Friday 13 November 2020



Instructional Design:

The students could mention and differentiate between a framework and principles in developing English materials. Then, they could use the framework and principles in their real life works such as writing a coursebook, designing course handout, etc. 


The teacher uses this blog as a media to do written discussion. The teacher gives a PPT and let her students ask questions relating to this topic in the comment column. 


This session adopts Jolly and Bolitho's concept (2011) as one of English materials development framework. Then, it takes several ideas of English materials development principles from several authors such as Bell and Gower (2011), Nunan (1988), Hall (1995), Ellis (2010), Tomlinson (2010,2013), Tomlinson and Masuhara (2013). This session guides the teachers to develop their own materials for teaching English otherwise every material depends on what their students are likely to learn. Tomlinson and Masuhara's (2013) conclude that coursebooks as amaterials developer's products do not directly refer to those framework and principles but they tends to consider a trend what is likely to sell. To learn more about this topic, you could open this PPT. Then, you have to resume recent materials in a paragraph. write your idea in this comment column.  


  1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabbarakatuh miss,i'm rahmania from TBI5 D My student number 181230136,i would like to ask,Are the principles in the development of English material at elementary, junior and senior high school the same? Or If different what the aspect that we must consider. Thank you miss

    1. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh mrs, i'm Hafizh Prasetyo Wibowo, My students number (181230149), i'm from TBI 5D, I would like to ask....What should the teacher do to generate student motivation in learning English?. Thank you Mrs.🙏

    2. waalaikum salam wr wb. rahmania, the framework and principles in this topic are properly applied in every level of schools. in my opinion, the aspects that should be more considered for each level are contextual and pedagogical aspects of materials.

  2. Assalamualaikum.
    I'm murdevi (181230156) from TBI 5D I want to ask about 'What are the advantages for teachers who use the principles of developing English material in learning, and what makes them different from teachers who do not use these principles and what is the impact for students?'
    Thank you miss ...

    1. Good questions Murdevi. The teachers who use this principles will produce more varied materials that are proper for the students. Then, the students could develop their knowledge and experience through the principled materials.

  3. Assalamualaikum...
    I'm Sonia Oktaviani (181230145) from TBI 5D, I'd like to ask you ma'am. In the framework of materials development have 7 steps, my question is if the one of step do not used, whether to have an effect on framework of materials development?
    Thank you ma'am

    1. waalaikum salam Sonia, if you don't do all steps in that framework, it automatically impacts on the materials themselves. the framework is from research too. So, you need to do other research to know the impact of undoing one of the framework.

  4. Assalamualaikum wr wb, I am Euis Asterina (181230120) from TBI 5 D, I want to ask: from the principles mentioned in ppt, which principle is most appropriate to use in high school?

    1. Waalaikum salam. Euis, the answer for your question is Nunan's principles which include the learners'needs to develop learning skills, and skills in learning. Then, the students have to develop their skill into real world

  5. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. I'm Wielda Hudaeby (181230155) from TBI 5D and I would like to ask you, ma'am...
    According to Bell and Gower, one of the principle of guide writing is natural language. What does it means, ma'aam? Thankyou :))

    1. guide writing refers to write materials. one of their principles is natural language. it means that every materials writer should use natural language while developing them. this language will help learners to understand the materials easier.

  6. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. I am agung satria (181230129) from TBI 5D I want to ask : from bell and gower's priniples, there is a balance of approaches, like what kind of principle of balance approach if it is practiced in schools?

    1. Agung, a balance of approaches means that a materials developer has to accommodate all skills approaches in similar presentation in his/her courses.

  7. Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
    I'm Rizkia Nabilah (181230152) from TBI 5D, I would like to ask you mrs. In slide 12, "There are 15 material principles
    development that comes from the SLA", what are they and would you explain it mrs🙏🏻
    Thank you

  8. Assalamualaikum Wr Wb, My name is Eneng Ifat Fatimah (181230151) Let me ask you Mrs, when I see your PPT and I found that "In 2010, Tomlinson proposes 30 principles of materials development deriving
    from 6 principles of language acquisition and 4 principles of language teaching" Can you give more explanation, or tell me where can I find a more complete explanation of this statement. Thank you 🤗

    1. in Tomlinson 2010. you could open it more detailed in his book I had ever sent you in your WAG.

  9. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh, hello miss my name Muhammadfarhan Munawar Tanjung class 5D i want ask you about pinciple guide from bell and gower. in your ppt there are principle guide writing is "flexibilities" kind you explain me about it how can be flexibility ? what aspect/ sector you can should flexibilities

    1. materials writer has to be flexible while creating his/her courses and books. They should adopt people's needs in those contents. So, there is no book without changes.

  10. Assalamualaikum Ms, I am Asyifa Ramadhan from TBI 5E, my student number is 181230183 I would ask you.. are there any agreeds upon principles about materials development? Thank you.

    1. I think that you are independent individual while developing your materials. in the other hand, your materials' contents have to be in line with your purposes.

  11. Assalamualaikum wr wb. Hello miss,my name is Iroh Masruroh 5E (181230190) I want to ask you more explanation about framework of material development "Identification of need of materials" thank you miss..

    1. it is done as early stage in developing materials. You have to identify what the needs in using the materials. Therefore, every materials developer has to understand what the readers' needs.

  12. Name/SN : Bernica Salsabila/181230158
    Hello good morning everybody
    Here i'd like to ask about the flores's outline of a lesson format "Using grammar in oral interaction" Now my point is, is it important for learners to know grammar deeper while the rest of the native's life don't know what the detail of grammar is? In my divergent opinion that they also don't use it in their own daily convos.
    Such as :
    1. The use of double negatives of native's convos, e.g I wouldn't know nothing bout it
    2. The use of if clause in their daily convos, e.g if i was you or if i'd have known
    3. The use of countable or uncountable nouns, e.g there were less people here

    Pls correct me if i'm wrong, i'm still confused bout this thx u

  13. I am sorry, I can't get your ideas in that statement. could you please clarify it?

    1. I mean that Bernica's question is till confusing for me.

    2. Sorry mrs i made you wondering mine
      I mean is it important enough for learners to learn deeper bout grammar or use grammar in daily communication even they (native english) had no care of what the grammar teach bout, and also they don't use it in oral communication. I already put the examples in my statement above, somewhat that i numbered 1,2,3.
      Thank you mrs to responding mine
