Thursday 15 October 2020



Instructional Design:

Students have to understand the topic and could use the topic into their real academic practices particularly in writing their final paper. To achieve this goal, students should choose  a certain topic and outline the body of paper of the topic, introduction and conclusion using list or mind mapping as mentioned by Stephen Bailey (2011). The students have to understand how to enact their critical thinking in this activity.


The material is about the processes on how the students identify and categorize the topic of the essay. then, the ways of how the students outline the essay based on the chosen topic. The materials also include the critical thinking questions.


teacher make the description of the material in her PPT. Then, the students practice the topic using the handbook of Stephen Bailey (2011) about academic writing 3rd edition. The students could ask the teacher about their difficulties in learning the topic by using this blog or other communication tool.


The 3rd topic of essay writing gives guidance for English students how to begin their academic writing. There are several ways used by the students to do the process of essay writing. First, the students have to realise that their ability of essay writing is not only a blessing but it needs practices. The students have to read more text types such as articles, journals, research report, etc if they want to write better. In reading activity, the students have to involve their critical thinking in order to develop their skills finding the formal vocabularies, complex sentences, and so on. The students should know what are the differences between facts and opinions while writing an academic essay to avoid personal judgement. They have to know the meaning and practice of plagiarism in order to make your ideas cited and referenced. Second, the students determine their topics after doing extensive reading. Then, they could outline their chosen topic by using list or mind mapping (see Bailey, 2011 p. 41) and develop it into a writing paper. To learn more about the process of determining and outlining the essay, you could see my PPT and get practice there.


  1. Name : Novi Puji Lestari
    NIM : 191230144

    "The role social media plays in mental health"
    Human beings are social creatures. We need the companionship of others to thrive in life, and the strength of our connections has a huge impact on our mental health and happiness. Being socially connected to others can ease stress, anxiety, and depression, boost self-worth, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness, and even add years to your life. On the flip side, lacking strong social connections can pose a serious risk to your mental and emotional health.

    In today’s world, many of us rely on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to find and connect with each other. While each has its benefits, it’s important to remember that social media can never be a replacement for real-world human connection. It requires in-person contact with others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive. Ironically for a technology that’s designed to bring people closer together, spending too much time engaging with social media can actually make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

    If you’re spending an excessive amount of time on social media and feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction, frustration, or loneliness are impacting your life, it may be time to re-examine your online habits and find a healthier balance.

    The Resource :

    2. Paraphrased writing (my version)
    "The role social media plays in mental health"

    As the social creatures, actually we need the role and connection with others in our life. Because, if we can strength our connections, probably it has a positive impact for our mental health and happiness. Being socially connected with others can decrease the anxiety, stress, and depression, improve self-exercise, make us more comfortable and joy, avoid loneliness, and even prolong your age. On the other hand, the lack of social connections can cause a serious risk to your mental and emosional health.

    In this era, we can't separate our selves from media social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc to get the relationship with others. Social media has a lot of benefits, and it's important to remember that social media can never be a substitute the real human-life. It needs in-person contact with others to trigger the hormones that alleviate stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more positive. Ironically for a technology that's designed to make the people closed and spending a lot of time engaging with social media actually make you feel lonely and separate d or unconnected. And exacerbate mental health problems( make it worse than before) such as anxiety and depression.

    If you're spending an exaggerate amount of time on social media and feeling of sadness, dissatifaction, frustation, and loneliness are bringing a bad impact for your life, it maybe time to re-examine your online habits and do something normally in order to you can found the happiness and make your life more balance.

  2. Name : Dindah Marwah Aulia
    NIM : 191230162

    "The solar fridge helping African entrepreneurs living off the grid"

    Keeping food fresh without refrigeration is near impossible in the scorching climate of sub-Saharan Africa. But it's hard to power fridges in a region where almost 600 million people live off the grid.

    That's where Brazil's Youmma comes in. The company has developed a pay-as-you-go solar-powered fridge that is being snapped up by small business owners. The fridges help to reduce food waste, store medication safely, and allow shops to keep products fresh for longer, says André Morriesen, research and development manager at Nidec Global Appliance, which owns Youmma.

    Of about 2,000 fridges sold since Youmma launched it in 2019, around 80% were to small businesses, he adds.

    The resources :

    2) Paraphrased writing (my version)

    "The solar fridge helping African entrepreneurs living off the grid"

    When the climate of sub-Saharan Africa arrived, there was a great need for refrigerators to keep food fresh. But unfortunately it is not easy to make the refrigerator cool because the area is outside the network.

    Youmma Brasil also played a role. A solar-powered refrigerator has been developed by a company. André Morriesen, research and development manager at Nidec Global Appliance, owner of Youmma, said that this refrigerator has many functions, of course, one of which is to keep products fresh.

    André Morriesen added that since Youmma was launched, around 80% of the proceeds from refrigerator sales have been used for small businesses.

  3. Name : Tresna febriani
    NIM : 191230170
    Class : TBI 3E

    UAE set to name mosque after Jokowi

    After changing the name of a main street in Abu Dhabi to “President Joko Widodo Street” on Monday, the United Arab Emirates announced a plan to build a mosque and name it after the Indonesian president.

    The Indonesian Embassy in Abu Dhabi broke the news on its official Twitter account on Tuesday.

    "Not only has [the UAE] named a street [after President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo], we'll soon see them building a mosque named President Joko Widodo Mosque,” the tweet said. “We asked for blessings and support from all Indonesian citizens.”

    The mosque will be located in Abu Dhabi’s diplomatic area.

    The embassy tweet revealed that the Abu Dhabi crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan had given the order for the street renaming and for the construction of the mosque to honor President Jokowi.

    2. Paraphrased writing (my version)

    One of street in the UAE ( United Arab Emirates ) named "Joko Widodo" the Indonesian president. After changing name of a main street the Indonesian embassy in Abu Dhabi gave news on his Twitter account that a mosque in UAE plan to build and named "Joko Widodo" ( the Indonesian president ).

    The crown prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan said that named street and mosque in UAE to honor president Jokowi Dodo.

  4. I suggest that you have to see my youtube channel, selnistia, to learn more practically about how to determine and to outline your essay. this topic haven't discussed yet about the paraphrase but still on the way of how you start your writing essay

  5. Name : Arli Salsabila
    Nim: 191230153

    " Technology "

    Technology is a product produced by the man with the benefit and usefulness to make people’s lives easier, more advanced, and modern. With the updates from time to time technology kept shows his prowess and sophistication that can be utilized by humans to support their daily activities as well as helping people to enhance work productivity.

    With the cutting edge technology of humans can benefit from the technology for a variety of things which is positive. As with any web technology, the sophistication of web technologies can be used to search for source of information online in just seconds. Kahadiran course web technologies can provide numerous conveniences for mankind in conducting a wide range of activities.

    Every individual is actually required to benefit from the technological sophistication for things to its build. Is an error and very unfortunate condition when the sophistication of the technology that‘s already remarkable like this now not put to best possible to support activities which are useful and provide benefits for the life of that person.

    The sophistication of the technology should be put to the greatest extent possible, because basically the technology itself was created to facilitate a wide range of activities or work of man.

    So an example of a brief article about the technology, it may be useful to you. This article is just an example, you can perform an adjustment to improve articles about the technology that you will write.

    The resources :

    2) Paraphrased writing (my version)

    " Technology "
    technology is a very sophisticated human-created product that can make all human life and activities easier.

    with technology that is increasingly sophisticated and developing, we as humans must use it with positive things. such as the existence of web technology which is very useful for all people, the existence of web technology is something that helps us more easily find information that we have never known before.

    In this day and age, we are required to be able to take advantage of the already extraordinary sophistication of technology with positive and constructive things, in order to make our lives as humans more advanced and modern.

    technological sophistication must be utilized as much as possible, because technology was created by humans and for humans to facilitate various kinds of human activities or jobs.

  6. Nama: Rifatul Muftiah
    Nim : 191230171 /TBI 3 E
    "Indonesia allocates $177m to support Islamic schools".

    The government has allocated Rp 2.6 trillion (US$177 million) to support pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) as part of the government’s broader efforts to revive an economy battered by the coronavirus pandemic. It allotted Rp 2.38 trillion in education funds for pesantren and madrasah (Islamic schools), Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati said. A total of Rp 211 billion was also prepared to help schools with online learning. For businesses created by santri (Islamic boarding school students), the government will provide funding through the micro credit program (KUR) and ultra-micro financing in state-owned banks. It will also provide incentives for teachers, ustad (Islamic teachers) and pesantren workers through social aid and infrastructure development. “We are hoping that the santri can use this access to financing to support their businesses and empower our economic capacity,” she told a discussion on Thursday. Vice President Ma'ruf Amin previously instructed his subordinates to help pesantren stay afloat by providing them financial assistance during the health and economic crisis. There are more than 28,000 pesantren in the country with 18 million santri, according to data from the Finance Ministry. “The government has allocated education funds for pesantren and other religious schools through the pesantren economic recovery program amid the COVID-19 pandemic,” Sri Mulyani said. “We are preparing this to help them embrace the new normal and help with their education operations.” Number of COVID-19 clusters at Islamic boarding schools. (JP/Swi) The program is part of the government’s Rp 695.2 trillion stimulus plan to revive the economy and strengthen the healthcare response to the pandemic, but critics say that slow disbursement has hindered the economic recovery. The government has spent 48.6 percent of the stimulus since the start of the outbreak in the country seven months ago. Speaking during the same discussion, Bank Indonesia Governor Perry Warjiyo said pesantren could help boost the country’s sharia economy. “We should push the role of pesantren as the center of education and economic activity so that they can be more resilient and play an active role in developing the sharia economy,” the central bank’s top official said.

    My version
    My version
    " Indonesia allocates $177m to support Islami schools"

    The country of Indonesia with the majority of Islam, much of a range of education-based Islam, So the government gives islamic schools assistance in the pandemic conditions. For learning to go on.

    For businesses created by santri (Islamic boarding school students), the government will provide funding through the micro credit program (KUR) and ultra-micro financing in state-owned banks.
    Vice President Ma'ruf Amin previously instructed his subordinates to help pesantren stay afloat by providing them financial assistance during the health and economic crisis.
    Governor Perry Warjiyo said pesantren could help boost the country’s sharia economy. “We should push the role of pesantren as the center of education and economic activity so that they can be more resilient and play an active role in developing the sharia economy.

  7. Nama: Talitha Zuleika
    Nim: 191230171/ TBI 3 E

    The former Saudi official's tweet expressing condolences over an activist's death seemed benign, but his mysterious disappearance soon afterwards highlighted what observers call the state's "digital authoritarianism".

    Abdulaziz al-Dukhail, who had served as deputy finance minister, went missing in April along with at least two other public intellectuals also believed to be in detention for their implied criticism of the state.

    In the following months, separate claims surfaced that a Twitter data breach by Saudi infiltrators in 2015 resulted in a wave of "enforced disappearances" of regime critics, many with anonymous accounts on the social media platform.

    The cases illustrate how Saudi Arabia, which accounts for the most Twitter users in the Arab world, has sought to harness the power of the platform to promote its ambitious reforms while also aggressively seeking to tame free expression.

    The three public figures dropped from view after expressing sympathy over the death of jailed activist Abdullah al-Hamid, according to family members and two campaign groups including the London-based ALQST.

    Hamid, a veteran activist, died after suffering a stroke in detention while serving an 11-year sentence, sparking a torrent of criticism from international campaigners.

    My version
    Saudi twitter users grapplen with 'digital' authoritarianism

    The former Saudi official's tweet showing condolences over an activist's death seemed benign, but his mysterious disappearance soon afterwards highlighted what observers call the state's "digital authoritarianism".

    Abdulaziz al-Dukhail, who had help as deputy finance minister, went missing in April along with at least two other public intellectuals also believed to be in detention for their implied criticism of the state.

    In the following months, separate claims surfaced that a Twitter data breach by Saudi infiltrators in 2015 resulted in a wave of "enforced disappearances" of regime critics, many with anonymous accounts on the social media.

    The cases illustrate how Saudi Arabia, which accounts for the most Twitter users in the Arab world, has sought to harness the power of the platform to promote its ambitious reforms while also aggressively seeking to tame free expression.

    The three public figures dropped from view after expressing sympathy over the death of jailed activist Abdullah al-Hamid, according to their families and two campaign groups including the London-based ALQST.

    Hamid, a veteran activist, died after suffering a stroke in detention while serving an 11-year sentence, sparking a torrent of criticism from international campaigners.

  8. Name : Lala Rosdiana
    NIM : 191230163

    The topic that I chose : Article

    ***Why do Students Dropout of School?

    Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%. There are many reasons for students leaving school :

    For two-thirds of the dropouts, motivation is the problem. They can’t just work hard enough. Almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that they could not catch up anymore. Many said that they were not prepared well enough in their earlier school. For a third of them getting a job was more important than finishing school.

    High school dropouts have more problems in society and in their future lives. They are more likely to be unemployed or live in poverty. There is also a big difference in income if you compare high school dropouts with graduates. According to data by the US Census Bureau, Americans with a bachelor’s degree earn about $ 50,000, those with a high school diploma about $28,000 and dropouts only about $ 20,000.

    Many pupils do not understand the implications of dropping out of school. They often demand better teachers, more lessons to catch up on subjects and more help with learning problems. Some schools have adapted to this situation. They offer evening classes or allow students to come back at a later age.

    Write its features :
    -Formal Vocabulary
    -Use of references
    -Impersonal Style
    -Long, Complex sentences

    Outline (List)
    --Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%
    --Motivation is the Problem
    --Americans with a bachelor's degree earn about $ 50,000, those with high school diploma about $ 28.000 and dropout dropouts only about $ 20,000.

    My version :

    ***Motivation is a problem for students who drop out of school

    Half of the top 50 universities in the world are in America. For example Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, Michigan State University, and Washington State University. after getting an interesting fact we were surprised by the dropout rate in that country.

    Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50% and Americans with a bachelor's degree earn about $ 50,000, those with high school diploma about $ 28,000 and dropout dropouts only about $ 20,000.

    There are many reasons why American students drop out, especially in high school. They can't just work hard enough. Almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that they could not catch up anymore. Many said that they were not prepared well enough in their earlier school.

    Getting a job was more important than finishing school. we can know that it is because of the students' wrong thinking.

    Motivation is the problem, goals and direction of motivation are needed by students in that country.

  9. Name : Iin Anis Setiawati
    NIM : 191230150

    The Topic : The Role and Correct Use Of the Masks During Pandemic

    Corona virus is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. The disease is called COVID-19. The Corona virus can cause minor disorders of the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and death. one of the prevention of this virus is by using a mask.
    but how to use the correct mask also needs to be considered, because an error in wearing or removing a mask will cause a big risk of contracting the corona virus.
    There are proper procedures for wearing and removing masks
    1. Before wearing a mask, wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol hand rub
    2. Cover nose and mouth with a mask
    3. Hold the mask when wearing it, if you touch it, wash your hands immediately
    4. Replace the mask with a new mask. Do not wear a disposable mask
    5. To remove the mask, remove it from behind, do not touch the front of the mask, then clean your hands with soap and water or an antiseptic.
    Therefore, the procedure for correct use of Masks should be used as part of a comprehensive action strategy to suppress transmission and save lives;

    Data resources of an essay : Website

  10. Name : Muhammad Ikhwan
    NIM : 191230156

    "The importance of protecting the environment”

    Plants, individuals, creatures and nature are association. Plants require a decent domain for developing, creatures need plants to eat, and human need everything to survive. Everything went as regular until the human who devastating it. Nobody of living things on the earth who can crushing it with the exception of the human.

    Globalization might as of now be well known to you . Globalization can quicken the rate of economy anyplace. Innovation created throughout the years turn into an apparatus that can without much of a stretch human works. Indeed, even to bolster it numerous new advances are conceived for instance a PC. Lamentably, the velocity of current mechanical change not took after by ensuring consciousness of encompassing environment. Monstrous oil penetrating brought on by the human vehicle is expanding alongside expanding human populaces from year to year. At long last, the waste delivered from the vehicles, get to be one of the fundamental variables dirtied air around us. A ton of natural harm that we regularly listen, for instance, a worldwide temperature alteration ,corrosive downpour, nursery impact, ecological contamination et cetera.

    The nursery impact created by extreme carbon dioxide gas and causes a dangerous atmospheric devation makes the earth more sultry. The following marvel is corrosive downpour, in spite of the fact that it can avoid an unnatural weather change however corrosive downpour is more perilous. people are the primary driver ! Begin From now we should keep our surroundings for our grandchildren one day later. since regardless of how little function you do, will be felt by our youngsters and grandchildren one day later.

    My Version

    "The importance of protecting the environment”

    As we already knew that creatures need each other. We as humans need other creatures like plants and animals to survive. Plants produce oxygen that humans and animals need to breathe, plants and animals is needed for human growth, because humans need edible food. However, this can be disrupted if the ecosystem on earth changes.

    Currently the earth has entered the era of globalization. Globalization is a process towards one world, where every country in the world collaborates more with other countries in order to benefit from each other. This is signed by the rapid progress in technology, which is a tool or facility that can facilitate humans. However, in addition to positive impacts, globalization also has a negative impact on the environment. For example, global warming, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, environmental pollution and so on.

    The greenhouse effect is caused by excess carbon dioxide gas that is present on the earth. The causes are industrial smoke, vehicle fumes that run on oil and fossil fuels and others, also damages in air pollution. Industrial waste is also one of the causes of pollution. The greenhouse effect also makes the earth's temperature warmer than usual. For this reason, we as humans must protect our environment, so that nature is clean and preserved.

  11. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim: 191230158

    Topic: "Lifestyle tips to stay healthy during the pandemic".

    COVID-19 has changed many of our daily routines in a way no one anticipated. Many of us are at home more to minimize exposure. Isolation and being at home can illicit the temptation to eat snacks high in sodium, junk food and low-quality meals that provide instant gratification for our taste buds rather than nutrient-dense whole foods that can also be delicious.

    We can do to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and routine while the world around us has adapted to limiting exposure to COVID-19:
    *Stay active: The gyms may not be open, however, there are lots of safe alternatives to getting physical activity.
    *Adequate sleep: Good sleep is essential to our overall health.
    *Self-care: Take time to take care of yourself. Be supportive and suggest the same for those close to you. Meditation, relaxation, quality time with family, personal care of yourself promotes overall wellness.
    *Healthcare maintenance: If you have medications prescribed for any condition, be sure to take them as directed by your provider.
    *Cope with stress and anxiety: Positively cope with stress and anxiety induced by new precautions we must all now take to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
    *Stay connected: Talking with loved ones while in isolation can help reduce the anxiety and instances of feeling down.

    My version
    Lifestyle tips to stay healthy during the pandemic is important. COVID-19 has changed many of our daily routines in a way no one anticipated. We can do to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and routine while the world around us has adapted to limiting exposure to COVID-19: Stay active, Adequate sleep, Self-care, Healthcare maintenance, Cope with stress and anxiety, Stay connected.

  12. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim: 191230158

    Topic: "Life style tips to stay healthy during the pandemic"

    COVID-19 has changed many of our daily routines in a way no one anticipated. Many of us are at home more to minimize exposure. Isolation and being at home can illicit the temptation to eat snacks high in sodium, junk food and low-quality meals that provide instant gratification for our taste buds rather than nutrient-dense whole foods that can also be delicious.

    We can do to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and routine while the world around us has adapted to limiting exposure to COVID-19:
    *Stay active: The gyms may not be open, however, there are lots of safe alternatives to getting physical activity.
    *Adequate sleep: Good sleep is essential to our overall health.
    *Self-care: Take time to take care of yourself. Be supportive and suggest the same for those close to you. Meditation, relaxation, quality time with family, personal care of yourself promotes overall wellness.
    *Healthcare maintenance: If you have medications prescribed for any condition, be sure to take them as directed by your provider.
    *Cope with stress and anxiety: Positively cope with stress and anxiety induced by new precautions we must all now take to combat the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
    *Stay connected: Talking with loved ones while in isolation can help reduce the anxiety and instances of feeling down.

    My version:
    Lifestyle tips to stay healthy during the pandemic is important. COVID-19 has changed many of our daily routines in a way no one anticipated. We can do to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle and routine while the world around us has adapted to limiting exposure to COVID-19: Stay active, Adequate sleep, Self-care, Healthcare maintenance, Cope with stress and anxiety, Stay connected.
