Thursday 6 May 2021


One of theories in communicative functions of utterances is Jacobson's. He proposed six functions of language or known as communication functions. There are the referential function, the poetic function, the emotive function, the conative function, the phatic function, and metalinguistic or reflexive function. People apply the functions in their communication to achieve their goals and they should master this topic if they learn listening subject. The functions shows how people use and represent their ideas into spoken language. Thus, the receiver (as listener), we could identify their utterance' purposes. The following paragraph provides the meanings of each function.  

The referential function relates to the factor of context and describes a situation or mental state which is real or assumptive. The poetic function refers to the message in the language used but the emotive function shows a person's feelings. Then, the conative function engages the receiver (listener) directly such as imperatives and vocatives. The phatic function means that language use in interaction related to contact/channel factor, for example in greeting or daily conversation with new people as contact. The communication will be open and maintain using 'Hello?', 'By', etc. At last, the reflective or metalinguistic factor means the use of language itself or Jacobson said it is as a code that describe itself.

You have to listen to these videos. Choose one of them and try to answer the following questions in order to know how you master this topic. You might write your ideas to the questions in this column comment.

1. What is the topic of the dialogue?

2. What do you think of the receptionist's utterances in the dialogue?

3. How many communication functions are appeared in the dialogue? mention them and explain why are they being used by the speakers?


  1. Name : Muhammad Khaeirul Rizqi
    Class : 2A TBI
    NIM : 201230029

    1. The topic is talk about what 3 customers will order to the waiter in a restaurant.
    2. The waiter explains about the food that the customer will order properly by pressing it in his words,
    3. There 4 communication functions are appeared in the dialogue is:

    The referential function : because the waiter told him about the details of the dishes that the customer would order
    The poetic function : because the waiter expresses it in words that touch the emotion of the customer as if the dish is the best he thinks
    the conative function : because the customer and the waiter have direct interaction
    The phatic function : because the waiter greets the customer before asking for the customer's order

  2. Name : Annisa Cikal Mujahidah
    Nim : 201230013
    Class : TBI 2-A
    1. The topic of the dialog is about order food at the restaurant.
    2. I think the receptionist is working well, he offers customers want to order what and also explain too about the dish they have.
    3. There are 3 communication functions I found in the dialog
    - The first one is Conative function, this is seen when one of the customers asks the receptionist to tell her about one of the foods.
    - The second one is Phatic function, this is seen when the receptionist says "good evening", this is to continue the conversation with customers.
    - The third one is Emotive function, this is seen when the customers says they like ice cream.

  3. NIM : 201230031
    CLASS : TBI 2A

    1. The topic is About ordering food at the restaurant.
    2. In my Opinion, the the receptionist was very friendly and polite, and he explained the menu in great detail.
    3. There are some communication functions that I can hear clearly, they are :
    - “Are you ready to order ?”, because the recepcionist want to know what the customer wants to order.
    - “What is today’s soup ?”
    - “Would you like something to drink ?”
    - “ The ice cream is woderfull”,”Great, I love Italian Ice cream”,”Me too”. That’s mean they love the dessert.

  4. Name:Tatu Maftuhah
    Class:TBI 2A
    1)The Topic is about ordering food at the restaurant

    2) I think the receptionist was very friendly and he is working well,he offers customers want to order and explained the menu in great deal

    3)There are some communication,l found in the dialogue
    -Conative function, because the receptionist want to know what the customer wants to order
    -Phatic function, example in dialogue "good evening"this is to continue the conversation with customer
    -"Would you like something to drink?"
    -"Like lce cream"

  5. Name : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    Class : TBI 2A
    Nim : 201230007

    1)The Topic is about ordering food at the restaurant.

    2) I think the receptionist was very friendly and he is working well,he offers customers want to order and explained the menu in great deal.

    3)There are some communication,l found in the dialogue.
    -Conative function, because the receptionist want to know what the customer wants to order.
    -Phatic function, example in dialogue "good evening"this is to continue the conversation with customer.
    -"Would you like something to drink?"
    -"Like lce cream".

  6. Name: Soraya Farlika Salsabila
    Nim: 201230002
    Class: TBI 2A

    1) the topic in the dialog is about order food and drink at the restaurant
    2) the receptionist offers food and drinks to the customer properly and tells the special food in the restaurant
    3) there are 3 Communications function
    -phatic function:because in the dialogue the Receptionist said good evening to open up those lines of communication
    -emotive function: In the dialogue, the three customers really like ice cream
    -conative function: language which aim to create a certain response in the addresseein, so the receptionist offers food and drinks to the customer

  7. Name : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Class :Tbi_2a

    1. The topic of the dialogue is "ordering food and drink at the restaurant"
    2. In my opinion, the attitude of the receptionist is very friendly, seen from the way to greet customers by saying "good night" then asking, offering and explaining about the food in the restaurant well.
    3.I found 3 communication functions in the dialog.
    1) the phatic function "good evening"
    2)the emotive function of "I love Italian ice cream"
    3)the conative function, this is seen when one of the customers asks the receptionist to tell her about one of the foods.

  8. Name : Mafrodatunnufus
    Class : TBI 2A
    Nim : 201230034

    1)The Topic is about ordering food at the restaurant.

    2) I think the receptionist was very friendly and he is working well,he offers customers want to order and explained the menu in great deal.

    3)There are some communication,l found in the dialogue.
    -Conative function, because the receptionist want to know what the customer wants to order.
    -Phatic function, example in dialogue "good evening"this is to continue the conversation with customer.
    -"Would you like something to drink?"
    -"Like lce cream".

  9. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    Class: TBI 2 A
    NIM: 201230030

    1. The topic of the video is ordering food ing a restaurant
    2. The receptionist is a good person and friendly. He can offer the menu and explain it well
    3. There are some communication in th dialogue:
    - Phatic, like "Good Evening"
    - Emotive, like 'I love Italian ice cream'

  10. Name : Melinda Hestiana
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230037

    1. The topic of the dialogue is there are several people of two women and a man ordering food at the restaurant.

    2. In my view, the receptionist's utterances in the dialogue are that the receptionist offers the customer to order and also explains about the food really a detail of the food proposed by the customer. I thought the attitude shown by the receptionist are very friendly and polite because he always smiles and greets the customers according to the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP). This aims to facilitate the work, especially the receptionist in the video who has worked very well. In addition, it can create an atmosphere that will make them feel comfortable and get whatever they want. As well as giving a good first impression to the restaurant for the customers. As far as I concerned, the receptionist has carried out the Food Service Stages in accordance with the general service SOP which must be carried out by all receptionists both in restaurants and hotels:
    • Greeting the guest
    • Escorting and sitting the guest
    • Presenting the menu/taking order
    • Serving the food

    3. There are several communication functions that appear in the dialog such as:
    • Referential function: According to Jakobson, "referential or denotative or cognitive function is an orientation to context". The context of communication with whom to communicate with whom and why; in what society and situation; through what media; how the different types and actions of communication develop; and their relationship to each other. Like the receptionist who communicates with the customer in explaining the details of the dishes to be ordered by the customer.

    • Poetic function: Poetic function, also known as aesthetic function, is concerned with a language whose main focus is the beauty of the language itself. Like the receptionist put some words by trying to convince the customer that as if the dish is the best according to his thought so that the customer attracted to order it.

    • conative function: This function finds the purest grammatical expression in evocative and imperative sentences, and it helps us to make people do something and it includes orders. The uses of interjection are also applied for an imperative sentence that the addresser asks for the order from the addressee. which meaning that the speaker intended to influence, to some extent, the listener, engaging him in a certain way in receiving the message. Like the receptionist who influenced customers about the bean soup which he thought very delicious, and Almafi chicken is one of the special menus so that customers are interested in ordering it.

    • Phatic function: This function means expressing solidarity and empathy with others. It helps to establish contact and refers to the channel of communication. It opens the channel or checks that it is working for social reasons. This function is used for sociability. Hence sometimes vernacular words are used in this function in daily conversation. Like to continue a conversation with a customer such as a receptionist greeting a customer before their asking for the order.

    •The emotive function: It is also known as expressive or affective function. The emotive function focuses on the addresser's attention. This function comes out when we want to express our emotions although one does not speak to give a piece of information. which are words or phrases used to express sudden surprise, pleasure, or annoyance. There are quite differences between emotive function and conative function. The emotive one deals with the feeling or emotive expression delivered by the speaker to show his/her feeling. However, the conative function concerns asking for people to do the speaker's order. one of the customers told two that the dessert and ice cream at the restaurant are amazing, it means expressing pleasure.

  11. Aulia mahdiah (201230021)
    1. the topic is ordering food in a restaurant
    2. in my opinion the receptionist was very thorough and friendly
    3. There are one communication function, requesting for items,
    requesting for items is used because in this conversation there are ordering food and drinks

  12. Nama : Ekho Saputra
    Nim : 201230008
    Class : TBI2A

    1)The Topic is about ordering food at the restaurant.

    2) I think the receptionist was very friendly and he is working well,he offers customers want to order and explained the menu in great deal.
    3)There are some communication,l found in the dialogue.
    -Conative function, because the receptionist want to know what the customer wants to order.
    --Phatic function, example in dialogue "good evening"this is to continue the conversation with customer.
    -"Would you like something to drink?"
    --"Like lce cream".

  13. Name : Adelia Rizky
    NIM : 201230006
    Class : TBI_2A

    1. topic of the dialog is about, ordering food at the restaurant.

    2. the reseptionist's very friendly, he answered every request from customers well.

    3. phatic funcion. cause the coutomers needs the waiter to record the order.

  14. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    Student ID Number : 201230026
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. In my Opinion, The Topic is about ordering food at the restaurant.

    2. As far as I'm Concerned, the receptionist's attitude was very friendly and polite because he always smiled and greeted the customers. He also explains about the food in great detail.

    3. There are some Communication functions that appear in the dialogue such as :

    ㅇ The Refential Function is what is being spoken of, what is being referred to. A context is necessary from which the object of communication is drawn. As an example, In the Dialogue, the receptionist communicates with the customer by explaining the specifics of the dishes that the customer wishes to order.

    ㅇ The Poetic Function : The dialogue of the receptionist's like
    -“Would you like something to drink ?”
    - " The house wine?"
    in my opinion is a part of Poetic Function. Because the Poetic Function is focuses on "the message for its own sake", Like how the receptionist use those words to encourage the customer to order it.

    ㅇ The Conative Function :
    e.g - "Mariana would you like wine?"
    - "It's Bean soup. It's very good."
    - " It's our speciality, It's chicken with tomato and mushroom sauce."
    Those words, in my opinion, are part of the Conative Function. Because it directly engages the Listener and uses vocatives and imperatives.

    ㅇ The Phatic Function is language for the sake of interaction and is therefore associated with the Contact/Channel factor. Like how the receptionist's greeting the Customers by using "Good evening".

  15. Name: Siti Hayatun Nisa
    Class: TBI IIA
    NIM: 201230001

    1. The topic in the dialogue is talking about ordering food and drink in the restaurant.

    2. In my opinion, the attitude of the receptionist is very polite, seen from the way to greet customers very well and with courtesy, offering and explaining about the food in the restaurant clearly in a polite and friendly manner.

    3. There are communication function are appared in the dialogue:

    1. Phatic Function: Phatic Function is verbal or non-verbal communication that has a social function, such as to start a conversation, greet someone, or say goodbye, rather than an informative function.

    In the dialogue resepsionist said : “Good Evening”

    2 Emotive Function: The so-called ‘emotive’ or ‘expressive’ function is aimed at communicating the presence and position of the sender in relation to his or her message: interjections, modal adverbs, hints of judgment, use of irony, and so on. The way the sender expresses a piece of information referring to an exterior subject gives information about the sender.

    In the dialogue customer said:

    “They have very good dessert. Ice cream is wonderful”
    “Great, I love Italian ice cream.”
    “Me too”

    4. Conative Function: engages the dddressee (receiver) directly and is best illustrated by vocatives and imperatives.

    In the dialogue:

    “Mariana, would you like wine?”
    “Would you like something to drink?”

  16. Name : maharani
    Nim. : 201230017

    1.the topic is ordering food in restaurant my opinion the atittude of receptionis is very polite
    3. There are some communication function dialogue :
    - the refential function
    - the conetiv function
    - the phatic function
    - the poetic function

  17. Name:Dila irasanti

    1. topic of the dialog is about, ordering food at the restaurant.
    2. the reseptionist's very friendly, he answered every request from customers well.
    3. phatic funcion. cause the coutomers needs the waiter to record the order.

  18. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019

    1. The topic is about ordering food at the restaurant.
    2. In my opinion, the attitude of the receptionist is so polite ABG friendly.
    3. There are some comunication function dialogue :
    - the phatic function. Ex: good evening.
    - the conative function, ex:Mariana, would you like wine??

  19. Name : Ratu Shania
    NIM : 201230016
    Class : TBI_2A

    1. Topic : ordering food at the restaurant

    2. In my opinion, the receptionist was friendly. He offers a menu to the customers and explains what customers asked.

    3.- Conative Function : Because the receptionist wants to know what the customer wants to order. - Phatic Function. Example: "Good evening". This function is used to open up communication among the receptionist and customers.

  20. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. The topic of the dialogue is about order food and drink at the restaurant.

    2. I really love his utterances. In my point of view, he has polite utterances. We can listen exactly of the dialogue. For example when he said : “Would you like something to drink?”
    As we know that the word 'would' is polite utterance. Absolutely, he can choose the best word to express the utterance to his customers. Moreover, he has good communication. We can look it from his way to respond his customers. When the one of customer ask about chicken amalfi, he describe it clearly. In addition, he has applied communicative functions of utterances.

    3. There are five communication functions of the dialogue. They are :
    a. Phatic
    We can listen from the dialogue, the receptionist said “Good Evening”.
    Phatic function means that language use in interaction related to contact. For example, we can use it in greeting. The utterance “good evening” is one of example of greeting.
    b. Conative
    We can listen when Ms. Marry said “Can you tell me, please!”
    From the utterance, we really know that she asked a help to the receptionist. Thus, it is imperative utterance, and the one of example of conative function is imperative utterance.
    c. Poetic
    The poetic function refers to the message in the language. We can listen from the dialogue, there are several utterance of this function. For example, when Ms. Marry said “I'd like soup...”
    The utterance described about the message which want to express in the language.

    d. Referential
    We can listen from Ms. Anna's dialogue, she said: “They have very good dessert ice cream”
    The statement related to referential function because it's relates to the factor of context and describes a situation or mental state which is real or assumptive.
    e. Emotive
    The emotive function shows a person's feelings. We can listen from the dialogue, when Ms. Marry said “I love the ice cream”
    It means Ms. Marry feels happy with the ice cream.

  21. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    NIM : 201230018
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. The topic of the video is about order food at the restaurant

    2. In my view, the waiter worked really well, he explained the menu very well and he so friendly to customer

    3. There are some communication functions that appear in the dialogue :
    - The Phatic Function
    Is an opening interaction in a conversation with a contact factor, for example in the video, the waiter opens the conversation with "Good Evening ..."

    - The Referential Function
    Is that which describes the actual situation or just assuming. As an example in the video Ms. Anna said "They have very good dessert, Ice cream is wonderful"

    - The Emotive Function
    Is an expression that describes someone's feelings, in dialogue Ms. Maria said "Great, I love Italian ice cream" which describes the feeling that she likes ice cream

  22. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032

    1. The topic of the dialogue is about order food and drink at the restaurant.
    2. In my opinion, the utterances of the receptionist or as a waitress is very polite for ask and answer with customers, and he's very details to describe about food and overall he's worked very well.
    3. There are three communication functions in the dialogue, such as:
    - The Emotive Function
    The Emotive Function is shows a person's feelings, from the dialogue Ms. Marry said ' Great! I love Italian-ice cream' It means, ice cream is favourite her. and she's feels happy.
    - The Phatic Function
    The Phatic Function means that language use in interaction related to contact/channel factor, from the dialogue the waitress said 'Good evening' it's in position for opening communication with customers.
    - The Referential Function
    The Referential Function relates to the factor of context and describes a situation or mental state which is real or assumptive. From the dialogue, Ms. Anna said ' they have very good desserts here too, the ice cream is wonderful'. It means can relate with the referential function.

  23. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. Topic of the dialogue is about ordering food and drink at the restaurant
    2. I think the receptionist was very friendly and polite because he explains the menu in detail to the customers
    3. There are some communication functions such as :
    1) The Referential Function
    In the dialogue :
    "They have very good dessert here too the ice cream wonderful"
    Because the context describes a situation which is real or assumptive

    2) The Poetic Tunction
    In the dialogue :
    "Is that with salad?"
    "And to you sir?"
    "Would you like something to drink?"
    "The house wine?"
    Because it contains messages in the language used to offer the menu to customers

    3) The Emotive Function
    In the dialogue :
    "Great I love Italian ice cream"
    Because shows a person feeling like a customer who shows his feelings

    4) The Conative Function
    In the dialogue :
    "Marry Anna would you like wine?"
    "It's been soup it's very good"
    "It's our speciality it's chicken with a tomato and mushroom sauce"
    "With vegetables please"
    Because engages the receiver directly such as vocatives and imperatives

    5) The Phatic Function being used by the speakers because this is interaction related to contact factor, for example greeting with new people
    In the dialogue : "Good Evening"

  24. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. The topic of the video : ordering food in the restaurant

    2. The receptionist is very polite he answers every question of his customer, he does his job well.

    3. Here some communication function I found :
    - The referential function: receptionist described and gave information about the menu they asked for
    - The Emotive function : the customer tell us that the dessert are good and they love the ice cream so much
    - The phatic function : communication which serves a social function, such as social pleasantries that don't seek or offer information of intrinsic value but can signal willingness to observe conventional local expectations for politeness. For example, greetings "Good evening" in the video

  25. Name : Dwi Febriyanti
    NIM : 201230020
    TBI 2A

    1. topic of the dialog is about, ordering food at the restaurant.

    2. the reseptionist's very friendly, he answered every request from customers well.

    3. phatic funcion. cause the coutomers needs the waiter to record the order.
    -“Would you like something to drink ?”

  26. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    NIM: 201230028
    Class: TBI 2A

    1. The topic of the dialogue is ordering some food in the restaurant.
    2. He is very polite because he always waits for the menu of what the buyer wants, and he is also very patient in serving the buyers.
    3. There are 5 function in this dialogue:
    1) Emotive
    In the dialogue we can hear "They've a delicious dessert the ice cream is wonderful". This function is used when you want to express human feeling.
    2) Conative
    In the dialogue we can hear "Are you ready to order?". This function is used when you want to motivate other people to behave and do something.
    3) Phatic
    In the dialogue we can hear "Good Evening!". This function is used when you want to greeting or opening some daily conversation with someone.
    4) Referential
    In the dialogue we can hear "Can you tell me please what is today soup?". This function is used when you want to discuss a problem with a particular topic.
    5) Poetic
    In the dialogue we can hear "That's sounds good". This function is used when you want to deliver some message for someone.

  27. Nama : Ana rosaliatul hasanah
    Nim : 201230036
    Kelas : TBI 2A

    1. the topic is about order food at the restaurant

    2. the receptionist's is polite and makes the customer comfortable.she does a good job

    3. The phantic Function: Good evening
    Conative Function : can you tell me please.
    Poetic : I'd like soup

  28. Name: Mutia Hernata
    Student ID Number: 201230004
    Class: 2 - A TBI

    1. The topic of the dialogues I've watched and listened : Ordering some food and drink at the restaurant

    2. I think of the receptionist's utterances in the dialogue is very good. he can make customers satisfied with his service. he really upholds that customer satisfaction is the main thing. he is very kind, friendly, polite and of course he is very patient in serving and answering every customer's questions about the menu.

    3. Communication functions are appeared in the dialogue I've listened are:

    a. Phatic funcion, because the receptionist wanted to greetings the customers and he said " good evening!"

    b. Emotive Function, When Ms. Maria said "Great, I love Italian ice cream". what did she say earlier shows her interest in italian ice cream.

    c. Referential function: when the receptionist gives an explanation of the menu that the customer has asked to him.

    d. Conative function, when the receptionist ask to the customers what foods and drink wants to order.

  29. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. Dialogue topics about ordering food and drinks in restaurants.

    2. In my opinion, said the receptionist or as a waiter is very polite to ask and answer with customers, and he is very detailed to describe about the food and overall he works very well.

    3. There are three communication functions in dialogue, namely:
    - FunctionEmotive
    Emotive function is to show someone's feelings, from Ms. dialogue. Mary said 'Great! I love Italian-ice cream' That is, ice cream is his favorite. and he was happy.
    - Fatigue Function
    Fatigue function means that the use of language in interaction is related to the contact factor/channel, from the dialogue of the waiter saying 'Good night' in a position to open communication with customers.
    - Referential Function
    The referential function is related to context factors and describes a real or suspected situation or mental state. From the dialogue, Ms. Anna said 'they have really good desserts here too, the ice cream is amazing'. This means that it can be related to a referential function
