Thursday 19 November 2020


 This semester you will have mid term test for academic year 2020. I adopt some items in this test from Murphy (2019). If you have practice in that book, you will do the test easier. Don't forget to put your name and student's identity number on your work. You have to collect your answers in line with your learning schedule next week. I can't accept the students who being late to do this work. To see the test, please open this link


  1. Linda Muflihah

    1. Future : Will+have (Example : Mother will have retired from work by the time i finish collage)
    Perfect : Have/Has (Example : The weater has nice lately)
    Continous : Has/Have+been+V-ing (Example : I have been working)
    2. A. I didn’t sleep
    B. There are, There are
    C. Have worked
    D. He has given
    E. She lived
    F. Has died. I never meet
    3. The sentence used mix conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present. And the sentece describe the result of a certain condition.
    4. A. I’m nit hungry (Simple present tense), if i was hungry (Simple Past tense), i would eat something (Past future tense)
    B. I wasn’t hungry (simple past tense), if i had been hungry (present perfect tense), i would have eaten something (Future perfect tense)
    5. A. My bike has dissapeared, it is stealed.
    B. My umpbrella has dissapeared. Someone takes it.
    C. A neighbor of mine dissapeared six month ago. He doesn’t look since then.

  2. Name: Marhany
    Class: Tbi 3 D
    Nim: 191230129

    1. Future Perfect Tense
    Future Perfect Tense is a tense form that is used to express an event that will be completed in the future. When we use this Tense, we take ourselves to the future and look back at the events that will finish at that time.
    *She will have cooked dinner.
    *He will have arrived.
    *They will have left Japan.
    The future perfect continuous is a form of sentence used to express an ongoing or ongoing action. .which will begin at a certain time or in the future and continue into the future. There are two further time references in this tense
    *On November, I will have been working at my company for three years.
    *When I turn thirty,I will have been playing piano for twenty-one years.
    *On Thursday,I will have been knowing you for a week.
    A.I am tired because (I didn't sleep) well last night
    B.I once saw a bus driver strike last week,(so there are)no bus
    at the station
    C. edward (have worked) in a bank for 15 years then he quit his job and now edward works as a gardener
    D.Mary lived in dublin and (she lived) there long her life
    E. My grandfather (has died) before I was born, and I have never met
    3.The sentences is REPORT TEXT
    Definition of a Report Text
    A report text is a type of document written by someone or group of people to announce the result of an investigation or announce something to the proper authorities. The information given in a report text is very general information
    4. Conditional sentence is
    A conditional sentence which states that something happens as a result of something else, or happens only if certain conditions are met / happened / done.
    Example :I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    A. It has been stolen !
    B. Somebody has taken it?
    C. Nobody has seen him since then.

    Majors: English Education Department
    Lecturer: Selnistia Hidayani
    Name : Eva aprilia
    Class : TBI 3 A

    1). The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time, perfect is the tenses of learning something that has been done.If the future tenses that discuss something that is planned or something that will be done later.And the different with continuous are tenses that discuss something that is being done and will continue to be done.
    The Example :
    - i have bought a bag in holiday
    - she has Dried clothes every morning
    - she will study english next week in my house
    - i will go to bali after examination
    - ervan playing game every night
    - her father working in australia from she childhood to adulthood.

    2). a. I’m tired.i not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week,
    so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him.

    3). If there was an election tomorrow, i wouldn't vote the bad leader and the fact is that tomorrow I not an election.
    - This sentence uses the conditional setence type mix, the sentens which describes a condition such as the one which refers to the second and third conditional sentences, namely the counterfactual pattern. The conditions or consequences are good, but these two conditionals have no past time.

    4). A. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( second conditional )
    I’m not hungry -> Simple present tense
    if i was hungry -> Simple Past tense
    i would eat something -> Past future tense
    B. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (Thrid conditional )
    I wasn’t hungry -> simple past tense
    if i had been hungry -> present perfect tense
    i would have eaten something -> Future perfect tense

    5). a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn’t seen since then.

      Majors : English Education Department
      Lecturer : Selnistia Hidayani
      Name : Eva aprilia
      NIM : 191230005
      Class: TBI 3 A

      1). The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time, perfect is the tenses of learning something that has been done.If the future tenses that discuss something that is planned or something that will be done later.And the different with continuous are tenses that discuss something that is being done and will continue to be done.
      The Example :
      - i have bought a bag in holiday
      - she has Dried clothes every morning
      - she will study english next week in my house
      - i will go to bali after examination
      - ervan playing game every night
      - her father working in australia from she childhood to adulthood.

      2). a. I’m tired.i not slept well last night
      b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week,
      so there has been no buses.
      c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
      Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
      d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
      e. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him.

      3). If there was an election tomorrow, i wouldn't vote the bad leader and the fact is that tomorrow I not an election.
      - This sentence uses the conditional setence type mix, the sentens which describes a condition such as the one which refers to the second and third conditional sentences, namely the counterfactual pattern. The conditions or consequences are good, but these two conditionals have no past time.

      4). A. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( second conditional )
      I’m not hungry -> Simple present tense
      if i was hungry -> Simple Past tense
      i would eat something -> Past future tense
      B. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (Thrid conditional )
      I wasn’t hungry -> simple past tense
      if i had been hungry -> present perfect tense
      i would have eaten something -> Future perfect tense

      5). a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed.
      b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
      c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn’t seen since then.

  4. Name : Rana Salwa.
    NIM : 191230032.
    Class: TBI 3A.

    1. the difference between perfect, future, continuous is. Perfect : shows the conditions / routines that have been done. Future : shows a condition / routine that will happen in the future (plan). Continuous : indicates a condition / ongoing routine.
    Example perfect :
    • i have studied in pare.
    • she has forgiven me.
    Example furute :
    • i Will marry with my boyfriend.
    • i Will get the scholarship.
    Example continuous :
    •i am singing the song Celine Dion.
    •she is watching drama Korea.

    2. a. I’m tired.i not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never Meet him.

    3. this uses conditional sentence type 2 . I mean, this sentence is not based on actual circumstances. In this sentence the result of the requirements or conditions is not likely to be met or a small possibility occurs today (when the speaker said them).
    Both the real-estate and the real estate both use the past, "If there's an election tomorrow, I'll vote for someone in charge, but the fact is I'm not voting for anyone because tomorrow there won't be an election"

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something( second conditional).
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something(Thrid conditional).

    5.a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

    Mk : Intermediet English Grammer
    Nama : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052
    Class : TBI 3B
    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each !
    Answer :
    a. Present Perfect
    To state events or events which have occurred or been committed in the past, but to this day the effects remain.
    # Patteren
    ( + ) S + HAS / HAVE + V3 + O + A
    ( - ) S + HAS / HAVE + NOT + V3 + O + A
    ( ? ) HAS / HAVE + S +V3 + O + A ?
    ( -? ) HASN’T / HAVEN’T + S + V3 + O + A ?
    Ex : I have already studied chapter one.
    Nana has taken a bath
    b. Present countinous
    Present tense is a form of tense used to state that an action is taking place during a certain time now (present).
    # Patteren
    ( + ) S + is /am /are + Ving + O + A
    ( - ) S + is /am /are + not + Ving + O + A
    ( ? ) is /am /are + S + Ving + O + A
    ( -? ) isn’t / aren’t + S + Ving + O +A
    Ex : I am listening to radio
    That girl is getting fatter
    c. Simple future
    Simple future tense is a tenses sentence used to indicate events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    ( + ) S + Shall/ Will + V1 + O + A
    ( - ) S + Shall/ Will + not + V1 + O + A
    ( ? ) Shall/ Will + S + V1 + O + A
    ( -? ) Shall/ Will + not + S + V1 + O + A
    Ex : he will meet me tomorrow
    They will take school examination next month.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired.___I didn’t sleep___(I / not / sleep) well last night.
    b. There was _____(There / be) a bus drivers’ strike last week, so_there weren’t _(there / be) no buses.
    c. Edward____has worked____(work) in a bank for 15 years. Then_he given_(he / give) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin._she lived ____(She / live) there all her life.
    e. My grandfather______died_____(die) before I was born.__I never met ____(I / never / meet) him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer : The sentence suggests that if there was a vote tomorrow then what would you choose? The sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what your answer is. And that sentence Describe a hypothetical situation where the situation exists only in our imagination, not real.
    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    ( type 2 “simple present tense, simple pat tense, simple future “ “ I tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar saya akan makan sesuatu )
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    ( type 3 “ simple past tense , simple perfect tense, future perfect tense” “ saya tidak lapar jika saya lapar saya akan memakan sesuatu )
    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) It is stealed __________
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody taken it ___________
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then) He_doesn’t seen since then ______

  6. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A

    1. The different is:
    -perfect in the present is to denote events that began in the past and are still continuing into the present.
    Example: I have brought some apples
    She has not eaten the cake
    - Future in the present is to show events in the future or that will be done in the future
    Example: I will read a novel tomorrow
    You will come to home next week
    - continuous in the present is happening or is progressing at that time.
    Example: He is eating pizza now
    They are studying in a class
    a) I am tired. I not slept well last night
    b) There was a bus drivers' strike last week
    c) Edward work in a bank for 15 years
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life
    e) My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him
    3. This is used conditional sentence type-2 because it is used to imagine present or future situation that are impossible or unlikely in reality and in the sentence also there's "if" that is proof to imagine in the present.
    4. -I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something (conditional sentence type-2) because there's: If+past simple+would+infinitive
    -I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry. I would have eaten something. (Mixed conditional) because there's: If+ past simple+would have+past participle(present/past)
    5. -My bike has dissapeared. It has been stolen
    -my umbrella has dissapeared. Somebody has been taken
    -a neighbour of mine dissapeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since than

  7. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    Nim : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A
    Majors : English Education Departement

    1. Pefect : tensis is used for events that are already finished, or already done.
    - I have bought a new bag
    -My sister has started a new job this week
    Future : tensis used to state future events, which had not yet happened but had been planned.
    - I will married with my boy friend next week.
    - We will take a school examination next week.
    Continous : tensis that states ongoing events
    The difference between the three tenses is the time.
    -I am not reading a novel
    - My mother is talking to my neighbor.

    2. a. I'm tired, I not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus driver's strike last week, so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Than has given it up. Now he works has a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born, I never meet him.

    3. It uses type 2 conditional sentences. I mean, this sentence is not based on actual circumstances. In this sentence the result of the requirements or conditions could not be met or there is little chance of occurring today (when the speaker said it).
    Used the past tense. So, "if there is an election tomorrow, I will pick an honest man" but the fact is I'm not voting for anyone because tomorrow there won't be an election.

    4. - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something( second conditional).
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something(Thrid conditional).

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  8. Mid Term Test
    Name : Ficka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. The difference is
    A.Perfect tense is a form of sentence that describes an event that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.
    Example : i have read this book, She has studied in UIN since 2019
    B. Future tense is a form of verb that expresses an action or situation in the future.
    Example : You will win, They are going to come
    C. Continuous Tense is a sentence formation rule that is used to express an activity that is happening or is in progress
    Example : She is brushing the bathroom floor now, we are not sleeping now

    a. I’m tired.i not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never Meet him.

    3. "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?"
    I think the sentence uses conditional type 2 because it is a presupposition where the situation is just imagined is not real. Moreover, the sentence uses "if" which makes us think that the sentence is just a parable.

    -I am not hungry. If I'm hungry. I'm going to eat something because in that sentence it uses: If + past simple + would + infinitive. which makes this sentence a conditional type 2.
    -I am not hungry. If I'm hungry. I'll eat something. because in this sentence using: If + past perfect + would have +
    past participle. which makes this sentence a conditional type 3.

    a. My bike has disappeared. It is steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  9. Name : Titin Sumiyati
    NIM : 191230120
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. Perfect tense While talking about a period of time that continues from the past until now.
    Example : You've cleaned the bathroom! It looks lovely!
    I’ve studied at library
    Future tense Simple Future (Future Indefinite) Tense The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future.
    Example : We shall move to another city.
    I will go to jakarta

    Continous tense (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present continuous exercises.
    Example : you are learning english now
    He is sitting on the chair

    2. Present perfect tense
    a. I am tired, i haven’t slept well last night
    b. There has been a bus driver’s strike last week, so there hasn’t buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before i was born, i have never met him.
    3. he asks if there is an election activity tomorrow, who will you vote for? and ask something that will happen tomorrow.
    4. Simple present tense
    I’m not hungry ( saya sedang tidak lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (am) + VERB 1
    Simple past tense
    It was hungry ( dia sudah lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    I was not hungry (negative) ( saya sudah tidak lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + NOT +VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    Past future tense
    I would eat something ( saya ingin makan sesuatu )
    Past perfect continous tense
    If i had been hungry ( saya telah lapar )
    Past future perfect tense
    I would have eaten something ( saya akan makan sesuatu )
    SUBJECT + would/should + have + VERB 3 (past participle)

    5. Active sentence to passive tense
    A. My bike has disappeared. ( it has been stealed by thief )
    B. my umbrella has disappeared. ( somebody has been taken my umbrella )
    C. a neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. ( he hasn’t been seen since then

  10. Nama : Anissa Siti Nurhalisa
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230110
    1. a. perfect it shows that something will be completed before a specific time in the future. The formula Have/has. Example: the house has clean today
    b. continous
    that future actions will be in rogress at a spesific time in the future or it expresses a new, different or temporary event.the formula has/have+been+V-ing. Example: I have been studying
    c. future
    tenses that is being done and will continue to be done. The formula Will+have. Example: the new car will bought by my parents.
    2. A. I’m tired (I didn’t sleep) well last night
    B. There are a bus drivers strike last week
    C. Edward have worked in a bank for 15 years. Then (He has give) it up. Now he works as a gardener
    D. mary lives in Dublin. She has live there all her life
    E. my grandfather (has died) before I was born (I never meet) him.
    3. this sentence is to use mixed sentences. This sentence tells the condition and conditional sentences. This sentence tell about how to result condition.
    4. I’m not hungry (simple present tense) If I was hungry (simple past tense) I would eat something. (past future tense)
    I wasn’t hungry.( simple past tense) If I had been hungry(present perfect tense) I would have eaten something.(future perfect tense)
    5. my bike has disapperead. It is stoled
    b. my umbrella has disapperead. Somebody taken it
    c. a neighbour of mine disaperead six months ago. He doesn’t seen since then.

  11. Siti Masitoh

    Perfect : We use the perfect tense to denote a relationship between the present and the past. The timing of the action or event that have done.
    Example :
    - I have done my writing project last week
    - I have read some fiction two hours ago

    Future : We use the future tense to relating an event in the future. For example :
    - I Will not buy Grammar book at online shop
    - will you give me a grammar book?

    Continues : We use the continues tense to describe what we do in the this time. example :
    - are you eating my snack?
    - I am eating your snack

    a. I’m tired. I not slept well last night.
    There was a bus drivers’ strike lastweek,
    so there was nobuses.
    b. Edward worked in a bank for 15years.
    Then he given it up. Now he works as agardener.
    c. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    d. My grandfather has dead before I was born. I never met him.

    3 . This conditional in question is using Type 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition.

    a. i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something. (Conditional type 2)

    b.I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. (Conditional type 3)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It stealed.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen since then


    TBI 3C

    What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    Answer :
    Perfect : We use the perfect tense to denote a relationship between the present and the past. The timing of the action or event that have done. For example :
    - I have done my mid test 2 minutes ago
    - she has drunk a glass of water for keep her body hidrated

    Future : We use the future tense to relating an event in the future. For example :
    - i will be get score A for grammar lesson in this semester
    - You will give me a reward if i got the best score, right?

    Continues : We use the continues tense to describe what we do in the this time. For example :
    - i am speaking English for communicate with others
    - they are singing together for support me do my exam

    Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or pastsimple.
    I’m tired. ain't slept (I / not / sleep) well last night.
    There was (There / be) a bus drivers’ strike lastweek,
    so there was (there / be) nobuses.
    Edward worked (work) in a bank for 15years.
    Then he given (he / give) it up. Now he works as agardener.
    Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived (She / live) there all her life.
    My grandfather has dead (die) before I was born. I never met (I / never / meet)him.
    There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would youvote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentencemean?
    if conditional in this question is using for Type 2 conditionals which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. These sentences are not based on real situations. So it means that there is no an election tomorrow on real situation, it just presupposition.

    See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns andmeanings! I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eatsomething.
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

    Answer: i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something.
    It is if conditional type 2.

    I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something.
    It is if conditional type 3.

    Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!)It stealed
    My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take)Somebody has taken.
    A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / sincethen) He hasn't seen since then

  13. Nama : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Kelas : TBI 3C

    1.Present Continuouns : expresses an activity that is in progress or is happening right now
    Ex : I’m watching tv right now, Ann can’t come here right now because she is working.

    Present Perfect : The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (ex we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (ex he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle
    Another ex: Udin has already eaten lunch

    Future : the present simple is used to refer to events in the future which are certain because they are facts, or because there is a clear or fixed schedule or timeable:
    Ex : her birthday falls on a Friday next year ( a known fact about future )
    She has her driving test next week, does she ? ( a fixed arrangement )

    2.A. I didn’t sleep
    B. there was ; there were
    C. Had worked ; he gave
    D. she has lived
    E. Died ; I never meet

    3.This questions is using conditional Type 2 ( unreal present )
    This presupposition states something that is contrary to what is / is happening now. Tomorrow's election is an imaginary event so my vote is also imaginary.

    4.I am not hungry, if i was hungry, i would it something ( if + simple past + would ) conditional type 2
    I wasn't hungry. if i had been hungry, i would have eaten something ( if + past perfect + would have + past participle ) conditinal type 3

    5.A. it was stolen
    B. Somebody took iy
    C. He has not been seen since then

  14. Siti Najwa
    1.) The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself. Ex:
    1. They haven't lived here for years.
    2. She has worked in the bank for five years
    But the present future tense is a tense used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future. and is used when making predictions or providing warnings. in addition, it is used when we make spontaneous decisions. Ex:
    1. Don’t lift that. You will hurt yourself.
    2. You left your purse, i will get it for you.
    And if the present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Ex:
    1. They are reading their books.
    2. I am sitting.

    2.) a. I have not slept well last night.
    b. There is a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worker in a bank for 15 years.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather does i have never met him.

    3.) I think it's possibility that there's a election tomorrow. So you have to choose someone.

    4.) the first sentence has a present tense pattern, but the second sentence has a past tense pattern. And the meaning of both sentences is "i'm full" or "i was full".

    5.) a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    1. The different between perfect, future and continuous in
    -Perfect is The events that have happened
    Example: She have been to Bandung,
    Ilyas has gone to the mall.

    -Future is Events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    Example: We shall go out,
    I'm going to learn math

    -Continuous is An action that is going on during a certain time at the present time
    Example: She is reading a newspaper now,
    The moon is shining

    2. a. I'm tired.i not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there has been no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin she has lived there all her life
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never Meet him.

    3. This is used the conditional types 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition and this use a future real conditional, Although this type is called real we are actually just predicting something that will happen in the future. This type is called real because it's still very likely in the future. "If there is an election tomorrow, I will register to be choosy, and the fact is I wouldn't register, because there isn't an election tomorrow"

    4. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something (second conditional).
    I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something (Third conditional).

    5.a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  17. Name : Siti Fatihatul Makiyyah
    Nim : 191230040
    Class : TBI-3B

    The difference is
    A. The perfect tense is a tense which describes an event that has started in the past and is still continuing to the present or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.
    Example: I've been eating this tofu. She has been eating lunch at home since 1pm.
    B. Future tense is a form of verb that expresses an action or situation in the future.
    Example: You will be successful, They will leave
    C. Continuous Tense is a sentence formation rule used to express an activity that is or is in progress
    Example: He's brushing his teeth in the bathroom right now, we're not taking a shower right now.

    A. I am tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. Last week a bus driver broke down, so there are no buses yet.
    c. Edward worked at a bank for 15 years.
    Then give up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there her whole life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?"
    I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2 because this is a presupposition where the situation you just imagined is not real and hasn't happened yet. and also palagi the sentence uses "if" which makes us think that the sentence is just a parable and can or may not happen.

    -I am not hungry. If I'm hungry. I'm going to eat something because in that sentence it uses: If + past simple + would + infinitive. which makes this sentence a conditional type 2.
    -I am not hungry. If I'm hungry. I'll eat something. because in this sentence use: If + past perfect + will have +
    past participle. which makes this sentence a conditional type 3.

    a. My bike disappeared. It's steamed.
    b. My umbrella is missing. Someone took it.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

    Name: Sekar Ayu Asari
    Nim: 191230016
    Class: TBI 3A

    1. The different between perfect, future and continuous in
    - Perfect is The events that have happened
    - Future is Events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    - Continuous is An action that is going on during a certain time at the present time

    Exemple: - You have weitten a letter
    - I have been a teacher since two years ago. Diana has done her homework.
    Example: I will have worked to night
    1. I will have presented tomorrow
    Example: -He is reading a novel
    -He is doing a Science project right now.

    2. a. I'm tired.i not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there has been no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin she has lived there all her life
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never Meet him.

    3 . This conditional in question is using Type 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition.

    4. a. i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something. (Conditional type 2)
    b.I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. (Conditional type 3)

    5. A. My bike has dissapeared, it is stealed.
    B. My umpbrella has dissapeared. Someone takes it.
    C. A neighbor of mine dissapeared six month ago. He doesn’t look since then.

  19. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah
    Class:TBI 3C

    1. Compare the following two sentences.
    - She has been writing emails for four hours.
    - She has written 12 messages.
    The Present Perfect Continuous (has been writing) states how long it took something to happen. The Present Perfect (has written) states how much something has been completed. compare these two sentences.
    - I have worked here for thirty years.
    -I usually work in London but I have been working in Birmingham for the last three weeks.
    Use the Present Perfect when we see something permanently, and use the Present Perfect Continuous for something that seems temporary.

    2. A. I slept well last night
    B. The bus driver broke down last week, so there are no buses
    C. Edward worked at the bank for 15 years then he gave up, now he is working as a carpenter
    D. Mary lives in Dublin, she lives there all her life
    E. My grandfather died before I was born, I never met him

    3.Future Conditionals
    This type talks about a situation that might occur and a prediction of what the situation will be in the future.

    Example: 'If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for?'

    Such incidents may occur in the future considering the country's current political situation.

    4. “I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.”

    Conditional sentence type 2 The second conditional type is to express something that will not happen or is unlikely to happen now or in the future. This type can also be used for wishing.

    “I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.”

    Conditional sentence types 3 The last type of if this sentence occurs is to express something that has not been or imagined in the past. The tense used in the clause if is past perfect tense.

    5.A.the passive sentence My bike is missing,Someone stole it. sentence He took the umbrella .
    C. Active sentence He disappeared since six months ago.

  20. Name : Firdha Laila Ramadhanti
    NIM : 191230060
    Class : TBI 3B
    1. The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.
    Example : I have walked on this path before.
    The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
    Example : I will jump in the lake
    Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense .
    Example : It is 16.00. They are discussing something right now.
    2. A. I didn’t sleep
    B. There was - There waren’t
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met
    3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what yu answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

  21. Nama : Nur isnaeniah
    Nim :191230044
    TBI 3B
    1. the difference between perfect, future, and continues. perfect here is a form of a verb that is used to express an action or situation that started in the past and is still continuing until now, or has been completed but the effect is still continuing. and future is . Future forms describe things that have not yet happened (for example, later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now). And continues is a form of the verb used to express an action that is taking place now (present) or plans in the future (future). Because it can be used in the present or future, this tense is often accompanied by an adverb of time to clarify it.
    Example of perfect :
    - I have read the book
    - she has called you three times
    Example of future
    -They are going to come
    - I'm going to send this letter tomorow
    Example of continues
    - I'm driving a car to bandung now
    - English is being spoken by students

    2. a). I'm tired i not slept well last night
    b). There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there has been no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life
    e). My grandfather Died before I was born. i never met him.

    3."If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?"this uses second conditional, cause It is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the first sentence, it is clear that the situation is unrealistic. There is no way because it's likely not to be there on the election. In the second sentence, there is a possibility of choosing, but that possibility is very slim.

    4. 1. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (second conditional) with formulas If +past tense, would + infinitive, used to describe situations that are unrealistic or highly unlikely to occur. For example imagining something that is impossible or wishful thinking. In the first sentence, it is clear that the situation is unrealistic. There's no way he's not hungry can get hungry. In the second sentence he will eat even though he is not hungry, there is a possibility, but it is very unlikely.
    2. I wasn't ungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (third conditional)
    and this second sentence is included in the third conditional which talks about conditions that have not yet happened, and is used to refer to the past and wish how the current situation could be different if what happened in the past was different. The formula is
    If + past perfect, would have + V3. In the sentence That is, the main clause in the two sentences above does not actually occur.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D
    MK : Intermediate English Grammar

    1. - Present perfect is tense that describes an event in the past and is still continuing until now.
    Example :
    a. I have bought a new skirt.
    b. I haven't bought a new skirt.
    - Present Future is tense shows that something will be completed before a specific time in the future.
    a. I will have cleaned my bedroom tomorrow.
    b. We will have going to Bandung in two days.
    - Present continouns is a tense form used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present time.
    Example :
    a. She is sleeping right now.
    b. We are going to party tonight.

    2. a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. The bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. This illustrates a real situation that may occur in the future, namely with the assumption who will we vote tomorrow if there is an election.

    4. - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The sentence on the first line shows a continuous sentence that will occur in the future, using conditional type 2. While the second line a sentence that uses the past tense which shows the presuppositions that may have occurred in the past, using conditional type 3.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  24. Name : Suherni
    NIM : 191230002
    CLASS: TBI 3 A

    1. -perfect is a sentence that you have done but are still working on until now.
    for example: i have bought somay;
    i have thought my boy friend

    - continius is a sentence that you are working on or a sentence that is in progress.
    an example is: i'm thingking my boy friend;
    i'm eating with the noodle
    - future is a sentence that you will work on or a sentence that hasn't happened yet. examples are: i will show my talent tomorrow; i will buy new heandphone.

    2. A. I didn’t sleep Last Night
    B. There was - There Has been
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met
    3. That use second conditional, it is Used to imagine present or future situations that are imposibble or unlikely in reality. The pattern of second conditional is ( if + past sample + >> + would+ infinitive )

    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

  25. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI-3 B

    1. We can see the difference between the three tenses from their function ; Perfect, use To state activities or actions that have occurred in the past but the effects can still be felt today. Future, used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future. Continous, a way to convey every action or incident, deed, and events that are happening.
    For example :
    I have bought a new book
    She has cooked for dinner
    I will going to Bandung next week
    Sela has lived in south korea for 1 years
    I am watching a movie
    She is reading a book

    a. I’m tired because I did not sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there has been no buses
    c. Edward have worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has given it up. Now he works as gardener
    d. Marry lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him

    3. This is use Mixed Conditional. Mixed conditional sentence is used to talk about actions or situations that did not take or were not taking place in the past, but we can imagine the probable result in the present, or actions or situations that do not take place in the present, but we can imagine the probable result in the past.

    4. I’m not hungry ( simple present tense ), if i was hungry, i would eaten something. ( conditional sentences type 2 )

    I wasn't hungry ( simple past tense ) if i had been hungry, i would have eaten something ( perfect tense and future perfect )

    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umberella has disappeared. Somebody hass taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn't seem since then.

  26. Name:Dewi Ramayanti
    Nim : 191230013
    Class: TBI 3 A
    1. Perfect tense While talking about a period of time that continues from the past until now.
    Example : You've cleaned the bathroom! It looks lovely!
    ​ I’ve studied at library
    Future tense Simple Future (Future Indefinite) Tense The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future.
    Example : We shall move to another city.
    ​ I will go to jakarta

    Continous tense (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present continuous exercises.
    Example : you are learning english now
    ​ He is sitting on the chair

    2. Present perfect tense
    a. I am tired, i haven’t slept well last night
    b. There has been a bus driver’s strike last week, so there hasn’t buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before i was born, i have never met him.
    3. he asks if there is an election activity tomorrow, who will you vote for? and ask something that will happen tomorrow.
    4. Simple present tense
    I’m not hungry ( saya sedang tidak lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (am) + VERB 1
    Simple past tense
    It was hungry ( dia sudah lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    I was not hungry (negative) ( saya sudah tidak lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + NOT +VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    Past future tense
    I would eat something ( saya ingin makan sesuatu )
    Past perfect continous tense
    If i had been hungry ( saya telah lapar )
    Past future perfect tense
    I would have eaten something ( saya akan makan sesuatu )
    SUBJECT + would/should + have + VERB 3 (past participle)

    5. Active sentence to passive tense
    A. My bike has disappeared. ( it has been stealed by thief )
    B. my umbrella has disappeared. ( somebody has been taken my umbrella )
    C. a neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. ( he hasn’t been seen since then

  27. Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. The difference is:
    Present perfect tense indicates something that has been or has been done
    Ex: The girls have played tennis at the club since 2005
    I have studied English in several different countries
    The simple future is a verb tense that's used to talk about things that haven't happened yet.
    Ex: - I am going to learn a new language
    - If you are having problema, I Will help you study English.
    present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an on going action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.
    Ex: I am not going to the meeting after work
    was studying English when you called yesterday.
    2. a) I am tired. I not slept well last night
    b. b) There was a bus drivers' strike last week
    c) Edward work in a bank for 15 years
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life
    e) My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him
    3. This is used conditional sentence type-2 because it is used to imagine present or future situation that are impossible or unlikely in reality and in the sentence also there's "if" that is proof to imagine in the present.
    4. -I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something (conditional sentence type-2) because there's: If+past simple+would+infinitive
    -I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry. I would have eaten something. (Mixed conditional) because there's: If+ past simple+would have+past participle(present/past)
    5. - My bike has dissapeared. It has been stolen
    - My umbrella has dissapeared. Somebody has been taken
    - A neighbour of mine dissapeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then

  28. Mid term test IEG
    NAME : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    NIM. : 191230012

    1. - The present perfect tense itself is a tense that describes an event that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing. Ex,I have finished my paper. Jin has been worked in the company fo ten years.
    - The future perfect tense is a tense that is used to denote an action or event that will have been completed at some point in the future and will be completed or occur before other activities are carried out in the future. Ex, By this Thursday, I will have finished the report. We will have gone when you get here.
    - Present continuous tense is a tense which functions to express an action that is being done in the present (when speaking) and something in the future. Ex, she is reading a book. She is sleeping right now.

    2. . I'm tired I did not sleep well last night
    b. there wasn't a bus drivers' strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. Has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. "If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for? "
    I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2 because this is a presupposition where the situation you just imagined is not real and hasn't happened yet. and also palagi the sentence uses "if" which makes us think that the sentence is just a parable and can or may not happen.

    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) is stealed.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody taken it.
    C. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then) He Doesn’t seen since then.

  29. Name : Wulan Kurniasari
    Nim : 191230041
    Class. : TBI 3B

    1. -The perfect tense is used to denote events or actions that have been completed or occurred in a period of time from the past to the present.
    e.g. Keanu has gone to Bali
    We have done our assignment
    -The future tense is used to describe events that will occur at a future time.
    e.g Aldo will buy a car next week
    Rossa will wash the shoes tomorrow
    -The present continuous tense is used to denote an on going event during a conversation.
    e.g. People are rowing on the river now.
    I am driving a car to Bandung this morning.

    a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night
    b. There were a bus drivers strike last week.
    So there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?" I think this sentence used conditional type 2. because it is a presupposition where the situation is just imagined is not real.

    4. -I am not hungry. If I was hungry. I would eat something. in this sentence using:
    If + past simple + would + infinitive. which makes this sentence a conditional type 2.
    -I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry. I' would have eaten something. because in this sentence using:
    If + past perfect + would have + past participle. which makes this sentence a conditional type 3.

    a. My bike has disappeared, it was stolen last night.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it without my permission.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  30. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM. : 191230007
    Class. : TBI 3A

    1. Present Perfect Continous is tense number four (4) which is in the present time, meaning it occurs in the present (at the moment). Future Perfect Continous is tense number twelve (12) which is in the future, meaning it will happen in the future.
    Example : Perfect :
    -my mom gas cooked breakfast for this morning
    - my sister has finished studying
    Future :
    - my family will be enjoying a holiday in lombok next week
    - my sister is getting married next month
    Continous :
    - I'm eating fried rice
    - he was cycling in the park

    2. a). I'm tired I did not sleep well last night
    b). There wasn't a bus drivers' strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. Has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. "If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for? "
    From the sentence above, in my opinion. That is the use of a sentence that does not necessarily happen, because it is clearly written there is the word "if". The sentence is Future Continouous tence.
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. Is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

  31. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM: 191230017
    Class: TBI 3A
    midterm IEG

    1. Present perfect tense is a tense that describes an event that began in the past and still continues to present or is completed at a certain point in the past but the effect still remains. The example: I have read so many books i can't keep count. Simple future tense is a tenses sentence used to indicate events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future. Example: i will read as much as i can this year.Present continous is a form of tense used to state that an action is taking place during a certain time now or present. Example: I am reading novel at the moment.
    2. a . I did not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers were strike last week.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 year.
    Then he has given it up.Now he works as a gardener
    d. marry lives in dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. my grandfather has died before i was born.I never met him.
    3. The sentence suggests conditional sentence type2, that is because this sentence refer to the unlikely conditions or supposition and possible outcomes."if there was an election tomorrow, who would you choose?" This sentence contained supposition.
    4. 1. Im not hungry.If I was hungry, I would eat something In that sentence represents the pattern and the meaning of conditional sentence type2 : If + past tense, would + infinitive.
    2. I wasnt hungry.If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something In that sentence represent the pattern and the meaning of conditional senyence type3 : If + past perfect, would have + V3.
    5. a. My bike has disappeared.It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared.somebody has taken it
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six month ago.He hast been since then.

  32. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    191230023 - TBI 3A

    1. - The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself.
    Formula : S + Have (They, We, I, You / Has (He, She, It) + Past Participle (V3) + Object
    Example :
    We have seen this movie already.
    He has finished his homework.
    - The present future / simple future is a verb tense that’s used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet. Use the simple future to talk about an action or condition that will begin and end in the future.
    Formula : S + Will + Base form (V1) + Object
    Example :
    I will pay for the tickets by credit card.
    She won’t attend the meeting tomorrow.
    - The present continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present continuous exercises.
    Formula : S + is/am/are + Present Participle (V-ing) + Object
    Example :
    Didi is making a cake right now.
    We are performing our duty at the moment.

    2a. I’m tired. I did not slept well last night.
    2b. The bus drivers were on strike last week. So, there were no buses.
    2c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    2d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    2e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. The sentence mean there is no election tomorrow so we are not voting anyone. This condition is not based on fact and unreality result.

    4a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (now) ( = I will eat something but I’m not hungry so I’m not eating anything. ). This sentence use 2nd type of conditional sentence.
    4b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (past) ( = I was full, so I didn’t eat anything. ). This sentence use 3rd type of conditional sentence.

    5a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    5b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    5c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  33. Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    TBI - 3B


    1. The difference between the three, is if the present perfect is a tense pattern that denotes something that is done, while present future is used when we want to state a work that will be done in the future, and present continuous is often referred to as the present progressive. tense. This form can be used to denote ongoing actions or plans in the future.

    2. a. I'm tired i not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    d. Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    e. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life
    f. My grandfather Died before I was born. i never met him.

    3. "If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for?"
    In my opinion, this sentence uses the conditional type 2, because the meaning of the sentence is still imagining an event or situation that is uncertain and even impossible to become real in the future.

    4. - I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something. This sentence is included in the conditional type 2, because this sentence using "If+past simple+would+infinitive".
    - I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry. I would have eaten something. This sentence is included in the mixed conditional, because this sentence using "If+ past simple+would have+past participle(present/past)".

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then.

  34. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi Class : TBI 3B Nim : 191230059

    1. The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. Some other forms of this verb tense are: I am singing at church today. The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. example: i will visit my grandma's home next month Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense. example : He is doing a Science project right now. 2. a. I didn’t sleep
    b. There was - has been
    c. Has Worked - he Given
    d. She lived
    d. Died - I never met 3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what yu answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense 5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

    1. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi Class : TBI 3B Nim : 191230059 1. The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. Some other forms of this verb tense are: I am singing at church today. The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. example: i will visit my grandma's home next month Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense. example : He is doing a Science project right now. 2. a. I didn’t sleep
      b. There was - has been
      c. Has Worked - he Given
      d. She lived
      d. Died - I never met 3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what yu answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
      4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense 5.- is stealed
      - Taken it
      - Doesn’t seen since then

  35. Name : Ainun Nadiroh
    Class : TBI 3 B
    NIM :191230038
    1. Perfect present is a tense that describes events that occurred before a specific time in the past but still exist today, so future present Tense is used to express a job that will have been done at a certain time in the future, and present continuous is a verb form used in modern English that combines the present tense with a continuous aspect.
    Example from present perfect : my father has started new job this week, I have forgotten may lunch box.
    Example from future present : I will wash my clothes, my mother will be going to cook sea food
    Example from present continuous : my cat playing with the mouse, I’m walking to the park.
    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I’m not slept well last night.
    b. There a bus drivers’ strike last week, so be no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he give it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born I never met him.
    3. The sentence explains, if tomorrow there will be an election, I will vote one of the candidates who will run for the election for become President.
    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    - If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    - If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the
    a. My bike has disappeared. My bike It stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken my umbrella
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He not seen since six month ago

  36. Name : Wardah Makhrofatul Jannah
    Class : TBI 3-C
    N.I.M : 191230097
    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    Jawab :
    a. Present Perfect Tense: used to show an activity or event that has been completed,or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.
    Example : I have gone to school, I has not awoken in this morning.
    b. Present Future tense : is a tense that is widely used at the base of the sentence. This tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example : she will go to Paris tomorrow, they will not buy this outfit.
    c. Present Continuous Tense : is a type of tense used to express an event that is happening now or is in process.
    Example : She is going home now, I am reading a great book

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired i not slept well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there has been no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him.
    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Jawab : I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2 because this is a presupposition where the situation you just imagined is not real and hasn't happened yet. and also palagi the sentence uses "if" which makes us think that the sentence is just a parable and can or may not happen.
    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings! I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Jawab :
    a. i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something. (Conditional type 2)
    b.I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. (Conditional type 3)
    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  37. Nama : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 3A
    1.# Perfect Tense : To state an action, event, event that occurred in the past and still has something to do with the present or to show an event that was completed in a short time (just finished). Perfect tense is a tense to describe something that has been done in the present. This means, the speaker has already done the activity when he is now telling it.
    Formulas : S + have/has + Verb 3
    Example :
    - She has recovered from illness
    - i have eaten in this morning
    # Future tense : Future tense is defined as a form of tense that is used to express an event in the future or time.
    Formulas: S + will + Verb 1
    -We will take a school examination next week.
    -Andi will take public speaking class tomorrow.
    #Continuous Tense : To state an event of action or work that is ongoing (occurs) at the present time.
    Formula: S + To Be (is, am, are) + Verb 1 + (ing)
    - I am writing the letter now
    - She is watching the English movie

    2.a. I’m tired i not slept well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there was no buses.

    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has dead before I was born. I never met him.

    3. I think this sentence uses second conditional sentences/ conditional sentences type 2, because It is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality.
    And the formulas conditional sentences type 2 is
    If+ past simple >> +would+ infinitive.

    4. a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( It is conditional sentence type 2)
    The formulas : If+ past simple >> +would+ infinitive.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. ( It is conditional sentence type 3)
    The formulas : If + past perfect >> would have+ past participle.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It stealed
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen since then

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Name : Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    NIM : 191230054
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Examples : I have been to Semarang three times, My son has learned how to walk.
    The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Examples : we shall move to Jakarta, She will come to Ghana next week.
    The present continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. Examples : I am waiting, They are not cooking the meat.
    2. I am tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    There were a bus driver’s strike last week, so there are no buses.
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.
    3. This sentence use conditional sentence type 2 which is the sentence is just imagination. And this sentence type is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible
    4. I am not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something ( conditional sentence type 2 )
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. ( conditional sentence type 3 ).
    5. It has been stolen
    Somebody has taken it
    He hasn’t been seen since then.

  40. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230010

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    Answer :
    • The present perfect is used to denote an event that was completed in the past and is still related to the present and usually has a result. Exampe : I have already moved to my new apartment, i have just finished my task
    • Present future is the tense which states the action to be performed. Example : I will visit you tomorrow, my mom will buy a new motorcycle next month
    • Present continuous is to state events that are taking place in the present or in a stretch of time that includes the present. Example : I am looking for a job, Tommy is working hard today
    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She lives there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.
    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer :
    That is the sentence with if conditional type 2. Therefore the situation is impossible because it existed in the past. That means tomorrow there won't be an election so we don't have to vote for anyone
    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings! I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Answer :
    The first sentence it using if conditional type 2, because it use If+simple past+would+infinitive and the meaning is he/she is not hungry and when he/she hungry he/she will eat something but the situation happen in past.
    The second sentence it using if conditional type 3, because it use if+pas perfect+would have+past participle and the meaning is if he/she was hungry earlier then he/she will eat something if the situation was changed then the results would also be different
    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken my umbrella
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t been seen since then

  41. Name : Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Nim : 191230057
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. a. Future Perfect Tense
    Future Perfect Tense is a tense form that is used to express an event that will be completed in the future. When we use this Tense, we take ourselves to the future and look back at the events that will finish at that time.
    •*They will have left English.

    b. Present countinous
    Present tense is a form of tense used to state that an action is taking place during a certain time now (present).
    •her father working in australia from she childhood to adulthood.

    a. I’m tired. I not slept well last night.
    There was a bus drivers’ strike lastweek,
    so there was nobuses.
    b. Edward worked in a bank for 15years.
    Then he given it up. Now he works as agardener.
    c. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    d. My grandfather has dead before I was born. I never met him.

    3.This questions is using conditional Type 2 ( unreal present )
    This presupposition states something that is contrary to what is / is happening now. Tomorrow's election is an imaginary event so my vote is also imaginary.

    4.I am not hungry, if i was hungry, i would it something ( if + simple past + would ) conditional type 2
    I wasn't hungry. if i had been hungry, i would have eaten something ( if + past perfect + would have + past participle ) conditinal type 3

    a. My bike disappeared. It's steamed.
    b. My umbrella is missing. Someone took it.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  42. Name : Ahmad Fadli Robby
    NIM : 191230069
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    Answer :
    a. Present Perfect tense : to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now.
    Example :
    - I have been to Singapore.
    - Aul has not finished her homework yet.
    b. Simple Future : This tense is used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example :
    - We will go to Paradise soon.
    - I will help you to solve the problem.
    c. Present Continous : This tense is used to show the activities we are doing.
    Example :
    - It is raining now.
    - I am watching television.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b. There was be a bus drivers’ struck last week, so there wasn’t be buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer :
    This is called “mix conditional”, is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; if+ past perfect => would + invinitive.

    4. ,See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    a. Pattern : first sentence is simple present tense and the second is past perfect tense.
    b. Meanings : Saya tidak lapar. Jika Saya telah lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    a. Pattern : first sentence is simple past tense, and the second is past perfect continuous tense.
    b. Meanings : saya tidak lapar. Jika saya telah lapar, saya akan telah makan sesuatu.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a) My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) It has been stolen!
    b) My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody has taken it.
    c) A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then) He has’nt seen been seen then.

  43. Name : Novita Maharani
    Nim :191230062
    Class : TBI 3B

    The present perfect tense is used to refer to an action or event that began some time in the past and still continuing. Ex.
    - I have sat here for an hour ( meaning : I sat down here an hour ago and am still sitting here.)
    - We have known him since 1990. ( meaning : we got to know him in 1970 and we still know him)
    The future tense is used to express future time. It is expressed with the usu of shall and will. Shall is used for both the first person singular or plural and will for all person. Example :
    - I shall return later
    - you will learn the trade soon
    The present continuous tense is used to express an action or event, which is taking place at the present moment. example :
    - I am going to bed now. Good night!
    - ' where's Suryani' ' she is reading a book'
    I did not sleep well last night
    There are a bus driver's strike last week. So there are no buses
    Edward have worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener
    Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life.
    My grandfather has died before I was born.I never meet him.
    3. If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’
    In a past unreal conditional sentence, the if clause is in the past perfect tense and result clause uses would have, should have.
    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. That sentence use the present conditional sentense the if clause is in the past tense and the result clause uses would and should
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The sentence use the past unreal conditional sentence, the if clause is in the past perfect tense and result clause uses would have, should have.
    5. a. My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) It has been stolen!
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody has taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then)He has not seen since then

  44. Sahrul romadoni
    Tbi 3 b

    1. Present Future Tense, this tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future. Present continuous tense is a form of tense used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present). The present perfect tense is a tense which describes an event that occurred before a specific time in the past but still continues until now.
    Example :

    • Future
    - I will finish the project next week
    - Izudin will arrive to the destination in two hours.
    • Continuous
    - Izudin is sleeping right now
    - Sahrul and izudin are studying right now
    • Perfect
    -He has learned English for two years
    -I have not lived in Jakarta for a long time

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple

    a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were’nt be buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.
    3. “If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?”
    In the conditional sentence, this sentence called MIX CONDITIONAL, mix conditional is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.

    4. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings
    • I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    -The patterns from this sentence: first sentence is : simple present tense. And the second sentence ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.
    - The meaning : Saya tidak lapar. Jika Saya telah lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.

    • I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

    - The patterns from this sentence: first sentence : simple past ( negative). And the pattern to second sentence: IF+ PAST PERFECT CONTINUES >> WOULD HAVE+ PAST PARTICIPLE .
    - The meaning : saya tidak lapar. Jika saya telah lapar, saya akan telah makan sesuatu.
    5. active or passive
    a) Somebody has taken it.
    b) It has been stolen!
    c) He has’nt seen been seen than

  45. Name : Fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nim. : 191230068
    Class : TBI 3B
    1. The perfect present is a tense that describes events that occurred before a certain time in the past but still exist today, so the future present tense is used to express a work that will be done at a certain time in the future, and in the present continuously. . is a form of the verb used in modern English that combines the present tense with a continuous aspect.
    Example of the present perfect: My sister has started a new job this week.
    Example from the future now: They will move the current Kim tomorrow.
    Examples from now on: He's working on a Science project right now.
    2. I am tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    There were a bus driver’s strike last week, so there are no buses.
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.
    3.This sentence use conditional sentence type 2 which is the sentence is just imagination. And this sentence type is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible
    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. That sentence use the present conditional sentense the if clause is in the past tense and the result clause uses would and should
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The sentence use the past unreal conditional sentence, the if clause is in the
    5. a. My bike has disappeared, it was stolen last night.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it without my permission.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

    1. Name : Fujiatul Ulufiyah
      Nim. : 191230068
      Class : TBI 3B
      1. The perfect present is a tense that describes events that occurred before a certain time in the past but still exist today, so the future present tense is used to express a work that will be done at a certain time in the future, and in the present continuously. . is a form of the verb used in modern English that combines the present tense with a continuous aspect.
      Example of the present perfect: My sister has started a new job this week.
      Example from the future now: They will move the current Kim tomorrow.
      Examples from present continuous: He's working on a Science project right now.

      2. I am tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
      There were a bus driver’s strike last week, so there are no buses.
      Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
      Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
      My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

      3.This sentence use conditional sentence type 2 which is the sentence is just imagination. And this sentence type is used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible

      4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. That sentence use the present conditional sentense the if clause is in the past tense and the result clause uses would and should
      I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
      The sentence use the past unreal conditional sentence, the if clause is in the

      5. a. My bike has disappeared, it was stolen last night.
      b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it without my permission.
      c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  46. Name : Shinta Awaliatus Sa’adah
    NIM : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. The difference : Present perfect (current perfect time / events that have occurred) to declare an event that occurred in the past and is still present in the present or to indicate an event that was completed in a short time (just finished) . is a tense pattern that indicates something is being done. Example: I have given him money.
    Present Future is used when we want to express an action that will be carried out in the future. Example: I will come to meet you there tomorrow morning.
    Present continuous, which is used to denote events that are happening in the present moment. Example: He is cleaning the room.

    2. a). I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. From the sentence above, in my opinion, the sentence mean means that still imagining an event that is uncertain will happen / it will become real in the future, because there is the word "if" which indicates uncertainty, in which the sentence is Future Continuous, using conditional type 2.

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (if conditional type 2). The sentence means I am not hungry and if I hungry, I will eat something (the situation happen in past but still related to the present time). It use “If+simple past+would+infinitive”.
    I wasn’t hungry, If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (if conditional type 3). The sentence means if I was hungry earlier then I will eat something. there is using “if+past perfect+would have+past”.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then.

  47. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time is perfect states activities / actions that started in the past and are still continuing today, future states an activity or event in the future that has not yet occurred, and continous states that an action is taking place for a certain time at the present time.
    Example of present perfect tense :
    1. I have lived in Cilegon for 20 years.
    2. She has studied in Japan since May.
    Example of present future tense :
    1. He will write the letter after workout.
    2. She will help you do the homework.
    Example of present continuous tense :
    1. She is writing a novel.
    2. My brother is playing football with his friend.

    2. a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. The sentence uses second conditional sentences. This type 2 conditional sentence refers to a situation in the present, that is, an action that might occur in the present if the situation in the past was carried out. A conditional sentence can be used when the result of the condition has no or little chance of being realized because the condition is unlikely to be fulfilled in the present. The meaning of ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’ That means it's just presumption. When in fact tomorrow there will be no election and no one will be elected.

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    This sentence uses the simple present tense and is followed by second conditional sentence, because it uses if + past simple + would + infinitive. The meaning of 'I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.' The statement refers to a present condition which will not happen because it is only a supposition.

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    This sentence uses the simple past tense and is followed by third conditional sentence, because it uses if + past perfect + would have + past participle. The meaning of 'I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.' The statement refers to past impossible conditions and possibilities. The results were in the past. This sentence is a presupposition and is not real because it is too late to do it now and the results are impossible.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  48. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006
    Class : 3A

    1. The difference is present perfect tense is an event that has started in the past and continues to this day (ex: i have driven), meanwhile Present future tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future (ex: i will get it for you), meanwhile Present continuous is showing ongoing activities (ex: she is eating)

    2. a. I’m tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There be a bus drivers’ strike last week, so has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is used conditional sentence type mixed conditional because a present change with a result in the future.

    4. a. I’m not hungry (simple present tense). If I was hungry (simple past tense), I would eat something (past future tense)

    b. I wasn’t hungry (simple past tense). If I had been hungry (present perfect continuous) I would have eaten something (future perfect tense and 3rd conditional types).

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. its has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. It has somebody take it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has been since then

  49. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031
    Class : TBI 3A


    1. The different of Present perfect, future, and continuous
    ¤Present Perfect has a function to declare an action which has been completed and the result is still felt today
    ¤ Future has a function to state actions that will occur in the future.
    ¤ Present continuous has the function of expressing an action that is taking place at this time.
    Present Perfect
    -They have eaten the fresh vegetable
    -She has already cooked the rice
    -I will love you untill thousand years again
    -My mother will go to Bandung next week
    Present Continuous
    -I have been going to Jakarta
    -She has been reading a novel

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers' strike last week. so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She lives there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?', Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer : The type used in the conditional sentences above is type 2. because in the first clause there is a shadow of something that may not happen, or is not real. The sub-clause in the form of an introgative sentence questions the continuation of the action if the statement in the main clause really happened

    4. I'mt not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something
    I wasn't hungry. If 1 had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The first sentence uses the type 2 conditional to refer to the unlikely condition or presupposition and the possible outcome.
    He supposes that in the future he will eat something, then he will eat something. The presupposition he said was an impossibility, because there was a clause which stated that he was not hungry

    The second term has Type 3 conditionals referring to past probable conditions and past outcomes. These sentences are completely hypothetical and unreal because it is too late to do so now and the outcome is impossible. different from type 2 which results can still be valid. Type 3 means imaginary only, because it tells of experiences or desires that have failed to be carried out. He was not hungry, if he was hungry then he would eat something at that time.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken
    c.A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hadn't been seen since then

  50. Name : Amelia Damayanti
    Nim : 191230008
    Class : TBI 3A
    1. - The present perfect tense itself is a tense that describes an event that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing. Ex,I have finished my paper. Jin has been worked in the company fo ten years.
    - The future perfect tense is a tense that is used to denote an action or event that will have been completed at some point in the future and will be completed or occur before other activities are carried out in the future. Ex, By this Thursday, I will have finished the report. We will have gone when you get here.
    - Present continuous tense is a tense which functions to express an action that is being done in the present (when speaking) and something in the future. Ex, she is reading a book. She is sleeping right now.

    2. . I'm tired I did not sleep well last night
    b. there wasn't a bus drivers' strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. Has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. "If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for? "
    I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2 because this is a presupposition where the situation you just imagined is not real and hasn't happened yet. and also the sentence uses "if" which makes us think that the sentence is just a parable and can or may not happen.

    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense
    5. - My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    - My umbrella has dissapeared. Somebody has been taken
    - A neighbour of mine dissapeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then

  51. Name : Mia atmiati
    Nim :191230063
    Class:TBI 3B

    1. Present perfect tense is a form of a verb used to present an action or situation that has begun in the past and still continues to present or is completed ata certain point in the past but the effect still remains.
    I have a newer car.
    - Simple future tense is a form of the verb used to state that an action takes place in the future, spontaneous or premeditated.
    Examples: they're going to come.
    The use of going to refer to future events indicates a very strong relationship to the present. Time is not important and events are happening after now. But the attitude of the speaker over genesis depends on what we know today.
    Example: he is going to jog.
    2. A.l am tired.l did not sleep last night.
    B. There was a bus,there were.
    C. Has worked.
    D.she has lived
    E.Died,l never meet him.
    3. This sentence used Type 2 conditional sentence or second conditional is a conditional sentence that is used when the result / consequence (result) of the condition has no or only a small chance of being realized because the condition cannot be fulfilled in the present (present unreal situation) or condition.
    4. Type 2: simple present tense,simple past tense,simple future.
    Type 3: simple past tense,simple perfect tense, future perfect.
    5. A. It has been stolen
    B. Somebody has taken
    C. He has not seen.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Nama : Nisrina Nurhikmah
    Keas : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230049

    1.The future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. The perfect tenses expresses action that is already completed, and the continuous that is an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue in the future. Example ;
    Future : I will go to zoo next week
    They will take public speaking class tomorrow
    Perfect : I have done my homework
    I have eaten pitza last night
    Continuous : she is writing a letter
    He is dringking a cup coffee

    2.Put the verb into the correct form
    I’m tired, I didn’t sleep well last night
    There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there has been no buses
    Edward worked in bank for 15 years. Then he has given it up, now he works as a gardener
    Mary lives in Dublin. She has live there all her life
    My grandfather died before I was born. I neer met him.

    3. ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for ?’
    This sentences describes conditional type 2, conditional type 2 are use to describe situations that are unrealistic or have a very low probability of occurring. For example imagining something that is impossible or wishful thingking.

    4.‘I’m not hungry, if I was hungry, I would have eat something’ : conditional sentence
    I’m not hungry : simple present tense
    If I was hungry : simple past tense
    I would have eat something : past future tense

    I wasn’t hungry, if I had been hungry. I would have eaten something’ : conditional sentence type 3
    I wasn’t hungry : past tense
    If I had been hungry : present perfect tense
    I would have eaten something : future perfect tense

    5.My bike has disappeared. It is stealed
    My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it
    A neighbourn of mine disappeared six month ago. He doesn’t seen since then

  54. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    Id Number: 191230106
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. a. Present perfect tense: it used to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important.
    Example: > Jack has not done his task well.
    > I have bought the stationary.
    b. Present future tense: it used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example: > They will back at home next week.
    > Don't be hurry, you will hurt yourself.
    c. Present continuous tense: it used when the action is happening now and action in the future if we add a future word.
    Example: > William is wearing new coat to the party tomorrow.
    > the sky is clouding now.
    2. a. I'm tired. (I didn't slept) well last night
    b. (There was) a bus driver's strike last week, so (there are) no buses.
    c. c. Edward (has worked) in a bank for 15 years. Then (he gave) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. (She has lived) there all her life.
    e. My grandfather (has died) before I was born (i never met) him.
    3. 'If there's an election tomorrow, who will you vote for? :the meaning of the sentence is that if one day there is an election, there you have to choose one candidate pair according to your conscience without any coercion, then which pair of candidates will you choose? Choose a partner that you think can bring change in direction better.
    4. Patterns and meanings:
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern: present simple. If + past simple, would+infinitive.
    Meaning: saya tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern: Past simple. If + past perfect, would have + past participle.
    Meaning: Saya tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.
    5.a. My bike has disappeared. ( It has been stolen!)
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody has been taken)
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He wasn't seen since by then.


    Name : Ahmad Najiullah
    Class : TBI 3 B
    Nim : 191230043

    1). The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time, perfect is the tenses of learning something that has been done.If the future tenses that discuss something that is planned or something that will be done later.And the different with continuous are tenses that discuss something that is being done and will continue to be done.
    The Example :
    - i have bought a bag in holiday
    - she has Dried clothes every morning
    - she will study english next week in my house
    - i will go to bali after examination
    - ervan playing game every night
    - her father working in australia from she childhood to adulthood.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired.___I didn’t sleep___(I / not / sleep) well last night.
    b. There was _____(There / be) a bus drivers’ strike last week, so_there weren’t _(there / be) no buses.
    c. Edward____has worked____(work) in a bank for 15 years. Then_he given_(he / give) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin._she lived ____(She / live) there all her life.
    e. My grandfather______died_____(die) before I was born.__I never met ____(I / never / meet) him.

    3 . This conditional in question is using Type 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition.

    4. - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The sentence on the first line shows a continuous sentence that will occur in the future, using conditional type 2. While the second line a sentence that uses the past tense which shows the presuppositions that may have occurred in the past, using conditional type 3.

    5. It has been stolen
    Somebody has taken it
    He hasn’t been seen since then.

  56. Name: Nuraisyah
    NIM: 191230055
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. The present perfect tense is a verb tense used to express actions that occurred at a non-specific time. The present perfect tense is also used to express actions that started in the past but continue to the present.
    - We have been a family of four since 1996.
    - My sister has started a new job this week.
    The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that occurred at an indefinite time in the past.
    -She will write the e-mail after lunch.
    -You left your purse, i will get it for you.
    The present continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. 
    -You are learning English now.
    -They are reading their books.

    2. a. Tired. I did not sleep well last night
    b. There were a bus driver's strike last week, so there were not buses
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never meet him

    3. "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?"
    The sentence uses type 2 conditionals because of these conditionals used to describe situations that are unrealistic or highly unlikely to occur.
    (IF+Past tense, would+Infinitive)

    4.- I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something
    The sentence use the past tense (Conditional type 2)
    (IF+past tense+would+infinitive)
    - I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something
    The sentence use the simple peefect tense (conditional type 3) because the main clouse in the sentence actually happened
    (IF+Simple perfect +would have+infinitive)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It is stealed
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does not seen since then

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2
    examples of each!
    -Present perfect for expressing an activity that happened before this time. These activities occur at certain times that are not specific in the past. In addition, the present perfect can also indicate that an activity has been repeated several times or has occurred frequently in the past. However, without showing a specific time.
    Subject + have / has + past participle form.
    Example: - I have visited swiss so many times.
    - You have bought the book
    - Present future tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    S + will / shall + V1 + O
    Example: -She Will watch Television tonight
    -They will visit Labuan Bajo next month, and
    -Present continuous tense is used for every action or incident, deed, and events that are happening. Can also be used to indicate changes or developments over a long period of time.
    S + to be + Verb -ing
    Example: -They are eating noodle now
    - You are playing my piano

    2. a. I am tired. I did not sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers. Strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as gardener.
    d. Mary lives on dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grand father has dead before i was born. I never met him.

    3. ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. What does the sentence mean?
    The sentence mean is: imagining something that is unlikely to happen, it refers to the sentence "if tomorrow there is an election" then asked who to choose? and this sentence is a type 2 conditional sentence because it has the sentence form if + simple past and present conditional.

    4. a. Im not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something.
    He says not hungry, but if he is hungry then he will eat. What is meant here is to have hopes come true even though the possibility is very small, because he has stated that he is not hungry but he may eat even though he is not hungry.
    It uses type 2 conditional (if + simple past and present conditional (would + infinitive of main verb without to))
    b. I wasnt hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. What he means is that he wasn't hungry in the past so it was impossible to eat. But if he had been hungry in the past, then he will eat something. This means that it refers to past probable conditions and possible past outcomes. It uses type 3 conditionals (if + past perfect, and perfect conditional (would + have + past participle)).

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then

  59. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    CLASS : TBI 3 A

    1 The difference between Perfect, Future and Continuous in Present time

    => Present perfect tense itself is a tense that describes an event that began in the past and still continues to present or is completed ata certain point in the past but the effect still remains.

    The Function:
    1. Indicating an activity, the action that has just occurred so that the result or the effect of the action can be seen until the time of discussion.
    2. Indefinite time in the past, but the time of the event is insignificant. The most important thing is the results of his actions now.
    3. Stating an deed or event that has occurred but the time of the event has not yet expired. The time or day of the month is still in question, so it is not finished.

    I have opened the door
    She has locked the door and now I can’t open it

    => Future is a form of a verb that expresses future actions or circumstances. Simple future tense generally states what has not happened and will happen later.

    The Functions

    1. States an event or event that will occur in the future.
    2. Declares a promise in the future
    3. Make a request to others.

    I Will take my book next month
    They Will come to my house next week

    => Present continuous has an understanding of a way to present every action or event, deed, and event that is occurring. It may also be used to indicate changes or developments over a long period of time.
    The present continuum function in English the main function of this particular tenses is to present an idea or demonstrate an event that is happening right now. It could also point to something that's likely to happen.

    The Functions of the present continuum use.
    1. Stating an event that was going on
    2. States an event and works that have a temporary nature
    3. Stating an event soon to be wrought
    4. Stating an ongoing but unworked event when conveying
    5. Pronouncing an event as a prophetic future to pay attention to 6. Changing events or events

    She is writing a novel.
    She isn't writing a letter.

    a. I’m tired.(I didn't Sleep) well last night.
    b. (There was not ) a bus drivers’ strike last week,
    so there was no buses.
    c. Edward (worked) in a bank for 15 years.
    Then (he gave) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin (She has lived) there all her life.
    e. My grandfather (has died) before I was born. (I
    never meet) him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote
    for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?

    It belongs in the mixtype mix, because it refers to the secondary and third mixtures (countercurrent pattern). Here neither the condition nor the consequence, but neither, has reference of time:

    The sentence Mean :
    That who will be chosen or vote tomorrow if there is an election

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    I'm not Hungry => Simple Persent tense
    If I was hungry, I would eat something. => Conditional sentence cause follow by If + Past continuous tense+ Would

    The meaning is Saya tidak lapar, andai atau jika saya lapar saya akan makan sesuatu

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    I wasn’t hungry => Past continuous tense
    If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something => Third Conditional cause follow by If + Past perfect continuous + Would have

    The meaning is, Saya telah tidak lapar, andai atau jika saya Saya lapar Saya akan makan sesuatu

    5. Fill in the blank
    a. My bike has disappeared. (It has been stolen)
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody has taken It)
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He hasn't been seen since then)

  60. Name:Fitri
    Class:TBI 3B

    1. The difference is:
    Perfect tense While talking about a period of time that continues from the past until now.Ex: You've cleaned the caffe, It looks lovely
    I have srudied English in the class
    The simple future is a verb tense that's used to talk about things that haven't happened yet.

    Example : We shall move to another country.
    If you are having pen ,I Will borrow yours
    present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an on going action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.
    Ex: She is writing a novel
    He is doing a Science project right now.
    2. a) I am tired. I not slept well last night
    b. b) There was a bus drivers' strike last week
    c) Edward work in a bank for 15 years
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life
    e) My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him
    3. This is used conditional sentence type-2 because it is used to imagine present or future situation that are impossible or unlikely in reality and in the sentence also there's "if" that is proof to imagine in the present.
    4. -I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something (conditional sentence type-2) because there's: If+past simple+would+infinitive
    -I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry. I would have eaten something. (Mixed conditional) because there's: If+ past simple+would have+past participle(present/past)
    5. - My bike has dissapeared. It has been stolen
    - My umbrella has dissapeared. Somebody has been taken
    - A neighbour of mine dissapeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since then

  61. Didi Hudaya
    Tbi 3 A
    1. Present Future Tense, this tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future. Present continuous tense is a form of tense used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present). The present perfect tense is a tense which describes an event that occurred before a specific time in the past but still continues until now.
    Example :

    - I will go to bandung next week
    - adhim will buy motorcycle next week
    - adhim is writing the book now
    - im driving a motorcycle to Jakarta now
    -I have bought a new clothes
    -i have drunk coffee this morning

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple

    I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    There was be a bus drivers’ struck last week, so there wasn’t be buses.
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. “If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?”
    In the conditional sentence, this sentence called MIX CONDITIONAL, mix conditional is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.

    4. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings
    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    -The patterns from this sentence: first sentence is : simple present tense. And the second sentence ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.
    - The meaning : Saya tidak lapar. Jika Saya telah lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

    The patterns from this sentence: first sentence : simple past ( negative). And the pattern to second sentence: IF+ PAST PERFECT CONTINUES >> WOULD HAVE+ PAST PARTICIPLE .
    The meaning : saya tidak lapar. Jika saya telah lapar, saya akan telah makan sesuatu.
    5. active or passive
    Somebody has taken it.
    It has been stolen!
    He has’nt seen been seen than..

  62. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    1. - present perfect a tense that describes an event that began in the past and still continues to the present or has been completed ata certain point in the past but its effect still continues.
    I have finished my paper
    I have painted my house
    - future tense, tenses used to indicate events that had not yet happened or would happen in the future and ended in the future.
    They will take school examination next
    Putri will take public speaking class
    - present continuous Sentence forming rules used to designate current activities
    She is drawing a picture
    They are playing football

    a. I Didn't sleep
    b. There has been
    There has been
    c. Edward has worked
    Then he gave
    d. She lived
    e. Has died
    I never met

    3. Type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)

    4. a. type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)
    b. Type 3 conditional, because (if + past perfect, and perfect conditional)

    a. it stealed my dissapeared bike.
    b. Somebody has take my umbrella
    c. he not see the dissapeared neighbour of mine six month ago since then

  63. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Nim: 191230022
    Class: Tbi 3A

    1. - present perfect a tense that describes an event that began in the past and still continues to the present or has been completed ata certain point in the past but its effect still continues.
    I have finished my paper
    I have painted my house
    - future tense, tenses used to indicate events that had not yet happened or would happen in the future and ended in the future.
    They will take school examination next
    Davied will take public speaking class
    - present continuous Sentence forming rules used to designate current activities
    She is drawing a picture
    They are playing football

    2. a. I'm tired, I didn't sleep well last night
    b. There bus drivers were on strike last week, so there were no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up now he works as a gardener
    d. Mary lives in dublin. She has lived there all her life
    e. My grandfather has died before i was born. I have never met him.
    3. Type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)

    4. a. type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)
    b. Type 3 conditional, because (if + past perfect, and perfect conditional)

    a. it stealed my dissapeared bike.
    b. Somebody has take my umbrella
    c. he not see the dissapeared neighbour of mine six month ago since then

  64. Name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    Nim : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B
    UTS Intermediate English Grammar

    1. Three of them are really different. Well, here I will give the explanations and examples.

    -Present continuous is used to express an action or event, which is taking place at the present moment.
    Form of Present continuous tense is devided into two kinds. There are verbal and nominal:
    (+) Subject + To be (am/is/are) + V Ing + O
    (-) S + To be (am/is/are) +Not + V Ing + O
    (?)To be (am/is/are) + S + V Ing + O?
    (-?)To be (am/is/are) + S + Not + V Ing + O?

    S + To be (am/is/are) + A.N.A
    S + To be (am/is/are) + Not + A.N.A
    To be (am/is/are) + S + A.N.A ?
    To be (am/is/are) + S + Not + A.N.A ?

    Example :
    - Devi is washing her clothes now.
    - The students are going to school right now.
    - Ronaldo is a soccer player.
    - I am in the class now.

    -Present perfect is used to refer to an action or event that began some time in the past and still continuing.
    Form :
    (+) Subject + have/has + V3 + O
    (-) S + have/has + not + V3 + O
    (?) Have/Has + S + V3 + O?
    (-?) Haven’t/Hasn’t + S + V3 + O?

    S + have/has + been + A.N.A
    S + have/has + not+ been + A.N.A
    Have/Has+ S + Been + A.N.A?
    Haven’t/Hasn’t+ S + Been + A.N.A?

    Example :
    - They have visited this village for six days.
    - Isty has eaten since this morning.
    - Lulu has been a chief of complex since 2019.
    - I have been here since 2 hours ago

    -Simple Future is used to express future time. It is express with the use of shall and will. Shall is used for the both the frst person singular or plural and will for all people.
    Form :
    (+) Subject + Will + V1+ O
    (-) S +Will + Not + V1 + O
    (?) Will + S + V1+ O?
    (-?) Will + S + Not + V1 + O?

    S + Will + Be + A.N.A
    S + Will + Not + Be + A.N.A
    Will + S + Be + A.N.A?
    Will + S + Not + Be + A.N.A?

    Example :
    - Sonya wil watch concert next saturday.
    - We will go to the beach tomorrow
    Nominal :
    - I will be angry if he often make mistakes
    - Annisa will be flight attendent next month.

    2. a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    It means There is no an election today so you don’t vote for anyone.

    4. a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (Type 2)
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something)
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (Type 3)
    It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact ( I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t seen since then

  65. NAME : Herman
    NIM : 191230045
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    Answer :
    a. Present Perfect tense : to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now.
    Example :
    - I have been to Singapore.
    - Dewi has not finished her homework yet.
    b. Simple Future : This tense is used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example :
    - We will go to Paradise soon.
    - I will help you to solve the problem.
    c. Present Continous : This tense is used to show the activities we are doing.
    Example :
    - It is raining now.
    - I am watching television.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b. There was be a bus drivers’ struck last week, so there wasn’t be buses.
    c. Doni has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Anna lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer :
    This is called “mix conditional”, is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; if+ past perfect => would + invinitive.

    4. ,See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    a. Pattern : first sentence is simplethen present tense and the second is past perfect tense.
    b. Meanings : Saya tidak lapar. Jika Saya telah lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    a. Pattern : first sentence is simple past tense, and the second is past perfect continuous tense.
    b. Meanings : saya tidak lapar. Jika saya telah lapar, saya akan telah makan sesuatu.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) It has been stolen!
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then) He has’nt seen been seen then.

  66. Name: Asha Febriyanti
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230021

    1. there's a simple way to remember the difference between these two tenses. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future. The future continuous describes an action that will continue in the future.

    - present perfect a tense that describes an event that began in the past and still continues to the present or has been completed ata certain point in the past but its effect still continues.
    I have finished my paper
    She has already submitted her paper.
    - future tense, tenses used to indicate events that had not yet happened or would happen in the future and ended in the future.
    We shall be making a delicous cake this saturday night.
    Putri will take public speaking class
    - present continuous Sentence forming rules used to designate current activities
    She is drawing a picture
    They are playing basket ball right now.
    a. I Didn't sleep
    b. There has been
    There has been
    c. Edward has worked
    Then he gave
    d. She lived
    e. Has died
    I never met

    3. The mean:
    That who will be chosen or vote tomorrow if there is an election

    Type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)

    4. a. type 2 conditional, because (if+simple past and present conditional)
    b. Type 3 conditional, because (if + past perfect, and perfect conditional)

    a. It disappeared my bike has stealed.
    b. Somebody has take my umbrella
    c. he not see the dissapeared neighbour of mine six month ago since then

    CLASS : TBI 3 A
    NIM : 191230035

    1. The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time
    • Present perfect : describes an event that occurred before a specific time in the past but still continuous till now. Present perfect also describe an event that started and ended in the past but the effect is stil being felt today. Or this sentence is a link between the past and the present.
    S + Have/ has + verb 3
    Example : he has learned grammar for 1 month, they have studied in serang for a long time
    • Future tense : is used to denote events that haven’t happened or will happen in the future and it end in future.
    S + Will + verb1 + o | s + to be + going to + verb 1 + o
    Example : I will take grammar class tomorrow, I am going to take English class with Mrs. Tia tomorrow.
    • Present continuous : this tense’s function is to express the action that is being done in present and something in the future.
    S + verb1 + ing
    Example : I am doing task now, we are having an exam.
    a. I’m tired I did not sleep well last night
    b. there wasn’t a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. Has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.
    3. The sentence mean something that possibility the election may be will happen on tomorrow, or may be will not happen on tomorrow. This sentence is use conditional sentence. When using ‘’if’’, it means possibility. Therefore, this type uses the simple future tense in the main clause.
    - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    This sentence is use conditional sentence type 2. It used when the outcome or consequence has only hope of being realized even though the probability is very small. So it can be said that this second type of conditional sentence does not necessarily happen but it can also become a reality. In this sentence form
    the formula that used is if + simple past / were, would / could / might + bare infinitive. The use of would / could / might serves to explain how big a condition will be.
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    This sentence is use conditional sentence type 3, it is a conditional sentence when a condition cannot possibly be realized at all.
    The formula that used in this sentence is if + past perfect, would/should/could/might + have + past participle.
    a. It stolen by the thief
    b. Somebody take my umbrella
    c. He is not seen since 6 months ago

  68. Name : Mafazatul Awaliyah
    NIM : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. The perfect present is a tense that describes events that occurred before a certain time in the past but still exist today, so the future present tense is used to express a work that will be done at a certain time in the future, and in the present continuously. . is a form of the verb used in modern English that combines the present tense with a continuous aspect.
    Example of the present perfect: My sister has started a new job this week.
    Example from the future now: They will move the current Kim tomorrow.
    Examples from present continuous: He's working on a Science project right now.

    2. I am tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    There were a bus driver’s strike last week, so there are no buses.
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. "If there is an election tomorrow, who will you vote for? "
    From the sentence above, in my opinion. That is the use of a sentence that does not necessarily happen, because it is clearly written there is the word "if". The sentence is Future Continouous tence.

    4. 1. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (second conditional) with formulas If +past tense, would + infinitive, used to describe situations that are unrealistic or highly unlikely to occur. For example imagining something that is impossible or wishful thinking. In the first sentence, it is clear that the situation is unrealistic. There's no way he's not hungry can get hungry. In the second sentence he will eat even though he is not hungry, there is a possibility, but it is very unlikely.
    2. I wasn't ungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (third conditional)
    and this second sentence is included in the third conditional which talks about conditions that have not yet happened, and is used to refer to the past and wish how the current situation could be different if what happened in the past was different. The formula is
    If + past perfect, would have + V3. In the sentence That is, the main clause in the two sentences above does not actually occur

    5.a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  69. Nama : Magfiroh
    Nim 191230018
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. a. The present perfect simple usually focuses on the result of the activity in some way, and the present perfect continuous usually focuses on the activity itself in some way.
    I have bought a new Motorcyle.
    i have moved since three months ago.
    b. Future tense : is used to denote events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and it end in future.
    I will go to the cinema tonight
    She will buy book tomorrow
    c. Present continuous : this tense's function is to express the action that is being done in present and something in the future.
    She reading a book
    He drinking a cofee

    2. a. I'm tired I did not sleep well last night
    b. there wasn't a bus drivers' strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. Has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. The sentence mean something that possibility the election may be will happen on tomorrow, or may be will not happen on tomorrow. This sentence is use conditional sentence. When using "if", means possibility. Therefore, this type uses the simple future tense in the main clause.

    4. I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something (conditional sentence type-2)
    -I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry. I would have eaten something. (Mixed conditional) because there's: If+ past simple+would have+past participle(present/past)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken
    c.A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hadn't been seen since then

  70. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each !
    Answer :

    a. Present Perfect
    To state events or events which have occurred or been committed in the past, but to this day the effects remain.
    # Patteren
    ( + ) S + HAS / HAVE + V3 + O + A
    ( - ) S + HAS / HAVE + NOT + V3 + O + A
    ( ? ) HAS / HAVE + S +V3 + O + A ?
    ( -? ) HASN’T / HAVEN’T + S + V3 + O + A ?

    Ex :
    - You have forgotten your lunch box.
    - My sister has started a new job this week.

    b. Present countinous
    Present tense is a form of tense used to state that an action is taking place during a certain time now (present).
    # Patteren
    ( + ) S + is /am /are + Ving + O + A
    ( - ) S + is /am /are + not + Ving + O + A
    ( ? ) is /am /are + S + Ving + O + A
    ( -? ) isn’t / aren’t + S + Ving + O +A

    Ex :
    - She is writing a novel.
    - I am working in this school.

    c. Simple future
    Simple future tense is a tenses sentence used to indicate events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    ( + ) S + Shall/ Will + V1 + O + A
    ( - ) S + Shall/ Will + not + V1 + O + A
    ( ? ) Shall/ Will + S + V1 + O + A
    ( -? ) Shall/ Will + not + S + V1 + O + A

    Ex :
    - I will return your novel this afternoon.
    - I shall be in Australia next year.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.

    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.

    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.

    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.

    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?

    Answer : The sentence suggests that if there was a vote tomorrow then what would you choose? The sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what your answer is. And that sentence Describe a hypothetical situation where the situation exists only in our imagination, not real.

    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!

    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (Type 2)
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something).

    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (Type 3)
    It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact ( I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something).

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.

    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.

    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.

    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t seen since then.

    Nama: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    A. Present continuous: The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished. This tense is also used when the action is temporary.
    - i playing game at home
    - I studying english

    B. Present Perfect: Present perfect tense combines the present tense and the perfect aspect used to express an event that happened in the past that has present consequences.
    ⁃ He has finished his games
    ⁃ I have wrote a letters for my friends

    C. present future: The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).
    ⁃ I will go to school tomorrow
    ⁃ I will read a book tonight

    a. I’m tired.i not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week,
    so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him

    3. From the sentence above, in my opinion, The sentence still shows uncertainty, because in the sentence there is the word "if" which indicates whether it will happen or not, so that the character in the sentence is still vague / unclear. And in this sentence use conditional sentence type 2.

    - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something( second conditional).
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something(Thrid conditional).

    -My bike has dissapeared. It has been stolen
    -my umbrella has dissapeared. Somebody has been taken
    -a neighbour of mine dissapeared six months ago. He doesn't seen since than

  72. Name : Nawiroh
    NIM : 191230047
    Class: Tbi 3b

    1. The different of Present perfect, future, and continuous
    ¤Present Perfect has a function to declare an action which has been completed and the result is still felt today
    ¤ Future has a function to state actions that will occur in the future.
    ¤ Present continuous has the function of expressing an action that is taking place at this time.
    Present Perfect
    -They have eaten the fresh vegetable
    -She has already cooked the rice
    -I will love you untill thousand years again
    -My mother will go to Bandung next week
    Present Continuous
    -I have been going to Jakarta
    -She has been reading a novel

    2. a). I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. this uses conditional sentence type 2 . I mean, this sentence is not based on actual circumstances. In this sentence the result of the requirements or conditions is not likely to be met or a small possibility occurs today (when the speaker said them).
    Both the real-estate and the real estate both use the past, "If there's an election tomorrow, I'll vote for someone in charge, but the fact is I'm not voting for anyone because tomorrow there won't be an election"

    4. a. Im not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something.
    He says not hungry, but if he is hungry then he will eat. What is meant here is to have hopes come true even though the possibility is very small, because he has stated that he is not hungry but he may eat even though he is not hungry.
    It uses type 2 conditional (if + simple past and present conditional (would + infinitive of main verb without to))
    b. I wasnt hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. What he means is that he wasn't hungry in the past so it was impossible to eat. But if he had been hungry in the past, then he will eat something. This means that it refers to past probable conditions and possible past outcomes. It uses type 3 conditionals (if + past perfect, and perfect conditional (would + have + past participle)).

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  73. Name : Maftuhah Hanum
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230065
    1. What are the differences between continuous, perfect, and future in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    the differences from them is really so far, then I will give the explanations and examples.
    Present continuous is The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense.
    the form is divided into two parts:
    (+) S + To Be (am/is/are)+V ing +O S + To Be (am/is/are) + nominal
    (-) S+ To Be(am/is/are)+Not+ V Ing + O S + To Be (am/is/are) + Not + Nominal
    (?) To Be(am/is/are) + S+ V Ing + O ? To Be (am/is/are) + S + Nominal?
    (-+) To Be(am/is/are) + S+Not+V Ing+ O? To Be (am/isare) + S + Not + Nominal ?

    - Nanda is sweeping the floor
    - Am I feeling sick right now? - I am an oxford student
    - Is he the best goalkeeper in our football team?

    Present Perfect is to denote past or past activities but the effect is still being felt today.
    The form is devided into two parts:

    (+) S + have/has +V3 + O S + have/has + been + nominal
    (-) S + have/has + not + V3 + O S + have/has + not + been + nominal
    (?) Have/has + S + V3 + O Have/Has + S + Been + nominal?
    (-?) Haven’t/Hasn’t + S + V3 + O Haven’t/Hasn’t + S + Been + nominal?

    Example :
    - I have been here since June 3rd
    - I has eaten apple - Have you ever been to France?
    - Where has she been?

    Simple Future is a sentence formation rule used to state that an event or activity will occur at some time in the future.
    The form is devided into two parts that verbal and nominal.
    (+) S + Will + V1 + O S + Will + Be + Nominal
    (-) S + Will + Not + V1 + O S + Will + Not + Be + Nominal
    (?) Will + S +V1 + O ? Will + S + Be + Nominal
    (-?) Will + S + Not + V1 + O ? Will + S + Not + Be + Nominal

    Example :
    - She will be finish the project soon
    - Will she finish the project soon? - She will be an entrepreneur someday.
    - Will she be a nurse someday?

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or pas simple.
    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus driver’s strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.
    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘if there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    I think it means there is no an election today so you don’t vote for anyone.
    4. Analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (type 2). And meaning from that sentence is like I am not hungry now, and I will eat something if I hungry.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (type 3). And meaning from that sentence is like I wasn’t hungry so I decide didn’t eat something.
    5. Fill the blank below with the activity or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t seen since then.

  74. NAME : naufa auliyatul faizah
    NIM : 191230009
    CLASS: tbi 3a

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    -The present perfect is used to denote a relationship between the present and the past. The timing of the action or event is prior to the present, but not specific, and we are often more interested in the result or effect than the action itself

    Example Actions that started in the past and still continue today:
    · They haven't lived here for years.
    · She has worked in the bank for five years.
    Example When the time period for the action has not yet ended or ended
    · I have worked hard this week.
    · It has rained a lot this year.
    Example The action repeats an indefinite period of time between the past and the present:
    · They have seen that film six times
    · It has happened several times already.
    Exampel Actions that just finished or ended (+ just):
    · Have you just finished work?
    · I have just eaten.
    Example When the exact timing of the action is insignificant or unknown:
    · Someone has eaten my soup!
    · Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'?

    -Present Continuous Tense is a tense used to indicate an activity or event that is currently (present) in progress (continuous)
    Example :
    · She is writing a novel.
    · She isn’t writing a letter
    -Present future tense is a tense that is also widely used in basic everyday speech because this tense is used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example :
    She will write the e-mail after lunch.
    We will be at home before 5 pm, because we need to do our  monthly meeting soon.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired sleep well last night.
    b. There a bus drivers’ strike last week,
    so there no buses.
    c. Edward Worked, in a bank for 15 years.
    Then give it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin Live there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Died before I was born meet him

    3. From the above sentence, in my opinion, the sentence still indicates that which is uncertain, because in the sentence there is the word "if" which and it shows whether it will happen or not, so the character in the sentence is still unclear. And in this sentence it USES a type 2 conditional sentence.

    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( It is conditional sentence type 2)
    The formulas : If+ past simple +would+ infinitive.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. ( It is conditional sentence type 3)
    The formulas : If + past perfect +would have+ past participle.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken my umbrella
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t been seen since then

  75. Name : Siti Fatimatuzzahra
    NIM : 191230081
    Class : TBI - 3C

    1. Present, future and continuous in present time has differences in its usage. Thus, I will give you an explanation and an example below :
    •Present perfect is used to show the relationship between the present and the past. Actions or situations that began in the past and continue to the present.
    Eg. I have lived in Indonesia since 1999.
    •Future tense describes things that have yet to happen (Later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).
    Eg : I will read as much as I can this year.
    •Present continuous (am/is/are + -ing) to talk about temporary things which have begun but haven't finished. The verb used in this sentence is verb - ing.
    Eg. Munji is studying in his room.

    2. a). I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c). Edward had worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather died before I was born. I have never meet him.

    3. The sentence means there may be an election tomorrow, but it's uncertain. That is a conditional sentences because using the word "if."

    4. • I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something (The second conditional sentence).
    •I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry. I would have eaten something. (The third conditional sentence)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It was stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been seen since then.

  76. M. Ibrahim Al Adhim
    Tbi 3 A
    1. Present Future Tense, this tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future. Present continuous tense is a form of tense used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present). The present perfect tense is a tense which describes an event that occurred before a specific time in the past but still continues until now.
    Example :

    - I will go to jakarta tomorrow
    - fandi will sell bread next mont
    - ahmad is writing the article now
    - im wear a shirt now
    -I have bought a new shirt
    -i have drunk coffee this morning

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple

    I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    There was be a bus drivers’ struck last week, so there wasn’t be buses.
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. “If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?”
    In the conditional sentence, this sentence called MIX CONDITIONAL, mix conditional is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.

    4. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings
    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    -The patterns from this sentence: first sentence is : simple present tense. And the second sentence ; IF+ PAST PERFECT>>WOULD + INVINITIVE.
    - The meaning : Saya tidak lapar. Jika Saya telah lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

    The patterns from this sentence: first sentence : simple past ( negative). And the pattern to second sentence: IF+ PAST PERFECT CONTINUES >> WOULD HAVE+ PAST PARTICIPLE .
    The meaning : saya tidak lapar. Jika saya telah lapar, saya akan telah makan sesuatu.
    5. active or passive
    Somebody has taken it.
    It has been stolen!
    He has’nt seen been seen than..

  77. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    Class : TBI 3 B
    NIM : 191230048

    1. Present simple tense when we want to talk about fixed habits or routines – things that don’t change.
    I play tennis
    You play tennis

    Present continuous to talk about actions which are happening at the present moment, but will soon finish.
    I am playing tennis
    You are playing tennis

    Simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this case there is no 'attitude'.
    I Will play tennis
    You Will play tennis

    2. a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. The type 2 conditional refers to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and its probable result. These sentences are not based on the actual situation.
    “If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?”
    In the conditional sentence, this sentence called MIX CONDITIONAL, mix conditional is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past.

    4. . a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (Type 2)
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something).
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (Type 3)
    It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact ( I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something).

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn’t seen since then.

  78. Name :zian lestari
    Nim :191230050
    Class :tbi 3b

    1. What are the differences between continuous, perfect, and future in present time? Give 2 examples of each!
    the differences from them is really so far, then I will give the explanations and examples.
    Present continuous is The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense.
    the form is divided into two parts:
    (+) S + To Be (am/is/are)+V ing +O S + To Be (am/is/are) + nominal
    (-) S+ To Be(am/is/are)+Not+ V Ing + O S + To Be (am/is/are) + Not + Nominal
    (?) To Be(am/is/are) + S+ V Ing + O ? To Be (am/is/are) + S + Nominal?
    (-+) To Be(am/is/are) + S+Not+V Ing+ O? To Be (am/isare) + S + Not
    - Am I feeling sick right now? - I am an oxford student
    - Is he the best goalkeeper in our football
    - We have been a family of four since 1996.
    - My sister has started a new job this week.
    The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that occurred at an indefinite time in the past.
    -She will write the e-mail after lunch.
    -You left your purse, i will get it for you.
    The present continuous is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense.
    -You are learning English now.
    -They are reading their books.

    2.Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.

    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.

    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.

    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.

    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.
    3.There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    It means There is no an election today so you don’t vote for anyone.
    The sentence means there may be an election tomorrow, but it's uncertain. That is a conditional sentences because using the word "if."
    4. a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (Type 2)
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something)
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (Type 3)
    It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact ( I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something)
    5.a. My bike has disappeared. It ia steated.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He does'nt seem since then.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Name: Jihan Alifah
    NIM: 191230136
    Class: TBI 3D
    Midterm Intermediate English Grammar

    1. - Present perfect can be used in a couple of situations, It basically means something started in the past and comes up to the present, The action itself may have ended, but the time frame in which it may happen again is still open. Ex: “I have already posted watched the movie last week”, “She has been to Japan”.
    - Present future used to show future events or that would be done in the future. Ex: “They will watch movie after finish the school”, “I shall watch the movie with my brother tonight”.
    -Present continuous can be used to talk about something which is happening at or around the time of speaking. Events or action that occur in the present or are still happening. Ex: “ He is watching movie with his friend”, “I am watching movie in my room”.

    2. a. I’m tired, I didn’t slept well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers strike’ last week, so there’s no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dubin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never meet him.

    3. (If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for)
    I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2 because this is a presupposition where the situation you just imagined is not real and hasn't happened yet.

    4. (I’m not hungry, if I was hungry I would eat something)
    if + simple past + would ) conditional type 2
    (I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something)
    ( if + past perfect + would have + past participle ) conditinal type 3

    5. a. my bike has disappeared. It was stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not seen since then.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Assalamualaikum
    Name : Liyanti
    NIM. : 191230027
    class. : TBI/3A

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2
    examples of each!
    Answer :
    • Perfect : It shows the past actions or states that still being connected to the present, or to
    unfinished time and states, and to say what we've done in an unfinished time period, such as
    today, this week, this year, etc., and with expressions such as so far, until now, before, etc.
    Ex. - I have studied at vocation high school
    - I've studied for two different school
    • Future : To predict future events, to express spontaneous decision, to express willingness or
    unwillingness, to show offering, orders, and invitations.
    Ex. - I will go abroad 1 year later.
    - I will go to Turkey next year
    • Present Continuous : The present continuous (also called present progressive) is
    a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either
    at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense.
    Ex. - You are learning English now.
    - Are you sleeping?

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I did’nt sleep well last night.
    b. There a bus drove strike last week. So there have’nt buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he give it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I never meet him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote
    for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    ANSWER : Conditional Sentence is’t describes the result of a certain condition. “if clause” tells a
    condition and “the main clause” tells a result.
    ‘If there was an election tomorrow,
    who would you vote for
    main clause
    This type used second types of conditional there is : If+ past simple >> would+ infinitive.
    This Type To Say Something Very Small Possible To Happen.

    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    ANSWER :
    This used Type 3 of conditional sentence. That’s Suppose about something that is contrary to what
    has already happened.
    It is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present
    change with a result in the past.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the
    ANWER :
    a). My bike has disappeared. The bike has been disappeared by a steal.
    b). My umbrella has disappeared. The umbrella has been taken by Somebody.
    c). My neighbour was disappeared since six month ago then he did not saw by him

  83. Name : Noni emelia putri
    Nim : 191230046
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. a. The present perfect tense expresses an action that began in the past and is now completed in the present. Take a look at this equation:
    1. We can put those elements into practice in the following sentence.
    2. I have finished my homework already.

    b. The future perfect tense expresses an action that will be completed by some specified point in the future. This equation is a little more exciting.
    1. Here’s a sentence with future perfect tense.
    2. Do you think the lunchroom will have cooked enough rice?

    c. The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action that is unfinished. This tense is also used when the action is temporary.
    1. He is talking to his friend.
    2. The baby is sleeping in his crib.

    2. a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3.this uses conditional sentence type 2 . I mean, this sentence is not based on actual circumstances. In this sentence the result of the requirements or conditions is not likely to be met or a small possibility occurs today (when the speaker said them).
    Both the real-estate and the real estate both use the past, "If there's an election tomorrow, I'll vote for someone in charge, but the fact is I'm not voting for anyone because tomorrow there won't be an election"

    4. a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (Type 2)
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something)
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (Type 3)
    It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact ( I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something)

    5. . a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then reply.

  84. Midterm Test

    Name : Hatada Azkiya
    NIM : 191230064
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. The differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time
    • Present perfect : describes an event that occurred before a specific time in the past but still continuous till now. Present perfect also describe an event that started and ended in the past but the effect is stil being felt today. Or this sentence is a link between the past and the present. 
    S + Have/ has + verb 3
    Example : he has learned English for 2 months, they have studied in bogor
    • Future tense : is used to denote events that haven’t happened or will happen in the future and it end in future. 
    S + Will + verb1 + o | s + to be + going to + verb 1 + o
    Example : I will take grammar class tomorrow, I am going to take my class next week, i am goung to take my job with girl nextweek
    • Present continuous : this tense’s function is to express the action that is being done in present and something in the future.
    S + verb1 + ing 
    Example : I am doing task now, we are having an exam. 

    2. a). I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers' strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c). Edward had worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather died before I was born. I have never meet him.

    3. In my opinion i mean that It means There is no an election today so you don’t vote for anyone.

    4. Analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern (type 2). And meaning from that sentence is like I am not hungry now, and I will eat something if I hungry.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern (type 3). And meaning from that sentence is like I wasn’t hungry so I decide didn’t eat something.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  85. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3B


    1. The different of Present perfect, future, and continuous
    ¤Present Perfect has a function to declare an action which has been completed and the result is still felt today
    ¤ Future has a function to state actions that will occur in the future.
    ¤ Present continuous has the function of expressing an action that is taking place at this time.
    Present Perfect
    -They have eaten the fresh vegetable
    -She has already cooked the rice
    -I will love you untill thousand years again
    -My mother will go to Bandung next week
    Present Continuous
    -I have been going to Jakarta
    -She has been reading a novel

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers' strike last week. so there was no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She lives there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. There is a conditional sentence "If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?', Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer : The type used in the conditional sentences above is type 2. because in the first clause there is a shadow of something that may not happen, or is not real. The sub-clause in the form of an introgative sentence questions the continuation of the action if the statement in the main clause really happened

    4. I'mt not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something
    I wasn't hungry. If 1 had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    The first sentence uses the type 2 conditional to refer to the unlikely condition or presupposition and the possible outcome.
    He supposes that in the future he will eat something, then he will eat something. The presupposition he said was an impossibility, because there was a clause which stated that he was not hungry

    The second term has Type 3 conditionals referring to past probable conditions and past outcomes. These sentences are completely hypothetical and unreal because it is too late to do so now and the outcome is impossible. different from type 2 which results can still be valid. Type 3 means imaginary only, because it tells of experiences or desires that have failed to be carried out. He was not hungry, if he was hungry then he would eat something at that time.

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken
    c.A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hadn't been seen since then

    Name : Andi Rizki
    NIM : 191230127
    Class : TBI 3D
    1. The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.
    Example : I have walked on this path before.
    The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
    Example : I will jump in the lake
    Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense .
    Example : It is 16.00. They are discussing something right now.
    2. A. I didn’t sleep
    B. There was - There waren’t
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met
    3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what yu answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

    Name: Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    NIM: 191230098
    Class: TBI 3C

    1.)differences between perfect, future, and present continuous.
    a. Present Perfect Tense: used to show an activity or event that has been completed,or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect is still continuing.
    Examples/:-I have bought a new car.
    -My sister has started a new job this week.
    b. Present Future tense : is a tense that is widely used at the base of the sentence. This tense is used to show events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    Example/:-will be late arriving there, because the street is so traffic .
    -The meeting will be started before we take long holiday.
    c. Present Continuous Tense : is a type of tense used to express an event that is happening now or is in process.
    Examples/:-He is doing a Science project right now.
    -She isn't use a makeup everyday

    2.)Present perfect tense
    a. I am tired, i haven’t slept well last night
    b. There has been a bus driver’s strike last week, so there hasn’t buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin, she has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before i was born, i have never met him.

    3.)he asks if there is an election activity tomorrow, who will you vote for? and ask something that will happen tomorrow.

    4.)Simple present tense
    I’m not ready a book ( saya sedang tidak lapar )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (am) + VERB 1
    Simple past tense
    It was read a book ( dia sudah membaca buku)
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    I was not read a book (negative) ( saya sudah tidak membaca buku )
    SUBJECT + TO BE (was/were) + NOT +VERB 1+ COMPLIMENT
    Past future tense
    I would read something ( saya ingin baca sesuatu )
    Past perfect continous tense
    If i had been read a book ( saya telah membaca buku)
    Past future perfect tense
    I would have read something ( saya akan membaca sesuatu )
    SUBJECT + would/should + have + VERB 3 (past participle)

    5.)Active sentence to passive tense
    A. My bike has disappeared. it has been stealed by thief
    B. my umbrella has disappeared.somebody has been taken my umbrella
    C. a neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. he hasn’t been seen since then

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Name : Nihayah
    Class : TBI 3C
    Nim :191230077

    1. The difference between perfect, future and continuous in present
    The present perfect tense itself is a tense that describes an event that started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect still continues. Meanwhile, pesent future tense is a sentence used to show events that have not happened or will happen in the future and end in the future, and Present Continuous Tense is a sentence ordering rule that is used to express ongoing activities.
    Example of present perfect tense
    a. I have watched this movie before
    b. I habe read the mystery novel for a month
    Example of present future tense
    a. I will have finished my projects at the end of this week
    b. She will have left work at 5:45
    Example of present continuous tense
    a. My father is watching the TV at the moment
    b. My brother ia studying in his room

    2. a. I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus driver's strike last week, so there were no buses
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener
    d. Marry lives in dublin. She has lived there are her life
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never meet him

    3. This sentence is included in a future conditional because it talks about a situation that is happening in the future

    4. a. I'm not hungry. If i was hungry. I would eat something ( The condintial sentence 1)
    b. I wans't hungry. If had been hungry. I would have eaten something
    ( The sentence past perfect tense )

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umberella has disappeared . Somebody has taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeard six months ago. He has been seen since then

    Name : Dinda Salsabila Aghnia
    NIM : 191230079
    tadris bahasa inggris 3 c

    1. Present Continuouns : expresses an activity that is in progress or is happening right now
    Ex : I’m watching tv right now.

    Present Perfect : The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (ex we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (ex he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle
    Another ex: Udin has already eaten lunch

    Future Tense : used to expresses an activity or action that happens in the future.
    Ex : We will visit our cousin at the hospital tomorrow, Muhammad phoned me, he wanted to return home, I am going to pick him up.

    A. I didn't sleep
    B. There was, there were
    C. Had worked, he gave
    D. She has lived

    3. There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?
    Answer :
    This is called “mix conditional”, is used a mixed conditional while imaging a past change with a result in the present or a present change with a result in the past. and this sentence begin from past to present, and the pattern is ; if+ past perfect => would + invinitive.

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something( second conditional).
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something(Thrid conditional).
    A. It was stolen
    B. Somebody took it
    C. He has not been seen since then.

  91. Alfina Nurhasanah
    1.a. present perfect tense the function of the present perfect tense is to state that activities are past, but we can still feel the effect today.
    • The formula of Present Perfect Verbal:
    Subject+have/has + verb 3+ complement
    Ex: I have lived here for 3 years, she has never seen her mother
    • The formula of present perfect nominal:
    Subject+ have/has +been+ adj/adv/noun+ complement
    Ex: I have been here since 3 years, she has been angry 2 hours
    b. Present Future Tense is a tense that is also widely used in basic everyday speech because this tense is used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    • The formula of present future verbal
    Subject + will+ verb 1+ complement
    Ex: I will eat after I complete my assignment, she will stay at home
    • The formula of present future nominal
    Subject+ will be+ adj/adv/noun+ complement Ex: I will be a teacher, I will be angry
    c. present continuous tense function is to indicates the sentence that is in progress now.
    • The formula of present continuous Tense
    Subject+ tobe+verb1+ing+complement
    Ex: I am playing football, I am cooking a cake.

    2.Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I did’nt sleep well last night.
    b. There were a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3.“if there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?
    It means, so its just wishful thinking, and in fact the election are not held tomorrow, and tomorrow can’t vote.

    4.a. I’m not hungry. If (if) +I was hungry (past simple), + I would (would) + eat something (invinite)
    the formula this sentence is: if+ past simple + would+ invinite. And this sentence is type conditional sentence second, and the meaning of this sentence is, the subject I in here just wishful thinking to eat, but I never eat, because I not hungry.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If (if)+ I had been hungry(past perfect)+, I would have (would have)+ eaten something (past participle).
    This sentence is type conditional rhird, and the meaning of this sentence is in the past the subject I in this sentence I would eat something if I was hungry, but I am not hungry so I don’t eat.

    5.a. My bike has disappeared . It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. he has not seen

  92. Nama: Yusny Fadilah
    Kelas: TBI-3D
    Nim: 191230139

    1. What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present
    • Perfect, while talking about a periode of time that continues from the past until now
    Ex: i have cleaned home today, she has retuned from malaysia today
    • Future. used to describe a time that hasn't happened or will happen in the future
    Ex: I will married 2 more years, I will go vacation in jogja with boy friend
    • Countinuous, to state that an action is taking place for a specified time at the present time. Ex: She is sleeping right now, We are studying today

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.
    • I’m tired. I did’nt sleep well last night.
    • There was be a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there ware no buses
    • Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he have given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    • Mary lives in Dublin. she has live there all her life.
    • My grandfather was die before I was born. I was't never meet him.
    3. In my opinion conditional sentence type 2, because this hasn't happened yet, and is less likely to happen, or just wishful thinking
    4. See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!
    • I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something (If + past tense, would + infinitive)
    The seconde type. Because it is less likely to happen
    • I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (If + past perfect, would have + V3) the thrid type. Bcause it hasn't happened yet

    5. Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.
    • My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    • My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has been taken
    • A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has’t been see since then

  93. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    NIM : 191230078
    Class : 3 C


    1. Present Continuouns : expresses an activity that is in progress or is happening right now
    Ex : I’m singing a song right now,
    Ann can’t come here right now because she is working.

    Present Perfect : The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (ex we haven’t talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (ex she has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle
    Another ex: Sara has already eaten her lunch

    Future Tense : used to expresses an activity or action that happens in the future.
    Ex : We will visit our uncle at the hospital tomorrow,

    A. I didn't sleep
    B. There was; there were
    C. Had worked; he gave
    D. She has lived
    E. Died; I never meet.

    that mean The Voting Day could possibly happen tomorrow, and if it really does happening, whom are you all gonna vote for to be the next president in the states.

    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something( 2nd conditional).
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something(3rd conditional).

    A. It was stolen
    B. Somebody took it
    C. He has not been seen since then.



    1. • Present Perfect used to show actions that finished in past and connected to present or given a result.
    1). The pandemic has stopped all activities in the world since the end of 2019.
    2). My English has really improved since I became an English education student at S.I.U of "SMH" Banten.

    • Present Future is used to showing nor saying an action that will happend in the future.
    1). I will take 12 course next semester.
    2). Eka said to me, that she will do the assignments tomorrow.

    • Present Continuous is used to show an ongoing actions is happening now.
    1). We can't go outside, because pandemic is sweeping the world.
    2). Everyone is waiting for the end of the pandemic.

    2. a. I am tired. I (haven't slept )well last night.
    b. There (has been) a bus drivers' strike last week, so there (isn't) buses.
    c. Edward (has worked) in a bank for 15 years. Then he (gave) it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She (had lived) there all her life.
    e. My grandfather (had died) before I was born. I (have never met) him.

    3. This Conditional sentences is the second type. Asking who would be voted, if there was an election tomorrow. In fact tomorrow is neither election day nor fact. It only assumes, because the election is generally certain to know when the time is. So it only assumes, if there is an election tomorrow, then who will you vote for later.

    4. I am not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

    Those sentences are conditional sentences. The first shows that I am not hungry at the moment, but if in the future I am hungry, then I will eat something. Second, it shows that I was not hungry in the past, if in the past I was hungry, then I would have eaten something.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. (It stolen).
    b. My umberella has disappeared. Somebody (taken).
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He (hasn't been seen since then).

  95. Name : widia nurhadini utami
    Nim : 191230124
    Class : TBI 3D

    Mid Term Intermediate English Grammar

    1. Present perfect : we used present perfect tense to show an activity that we have done or have done in the past.
    Example :
    - I have lived here for 20 years
    - We have visited Lampung several times.

    Present future : Present future is a tense that we used to indicate future events or things that would be done in the future.
    Example :
    - We will be home after finish the course
    - Aldi will going to buy a new book this afternoon.

    Present Continuous : Present continuous is a tense that we used something happening now or it can be also used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.
    Example :
    - I am writing the mid test for english grammar
    - He is sleeping

    2. a) I'm tired. I have not slept well last night.
    b) There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c) Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gaveit up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e) My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?
    I think that sentence used conditional type 2, because that are impossible or unlikely in reality.

    4. a) I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (If/when + present time)
    b) I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (If + past simple >> would have + past participle)
    This sentence has mixed conditionals

    5. a) My bike has disappeared. It was stolen.
    b) My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has took it.
    c) A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been seen since then.

  96. Nama : Rini sri wahyuni
    NIM : 191230094
    Kelas. : TBI 3C

    1. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future.
    Rina will have stayed at home by this tomorrow
    In four years' time, I'll have finished studying in germany.

    Present perfect tense
    To state activities that have been completed in an indefinite period of time in the past and usually have consequences in the present
    Ex .
    - I have finished my homework and now i want to go to the supermarket
    - she has alreadu gone to bali so she will go to jakarta

    Present continuous
    To denote activities that began in the past and are still ongoing today
    - He has been waiting for you for two hours
    - We have been studying english at kampung inggirs since last week until now

    2. a. i'm tired. i haven't slept well last night
    b. There has been a bus drivers strike last week, so there been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life
    e. My grandfather has died before i was born. i have never met him

    3. Type 2 conditionals are used to describe situations that are unrealistic or highly unlikely to occur. For example imagining something that is impossible or wishful thinking. and the meaning of the sentence is a shadow if there is an election.

    4. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Type II
    I wasnt hungry If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Type III

    5. a . My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. my umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c. a neighbour of mine disappeared six month ago. He hasnt seen since then.

  97. Name : Siti kamilah
    Nim : 191230109
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. perfect it shows that something will be completed before a specific time in the future. The formula Have/has. Example: I have spoken english. Continous
    that future actions will be in progress at a spesific time in the future or it expresses a new, different or temporary event.the formula has/have+been+V-ing. Example: I have been speaking english. Future
    tenses that is being done and will continue to be done. The formula Will+have. Example: the new car will bought by my parents.
    2. A. I’m tired (I didn’t sleep) well last night
    B. There was a bus drivers strike last week
    C. Edward had worked in a bank for 15 years. Then (He gave) it up. Now he works as a gardener
    D. mary lives in Dublin. She has live there all her life
    E. my grandfather (has died) before I was born (I never meet) him.
    3. this sentence is to use mixed sentences. This sentence tells the condition and conditional sentences. This sentence tell about how to result condition.
    4. I’m not hungry (simple present tense) If I was hungry (simple past tense) I would eat something. (past future tense)
    I wasn’t hungry.( simple past tense) If I had been hungry(present perfect tense) I would have eaten something.(future perfect tense)
    5. a. my bike has disapperead. It is stoled
    b. my umbrella has disapperead. Somebody taken it
    c. a neighbour of mine disaperead six months ago. He doesn’t seen since then.

  98. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salsabilah
    NIM : 191230086
    Class : tbi 3c

    1. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future. The future continuous describes an action that will continue in the future.
    future continuous :
    In two years' time, I'll be studying in germany.
    future perfect :
    In four years' time, I'll have finished studying in germany.

    2. a) i'm tired. i haven't slept well last night
    b) there has been a bus drivers strike last week, so there been no buses.
    c) Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life
    e) My grandfather has died before i was born. i have never met him

    3. Type 2 conditionals are used to describe situations that are unrealistic or highly unlikely to occur. For example imagining something that is impossible or wishful thinking. and the meaning of the sentence is a shadow if there is an election.

    4. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something = Type II
    I wasnt hangry If I was hungry, I would eat something = Type III

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken.
    c.a neighbour of mine disappeared six month ago. He hasnt seen since then.

  99. Name: Maftuhah
    NIM: 191230091
    class: TBI 3C

    a.future is used to express an activity that will be carried out in the future. You could say, as a plan in the present.
    -She will join with us after check in at the hotel
    -Nanda is going to be a doctor after she graduated 2 years later

    b. Present perfect tense serves to show a result. In other words, this tense is used as a description of events that have already started in the past.
    -You have read this novel
    -Anita has lived in Jakarta for 10 years

    c. present continuos tense is used to show a scene when the conversation takes place.
    -Look! Ridwan is talking with his teacher about the good idea for our class
    -My friend is driving a bicycle to Bundaran HI right now

    2.) a. I have not slept well last night.
    b. There is a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worker in a bank for 15 years.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather does i have never met him.

    3).I think the sentence "‘ If there was an election tomorrow ”is uncertain because it uses the word“ if ”

    4.) the first sentence has a present tense pattern, but the second sentence has a past tense pattern. And the meaning of both sentences is "i'm full" or "i was full".

    5.) a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.


    Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG

    1.What are the differences between perfect, future, and continuous in present time? Give 2 examples of each!

    • Perfect : Is used to denote an action or situation that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past, but its effect still continues.
    Ex :
    - She has moved to Jakarta since March.
    - We have studied English for a month.

    • Future : Used to express that an action will occur in the future, spontaneously or planned.
    Ex :
    - Rara will be able to ride a bicycle next month.
    - The Police will catch the thief soon.

    • Continuous : Is a form of sentence that functions to express an action that is being done in the present (when speaking) and something that will come.
    Ex :
    - The sponge is absorbing the spilled water so quickly.
    - Gina is collecting stamps related to scout.

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

    • I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    • There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    • Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    • Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    • My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him

    3.There is a conditional sentence ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’. Please tell me what does the sentence mean?

    Answer :
    Conditional sentence it describes the result of a certain condition. “if clause” tells a condition and “the main clause” tells a result.

    From this sentence it can be interpreted that, if there is an election tomorrow, who will we vote for, we must have a plan to determine who we will vote for in that election. but if tomorrow there is no election it means no one
    needs to be selected. why should we choose? because there will be an election.

    What is meant here is if there is a cause there must be a result or if there is a condition there must be a result. In this sentence the sentence that begins with "if" indicates the if clause, while the sentence after it is the main clause.

    4.See these following sentences. Then, analyze them based on their patterns and meanings!

    • I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    (The second conditional)
    If+ past simple >> +would +infintive
    To imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely in reality. In the fact ( I am not hungry so I don’t eat something)

    • I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something
    (The Third Conditional)
    If + past perfect >> would have +past participle
    To imagine a different past. It means that we imagine a change in a past situation and the different result of that change. But in the fact (I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t eat something).

    5.Fill the blank below with active or passive forms with considering the context of the sentences.

    • My bike has disappeared. it has been stolen

    • My umbrella has disappeared. somebody has taken

    • A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen since then.

  101. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    NIM: 191230132
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. *The present perfect tense is used for an action that has already happened, what the exact time of the action is not given. The present perfect tense is also used to describe and action which began in the past and have continued up to the present time. The present perfect tense is also used to describe and action which is repeated several times at indefinite periods in the past.
    a. I have written my lesson.
    b. My sister has already done her exercises.

    *Present continuous tense is used to express that an action is going on or continuing at the time of speaking. The present continuous tense is formed: ...+been to be (am, is, and are)+present participle.
    a. We are listening to radio now.
    b. My friend is studying English

    *Present future tense is a tense that is also widely used in basic everyday speech because it is used to denote events in the future or that will be done in the future.
    a. She will open the book after lunch.
    b. I will finish the assignment next week.

    2. a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night
    b. There are a bus driver's strike last week, so there are no buses
    c. Edward Have worked in a bank for 15 years. Then He has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Marry lives in Dublin. She lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Has died before I was born. I never meet him.

    3. this sentence is used mixed conditional because from the sentence "if there was an election tommorow, who would you vote for?" (Jika ada pemilihan besok, siapa yang akan kamu pilih?)
    it means that we imagine a change in a past situation.

    4. Type 3= (I'm not hungry= simple present tense.) (If I was hungry= simple past tense.) (I would eat something= simple future)
    Mixed sentence= (I wasn't hungry= simple past tense.) (If I had been hungry= present perfect tense.) (I would have eaten something= future perfect tense.)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It is stoled.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has been taken.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He wasn't seen since by then.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230116

    1. The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.
    Example : I have walked on this path before.
    The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
    Example : I will jump in the lake
    Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense .
    Example : It is 16.00. They are discussing something right now.
    2. A. I didn’t sleep
    B. There was - There waren’t
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met
    3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what yu answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

  104. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    1.Present perfect
    ( S + have/has + V3 + O )
    The function of the tense is :
    Expressing an event that has been done but the result are still to this day
    Shows events that occurred in the past but still have an effect to the present
    Says change over time
    Shows unfinished events or activities
    She has already submitted her paper
    We have been to Singapore

    Present Continuous
    ( S + to be (is/am/are) + Ving + O )
    The function of the tense is :
    Stating thingsthat are happening at this moment
    Indicated a temporary occurance (optional action)
    Stating a solid plan
    Shows current reality (trends)
    He is doing a science project right now
    She is not sleeping right now

    Present Future
    ( S + Will/shall +V1 + O )
    The function of the tense is :
    The tense is proclaiming a work to be done in the future
    She will come to the party after finishing her weekly report
    We will be at home before 5 pm, because we need to do our monthly meeting soon

    2.a. I’m tired, I did not sleep last night
    b. There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses
    c. Edward has worked in a Bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as gardener
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there
    e. My grandfather died before I was born, I have never meet him

    3.the sentence was using a conditional type-2, it explained that in reality there was no selection tomorrow.

    4.The first sentence use the conditional type 2, which suggests that he was not hungry at the time and the second sentence use the conditional type 3, which suggests that he had not been hungry before.-

    5.My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    My umbrella has disappeared . Somebody has taken it
    A neighbor of minor disappeared six month ago. He has not been seen since then.

  105. Name : Herlina Wati
    Class : TBI 3D
    Nim. : 191230115

    1.- Present Perfect Tense
    used to show events that occur or have not occurred at a time that is not specific.
    example : a. I have sit here since afternoon.
    b. He has done since morning.
    -Present Continuous Tense
    used to declare an event (action) that is ongoing.
    example : a. I am singing at studio today.
    b. My father is bringing a magazine.
    - Present Future Tense
    used to show events in the future or show events that will be done.
    exanple : a. She write the book after dinner
    b. I will make cake two hours again.
    2. a. I didn't sleep
    b. There was-There Waren't
    c. Has Worked-He Given
    d. She lived
    e. Died - I never met

    3. this sentence is used mixed conditional because from the sentence "if there was an election tommorow, who would you vote for?" (Jika ada pemilihan besok, siapa yang akan kamu pilih?)
    it means that we imagine a change in a past situation.

    4. Type 3= (I'm not hungry= simple present tense.) (If I was hungry= simple past tense.) (I would eat something= simple future)
    Mixed sentence= (I wasn't hungry= simple past tense.) (If I had been hungry= present perfect tense.) (I would have eaten something= future perfect tense.)

    5. A. My bike disappeared. It was dumbfounded.
    b. My umbrella is missing. Someone has been taken.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. since then he has not been seen.

  106. Name: Sarah lidya balqis
    Nim: 191230133
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. of course these three tenses are different.  The difference between these three tenses is their function or use, time signal, pattern / formula, verb (the verb used).
    ex perfect : i have bought a new phone
    ex future : i will have finished my homework tomorrow 
    ex continous : she is reading a novel

    2.  a. I’m tired.i not slept well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, 
    so there has been no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. 
    Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him.

    3. This conditional in question is using Type 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition.

    4. the first sentence has a present tense pattern, but the second sentence has a past tense pattern. And the meaning of both sentences is "i'm full" or "i was full".

    5. a. My bike disappeared. It's steamed.
    b. My umbrella is missing. Someone took it.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  107. Name : Nuva Avita
    Class : TBI 3D
    Nim : 191230122
    Uts IEG

    1. The different between perfect, future and continuous in
    - Perfect is The events that have happened
    - Future is Events that haven't happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    - Continuous is An action that is going on during a certain time at the present time
    Exemple: - You have weitten a letter
    - I have been a teacher since two years ago. Diana has done her homework.
    Example: I will have worked to night
    1. I will have presented tomorrow
    Example: -He is reading a novel
    -He is doing a Science project right now.

    2. A. I didn’t sleep Last Night
    B. There was - There Has been
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met

    3. That use second conditional, it is Used to imagine present or future situations that are imposibble or unlikely in reality. The pattern of second conditional is ( if + past sample + >> + would+ infinitive )

    4. Patterns and meanings:
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    Pattern: present simple. If + past simple, would+infinitive.
    Meaning: saya tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    Pattern: Past simple. If + past perfect, would have + past participle.
    Meaning: Saya tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.

    5. A. It was stolen
    B. Somebody took it
    C. He has not been seen since then.

  108. Nama: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    TBI 3C

    1. Present continuous: An action that is happening NOW, but will stop in the future.
    Structure: S + be + V-ing
    - She is playing game
    - I am reading newspaper
    Present perfect: An action that started and ended in the past, but has a consequence in the present.
    Structure: S + Have/has + V3 + C
    - She has eaten an apple
    - They have finished breakfast
    Present future: An action is promised/thought to occur in the future.
    Structure: S + Will/Shal + V1
    - I will go to cinema
    - He will buy bicycle

    2. a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week. So, there was no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gives it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I born. I never met him.

    3. This is conditional type 2, which mean refer to situations in the present. An action could happen if the present situation were different.

    4. - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something = conditional type 2 (If + S + V2, If + would + Vo)

    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something = conditional type 3 (If + S + had + V3, If + would + have + V3)

    5. - My bike has disappeared. (It / steal!) = It has been stealed!
    - My umbrella has disappeared. (Somebody / take) = Somebody has been taken
    - A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. (He / not / see / since then) = He was not seen since then

  109. Name: ila karmelia
    Nim: 191230087
    Class: TBI 3C
    Course: IEG

    1.•Perfect : Is used to denote an action or situation that has started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past, but its effect still continues.
    -i have bought a new make-up
    -My boy friend has started a new job this week.

    •Future :There a several forms. It is used to talk about something that will happen in a time after now.
    - i'm listening music now
    -she is eating noodle

    •Continous: Used to refer to a future action that will be continuing.
    -she will take money after lunch
    -he will finish the homework this week.

    2. a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There is a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather does i have never met him. opinion if there is a voting tomorrow maybe there is no today

    4.I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something (Type 2)
    I wasnt hangry If I was hungry, I would eat something (Type 3)

    5.• My bike has disappeared. it has been stolen

    • My umbrella has disappeared. somebody has taken

    • A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen since then.

    TBI 3 C

    1. Present Perfect Tense is used to denote an event that occurred in the past but has an effect on the present.
    - Andi can not go on holiday because andi has broken his leg.
    - Have you hear form goerge recently?

    Future Tense is used to express actions that will occur in the future.
    - I will make a cake tomorrow
    - Belinda will be a singer in my birthday party tomorrow.

    Present Continuous Tense is used to explain an event that is happening right now.
    - You are studying English today
    - I am eating a bar of chocolate

    2. a. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. The sentence uses the second conditional. it explaining that in reality there is no selection tomorrow.

    4. The first sentence uses second conditional sentence, which states that he was not hungry at that time and the second uses third conditional, which indicates that he has never been hungry before.

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  111. Name : Erna herawati
    Nim : 191230103
    Class : TBI 3c

    1.• The Perfect Tense is a form of the verb that is used to denote an activity / action that has started in the past and is still continuing today or has been completed at some point in the past, but the effect is still visible today.
    Example : I have never eaten apple, They have never been here
    • The future tense is a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being.
    Example : I will go to school, I'm not going to go to the park
    • Present continuous tense is a tense which functions to express an action that is being done in the present (when speaking) and something in the future. The present continuous sentence is formed by the auxiliary verb “be” such as am, is, are and is followed by the present participle (V-form 1 + ing).
    Example : I am studying English now, Are having an exam

    2. • I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night
    • There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses
    • Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years, Then he gave it up. Now he works as gardener
    • Mary lives in dublin, she has lived there
    • My grandfather died before I was born, I have never meet him

    3. If I tomorrow there is a regent election in Pandeglang, I will choose a regent who is responsible and cares for his people

    4. √ I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something (second conditional)
    √ I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something (third conditional)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared it has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared somebody has taken it
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago he has not been seen since than

    NIM. : 191230083
    CLASS : TBI 3C
    Perfect : We use the perfect tense to denote a relationship between the present and the past. The timing of the action or event that have done.
    Example :
    - I have done my writing project last week
    - I have read some fiction two hours ago

    Future : We use the future tense to relating an event in the future. For example :
    - I Will not buy Grammar book at online shop
    - will you give me a grammar book?

    Continues : We use the continues tense to describe what we do in the this time. example :
    - are you eating my snack?
    - I am eating your snack 

    2. a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week. So, there was no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gives it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I born. I never met him.

    3 .
    This is used the conditional types 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition and this use a future real conditional, Although this type is called real we are actually just predicting something that will happen in the future. This type is called real because it's still very likely in the future. "If there is an election tomorrow, I will register to be choosy, and the fact is I wouldn't register, because there isn't an election tomorrow.

    a. i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something. (Conditional type 2)

    b.I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something. (Conditional type 3)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It stealed.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken. 
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen since then

  113. Chintya setiawati
    TBI 3C
    Midterm IEG

    a. Future
    The future tense of verbs expresses events or actions that have not yet happened and that will happen at some point in the future.
    Example : next year, we will be living in our new home, vissa will be a successful engineer in 3 years

    b. perfect
    is a tense that describes an event that started in the past and is still continuing until now or has been completed at a certain point in time in the past but the effect still continues.
    Example : i have been in bali for two weeks, we have visited yogyakarta several times

    c. continous
    is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense.
    Example : I am meeting some friends after work. I am not going to the party tonight.

    2. a. I didn’t sleep well Last Night
    b. There was-There Waren't
    c. has worked,he gave
    d. she has lived
    e. has died, i never met my opinion that is used the second type of Conditional Sentence cause based on the theory “if clause” tells a
    condition and “the main clause” tells a result.
    ‘If there was an election tomorrow,
    who would you vote for
    main clause

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. It is used first conditional cause talk about future situations and believe are real or possible to do and eat something .
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. It is used mixed conditional

    5. it has been stolen
    somebody has taken
    He hasn't been seen since then.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Name : Hena Hopipah
    NIM : 191230105
    Class : TBI-3C

    1. The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself.
    Example : I have read this book, She has studied in UK since 2011

    The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now. Example : I am studying now, I am walking alone

    The future tense describes things that have yet to happen later. Example : You will win, I will go to bandung

    2. a. I’m tired. I did not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there was no buses.
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. If + past tense, would + infinitive

    4. I am not hungry. If i was hungry, I would eat something (Second conditional =If + past tense, would + infinitive). I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (Third conditional =cIf + past perfect, would have + V3)

    5. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has been taken
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He was not seen since then.

  116. Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    TBI 3D

    1. The difference between these three tenses is their function or use, time signal, pattern / formula, verb (the verb used).

    • The Present Perfect Tense is a form of verb which is used to denote an activity / action that has started in the past and is still continuing today or has been completed at some point in the past, but its effect can still be felt today.
    Example :
    - I have never seen snow
    - have you finished?

    • Simple future tense is a tense sentence that is used to indicate events that have not happened or will happen in the future and end in the future.
    Example :
    - Fasya will take public speaking class tomorrow.
    - Sela is going to move to his new house next month.

    • Present Continuous Tense is a form tense which refers to the current action or when the conversation is taking place.
    Example :
    - The class will start at 9 AM tomorrow.
    - My parents is getting older.

    2. a. I’m tired, I didn’t slept well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers strike’ last week, so there’s no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dubin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never meet him.

    3. From the sentence above, I think the sentence uses the conditional type 2. Because it refers to an unlikely condition or presupposition and its possible outcome.

    4. • I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( if + simple past + would ) = Conditional type 2

    • I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. ( if + past perfect + would have + past participle ) = Conditional type 3

    5. a. my bike has disappeared. It was stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it.
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not seen since then.

  117. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. -The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place once or many times before now. Example : a). She has finished her homework. b). I have written a book.

    -The simple future tense is used when an action is promised/thought to occur in the future. Example : a). He will come to Serang tomorrow b). My father will buy a new car.

    -Present Continuous Tense narrates an action which is being continued or going to be continued in the near future. Example : a). My mom is cooking beef with cabbage. b). He is traveling around the world.

    2. a). I’m tired, I didn’t slept well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers strike’ last week, so there has no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dubin. She has lived there all her life.
    e). My grandfather died before I was born. I haven't met him.

    3. ‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?'
    (I think there is a real possibility of an election tomorrow. In this condition, I will vote for tomorrow).

    4. "I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something" : (Second conditional because talk about future situations we believe are real or possible).
    "I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something" : (Thrid conditional because It is imagine a different past).

    5. a). It was stolen
    b). Somebody took it
    c). He has not been seen since then.

  118. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    Class : TBI 3C
    NIM : 191230100

    1. The future tense is the trickiest of tenses in Englis, Fortunately there's a simple way to remember the difference between these two tenses. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future. The future continuous describes an action that will continue in the future.
    -I have bought a new car.
    -My sister has started a new job this week
    I will go to Malang right now
    They will visit my house
    I have bought a new car.
    My sister has started a new job this week

    2. Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple
    I'm tired. I have not slept well last night.
    Be a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there no buses
    Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him.

    3. So i n the that sentence there is a supposition if tomorrow there is a selection, who you will choose. Then we’ll suppose for tomorrow and decide now.

    4. I’m not hungry if i hungry i would eating something.
    S Aux SV S SV VB VB

    I wasn’t hungry. if i had been hungry, i would have eaten something.
    Adverb time Adverb fregency Adverb of degree

    a. It was stolen
    b. Somebody take my umbrella
    c. He wasnt see since the.

  119. Name : Amanah Fitriah
    NIM : 191230089
    Class : TBI 3 C
    1. The future tense is the trickiest of tenses in English. Fortunately there’s a simple way to remember the difference between these two tenses. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future. The future continuous describes an action that will continue in the future.
    2. a. i'm tired. i didn't sleep well last night.
    b.there was a bus drivers strike last week
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years then he gaves it up. now he works as a gardener.
    d. many lives in dublin she has lived there all her life
    e. my grandfather died before i was born. i never met him
    3. If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?
    - Conditional sentence type 2 : If + Simple past + would + infinitive.
    the sentence mean = it is possible, but it is very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled.
    4. -i'm not hungry. if i was hungry, i would eat something.
    (conditional sentence type 2 : if + simple past + would + infinitive)
    it is possible, but it is very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled.
    - i wasn't hungry. if i had been hungry, i would have eaten something.
    (conditional sentence type 3 : if + past perfect + would + have + past participle).
    it is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
    5. a. my bike has disappeared. it has been stolen
    b. my umbrella has disappears. somebody has taken it
    c. a neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  120. Name : Rina
    Class : TBI 3C
    NIM : 191230071

    1. # Present perfect tense combines the present tense and the perfect aspect used to express an event that happened in the past that has present consequences.
    Example : She has lived here all her life
    I have worked here since i graduated school.

    # The future tense is the trickiest of tenses in English. ... Fortunately there's a simple way to remember the difference between these two tenses. The future perfect describes an action that will end in the future.
    Example : I have not been writing any articles since a week ago.
    I have been walking for 40 minutes.

    # The present continuous is formed using am/is/are + present participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and am/is/are. Negatives are made with not.
    Example : You are watching TV.
    You are not watching TV.

    2.Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple
    a. I'm tired. I have not slept well last night.
    b. Be a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there no buses
    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before i was born. I never met him.

    3.So i n the that sentence there is a supposition if tomorrow there is a selection, who you will choose. Then we’ll suppose for tomorrow and decide now.

    4. a. I’m = S not = Aux hungry = SV if i = S hungry = SV i would = VB eating something = VB

    b. I wasn’t hungry = Adverb time
    if i had been hungry = Adverb Fregency
    i would have eaten something = adverb of degree

    5. a. It bike steal
    b. Somebody take my umbrella
    c. He Wasn’t see since six months ago.

  121. Name: Nurul Aida
    NIM : 191230128
    Class: TBI-3D

    1. The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past (e.g., we have talked before) or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour). This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.
    Example : I have walked on this path before.
    The future tense is a verb tenses used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
    Example : I will jump in the lake
    Present continuous tense is a form of tension used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) tense .
    Example : It is 16.00. They are discussing something right now.
    2. A. I didn’t sleep
    B. There was - There waren’t
    C. Has Worked - He Given
    D. She Lived
    E. Died - I never met
    3. the sentence suggest that if there was a vote tomrrow then what would you choose ? the sentence designates a question to you and asks you to choose and tell what your answer , and that sentence describe a hypothetical situation exist only in our imagination not real .
    4. A. Type 2 = simple present tense , simple past tense , simple future
    B. Type 3 = simple past tense , simple perfect tense , future perfect tense

    5. is stealed
    Taken it
    Doesn’t seen since then

  122. Name : Wardatul Jannah
    NIM : 191230126
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. present perfect tense is a tense that describes something that has been done now.
    Example :
    I have worked hard this month.
    My sister has bought a new car.

    Present Future Tense is used when we want to declare a job that will be done in the future.
    Example :
    We shall buy a new house next week.
    I shall go to Bogor next month.

    The present continuous tense is a sentence formation rule that is used to express ongoing activities.
    Example :
    He is not sleeping right now.
    I am writing a letter.

    2. a). I am tired. I have not slept well last night.
    b). There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c). Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gaveit up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d). Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e).My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3. I think that sentence uses the type 2 conditional sentence because it is used to imagine a present or future situation that is impossible or impossible in reality.

    4. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (present simple)
    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (Past simple)

    5. a). My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b). My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has been taken.
    c). A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been seen since by then.

  123. MID TERM

    Name : Intira Maharani
    SRN : 191230121
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. The differences between perfect, future, continuous in present time
    a. Perfect
    - Pattern : S + Has/have + V3
    - Present perfect is used to indicate an action that happened at an indefinite time in past, to indicate an action that happened more than once in the past and to indicate an action that happened more than once in the past.
    - Example :
    • I have seen this movie before.
    • Calum has traveled around the world.
    b. Future
    - Pattern : Will / Shall + V1
    - Future in present time is used to expresses facts refer to a time later than now, to predict future events.
    - Example :
    • I will go to Australia next year.
    • They will finish the project next month.
    c. Continuous
    - Pattern : Am, is , are + Ving
    - Continuous in present time is used to indicate action or events in a time before now or still going in the present.
    - Example :
    • I am studying Japanese.
    • I am eating fried rice and egg.

    2. Present perfect or past simple.
    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus driver’s strike last week. So, there were no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lived in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. If there was an election tomorrow. Who would you vote for ?.
    The sentences has meaning that she/he imagined that tomorrow there’ll be election. And ask about your choice.

    4. Pattern and meaning.
    a. I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. (second conditional sentences)
    It means I’m not hungry now. However, there is a possibility in present/future time I will be hungry and eat something.
    b. I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (third conditional sentence)
    In the past I was not hungry. But I imagines that I was hungry in the past I would eat something. It would change the situation of the past and also change the result.

    5. Active or passive forms.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. Nobody hasn’t seen him since then.

  124. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Mid Term IEG

    The present perfect tense : refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past or began in the past and continued to the present time (e.g., he has grown impatient over the last hour).
    e.g., 1.) we have talked before.
    2.)he has grown impatient over the last hour.

    The present continuous (also called present progressive) : is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future.

    E.g 1.)she is not playing computer games now.
    2.)You are learning math now.

    The future tense : is a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being. For example:
    e.g 1.) I will jump in the sea.
    2.)We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to Swiss.

    a) I'm tired. I have not slept well last night.
    b) There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c) Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e) My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for.
    In my opinion the sentence use the conditional type 2 / 2nd conditional because this condition has not happened yet .

    I’m not hungry, if I was hungry I would eat something.
    : It is conditional type 2 or second conditional

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    : It is conditinal type 3 or third conditional

    a).my bike has disappeared. It was stolen.
    b).My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it.
    c).A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been seen since then.

  125. Nama : Mega Tias Nur Afnia
    Kelas: TBI 3 D
    NIM : 191230125

    1. The present perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in the result than in the action itself. Ex :
    1. They have lived in Jakarta for a long time.
    2. He has learned English for one year.

    The simple future tense a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being. Ex :
    1. I will jump in the lake.
    2. We will celebrate our anniversary by flying to New York.

    The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. Ex :
    1. You are learning English now.
    2. They are reading their books.

    a. I’m tired.I have not sleep well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week, so there waren't buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.

    3.‘If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?’.
    this is a condition that will happen tomorrow and is still uncertain

    I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    it is a second conditional

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    it is a third conditional

    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it
    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been see since then.

    Name: Ulfa Nadya
    Nim: 191230108
    Class: TBI 3D

    •)Present perfect, we use this sentence when :
    a. To talk about a past event which happened in a period of time up to now
    b. To talk about a past event that has an effect on the present
    c. To talk about a past state that continues up to now
    •The pattern : (+)S+have/has+the past participle
    (-) S+have/has not+ the past participle
    (?) Have/has + S + the past participle
    d. Time signal : ever,never,already,yet,still,just,etc.
    e. Example : (+) we have lived in seoul since 2009
    (-) we have not lived in seoul since 2009
    (?) Have we lived in seoul since 2009?

    •) Future tense : There are a few different ways in english that you can talk about the future. generally use "will" to speak about the future. And we use " be going to" .
    We use Future tense
    To express something that will be done in the future.

    • we use be going to talk about future plans
    • we use be gling to predictions about the future

    •time signal : Later, tomorrow, next,...etc

    FOR WILL 👇
    • pattern : S+will+v1
    S+will not+v1
    •Example : (+) she will come to the mall
    (-) she will not come to the mall
    (?) Will she come to the mall?

    •)The present continous tense. We use this tenses to show that something is happening now or for a limited time.

    •pattern : (+) S+tobe+Ving
    (-) S+tobe+not+Ving
    (?) Tobe+S+Ving

    •time signal : now, just now, recently,etc
    Ex : (+) she is making for lunch now
    (-) she is not making for lunch now
    (?) Is she making fot lunch now?


    a. I didn't sleep well last night
    b. There was, There weren't
    c. Has worked
    d. She has lived there
    e. Died, I have never met

    3. If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for?

    • this sentence type 2 , or the second conditional type
    • the pattern : if+ Simple past tense ( if this things happened),,, would+infinitive
    •this sentence show Unlikely conditions or supposition and possible results. These sentences are not based on a real situation. In a type 2 typical sentence, the time is now or any time and the situation is not real or supposition. Unlikely conditions or supposition and possible results. These sentences are not based on a real situation. In a type 2 typical sentence, the time is now or any time and the situation is not real or supposition.

    a). i'm not hungry. If i was hungry, i would eat something
    • this is second conditional type 2 , because the subject isn't hungry so it's not happen in realtiy and unlikely in reality
    • the pattern 👉 if+simple past tense,,, would+infinite
    b). I wasn't hungry. If i had been hungry, i would have eaten something
    • this is third conditional type 3, because Referring to the impossible conditions in the past and possible results in the past. These sentences are really an supposition and are not real because it is too late to do so now and the results are impossible. There's always a regressive implication in type 3 sentence. The reality is the opposite of what is expressed by the sentence. In type 3 typical sentences, the time is past and the situation is hypothetical or unreal.

    a). My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b). My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c). A neighbour of mine dissapeared six month ago. He hasn't seen since then.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Elvyna Nadya putri

    1. The differences between perfect, future, continuous in present time
    a. Perfect
    - Pattern : S + Has/have + V3
    - Present perfect is used to indicate an action that happened at an indefinite time in past, to indicate an action that happened more than once in the past and to indicate an action that happened more than once in the past.
    - Example :
    • I have seen this girl last night.
    • Gita has performed her new song last night at Gasibu.
    b. Future
    - Pattern : Will / Shall + V1
    - Future in present time is used to expresses facts refer to a time later than now, to predict future events.
    - Example :
    • I will climb at Citatah cliff tomorrow.
    • They will pass the examination next week.
    c. Continuous
    - Pattern : Am, is , are + Ving
    - Continuous in present time is used to indicate action or events in a time before now or still going in the present.
    - Example :
    • I am trying to make mango dessert.
    • I am looking for someone new.

    2. a. I’m tired, I didn’t slept well last night.
    b. There was a bus drivers strike’ last week, so there’s no buses.
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d. Mary lives in Dubin. She has lived there all her life.
    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never meet him.

    3. This conditional in question is using Type 2, which is refer to the unlikely conditions or presuppositions and their possible outcomes. So, there is no an election tomorrow on real situation just presupposition.

    4. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something = Type II
    I wasnt hangry If I was hungry, I would eat something = Type III

    5. Active or passive forms.
    a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen.
    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody has taken it.
    c. A neighbor of mine disappeared six months ago. Nobody hasn’t seen him since then.

    NIM : 191230113
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. A) Continuous tense is a form of tense used to express that an action is taking place for a certain time in the present (present) time. This form indicates that the action occurred before (started before), during (currently ongoing), and continues after (continues after) time or other actions.

    The fundamental difference between the future perfect continuous tense and the future perfect tense is that the future perfect continuous tense will continue in the future, while the future perfect tense has or will be finished soon in the future.
    Example :
    * perfect : S + will + have been + V(ing)
    I will have been going to the market
    * future : S + Will + V1
    She will drink in the kitchen

    2. A. I’m tired.i not slept well last night
    B. There was a bus drivers’ strike last week,
    so there has been no buses.
    C. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years.
    Then he has given it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    D. Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    E. My grandfather Died before I was born.i never met him.

    3. used conditional sentence type-2 because it is used to imagine present or future situation that are impossible.

    4. *I’m not hungry (simple present tense) If I was hungry (simple past tense) I would eat something. (past future tense)
    *I wasn’t hungry ( simple past tense) If I had been hungry(present perfect tense) I would have eaten something (future perfect tense)

    5. A. My bike has disapperead. It is stoled
    B. my umbrella has disapperead. Somebody taken it
    C. a neighbour of mine disaperead six months ago. He doesn’t seen since then.

  130. 1. - Future continuous We can use the future continuous (will/won't be + -ing form) to talk about future actions that
    Example: When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.
    - Future perfect
    We use the future perfect simple (will/won't have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future.
    Example: The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then.

    2. A. Not
    B. There
    C. Worked
    D. She
    E. Meet
    3. Future continuous
    4. A. I’m nit hungry (Simple present tense), if i was hungry (Simple Past tense), i would eat something (Past future tenses)
    B. I wasn’t hungry (simple past tense), if i had been hungry (present perfect tense), i would have eaten something (Future perfect tense)
    5. A. It is staealed
    B. Somebody taken it
    C. He doesn’t seen since then.

  131. Iim Khoirunnisa
    191230130/TBI 3 D

    1. - Future continuous We can use the future continuous (will/won't be + -ing form) to talk about future actions that
    Example: When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.
    - Future perfect
    We use the future perfect simple (will/won't have + past participle) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future.
    Example: The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then.

    2. A. Not
    B. There
    C. Worked
    D. She
    E. Meet
    3. Future continuous
    4. A. I’m nit hungry (Simple present tense), if i was hungry (Simple Past tense), i would eat something (Past future tenses)
    B. I wasn’t hungry (simple past tense), if i had been hungry (present perfect tense), i would have eaten something (Future perfect tense)
    5. A. It is staealed
    B. Somebody taken it
    C. He doesn’t seen since then.

  132. Name : Ita Nur Azizah
    Nim : 191230101
    TBI 3C

    1. - The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb. Example:
    have done my job
    I have worked hard this week.
    - Present Future Tense is used when we want to state a job that will be done in the future. Example:
    I Will play this song
    She will arrive to the destination in two hours.
    - The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are.
    They are eating lunch right now
    Rose is reading a book.

    2. Present perfect or past simple
    a. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep well last night
    b. There was a bus driver’s strike last week. So, there were no buses
    c. Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener
    d. Mary lived in Dublin. She has lives there all her life
    e. My grandfather has died before I was born. I have never met him.

    3. Second conditional is used in situations/actions in the present or future which are not likely to happen or are imaginary, hypothetical or impossible. Because word of "who will win" which are not likely to happen or are imaginary

    4. - I’m not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something. ( if + simple past + would ) = Conditional type 2
    - I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. ( if + past perfect + would have + past participle ) = Conditional type 3

    5. a. my bike has disappeared. it has been stolen
    b. my umbrella has disappears. somebody has taken it
    c. a neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't been seen since then.

  133. Name : Mikhael Tirta Kusuma
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Subject : Grammar

    1. A. The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and perfect aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences. The term is used particularly in the context of English grammar to refer to forms like "I have finished".
    B. The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.
    C. The future tense is a verb tense used for a future activity or a future state of being.
    Example of Present perfect : I have finished my assigment.
    She has worked in the bank for five years.
    Example of Present continouos : iam bringing a book.
    you are buying a pen.
    Example Of Future : We shall move to another city.
    He will come to New York tomorrow.
    2. a) I'm tired. I have not slept well last night.
    b) There was a bus drivers strike last week, so there were no buses.
    c) Edward worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. Now he works as a gardener.
    d) Mary lives in Dublin. She has lived there all her life.
    e) My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him.
    3. If there was an election tomorrow, who would you vote for.
    this sentence use the conditional type 2

    4. I’m not hungry, if I was hungry I would eat something.
    -It is conditional type 2

    I wasn’t hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    -It is conditinal type 3

    5. a).my bike has disappeared. It was stolen.
    b).My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody took it.
    c).A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He has not been seen since then.

  134. Name : Waladi Mulya Bahri Wijaya
    Class : III TBI D
    NIM : 191230119

    1. The present perfect tense is used as a link between the past and the present.
    S + have/has + verb 3
    Ex: We have lived in Serang for a long time.
    He has played mobile legends since 2016.

    Present Future Tense is used to express an activity or event in the future that has not yet happened.
    Subjek(S) + Will/Shall + Verb(1) + Object
    Subjek(S) + Am/Is/Are + Going to + Verb(1) + Object
    Ex: She will go to Kalimantan next month.
    I am going to travel Mekkah next year.

    The present continuous tense is often referred to as the present progressive tense.
    Subjek(S) + Am/Is/Are + V(1)ing + O
    Ex: She is singing the song
    They are reading the book

    2. a. I'm tired. I did not sleep well last night.

    b. There are a bus drivers' strike last week, so there are no buses.

    c. Edward has worked in a bank for 15 years. Then he has gived it up. Now he works as a gardener.

    d. Mary lives in Dublin him. She has lived there all her life.

    e. My grandfather died before I was born. I never met him

    3. Jika ada pemilu besok, siapa yang akan Anda pilih?

    4. a. I'm not hungry. If I was hungry, I would eat something.
    S + be not + V1. If + S + was/were + V1, S + would + V1 + O

    b. I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
    S + was/were not + V1. If + S + had been + V1, S + would + has/have + V3 + O

    Saya tidak lapar. Jika saya lapar, saya akan makan sesuatu.

    4. a. My bike has disappeared. It has been stolen by somebody

    b. My umbrella has disappeared. Somebody have been taken the umbrella

    c. A neighbour of mine disappeared six months ago. He hasn't seen the neighbour since then.
