Friday 16 October 2020



Instructional design:

The students have to know about the scope of English materials including their types and development. Then, the student could implement this topic in their real work practices. 


The introduction of English material types and their development based on theories and research


written discussion through PPT


The topic consists of English materials types and their development. before discussing about the types of materials, students should know about what the English material itself. This definition will determine the scope of English materials. There are some types of English materials being used in classroom situation. But, the teacher recently has to modify his way of teaching in the blended situation. This topic also describe about the principles how to develop materials and its history that now becoming an acamic study than only teaching practical. To learn more about this topic briefly, you could open this PPT and do practices on this field. 

1 comment:

  1. Rahmania aulia purwagunifa/TBI 5 D/181230136 Materials Development and Research (Making the Connection)
    Jack C. Richard
    Paper presented at a colloquium on research and materials development, at the TESOL Convention, San Antonio, March 2005.

    Developing materials in listening,speaking,reading,or writing will influence on material design,it important to specify the purpose and scope in material. Definitely teacher should understand about the condition and capability of their student. The beginning for Material developer focuses on writing modes, i.e. the organizational modes underlying paragraphs and essays, such as definition, comparison contrast, classification, or cause-effect. For listening course the materials developer would need to clarify his or her understanding of the nature of listening. Is it viewed largely as a process of decoding input? Is it viewed in terms of the mastery of discrete listening skills and sub skills? Or it is seen as a blend of top-down and bottom up processing? For a speaking course likewise a starting point is selecting an appropriate theory or model of the nature of oral interaction. Will it be based on a model of communicative competence and seek to address grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence and strategic competence? In the case of reading materials there are a large number of corpus studies that can provide relevant information. In developing the series strategic Reading for example( a three level reading series) one issue was the vocabulary level of the reading texts. The primary relevance of language and language learning research to materials development is through its application to syllabus design issues and as a source for instructional principles that can inform the design of instructional materials.
