Wednesday 21 October 2020



Instructional design:

Students could identify and use Perfect and Perfect Continuous tense in their real life situation either in spoken or written text and context


Teacher explains the materials through PPT and this blog as the written communicative approach and task-based approach by giving the students exercise to practice this topic


This topic consists of the scope, formulas and the examples of perfect and perfect continuous tense and their uses in present or past time. Both tenses relate to present and past that impact on their meanings. The verb signal of perfect is have/has/ had + past participle and the pattern of has/have/ had + been + V-ing is used for perfect continuous tense. These patterns refer to different context of use and varied meanings of text. Therefore, the formulas of tenses could represent what people's ideas and actions. They use different patterns for different purposes and situations. You could learn and practice more about this topic by opening this PPT.


  1. Name : Ahmad Fadli Robby
    NIM : 191230069

    I had bad things yesterday. During this pandemic, all activities have been carried out online. all activities become difficult. I made a mistake helping my mother work. my mother works as a cake maker. At that time, my mother asked for help to order ingredients at the olshop. even though my mother has explained in detail about what to buy but because of the bad signal, I got into trouble because when the order notification did not appear. So, finally I pressed the button 5 times until finally the purchase notification appeared. without realizing it, I had made the mistake of ordering too much. my mother had warned me not to hurry. the result is my mother is still angry with me until now. how a bad day...

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  3. Name : Eva aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class : TBI 3A

    At the end of first semesters a go, my class was conduting tours to batu saung beach, we decided to go to beach by renting a bus, that day was very enjoying for us because we went together to relieved our fatigue after we had a final exams. Batu saung beach tour had been starting at 8 am in the morning, our trip to the beach had been spending 2 hours on the way. There are so many stories and also experience which we had there. We sang all the time a long our way till the two hours did not seem long for us. Instead we felt the time had passing so quikly.After it was enough my friend and i swam in the seashore and took same photos to capture the holiday moment. At 4 pm we packed all the luggage and got ready to go home. And we have plan in the second semester is to go for a walk to the mountains after finishing the final exam, we use this path to enjoy the natural scenery from a height and to breathe fresh air, soothe the soul and mind.

  4. Nurul Alfiah
    191230031 - TBI 3A

    I have spent a lot of my time with futile activities. I have been having a lot of activities since I entered university. I have messed things up by not managing my time. Not only that, I even lost my rest for quite a while. all due to improper timing. everything has become chaotic, when I have done one task while the task that has been waiting for me to do.

  5. Name : Didi Hudaya
    NIM : 191230034

    I had been playing football since I child. After school, I always played football with my friends, although the season is rainy and dry. But never lost our spirit to play football. I had been getting the dream to be a football player since I child, like Christiano Ronaldo. Everyone know about Chirstiano Renaldo. He is one of best football player in the world. He is very good to take a goal, moreover he is good at free kick. When I met with my friends, We played football. We never forgot it, because we love to play football.

  6. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class :TBI 3A

    Welcome to my daily activities!

    today I woke up at 5 am, as usual I immediately took a shower and gave home. Because of this pandemic all activities are carried out at home. I have been doing the same activity during this pandemic. But that's okay, it makes me more creative. but I also feel annoyed because when I was studying online I was constrained by the signal.
    Today is October 20, 2020, and tomorrow it is my sister's birthday. I want to give him a surprise. I will ask the others to help prepare for the birthday party. I'm going to make a cake, and buy some properties to decorate the house.

  7. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004

    I will tell you about my activities today.
    Today I woke up late when my younger brother had already gone to school.
    In this morning i have swept all the rooms in my house. And I've washed some clothes. And I have helped mother cook this morning, to prepare food.
    Apart from doing homework, I have to do my online business. After helping mom, this morning I've been packing some of the products that will be shipped this afternoon after I finished studying online.
    That's my activity this morning. After dzuhur I stay in my room to study online.

  8. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM : 191230017

    This is about my youger brother, arul.
    Arul has been living in cilegon.He is a primary school student, he has imagined hisself as a professional football player.he has told me about his dreams many times.he has been imagining since he child.Who has inspired him to be a professional football player?.Yups, a great professional football player named cristiano ronaldo has been his favourite professional player.Arul has always playing football with his friends.Arul and friends have been playing football recently.Sometimes they have attended football competitions.Arul and friends have won five football competitions this year.They all want to be a great professional football players.

    1. I have been studying at islami university of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten for almost 1 year , and i have been living in Banten for 20 years , Usually in a normally I always go to campus with my friends , but when Pandemi we cannot meet at university but we meet at zoom or google meet . My friends told to me about a situation in Pandemi , thats we feel same , we bored to do study at home , we want be normally again .

  9. Name : Firdha Laila Ramadhanti
    Nim : 191230060
    Class : TBI 3B
    I have been studying at islami university of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten for almost 1 year , and i have been living in Banten for 20 years , Usually in a normally I always go to campus with my friends , but when Pandemi we cannot meet at university but we meet at zoom or google meet . My friends told to me about a situation in Pandemi , thats we feel same , we bored to do study at home , we want be normally again .

  10. Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033
    Class : TBI 3A

    I had stayed on boarding school before I moved to campus. So I've been studying English for seven years. Because I had studied a little English there. In the past, I really likes English things. Up to now, I've taken majoring in English at UIN SMH Banten. But durung this pandemic, My classmate and I'd got trouble for studied. Because everything ia done with an online system. I've been touching my phone or my laptop for half a day to learn either by zoom meeting, or otherwise.

  11. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI A

    I have studied english for 11 years, so i want to be a teacher in the future, I had been following toefl in my senior high school, I like english language cause I like the song in english, I have been studying english with sung, and I enjoyed it, i can study while listening to music

  12. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    Nim : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A

    I had arriving in the city of Kediri yesterday afternoon, city of Kediri famous for Inggris village. I hve been visiting to this city to learn English. I chose the SEED institution in this Inggris village because in the institution is taught starting from scratch. I have studied grammar, speaking and pronunciation. Every night I had looked new people in my study, I made a lot of new friends and I love living here because not only of learning but also of making many new friends.

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  14. Name : Fahmi Amirudin
    Nim : 191230026
    Class: TBI 3A

    I have lived in Serang. I have moved into a new house and I have working hard all morning. I have been trying to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand books, to make matter worse. The room is rather small. So I have temporality put my book on the floor. At the moment, the cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room. I have a younger sister, she has been crying for 2 hours because she has lost her pet. She has been home schooled for 3 years.

  15. Nama : Rana salwa.
    Kelas : TBI 3A.
    NIM : 191230032.

    I have visited at the zoo this morning. My sister had slept Along the way. After arriving i See the animals eating and bathed by their zookepper. The food was given differently. Tigers eat meat, penguin eat fish, bird eat whole grains. My sister always laugh and jump for Joy .Watching the parrot attractions, the dolphins playing ball really wash the eyes. But unfortunately since the pandemic,family can't walk the way to the zoo anymore.
    I have been cooking since last night , because prepare comming back from the road.So as not to starve when you get home.

  16. Name : annisa husnul khotimah
    Nim : 191230035
    tomorrow is my lil brither’s birthday. His name is Syukron. I want to give him a special gift. I have talked to my parents to give him little supprise. They have helped me to prepare the little supprise. We have discussed it since One week ago.
    I have wrapped my gift for him. I hope he will like it. I think, he will very love this so much.
    My mother has been sitting at the dinning room, she has been preparing the foods for the supprise. My father also have been helping my mother to preparing everything

    NIM. : 191230007
    Class: TBI 3A

    I have been planning so many campus organizations ( ex : Scouts), but in the midst of a pandemic like this there are many activities that can be eradicated, hampered by the pandemic. Until finally everything is converted into online activities.
    Many activities have been carried out, and there are still activities that have not been carried out.
    I need to be better at coordinating this activity. Even so, it does not reduce my enthusiasm and the team, to remain optimistic in carrying out several activities, I hope, I hope this pandemic will be over soon, and all activities can run as usual.

  18. Name : M. Ibrahim Al Adhim
    Klas : TBI 3A
    Nim : 191230020

    This is about my friend, her name is fela.

    Today, fela is visiting her grandparents. She loves cooking with her grandmother. Her grandma usually teaches her how to cook delicious dishes. At this moment, fela is learning how to make tasty chicken soup.

    Fela is helping to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. She is also writing her grandmother’s recipe. She plans to make chicken soup at home next Monday. She is making the chicken soup for her mother. Next Monday is her mother’s birthday.

    An hour later, fela and grandparents have finished eating chicken soup. Now, Chiya is listening to her grandfather’s story. Fela also loves listening to her grandpa’s story.

    Her gandpa has many stories about life, joke, culture and many more. .

  19. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A

    During the online class in this pandemic. I've felt many lecturers give the duty to student. Since the first online meeting class always getting some problem from attandance list or elearnig system from faculty and there some lecturers want changing the schedule. And i hope this pandemic will be gone. So, we can studying offline in the class

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  22. Name Suherni
    Nim 191230002

    During this pandemic, i have been feeling the study from home have not been effective for me.Even more so many distractions like bad celullar network, and then the Internet quota isn't enough. This situations will defferent if we are goes to campus.

    I have been missing the old condition when the corona virus are not exist. I had felt happy, because i had studied in campus and then i had met my friends. It is not had been happening again for now.
    I have missed my classmate.

  23. Name : Novita Maharani
    Nim : 191230062
    Class : TBI 3B

    I have been teaching at Home to home as a private teacher . My student is one of them is brayn's name.brayn has been class two In elementary school, He's a good student.But he's also very naughty. But I have been admitting him, he has told me about his dream to be Teacher and Speakers. I have been supporting him. And my dream, may God It gives me patience to keep guiding him

  24. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi
    Kelas : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230059

    I am the third of three children, yes, I am the last child. I have two older brothers. They say that the last child is the most spoiled, his wishes are always obeyed. I think that's wrong, maybe a fact for some people, but not for me. I was born from a well-off family, neither lacking nor rich, but my parents always taught that if we want something, try. Something that is obtained with difficulty will always look valuable, stored and guarded properly, get it for free or capital to nag our parents so we will be indifferent to these items. Yes, it is. So the last child was happy and grieved a lot. The joy is feeling the most loved by parents, the grief is always being lonely, as known as loneliness because parents are always busy working. Meanwhile, my two brothers has been marriage and live separately. Every day I pass by alone. Believe it or not it since grade 5 elementary school I have been left at home alone without a nanny by my parents, I am grateful that I have always been fine until now. It doesn't matter , as long as my parents are happy, they make a living for me anyway. One thing to know, I love my parents so much. That’s all

  25. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM :191230017

    I have been living in cilegon for all my life.I have a bestfriend, her named is erlin.She has been living in cilegon also.I have been his bestfriend for 9 years.I usually visit her house and so did she.We already know each other and i have told her anything about me and she also told me anything about her.I'm grateful to have a loyal bestfriend with me through high and low.

  26. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    191230025 - TBI 3 A ( IEG )

    This pandemic has left many sectors of sector paralyzed. Specifically the economy. People who have businesses are affected. My friends and I have seen dozens of small merchants, especially in our area, where customers are deserted. And the seller, on average, is no longer young. We decided to perform extensive social services as a result of the pandemic. We have been making donations since the beginning of may and ended before the end of may, we have collected a sizable and well-met donation. And we have already bought the bare essentials of the donation. We have bought rice, eggs, instant noodles, oil, sugar, and tea. My friends and I have given the basics to the affected little traders. They seemed pleased and thanked the donors. Finally, we have completed this dedicatory activity. My friends and I are happy to play a part in helping our fellow benefactors who willingly help others.

  27. Assalamu’alaikum Mrs
    Name : Liyanti
    NIM : 191230027
    Class : 3A
    Subject : IEG
    Since the pandemic, at this time of year the conditions are far different from last year. Of course it was. This morning. I've been waiting for an hour. Waiting for class schedules through e-learning. It was much different than usual, usually we learned face to face. But, right now. All students learn with e-learning. But that never made us give up and never stops to learn. Then, my activity in the morning. I've been teaching a student in the private class. Just now, I watched the name of Channel Rachel’s English youtube . She has been America. Finally, my mom arrived at home, when I was watching youtube. And my daily activities I like to speak in my own English at home, sometimes in my room, and some time in my living room and anywhere without a partner for communication. It's crazy, but I'm happy to do it. Hehe

  28. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    I have been studying at home for one semester. You know, i feeling so bored because i haven't meet friends at campus.

    But sometimes, i hang out with friends for refresh self. One of my friends, she has take me to cooking at her home. I and her have been making a soft cake at three days ago. And then after that, i eating the cake together with my friend.

  29. Name: sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    NIM: 191230001
    Class: TBI 3A

    I have been staying at home since the corona virus spreads in Indonesia. all teaching and learning activities now use an online system, various impacts have begun to arise due to the implementation of large-scale social eradication (PSBB). many large, medium, and small entrepreneurs are affected. even when Indonesia was experiencing an economic crisis due to a pandemic, the government issued a new policy called the RUU omnibuslaw which caused chaos everywhere. Is this country will getting better? have i done my best?

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  31. Nama : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Class :TBI 3A

    Last week I finished the film that I watched, I think the film has presented a very interesting picture, and I who watched it was carried away by the circumstances in the film, the film has managed to make me feel emotional and make me curious and want to finish it soon that film.

  32. Name Asha febriyanti
    Nim 191230021
    Class TBI 3A

    since the rainy season
    my sister has now soaking wet because she bought the fruit this morning and it had raining that morning too.
    my sister has now soaking wet because she bought the fruit this morning and it had raining that morning too.
    She had felt angry because her clothes were wet.
    sister always soaking wet because the rain. and when my sister is soaking wet from the rain, I always give her a towel and warm tea for her. And now my sister has bring an umbrella always.

  33. Name : Sekar Ayu Asari
    Class : Tbi 3A
    Nim : 191230016

    I Will tell you about my activities today.
    Every morning i have cleaning the room, i always do a little exercise at home, to always take care of my health.
    After that i help my mother cook in the kitchen, before lunch we had already cooking.
    Usually in the afternoon i have been reading a novel for an hour, after that i had been cleaning all the rooms in the house.

  34. Name:Fitri
    Nim :191230070
    Class:TBI 3B

    Seeing the current conditions, lecturing activities are also carried out online. So, I have been more time than usual during my studies. Usually because of my busy schedule and busy campus organizations, I have been rareling time to develop myself. However, now that I have been more free time, I have been taking advantage of that time to do things I love, like reading books. So, at home I have been coulding not lie down completely and lazy because I had been helping my mother complete the housework. such as washing clothes, mopping, and cooking.

  35. Naufa auliyatul faizah

    GO to lofty mountains
    At the end of second semesters a go, my group was conducting tours to lofty mountains. We decided to go to lofty mountains by a car, that day was very enjoying holiday for us because we went together to relieved our fatigue after we had a final exams. Lafty mountains tour had been starting at 8 am in the morningmorning, our trip to the mountain had been standing time 4 hours on the way.on the way we had been buying camp equipment, we had been staying overnight in tents.we had been going home the next day with fresher minds and hearts, we love nature.

  36. Name: Annisa Febriyani
    NIM: 191230006
    Class: TBI 3A

    I have always visited Yogyakarta every year. Because that's where my parents come from. I have explored many places in there. Going around village has been my favorite activity, cause the village have a great view and clean air. It has been a long time since my family and I visited there because of the Covid-19 pandemic which has been going on since 7 months ago. I really miss and can't wait to come back to visit there.

  37. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Nim : 191230010
    Class : TBI 3A

    Since all the activities doing at home because this pandemic. I have been trying to do something new to refresh my activites even though just at home. Last semester was my first experience to study online and i had been feeling confusing. I hope next semester i can go to the campus and learning as usually before this pandemic existed. But the truth i have study from home untill this semester ends. That’s why i try to sell food while studying. Ya, i have been selling food the name is badas (baso pedas) with my friends. We have been starting since July and it’s still around today. Since at home i feel that my allowance is reduced that’s why i want to have my own money. Althought not much, i think this is very helpful. After i had finished my study so i can go to sell the food with my friends.

  38. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Nim: 191230022
    Class: Tbi 3A

    I had a great Sunday. Before the pandemic I went to a movie with my friends to watch, after the movie was finished, we went shopping and went to the Timezone, because we were all hungry we decided to visit a nearby restaurant. While waiting for the meal to be served we playing a simple game of deciding who would pay for the meal we ordered. I basically spent my time all day with my friends on that day.

  39. Name : Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    NIM : 191230054
    TBI 3B

    My days have been so boring these days. I should have been studying at college and hanging out with my friends. My daily routine as now is helping my mom's jobs and keeping my little brother who is still 2 years old. I want this pandemic end as soon as possible because we can't do the activities that we used to do. Even though there's a "new normal" thing, but still, this pandemic didn't let us do what we always use to.

    1. turn on your life in pandemic situation by practicing ENglish for presenting your ideas and activities

  40. Name : Nur Isnaeniah
    Nim :191230044
    TBI 3B

    Today, I woke up late because yesterday I had a fever. I didn't get enough sleep, I started early as usual breakfast, washing dishes and sweeping. And during the day I had been following my usual lecture schedule, although in poor health, as usual I began my studies preparing my laptop for learning to go through zoom, I had been listening discussions from other groups recording important points they presented. And during this time of the pandemic, my activity, I had been trying to complete the independent tasks as well as the group and write down all the college materials that I had studied.

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  42. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    Class : TBI 3 A

    Big Surprise

    In the Night of pandemic , After returning from online school I went to the food stall to buy food that I would take home. Without a second thought, I hurried straight to the food stall. When *I have arrived* at the restaurant, someone *has called* my name, I glanced for it, and it turned out to be Joseph, an old friend. By purposely, *he has been waiting* for me from two hours ago at the diner. He has taken me to dinner but before it, I have afraid cause He has invited me to eat in Pandemic situation. But, He has been preparing a big surprise for me from a few months ago. And that night, I had been given a ring as my birthday present on October 22nd.

  43. Name: Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Class:TBI 3B

    It is 7 past 30 am and my family is in our kitchen. My mom is sitting. At the breakfast table. He had read the morning paper. My father poured you a cup of coffee. He drinks two cups of coffee every morning before leaving for work. and I am preparing to study and have been waiting for online classes.

  44. Name : fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nime. : 191230068
    Class.: TBI 3B

    Since the pandemic, at this time of year the conditions are far different from last year. Of course it was. This morning. I've been waiting for an hour. Waiting for class schedules through e-learning. It was much different than usual, usually we learned face to face. But, right now. All students learn with e-learning. But that never made us give up and never stops to learn.

  45. Name: Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    NIM: 191230058
    Class: TBI - 3B

    Friends, in this pandemic period I did various activities just at home, but it didn't take the spirit for my days. I will tell you how my activities are at home, starting from waking up, I have cleaned the house and wash clothes. Besides that, I have helped my mother to look after my little sister. I have a beautiful little sister, her name is Yasmine. She was only four years old, Yasmine was a cheerful child and was always active. She is smart in talking, her hobby is singing. Entering the afternoon time, noon is time to start the lecture. In this pandemic period, I have been studying online, the campus was still closed and had not implemented face to face learning activities. Even though everything is all online, I have to keep up enthusiastic and grateful, because outside there are still many people who are very difficult and lacking especially in this pandemic period. When night falls, I had been gathering with my family for dinner and tell stories or talk about something that happened that day. Everything that happens has been outlined by God, the most important thing now is how we can defend and pray to always be protected by God anywhere and at anytime.

  46. Name : Sitii Fatimatuzzahra
    NIM : 191230081
    Class : TBI - 3C

    I had been studying at sultan maulana hasanudin Islamic university for one year and six months. This year for several months I have been studying at home because there is pandemic, but yesterday I have been from Serang with my friends, came to my university for take a card that given by government. Thanks you!

    1. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah

      In the current pandemic situation I am doing online learning activities and it doesn't feel like I have entered the 3rd semester of this lecture. I have many tasks to do besides studying, I have to clean the house, help mothers in stalls, and look after my younger siblings, but because of the pandemic all my family can gather at home and I am very happy. When I feel tired and bored I ask for motivation from my brother and my parents. During online lectures I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience that is different from usual.

  47. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    The country of Indonesia has been hit by a pandemic for 9 months. It made me stay at home more often than outside. The pandemic has made me feel so bored. During the pandemic, I have been doing a lot of activities. I have helped my older sister with exam questions and RPS. At first I was very happy, but finally I felt so tired from staring at the laptop screen for too long. Not only that, I have cleaned my room so it looks tidier than usual. I have done a lot of English exercises in the application to improve my ability to learn English. I have been learning to cook for a long time. But since the pandemic, I have retrained my skills in cooking. I understand that I have grown up and I have to be able to do a lot more things, especially positive things. I have learned many lessons from this pandemic. Due to the pandemic, I have become closer to my family more often, maintain good immunity, and don't touch things carelessly. I hope Indonesia will be free from the pandemic soon, hopefully it will come true.

  48. Name : Ani nuraeni silfani
    Nim : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B

    I had been spending all my time during this pandemic at home. I do anything via online. For this time, I had been studying via online too, usually using zoom, google meet, google classroom, and another application.
    But, sometimes I had been bored because of this pandemic. I couldn't traveling with my friends, because this virus spread to all countries in the world. And I could just stay at home. I wish that everything will be normal as soon as possible :)

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  52. Siti Masitoh

    During this Pandemic, spending time reading books is fun. But sometimes it can be boring too, I've been finishing reading some short stories on Wattpad. And since this pandemic, I have been writing fiction stories on the Wattpad and Blog. I like writing, but sometimes I feel lazy to continue writing stories. Finally, I've just finished writing stories. The challenge for a writer is time, because a good writer is able to take the time to write a story. And also a writer is a reader, therefore I need a lot of reading to write.

  53. Name: Nurul Kholifah
    Nim: 191230100
    Class: TBI 3 C

    Today, I am visiting my grandparents. I love cooking with my grandmother. My grandma usually teaches her how to cook delicious dishes. At this moment, I learning how to make tasty chicken soup.
    I am helping to cut some onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. I am also writing my grandmother’s recipe. I planning to make chicken soup at home next Monday. I am making the chicken soup for her mother. Next Monday is my mother’s birthday.

    An hour later, grandparent's and I have finished eating chicken soup. Now, I am listening to my grandfather’s story. I also love listening to my grandpa’s story.

    My gandpa has many stories about life, joke, culture and many more. Now, I am with grandmother are listening to one story of The Arabian Nights (1001 nights). We're enjoying the story together.

  54. Name: Maftuhah
    Nim: 191230091
    Class: TBI 3C

    During the pandemic I spent the semester breaks by staying at home, for 3 months I did a lot of activities at home, such as helping clean the house, cooking, and playing with my nieces and nephews. And in October this semester break ended and I began to actively study again. However, because the pandemic period has not yet ended and in order to adhere to health protocols, lecture activities are carried out virtually. I really hope that this pandemic will end soon and lecture activities can be carried out as usual.

  55. Name : Tb Raihan Ali Rizkie
    NIM : 191230102
    Class : Tbi 3C

    So , 2 months ago im sick , my head is aching , my body is weak, i was panic because i think i got the virus , but when i go to doctor to check my condition , thank god im okay , im just having a Normal fever , but when i go to doctor , people always avoid me , because they think i got the virus , i always sneeze and cough when im waiting on the receptionist , after that , i go home and take a rest for 2 days , not doing anything on my bed , just eat and drink a medicine for the past 3 days , and after take a long rest , i finaly feel good again like normal .

  56. Name: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    Class: TBI 3C
    in this situation we are not able to do many activities outside the home. at home, I have been doing housework to help my mother every day. besides that, i have been teaching my sister during school from home. during that, i feel bored. so, i doing some activity for get rid of boredom like watching movie or drama, listening music, reading book, and doing exercise. sometimes, my family take us on vacation to beach or shopping center.

  57. Name :Hena Hopipah
    NIM :191230105

    I've been staying for a long time at home, maybe since February, and it's very boring for me. So I've been praying that I can do activities as usual before the corona pandemic. I want to study offline because study online makes my eyes hurt sometimes, from staring at my phone for too long. Besides that I also ran out of money, because my parents have stopped to give some money for me. Poor me, even so i am still grateful.

  58. Rini sri wahyuni
    Tbi 3c

    I have learned to play a musical instrument since I was in elementary school,
    My father bought this musical instrument when I was in 3rd grade, every afternoon my twin and I took music lessons so I could play piano music.
    After I was finally selected I was selected to appear in several events, such as class farewell events, events commemorating independence day, and so on.
    our in playing music did not only go to elementary school when stepping on junior high school, I also took part in the marching band extracurricular activity and played trumpets which was really fun for us to reach high school. We also still like to play occasional musical instruments whether it's the guitar or the piano has been accommodated since graduating from high school in the end because of our busy life in college, we rarely play musical instruments as often as middle school and high school students

  59. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salsabilah
    Nim : 191230086
    Class : TBI 3c

    my family and i have lived in Tangerang since 2007. we moved from Jakarta, when in Jakarta we lived with our grandmother. I thought Tangerang was the same crowded city as Jakarta. but it turns out that in Tangerang there are still many rice fields and gardens.
    I went to elementary school there, met new friends and have new experiences. After graduating from elementary school, I have continued my education for 6 years in Bogor. After graduating, I have chose to live far from my parents, and I happened to be accepted at a public university in Banten, where I have lived in a dormitory. So, while living in Tangerang I only felt 6 years of living there, the rest I left to study.

    TBI 3C

    "My Semester Holidays"
    Last semester I've not been going anywhere, I'd just stayed at home, because as we've knew there is a corona pandemic, and the government had instructed people to maintain social distancing and stay at home. Therefore, I spend my holidays just at my home. holiday at home is so boring, every day I have to do household chores such as washing the dishes, do the laundry, cooking, sweeping and mopping and it's so annoying for me. if i don't do it all, i'll definitely get scolded by my mom.

    although a lot of work I did, I also have free time to relax, if I have free time, I use it by watching YouTube, listening the music and singing out loud. It's so fun, isn't it? when you at night have a cup of coffee while you watching a movie. it's all my way to getting rid of tiredness and boredom, and I feel better with it.

    Every morning I do the laundry and i dry it all and i clean the house, sweep the floors and mop it. when Dzuhur arrive I take a break, after that I have lunch while watching YouTube. In the afternoon I had to do the dishes and heat the water to make a cup of coffee for my dad. It didn't stop there, every night I'd used to massage my mom until she fell asleep. i usually massage her for about an hour. When my mom fell asleep, I'd finally able to sleep too. Yeah, that's all my activities at home during the holiday semester. I hope that the corona will soon disappear from this earth. Amen...

  61. Nama : Shinta Awaliatus Sa'adah
    Nim : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3 B

    I have stayed at home because of this pandemic. All the teachings and learning I have been learning through the online method, such as wa, zoom, google classroom, etc. But lately, I often go outside of the house but not far away. So many events I have done, every thing. For example: I have borrowed books from my friend to do task, we have promised to meet at his home. So, I've arrived at my friend's house and I sat there since morning. But he has forgotten that the book is not there yet. Hmm, I'm sad there. But, then, I have gone to my uncle's house, and he has given me money and he has borrowed me a book. I have been borrowing my uncle's book since I went to my friend's house.

  62. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    NIM : 191230078
    Class : TBI 3 C

    On The October 2017, I went to Bali with my friends. We took a plane there. As soon as we got there, I decided to go to the beach. While I was swimming, a saw a big wave that was coming right to me, so I ran quickly back to the hotel. The next day, I couldn't go swimming. so We went to a beautiful temple and while We were eating our lunch, my friend was playing with a bunch of monkeys. Those vacations were amazing! It was very fun and amazing being in Bali.

  63. Nama : Erna Herawati
    Nim : 191230103
    Kelas : TBI 3c

    Today, I visited my grandparents. i like to cook with grandma. My grandmother used to teach me how to cook good dishes. I'm currently learning how to make good chicken soup.
    I help cut onions, chilies, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. I also write grandma's recipe. I'm planning to make chicken soup at home next Monday. I will make chicken soup for mom and family at home.

  64. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096

    My Interesting Holiday

    I had been spending my holidays with my family. We had been going to join one adventure holiday in Bali with my cousins and other teenagers. Here are the arrangements. It’s had camped holiday for two weeks in Bali. I had been leaving on Sunday, July 30. Then, I had been going home on Sunday, August 13. On the first day, we had put on backpacks then hiking to Mount Batur. It is the second highest point of Bali with 1.717 meters above sea level. We had set up our tents at 1.500 meters. Then we had enjoyed stunning sunset at peak of the mount.
    Next day, we had been going down and enjoying beautiful view with amazing sunrise. Finally, we had visited Batur Natural Hot Spring to relax and recharged our mind at the natural hot spring. Then, the organizers had provided other adventure activities like paint battles, flying fox, trekking through forest and being close to nature. On other days, we had been meeting a Balinese family. We had helped them to plant fruit and vegetables. They said the locals are kind and friendly.
    After enjoying nature in a week, we had swum in Tanjung Benoa Beach. Yay, finally we had been going to the beach. They had provided many water activities and we had joined four water activities; they are Parasailing Adventure, Jet Ski, Banana Boat, and Diving. Our experience and knowledge about life under water will be upgraded soon.
    On the next day, we had learned about Balinese culture. We had visited some temples and interacted with Balinese people. The culture is one of the big reasons why tourists love visiting Bali. I’m very excited and can’t wait to be there soon.

  65. Name: ila karmelia 191230087
    Class: TBI 3C

    In this pandemic, my family and I do not travel anywhere, because at this time we all are required not to travel, such as hanging out, eating out, on vacation, and we have to obey it, we must maintain health while at home, as long as the pandemic continues I have been doing activities such as helping mom , father, brother, to do what I can, because my college at that time was through online lectures so I could help my family too

  66. Nama: Nurmala Putri
    NIM: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3 C

    During this pandemic, i have stayed at home but i have felt so bored yesterday. So i went to my sister's house to visit her because i missed her and also i didn't forget to take care of myself and obey health protocol. when i have arrived there, i talked to my sister and discussed about my learning problems during this pandemic. i have been feeling so happy to met her

    TBI 3C

    Boring day
    That the word that i feel so much in this pandemic. I do really want to having the busiest activity in along day like i used to do. I have been watching tv, that's boring. Taking some exercise to keep healthy, i have done. It's just like nothing i can do.
    However, my sister's been advising me to try something new like do everything that needed to get what i want to be. Wanna be entrepreneur? Just trying to sell something maybe make up and kind of. Wanna be english teacher? So just try to having speaking exercise to get fluent in english. If you've done all those things you can make your day better.
    So start today i will get ready for the new day version by me and also i've been preparing all those fun things that i need and want to do.

  68. Name : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Class : TBI 3C

    this is about my friend, balqis . She is a University student. She has always imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times. It’s been her dream since elementary school.
    Who has inspired her to be a musician? A great singer named Taylor Swift has been her favorite singer. Balqis has always listened to Taylor Swift’s songs many times in a day. She loves the song entitled “blank space” by Taylor Swift.
    Balqis has also learned how to play a guitar for a year. She has made one Youtube channel since 2018. She has covered many songs and uploaded in her channel. Many viewers have written positive comments about her covers.
    Sometimes Balqis has music performances with her friends. Balqis and her friends have just done a music performance this month. They are also great players. They have won five music competitions this year. They all want to be great musicians.

  69. Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3C
    Course : IEG

    "The Start of My Hobby"

    I have studied for more than 1 year at Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Islamic State University Banten. Previously, I studied at the Darussalam Pipitan Islamic Boarding School. There, I got a lot of life lessons, both related to the world and the hereafter. One of them is about how important it is to read books. At first, I was not the type of person who liked reading books, but because there was one teacher who explained how important and useful reading was, also because of the assignment he gave, namely reading at least 1 book a week, like it or not I have to do it.

    Several weeks passed, although hard, I finally got used to reading, in fact, I have liked the activity. I have read more than 80 books while there. Maybe not much but, that's the beginning of my penchant for reading books.

    Even during this pandemic, I have finished several books. although there are also books that I haven't read to the end.

  70. Name : Wardah Makhrofatul Jannah
    N.i.m : 191230097
    Class : TBI 3-C

    I have been studying past perfect continous tense when i was in Senior Higjt School. English teacher in my school always give her student exercise after her give a theory. So, i understand a little about this material

  71. Name : Siti Azizah
    Nim : 191230082
    Class : TBI 3C
    Course : IEG

    My brother's birthday...

    Today is 22 october and tomorrow is my brother's birthday, his name is Andriansyah i want to give him a suprise . I have talked to some of his friends, they have helped me to prepare a suprising party.
    We have discussed it since August .
    We are going to celebrate my brother's birthday in our house, our parent hav also agreed it the house has been decorated by us.
    What about the Brithday present? No worries i have prepared it too, she loves art very much i have Made a painting for him, i hope he will like it, but i havent wrapped the painting because it hasn't dried yet.
    Have you ever celebrated someone's birthday...


  72. Name : dinda salsabila aghnia
    TBI 3 C

    Play with my brother

    Gilang has been living in Tangerang for all his life. He has a book. He has had that books for three months. Now, he wants to read. Gilang reads book in a room. Gilang has a younger sister, her name is Dinda. Dinda has been living in Tangerang since 2015.

    Our mother is already cooked and father is taking a bath. Dinda really wants to play with gilang, then I called gilang and asked, do you want to play with me?

    Gilang answers, “Ok. Come here. I have finished reading a good book and I am watching TV with mom.”

    Gilang and dinda play together. After hours, gilang asks dinda, “Have you eaten already?”
    Dinda replies, “No, I haven’t. I am hungry.”

    At last, we go to kitchen for eating. Gilang does not like chicken. He eats vegetables. Dinda eats chicken but she does not like vegetables. They do not like eggs.

    TBI 3C

    During this pandemic, I have been spending time at the Islamic boarding school, in the morning I did my usual Islamic boarding activities, and after dzuhur I've been getting' ready to start online lectures until the afternoon, and in the evening I returned to do boarding school activities, being here makes me feel so lucky. because it is surrounded by good people, and on this santri day all students usually go to the al-Bantani mosque, but because there is a pandemic this year, being just a holding art performances, I think the event will be boring, but it turned out really exciting.

  74. Name:Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    TBI 3C

    Vacation in Yogyakarta

    Last month, I went to Yogyakarta with my parents for a vacation. We had a vacation there because our grandmother's house was there. We stayed at Grandma's house during our vacation. People who lived in Yogyakarta were very kind and friendly. They gave their beautiful smiles when I met them on the street. The atmosphere was natural, the scenery was beautiful, and the air was very clean. It made me very comfortable. I spent time swimming and playing with my old friends who lived in Yogyakarta.
    I would have gone to all the beautiful places in Yogyakarta if I had stayed there longer.

  75. Name : Sela vira septiani
    Nim : 191230056
    TBI 3 B

    I have been studying at home since the pandemic. I have a lot of problems with online learning systems, like sometimes the network internet unstable, but it's the only thing that effective to keep learning from professor even if it's not face to face. And also during the pandemic I have been tried new activities selling food like Fried sausage and Fried meatball.

  76. Name : siti fatihatul makiyyah
    Nim : 191230040

    my family's daily activities.

    It's 7, morning and my family is in the kitchen. My mother and my father sat down. at the breakfast table they read the morning paper, and my father has made a cup of coffee 5 minutes ago, he has eaten 2 loaves of bread every morning before going to activities, and about me, I'm tying my shoes, and I've put on clothes and tidy up my school bag 1 hour ago. and get ready to go to school this morning and I'm with my dad, so I'm waiting for my dad to finish drinking coffee this morning, and my dad has just finished drinking his coffee and we're leaving for my school.

  77. Name : Rina
    Class : Tbi 3C
    NIM : 191230071

    1. Today i and my friend have been going to the zoo around one. We have been seeing many kinds of animal. Like giraffe, lion, monkey, crocodile, rabbit and another animals in the zoo. We have staying at the zoo for one day. While we have been walking to our home it begin to rain. So we have been stopping at a small cafe and have a cup of coffee together in the cafe.

  78. Name : Ita Nur Azizah
    Nim : 191230101
    TBI 3C

    Fun short vacation

    Last week my family and I went to the playground to accompany my brothers to play. They looked very happy when they played, they played a lot of games and have been playing for two hours. After finish playing my family and I went to eat meatball and chicken noodles, we have finished the food and then went home safely.

  79. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 3C

    I’ve worked in a shop that sells some stuff for two month. Because I’ve been studying at home since 9 month ago, so when the holidays came I tried to do something new and got experience how to worked as a shopekeeper. There are two parts to work hours, namely the evening part and the morning part. I work 8 hours every day and shift every week. I got a lot of things from this job, one of which is meeting more experienced friends. I am very motivated to hear their stories. after two months I decided to resign from this job and focus on continuing study 3rd semester.

  80. name : chintya setiawati
    NIM : 191230074
    class : TBI 3C

    Hallo Everyone i'm gonna talking about my younger sister, Aira. She is a elementary School student. During this pandemic i've been as privat teaching for my young sister cause we're all was studying at home. She loves singing, She has always imagined herself as a musician. She has told me about her dream many times. she likes dancing too, that's why she loves playing Tik tok. i was seing that Aira playing tik tok with her friend they are also a great players, its funny moment. and we loves each other Sometimes we hate each other too. fun fact about us is our date birthday is same, when she celebrated her birthday i was joined too :).

  81. Name: Lulu Nabila
    NIM: 171230079
    Class: TBI 3 C

    It is about my friend, Radya. She was a university student. He always fancied himself a musician. He had told me about his dreams many times. It is been his dream since elementary school.
    Who inspired him to become a musician? The amazing singer named "Justin bieber" was his favorite singer. Radya's been listening to Justin bieber songs more and more times in one day. He liked a song called "baby" by Justin bieber.
    Radya also learned how to play the guitar for a year. He's been creating a youtube channel since 2017. He has included many songs and is uploaded to his channel. Many viewers have written positive comments about the cover.
    Sometimes Radya has musical performances with his friends. Radya and her friends have just performed a musical show this month. They are also big players. They have already won five music competitions this year. They all want to be great musicians.

  82. Name: Jihan Alifah
    NIM: 191230136
    class: TBI 3D

    its been 8 month since march, this situation still bad day by day, we doing activities only from home and it's so boring honestly.
    I've been only watching and reading all the time because I can't going anywhere since the virus still exist. And now it's been 1 month studying at home this semester, I think it isn't bad because we've been using zoom meeting and google meet during classes

  83. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    Nim: 191230132
    Class: TBI 3D

    I have been writing any tasks since a week ago, it's about something materials like FPI, critical reading, and etc. And I have been studying since this morning about educational psychology. Because of that I have been staying up late too much lately. And I have felt sick in my eyes. I have been boring at home recently. I think I need vacation. But my mother rejected it. She said "stay at home and don't forget to washing your hands."

  84. Nama : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052
    Sometimes I feel my temper tantrums. I have been crying and stomps my feet when I get angry. I have been picking up up toy car and throw it at my little brother.At times I do things like that I don't realize. But when I felt angry, I felt sorry for having done that and I have been apologizing to my little brother and I have been to buying new car for my little brother.

  85. name : anissa siti nurhalisa
    class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230110
    I have completed organizational cadre for 3 days. and I have completed 4 days of online cadre through the zoom application. from here I get a lot of experience, new friends, and knowledge. and why do I want to join this organization. because the first thing is that I feel my passion is here and want to practice my public speaking skills. but not only cadre, there are still more stages to become part of the organization

    1. name : anissa siti nurhalisa
      class : TBI 3D
      NIM : 191230110
      I have been completed organizational cadre for 3 days. and I have been completed 4 days of online cadre through the zoom application. from here I get a lot of experience, new friends, and knowledge. and why do I want to join this organization. because the first thing is that I feel my passion is here and want to practice my public speaking skills. but not only cadre, there are still more stages to become part of the organization

  86. Name:Wulan Kurniasari
    Nim :191230041
    Class:TBI B

    I have been studying at home for eight months because of the pandemic. The learning process at home is only through the google classroom, zoom, google meet, and other applications. I have experienced many obstacles at home, such as the difficulty of getting a signal when the online learning process begins. And during the pandemic, I have been helping my mother to sold the meatballs. I'am very grateful for helped my mother.

  87. Name:Sarah lidya balqis
    Class:TBI 3D

    About myself

    I am sarah. My full name is sarah lidya balqis. I am student of maulana hasanuddin banten university. I am 19 years old. My birth day is on april 6.
    In my family im only children but i have 2 unbiological sister their name are salsa and sabrina. My mother is from cilegon and my father is from depok. We live in cilegon.

    In the future, I want to be a teacher or beauty influencer. I want to be a good teacher and i like skincare and makeup so much.

  88. Hi, my name is Nazhifatullillah. College vacation is coming up soon. I usually spend my holidays with my family. But this time it will be different. I'm going on one of my vacation adventures in Bali with my cousin and other teenagers. Here are the settings. This is a two week camping holiday in Bali. I am leaving on Sunday, November 30th. Then, I came home on Sunday, December 13th. On the first day, we put on our backpacks and then hiked to Mount Batur. It is the second highest point in Bali with 1,717 meters above sea level. We are setting up our tent at an altitude of 1,500 meters. Then we enjoyed a stunning sunset at the top of the mountain. The next day we will go down and enjoy the beautiful scenery with a stunning sunrise. Finally, we visited Batur Hot Spring to relax and refresh the mind in a natural hot spring. Then, the organizer provides other adventure activities such as paint battles, flying fox, trekking through the forest, and being close to nature. On another day, we met a Balinese family. We help them grow fruit and vegetables. They said the locals were kind and friendly. After a week of enjoying nature, we did water activities at Tanjung Benoa Beach. Hooray, we finally go to the beach. They provide many water activities and we joined four water activities; They are Parasailing Adventure, Jet Ski, Banana Boat, and Diving. Our experience and knowledge of life under water will soon be enhanced. The next day, we learned about Balinese culture. We visited several temples and interacted with Balinese people. Culture is one of the main reasons tourists love visiting Bali. I'm so excited and can't wait to be here soon.

  89. Sahrul romadoni
    Tbi 3 b
    Today on October 23 is my brothr's birthday most dear to me. His name is alqi ridho, I'll give him a surprise and birthday party for him. Last week I have spoke to my family and some of her friends to help me prepare for a surprise. We have prepared for this surprise since yesterday and today is the surprise, hope he's happy with what I will give him.

  90. Name : Mafazatul Awaliyah
    NIM : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    Hello, my name is Mafazatul Awaliyah, I am the single child in my family. My activity during the pandemic at home was to study online while developing my mentality to teach at an Islamic school for elementary school children which has given me new relationships and new experiences to be able to teach me the meaning of patience in guiding the regeneration of the nation from an early age because for me teaching and teaching is not only the delivery of material from teachers to students but accompanied by guidance and compassion for children to make them feel cared for by their teachers outwardly so it is not only knowledge that is conveyed but love is also provided in the delivery of this knowledge in accordance with what I am currently doing, namely I go to the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training faculty where the responsibility is more inclined to teaching and besides that I also help with housework such as cooking, cleaning the house, disposing of garbage, tidying up the kitchen and washing clothes u it's all work that makes me feel the meaning of a real woman.

  91. Name:Yusny Fadilah
    Class: TBI-3D
    Nim: 191230139

    hello my name is yusny fadilah, during the pandemic I stayed at home, because my father forbade me to go around. I have been watching many movies and dramas at netflix. and I had been gathering together a few movies in my playlist

  92. Nama : Mia atmiati
    Nim : 191230063
    Kelas: TBI 3B

    I've been studying at home for eight months, because of the covid outbreak. During this Covid I also learned through online media such as via zoom, google meet, wa and others. and during covid I also stayed at home because to avoid the covid outbreak, so my family and I still adhere to health protocols. My daily routine at home is helping my parents, such as cleaning the house, cooking, and other household chores. And continuing with studying online. That is how my daily life at home is during Covid.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    TBI 3D

    Hello my name is Agustin Nuraini Bilqis. And now I am going to invite you to follow my daily activities during the pandemic.
    I woke up at 5 am this morning for dawn prayers, and now I have breakfast at 6.30.
    While waiting for the course to start. I have helped my mother clean the house and cook lunch.
    Right now I am watching my favorite TV program while eating my lunch. I need to rest because I will start my course at 13.00.
    13.00 and now I'm listening to an explanation from the lecturer.
    At 5 pm, the course finishing and I took a shower. And now I am gathering with my family. We are talking about our activity today.
    At 10pm, I'm going to bed. But before sleeping, I'm listening to the music, because I can't sleep without listening to the music.

  95. Today is 27th of Oktober and tomorrow is my father's birthday. I want give surprise to my father. I have discussed with my mother and my litle brother to make a special birthday event. I need it's can be a perfect birthday for my father.

    So we are celebrate this birthday at our home cause we have avoided from virus corona which is arround us. The themes of this birthday is "welcome to 55th years old". We have been choose that from three month ago.


  96. Irma Eka Pratiwi
    TBI 3D

    Today is 27th of Oktober and tomorrow is my father's birthday. I want give surprise to my father. I have discussed with my mother and my litle brother to make a special birthday event. I need it's can be a perfect birthday for my father.

    So we are celebrate this birthday at our home cause we have avoided from virus corona which is arround us. The themes of this birthday is "welcome to 55th years old". We have been choose that from three month ago.

  97. Name : Nawiroh
    Nim : 191230047
    Class: Tbi 3b

    Hello friends, my name is Nawiroh I live in the city of Serang Banten, I study at UIN SMH Banten.
    I am majoring in English now my 3rd semester. During semester 1 of college I have still running as usual, namely learning offline face-to-face, but in semester 2 all over the world we all experienced a disaster, namely the Corona virus outbreak, the Corona virus outbreak which is very vicious that can kill humans since the emergence of the Corona virus all humans in advance the earth must keep a distance from each other, therefore lectures around the world, the learning system is conducted online, not face to face because it protects or breaks the chain of the Corona virus. Long story short, during the Corona virus pandemic I did self-taught learning activities using my gadget using several applications to help learn English, for example I practiced listening through videos watching music and others and I was also looking for the right application to help me learn the language UK I hope the Corona virus pandemic will end quickly so that we can all do our usual activities. Even though I taught myself at least I had tried to learn, so that what I had learned didn't just disappear.

  98. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    NIM : 191230048
    Class : TBI 3 B

    I am living in the Islamic boarding school and while studying online, my daily activities are at the Islamic boarding school and always follow the routine at the Islamic boarding school and during the day I am studying online at college until it finishes at 5 pm and sometimes at 6 pm and in the evening I have recited the Koran to the kiai with the other students until 11 pm.

  99. Name : Hatada Azkiya
    NIM : 191230064
    Clas : TBI 3b

    I had been spending all my time for studying in college, such as memorizing, repeating, and reading a holly qur'an every day, when every Tuesday on morning i have been jogging in Kp3b or we can say ( The central government area of ​​Banten province), sometimes i also coming to campus for some agenda had been ordering by my seniors, actually my daily activities have been spending only in college, i have been studying religion for more knowing about it but still very less than enough, because in this era Study that subject is very important, to distinguish right and wrong so that we can understand together.

  100. Siti Kamilah
    TBI 3D

    My name ia Kamila I'm living in Rangkas bitung, and during this pandemic i have been spending all my time with studying. But before studying, i do what my mother has been doing. Such as washing clothes, cooking food, and sweeping the house. In the noon i start to studying with my lecturer and all my friends by virtual meeting. Actually, my activities not just studying with my friends, in the night i have been studying about religion in some place (collage) in my village. Besides, i have been training to teach in islamic boarding school. I always be gratefull to my God Allah, because in this situation he has been giving me the healthy body, until i can do my activities as usual.

  101. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3 B

    My Stories in my boarding cshool
    Hello friends my name Herlina, you can called me Lingling, in this time i want to tell you about my Stories, every day i have spending my time for studying islamic religion in my college, when after subuh i had been reciting the holly Qur'an every day, after that i hade been cooking for eating, in this activity i can learn how become independly and i have studying more about that cooking, not only that in this college i have been founding New friends as substitute from my family, but it is not easy for me to get along, i had been buying many book to can participate in teaching and learning activities at my boarding school

  102. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    During the pandemic, I have returned to my hometown from overseas and I have been doing study from home. My routine activities have changed a lot, if at the boarding house I usually only study, eat and cleans, but since at home I have done twice as much other work.
    I have been doing study from home for about 1,5 semesters. I also try to do gardening in the yard, I plant some vegetables such as tomatoes, chilies, onions, and spinach. Within a few months, my family and I could enjoy the rewards of gardening.

  103. Name : Herlina Wati
    Class : TBI3D
    Nim : 191230115

    My name is Herlina Wati you can call me Herlin I am the second of 3 siblings, I was born in Serang in 2001 24 December, I have 1 older sister and one younger brother, I have a hobby of sung and I also have aspirations to become a lecturer. hopefully everything I want is achieved.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    Nim : 191230116

    I have been to KP3B all the time. This is because the English Student Association is holding leadership orientation for 3 days.

    I miss produktif time and now produktif is come back to me. in activities leadership orientation I comittee of treasurer of event. This comittee first time to me because I have always been secretary.

    I'm very happy that this activity has become an experience and I hope that the leadership orientation will run smoothly.

  106. Alfina Nurhasanah
    I want to told you about my activities during the pandemic, where during the pandemic it was very boring, I have been starting in the morning by gotten up and then I helped my parents cleaned the house, such as I have been sweeping, mopping. After that I gotten ready for online school, and the way I deal with this pandemic boredom by watched movies, dramas, is very exciting for me. And if I have doing assignments before bed, I usually studied or doing assignments.

  107. Name: Wardatul Jannah
    NIM: 191230126
    Class: TBI 3 D

    It's about me and my sister-in-law, many people say that we've similar faces, like siblings. But it is not, we've almost the same body posture and we've the same hobby. I feel strange, why my sisterer-in-law can look Like me, even though she is my brother's wife. Maybe that is the power of Allah.
    She had finished her education last year, and now she teaches in Elementary school. I've been learning a lot from her.

  108. all of you have to sign which clauses or sentences referring to our topic. Please remember, every word has meaning and every sentence has intention. So, you have to connect between your factual events or actions to the use of grammar including tenses

  109. EKA MALIKA / TBI 3 D
    The power of Praying Hajat
    Let me share my story about how thankful I am to be a muslim, it has about couple months after I started being a boarding student at 2013 . You might know or feels how hard to live at boarding, actually. Far away from family, close friends and something that always there around us, but when I were study at boarding it has mean I have to leave all of them. One night feels like I was really tired, I think I need more relaxing my mind and body. At the last schedule in daily activities, the students has must to do praying Hajat. Well, after did it I have been praying and tell my wishes into god, that night I had some hopes and desires I have to get. Focusly, from deepest my heart I have been praying for an hour. The moon hide the light which was then replaced by the bright sun, the source of the light, day looks like usually. Ringing of bell bring me into dormitory and voila! My parents have in front of my room we got chit chat and brought me something and a good news that I have been praying in thet night. How an amazing pray I had been doing ever. Just last night I prayed that god would grant me the next day.
    It has shown me the power of praying hajat

  110. *Ringing of bell brought me into dormitory*

  111. Name : Firdha Laila Ramadhanti
    Nim : 191230060
    Class : TBI 3B

    Hi, I am Firdha, I will tell you about my activity.

    I am now in the pondok tahfidz wadil qur'an, my activity while in wadil quran is memorizing Al-Qur'an, from 3 am to 9 pm.

    While memorizing my friends and I cleaning the dormitory, I was sweeping the room and my friend was mopping the floor.
    I feel happy because I have many friends from various regions, and I also feel lucky to be in the qur'an wadil.

    Together with the Qur'an for approximately 24 hours, it becomes my daily activity.

  112. Name: Nuraisyah
    NIM: 191230055
    Class: TBI 3B

    My name is Nuraisyah, you can call me Aisyah.
    Oke in here I will tell about my activities, my activity every day is studying at a Islamic boarding school, I am very happy to be able to study there, I have a lot of knowledge, especially religious knowledge, I learn a lot of Kitab, sometimes I have to divide my time between studying online and studying religion at a Islamic boarding school. But I feel very happy because I fill my time with useful activities.
