Thursday 29 April 2021



There are some definitions of poems and song. One of them is taken from as follow: 

    poem as countable non refers to a piece of writing in which the words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme  and it is a general meaning of poem. In the other hand, song could categorized as countable and uncountable nouns. First, song as countable noun is defined as words sung to tune but it is as uncountable noun refers to the art of singing. Both definitions of poem and song are particularly divided into British English and American English while providing meaning based on a dictionary.  

in British English

    A. Poem (ˈpəʊɪm) as noun

a composition in verse, usually characterized by concentrated and heightened language in which words are chosen for their sound and suggestive power as well as for their sense, and using such techniques as metre, rhyme, and alliteration
a literary composition that is not in verse but exhibits the intensity of imagination and language common to it
a prose poem
anything resembling a poem in beauty, effect, etc
B. Song (sɒŋ) as noun
1.     a
 piece of music, usually employing a verbal text, composed for the voice, esp one intended for performance by a solois
the whole repertory of such pieces, etc
(Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers)

in American English

    A. Poem (ˈpoʊəm) as noun
an arrangement of words written or spoken: traditionally a rhythmical composition, sometimes rhymed, expressing experiences, ideas, or emotions in a style more concentrated, imaginative, and powerful than that of ordinary speech or prose: some poems are in meter, some in free verse
anything suggesting a poem in its effect
B. Song (sɒŋ) as noun
the act or art of singing


  1. NIM : 201230031
    NAME : Hilmy Aulia Rahman
    CLASS : TBI 2A

    1. The Topic is about Everything was made by Allah.
    2. In the Class & On the Stage, because the purpose of this song is to educate children.
    3. I think it was Religious song, because because the lyrics contain about Allah’s creation.
    4. The moral value of this song is that we must believe in Allah, because Allah created everything.

  2. Name : Siti Hayatun Nisa
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230001

    1. Topic of the song "Allah made everything" tells if Allah is the Creator who created everything on this earth, be it on land, oceans and also all creatures on earth.

    2.The song was taken by a school and a theater stage. The video involves small children as models and props in the video to make the video look fun and not boring to watch.

    3.Genre of music is popular religion music because the term indicates specific stylistic traits such as a danceable beat, simple melodies, and repetitive structure so that people can catch on and join in easily.

    4.The message that we can take from the song above as Muslims is, Allah SWT is the creator of everything on earth. Whether it is on land, in the sea, plants, animals and all living things were created by Allah SWT. We must always remember Allah SWT, always be thankful and surrender only to Allah SWT with our whole life.

  3. Name: Annisa Cikal Mujahidah
    Nim : 201230013
    Class : TB1 2A
    1. The topic of the song in the video is Allah is the creator of everything
    2. The song is taken in the class. Why does it involve some children in this video? it because the vocabulary of the song and the lyrics show the greatness of Allah creating living things, such as birds, fish that will be very interesting if it involves childrens.
    3. I think genre of the song is Pop religi, this is because the rhythm of the music is relaxed, interesting and also easy listening.
    4. The song that reminds us that whilst all of creation recognises Allah as their Creator, it is only us as human beings who forget at times of our Lord, to whom we will all return someday.

  4. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Class: TBI 2 A

    1. The topic of the video is Allah SWT made everything in this world. Not only that, Allah SWT also decide everything and no one greater than Allah SWT
    2. The song taken in the class and involved a children because the children must be know better who is their Lord and must be taught about the creation of this world by Allah SWT
    3. The genre of the song is a kid song. Because all of the lyrics are good for children and the video was uploaded in Youtube Kids
    4. The moral value of the video is as a Moslem we have to believe our Lord, Allah SWT, who has created all in this world. And remember that all of our will, destiny, and charity is decided by Allah SWT only

  5. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI/2A

    1. The topic of the song is the creator of everything (Allah SWT).

    2. The song taken in a classroom. It does involve some childrens in the video because it can introduce Allah SWT as the creator of everything has to be done since childhood and it is very important things to do.

    3. In my point of view, the genre of the song is Children’s song, because in the video involve some children, the lyrics of the song is simple and easy to understand for children, the theme of the song is educational, the melody is easy to sing and memorize, in addition, the song can stimulates children’s expression and imagination.

    4. There are some moral values relating to our belief as a Moeslem of the song.

    - We should truly convince ourselves that Allah SWT as creator all of everything. We can listen all of the lyrics to prove the statement, spesifically about these lyrics:
    Allah the creator of us all
    Allahu Akbar, our creator, there’s no one greater than Allah
    - We should be grateful to Allah SWT. We can listen these lyrics spesifically:
    Do we remember him
    Thank him for everything
    - We should be surrender to Allah SWT. We can listen these lyrics:
    Surrender to only him
    With all our lives.

  6. Nama : Ipah Lat ipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Kelas : Tbi_2a

    1. The topic of the song is "Allah SWT"

    2. In the Class & On the Stage, because the purpose of this song is to educate children, therefore taking videos in class and on stage and using lots of toys so that children are happy and easily understand the contents of the video.

    3. Religious music, because in my opinion the lyrics explain who Allah is and about the greatness of Allah.

    4. The moral value that we can take from this song is that we must believe in Allah, because Allah created everything and to Allah again we will return.

  7. Nama : Ana Rosaliatul Hasanah
    NIM : 201230036
    Class : TBI 2A

    1.Topic: Allah who created the universe and all of it.

    2.Place:in the classrooms and Theater stage.
    It does involve some children in the video because so that children know who their god is and who has created living things such as animals, humans,plants and everything on this earth.

    3.genre:Gospel-Religion because this song is dominated by vocal. And religious lyrics.

    4.moral message : It remind us that Allah is our god who created everything. His created alone recognizes that allah is their creator.And we as humans sometimes forget our god and who we return one day.

  8. Name : maharani
    Nim : 201230017
    Class: Tbi 2A

    1.the topic of the song is everything was made by ALLAH
    2.from the lesson delivered by the teacher in class
    - because this video describes a children's education
    3.religious or islamic song, because of the education of children in the islamic boarding school
    4.the moral value of this song for as a moslem is we must be sincere, must be enthusiastic in doing anything and never lose hope for help from Allah, and we must believe in him that Allah is alway's with us

  9. Name: Soraya Farlika Salsabila
    Nim: 201230002
    Class: TBI 2A
    1) the topic in this video is about Allah created everything
    2) the song taken in the Classroom, why does involve some children? Because we have to know from children who created everything
    3) the genre of the song is Children's song, Because the song is sung by the Chirdlren and the words are easy to understand
    4) the moral value in this song reminds us that Allah created everything and we as humans should not be proud of whatever we have

  10. Nama : Zalva Syah Fitri
    Nim : 201230026
    Class : 2A
    1. As far as I'm concerned, I think the Topic of that song is "Allah is lord of all creation".

    2. The setting of the MV is in a Classroom.
    Its begun with a teacher explaining about "How's everything is Made". A young girl student refused the teacher opinion and she said that Allah is the one who Made everything. Then, the teacher just realized that Allah made everything.After that the song's MV is also involved the children by thinking The signs of Allah, The creator of us all.

    3. In my point of view, the genre of that song is religious song (Islamic songs).
    Because the lyrics contain moral and religious teaching.

    4. As far as I'm concerned, The moral value of this song is to convince us and rethinking about The signs of the creator.
    The lyrics also Made us realise How great Allah Is and We should always be grateful to Allah SWT.

  11. name : muhammad khaeirul rizqi
    class : 2A TBI
    NIM : 201230029
    1. the topic : Allah SWT is the great creator of he world.
    2. the place video made in classroom and studio children's school, because teaching hem for knowing his creator
    3. the genre s religious-pop, because it can be enjoyed by all groups besides presenting religious teachings
    4. The lesson value of this song is to glorify the creator, teach patience and sincerity in trying

  12. Nama : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    NIM : 201230007
    Class : TBI II A

    1. the topic of the video is Allah who created everything.

    2. the song taken in the classroom. The teacher applies a new method so that the children do not get tired of learning in class.

    3. religious gender. because this song is closely related to religion. from the title "Allah made everything" we can know that this song is a religious genre.

    4.moral values ​​associated with the song.
    * We have to really convince ourselves that Allah SWT is the creator of everything.
    * We must surrender to Allah SWT.
    * We have to thank Allah SWT.

  13. Nama:Tatu Maftuhah
    Kelas:TBI 2A

    1)I think the Topic of that song is"Allah is lord of All Creation"
    2)In a class and on the stage because the purpose of this song is to Educate children,therefore taking videos in class and on stage and using lots of toys so that children are happy and easily understand the contents of the video.
    3)Religious song, because the lyrics contain about Allah's Creation
    4)The moral value in this song reminds us that Allah created everything and we as humans should not be proud of whatever we have

  14. Nama : Mafrodatunnufus
    NIM : 201230034
    Class : TBI II A

    1. the topic of the video is Allah who created everything.

    2. the song taken in the classroom. The teacher applies a new method so that the children do not get tired of learning in class.

    3. religious gender. because this song is closely related to religion. from the title "Allah made everything" we can know that this song is a religious genre.

    4.moral values ​​associated with the song.
    * We have to really convince ourselves that Allah SWT is the creator of everything.
    * We must surrender to Allah SWT.
    * We have to thank Allah SWT.

  15. Name : Melinda Hestiana
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230037

    1. The topic of the song in the video is that everything was created by Allah SWT with omnipotence and greatness.
    As Muslims, we are certain that the greatness and love of Allah are very great and beautiful. The majesty of Allah will never end in inspiring us. When we are feeling happy, we will remember Allah's love, when we are feeling sad we will also remember Allah's love. When we are successful we will remember Allah's help, and when we fail we also remember Allah's omnipotence. When we get lucky we will remember the greatness, when we get disaster we will remember the holiness of Allah. As in the video, which describes the greatness of Allah who created everything throughout the earth and sky, which Allah has arranged according to their function and destiny and we should be grateful by saying الحمد لله.

    2. Based on the video it was taken at an elementary school, namely Islamia College in Cape Town which was produced by Halalywood ENTERTAINMENT. In the video, it involves some children because the scenario that has been made depicts that there is a teacher who teaches his students (some children) about in-depth science then the teacher bursts into the song, and the children jump up and join in. So, the conclusion of this video was made to show one of the learning methods Using songs with simple and easily of sentences understood for children's minds. so that, the students don't feel sleepy and bored, especially children because at their age easily to more get intend to feel bored and sleepy situations because they just think play or interesting things mostly. On the other hand, children also known Allah who created everything. at that time the topic (learning materials) of science related to one another. That's why the video involves some children.

    3. In my view, The genre of the song is the Blues Music of Genre. It's also known as religious pop music because there are praise and spirituality. In addition, the rhythm of the music is relaxed, simple, interesting, related to our daily life, easy to understand, practice, and memorized by everyone, especially for children.

    4. In my opinion, the song has a simple moral value: Allah created everything, therefore he is the only one to worship. I think that makes sense because there are many places in the Al-Quran that we are able to find where Allah tells us that he is the creator of everything. One of the verses that explain that is: "That is Allah, your Lord; there is no deity except Him, the creator of all things, so worship him. And he is the custodian of all things. " (Q.S Al - An'am 102) It can be concluded that from this pure song it reminds us as Muslim how great Allah is and convinces Muslims to always worship and also have to be grateful to Allah SWT for everything Allah has given us.

  16. Name :Siti Mahdiah
    NIM : 201230024
    Class : TBI 2-A

    1. The topic of the song is 'Allah SWT is the Creator of everything'

    2. - The song taken in a classroom, and Studio theater in school that has an interesting properties.
    -The song involves children because it is song for Muslim children, the song is intended to educate and to introduce Allah SWT as the Creator of everything.

    3. The genre of the song is Muslim children's song because in my opinion the lyrics explain about moral and it's meant to educate muslim children.

    4. -The moral from the song is that we should believe Allah SWT is our Lord, our Creator. There's no one greater than Allah SWT Laahaulawalaaquwwataillabillah.
    -We should always be grateful for what Allah gives us.
    -We should be surrender to Allah SWT

  17. Nama: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    NIM: 201230028
    Class: TBI.2A

    1. The topic of the song is an easy way how adults introduce and teach childrens who their creator really is by using an easy language and an interesting media.

    2. In a playground, because this song is a simple song that introduces children to who their creator is by using language that is easily understood by children's mind.

    3. The genre is religion/moslem. Because this song teaches children about the creator.

    4.This song answers the questions of kids about 'Creator' with the level of their understanding.

  18. Name : Adelia Rizky
    NIM : 201230006
    Class : TBI_2A

    1. About Allah as the creator of all things
    2. school. why involue some children, because the lyrics of the song itself are more suitable for playing with children,
    3. Religious, because the song is telling about god (Allah SWT)
    4. That Allah is the best possible creator

  19. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    Jawaban :)
    1. The topic of the song is Allah Made everything.
    2. The song taken from this lesson in class, Because this vidio explains the moral lesson on how to thank grounds and also describe a children education.
    3.Islamic, because in vidio we are teaching to be grateful for the favors that God gives us.
    4. We must be grateful.

  20. Name: Mutia Hernata
    NIM: 201230004
    Class: TBI - 2A

    1. The topic of the song: Allah is the creator of everything that exists in all universe and its contents.

    2. The song is taken in classroom. The video involve some children because the song is a learning method for children besides that, so that those who see it are touched by children who understand and believe in the greatness of Allah.

    3. The genre of the song is religious genre because lycric of the song contain moral value about islamic religion.

    4. Moral value of the song relating to our religion as moslem: we must believe that there is no god but Allah and must be grateful to have been created in this world, given a blessing, Allah is the creator of everything that exists in all universe and its contents.

  21. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032
    1. The power of Allah to create all the things.
    2. The song taken in class room and studio theatre, because the lyrics song is so simple and it's so relate with children and it's can be to interesting attention other children to watch.
    3. In my opinion, the genre of song is children song because the lyrics is so very simple, and religion song, because the lyrics contain about Allah.
    4. From this song, we can aware that Allah Almighty over all his creation, no one else to can compare with Allah and we have to believe that Allah SWT is greater than anything in this world.

  22. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti

    1. Allah made everyting.

    2.At school in the classroom.
    because children are the successor of the nation and religion. so religion is very important to be taught from an early age, so that one day they can be good children.

    3.religious music, because in this song tells how great God is who can create everything in this earth.

    4.the moral message in this song is, how great and strong is Allah SWT. can create us and other people on this earth. So that we can get a moral message that is, we can increase our faith as servants of Allah, because of Allah SWT. who created us.

  23. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim : 201230016
    Class : TBI_2A

    1. The topic of the song is "Allah SWT"

    2. In the class and on the stage, because the song and video is purpos to educate the children. The children also wore animal and plant costumes, and there were some who dressed up like old people. They play a role.

    3. Religious song. Because in my opinion, the song talks about who Allah SWT is? And explain about the greatness of Allah SWT.

    4.The moral value in this video are that we must believe in Allah SWT. And we must be grateful to Allah SWT.

  24. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI_2A

    Answer :

    1. The topic of the song is "Allah Made everything" it told by the title of the song

    2. in class and show stage, because they explain or act as if all creatures are aware that Allah is the God/Lord who make everything

    3. It's a religious song, because they are realize that Allah make everything and how they grateful it

    4. We must realize that Allah make everything and everything can happend because of Allah, grateful for all that Allah has made.

  25. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    Nim : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. The topic of the song is Allah created of everything, therefore he is the only one to worship.

    2. The song was taken in a classroom and a theater stage. It does involve some childrens in the video because they may have been in the same situation which is a boring lesson and then to make the video look have fun and not boring to watch

    3. The genre of the song it's an islamic song for kids because it contains a simple but important message that is easy to understand for children

    4. The message of the song relating to our belief as a moslem is Allah the Creator of us all. There are many places in the Quran where Allah tells us that he is the creator of everything, therefore he is the only one to worship.

  26. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    NIM : 201230018
    TBI 2A

    1. The Topic of the song is Allah is the creator of everything

    2. The song taken in the Class, It does involve some children because this song made to educate children to know who create of us all and to know who our Lord.

    3. The genre of this song is Children's Song in Religous Way, because the lyrics of the song is easy to understand and contain Religious

    4. The Moral Value is to reminds us that Allah made everything and we have to thanks to Allah

  27. Nama : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI 2 A

    1. The Topic of the song is Allah is the creator of everything.

    2. The song taken in the Class, It does involve some children because this song made to educate children to know who create of us all and to know who our Lord.

    3. The genre of this song is Children's Song in Religous Way, because the lyrics of the song is easy to understand us and contain Religious.

    4. The Moral Value is to reminds us that Allah made everything and we have to grateful to Allah, Allah is only god.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Aulia mahdiah (201230021)
    1. the theme is basic education about Islam (Allah) for children
    2. the setting of the place is school (class)
    in accordance with the theme that this song instills basic Islamic education in children
    3. religious genre because it discusses religion
    4. Its moral value is to make me believe that Allah is all-things

  30. Name : Ekho Saputra
    Nim : 201230008

    1. the topic of the video is Allah who created everything.
    2. the song taken in the classroom. The teacher applies a new method so that the children do not get tired of learning in class.
    3. religious gender. because this song is closely related to religion. from the title "Allah made everything" we can know that this song is a religious genre.
    4.moral values ​​associated with the song.
    * We have to really convince ourselves that Allah SWT is the creator of everything.
    * * We must surrender to Allah SWT.
    * We have to thank Allah SWT.

  31. Name: Dwi Febriyanti
    NIM: 201230020
    TBI 2A

    1. The topic of the song is 'Allah SWT is the Creator of everything'.
    2. The song taken in a classroom, and Studio theater. The teacher teaches the students to know our creation and applies a new method so that the children don't get tired and bored to study in class.
    3. Religious gender. because this song is closely related by Moslem's teaches.
    4. The Moral Value is to reminds us that Allah made everything and we have to grateful to Allah, Allah is the one and only our God.

  32. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. The topic of the song is "God made all things."

    2. At school in the classroom.
    Which involves children, because children are the successors of the nation and religion. so religion is very important to be taught from an early age, so that later they can become good children, and they know who created us all and know who our God is.

    3. religious music, because in this song it tells how great God is who can create everything that exists on this earth.

    4. The moral message in this song is, how great and powerful Allah SWT is. can create us and other people on this earth. So that we can get a moral message that is, we can increase our faith as servants of Allah, because Allah SWT. who created us.
