Tuesday 17 November 2020



Instructional design:

The students could mention and differentiate the formula, the examples, and the use between the types of conditional sentences. Then, they could apply this topic in their real life context while practising their skills. 


The teacher uses communicative approach through written communication in her blog. Then, she applies task-based approach by giving her students task to practise this topic . 


Conditional sentences are used to talk about the result of a condition. The result that will not happen or happen in the present, future or in the past is called as main clause. In the other hand, the condition that influences on the result is called as if clause. Therefore, the types of conditional sentences depend on the formulation use of the result and the condition. There is no single form of this types. I adopt the types of conditional sentences from British council English online learning and take the materials from Murphy (2019). There are two types of conditionals: 1 and 2. Then, these types are divided into five that are known as zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional, third conditional, and mixed conditional. The types' patterns relate to the context and text of uses. Therefore, the students have to know how to use them appropriately. To learn more about this topic, you could open this PPT. Please do the task in the comment column of this blog. 


  1. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : TBI 3a

    Holiday plan
    I will go on vacation with my friends if the semester breaks. If the holidays arrive I will go to Jogja. I want to enjoy the beauty of Jogja. I will lose this opportunity if I don't take advantage of the time available. I'm going to save up to go to Jogja. If my friends and I go to Jogja, we will take pictures at the Prambanan temple, otherwise we will feel sorry haha ​​....
    If I had a lot of money I would buy a lot by for my family. If I can't go to Jogja I will feel very disappointed, but I will go to another place where I can feel comfortable.

  2. Name : Suherni
    Nim: 191230002
    Class : TBI 3 A

    If in my house it rains very hard, and a lot of lightning strikes it makes me afraid to attend this online calss , a few days ago when I was attending an online class, there was a very large thunderbolt and it grabbed my father's coconut tree. Then the water machine near the coconut tree shorted.
    If there is lightning and rain then I am afraid to learn online.
    But if there is no lightning then I will be enthusiastic about learn online.

  3. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    191230023 – TBI 3A
    Intermediate English Grammar

    Nowadays, we only study through online. Fortunately, grammar subject is so much fun. If you were join with us, you would have a great time. I wouldn’t study intermediate grammar subject, if I had never passed the basic grammar subject. If I do well on my grammar subjet, I could be an english teacher. Many students are now showing an interest in grammar. If you wanted, I could help you study grammar. If you study hard, then the result will be good.

  4. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 191230007
    Class : TBI 3A

    Wedding plans
    If I married someone who was a state servant, married according to military customs, was greeted by a sword-pora reception, and his place was in a luxurious building.
    All the family are happy, on our special day. Friends and brothers attended our happy event. Really, it's so blissful. Hopefully it can be done.

  5. Name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    Nim : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B

    "Practice exam plan"
    if I go to Borobudur temple I will practice my English with foreigners. If I know the unique things about their countries I will get more knowledge. If I speak English well and fluently I will get big score and appreciate from my teacher. So that's why I am really excited about this exam, because if I join this practice exam I will get new experiences. and it will be incredible moment for me.

    After getting practice exam, if I bring camera I will take picture together with them. and, if they don't have many times again I will ask their social media to keep in touch with them. if I do it well I will get full stamp. yeyyyyy :)

  6. Name : Fahmi Amirudin
    NIM : 191230026
    Class: TBI 3A

    I am still uncertain about my future, I have many things to face such as my college assignments are increasing, and I am also participating in several tournaments. Sometimes, I think about how I can manage my time. if I'm in a tournament then I'm not doing my coursework. if I quit college then I will pursue my dream of becoming a prolayer. but I didn't get permission from my parents. If I continue my studies then my dream of becoming a proplayer won't happen. I'm getting confused

    1. Fahmi, is it really your story? Iam sorry about it. It is better if you do both dreams being a professional in study and in tournament. If you could manage your time, you will achieve those dreams. Your sentences run well, but you have to learn more about how to combine more sentences in a paragraph.

  7. Nama : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Class : TBI 3A

    5 days to go for my classmate's birthday and why hasn't he invited me to his birthday and if he remembered invite me, I would attended his party.
    I will come to my friend's birthday, but I am still confused about what clothes I will wear later and the clothes I have are very small, if I wear that shirt, it's very tight.
    I will prepare a present for her because if I give her gift,she will be happy, and I will go with my sister, if I want me with her, I will go with her.

  8. Name : Novita Maharani
    Nim : 191230062

    Hajj plans
    If I allowed to perform hajj, I would invite my parents because that was my parents' dream for a long time. I also intend to be successful first to realize my dreams and my parents.

    I also hope to do Hajj with my spouse, yes he is my husband. How complete is my faith, may Allah I hope my sincere intentions istajiblana aamiin ✨

    1. amiin. inshaAllah you get it if Allah gives it to you. believe it by doing more kindness for other people.

  9. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    During the current pandemic, If you wear If you wear a mask, you will avoid the corona virus, You can buy masks everywhere, even on the side of the road. Bandung was the first place I would visit when the pandemic period was over,And bandung will be crowded, if the pandemic's finished. If I went to Bandung, I would take a lot of pictures there. And I'll buy souvenirs for my family, At the time of the current pandemic I was so bored, I needed a vacation, I have always prayed that the time of this pandemic will be over.

  10. Name: Sekar Ayu Asari
    Nim: 191230016
    Class: Tbi 3A

    During this online course, I received more assignments. Every day the lecturer provides materials, assignments, quizzes, and exams.
    from a few days ago I have received many assignments so if I don't do these assignments my grades will not be good.

  11. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 3A

    In the current situation the weather is uncertain. If we take care of our health, there is a possibility that we will not get sick. In a situation like this we have to maintain our body condition such as exercising, if we exercise often, our immunity will be maintained. Nutritious food intake is also very necessary. if we eat nutritious food, our health will be maintained.

    This week the weather is not very supportive, because every half of the dzuhur it always rains. If the weather is good next week, I will go on vacation. the plan I will go to the beach.

  12. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM: 191230017
    Class: TBI 3A

    Today I was planning to go to the beach with my friends. My friends and I have agreed to a time out. Everyone had assembled and had left their homes but I was late leaving with them because I was oversleep.If I hadn't overslept, I would have gotten there punctually.

    After arriving at the beach a few hours later, I missed a most exciting moment with my friends. And there was one of my friends who looked limp and exhausted. After I asked her, she wasn't feeling well.So I told her.If I were you, I wouldn't come here and take a break at home.me and my friends got together and told a lot of things. One is about a future dream that becomes a joke. Like my friend lala, she told me that she wanted a private island that only she and those closest to her could get there. She said "if I had a private island, I would let you live on it.

    Over on the beach the weather was so hot. If I continue to sunbathe in the sun, I will burn.That's why I have to go where the sun isn't directly exposed.After me and my friends played on the beach. Our stomachs filled with hunger and began to eat. And there my friend didn't wash his hands before he ate. That's so gross. And I told him if you don't wash your hands, you will get sick

    1. you're good to write the ideas. see the use of conjunction there.

  13. Nama : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052

    Malioboro isa bustling tourist attraction visited by many whether from the country or within the country, where Indonesia is abundant in trade for batik shops and is incredibly cheap. When a night's drive there is full of lights and it gets romantic at night. I was willing to enter it once and go back.


  14. Name : Asha febriyanti
    Nim : 191230021

    If I found out you were in the hospital, I would visit you. But before I found out you were in the hospital I bought you your birthday present. if you are not well I will visit you and bring you fruits instead of gifts so get well soon my friend.

  15. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM: 191230017
    Class: TBI 3A

    Today I was planning to go to the beach with my friends. My friends and I have agreed to a time out. Everyone had assembled and had left their homes but I was late leaving with them because I was oversleep.If I hadn't overslept, I would have gotten there punctually.

    After arriving at the beach a few hours later, I missed a most exciting moment with my friends. And there was one of my friends who looked limp and exhausted. After I asked her, she wasn't feeling well.So I told her.If I were you, I wouldn't come here and take a break at home.me and my friends got together and told a lot of things. One is about a future dream that becomes a joke. Like my friend lala, she told me that she wanted a private island that only she and those closest to her could get there. She said "if I had a private island, I would let you live on it.

    Over on the beach the weather was so hot. If I continue to sunbathe in the sun, I will burn.That's why I have to go where the sun isn't directly exposed.After me and my friends played on the beach. Our stomachs filled with hunger and began to eat. And there my friend didn't wash his hands before he ate. That's so gross. And I told him if you don't wash your hands, you will get sick

  16. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051
    Class: TBI 3B

    If I am given the opportunity by God to travel around the world then the country I want to visit first is Turkey.

    because there is a lot of history about Islamic civilization, and of course I want to eat Turkish food and drinks.

  17. Name : fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nim. : 191230068
    Class : TBI 3B

    If I had a lot of money then I would buy whatever my parents wanted. I hope my parents are happy.

  18. Name: Rizky Amalia Class: TBI 3A NIM: 191230033 if I live long, I promise to make my parents happy, even though I know their services will not be repaid. but when I have a lot of money in the future, I will try to fulfill their desire to go to Hajj, even other dreams, inshaAllah. So, if I work hard from now on, I can definitely make it come true.

  19. Name: Nuraisyah
    NIM :191230055
    Class: TBI 3B

    I have plans to go abroad, the first country I want to visit is Saudi Arabia, I want to do Hajj or Umrah there with my family. And visit Medina. And Islamic places there.

    And the second country I want to visit is Japan, because Japan has a great view, especially in spring. And I want to see cherry blossoms. Because I have plans to go to Japan, I studied Japanese and wrote about cities in Japan that I wanted to visit.

  20. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi
    Class : TBI 3B
    Nim : 191230059

    f I work hard, I will get a lot of money, if I have a lot of money, my life will be fun. and if i bought a private jet, i would go to travel all over the world with the people I love, I will make them happy.

  21. if I work hard, I will get a lot of money, if I have a lot of money, my life will be fun. and if i bought a private jet, i would go to travel all over the world with the people I love, I will make them happy.

  22. Name : Shinta Awaliatus Sa’adah
    Nim : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3 B

    I have plans to take a weekend getaway with my friends. When the holidays arrive, we will go to Kota Tua Jakarta. If the weather is good and it is possible for a vacation, we will go there to refresh and enjoy a vacation. If the weather is cloudy and it doesn't allow us to take a vacation then we will change our plans to go on vacation another day. If we go to Kota Tua where there are many tourists, especially from foreign countries, we will at the same time practice improving our English speaking by talking with foreigners. If we meet strangers there then we will chat with them. When the more foreigners we interview, the more knowledge and other information we will get from these foreigners. That makes us very happy and becomes a new experience for us. Besides that, we also plan to take pictures and taste the snacks in Jakarta. Not to forget, if we still have time to vacation there, then we will visit MONAS.

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  24. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025
    TBI 3A/IEG

    My elementary school friend Ani is happy. that her brother has'nt gone home for two years because he has studying abroad. Last night her brother sent a message that he planned to go home this month. Ani can't hide her happiness. Now she and her mother are arranging what she will do if her brother come. If her brother comes, she will give a special gift to her brother. Then ani's mother said that if her first child come, she will cook a special meal for dinner. Ani and the family were thrilled to wait for her brother to come home, anxious and hoping that he would make the trip home.

  25. Name : Maftuhah Hanum
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230065

    if i have a long life, i want to continue my education abroad, that is Australia. where living and studying there is a guarantee of success for me and getting a good job. Then I really want to make my parents happy with the results of my work someday. and I hope that my parents will accompany me until I succeed in the future.

  26. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A

    In this pandemic, all of school is study on learning online. I felt this is so hard because the assignment is more than learning offline and there are several lecturer is given to student about self study. I think this ia made many students is so tired.

  27. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006
    Class :3A

    I will to visit grandma's house. but due to pandemic I couldn't visit it for fear that it would spread an invisible virus. So now I think it's a little impossible for me to go there. If the pandemic has passed, I will go to my grandmother's house and if I go there, I will bring a present for my grandmother.

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  29. Name : Hatada Azkiya
    NIM : 191230064
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Yesterday When Big Leader Of Muslim indonesia Come To this country, And His Name is Habib Rizieq Syihab, Many People Welcome His Arrival, Starting from the young to the old, feel happy at his arrival, From That's event we know If you Have Good Character you will get Respect and appreciation. Because of that you should doing good deed, If you doing good deed you will get Also good treatment from other people.

  30. Yesterday When Big Leader Of Muslim indonesia Come To this country, And His Name is Habib Rizieq Syihab, Many People Welcome His Arrival, Starting from the young to the old, feel happy at his arrival, From That's event we know If you Have Good Character you will get Respect and appreciation. Because of that you should doing good deed, If you doing good deed you will get Also good treatment from other people.

  31. Name : Nur isnaeniah
    Nim :191230044
    TBI 3B

    If I have graduated from college and have been successful, getting the results of my hard work, I will fulfill my dream of traveling to various countries and various places. I also plan that if it is successful my friend and I will take a trip to visit Japan.
    Now I am working hard doing my college assignments even though it is a little difficult but I will not give up because one day I will make myself happy by realizing all my dreams.

  32. Name : Ainun Nadiroh
    Class : TBI 3 B
    NIM : 191230038
    I have a desire to climb mountains, but I do not have the equipment to climb, if I have enough money I will buy climbing equipment and go to the mountains using my own money.

  33. Name: Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Nim: 191230057
    Class: TBI 3B

    If I am successful, I would like to invite my family to travel the world and fulfill my parents' aspirations to go on Hajj and have the goal of having a home abroad, namely the country of Paris.

  34. Name : Rana Salwa.
    NIM : 191230032.
    Class : TBI 3A.

    If the college designated a college at the beginning of the New Year, I would immediately seek out kosan, as the house is far enough away from the college. And it costs a lot to go back and forth from the campus. I was thinking of inviting two friends to stay together, so as not to get lonely and save money. But if I stay online, I'll stay home, spend time with my family.


  35. Name : Nisrina nurhikmah
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230049

    My wish that hasn't come true is to come to my idol concert. So far, I only watched it on the handphone screen. If I have a lot of money, I would love to come to my favorite idol concert. To make it happen I have to study hard to be successful and be able to go see their performances live

  36. Name : Nurul kholifah
    NIM : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A.

    If I eat spicy and sour foods, I get stomach pains, so I have to take medicine and get sufficient rest. Then I eat regularly according to the time my doctor has recommended for those with stomach acid, for if I eat irregular I will fall seriously ill.

  37. Nama : Mia atmiati
    Nim : 191230063
    Kelas:TBI 3B

    If someone had told me when I was at school, I would not have believed it. If I tell people today, they say they have not heard of it. Of course it was a long time ago. But it is true: if you were 18, you had to do something called national service. If you were reasonably fit — could stand up, walk about, sit down and then stand up again and not fall over — you would have to report to a military barracks near where you lived.

    If I had taken the trouble to think about the practical side of the matter, I could have chosen a different service. There were after all the navy and the airforce. The navy wasn’t very likely unless you had had dozens of uncles and grandparents in the service before you. In my case this didn’t apply at all. The airforce somehow appealed. I liked the idea of tearing through the skies away from it all. If I think about it now, I just can’t imagine why I liked the idea especially since flying for me today is a total nightmare.

    1. Mia, after reading your paragraphs, I am still confused about them. I think you should consider the components of presenting ideas including the sentences' patterns and vocabulary choices.

  38. Name : Eva aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class : TBI 3A

    If the government establishes health protocols such as wearing masks when leaving the house, washing hands when you are holding an item in a crowd, washing clothes worn and cleaning the body, if you do not follow health protocols during this pandemic, it will result in a lot of transmission every day. its the victims
    if we can maintain health, our country will gradually be free of the corona virus.

  39. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3 B

    If I collect money, I Would Invite My Family Go Around The World, Expecially Going To Baitullah, Because I Think That Is Some Place In this World, That Can make serenity.

    besides that I will also study hard in order to be a useful person for myself and for others.

  40. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3 B

    If I collect money, I Would Invite My Family Go Around The World, Expecially Going To Baitullah, Because I Think That Is Some Place In this World, That Can make serenity.

    besides that I will also study hard in order to be a useful person for myself and for others.

  41. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3 B
    If I collect money, I Would Invite My Family Go Around The World, Expecially Going To Baitullah, Because I Think That Is Some Place In this World, That Can make serenity. Besides that I will also study hard in order to be a useful person for myself and for others.

  42. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031
    Class:TBI 3A

    Tsunamis are terrible phenomena that provide deep trauma to those who experience them. The fear generated by this natural disaster greatly agitated everyone. Not infrequently if the news of an earthquake is heard, everyone will feel scared and anxious. For worrying about the damage and losses that would be incurred if a tsunami occurred

  43. Sahrul Romadoni
    TNI 3 b

    If this Corona pandemic is over I will go on vacation to Bali with my family. I have planned it with my family since a few months ago but because of the Corona pandemic everything was canceled. If the Corona pandemic didn't exist, I would have gone to Bali a few months ago. I must have taken photos, felt the atmosphere there, tasted food from Bali, met foreign people and also knew the customs in Bali, because as far as I know Bali, mostly Hindus and Buddhists.

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  45. NAME: Sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    NIM: 191230001

    Monday is a time for online learning which requires students to use cellphones or laptops to study online and sometimes even get assignments that make their eyes hurt and dizzy, so I just think "If you rest, you will feel better." because I have to keep doing the assigned assignments to keep getting grades.

  46. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029

    My name is Angelita, I have a sweety friend in the Bagedur beach she is Marry, I Will visit Marry's house, if the raining season is stopped,
    And If I bought a book to Bagedur, I would give to
    Marry, cause she's best reader In the class.
    And If I had much money, I Will invite her to go to every place in the weekend.

  47. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    If i prepare for exam, i could do with easy. But because i'm not prepare, so, i can't do it. I feel hard when do the exam.

  48. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Class: Tbi 3A
    Nim: 191230022

    If I had so much vacation time, I would go with you on the to beach next week.
    But I don’t have a lot of vacation time so I will not go on the trip next week.

  49. Name : Firdha Laila Ramadhanti
    Nim : 191230060
    Class : TBI 3B

    If I have a lot of large land and I want to build a tahfidz house free, for all and open to the public.
    because opening a tahfidz house is our investment in the hereafter so that it can be gathered with the family of Allah, namely the memorizers of the Qur'an.

  50. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230010

    During pandemics most of our time is spent at home. Therefore we have a lot of time for ourselves. If usually our time is spent going out of the house, now we are doing activities from home. Too long at home is boring, if the Covid 19 virus can be avoided then we can do life as usual. But this time the whole world felt the impact. Covid 19 can affect anyone, many of them have been infected. Including in Indonesia, the number of patients who have been confirmed positive has reached hundreds of thousands of people. If only we could had obey more health protocols then this virus would have be able to stopped from spreading.

    Staying at home too long is also not good for our mental health. Therefore we still have to be able to maintain the health of not only our bodies but also our minds. If we exercise often, our bodies will be healthier. Doing activities that can improve our good mood like watching K-Drama, using tiktok, or just read the memes. We don't know how long this pandemic will end, but we must also be ready to implement a new normal life. Therefore, keep health protocols and adopt a healthy lifestyle even at home or when leaving the house.

    1. Villy, look at your ideas there. You should consider the pattern of sentence, the use of vocabulary and the context of your text.

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  52. President Trump has returned to the campaign trail.
    He will be speak at a large rally in the key electoral state of Florida, less if two weeks after he tested positive for coronavirus.
    If Mr Trump stay at home or social distance maybe Mr Trump not positive of coronavirus.

    The president toldn his supported that he was now "immune" , felt powerful and wanted to Give them all a big apreciated

  53. Name : Liyanti
    NIM : 19130027
    class : TBI 3A

    Pesident Trump has returned to the campaign trail.
    He will be speak at a large rally in the key electoral state of Florida, less if two weeks after he tested positive for coronavirus.
    If Mr Trump stay at home or social distance maybe Mr Trump not positive of coronavirus.

    The president toldn his supported that he was now "immune" , felt powerful and wanted to Give them all a big apreciated

  54. Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    TBI 3B

    my fingers got bleed after touching the rose stem. If I hadn't touch that, I would never got bleed. I felt regret to touch that rose. Then my uncle told me to not to get closer to the roses anymore. If I never came to my uncle's garden, I may not get hurt

  55. Linda Muflihah

    “Holiday plan”
    When I finish the midterm exams, I'll go on vacation to the beach. Because I wanted to refresh my brain after a few days of doing the midterm exam questions. I will also enjoy my vacation time, because later I will be struggling with lecture materials again. There I wanted to ride a beach ride, like the bananaboat, because I haven't ridden it for a long time since graduating from junior high school until now. And on my way home, I'll stop at a roadside perch for some snacks and coffee.

  56. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    TBI 3a

    My friends and I plan to build to Gunung Gede, even then if the weather is not rainy season, if we all have free time at the same time but if we don't go to Gunung Gede I hope to go to the waterfall or the beach so that we can still enjoy the beautiful nature. this beautiful

  57. Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    TBI - 3B

    If I had much money, I would take my parents to go for Umrah and Hajj. Not forgetting that the first and the most important are parents. In addition to bringing my parents to Umrah and Hajj, I also want to share a lot to everyone, especially those who lack. I try to make my life be useful for many people, even though it's not much, but hopefully it will be a hope that will come true. Aamiin.

  58. Name:Dewi Ramayanti
    Class:TBI 3A

    Conditional Sentence type I

    Mrs. Kim is happy. Her husband hasn't gone home for months because he works abroad. Last night Mr. Andrew sent a message that he planned to go home this month.

    Mrs. Kim can't hide her happines. Now she is arranging what she will do if her husband come. If her husband come, she will cook special food for dinner.
    Conditional Sentence type II
    I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address. If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

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  60. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    My family and I will go to Bandung. If the weather is good and it is possible for a vacation, we will go there to refresh and enjoy a vacation. If the weather is cloudy and it doesn't allow us to take a vacation then we will change our plans to go on vacation another day. If we go to Bandung where there are many tourists, especially from foreign countries, we will at the same time practice improving our English speaking by talking with foreigners. If we meet strangers there then we will chat with them. When the more foreigners we interview, the more knowledge and other information we will get from these foreigners. Not to forget, if we still have time to vacation there, we will visit lembang. That makes us very happy and becomes a new experience for us.

    NIM : 191230100
    Class : TBI 3C
    If I arrive at the hall at the seminar in time, then I will meet the great speaker. If given the opportunity to meet with him I would ask about his career and how he had achieved it at young age

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  63. Siti Masitoh


    Midterm is a busy schedule. Review the material, read the material and work on midterm questions.
    Today, I will study Reading, so I can answer critical reading questions tomorrow.
    Because if I don't study reading, I won't get the maximum score.

    And I will learn grammar, if I have finished learning reading.
    Because if I haven't finished reading, I won't be able to understand Grammar right away. Hopefully I can do all the questions correctly, so that I get a very satisfying score.

  64. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah
    Class:TBI 3-C

    the end of this year my family and I are planning to go on vacation to Yogya if my father gets permission to take a day off from his boss because every year he never spends time together because he is always busy with his work. we will stay in a very beautiful villa there. mom has prepared plane tickets but If dad can't go with us we canceled it and will do it again next year.

  65. Name : Siti Fatihatul Makiyyah
    Nim : 191230040
    Class : TBI-3B

    if I have a lot of money, I want to send my parents to go on pilgrimage, umbroh, and travel not only inside the country, but abroad, I want to make my parents happy, and also I want to go on a trip with friends, also want have my own house, own vehicle, buy it with my own money, and pay for college with my own money until I graduate from doctoral studies. and many other wishes.

    1. while writing, you should focus on the pattern of sentence and its context including the vocabulary choice.

  66. Name : Hena Hopipah
    NIM : 191230105

    Tomorrow my friends will go camping while I have to stay at home. They ask me why?. I told them "I will come with you all if my father allows me to camp"

    Then I asked my father to allow me, so he said "If it doesn't rain, you will go with your friends tomorrow"

  67. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    I will go on vacation to Bali with my family. If my dad had a lot of money, my family and I would go on a long vacation. There my family and I would stay at the hotel and go around Bali everyday. I hope this vacation can make me and my family happy. If my family is happy, I will be happy.

    1. you produce repeated sentences here. tell your topic sentence and it will be followed by some supporting sentences. Thus, your paragraph will be fruitful.

    2. Let me correct my paragraph, miss🙏🏻

      I want to take a vacation in Bali with my family. I have been looking for free time, but it is very difficult because we are busy with our individual activities. So now I think it's a little impossible for us to take a vacation. If we had free time, we would have gone on vacation to Bali.

  68. Name: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    Class: TBI 3C

    Today there is a lot of homework, and every member of the family is given a task to do homework.
    today the weather is very sunny and hot during the day, if it is not raining today, I will dry my clothes. and at night it is very cold if it rains.

    1. you have to widen your idea in a certain topic. Therefore, you could create more sentences in your paragraph.

  69. Name:Fitri
    Nim :191230070
    Class:TBI 3B

    if I were given a long life by Allah SWT I would make my parents happy, and my two brothers who had supported me who took care of me from my childhood to adulthood. I know their services will not be paid off and replaced. When later I am successful and have a lot of money, I will repay all of their hard work and sacrifices to me even though it will not be replaced but I will continue to try to make my parents and my sister's two children happy, inshaAllah. So, if I work hard from now on, I can definitely make it happen.

    1. fitri, you still have to concern on the sentences' cohesion in order to make a meaningful text. Don't write too long sentences. Make your ideas simply and clearly in the text.

    TBI 3C

    My cousin come to my house this morning. I tried to avoided from him because if he saw me, i would get embarrassed because he saw me wore a pierce mask at the mall last night.

    1. some of the words 'because' are here. please consider the pattern and the context of sentences


  71. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    Id Number: 191230106
    Class: TBI 3D

    Now it has entered the rainy season, but the weather is not cold or humid but the weather is hot. even the plants that used to grow green these weeks suddenly died from the intense scorching sun. after I read and read from various reliable sources, it turns out that this is because the west monsoon winds do not enter the southern part of Indonesia, the monsoons are blocked by the tropical storm (ETAU) in the Philippines. if it had happened for a long time, I would be more vigilant and take care of it.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 3C

    If I have a time and a lot of money I want to go to traveling around the world. Because I wanna know the difference culture from another country, and learning foreign language. To find a lot of interesting things out there.

  74. Name : Wulan Kurniasari
    Nim : 191230041
    Class : TBI 3B

    If I graduate from college, I will fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher. Because that was my dream when I was little. Then I will raise money to continue my education to the next level. I will make my parents proud of the success that I have achieved.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Nama : Rini sri wahyuni
    NIM : 191230094
    KELAS. : TBI 3C

    When I was sitting in the garden at that time I saw a beggar who was asking people around there, he looked still around the age of elementary school children. since then I have the intention that if I succeed later and I have a lot of money I will make free schools for children who cannot afford to go to school due to economic constraints.

  77. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI- 3B
    When I graduate from college, I would learn Korean. If I can speak Korean, it will make it easier for me to work in South Korea. I really wanted to work in the country because I was interested in studying culture and life in the country.

  78. Name : Focka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI 3 B

    When I was a child I was sitting on a swing in front of the house, then a grandfather came up to me and said "I'm so hungry, do you have a little food?" then I said "yes my grandfather has" then I entered the house and told my mother that in front of the house there was a hungry grandfather, then my mother brought food and drink to grandfather, after grandfather finished eating grandfather was very grateful for being given food, at that time I was very I thank God for being given a very sufficient life, and from that story I think that when I grow up I will give it to people who are less fortunate.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Jihan Alifah
    TBI 3D

    Now the pandemic is still running, after about 8 months we are doing activities from home, school from home, work from home etc. and yesterday it was announced that in early 2021 the school would reopen, we would do face-to-face learning. Many things are actually still harrowing, especially if we, our college friends come from various big cities, I'm afraid the virus will spread easily, unless we obey the rules to always maintain cleanliness. So if we want to do face-to-face learning, we must always maintain health and hygiene and follow health protocols. If we maintain health and cleanliness we will not catch the virus.

  81. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salsabilah
    NIM : 191230086
    Class : tbi 3c

    If I can enter into a fantasy world, then I will feel very happy because I can meet the fairies and I can fly with them. surround the city with beautiful wings, hide behind trees, give gifts to good children, and dance with beautiful flowers. imagine how nice it would be if I became a fairy in a fantasy world.

  82. Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG

    Recently, I feel that I have had a lot of activities and I have a lot to do. Such as organizational activities, community activities, college assignments and others.

    On the next 5-6 December there will be a gathering between alumni in my senior high school. And I am confused whether to follow it or not, because what I fear will be other activities on that date. But if I have free time, I will join the activity. Because I really wanted to meet my high school friends.

  83. Name : Rina
    Class : Tbi 3c
    NIM : 191230071

    If I study hardly, i believe i will get a university scholarship. I really believe it. But, back again to the reality. If my mother has a good job, i will study at a good university.

  84. Name : Rina
    Class : Tbi 3c
    NIM : 191230071

    If I study hardly, i believe i will get a university scholarship. I really believe it. But, back again to the reality. If my mother has a good job, i will study at a good university.

  85. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    My daily activities while studied at home, besides studying I only do other homework such as washing clothes, cleaning house, washing dishes, and cooking. Every Monday, I also go to the market to buy some vegetables. If at this time there was no pandemic, maybe now I would be in a boarding house, studying on campus and then meeting up with friends. If next semester is still applied to study at home, I will lose my opportunity to study more because of my limitations in studying.

  86. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    NIM: 191230132
    Class: TBI/3D

    "Wow! your picture is so beautiful. If you take a picture again, I will follow your step for take picture." Said me. Yes, my friend "Rani" always has thousand steps for takes a beautiful pictures. Tomorrow she will follow the competition in the school. If she win in the competition, I will make her to be my teacher. Because I also want to be a winner like her. "Yes!" she said. If she teach me about it, I must give her some food and drink, hahaha she is so funny, and i agree with it.

  87. Name : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Class : TBI 3C

    Vina and Balqis are friends. They are both busy because the work and study! But on sunday they meet for coffee.
    "What are you going to do this weekend?" asks Balqis.
    "Well, I have a project to finish for my english class. But if I can finish it by Friday, I'll do something fun as a treat," says vina.
    "That sounds great!" replies Balqis. "I think the after movie is coming on XXI . If it isn't too expensive, I'm going to buy tickets. Would you like to come?"
    "Well, I don't really like watching movie very much. If you want to go to the movie in the evening, let's do something in the morning," says vina.
    "All right. If you have the energy, let's go swimming!" suggests Balqis."That sounds great! If I don't call you on Friday, send me an email " agrees vina "And if I don't answer, call me again. And if I don't pick up, let's just make plans now! I'm too busy to plan later!"

  88. Name: Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    NIM: 191230098
    Class: TBI 3C

    Next Saturday, my friends and I will have a vacation to a beautiful place in Bandung, if I go to Bandung I will visit Ranca Upas with my friends there is the largest only deer breeding place, Ranca Upas is one of the tourist destinations for breeding deer, deer -rusa here is in a large cage and it is like living freely in the wild, with a beautiful atmosphere and cool air, we can also interact directly with the deer, such as taking photos together, giving them food. And besides that this place has beautiful views, The air is cool, the land is very wide, therefore this place can also be used as a parawisa for camping.
    The atmosphere and scenery are still beautiful, making visitors enjoy the scenery there and I really want to be there and enjoy it too, so if my friends and I can visit Ranca Upas we will be really happy.

  89. Name : Nawiroh
    NIM : 191230047
    Class: Tbi 3b

    if I live long and I finish college I want to be a successful person ,. if I were accepted in a good company I would love to make my family happy, especially my own parents.
    I want to leave for the Hajj, I want to buy a luxurious house, of course, a comfortable house so that my family is happy.

  90. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    NIM : 191230048
    Class : TBI 3 B

    3 years more, i am going to finish my study. I want to continue my study to public university. But, I come from a poor family. I live in a boarding house. If I success, my life would have been better than now.

  91. name : Wardah Makhrofatul Jannah
    n.i.m : 191230097
    class : TBI 3-C

    One day, I met my friend, Chintya at the classroom. She seemed very upset and under depression, so I approached her. I asked her and she said that she had just been punished by the teacher because she had said bad words to the teacher. I calmed her down and said, “If I were you, I would come to the teacher and say sorry to him.” As I told her my advice, she stood up, said thank you to me, and went to the teacher room.

  92. Nama: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    Tomorrow, i will going to meet my friend, because i miss my friend so much, since 2 weeks ago, i haven’t met her, and if i meet her, we will going to mall together, watching a movies together, eat and play games together, we will spend the time together all day long. After that, we will take a photo together for the memories. I’m pretty lucky to met my friend like her, hopefully we can be friend forever.

  93. Name : Dinda Salsabila Aghnia
    NIM : 191230079
    TBI 3 C

    Every day I get up at 4 o 'clock to prepare for prayer and tidy my house, but today I get up late at 6 o 'clock because I'm up all night doing task and forget not to turn on the alarm I used to set before bed. If I woke up early I certainly didn't miss morning prayer. At 1:00 I have a class, some of my friends are going to presentation, If I read my friends' material first, I will understand and at the question - and - answer session I will ask which one is still confused.

  94. Name: Ila karmelia
    Nim: 191230087
    Class: tbi 3c

    When I walked at that time to buy food, I heard the old women who were begging on the side of the road with faces that were very tired, dirty, hungry, then I immediately bought two packs of food one pack for me, another pack for the old lady , after that I accompanied the grandmother and gave food to the grandmother, if I was successful later I would be a good person and would give a little of my sustenance to the people who are in need, so that they also feel happy when I give a little of my sustenance for them.

  95. Siti Najwa

    You know what, I couldn't sleep last night. I go to sleep at 2 a.m. Luckily, I set a lot of alarms and I ended up getting up at 6 a.m. so I wasn't late for my midterms. If I wake up late, I don't take the test and my score is blank, fortunately I can wake up this early even though I still feel sleepy. if I could sleep earlier last night, I wouldn't be sleepy like this when I do the exam.

  96. Name : Siti fatimatuzzahra
    NIM : 191230081
    Class : TBI - 3C

    I stay in Serang with Dea, yesterday I met Mala, she said "I will come to Banten if Dea and I followed her."

    So I said to Mala "Oke, if you paid us, I would followed you."

    And Dea said "yes, I agree with you zahra,"

    Mala answered "oh my lord... I would have bought my phone if I had paid you all."

  97. Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    TBI 3D

    Next week I have a birthday party, I would like to send an invitation to a friend. I have looked everywhere for her address, but I cannot find it. So now I think it is rather unlikely that I will eventually find her address. If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

  98. Name : Herlina Wati
    Class : TBI 3D
    Nim : 191230115

    So next week I'm participating in a solo vocal competition at a class meeting at my school, I always practice every day because I'm sure if we want to get good results we have to work hard. as the saying goes, the process will not deceive the results.
    therefore I always practice diligently so that the results get satisfactory.

  99. Lulu Nabila
    TBI 3 C

    Today I met with wika at the supermarket, she bought a lot of things she wanted and then I asked:
    Lulu: have you been given more money this month?
    Wika: No, I bought this stuff with my own savings.
    Lulu: wow, when did you start saving up?
    Wika: I started saving money when I was in elementary school.
    Lulu: if I had spent some money in elementary school, I could have bought what I wanted now.

  100. Name : Ulfa Nadya
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM 191230108

    This year, i am going to finish my study. I want to continue my study to public university. But, i come from a poor family. I live only with my mother and my brother. If i had had a father, our live would have been better than now (conditional sentence type 3). My mother is a motorcycle driver. She is a teacher too, but just a temporary teacher at a public school. If she didn't work as a motorcycle driver, it would not be enough to our live (conditional sentence type 2). So, i should study hard to make my mother proud. If I study hardly, i believe i will get a university scholarship. (conditional sentence type 1. I really believe it. But,back again to the reality. If my mother has a good job, i will study at a good university

  101. Nama : Mega Tias Nur Afnia
    Class: TBI 3 D
    NIM : 191230125

    Her husband hasn't gone home for months because he works abroad. Last night Mr. Andrew sent a message that he planned to go home this month. Mrs. Kim can't hide her happines. Now she is arranging what she will do if her husband come.

  102. Name : Suits Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230116

    I want to take a vacation out of town, but I don't want to ask my parents for money. if i ask money, my mother will be angry. therefore I intend to save.
    If I'm not saving, I can't go on vacation out of town.
    I plan to leave the city next year, Jogjakarta is the city I want to visit.

  103. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230116

    I want to take a vacation out of town, but I don't want to ask my parents for money. if i ask money, my mother will be angry. therefore I intend to save.
    If I'm not saving, I can't go on vacation out of town.
    I plan to leave the city next year, Jogjakarta is the city I want to visit.

  104. Nihayah
    Tbi 3C

    My brother goes to work from 7 in the morning and comes home at 00 at night, usually my father or mother opens the door when my brother comes home, but last night my father and mother fell asleep, and luckily I haven't slept yet, so I open the door, if I fall asleep That night my brother may not have been able to enter the house and rest satisfied.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.


    In 2021, I will enter the 4th semester majoring in English education. However, I should have graduated from college this year, and many of my classmates have already completed their studies. This is because I did not go straight to college when I graduated from high school and 3 years later I just continued to study. In 2016, after graduating from high school, I had to have knee surgery because of a motorbike accident and the healing process was quite long. If I used to be careful on my motorbike, I would not have surgery and I could go straight to college.

    I am still excited to continue studying. 2 years later in 2018, I ventured to enroll in college and I successfully passed the test for admission to the English department too. At that time, my knee was still sore and at one point I went to a different hospital, and I was advised to have another operation. I also had another operation and had to give up not going to college for the second time. It wasn't until 2019 that I actually entered college because my feet were much better than previous years. however, I feel like I lost my time that I should have graduated from college. If only I had surgery in the second hospital, I would not have missed out on studying with my friends. In this incident, I learned many lessons. I learned to be someone who patiently endures pain, patiently puts off important activities and is patient with the loss of my time. I am grateful that I have experienced this, I am a more patient person than before.
