Wednesday 13 January 2021


A test consists of some questions relating to every topic had been discussed in this semester. The topics are 16 sessions including the tests. This test is used to measure the students' ability in learning the subject and to evaluate the teacher's teaching of intermediate grammar in online situation. How far both students and teacher do the learning process in online classroom. Doing this test is one of requirement to achieve the scores. You have to open this link and collect your answers in this blog based on your regular schedule. 


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  2. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A
    Course: IEG (UAS)

    1.The differences are:
    -Gradable adjectives that have different quality stages and can add or deduct the levels according to the situation. And the word can become weaker or stronger
    -Non-gradable adjectives is the quality cannot be increased because the actual meaning is absolute or cannot be changed
    - Gradable adjectives
    Angry: a bit angry-very angry-extremely angry
    - Non-gradable adjectives
    Dead, totally free

    2. Yesterday, I told my friend about my vacation during the pandemic. During the pandemic, my family and I didn't go anywhere for a vacation to avoid catching a virus that is currently dead. My family and I just did some activities together like making roasted corn, making barbecues, and talking about some fun things. Even so, I still feel happy because I can be with my family.

    3. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happens.
    -Verb followed by-ing puts more emphasis on the verb itself.
    Reading book is fun
    Cooking is my hobby
    -Verb followed by to infinitive emphasizes more on the result or action.
    My fun is to read a book
    My hobby is to cook

    I: She was not going
    II: She has not to go

    5.The function from the types of relative clauses is:
    -Restrictive relative clause provides information that explains the noun. And use that or which for non-human nouns and use that or who for non-human nouns.
    Example: Student who study hard will do well in my class and i hope my class will success whom study hard everyday.
    -Non-restrictive relative clause which provides additional and extensive information. And do not identify the noun correctly.
    Example: My mother who is an excellent cook is thinking of opening a restaurant anf can open the restaurant as soon as possible that she hoped.


  3. Name : Suherni
    Nim : 191230002
    Grade : TBI 3 A

    1. - Gradible adjective is an group of adjective which from it's meaning can have levels when modified using the adverb degree.
    Example: big, rather big, very big
    Cold, rather cold, cold enough
    Hot, very hot, extremely hot
    Important, moderately important, so important.

    Safety in the workplace is so important.

    _ Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that generally cannot be modified by the adverb of degree, because it means “extreme” or is a classifying adjective.

    Example : freezing

    Taylor Wilson built a nuclear reactor when he was fourteen.

    2. I used to show my abilities in front of my classmates. It was the first semester exam and at that time I had to show my ability . At that time I showed the ability to write poetry that I could. Then at that time, the lecturer asked me to read it. And I did.
    When compared to my friends, it is something different. Because at that time most of my friends showed talents such as cooking and singing. So I feel different.
    And I love myself.

    3. verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject. In the composition of the part of speech, the verb is usually located right behind the noun / pronoun that is the subject.
    VERB + ING
    The structure is usually verb + ing
    Ex : - stop smoking.
    - I'll do the shopping when i've finished reading the book.

    The structure is usually verb + to + Infinitive

    Ex :
    - we Decided to take a taxi home.
    - Salia tends to talk too much.

    4. |
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she Not very healthy, and want to rest.

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she can't to go

    5. - The function of relative clauses is give the information about noun.
    - A relative clause tells us which person or thing

    Ex : -The girl who is walking is my little sister.
    - This is the music which I always listen.
    - The girl that I talked will married next month.

  4. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : TBI 3A

    1.Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened.
    Example : - It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook,
    - That coffee is pretty hot.
    Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.
    Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible, and so on are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes. The reason cannot be modified because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme or is a classifying adjcetive.
    Examples: - She is terrified of the dark
    - The chemical products.

    2. the way I expressed my abilities was by doing things that made me happy and easy to express myself. an effective way will make it easier for me to explore all the abilities that exist within me.
    do I compare myself with others? Yes, of course. I do that a lot. comparing my women with my friends, but all of it aims to make me even more enthusiastic in developing my abilities. not make me down. keep the spirit and think positive is what I always did in the past.

    3. Verb is a word that serves to indicate the action of the subject, indicating events or circumstances.
    -In the use of verbs that end in -ing, the grammar used is the continuous tense alias that is currently in progress. In usage, this verb form is preceded by the auxiliary verb (auxiliary verb) be (is, am, are, was, were). Example: Walk – walking, sing - singing.
    -to infinitives can be interpreted as a root verb with "to". Example : I want to study English. I hope to see you again.

    4. a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b. Is she? I saw her few days and she sad she was going on vacation abroad with her family.
    c. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she has not to go .

    5. - Relative clauses are clauses used to replace nouns that may have plural or singular properties before they are replaced.
    - Relative clauses can provide additional meaning.
    Example: The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.

  5. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    1. Gradable adjective is a subset of adjectives that may in a way have the degrees when modified with an adverb of degree.
    Whereas non-gradable adjective or sometimes known by ungradable adjective is the opposite, that is, adjective groups that cannot have degrees in meaning, or let's just say that non-gradable conductive ctive ctive cannot be altered by an adverb of degree.

    Example Gradable adjective: I was cold enough to snow.
    Example non-gradable adjective: this place was really terrifying.

    2.My past abilities were that I can public speech in Indonesian, Arabic, English. Whereas my friends have the ability to sing and dance and stuff, And how to express my abilities through school speech

    3. -The definition of verb is a word that describes any action, condition or experience.
    -The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs.
    Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    Example: 1. The director would like to have a meeting with me.
    2. I start to learn the basic of computer programming.

    4. 1. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her to go

    5. Type 1: the woman who give me pen is my aunty
    Type 2: can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
    Type 3: I want to to live in a place where there is a lots to do
    a relative clauses serves to combine two sentences into a single sentence. the relative clauses is used to replace one of the two nouns or the same noun and connect two clauses to each other. a relative clauses is also used to duplicate a noun phrase and start a relative clause.

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    1. Annisa Laila Cahyani
      191230023 – TBI 3A
      Intermediate English Grammar – Final Exam

      1. Gradable adjectives are used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. This means we can have different levels of that quality.
      For example :
      - She was quite angry when she found out.
      - It can be extremely cold in Russia in the winter.
      Non gradable adjectives are those with meanings which cannot be modified by adverbs. This usually happens when we have an adjective which already has an extreme, absolute or classifying meaning.
      For example :
      - My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.
      - It is absolutely perfect!
      Addition :
      She sounded slightly foreign.
      He’s advising on foreign policy.

      In the first example, foreign is gradable because it refers to a measurable quality, whereas in the second, foreign is non-gradable because it refers to a particular type (of policy).

      2. I could mimic animal sounds such as bird sounds, chicken sounds, cat sounds when I was younger, but now I can not do it as good as before. My childhood friends are sometimes mimic the gesture of the animal I impersonate of its voice. Because of this ability I could entertain others.
      3. Verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition.
      The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs.
      Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
      For example :
      - I agreed to help Ririn with her homework.
      - I hope to see you again at the next meeting.
      Verbs followed by an object + the to infinitive include: advise, allow, command, forbid, force, invite, order, persuade, remind, teach, tell.
      For example :
      James advised Jessica to call the police.
      Sausan reminded her teacher to set some revision.

      4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
      b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that ‘she had another meeting for today.’
      II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me ‘she apologised for unable to go.’

      5. Relative clauses non-essential parts of a sentence. They may add meaning, but if they are removed, the sentence will still function grammatically. There are two broad types of relative clauses in English. It is important to distinguish between them because it affects the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker’s meant. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
      For example :
      - She lives in New York, which she likes.
      - He looking for a secretary who can use a computer well.
      - The camera that costs IDR 100 is over there.
      - We went to the village that Richard recommended.
      - The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

  8. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    1. -Gradable Adjectives-
    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.

    -She was quite angry when she found out.

    -The film we saw last night was really funny!

    2. -Non-gradable- Adjectives: absolute or extreme adjectives.
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.

    -Did you see the final match? It was absolutely amazing!

    So, How to differentiate them? To answer the question, you could identify the classification of adjectives either they are gradable or non-gradable. After that, you see what their meanings/ definition are. If they are gradable adjective, you could use adverb or modifier before the words. But, if they are non-gradable, you possibly could not put the adverb or modifier except you want to make it extreme. The ideas are adopted.

    2. When i was in junior high school. I think i can sang very well than my friend. I felt better than her. Because she is a quiet and i never heard her voices.

    3. Several distinct verbs were followed or could be followed by a second infinitive verb. All of the verbs printed on this page were followed by to-infinitive as infinitive. The verbs marked with stars can also be followed by the distinctive clause, as shown in the following example. The verb marked with two stars can only be followed by conspicuous clause when the subject of the main verb is "it".
    - He claimed to be an expert.
    - He claimed that she was an expert.

    4. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wasn't coming to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a
    subject and verb, but can't stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “ adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective —it gives more information about a noun .

    -I’m buying a gift for the neighbor who helped me move .

  9. Name: Dewi Ramayanti
    Nim 191230013
    Class: TBI 3 A
    1.what are the differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives? Please give
    examples of their usages!

    A gradable adjective can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjective's grade or intensity.

    A non-gradable adjective cannot be used with grading adverbs

    Example gradable adjective:

    She was quite angry when she found out.
The film we saw last night was really funny!
It can be extremely cold in Russia in the winter.

    Example non-gradable adjective:

    Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
Their farm was totally destroyed by a tornado.
My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.

    2. How do you express your ability in the past? Then, how you compare it with other friend? Put
    your ideas about those questions in some sentences!

    In the past, I Cloud the ability to speak English was pretty good because I went to a modern Islamic boarding school, I often spoke English with friends because I was obliged to speak English and every dawn I practiced conversation and memorized vocabulary
    and if we compare it with friends, we often speak English together so we can know where our language skills are.

    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please
    give 2 examples of them!

    Verbal simply means, "having to do with words.

    when using multiple verbs you can use the structure verb + someone + -ing:
    -you can stop liking it
    -Do not going anywhere

    The use of verb-ing and negative structures just adds not-ing to the sentence:
    -when I'm sick, I do not need to go to school
    -When I period, my mood is not under control

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.

    I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she : he's not going to the seminar

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me convey to his friend to go.

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences.

    Relative clause or relative clause is the part of the sentence that is not really important. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if it is omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar. There are two types of relative clauses in English. We can limit errors due to the choice of pronouns (pronouns) used to introduce clauses. There is a more detailed page on the placement of prepositions in relative clauses.

    * The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    * The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    * The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
    * The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

  10. Name : Rizky Amalia
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230033

    1. The differences between Gradable and non gradable adjective is, Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely.the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, etc.
    - She was quite angry when she found out.
    - The film we saw last night was really funny!
    While Non-gradable Adjectives is: absolute or extreme adjectives. These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted,etc.
    Did you see the final match? It was absolutely amazing! Or other examples of non gradable adjectives are for example the word "wood", we certainly cannot say "very wood (very wood)", or "quite wood (rather wood)".
    2. I could study English when I was class four of elementary school. until I was a school representative in a speech presentation competition. and it turned out to be the third winner. And I also have been able to perform singing and often represent the school during competitions. from there, I got a lot of experience. I Will be able to learn and keep looking for new experiences in order to be better.
    3. Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives. The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    - I agreed to help Shona with her homework.
    - The driver attempted to remove the flat tyre.
    Verbs followed by the -ing form include: avoid, be used to, delay, dislike, escape, finish, forgive, give up, go on, imagine. With some verb you can use the structure verb + somebody + ING or other structures are possible with Admit, Deny, suggest and recommend.
    - I usually avoid going into town late at night.
    - Have you finished reading that book yet?
    4. Completing Reported Speech
    - Sue told me that she will come to the seminar this morning
    - Is she? I Saw her a few days ago and she said she is a CEO and asked me to be her secretary
    - Anna had been invited to my wedding but she told me that there a problems and she couldn't to go.
    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. relative clauses give information that defines the noun information that’s necessary for complete identification of the noun. Use “that” or “which” for non-human nouns; use “that” or “who” for human nouns.
    - We use Who in a Relative clause for people (Not things)
    Ex : The girl who gave me the book is my niece.
    - We use That for people, but not which
    Ex : The girl that I talked it will married next month.
    - When we are talking about things, we use that or which (Not who)
    Ex : I don't like guys which are playboys
    - Whose is mostly for people
    Ex : An orphan is a person whose father dies
    - Whom is possible instead of who when it ia the object of the verb
    Ex : Its important to tell your stories to whom you believe
    - Where is to talk about a place
    Ex : The building where she had getting merried, was near from my city

  11. Assalamualaikum wr,wb. Mrs.
    Im Asha Febriyanti
    Nim: 191230021
    Class : TBI 3A
    Permission to collect my answer of Final Test :
    1. to differentiate them. We can identify the classification of adjectives either they are gradable or non-gradable. After that, we see what their meanings/ definition are. If they are gradable adjective, we can use adverb or modifier before the words. But, if they are non-gradable, we possibly can't put the adverb or modifier.

    Example of Gradable Adjectives
    " Sorry, I can’t stop, I’m extremely busy."

    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive. Etc.

    And this example of Non Gradable Adjectives
    "I’m absolutely furious."
    absolute or extreme Adjectives
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious. Etc.

    2. During pandemi, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas were written on my note book so I could read them again. Also, I searched other ideas from internet . Yap, I googled it . I watched tutorial videos and read many art blogs .

    3. Several distinct verbs were followed or could be followed by a second infinitive verb. All of the verbs printed on this page were followed by to-infinitive as infinitive. The verbs marked with stars can also be followed by the distinctive clause, as shown in the following example. The verb marked with two stars can only be followed by conspicuous clause when the subject of the main verb is "ing".

    Stop + - ing means the action is not happening any more.
    Try + to + infinitive means that something is difficult but you are making an effort to do it.

    -I've stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.
    -I'm trying to learn Japanese but it's very difficult.

    4. -I. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wasn't coming to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had to go.

    5. A relative clause is another term for an adjective clause. Relative, or adjective, clauses are dependent clauses that modify nouns or pronouns. They include a subject and a verb or verb phrase and are introduced by words known as relative pronouns and relative adverbs. These types of pronouns and adverbs are referred to as relative because they relate the clauses to the words they modify. That, who, whom, whose , and which are relative pronouns, and where, when , and why are relative adverbs.

    Example :
    1. We’re going to see a band whose lead singer is a friend of ours .
    -Whose lead singer is a friend of ours is a relative clause. It contains the relative pronoun whose , the subject singer, and the verb is . The clause modifies the noun band .
    2.The university where my sister goes to school is in Serang.
    -Where my sister goes to school is a relative clause. It contains the relative adverb where , the subject sister , and the verb goes . The clause modifies the noun university .

  12. Name: Sausan Indah Nur Amelia
    NIM: 191230001
    Class: TBI 3A
    1. differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives
     Gradable
    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ pretty/ quiet, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.
    • It is very important to me because it is one of my notebooks
    • That soup is pretty hot
    • Albert was more clever than Einstein

     Non-gradable
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, chemical, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, terrified, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.
    • She is terrified of the dark
    • That was awful
    • The chemical products
    We can identify the classification of adjectives whether gradable or non-gradable. we can see what it means / the definition. If they are gradable adjectives, it can use an adverb or modifier before the word. However, if it is non-gradable, you may not be able to place the adverb or modifier unless you want to make it extreme.

    2. I did not had many great abilities in the past. but now that I have many wonderful new friends, I am trying to be better by trying hard.

    3. Verb is a word that states a state, action or action that can change form with a conjugation system in a sentence and functions as a predictor. Verb as one of word classes shows people's activity. It might have some types depending on their uses in a sentence. While learning English structure or grammar, learners have to know the verb types including verb with-ing and to. Therefore, they could choose the most appropriate one to produce good sentences.
    • When I have free time, I enjoy not having to do assignments.
    • I've finished cleaning the house before my mom came home.
    • I want my family to go there for vacation.
    • I asked how to do this literary assignment

    4. I.
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she… said that, “she was busied so couldn't come”
    II. she told me…. "she doesn’t have a partner" …to go.

    5. The clause is part of the sentence. One of the clauses is a relative clause. Referring to the object or person the speaker is referring to, the sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. Therefore, it deals with the main sentence as a dependent clause. Relative clauses have several types such as with, and with or without who / it / who, and using who, where, or whose. This relative clause is very important to make a good sentence in formal situations.

    • I met a Japanese woman who is an dancing teacher.
    • Patter is a person whom I admire very much.
    • A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
    • Where are the keys that were on the table?
    • Where is the spoon which were on the plate?

  13. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. Gradable Adjective is an adjective that can be done or added with words to improve and weaken sentence structure called gradable, and is influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can increase the next word (adjective).
    For example :
    Big = Very Big ( I think this house is very big, so we can live together)
    Beautiful = Very Beautiful, Beautiful enough ( your mother looks very beautiful in a red dress)
    Cold = Very Cold (i need blanket because it is very cold)
    Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective.
    For example :
    -This is western style
    - My younger sister is terrified for the lightning
    2. When I went to senior high school, I felt my English was better than my friends. Every time I got a test I didn't get so bad. The way I express my abilities in the past is by practicing using the abilities I have. Such as by measuring ability by practicing making sentences in English without looking at the dictionary to translate. Or speak English with my good vocabulary. And my way to compare how good I am with my friends is by sharing or learning together. So when studying together, I will find out how my abilities compare with my friends. Like about mastery of the material, if I don't understand then I will ask my friend who is more competent. From this, I can tell that I am still less capable than my friend. And through that I will feel that I must be like my friend who is able to master the material, or even more knowledge.
    3. Verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject. In the composition of the part of speech, the verb is usually located right behind the noun / pronoun that is the subject.
    Verb followed by-ing
    With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing
    For example :
    - We saw him swimming in a small pool.
    - I saw him painting a portrait of his mother.

    Verb to-infinitive
    To-infinitive is used in many sentence patterns, often expressing the purpose of something or someone's opinion about something.
    How to use it Verb + to + verb
    For example
    - She came to collect her book
    - I am calling to ask you about mom
    4. 1. a:. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming in this seminar because she has emergency meeting.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me (that) she has not to go.
    5. A clause is a part of sentence. One of the clauses is relative clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker’s meant. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
    Types of relative clauses
    Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which
    Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which
    Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where
    Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1)
    Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2)
    For example sentence :
    My mother who is an excellent cook. I always missing her. All of food was cooked is very delicious, different from the other. I want to come back to my village where i born. My mother who is very patient in dealing with all the attitudes of his childrens.

  14. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230022

    1. * Gradable Adjectives
    Gradable is one of the categories of adjective words that can be strengthened and weakened, can in essence be modified according to its usage as big becomes very big means strengthened.
    -It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook
    -That coffee is pretty hot

    * Non-gradable Adjectives
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.

    - The weather is freezing, I need a jacket.
    - she likes western style

    So, How to differentiate them? To answer the question, you could identify the classification of adjectives either they are gradable or non-gradable. After that, you see what their meanings/ definition are. If they are gradable adjective, you could use adverb or modifier before the words. But, if they are non-gradable, you possibly could not put the adverb or modifier except you want to make it extreme. The ideas are adopted.

    2. When i was in junior high school. I think i can sang very well than my friend. I felt better than her. Because she is a quiet and i never heard her voices.

    3. Several distinct verbs were followed or could be followed by a second infinitive verb. All of the verbs printed on this page were followed by to-infinitive as infinitive. The verbs marked with stars can also be followed by the distinctive clause, as shown in the following example. The verb marked with two stars can only be followed by conspicuous clause when the subject of the main verb is "it".
    - she enjoys drinking.
    - farah shopes to see the play.

    4. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.

    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wasn't coming to the seminar.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a
    subject and verb, but can't stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “ adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective —it gives more information about a noun .

    -I’m buying a gift for the neighbor who helped me move .

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Name : Amelia Damayanti
    Nim : 191230008
    1. Differences :
    Gradable Adjectives
    A gradable adjective can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjective's grade or intensity.
    A gradable adjective can also have comparative and superlative forms:
    • big, bigger, the biggest
    • hot, hotter, the hottest
    • important, more important, the most important
    Non-gradable Adjectives
    A non-gradable adjective cannot be used with grading adverbs:
    • It was rather freezing outside.
    • The dog was very dead.
    • He is investing in slightly nuclear energy.
    Non-gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms:
    • freezing, more freezing, the most freezing
    • dead, deader, the deadest
    • nuclear, more nuclear, the most nuclear
    Often, non-gradable adjectives are used alone:
    • It was freezing outside.
    • The dog was dead.
    • He is investing in nuclear energy.
    Example :
    Gradable adjective :
    an expensive car
    a very expensive car
    a fairly expensive car
    an extremely expensive car

    The adverbs very, fairly, and extremely are telling us where this particular car belongs on the scale of ‘expensiveness’. By using them, we can make a significant difference to the meaning of an adjective.

    Non-gradable adjectives :
    a. the western side of the mountain
    b. electronic devices
    c. nuclear reactor
    It would be very strange to see any of the adjectives in the above examples being used with modifying adverbs such as very, fairly, or extremely; things are either western, electronic, or nuclear, or they’re not. These sorts of adjectives are part of the category known as classifying adjective
    1. I was able to play pianica well when i was 10th years old. And my friend and at that time my friends could not play it. I was very happy at that time, because with my ability playing it I was often asked to play it during arts and culture classes.
    2. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.
    Example :
    V +ing :
    a. He admitted stealing the necklace.
    b. I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
    To + infinitive :
    a. I want to speak to the manager.
    b. She's learning to play the piano.
    3. a. Was coming to the seminar that morning.
    b., That she cant go to go
    4. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
    The relative pronouns are:
    Relative pronoun as subject :
    • I like the person. The person was nice to me.
    • I like the person who was nice to me.
    • I hate the dog. The dog bit me.
    • I hate the dog that bit me.
    • I am moving to Louisville, KY. It is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
    • I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.
    5. Relative pronoun as object :
    • I like the bike. My father gave me the bike.
    • I like the bike that my father gave me.

  17. Name: Sekar Ayu Asari
    Nim: 191230016
    Class: Tbi 3A


    1. Gradable adjectives

    Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers:

    She was quite angry when she found out.
    The film we saw last night was really funny!
    It can be extremely cold in Russia in the winter.

    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely:

    Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
    Their farm was totally destroyed by a tornado.
    My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.

    2. As a child I loved watching dancing videos then I often participated in dancing competitions so that at that time dancing was one of my talents, different from my other friends they took lessons every week so dancing was their talent. even though without tutoring I could follow the competition well, after several times I participated in the competition, my talent was increasingly visible from the many events that I participated in on several different themes.

    3. Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by an -ing form or to + infinitive.

    Remember + -ing and forget + -ing refer to having (or not having) a memory of something in the past.

    I remember watching this film before.
    I'll never forget meeting you for the first time in this café.

    Remember + to + infinitive and forget + to + infinitive refer to recalling (or not recalling) that there is something we need to do before we do it.

    Please remember to buy some milk on the way home.
    He forgot to lock the door when he went out.

    4. 1). a: yesterday Sue said is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she will come to the seminar.

    2. Anna has been invited to my birthday party but she told me that she had a private meeting with her to go

    5. a relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
    The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

  18. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230010

    1. Gradable adjectives is a form of adjective whose meaning can be changed or modified either strengthened or weakened. Meanwhile, non-gradable adjectives are the oppposite that is their meaning cannot be modified so that they cannot be strengthened or weakened. Because the non-gradable adjective has absolute meaning.
    • Example of gradable adjectives : cold, angry, boring, cheap, expensive, funny, hot, interesting, old, small, tired.
    Modifiers : a little/a bit, quite, really/very, extremely.
    Sentences : The film we saw last night was really funny.
    • Example of non-gradable adjectives : acceptable, dead, destroyed, finished, free, impossible, necessary, perfect, ruined.
    Sentences : My lovely cat was dead last week.
    2. When I was in junior high school, I liked English because I got the most marks in class. Since then I have felt that I must continue to improve my abilities because I already love this field. Even though during high school I chose to major in economics, but English is still my favorite subject. To keep improving my skills, I really like listening to western songs, watching Hollywood movies or English animations. I also often watch YouTubers who often share their knowledge of English. Apart from that, with the little things I did to practice improving my English skills, I changed my cellphone settings to English and started small English conversations with my friends.
    3. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence. With some verbs we can use the structure verb + somebody + ing, verb + to (infinitive).
    Example verb-ing : Walking is good for our health, she avoided looking me in the eye
    Example to infinitive : Everyone deserves to be respected, i need to learn how to cook better.
    4. Reported speech
    I. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t come to the seminar because she has the meeting in the same time
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she couldn’t to go
    5. Restrictive relative clauses usually provide information to define the nouns needed to complete the noun. This relative clause uses the “which” and “that” to define nonhuman nouns, and “who” for people.
    Example : I like the painting that hang in the exhibition, the women who stand in the halte is my mom she is waiting me to pick up her.
    Non-restrictive relative clauses, this type of relative clause merely provides extra information. The information my be quite interesting and important to the larger conversation, but it is not essential for precise identification of the noun.
    Example : I’m planning to grow up roses which I find quite beautiful.
    Subject-verb agreement in relative clauses, remember that the relative pronoun is substituting for a noun, which would be singular or plural before the substitution. The verb in the relative clause must agree with the original noun.
    Example : My mother who is an excellent cook is thinking of opening a restaurant

  19. Name : Ficka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. Gradable Adjectives Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers, while non-gradable Adjectives These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition.
    Example : My mother very pretty than i (Gradable)
    Example : That was absolutely awful for me (Non Gradable)

    2. When I was a child I really liked playing badminton, in my environment only I could play badminton, maybe if I developed that talent I could become a great badminton player like you elsya.

    3. a. VERB is a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb.

    b. The uses of verb with Verb-Ing with some verbs you can use the structure “Verb+ Somebody+ ing” Example: I always enjoy cooking, She keeps changing her mind about the wedding

    c. And the uses of verb with to infintive “subject+ Verb+ To infintive” Example : I like to drink tea in morning, I hate to be a very moody person

    4. I. A : sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B : is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she didn't come to the seminar because she has a family event
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't attend my wedding because she has to go

    5. Definition of relative clauses: A clause relative is a part of sentence. one of the clauses is relative clause. it refers to thing or person that the speaker’s meant. therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
    Example : (Relative clauses Types 1)
    - The handphone that I bought last week has started making a strange noise!
    - I always play with my sister in the park.

  20. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    NIM : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A
    (UAS IEG)

    1. Gradable reserctive ctive is a subset of adjectives that may in a way have the degrees when modified with an adverb of degree. With the adverb of degree added in the front or back of the right, the meaning of the right notation can be either stronger or stronger (right), or weaker.
    - Ungradable conductive ctive is the opposite, that is, the adjective group that can not have degrees in meaning, or let's just say that non-gradable conductive ctive can't be altered by an adverb of degree.

    - Example gradable conductive: the grade change of the following inductive: rather hot, hot, very hot. The conductive focus for the example is "hot,"
    - A non-gradable free-ctive example for example says "wooden," we certainly cannot express "very wooden (very wood)," or "wooden wooden (somewhat wooden)."
    This is what a non-gradable conductive means.

    2. I used to have an ability to sing at school 3 years ago, I could sang a lot at school, I would express my performance by competing, but different with my friend, my friend had the ability to play basketball but he expressed it in practice.

    3. Cambridge dictionary: verb is a word that describes actions, actions, conditions or experiences of some kind. In English, a verb is often called a verb because a verb shows activity from the subject in a sentence. The verb is the most important part and always appears in every sentence. This English verb is also somewhat unique. If you think that verb should be an act, you're mistaken. The English verb can describe a condition.
    Infinitive verb can act as noun as replacement of subject, subject, or direct object in the center of the sentence. Infinitive vera, too, can serve as a substitute for ctive or adverb in a sentence.

    Gerund: singing, drinking, running, walking, squatting, and so on.
    Infinitive: to sing, to drink, to run, to walk, to study, and others.

    4. a. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    b. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her to go.

    5. Relative clause is one kind of flowery clause. The phrase is also known as the descriptive clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective of giving additional information to a noun.

  21. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 191230007
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. Gradable and non-gradable adjectives are two categories of adjectives, each of which has a different usage but a fixed position as an adjective. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.
    Example Gradable:
    a. It is very important to me because it is one of my diary
    b. That coffee is pretty hot
    c. Adiba was more clever than Anisa

    Example Non Gradable
    a. Aliana's skill is really AMAZING
    b. If I not do it, maybe I was DEAD
    c. I will make a video about my DAILY routin activity

    2. How do you express your past abilities? Then, how do you compare with other friends? Put it
    your ideas about those questions in a few sentences!

    I am a girl who likes adventure. When I was a child, I liked to play with boys. I learn many things when I play with my boy friends. so that, when making friends with female friends, I can share what I receive from my male friends. such as how to entertain, be a good listener, give advice, correct each other. that's what I got from my male friend.

    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please
    give 2 examples of them!

    A verb or verb (Latin: verbum, "word") is a class of words that denote an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic sense. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.
    -In the use of verbs that end in -ing, the grammar used is the continuous tense alias that is currently in progress. In usage, this verb form is preceded by the auxiliary verb (auxiliary verb) be (is, am, are, was, were). Example: – eat- eating, drink- drinking.
    -to infinitives can be interpreted as a root verb with "to". Example : I want going to the market. I hope to meet you again.

    4. Use the reported speech to complete your answer in the following sentences.

    a: Sue will attend the seminar this morning.
    b: Is he? I saw him a few days ago and he said he would attend the seminar if he didn't get around, but of course he would make the effort to make it on time.
    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me - to wait for her in the room, because she wanted to see me first, and now she is getting ready - to go

    5. A. Relative clauses are clauses used to replace nouns that may have plural or singular properties before they are replaced.
    B. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning.
    -Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
    -Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
    -A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.
    -I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke.
    -I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.
    -Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Name : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Class Tbi 3A


    1. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.

    influenced by the adverb of degree or adverbs that can increase the word (adjective)
    Big = Very big, rather big

    -Non Grafible
    She is terrified of the dark

    2. Since I was in high school in grade 2, my classmates and I always danced for school shows, every Friday we routinely did exercises, we used to do it very happily, the time came when the selection of dancers for district competitions, and every class was asked by representatives To participate, it turned out that among us he was the one chosen, from there I was very sad because I could not participate in the competition, it turned out that my ability to attract me lost to my classmates.

    3. Verbs or verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.

    -In English we recognize grammar which can be identified by differences in time zones. Starting from the present, past, and future. Due to this time difference, the verb also changes for each condition. Each verb usually has three forms: verb 1, verb 2, verb 3. The bigger the number, the past the form of the verb itself. Not only verbs 1-3, there are also verbs that are used to describe an action that is being done right away.

    - Infinitive
    -Several different verbs are followed or can be followed by a second verb in the infinitive form. All verbs listed on this page are followed by the to-infinitive when the infinitive is used.

    I hope to see you next week.

    - Shape -ing
    Verbs ending in -ing are the present participle or gerund. These two shapes look identical. The difference is their function in sentences.

    -He is painting.

    4. -I saw Sue a few days ago, he said he would attend a seminar this morning.

    -I invited Anna to my wedding, but Anna told me immediately to go

    5. relative clause is not really important part of the sentence. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if it is omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar.

    The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.

  24. Name: Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM : 191230017
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. Gradable is an adjectives that can have different levels of that quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely.
    These are example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, cold, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.
    - "Hot" : - Today's weather is very hot.
    - Today's weather is quite hot.
    - Today's weather is extremelly hot.
    -." cold" : Today is extremelly cold.
    Today is very cold.
    Today is quite cold.
    -I'm sorry, i am extremelly busy right now.
    - Marsha's house is rather big.
    - The movies we saw yesterday was really funny.

    Non-gradable Adjectives.
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If we want to create these adjectives stronger, we have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.
    Example: "Freezing" : it's not possible to describe" different levels of freezing" because freezing is same as extremelly cold.
    1. She is terrified of the dark
    2. That was awful
    3. she was delighted
    4. ranti's father is ancient.

    2. My ability in the past , i could singing a lot of song and I have been able to perform in singing competition when i was 9 years old but now can not do it as before. I have a best friend, her name is elsa and her hobbies are painting and writing. she have been able to shows her writing ability in writing competition when she was 15 years old and she became champion in the competition. Until now she is can do her ability.
    3. Verb is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events, or attitudes Or in other words, Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. example: to sing, to run, become, exist, and agree. The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    - I choose the file in today's meeting
    - I agreed to help ranti with her homework.
    Verbs followed by the -ing form include: avoid, be used to, delay, dislike, escape, finish, forgive, give up, go on, imagine. With some verb you can use the structure verb + somebody + ing or other structures are possible with Admit, Deny, suggest and recommend.
    - Have you finished cleaning that room yet?

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that she had many task today.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she doesn't have partner to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. relative clauses give information that defines the noun information that’s necessary for complete identification of the noun.

    For example :
    - The girl who is talking is my sister
    - A man whom I met yesterday is my little brother.
    - I met my bestie whose clothes is blue.
    - This is the murotal which I always listen.
    - The boy that I talked will goes to japan tomorrow.

  25. Name : Nur isnaeniah
    Nim : 191230044
    TBI 3B

    1. The difference between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives. gradable adjective Is an adjective that can be modified by adding an adverb of degree eg big, biger, the bigest, (very misalnya very cold)Which makes the sentence weak or strong. While non-gradable adjectives Is the opposite of gradable adjectives That can't be changed and mixed with adverb of degree eg freezing.

    Example gradable adjective
    1. The rainy season in pandeglang makes it very cold
    2. She cried, losing a book that was very important to her

    Example non-gradable adjectives
    1. Winter in this year Makes the water freezing
    2. My friend yesterday made something unique

    2. I liked many things like painting and learning languages, and I used to feel that I could do well in English and draw in comparison with my friend, but she speaks english well and that she was good at drawing, so I did not give up and developed what I loved into my ability by constantly trying to be able to drawing. I also often compared my ability to speak the language with her to see if my language was any better.

    3. Verb Is a verb that includes part of the part of the speech that is used to show action of the subject, leading to events or circumstances. -ing is used as gerund (noun formed from the verb form -ing) the verb form -ing used after the verb, After the foreword (in, on, upon, after..) And certain adjectives. And to infinitive is usually introductory with a "to" for example : to read, to walk. Several verbs also followed by infinitive eg "I remember going to jakarta"

    Example :
    1. I'am interested in reading novels
    2. You can succeed by studying hard
    3. I'm walking to the library to read a book
    4. I hope to see you again

    4. 1. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she not going to the seminar this morning
    2.Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has no vehicle to go.

    5. A relative clause is a clause that refers to things or people. Relative clause have some kind of like with, and with or without whom /it who, and using whom, where, or whom. And serves as an added meaning.

    Example : -I have a good friend, who always helps me in a difficult situation.
    -yesterday I went with my mother and met someone who turned out to be a novelist

  26. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    NIM :191230035
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. The usage of gradable is a usage that has two meanings and these two meanings can affect the process of the sentence being conveyed. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that is what it is and cannot be influenced by the class of words from the part of speech. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable. Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes.
    Example of gradable adjective :
    a. Important = Moderately important, very importan.
    He is very important because my little brother
    b. Absolutely = Awful
    That was awful

    2. Before I explain about how I expressed my abilities in the past, I will tell you what my abilities are. I have skills in art. Then, to express this ability, I need to show my abilities, for example by designing and then make a creation for my class. where as in my opinion, my friends have different abilities, so they also have different ways of express their abilities

    3. A verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state. A sentence may either have a main verb, a helping verb or both. In other words, a verb is a word that informs about an action, an existence of something or an occurrence. The verb is the main word in a sentence.
    - Verb followed by-ing
    A verb can be followed by another verb. The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is. When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    Example : I enjoy travelling
    - verb followed by to-infinitive
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
    Example : I want to speak to the manager.

    I) a : sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b : is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she went to go to her grandmother house

    II) anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she hasn't to go

    - The relative provides information that helps identify the referent of the antecedent further. Example : woman [who I know] got hit by a car
    - Adds information on the antecedent that is not required to identify it. Example : My mother, [whom you met at my wedding], got hit by a car.
    - Only occurs in the special cleft construction. Example : it was my mother [who got hit by a car].
    - In such relatives there is no explicit antecedent. Instead the relative phrase is at the same time the antecedent. Example : i liked [what you presented at the conference]

  27. Name : Eva Aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened.

    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.

    Contoh Gradable : she is very beautiful
    Contoh Non-gradable : what do you know about nuclear reactor?

    2. I could play marching band two years ago, while my friend can only play it now , we had different talents at that time. She Really like the scouts. Whereas I really like Marching band becaus in the marching band I can play the color guard because I like dancing. But Even so, we always support each other until the end he wants to follow what I love.

    3. Verb or verb is a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.

    verb-ing is used to describe something that has happened.

    To infinitive is the basic form of the verb (verb). The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). So if the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form.

    Contoh :
    Verb = Beni beat me
    V-ing = I finished doing my task
    To infinitive : she went to the market to buy vegetables.

    4. B. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.

    A. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.

    Contoh :
    The girl who is walking is my little sister.

  28. Name : Rana Salwa.
    NIM : 191230032.
    Class : TBI 3A

    1.Gradable reserctive ctive isa subset of adjectives that may in a way have the degrees when modified with an adverb of degree. With the adverb of degree added in the front or back of the right, the meaning of the right notation can be either stronger or stronger (right), or weaker.

    Ungradable conductive ctive is the opposite, that is, the adjective group that cannot have degrees in meaning, or let's just say that non-gradable conductive ctive can't be altered by an adverb of degree.
    Example gradable conductive: the grade change of the following inductive: rather hot, hot, very hot. The conductive focus for the example is "hot,"

    A non-gradable free-ctive example for example says "wooden," we certainly cannot express "very wooden (very wood)," or "wooden wooden (somewhat wooden)."

    2. Salwa could paskibra 2 years ago, it was different with my friend, but she always supported my talent .

    3.A verb is a word that describes any action, action, condition or experience. The verb also changes for every condition. Each verb usually has three forms: verb 1, verb 2, verb

    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) this is a Gerunds. can each be used after certain verbs.
    Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.

    Example :
    -I wanted to tell you something
    - mr andre managet to reach the border of the swimming pool.

    4. a. She would not come o the seminar.
    b.Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her to go

    5.Clause is the part of the sentence that doesn't really matter. Bearded perils are also one of the typical bearded packers. The phrase is also known as the descriptive clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective of giving additional information to a noun.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI 3 B

    1. A gradable adjective can be used with grading adverbs that vary the adjective's grade or intensity. Gradable adjective can also have comparative and superlative forms. Whereas a non-gradable adjective cannot be used with grading adverbs. Non-gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms.
    Example :

    Gradable adjective : My teacher was very happy with my homework.

    Non-gradable adjective : It was freezing outside.

    2.In junior high school, I could play traditional musical instruments, namely caning, I felt proud at that time because no one of my friends could play that instrument except me.

    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.
    Example :

    •By -ing
    - I always enjoy reading book.
    - I love cooking Fried rice.

    •To infinitive
    - I like to drink milk in the morning.
    - I hope to see my friend next week.

    a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said wasn’t coming to the seminar.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn’t attend my wedding, because she was going to graduate ceremony.

    5.Its function is to explain the previous word / sentence.
    Example : Love myself is the song which I always listen.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    Nim : 191230006
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. The difference between a gradable adjactive and a non-gradable adjective is that a gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning can be changed with an adverb of degree and if the non-gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning is strong, it cannot be changed.
    Example for gradable adjective :
    a. The office is a very big in the city.
    Kata "big" bisa diubah juga menjadi
    b. I see your house is rather big in this environment.

    Example for non gradable adjective :
    a. She is terrified of cat
    b. My sister read daily magazine online.

    2. I don't feel like I have any special abilities. but when I was at junior high school I was appointed to take part in an English competition, then when I was in high school I was also appointed to be a participant in the English competition. even though it didn't win but I think there is a little ability in English. therefore I have to study English more deeply

    3. Verbs are verbs that show the actions, events or behavior of the doer and are included in the part of speech.
    The way to use verb-ing is on the present principle, the form of verb + ing is different for each verb.
    Example :
    a. Swimming is my hobby
    b. My father collecting book of indonesia's history.

    The way to use the infinitive verb is used in its basic form to show the purpose of the action of doing something, it is used after the adjective, indicating that something can be done

    Example :
    a. I bringing the book
    b. Rara going to bali today

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that can't go.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she doesn't have partner to go.

    5. Relative Clauses function, namely to provide additional information on a noun. A relative clause always starts with a relative pronoun that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined. Relative clauses have several types such as with, and with or without who / it / who, and using who, where, or whose.

    a. The girl who is walking is my best friend
    b. This is the book which I always read.
    c. I met my sister whose bag is black.

    NIM : 191230069
    CLASS : TBI 3B

    1. Gradable adjectives are adjectives that can be modified in by placing an adverb in front of them whereas non-gradable adjectives are the adjectives that cannot be modified.

    - My brother is very smart, so he got first place in his class. (gradable)
    - The movie was absolutely terrible. (non-gradable)

    2. When i was little i love to sing I like singing with my mother, she also likes singing. my mother told me that my ability to sing is very good. and there are also many people who say that my voice is good that person is my friend. my friend has the ability to play musical instruments, that's why we often visit the music studio to practice until now.

    3. Verb are words that show an action.

    - Verb followed by-ing = When they are used with -ing, these verbs emphasise the action or event in progress. Example : She is sleeping in her room.

    - Verb using to infinive = Some verbs are used with a direct object followed by a to-infinitive (actually I don't really understand, but I think it's something like this.) Example : My mother want me to go to grocery.

    4. Reported speech
    I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she
    wouldn’t come to the seminar today.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has
    no free time to go.

    5. Relative clauses used to provide more detail about nouns. they are introduced by the relative pronouns. who. which. and .that.

    - Example : The movie that we watched on holiday was aweosome.
    o Underlying sentence : the movie was watched on holiday
    o Function on the relative pronoun : Subject.

  34. Name : Didi Hudaya
    NIM : 191230034
    Class :TBI 3 A

    1. Gradable adjectives these adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    +This is a very important matter.

    - Non gradable adjectives They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described.
    +The food was absolutely superb.

    2. since childhood I was very good at chess every day I always played chess with my friends aoan but my friends did not have the ability to beat me. by playing chess I can hone my skills and I can hone my thinking skills

    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentences
    With some verb you can use structure verb + somebody + ing
    + I am going to school

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that ‘she had to visit her parents today.’
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me ‘she had a sudden meeting and unable to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
    + I like the person. The person was nice to me
    I like the person who was nice to me

  35. Name:Fitri
    Nim :191230070
    Class:Tbi 3b

    1.Gradable adjectives are adjectives that can be modified in this manner whereas non-gradable adjectives are the adjectives that cannot be modified. This is the key difference between gradable and non-gradable adjectives.

    -This food is absolutely delicious.
    -That's a completely idiotic idea.
    # Gradable
    -This food is extremely tasty.
    -That's a very bad idea.
    2.I learned English when I was at the pesantren. At the beginning I learned the language, that was, I started by memorizing the vocabulary that was around the pesantren. Little by little I could speak English or Arabic. And I can also understand if someone speaks English. I've been a representative in a language speech contest. from there I got a lot of experience. I will be able to learn and keep looking for new experiences to get better.

    3.Definition of verb
    a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb
    to use (a word and especially a noun) as a verb : to make (a word) into a verb
    Verbs followed by the -ing form
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    -I enjoy travelling.
    -I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
    4.a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she : he's not going to the seminar

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me convey to his friend to go.

    5.A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    -I like the person. The person was nice to me.
    -I like the person who was nice to me.
    -I like the bike. My father gave me the bike.
    -I like the bike that my father gave me.

  36. Name : Novita Maharani
    Nim : 191230062
    Class : TBI-3B

    1. gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives are two categories of adjectives each of which has a different usage but a fixed position as an adjective. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.
    a. Gradable Adjectives that can be modified or added with words to strengthen and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can increase the next word (adjective). Example
    Big = Very big, rather big
    Smart = Very smart, smart enough
    Diligent = more diligent, diligent enough
    Caca Was more diligent than tiara
    b. Non-gradable Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective.
    Utterly = Excellent
    She is excellent woman

    2. In the past
    We use could to talk about our ability in the past:
    I could run fast when I was a child.
    The negative is couldnt:
    I couldnt speak a foreign language when I was a child.
    Could and couldnt are also modals, which mean they dont add s for the third person, and an infinitive without to follows them. You form negatives and questions in the same way as can.
    Example :
    I can sing since I was a child, I used to participate in singing competitions and thank God I always get a champion even though it is not the first place. But this is my motivation for me to practice more and not be proud.

    3. A verb can be followed by another verb. The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.
    Verbs followed by the -ing form
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    I enjoy playing .
    She admitted Washing the clothes .
    I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
    Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practise and suggest.

    Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
    I want to speak to the manager.
    She's learning to play the piano.
    He offered to help us wash up.
    Other verbs in this group include afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming to the seminar this morning
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn't to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but cant stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an adjective clause because it functions like an adjectiveit gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a relative pronoun, which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
    I like the person who was nice to me.
    I am moving to Louisville, KY, which is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.

  37. Name: Nining windari
    Nim: 191230066
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. Gradable and non-gradable adjectives are two categories of adjectives, each of which has a different usage but a fixed position as an adjective. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.
    Example Gradable:
    a. You are very important to me because you are one of my life
    b. Fitria was more smarter than fira

    Example Non Gradable
    a. Mia's book is really AMAZING
    b. I will make a presentation amazing in my boarding school

    2. When I was in Pare, I could speak English every day, because of the atmosphere and discipline that made me always use English, after I left Pare I never used English anymore and it slowly disappeared. I realized that the language was not only used but with practice

    3. a. VERB is a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb.

    b. The uses of verb with Verb-Ing with some verbs you can use the structure “Verb+ Somebody+ ing” Example: I live cooking, She keeps changing her mind about the wedding

    c. And the uses of verb with to infintive “subject+ Verb+ To infintive” Example : I like to drink a juice in morning.

    4. I. A : sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B : is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she didn't come to the seminar because she has a family event
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't attend my wedding because she has to go

    5. Fuction of relative clauses
    1. Subject : the man that is pulling the woman pulls the dog
    2. Direct object : i read the book that your professor wrote
    3. Indirect object : i met the person that charlie gave flowers to
    4. Object of the preposition: i met the person that lin told me about something

  38. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031
    TBI 3A

    1. Gradable adjective is a group of adjectives which in terms of meaning can have levels when modified using the adverb of degree.
    For example : rather cold, cold, very cold
    🌼The weather today made everything feel very cold

    Meanwhile, the non-gradable adjective or what is sometimes known as the ungradable adjective is the opposite, namely a group of adjectives that cannot have a level in terms of meaning, or it can be said that the non-gradable adjective cannot be modified by using the adverb of degree.
    For example : excellent, amazing, internal, daily etc.
    🌼 He passed the exam with excellent condition

    2. In the past I was always curious about many things. so I always try things that I find fun. like giving a speech, I used to volunteer to make a speech in front of the school after praying together on Friday. I love it and keep practicing.
    I often compare my abilities with my friends by seeing what is lacking in me but in other people, if the things that other people have are not there for me then I have to look for them and get them

    3. Verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning.
    *How to use verb followed by-ing and to infinite
    🌼Verb followed by-ing
    Can use with the structure verb+somebody+by-ing
    E.g :
    1. You have to find girls loving you
    2. Rio feels enjoying when he meet with them
    🌼Verb followed by to infinite
    Can use with structure verb+to...(infinite)
    1. I called my friend to meet with me at home
    2. Somebody permitted me to doing examination lately

    4. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wouldn't come to the seminar

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has an obstacle to go.

    5. Who: Used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the subject noun or pronoun (he, she, we, they).
    E.g : I like the person who was nice to me.

    Whom: Also used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the object nouns or pronouns (him, her, us, them).
    E.g: I hope to hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last night.

    Whose: used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace possessive nouns or pronouns (his, hers, our, their).
    E.g: I met my little sister whose bag is red.

    That: That can be used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and can also be used to replace inanimate objects.
    E.g : I like the bike that my father gave me.

    Which: Which can be a subject or object, can be used for non-restrictive relative clauses, and can also be used for restrictive relative clauses
    E.g : I’m driving across the country with three small children, which is going to be stressful.

  39. Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    TBI 3B

    1. Gradable adjective is group of adjectives which in terms of meaning can have a degree when modified using the adverb of degree. For example : rather hot, hot, very hot. And non-gradable adjective is a group of adjectives that cannot have a level in terms of meaning, or it can be said that non-gradable adjectives cannot be modified in meaning by using the adverb of degree. For example : “wooden”. We certainly can’t say “very wooden”, or “rather wooden”. This is what is meant by a non-gradable adjective.
    2. I used to learn languages fast and now it’s different. When I was in Junior High School, I was learned english fast and I think I can’t do something like that anymore. I mean, now is so hard to even memorize something. I used to memorize vocabularies with my best friend, but I can’t now. I think it’s also because I don’t have any friends like her, that always remind me to memorize the vocabularies and practice it. And sometimes I feel not confident next to her because she’s very smart and easy to adapt to her situation.
    3. Verb is a word that informs about an action, an existence of something or an occurrence. Gerunds can be used after certain verbs including enjoy, fancy, discuss, dislike, finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid. Example : he avoided answering my question. While To Infinitive can be used after certain verbs including agree, ask, decide, help, plan, hope, learn, want, would like, and promise. Example : I am happy to meet you.
    4. A. her mom was sick and she was hospitalized. I’m glad if her mom is better now.
    B. That she can’t come and ask her husband to go.
    5. Relative clauses tell us more about nouns. They function rather like adjectives, and are found as postmodifiers in a noun phrase. The noun that is modified is called the antecedent. Relative clauses normally begin with who, whom, whose, or that. Examples :
    A. The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    B. The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.
    C. The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

  40. Name : Nisrina Nurhikmah
    Class: TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230049

    1. Gradable Adjective is an adjective in english whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened. While the non Gradable Adjactive is form of adjective that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    Example Gradable Adjective : "I need a jacket because it is very cold "
    Non Gradable adjactive : " The weather is freezing, i need a jacket "

    2. My ability used to be writing short stories, I usually showed that ability by making various short stories and sometimes participating in competitions.
    Yes, I always compare it with my other friends, my friends and I swap stories so we can judge the error of the story.

    3. A verb is kind of word that tells about an action or state, it is the main part of sentence. To use the verb followedby ing , it can be use the structure verb+somebody+ing, Example " He walk reading in newspaper ". To use verb followed by to infinitive we can use some of the verbs take the pattern like Verb+to+ infinitive , example " I hope to see you next week ".

    4. 1) a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b. Is she? I saw her a few days and she said she wouldn't come
    2) Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told she had an event and had to go

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun. who, whose, whom is used to refer to human objects. that is commonly used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals and plants but can also be used for inanimate objects. which can be used as a subject or object.
    Example :
    - students who study hard will get good results
    - I like the dress that my father gave me

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Name: Nuraisyah
    NIM: 191230055
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. Gradable adjectives
    Most of the adjectives are gradable, that is their meaning can be modified (strengthened or weakened) by placing the adverb of degree in front of behind it.
    - I was cold enough to saw
    - safety in the workplace is so important

    Non gradable adjectives
    Non gradable adjectives is an adjective that generally cannot be modified by the adverb od degree, bacause it means "extreme" or is a classifying adjective.
    - Their relationship was really terrifying
    - That's a completely idiotic idea

    2. Since I was a child, I liked to be a master of ceremonies, I tried to develop my abilities by studying and practicing. Maybe my ability decreased from my father, because my father often became a master of ceremonies, and now I'm used to appearing in front of many people. And sometimes I practice with my father.

    3. Verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition.

    a. The uses of verb with Verb-Ing with some verbs you can use the structure “Verb+ Somebody+ ing”
    - I live cooking, She keeps changing her mind about the wedding
    - I hope to see you again at the next meeting
    - She keeps changing her mind about the wedding

    b. And the uses of verb with to infintive “subject+ Verb+ To infintive”
    Example :
    -I like to drink a juice in morning.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not going because of other event

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has not going

    5. Function of relative clauses is give more information about a noun.
    - We're going to see a band whose lead singer is a friend of ours
    - My family is taking a trip during the month when I graduate from high school

  43. Nama : Mia atmiati
    Nim : 191230063
    Class: TBI 3B
    (UAS IEG)

    1. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be taken and weakened, in essence it can fit a usage like big to very big means. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot love like a word that is categorized as gradable.
    Example : It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook
    That coffee is pretty hot
    - non gradable : It is absolutely impossible to please everyone.

    2). I can express my abilities by doing something that I can do but my friends can't. For example, I can write story articles so that I always get top marks in Indonesian subjects, whereas my friends can't write story articles like me.

    3). verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition.
    - a verb can be followed by another verb.the second one ussualy needs to change into the -ing form or the to- infinitive form.which form you need depends on what the first verb is:
    - verb followed by the -ing form : when enjoy ,admit and mind are followed by another verb ,it must be in the-ing form
    Example : l enjoy travelling

    - verb followed by to-infinitive form : when want, learn and offer are followed by another verb it must be in the to- infinitive form.
    Example: l want to speak to the manager.

    4). Is she? I saw her a few days and she said she wouldn't come
    - she told me she had an event and had to go.

    5). The functions of Relative clauses :
    Relative clauses are used either as adjectives or adverbs.
    Examples :
    - i' m buying a gift for the neighbor who helped me move
    - jon,who was their coach,received a medal also.

  44. Wulan Kurniasari
    Tbi 3b

    1. Gradible adjective is one of the adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be changed according to its usage. Besides that, the gradible adjective also has a comparative and superlative form.
    The example : hot-hotter-the hottest
    Nice-very nice
    Meanwhile non gradible adjective is one of the adjectives that cannot be changed like the gradible adjective. because the meaning of the non-gradient adjective is extreme or is a classifying adjective. besides that, the non-gradient adjective also doesn't have a comparative and superlative form.
    The example : pretty-gorgeous
    Bad - Terrible
    Good - Excellent
    2. Since childhood, I have a hobby of singing. Not a few people praise my voice. Many thought that I was taking vocal lessons. I don't dare to developed my talents. Maybe if I developed my talent, I Could be a famous singer like my friend Devia. And to express my abilities, I always participate in singing competitions
    3. Verb is a word that functions to show the action of the subject, event or action.
    The uses of verb with Verb-ing
    With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing :
    -She has finished cleaning her room
    -They admitted having stolen the money
    And the uses of verb with To Infinitive
    Subject + Verb + to infinitive
    - Mr. Reza promised to come tomorrow
    - Dina offered to lend me a little money.
    4.I a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming to the seminar, because her mother is sick.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me (that) she didn't to go
    5. A relative clause always starts with a relative pronoun that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined.
    Who : Describes the subject as a person.
    Eg. The writer who wrote this novel is asma nadia
    Whom : Describes an object in the form of a person.
    Eg. The boy whom you saw yesterday is my nephew
    Which: Describes a subject or object in the form of objects other than people, such as animals, plants, or other objects.
    Eg. The doll which is given by miftah is very cute.
    When : Explains the description of time.
    Eg. I arrived in Bandung when my mother was sleeping.
    Whose: describes the pronoun possess
    Eg. The woman whose bag is beautiful, works as a teacher
    Where: Explains the description of the place.
    Eg. Bandung is the City where you can find my happiness
    That : Describes a person or thing, either as a subject or as an object, only used in the restrictive relative clauses.
    Eg. The jacket that I bought yesterday is very expensive

  45. Name : Mafazatul Awaliyah
    NIM : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. Gradable adjectives are normal adjectives that might have levels of difference in them. For example, the adjective 'cold' is gradable – you can be extremely cold, quite cold, and even not at all cold.
    Example : you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold.

    Non gradable adjective id describe absolute qualities.
    Example : something can't be a bit finished or very finished.

    2. I express my ability in the past with joining some activities in the schooll or environment that on going activities and try new things in following these activities

    3. Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. ... For many verbs, however, the past tense is irregular.
    Verb ing : singing
    Verb infinitive : to do to sing

    4. I. Coming to the seminar this morning
    II . That she couldn't

    5. Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them. Here are some examples: ... I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Name : Fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nim. : 191230068
    Class : TBI 3B

    1. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be taken and weakened, in essence it can fit a usage like big to very big means. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot love like a word that is categorized as gradable.
    Example :
    - Gradable
    It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook
    - Non-Gradable
    Taylor Wilson built a nuclear reactor when he was fourteen.
    2. I can express my abilities by doing something that I can do but my friends can't. For example, I can write story articles so that I always get top marks in Indonesian subjects, whereas my friends can't write story articles like me.
    3. Verbs or verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.
    Example :
    - Ing
    - I like listening to old music on the radio
    - I've stopped smoking, because it ruins my health
    - To Infinitive
    - I like to tidy up my badroom after i wake up everday
    - The bus stopped to pick up the passengers
    4. - is she ? I saw her a few days and she said she wouldn't come
    - she told me she had an event and had to go
    5. Relative clause or relative clause is the part of the sentence that is not really important. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning.
    Example :
    - The girl who is walking is my little sister.

  48. Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    TBI - 3B
    PAS IEG GANJIL 2020-2021

    1. Gradable Adjective is a form of adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened.
    E.g. - Rather (My heels is rather high)
    - Important/Very (History lessons so important to hear and understand/History lesson are very important to hear and understand).
    Non-Gradable Adjective is a form adjective in English whose meaning can’t be modified and changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    E.g. - External (I need external memory for my handphone)
    - Impossible (For Muslimah to go traveling abroad on their own is impossible)
    2. Since this pandemic, I have continued to learn to improve my ability, both at home and outside. This pandemic made me learn a lot more than usual, especially in terms of cooking and work especially in administration. I was more fluently in cooking than Yasmin. Yasmin is my friend, we always learn and explore cooking together.
    3. Verb: /vərb/ = Verb as one of word classes shows people's activity. Verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing.
    E.g. - When I'm at Grandma's house, I enjoy not having to do homework.
    - I went to work outside the home in my uncle's office.
    4. I. a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning (Sue said she was coming to the seminar this morning.)
    b. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she had not come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had not to go.
    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective, it gives more information about a noun.
    E.g. - I hope I hear from the person with whom I spent hours talking last night.
    - I like this book which I bought at Gramedia bookstore.

  49. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051
    Class: TBI 3B

    1. Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality

    Eg: - Don’t talk to Devi, she’s very angry.

    Non-gradable adjectives

    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.

    Eg: - The drink was absolutely superb.

    2. Back when I was in elementary school, I had the ability to run fast compared to my other friends. I could run at a speed of one minute per two kilo meters.

    3. Verb as one of word classes shows people’s activity. It might have some types depending on their uses in a sentence. While learning English structure or grammar, learners have to know the verb types including verb with-ing and to.

    Eg: - She’s learning to cook, - They listening to friend’s presentations

    4. I.
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she coming to the seminar this morning.

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she couldn't to go.

    5. A clause is a part of sentence. One of the clause is relative clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker's meant. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
    Eg: - Dira is a diligent and cheerful child, she helps her mother clean the house every day, she studies diligently and does her homework, she has a nice smile and a beautiful eyeball. He was always polite and friendly, surrounded by his friends and loved by his family.

  50. Uas grammer
    Name : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052
    Class : TBI 3B
    1. Gradeble adjectives is A set of adjectives which in a sense have a degree of when modified using. With the adverb of degree added in the front or back of the right, the meaning of the right notation can be either stronger or stronger , or weaker. whereas non- gradable adjectives is the opposite, one that simply cannot have degrees in meaning, or one could say that a non-gradable reserctive ctive cannot be altered by an adverb of degree.
    Excample gradeble adj :
    Small, Big, Good, Bad, Hot, Cold, Angry, Happy, Expensive, Cheap, Important
    - Dina, my bestfriend is very beautiful
    - alif , my boyfriend is very handsome
    - my house verry big
    Excample non-gradeble adj :
    Terrible, Daily, Amazing, Wooden, Superb, Impossible, Internal, Dead, Excellent
    - To have you is impossible
    - you are amazing
    - you look Terrible
    2. With use modal verb or modal auxilary as can and be able to. Example I could not run really fast when I was a kid but my friend could run really fast when he was kid. I could not cook when I was a kid but now I can cook.
    3. From the Cambridge Dictionary, A verb is a word that describes any action, action, condition or experience. Verb following verb-ing In the end of the verb, the grammar used is the continuous tense alias that is under current use. In its use, this form of the verb is preceded by an auxiliary verb.
    Ex Ving : -walking ( she is always walking alone )
    -singing ( I am singing song with my friend )
    ex Infinitive
    -Would you care to swim?
    -I invited the new student to have dinner with me.
    4. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she will Coming to the seminar this morning
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me That she couldn't to go
    5. A clause is a part of sentence. One of the clauses is relative clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker’s mean. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause. The clause is relatively known as the clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective which gives additional information to a noun.
    Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which
    Ex : The woman that lives next door to me is a doctor
    ● Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without
    Ex : Where are the keys that were on the table?
    ● Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where
    Ex : It’s important to have friends with
    whom you can relax
    ● Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses
    Ex : Students who study hard will do well in my class.
    ● Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses
    Ex: My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.

    NIM : 191230048
    CLASS : TBI 3B

    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte / a bit, pretty/ quite, really /very / and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap,cold, expensive, frightening,funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.
    1. With grading adverbs (very, extremely,)
    2. In comparative and superlative forms
    3. To show someone or something has MORE or LESS of a particular quality
    Example: Adelia Putri, my best friend is very beautiful
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non gradable adjectives: amazing,ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous,excellent, exhausted, fascinatin, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, impossible, etc.
    To be very these are adjectives that mean “very” + adjective.
    They describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non gradable.
    Example: It is absolutely impossible to please everyone.

    2.When i was a boy i could climb trees very well . However, there was one tree that was very tall and i couldn’t climb it . One day, when i was feeling very energetic, i will a able to/ managed to climb the tree (specific time, situation).

    3.verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentences.

    The "-ing" form is used in progressive verb tenses with auxiliary verbs (helping verbs). These are in active voice.
    I am doing my homework.
    I have been writing all day.
    Verb to infinitive:
    All of the following verbs take the to-infinitive form of the verb : (can’t) afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, demand, deserve, fail, hope, learn, manage, neglect, offer, omit, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, (can’t) wait and wish.
    I want to speak to the teacher.
    She's learning to play the piano.

    4.I : She said she didn't have much free time
    II : She said that she wanted to buy a car

    Restrictive relative clauses give information that defines the noun information that’s necessary for complete identification of the noun. Use “that” or “which” for non-human nouns; use “that” or “who” for human nouns.
    Example : man wanted to buy the red car. He came yesterday.
    This type of relative clause merely provides extra information. The information may be quite interesting and important to the larger conversation, but it is not essential for precise identification of the noun. “That” cannot be used as a relative pronoun in a non-restrictive relative clause. Commas are always used at the beginning and end of this type of relative clause.
    Example : I’m planning to grow roses, which I find quite beautiful.
    Some types of relative clauses can be “reduced”— the relative pronoun and maybe other words can be removed. You might reduce the clause to make your writing more concise or to add sentence variety.
    Example: I like the bike that my father gave me.
    Remember that the relative pronoun is substituting for a noun, which could be singular or plural before the substitution.
    Example: People who win the lottery are lucky.

  52. Name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    Nim : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. Gradable adjective
    Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers.
    e.g : She is very pretty this morning.
    It can be extremely hot in laos in the summer.
    The theater which i saw last night, was really interesting.

    Non gradable adjective
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely.
    e.g : Now i can enjoy, because i have done my duty completely.
    My trip was absolutely excellent.

    2. When I was elemetary school i like english so much. Beacuse learning is is fun and interesting. i was reading book for studying english. Nad i told to my father if i wanted to learn english well. So i took english coursein LPBA. I learn english there about 4 months. So that’s why i am more clever about this subject than my friends. And then, i compire it with my friends, every we got duty my friends always ask me. at that time, i was very happy because i can teach them or sahre to them what i have learned. From it, i try to focus my dream by english.

    3. Verb is to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence (kata kerja)
    There are three kinds of verb
    - Ordinary verb : it has an activity
    - Linking verb : has no activity
    - Auxiliary verb

    With some verbs that you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing:
    e.g : I can’t imagine george riding a motorbike
    You can’t stop me doing what I want.

    If these verbs are followed by another verb, the structure is usually vrb + to... (infinitive) :
    e.g : It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home
    I promised not to be late

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.
    I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming to the seminar this morning.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn’t to go.

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences.
    - Who in relative clause when we are talking about people (not things). We use who instead oh he/she/they :
    e.g : We know a lot of people – they live in london
    We know a lot of people who live in london
    - When we are talking about things, we use that or which (not ‘who’) in a relative clause :
    e.g : Uzi works for a company which makes washing machine.
    - Whose in relative instead of his/her/their :
    e.g : We saw some people – their car had broken down
    We saw some people whose car had broken dawn
    - Whom is possible instead of who when it is the object of the verb in the relative clause :
    e.g : The woman whom i wanted to see was away on holiday. (i want to see her)
    - Where you can use where in a relative clause to talk about a place :
    e.g : The hotel – we stay there – wasn’t very clean
    The hotel where we stay wasn’t very clean

    1. good, while telling about your ability, you haven't applied its expression yet.

  53. Name : siti fatihatul makiyyah
    Nim : 191230040
    Class : Tbi-3B

    1. The adjective gradable is an adjective that can be modified to make it weaker, stronger or changed by placing the adverb in front of it. These adjectives can be measured in degrees such as size, age, beauty, etc.
    Given below are some adverbs which can be used to modify nested adjectives. They are known as adverb grading : very, very, little, little, very, quite, very, very, very, more, quite, a little, unusual.
    The non-gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be sent by an adverb. They describe qualities that either really exist or do not exist at all. They also cannot be used with comparative and superlative forms. Some examples of non-gradable adjectives include impossible, dead, electronic nuclear, southern, western, frozen, boiling, etc.
    2. When I was 8 years ago I really liked painting, I would paint whatever is in front of me, drawing paper scattered everywhere and brushes, also dyes, and I also have a friend who really likes painting, we both often paint together at times tenuous, his paintings are very beautiful, sometimes I am jealous of his extraordinary ability to paint. Can I exceed him? Can I also paint as beautifully as him? , I really want to paint like that beautifully and very neatly, oh that was last year when we were little, now we are both adults and we can learn together.
    3. A verb or verb (Latin: verbum, "word") is a class of words that denote an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic sense. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.
    infinitive is the original form of a verb without any affixes; for example "sing", "read", and "eat".
    like the following example:
    - sindi wants to drink coffee
    - I enjoy traveling abroad by myself
    4. I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she didn’t attend the sminar yesterday
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me dress up to go
    5. Relative clause or relative clause is the part of the sentence that is not really important. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if it is omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar.
    -The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    -The umbrella I bought last week is broken.

  54. Name : Firdha Laila Raamadhanti
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230060
    Intermediate English grammar
    1. what are the differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives? Please give examples of their usages!
    Answer :
    Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers
    Example :
    She was quite angry when she found out.
    The film we saw last night was really funny!
    It can be extremely cold in Russia in the winter
    Non gradable
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely.
    Example :
    Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
    Their farm was totally destroyed by a tornado.
    My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.
    2. How do you express your ability in the past? Then, how you compare it with other friend? Put your ideas about those questions in some sentences!
    Answer :
    I was able to travel far without being accompanied by parents when I was seventheen years old .

    Use yourself as your own benchmark. Compare how you are today with how you were in the past, and use how you want to be in the future as your source of inspiration
    Creating a false sense of superiority that is so fragile that it breaks down whenever you think you're not as good as other people is a self-destructive waste of time.
    This question is very interesting and makes us know how to compare ourselves well and not the element of judging yourself
    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please give 2 examples of them!
    Answer :
    Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by an -ing form or to + infinitive. 
    Example :
    - Stop
    Stop + -ing means the action is not happening any more.
    I've stoped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.
    Stop + to + infinitive means that someone or something stops an activity so that they can do something else.
    - Try
    Try + -ing means that you are trying something as an experiment, especially as a possible solution to a problem, to see if it works or not.
    Have you tried turning the computer on and off again?
    Try + to + infinitive means that something is difficult but you are making an effort to do it.
    I'm trying to learn Japanese but it's very difficult.
    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming to the seminar this morning
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn't to go.

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences.
    Answer :
    - Whose
    Example : What's the name of the man whose car you browwed ?
    - Whom
    Example : The woman with Whom be fill in love left him after a fee weeks
    - Where
    Example : I would like to life in a country where there is plenty of sunshine

  55. Name:M. Ibrahim Al adhim
    Class:TBI 3A

    what is the difference between a gradable adjective and a non-gradable adjective? Please give
    examples of their use!

    A graded adjective can be used with a "rating adverb" varying the adjective.

    The adjective non-gradable cannot be used with grading

    Examples of multilevel adjectives:

    He was furious when I left. The movie we watched last night was really scary. In Arabia it can be very hot in the summer

    Examples of non-grading adjectives:

    Thank you, I am happy to hear that, it's true. "It's amazing. This rain is really making farmers in trouble.

    2. How have you expressed your past abilities? Then, how do you compare with other friends? Put it
    your ideas about those questions in a few words
    I used to be very good at playing soccer because I used to go to a soccer club with many friends "I admit my ability to dribble

    Verbal means, "relating to words.

    when using multiple verbs, you can use the structure verb + someone + -ing:
    -You can stop liking him
    -Do not go anywhere

    The use of negative verbs and structures only adds not-ing to the sentence:
    -when I get sick, I don't need to go to school
    -When I had my period, my mood was out of control

    4. Use the reported speech to complete your answer in the following sentences.

    I. a: Sue is coming to Bandung this morning.
    b: Is he? I saw him a few days ago and he said to him: he's not going to bandung

    II. dimas has been invited to my wedding but he told me to tell his friend to go.

    5. Mention relative clause function! Give examples of their functions in sentences.

    Relative clause or relative clause is not really important part of sentence. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. However, if removed, the sentence will still have the correct grammar. There are two types of relative clauses in English. We can limit errors due to the choice of pronouns (pronouns) used to introduce clauses. There is a more detailed page on the placement of prepositions in relative clauses.

    * the man who visited me at the restaurant was very nice.
    * the car I bought last week is broken.
    * The man who stole my motorcycle has been arrested.
    * The weather we experienced this summer was beautiful.

  56. Name : Shinta Awaliatus Sa’adah
    NIM : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. Gradable adjectives are adjectives that can be modified in this manner.
    Example :
    -That's a very bad idea.
    -This food is truely tasty.
    Non-gradable adjectives are the adjectives that cannot be modified.
    Example :
    -This food is absolutely nice.
    -That's a completely mad idea.

    2. My name is Shinta. My hobbies are drawing and painting, So, my past abilities were drawing and painting. I have been able to appear in competitions when I was in Elementary and Middle School, have won and were not champions. Since then, I no longer hone my skills in my hobby. In the past, I can also be good at math and chemistry, I also often participate in several competitions and become a champion. The ability in terms of science and skills that I have, cannot be separated because my parents are smart and like beauty, and it turns out to be passed down to me. Looking back at the past, it makes me remember how the competition was and I miss participating in the race. I remember how my school selected dozens of students to be able to take part in science competitions on behalf of the school, me and my friend Isma, he was smart and always ranked 1st in class, while I only got 2nd place. Yes, all classes in my school are following In that selection, of the many students who participated in the selection, they on average were ranked 1st in their class, while I was only ranked 2nd in my class. However, I was still optimistic about participating in the selection because I had continued to train, so that in the end I, Isma, and Aldi became a team representing the school delegation. Alhamdulillah, no effort will betray the results. With our delegated school representatives, we also managed to get 1st place in a science competition. After a few days, I, Ishma and Aldi became very close and close, we often played together and studied together. Isma, he is very good at Mathematics, while Aldi likes biology lessons, while I am good at chemistry. Compared to Isma, I'm better at chemistry. And compared to me, aldi is better at biology and physics.

    3. Verb is a word that serves to show the action of the subject, show events or circumstances. Verb as one of word classes shows people's activity.
    • Verbs with V-ing
    Some verbs are normally followed by the -ing form, not the to-infinitive: admit,recommend, deny, finish, mind, avoid, dislike, give up, miss, imagine, stop, etc.
    Example :
    Verb-ing :
    (+) I always enjoy cooking.
    (-) I haven’t finished eating yet.
    verb + somebody + -ing :
    (+) I have imagine people doing exercise here.
    (-) You can’t stop people doing what they want.
    • Verbs + to ... (infinitive)
    Some verbs can be followed immediately by a to-infinitive : plan, afford, hope, demand, like, offer, pretend, agree, etc.
    Example :
    Verb+to…(infinitive) :
    (+) She hopes to go to Bandung next month.
    (-) I can’t afford to go on holiday.
    Verb + Object + to :
    (+) I tell someone to go here.
    (+) I expect something to be there.

    4. I. A : sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B : is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she she was feeling ill and she had to go to the hospital.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't come to my wedding because she must to go.

    5. Fuction of relative clauses, As :
    1. Subject
    Example : The child that is selling the candy sells the bag.
    2. Direct object
    Ex : The woman who I wanted to see was away.
    3. Indirect object
    Ex : I met the person that Ani gave gifts to.
    4. Object of the preposition
    Ex : I saw the bag that Fara told me about.

  57. Name : Liyanti
    NIM : 191230027
    Class : TBI-3A

    Adjectives that can be added or added with words to assess and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can enhance the next word (adjective).

    Big = Very big, rather big
    Smart = Very smart, smart enough
    Wise = Too wise, rather wise
    Clever = More clever, clever enough

    Example Sentence :

    Amel was more clever than Liya


    Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective.

    Absolutely = Awful
    Utterly = Excellent
    Completely = Terrified
    Totally = Dead
    Essentially = Chemical

    Example Sentence :
    She is terrified of the dark

    2. I am a girl who likes to sell. since elementary school I was taught to sell and make money on my own. When I was a child, I also enjoyed playing with my little friends, and from a young age I have also studied business, selling at home from the sale of used goods. I learned many things and studied independently since I was little until now. so that when I make friends who are also happy, I can share what I do. share with friends, especially on business matters. such as, how to communicate, good promotion, making product designs, choosing products, selling tricks and others. share with friends. the results I got.

    3. Verb (V-ing) is called the Gerund and (To) infinitive. Both are words formed from verbs to function as nouns.

    #Gerund (Ving) is verbs that are structurally marked not materially. The gerund can also be defined as a verb that functions as a noun..

    Example :
    - Thank for you visiting me to my home
    -Thanks for your helping me!
    - i dont mind your going without me

    The infinitive referred to here is to infinitive, which is the conversion of the verb into the form to + V1 so that it can be used as a noun. The to infinitive can be subject, object and complement of subject.

    Example :
    To learn English is my purpose.
    [to infinitive for subject]

    I. She said she can't come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invinited to my wedding but she said can't to go.

    5. The function of Relative clause is one of the dependent clause types. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence.

    Example : I like the bike. My father gave me the bike

  58. Name : Ainun Nadiroh
    Class : TBI 3 B
    NIM : 191230038
    1. adjective gradable : Adjectives that can be modified or added with words to strengthen and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can increase the next word (adjective).
    Example : Big = very big, rather big
    smart = very smart, smart enough
    it’s very important to me because it is one of my notebook
    Non-gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning in general cannot be modified by the adverb of degree, because it means "extreme" or is a classifying adjective.
    example : safety in workplace is important
    2. My past ability is I can speak Arabic and I understand Arabic lessons better than English, while my friend is good at speaking English.
    3. Verb is a word used to describe an action, state or occurrence and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence.
    example : The rabbit is walking on the grass. He is riding car from Jakarta to Banten
    4. I ) a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b : Is he ? I saw her a few days go and she said told me she couldn’t come to the seminar, because he had to visit his grandmother.
    II ) Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me he had to go out of town because of his job.
    5. Relative clauses. We use a relative clause to give extra information about the nouns in the main clause, without starting another sentence. The relative clause goes immediately after the noun it relates to. The relative pronouns are: who / that subject or object pronoun for people which / that subject or object pronoun for animals or things where refers to a place when refers to a time expression whose possession for people, animals and things.
    Example : The toy that I bought last week it is already broken

  59. Name: Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Nim: 191230057
    Class: TBI 3B


    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, strengthened or weakened.
    Meanwhile, Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.

    Example gradable adjectives: I see a very big house near the street
    Example gradable non- adjectives: the weather is freezing, I need a jacket

    2. When I was a child I really liked playing football, in my environment, I used to play football with my friends, if I that talent I could a great football player like Lionel Messi.

    3. Definition of verb: a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used
    as an auxiliary or linking verb.
    Ex: I haven't finished writing this letter.
    Ex: I've stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that she had many task today.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she doesn't have partner to go.

    5. a. Integrated (restrictive) relative: The relative provides information that helps identify the referent of the antecedent further.
    Ex: A woman (who I know) got hit by a car.

    b. Supplementary (appositive, non-restrictive) relative: Adds information on the antecedent that is not required to identify it.
    Ex: My mother, (whom you met at my wedding), got hit by a car

    c. Cleft relative: Only occurs in the special cleft construction.
    Ex: It was my mother (who got hit by a car).

    d. Fused relative: In such relatives there is no explicit antecedent. Instead the relative phrase is at the same time the antecedent.
    Ex: I liked (what you presented at the conference).

  60. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    TBI 3_a

    1. *Gradable adjective is a group of adjectives which in terms of meaning can have levels when modified using the adverb of degree. By adding the adverb of degree in front of or behind the adjective, the meaning of the adjective can change to become stronger or stronger, or weaker. For example, changing the level of the following adjective: rather hot, hot, very hot. The focus of the adjective in this example is “hot”, it turns out that after we add various adverbs, we can make them have a grade, namely, a bit hot - hot - very hot, this is what is meant by a gradable adjective.
    * non-gradable adjective or what is sometimes known as the ungradable adjective is the opposite, namely a group of adjectives that cannot have a level in terms of meaning, or it can be said that the non-gradable adjective cannot be modified by using the adverb of degree. Examples of non-gradable adjectives include the word "wooden", of course we cannot say "very wooden", or "rather wooden". This is what is meant by a non-gradable adjective.

    - big, rather big, very big.
    - cold, rather cold, cold enough.
    - hot, very hot, extremely hot.
    - important, moderately important, so important.

    2. My past abilities are where I show that I can be an MC. My formal MC ability is usually showed when there are formal events at school, do I like to compared with other people of course yes, because sometimes I felled down and incesure if saw others is better but sometimes I encouraged myself more.

    3. Verb According to the Merriem-Webster dictionary, a verb is a word that denotes an action, behavior, or event that affects the subject. In the arrangement of the part of the speech, the verb is usually directly behind the noun / pronoun that is the subject.

    In Indonesian, verbs are commonly referred to as "verbs". However, there are verbs in English that cannot stand alone, aka require other sentences that can be related.
    A verb can be followed by another verb. The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.

    * Verbs followed by the -ing
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.

    - I don't mind waiting if you're busy.

    * Verbs followed by to + infinitive
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.

    - She's learning to play the volly ball

    Other verbs in this group include afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.

  61. Name : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    Class : TBI 3A

    1. The different is Gradable in the English dictionary means that it can be modified or modified. When we speak in the grammar of English, then we can imply an gradable adjective is an modifiable adjective. The modified meaning of the adjective can be enhanced or weakened. The meaning of the word gradable conductive can be reduced or added to. The words that are often used and are a sign of a gradable is: very, lymore, shout and etc..
    She is very sweety. "Very sweety" is a form of gradable opportunctive where the word "sweety" becomes strengthened

    Non-gradable adjective may also be called ungradable adjective. Non-gradable adjective has the opposite properties with the gradable adjective. Where gradable adjective is a modifiable adjective, then reverse with a non-gradable adjective. Non-gradable adjective has meaning that cannot be modified or altered. Thus, we cannot strengthen or weaken the sense of the adjective referred to earlier.
    Example :
    It is absolutely impossible to walk in the summer

    2. In order to express my abilities in the past, I usually looked at some of the figures that kept me motivated first and then I learned what I saw, put my clock into practice. In addition to expressing my ability to do so much to follow an opportunity or an activity that keeps me going, I look for a container or place where I feel comfortable. And the way to compare my abilities with other friends is to ask friends or people who see my ability to correct what is seen in me. I ask them to criticize and advise me, after which I will try to practice my skills with my friend

    3. In Oxford dictionary, the verb is said to be 'it is used to show an action or state of being'. So it can be concluded that the verb is a word used to describe an action or as a designation of the action. Some verb can be a direct action or action, but some verb function to refer to things like the verb to be (is, am, are).

    We can make a sentence use "verb + Ing"
    For a verb that ends with the letter "e," remove the "e" and add the end - ing. Ride to riding '. For the finished verb "ie," replace the "ie" with the letter "y" and then add -ing. For example, die becomes dy.
    - Example: My mother was cooking in the kitchen
    - She was coming last day

    We can make a sentence using "to+verb+infinitive" As a noun, That's work as subjects, objects, and appendages. Some phrases that use "to+verb"
    - Example: I walk to the class to take the book
    - I go to kitchen to cook a noodle

    4. a. Sue is coming to the summer this morning
    b. Is She? I Saw her a few days ago and She side She want to go to hers boarding school.
    c. Ana has been invited to my wedding but She told me If She hasn't arrived in My wedding cause she was sick

    5. Relative clause is one kind of flowery clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb, but cannot stand alone as one sentence. The function is similar to the adjective function or adjective that is
    Provides additional information in a noun.
    Pronoun invariably begins with pronoun replacing noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when phrase is combined. Which includes in the pronoun:
    1. Who: Used to refer human objects, replacing subject nouns or pronoun
    Example: I like the person who is diligent

    2. Whom: Used to refer human objects,, change/replecing objek nouns or pronouns
    Example : Audiences Whom I love

    3. Whose: Used to refer human objects, Use to change possessive nouns atau pronouns
    Example : There is the man whose car was stolen

    4. That: Is used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and may also be used to replace inanimate things.
    Example: I take that book today

    5. Which: Being a subject or object.
    Example: The river which flows through the town is polluted.

  62. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    TBI 3_a

    4. - Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    - is she? I Saw her a few days ago and she said that she would to bandung
    - Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she apologised can't to go

    5. Relative clauses function similarly to adjectives or word functions, namely to provide additional information to a noun. Relative clauses always start with a relative pronoun which replaces a noun, noun, or pronoun when several sentences are combined. There are several words that are included in relative pronouns

    * Who: sits down to describe human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the subject noun or pronoun (he, she, we, they).
    * Who: Also used to describe human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the object object or pronoun (him, her, us, them).
    Whose: Apart from who and who, some are also used to store human objects. This pronoun is used in place of a noun or possessive pronoun (his, hers, our, their).
    * Where: That which can be used to describe living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and can also be used to replace inanimate objects.
    * Which has unique elements. Why? It can be a subject or object, it can be used with relatively non-restrictive clauses, and it can also be used with relatively restrictive clauses, although most people don't like it.
    The use of relative pronouns that can be used by both subject and object in a sentence.

    * Relative pronoun as a subject
    - I like the person who was nice to me.
    * Relative pronoun as an object
    - I like the bike that my father gave me.

  63. Name : Herman
    NIM : 191230045
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. What are the differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives? Please give
    examples of their usages!

    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ pretty/ quiet, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.

    Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective

    Example gradable adjective:

    • The film we saw last night was really funny.

    Example non-gradable adjective:

    • That was absolutely awful for me.

    2. How do you express your ability in the past? Then, how you compare it with other friend? Put
    your ideas about those questions in some sentences!

    In my past, I didn't have good enough English skills because I was lazy to learn English at school, I rarely read books or studied English with friends after I entered college at UIN and passed the English department I will be more active I am studying.
    and when compared to other friends, my English speaking ability is probably very much worse, therefore I have to be more active in learning English.

    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please
    give 2 examples of them!

    Verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject. In the composition of the part of speech, the verb is usually located right behind the noun / pronoun that is the subject.

    VERB + ING
    The structure is usually verb + ing
    Ex :
    • stop smoking.
    • I'll do the shopping when i've finished reading the book.

    The structure is usually verb + to + Infinitive
    Ex :
    • we Decided to take a taxi home.
    • Salia tends to talk too much.

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.

    I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she : he's not going to the seminar

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me convey to his friend to go.

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences.

    The function from the types of relative clauses is:
    -Restrictive relative clause provides information that explains the noun. And use that or which for non-human nouns and use that or who for non-human nouns.
    Example: Student who study hard will do well in my class and i hope my class will success whom study hard everyday.
    -Non-restrictive relative clause which provides additional and extensive information. And do not identify the noun correctly.

    • The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    • The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    • The girl who is walking is my little sister.
    • The weather that we had this summer was beautiful.

  64. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi
    Class : TBI 3B
    Nim : 191230059

    1. Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality, e.g.: The questions were completely impossible.

    he adjective hot is gradable. Other qualities cannot vary in intensity or grade because they are: extremes (for example: freezing).
    Adverbs used with gradable and non-gradable adjectives.
    gradable non-gradable
    He's pretty tall. It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it.

    3. A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb. In English, verbs are the only kind of word that changes to show past or present tense.
    Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or a to-infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.
    by -ing
    -we haven’t finished eating yet
    -i always enjoy cooking
    by to- infinite
    -i like to eat porridge in the morning
    -we prefer to drive during the day whenever we can

    4. I. she said that she had to take her mother to her grandfather’s house today
    II. she had a little problem and unable to go

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    Relative Clause Example: The university where my sister goes to school is in Chicago. ( Where my sister goes to school is a relative clause. It contains the relative adverb where, the subject sister, and the verb goes. The clause modifies the noun university.)

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Nama Ahmad Najiullah
    Class TBI 3B
    Nim 191230043
    Mata Kuliah Intermediate English Grammar

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, strengthened or weakened.
    Meanwhile, Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    2. My ability in the past, i could singing a lot of song and I have been able to perform in singing competition when i was 9 years old but now can not do it as before. I nave a best friend, her name is elsa and her hobbies are painting and writing. she have been able to shows her writing ability in writing competition when she was 15 years old and she became champion in the competition. Until now she is can do her ability.
    3. Verbs or verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence. Based on the object, the verb can be divided into two
    Example :
    : I've stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.
    : He stopped the video to ask the students some questions
    4. a. Sue is coming to the summer this morning
    b. Is She? I Saw her a few days ago and She side She want to go to hers boarding school.
    c. Ana has been invited to my wedding but She told me If She hasn't arrived in My wedding cause she was sick
    5. Cleft relative: Only occurs in the special cleft construction.
    Ex: It was my mother (who got hit by a car).
    Fused relative: In such relatives there is no explicit antecedent. Instead the relative phrase is at the same time the antecedent.
    Ex: I liked (what you presented at the conference).

  67. Name: Noni emelia putri
    NIM: 191230046
    Class: TBI 3 B

    1. Gradable : Most of the adjectives can be judged. This means we can have different levels of quality. For example, you can be a little cold, very cold, or very cold. We can make it weaker or stronger with modifiers:
    He was very angry when he found out.
    The movie we watched last night was really funny!
    In Russia it can be very cold in winter.
    Non Gradable: Some adjectives cannot be graded. For example, something could not be done very little or very much. You may not be a little dead or very dead. This adjective describes absolute quality. To make it stronger, we have to use modifiers like absolute, total, or all:
    Thank you, I love it! Absolutely perfect!
    Their farm was completely destroyed by a tornado.
    My work is really done. Now I can relax.
    Or, Adjectives describe a quality that something has. To describe variations in temperature, for instance, we can use hot or cold, which are gradable adjectives but to describe the limits of temperature we use boiling or freezing. These are ungradable adjectives. Use adverbs to make adjectives weaker or stronger.

    2. Abilities can be expressed using modal verbs and phrases. Students often prefer to use capable because this is the easiest form. As students progress, they begin to use cans, could, and managed. It is at this point that students face the rules of use and often make mistakes. In this article, I will focus on the most commonly used modalities for the capabilities and the most common mistakes. The present tense is simple, the past tense has special rules that must be followed. The most important rules relate to general abilities and special abilities. The way we distinguish from friends is to see how our friends express past events with language or other. For example one day my family and I went on vacation at the summit. From the word can, which is one day I have experienced an embarrassing incident.

    3.Verbs or verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence. Based on the object, the verb can be divided into two.

    Example :
    I’ve stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.
    I enjoy traveling.
    He stopped the video to ask the students some questions.
    He offered to help us wash up.

    4. A. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    B. Is she ? I saw her a few days ago and she said she...coming to the seminar this morning

    Anna has been intive to my wedding but she told me that the couldn’ go

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. Its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.
    Example in sentences : Gilang and Donal went to
    The Marlborough stretch in the city of Bengkulu is a very famous place in Bengkulu because it was one of the legacies of the colonial era, the fort was a defensive landscape during the Dutch colonial period. The place is filled with history, when Gilang and Donal went there they saw several historical objects such as Mariam, prisons and so on.

  68. Name : Nawiroh
    NIM : 191230047
    Class : Tbi 3b
    Answer :
    1. ) Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.
    Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible, and so on are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes. The reason cannot be modified because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme or is a classifying adjcetive. Therefore gradable and non-gradable adjectives are two words that are different in usage and the same in position.
    The use of gradable and non-gradable adjectives
    a. Gradable
    Adjectives that can be modified or added with words to strengthen and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can enhance the next word (adjective). Example:
    Big = Very big, rather big
    Smart = Very smart, smart enough
    Important = Moderately important, very importan
    Wise = Too wise, rather wise
    Clever = More clever, clever enough
    Example of sentences:
    It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook
    That coffee is pretty hot
    Henry was more clever than Adib
    b. Non-gradable

    Non gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective.
    Absolutely = Awful
    Utterly = Excellent
    Completely = Terrified
    Totally = Dead
    Essentially = Chemical
    Example of sentences:
    She is terrified of the dark she (pr) is afraid of the dark
    That was awful it was terrible
    The chemical products chemicals

    2. ) from childhood to adulthood I love Arabic writing. one day I took part in a calligraphy competition and finally I won first place.
    a.) My expertise lies in the agility of my hands in writing Arabic while my friend writes in Indonesian.
    b.) I like Islamic painting. while my friend likes landscape painting.

    3.) Verbs can be followed by other verbs. The second usually needs to be changed to the infinitive form or to the + form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.
    Verbs are followed by shaping
    When enjoying, acknowledging and the thought is followed by another verb, it must be in the form that - ing.
    example :
    -I enjoyed the trip.
    -He confessed to stealing the necklace.
    -I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
    Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practice and suggest.
    The verb is followed by the infinitive form to +
    If want, learn, and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the form to + infinitive.
    example :
    -I want to speak to the manager.
    -She's learning to play the piano.
    -She volunteered to help us take a shower.
    Other verbs in this group include buy, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and want.

    4.) I. Coming to the seminar this morning
    II . That she couldn't

    5.) Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun. A relative clause always starts with a relative pronoun that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined.
    1.a.Bali is Paradise Island
    b.It has a lot of historical temples
    Bali which has a lot of historical temples is Paradise Island
    2.a.The animal is a dog
    b.It hunted my brother last night
    The animal which hunted my brother last night is a dog.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Name : Hatada Azkiya
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230064
    Intemediate English Grammar
    1. It is an adjective when it can be graded. When you get different degrees of ‘strength’ the adjective can be used.
    Example : She was quite angry when she found out.
    A Non-gradable adjective is an adjective that is used when it cannot be graded. It is generally used when you cannot give different degree od strength to it.
    Examples :Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
    2. My skill when I was in high school was pencak silat, and I always participated in competitions in every event, and had won during competitions
    A. sports that train dexterity are martial arts
    B. football only trains the legs, but pencak silat trains all
    3. Verb is a word that describes any action, action, condition or experience. In English, a verb is often called a verb because a verb shows activity from the subject in a sentence.

    Its use in English we know the grammar which can be identified by the time zone difference. From the present, past, and future.
    4. I. B. Coming to the seminar this morning
    II . That she couldn't
    5. Each of the restrictive relative clauses qualifies the antecedent noun phrases or nouns in the sentences in which they occur.
    examples : The handphone that I bought last week has started making a strange noise!

  71. Herlina
    TBI 3B
    Intermediate English Grammar
    Gradable conductive is a form of conductive or adjective in English whose meaning can be altered, either amplified or weakened.
    Examples : 
    1. I see a very big house near the street 
    2. the weather is extremely hot 
    3. my score is rather good 
    4. Dina, my bestfriend is very beautiful 
    5. this story is so important to hear 

    Non-gradable adjective Is an adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or altered, because its meaning is quite extreme or powerful.
    Examples :
    1. what do you know about nuclear reactor? 
    2. the weather is freezing, I need a jacket 
    3. she likes western style 
    4. do you need external memory for your handphone? 
    5. To have you is impossible.

    2. I had loved grapevine from childhood, I had been in the qori and prayer tournament, and thank god I also won the champion of the tournament. 

    a. My expertise in sound appealing while my friend noni is in music
    b. I loved the songs of prayer and the sparrows loved songs of Solos

    3. Verb is a word that describes any action, action, condition or experience. In English, a verb is often called a verb because a verb shows activity from the subject in a sentence.

    Its use in English we know the grammar which can be identified by the time zone difference. From the present, past, and future.
    4. I. B. Coming to the seminar this morning
    II . That she couldn't
    5. Each of the restrictive relative clauses qualifies the antecedent noun phrases or nouns in the sentences in which they occur.
    Ex : I like the bike that my father gave me.
    Remember that the relative pronoun is substituting for a noun, which could be singular or plural before the substitution.
    Example: People who win the lottery are lucky.

  72. Name :zian lestari
    Class :tbi 3 b
    Nim :191230050

    Gradable conductive is a form of conductive or adjective in English whose meaning can be altered, either amplified or weakened.
    Examples :
    1. I see a very big house near the street
    2. the weather is extremely hot
    3. my score is rather good
    4. Dina, my bestfriend is very beautiful
    5. this story is so important to hear

    Non-gradable adjective Is an adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or altered, because its meaning is quite extreme or powerful.
    Examples :
    1. what do you know about nuclear reactor?
    2. the weather is freezing, I need a jacket
    3. she likes western style
    4. do you need external memory for your handphone?
    5. To have you is impossible.

    2. I had loved grapevine from childhood, I had been in the qori and prayer races, and thank god I also won the champion of the race.

    a. My expertise in sound appealing while my friend noni is in music
    b. I loved the songs of prayer and the sparrows loved songs of solos

    3. .My ability is sing and i express this ability with joining some activities in the music zone like marawis

    4. I. Coming to the seminar this morning
    II . That she couldn't

    5. Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who*, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them. Here are some examples: ... I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.

  73. Sahrul romadoni
    TBI 3 b
    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, strengthened or weakened, and is influenced by the adverb of degree or adverb that can increase the word (adjective), while gradable non-adjective is an adjective that can’t be modified in the meaning of the adjective is pure without a mixture of the adverb of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category.

    Gradable adjective:
     Mother looks very beautiful when wearing a white dress.
     I drink a cup of coffee which is rather hot
     I will go to the mountain to see the amazing scenery
     I will go to London,and we are impossible together again forever. 

    2. I really like to draw animation and animals in the form of animation when I was 10 years old. I usually draw with my friend named Rosikin, he prefers coloring than drawing. We usually practice drawing and coloring when we get home from school. And now our abilities are growing because we always practice drawing and coloring. Now I can draw facial sketches and Rosikin who used to only be able to color, is now can to paint.

    3. Verb is a word that describes an action, action, condition or experience of something.

    + Verb followed by-ing : These verbs emphasise the action or event in progress. Example : She is sleeping in her room.
    -I am playing foot ball
    -sahrul is eating bread in class

    +Verb followed To infinitive: In its use in a sentence, there are several To Infinitive functions (infinitive with to) which use or use as follows:

    • Subject of sentence: To eat at restaurant is cool.
    • Subject Complement: My dream is to buy a lamborghini
    • Direct object (object of verb): Obi likes to climb the trees.

    4. I. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she will Coming to the seminar this morning
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me That she could not to go

    5. .relative clause its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information on a noun.

     Who: Used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the subject noun or pronoun (he, she, we, they).Eg: the men who’s cooking is my mom.

     Whom: Also used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the object nouns or pronouns (him, her, us, them).Eg: the girl whom kick yesterday is my friend

     Whose: Apart from who and whom, there are whose also used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace possessive nouns or pronouns (his, hers, our, their).Eg: i kiss my mom whose hair is long
     That: That can be used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and can also be used to replace inanimate objects.Eg: The girl that I talked will meet me today

     Which: Which has unique characteristics. Why? Which can be a subject or object, can be used for non-restrictive relative clauses, and can also be used for restrictive relative clauses, although most people don't like to use it. Eg: this is guitar whichalways I use everyday

  74. Name: Maftuhah Hanum
    Class : TBI 3B / 191230065
    1. Gradable Adjective Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc.
    Ex: don’t talk to jenny, she’s very angry
    non-Gradable Adjective that is when it can’t be given different degrees of “strength”.
    ex: the food was absolutely superb
    2. I was very skillful in photography, firstly I do it because I like taking pictures. Once I had a friend that has the same hobby as me, we used to taking pictures and hunting for good places together. And since she moved abroad, I feel less interested in photography and I’m still looking for a new hobby.
    3. Definition of verb : a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being, that in various languages is inflected for agreement with the subject, for tense, for voice, for mood, or for aspect, and that typically has rather full descriptive meaning and characterizing quality but is sometimes nearly devoid of these especially when used as an auxiliary or linking verb.
    Ex : - They thought about all the prizes in the competition., - We went to the market.
    4. – she said she can’t come to the seminar
    - Anna has been invited to my wedding but she said can’t go
    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence.
    Ex : I am moving to Louisville, KY. It is home to the Muhammad Ali Museum.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..
    Siti Masitoh


    1. Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage, such as big to very big meaning strengthened. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.

    E.g : hussi was more clever than Masitoh
    E.g : Hussi Fear of cockroaches

    2. Since entering the campus, my friend and I are interested in authorship. We thought our talent was writing, so I tried to write what was on my mind. And my friend chose to read a lot of stories before writing his. I started having difficulty tidying up PUEBI and EYD because I had never previously learned to write. But my friend managed to write properly and correctly because he had previously read many works.

    Now I realize that learning writing is important, because writing also has rules. so yeah, my best friend writing better than me

    3. Verb is a classification of words that describes an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic explanation. This type of word is often used as a predicate in a sentence or phrase.

    Verbs or verbs function to review an activity or an act or activity carried out by someone.
    for the structure verb followed by-ing (Verb + Somebody + ing)
    E.g: - I saw Hussy writing a book
    - You have meet who missing you

    And for verb with to infintive (subject + Verb + To infinite)
    e.g: I ask my mom to bring my lunch.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wouldn't come to the seminar this morning.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me, she had not to go.

    5. Relative clause is a clause that is dependent or dependent. Has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone. Its functions are like adjectives, providing more information about nouns

    E.g: I write poetry for my best friend who has done my assignment.

  78. بِسْÙ…ِ اللَّÙ‡ِ الرَّØ­ْÙ…َÙ†ِ الرَّØ­ِيم
    Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. Gradable adjectives is an adjective whose meaning can be modified (strengthened or weakened) by placing the adverb of degree in front or behind it. Meanwhile, Non-gradable adjectives is an adjective which generally can't be modified by the adverb of degree, because it means 'extreme' or is a classifying adjective.

    Example of gradable adjectives :
    • My score is rather good.
    • My father will build the extremely big house for my mom.

    Example of non-gradable adjectives :
    • It is absolutely impossible to please everyone.
    • Their relationship was really terrifying.

    2. When I was senior high school, I could dance ballet. Ballet for me is very interesting and fun. I always watch ballet dance on youtube and try it. I was very happy at that time, because when I did gymnastic floor practice I could do it without feeling difficult, because I've a fairly flexible body compared to my friends who have other abilities. With my ability at that time, I was asked by my friends to teach various styles during sports. For example, handstand, headstand, and split so that my friends can pass the gymnastic floor test.

    3. Verb (verb-ing) is called the Gerund and (to) infinitive. Both are words formed from verbs to function as nouns.

    Verb-ing (gerund) is a word that functions as a noun, but comes from a verb which is then added with the suffix-ing. Gerund can be used as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence.

    Example :
    • Studying English is fun.
    • Our assignment is writing an essay.
    • I enjoy travelling in Bali.

    The infinitive is 'to' which is added to the verb (verb). Like gerund, the infinitive can be used as the subject, object, and complement of a sentence.

    Example :
    • I'm happy to meet you.
    • To learn English is my purpose.
    • She wants to read.

    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come because she was going for an examination and she had to study hard.

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that her boss is calling there is work to do at the office and she has to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because the functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    Example :
    • I like the person who was nice to me.
    Who used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the subject noun or pronoun.
    • I hate the dog that bit me. 
    That can be used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and can also be used to replace inanimate objects.
    • I got fried rice from my friend whose mother was a chef.
    whose used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace possessive nouns or pronouns (his, her, our, their).
    • He whom I sang the song was my boyfriend.
    Whom used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the object nouns or pronouns (him, her, us, them).
    • I got some snacks which very delicious.
    Which has unique characteristics. Why? Which can be either a subject or an object, can be used with non-restrictive relative clauses, and can also be used with restrictive relative clauses, although most people don't like using it.

  79. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    Example :
    I’m worried about Tom, he’s dreadfully unhappy.
    This is a very important matter.
    That slice of cake is rather big.

    Non-gradable adjectives
    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives.
    Example :
    The questions were completely impossible.
    The food was absolutely superb.
    The questions were completely impossible.

    2. I liked many things like singing and learning languages, and I used to feel that I could do well in English and sing in comparison with my friend, but she speaks english well and that she was good at singing, so I did not give up and developed what I loved into my ability by constantly trying to be able to singing. I also often compared my ability to speak the language with her to see if my language was any better.

    3. Verb is a doing word that shows an action, an event or a state
    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs.
    Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: choose, agree, hope, learn, manage, ect.
    For example :
    - You agreed to helping Rifki with his homework.
    - Amel hope to see you again at the next studying.
    Verbs followed by an object + the to infinitive include: advise, all

    4. I. A : sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B : is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she she was feeling ill and she had to go to the hospital.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't come to my wedding because she must to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective. it gives more information about a noun.

    Fuction of relative clauses
    1. Subject : the girl that is pulling the man pulls the cat
    2. Direct object : Rita read the letter that your uncle wrote
    3. Indirect object : Rifki met the person that Rita gave candy to
    4. Object of the preposition: she met the woman that lin told me about something

    NIM : 191230079
    1. The different between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives
    a. Gradable adjectives :
    Most adjective is gradable, this means we can have different levels of that quality. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning can be modified either strengthened or weakened, for example: beautiful can become (very beautiful, rather beautiful, beautiful enough), so it can be said that gradable adjective is a weakening or strengthening of the adjective form. ( I think that your girl friend is beautiful enough ).
    b. Non-gradable adjectives :
    Non gradable adjectives or adverb is one that cannot be used in the comparative of superlative, or that cannot be qualified by words such as ‘very’ or ‘quite’.
    As the word stated, Non-Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning cannot be modified anymore, so it cannot be weakened or strengthened. Because the adjective non-gradable already has an absolute meaning. Examples: Impossible, possible, freezing, annual and others (it is possible for me to be a winner)
    a. When I was in high school, I always practiced push ups, sit ups, running and increasing knowledge about Indonesia because I wanted to be a member who raised the flag. So when I was 16 years old to be precise in grade 10 I was elected as my school representative to become a member of the Paskibraka at the Tangerang district level, I was very happy because with this I could beat the competitiveness of other schools. friends in other schools, they asked me what I did to graduate. I continued to study and practice even though it was hot during the day, practice answering questions and practicing
    Definition of verb : verb are words that show an action, experience or existence. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentences. Almost every sentences requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive.
    Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by-ing or a to infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The –ing form emphasizes the verb itself. The to infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the result of the action.
    Example :
    I hope to see you next week.
    I hope that I'll see you next week.
    He is painting.
    She was waiting.

    4. A : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t attend because of a sudden need.
    B. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't attend, she is going to Surabaya for 3 days
    5. What is relative clause ?
    A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentences. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective. Relative clause are used either as adjectives or adverb.
    For example :
    “Jon, who was their coach, receive the medal also”. The relative clause begins with a relative pronoun “who” and describes the noun “Jon”.\
    Relative pronoun as a subject :
    I like the person who was nice to me.
    I hate the dog that bit me.
    I am moving to Louisville, which is where the Muhammad Ali Museum is.
    Relative pronoun as object :
    I like the bike.
    My father gave me the bike.
    I like the bike that my father gave me

  81. Name: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Class: TBI 3C

    1. what are the differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives? Please give
    examples of their usages!

    Gradable adjectives: Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.

    -This food is extremely tasty
    - That’s a very bad idea
    - Don’t talk to Dinda, she’s very angry

    Non-gradable adjectives: Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.

    - the question were completely impossible
    - This food is absolutely delicious
    - The food was absolutely superb

    2. How do you express your ability in the past? Then, how you compare it with other friend? Put your ideas about those questions in some sentences!

    Answer: When I was a child I was very happy with dancing, I was very happy dancing because for me dancing is very fun, we can express our feelings towards dancing, even now I still like dancing, compared to my friends who prefer dancing. singing, I prefer to dance, because I don't have a beautiful voice to sing, therefore my friends often ask me to teach them to dance, and I also give some tips on how to quickly memorize dance moves. for example, like we have to pay attention to what the trainer teaches, then memorize it in our own way so that it is easy to understand, and remember the rhythm in the dance.

    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please give 2 examples of them!

    Verb is a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.

    verb-ing is used to describe something that has happened and can be called a gerund or continuous.

    To infinitive is the basic form of the verb (verb). The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). So if the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form.


    - I like listening old music on the radio
    - I'll always remember meeting you for the first time.

    To infinitive:
    - Don't forget to buy food to our dinner
    - I try to learn English, but it's very difficult

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.

    I. A: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t come to the seminar.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague.

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences!

    A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    - Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
    - Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
    - A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.
    - I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke.

  82. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salasbilah
    Class : tbi 3c
    NIM : 191230086

    1. Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. The following are some examples of common gradable adjectives used with grading adverbs:

    i'm absolutely like Chocolate
    my family are very important for me

    Non-gradable adjectives
    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality, e.g.:

    The questions were completely impossible.
    The food was absolutely yummy.

    Adjectives which identify something as belonging to a particular type, sometimes referred to as classifying adjectives, are also non-gradable.

    2. When I was little I loved hearing people who were good at speaking English, I often watched cartoons with Indonesian subtitles and from there I got interested in English and started to study seriously. until I was at school I was very impressed with my friends who memorized English songs, I chose to take language lessons and after graduating from school I chose to go to the English village in Kediri to learn more deeply and practice it

    3. Verb or verb is a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.

    verb-ing is used to describe something that has happened.

    To infinitive is the basic form of the verb (verb). The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). So if the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form.

    Verb = Beni beat me
    V-ing = I finished doing my task
    To infinitive : she went to the market to buy vegetables.

    4. B. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.

    A. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.

    The boy who is walking is my little sister.

  83. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah
    Class:TBI 3C

    Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened. The words that are often used and are signs of a gradable are:
    * Really
    * Rather
    * Really -Examples of sentences, she is very beautiful (she is very beautiful). The word very beautiful is a form of the adjective gradable where the word Boliful becomes.
    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be changed or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong. Examples of words that are often used as non-gradable adjectives in English sentences.
    * Impossible
    * Freezing
    * External
    * Nuclear
    * west
    -Example of sentences Owning you is impossible
    2. The way I showed my skills in the past was by participating in a competition that spoke English at the high school level where my classmates from one other class did not want to be a representative and I was very proud, even though I was not the winner but with experience I have the motivation and enthusiasm to learn more about English.
    3.-The meaning of a verb or verb is a classification of words that describes an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic explanation. In the use of verbs that end with -ing, the grammar used is to present continuously. In usage, the form of this verb begins with an auxiliary verb (is, am, are, was, were). Example: I'm working / we're eating
    -to infinitives can be interpreted as the root verb with "to". Example: Infinitive: My goal is to win the marathon.
    4. |
    a: Sue will hold a seminar this morning. b: Is he? I met him a few days ago and said he's busy working on the assignment report
    c. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me not to go.
    5. Relative clause or relative clause is part of the sentence that is not really important. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if you remove it, the sentence will still have the correct grammar. Example: The weather we experienced this summer is very beautiful.

  84. Name : Amanah Fitriah
    NIM : 191230089
    Class : TBI 3 C

    1. • gradable adjective : Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    example : it's very important to have good friends
    • non-gradable adjective : Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.
    example : let's stay in tonight, it's absolutely freezing outside.

    2. when I was in elementary school, I had the ability to drawing. drawing is a fun thing for me compared to my friends, i'm still better many of my friends asked me to paint her face, or make her a pretty picture.

    3. Use of the verb followed by the -ing form concentrates on what happens. The second verb is really the object of the first one. These verbs include: remember, forget, try.

    - I definitely remember switching the lights off before we went out.
    - She tried talking to him, but he wouldn’t listen.

    -Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    • I agreed to help Shona with her homework.
    • I hope to see you again at the next meeting.

    4. I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b : is she? i saw her a few days ago and she said, she couldn't come because she was going to the market.

    II. a : Anna has been invited to my wedding, but she told me that she couldn't to go.

    5. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence. For example: The unicorn possessed magical powers, which could heal the sick.

  85. Name: Maftuhah
    NIM: 191230091
    class: TBI 3C

    1). Gradable is a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence it can be modified according to its usage such as big to very big meaning strengthened.

    Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.

    Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible, and so on are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes. The reason cannot be modified because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme or is a classifying adjcetive. Therefore gradable and non gradable adjective are two words that are different in usage and the same in position.

    The use of gradable and non-gradable adjectives
    a. Gradable Adjectives that can be modified or added with words to strengthen and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can enhance the next word (adjective). Example: Big = Very big, rather big Smart = Very smart, smart enough Important = Moderately important, very importan Wise = Too wise, rather wise Clever = More clever, clever enough Example of sentences: It is very important to me because it is one of my notebook That coffee is pretty hot Henry was more clever than Adib

    b. Non-gradable Non gradable adjective is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverbs of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category. Therefore, an adjective that has extraordinary meaning is called a non-gradable adjective. Absolutely = Awful Utterly = Excellent Completely = Terrified Totally = Dead Essentially = Chemical Example of sentences: She is terrified of the dark That was awful it was terrible The chemical products chemicals.

    2). when I was in junior high school, I loved writing short stories. I think writing is a very fun activity, especially when writing we can imagine and have new ideas. I have even written many short stories which I will later make into my anthology of short stories. Compared to my friends, I am very good at writing short stories because of that, many of my friends ask to be taught how to write short stories well.

    3). Gerund (Ving) is a word that is formed from a verb and functions as a nound by changing it into the present participle form or what we know as V-ing. After being converted into a V-ing form, the gerund has a function like a noun, namely as subject, object, object of preposition and even complement of subject.

    Consider the following examples:
    a. Reading books is my hobby. [gerund as subject]
    b. He enjoys sleeping on the sofa. [gerund as object]

    The infinitive referred to here is to infinitive, which is the conversion of the verb into the form to + V1 so that it can be used as a noun. The to infinitive can be subject, object and complement of subject.
    Consider the following examples:
    a. To learn English is my purpose. [to infinitive as subject]
    b. Dwi wants to check up in the hospital. [to the infinitive as object]

    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she will be attending ? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come because his parents were sick and had to look after him in the hospital.
    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had news from her sister to pick her up at the airport and she had to go

    5) Relative clause serves as an adjective to explain or provide additional information in detail on a noun

    Example: The boy who lent me an umbrella yesterday is gorgeous
    Based on this example, we can understand that in a relative clause, two clauses that are merged need each other. Without one, the clause will lose its specific meaning.

  86. Name : Atikotul muafakoh
    Nim : 191230083
    Class: TBI-3C

    1. Gradable Adjective is a form of adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened.
    Non-Gradable Adjective is a form adjective in English whose meaning can’t be modified and changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.

    *E.g. gradable adjective*
    - Rather (My heels is rather high)
    - Important/Very (History lessons so important to hear and understand/History lesson are very important to hear and understand).
    *E.g. non-gradable adjective*
    - External (I need external memory for my handphone)
    - Impossible (For Muslimah to go traveling abroad on their own is impossible)

    2. When I was a child I could climb trees very well. However, there was one tree that was very tall and I couldn’t climb it . One day, when I was in senior high school, my friend asked me to go up a coconut tree. i feel so energetic, i can / manage to climb the tree.

    3. Verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. 
    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem. I agreed to help Shona with her homework.
    Example :
    - I love swimming but I hate jogging.
    - They always enjoyed visiting their friends.
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come because she was going for an examination and she had to study hard.

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that her boss is calling there is work to do at the office and she has to go.

    5. Relative clause or relative clause is not really important part of sentence. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. However, if removed, the sentence will still have the correct grammar. There are two types of relative clauses in English. We can limit errors due to the choice of pronouns (pronouns) used to introduce clauses. There is a more detailed page on the placement of prepositions in relative clauses.

    Example : What's the name of the man whose car you browwed ? 
    ‌- Whom 
    Example : The woman with Whom be fill in love left him after a fee weeks 
    ‌- Where 
    Example : I would like to life in a country where there is plenty of sunshine 

  87. Name : Nihayah
    Nim : 191230077
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. -gradable adjective :
    Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened.
    example : He is very angry about it.
    -non-gradable adjective :
    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    example : He is absolutely forious about it.

    2. I was 16 years old, I have the ability to cook because I often help my mother, for me cooking is very fun, compared to my sister my cooking skills are better than my other siblings, so they asked me to teach him how to make delicious food.

    3. Use of the verb followed by the -ing form concentrates on what happens. The second verb is really the object of the first one. These verbs include: remember, forget, try.
    - I enjoy travelling
    - I don't mind waiting if you're busy

    -Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    - She's learning to play the piano.
    - He offered to help us wash up.

    I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b : is she? i saw her a few days ago and she said, she couldn't come because she was going to the market.

    II. a : Anna has been invited to my wedding, but she told me that she couldn't to go.

    5. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence. For example: The unicorn possessed magical powers, which could heal the sick.

  88. Hena Hopipah

    1. Gradable adjectives is one that can be used in the comparative or superlative or that can be qualified by words such as 'Very' or 'Quite'

    For example:
    I felt completely exhausted after the gym session

    Meanwhile, non-gradable adjectives is one that can't be used in the comparative or superlative or that can't be qualified by words such as 'Very' or 'Quite'

    For example:
    it was freezing outside

    2. When I was 17 years old i took part in journalism. I have a team of 6 people, each person was assigned their respective fields and I was selected in the writing field.
    I was specialized in writing, such as making news, short stories or poetry. I love it!

    Sometimes my team becomes a reporter to look for news, inside and outside of school. My team is also invited to various events, even invite to work together. And my team also succeeded in making a magazine. It was tiring but so much fun.

    Almost a year of participating in journalistic has made my talent in writing even better. And I love reading more and more, fiction and non-fiction. In making the word, I am capable. Even so, still my other friends are also studying and the results were good.

    In that team, it's not just about writing but there are fields of photography, editing and design. And I also studied it even though the results are better my friends.

    3. Verb is an action, verb is word that is something you do.

    To use verb followed by -ing is you must use a gerund. A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun.

    For example: I avoid eating pizza

    The infinitive form of a verb appears either as the basic form (with no marking) or with the word “to.”

    For example: I like to eat Pizza

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she had to come.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she hasn't to go.

    5. A Relative Clause serves to combine two sentences into a single sentence. There are 'That, who, which, whose, whom and where'.

    We can use "who" for people as subject. For example: the girl who is walking is my little sister.

    Use "which" for things can be subject or object. For example: This is the music which I always listen.

    Use "Where" when we talk about place.
    For example: Today she will go to her home where it is located near from my home.

    Use "Whom" is the object of the verb.
    For example: The girl whom I met yesterday is my little sister.

    Use "Whose" for things/people (Possesive).
    For example: I met my little sister whose bag is red.

    Use "That" for things/people can be object or subject.
    For example: The girl that I talked will married next month.


  89. Name : Siti Fatimatuzzahra
    NIM : 191230081
    Class : TBI-3C


    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened. That is to describe variations in temperature, for instance, we can use hot or cold.
    Example : It was cold enough to snow.

    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong. That is to describe the limits of temperature we use boiling or freezing
    Example : The freezing point of water is 0°C.

    2. In the past, when I was in grade 3 of elemtary school, I was able to ride a motorbike while my friends couldn't, I studied to ride it with my neighbors. Tips for being able to quickly ride a motorbike:
    • Don't be afraid
    When you are about to start something, get rid of your fear because if you are afraid we will not dare to start.
    • Don't give up
    Usually, if you learn a motorbike, you will feel a fall and that's a normal thing, don't make it an obstacle.
    • Repeat continuously
    Repeating is something that must be done in doing anything because repeating will get used to it.

    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs.
    The verb followed by -ing is the present participle or gerund. The present participle is usually used as the part of the continuous form of a verb, after a verb related to the senses, after a verb related to movement, or as an adjective. While the Gerund has the same function as a noun even though it looks like a verb. Gerunds can be used in the same way as nouns.
    To infinitive is a non-finite verb. In other words, it cannot be the main verb in a sentence. To infinitive can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
    Example :
    Verb = Jacob walks in the morning // Mike is going to school
    V – Ing = I finished cooking a rice // I felt boring at home
    V – to invinitive = We planned to take a holiday // She decided to stay at home

    4 I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
    Example :
    I like the bike that my father gave me.
    I hate the dog that bit me.

  90. Name : Rina
    Class : Tbi 3C
    NIM : 191230071

    ANSWER :
    1. The adjective hot is gradable. Other qualities cannot vary in intensity or grade because they are: extremes. (for example : He's pretty tall)

    Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality. (For example : It's pretty ridiculous when you think about it)

    2. It is a matter of pride in itself, because I was a member of the Paskibra and then when I was in class XI I was appointed the head of the Scout Movement coordinator where not everyone can occupy that position. maybe it is one of the stories to be proud of me.

    3. Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by an -ing form or to + infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.

    4. B. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.

    A. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go.

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.
    Example :
    The old man with you came to the school is my uncle.

  91. Siti Azizah
    Tbi 3C
    UAS ieg

    The answer
    1. Gradable adjectives is Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    Example : This food is extremely tasty.

    Non Gradable adjectives is Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described.
    Example : This food is absolutely delicious.

    2. Surely I feel the difference between the present and the past, now I am more confident in doing whatever I we I can do, but in the past, there were so many things that I was ashamed of, and that’s the reason I didn’t have the confidence to do any work,
    3. A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.
    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem. I agreed to help Shona with her homework. The driver attempted to remove the flat tyre.
    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.
    A: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.

    B: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she could not come because there was an urgent even

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told he could not come because there was an urgent event to go .

    5. What is a relative clause A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun.
    Here are some examples: ... I won’t eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke. I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.

  92. Name : Wardah Makhrofatul Jannah
    Class : TBI 3-C
    N.i.m : 191230097
    1. gradable adjectives are adjectives that you can add "very" to for instance: very cold, very hot, very lonely...These adjectives have intensity or can show different degrees of being "fill out any adjective here", e.g. cold.
    non-gradable adjectives are adjectives like: married, dead... You can't be very married or very dead. There are no different degrees of being married or dead.
    2. When i was in elementary, i can memorizing Al-qur’an. While my friend can’t be more than two juz. But now, I forgot my memorization. While my friend already finished memorizing it.
    3. A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.
    Examples of action verbs are: walk, talk, think, see, eat, find, believe, sit.
    Examples of verbs that relate a state of being are: am, are, is, will, was, were.
    Verbs can work together, this function is called an auxiliary or helping verb

    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs.
    Some verbs may be followed either by the to infinitive or by the -ing form with little or no change in meaning. These verbs include: begin, start, cease, continue, intend, like, love, hate, prefer.
    For example :
    1. He began to run around shouting.
    He began running around shouting.
    2. She likes to swim in the sea.
    She likes swimming in the sea.
    4. A. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t come to the seminar.
    B. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go.
    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective. it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.
    1. I like the person who was nice to me.
    2. I like the bike that my father gave me

  93. Nama : Vina Soraya Andini
    NIM : 191230075
    Kelas : TBI 3C
    1.Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality. The following are some examples of common gradable adjectives used with grading adverbs:
    Don’t talk to Jenny, she’s very angry.
    Sorry, I can’t stop, I’m extremely busy.
    I’m worried about Tom, he’s dreadfully unhappy.
    Non-gradable adjectives
    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality, eX
    The questions were completely impossible.
    The food was absolutely superb.
    Adjectives which identify something as belonging to a particular type, sometimes referred to as classifying adjectives, are also non-gradable:
    The questions were completely impossible.
    The food was absolutely superb.

    2.when I was in elementary school, I didn't like English. but because my mom is an english teacher, so my mom put me in some course. starting from grade 4 in elementary school until graduating from elementary school I tutored English. that's where it appears I like English and want to learn it. Then when I was in junior high school, I was at a collage, at the pesantren we spoke 2 languages ​​in everyday language. so from there I started to learn to speak English. And when I was in high school I often took part in speech competitions and also debated English. after I graduated I chose English major for my further studies. I once participated in a speech contest in semester 1 and thank God I won. then I also took more lessons to practice my English skills. so that you can speak English more fluently. tips from me how to like English and want to learn it
    1. Intention
    2. learn, from anyone and anywhere
    3. practice, and memorize vocabulary of at least 5 words per day
    4. Speak a little English in everyday life

  94. Next. Vina Soraya Andini
    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentences.
    Verbs followed by a to-infinitive
    Some verbs can be followed immediately by a to-infinitive:
    mean (= intend)
    I can’t afford to go on holiday.
    It began to rain.
    She hopes to go to university next year

    Verbs followed by -ing
    -ing but not to-infinitive
    Some verbs are normally followed by the -ing form, not the to-infinitive:
    (can’t) help
    (can’t) stand
    keep (on)
    I always enjoy cooking.

    Verbs followed by a to-infinitive or -ing
    Hate, like, love, prefer
    Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or a to-infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.

    -ing form


    I love cooking Indian food. (emphasis on the process itself and enjoyment of it)

    I like to drink juice in the morning, and tea at lunchtime. (emphasis more on the preference or habit)

    She hates cleaning her room. (emphasis on the process itself and no enjoyment of it)

    I hate to be the only person to disagree. (emphasis more on the result: I would prefer not to be in that situation.)
    Hate, like, love, prefer with would or should
    When hate, like, love and prefer are used with would or should, only the to-infinitive is used, not the -ing form:

    She’d love to get a job nearer home.

    Not: She’d love getting a job nearer home.

    Would you like to have dinner with us on Friday?

    To-infinitive or -ing form with a change in meaning
    Some verbs can be followed by a to-infinitive or the -ing form, but with a change in meaning:

    go on

    -ing form


    Working in London means leaving home at 6.30. (Because I work in London, this is the result or consequence.)

    I didn’t mean to make you cry. (I didn’t intend to make you cry.)

    He went on singing after everyone else had finished. (He continued singing without stopping.)

    She recited a poem, then went on to sing a lovely folk song. (She recited the poem first, then she sang the song.)

    4. Is she ? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t attend because of a sudden need.
    B. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she can't attend, she is going to Makassar for a week

    5. Relative clauses are clauses starting with the relative pronouns who, that, which, whose, where, when. They are most often used to define or identify the noun that precedes them. Here are some examples:
    Do you know the girl who started in grade 7 last week?
    Can I have the pencil that I gave you this morning?
    A notebook is a computer which can be carried around.
    I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke.
    I want to live in a place where there is lots to do.
    Yesterday was a day when everything went wrong!

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. Siti Najwa 191340088 TBI-3C
    1. If the Gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning can be modified either strengthened or weakened, for example: beautiful can be (very beautiful, rather beautiful, beautiful enough), so it can be said that gradable adjective is a weakening or strengthening of the adjective form in English.
    Example: I need a jacket because it is very cold.
    Meanwhile, the Non-Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning cannot be modified anymore, so it cannot be weakened or strengthened. Because the non-gradable adjective already has absolute meaning. Example: Impossible, posible, freezing, annual and so on.
    Example: Do you know? that is possible way for you to get good score in the examination.
    2. When I was in senior high school, I realized that I have the talent to joke, i have some ability to make people laugh i don't know why whatever i do they always laugh at me and I expressed my talent by joking in front of my friends and even in front of my teacher as well, they all laughed and I am proud of myself for bening funny, with my ability to make people laugh makes me have a lot of friends. One time how interested is I have a friend she is quiet, lonely, and she is one of the smartest students in my school, she is so smart in math but she doesn't have any friend maybe because she likes to be alone i don't know, then because I'm always joking in the class she watched me and she approaches me to be friend and we become bestfriend now, I am silly and stupid but funny, while my best friend is smart, rich and pretty. We complement each other.
    3. Verb is a word used to discribe an action, state or accurance. Verbs followed by the -ing form When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    1. I enjoy watching this movie.
    2. I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
    Verbs followed by to + infinitive form. When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
    1. I want to talk to you.
    2. She offered to help the old lady.
    4. I. B: Is she? I saw her a few daya ago and she said that she have another business so she couldn't attend that seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had surgery schedule in this week in Singapure that she have to go.
    5. Relative clause is a dependent clause which functions as an adjective to explain a noun and provide an explanation of the noun in detail. There are 2 types of Relative Clause, namely: Relative Clause using Relative Pronouns and those using Relative Adverbs. Relative Pronouns and Relative Adverbs are both as conjunctive pronouns. Both give an explanation of a noun. Both are used to combine 2 sentences / clauses into 1 sentence. However, Relative Adverb more specifically explains the time, place and reasons. There are 5 kinds of Relative Pronouns, namely who, whom, whose, which, and that. Who: Used to refer to human objects.
    Whom: Also used to refer to human objects.
    Whose: used to refer to a human object (one's possession).
    That: That can be used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and can also be used to replace inanimate objects.
    Which: Which can be a subject or object.
    1. I met the man who helped me fixed my bicycle.
    2. I lost the book that I borrowed from my friend.
    3. The one whom I love was gone.
    4. The book which has red cover is mine.
    5. The girl whose money I owed was kind.
    There are 3 kinds of Relative Adverbs, namely where, when, and why.
    Where: used to indicate a place.
    When: used to show the time when it happened.
    Why: used to show a reason.
    1. I drank two bottles of coffee in the Indomaret where i wasn’t find any wifi.
    2. When I was 10 years old, I used to play the kite.
    3. I have no idea why Math is so difficult.

  99. Bismillahirrohmanirrohim…

    Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG


    The Answer
    1. Differences between Gradable adjectives and Non-gradable adjectives

    A. Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    The words that are often used and are signs of a gradable are:
    • Very
    • Rather
    • Extremely
    So for example, she is very beautiful (she is very beautiful). The word very beautiful is a form of gradable adjective in which the word Beautiful is strengthened.
    Example :
    • Don’t talk to Syifa, she’s very angry.
    • That slice of cake is rather big.
    • The weather is extremely cold

    B. Non-gradable adjectives
    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.
    Examples of words that are often used as non-gradable adjectives in English sentences.

    Example :
    • The weather is freezing, I need a jacket
    • The questions were completely impossible
    • Andin likes western style

    2. When I was in junior high school, I was very happy with dancing, and I also felt that I had the ability to do that, I often danced alone in my room, or at school, and because I really liked it . Finally I asked to make dance and dance extracurricular activities at my school and thank God the school did not refuse, from there I was more happy to mean it and there was a place for me to channel my skills, unexpectedly many of my friends wanted to join and finally there we studied together and because I did go in first and can say that I suggested to create a dance group, they often asked questions and asked to be taught. Even though there are actually some who have more abilities than me but because they are embarrassed to show it, it seems like they are just ordinary. But when I entered high school in a modern hut, my hobby and my ability to dance was forced to stop because I was not allowed to dance like that. But it's okay, even in my little life, I want to stop dancing like that especially in public.

    3. Verb is a word that describes an action, action, condition or experience of something. In Indonesian, verbs are often called verbs because they show the activity of the subject in a sentence. Verb is the most important part and always appears in every sentence. This English verb is also a little unique. If you think that a verb has to be an action, you are wrong. The English verb can describe a condition.

    A verb can be followed by another verb. The second one usually needs to change into the -ing form or the to + infinitive form. Which form you need depends on what the first verb is.

    • Verbs followed by the-ing form

    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.

    - I enjoy travelling.
    - He admitted stealing the necklace.
    - I don't mind waiting if you're busy.

    Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practise and suggest.

    • Verbs followed by to + infinitive form

    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.

    - I want to speak to the manager.
    - She's learning to play the guitar.
    - He offered to help us wash up.

    Other verbs in this group include afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.

  100. NEXT

    Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG


    The Answer

    4.Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.

    I.a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming to the seminar this morning.

    II.Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn’t to go.

    5.Relative Clause

    Relative Clause is also known as Adjective Clause. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. That means, it cannot stand alone even though this clause has sentence elements in the form of subject and verb. So the meaning of Relative Clause is a dependent clause which functions as an adjective (adjective) to explain a noun (noun) and provides an explanation of the noun in detail. There are 2 types of Relative Clause, namely:
    •Relative Clause by using Relative Pronouns
    •Relative Clause by using Relative Verb

    A.Relative Pronouns
    Relative Pronouns are usually placed after the noun (noun) to clarify which object or person we are talking about. There are 5 kinds of Relative Pronouns, namely who, whom, whose, which, and that.
    Relative Pronoun Formula: Relative Pronoun +/- Subject + Verb

    1. Who
    Using the word "Who" in b Relative Pronoun which is used to describe a person as a subject.

    Example :
    -I talked the woman who sat next to me.
    -I saw someone who was stealing something in supermarket.
    -Most people who live in Japan speak Japanese as their first language.

    2. Whose
    Using the word "Whose" in a Relative Pronoun which is used to describe someone's ownership.

    Example :
    -There is a man whose car was stolen.
    -I have a classmate whose father is famous singer.
    -We helped the man whose house fired.

    3. That
    Using the word "That" in the Relative Pronoun which can be used to describe people as subjects, people as objects, and objects.

    Example :
    - I have a friend that is a vegatarian.
    - The fruits that I bought in supermarket were expensive.
    - A person that doesn’t read will lack of knowledge.

    4. Whom
    Using the word "Whom" in the Relative Pronoun which is used to describe the person who is the object.

    Example :
    -The girl whom I make friend with is crazy.
    -She whom I sang song was my girlfriend.
    -I got angry to someone whom I yelled at.

    B.Relative Adverb

    Relative adverb is an adverb commonly used to identify a relative clause. The task is the same as the Relative Pronoun, namely to provide additional information on the Independent Clause (Main Sentence). There are 3 kinds of Relative Adverbs, namely where, when, and why.

    Formula: Relative Adverb +/- Subject + Verb.

    1. Where
    Using "Where" in the Relative adverb which is used to describe information about a place.

    -Gita sent me a lot of text in her room where we actually sat there together.
    -Never live inside the box where you can’t find any beautiful colors out of it.
    -I drank two bottles of coffee in the Indomaret where i wasn’t find any wifi.

    2. When
    Using "When" in the Relative adverb which is used to describe the time when.

    Example :
    -When Gina sad, she always calls me.
    -I miss my chilhood when I can play all day.
    -My mom said she will give me gift when my birthday come.

    3. Why
    Using "Why" in the Relative adverb which is used to explain a reason.

    Example :
    -I don’t know why she angry to me.
    -Now I understand why my neighboor moves to Jakarta.
    -I have no idea why Math is so difficult.

  101. Name : Nurul kholifah
    NIM : 191230100
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened.

    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.

    Example of Gradable : she is very beautiful
    Example of Non-gradable : what do you know about nuclear reactor?

    2. I could play guitar two years ago, while my friend can only play it now , we had different talents at that time. He Really like the piano. Whereas I really like Guitar because in the music of guitar I can play all of music that i like and i want. But Even so, we always support each other until the end he wants to follow what I love.

    3. Verb or verb is a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.

    verb-ing is used to describe something that has happened.

    To infinitive is the basic form of the verb (verb). The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). So if the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form.

    Contoh :
    Verb = Beni beat me
    V-ing = I finished doing my task
    To infinitive : she went to the market to buy vegetables.

    4. B. I Saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.

    A. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.

    The boy who is walking is my little sister.

  102. Name : Erna Herawati
    Nim : 191230103
    Class : TBI 3c
    Course : IEG

    Final Test

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened.
    Example: she is very beautiful
    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be changed or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    Example: what do you know about nuclear reactors

    2. "Could" is a modal verb used to express possibility or past ability as well as to make suggestions and requests. "Could" is also commonly used in conditional sentences as the conditional form of "can." past ability. You could see a movie or go out to dinner.
    My friend's phone was engaged all day yesterday. Finally, late in the evening, I could speak to him. In this sentence, we should use I was able to because it is the easiest to form. As learners progress, they begin to use can, could, and managed to.

    3. Verbs or verbs are a class of words that express an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.
    verb-ing is used to describe something that has happened.
    To infinitive is the basic form of the verb (verb). The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). So if the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form.
    Verb = Beni beat me
    V-ing = I finished doing my task
    To infinitive: she went to the market to buy vegetables.
    Example : He is flying to Tokyo now.

    4. -I Saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come to the seminar.
    -Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.
    Example:The girl who is walking is my little sister.

  103. Nama : Rini sri wahyuni
    kelas : tbi 3 c
    nim. : 191230094
    1. Gradable adjectives
    Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    - This is a very important matter.
    - my mother is very angry this morning

    non gradable adjectivies
    Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality
    - The exercise was completely impossible
    - This book is absolutely excellent.
    2. When I was in elementary school, at that time I was very fond of playing music such as playing piano, pianica, this was known by my father, finally my father bought me a piano as well as my father told me to enter music class, until I was active in music I often being asked to appear at school events it makes me so happy that it makes me a little proud of myself. and that's what makes me the comparison between me and my friends
    3.Uses of Verbs-Grammar Grammarly tell you what the subject of a sentence or clause is doing (or being). Verbs are conjugated according to person, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, or voice. Verbs are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. A verb can express a thought by itself (with the subject implied) and be understood.
    Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by an -ing form or to + infinitive.

    Stop + -ing means the action is not happening any more.

    I've stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.

    Stop + to + infinitive means that someone or something stops an activity so that they can do something else.
    He stopped the video to ask the students some questions.
    4. Sue is coming to the summer this morning
    b. Is She? I Saw her a few days ago and She side She want to go to hers boarding school.
    c. Ana has been invited to my wedding but She told me If She hasn't arrived in My wedding cause she was sick
    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined.

    The girl who is walking is my little

  104. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    NIM : 191230078
    Class : 3 C


    A. Gradable adjectives

    Most adjectives are gradable. this adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size & age. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers:

    Dila was quite angry when she found out.
    The movie we saw last night was really creppy!
    It can be extremely cold in Canada when its winter.

    B. Non-gradable: absolute adjectives

    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely:

    Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely stunning!
    your house was totally destroyed by a thunderstorm.
    his homework is completely finished. Now he can relax.


    When I was a just little girl, I could literally climb up the trees. However, there was one tree that was very big and tall that I couldn’t climb it. But then one day, when I was feeling very energetic and confident about it, I was be able to climb up the tree. i was so excited and proud to my little self.


    A verb is a kind of word (part of speech) that tells about an action or a state. It is the main part of a sentence: every sentence has a verb. In English, verbs are the only kind of word that changes to show past or present tense. This means the definition above only works well for English verbs.

    Some verbs have a different meaning depending on whether they are followed by an -ing form or to + infinitive.
    Stop + -ing means the action is not happening any more.

    dila stopped buying the cute useless stuff because now she’s trying to save money.

    Stop + to + infinitive means that someone or something stops an activity so that they can do something else.

    She stopped the video to ask the teacher some questions.

    Try + -ing means that you are trying something as an experiment, especially as a possible solution to a problem, to see if it works or not.

    Have they tried turning the oven on and off again?

    Try + to + infinitive means that something is difficult but you are making an effort to do it.

    I'm trying to learn the korean culture but it's very difficult.

    Remember + -ing and forget + -ing refer to having (or not having) a memory of something in the past.

    I remember eating this cake before.
    I'll never forget watching movies with you for the very first time in this theater.

    Remember + to + infinitive and forget + to + infinitive refer to recalling (or not recalling) that there is something we need to do before we do it.

    Please remember to pick up some groceries on the way home.
    She forgot to flush the toilet when he went out.


    1.She couldn’t come to the seminar because she had an appointment first with her therapist.
    2. she wouldn’t be able to appear on my wedding day because she has an important business travel that she has to go.


    They introduce a new topic or set the stage for the development of a topic. They help to compare different kinds of items. They provide elaboration or background information about a noun phrase. And they can refer back to earlier information in the discourse.

    Yesterday I met a lady who works in the coffee shop.
    I bought a new cell phone that has internet access.
    There’s the 5 stars restaurant where I ate last night.

  105. Name : ila karmelia
    Nim: 191230087
    Class: tbi 3C

    1.Gradable adjectives are adjectives that can be modified made weaker, stronger or altered by placing adverb in front of them. These adjectives can be measured in degrees such as size, age, beauty, etc.
    He owns a fairly expensive car.

    Non-gradable adjectives are the adjectives that cannot be modified by adverbs. They describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They cannot also be used with comparative and superlative forms. Some examples of non-gradable adjectives include impossible, dead, nuclear, electronic, southern, western, freezing, boiling.
    He wore a red t-shirt.

    2. I really liked English when I was in the second grade of high school, and my brother liked Arabic since the 3rd grade of junior high school. even though I don't like it if my sister likes Arabic, but because of that choice my sister and my sister really like it until she is proficient and in the end we both like what we like even though it's different.

    3. Stop + -ing means the action is not happening any more.

    I've stopped buying the newspaper because now I read the news online.

    Stop + to + infinitive means that someone or something stops an activity so that they can do something else.

    4. I. B: Is she? I saw her a few daya ago and she said that she have another business so she couldn't attend that seminar.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had surgery schedule in this week in Singapure that she have to go.

    5.Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.
    The girl who is walking is my little.

  106. Nama: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    TBI 3C
    Course: Intermediate English Grammar

    The answer of final exam
    1. A graded adjective can be used with an "adverb of judgment" which varies the degree or intensity of the adjective. as an example:
    • The movie we watched last night was really scary!
    • he has a very old car.
    Non-gradable adjectives cannot be used with grading adverbs. This adjective describes absolute quality. To make it stronger we have to use modifiers like totally, completely or completely. as an example:
    • The exam results were really bad. He had to take the exam again.
    • The cat was dead

    2. When I was in junior high school, I became interested in English subjects. At that time I took extracurricular English classes to hone my language skills. there I learned about how to pronounce English words correctly and practiced speaking English with my colleagues. While practicing speaking, my friends and I told each other how to pronounce or told unknown vocabulary.

    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs.
    Gerund or verb-ing is a verb that becomes a noun (verb + ing). The uses of verb with verb-ing are with some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing or other structures are possible with admit, deny, suggest, recommend and etc.
    • Mr.Criss minds visiting the ceremony
    • John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice
    To infinitive is a verb that follows another verb that is still in one clause. the following verb is always followed by an infinitive if the complement is a verb; agree, want, desire, hope, learn, and etc.
    • I want to go with the man in the mall
    • Mary learned to swim when she was very young

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was coming to the seminar this morning.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she hadn't to go.

    5. A clause is a part of a sentence. A relative clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of person or thing) the speaker means.
    Relative clause that uses a relative pronoun
    1. Who
    Used to describe the person in question as the subject.
    I met the man who gave me free drink in a festival last month.
    2. whom
    Is being used to explain the person within the object.
    Mr. Smith whom I sent the letter is my teacher.
    3. Whose
    Used to explain the ownership of the person in question.
    I have a in whose father is a famous singer.
    4. Is used to explain people as subjects, people as objects, and objects
    Diana loves the present that Tom gives to her.
    5. which
    Used to explain things
    The book which / should buy is sold out.
    relative clause which uses relative adverbs
    1. where
    Shows a place, meaningful where
    Example: The place where my mother was born.
    2 when
    Shows time, meaningful moments
    Example: She called me when she was sad.
    3. Why
    Shows the reason, the meaningful why.
    Example: I do not know why he left his nouse.

  107. Lulu Nabila
    TBI 3 C
    PAS Ganjil IEG

    1. A gradable adjective is an adjective that can be modified or added to strengthen and weaken sentence structure and is influenced by adverbs that can further enhance the word (adjective). Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of the adverb of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeared from the adverb of degree category.

    Examples of the adjective gradable: Don’t talk to Lulu, she’s very angry
    Examples of non-gradable adjectives: it's impossible for everyone to like them.

    2. When I was in elementary school, I participated in a quiz competition. I am very happy and proud to be a representative of my school. I always study every night. At that time studying was my hobby, because when I was studying I could find out new things that I didn't know before. I was asked by my teacher to study harder before the competition started and I finally won first place.

    3. Verb (verb-ing) is called the gerund and (to) infinitive. In a sentence, the Gerund and the Infinitive can function as a subject. However, for the infinitive, it is usually at the end of the sentence and the subject at the beginning of the sentence is replaced by "It".

    Gerund: Reading books is fun.
    Infinitive: To travel to Kediri would take 19 hours with train.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come because she was going for an examination and she had to study hard.

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that her boss is calling there is work to do at the office and she has to go.

    5. Relative clause is one that depends on the previous word. It has a subject as well as a verb but it cannot stand alone as a sentence.
    This relative clause is also often called an adjective clause because it functions as an adjective that describes a verb information.

    Example: I hate people who are mean to me.

  108. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 3C


    1. Gradable adjectives : It say an adjective is gradable when it can be graded, that is when it can be given different degrees of “strength”. For instance, if we take the adjective big, we can say that something is a little big, quite big, very big or extremely big, among other possibilities. Therefore, big is a gradable adjective.
    Examples :
    -He's has a very big house.
    -Please don't forget! It's really important.
    -She's pretty tall.
    -That slice of cake is rather big.
    Non-gradable adjectives : It say an adjective is non-gradable when it can’t be graded, that is when it can’t be given different degrees of “strength”. This usually happens when we have an adjective which already has an extreme, absolute or classifying meaning. Take the adjective huge, for example. In this case we can’t say a little huge or quite huge or any other degree, as huge already means extremely big. However, we do have adverbs that collocate with these adjectives. Normally we can use words like completely or absolutely.
    Examples :
    -It was freezing outside
    -The food was absolutely delicious
    -The questions were completely impossible.

    2. When I was a child I was afraid to start conversations with new people but after I entered campus then tried to work when holidays came and join campus organizations. I am used to talking to new people even though I am still afraid and feel nervous I think it is important to build relationships with many people who have experience and abilities in their fields.

    3. The definition of verb : Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing.
    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs.
    a). Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    Examples :
    -I agreed to help Rose with her homework.
    -I hope to see you again at the next meeting.
    b).Verbs followed by the -ing form include: avoid, be used to, delay, dislike, escape, finish, forgive, give up, go on, imagine.
    Examples :
    -I usually avoid going into crowded place because of Covid-19
    -Have you finished reading that book yet?

    4. I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come to the Seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she didn’t have time to go.

    5. The function of relative clauses is similar to the adjective function, which is to provide additional information to a noun. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning.
    Examples :
    -I’m buying a gift for the neighbor who helped me move .
    ( Who helped me move is a relative clause. It contains the relative pronoun who, which also functions as the clause’s subject, and the verb helped. The clause modifies the noun neighbor.)
    -I'd like to paint the room a color that is cheerful.
    ( That is cheerful is a relative clause. It contains the relative pronoun that, which also functions as the clause’s subject, and the verb is. The clause modifies the noun color.)
    -The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    -The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.

  109. Nama : Anissa Siti Nurhalisa
    NIM : 191230110
    Class : TBI 3D
    1. Gradable adjectives can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    (Example: She was quite angry when she found out).
    Gradable non-adjectives they do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. (Example: My work is completely finished. Now I can relax).
    2. When I was in grade 2 high school, and there was a tahfidz program. I really feel pressured by memorizing it. Finding it difficult to memorize. But my friends' memorization has gone a long way in advance. And I fell behind.
    But I will try to catch up on memorization. And they also tried to support me. So that my memorization is equal to them. Finally I was able to catch up with them because of my ability and the support of my friends.
    3. Verb is the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing.
    The verb following by-ing The verb followed by -ing is the present participle or gerund. The present participle is usually used as the part of the continuous form of a verb, after a verb related to the senses, after a verb related to movement, or as an adjective.
    To infinitive is a non-finite verb. In other words, it cannot be the main verb in a sentence.
    Verb following by-ing: I reading a red book
    Verb infinitve: I need to run everyday
    4. I. B: I saw her a few days ago and she said she can’t come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague.
    5. The function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun and Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. (Example: I’m buying a gift for the neighbor who helped me move).

    TBI 3C
    1) - Adjectives gradable means we can have different levels of that quality.We can make them weaker or stronger. This means that their meaning can be modified (made stronger, weaker, or otherwise altered) by placing one or more adverbs in front of them. For example, you can be a bit large, very nice or extremely Amazing.
    - Adjective non- gradable describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely: It's absolutely perfect!, i totally agree with you
    2) When i was in senior high school, English is one of my favorite lesson because i love english and i can memorized many vocab and many grammar rules that many of my classmates hate about the grammmar rules haha. I never have intention to memorize the rule it just like i know the rules somewhere i don't know. So it's my ability.
    3) Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing.
    The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.
    For example :
    - I love cooking Indian food. (emphasis on the process itself and enjoyment of it)
    - I like to drink juice in the morning, and tea at lunchtime. (emphasis more on the preference or habit)
    4) - she said she was not coming to the webinar
    - She said she had not to go
    5) Relative clauses give us information about the person or thing mentioned. Defining relative clauses give us essential information – information that tells us who or what we are talking about. Example :
    - The woman who lives next door works in a bank.
    - These are the flights that have been cancelled.
    We usually use a relative pronoun or adverb to start a defining relative clause: who, which, that, when, where or whose.

  111. Name: Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    NIM: 191230098
    Class: TBI 3C

    1.) Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent.

    Big = Very big, rather big
    Smart = Very smart, smart enough
    Wise = Too wise, rather wise
    Clever = More clever, clever enough

    They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality, e.g.: The questions were completely impossible.
    2.)my ability to wear makeup when I was 11 years old at that time I wanted to be a successful person in the field of make up and I am also an expert in the business field until now I am still in the hijab business and can buy all my own make up needs, my friend was not expert in the field of business but currently he is trying to do business and is good at his business
    3.)Verb is a word that serves to show the action of the subject, show events or circumstances. Verb as one of word classes shows people's activity.
    • Verbs with V-ing
    Some verbs are normally followed by the -ing form, not the to-infinitive: admit,recommend, deny, finish, mind, avoid, dislike, give up, miss, imagine, stop, etc.
    Example :
    Verb-ing :
    (+) I always enjoy cooking.
    (-) I haven’t finished eating yet.
    verb + somebody + -ing :
    (+) I have imagine people doing exercise here.
    (-) You can’t stop people doing what they want.
    • Verbs + to ... (infinitive)
    Some verbs can be followed immediately by a to-infinitive : plan, afford, hope, demand, like, offer, pretend, agree, etc.
    Example :
    Verb+to…(infinitive) :
    (+) She hopes to go to Bandung next month.
    (-) I can’t afford to go on holiday.
    Verb + Object + to :
    (+) I tell someone to go here.
    (+) I expect something to be there.
    4.) a. Sue is coming to the summer this morning
    b. Is She? I Saw her a few days ago and She side She want to go to hers boarding school.
    c. Ana has been invited to my wedding but She told me If She hasn't arrived in My wedding cause she was sick
    5.)Relative clause function is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence.

    Example: I like flowers. My boyfriend gave me a flowers

  112. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    ID number: 191230132
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. A Gradable adjective is one that can be used in the comparative or superlative, or that can be qualified by words such as "very" or "quite"
    Examples: • cold, funny, big.
    • I was very happy with my holiday.
    • I felt completely exhausted after the gym session.

    A Non gradable adjective is one that cannot be used in the comparative or superlative, order cannot be qualified by words such as "very" or "quite".
    Examples: •terrible, exhausted, furuous
    • it was freezing out side.
    • my trip home was really awfull.

    2. When I was just a little girl, I was famous as an ignorant child. 15 years ago I once made my younger sister fall down the stairs and her head was bleeded. I always said that I was prettier than her. I have also said that my bag is nicer than her bag. Then she cried and complained to my mother. I was scolded then I promised not to do it again.

    3. A verb is a word that tells an action. A verb tells what we do.

    Verb followed by ing are the present participle or gerund. These two shapes look identical. The difference is their function in sentences. Present participle The present participle is usually used as the part of the continuous form of a verb, after a verb related to the senses, after a verb related to movement, or as an adjective.
    Examples: •She allows using smartphones in class
    •we're going to delay meeting until next week

    Verb followed to infinitive many different verbs are followed, or can be followed, by a second verb in the infinitive. All of the verbs listed on on this page are followed by a to-infinitive when the infinitive is used. Verbs marked with an asterix can also be followed by a that-clause, as shown in the examples. Verbs marked with two asterix can only be followed by a that-clause when the subject of the primary verb is "it".
    Examples: •i want to learn the music
    •you are speaking to help your mother
    •she ordered to the the book

    4. 1. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar because of some reasons.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. A relative clauses sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence.
    The relative pronouns are: that (human/object), who (human), which (object), whose (possessive for object/human), where (locative noun), when (temporal/noun).

    Examples: • now you have a bag that I gave you yesterday.
    • I don't know the girl who played in your house this morning.
    • smartphones is a technology which can be useful in this era.
    • you won't drink in a caffe whose makes smoke.
    • I want to holiday where there are place to take a pictures.

  113. Name: Jihan Alifah
    NIM: 191230136
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality, it means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. the modifiers could be a little/ a bit, really/ very, etc.
    The example:
    - She’s very pretty with that dress
    - She have a little confident
    Non gradable is an adjective that can’t be modified in the sense that the adjective is pure without a mixture of adverb of degree because the meaning is already extreme without being smeares from the adverb of degree category.
    The example:
    - That was amazing
    - His brother is handsome

    2. When I was in highschool I was interested in language, so I took part in literacy activities such as reading poetry, writing short stories, decorating wall magazine with motivation, etc. different from my close friends, she likes mathematics so she participated in athe Olympics and got several awards from the Olympics. We never compare our abilities because we have different abilities and we support each other.

    3. Verb shows an action or a state of being.
    The uses of verb with Verb-ing with some verbs you can use the structure “Verb + Somebody + ing”. The example :
    - Amina is writing a letter in her room
    - Azrina is playing around with her friends
    Verb with to infiitive you can use the structure “Subject + Verb + To Infinitive”. The example:
    - I like to watching kpop boygroup
    - My friend want to traveling to south korean

    4. Reported speech
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: is she? I saw her a few day ago and she said she wouldn't come to the seminar this morning.
    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had no vehicle to go.

    5. Function of relative clauses.
    - who: Used to refer to human objects. This pronoun is used to replace the subject noun or pronoun. Example: the girl who like tradisional dance.
    - Whom: Also used to refer human objects. Example: I met the actor whom my sister adores.
    - Whose: Also used to refer human objects. Example: my neighbour whose daughter was arrested this morning cried all day.
    - That: this can be used to rever to living objects such as animal, humans or palnts and can be also be used to replace inanimate objects. Example: the topic that I talked last night was very fun.
    - Which: which can be a subject or object. Example: which one do you prefer?

  114. Name : Nuva avita
    NIM : 191230122
    Class : TBI 3 D

    1. • gradable adjective : Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    example : it's very important to have good friends
    • non-gradable adjective : Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.
    example : let's stay in tonight, it's absolutely freezing outside.

    2. when I was in elementary school, I had the ability to drawing. drawing is a fun thing for me compared to my friends, i'm still better many of my friends asked me to paint her face, or make her a pretty picture.

    3. Use of the verb followed by the -ing form concentrates on what happens. The second verb is really the object of the first one. These verbs include: remember, forget, try.

    - I definitely remember switching the lights off before we went out.
    - She tried talking to him, but he wouldn’t listen.

    -Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    • I agreed to help Shona with her homework.
    • I hope to see you again at the next meeting.

    4. I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning
    b : is she? i saw her a few days ago and she said, she couldn't come because she was going to the market.

    II. a : Anna has been invited to my wedding, but she told me that she couldn't to go.

    5. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence. For example: The unicorn possessed magical powers, which could heal the sick.

  115. Alfina Nurhasanah
    Final Test IEG

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened. Meanwhile, Non Gradable Adjective is a form of adjective whose word form cannot be changed or modified anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    • Gradable Adjective
    I see a very big house near the street
    • Non Gradable Adjective
    The weather is freezing, you must wear jacket

    2. When I was Senior High School my teacher gave assignment to sang in front of my friend, and I sang slowly, and I got best score, and my friend just got score B because my friend when she sang forget the lyrics, and she was silent for a long time.

    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs.
    • Verb Following Ing
    a. Farchan playing handphone at his bedroom
    b. Dila studying English very hard at School
    • Verb to invinitive
    a. I hope that I will see you tomorrow
    b. He claimed to be an expert.
    4.A: sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    B: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she did’nt come
    because her mother sick

    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she
    had’nt a dress to go.
    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun.
    • The girl whom I met yesterday is my little sister.
    • This is the pen which I always wear to write.

  116. Nama: Yusny Fadilah
    Class: TBI-3D
    1. • Gradable adjective, namely, an adjective whose meaning can be changed either strengthened or weakened. Ex: i thing that your boy friend very handsome. • Non-gradable adjective, which is an adjective whose meaning cannot be changed or is absolute. (Ex: Its impossible forme to be winner)
    2. when I was in kindergarten, I had participated in a fashion show competition. at that time my opponent was my friend. I tried to practice from walking and greeting, then my mother bought me a beautiful dress so that I won the race.
    3. verb is a word that describes the subject itself or shows an event and situation. The verb followed by -ing is the present participle or gerund.
    • Present participle is a verb that has an -ing ending, but its function remains, namely as a verb. Gerund is a verb that has an -ing ending and its function changes from a verb to a noun in a sentence. It lies after the verb in the sentence. (Ex: I enjoy listeningto classical music, I don’t like blasting the music sound).
    To infinitive is a non-finite verb. In other words, it can't be the main verb in a sentence. (Ex: He appeared to be lost, We need much money to buy home)
    4. a: Sue will hold a seminar this morning.
    b: Is he? I saw him a few days ago and he said he didn't follow any other interests so he couldn't attend the seminar
    II.Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me to represent the event, because she has a meeting scheduled she has to go.
    5. Relative clause is a clause that depends on the previous word. It has a subject and also has a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence. (Ex: The man who stole my backpack has been arrested.)

  117. Name: Sarah Lidya Balqis
    Nim: 191230133
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. Gradable adjectives is is a use where there are two meanings and these two meanings can affect the process of the sentence being conveyed.Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that is what it is and cannot be influenced by the class of words from the part of speech.

    example :
    gradable adjectives
    - I think my mother very beautiful when she wears her dress
    non gradable adjectives
    - enter the haunted house really terrifying

    2.When i was elemntary school, I couldn't literally makeup and traditional dance. But then one day, when i was feeling very like and confident about it, i was be able traditional dance and makeup I even developed my makeup talent by making tutorials on YouTube and Instagram.

    3. Gerund (verb+ing) dan infinitive (to+verb) both are verbal that can function as nouns.
    Example gerund (verb+ing)

    - Watching sunset on the beach is amazing.
    - My dreams is winning give away
    - My mother like cooking so much

    Infinitive (to+verb)
    - My bestfriend fotgot to call me
    - I want to study in London
    - I am happy to meet you

    4. 1. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. relative clause serves to combine two sentences into a single sentence.
    For example:
    - This is the book that i bought at the bookstore.
    - Jefri Nichol, who playyed Hema at Love Letter to Starla, will play Nathan at Dear Nathan Hello Salma

  118. Name : Widia Nurhadini Utami
    Nim : 191230124
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. Differences between gradable adjective and non-gradable adjective, and give example.

    - Gradable adjective that adjective have different levels of their quality. The adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers (a little/a bit, pretty/quite, really/very, and extremely).
    Example :
    My mother's bed room is quite big!
    The weather is very cold this day.

    - Non-Gradable adjective is adjective words that have their own strong meaning.
    Example :
    Thank you for the delicious food, Mom!
    I got exellent grade for Intermediate English Grammar

    If they are gradable adjective, you can give adverb or modifier before the words. But, if they arw non-gradable, you possible could not put adverb or modifier except you want to make it extreme.

    2. When I was in elementary school, I could not count in English because I moved from Pandeglang to Serang (in Pandeglang, english was teached for above fourth grade). I got pressure from my teacher because my friends were smarter than me. Since that, I took English course, and my English was getting better that time.

    3. Verb is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events, or attitudes.

    The verb following by -ing :
    - He likes swimming in the beach.
    - I remember switching the lights off before we went from home.

    The verb + to infinitive :
    - I asked my Mom how to cook rendang.
    - We decided not to go holiday this year because of pandemic.

    4. I.
    a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming this morning.

    II : Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she has not to come.

    5. The function of relative clauses is to refers to thing or person that the speakers meant. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
    Relative clause 1: with who/that/which
    Relative clause 2: with and without who/that/which
    Relative clause 3: whose/whom/where
    Relative clause 4: extra information clauses (1)
    Relative clause 5: extra information clauses (2)

    Example :
    - I usually went to Lampung where my father's home town.
    - The boy that won story telling competition is my brother.
    - Student who study hard will get best score.

  119. Name : Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    NIM : 191230112
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. - Gradable adjectives are a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence they can be modified according to their usage, such as big to very big meaning strengthened.
    Example : That coffee is pretty hot

    - Non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable. Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible, and so on are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes. The reason cannot be modified because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme or is a classifying adjcetive.
    Example : That was awful

    2. When I was in high school I loved makeup so much that I finally took makeup lessons in college, in that lesson I had many friends who had better makeup skills than me. I'm not discouraged and in the end I can be better than them.

    3. Verb is a word that indicates an action done by someone / something, or indicates a situation.
    -The uses of verb with Verb-ing with some verbs you can use the structure “Verb + Somebody + ing”.
    Example :
    • I don't mind waiting for a few minutes.
    • Would you mind holding this for me?
    -Verb with to infiitive you can use the structure “Subject + Verb + To Infinitive”.
    Example :
    • I hope to see you next week.
    • He claimed to be an expert.

    4. I. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. Relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can't stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun.
    Example : I like the person who was nice to me.

  120. Name :Marhany
    Class :TBI 3 D
    Nim :191230129
    UAS :IEG

    The answer
    1.Gradable adjectives is Many adjectives describe qualities that can be measured in degrees,such as size,beauty,age,etc.These adjectives are often called gradable adjectives,because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms,or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely,to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.

    Example :This food is extremely tasty.

    Non Gradable adjectives is Some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent.They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms,and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely,because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described.

    Example :This Morning l eating much cause the food absolutely delicious

    2.Surely I feel the difference between the present and the past, now I am more confident in doing whatever I we I can do,but in the past,there were so many things that I was ashamed of,and that’s the reason I didn’t have the confidence to do any work

    3. A word used to describe an action,state,or occurrence,and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence,such as hear,become,happen.
    The to infinitive and the -ing form (the present participle) can each be used after certain verbs. Verbs followed by the to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem. I agreed to help Shona with her homework. The driver attempted to remove the flat tyre.

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.
    A: Rey is coming to the post office this morning.

    B: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she could not come because there was an urgent even

    Nina has been invited to my wedding but she told he could not come because there was an urgent event to go .

    5. What is a relative clause A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause.It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence.It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun.
    *I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke

  121. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    ID Number: 191230106
    Class: TBI 3D

    1. what are the differences between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives? Please give examples of their usages!
    The differences between gradable adjectives and non gradable adjactives are:
    A. Gradable adjectives
    1. They describe qualities that can be measured in degrees.
    2. Gradable adjectives can be used in comparative or superlative forms.
    a. The flowers we bought yesterday was extremely beautiful.
    b. Water beads can be really big in a cup of water.

    B. Non gradable adjectives
    1. They are describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent.
    2. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs.
    a. Our lived are absolutely colorful.
    b. Did you know our schedule of final test? It was really awful

    2. How do you express your ability in the past? Then, how you compare it with other friend? Put your ideas about those questions in some sentences!

    I used to express myself by being an introvert because I don't like to publish my life to other people. I think this is privacy. I am a quiet person but not for everyone, only for certain people who are close to me. I don't like interacting with a lot of people because when I meet a lot of people I feel alone. but on the other hand, I try to be a useful person for others even though I am an introvert. When I meet various human characters, some are diligent, smart, friendly and some are nosy but actually smart. then I compare myself with them, namely by exchanging thoughts and insights and experiences because in my opinion it is a positive effort to compare my life with others.
    3. Explain the definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive? Please give 2 examples of them!
    A. A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.

    B. Verb followed by ing
    (+) subject + verb + somebody + ing + object.
    (-) subject + verb + not-ing + object.
    • Rose can't imagine someone stealing her money.
    • The sunshine looked not shimmering in the middle of sky.

    C. Verb followed by to infinitive
    (+) subject + verb + (what/how/etc) + to + object
    (-) subject + verb + not to + object.
    • I understand how to do this assigment.
    • They forgot not to use their jacket.

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.

    I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said (that she wasn't attending the seminar because she should going to his uncle's house in semarang).

    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me (that you were keep working at his place not to go).

    5. Mention the functions of relative clauses! Give examples of their functions in sentences.

    a. A relative pronoun can be the object (who/that/which).
    • I hope today as a happiest day that have a sweet memories.

    b. A relative pronoun can be the subject without (who/that/which).
    • Someone who comes to her house is mili.

    c. A relative clauses using (whose/whom/where).
    • The bike where you put last night was taken by Smith.

  122. Name : Herlina Wati
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Nim. : 191230115

    1. a. Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable.These are the example of gradable  adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.

    Example : citra was quite tired when she jogging.

    b. Non-gradable Adjectives: absolute or extreme adjectives
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely.These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.

    Example : Did you come party sarah's birthday? it was abolutely amzing.

    2. When I was in elementary school I participated in the poetry competition at the sub-district level. I felt proud because I won in the competition, but there was someone who was better than me because he won first place while I was second, and since then we are friends.

    3 . Verb is a part of speech describing actions/ activities, events, or habits. Therefore, the position of verb relate to the subject. Verb is divided into three types referring to action verb, linking verb, and modality or helping verb. The types show their functions and meaning. 

    we can use gerund if a verb + preposition,adjective + preposition, noun + preposition, or preposition alone is followed directly by a verb, the verb will always be in the gerund form.

    Example :
    - John admitted stealing the jewels.
    - we enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.

    Infinitive (to + verb)

    some verb can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. somethibg verb functioning as the complement must be in the infinitive (to+verb).

    Example :
    - He started to study after dinner.
    - syla hates to ride her bicycle to school.

    4. 1. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun. A relative clause always starts with a relative pronoun that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined.

    Example: the woman who give me pen is my sister.

  123. Linda Muflihah

    1. Gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English whose meaning can be changed, either attached or weakened.
    Example: Very (It is Very Beautiful) The word Very Beautiful is a form of graded purpose in which the word beautiful is reinforced by the word very.

    Non-gradable adjective is a form of adjective or adjective in English that cannot be changed or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong.
    Example: Impossible (I don't believe it, it's impossible)
    2. I love art since elementary school now, and when I was still in elementary school I wanted to take part in a drawing competition but I was not a representative of my school but my friend, I was very disappointed but finally I was represented in the weaving competition of sticks to be a fruit holder and I studied with active to be able to make fruit holders. until finally I won 2nd place in the attack district level SD.
    3. A verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event which is a subject or can be called a verb.
    by-ing: They started playing soccer
    infinitive: she decided to get married at the age of 23
    4. I. B. SHE WILL COME
    II. can not come
    5. The relative clause serves to provide additional meaning. but if omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar.
    Example: the woman who visited the hospital was very kind.


    Name  : Intira Maharani
    SRN    : 191230121
    Class   : TBI 3D

    1. The differences between gradable and non-gradable adjectives.

    Gradable adjectives is the adjectives have different levels of their quality. And It could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be pretty/quite, extremely, really/very and more. For example, if we take the adjective “big”, we can say that something is ‘a little big’, ‘quite big’, ‘very big’, among other possibilities.
    Example : Sorry, I can’t talk to you, I’m extremely busy.
    Non-gradable adjective is adjective that can’t be graded, that is when it can’t be given different degrees or levels. This usually happens when we have adjective which already has an extreme, absolute or classifying meaning.
    Example : The money is paid out monthly.

    2. I could express my ability in the past using word “could” “was/were able”. The way I compare my abilities with others is by observing their abilities and then comparing them with mine, whether my abilities are better than theirs, or else I have to work harder so that I can become better.
    Example : when I was in grade school, I was interested in math and I could count fast. When my teacher gave me some exercise, I was able to do it quickly and correctly. And I was always concerned about who would collect the answer first to compare my ability with others. And I found that some of my friends could count faster than me.

    3. Verb
    Verb is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events, or habits. A verb is the part of a sentence that tell us what the subject performs.
    a.      Verb followed by-ing
    -  You can use the -ing form of verbs in continuous tenses. Continuous tenses are when an action is in progress. Example : I’m eating pizza.
    -  You can use the -ing form when the verbs is the subject of the sentences. Example : eating fruits is good for our health.
    -  You can use the -ing form after prepositions. Example : I improved my English skill by practicing every day.
    b.  Verb + to infinitive
    The most common way to use infinitive verbs is as a direct object or indirect object. When the subject performs an action, the infinitive can answer the question “what?” as the object of that action. Example : I want to be a psychologist. ( the verb is ‘want’).

    4. Reported speech
    I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was sick.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding, but she told me that she does not have to go.

    5. The function of relatives clauses.
    -         To give information that’s necessary for complete identification of the noun. (restrictive relative clauses)
    Example : I like the boy that stands in the corner of the room.
    “that stand in the corner” is a specific information.
    -         To provides extra information. The information may be quite interesting and important to the larger conversation, but it is not essential for precise identification of the noun. (non-restrictive relative clauses)
    Example : the children needed sturdy bag, which were expensive.
    “which were expensive” is an extra information.

  125. Indah Ainun Salsabila
    1. Gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning can be modified while ungradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning cannot be modified. An example of a gradable adjective is the words cold can be rather cold and cold enough, while the example of non-tradable adjective is the words impossible, freezing and terrifying.
    2. I used to be a person who was shy or didn't dare to express my abilities if I was alone, so I was more courageous when I was just with my friends like dancing and singing. When compared to other friends, maybe I am in the middle because I am still less than my friends who dare to express their abilities alone, but I am more than friends who do not dare to express their abilities at all.
    3. Verb is a class of words that express an action, existence, experience or other meaning. and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to the infinitive are:
    1) With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing, example: We are always thinking before i act.
    2) Verbs + to... (infinitive), example: I have already told him when to open the curtain.
    4. 1) a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said that she couldn't attend the seminar this morning.
    2) Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she had to go.
    5. A clause is a part of sentence. One of the clauses is relative clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker's meant. Example: The woman who borrowed my pen.

  126. Iim Khoirunnisa
    Tbi 3 D

    1. a) A gradable adjective can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjective's grade or intensity. for example : He said that France was a little cold and Denmark was rather cold. But Sweden was the coldest.
    b) Non-gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative. However, a non-gradable adjective can be used with "non-grading adverbs" (which usually just give the adjective extra impact), for example: It starts an essentially chemical reaction.

    2. I have a hobby in the field of photos, I love to photograph various kinds of objects. When I was a student I tried to register at an organization called "Bantenology" because there I could express my hobby in the field of photography. then I passed and became a volunteer bantenology in the field of film.

    3. verb is a word that shows an action, behavior, or event experienced by the subject. In the composition of the part of speech, the verb is usually located right behind the noun / pronoun that is the subject.
    Verbs followed by a to-infinitive or -ing
    Hate, like, love, prefer
    Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or a to-infinitive. The difference in meaning is often small. The -ing form emphasises the verb itself. The to-infinitive puts the emphasis more on the preference for, or the results of, the action.
    For example:
    -ing form (I love cooking Indian food), (She hates cleaning her room)
    - to-infinitive (I like to drink juice in the morning, and tea at lunchtime), (I hate to be the only person to disagree)

    4. 1. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb, but can’t stand alone as a sentence. It is sometimes called an “adjective clause” because it functions like an adjective—it gives more information about a noun. A relative clause always begins with a “relative pronoun,” which substitutes for a noun, a noun phrase, or a pronoun when sentences are combined. for example: I like the paintings that hang in the SASB North lobby. (I like the paintings which hang in the SASB North lobby. (Again, this is acceptable, but some people object to using “which” in a restrictive relative clause. “That” is preferred.))

  127. Name : Tb Raihan Ali Rizkie
    Class : TBI - 3C

    1. adjective gradable : Adjectives that can be modified or added with words to strengthen and weaken sentence structure are called gradable, and are influenced by adverbs of degree or adverbs that can increase the next word (adjective)

    Non-gradable adjective is an adjective whose meaning in general cannot be modified by the adverb of degree, because it means "extreme" or is a classifying adjective.

    2. i really love making music online , how i express it by posting my music to social media , usually my other friend is just playing instrument without making anything with those stuff

    3.Verbs have traditionally been defined as words that show action or state of being. ... For example, the suffixes -ify, -ize, -ate, or -en usually signify that a word is a verb, as in typify, characterize, irrigate, and sweeten.
    erb followed by-ing
    - You can use the -ing form of verbs in continuous tenses. Continuous tenses are when an action is in progress. Example : im currently eating chicken pockpow

    4.A. i saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    B . Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go

    5. Each of the restrictive relative clauses qualifies the antecedent noun phrases or nouns in the sentences in which they occur. Example : The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind.
    The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes

  128. Mega Tias Nur afnia
    TBI 3 D

    1. Gradable adjectives
    Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers:

    She was quite angry when she found out.
    The film we saw last night was really funny!
    It can be extremely cold in Russia in the winter

    on-gradable: absolute adjectives
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely:

    Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
    Their farm was totally destroyed by a tornado.
    My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.

    2. Judging by the habits of attitude and courtesy.

    3. Verbs followed by the -ing form
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.

    I enjoy travelling.
    He admitted stealing the necklace.
    I don't mind waiting if you're busy.

    Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practise and suggest.

    Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.

    I want to speak to the manager.
    She's learning to play the piano.
    He offered to help us wash up.

    4. 1. i saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go

    5. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence.

    For example:

    The unicorn possessed magical powers, which could heal the sick.
    In this sentence, the relative clause which could heal the sick modifies the subject, unicorn, by identifying which magical powers it possessed.

  129. Nurul Aida

    1. The different between gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjektives?
    - Gradable adjectives
    It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stonger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a little/a bit, pretty/Quite, really/Verry, and extremely.
    The film we saw that last night was really funny.

    - Non-gradable adjectives.
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. for example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities to make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely.
    My work is completely finished, now I can relax.

    2. Pure modal:
    I could play volleyball well
    Semi modal:
    I am be able to play volleyball well.
    After the modal auxalary must Verb 1.
    Pure modal and semi modal, they have similar meanings to the modals, but are not grammatically the same. A modal is always directly followed by the simple form.

    3. Verb is:
    The verb follow the subject in a declarative sentence. It generally shows the action of the sentence, and every sentence must have a verb.

    The following verb always followed by the infinitive if the complement is a verb:
    Agree – attampt – claim – decide – demand – desire – expect – fail – forget – hesitate – hope – intend – learn – need – offer – plan – prepare – pretend – refuse – seem – strive – tend – want – wish.
    - Marry learned to swim when she was very young.
    - John expect to begin studying law next semester.
    The verb must always be followed by gerund (V+ing) include:
    Admit – appreciate – avoid – can’t help – consider – delay – deny – enjoy – finish – mind – miss – postpone – practice – quit – recall – report – resent – resist – resume – risk – suggest.
    - John admitted stealing the jewels
    - Would you mind not smoking in this class.

    4. I. a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b. Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she doesn't come to the seminar.

    II. Anna has beeb invited to my wedding but she told me she actually want to go.

    5. Relative clauses
    - Relative clauses 1 : clauses with who/that/which.
    I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
    - Clauses with and without who/that/which.
    Where are the pens were on the table?
    - Clauses: who/whom/where.
    Where are you now?
    - Clauses: extra information clauses.
    The student were interested in taking a field trip to the national history museum.

  130. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    1. Gradable adjectives = Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers.
    Non-gradable : absolute adjectives. Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely.
    Example :
    - Today in Seoul is very cold today so don't forget wear your scarf.
    - The virus is so tiny that it can't be seen without a microscope.

    2. In junior high school, I didn't have the courage to participate in organizations and competitions held at school and I had poor social skills. When I was in senior high school, I had the development of courage by joining several organizations that caused me to have many friends and this continues until now I am in college, my social skills are better than before.

    3. Definition : A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs.
    The verb followed by-ing and to infinitive can each be used after certain verbs.
    Verbs followed by-ing form include: avoid, be used to, delay, dislike, escape, finish, forgive, give up, go on, imagine.
    Verbs followed by to infinitive include: agree, arrange, attempt, choose, decide, fail, hope, learn, manage, offer, plan, seem.
    Example :
    a. Verbs followed by-ing
    - My brother dislike playing badminton outdoors.
    - I have finished watching the Harry Potter movies.
    b. Verbs to infinitive
    - I hope to visit aunts house soon when the pandemic is over.
    - My father agreed to invite my uncle to plant together in the garden.

    4. I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come to the seminar this morning.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has other schedules so can't to go.

    5. The Function of Relative Clauses
    Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which Relative clauses 2: • Relative clauses 3: Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1) • Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2)
    a. Relative clauses with who/that/which
    - I like the exhibition that held at the SM Coex building.
    b. Relative clauses with and without who/ that/which
    - This is the motorbike which Alice used to go to school.
    c. Relative clauses use whose/whom/where
    - I was invited by my new friend whom I met at the exhibition.

  131. Siti Kamilah
    TBI 3D

    1. Adjectives gradable describe qualities that can be measured in degrees, such as size, beauty, age, etc. The adjectives called gradable adjectives, because they can be used in comparative or superlative forms, or with grading adverbs such as very or extremely, to show that a person or thing has more or less of a particular quality.
    Example :
    Fani's cat is so cute
    Don't disturb my brother, he is very angry!

    Non-gradable adjectives is some adjectives describe qualities that are completely present or completely absent. They do not occur in comparative and superlative forms, and cannot be used with adverbs such as very or extremely, because we don’t usually imagine degrees of more or less of the quality being described. They are referred to as non-gradable adjectives. Non-gradable adjectives do sometimes occur with non-grading adverbs such as completely which emphasize the extent of the quality.
    Example :
    The questions were completely impossible.
    The food was absolutely superb.

    2. 10 years ago, when I was in elementary school, I participated in a competition held at the district level, how happy I was at that time, because I could become a champion representing the Cibadak sub-district

    3. Verb is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events or attitude. In English, a verb is often called a verb because a verb shows activity from the subject in a sentence.

    We can make a sentence use "verb + Ing" or "verb + somebody + ing"
    - Example: My father was driving a car
    - I can see people smiling behind my black glasses

    We can make a sentence using "to+verb+infinitive" As a noun, That's work as subjects, objects, and appendages. Some phrases that use "to+verb"
    - Example: I go to the market to buy some vegetables
    - I look at to the window to see the rain

    4. a. Sue is coming to the summer this morning
    b. Is She? I Saw her a few days ago and She side She want to go to her uncle's house in Bandung.
    c. Ana has been invited to my wedding but She told me If She hasn't attend in My wedding cause she has to go to somewhere.

    5. Relative clause is one kind of flowery clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb, but cannot stand alone as one sentence. The function is similar to the adjective function or adjective that is
    Provides additional information in a noun.
    Pronoun invariably begins with pronoun replacing noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when phrase is combined. Which includes in the pronoun:
    1. Who: Used to refer human objects, replacing subject nouns or pronoun
    Example: I love my mother who has been giving me support in my study.

    2. Whom: Used to refer human objects,, change/replecing objek nouns or pronouns
    Example : all audiences whom I care

    3. Whose: Used to refer human objects, Use to change possessive nouns atau pronouns
    Example : I see the man whose was lost the bag

    4. That: Is used to refer to living objects such as humans, animals, and plants and may also be used to replace inanimate things.
    Example: I'm happy when I know that my father is coming

    5. Which: Being a subject or object.
    Example: Indonesia is a country which many islands

  132. Name : Ulfa Nadya
    Class TBI-3D
    NIM 191230108

    1). The differences between gradable and non-gradable adjectives

    a). gradable adjective
    - A gradable adjective is one that can be used in the comparative or superlative, or that can be qualified by words such as 'very or 'quite'.
    - Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers
    - Are also called "qualitative adjectives". Can be used with grading verbs. It's very, extremely, a bit, slightly. It can also have comparative and superlative forms

    b). Non-gradable : absolute adjectives
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely.

    -The film we saw last night was really funny! UNGRADABLE ADJECTIVE :
    -Thank you, I love it! It's absolutely perfect!
    -watching this video completely free
    -after working all day i was absolutely exhausted

    2). hallo, i'm ulfa nadya. let me compare my current life and my past life. actually, i don't know how to start my letter story but i think at some years ago, my life is totally different, my life was very messed, i can't manage my own stuff well, i was kind of person that easly to lost things, even i have ever lost six hundred thousand rupiah in dufan, in that moment my feeling was guilty and i was blaming my self most of the time, i can't keep precious things well. In addition, i didn't take care to my body and face health. i was ignoring skin care, i didn't want to know more deeply about skin care routine, so my face was very disgusting. there are much acne and my face looks not bright, i was insecure oftenly. However, i want change my life, Now i'm be more dicipline to my whole stuff, i really keep everything that i have, also i'm taking care to my skin health, i'm using skin care routine, everywhere i go , i'm not necesarry feel insecure anymore

    Miss, nomor 3,4,5 ada di kolom lain yaa karena jawabanya saya melebihi kapasitass, jadi gak muat di 1 kolom miss😔😔😔

  133. Name : Ulfa Nadya
    Class TBI-3D
    NIM 191230108

    3). Definition of verb and how to use the verb followed by-ing and to infinitive

    (-) definition of verb
    Verbs are words that show an action (sing), occurrence (develop), or state of being (exist). Almost every sentence requires a verb. The basic form of a verb is known as its infinitive. The forms call, love, break, and go are all infinitives.

    (-) Verb followed by -ING or Gerund
    1. to quit an action.
    ex: Stop buying bread from the supermarket 2. For talking about tompletely quiting an action, also about Addiction or bad habits
    ex: Stop smoking cigarettes, it's bad for your health.
    3. to look back at the past memories
    ex: l'll never forget watching my first horor movie.
    4. to talk abaut memory
    ex: I remember eating ribs covered in sticky sauce in my hands.
    5. to talk something you did in the past that you aren't happy about Anymore
    Ex: he regreted yelling at her as soon as she walked away
    6. to talk about what the response or result of something
    ex: Visiting my sister in london means spending hours on a plane

    (-) Verb followed by infinitive
    1. To pause or leave one action to do another
    ex: I worked all day, didn't even stop to eat lunch
    2. to give reminder to someone
    ex: Don't forget to watch the news tonight!
    3. to talk about something that someone needs to do, remind them to do Something ex: Remember to whisk the eggs before adding the sugar.
    4. to tell someone bad news or something they won't to hear
    Ex : I regret to say that i wasn't impressed by the performance
    5. To intend or to plan to do something.
    Ex : i meant to call you last night, but i totally forgot.

    I. Is she? I saw her few days ago and she said that she wouldn't coming to the seminar
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding, but she told me that she had not to go

    5). Relative Claueses

    1. We can use a relative clause to identify, define, or classify a person or thing.
    We can begin a relative clause with the relative pronoun
    1.WHO, we use for people
    Ex : i have a friend who is very generous
    2. WHICH , we use for things
    Ex : i go to school which is very traditional
    3 .THAT, we use for people and things
    Ex : Do you like people that talk a lot
    4. WHOSE, we use 3. to describe the ownership of a person in mention
    Ex : i have a classmate whose father is a actor .
    5. WHOME, we use to describe the person in mention as an object.
    Ex : old man whom i sent a letter is my teacher.

    The relative clause with the relative adverb :

    1. WHERE, we use to shows the place meaning where.
    Ex : I visited the place where my mother was born.
    2. WHEN, we use to shows time, means time.
    Ex : She called me when she was sad.
    3. WHEN, we use to shows reasons, means why.
    Ex : I do not know why he left his house.

  134. Name : Wardatul Jannah
    NIM : 191230126
    Class : TBI 3D

    - Gradable adjective
    Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning can be modified either strengthened or weakened.For example: beautiful can be (very beautiful, rather beautiful, beautiful enough), so it can be said that gradable adjective is a weakening or strengthening of the adjective form in English.
    a) I need a jacket because it is very cold.
    b) Never touch this food, it is very hot!
    c) This car is very big so we can drive it together.

    - Gradable non-adjective
    Non-Gradable adjective is a form of adjective whose meaning cannot be modified anymore, so it cannot be weakened or strengthened. Because the non-gradable adjective already has absolute meaning. Example: Impossible, posible, freezing, annual and so on.
    a) Do you know? that is possible way for you to get good score in the examination.
    b) It is very freezing room.
    c) English club is the external curriculum for the students.

    2. When I was in junior high school, I really liked the rhythm of songs from the Koran which have many variations, so my father put me in a special Qori boarding school. there I have many friends who are more capable than me, and I never give up, I always think positively that I can be better than them and Alhamdulillah I can be better than my friends.

    3. Verb is a word that serves to indicate the action of the subject, indicating events or circumstances.

    The verb following by-ing
    a) She is waiting for him now but he hasn’t come yet.
    b) Hana likes drawing anime characters.

    The verb + to invinitive
    a) I want to study English.
    b) Rido tried to fix his TV.

    4. I. a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she was not coming this morning.

    II : Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. Relative clauses are dependent clauses that give the reader more information about another noun in the sentence.
    The women who lives next do or to me is a doctor.

  135. Nama : Titin Sumiyati
    Kelas : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230120
    Adjectives gradable can be used with “grading adverbs” that very the adjectives grade or intensity. Look at these examples :
    Grading verbs
    Gradable adjectives

    A little, dreadfully, extremely, fairly etc...

    Angry, big, busy, clever, cold, deep etc...

    A gradable adjective can also comparative and superlative forms : big, bigger, the biggest
    Examples :
    My teacher very happy with my homework
    That website is resonably popular but the one is more popular.
    Non gradable adjectives cannot be used with grading adverb. Non gradable adjectives don’t normally have comparative and superlative forms : Freezing, more freezing, the most freezing.
    I saw my old boyfriend
    The two countries common border poses problem
    Answer :
    When i was in 5 th grade i could speak english even though i was still studying but my friend couldn’t speak english at the time.
    Verb : a word used to describe an action, state, or occurence, and foaming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happend.
    Verb ing :
    - the ing form is used in progressive nerb tense with auxillary verbs ( helping verb ) example, i am doing my homework.
    The ing form can function as a noun example, writing is an important skill.
    The ing noun ( or gerund ) can be direct object of certain verbs.
    Infinitive: the infinitive is required after certain verbs in english. Example, i decided to go to a movie.
    The infinitive is also used after certain verb + direct object structures. Example, i advised him to stay.

    She is coming to the seminar this morning
    Is she ? i saw her few days ago and she said “ i will come to the seminar this morning”
    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me “ i hasn’t been invited to the wedding”

    Relative pronoun, whose and whom :
    this is george, whose brother went to school with me.
    This is george, whom you met at our house last year. ( whom is the object of met )
    When :
    I remember my 20 th birthday. It was day when the tsunami happend.
    Relative adverb, example : there are times when you feel so enthusiasm.

  136. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230116

    1. Different gradable adjectives and non-gradable adjectives.
    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable.
    - Don't talk to herlin, she's very angry.
    - That coffee is very hot to drink.
    - The theatre I saw last night really funny.

    Non-gradable Adjectives, absolute or extreme adjectives. These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely.
    - Her exam results were absolutely awful. She will have to take the exam again.
    - My work is completely finished. Now I can relax.
    - After 3 days of travelling, they were absolutely exhausted.

    2. Expressing my past abilities by believing that I can do it. through the failures that I experienced, from there I learned and got up. Other people can do it why can't I? and I believe that I can do it.
    When I was in junior high school, I could read poetry very well. However, there was a poetry reading competition and I lost the competition. One day, when I felt really excited about taking part in a race again, I was able and managed to win the race.

    3. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. And every sentence must have a verb.
    Some verbs can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. Sometimes the verb functioning as the complement must be in the Infinitive (to+verb) and sometimes it must be in the gerund (verb+ing) form.

    Verb that are always followed by the Infinitive (to+verb). The following verb always followed by the infinitive if the complement is a verb:
    Agree, attampt, claim, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, need, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, refuse, seem, strive, tend, want, wish.
    Example :
    - The presiden will attempt to reduce inflation in the next four years.
    - The soldiers are preparing to attack the village.

    Verb that are always followed by the gerund (verb+ing). The verb must always be followed by gerund include:
    Admit, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, finish, mind, miss, postpone, practice, quit, recall, report, resent, resist, resume, risk, suggest.
    Example :
    - Would you mind not smoking in this office?
    - You shouldn't risk entering that building in its present conditior.

    4. Use reported speech to complete your answers in the following sentences.
    a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she wouldn't come to the seminar this morning.
    Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she couldn't to go.

    5. The function of relatives clauses gives us more information about the person or thing in the main clause.
    (Main clause) This is my brother.
    (Relative clause) Who lives in japan.
    And introduce a relative clause with a relative pronoun (who, which or that).
    - This is an iPod wich can also play films.
    - We had the teacher who speaks japanese.
    - Green tea is a delicious drink that is good for your health.

  137. Name : Andi Rizki
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Nim. : 191230127

    1. a. Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable.These are the example of gradable  adjectives: angry, big, boring, cheap, cold, expensive, frightening, funny, hot, interesting, old, pretty, small, tasty, tired, etc.

    Example : Waladi was angry after he found out that his food was stolen.

    b. Non-gradable Adjectives: absolute or extreme adjectives
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely.These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, ancient, awful, boiling, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying, tiny, etc.

    Example : Did you read the forbes magazine last week edition ? it was abolutely cool.

    2. When I was in elementary school I participated in the poetry competition at the sub-district level. I felt proud because I won in the competition, but there was someone who was better than me because he won first place while I was second, and since then we are friends.

    3 . Verb is a part of speech describing actions/ activities, events, or habits. Therefore, the position of verb relate to the subject. Verb is divided into three types referring to action verb, linking verb, and modality or helping verb. The types show their functions and meaning. 

    we can use gerund if a verb + preposition,adjective + preposition, noun + preposition, or preposition alone is followed directly by a verb, the verb will always be in the gerund form.

    Example :
    - Rudi saving his team in last game.
    - we enjoyed seeing them again after so many years.

    Infinitive (to + verb)

    some verb can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. somethibg verb functioning as the complement must be in the infinitive (to+verb).

    Example :
    - He started to lunch after play
    - marwan loves his job.

    4. 1. I saw her a few days ago and she said she can't come to the seminar.
    2. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she could not to go.

    5. Relative clause is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as one sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause because its function is similar to the adjective function or adjective, which is to provide additional information to a noun. A relative clause always starts with a relative pronoun that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined.

    Example: the woman who give me pen is my sister.

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. 1. Gradable adjectives
    A gradable adjectives can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjectives grade or intensity
    Example : Hot, Very Hot, Extremely hot.
    A gradable adjectives can also have comparative and superlative forms.
    Example : Big, Bigger, The Biggest .
    Non gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms, often, non gradable adjectives are used alone.
    Example : dead.
    2. I have the ability to play war games on computers in the past and I told my friends about my skills in playing these games, then I compared my skills in the games with my friends. and it turns out that my friend and I have different abilities where I am a little better at playing the game than my friends.
    3. Definition of verb : verb is that which shows an action or work of someone.
    Verbs followed by the ing form
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    Example : I Enjoy Travelling.
    Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
    Example : She's learning to play the piano.
    4. a: She is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she shall go to her grandmother's house.
    II : Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she has to go to the hospital for visiting her grandmother's at the time.
    5. Fungctions of relative clauses
    The relative pronoun is used to form one sentence from two separate sentences. The relative pronoun replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each other.
    Restrictive and Nonrestrictive clauses
    A relative clause can be either restrictive or nonrestrictive. A restrictive clause is one that cannot be omitted from a sentence if the sentence is to keep its original meaning. A nonrestrictive clause contains additional information which is not required to give the meaning of the sentence.
    Who is used when the noun phrase being replaced is in the subject position of the sentence. Whom is used when it is from the complement position.
    Optional relative clause reduction
    Is restrictive relative clauses, it is possible to omit the relative pronoun and the verb be (along with any other auxiliaries) in the following cases.
    This relative pronoun indicates possession.
    Example of the relative pronoun :
    This is the book that i bought at the bookstore.
    Example of Restrictive and Nonrestrictive clauses :
    Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay.
    Example of nonrestrictive : My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.
    Example of Who/Whom
    The men are angry.
    The men are in this room.
    Example of Optional relative clause reduction : The girl who is running down the street might be in trouble.
    Example of Whose : The dentist is with a child. The child's teeth are causing some problems.

  140. Name: Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025/IEG-UAS-TBI 3A
    1. Gradable adjective is a group of adjectives which in terms of meaning can have levels when modified using the adverb of degree. By adding the adverb of degree in front of or behind the adjective, the meaning of the adjective can change to become stronger or stronger, or weaker. Meanwhile, non-gradable adjectives are the opposite, namely a group of adjectives that cannot have a level in terms of meaning, or it can also be said that non-gradable adjectives cannot be modified in meaning by using the adverb of degree. Why can't it be changed or modified? because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme, it already means 'very' in its definition or is a classifying adjective. The examples of its use are:
    The words that are often used and show that it is a gradable are: (Very, Extremely, Rather and so on). Example: - the word big becomes = very big or rather big.
    The adjective that is the focus in this example is the word "big", it turns out that after we add various adverbs, we can make them have a grade, namely, very large and rather large. In essence, it can be modified according to its use. Then an example sentence is:
    1. Clara, my bestfriend is very beautiful
    2. It is very important to me because it is one of my watch
    3. My painting is rather good
    # Non gradable
    This adjective is pure without a mixture of the adverb of degree because its meaning is already extreme without being added from the adverb of degree category.
    Examples of non-gradable adjectives:
    amazing, awful, delicious, enormous, excellent, exhausted, fascinating, freezing, gorgeous, terrible, terrifying and so on.
    The example sentences are:
    1. She is terrified of the heights
    2. My mom is furious when she knew that i lost her tupperware lunch box.
    3. The janitor is exhausted because he cleaned up a lot of garbage scattered on the side of the road. It can be concluded that Gradable and non-gradable adjectives are two categories of adjectives, each of which has a different usage but the position remains as an adjective. Meanwhile, non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable.

    2. To express past abilities we can use the word "could" because it is an auxiliary verb, a modal verb that can function as, possibilities and abilities in the past (possibility and ability in the past). And also to state (general abilities). Then you can also use was / were able to state a specific ability. Both can be used to talk about past abilities that you don't currently have.
    Examples of using could:
    - I could dance when I was 8 years old.
    - I could swim well when I was ten.
    Examples of using was / were able to:
    - We were able to go swimming yesterday because the weather was so nice.
    - Luckily, I was able to pass the exam even though I had not studied much.
    What we should pay attention to is this: Could is an auxiliary verb immediately followed by the main verb. The word could in this context is used to show an ability that occurred in the past. Meanwhile, the word was / were able to is an auxiliary verb that requires the word "to" before it is followed by the main verb. This word is also used to indicate an ability that occurred in the past. It's just that the word was / were able to be used when we talk about what happened in a certain situation or achievement.

  141. 3. Verb is one of the main parts of a sentence or question in English. A verb is a word that has a function as a word that shows the action taken by the subject or can also indicate a situation. However, there are also verbs that do not show actions such as be, belong, exist, and seem. However, the form of the verb in English sometimes changes.
    * Use of verb-ing
    In usage, this verb form is preceded by the auxiliary verb (auxiliary verb) be (is, am, are, was, were). Example:
    -Walk – walking, Sing – singing
    Contoh kalimat :
    -She is walking alone, They are singing
    * Use to infinitive
    The format of the infinitive is to + Verb base (V1). In tenses the verb usually changes form, in the infinitive the verb does not change at all from the basic form. For example :
    She went to the market to buy vegetables.
    We should use the infinitive when :
    1. Indicates a purpose or intention to do something. Example: I am going to call her soon.
    2. As the subject of the sentence
    Example: To love is to be willing to sacrifice
    3. Show that something can or will be used or done. An infinitive is preceded by a noun or pronoun. Example: Don't you have homeworks to do?
    4. Used after adjectives using the format:
    S + to be + adjective (adjective) + for / of + O + to-infinitive. Example: It's important for you to practice your violin every day.
    5. To provide comments
    The infinitive is preceded by a noun or noun.
    Example: That was not a nice thing to say, Riko.
    6. Infinitive with adverbs usually used in conjunction with the adverb (too) or (enough). Example: I don't think there is enough people to do all this.
    7. Infinitive with interrogative sentence
    Usually the verbs used for this function are ask, know, tell, understand, explain, decide, and several other verbs followed by an interrogative sentence (how, when, where, etc) and the infinitive. Example: Do you know how to operate this computer?
    4. Reported speech
    A. She said she didnt come to the seminar because she has bussines event
    B. She told me that she couldn't to go
    5. - Relative Clause serves to combine two sentences into a single sentence.
    - Relative pronoun as a subject
    Example: I hate the duck that bit me.
    - Relative pronoun as object
    Example: I like the bag that my mother gave me. - Restrictive relative clause, provides information that describes a noun (important information to complete the identification of a noun). Example: Students who study hard will do well in my class
    - Non-restrictive relative clause, only provides additional information. And a comma is always used at the beginning and end of this type of relative clause. Example: I'm planning to grow roses, which I find quite beautiful.
    Can be concluded that :
    - Integrated (restrictive) relative
    The relative provides information that helps identify the referent of the antecedent further.
    - Supplementary (appositive, non-restrictive) relative: Adds information on the antecedent that is not required to identify it.
    - Cleft relative: Only occurs in the special cleft construction.
    - Fused relative: In such relatives there is no explicit antecedent. Instead the relative phrase is at the same time the antecedent.

  142. Name : Mikhael Tirta Kusuma
    Nim : 191230134
    1. Gradable adjectives
    A gradable adjectives can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjectives grade or intensity
    Example : Hot, Very Hot, Extremely hot.
    A gradable adjectives can also have comparative and superlative forms.
    Example : Big, Bigger, The Biggest .
    Non gradable adjectives do not normally have comparative and superlative forms, often, non gradable adjectives are used alone.
    Example : dead.
    2. I have the ability to play war games on computers in the past and I told my friends about my skills in playing these games, then I compared my skills in the games with my friends. and it turns out that my friend and I have different abilities where I am a little better at playing the game than my friends.
    3. Definition of verb : verb is that which shows an action or work of someone.
    Verbs followed by the ing form
    When enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form.
    Example : I Enjoy Travelling.
    Verbs followed by to + infinitive form
    When want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form.
    Example : She's learning to play the piano.
    4. a: She is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she shall go to her grandmother's house.
    II : Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she has to go to the hospital for visiting her grandmother's at the time.
    5. Fungctions of relative clauses
    The relative pronoun is used to form one sentence from two separate sentences. The relative pronoun replaces one of two identical noun phrases and relates the clauses to each other.
    Restrictive and Nonrestrictive clauses
    A relative clause can be either restrictive or nonrestrictive. A restrictive clause is one that cannot be omitted from a sentence if the sentence is to keep its original meaning. A nonrestrictive clause contains additional information which is not required to give the meaning of the sentence.
    Who is used when the noun phrase being replaced is in the subject position of the sentence. Whom is used when it is from the complement position.
    Optional relative clause reduction
    Is restrictive relative clauses, it is possible to omit the relative pronoun and the verb be (along with any other auxiliaries) in the following cases.
    This relative pronoun indicates possession.Example of the relative pronoun :
    This is the book that i bought at the bookstore.
    Example of Restrictive and Nonrestrictive clauses :
    Weeds that float to the surface should be removed before they decay.
    Example of nonrestrictive : My car, which is very large, uses too much gasoline.
    Example of Who/Whom
    The men are angry.
    The men are in this room.
    Example of Optional relative clause reduction : The girl who is running down the street might be in trouble.
    Example of Whose : The dentist is with a child. The child's teeth are causing some problems.

  143. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D
    UAS grammar

    1.) Gradable adjectives
    We say an adjective is gradable when it can be graded, that is when it can be given different degrees of “strength”. For instance, if we take the adjective “big”, we can say that something is “a little big”, “quite big”, “very big” or “extremely big”, among other possibilities. Therefore, “big” is a gradable adjective.
    1. My room is extremely small.
    2. He was totally angry when I used his phone.

    Non-gradable adjectives
    We say an adjective is non-gradable when it can’t be graded, that is when it can’t be given different degrees of “strength”. This usually happens when we have an adjective which already has an extreme, absolute or classifying meaning. Take the adjective “huge”, for example. In this case we can’t say “a little huge” or “quite huge” or any other degree, as “huge” already means “extremely big”.
    1. Salsa, you are gorgeous wearing this dress!
    2. She was exhausted after running 7 km.

    2.) I will express my past abilities to my friends using the past tense, then to compare my abilities with my friends, use simple present/present continuous . Example :
    "Selly, I participated in a poetry reading competition when I was in 3rd grade high school, because I have excellent poetry reading skills, I was chosen by my teacher to take part in the competition. When I took part in an inter-school poetry reading competition, Alhamdulillah I won first place " then my friend was telling me about her ability to sing well, and she had participated in a singing competition too. Then I compared our abilities" wow, you are very talented. we each have different abilities, I read poetry while you sing, and we have entered competitions because of our abilities ".

    3.) Definitions of verb
    A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the hearts of English sentence.

    How to use verb Following by-ing / gerund.

    Other verbs must always be followed by the gerund. These verbs include : admit, delay, miss, report, suggest, appreciate, deny, postpone, resent, avoid, enjoy, practice, resist, can't help, finish, quit, resume, consider, mind, recall, risk.
    1. Kayla is considering buying a new phone until the price drops.
    2. Would you mind not eating in this restaurant?

    How to Use verb following by the infinitive.

    Some verb can take another verb as the complement instead of a noun. Sometimes the verb functioning as the complement must be in the infinitive (to + verb) and sometimes it must be in the gerund (verb+ing) form. The following verbs are always followed by the infinitive if the complement is a verb
    Agree, desire, hope, plan, strive, attempt, expect, intend, prepare, tend, claim, fail, learn, pretend, want, decide, forget, need, refuse, wish, demand, hesitate, offer, seem.
    Example :
    1. the students are preparing to learn English this morning .
    2. Clara learned to cook when she was very young.

    Nb: mrs, for no 4 & 5 below this answer, because my answer is not enough and cannot be sent at once)

  144. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D

    My answer for no 4 & 5
    4. ).
    I.)a : Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b : Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn't come to the seminar this morning because he wanted to see his friend who was sick.

    II ) : Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a teaching schedule and prevented her to go.

    5.) Function of Relative Clauses
    The Function of Relative Clauses
    English has four main functions of relative clauses.
    A woman [who I know] got hit by a car. (integrated, or restrictive relative)
    My mother, [whom you met at my wedding], got hit by a car. (supplementary, non-restrictive, or appositive relative)
    It was my mother [who got hit by a car]. (cleft relative)
    I liked [what you presented at the conference]. (fused or free relative)
    -Integrated (restrictive) relative: The relative provides information that helps identify the referent of the antecedent further.
    -Supplementary (appositive, non-restrictive) relative: Adds information on the antecedent that is not required to identify it.
    -Cleft relative: Only occurs in the special cleft construction.
    -Fused relative: In such relatives there is no explicit antecedent. Instead the relative phrase is at the same time the antecedent.

  145. Name : Elvyna Nadya Putri
    Class : 3D

    1. - Gradable adjectives are a category of adjectives that can be strengthened and weakened, in essence they can be modified according to their usage, such as big to very big meaning strengthened.
    Example : That coffee is pretty hot

    - Non-gradable is an adjective that cannot be modified like an adjective categorized as gradable. Freezing, terrifying, unnual, impossible, and so on are a class of adjectives that are categorized as non-gradable because their meaning cannot be modified according to our wishes. The reason cannot be modified because the meaning of non-gradable is extreme or is a classifying adjcetive.
    Example : That was awful
    2) When i was in college, English is my daily language. I felt very confident for talking English to other friends, but you know? I don't really can to talk with, about grammatical? Absolutely i can't do it better. But, just because i can talk with confidence, everyone signed me as a girl with English special ability.
    But now? Ah it'll never be same, I don't use English as my daily language anymore.
    3. A verb is a word or a combination of words that indicates action or a state of being or condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs.
    Gerund or verb-ing is a verb that becomes a noun (verb + ing). The uses of verb with verb-ing are with some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing or other structures are possible with admit, deny, suggest, recommend and etc.
    • Mr.Criss minds visiting the ceremony
    • John gave up smoking because of his doctor’s advice
    To infinitive is a verb that follows another verb that is still in one clause. the following verb is always followed by an infinitive if the complement is a verb; agree, want, desire, hope, learn, and etc.
    • I want to go with the man in the mall
    • Mary learned to swim when she was very young
    4 I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she couldn’t come to the seminar.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had a private meeting with her colleague to go.
    5) Relative clause serves as an adjective to explain or provide additional information in detail on a noun

    Example: The boy who lent me an umbrella yesterday is gorgeous
    Based on this example, we can understand that in a relative clause, two clauses that are merged need each other. Without one, the clause will lose its specific meaning.

  146. Name: Vina Fitriyani Putri
    Nim: 191230113
    Class: tbi 3D
    1. The difference is in the English adjectives whose meaning can be changed, either strengthened or weakened. Meanwhile, non-gradable adjective is an adjective in English that cannot be modified or changed anymore, because the meaning is quite extreme or strong. Example:
    A. Gradable adjective: I see a very big house near the street
    B. Non-gradable adjective: the weather is freezing, I need a jacket

    2. When I participated in a story-making competition at the sub-district level. I feel very happy to be selected for the competition, because I never expected to be selected by my teacher, which previously held a peer-to-peer selection. Then I joined the competition and won 3rd place, with pride and pleasure I told my mother, when at the competition I made a new friend and she was selected as the first winner to the district level.
    3. Verbs or verbs (Latin: verbum, "word") are a class of words that denote an action, existence, experience, or other dynamic meaning. This type of word generally becomes a predicate in a phrase or sentence.
    Gerund is a verb (verb) in the form of a present participle, which has the affix -ing, for example swimming, playing, listening, etc. The difference is that the present participle functions as a verb, while the gerund functions as a noun in a sentence. For example, he is swimming is the present participle, but he likes swimming is a gerund.
    There are a few rules for adding the -ing affix to the gerund: For words that end in the letter e, remove the letter and add -ing.
    Example: ride> riding, take> taking, smoke> smoking. For words that end with the letter ie, replace the ie letter with y and add -ing.
    Example: lie> lying, die> dying, tie> tying. For words that have the last part of the syllable with a consonant-vowel-consonant form and have an emphasis, just repeat the last letter before adding -ing.
    Example: jog> jogging, stop> stopping, skip> skipping.
    4. a: He will come to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is he? I saw him a few days ago and he said he was going to his grandmother's house.
    II: Anna had been invited to my wedding but she told me that she had to go to the hospital to visit her grandmother at that time.

    5. Relative clause or relative clause is part of the sentence that is not really important. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if it is omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar. There are two types of relative clauses in English. We should be able to distinguish between the two because it affects the choice of pronouns that are used to introduce clauses.
    a. Defining or identifying clause describes which person or object we are talking about in a larger group of people or objects. If the defining clause is removed, the meaning of the sentence changes significantly. Defining relative clauses are not separated by commas or brackets from the rest of the sentence.
    Example: The woman who visited me in the hospital was very kind. The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    b.Non-defining or non-essential clause provides information about the person or thing we are talking about. If the non-defining relative clause is removed from the sentence, we will lose the details, but the meaning of the sentence as a whole remains the same. Non-defining relative clauses are always separated by commas or brackets from the rest of the sentence.
    Example: The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us 10 pounds of potatoes.Elephants, which are the largest land mammals, live in herds of 10 or more adults.

  147. Name : Ita Nur Azizah
    Nim : 191230101
    TBI 3C
    Answer :
    1. a. Gradable Adjectives
    Gradable means that adjectives have different levels of their quality. It means that the adjectives could be weaker or stronger with modifiers. The modifiers could be a litte/ a bit, pretty/ quite, really/very/ and extremely. Most adjectives are gradable. These are the example of gradable adjectives: boring, cheap, expensive, funny, tasty, etc.
    The pasta was very tasty
    These shoes are a bit small
    b. Non-gradable Adjectives: absolute or extreme adjectives
    These adjectives refer to the adjective words that have their own meaning of 'very' in their definition. They show absolute qualities. If you want to create these adjectives stronger, you have to use absolutely, totally, or completely. These are the examples of non-gradable adjectives: amazing, awful, delicious, excellent, exhausted, tiny, etc.
    The book is absolutely amazing
    We were absolutely exhausted when we arrived home
    2. when I participated in a writing competition and my friend took part in a scientific paper competition we tried to do our best and then I got 2nd place I was very happy and proud because many friends were happy with my achievement but my friend did not win but he did not get discouraged and continued learn because me and my friends are very close we always learn together and support each other
    3. WHAT IS VERB?
    It is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events, or attitudes, e.g. to sing, to run (activities), become, exist (events), and agree(attitude)
    It refers to any verbs that need an object directly to raise the meaning of sentence, e.g. I speak English
    It contrasts with the transitive verb. It means that the verb does not need any object to make a meaningful sentence, e.g. They come late.
    It refers to a word that connects between subject and adjective/ adverb. One of linking verbs is ‘to be’ either in present (am, is, are) or in past (was, were). Examples of linking verb use
    ●William is excited about his promotion.
    ● I am in love with the city.
    We could know the meaning of this verb through its functions in a sentence. Therefore, modal usage could impact on the subject’s activity without changing its original meaning, e.g. could, would, shall, etc.
    Preparation comes from the verb ‘prepare’ that could be transitive or intransitive. It has some meanings as follow:
    1. to make something or someone ready e.g. I ask you to prepare a proposal for next project.
    2. to make plans for a future event ready e.g. People try to prepare their wedding well.
    3. prepare yourself to do something e.g. She prepared herself to make a cake for her daughter party.
    4. prepare someone to do something e.g. We prepare you to join the seminar.
    The structures of ‘prepare’ could be simple, continuous, perfect, and future in past or present tenses. The verbs connect with the importance of object to create a meaningful sentence. Meanwhile the preparation is a title to discuss a verb 'prepare' that has some meanings in its uses.
    4. 1. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said her mother was sick so she wanted to drive her mother to the hospital
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me that she was on a business trip overseas and had to go

      A clause is a part of sentence. One of the clauses is relative clause. It refers to thing or person that the speaker’s meant. Therefore, it relates to the main sentence as a dependent clause.
      CLAUSES with who/that/which
      - We use who in a relative clause for people (not things):
      The woman who lives next door to me is a doctor.
      - We also use that for people, but not which:
      The woman that lives next door to me is a doctor. (not the woman which)
      - When we are talking about things, we use that or which (not who) in a relative clause:
      I don’t like stories that have unhappy endings.
      In relative clauses we use who/that/which, not he/she/they/it.
      I met a Canadian woman at the party. She is an English teacher. (2 sentences)
      I met a Canadian woman who is an English teacher. (1 sentence)
      Relative Clauses 2: Clauses with and without who/that/which
      You must use who/that/which when it is the subject of the relative clause. But, when who/that/which is the object of verb, you can leave it out.
      Relative Clauses 3: whose/whom/where
      In relative clauses, we usually use:
      - Whose is mostly for people : This is George, whose brother went to school with me
      - Whom is possible instead of who when it is the object of the verb :
      I had an uncle in Germany, whom I inherited a bit of money from
      - Where is to talk about a place : the garden in the near city where we had meet


    1. Gradable Adjective is an adjective that has a different meaning depending on its level or quality or has a meaning that the quality level can be strong and can be weak with modifiers such as a little / a bit / very / quite etc. Meanwhile, Non-gradable Adjective is an adjective whose meaning is really strong in quality by using words like totally, absolutely etc.
    Gradable Adjective
     Indonesia has been hit by many disasters today, and many people are feeling quite frightening all the time.
    Non-gradable Adjective
     Jemimah performance tonight was absolutely awesome.

    2. Since childhood, I was very interested in sports. When I was in high school, I developed my skills by participating in badminton competitions and I won it. Unlike my close friend named Hany, she has the ability in story telling and she has also won a story telling competition.

    3. Verbs are words that indicate an action, action, event and behavior in a sentence. verbs can complete a sentence and determine whether the sentence is a statement, question, command or other.
     The verb followed by -ing:
    With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing:
    - He admitted cheating the book..
    - I don't mind waiting if you're busy.
     The verb followed by to infinitife:
    a question word (what/how etc.) + to ... .
    - I want to speak to my mother.
    - She's learning to play the PUBG.

    4. I. a. Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b. Is he ? I saw her a few days ago and she said she (couldn’t come to the seminar).
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me (that she had to go).

    5. Relative Clause Function
    a. Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which
    - Who, is use for people
    E.g: (A man who I love is Prophet Muhammad peace be upon of him).
    - That, also use for people.
    E.g: (I have a friend that always supports me).
    - And to talk about things are also using that or which in relative clause:
    E.g: (I like the songs that Judika sang).
    b. Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which
    -With who/that/which as subject
    E.g: (A man who I respect has passed away).
    - Without who/that/which as object
    E.g: (The phone I wanted was sold out last day).
    c. Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where
    - Whose is mostly for people.
    E.g: (The smartphone whose Bryan is expensive).
    - Whom is possible instead of who when it is the object of the verb.
    E.g: (Sandiaga Uno whom I inspired in entrepreneur.
    - Where is to talk about place
    E.g: (I like the department store where we visited yesterday).
    d. Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1)
    The relative clauses tell you which person or thing (or what kind of person
    or thing) the speaker means.
    E.g: (The women who wear red dress is beautiful).
    e. Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2)
    Preposition + whom(people)/which (thing).
    E.g: (Megan whom I told you in the kitchen was graduated from Cambridge University).

    Class : III TBI D
    NIM : 191230119

    1. gradable adjective can be used with "grading adverbs" that vary the adjective's grade or intensity. Example: My teacher was very happy with my homework.
     non-gradable adjective cannot be used with grading adverbs. Example: It was freezing outside.

    2. I use Could and was/were to can express general past ability. Example: I could swim when I was five.
    But the past ability to perform a particular action on one occasion is expressed with was/were able to. Example: Although the current was strong, I was able to swim to the other bank.
    In the sentence above could is not possible. However, this rule is relaxed in the negative and with verbs of the senses. Eaxample: I read it but I couldn't understand / wasn't able to understand it.
    Be able to is used to express past ability when could is grammatically not possible. Example: I have been able to swim since I was five.

    3. Verbs are words that describe an action or talk about something that happens.
    Verbs followed by the -ing form in enjoy, admit and mind are followed by another verb, it must be in the -ing form. Example: I enjoy travelling.
    He admitted stealing the necklace.
    Other verbs in this group include avoid, can't help, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give up, like, love, miss, practise and suggest.
    Verbs followed by to infinitive form in want, learn and offer are followed by another verb, it must be in the to + infinitive form. Example: I want to speak to the boss.
    he's learning to play the football.
    Other verbs in this group include afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect, hope, plan, prepare, promise, refuse and would like.

    4. I. A : Sue is coming
    saw him a few days ago and she said she was going to the seminar in this morning.
    B: is she? I saw him a few days ago and she said she was going to the seminar
    II. Anna had been invited to my wedding but she told me she couldn't attend to go

    5. There are two sorts of relative clause:
    1. Defining relative clauses is relative clauses act rather like an adjective by providing more information about a particular noun. A defining relative clause is never separated from the noun by a comma. Example: I don’t like the novel that they’re reading.
    Non-defining relative clause is relative clause adds extra information to the whole of the main clause. This type of clause is separated from the main clause by commas. Example: We stopped in Jogja, which is a good place for a picnic.


    1). The differences between gradable and non-gradable adjectives

    a). gradable adjective
    - A gradable adjective is one that can be used in the comparative or superlative, or that can be qualified by words such as 'very or 'quite'.
    - Most adjectives are gradable. This means we can have different levels of that quality. For example, you can be a bit cold, very cold or extremely cold. We can make them weaker or stronger with modifiers
    - Are also called "qualitative adjectives". Can be used with grading verbs. It's very, extremely, a bit, slightly. It can also have comparative and superlative forms

    b). Non-gradable : absolute adjectives
    Some adjectives are non-gradable. For example, something can't be a bit finished or very finished. You can't be a bit dead or very dead. These adjectives describe absolute qualities. To make them stronger we have to use modifiers like absolutely, totally or completely.

    2) One of my talents is dancing. I really like dancing. At school I often performed dancing, both traditional and modern. When we took practical exams at school I was teached dancing with for my friends. sometimes i was dance for various traditional ceremonies such as weddings and in my home environment I often teach traditional dances to young children and its gonna be fun.

    3) Verb is a word being a part of speech and showing activities, events, or attitudes action.
    The verb following by -ing :
    - He likes running in my heart.
    - I remember switching the lights off before we go out.

    The verb + to infinitive :
    - I asked my sister why she comelate home.
    - We decided not to go holiday this year because of pandemic.

    4) I. a: Sue is coming to the seminar this morning.
    b: Is she? I saw her a few days ago and she said she doesn't coming cause she already to vacation with her family.
    II. Anna has been invited to my wedding but she told me she has other schedules so can't to go.

    5) relative clause is not really important part of the sentence. Relative clauses can provide additional meaning. But if it is omitted, the sentence will still have the correct grammar.

    The umbrella that I bought last week is already broken.
    the pen that i was bought is lose today
