Thursday 19 November 2020


This test is used to examine the students' knowledge and experience after learning seven sessions of the subject. The students have to do this test as a part of subject's requirements if they want to pass in this subject. To do the test, the students could open this link. 



    NIM : 191230144

    1). There are many types of essay based on Bailey. such as : narrative / expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    And There are 3 parts of essay.
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion

    The one of part :
    Education is very important in our life and it becomes the one of obligation for all of people because with education we can create a better future and a great change. It facilitates quality learning all through the life among people of any age group, cast, creed, religion and region. And also it is the process of achieving skills, knowledge, values, beliefs, and moral habits.

    a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. How to Become A Succesful Person

    a. Focus on Commitment
    Commitment is the one of a crucial thing in our life. With Commitment, we can keep our spirit in doing something. And if we are consistent in learning, working and processing, exactly we can achieve what we want and make our dreams come true.

    b. Identify your passions
    Passion and skill are so important in our life. Because a succesful person is the person who success in improving their abilities and make the good result from their amazing effort. So, identify your skills and make sure that your ambition is related with your passion and make you happy in doing it, even though you feel tired, but you enjoy your skill or your passion.

    c. Make the list of your dreams, then execute it.
    Dream is so important because dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it. Dream makes you confident to do all of process of your life till you can make your dream come true.

    d. Positive Thinking
    Trust to your self is the power of success and eliminate negative thinking is the key of your success. Trust please that you can pass all of obstacles and challenges in your life because you are amazing. And the first woman president of USA, Margaret Thatcher have said : "what your thought for they become your word, what your word for they become your action, what your cation for they become habit, what your habit for they become character, what your character for they become your destiny, and in the other word, what you think you become.

    e. Always Try and Never Give Up
    Effort hard and pray hard are the two aspects which can't separated between each other. If you want to make your dream come true, you have to encourage your self with maximal effort because your success is can't be come true just by daydreaming. Show to all of people who loves you and even to all of people who always abuse you that you can be the best and make them cry because of your success.

  2. good puji. I'll wait others' works.


    Nim: 191230158

    1. Parts of Essays' types from (Bailey's 2011)
    Short Essay:
    -Main Body

    Long Essay:
    -Main Body
    -Case Study

    Types of Essay (Bailey 2011)
    Short and Long Essay that could be narrative/ expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    The one of part from short Essay:
    Social media is a media that is used to relate to one another where users can easily communicate, share, and create content on blogs, social networks, forums and cyberspace without being regulated by space and time.

    Sentence: (d)
    Paragraph: (f)
    Heading: (c)
    Title: (a)
    Sub title: (b)
    Phrase: (e)

    3.How to be Successful Confidently Speaking in Public:

    1. Fight Shame
    Often the problem that always arises is why it is difficult to speak in public because we are embarrassed to speak in public. For example, just doing a presentation, how come it's really hard to get out the words that are in the brain. So from now on you have to try to fight shame, assume the people in front of you are your friends, who will not blame you if you talk wrong. Yourself, and be free to Speak without fear of being wrong. Remember! They are also human. So there is no need to be afraid to speak in public.

    2. Ask Questions
    If you become a connoisseur of presentations or become a participant in a meeting. Learn to ask a question. There is no need to be afraid if your question is considered "stupid", because with friends who are used to asking questions, speaking in public will not seem scary. So don't be afraid to ask yes.

    3. Make the best possible preparation.
    If you have to be the speaker or the presenter, be as prepared as possible. This is your presentation material guide, any supporting equipment needed, and your appearance. After that, practice the day before making the presentation. By making the best possible preparation, you will master the material and predict the atmosphere that will occur. Apart from that, this preparation will also give off a positive vibe so that your feelings will be positive too. Imagine if you didn't prepare it? You may be overwhelmed and skittish when presenting it.

    4. Talk With Your Own Speaking Style.
    Speak with your own speaking style. Don't adjust to other people's speaking styles because you will be someone else, not who you really are. In other words, speak in a relaxed, polite, and attractive manner so that the atmosphere becomes conducive and impressive.

    5.Make Eye Contact
    When speaking in public, either as a speaker or as a participant asking questions, make eye contact with the person you are talking to. Do not look down or at the ceiling because it indicates that you are not confident. By making eye contact, you will communicate comfortably. Also, eye contact.

    6.Speaking Practice
    try to talk to a few people. Can Talk to your friends or your friends with you who are the speakers (besides being listeners) or start to join in talking at large family gatherings. From there can arise a courage, which will become a provision of confidence to speak in public.

    7. Pray
    For this one, don't ever be underestimated. Because the power of prayer can simplify all of your efforts above, with prayer we can continue to learn and not give up trying. Apart from that, praying is also able to clear the mind and give a calm effect on oneself which of course can produce a positive aura to help us in public speaking.

  4. Name : Lala Rosdiana
    NIM : 191230163
    Mid Term Exam : Essay Writing

    1. The Types and the Part of essay based on Bailey (2011).
    ---The Types of Essay:
    1). Narrative/expository,
    2). Descriptive,
    3). Argumentative
    4). Persuasive or
    5). Research report.

    And The Part Of Essay : 
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion

    Example The one of Part :
    There are 3 reasons why you need to eat apple. First, because it contains a lot of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, as well as vitamin C. Besides that, it also contains mineral which is good for our body. *As the result, you need to eat one apple per day to stay healthy.*

    2. Identify the features underlined in the following texts :
    (a) Title
    (b) Subtitle
    (c) Heading 
    (d) Sentence
    (e) Phrase
    (f) Paragraphy

    3. Make your outline and develop it into paraghraphs

    ---Title : My Beloved Cat is Momo

    -Outline (list)

    1. My Beloved cat is a Persian Cat.
    2. My cat's name is Momo
    3. Momo has soft fur
    4. Momo is my good mood
    5. me, my family and friends love momo
    6. Momo is so cute
    7. I hope Momo lives forever

    --Develop it into Paraghraphs

    "My Beloved cat is Momo"

    My Beloved cat is a Persian Cat, and her name is Momo. My family and I named her Momo, how fluffy and soft her white fur is.

    Sometimes, Momo camouflages with the carpet in my bedroom, which is also white. Momo really loves to sleep on that carpet, which is why we must be cautious at home so that we don’t step on her.

    Momo is always there at home for me when I come back from school. Sometimes, when I feel bad, I sit next to Momo and pet her soft fur, which makes me feel happy. Once, I got fewer marks than everyone in a maths test, so I felt terrible, but I went to Momo and played with her for a while, which made my mood better.

    It is not only my family that loves my pet cat Momo and me but also all my friends who come over, my cousins, etc all love to play with my pet cat. Maybe it is because she is very cute, or adorable, or maybe because she is a really nice pet for me and everyone else to play with. *I really love Momo, and I hope she lives forever.*

  5. Name : Talitha Zuleika
    NIM : 191230161

    1.Short and Long essays that could be narrative / espository , descriptive , argumentative , persuasive , or research report
    Parts of Essay
    a. Introduction
    b. Main Body
    c. Conclusion

    There are 3 reasons why you need to eat apple. First, because it contains a lot of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, as well as vitamin C. Besides that, it also contains mineral which is good for our body. *As the result, you need to eat one apple per day to stay healthy.*

    2. a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sebtence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. How to Respect Your Friend's Opinion if there is a difference of opinion:

    a. Not interrupting our friend who is currently expressing his opinion. let your friends express their opinions and ideas to finish. because this is very important for the organization to run well

    b. Do not impose our opinion on the discussion opponent. if our opinion is not shared by all parties, we must remain patient as this is in the interest of the organization as a whole

    c. Do not be selfish, arrogant or rude if you disagree and our opinions differ from friends. if you don't agree, it can be discussed properly so as not to cause a commotion

    d. Giving constructive positive feedback to our friends' opinions politely. positive things conveyed will affect both in terms of communication and in organization

    e. Appreciate and make the opinion of friends as material for consideration in the joint decision-making process. because a good opinion and in accordance with the needs of the organization will make the organization more advanced and can create enthusiasm for yourself towards goals together

  6. 1. Types of essay based on Bailey (2011):
    Short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    General parts of essay based on Bailey:
    Main body

    Example (Main Body)

    My long-term goals are to enter the GIS field as a consultant or to extend my research and earn my Ph.D. at a program of international reputation. Having advanced experience with temporal GIS technology would make me a valuable consultant to a company, especially in the twin
    burgeoning fields of computer science and GIS.

    2. Answers!
    a) title
    b) sub title
    c) heading
    d) phrase
    e) sentence
    f) paragraph

    3. Outline:
    Title : The Interesting KP3B
    Topic Sentence : KP3B is a beautiful place to spend for weekend.
    Supporting Sentence :
    1. There are some beautiful parks
    2. There is a beautiful lake
    3. There is an icon Al-Bantani Mosque
    Concluding Sentence : KP3B has beautiful and amazing view.


    Everybody would have no thought that in the middle of city government center there is such a beautiful place. the central government area of ​​Banten province or usually called as KP3B (Kawasan Pusat Pemerintahan Provinsi Banten) in Palima, Serang City, Banten Province, is the best destination to spend a weekend for people around.

    There are some beautiful parks inside. Such as fossil park, forest park, rhino park, and some other unnamed gardens. The architecture design is unique and interesting. Especiallya there are a lot of shady green trees which can cover us from the sun.

    Besides, there is a beautiful lake which surrounded by little garden for people to cool off. Little birds usually fly above that long and wide lake. It makes this place such more beautiful and calm.

    Last but not least, the icon of KP3B which hunted by a lot of people in the city, the great Al-Bantani Mosque. The architecture has italian and turkish design. Everybody feel stunned at their first visit. It's so beautiful!

    KP3B has amazing view. The parks, street, and the mosque are very calming. It's really cool and interesting for spending weekend.


    1. Types of essay based on Bailey (2011):
    Short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    General parts of essay based on Bailey:
    Main body

    Example (Main Body)

    My long-term goals are to enter the GIS field as a consultant or to extend my research and earn my Ph.D. at a program of international reputation. Having advanced experience with temporal GIS technology would make me a valuable consultant to a company, especially in the twin
    burgeoning fields of computer science and GIS.

    2. Answers!
    a) title
    b) sub title
    c) heading
    d) phrase
    e) sentence
    f) paragraph

    3. Outline:
    Title : The Interesting KP3B
    Topic Sentence : KP3B is a beautiful place to spend for weekend.
    Supporting Sentence :
    1. There are some beautiful parks
    2. There is a beautiful lake
    3. There is an icon Al-Bantani Mosque
    Concluding Sentence : KP3B has beautiful and amazing view.


    Everybody would have no thought that in the middle of city government center there is such a beautiful place. the central government area of ​​Banten province or usually called as KP3B (Kawasan Pusat Pemerintahan Provinsi Banten) in Palima, Serang City, Banten Province, is the best destination to spend a weekend for people around.

    There are some beautiful parks inside. Such as fossil park, forest park, rhino park, and some other unnamed gardens. The architecture design is unique and interesting. Especiallya there are a lot of shady green trees which can cover us from the sun.

    Besides, there is a beautiful lake which surrounded by little garden for people to cool off. Little birds usually fly above that long and wide lake. It makes this place such more beautiful and calm.

    Last but not least, the icon of KP3B which hunted by a lot of people in the city, the great Al-Bantani Mosque. The architecture has italian and turkish design. Everybody feel stunned at their first visit. It's so beautiful!

    KP3B has amazing view. The parks, street, and the mosque are very calming. It's really cool and interesting for spending weekend.

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  9. Name : Anugrah Restu Fauzi
    NIM :191230147
    CLASS : TBI 3E

    Short essays
    The patterns :
    • Introduction
    • Main body
    • Conclusion
    b. Longer essays
    The patterns :
    • Introduction
    • Main body
    • Literature review
    • Case study
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • References
    • Appendic

    Example :
    Married by Accident is blurry portraits of teenage life today in Indonesia. Free sex (free sex), pregnancy outside of marriage, abortion, rape, sexual harassment, distribution of pornographic VCDs, pornography, and porno-action are rampant among teenagers today.

    a. Title
    b. Sub title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paraghraph

    3. How to Plan a Good Holiday

    1. Choose the best destination
    You have to choose the best destination for your holiday and survey it. You don't need to visit the destination to survey it, but you can only use the internet.

    2. Arrange a holiday agendas
    Arrange a holiday agendas. What you're going to do during a holiday and how long you will spend your holiday. Arrange your agendas well, including the timing and the transportations.

    3. Calculate your holiday cost
    Calculate your holiday cost. Don't plan to the destination that's so far and needs much money. While yout finance doesn't support it.

  10. NAME: Rifatul Muftiah
    NIM: 191230171/ TBI 3E

    short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative,
    persuasive, or research report

     Introduction
     Main body
     Conclusion
    B. LONG ESSAY Introduction
     Main body
     Literature
     review
     Case study
     Discussion
     Conclusion
     References
     Appendices
    C. General Parts of Essays
     Introduction
     Main body
     Conclusion
    The one of part from short essay:
    • introduction
    Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.
    a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph
    3. Title : How can I discipline myself with time
    Topic sentence : discipline my self with time is very importance
    Supporting sentence:
    a. Define priorities
    b. Devise a smart plan
    c. Avoid procrastination
    d. To be firm
    e. Do not forget yourself in making a plan
    Concluding sentence: Discipline of time is our attitude of being obedient to the appointed time and of valuing time, ourselves or others.

    How can I discipline myself with time
    Discipline has the sense of being obedient and obedient to a trusted value and is also his responsibility. In other words, this discipline is to be in compliance with the rules or also submit to both supervision and control. There are 5 ways to discipline yourself with time:
    Define priorities, start to manage time to be more efficient with caa to define priorities. Essential tasks are always at the top of your schedule. Start to work smart and simple. Never neglect your important duties, so that your results are truly significant.
    Devise a smart plan, A specific, measurable plan that we can accomplish, and realistic will help us to accomplish our work. Schedule the most difficult task at the beginning of the week, so that you can relax on your weekends.
    Avoid procrastination, Postponing an important task for something trivial is indeed damaging to you. If the obligation is important, do it as quickly as possible and allow your time to complete it.
    To be firm, To be strict in saying "no" and to reject tasks we cannot do would certainly be weakened. To that end, begin to take a firm stand against the two. If we are unable to resolve it don't force yourself.
    Do not forget yourself in making a plan, should not forget to include activities relating to our own fun and time of rest. During that time, make sure we're completely off the job, relax and do a recharge of your spirit batteries. If it takes a break for your body to numb the fatigue of the day's activities.
    Discipline of time is our attitude of being obedient to the appointed time and of valuing time, ourselves or others.

  11. NIM: 191230145

    1. Types of essay (Bailey 2011):
    a. Short and long essay that could be narrative/expository
    b. Descriptive
    c. Argumentative
    d. Persuasive
    e. Research report

    Example essay that could be narrative:
    The Ant and the Dove
    One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.
    She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
    Not long after at that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it in this way.
    Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.
    The morality: One good turn deserves another.

    a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. The five pillars of Islam are the five basic acts in Islam, are considered the obligatory foundations of the believer and form the basis of the Muslim life.
    There are five pillars of Islam, namely:
    Shahada: Syahada has the meaning of saying it verbally, justifying it with the heart and then practicing it through deeds. There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

    Prayers: Prayers five times a day and night that Allah has prescribed to be a means of interaction between Allah and a Muslim where he munajat and pray to Him. Also to be a means of preventing a Muslim from doing heinous and evil deeds so that he can gain peace of mind and body that can make him happy in this world and the hereafter.

    Saum: A Muslim intends to fast before the dawn of dawn. Then refrain from eating, drinking and jima '(coming to the wife) until the sun sets then breaking the fast. He did this during the month of Romadhon.

    Zakat: Allah has ordered every Muslim who has assets reaching the nisab to pay zakat on his property every year. It is given to those who are entitled to receive from among the poor and other than those who zakat can be given to those who have been explained in the Al-Qur'an. Giving 2.5% of savings to poor or needy people

    Hajj: Go to worship in Mecca, at least once in a lifetime for those who can afford it. Hajj to Baitullah Mecca once in a lifetime. As for the excess, it is sunnah.

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  13. Name : Sarniti
    NIM : 191230159
    Class : TBI 3-E

    1. Types of essay based on Bailey, such as : descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, narrative/expository, or research report.

    And the part of essay based on Bailey (2011), such as :
    Short essays generally have this pattern :
    - Introduction
    - Main body
    - Conclusion

    Longer essays may include :
    - Introduction
    - Main body
    Literature review
    Case study
    - Conclusion
    - References
    - Appendices

    Example of Conclusion :
    Therefore, as a good student, we must be diligent and do the homework given by our teacher in order to graduate with satisfactory results.

    a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Outline :

    Title : how to prevent transmission of covid-19

    Topic sentence : Three ways to prevent transmission of covid 19

    Supporting sentence :
    1. Wear a mask
    2. Wash your hands
    3. Keep your distance and avoid crowds.

    Conclusion : if the implementation of these three ways carried out in daily activities it will be able to minimize the risk of spreading covid 19.

    Paragraph :

    Based on international research, wearing a mask can reduce the risk of transmitting COVID-19 by 45 percent. Even better is wearing a surgical mask that can reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus by up to 70 percent. Washing hands is next step to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 by 35 percent. WHO recommends, wash your hands using soap / antiseptic for 20-30 seconds and apply the correct steps. If under certain conditions, such as no water and soap or unable to use water and soap to clean hands, another solution is to use a liquid that is at least 60 percent alcohol-based, such as a hand sanitizer. So, if the implementation of these three ways carried out in daily activities it will be able to minimize the risk of spreading covid 19.

  14. Nama : Mohamad Adam Firdaus
    NIM : 191230154
    Kelas : TBI 3E

    1. Introduction, main body and conclusion
    - Introduction
    Teachers should understand how to build and to implement their teaching framework.

    - Main body
    In the beginning, they have to determine the goals of teaching, prepare tasks, make assessments, and practice their teaching. Therefore, they recently do not only transfer their knowledge and skills but also attitudes. They should engage and motivate th i6aeir students to find out their own learning strategies and to do self-assess. They can not teach traditionally as the previous teachers had done but they have to adapt and adopt more sources needed in the future. Thus, they should consider world changes in their teaching situation. Teachers need to compile their belief, value, and knowledge to create many creative and innovative graduates. They particularly cannot realize it alone. They have to corporate with educational policy makers including schools, either local, regional, or national education authorities

    - Conclution
    In accordance with my research (2018), schools and government should manage a similar idea for designing human resources. They have to be creative facing the changes and they should collaborate and communicate with others to achieve their goals. To widen your idea of teaching in 21 Century, please see and download this PPT. It concludes some materials from eligible sources. Thank you for reading it and giving comments.

    2. Identify
    - Sentence : D
    - Paragraph : F
    - Heading : C
    - Title : A
    - Sub – title : B
    - Phrase : E
    3. Outline and paragraphs
    a. Outline
    - Tittle : Mango
    - Topic sentence : Mango is tropical fruit
    - Supporting sentence : Mango is tropical fruit, mango has different colour and
    taste, mango has been a daily food in many countries
    - Supporting detail : mango grown in Indonesia, Malaysia and Plillippines, unripe
    mango has green colour and sour taste, ripe mango has orange colour and sweet taste, Philipina has Mango rice and Indonesia has sambal mangga.
    - Concluding sentence : Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several

    - Paraghraph

    Mango is one of tropical fruit which lives and grows on tropical places. For example Indonesia, Malaysia, and Phillippines. The colour of mango isn't only yellow but also green and orange (it's depend on its age). Same with the colour, mango also has different taste. Green mango has sour taste, and ripe mango has sweet taste. Mango Has been a daily food in several countries such as Philippines with its Mango rice and Pontianak-Indonesia with its Sambal Mangga. Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several countries.

  15. Name: Alfiah Dwi Rahayu
    Nim: 191230157
    Class: TBI 3E

    1.Types of Essay based on Bailey (2011)
    a. Narrative
    b. Descriptive
    c. Expository
    d. Argumentative
    Parts of Essay based on Bailey (2011)
    Short Essay:
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion
    Longer essays may include:
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    -Literature review
    -Case study
    c. Conclusion
    d. References
    e. Appendices

    Example paragraphs:
    A diet is anything that you consume on a regular basis. If you drink Diet Coke for breakfast every day, that’s part of your diet. When people talk about “going on a diet,” they usually mean changing their existing dietary habits in order to lose weight or change their body shape. All people are on a diet because everyone eats! Having a healthy diet means making food choices that contribute to short- and long-term health. It means getting the right amounts of nutrient-rich foods and avoiding foods that contain excessive amounts of less healthy foods. The right mix can help you be healthier now and in the future.

    2. Identify the features underlined which one of them that are sentence, paragraph, heading, title, sub-title,sentence, and paragraph.
    a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Make your outline and develop it into paragraphs.

    Title: Benefits of Healthy Food
    Topic sentence: Healthy food does not have merely one but numerous benefits.
    Supporting sentence:
    a. Healthy food help us in various spheres life.
    b. Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients.
    c. Healthy food keep away long-terms illnesses.
    d. Healthy food also helps you to get rid of harmful things.
    e. Healthy food helps you to save money.
    Conluding sentences: Healthy food will be saving a great amount when you only consume healthy food.

    "Benefits of Healthy Food"
    Healthy food does not have merely one but numerous benefits. It helps us in various spheres of life. Healthy food does not only impact our physical health but mental health too. When we intake healthy fruits and vegetables that are full of nutrients, we reduce the chances of diseases. For instance, green vegetables help us to maintain strength and vigor. And healthy food items keep away long-term illnesses like diabetes and blood pressure. Healthful food can help you to get rid of harmful things because it does not contain harmful things .In addition, healthy food also helps you save money. It is much cheaper in comparison to junk food. Plus all that goes into the preparation of healthy food is also of low cost. Thus, you will be saving a great amount when you only consume healthy food.

  16. Name : Tresna febriani
    NIM : 191230170
    Class : TBI 3E
    Subject : Essay writing

    Answer the mid test

    1. Based on Bailey (2011) that used short and long essay.
    • Short essay there are: introduction, main body and conclusion.

    • Long essay there are: introduction, main body, literature, review, case study, discussion, conclusion, references, appendices.

    • example from one of the part essay
    We have to keep physical distancing with others, use mask, wash hand with soap or hand sanitizer to keep from Covid-19

    A. Title
    B. Sub-title
    C. Heading
    D. Sentence
    E. Phrase
    F. Paragraph

    3. Rising US weekly jobless claims, COVID-19 cases point to slowing economic recovery

    The number of Americans filing first-time claims for jobless benefits increased further last week, suggesting that an explosion in new COVID-19 infections and business restrictions were boosting layoffs and undermining the labor market recovery.

    The economy got off to a solid start in the fourth quarter, with consumer spending and business investment in equipment topping analysts’ expectations in October. Businesses also reported a sharp rebound in profits in the third quarter.

    That was, however, insufficient to lift the heavy cloud over the economy. Personal income dropped last month and could decline further with about 13.6 million Americans due to lose government-funded unemployment benefits a day after Christmas.

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  19. Name : Ainun isnani
    Class : TBI 3E
    Nim : 191230151

    1. The Types and the Part of essay based on Bailey (2011).
    ---The Types of Essay:
    1). Narrative/expository, 
    2). Descriptive, 
    3). Argumentative
    4). Persuasive or
    5). Research report.

    And The Part Of Essay : 
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion

    Example The one of Part :
    There are 3 reasons why you need to eat apple. First, because it contains a lot of vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, as well as vitamin C. Besides that, it also contains mineral which is good for our body. *As the result, you need to eat one apple per day to stay healthy.* 

    a). Title
    b). Sub-title
    c). Heading
    d). Sentence
    e). Phrase
    f). Paragraph

    3. how to be a brilliant and successful career woman
    Being a career woman is not an easy matter. You must be good at dividing time for your family and work. You also have to be a tough person. Not physically tough, you also have to be tough psychologically. You also have to be a smart woman who is able to read every opportunity and challenge around you.

    A. Be an Active Person
    Make sure to be an active person, full of enthusiasm and never give up in doing your job. You also have to make sure that you have a myriad of smart and creative ideas so that they become meaningful contributions to the company where you work. Be a friendly employee and are liked by all of your co-workers, both your boss, peers and colleagues.

    B. Confidence
    Make sure that you have awesome self-confidence. Don't be easy on yourself in front of others because this will make it difficult for you to be recognized by others. Even though you are confident in your abilities and whatever is in you, be sure not to be too confident, let alone to be arrogant and confident without qualified knowledge.

    C. Choose a job according to your passion
    Not a few of us work beyond our passions or abilities. If you can enjoy this job, enjoy and continue to hone your skills in this field of work. However, if you feel that you are not in line with your inner passion, try to choose a job that matches your passion. A job that matches your passion will make you more comfortable and like your job so that you can become an expert in this field of work.

    D. Make sure to always think positively.
    Be a person who always thinks positively. With a positive mind, you can work calmly, comfortably and hardly find any difficulties. Working with positive thoughts will also help you reach the pinnacle of success in your work.

    E. Don't Hesitate To Improve Yourself
    Continue to improve your skills at work. Also develop your knowledge and skills in the work you are in. Don't hesitate to find out more about your work, find creative ideas and learn to be more skilled in completing your work.

  20. Name : Ahmad Hapiduddin
    NIM : 191230172
    Class : TBI III E

    1.Type of essay :
    - Expository
    - Descriptive
    - Narrative
    - Compare/contrast
    - Argumentative

    Part of essay :
    - Short Essay
    Main body
    - Longer Essay
    Main body
    Literature review
    Case study

    Example :
    Introduction :
    Health is an inexhaustible problem, beginning with self - health, family and community health. Initially personal, health has now become a problem in the community. Lack of individual consciousness is a major factor in the health of many. In Indonesia itself, for example, the most common problem is the awarness to dispose of garbage in it’s place. Yet we look at various corners of the city, where there is always a heap of garbage, rivers full of garbage. The ill effect of improper disposal of garbage would have on respiratory health, inviting in many insects and bacteria that would otherwise affect our health.

    2.a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paraghraph

    3.a. The Superstar Transfer
    b. Lionel Messi and Barcelona relationship
    c. Lionel Messi was getting restless and wanted to leave Barcelona
    d. The internal and management issues that made Messi want to
    leave Barcelona
    e. End of lionel messi transfer

    The Superstar Transfer

    Lionel Messi is a professional footballer from Argentina who plays for the club FC Barcelona, Messi has lived his entire professional football career only in Barcelona. Messi was found by Barcelona when he was 11 years old, when he was in a difficult situation because he was suffering from a lack of growth hormone, but Barcelona came with his talent guide to offer Messi a contract and would pay for the treatment. finally he came to barcelona and became the best football player in the world. Messi's relationship with Barcelona is like Romeo and Juliet, always harmonious.

    At the start of the 2019/2020 season there were rumors that Messi would leave Barcelona for Inter Milan, but that did not happen and Messi continued the season in Barcelona's uniform. In mid-season Messi had a fight with Barcelona's sporting director, Eric Abidal, Eric blamed the players including Messi for Barcelona's defeat. after that lionel messi and barcelona got even more chaotic, because on August 14 Barcelona suffered an embarrassing defeat from bayern munchen with a score of 8-2 in the Champions League quarter-finals. This made Barcelona's coach fired and Lionel Messi became very furious, and rumors of Messi's transfer resurfaced. peak on August 25, 2020 Lionel Messi made the world of football a scene by sending a written letter to Barcelona that he wanted to leave Barcelona. It wreaked havoc on Barcelona's management, they didn't want their legends and superstars to leave Barcelona.

    After the chaos, Messi announced to the public through an interview with GOAL media that he said that the reason he wanted to leave was not because of the defeat by Bayern Munich or the fight with Eric Abidal, but because of Barcelona's dilapidated management. He explained that management did not support the winning program he wanted and did not seem serious about winning the trophy and this has happened since 2018. At the end of the interview he said that for now he cannot leave Barcelona because management prevented him from leaving Barcelona, management suddenly increased his fee transfer from 100 million euros to 700 million euros. therefore no other club could afford it because it was too expensive.

    However, messi is still messi. Messi could sue Barcelona for transfer problems, but he doesn't want to, he doesn't want to fight the club he loves, he doesn't want to fight a club that has made his name big, he is willing to sacrifice for his club and will stay in a club with club conditions in chaos. He is Lionel Messi nothing will beat his loyalty as a football player.

  21. Name : Kharisma Nidaul Hasanah
    NIM : 191230146
    Class : TBI 3 E
    Subject : Essay Writing (UTS)

    1. 1). The types of essay :
    A. Narrative/expository
    B. Descriptive
    C. Argumentative
    D. Persuasive
    E. Research report

    2). The parts of essay :
    1. Short essays generally have this pattern :
    A. Introduction
    B. Main body
    C. Conclusion

    2. Longer essays may include :
    A. Introduction
    B. Main body
    - Literature review
    - Case study
    - Discussion
    C. Conclusion
    D. References
    E. Appendices

    Example : (conclusion)
    Therefore, as a good student, we must be diligent and do the homework given by our teacher in order to graduate with satisfactory results.

    2. Identify the features of the text :
    a). Title
    b). Sub-title
    c). Heading
    d). Sentence
    e). Phrase
    f). Paragraph

    3. Impact of Covid-19 on the Indonesian Economy

    The Corona virus or better known as Covid-19 has a major impact on changing the order of human life. Not only is it detrimental in the health sector, the impact of Covid-19 also affects the economies of countries in the world including Indonesia. The United Nation Development Program estimates that the Covid-19 pandemic can increase poverty and reduce people's welfare. If these economic impacts are not handled quickly and appropriately it could result in increasing global suffering and endangering lives and livelihoods for years to come. In Indonesia, the government is trying to implement various efforts to reduce the impact of the Covid-19 virus on the country's economy. One of the efforts made is by working from home. Even schools learn from home. Because of this, many industries lay off their employees.

    In addition, the existence of Covid-19 has increased the use of digital money. As it is known that the corona virus can stick to objects, one of which is money. So that people switch to using digital money to reduce the spread of the virus. On the other hand, the government has also issued policies in the economic sector, such as covering income taxes, leniency in paying credits, and providing electricity subsidies. So, it can be concluded that the existence of Covid-19 has positive and negative impacts. Even so, the negative effects of Covid-19 need to be addressed immediately so as not to cause long negative effects in the following years.

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  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Name : Arli Salsabila
    Nim : 191230153
    Class : TBI 3E

    1.) PARTS OF
    - SHORT ESSAY Introduction
    Main body
    - LONG ESSAY Introduction
    Main body
    Case study
    Main body
    Example : The writer appears to be in favour of nuclear energy

    short and long essays that could
    be narrative/expository,
    descriptive, argumentative,
    persuasive, or research report

    Example of introduction : Television shows, movies, music, and even video games today are filled with literary references, but many people do not understand them because they do not read.
    To be successful in American society, one must be able to read fluently and analytically. As adolescents are becoming adults in Ameruca, they must learn reading skills in order to be successful. Reading is beneficial to adolescents as it helps develop social skills, by involving readers in a variety of social situations, and academic skills, as readers learn new words to expand their vocabulary.

    a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3.) Deliberation to consensus is a noble national value that must be applied in daily life

    Deliberative deliberations are the noble values ​​of the nation that must continue to be applied in daily life as an Indonesian nation. Deliberative deliberation is the best way to make decisions because it provides space for each party to convey their views and, if possible, provides the best benefit for each party. In addition, deliberation and consensus are also thick with the nuances of the kinship that has long characterized the Indonesian nation

  25. Name: Nazwa Veradia Hasanah
    Class: TBI 3E

    1). There are many types of essay based on Bailey. such as : narrative / expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.
    And There are 3 parts of essay:
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion

    —> Short essays
    The patterns :
    - Introduction
    - Main body
    - Conclusion 

    —> Longer essays 
    The patterns :
    - Introduction
    - Main body
    - Literature review
    - Case study
    - Discussion
    - Conclusion 
    - References
    - Appendic

    I take it from:

    Traveling is the perfect entertainment for a person of any age. On the one hand, it helps people to form a better understanding of themselves, their beliefs, and their lives. On the other, it also provides people with a better understanding of the world they live in, even if it’s beyond their immediate environment. Moreover, it may even help a person to feel connected to the many people living in the world. Nevertheless that their lives may never meet or they are so utterly different that they may as well be from different planets.

    (a.) Title
    (b.) Sub-title
    (c.) Heading
    (d.) Sentence
    (e.) Phrase
    (f.) Paraghraph

    3. Outline and paragraphs 
    1. Theme: Health
    Title: The Benefits of Enough Sleep for Health

    2. Definitions

    2.1 Understanding adequate sleep

    3. The impact of lack of sleep

    3.1 Lack of sleep can cause disruption of concentration
    3.2 Lack of sleep is prone to disease
    3.3 Lack of sleep can affect emotions

    4. The benefits of adequate sleep

    4.1 Increase concentration
    4.2 Increase endurance
    4.3 Increase energy

    5. Tips for sleeping well

    5.1 Exercising
    5.2 Creating a sleep schedule
    5.3 Do not eat heavy meals before bed
    Example of Developing a Framework

    —> Paragraph

    The benefits of sleep are enough for health

    Sleep is an activity where the whole body is in a state of complete rest. According to experts, humans need adequate sleep, which is about 6 to 8 hours every day. The length of time cannot be paid in installments, in other words, 6 to 8 hours is one sleep time.

    There are several bad effects caused if we don't get enough sleep. These impacts are very influential for our health, including lack of sleep which can interfere with concentration. This is because our brains experience fatigue so that it spurs the eyes and affects the body to become weak and sleepy. This loss of concentration is very dangerous, especially for those who drive motorized vehicles.

    The next impact is that lack of sleep makes the body more susceptible to disease. This occurs as a result of the weakening of the immune system or the immune system so that diseases can easily attack. What's more, lack of sleep can irritate one's emotions. Usually, people who experience sleep deprivation will tire easily and get angry easily.

    In order to avoid these effects, always try to get enough sleep, because our bodies will get good benefits, including by getting enough sleep, the body will concentrate properly because the brain gets adequate rest.

    In addition, adequate sleep can increase endurance so that you avoid diseases that will attack. The last thing is that the body will get a lot of energy to carry out activities on tomorrow.

    Thus the benefits of getting enough sleep, in order to get the benefits of sleeping above. Try to get a good night's sleep because getting enough and sound sleep is a good combination. The following are tips for sleeping well.
    the first is exercising before bed, by exercising the body will become tired and make it easier for him to sleep well. then try to make a regular sleep schedule so that sleep becomes a good habit and finally don't eat heavy meals before bed so that the body doesn't bloat.

  26. Name: Nafa Nabilah Azzahra
    Nim: 181230166
    Class: Tbi 3 e
    1. Parts of essay, there is 2 types of essay
    1. short essay
    introduction, main body, conclusion.
    2. long essay
    introduction, main body, literature review case study, discussion, conclusion, references, appendices.

    -example short essay:

    Changes in the Family.
    Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life. First of all, today's mothers spend much less time with their children. A generation ago, most houses got by on Dad's paycheck, and Mom stayed home. Now many mothers work, and their children attend an after school program, stay with a neighbor, or go home to an empty house. Another change is that families no longer eat together. In the past, Mom would be home and fix a full dinner -salad, pot roast, potatoes, and vegetables, with homemade cake or pie to top it off. Dinner today is more likely to be takeout food or TV dinners eaten at home, or fast food eaten out, with different members of the family eating at different times. Finally, television has taken the place of family conversation and togetherness. Back when there were meals together, family members would have a chance to eat together, talk with each other, and share event of the day in a leisurely manner. But now families are more likely to be looking at the TV set than talking to one another. Many homes even have several TV sets, which people watch in separate rooms. Clearly, modern life is a challenge to family life.

    Changes in the Family.
    Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life

    -main body:
    A generation ago, most houses got by on Dad's paycheck, and Mom stayed home. Now many mothers work, and their children attend an after school program, stay with a neighbor, or go home to an empty house. Another change is that families no longer eat together. In the past, Mom would be home and fix a full dinner -salad, pot roast, potatoes, and vegetables, with homemade cake or pie to top it off. Dinner today is more likely to be takeout food or TV dinners eaten at home, or fast food eaten out, with different members of the family eating at different times.

    modern household life is now distinctly different from that of a few years ago.

    2. a. A fishy story (title)
    b. misleading health claims regarding omega -3 fatty acids (sentences)
    c. introduction (sub-title)
    d. There has been considerable discussion recently about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. (heading)
    e. These reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and may even combat obesity. (phrase)
    f. However, consumers may be unaware that there are two types ofomega-3s. The best (long-chain fatty acids) are derived from fish, but others (short-chain fatty acids) come from cheaper sources such as soya. This latter group have not been shown to produce the health benefits linked to the long-chain variety. According to Tamura et al. (2009) positive results may only be obtained either by eating oily fish three times a week, or by taking daily supplements containing 500mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). (paragraph)

    3. cancer sufferers must have positive thoughts and must continue to be enthusiastic.
    A passion for health, the cancer warriors. Cancer sufferers are asked to keep their spirits up and not give up, even though until now there is no cure for the disease. To slow the growth of cancer cells, medical treatment is still the most recommended compared to traditional treatment. Cancer fighters must have positive thoughts and enthusiasm and believe that the cancer cells in them will heal and disappear, even though they are often tired of chemotherapy and want to give up but all those bad thoughts must be replaced with positive thoughts. Because if we have good and positive thoughts, what will be done in the future will not interfere and enjoy living it.

  27. Name : Iin Anis Setiawati
    NIM : 191230150
    1. Parts of essay’s types :
    a. SHORT ESSAY: Introduction, Main body, Conclusion
    b. LONG ESSAY: Introduction, Main body, Literature, review, Case study, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Appendices
    Types of essay: short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report
    Language as a communicative product of human beings represent how they see, adopt, and react to their environment.

    Main body
    It is used either actively or passively in interaction. While being interested in a phenomenon, people will keep it in their memory for short time known as Event Memory or Short Memory. It is devided into seven chuncks of information that are delivered to Intentional Memory. The chuncks could be lost if there is the newest one but people could bring out them by recalling similar memory.

    Memory and language processing are depended either in knowledge or experience to realize language performance.
    2. Identify the features underlined in the following texts which one of them that are sentence, paragraph, heading, title, sub-title, or phrase.
    a) Phrase
    b) Title
    c) Heading
    d) Sub-title
    e) Sentence
    f) Paragraph

    3. Outline:
    Title: learning in the midst of a pandemic
    a) Learning system:
    • Online learning is an alternative in the midst of a pandemic
    • School institutions use digital media in learning
    • Universities are competing for learning effectiveness
    b) How to learn online:
    • Students must be able to explore the digital world
    • Digital learning platform
    c) Obstacles to online learning:
    • Limited internet facilities
    • Not all sources of knowledge can be accessed by the internet
    • A source of knowledge using a paid system

    Paragraph :
    learning in the midst of a pandemic

    Online learning is an alternative that is increasingly biased in the midst of the outbreak of the corona virus. This pandemic requires all institutions, without exception, to use digital media facilities in their learning activities as much as possible. Various universities are competing to find out effective ways of transmitting their teaching systems. To follow the global education pattern that is carried out online, there is a new demand for students where there is an obligation to be fluent in exploring the digital world. Educational institutions must equip students with sufficient knowledge to explore online systems that are facilitated by various digital platforms such as Google Classroom, Line Group, WAG, Google Hangout, Zoom, Google Meet, Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram, and other digital platforms. Currently, students have ample time to be able to explore various sources of knowledge, both internet-based and accessible print media. However, limited internet facilities are not uncommon in Indonesia. Therefore, many areas in Indonesia are certainly not prosperous regarding the use of the internet network. Especially if online learning are followed from villages that are far from the city center. In addition, the internet provides various sources of knowledge but not all of them are accessible. Students have to pay to be able to access articles, books, magazines and so on. This is a formidable challenge. Therefore, generally in this state a person is trapped in a decrease in academic productivity and certain psychological problems such as academic stress. If students are not smart in interpreting the online lecture process, they may lose their creativity. Therefore, this period is a challenge for a student to really evaluate his strengths and weaknesses in terms of creativity and independent learning.

  28. Name : Evah Farihah
    Nim : 191230155
    Class : TBI 3E

    1.) PARTS OF
    - SHORT ESSAY Introduction
    Main body
    - LONG ESSAY Introduction
    Main body
    Case study
    Main body
    Ex : The writer appears to be in favour pd nuclear energy.

    short and long essays that could
    be narrative/expository,
    descriptive, argumentative,
    persuasive, or research report.

    Example paraghraps introduction :
    The author aldous huxley Once said, “To his dong, every man is Napoleon: Hence the constant poularity pd dogs. “As i consider the pet i would like to have share my life. It’s Huxley’s quote that sums up Why a dog would be the best choice. Because of its sense of loyalty, its ability to protect you and its great companionship, a dog is the perfect pet.

    a. Title
    b. Sub-title
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Freedom to embrace religion or belief is the right of every citizen

    Freedom to embrace religion or belief is the right of every citizen guaranteed by the constitution of 1945. Nevertheless, not everyone thought so. It is not uncommon to hear news of mistreatment of religionists or beliefs carried out by some believers or others. Instead of creating peace, these elements seem to say that there is no true religion or belief other than theirs.

  29. Name : Siti Komariah Ulfayati
    Nim : 191230142

    1. based on Bailey (2011)
    Part of essay
    1. short essay :
    a. introduction
    b. main body
    c. conclusion
    2. long essay :
    a. introduction
    b. main body
    - literatur review
    - case study
    - findings
    - Discussion
    c. conclusion
    d. references
    e. appendices.

    Example : introduction
    2020 will be a year that will not be forgotten by everyone because this year everything has felt so different since there was the corona virus pandemic or Covid-19

    (a) title
    (b) sub-title
    (c) heading
    (d) sentence
    (e) phrase
    (f) paragraph

    - Activities carried out at home
    - Students who are getting bored
    - Implement health protocols

    The corona virus has changed all activities at school, at work, and anywhere else to be at home. All activities are carried out at home to avoid exposure to this virus. Parents are now much busier doing their digestion, for those whose work they become busier because they are at home such as cooking, cleaning, teaching children when studying online, not to mention doing their own work. But there is a special happiness experienced by each parent, that is, they can always be with their families even at home. The corona virus also requires all learning students to be at home, it cannot be denied that many school children feel bored because they are always at home. But thankfully, outside activities can now be carried out while still implementing health protocols, namely using masks, maintaining distance and washing hands etc.

  30. Name: Vanisa Nurul Fitri (191230148)
    Class: TBI 3E
    1.) The Types of Essay based on Bailey (2011):
    1). Narrative
    2). Descriptive
    3). Argumentative
    4). Persuasive
    5). Research report.
    The Part Of Essay based on Bailey (2011):
    1.) Introduction
    2.) Main body
    3.) Conclusion
    Example Conclusion:
    The case of corruption in Indonesia is increasing as if this will never be completed. There are many corruption cases involving well-known officials and lately the case of e-ktp corruption started to surface. Many people feel angry with the existing corruption cases. Hopefully in the future, the government can immediately tackle this case to create a more prosperous Indonesian citizens

    (A) Title
    (B) Subtitle
    (C) Heading 
    (D) Sentence
    (E) Phrase
    (F) Paragraph

    Paragraph :
    As the rainy season comes, special district of Jakarta faces serious problem such as flood, the greater Jakarta districts is prone to floods and mudslides. The very heavy rains in Jakarta have created severe flooding in many parts of the capital and its surrounding districts.There are three main aspects associated with the cause of flooding in Jakarta: Global, regional and local.

    Jakarta and all coastal cities in the world face a high potential of flooding due to global warming. Global warming partly to support for heavy rainfall events. Such as Global warming changes climate conditions, Warmer air can hold more moisture then extreme amounts of rain / increasing frequently and intensity of heavy rainfall. From the regional point of view, Jakarta’s flood resulted from large amounts of water from upstream rivers in West Java that flowed across the capital. Deforestation in the headwater regions because of development of farms, plantations and housing has reduced rainwater absorption, sparking massive water flows to lower areas and, hence, flood in Jakarta. To avoid the flood, there are some plans such as discouraging flood prone area, protecting natural system such as wetland that help buffer against floods, then develop artificial lakes to act as water reservoirs along the West Java border outside Jakarta to take the brunt of the overflowing river. The West Java authority is only reluctantly providing land for this purpose. The third cause of Jakarta’s flood is the local factor. Many urban experts argue that the lack of open spaces and green areas in Jakarta is a source of the flood, The city ground surface are primarily covered by hard material, as rainwater cannot be absorbed by the ground surface. Being an urban area, the city’s ground surfaces are primarily covered by hard materials in the form of buildings, roads, parking lots and other amenities.

    Unfortunately, Jakarta does not have an integrated drainage system and even lacks appropriate water channels. Old channels, built in the 1960s are maintained to this day, although they are no longer sufficient to accommodate the current levels of rainwater. The water channels should be sufficiently large to accommodate the runoff water and so avoid overflowing water that causes flood. Beside an integrated drainage system and an increase in the size of water channels, there needs to be an ongoing program to dredge sediment from the city’s rivers, canals and lakes.

  31. Name : serlin sarah maulani
    NIM : 191230160

    1. a) Type of essay
    Short and long essay that could be narrative, expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    b) general parts of Essays
    • Introduction
    • main body
    • conclusion

    c) parts of essays' types
    • short essay
    1) Introduction
    2) main body
    3) conclusion
    • long essay
    1) Introduction
    2) main body
    3) literature
    4) review
    5) case study
    6) Discussion
    7) conclusion
    8) references
    9) appendices

    d) the one of part:
    - Introduction
    Aviation English can be defined as a Comprehensive but specialized subset of English related broadly to aviation, including the "plain" Language used for radiotelephony Communications when other phraseologies do not suffice.

    2. Sentence : D
    Paragraph : F
    Heading : C
    Title : A
    Sub-title : B
    Phrase : E

    3. Title: cycling
    Topic sentence : cycling can make the body healthier
    Support sentence : •types of cycling
    • cycling equipment
    • Impact and benefits of cycling
    Conclusion : cycling has many benefits but there are also side effects if you ride too long or don't comply with the rules

    cycling can make the body healthier. This type of cycling can also be used for recreational transportation or for sports. By using a bicycle as a means of transportation it can save money, but we also have to get up early to arrive on time. Then, the equipment that is used or brought when cycling is a helmet, gloves, drinking and shoes. Since now the Covid 19 pandemic is expected to bring a mask and hand sanitizer as well to protect them from various viruses. Furthermore, the health benefits, among others, can help shape the body and provide energy, help reduce cellulite in the thighs, reduce stress in the knee and ankle areas, can also help improve blood circulation, increase body protection against various diseases such as diabetes or avoid high blood pressure and help improve heart health. however, there are also side effects of cycling such as it can cause knee problems or tend to be at risk of spinal problems or injuries and others if you don't ride properly or according to the rules.

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  33. Name: Afwu saka fatryana (191230165)
    1.) The Types :
    1). Narrative
    2). Descriptive
    3). Argumentative
    4). Persuasive
    5). Research report.

    The Part :
    1.) Introduction
    2.) Main body
    3.) Conclusion

    Example Conclusion:
    The case of corruption in Indonesia is increasing as if this will never be completed. There are many corruption cases involving well-known officials and lately the case of e-ktp corruption started to surface. Many people feel angry with the existing corruption cases. Hopefully in the future, the government can immediately tackle this case to create a more prosperous Indonesian citizens

    (A) Title
    (B) Subtitle
    (C) Heading 
    (D) Sentence
    (E) Phrase
    (F) Paragraph

    3.) Organ Donation
    Organ donation is one of the practises that people need to volunteer, to help save the life of other people that are in need and suffering. It is therefore important that people should voluntarily accept to be among the donor groups by ensuring that They check the part marked "organ donor" on their drivers’ license.
    It is important to note that through accepting to be a donor, a person will be Offering a gift of life to a patient that is in need. When a Person passes away, he/she will not need the organs any more. As result of this,individuals should be more willing to give out there organs when dead to facilitate saving the life of people who can survive when the organs are transplanted to them.
    Also, organ donation is supposed to be practiced since it is allowed by majority Of religions. Since religions have viewed organ transplant as a life saving activity, People are not supposed to sit back with their organs waiting to be buried or cremated. However, instead they should decide to give out to their Fellow individuals suffering and awaiting for them in hospitals.
    Furthermore, through donation one can save up to 8 lives and this makes him/her to remain as a legend even after death. When a person decides to donate his functional body parts to other peoples waiting for implantation, the parts can be used to save life of up to 8 people. This shows that the donor will be among the people fighting to reduce of the high amount of deaths that occurs to people waiting for implantation, this one way of remaining a superhero of a country.
    Therefore, human beings are supposed to help each other in ensuring that life is saved using all the possible means like donation of body parts hence “everyone should check the "organ donor" on his or her driver license.”

  34. 3. 3. Outline
    Tittle : Mango
    Topic Sentence: Mango is tropical fruit
    A. Supporting sentence : Mango is tropical fruit
    Supporting detail : Mango grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillippines
    B. Supporting sentence : Mango has different colour and taste.
    Suppporting detail : Unripe mango has green colour and sour taste. Ripe mango has red or orange colour and sweet taste
    C. Supporting sentence : Mango has been a daily food in many countries
    Supporting detail : Philipina has Mango rice and in Pontianak-Indonesia has Sambal mangga
    Concluding sentence : Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several countries

    Mango is one of tropical fruit which lives and grows on tropical places. For example Indonesia, Malaysia, and Phillippines. The colour of mango isn't only yellow but also green and orange (it's depend on its age). Same with the colour, mango also has different taste. Green mango has sour taste, and ripe mango has sweet taste. Mango Has been a daily food in several countries such as Philippines with its Mango rice and Pontianak-Indonesia with its Sambal Mangga. Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several countries

  35. Name : Ade Wirdatus Sholihah
    Class : TBI 3 E
    NIM : 191230149

    1. ​parts of essay types :
    A) short essay : introduction, main body, conclusion.
    B) long essay : introduction, main body, literature review, case study, discussion, references, appandices.
    Example of short essay :
    Nowadays, internet is so easy to access in Indonesia. But, we know that internet has advantages and disadvantages. We can find many advantages by using internet. For example, we can find any informations and communicate with others from around the world. For students, internet is very useful to learn some lessons.
    But, internet also has disadvantages that might be threatening us. There are so many criminal cases due to the internet. For example, cases of sexual harassment or provocative news that does not fit with the facts, and many more.
    However, the good or bad of internet is depends on ourself. We can take only the advantages of the internet.
    2. A) title
    B) phrase
    C) heading
    D) subtitle
    E) paragraph
    F) sentence
    3. Outline
    Tittle : Mango
    Topic Sentence: Mango is tropical fruit
    Main body
    A. Supporting sentence : Mango is tropical fruit
    Supporting detail : Mango grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillippines
    B. Supporting sentence : Mango has different colour and taste.
    Suppporting detail : Unripe mango has green colour and sour taste. Ripe mango has red or orange colour and sweet taste
    C. Supporting sentence : Mango has been a daily food in many countries
    Supporting detail : Philipina has Mango rice and in Pontianak-Indonesia has Sambal mangga
    Concluding sentence : Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several countries

    Mango is one of tropical fruit which lives and grows on tropical places. For example Indonesia, Malaysia, and Phillippines. The colour of mango isn't only yellow but also green and orange (it's depend on its age). Same with the colour, mango also has different taste. Green mango has sour taste, and ripe mango has sweet taste. Mango Has been a daily food in several countries such as Philippines with its Mango rice and Pontianak-Indonesia with its Sambal Mangga. Mango is tropical fruit which has been known in several countries.

  36. Name: Syarifah
    Number: 191230152

    1.1 Parts of Essays' types from (Bailey's 2011)
    Short Essay:
    •Main Body

    Long Essay:
    •Main Body
    •Case Study

    1.2 Types of Essay (Bailey 2011)
    Short and Long Essay that could be narrative/ expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    Example for The one of part from short Essay:
    Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and participants in its culture, express themselves. One of the languages ​​used in the world is English, English is a universal language, we can use this language anywhere in the world.

    2. a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. WHO is gathering the latest international multilingual scientific findings and knowledge on COVID-19. The global literature cited in the WHO COVID-19 database is updated daily (Monday through Friday) from searches of bibliographic databases, hand searching, and the addition of other expert-referred scientific articles. This database represents a comprehensive multilingual source of current literature on the topic. While it may not be exhaustive, new research is added regularly.
    The new coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.

    The corona virus pandemic or commonly known as covid-19 has been going on for more than 7 months, the pandemic almost changing everything. One of the changes that occurred is in terms of education, almost all educational institutions have been closed in order to reduce the chain of the spread of the corona virus. Therefore, to continue the teaching and learning process, the government also recommends all parties related to education to replace the learning system becomes daring or online. This resulted in many pro and contra of the newly implemented system, both psychologically and materialistically. Especially learning English, in the midst of a pandemic like this, it is actually less effective, because of the many obstacles such as bad internet signal in some areas, the material provided through online media little bit more hard to understand, difficult assignment and many assignments given are also very influential on students' psychology. In this case, students and teachers should interact more or exchange opinions about how the learning system is appropriate and efficient during a this pandemic.

  37. Name : Ahmad Muttaqin
    Class : TBI 3E
    NIM : 191230173

    1. Types of essay based on Bailey (2011):
    Short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, or research report.

    General parts of essay based on Bailey:
    Main body

    2. Identify
    - Sentence : D
    - Paragraph : F
    - Heading : C
    - Title : A
    - Sub – title : B
    - Phrase : E

    3. How to Become A Succesful Entrepreneur

    Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer

    No matter how many knock-backs and refusals successful entrepreneurs receive, they are always prepared to dust themselves down and find an alternative route to the summit. It’s this kind of tenacity which is required to take a business idea from the realms of the mind and transform it into a profitable business.

    Learn from the best

    Even the very best entrepreneurs of our time worked with other experts in their industry before going it alone. Finding a suitable mentor is a great way to learn more about your sector as a whole and, more importantly, the various facets of running your very own business. Your mentor may even have made mistakes in business themselves, but equally that makes them the perfect person to learn from, giving you the chance to understand where they went wrong.

    Stay hungry and ambitious

    Running a successful business is not an ego trip for successful entrepreneurs. It’s their desire to grow and provide a better product or service for their customers that keeps them hungry and ambitious. The moment that an entrepreneur stops wanting to learn new things is the moment that complacency sets in, allowing others to overtake you and leave you behind. Which leads us nicely into…

    Never stand still; evolve with the times

    Any successful entrepreneur requires business agility, with the ability to learn and adapt to new methods, processes or technology that can make their business stronger and more efficient. Market needs have always been dynamic: both the business and consumer worlds are ever-changing and what worked years, even months ago might not work tomorrow.

    Nurture long-term business relationships

    There are no two ways about it, business relationships matter. Almost always businesses will prefer to work with companies they like and trust. Your ability to nurture long-term working relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs within your industry will be one of the key factors in the long-term success of the business. Most entrepreneurs would agree it’s far easier to secure work from repeat customers than it is investing time and money into securing new customers.

    Inspire those around you

    Even the richest, most experienced entrepreneurs cannot be good at everything! All entrepreneurs require a team of people around them that complement their skills. The real skill is not only hiring the best possible team to support you, it’s about hiring people who share your vision and passion. By inspiring and investing in your team, not only will they succeed but the business itself will too.

    Trust your gut instinct, not just your spreadsheet!

    Sometimes entrepreneurs can be found guilty of being wedded to their spreadsheets and the data. However, in the real world of business it’s never quite as black and white as that! In some cases, your gut instinct and heart are still your very best guide for decision-making. Ultimately, no-one knows as much about your business as you do!

  38. Name : Erna Erawati
    Nim : 191230164
    Class : TBI 3 E

    1. Types of essay based on Bailey (2011) : short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative,
    persuasive, or research report

    Parts of essay : introduction, main body, conclusion

    Example one of parts
    • Introduction
    Language is a oral symbol used by human or society for interaction among people. Language is communication tool to state mind, expression and desire. Human able to communicate and get information by using language. In using language there are four basic language skills, these are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

    2. The features underlined
    a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Outline list
    Using social media well
    - Definition social media
    - Kinds of social media
    - Using social media
    - Benefits of using social media

    Paragraph from outline list
    In this era almost all people know about social media. Social media is a media that works online which allow its users to do some things easily, example : send a massage easily and quickly. Social media make it easier human in interaction, it just need internet for using social media.

    Social media has many kinds, there are Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, BBM, line, etc. As well known, now WhatsApp is more used by people young and old, because it was using easily, we just need phone number and internet to connect with our family and friends. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube also often used, but BBM and line is using rarely because of switch to WhatsApp.

    In using social media, we must use it well appropriate to their user. Do not share fake information (hoax), otherwise we must share fact information and share information which giving benefits. Do not judge people, otherwise we must help people that necessary help.

    Social media's benefit not only for interaction and getting information. As we know other benefit is make a business. Entrepreneur makes a account in Instagram for advertising their products and also people able to get information about product. Some people who begin in business also makes a account in Instagram. Now there are some online shop applications such as shopee, lazada, tokopedia, etc. It help us to buy product without come to shop, we can buy product in home and get it in home. An other benefits from social media is add knowledge, and entertaining so that it can eliminate boredom.

  39. Name : Muhammad Ikhwan
    NIM :191230156

    1. The Types and the Part of essay based on Bailey (2011).
    - The Types of Essay:
    a. Narrative/expository, 
    b. Descriptive, 
    c. Argumentative
    d. Persuasive or
    e. Research report.

    - The Part Of Essay :
    - Short Essay
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Conclusion
    - Longer Essay
    a. Introduction
    b. Main body
    c. Literature review
    d. Case study
    e. Discussion
    f. Conclusion
    g. References
    h. Appendices

    Example :
    Introduction : Currently the earth has entered the era of globalization. Globalization is a process towards one world, where every country in the world collaborates more with other countries in order to benefit from each other. This is signed by the rapid progress in technology, which is a tool or facility that can facilitate humans.

    Main Body : However, in addition to positive impacts, globalization also has a negative impact on the environment. For example, global warming, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, environmental pollution and so on.

    The greenhouse effect is caused by excess carbon dioxide gas that is present on the earth. The causes are industrial smoke, vehicle fumes that run on oil and fossil fuels and others, also damages in air pollution. Industrial waste is also one of the causes of pollution. The greenhouse effect also makes the earth's temperature warmer than usual.

    Conclusion : For this reason, we as humans must protect our environment, so that nature is clean and preserved.

    2. a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Globalization is a process towards one world

    Paragraph : Globalization is a process towards one world, where every country in the world collaborates more with other countries in order to benefit from each other. This is signed by the rapid progress in technology, which is a tool or facility that can facilitate humans. However, in addition to positive impacts, globalization also has a negative impact on the environment. For example, global warming, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, environmental pollution and so on.

    The greenhouse effect is caused by excess carbon dioxide gas that is present on the earth. The causes are industrial smoke, vehicle fumes that run on oil and fossil fuels and others, also damages in air pollution. Industrial waste is also one of the causes of pollution. The greenhouse effect also makes the earth's temperature warmer than usual. For this reason, we as humans must protect our environment, so that nature is clean and preserved.

    NIM : 191230167
    CLASS : TBI 3 E

    1. Types of essay based on Bailey (2011) : short and long essays that could be narrative/expository, descriptive, argumentative,
    persuasive, or research report

    Parts of essay : introduction, main body, conclusion

    Example one of parts
    - Introduction
    Language is a oral symbol used by human or society for interaction among people. Language is communication tool to state mind, expression and desire. Human able to communicate and get information by using language. In using language there are four basic language skills, these are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

    2. The features underlined
    a. Title
    b. Subtitle
    c. Heading
    d. Sentence
    e. Phrase
    f. Paragraph

    3. Outline list
    Using social media well
    # Definition social media
    # Kinds of social media
    # Using social media
    # Benefits of using social media

    Paragraph from outline list
    In this era almost all people know about social media. Social media is a media that works online which allow its users to do some things easily, example : send a massage easily and quickly. Social media make it easier human in interaction, it just need internet for using social media.

    Social media has many kinds, there are Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, BBM, line, etc. As well known, now WhatsApp is more used by people young and old, because it was using easily, we just need phone number and internet to connect with our family and friends. Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube also often used, but BBM and line is using rarely because of switch to WhatsApp.

    In using social media, we must use it well appropriate to their user. Do not share fake information (hoax), otherwise we must share fact information and share information which giving benefits. Do not judge people, otherwise we must help people that necessary help.

    Social media's benefit not only for interaction and getting information. As we know other benefit is make a business. Entrepreneur makes a account in Instagram for advertising their products and also people able to get information about product. Some people who begin in business also makes a account in Instagram. Now there are some online shop applications such as shopee, lazada, tokopedia, etc. It help us to buy product without come to shop, we can buy product in home and get it in home. An other benefits from social media is add knowledge.
