life .beneficial

  32. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim: 191230158

    "How to teach speaking"

    speaking is one of skills that is important not only as communication skill but also as a means to facilitate the acquisition of target language (Christine & Burns, 2012).

    Main body:
    Speaking skill is beneficial to improve students' knowledge and experience, and to help them easier get a job. Every student has to master vocabulary and grammar, and how to produce what the spoken content is.Therefore, speaking is a highly complex skill that applies continued process including the speaker's cognitive, physical, and socio-cultural aspects (Burns, 2012). Nunan (1999) divides the aspects of speaking into two; accuracy and fluency. Accuracy relates to pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary whereas fluency involves the content of the spoken text.

    There are possibly some methods of teaching speaking. In this article, they are divided into three methods (Kroeker, 2009). He provides Indirect methods, Direct methods, and Indirect Plus methods. Teacher could choose one or more of the methods that being appropriate with students' situation.

    The method could be a practice to differentiate between native and non-native speakers or recording speaking.
