Thursday 24 June 2021


Learning interpretative listening means that you have to understand what people talk about either literally or contextually. Therefore, every student has to know what the main ideas and the supporting details in the spoken text such as story, song, film, etc. The mastery of listening is from your mastery in understanding the spoken text itself. How you are able to differentiate and develop the meanings of words, phrases, clauses, or even sentences in oral text. Then, the students could identify the general and specific information in it and give responses to the spoken information in a conversation.  To fulfill your works in this subject, you have to do this test after listening to this video. You could collect the answers in this blog comment for a week later.  


    NIM: 201230020
    Grade: TBI 2 A
    Main idea : prophet yunus as told the people of nineveh to making them understand that Allah is one and that nothing or no one other than Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped. prophet yunus As want them to stop doing evil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants us to do

    2. Supporting details : prophet yunus told many people that Allah is real and that he exists he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last commands.

    3.General information :
    - prophet yunus as tried very hard to convince them.
    - The people disbelievers didn't listen to prophet and didn't want to believe.
    - Many years ago people used to bow and pray to idols
    - Prophet yunus tried to stay strong

    4. Spesific information :
    - They continued to worship statues and idols they didn't like
    - As muslim we do not worship any materials we believe that Allah is one.
    - Shirk is the worst century in the world
    - Day after day prophet yunus asked the people around him to believe in almighty Allah.

    5. Give response to the spoken information in a conversation: the prophet told to the people that Allah is one. But the people didn't give a positive response because they're disobey what the prophet said the people didn't believe what the prophet said. The prophet do not give up day after day he asked to people to believe in almighty Allah but the people still didn't take him seriously until the prophet leave the village and allah prove what the prophet said to the villagers after the prophet back and want to make sure to the people, the prophet saw that the villagers has worship to Allah.

  2. Name : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    NIM : 201230007
    Grade : TBI II A

    The prophet Yunus A.S. efforts to invite Niveneh people to have faith in Allah SWT.

    supporting details :
    Yunis A.S called his people to the message of Almighty Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings. Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.

    general information :
    prophet yunus as tried very hard to convince them.
    - Many years ago people used to bow and pray to idols
    -The people disbelievers didn't listen to prophet and didn't want to believe.
    - Prophet yunus tried to stay strong

    Specification information :
    The story of the Prophet Yunus who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and went sailing without Allah's permission. On the way there was a disaster for him that was devoured by a big fish. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus asked Allah's forgiveness and by Allah's permission he could be removed from the belly of the fish. When he came home, he was surprised to find all his people who were already worshiping Allah.

    respond :
    the prophet told to the people that Allah is one. But the people didn't give a positive response because they're disobey what the prophet said the people didn't believe what the prophet said. The prophet do not give up day after day he asked to people to believe in almighty Allah but the people still didn't take him seriously until the prophet leave the village and allah prove what the prophet said to the villagers after the prophet back and want to make sure to the people, the prophet saw that the villagers has worship to Allah.
    In this highly graphic video, we can learn some lessons like we as mankind must always be steadfast and patient in our administering of trials and obstacles. We also as muslims must abide by all the rules that god has applied, and walk away from all of them.

  3. Name : Yana Amalia
    ID Number : 191230030
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Main Idea
    History of prophet Yunus a.s. to convince Nineveh people that Allah is the only God to be worshipped and obeyed.

    2. Supporting details
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by the Almighty God (Allah SWT) to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah SWT is one and no one other than Allah SWT has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    • Shortly after, Prophet Yunus a.s. leave the town because he feel upset. Many people did not believe with his message. One day, a terrible disaster started in the town. And they remember about punishment of Allah SWT to the disbelievers as said as Prophet Yunus a.s.
    • Then, they asked for forgiveness to Allah SWT, the people of Mosal were forgiven, the horrible disaster left.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. get a horrible storm in the sea.
    • Actually, Allah SWT wants prophet Yunus a.s. to turn off the ship. Moreover, Allah SWT commands a giant whale to come to the eat Prophet Yunus a.s., but only to keep him in his stomach.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. realized that he had a terrible mistake by leaving the town before Allah told him to do so.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. regret his fault and ask to Allah forgiveness, made sujud. He made dua many times.
    • Allah accepted all the dua and order to the whale to cast prophet Yunus a.s. on to the shore.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. back home and he was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers. Prophet Yunus a.s. was very happy to know that.

    3. General and Spesific Information
    General Information
    • Allah is real and He exists.
    • Allah will punish for people who do not accept His commands.
    • Many years ago, people used to bow and pray to statues (Idols).
    • We believe that Allah is one and He has no partners.
    • We all have two angels with us all the time, siting on each of our shoulders. One records all the good deeds we do such as praying, while the other records our bad deeds.
    • Believing angels is one of the six pillars of emaan. The other pillars are believing in Allah, His books, His messengers, judgement day, and fate.
    Spesific Information
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by Allah SWT to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah is one and no one other than Allah SWT.
    • Allah SWT wants Prophet Yunus a.s. turn off the ship and commanded a giant whale to come to the surface and swallow him.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. realized his fault, he regret about it. He makes many dua to Allah and always ask for forgiveness. Allah SWT accepted all of his dua and order the whale to cast Prophet Yunus a.s. onto the shore. When, he back to the Nineveh town, he was surprised to see that the disbelievers bacame believers.
    • There are two types of whales. The whales who have teeth and the whale whales who do not.
    • An amazing fact, one of the strangest things that whales do is breaching. Breaching is when a whale comes close to the shore, then flips itself on its back, leaping out of the water and landing on the shore until they stayed no one really knows why whales beached.

    4. Give Response
    a. Content
    The content is very great and useful for viewers especially me, it has good story. Moreover, I can enrich my knowledge about great history, there are some values which I can learn from the story. I have learned the importance of patience, and I have also learned that we must always remember Allah during the good and bad times. Overall, it is amazing story.
    b. The way of deliver
    I am very love how speaker deliver the story. It sounds well, systematically, easy to understand, used simple vocabularies, and very clear.
    3. View
    Exactly, I love all of the views in the video. It has good illustration to portray the character. In my point of view, the video will be appropriate for children.
    4. Concept
    The video has really good concept. In the end of the video, there are two quizzes which repeated twice. The first quiz is about remember what we have been watch. The second quiz really help us to enrich vocabularies. Exactly, it's very great.

  4. Name : Annisa cikal mujahidah
    NIM : 201230013
    Class : TBI 2A
    - The main idea in the video is prophet Yunus sent by Allah to lead many people in irak to stop doing evil things.
    - Supporting detail in the video is "prophet Yunus told many people that Allah is real and that he exists he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last commands although prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them the disbelievers did not listen to prophet Yunus and did not want to believe. prophet yunus tried to stay strong day after day he asked the people around him to believe in Almighty Allah but still the disbelievers did not take him seriously."
    - General Information obtained from the video is :
    ⦁ prophet Yunus went to making them understand that Allah is one and that nothing or no one other than Allah.
    ⦁ Allah sent prophet Yunus to make them stop pray to false gods of strolling the disbelievers had built them with their own hands these idols had no power to do anything, because only Allah can do anything.
    ⦁ prophet Yunus tried very hard to guide his people to the right path but was not listened to
    - Spesific Information obtained from the video is :
    ⦁ prophet Yunus became very upset that they were not listening to him he warned the people that a horrible punishment may be sent by Allah.
    ⦁ the people talked to prophet Yunus they were not afraid of his threats and ignored him.
    ⦁ Allah did not command prophet Yunus to leave the town and stop preaching.
    ⦁ prophet Yunus decided to leave measuring enter somewhere else where people may listen to his message.
    ⦁ after prophet Yunus leave the town a terrible disaster started in the town.
    - Respon to the spoken
    Allah sent prophet Yunus to guide may people in irakk to stop pray and doing evil things, but the people is not listening to prophet Yunus and still pray to false god of strolling the disbelievers had built them with their own hands these idols had no power to do anything. prophet Yunus became very upset that they were not listening to him he warned the people that a horrible punishment may be sent by Allah. Untill prophet Yunus decided to leave the town, after thata terrible disaster started in the town. Based in the video we can learn, to dont give up is like prophet Yunus and only believe to Allah no matter what happens because Allah must help.

  5. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti

    1.Main idea
    Prophet Yunus A.S told many people in Niveneh that Allah is one and exists.

    2.supporting details
    -Prophet Yunus a.s. back home and he was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers. Prophet Yunus a.s. was very happy to know that.
    - Common Muslim onw ot them biggest cities in Iraq prophet Yunus A.S went to the people of Nineveh in home of making them understand that Allah is one and that nothing or no one other than Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    -Yunus A.S tried very hard to covince them.

    3.General informations
    Did you know many years ago people use to bow and pray to idols even though the knew the statues would do them no good they still continue to pray to them until this day some people still worship stables that are made of mental rock or other materials as muslim we do not worship anything not alarmed we believe that Allah is one an that Allah he has not partners beiliving in more than.
    -Allah did not command prophet Yunus to leave the town and stop preaching.
    -whale a found in all the onceans of the world Marine Mammal family,
    -whale can't breathe underwater like fish they breathe like we do but not from their mouths they breathe from hole on top on their head called a blowhole.
    -The angels are made of life we all have to angels with us all the time sitting on each of our shoulder. One record all the good deeds we to do such as praying and helping our parents,while the other records our vad beeds.

    4.spesific informations
    -prophet Yunus A.S. not understand why these people were prey to false Gods of stronlling the disbeliever had builth the with their own hands.
    -prophet Yunus had been telling the truth and because they had not believe him,Allah SWT.was punishing them. Every one is very afraid,every man and women asked Allah to have mercy on them.
    -Prophet Yunus A.S woke up in fright as he didn't know where he was at first he thought that he may have been in agrave because it was so dark but after few moments he realized that was in the stomach of whale.

    The prophet Yunus spoke to many people that there is only one God, but they do not believe in the prophet Yunus, they always ignore the words of the prophet Jonah and they always worship by worshiping idols. give. punishment to them. Prophet Yunus was thrown away and eaten by the whale, but because of Allah, the great Prophet Yunus was able to survive in the whale's stomach.

  6. Name : Siti Mahdiah
    Nim : 201230024
    Class : TBI 2-A

    1. Main idea:
    Allah SWT asked Prophet Yunus AS to invite people of Niveneh to worship him and make them realize that Allah is real.

    2. Supporting details:
    Prophet Yunus AS went to the people of Niveneh and making them understand that Allah SWT is one and that nothing or no one other than Allah. He (Prophet Yunus AS) talk to many people that Allah is real and that He exists. He warned people of Niveneh of the punishment for those who do not accept our last command. Prophet Yunus also wanted them to stop doing evil things and lead a God life because this is what Allah SWT wants us to do. Prophet Yunus AS tried to very hard and stay strong to asked the people around Him to believe in Almighty Allah, but still the disbelievers did not take Him seriously. Prophet Yunus become very upset, and then He leave the City. One day a terrible disaster started in that City. They realize that is a punishment of Allah SWT to the disbelievers as said as Prophet Yunus. And finally, disbelievers asked forgiveness to Allah SWT.

    3. General Information:
    - Allah SWT is one and He has no partner.
    - Prophet Yunus wanted people of Niveneh to stop doing evil things.
    - One of them biggest cities in Iraq.
    - Prophet Yunus AS didn't understand why these people were pray to false Gods.
    - They still continued to pray to them.
    - Prophet Yunus AS tried to very hard and stay strong.
    - Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince people of Niveneh.

    4. Specific Information:
    - Allah SWT has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    - Allah SWT exists he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last command.
    - Disbelievers had built their God with their own hands.
    - Many years ayo people used to bow and pray to idols.
    - People still worship statues that are made of metal, rock, or other material.
    - Prophet Yunus leave the town and then a terrible disaster started in that town.

    5. The video is very Interesting. Honestly, I like the animations, they are so adorable. I also enjoy when I'm watching that video. From the video we can learn that Allah SWT is real and He exists.
    The story of the prophet Yunus AS makes us aware that Allah is almighty and Allah's punishment exists. As happened to the people of Niveneh, They did not believe that Allah exists until Allah told the Prophet Yunus to give them awareness.
    The story conveyed clearly and that's a big help for us who studying Islam, a fun and educational film for all children and parents.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. The main idea is the story of Prophet Yunus a.s sent by Allah SWT to make the people of Nineveh aware that Allah is one and there is no other than Allah SWT.

    2. Supporting details is Prophet Yunus a.s was assigned by Allah to tell the people who do not believe that Allah is real and exists and the disbelievers do not want to listen to Prophet Yunus a.s. Then Prophet Yunus As went and sailed away in a ship, then Prophet Yunus a.s had to jump from the ship because there was too much weight on the ship, then Prophet Yunus a.s was swallowed by a big whale.

    3. General information.
    * Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by the Almighty God (Allah SWT) to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah SWT is one and no one other than Allah SWT has the right to be obeyed and worshipped
    *No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, we should ask Allah for forgiveness.
    *we must be responsible in doing whatever it is.

    4. Specific information
    * The Prophet Yunus a.s sent by Allah SWT to awaken the Nineveh that the God is one and nothing else but Allah SWT.
    *In Surah An Nisa, verse 99.

    5. Response to the spoken information in a conversation Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to invite his people to worship only Allah SWT. But his people refused to make the prophet Yunus angry and left them, before leaving the Prophet Yunus said to his people that there would be a big storm but his people still didn't believe it. Finally the Prophet Yunus went with the believers. In the middle of the journey the Prophet Yunus faced a problem, but Allah gave help. The story of the prophet Yunus a.s teaches us the meaning of anger and the importance of being patient, and if there is any problem we should pray only to Allah SWT.

  9. Name : Wafa Mawaddah
    NIM : 201230023
    Class : 2A TBI

    1. General information
    - Prophet Yunus A.S

    2. Spesific information
    Prophet Yunus is one of the prophet who wa sent by Allah SWT to invite the people of Nineveh to believe. Nineveh is an area of Mosul, Iraq which that time the inhabitans of the way of Allah and still worship Idols. Once Upin a time prophet Yunus MET the residents of Nineveh who were performing a ritual of worshiping . The arrival of prophet Yunus was rejected by the residents, the even mocked and insulted him. So this caused the prophet Yunus to be angry and leave them. Then Allah SWT asked Prophet Yunus to tell his people that Allah will give punishment. When he left the village of Nineveh, the Prophet Yunus had no hope for the faith of the residents. He left feeling angry and disappointed with his people.
    After the people found out that the Prophet Yunus had left, the punishment was truly revealed by Allah SWT. The residents realized that this punishment came from Allah SWT, so since then they decided to repent to Allah SWT. When the punishment comes, Allah sees the honesty of repentance carried out by women, men and children who pray in the name of Allah. They pray to Allah for fear of the punishment that has befallen them. So that Allah stopped the punishment, as stated in one of the following surahs of the Qur'an:
    "And why didn't anyone (the residents) believe in a city, and then his faith benefited him other than the people of Yunus? When they (the Yunus) believed, We removed from them a humiliating punishment in the life of this world, and We gave them pleasure for a certain time." (Surat Yunus: 98).

    3. Main Idea
    - The journey of the prophet Yunus MET the Nineveh and MET a whale.

    4. Supporting Idea
    - Prophet Yunus is one of the prophet who wa sent by Allah SWT to invite the people of Nineveh to believe. Nineveh is an area of Mosul, Iraq which that time the inhabitans of the way of Allah and still worship Idols. Once Upin a time prophet Yunus MET the residents of Nineveh who were performing a ritual of worshiping . The arrival of prophet Yunus was rejected by the residents, the even mocked and insulted him. So this caused the prophet Yunus to be angry and leave them. Then Allah SWT asked Prophet Yunus to tell his people that Allah will give punishment. When he left the village of Nineveh, the Prophet Yunus had no hope for the faith of the residents. He left feeling angry and disappointed with his people.

    After the people found out that the Prophet Yunus had left, the punishment was truly revealed by Allah SWT. The residents realized that this punishment came from Allah SWT, so since then they decided to repent to Allah SWT. When the punishment comes, Allah sees the honesty of repentance carried out by women, men and children who pray in the name of Allah. They pray to Allah for fear of the punishment that has befallen them. So that Allah stopped the punishment, as stated in one of the following surahs of the Qur'an:
    "And why didn't anyone (the residents) believe in a city, and then his faith benefited him other than the people of Jonah? When they (the Yunus) believed, We removed from them a humiliating punishment in the life of this world, and We gave them pleasure for a certain time." (Surat Yunus: 98).

    5. Give respons to the spoken information in a conversation
    - Prophet Yunus invited to worship Allah but his people refused.
    - The conversation about pessengers going into to the sea.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Name : Muammad khaeirul Rizqi
    NIM : 201230029
    Grade : 2A TBI

    The story of the Prophet Yunus AS in spreading revelation and inviting the Niveneh people to believe in Allah SWT
    Narrates the journey of the Prophet Yunus AS to invite his people to believe and support Almighty Allah SWT. But they did not heed his call, and they worshiped the idols of their fathers, which they made with their own hands, and worshiped them.
    Day and night Prophet Yunus AS did not refrain from giving up calling his people to believe in Allah SWT and the threat of punishment that will be theirs if they continue to rebel, until one day Prophet Yunus AS reflected on the nature of his people who increasingly ignored him until Prophet Yunus AS decided to leave his people and looking for people who listen to what he called, Allah SWT warned the prophet Yunus AS not to leave his people, but the prophet Yunus AS said that there is no hope for people who do not want to listen to his call.
    One day after Prophet Yunus AS left, the sky began to turn red with blood and Allah SWT will send down punishment on them. they also realized their sins and repented to Allah SWT. and Allah SWT forgives them and cancels their punishment. the inhabitants finally sadsar and began looking for the Prophet Yunus AS.
    Prophet Yunus boarded a ship and was hit by a storm, the captain of the ship decided to judge who would be sacrificed, the name of Prophet Yunus came out three times so he was voluntarily thrown into the sea, and Allah SWT sent a whale to swallow him.
    in the belly of the whale, Prophet Yunus AS repented and Allah SWT granted his prayer and ordered the whale to vomit it, after leaving the god punched the tree and said to return to his people.
    After recovering, Prophet Yunus AS continued his journey home to his people, he was surprised by the change of his people and he was very grateful for the change of his people and promised not to abandon his duty of preaching.

    Prophet Yunus AS invited his people to believe in Allah SWT,
    Allah SWT punished the people of Prophet Yunus AS and they repented,
    Prophet Yunus AS boarded a ship, was thrown overboard and swallowed by a whale,
    Prophet Yunus AS repented and was cast out of the whale,
    Prophet Yunus AS returned to his people and was grateful for the change of his people

    Prophet Yunus AS called on his people to believe in Allah SWT, but he was ignored by them until Prophet Yunus AS was sad and left his people. Until one day Allah SWT sent punishment to them in the form of a red curtain and will drop a giant stone from the sky and they repented and Allah SWT revoked the punishment, Prophet Yunus AS boarded a ship and hit by a storm, the captain of the ship voted who would be sacrificed to fight the ship, Up to three times the lot of Prophet Yunus AS will be thrown into the sea, and Allah SWT sent a whale to swallow it, in the whale's belly Prophet Yunus repented and Allah SWT granted prayer and he was vomited by a whale, after Allah SWT came out he planted a tree to rest him and said to return to his people, after the return of the Prophet Yunus AS was surprised and grateful for the change of his people.

    Prophet Yunus AS called to praise Allah SWT but he was greeted with dinging and ignored by his people, but he did not want to give up until one day he was very sad and left his people, until Allah SWT inflicted punishment and they finally repented, Prophet Yunus AS boarded a ship and had to be thrown overboard to lighten the ship, and he was swallowed by a whale and repented to Allah SWT, he was removed from the belly of the whale and ordered to return to his people, he finally returned home and was shocked while grateful for the change of his people.
    From this video, it can be concluded that the perseverance of the Prophet yunus AS and the help of Allah SWT to him, and Allah SWT will punish anyone who violates his rules and can be used as a lesson for the future.

  12. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    Student Id Number: 201230026
    Class : TBI-2A

    1. MAIN IDEA
    The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to Niveneh and commanded them to worship Allah.

    We can analyze the supporting ideas that support the main idea. Such as :
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by Allah SWT to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah SWT is one and no one other than Allah SWT has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    • Seeing that his people would not listen to him, Yunus (AS) left in anger and boarded a ship. During the journey, the ship ran into problems, they needed to throw someone away from the ship and Yunus’ name came up thrice. As he entered the water, Allah Ta’ala commanded a whale to swallow him, and the whale took him to the bottom of the ocean.
    • On the other hand, the sky above Nineveh turned into an unpleasant color i.e., red. Therefore, people got worried, and the fear started boiling in their hearts. Apart from this, they reminded all the punishment that prophet Yunus reminded them. Thus, they turned their hands for forgiveness and mercy. In this manner, Almighty Allah forgave them because of their sincere prayers at that time Later on, they prayed for the returning of their prophet Yunus. In this way, they could get guidance regarding the path of Allah.
    • When the fish got to the bottom of the ocean and Prophet Yunus realized his error, he fell into prostration in the belly of the fish and sought forgiveness from Allah (ta’ala). and he said that “no one is right to be worshiped but You Allah only. I was among the wrongdoers.” Therefore, Allah SWT asked the whale to spit out Yunus, his messenger, to the nearest shore
    • Once the messenger of Allah completely recovered, he traveled back to the city of Nineveh for the sake of completing his mission. When he reached his hometown, he got an amazing look at the area because the entire population of Nineveh had accepted Islam.

    3. General Information
    - Prophet Yunus A.S struggle to guide his nation toward Allah.
    - The people were persistent in their disbelief of Allah.
    - Prophet Yunus A.S Abandoned the people and went on a ship
    - Many years ago, people used to bow and pray to statues.
    - At the sea a big fish swallowed Prophet Yunus
    - The Prophet Repented to Allah for his mistakes

    4. Specific Information
    - Prophet Yunus A.S was sent to the people of Niveneh and to warn them.
    - Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam stayed in the whale’s stomach for a long time he started to praise and give glory to Allah by making to many times and saying “LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADZALIMIN” (There is no God but Allah glory be to you, I have been one of the wrongdoers)
    - When prophet Yunus A.S reached the shore, he was in terrible pain his skin began to ache from being in the whale for so long. Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam asked Allah for protection so Allah commanded a tree to grow over Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam which gave him shade and protection from the sun as well as delicious food to eat.
    - Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam started to regain his strength so he began to make his way back home when he arrived home he was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers.

    5. Give a response to the spoken information in a conversation
    In my opinion, it's an astonishing story that would have been suitable for children to watch because it was delivered understandably and using simple vocabulary and grammar. They also used animation to keep the children interested. Teaching the children about the Prophet's life also would increase their appreciation and love for Islam. The video is also appropriate for adults to learn more about the life of Prophet Yunus A.S. It also inspires us to not give up, as Prophet Yunus did, and to faith in Allah no matter what occurs because Allah will help.

  13. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    NIM: 201230028
    Class: TBI 2A

    *Main Idea*:
    -Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to the citizens of Nineveh to worship only Allah, and Allah is the best God worthy of worship.

    *Supporting Details* :
    -Prophet Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings.
    -Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    -However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    -When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADALIMIN” (There is no God but Allah glory be to you, I have been one of the wrong doers).
    -By Allah's permission, the Prophet Yunus, the big fish, brought the Prophet Yunus to the shore. After that the Prophet Yunus returned home and was grateful to find his people had worshiped Allah.

    *General Information* :
    The story of the Prophet Yunus who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and left them without God's permission. In the middle of his journey there was a disaster, until finally he was eaten by a big fish. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus asked Allah for forgiveness and with Allah's permission he could be removed from the belly of the fish. When he came home, he was surprised to find everyone already worshiping Allah

    *Specification information* :
    •Prophet Yunus called his people to worship Allah but his people refused, he was angry with his people and then Prophet Yunus left his people by sailing.
    •In the middle of the sea suddenly a disaster occurred, with the permission of Allah the Prophet Yunus was devoured by a large fish, Allah intended to advise him through the incident. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus prayed for forgiveness from Allah, then the angels heard his repentance.
    •And by Allah's permission the big fish brought Prophet Yunus to the shore. When Prophet Yunus returned home, he was surprised to find that all his people had worshiped Allah.

    *Give Response* :
    -CONTENT: The way the story's told is very creative and interesting, with the cartoon illustrations, it can increase children's interest in watching, so that they can also get to know the story of the prophet as well as learn to speak English.
    -SPEAKER: The way of speaking is very clear and can be understood easily because it is spoken with good intonation and with good grammar.

  14. Name: Melinda Hestiana
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230037

    1. Main Idea:
    To Understand the life of Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam. The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to the Niveneh people and told them to worship Allah.

    2. We can listen to some dialogue that shows specific details of the main idea.
    Such as:
    • The story of Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam and how the Disbelieving People changed your heart, soul, and mind.
    • The Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam went to the people of Nineveh to Understand that Allah is One and that nothing or no one other than Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped. The disbelievers didn’t listen to Prophet Yunus (as) and didn’t want to believe.
    • Prophet Yunus A.S becomes very upset that they were not listening to him, he warned the people of Nineveh that a horrible punishment may be sent by Allah. Prophet Yunus Alaihi Salaam to leave the town and stop preaching decided to leave.
    • After leaving the town, a terrible disaster started in the town the sky began to change color. Allah was punishing them, they knew in their hearts that what they did was wrong, so Allah forgave the people because as we know Allah loves those who ask him for forgiveness. After that Allah forgave the people, the sky went back to its original beautiful blue color.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. Get a terrible storm on the sea and Allah Ta’ala commanded a whale to swallow him, and the whale took him to the bottom of the ocean Prophet Yunus a.s.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. Realize that he had made a grave mistake by leaving the city before Allah told him to do so.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. Sorry for his mistakes, ask forgiveness, and give glory to Allah too many times.
    • Allah accepted all prayers and ordered the whale to cast the prophet Yunus a.s. To the beach.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. Returned home and he was surprised to see that the pagans were now believers and Very happy to know that.

    3. General information:
    • Prophet Yunus A.S struggles to guide his nation toward Allah.
    • Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them.
    • The Prophet Repented to Allah for his mistakes.
    • Patience With Da’wah, Dhikr, and Dua are Powerful

    4. Specific information:
    The story of the Prophet Yunus, who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and went sailing without Allah's permission. On the way there was a disaster for him that was devoured by a big fish. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus asked Allah's forgiveness and by Allah's permission, he could be removed from the belly of the fish. Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam lazily stayed in the whale’s stomach for a long time he started to praise and give glory to Allah by making too many times and saying “LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADALIMIN” (There is no God but Allah glory be to you, I have been one of the wrongdoers). The angel in heaven heard Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam praising Allah and asked Allah to forgive Prophet Yunus and release him from the dark stomach of the whale. Allah accepted all prayers and ordered the whale to cast the prophet Yunus a.s. To the beach. Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam started to begin to make his way back home when he arrived home, he was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers.

    5. Give a response to the spoken information in a conversation:
    as far as I concerned The video is appropriate for adults to learn more about the life of Prophet Yunus A.S. The creatures like us humans, have no purpose except to worship Allah. This is a reminder of the importance of dua and dhikr. When we hear stories from the Quran about people from the past, they serve a purpose to teach us lessons that will keep us from errors and make us better Muslims. This is a lesson that no matter how far you think that you have gone in your disobedience of Allah with sincere repentance, Allah will bring you out of your situation and grant you forgiveness. We have learned the importance of patience sometimes things may get in the way of our plans, but if we persist and never give up we will achieve our goals and believe in Allah.

  15. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    Main Idea :
    History of prophet Yunus to convice people of Niveneh that Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.

    Supporting Detail :
    - Allah wanted them (Niveneh people) to stop doing evil things and lead a good life
    - Because this is what Allah want us to do
    - He (Prophet Yunus) told many people that Allah is real and exist
    - Allah warned them of the punisment for those who do not accept his command
    - Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe

    General Information :
    •Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.
    • Prophet Yunus tried to stay strong everyday
    •Prophet Yunus ask the people to believe in Allah
    • Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    • Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching
    • Prophet Yunus get a horrible storm in the sea.
    • A giant whale to come to the eat Prophet Yunus
    • Prophet Yunus regret his fault and ask to Allah forgiveness
    • Allah order to the whale to cast prophet Yunus on to the shore.
    • Prophet Yunus was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers. 

    Specific Information :
    - Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to convice Niveneh people that Allah is the one
    - People of Niveneh did not listen and believe to the prophet Yunus as
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe
    - Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching even though Allah did not command prophet Yunus to stop

    This video is very important to Adult and children to learn and take lessons from the story of the prophet Yunus a.s. that we must believe and obey all his commands. And believe that Allah's punishment will come to those who do not do his order

  16. Name : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI 2A

    *MAIN IDEA* : The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to Niveneh people and told them to worship Allah.

    *supporting details* : Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Almighty Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings. Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.

    *General Information*
    -Allah is real, and he has no partner, we believe that.
    - Allah will be punish to people not accept his command.
    - Many years ago, people used to bow and prayers to statues.

    *Spesific Information*
    - They continued to worship statues and idols they didn't like
    - As muslim we do not worship any materials we believe that Allah is one.
    - Shirk is the worst century in the world
    - Day after day prophet yunus asked the people around him to believe in almighty Allah.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by Allah SWT to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah is one and no one other than Allah SWT.
    • Allah SWT wants Prophet Yunus a.s. turn off the ship and commanded a giant whale to come to the surface and swallow him.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s. realized his fault, he regret about it. He makes many dua to Allah and always ask for forgiveness. Allah SWT accepted all of his dua and order the whale to cast Prophet Yunus a.s. onto the shore. When, he back to the Nineveh town, he was surprised to see that the disbelievers bacame believers.

    In my opinion this video is good, cause it's useful for viewers, it has good story. It can add our knowledge about great history, there are some values which we can learn from the story. I have learned the importance of patience, and I have also learned that we must always remember Allah during the good and bad times. Overall, it is amazing story.
    The video is also appropriate for adults to learn more about the life of Prophet Yunus A.S. It also inspires us to not give up, as Prophet Yunus did, and to faith in Allah no matter what occurs because Allah will help.

  17. Name : Mafrodatunnufus
    Nim : 201230034
    Class : TBI 2A

    Main Idea:
    -Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to the citizens of Nineveh to worship only Allah, and Allah is the best God worthy of worship.

    supporting details :
    Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Almighty Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings. Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.

    General information :
    - prophet yunus as tried very hard to convince them.
    - The people disbelievers didn't listen to prophet and didn't want to believe.
    - Many years ago people used to bow and pray to idols
    - Prophet yunus tried to stay strong

    Specification information :
    The story of the Prophet Yunus who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and went sailing without Allah's permission. On the way there was a disaster for him that was devoured by a big fish. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus asked Allah's forgiveness and by Allah's permission he could be removed from the belly of the fish. When he came home, he was surprised to find all his people who were already worshiping Allah.

    respond :
    the prophet told to the people that Allah is one. But the people didn't give a positive response because they're disobey what the prophet said the people didn't believe what the prophet said. The prophet do not give up day after day he asked to people to believe in almighty Allah but the people still didn't take him seriously until the prophet leave the village and allah prove what the prophet said to the villagers after the prophet back and want to make sure to the people, the prophet saw that the villagers has worship to Allah.
    In this highly graphic video, we can learn some lessons like we as mankind must always be steadfast and patient in our administering of trials and obstacles. We also as muslims must abide by all the rules that god has applied, and walk away from all of them.

  18. Name : Soraya Farlika Salsabila
    Nim : 201230002
    Class : Tbi 2A

    1.Main idea: Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to the people of Ninewe to teach them to worship Allah.

    2.Supporting detail:
    •while in the belly of the whale the prophet yunus prayed to Allah and said
    La ilaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kuntu minadhdhalimin
    •Prophet yunus left the city of Ninewe
    •Prophet Yunus tried his best to convince them of idol worship and the goodness of Allah and warned the people of Ninewe that if they continued to worship idols Allah would punish them. He had just left the city when the sky started to change color and it looked as if it was burning like fire
    •Prophet Yunus realized that he had left the city of Ninewe without Allah's permission
    •Allah SWT saw the sincere repentance of Prophet Yunus and heard his prayer in the belly of the pope
    •Aallah commanded the whale to surface and send Prophet yunus to an island.
    •Prophet Yunus was surprised when he returned to his village. They told him that they had turned to believe in Allah.

    3.General information:
    •The struggle of the prophet Yunus to guide his people to worship Allah
    •Nineweh people continue to worship idols
    •Prophet yunus left the city and boarded a ship
    •Pope swallows prophet yunus
    •Prophet yunus repented to Allah
    •Allah forgive Prophet Yunus .AS

    4.Spesifik information: The city dwellers who used to worship idols have finally turned to believe in Aallah.

    5.Respon: in the video I really like it because the animation is very good for children to learn and adults about the story of the prophet and in the story of the prophet Yunus as. we take a lot of lessons, namely remembering Allah a lot, returning to Allah, and being patient in preaching

  19. Name:Tatu Maftuhah
    Class:TBI 2A
    1). Effort of the prophet Yunus to convince people niveneh to believe in God and believe that Allah SWT is one
    2).prophet yunus told many people that Allah is real and that he exists he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last commands.He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.
    3). - Prophet Yunus A.S struggle to guide his nation toward Allah.
    - The people were persistent in their disbelief of Allah.
    - Prophet Yunus A.S Abandoned the people and went on a ship
    - Many years ago, people used to bow and pray to statues.
    - At the sea a big fish swallowed Prophet Yunus
    - The Prophet Repented to Allah for his mistakes
    4).The story of the prophet Yunus who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and went sailing without Allah's permission.on the way There was a disaster for him that was devoured by a big the Belly of the fish, prophet Yunus asked Allah's forgivness and by Allah's permission he could be removed from the Belly of the fish.When he came home,he was surpised to find all his people who were already worshiping Allah .
    5).the prophet told to the people that Allah is one. But the people didn't give a positive response because they're disobey what the prophet said the people didn't believe what the prophet said. The prophet do not give up day after day he asked to people to believe in almighty Allah but the people still didn't take him seriously until the prophet leave the village and allah prove what the prophet said to the villagers after the prophet back and want to make sure to the people, the prophet saw that the villagers has worship to Allah.

  20. Nama : Anna sulistiana
    Nim : 201230011
    Kls : tbi 2a

    1. Main Idea:
    To Understand the life of Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam. The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to the Niveneh people and told them to worship Allah.

    2. Supporting Details* :
    -Prophet Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings.
    -Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    -However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    -When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINADALIMIN” (There is no God but Allah glory be to you, I have been one of the wrong doers).
    -By Allah's permission, the Prophet Yunus, the big fish, brought the Prophet Yunus to the shore. After that the Prophet Yunus returned home and was grateful to find his people had worshiped Allah.

    3. General Information
    - Prophet Yunus A.S struggle to guide his nation toward Allah.
    - The people were persistent in their disbelief of Allah.
    - Prophet Yunus A.S Abandoned the people and went on a ship
    - Many years ago, people used to bow and pray to statues.
    - At the sea a big fish swallowed Prophet Yunus
    - The Prophet Repented to Allah for his mistakes

    Prophet Yunus AS called on his people to believe in Allah SWT, but he was ignored by them until Prophet Yunus AS was sad and left his people. Until one day Allah SWT sent punishment to them in the form of a red curtain and will drop a giant stone from the sky and they repented and Allah SWT revoked the punishment, Prophet Yunus AS boarded a ship and hit by a storm, the captain of the ship voted who would be sacrificed to fight the ship, Up to three times the lot of Prophet Yunus AS will be thrown into the sea, and Allah SWT sent a whale to swallow it, in the whale's belly Prophet Yunus repented and Allah SWT granted prayer and he was vomited by a whale, after Allah SWT came out he planted a tree to rest him and said to return to his people, after the return of the Prophet Yunus AS was surprised and grateful for the change of his people.

    5. Response to the spoken information in a conversation Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to invite his people to worship only Allah SWT. But his people refused to make the prophet Yunus angry and left them, before leaving the Prophet Yunus said to his people that there would be a big storm but his people still didn't believe it. Finally the Prophet Yunus went with the believers. In the middle of the journey the Prophet Yunus faced a problem, but Allah gave help. The story of the prophet Yunus a.s teaches us the meaning of anger and the importance of being patient, and if there is any problem we should pray only to Allah SWT.

  21. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim : 201230016
    Class : TBI2A

    1. Main Idea: The story of the prophet Yunus Alaihi Salam commanded by Allah Swt. To convince the people of Niveneh that Allah Swt. Is the only Allah that is required to worship.

    2. Supporting details:
    - The prophet Yunus invited the people of Niveneh to stop worshipping idols or something other than an almighty Allah Swt.
    - Prophet Yunus upset that no one would believe him, the prophet Yunus finally decided to abandon his people and go aboard the ship that was about to sail.
    - After the prophet, Yunus AlaihiSsalam left his people not at Allah Swt's command. Then Allah sent disaster to the people of Niveneh, so they believed and remembered the message delivered by the prophet Yunus, and then they began to beg Allah for forgiveness and began to worship Allah Swt.
    - On the sea of the ship on which the prophet Yunus Alaihissalam was on board had obstacles, such as a storm, and was tossed about by the waves. Feeling that the ship was too heavy, the ship's reapers decided to take the initiative to lighten the load, after it had been tossed out to sea but was not enough, and finally they decided to choose the name of the person who would be pushed out to sea. After three attempts and the result has remained the same, the prophet Yunus was the one chosen to be pushed into the sea, and the prophet Yunus recognized that this was the will of Allah Swt. And was willing to be pushed into the sea.
    - When the prophet Yunus tried to swim in the sea, suddenly a great whale appeared, and at Allah's command the whale ate the prophet Yunus without damaging his body and breaking his bones. While inside the whale, the prophet Yunus continued to ask Allah for forgiveness for what the prophet Yunus had done.
    - The angels in heaven heard prophet Yunus's prayer and begged Allah Swt to forgive him. Then Allah Swt forgave the prophet Yunus and ordered the whale to go to the shore and pull the prophet Yunus out of his belly.
    - The prophet Yunus returned to the city where he had lived before, and to his great surprise, his people began prostrating themselves to Allah and abandoning idols. The prophet Yunus was very happy.

    3. General Information:
    - It tells of the struggle of the prophet Yunus who led his people to worship Allah Swt and abandon idols because this was malicious.
    - The prophet Yunus left his people because they did not believe what the prophet Yunus proclaimed.
    - Back then, people only worshiped idols that couldn't even do anything.
    - The prophet Yunus boarded a ship that was about to sail, in route to disaster, and finally the prophet Yunus was willing to be pushed to the sea. At sea, the prophet Yunus met a huge whale and the whale swallowed the prophet Yunus and keep the prophet Yunus in his belly.

    4. Specific Information:
    - The prophet Yunus's struggle to revive the Niveneh people from sirkh. And started to believe in Allah Swt.
    - While at the belly of the whale, the prophet Yunus recognized his mistake and begged god for forgiveness.
    - Returning to his hometown, the prophet Yunus was surprised to see people begin to worship Allah. The prophet Yunus felt very happy.

    5. Respond to the spoken information:
    I think the stories and illustrations for this story are so good and interesting that it is suitable for young children to watch. In order for the children to understand and learn from the good and bad that is contained in the story. It is also good to teach us about patient, and to keep Allah Swt. In every situation. Ask forgiveness for sins we have committed and promise not to repeat them. Every word used is so clear and simple that it is easy to understand.

  22. NIM : 201230031
    Name : Hilmy Aulia Rahman
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Main idea
    The struggle of the prophet Yunus AS in awakening the Nineve to believe that Allah is one and also wanted them to stop doing evil things and lead a good. But it didn't work and he gave up.
    2. Supporting details
    Prophet Yunus AS tried very hard to convince them the disbelievers did not listen to prophet yunus and did not want to believe in not long they continued to worship statues and idols.
    3.General information
    - Prophet Yunus AS tried to stay strong day after day he asked the people around him to believe in Almighty Allah but still the disbelievers did not take him seriously.
    - He was angry and left the Nineve people away, then the people were punished by Allah
    4. Spesific information
    - Prophet Yunus AS became very upset that they were not listening to him he warned the people of Nineveh that a horrible punishment may be sent by Allah if they did not believe instead of theory on love
    - Shortly after prophet Yunus AS lifts the town of mosul a terrible disaster started in the town the sky began to change color no longer a positive pay lovely blue he changed to a red fiery mix of colors it looked like the clouds were on fire after seeing this brining unbelievable fight when the people began to remember what prefer Yunus AS had been trying to tell them.

    5. Give response to the spoken information in a conversation
    We must not give up quickly in doing good. like in this story, where the prophet Yunus AS instead left his people and went to the sea where he finally gave himself up to be eaten by a whale sent by Allah SWT.

  23. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    Kelas : TBI, 2A

    Jawaban :
    Main idea : The story of prophet Yunus who tried to persuade the Niveneh people to believe in the almighty god Allah SWT.

    Supporting detail :
    The Prophet Yunus begging to show the greatness of Allah SWT. For Niveneh peoples believes what the prophet Yunus said.
    As the prophet Yunus go away departed a black cloud lit up the entire region of Iraq. Then there was tremendous panic in the Iraqi region.
    When in the Asian Sea there is a big storm. Then in the outship of the Prophet Yunus from the ship so as not to increase the heavy loads carrying by the ship. When the Prophet Yunus was removed from the ship of the Prophet Yunus Allah ordered the whale to help the Prophet Yunus.
    And the prophet Yunus carried the whale upon him, and eventually the prophet Yunus survived from the disaster.

    General spesifikasi :
    • The prophet Yunus tried to convince them.
    • The people regret not believing what the prophet Yunus said.
    • The prophet Yunus tried to stay strong.

    Spesific information :
    •While in the belly of the whale the prophet Yunus prayed to god for giveness and deliverance him.
    •The prophet Yunus' efforts in delivering the oneness of god to Niveneh people.
    •The prophet Yunus' surprise as he reached the city that had already accepted the oneness of god Allah SWT.

    I like this video because this is inspiring stories that we can take lessons for our lives. Like patient, preaching, etc. This video is also very easy to understand because there are many moving animation that we can easily understand, the text in the story also very easy to understand. And at the end of the video there are also a few quizzes that we can answer to train our understanding of the account of the prophet Yunus.

  24. Nama : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Class : Tbi_2a

    1. Main idea
    The History of Prophet Yunus a. s to convince Nineveh people that Allah is the only God to be worshipped and obeyed

    2. Supporting details
    Prophet Yunus a.s. sent by Allah SWT and conveyed a message to the people of Nineveh that Allah SWT is one and there is no other than Allah SWT who has the right to be obeyed and worshiped, but the people of Nineveh did not believe in the Prophet Yunus a. s. Prophet Yunus a.s. left the city in annoyance. and boarded the ship that was about to set sail. After the Prophet Yunus a. s leaving his people. Then Allah sent disaster to the people of Niveneh, so they believed and remembered the message conveyed by the prophet Yunus, and then they asked Allah for forgiveness and started worshiping Allah. In the sea the ship on which the Prophet Yunus was carrying a. s run into obstacles, like storms, and are tossed about by the waves. Feeling the ship was too heavy, the ship's reapers decided to take the initiative to lighten the load, after being thrown into the sea but not enough, and finally decided to choose the name of the person to be pushed into the sea. After three tries and the result remains the same, it was Prophet Yunus who was chosen to admit to the sea, and Prophet Yunus admitted that this was the will of Allah. And willing to go to sea. When the prophet Yunus tried to swim in the sea, suddenly a large whale appeared, and at the command of Allah stopped eating Prophet Yunus without damaging his body. The angels in heaven heard the prayer of the prophet Yunus and asked Allah for forgiveness. Then Allah SWT forgave Prophet Yunus and then Prophet Yunus was removed from the whale's belly. One day, a terrible disaster came to the city. And they remember Allah's punishment for the disbelievers, as the Prophet Yunus a. s said. Then, they asked Allah for forgiveness, the Mosals were forgiven, leaving behind a terrible disaster.When Prophet Yunus a. s returned to the city of Nineveh, he was surprised to see that the people of Nineveh had believed to Allah, and the prophet Yunus a.s was happy.

    3.General information:
    -Allah is real and He exists
    -Allah is one and has no partner with Him.
    -Prophet Yunus wanted the people of Niveneh to stop doing evil things and stop worshiping idols.
    -Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince the people of Niveneh.

    4. Specific Information:
    -Prophet Yunus AS was sent to the people of Niveneh and to warn them.
    - While in the belly of the whale, the prophet Yunus realized his mistake and asked God for forgiveness.
    - When he reached his hometown, he got an amazing look at the area because the entire population of Nineveh had accepted Islam. Prophet Yunus was very happy.

    5. Give a response to the spoken information in a conversation.
    In my opinion, this video is very good and interesting, suitable for children to watch because it is delivered easily and uses simple vocabulary and grammar. The animation used is also very good to keep children interested. Teaching children about the life of the Prophet will also increase their appreciation and love for Islam. from the video it also teaches us that we should not be people who give up easily because whatever happens we still have Allah and Allah will help.


  25. Siti Hayatun Nisa
    TBI 2A

    Main idea:

    Prophet Yunus A.S was sent by Allah SWT to command the people of Niveneh to worship, making them understand is no one and that nothing or no other than Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.

    Supporting details:

    •Prophet Yunus want to Nineveh people stop doing evil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants us to do.
    •Prophet Yunus told many people that Allah is real and that he exist he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept Allah commands.
    •Prophet Yunus ran away. And after prophet Yunus as left the mosul, a huge storm hit the town.
    •Prophet Yunus stuck in the belly of whale and praise to Allah SWT asked for forgiveness .
    •The angels heard the dua of prophet Yunus as and ask Allah to forgive him.
    • Prophet Yunus a.s returned to the Mosul and found that people were still worshipping Allah.

    General information:

    •Allah SWT loves those who ask him for forgiveness
    •Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    •Allah is the most grecious, the most merciful.
    • We all have two angels with us all the time sitting on each of our shoulders. One record all the good deeds we do, the other while record our bad deeds leaving.

    Spesific information:

    • Yunus prophet started to praise and give to glory to Allah SWT by making to many times “La ilaha ila anta subhanaka inni kuntu minna dzalimin.”
    • The Angels in heaven heard prophet Yunus praising Allah and asked Allah to forgive prophet Yunus and relase him from the dark stomach of the whale.

    Respon to the spoken:

    in my opinion, I really like the video because it's really very interesting. The animation used also makes me not bored to watch it. The explanation of the story is also very short, dense and very clear and of course easy to understand. This video is very useful to add insight and knowledge about the Prophet Yunus A.S. Because in this era, many people have started to forget the stories of the prophets, and I think this video has a means of da'wah in its own way and also for all people, both for children and adults.

  26. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Class: TBI 2 A

    1. Main idea
    This video talked about Prophet Yunus as who has sent by Allah SWT to command the people of Niveneh to worship to Allah SWT
    2. Supporting details
    - Prophet Yunus as wants to stop begging and praying to the idol
    - Prophet Yunus as told the people of Niveneh that Allah is a real God
    - Prophet Yunus as pray to Allah SWT after stucked in the belly of whale.
    - The angels heard Prophet Yunus' pray and ask to Allah to forgive him
    3. General information
    - Allah SWT loves those who ask for forgiveness
    - Allah SWT is a right place to be prayed and obeyed
    - Allah SWT is the most Grecious and the most Merciful
    4. Spesific information
    - Prophet Yunus as pray to Allah SWT, 'Laa ilaaha illa anta, subhaanaka inni kuntu minadzh dzhoolimiin'. Then the angels heard his praise and ask to Allah to forgive him
    5. Réspon to the spoken
    According to myself, this video is good for everyone, especially for kids. By watching this video, we will know about Prophet Yunus as and could learn from his story. Lately, almost kids always watch a cartoon and not too much watching a Story of every prophet in Islamic religion. That's why I recommend this video fir kids officially

  27. Dewi Puspita Sari

    1. Main Idea:
    To Understand the life of Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam. The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to the Niveneh people and told them to worship Allah.

    2. Supporting Details : Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Almighty Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings. Prophet Yunus was Disappointed and frustrated, and he left them in anger, threatening them with punishment after three days.
    However, soon Allah SWT guided the hearts of his people and they realized their mistakes, and Allah spared them from the punishment. But Prophet Yunus was not spared.
    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.

    3. General information

    - We believe that Allah is one and He has no partners.
    - We all have two angels with us all the time, siting on each of our shoulders. One records all the good deeds we do such as praying, while the other records our bad deeds.
    - Believing angels is one of the six pillars of emaan. The other pillars are believing in Allah, His books, His messengers, judgement day, and fate.
    Spesific Information
    - Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by Allah SWT to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah is one and no one other than Allah SWT.
    - An amazing fact, one of the strangest things that whales do is breaching. Breaching is when a whale comes close to the shore, then flips itself on its back, leaping out of the water and landing on the shore until they stayed no one really knows why whales beached.

    5. In my opinion this video is good, cause it's useful for viewers, it has good story. It can add our knowledge about great history, there are some values which we can learn and Give respons to the spoken information in a conversation Prophet Yunus invited to worship Allah but his people refused.

  28. Nama : Eko Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230008
    Kls : tbi 2a

    Main Idea :
    History of prophet Yunus to convice people of Niveneh that Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.

    Supporting Detail :
    - Allah wanted them (Niveneh people) to stop doing evil things and lead a good life
    - Because this is what Allah want us to do
    - He (Prophet Yunus) told many people that Allah is real and exist
    - Allah warned them of the punisment for those who do not accept his command
    - Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe

    General Information :
    •Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.
    • Prophet Yunus tried to stay strong everyday
    •Prophet Yunus ask the people to believe in Allah
    • Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    • Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching
    • Prophet Yunus get a horrible storm in the sea.
    • A giant whale to come to the eat Prophet Yunus
    • Prophet Yunus regret his fault and ask to Allah forgiveness
    • Allah order to the whale to cast prophet Yunus on to the shore.
    • Prophet Yunus was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers.

    Specific Information :
    - Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to convice Niveneh people that Allah is the one
    - People of Niveneh did not listen and believe to the prophet Yunus as
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe
    - Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching even though Allah did not command prophet Yunus to stop

  29. Nama : Eko saputra
    Nim : 201230008
    Kls : tbi 2a

    Main Idea :
    History of prophet Yunus to convice people of Niveneh that Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.

    Supporting Detail :
    - Allah wanted them (Niveneh people) to stop doing evil things and lead a good life
    - Because this is what Allah want us to do
    - He (Prophet Yunus) told many people that Allah is real and exist
    - Allah warned them of the punisment for those who do not accept his command
    - Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe

    General Information :
    •Allah is the one and no one than Allah has the right to be obeyed worshipped.
    • Prophet Yunus tried to stay strong everyday
    •Prophet Yunus ask the people to believe in Allah
    • Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    • Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching
    • Prophet Yunus get a horrible storm in the sea.
    • A giant whale to come to the eat Prophet Yunus
    • Prophet Yunus regret his fault and ask to Allah forgiveness
    • Allah order to the whale to cast prophet Yunus on to the shore.
    • Prophet Yunus was surprised to see that the disbelievers were now believers.

    Specific Information :
    - Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to convice Niveneh people that Allah is the one
    - People of Niveneh did not listen and believe to the prophet Yunus as
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe
    - Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching even though Allah did not command prophet Yunus to stop

  30. name : maharani
    nim : 201230017

    # the main idea :

    Prophet Yunus AS was sent by Allah SWT to command the people of Niveneh to worship,and making them understand that there is nothing but Allah worthy of worship.

    # supporting details :

    Yunus A.S called his people to the message of Almighty Allah and truth, but they persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoings

    He was made to be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish, but Allah inspired that large fish not to devour his flesh or break his bones.
    When in the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus realized his mistake and called out to Allah SWT as by saying: “There is none worthy of Worship besides You, You are far exalted and above all weaknesses, Surely, I’ am from among the atrocious, vicious, and cruel (zalim) persons.”
    He repented to Allah SWT consistently and constantly remembered Him and praised which eventually helped save the Prophet Yunus from the toughest and miserable situation.

    # General information:

    -Allah SWT loves those who ask him for forgiveness
    -Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    -Allah is the most grecious, the most merciful.
    - We all have two angels with us all the time sitting on each of our shoulders. One record all the good deeds we do, the other while record our bad deeds leaving.

    # Specific Information:

    - The prophet Yunus's struggle to revive the Niveneh people from sirkh. And started to believe in Allah Swt.
    - While at the belly of the whale, the prophet Yunus recognized his mistake and begged god for forgiveness.
    - Returning to his hometown, the prophet Yunus was surprised to see people begin to worship Allah. The prophet Yunus felt very happy.

    # respone to the spoken

    in my opinion, I really like the video because it's really fun very interesting.The animation used is also very good to keep children interested. Teaching children about the life of the Prophet will also increase their appreciation and love for Islam.


  31. Name : Adelia Rizky Destriani
    NIM : 201230006
    Class : TBI_2A

    1.Main idea:
    About Zaki who tells the story of the prophet Yunus AS. Prophet Yunus brought a message from Allah Subhanahuwata'ala to convey to his people that Allah exists and told them to only worship Allah Subhanahuwata'ala and not to the idols.

    2. Supporting details:
    - Every day, the prophet Yunus always called his people to worship Allah.
    - Prophet Yunus warned his people that God's punishment was real, but his people still ignored it.
    - And when Allah brought his punishment, people realized that what the prophet Yunus had been calling for all this time was true

    3. General information :
    - Allah is real, and the only one worthy of worship.
    - Allah's punishment is real.
    - The call of the Prophet Yunis to his people is true. Prophet Yunus jumped into the sea after his name appeared 3 times.
    - Prophet Jonah was swallowed by the pope, and always made dhikr to Allah in the belly of the whale.

    4. Spesific information :
    - Prophet Yunus ordered his people to worship Allah
    - the prophet Jonah left the city of Mosel after asking God because the people ignored his call.
    -Prophet Yunus jumped from the ship because his name appeared 3 times after being drawn.
    - Prophet Yunus was swallowed by the pope, while in the belly of the whale Prophet Yunus always made remembrance of Allah.
    - After being vomited by the whale, the prophet Yunus was stranded in the desert. By Allah's permission, a tree with many fruits was crushed for the prophet Yunus.
    - Prophet Yunus returned to the city of Mosel, and was very happy because all his people had worshiped Allah SWT.

    5. Respons
    In My oppinon, this animation very interesting, in addition to a good description, the dubber also has a pleasant voice. there is also a back sound that is pleasant to hear, the opening and ending music is also very entertaining. not just telling a story, they also include a guessing session. also inserts important info info, such as when explaining about the pope, and idols. Very good video for children to watch, as a lesson. Also tells a very interesting story from the Prophet Yunus As

  32. Name : Ana rosaliatul hasanah
    Nim : 201230036
    Class : TBI 2A

    1.the main idea
    the journey of the prophet Yunus who was ordered by Allah swt. to invite his people in Nineveh (Iraq) to worship Allah and stop worshiping idols.

    2.Suporting details
    -Prophet Yunus (as) tried to awaken his people to worship Allah, and Allah is one, there is no other but Allah
    -Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them.
    - The disbelievers do not listen to the prophet and do not want to believe.
    -Prophet Yunus (as) was disappointed in his people and left niveneh
    -Allah SWT punished the people of Prophet Yunus AS and they repented,
    -Prophet Yunus (as) got a big storm on his way
    -then the whale swallowed the prophet Yunus without hurting him by Allah's permission so that he would think and be patient with his
    actions to his people
    -Prophet Yunus realized he shouldn't have left his people
    -Then he prayed to Allah and Allah answered him
    When the prophet Yunus (as) returned to the city of Niveneh, he was surprised that his people had believed in Allah and he was happy

    3.general Information
    -Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them.
    - The disbelievers do not listen to the prophet and do not want to believe.
    -Years ago, people used to prostrate and pray to statues (idols).
    -there are two angels who are always with us who are on our shoulders

    5. specific information
    -There are 2 types of whales, whales with teeth and whales without teeth
    -two angels who are always with us one records our good deeds and the other records our bad deeds
    -Prophet Yunus as spread the teachings of Islam to his people in the city of Niveneh (Iraq)
    - People still worship statues that are made of metal, rock, or other material.

    Very good and useful content for us and interesting for children so that they know the history of Islam. In addition, we can gain knowledge about the history of religion. And there is a moral value that we can get from the story. It is important to be patient, and we must always remember Allah in good times and bad. Overall, this is a great story.
    The story of the Prophet Yunus AS makes us aware that God is almighty and God's punishment exists. As happened to the people of Niveneh, They did not believe that God existed until God told the Prophet Yunus to give them consciousness.
    The story is told clearly and it is very helpful for us who study Islam, a fun and educational film for all children and parents.

  33. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032

    Main Idea :
    The story or life of Prophet Yunus a.s when he told the Nineveh peoples that Allah is real but their still disbelieving.
    Supporting details :
    - Prophet Yunus a.s tell the disbelieving people that Allah is real and he exists, it means Allah is one and that nothing or no one other than Allah.
    - Disbelievers didn't want to listen from Prophet Yunus as.
    - Prophet Yunus a.s leaving and sailing far away in a ship.
    - Prophet Yunus a.s having to jump off because his ship was too heavy.
    - Prophet Yunus a.s being swallowed by a large whale.
    - Allah gave a disaster to Nineveh peoples because of their disobey.
    General Information :
    - Prophet Yunus a.s told the many people about Allah is real and that he exists
    - Prophet Yunus a.s warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept Allah.
    - Many years ago people used to bow and pray to idols.
    Specific information :
    - Prophet Yunus a.a went to the people of Nineveh in home of making them understand that Allah is one and no one other than Allah has the right to be obeyed and worshipped.
    - Prophet Yunus a.s warned the people of Nineveh that a horrible punishment maybe sent by Allah if they did not believe
    - He also wanted them to stop doing evil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants us to do.
    Respons :
    The video told to us about the Prophet Yunus a.s's struggle when he told to Nineveh people that Allah is real and exists but they didn't listen and still worship their idols. Prophet Yunus a.s still try so hard to told them the truth but their still disobey, meanwhile Allah gave them a disaster untill at a time when Prophet Yunus a.s felt gave up and choose to leave the Nineveh people and go far away by a ship but Allah didn't bless the way that Prophet Yunus a.s had been chosen, so Allah made Prophet Yunus a.s understanding that his away was wrong by sending a whale to swallowed Prophet Yunus a.s until the end he understood that Allah is only one to put our hopes and who can helped us in all of our conditions.
    From the Prophet Yunus a.s's story we can learned the importance of patience sometimes things may get in the way of our plans, but if we persist and never give up we will achieve our goal, we have also learned that we must always remember our law during the good times and the bad Allah says remember me and I will remember you.
    In my opinion, the content of the video so educative especially for children to addition their knowledge about prophets story.

  34. Name: Zakia Umami
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230014

    1. The Main Idea:
    One of the biggest cities in Iraq prophet Yunus alayhi Salam went to the people of Nineveh in home of making them understand that Allah is one and that nothing or no one other than a long as the right to be obeyed and and worship he wanted them to stop doing evil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants to do, he told that Allah is real and he exists, he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last commands, although prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them the disbelievers did not listen to prophet Yunus and did want to believe in not long they continued, prophet Yunus alayhi salam did not understand why theese people were pray to false gods of strolling the disbelievers had build them with own hands these idols had no power to do anything.

    2. Supporting Details:
    - Prophet Yunus alayhi Salam asked the people around him to believe in Almighty Allah but still the disbelievers did not take him seriously, prophet Yunus alayhi salam became very upset that they were not listening to him, he warned the people of Nineveh that a horrible punishment may be sent by Allah if they did not believe instead.
    - Allah did not command prophet Yunus alayhi salam to leave the town and stop preaching he decided to leave measuring enter somewhere else where people may listen to his massage.
    - Prophet Yunus alayhi salam gathered some of his belongings and boarded the human which would take him far away from the stone worshiper, because he believed no matter how hard he tried to convince them of a lawas existence.
    - the ship would break into the it there are some pieces the people in the ship through some of their luggage into the water to make the ship lighter. Allah wanted prophet yunus alayhi salam turn off the ship prophet Yunus knew this is what Allah wants him so he allowed himself to be thrown into the sea.
    - Allah commanded a giant whale to come to the surface and swallow him to keep him in his stomach so that prophet yunus could have time to think about what he had done by abandoning his duty to tell the people of Nineveh about unlined.

    3.General Information:
    Prophet Yunus alayhi salam realized he was in the stomach of a whale, Yunus alayhi salam thought that he mad a terrible mistake by leaving the Town of Mosul before Allah told him to do so prophet Yunus alayhi salam bid for lost forgiveness made sued and admitted that what he did was wrong.

    Prophet Yunus alayhi salam stayed in the whale's stomach for a long time he started to praise and give Glory to Allah by making to are many times. the angels in heaven heard prophet yunus praising Allah and asked Allah to forgive prophet yunus and release him from the dark stomach of the whale, Allah accepted all the doors and ordered whale to cast pro feminist and easily onto the shore.

    4. Spesific Information :
    Slowly prophet Yunus alayhi salam started to regain his strength so he began to make his way back home, when he arrived home he was surprised to see that disbelievers were now believers prophet yunus alayhi Salam was a very happy man. the reason whale's still beach themselves from this amazing story of prophet yunus alayhi salam we have learned the importance of patience sometimes things may get in the way of our pland, but if we persist and never give up we will achieve our goal inshaAllah, we have also learned that we must always remember our law during the good times and the bad. Allah says remember me and I will remember you.

    5. Respon To The Spoken:
    I think the video is very good and interesting I really enjoyed watching the video, in terms of the speaker was very good and slow when conveying information it made the video even more very good and the story was very interesting also told the story of the history of the prophet Yunus, even on the deepest darkest ocean Allah always responded to the prophet yunus, in the belly of the whale he raised his hands up and praise Allah the Almighty and asked Allah for forgiveness.

  35. Nama : Nur Karinah
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM :201230038

    1. Main idea
    The story of prophet Yunus as. To make Nineveh people Believe and worship to Allah swt.

    2. Supporting Details

    -Prophet Yunus As.want to Niveneh people stop doing ebil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants to do.
    - He told many people,that Allah is real and that he exist and he wanted of the punishment for not to do accept Allah's Commands.
    - Prophet Yunus as.try so hard to convice Niveneh people.
    - Prophet Yunus as.pray after he stucked in the belly of whale.

    3. General information

    * Allah one and he has no partner
    * Allah swt. Is real and exist.
    * Many years ago people used to bow and pray to statues (idols).
    * Allah swt. loves those who ask him for forgiveness.
    * Prophet Yunus as. Struggles to guide his nation toward Allah.

    4. Specific information

    - Prophet Yunus as. Was sent to Niveneh people for warn them and
    realized them that Allah is one, nothing else than Allah.
    - Niveneh people didn't listen and response prophet yunus as.
    - While in the belly of the whale, prophet Yunus realized his mistake and asked to Allah for forgiveness.

    5. Respon to the spoken.

    This video is very interesting, especially for children, with very funny animations, comfortable backsound to listen , and a clear speaker in pronunciation, intonation and not too fast in speaking. I think this will work to increase children's interest and understanding of Islamic history, for example the stories of this prophet.

  36. Name:Dila irasanti
    Class:2A TBI

    1. Main Idea:
    To Understand the life of Prophet Yunus Allaihi Salaam. The prophet Yunus A.S was sent to the Niveneh people and told them to worship Allah.

    Supporting Detail :
    - Allah wanted them (Niveneh people) to stop doing evil things and lead a good life
    - Because this is what Allah want us to do
    - He (Prophet Yunus) told many people that Allah is real and exist
    - Allah warned them of the punisment for those who do not accept his command
    - Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe
    3. General information

    - We believe that Allah is one and He has no partners.
    - We all have two angels with us all the time, siting on each of our shoulders. One records all the good deeds we do such as praying, while the other records our bad deeds.
    - Believing angels is one of the six pillars of emaan. The other pillars are believing in Allah, His books, His messengers, judgement day, and fate.
    Spesific Information
    - Prophet Yunus a.s. was sent by Allah SWT to make Nineveh people to understand that Allah is one and no one other than Allah SWT.
    - An amazing fact, one of the strangest things that whales do is breaching. Breaching is when a whale comes close to the shore, then flips itself on its back, leaping out of the water and landing on the shore until they stayed no one really knows why whales beached.

    Specific Information :
    - Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to convice Niveneh people that Allah is the one
    - People of Niveneh did not listen and believe to the prophet Yunus as
    - Prophet Yunus warned the people of Niveneh that a horrible punisment maybe sent by Allah if they didn't believe
    - Prophet Yunus leave the town and stop pearching even though Allah did not command prophet Yunus to stop

    5.respon to the spoken
    This vidio is very interesting for all and comfortable backsound and understading of islamic history..

  37. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230018

    - Main Idea
    The main idea in this video is the prophet Yunus A. S to convince Niveneh people that Allah is the only God to be worshipped.

    - Supporting details

    Prophet Yunus a.s. told many people of Niveneh that Allah SWT is the one and only and no one other than Allah, but no one believe in him. Because of that Prophet Yunus is upset, he finally decided to abandon his people and go aboard the ship that was about to sail. In a day terrible disaster started in the town. And they remember about punishment of Allah SWT to the disbelievers as said as Prophet Yunus a.s. Then, they asked for forgiveness to Allah SWT, the people of Mosal were forgiven, after that the horrible disaster left.

    - General Information
    > We believe that Allah is one and He has no partners.
    > Allah is the one and no one than Allah has to be worshipped.
    > Prophet Yunus tried very hard to convice them to believe in Allah
    > Prophet Yunus regret his fault and ask to Allah forgiveness
    > Allah SWT loves those who ask him for forgiveness
    > Allah is the most grecious, the most merciful.

    - Spesific Information
    > Prophet Yunus was sent by Allah to convice Niveneh people that Allah is the one.
    > People of Niveneh did not listen and believe to the prophet Yunus A.S
    > We are always have two angels, one records our good deeds and the other records our bad deeds.
    > Prophet Yunus wanted them to stop doing evil things and lead a good life because this is what Allah wants us to do.

    - Give Response
    This video is really good and has a lot meaning for us, it has a wonderful story and I can improve my knowledge about history of Islam. And than there is a moral value that we can get from the story. It is important to be patient, and we must always remember Allah in good times and bad.

    In addition, this video has a good description and the speaker has a good voice so I can understand clearly, It's such a wonderful video that I can rewatch it, and it's really good especially for children because it tells a lot of history and has a good moral value.

  38. Name: Mutia Hernata
    Class: 2 A TBI
    Student ID Number: 201230004

    - Main Idea:
    The journey of the prophet Yunus AS as a messenger of Allah in calling for only worshiping Allah and avoiding shirk.

    - Supporting details:
    Every day the prophet Yunus always called for worshiping only Allah, and leaving worshiping idols, but his followers ignored him and thought that the words of Prophet Yusuf were just lies. After the prophet Yunus was disappointed with the neglect of his people. he decided to leave the Mosul without the blessing and permission of Allah SWT. After the prophet Yunus left the Mosul, suddenly a storm came to the Mosul and the sky turned red. At that time, the residents of the Mosul realized that the call of the Prophet Yunus to worship Allah was a truth and they then asked Allah for forgiveness. Suddenly the storm stopped and the sky became clear again.
    On the way to sailing, in the middle of the wide sea suddenly a storm came and the ship that the prophet Yunus was riding was overloaded. and the passengers decided with a heavy heart to throw some of the passengers into the open sea by drawing lots with the paper that had been written with the names of the passengers.
    When the first time the lottery, the name of the Prophet Yunus came out on the paper. but the other passengers decided to repeat it a second time. but the second time still the name of the Prophet Yunus that appears. and arrived at the third draw. still the name of the Prophet Yunus that appears. and with a heavy heart threw the prophet Jonah into the open sea.
    when the prophet Yunus was swimming in the open sea. by Allah's permission suddenly a whale swallowed him.

    When the prophet Yunus was in the belly of the whale, in the darkness he realized that he had been swallowed by a whale and in that situation he realized that his departure from the Mosul was a mistake and had done abandoning his duty to tell the people rightness. Prophet Yunus also asked Allah for forgiveness for his mistakes and continued to pray for forgiveness from Allah. Allah hears the prayers of every servant and Allah is most forgiving. Allah forgave Prophet Yunus and ordered the pope to release him to deliver Prophet Jonah to land.
    when it reached land, the whale took it out of its stomach. when Prophet Yunus was outside, he was very grateful and he thought that he would not come out of the belly of the pope and receive justice in the afterlife.
    when the prophet Yunus returned to the city of Mosul. He is shocked to see the situation in the Mosul. His people who used to worship idols have now worshiped Allah SWT and believed that the Prophet Yunus was the messenger of Allah.

    - General Information:

    Allah is The all pardoning, all forgiving
    Allah is the only god who must be worshiped will punish his servants who deny Allah
    Allah hears the prayers of every servant
    Prophet Yunus is sending by Allah

    - Spesific Information:

    There two angels who are always with us, one records our good deeds and the other records our bad deeds.
    Prophet Yunus pray to Allah SWT and relize his fault 'Laa ilaaha illa anta, subhaanaka inni kuntu minadzh dzhoolimiin'. Then the angels heard his praise and ask to Allah to forgive him
    Prophet Yunus trown from the ship because his name appeared three times after being drawn by passanger of the ship.

    - Respon to the spoken information

    In my opinion, the spoken information in the video is easy to undestand because of the simple vocabularies and clearness of the speaker in the video. The information is very usefull and from the Prophet Yunus a.s's story we can learned the importance of patience and learned moral messenge. We must believe in Allah in every situation.
    The video is very good and interesting and the animation make the viewers enjoy the video.

  39. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. Main idea is Prophet Yunus AS went to the people of Nineveh in hope of making them understand that Allah is one as the right to be obeyed and that nothing.

    2. Supporting details :
    - Prophet Yunus AS was sent by Allah SWT to convey revelations in the Nineveh area and invite the residents to believe and leave idols.
    - However, they rejected the invitation of the Prophet Yunus and chose to worship idols and went astray in disbelief.
    - Then the Prophet Yunus said that Allah would give them punishment.
    - After they saw the signs of the coming of doom, they went out to the Sahara. Then they humbly asked Allah, and called upon Him for help.
    - After that Yunus AS left his people and took a boat with a people. In the middle of the sea, the boat shakes, they are afraid of drowning.
    - So they held a lottery to determine who will be thrown into the sea.
    - At the same time, Allah SWT sent a whale to swallow him without tearing his flesh or breaking his bones. In the belly of the whale, Prophet Yunus prayed to Allah for forgiveness.

    3. General information :
    • Allah will punish for people who do not accept his command
    • Many years ago, people used to bow and pray to statues (idols)
    • Prophet Yunus AS was swallowed into the belly of a whale
    • In the whale's belly, Prophet Yunus prayed for forgiveness from Allah.

    4. Specific information :
    • Prophet Yunus was disappointed in his people because the heads of his citizens did not want to be on the right path.
    • Once upon a time there was a storm in the ocean, and the prophet Yunus was eaten by a whale.
    • In the belly of the whale the prophet repented and asked forgiveness and help from Allah.
    • When he came home, he was surprised to find all his people who were already worshiping Allah.

    5. After watching the video of the story of the prophet Yunus giving many lessons that never give up even though what we do is not appreciated by others because God will definitely give us what we want as long as we believe and believe that God is fair. Always ask Allah for help for everything that befalls us in our da'wah activities, because prayer is one way to accelerate the results of the efforts we have done. The few followers and the trials that always get in the way and the long time are the characteristics of the path of da'wah that we can learn from this story.

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  41. Name : AUIA MAHDIAH
    ID Number : 201230021
    Class : TBI 2A

    -Main Idea
    History of prophet Yunus a.s. to convince Nineveh people that Allah is the only God to be worshipped and obeyed.
    -Supporting detail in the video is "prophet Yunus told many people that Allah is real and that he exists he warned them of the punishment for those who do not accept our last commands although prophet Yunus tried very hard to convince them the disbelievers did not listen to prophet Yunus and did not want to believe. prophet yunus tried to stay strong day after day he asked the people around him to believe in Almighty Allah but still the disbelievers did not take him seriously."
    -General information :
    prophet yunus as tried very hard to convince them.
    The people disbelievers didn't listen to prophet and didn't want to believe.
    Many years ago people used to bow and pray to idols
    Prophet yunus tried to stay strong
    -Specification information :
    The story of the Prophet Yunus who was disappointed with the attitude and behavior of his people and went sailing without Allah's permission. On the way there was a disaster for him that was devoured by a big fish. In the belly of the fish, Prophet Yunus asked Allah's forgiveness and by Allah's permission he could be removed from the belly of the fish. When he came home, he was surprised to find all his people who were already worshiping Allah.
    The prophet Yunus spoke to many people that there is only one God, but they do not believe in the prophet Yunus, they always ignore the words of the prophet Jonah and they always worship by worshiping idols. give. punishment to them. Prophet Yunus was thrown away and eaten by the whale, but because of Allah, the great Prophet Yunus was able to survive in the whale's stomach.

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