Wednesday 5 May 2021



Selnistia Hidayani, 2021

    There are several definition of language. People often define it as a tool of communication and could help them to deliver the ideas in order to achieve their goals. Therefore, a language not only as a structure of words (grammatical area) but also a bouquet of meaning and intentions  (semantic and pragmatic areas). A meaning representation could be of use in the generation of natural language sentences and in the parsing of natural language sentences (Schank, 1980). It means that a language could represent its speaker, writer even a community mind and habit.
    These were simple world knowledge rules that were tied to each Conceptual Dependency (CD) conceptual rule (Schank, 1968). Thus the conceptual rule that actors can act would be modified by lists of what could do what according to semantic categories, such as “animals can eat,” “planes can fly,”and so on. The rules that come from syntactic relationships to conceptual ones accepting to the conceptual semantics each time a mapping was worked. CD theory claimed that there was a possible relationships that made up an interlingual meaning structure.  To create meaning, a language system have to interact with the linguistic and conceptual knowledge (Dyke). Thus, people require understanding of language processing and acquired language disorders to show the dependence of language processes on memory. 
    The varied names of memory are derived from different types of information found in memory (Dyke). Therefore, there some theorists distinct the memory such as  French Philosopher, Biran divided memory into three; mechanical, sensitive, and representative. In the other hand, James (1980) distinct memory into two types: elementary and secondary memories. The memory system is a multiple process which involve language process in people' s brain. Thus, this system focuses on anatomy and functional distinction system which differing method of acquisition, representation, and expression of knowledge (Tulving, 1983 in Dyke).  
    It is a model from Atkitson and Shiffrin (1968) how people process the information in to memory. firstly, there is an environmental input as the information (control processes). It will be processed in sensory register such as visual, auditory, and haptic (attention). After that, the attention processes will move the information from sensory register to short-term memory. The processes consist of encoding and maintaining via rehearsal. Then, the information brought out of long term store while encoding.  Then, the information could be inaccessible either to decay and or to interference. 
    Practising this topic, you could give comment in this blog about how do people sometime loose their memory? and what is your opinion about language and memory interconnection. Thanks a lot to give your idea about it.    


  1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabbarakatuh. I'm rahmania aulia from TBI 6 D (SRN 181230136) i would like to ask, in this world there are several people that master more than 3 language. Is it will disappear by the time because maybe not everyday they practice and apply more than 1 language. Thank you

  2. My name is Shafa Aisyah (181230009) TBI 6A. I would like to ask, why there are people who easily remember something and some are difficult even very quickly to forget. thank you

  3. Assalamualaikum wr. Wb
    My name is entol arie soffanuddien
    Tbi6A (181230035)
    In my opinion, usually a part of people is not focuses because they divide their capacity of memory widely or we have some multiple memory system. This also in rarely cases there is because some accident make our brain have impairment in our brain such as Alzheimer, amnesia, etc

    Memory impairment is a condition when the brain has difficulty storing, controlling, and recalling memories. Memory disorders can develop into worse, for example, causing Alzheimer's disease.

  4. Assalamualaikum warohmatullah wabbarokatuh.
    I'm hedi indra lesmana from tbi 6A (181230032) in my opininon I my opinion someone can lose their memory because of a head injury caused by accident etc.

  5. Assalamualaikum warohmatullah wabbarokatuh
    I am Sekar Septiani (181230144) from TBI 6D
    In my opinion, A person can lose memory due to a brain injury, this could be due to a hard impact to the head caused by an accident or it could be the impact of a hang operation being performed. In addition, certain diseases can also cause a person to lose their memory, such as a stroke.
    Memory really determines humans in communicating between each other and communicating requires language as the medium. By using language, humans can easily express their thoughts. Whether in the condition of solving problems, thinking lightly, chatting together or even communicating their experiences. It can be concluded that language is an infinite system of symbols or symbols that can express all thoughts and this is closely related to human memory, because everything that happens in human life must be stored in their memory and using human language can tell everything that is happen in his life.

  6. Assalamualaikum, Ms.Selnistia

    Hayu Amalia
    TBI 6 A
    Answer for the first question, yes people can loose their memory because of many reasons such as:
    1. Head injury from a fall or accident can causes amnesia.
    2. Stress, anxiety or depression.
    3. Vitamin B-12 deficiency, because it elps maintain healthy nerve cells.
    4. Brain disease, such as dementia.

    Then,answer for second question is language and memory has interaction because they are cognitive functions that always connected. Memory consist of information in written text, spoken language, etc.
    Meanwhile language consists of grammatical rules, phonological rules, phonemes,etc. Which those all are stored in memory.
    So if you use language, you also use your memory. And if you are digging or storing something in your memory, you are using language.

  7. I'm Sonia Oktaviani (181230145) 6D.
    I have principle that is language is a habit. Because I think if we aren't using language as habit, it can give impact to our memories.

  8. Divia Rahma Yulianti 181230051 (Tbi 6B)

    To answer your question, i have an opinion base on the theory i read.
    Often forgetting is not always a part of aging. Lack of sleep triggers anxiety and causes mood swings as well as decreases the ability to concentrate, which is one of the main causes of forgetfulness.
    In addition, there is a theory that explains that every memory stored in the brain will form memory traces. This theory is called the decay theory. According to the decay theory, over time, these memory traces will fade and disappear, if we seldom repeat the memory. Finally, the brain fails or cannot retrieve the information (memory) we want.

  9. Assalamualaikum wr wb.
    My name is Syiva Ana Eka Putri from TBI 6A (181230004)
    According to me Memory loss can be caused by many things. Memory loss can also be caused by the age factor, the older we get and the older we are, the memory will be low, as a result some people become forgetful. Memory loss may result from a new injury to the brain example brain tumor and several infection brain. Then, Memory loss may be a sign of dementia. Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. Dementia also affects thinking, language, judgment, and behavior.

    And in my opinion language and memory has relationship and interaction. Language is memory. Or perhaps more completely. Whenever we are ready to speak/write/(use language), it is in the context of a maelstrom of memory in the two hemispheres of the brain. Whatever triggered us to use language also triggered activation of lots of memories, based on the trigger. This maelstrom is not consciously felt. it occurs unconsciously, and it provides the syntactic and emotional content expressed in the words.

  10. Afifah Nur Hidayati (181230034) TBI 6 A

    The cause of memory loss or amnesia is often associated with a violent blow to the head or an accident. However, it turns out that the cause of a person's memory loss or amnesia can also be influenced by various other disorders. severe stress can also be a trigger for memory loss.

    In my opinion, the interconnection of language and memory is closely related because language and memory are so closely related. we speak need language and memory about the language we have.

  11. Name :Septi indi anggraeni
    NIM:181230013 (TBI 6A)
    in my opinion, usually the memory that is often affected by forgetting is episodic memory where the memory is about remembering a certain event while the semantic memory remembers a word which is difficult to forget.
    The brain does the same with language. The role of the hippocampus is to connect incoming words from stored semantic knowledge to understand and produce sentence meanings. Mastery of vocabulary in children is greatly influenced by the child's ability to repeat words. This limitation is reduced as the individual acquires a large vocabulary, and thus develops a greater ability to make semantic (meaningful) associations.

  12. Name : Dewi Sri Wahyuni
    Nim : 181230024
    Class : 6A

    1. The process of memory decay as a result of not being raised frequently or not being reappeared, can also occur due to a short memory retrieval process in the brain. However, that does not mean that the memory is permanently lost but only has not been activated, it needs a signal for the brain to re-appear the memory.
    2. Language or words are a part of humans. When people hear or read a word, the memory process will work by reacting with objects that match the word. These words are part of the language which can process and convey information.

  13. Name: Annisa Ayundi Prastiwi
    SRN: 181230017
    Class: TBI 6A

    I agree with Watkins' theory that information can be lost when retrieval cues cannot identify important information. It is caused by a lot of the same item of information that ends up to become cue-overload, making it a distraction. As a consequence, there is a lot of intervention where unnecessary information is taken instead of the intended information.

    Besides, it seems to me, language and memory are related. Memories are storage files of mind in the brain, which will then be converted into speech in language. Like many people who say that a person's words reflect the contents of his own mind.

  14. Assalamualaikum wr.wb.
    I'm Mimin from tbi 6A (181230011) In my opininon
    about language and memory interconnection is that memory is critical for further communication. Communicating requires language. It is known that the state of one's memory hangs on a human brain composed of right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to do everyday speech.

  15. I'm Siti Nurkholipah (181230036) people sometimes loose their memory it caused by many factors. These factors include: sleep deprivation, use of alcohol or drugs and some prescription medications, head injury or concussion, bipolar disorder, emotional trauma and so on.

    In my opinion about language and memory connection is memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech. Related to this, brain disorders can inhibit a person's speech disorders and other symptoms of language.

  16. Fidella Nur Arofah (181230016) TBI 6A
    In my opinion, cause of people who sometimes lose their memory is often related to a hard impact to the head or accidents, head injuries are often a common cause of a person experiencing memory loss, because a hard impact on the head can cause short or long term memory loss. However, it turns out that the cause of a person's memory loss can also be influenced by various other disorders, such as: depression and stress, other brain diseases (brain tumors and epilepsy).

  17. (181230075/6B)
    Memory can be formed without us making a special effort to obtain it. Conversely, memorization can only become a memory with a special effort or action.
    The conclusion is that we should look at how these memory images for language address some of the specific problems of language teaching. What is stored in memory is not a word but a meaning. Once we grasp the meaning of a speech, we no longer need the words. Only the meaning, or proposition, is what we retain.
    Memory loss is a condition when a person forgets what he heard, saw, or did a while ago. For the elderly, this is a normal phase. But sometimes problems with short-term memory can signal dementia, brain injury, or mental disorders.

  18. (181230075/6B)
    Memory can be formed without us making a special effort to obtain it. Conversely, memorization can only become a memory with a special effort or action.
    The conclusion is that we should look at how these memory images for language address some of the specific problems of language teaching. What is stored in memory is not a word but a meaning. Once we grasp the meaning of a speech, we no longer need the words. Only the meaning, or proposition, is what we retain.
    Memory loss is a condition when a person forgets what he heard, saw, or did a while ago. For the elderly, this is a normal phase. But sometimes problems with short-term memory can signal dementia, brain injury, or mental disorders.

  19. Murdevi (181230156) from TBI 6D.
    I think people sometimes lose their memory due to various factors, one of which is age, the older a person is, the weaker his memory is, and it causes someone to forget easily. There are also lifestyle factors such as unhealthy eating patterns, stress, lack of rest, and others. This all causes a person's memory and concentration to decrease.

    The interconnection between memory and language, that is, both languages ​​require memory and vice versa. Just as communication requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech. And memory also determines a person in further communication through language.

  20. Alikha Istiqhomah Japarunissa 181230006 TBI 6A
    To find out the cause of the patient's amnesia (memory loss), the doctor will ask the patient to perform the following series of investigations:

    -Cognitive tests, to check thinking and memory skills
    -Blood test, to detect infection in the brain
    -MRI or CT scan, to see any damage, bleeding, and brain tumors
    -Electroencephalogram (EEG), to detect electrical activity in the brain

  21. Fidella Nur Arofah (181230016) TBI 6A
    In my opinion, cause of people who sometimes lose their memory is often related to a hard impact to the head or accidents, head injuries are often a common cause of a person experiencing memory loss, because a hard impact on the head can cause short or long term memory loss. However, it turns out that the cause of a person's memory loss can also be influenced by various other disorders, such as: depression and stress, other brain diseases (brain tumors and epilepsy).

    Language and memory are interrelated, because memory determines a person in communicating and communicating requires language.
    Language can also facilitate the ability to learn and remember, solve problems and draw conclusions. With language, humans can more easily express their thoughts. This language process also involves many things, including: memory (memory) and a person's thoughts.

  22. Nurafia Widianingsih (181230015) – TBI 6A
    People who lose their memories occur because of a hard blow to the head or an accident. In my opinion, language and memory are related because a language used in daily life will be remembered in memory.

  23. Uswatun Aisyah (181230021) - TBI 6A
    In my opinion, Memory loss can also be called amnesia, which is a condition in which a person has difficulty remembering facts or past experiences. People with memory loss may also have difficulty forming new memories. There are several causes of memory loss,such as the presence of a head injury or a hard collision in the head that can cause short or long term memory loss, stress, depression or mental health problems.
    Language and memory have an interconnection of both because memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. Language is obtained from the brain, therefore memory can store a language itself.

  24. Andini Amaliyah Fitri (181230001) TBI 6 A

    I think people will lose their memory because there is a disturbance in their brain such as a head injury due to too much impact, brain disease or maybe because of stress, too many things to remember that enter the brain so that the person forgets.

    In my opinion that memory really determines a person's daily communication. Communicating requires language. Meanwhile, as is well known that the state of a person's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left brains.

  25. My name is Pipit Evie Ana (181230139) from tbi 6 d
    People sometimes less their memory because many factors, Theresia are, sleep deprivation,
    use of alcohol or drugs and some prescription medications,
    anesthesia from recent surgery,
    cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, or bone marrow transplant,
    head injury or concussion,
    lack of oxygen to the brain,
    certain types of seizures,
    brain tumor or infection,
    brain surgery or heart, bypass surgery,
    mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, etc.

  26. Name : Latifia khoirunnisa
    Class :TBI 6A
    NIM : 181230019
    In my opinion why we often lose memory (forget) it is because the weaker memory is called forgetting. The forgetting process usually occurs because the old memory is replaced by new memory. This is because these new brain cells are formed in the brain hippocampus region associated with learning new things. The new cells will overwrite old memory and make it difficult to access.

    So for the next explanation about memory and language. In my opinion in relation to memory, the language has a function as a tool to activate memory. What is revealed through language can not be the first peyimbooso on the events that occur, what is revealed is the return of a reference or sign that has been obtained or previously observed. In language contained a mnenomic role, which strategies increase capacity and memory roles.

  27. Name : Agtrisya Tamara Putri
    Nim : 181230043 / 6B

    someone sometimes likes to lose their memory, maybe because in the process of receiving it, they are not well received or they are reluctant to get their brain used to remembering something, so the memory is not stored in long-term storage. And in my opinion, it is true that language and memory have interconnection, because with the language memory, the language we process, which we receive or issue, happens because there has been a process in the brain that trains us to produce language.

  28. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    My name Ifazatun Najah from TBI 6A (181230002).In my opinion what caused a person to lose their memory is amnesia due to an accident that caused a very violent impact and could also be caused by a person being hit in the head very hard by heavy objects like iron and other things.

    And My opinion about Language and memory are linked together, as they determine whether a person is in communication and vice versa. So we can know that a person's memory depends on the human brain made up of both the right and the left. And it also determines a person's ability to give a speech on a daily basis.

  29. Dian Herawati

    According to the material that I got after searching the internet, that sometimes people have experienced forgetfulness. Mild memory loss tends to increase with age and is generally not a condition to worry about. But persistent memory loss due to a disease such as Alzheimer's disease can be a serious condition.
    Memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech.

  30. Name : Hayanun
    SRN : 181230041
    Class : 6B

    Memory loss is an unusual forgetfulness. We may not be able to remember new events, recall one or more past memories, or both. Loss of memory may be for a short time and then resolved (temporarily), or it may not go away, and, depending on the cause, it could get worse over time.
    Memory loss can be caused by many things. Many areas of the brain help us create and retrieve memories. A problem in any of these areas can cause memory loss.
    Then about interconnected language and memory,
    Our verbal memory's ability to be actively present and process information simultaneously is very limited. This limitation leads to the functional requirements for a language understanding system whereby comprehension must take processed items to fully integrate new information into an evolving interpretation. Usually, limitations on storage and memory retrieval are important determinants of language performance. In addition, language systems must interact with linguistic and conceptual knowledge to create meaning. This implies a second functional requirement namely the need to regain passively held lexical and conceptual knowledge of the meaning of words. These two requirements indicate the close dependence of language processing on memory, suggesting that a thorough understanding of language processing, and the resulting language impairment, would benefit from an understanding of the memory system.

  31. Name : Sri sulastri
    Nim : 181230046
    I want to ask miss, why if someone forgets his memory, but he can still speak?

  32. Name: Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN: 181230055
    Class: TBI 6B

    the interconnection between language and memory is an important matter. memory is the basis of everything we will later imitate and do. Likewise in learning a language, the ability to remember and the attractiveness of the language is very actively involved in it. The ability to remember a person varies, but can be trained unless there is an abnormality in the brain. that too affects how quickly a person understands a language. however in terms of remembering and understanding it is not enough if it is not accompanied by practicing and getting used to.

  33. Nama : Salma Aida
    Nim : 181230068 (TBI6B)

    most people immediately think of memory loss. However, a recent study by the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) reveals the fact that the memory is not simply erased, but hidden and unreachable.

  34. Assalamualaikum wr wb
    My name is Rizki Nur Azizah from TBI 6B
    In my opinion Memory lose is unusual forgetfulness. You may not be able to remember new events, recall one or more memories of the past, or both.

    The memory lose may be for a short time and then resolve (transient). Or, it may not go away, and, depending on the cause, it can get worse over time.

    In severe cases, such memory impairment may interfere with daily living activities.

  35. Annisa Riyana Hamdani
    TBI 6B

    In my opinion, normal aging can cause some forgetfulness or memory lose. It is normal to have some trouble learning new material or needing more time to remember it. But normal aging does not lead to dramatic memory loss. Such memory loss is due to other diseases. Memory loss can be caused by many things. To determine a cause, our health care provider will ask if the problem came on suddenly or slowly. Many areas of the brain help us to create and retrieve memories. A problem in any of these areas can lead to memory loss. Memory loss may result from a new injury to the brain.

    And about connection between Language and Memory, the language we speak affects the way we process, store and retrieve information. The fact that branching and word order may be linked to such a fundamental cognitive process like memory opens up new exciting avenues for psycholinguistic research towards expanding the pool of languages and populations investigated.

  36. Name : Nanda Siti Radela
    SRN. : 181230054
    Class. : TBI 6B

    It is strongly suspected that at first the function of language was a tool to activate memory, so that social communication between humans could take place without hindrance. If only everything we face in this life can be witnessed directly or in front of us at any time, we probably don't need to use spoken language or speech, it is enough just to point to the object we mean in front of our eyes. Spoken or spoken language is a very flexible memory trigger tool that lures listeners to activate their memory by trying to recall events they have experienced in the past. In language, there is a mnemonic role, namely a strategy to increase the capacity and role of memory.

    The brain has the ability to store (storage) which is very extraordinary, which has never been matched. With this extraordinary ability, the brain can even store information from various categories / types in separate places for each of these categories / types. For example, animal names are stored in a separate section from people's names. The ability to sort and store these elements in different areas is supported by the presence of an area or part of the brain called the hippocampus "which is located in both the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The main function of this section is to receive, filter, and help enter that information." into memory, even passing the information to other parts of the brain.With such a role, it can be said that hypo. The campus makes a very large contribution in filtering, learning new associations and determining what is important and what is worth ignoring or suppressing. Without the hippocampus we may still be able to do learning activities, but we cannot remember what we have learned. Therefore, the role of the hippocampus in the learning process is very important, including language learning.

  37. Riska Maulina
    TBI 6D

    Anxiety, depression, or stress can make it difficult to accept information and be unable to concentrate, which can lead to lose memory. In addition, this condition can also cause sleep disturbances which will exacerbate both emotional disturbance symptoms and the ability to remember.

  38. Nur Rasmayanti

    There are some common things that cause a person to lose their memory, such as;
    1. medication, some prescription and over-the-counter drugs can interfere with or cause memory loss.
    2. head injury, a hard blow to the head - from a fall or car accident, for example - can injure the brain and cause short and long term memory loss.
    3. less sleep, fatigue, depression, stress can make it difficult to pay attention and focus which can affect memory.
    4. dementia, stroke, Alzheimer's disease. etc
    In my opinon, anything that causes us to use language also creates activation of multiple memories, based on the trigger. This vortex is not felt consciously, it occurs unconsciously, and provides the syntactic and emotional content expressed in words.

  39. Nurul Azmi Agisni
    TBI 6B

    I think memory loss is usually associated with a head injury from a blunt force blow or a car accident. In fact, the causes of memory loss can vary, including due to certain medical conditions or diseases.
    because everyone often experiences memory lapses or easily forgets something. In this situation, you may not be able to locate the items you have stored or simply forget the names of people you just met.

    Usually, this is a natural thing for everyone. The reason is, the human brain is continuously sorting, storing, and retrieving all kinds of information, so that memory lapses may occur. As for this, it is often associated with the elderly (elderly) due to aging factors.

    However, if you keep forgetting in an unusual way, this could be a sign that you are experiencing memory loss. Memory loss is a condition where a person's memory is disrupted to remember facts and memories of the past as well as events or new memories.

  40. My name is Suza Atha (181230012 TBI 6A) In my opinion, someone can lose their memory due to various factors, like brain injury (inside of this like cancer or tumor can be a factors too), depresion, or age factors.
    In my opinion language and memory are interconnection because brain does the same thing with language, brain has relationship with language because with language and memory, we can speak and learn about language or new words that what we have.

  41. Name: Moh Faiz
    Class: TBI 6B
    NIM: 181230056

    In my opinion, language and memory are things that grow together, often over time from childhood to adulthood, language will develop, from a level of difficulty or new vocabulary that will be understood later, therefore language and memory are related to one another.

  42. Kikin Sakinah
    TBI 6B

    I agree about " a language not only as a structure of words (grammatical area) but also a bouquet of meaning and intentions (semantic and pragmatic areas)".

  43. Yasmin Aulia Mumtaz
    TBI 6A

    I think, There are many causes that cause a person to lose their memory, such as aging, head injuries, and blood clots or bleeding in your brain.

    in my opinion, language and memory are interconnected, because when we read or write something, we will automatically remember what we read or wrote earlier.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Nur 'Afifah Zafa 181230077 TBI 6B
    In my opinion: The native speakers of Left Branching languages had significantly better working memory capacity for items presented early in a memory task, and that native speakers of Right Branching languages had far better memory for items presented later. In other words, the way we speak affects the way we think.

  46. Aulia Rahma
    TBI 6D

    For the first question, in my opinion the answers are humans could loose their memory because of the several factors as :
    1. aging.
    2. dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease or Lewy body dementia.
    3. brain tumors.
    4. blood clots or bleeding in your brain.
    5. head injuries, such as concussions.
    6. infections in or around your brain.
    7. mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety.

    For the second question, I will answer this language and memory has interaction because language is memory. Or perhaps more completely, language is two types of memory.
    Whenever we are ready to speak/write/(use language), it is in the context of a maelstrom of memory in the two hemispheres of the brain. Whatever triggered us to use language also triggered activation of lots of memories, based on the trigger. This maelstrom is not consciously felt (by most of us); it occurs unconsciously, and it provides the syntactic and emotional content expressed in the words

  47. Name : khusniyah 181230048 TBI 6B i
    n my oponion in essence, language can know someone's feelings through writing or essay.

  48. Hello Miss. I am Nafa Saniati (181230057) from TBI 6 B.
    In my opinion, why people sometime loose their memory ? Because there is a malfunction in the brain system or mechanical memory. other than that Anxiety, depression, or stress can make it difficult for you to receive information and unable to concentrate, leading to frequent forgetfulness. Interconnection between memory and language is Memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech. So of course there is connection about them.

  49. Silva Annisa
    TBI 6-B

    According the paper that i read the language and memory are the existence of shallow memory needs psychological
    support, since the possibility of a qualitative distinction between shallow and deep memory is something psychologists have not looked into. One obvious procedure that might be attempted would be to ask subjects to remember as much as they could from various time intervals in the past. The expectation would be that information would be recalled rather spottily from deep memory, with the time sequence often confused or deliberately reconstructed. Recall from shallow memory would be noticeably more complete, and temporal seriation
    more accurate and effortless.

  50. Gina Sonia

    Head injuries are a common cause of memory loss. A stubborn impact on the head that can cause short or long term memory. Memory loss may improve, worsen, or may last a lifetime. This condition is serious and may have limitations. Therefore, support from family and closest relatives plays an important role in his recovery.

  51. Yulistria Amanda Dewi
    TBI 6B

    In my opinion, someone can lose their memory due to brain injury, hit by a hard head, accident, age that has continued or it can also be due to a certain disease.
    A person's memory and memory determine human beings in communicating with each other and communicating requires language as the medium. By using language, humans can easily express their thoughts.

  52. Arista Miratun Nufus

    Researchers at the University of San Diego have found that the language you speak may determine the quality of your working memory. Running memory tests on participants in eight different cultures around the world, they found a difference in working memory capacity among speakers of various languages. The difference stemmed from the syntax of a typical sentence and how much the speaker must keep in mind before reaching the main point. that native speakers of Left Branching languages had significantly better working memory capacity for items presented early in a memory task, and that native speakers of Right Branching languages had far better memory for items presented later. In other words, the way we speak affects the way we think.

  53. Syifa Qotrun Nada
    TBI 6B

    I agree with language and memory interconnection, but it seems like people who forget the memory will still remember the language, because they forget the memories maybe only the memories are lost but the language is not.

  54. Sarah Fauziah

    In my opinion, Our brain uses different parts of the brain to manage different types of memory. The two main types of memory are short-term memory and long term memory. It is possible to have alterations or memory loss in both the previously mentioned types of memory, but we'll focus on Declarative Long-Term Memory.
    Short-term Memory retains a limited amount of information over a short period of time, giving our bodies the time it needs to perceive and analyze external information.
    Long-term Memory stores a large amount of complex information over a long period of time. Long-term memory is what most people think of as "memory".
    When you forget the name of something or what happened on a given day, you're not actually seeing the effects of a "lost" memory, but rather that the brain can't find the right "path" to get to the memory. "Pathological" forgetfulness is called amnesia. Some symptoms of memory loss may be:
    1. Frequently losing personal objects.
    2. Trouble finding the right words.
    3. Asking the same questions in a conversation, or telling the same story multiple times.
    4. Not remembering if you've done something, like taking medicine, for example.
    5. Disorientation or getting lost in familiar places.
    6. Forgetting which year or day of the week it is.
    7. Difficulty remembering appointments or events.
    8. Problems following instructions or making decisions.

  55. Name : Manda
    Nim : 181230045
    TBI 6B

    I want to ask miss, Can we control the forgotten memories while talking? and how to do it?

  56. Agnes Lutfiya Noor
    TBI 6A

    How do people sometimes loose their memory?
    Perhaps the most perplexing challenge that humans have encountered is memory loss. Any information that isn't kept up to date by some kind of active maintenance process will be lost. The information is lost because retrieval cues are insufficient to uniquely identify the necessary information. This occur when there are so many identical objects in the memory creates a condition of cue-overload. As a result, instead of retrieving the target object, unwanted objects were retrieved.

    In my opinion, the interconnection between memory and language is when we acquired the first language and then we learn a new language. The language we speak affects the way we process, store and retrieve information. In other words, working memory is the place where language is being processed. Working memory provides the temporary storage that is very useful in language comprehension process.

  57. Name: Siti Ifat Fatimah
    SRN: 181230076
    Class: TBI-6B

    In my opinion, there are many potential causes for memory loss. They include: aging dementia; such as Alzheimer's disease or Lewy's body dementia; brain tumor; blood clots or bleeding in your brain head injury, such as a concussion; infection in or around your brain; mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety; substance use disorders; emphasize; diseases or conditions that damage brain tissue, such as Parkinson's disease or Huntington's disease; not having enough of certain vitamins or minerals, most commonly B-12, in your body; insufficient sleep; certain medications, including statins, anxiety medications, and anti-seizure drugs; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

    And I think language and memory have relationships and interactions. Language is memory or perhaps more complete. Whenever we are ready to speak / write / (use language), it is in the context of memory swirls in the two hemispheres of the brain. Anything that triggers us to use language also triggers the activation of multiple memories, based on the trigger. This vortex is not felt consciously. it happens unconsciously, and provides syntactic and emotional content that is expressed in words.

  58. name : Khaulia Hanifa (181230007) 6-A.
    Memory loss, in my opinion, is commonly linked to injury, and the causes of memory loss can vary, including medical conditions or illnesses.
    I think that language and memory are linked because the brain deals with language in the same way that it deals with memory. Language and memory enable us to communicate and learn about new languages or phrases.

  59. Eneng Ifat Fatimah (181230151)
    TBI 6D

    I think the reason of people sometimes lose memories happens because during life, we will store a lot of memories in the brain. If our brain is analogous to a flash, then we can think of these memories as a collection of files / data. Meanwhile, too much data will make it difficult for us to read them one by one. Memory loss can also be caused by the age factor, the older we get and the older we are, the memory will be low, as a result some people become forgetful. Memory loss may result from a new injury to the brain example brain tumor and several infection brain. Then, Memory loss may be a sign of dementia.

    Meanwhile, the relationship between language and memory is seen in the "filling in the blanks" phenomenon that scientists now know is related to the hippocampus in our brain, which is the memory transmitting station in the brain. It seems clear that speaking and understanding language makes use of our memories, words, context, people, etc. but psychologists usually study language and memory as separate functions of the brain, essentially ignoring any interconnections.

  60. Reni Mutiara
    TBI 6 B

    An American psychologist, Elizabeth Loftus, has done a lot of research on human memories. According to him, there are four things that are the main reasons why humans forget, including the following:
    Information Stored Only in Short-Term Memory, Brain Failed to Recall Stored Memories, There are disturbances from other memories and the Tendency to Forget a Thing.
    In my opinion, the interconnection between language and memory is a relationship to one another between language and memory itself, so that the language you get or want to use is stored in the memory.

  61. Name : Usrotul Hiyaroh
    SRN : 181230067
    Class : TBI 6 B

    In my opinion, understanding language requires the ability to build linguistic dependencies between non-adjacent constituents. For example, the subject must agree with the verb, but the two are often separated by a few words, phrases, or even a clause, as in Athletes in a daily running training program or Athletes in a training program designed by an Olympic gold medal winner to take place every day.
    And also a long history of neuropsychological, psycholinguistic, and cognitive psychological gas research trying to characterize the relationship between memory and language, while progress has been made A number of stumbling blocks have been found due to the adoption of memory models that we re-develop to account for memory phenomena unrelated to language processing tasks. .
    This discussion emphasizes the extent to which areas of memory systems and language processing systems rely (at least functionally) with their mechanisms. In this regard additional research into the neural bases for sign-based and retreival learning will be essential to gain a more complete understanding of the interactions of memory and language processes.
    The main problem in determining how clinical variables due to bran damage and aging affect these systems will develop further understanding of the mechanisms needed to identify and use cues, both as a means of learning new linguistic knowledge and as a machine that drives understanding.

  62. Nisa Nuranisa
    TBI 6 B
    I want to ask, Does a person's weak soul affect the development of memory in the language process?

  63. Name : Muzdalifah
    SRN : 181230072
    Class : 6B

    Amnesia or memory loss isa disorder that causes one to be unable to remember facts, information, or events. Memory disorders of those with amnesia can be light or heavy to life. Amnesia can be temporary or permanent. Memory loss in this condition can be partial or complete memory loss. It's just that most people with amnesia can still remember their identity, only it can be difficult to remember new things or remember things from the past. A major symptom of amnesia is memory loss or difficulty remembering new things. Amnesia results from a malfunction in the limbic system of the brain. This part plays a role in regulating a person's memory and emotions.

  64. Name: Siti Nurkomariyah
    SRN: 181230074
    Class: TBI-6B

    In my opinion, a common cause for someone to experience memory loss (amnesia) is the occurrence of a head injury or due to a hard impact on the head which can cause short or long term memory loss. But besides that, disturbances in memory can also be caused by someone experiencing stress, trauma, or depression.

    Furthermore, my opinion regarding the interconnection of language and memory is: Because memory determines a person in communicating, and communicating certainly requires language. As it is known that the state of a person's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres, then this will determine a person's ability to perform everyday speech in the language he stores in his memory.

  65. Siti Mariam 181230130 TBI 6D

    In my opinion A person who sometimes lost his memory is often associated with a violent blow to the head oran accident. It turns out, however, that memory loss can also be affected by various other conditions of disorder. Or if something related to the lesson may have been so memory deprived.

  66. Name: Umi Habibah
    Class: TBI 6B
    SRN: 181230061

    I wanna ask miss. Does age affect memory and language?

  67. Name : Esti Rahayu Pratiwi
    SRN : 181230040
    Class: TBI-6B

    Sometimes people can lose their memory due to several factors mainly depending on the type of their daily lifestyle. Some of these factors are:
    1. Emotional attitude. stress, depression, anxiety and sadness which if too often we experience will have an impact on our brains. this can make us forgetful or even worse we may lose our memories.
    2. Physical and medical conditions such as fatigue and lack of sleep, low vitamin B12, head injuries, kidney problems, etc., also cause memory loss and forgetfulness.
    3. Medical procedures and drugs can also be a factor in someone losing their memory. Research has shown that, there is an increased risk of confusion and memory impairment leading to decreased cognitive function. This slowly disappears as the patient recovers. Although the real reason is unknown, some studies suggest that this memory loss can be caused by clot formation or trauma during surgery.
    4. Cognitive causes can be a factor in someone losing their memory. There are 2 types of memory loss in a person that are caused by this cognitive factor.
    First, the natural inability to memorize. There are many people who do not have very great memories. For example, one person sometimes needs to spend hours studying and memorizing the subject matter effectively while another person can master the study material in as little as 20 minutes and can quickly memorize it.
    Second, distraction. If you are a multi-tasker, thinking about many things at the same time can decrease the efficiency of the brain. Because your brain has limits on what can be processed and remembered.

    Language could not exist without memory, in all its forms: working memory for sequential
    production and understanding, implicit memory for grammatical rules, semantic memory
    for knowledge, and episodic memory for communicating personal experience. Memory, in all its forms, is critical to language. Because language is sequential, we need short-term
    memory (working memory) as a moving window of consciousness if we are to integrate over
    time to make sense of sentences, and indeed stories.

  68. Name : Susilawati
    SRN : 18230073
    Class : TBI 6-B

    Sometime people do loose their memory because limited capacity of brain and sometime information is lost becuse retrieval cues are insufficient to uniquely identify the necessary information.

    In my opinion language and memory interconnection because both of interdependence. The language is build and processed by brain exactly in hemisphere. And memory is very influence the language when we remember words what will we said it equired from knowledge which enterence in our brain by memorized it.

  69. Ade Putri Astini
    TBI 6B

    Human beings are born with a complex, interrelated system for categorizing and storing every event experienced throughout life. Audio, visual, sensory, and emotional information is integrated, yielding images that are linked to lexical items as events. These are stored in memory.

    Not all information is equally easy to recall, since different types of events are stored in different parts of memory, based on significance.

    The most current and widely accepted model of memory consists of three general stages: sensory (events that are experienced in real time), short term (which holds a limited amount of information for a limited time period), and long term (which stores events and is composed of layers of levels, based on the nature of the input.

  70. Lida Maulida
    TBI 6E

    One of the many reasons why do people loose their memory is because age. Getting older can make us forget something easily. I do believe that, even in my 20ish I forget something easily even little things :(
    Language has a connection with memory tho, for the example we learn foreign language and we practically memorize all the vocabulary in that foreign language. If we can not memorize it, it'll be hard to speak in our target language, even in our language which is Indonesian, sometimes i do forget the things in our language and i just can not describe it well.

  71. Name : Muhlis
    NIM : 181230186
    1. Many medical problems can cause memory loss or other dementia-like symptoms. Most of these conditions can be treated. Your doctor can screen you for conditions that cause reversible memory impairment. Possible causes of reversible memory loss include:
    Medications. Certain medications or a combination of medications can cause forgetfulness or confusion.
    Minor head trauma or injury. A head injury from a fall or accident — even if you don't lose consciousness — can cause memory problems.
    Emotional disorders. Stress, anxiety or depression can cause forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating and other problems that disrupt daily activities.
    Alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism can seriously impair mental abilities. Alcohol can also cause memory loss by interacting with medications.
    Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells. A vitamin B-12 deficiency — common in older adults — can cause memory problems.
    Hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in forgetfulness and other thinking problems.
    Brain diseases. A tumor or infection in the brain can cause memory problems or other dementia-like symptoms.
    2. Language is a structured system of communication used by humans, including speech (spoken language), gestures (sign language) and writing. Most languages have a writing system composed of glyphs to inscribe the original sound or gesture and its meaning.
    Long-term Memory stores a large amount of complex information over a long period of time. Long-term memory is what most people think of as "memory".When you forget the name of something or what happened on a given day, you're not actually seeing the effects of a "lost" memory, but rather that the brain can't find the right "path" to get to the memory.

  72. Rahmah Antika Zahraa
    TBI 6E

    In my opinion, normal age-related memory loss doesn't prevent you from living a full, productive life. For example, you might occasionally forget a person's name, but recall it later in the day. You might misplace your glasses sometimes. Or maybe you need to make lists more often than in the past to remember appointments or tasks.

    These changes in memory are generally manageable and don't disrupt your ability to work, live independently or maintain a social life.

  73. Muhlis
    1. Many medical problems can cause memory loss or other dementia-like symptoms. Most of these conditions can be treated. Your doctor can screen you for conditions that cause reversible memory impairment. Possible causes of reversible memory loss include:
    Medications. Certain medications or a combination of medications can cause forgetfulness or confusion.
    Minor head trauma or injury. A head injury from a fall or accident — even if you don't lose consciousness — can cause memory problems.
    Emotional disorders. Stress, anxiety or depression can cause forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating and other problems that disrupt daily activities.
    Alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism can seriously impair mental abilities. Alcohol can also cause memory loss by interacting with medications.
    Vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells. A vitamin B-12 deficiency — common in older adults — can cause memory problems.
    Hypothyroidism. An underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) can result in forgetfulness and other thinking problems.
    Brain diseases. A tumor or infection in the brain can cause memory problems or other dementia-like symptoms.
    2. Language is a structured system of communication used by humans, including speech (spoken language), gestures (sign language) and writing. Most languages have a writing system composed of glyphs to inscribe the original sound or gesture and its meaning.
    Long-term Memory stores a large amount of complex information over a long period of time. Long-term memory is what most people think of as "memory".When you forget the name of something or what happened on a given day, you're not actually seeing the effects of a "lost" memory, but rather that the brain can't find the right "path" to get to the memory.

  74. Name : Farhan
    SRN : 181230191
    Class : TBI 6E

    Sometimes we feel like suddenly forgetting a word or a statement that we have read and studied, but sometimes we forget what we have read and we have learned maybe this can be called Why someone sometimes suddenly disappears with their memory instantly it could be that it is because someone is not focused on reading and studying something. Apart from that, in my opinion, it can be based on several factors, such as age that is getting older and illness that someone suffers from related to memory suffering.

  75. Name: Melani Agustini
    Nim: 181230168
    Class: TBI VI E

    If you lose the ability to talk or to read because of a stroke or other brain. We can't say that language is 'in' a particular part of the brain. The language we speak affects the way we process, store and retrieve information. The fact that branching and word order may be linked to such a fundamental cognitive process like memory opens up new exciting avenues for psycholinguistic research towards expanding the pool of languages and populations investigated.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Name : Dita Aurellia
    SN : 181230185

    Memory loss is not only often associated with head trauma or accidents but also can be caused by other variations of conditions, such as thyroid glands, to HIV, tuberculosis, and syphilis diseases, where intreated, may affect brain performance, including memory centers.

    Language is a representation of the mind. Language and thinking are two related things and are important aspects of life. Language is used means of mind-revealing. While thinking is a process of coming up with language. In language a person goes through the thought process of formation. Instead, in thinking it takes language medium in disclosure what's in the mind.

    Mind and language play a part in communication. It has been known to bring mind and language into human society, cultural environment. In other words, a society can be created because of the interplay of language and mind.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Rosila Septiani
    TBI 6C

    Language is the process of constructing the word based on the idea that we are going to deliver, to produce some utterances speaker have to have a memory of vocabullary and of course theory that help to complete the meaning of it. From this we know that the speaker have to use his brain while speaking or doing communication. Because ITS not only producing word but arranging it to be perfect and understandable utterances. Remembering communication is applied at least between two people.therefor in this case using language needs to understand and to respond the speaker who talk with US, it is definitely related to memory and thinking ability.

  80. Syeha nabila azzahra
    TBI 6D

    I think this language so important for humans who want to talk conversation

  81. Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah
    TBI 6E

    1. Many medical conditions can cause memory loss or other dementia-like signs. Most of these conditions are treatable. Your doctor can screen you for conditions resulting in reversible memory impairment. Possible reversible causes of memory loss include:
    Treatment. Exclusive drugs or a combination of drugs can cause forgetfulness or confusion.
    Minor trauma or injury to the chairman. Injury to the chairman from a fall or accident - even if you don't lose consciousness - can result in memory problems.
    Emotional disturbances. Stress, anxiety or depression can cause forgetfulness, confusion, difficulty concentrating and other things that interfere with daily activities.
    The influence of alcohol can also interfere with mental abilities. Alcohol can also cause memory loss using interacting drugs.

    2. Language is a structured communication system used by humans, including speech (spoken language), body mobility (sign language) and writing. Most languages ​​have a writing system which consists of glyphs for writing down the original sound or signal and its meaning.
    Long-term memory stores a large number of complex facts over a long period of time. Long-term memory is what most people think of as "memories." When you forget the name of something or what happened on an exclusive day, you actually don't see the effect according to the "lost" memory, but the brain can't find a valid "path" for receiving the memory.

  82. Name : Nurul Arini (181230167)
    Class : TBI 6E

    Many medical conditions can cause reversible memory impairment. A tumor or infection in the brain can cause memory problems or other dementia-like symptoms. Chronic alcoholism can seriously impair mental abilities. Vitamin B-12 helps maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells, which can also cause memory loss. The brain can't find the right "path" to get to the memory, which is why some people call it "lost" memory, rather than memory loss, but rather memory-loss itself.

  83. Faathir Muhammad Amanullah (181230124)
    When they lose the cappotential to speak or to study due to a stroke or different brain. We can not say that language is 'in' a selected a part of the brain. The language we communicate impacts the manner we system, keep and retrieve information. The truth that branching and phrase order can be connected to one of these essential cognitive system like reminiscence opens up new interesting avenues for psycholinguistic studies closer to increasing the pool of languages and populations investigated.

  84. Intan permatasari
    181230092 ) TBI 6C

    In my opinion, a person can lose memory due to several things, one of which is a brain injury. Due to a blood clot in the brain causing an error in the brain, this occurs due to a hard impact on the head such as an accident or it could be due to surgery depending on the biological chronology memory is very decisive for humans in communicating with each other and communication requires language as a medium. By using language, humans can easily express their thoughts.

  85. Annisa Nabila
    TBI 6B

    Language could not exist without memory, in all its forms: working memory for sequential
    production and understanding, implicit memory for grammatical rules, semantic memory
    for knowledge, and episodic memory for communicating personal experience. Memory, in all its forms, is critical to language. Because language is sequential, we need short-term
    memory (working memory) as a moving window of consciousness if we are to integrate over
    time to make sense of sentences, and indeed stories.
