Thursday 24 June 2021


    After learning all topics in my syllabus, you have to do a final test as a requirement to pass this subject. The test consists of two parts; individual and group works. Individual work has two questions relating to the materials and this work have to be written in my blog comment for a week later. In the other hand, group work as a team project applying your knowledge into real practices. Doing the test might make the students understand what the topics are and how they relate the topics and the problems found in their environments using Psycholinguistics views. To measure your competence and performance in this area, you could open this test. Do it well and follow the instructions there.  


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  3. Name: Naseef Efriza Al Hazimi
    ID: 181230143
    Class: TBI 6D
    Subject: Psycholinguistics

    1.Language disorder or dialect disabilities may be a disorder that includes handling etymological data. Issues which will be experienced may concern language structure (sentence structure and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other viewpoints of dialect. These issues may be open (including impeded understanding of dialect), expressive (including dialect generation), or a combination of the two. Illustrations incorporate certain dialect disarranges, superior characterized as formative dialect disarranges, and aphasia, among others. Dialect clutters can influence spoken and composed dialect, [1] and can moreover influence sign dialect ; more often than not, all shapes of dialect will be irritating. Dialect clutters in a child are caused by variations from the norm within the relevant dialect areas that underlie dialect. For case, the pragmatics of dialect impedance, specifically the trouble of utilizing dialect in settings that regularly happens in children with extreme introvertedness or individuals with mental disabilities

    The evolution of language is the application of the hypothesis of advancement to the ponder of dialect. Dialect securing can be acquired from birth and must be moved forward by guardians amid childhood. In other words, there are children who have dialect ability that's intrinsic from birth, but there are moreover those who are developed either within the family or school environment. This could be seen in twins whose dialect procurement, particularly their morphological improvement, was followed for a month. To develop and move forward or indeed make a child's dialect abilities, guardians require a way of teaching the child that's in understanding with the level of dialect capacity and the procurement and improvement of the child's language.

    2. Because to changes in allele frequencies in the population over time. These changes can occur as a result of selection – if members of a population with certain alleles are eaten more often by predators, for example, those alleles will become less frequent – ​​but this is not the whole story. Random variations in allele frequencies transmitted between generations can also cause, ultimately, large changes. This is known as drift. The development of learning both the first language (B1) and the second language (B2) cannot be separated from the development of models, strategies, approaches, methods, techniques, and tactics, both specifically for language learning and in general that can be adapted .
    they are involved in the language they use everyday, with their style of speech and style of speech that is shown from what they say, if the biological factor is not good then what he will say is also messy like there is a brain disorder, so if he talks will be irregular or may be inconsistent.
    If social factors are damaged, it could be that he does not understand the standard language, only understands everyday language and their social groups

  4. Name : Ati Darojatarrofiah
    Nim : 181230196
    Class : TBI 6-E
    1. Language disorders and language evolution
    a. Language disorders is a disorder that involves processing linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced may concern grammar syntax or morphology, semantics, or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive: involving impaired understanding of language, expressive: involving language production, or a combination of the two. Examples include certain language disorders, better defined as developmental language disorders, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language ; usually, all forms of language will be disturbed. Language disorders tend to manifest in two different ways: receptive language disorders (where a person cannot understand language well) and expressive language disorders (where a person is unable to communicate the intended message correctly).
    b. Language evolution
    • Features of human language
    • Evidence for a universal grammar : Language development, Language disorders, Pidgeons and creoles
    • Animal language experiments
    • Fossil evidence
    • ESS approaches to language evolution
    2. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere. In addition, Broca's function is to produce language, and Wernicke's function is to understand language. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social setting. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development. The social context has a LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System) function. In short, social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children as a vital role in development.

  5. Dian Herawati

    a. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    b. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.

    2. The Biological Base: Humans Language in humans is clearly dependent on their society in which they could learn it with other people, other humans to speak to, to be motivated emotionally and to be intelligence. Human beings who are physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up among people who speak to them. The Relationship of Psycholinguistics with Language Acquisition:
    -Directing the use of good language
    -Analyze deviant speech errors
    -Explain the process of acquiring a second language (L2)
    -Mastering the rules of language
    -Knowing cognitive readiness
    -Knowing humans as language users
    -Language is an expression

  6. Melani Agustini
    TBI 6E

    1. A). Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language. Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation. Children with language disorder will typically be delayed in learning or speaking their first words and phrases. When they do speak, their sentences are shorter and less complex than would be expected for their age. Individuals with language disorder typically speak with grammatical errors, have a small vocabulary, and may have trouble finding the right word at times. When engaging in conversation, they may not be able to provide adequate information about the key events they’re discussing or tell a coherent story. Because children with language disorder may have difficulty understanding what other people say, they may have an unusually hard time following directions.
    B). language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician. The range of communication problems observed in children of different ages is great, and the need to assess and provide appropriate therapies for such children is increasing by large proportions. A practical model of language function and human communication emphasizes the developmental sequence of language abilities. Problems involved in the identification of communication-handicapped children are discussed, and questions to be asked about communicative skills are presented as aids to the pediatrician in referring children with language disorders to the most appropriate evaluation and therapy services.
    2. Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language. Psycholinguistics is concerned with the cognitive faculties and processes that are necessary to produce the grammatical constructions of language. It is also concerned with the perception of these constructions by a listener.

    SRN : 181230186
    CLASS : TBI-6E
    1) A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language.
    Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.
    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time.
    This change can occur as a result of selection if members of a population with certain alleles get eaten by predators more often, for example, those alleles will become rarer but this is not the whole story. Random variation in the frequencies of alleles that get transmitted between generations can also lead, ultimately, to big changes. This is known as drift.
    But biological evolution isn't the only kind of evolutionary process. Even if the only question you care about in language evolution is the (huge and very important) question of how we got from being non-linguistic chimp-like things to being slightly-less-chimp-like things with languages, then you still need to take two evolutionary processes into account. The first is biological evolution; the second is cultural evolution.
    2) Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. Initial forays into psycholinguistics were largely philosophical ventures, due mainly to a lack of cohesive data on how the human brain functioned.
    Modern research makes use of biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, and information theory to study how the brain processes language. There are a number of subdisciplines; for example, as non invasive techniques for studying the neurological workings of the brain become more and more widespread, neurolinguistics has become a field in its own right. Psycholinguistics covers the cognitive processes that make it possible to generate a grammatical and meaningful sentence out of vocabulary and grammatical structures, as well as the processes that make it possible to understand utterances, words, text, etc.
    Developmental psycholinguistics studies infants' and children's ability to learn language, usually with experimental or at least quantitative methods (as opposed to naturalistic observations such as those made by Jean Piaget in his research on the development of children). Psycholinguistics is interdisciplinary in nature and is studied by people in a variety of fields, such as psychology, cognitive science, and linguistics. There are several subdivisions within psycholinguistics that are based on the components that make up human language.

  8. Name : khusniyah
    SRN :181230048
    Class : TBI 6B
    1. A.a language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics. Language disorders are generally traced through language development that begins in childhood to adulthood. This is because language development is one of the factors that affect communication and social communication functions according to experts. Therefore, language disorders experienced by a person can have an impact on their social communication skills or social communication disorders.
    B.evolution of language is far too vast and
    complex (and vague) a concept for anyone to say anything sensible about it. In order to get a
    handle on it, it is vital first to isolate it, and then to clearly delineate what are the main issues. On
    the isolation issue, here is a classic How-Not-To, courtesy of Science, no less:
    Language evolution has not stopped, of course; in fact, it may be progressing more rapidly
    than ever before.
    2. A.Social psycholinguistics is often also referred to as speaking psychosociolinguistics
    about the social aspects of language, for example, language attitudes, cultural acculturation,
    culture shock, social distancing, cultural critical period, language exposure, education,
    length of education, and so on.
    B. Biology talks about the relationship between language and the human brain.
    For example, which side of the brain is related to language skills?
    What nerves are damaged when a person is affected by Broca's aphasia and nerves?
    Which one is damaged by Wernicke's aphasia? Is that language really?
    lateralized? When does lateralization occur? Is that critical period really
    related to the flexibility of the nerves of the brain.

  9. Name: sarmidawati
    Nim: 181230193
    Class: TBI 6E

    A. Normal human brain function and speech apparatus, of course, can think and speak well. However, those who have abnormalities in brain function and speech apparatus have difficulties in language, both productively and receptively. So, his language skills are impaired. In general, language disorders can be seen through two factors, namely medical factors such as abnormalities in brain function or due to abnormalities in speech tools. And due to social environmental factors such as the natural environment of human life, such as being excluded or isolated from the natural environment of human society. Thinking disorder, is a verbal expression that is disturbed originating or caused by a disturbed mind as well. The background of the occurrence of verbal expression disorders are genetic factors, traumatic factors, congenital defects, neurobiological factors, and neurobehavioral factors.

    B. Because, Humans are social and cultural creatures that shape their personality by interacting with other humans or what is known as socialization. Humans are also biological creatures that grow and develop following their physical stages, from babies to old people. As biological beings, humans have the desire and instinct to survive and find a partner naturally.

    • Humans are social and cultural creatures that shape their personality by interacting with other humans or known as socialization.
    • Humans are also biological creatures that grow and develop following their physical stages, from babies to old age. » As biological beings, humans have the desire and instinct to survive and naturally seek partners.

    Social support for infants and children for language development can be done through simplification of parenting and language mapping, such as the way mothers and adults often use when conversing with infants; make phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child would tell us; and restate what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form. In this case the role of parents and teachers is highly expected, because it has a high effectiveness.

  10. Sithi Alfiqaroh Suarti
    TBI 6E

    1. a. Language Disorders: Language conditions, often known as language impairments, are disorders that affect how linguistic information is processed. Grammar (syntax and/or morphology) issues, semantics (meaning), and other components of language can all be problematic. These issues could be receptive (impairment in language comprehension), expressive (impairment in language output), or a combination of both. Specific language disability and aphasia are only a few examples. Language problems can affect both spoken and written language, as well as sign language; in most cases, all modes of communication are compromised.

    b. Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.

    2. Language's Biological Foundation
    Language has a biological component that includes brain function and age. In terms of the human brain, Function localization is a term used to describe the process of locating a function. Each human body part has a certain function, thus which region of the brain produces language, The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, with the left hemisphere being responsible for analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is preoccupied with spatially based, holistic processing. The left hemispheres are responsible for language. Broca also has the ability to make language, while Wernicke has the ability to understand it. And Language's Social Foundations
    Language acquisition and development are influenced by social interaction. It serves as a context when a certain utterance is effectively transmitted, as well as a way to create words, phrases, and sentences in a real-life situation. Because language is a socially significant circumstance, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. The early interactions with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment are the foundation of social interaction. As a result, successful language learning requires a social setting. In order to facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. LASS has a social function setting (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In brief, social settings are crucial for linguistic development because they provide feedback from adults to youngsters. It also helps with the work of learning grammar since, for example, parents tend to repeat ill-formed statements more than well-formed ones.

  11. Name : Aulia Rahma
    NIM : 181230157
    Class : TBI VI D

    1. a. Language disorders are part of communication disorders whom a person has difficulty in learning and usually uses various forms of language either orally, writing or sign language. A person with a language disorder that they experience has language skills that are lower than their age. Then, it is very difficult if someone wants to participate effectively when in an academic, social, cultural and other environment.

    The cause of language disorders usually occurs due to health problems or disabilities, namely brain disorders, brain tumors. Furthermore, it can occur due to problems in pregnancy or birth such as poor nutrition or premature birth. Then, it can happen because of heredity.

    The characteristics of language disorders include the following:
    - Inappropriate use of words and meanings
    - Inability to express ideas
    - Reduced vocabulary
    - Inability to follow directions.

    The solution for someone who has a language disorder is speech and language therapy to improve expressive and reflexive language skills. Psychotherapy can also be a tool that helps manage emotional and behavioral problems.

    b. Language evolution
    Language evolution includes questions about how language evolved over time in the world from antiquity to the present. The point is the acquisition of language that undergoes evolution and is interrelated with changes in biological factors to culture to complement the language itself.

    The human communication process is influenced by:
    - anatomy of vocal apparatus and brain
    - Allah SWT as the god who has given knowledge
    - Al-Qur'an

    2. The first reason related to the basis of biological is because every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time.

    Then, the second reason related to the social language is because each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language well.

  12. Name : Nur Rasmayanti
    SRN : 181230066
    Class : TBI-6B

    1. psycholinguistic relationship with language disorders and language evolution;
    a.) A language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language skills that are well below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings. Language learning and use depend on expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorders may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorders usually have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity to engage in conversation.
    For example, language disorders in autistic children are influenced by the ability to interact and communicate because there are behavioral disorders caused by neurodevelopment. Speech disorders are the main symptoms caused by autistic children. Disabilities and deficiencies in communicating using verbal or other needs for autistic children will experience obstacles to obtaining and understanding communication in society. language disorders is a discussion study in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics someone applies basic patterns in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, a person's speaking ability can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms. Mental or psychological symptoms, including those experienced by autistic children.

    b.) Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is a subset of the field of cognitive science. Language changes due to social, cultural, and cognitive influences. The emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that radically changed the character of human society. The process of "word formation" allows a language to encode an essentially unlimited number of objects. Next, analyze how words can be combined into sentences and determine the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules.

    2. The process of language acquisition in children involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

  13. Name : Yunita Sari
    Nim : 181230104
    Class : TBI 6C

    1.) A. Language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Language disorder can affect all kinds of linguistic communication: spoken, written, and gesture, and it can affect both a child’s ability to comprehend language and produce it. Children with this disorder do not have problems producing speech sounds. Language disorder is distinct from speech disorder, which involves difficulties in producing speech sounds, but not necessarily difficulties in producing language.
    B. language evaluation is systematic gethering of information for purposes of making decision. It ia the collection, analysis and interpretation about any aspects of a programs of language education and training as part of a recognized proccess of judging Its effectiveness. In language skills evaluation we can find the Students problems in language.

    2. because the biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Sex also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task and social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  14. M Rosyid Rido
    TBI 6 D
    1. Language disorders and language evolution
    a. Language disorders is a disorder that involves processing linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced may concern grammar syntax or morphology, semantics, or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive: involving impaired understanding of language, expressive: involving language production, or a combination of the two. Examples include certain language disorders, better defined as developmental language disorders, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language ; usually, all forms of language will be disturbed. Language disorders tend to manifest in two different ways: receptive language disorders (where a person cannot understand language well) and expressive language disorders (where a person is unable to communicate the intended message correctly).
    b. Language evolution
    • Features of human language
    • Evidence for a universal grammar : Language development, Language disorders, Pidgeons and creoles
    • Animal language experiments • Fossil data
    • ESS approaches to language evolution
    • Evidence for a universal grammar: Language development, Language problems, Pidgeons and Creoles
    Brain function, age, and gender all play a role in the biological components of language.
    Language function is localized in the left hemisphere. In addition, Broca's function is to produce language, and Wernicke's function is to understand language. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social setting. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development. The social context has a LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System) function. In short, social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children as a vital role in development.

    2. A.Social psycholinguistics is often also referred to as speaking psychosociolinguistics
    about the social aspects of language, for example, language attitudes, cultural acculturation,
    culture shock, social distancing, cultural critical period, language exposure, education,
    length of education, and so on.
    B. Biology talks about the relationship between language and the human brain.
    For example, which side of the brain is related to language skills?
    What nerves are damaged when a person is affected by Broca's aphasia and nerves?
    Which one is damaged by Wernicke's aphasia? Is that language really?
    lateralized? When does lateralization occur? Is that critical period really
    related to the flexibility of the nerves of the brain.

  15. Nama: Dede Rapli
    Nim: 181230177
    Kelas: TBI 6-E

    1. a.language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. problem that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax or morphology), semantic (meaning), or other aspects of language. these problem may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that.

    2. because Psychology focuses on human behaviour, covering topics such as how we develop, how we interact with others, and how we process information. This course combines the study of English language with the study of the human mind.

  16. Azriel Sani Akbar

    1. A. Anomalies in the contextual language fields that underpin language produce language problems in children. Consider the pragmatics of language impairment, or the inability to use language in context, which is common among children with autism and persons with intellectual disabilities. Receptive and expressive language disorders are the two types of language problems. Children frequently experience both at the same time.
    When a child has a receptive language impairment, they have trouble understanding what they hear and read.

    B. Language evalution, also known as Darwinian linguistics, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Evolutionary linguists view linguistics to be a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology. This strategy is used in evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics. Because it studies languages as natural products, it is interested in their biological origins and development. Evolutionary linguistics is pitted against humanistic techniques, particularly structural linguistics.

    2. Biological links in language have a long history, ranging from unicellular organisms to primates to humans. The uniqueness that lies in the genetic similarity between humans and apes shows the Creator's extraordinary power ordinary. With this blessing, humans are faced with possibilities that one day along with the development of technology and science
    maybe there are new discoveries that allow other creatures equal to humans, when this happens then what really distinguishes the human race from the rest. In psycholinguistics, the stages language acquisition in children is very important because it is not only a matter of language At this stage the child also learns about his world. Therefore, Attention and pattern Parental care plays a big role in the success of children at this stage.

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  18. Name : Hilwa Haniefah
    NIM : 181230096
    Class : TBI 6C

    1. psycholinguistic relationship with language disorders and language evolution;
    a. Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics. Language disorders can hinder a person in language. One of the language disorders is the language disorder in autism. Autism or also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that continues to affect a person's abilities in communicating and interacting with the people around them (American Psychiatric Association 1994). This disorder can affect the ability someone in language, because people with autism can't even say a single word at the age of one. Language disorders in autism can be treated with various communication therapies and other supportive therapies so that it can improve language skills for sufferers. Through In psycholinguistic studies, various mental and psychological symptoms can be identified experienced by people with autism related to language disorders and various treatment that can be done to develop their ability to communicate with the environment.

    b. Language development follows the flow of cognitive or thought development. to- based on Piaget's opinion that thoughts make up language. mun- language arise as a result of the thought process. Without a thought process, the aspects of language will not exist. To prove the existence of a relationship between language with the mind, Piaget (Hidayat, 2014) suggests that there are two kinds of mind, that is, directed thoughts or intelligent thoughts and unconstrained thoughts. direction (autistic). Therefore, the discipline of psycholinguistics emerged examines the influence of language on thought patterns and vice versa affect language.

    2. Because language in biology involves brain function, age and gender. One of them is that gender can affect language competence, such as girls who have greater vernal abilities than boys. Hsl is usually done by parents who repeat many words that are not in accordance with the rules of good language. And in biology, that every individual has language acquisition with inborn abilities. Humans must be biologically bound to learn language at any given time.

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  20. Name : Alifah
    Class : TBI 6e
    Name : 181230180

    1. A. language disorder is a type of disturbance communication indicated experiencing interference with the symbolic process. The causes of language and speech disorders are extensive. This can be caused a disturbance in the nervous system or abnormalities in the organs related to the language process and speech that occurs due to injury or trauma during prenatal, natal, and postnatal. In addition, it can be caused by the environment at the age children's speech and language development get a good stimulus from environment. Children who experience These difficulties can occur in phonological, semantic and syntactic. Thus, children who experience very difficult to transform requires communication. Wrong one symptom in children with language disorders and talk, that is, there is an error pronunciation, good in mechanics movement of the point of articulation as well as in pronunciation. Possible handling carried out for children who experience language and speech disorders is with perform speech therapy, oral motor, and melodic intonation.

    B. Language evolution, is the process of changes that occur in linguistic elements over time. Language change is a sub-discipline of comparative linguistics. This science talks about the process of language development from the beginning of its existence to its current state, as well as the mechanisms involved in it. The nature of the study of language change is to move from the past to the present. Language change is basically natural, normal, and inevitable. However, other linguists argue that a change in language is a sign of decline. A case of shifting semantic meaning has been carried out by Jimmy Carter, an American president, who uses the word flaunt which means "to act" which should be "insulting" in his speech. This case is evidence of a shift in meaning and omission of vocabulary.

    2. Because the human biological basis, namely communication, is a basic human biological need. Humans as a social language. Some experts view language as the beginning of cognitive development, its 'externalization' to serve communicative purposes that occurred later in human evolution. Some experts consider that the ability to ask questions distinguishes human language from other creatures' communication systems.

  21. Hayu Amalia
    TBI 6 A
    1. Language disorder is type of communication disorder that has characteristics such as improper use of words and their meanings, inability to express ideas, and inappropriate grammatical patterns that caused by the damage to the central nervous system. Meanwhile, language evolution is change of human language over time that involves the origin and divergence of languages that caused by social, cultural, and cognitive influences. In other words, language evolution is a part of language acquisition that caused by social and cultural influences. That is why language disorder and language evolution are being the topics psycholinguistics.

    2. Social basis of language is owned by every individual because it refers to the process how people's brain will work on the available information based on their own cultures. In others words, what they make either in spoken or written text might be contributed by their brains and cultures.

  22. 1. (a) Language Disorders: Language conditions, often known as language impairments, are disorders that affect how linguistic information is processed. Grammar issues, semantics, and other components of language can all be problematic. These issues could be receptive, expressive, or a combination of both. Specific language disability and aphasia are only a few examples. Language problems can affect both spoken and written language, as well as sign language; in most cases, all modes of communication are compromised. (b) Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.

    2. The reason related to the basis of biological is because every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time. Also, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language.

  23. Name : Siti Ifat Fatimah
    SRN : 181230076
    Class : TBI-6B

    1. (a) Language Disorders: Language conditions, often known as language impairments, are disorders that affect how linguistic information is processed. Grammar issues, semantics, and other components of language can all be problematic. These issues could be receptive, expressive, or a combination of both. Specific language disability and aphasia are only a few examples. Language problems can affect both spoken and written language, as well as sign language; in most cases, all modes of communication are compromised. (b) Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.

    2. The reason related to the basis of biological is because every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time. Also, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM : 181230136
    CLASS : TBI 6 D
    -Language disorder is a condition that make a child disablilty to develop or produce a language. First cause because of biological, genetics. Second cognitive, disability in process of phonology and memory. And last causes environment, low education. There are 3 of language disorder
    1. expressive language disorder: disability to formulate an idea or use words and sentences
    2. receptive language disorder : disability to understand a sentences
    3. combination of expressive and receptive
    -language evolution is applying of evolutionary theory to the study of language and the process of transformation form of language in long term and it develop naturally.

    2. psycholinguistics also learn about mind, behavior and linguistics that every human have it except they who has disability in language. Every human already have abilty to produce a language that unite with brain process and culture also come from environment. And as we know human is social creature that need each other to communicate

  26. Name: Anggun Al-Fariatunnisa
    Class: TBI 6E
    NIM : 181230163

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B. Evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms.

    2. The first reason is according to The nativist theory, also known as the biological theory, holds that language is innately derived from a series of genetically programmed structures. A key assumption of this theory is that children are born with certain innate language acquisition structures.

    The second reason is the Social of Language
    Is communication is successful if the speaker is taken to mean what he wants to be taken to mean. What is needed is not a set of shared rules but that speaker and listener be able to correlate the speaker's responses with the occurrence of a shared stimulus in their common world.

    TBI 6D

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.
    B. language evaluation is systematic gethering of information for purposes of making decision. It ia the collection, analysis and interpretation about any aspects of a programs of language education and training as part of a recognized proccess of judging Its effectiveness. In language skills evaluation we can find the Students problems in language. Scientist and psychologists Steven Pinker and Paul Bloom argue that language as a mental faculty shares many likenesses with the complex organs of the body which suggests that, like these organs, language has evolved as an adaptation, since this is the only known mechanism by which such complex organs can develop.

    2. A  basic  template for all human  languages  is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire  language  naturally without effort. Social basis of language is owned by every individual because it refers to the process how people's brain will work on the available information based on their own cultures.

  28. Name : Bernica Salsabila
    SN : 181230158
    Class : TBI 6E
    Course : Psycholinguistics
    Lecturer : Dr. Hj. Selnistia Hidayani, M. Pd.

    1. Describe the following terms' connection with psycholinguistics.

    A. Language disorders
    Answer :
    Emmon Bach said that Psycholinguistics is a science that examines how speakers or language users actually form and construct sentences of the language. When someone tries to use it in a word-for-word processing way, there are some people who have difficulty with this. Most people do get away with this, they can speak straightforwardly and logically. The first person is called a language disorder. A language disorder is a person who has difficulty or loss in the process of symbolizing. Symbolization itself means difficulty putting words together to express oneself or difficulty understanding what someone is saying to him/her. A person with a language disorder will have difficulty understanding the meaning of what is said. Or he/she may has difficulty communicating his own thoughts.

    B. Language evolution
    Answer :
    On the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), evolution is the gradual change or development of living things over a long period of time from simple forms to more complex forms. In essence, humans do continue to evolve, both progressive evolution (survival) and regressive (extinction). Human language depends on special developments in the outer layers of the brain (the cerebral cortex). One of them is lateralization or the creation of two hemispheres of the brain that complement each other. Unwittingly, this interconnected brain makes language evolve. From the beginning that only uses a few body language evolved into a complex language that is the everyday language we use. We may never know the details of how language evolved, but perhaps the most important implication is that it functions especially in our understanding of human social life that thinking processes are increasingly reducing the dimensions of our ignorance.

    2. Why does individual have a biological and social basic of language? Give some reasons and how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?
    Answer :
    The direction and schedule for the appearance of an element in a language is a matter of genetics. Someone can't speed up or slow down the appearance of an element of language. Environmental factors are important, but they only trigger what already exists in human biology.
    In psycholinguistics, the stage of language acquisition in children is very important because it is not only a matter of language at this stage, children also learn about their world. Therefore, attention and parenting of parents play a major role in the success of children at the environmental stage.

    Some of the reasons why it is closely related to psycholinguistics are:
    1) In learning a language, we explore how we think;
    2) Then when learning occurs and the internal mental activity within us proceeds;
    3) Be learning a language is a complex thought process.

  29. Name :Agtrisya Tamara Putri
    StudentID : 181230043
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has chronic problems learning and using different types of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language abilities that are much lower than those predicted for their age, limiting their ability to communicate and engage effectively in a variety of social and academic situations. Language disorders in children are caused by abnormalities that occur in the brain and in the contextual language field that underlies language. For example, pragmatics of language disorders, namely difficulties in using language in contexts that often occur in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities.
    B. Language evolution has not stopped, of course; in fact, it may be progressing more rapidly than ever before BY Culotta and Hanson
    language evolution and changes in languagES operate on different time-scales, involve different factors, and follow different courses to different ends (or rather, to the end of a complete language faculty in the first case and to no particular end in the second).

    2. Because every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth, every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Humans are biologically obligated to study language at all times. Furthermore, each person originates from a different social milieu, which has a significant impact on how their communication develops. The presence of parents, teachers, and other adults in their social context has a good impact on their ability to learn the language.

  30. Name: Syahrini Sovia
    Nim: 181230150
    Class: TBI 6D

    a. Language disorder concern on a person’s ability to understand, form or use word correctly, this disorder can affect person’s ability to interact or communication with others. Language disorder involves problem in communication. It refers to impairment in the ability to understand and use words in context, either verbally, nonverbally, or both. Language disorder can be caused by some factors. Mostly, some causes of language disorder include hearing loss, neurological disorders, brain injury, intellectual disabilities, drug abuse, physical impairment such as cleft lip or palate and vocal abuse. People with language disorder have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what other are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder, formely known as receptive-expressive language disorder.
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Language evolution operates over many levels and time-spans: from evolution of language as a communicative system, which took place over tens or hundred of millenia, to evolution of specific languages across generations and withing speech communities
    2. Biological basis of language: some portions of the brain are more important for language functions than others, but it is difficult to localize specific processes in specific brain structures or areas. It is likely that multiple routes in the brain are involved in language production and comprehension. Social basis of language: early language learning must take place in a social setting. Social interactionists stress the importance of the development of language through interaction with other people, also taking place within the context of a LASS (language acquisition socialization system). Other aspects of the social setting are important.

  31. Dhea Putri Herdiani/ TBI 6E 181230162

    1.Language disorders and language evolution
    a. Language disorders could be a disorder that involves process linguistic information. issues that will be intimate may concern descriptive linguistics syntax or morphology, semantics, or different aspects of language. These problems additionally be|is also} receptive: involving impaired understanding of language, expressive: involving language production, or a mix of the two. Examples embrace bound language disorders, higher outlined as biological process language disorders, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can have an effect on spoken and written language, and might also affect signing ; usually, all kinds of language are disturbed. Language disorders tend to manifest in two completely different ways: receptive language disorders (where an individual cannot perceive language well) and communicative language disorders (where a person is unable to speak the supposed message correctly).
    b. Language evolution
    • Features of human language
    • Evidence for a universal grammar : Language development, Language disorders, Pidgeons and creoles
    • Animal language experiments
    • Fossil evidence
    • ESS approaches to language evolution
    2. The biological aspects of language involve brain operate, age, and gender. regarding the human brain, Localization of functions. every a part of humans contains a special task, then that part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is split into 2 hemispheres, the left thinks about with analytical, time-based processing. the proper hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized within the left hemisphere. In addition, Broca' function is to supply language, and Wernicke' function is to know language. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. Social interaction starts from the primary interaction with mother, family, adults, alternative people, and also the environment. Therefore, for effective learning to require place in an exceedingly social setting. Social interaction is additionally required in language acquisition to support psychological feature development. The social context contains a young woman (Language Acquisition Socialization System) function. In short, social settings are important for linguistic development to produce feedback from adults to youngsters as an important role in development.

  32. Nama : Ainun maulina m
    Nim : 181230160
    Kelas : TBI 6E
    1. Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Examples include specific language impairment and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired.
    2. The essence of biological evolution at the level of the individual organism is variation, inheritance, differential survival and reproduction, and time. Individuals within a population vary in the traits they have. Many of those traits are genetically encoded—and so are heritable. If individuals with particular traits happen to leave behind more offspring, those traits will be over-represented in the next generation. Over many generations, this process can lead to major evolutionary change.

  33. Name: Euis Asterina
    SRN: 181230120
    Class: TBI VI/6 D
    Subject: Psycholinguistic
    1. A.) The function of brain and good speech organ will make easy to communicate well. But, they who have the impairment of brain function and speech; definitely it has been difficulty to produce the language, either receptive or productive. It is known as Language Disorder. People with suffered language disorder have limitation to communicate and suffers do not know how to share a conversation. In psycholinguistic, language disorder is inability of acquiring and processing the information. That’s can affect his basic language skill while communicating with other.
    B.) Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. The evolutionary theory that language evolved as an adjust to early communication (pointing, gesturing, grunting, imitation of animal sounds). Language evolution is characterized by the scarcity of records, but also a large flow of research produced within multiple subtopic and perspective. Over the past view decades, significant advancement has been made on the geographical and temporal origins of language, while current work is rather devoted to the underpinnings of language, brain, genes, body, and culture of human.
    2.) Biological basis of language: The biological aspect of language involve brain function. About human brain, the localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.
    Every individual have to social basis of language because social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It also involve emotional and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from family, adult, other people and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function of LASS.

  34. Name : Asifa Ramadhan
    Classs : TBI 6E
    Student Number: 181230183
    1. a. Language disorders are frequently the result of developmental issues. They begin in infancy and continue into maturity. They can, however, be brought on by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren't caused by a lack of intelligence. People who have them are just as intelligent as the rest of us. However, having a language disorder can make learning and connecting with others difficult.
    b. Language evolution is concerned with the origins of language and how it evolved into the form it is now. As a result, we're interested in both biological and cultural evolution, as well as their interactions, as well as all of the functional constraints that determine how these processes are involved.
    2. Because human have a Language acquisition in children process involve biological, cognitive, and social aspect. The development of human language is unique, and those aspect affecting the acquisition and development. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. And, Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment.

  35. Reni Mutiara
    TBI 6 B

    1. a. A language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics. Language disorders are generally traced through language development that begins in childhood to adulthood. This is because language development is one of the factors that affect communication and social communication functions according to experts. Therefore, language disorders experienced by a person can have an impact on their social communication skills or social communication disorders.
    One of the language disorders is aphasia. Aphasia is a language disorder that affects the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read and write.
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language, The evolution of language is the development of language that has occurred from time to time to the world recently. This means that language acquisition and language evolution are interrelated, both of which involve changes in biological and cultural aspects in complementing the language. Therefore, the human communication process relies on the anatomy of the vocal apparatus and this shows that language, both words and meanings have evolved over time, including the human brain.
    2. Every human being is born into the world equipped with a Language Acquisition Tool, which is a biological bond that allows one to detect certain categories of language and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. In the process of language, the left hemisphere of the brain has an important role, but in certain activities there is an interrelatedness between the two hemispheres of the brain. As in reading, the left hemisphere of the brain understands syntax and grammar, while the right hemisphere is better at understanding the intonation and emotion of stories. That is the biological evolution that shaped humans into linguistic creatures because a person can change in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system for hundreds of thousands of years. And on the social power of language urges humans to develop abstract reasoning and create economic systems for communicating with other people. Language development requires social involvement as well as a child's natural tendency to learn language. The existence of parents, teachers and other adults means a lot to children's language development. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development.

  36. Name: Uswatun Aisyah
    Nim: 181230021
    Class: TBI-6A

    1. A Language disorders are obstacles, obstacles, and something that makes it difficult for a person to pronounce articulation sounds, or words to express, say, and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Normal children acquire language naturally and can acquire language learning. However, some other children have difficulty for several reasons about language acquisition and language learning. Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics, language disorders can inhibit a person in speaking.
    Psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes in language use. Psycholinguistics describes the psychological processes when a person pronounces the sentences he hears when communicating, and how language skills are acquired by humans. Psycholinguistics discusses various kinds of language disorders, namely dyslexia, anomia aphasia, apraxia, alexia, and autism. Autistic children are someone who cannot communicate well because they have difficulty understanding a conversation.
    Psycholinguistics applies basic patterns in one's language acquisition. The acquisition of a child's language can be through parents or family which then the first language of a child is called the mother tongue, which is the first language that is introduced or understood by someone. A child's language begins with the acquisition of the first language or known as the mother tongue. In the process of language acquisition, mental or psychological symptoms can found that affect a person's ability to speak. Some things are not appropriate for their age and growth. This symptom can refer to sever al diagnoses of illness or a person's mental disorder in language. On this issue, psycholinguistics provides a study in its discussion.
    B. The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. Language is a communication tool to convey messages, ideas, desires, and feelings from the speaker to the other person. Language evolved from the human need to communicate with one another in order to hunt, farm, and defend successfully against their harsh environment. The ability to communicate using language gives the human species a better chance of survival. According to those who believe in adaptation theory, language also evolved for social interaction. Psycholinguistics is a science that describes the psychological processes that occur when a person produces sentences and understands the sentences he hears when communicating and how human language skills are acquired. because the evolution of language and psycholinguistics are related.
    2. Because the human brain is one of the causes of the emergence of the biological basis of behavior where everyone certainly does everything controlled by the brain. One of them is language, language is a construction of physical/biological reality, social reality, and symbol reality, which together become the foundation on which ideational functions, interpersonal functions, and textual functions work. In physical/biological reality, the language used to report the content or intent as a result of the observations made by the narrator. Language is a biological and environmental heritage, Language in its development is influenced by biological and environmental factors, either alone or together. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, namely biological bonds that allow children to detect certain language categories and is a grammatical ability that is innate from birth that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn a language at a certain time and in a certain way. With language, humans can communicate with each other, therefore social language is needed. The biological and social basis of language is related to psycholinguistics because psycholinguistics itself also deals with language.

  37. Name: Ulfah Mariatul Kibtiah
    Class: TBI 6E
    1. psycholinguistic relationship with language disorders and language evolution;
    a. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.
    b. A basic template for all human language embedded in our genes. Language evolution is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origins and differences of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanism.
    If a child is not surrounded by people who speak language, it will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally. The social basis of language is owned by each individual because it refers to the process of how people's brains will work on available information based on their own culture.
    2. Biological, cognitive, and social aspects are the process of language acquisition in children. These aspects are unique because they affect the development of human language itself in terms of acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatially based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

  38. Name : Murdevi
    Nim : 181230156
    Class : TBI D

    (Number 1)
    a. Language disorders are one of the focuses of discussion in psycholinguistics. According to Chaer 2015 psycholinguistics describes the psychological processes when a person pronounces the sentences he hears when communicating, and how language skills are acquired by humans.
    Psycholinguistics also discusses the relationship with the human brain with language, because the brain is the center of various activities including speech and language. There are several diseases or disorders that can affect a person's language skills. These disorders occur due to several diseases or disorders of neurodevelopment (related to the brain) that have an impact on the way and ability of a person in language, such as autism, alexia, and dyslexia.

    b. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language evolution is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms. It is related to psycholinguistic, while psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension, it follows the development of the language that occurs.

    (Number 2)
    Human have a biological and social basis of language. In biological basis of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Sex also influence of language competence, according toh Kolb & Whishaw (1996) Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task. And also age, it affects to language acquisition.
    In social basis of language involve Social interaction, it is affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.
    A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If someone from childhood is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.
    Both of these things are related to psycholinguistics (language behavior caused by its interaction with human thinking), because basically language is related to culture and is a tool of social interaction, as well as related related to biology such as the brain in processing and producing language.

  39. Name : Syifa Qotrun Nada
    NIM : 181230062

    1). A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. There are three main types of language disorder:
    1. Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. They often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense.
    2. Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. Because of this, they often respond in ways that don’t make sense.
    3. Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.

    Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.

    B. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is a subset of the field of cognitive science. Changes in language due to social, cultural, and cognitive influences. The emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that radically changed the character of human society. The process of "word formation" allows a language to encode an essentially unlimited number of objects. Next, analyze how words can be combined into sentences and determine the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules.

    2. because the biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. Gender also affects language competence. Girls have greater verbal abilities than boys, but boys are better at math and spatial tasks and social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children. children as an important role in development. It also has a role to facilitate the task of learning grammar for an instant usually parents repeat more bad utterances than well formed ones and every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language. categories and grammatical abilities that are inborn. Humans have always been biologically bound to learn language at any given time. In addition, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly affects the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn a language.

  40. Name : Syifa Qotrun Nada
    NIM : 181230062
    Class : TBI 6B

    1). A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. There are three main types of language disorder:
    1. Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. They often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense.
    2. Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. Because of this, they often respond in ways that don’t make sense.
    3. Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.
    Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.

    B. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is a subset of the field of cognitive science. Changes in language due to social, cultural, and cognitive influences. The emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that radically changed the character of human society. The process of "word formation" allows a language to encode an essentially unlimited number of objects. Next, analyze how words can be combined into sentences and determine the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules.

    2. because the biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. Gender also affects language competence. Girls have greater verbal abilities than boys, but boys are better at math and spatial tasks and social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children. children as an important role in development. It also has a role to facilitate the task of learning grammar for an instant usually parents repeat more bad utterances than well formed ones and every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language. categories and grammatical abilities that are inborn. Humans have always been biologically bound to learn language at any given time. In addition, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly affects the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn a language.

  41. Fika mahfudotun nisa
    TBI 6 C

    1. a. Language disorder
    Anomalies in the linguistic fields of the context that underpin language produce language difficulties in children. Consider the pragmatics of language impairment, or the inability to use language in social situations, which is common in children with autism and persons with intellectual disabilities.
    Psycholinguistics is a branch of psychology that explores the connection between language, behavior, and human reasoning. As a result, psycholinguistics can assist in explaining why pupils make mistakes when learning a language.
    Agraphia and aphasia are two types of brain illnesses that influence language learning performance and must be treated properly, as per psycholinguistics.

    b. The application of evolutionary theory to the study of language is known as language evolution. Language arose from the need for humans to communicate with one another in order to successfully hunt, cultivate, and defend themselves against their hostile environment. Humans had a higher chance of surviving because of their ability to communicate using language.

    2. Brain function, age, and gender all play a role in the biological aspects of language. Each portion of the human brain is responsible for a specific function. When the human brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language. Furthermore, Broca's job is to create language, but Wernicke's job is to understand it.

    Language learning and development are influenced by social contact. The early interactions with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment are the foundation of social interaction. In order to facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition.
    social situations are critical for linguistic development because they allow adults to provide feedback to youngsters.

    NIM : 181230141
    CLASS : TBI 6D

    1. A. Psycholinguistic Relationships in Language Acquisition and Learning. Through psychology we can learn about the attitudes and behavior of students in acquiring and learning language, while through linguistics we can learn about the concepts and structures of language. Disorders in language can occur because of the barriers of children with autism in acquiring and absorbing the languages ​​that exist in the surrounding environment. Autism language disorder is one of the studies in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics applies basic patterns in one's language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, mental or psychological symptoms can be found that affect a person's ability to speak. One of them is mental or psychological symptoms in people with autism

    B. evolution in the context of language. “Human language depends on special developments in the outer layers of the brain (the cerebral cortex). One of them is lateralization, or the creation of two hemispheres of the brain that complement each other. However human language developed, it is clear that there has been a shift in the control of communication by the limbic system of the evolutionarily old brain. The reason why humans can talk so easily is that an extensive biological basis has evolved that makes such learning endeavors easy and almost inevitable. (Washburn 1973:129)
    Perhaps the most important implication, particularly for our understanding of human social life, is that the process of thinking, the use of concepts, is a separate gift from etiquette to language and is much older. “Symbolic behavior generally has nothing to do with language, but is a normal function of the mammalian brain” (Washburn 1973: 130).

    2. • Biological basis = Various approaches in psychology, namely biological, behavioristic, humanistic, psychodynamic, cognitive, evolutionary, and socio-cultural approaches, providing an understanding that these various approaches are capable of influencing or producing human behavior. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, which is a biological bond that allows children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way.
    • Social language = Social forces urge humans to develop abstract reasoning and create economic systems for communicating with other people. Language development requires social involvement as well as a child's natural tendency to learn language. The existence of parents, teachers and other adults means a lot to children's language development. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development.

  43. Anita Septiani
    TBI 6A

    1. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language) marked by language that is slow to develop and the way in which language is developing does not reflect the normal sequential developmental pattern. While, language evolution include the question how languages gradually developed over time into the world recently. It means language disorder and language evolution connected with psycholinguistics because it can be defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly and psycholinguistics is diverse populations such as children and adult learners.

    2. Language for individuals is a biological and social basis environment because biological evolution shapes humans into linguistic beings. Humans have undergone changes in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system over hundreds of thousands of years. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, which are a biological bond that allows children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn languages at a certain time and in a certain way. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development. like the manner in which mothers and adults frequently converse with babies; making phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child will tell us; and stating what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form.

  44. Name : Rega Mellisa Putri
    Nim : 181230093
    Class : TBI 6C

    1. A. Language disorder is disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information.

    There are three main types of language disorder:
    - Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. They often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense.

    - Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. Because of this, they often respond in ways that don’t make sense.

    - Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.

    B. language evolution is characterised by the scarcity of records, but also by a large flow of research produced within multiple subtopics and perspectives. Over the past few decades, significant advancement has been made on the geographical and temporal origins of language, while current work is rather devoted to the underpinnings of language, in brain, genes, body, and culture of humans.

    2. Because language is a biological and environmental heritage, it means that language in its development is influenced by biological and environmental factors, either alone or together.

    They engage in psycholinguistic contexts through:
    - Biological factors such as biological factors, biology, the role of the brain in language development, language learning crisis period.
    - Sociocultural and environmental factors such as changes in culture and sociocultural context of language, social support for language development, behavioral outlook.

  45. Sonia Oktaviani (181230145)
    Class D TBI

    1. a). As we known, language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Psycholinguistics helps to explain the errors students do in language learning. Moreover, psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly. Language disorders can have many possible causes. A child’s language disorder is often linked to a health problem or disability such as:
    1). A brain disorder like autism
    2). A brain injury or a brain tumor
    3). Birth defects such as Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, or cerebral palsy
    4). Problems in pregnancy or birth, such as poor nutrition, fetal alcohol syndrome, early (premature) birth, or low birth weight
    Sometimes language disorders have a family history. In many cases, the cause is not known.

    so, psycholinguistics interrelated with language disorders. It’s important to know that learning more than 1 language doesn't cause language disorders in children. But a child with a language disorder will have the same problems in all languages.
    b). Psycholinguistics can be defined as the study of mind and language. It is concerned with the relationship between the human mind and language as it examines the processes that occur in the brain while producing and perceiving language. Psycholinguistics covers three main points; language production, language perception, and language acquisition. Language evolution is the process of applying the theory of evolution to language research and the long-term transformation of language, and it develops naturally.

    2. The human capacity for language is a hallmark of our species; the flexibility and unbounded expressivity of language is unparalleled in the biological world. It is clear that how we learn and use language is governed by genetic constraints. However, the nature of these innate constraints has been the subject of much debate. Although many accounts of language evolution have emphasized the importance of biological adaptations specific to language, we discuss evidence from computer simulations pointing to strong restrictions on such adaptations. Instead, we argue that processes of cultural evolution have been the primary factor affecting the evolution of linguistic structure, suggesting that the genetic constraints on language largely predate the emergence of language itself.

  46. Name : Siti Khodijah Nurhalisa
    NIM : 181230133
    Class : TBI 6 D

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language, The evolution of language is the development of language that has occurred from time to time to the world recently. This means that language acquisition and language evolution are interrelated, both of which involve changes in biological and cultural aspects in complementing the language. Therefore, the human communication process relies on the anatomy of the vocal apparatus and this shows that language, both words and meanings have evolved over time, including the human brain.

    2. The reason is because every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth, every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Every individual have to social basis of language because social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It also involve emotional and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from family, adult, other people and environment.

  47. Name:Mahzar Sulana
    Class:TBI 6C

    1. a. Language is a process of removing thoughts and feelings (from the brain) orally in the form of words or sentences. This process is complex because it requires the functioning of various organs that affect the mechanism of speaking, thinking or processing thoughts into words, as well as the mental modalities that are revealed when speaking which is also determined by environmental factors. To achieve language proficiency, it is necessary to fulfill the following elements:
    • Complete sensing system • Complete central nervous system • Sufficient mental ability • Emotional stability • Exposure to language
    If since childhood there is a lack or absence of at least one of the above elements, it can result in the emergence of various language disorders In language, there is a process of issuing thoughts and feelings (from the brain) orally, in the form of words or sentences. The brain receives and understands language input through the ear. Good brain function and speech tools will make it easier to speak well. However, those who have abnormalities in brain function and speech, of course have difficulties in language, both receptively and productively. here This is known as a language disorder. According to Field (2003) language disorders need to be studied in two ways: the basic reasons are as follows:
    • By understanding the difficulties of language disorders in linguistics and by comparing them with normal language acquisition, we can consider the types of teaching techniques that can help children with language disorders
    • Theoretically, by studying language acquisition deviations, both from adults and children, we can find out more about how normal language acquisition capacity develops. In addition, the peculiarities of each deviation will lead us to an understanding of the relationship between different language systems. For example, language in children with mental retardation will prove the role of intelligence in language development. So the relationship between language disorders and psycholinguistics is that language disorders are included in the focus of psycholinguistic studies because they are related to interpersonal communication.

    b. Human language depends on special developments in the outer layers of the brain (the cerebral cortex). One of them is lateralization, or the creation of two hemispheres that complement each other. One hemisphere, usually the left, is the center of language skills as well as most of the ability to think logically and analytically; the other hemisphere, usually the right hemisphere, appears to be the center of some forms of thinking and perception of relationships. That's why psycholinguistics is very closely related to the evolution of language because it is related to the brain and thoughts that humans want to convey.

    2. A child is expected to start getting distinguishing sounds in the middle of the first year until later it can be said that speech perception depends on the child's interaction with the environment. It can be proven that children of deaf people do not succeed in finding or detecting sound patterns solely from auditory stimuli either from radio, tape or television. It turns out that what is effective is auditory stimulation in the form of sounds that the child always hears at important and meaningful times for him, for example the sound or sound when he is fed milk, when he is bathed, and even when his diaper is changed. Meanwhile, when a baby is rocked, it is given visual stimulation by the caregiver, for example a doll that is deliberately played in front of the child will cause visual stimulation. In the psycholinguistic context, each individual will receive a language in the process of repetition and finally the message conveyed will be understood by the individual himself, so the environment is very influential in language learning if the environment is positive then the language received will be positive.

  48. Ika Nur 'Amalina Putri
    6 TBI E (181230169)

    1. a. Language disorder
    Is a behavioral disorder due to neurodevelopment that affects the a person's ability to communicate and interact. The main symptoms caused by people with autism is a language disorder. Autism have problems and difficulties in speaking and other language activities.
    This language disorder can occur because of the child's barriers autism in acquiring and absorbing the languages ​​that exist in the surrounding environment. Autism language disorder is one of the studies in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics applies basic patterns in one's language acquisition. In the process language acquisition can be found mental or psychological symptoms that affect a person's ability to speak. One of them is a symptom mental or psychological in people with autism.
    b. Language evolution
    Through psychological we can learn about how the attitudes and behavior of students in acquiring and learning the language while through linguistic whereas we can learn about the concept and structure of the language it self. At this stage of language acquisition are found four phases of language acquisition in children, namely:
    (1) Time of Babblings (starting from age 0 sampai1 year), (2) Time of Holofrase (beginning at age 1 to 2 years), (3) Time of Speech Two words (beginning at age 2 up to 2 years and 6 months) (4) Time of starts Grammar (beginning at age 2 years and 6 months - up to 3 years of age). And four advanced stages, namely; (1) Stage of sensorimotor (birth until the age of 2–3 years), (2) the pre-operational stage (ages 3 to 6 or 7 years), (3)The Operational Discipline stage (ages 6/7 years to 11 or 12 years), (4) Operations formal stage (age 12 to adult).
    While the formal process of learning a language in a formal setting as well, such as language learning in the classroom. Not important to learn anywhere though not in the classroom during the learning process directed at the mastery of the language rule is recognized by educators and learners, its process is called learning. In the process of formal and informal learning the psycholinguistic process works to acquire knowledge through learning languages. This interdisciplinary so can lead educators to understand the processes that occur within each learners face when they try to understand and provide the missing understanding of language learning material presented in the class.

    2. Because children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, namely biological bonds that allow children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. And social support for infants and children for language development can be done through simplification of parenting and language mapping, such as the way mothers and adults often use when conversing with babies; make phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child would tell us; and restate what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form. In this case the role of parents and teachers is highly expected, because it has a high effectiveness.

  49. Name : Eneng Ifat Fatimah
    Nim : 181230151
    TBI VI D

    1. a). Language disorders or language impairmentsare disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntaxand/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Language disorders is a discussion study in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics someone applies basic patterns in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, a person's speaking ability can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms.
    Examples include specific language impairment, better defined as developmental language disorder, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired.

    b). Language evolution includes questions about how language evolved over time in the world from antiquity to the present. The point is the acquisition of language that undergoes evolution and is interrelated with changes in biological factors to culture to complement the language itself. The evolution of language as a process
    changes in language form over time old, develops naturally from the shape of the beginning becomes the final form like it is now with variations and adaptations.

    2. In social basic language, Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development.
    The Biological Base: HumansLanguage in humans is clearly dependent on their society in which they could learn it with other people, other humans to speak to, to be motivated emotionally and to be intelligence who beings physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up Human are among people who speak to them.

  50. Name : Afifah Nur Hidayati
    SRN : 181230034
    Class : TBI 6 A

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics
    a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments. Related to psycholinguistics which discusses the processes of acquiring and using language in terms of psychology and there are disturbances in the brain, namely aphasia.
    b. Language evolution is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms. The point is the acquisition of language that undergoes evolution and is interrelated with changes in biological factors to culture to complement the language itself.

    2. Individual have a biological and social basis of language because, because, the basis of biology shapes humans into linguistic beings. Human children are born unlike birds who come into the world biologically capable of singing songs, but humans undergo changes in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system over hundreds of thousands of years. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. Support and social conditions of language for children for language development can be done through simplification of parenting and language mapping, such as the way mothers and adults often use when conversing with babies; make phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child would tell us; and restate what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form. In this case the role of parents and teachers is highly expected, because it has a high effectiveness.

  51. Name: Agnes Lutfiya Noor
    SRN: 181230020
    Class: TBI 6A

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics.

    A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. They are caused by a brain disorder, brain injury, brain defects, and problems in pregnancy or birth. People who have language disorders are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people. It is because they have trouble in using and understanding spoken language. For example, they have trouble getting their message across when they talk, they often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense, and struggle to get meaning of what others are saying. This means language disorders are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Language disorders in connection with psycholinguistics which discusses the working of spoken and written language and their mental processes.

    B. Languages change gradually over time, sometimes due to changes in culture and fashion, sometimes in response to a contact with other languages and also due to the cognitive influences. Meanwhile, psycholinguistics focuses primarily on language acquisition. It aims to provide a fairly universal theory to how our brains acquire language and comprehend it. So, the connection between language evolution and psycholinguistics is from the cognitive influences in language evolution.

    2. Why does individual have a biological and social basis of language? Give some reasons and how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?

    Brain function, age, and gender all play a role in the biological aspects of language. Human have brain that exceed the capabilities of the brains of other creatures because Allah SWT were created humans to perfection. Each portion of human brain is responsible for a specific function, including processing a language. Moreover, Noam Chomsky proposed Universal Grammar (UG) as a basic template for all human languages, which he believed was embedded in our genes, hard wiring the brains of all human children to acquire language.
    In social basis of language, social interaction is affecting language acquisition and development. Humans are born with limitation and instinctively humans need to live with other humans. They need to interact and socialize with other humans. Social interaction starts from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, successful language learning requires a social setting. In order to facilitate cognitive growth, social interaction is also required during language acquisition.

    How do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics:
    1) Language development in biological basis of language also determines cognitive development.
    2) Social setting in social basis of language is important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development.

  52. Name : Shafa Aisyah S
    NIM : 181230009
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. a. Language disorder is a type of communication disorder that has characteristics such as inappropriate use of words and meanings, inability to express ideas, and messy grammar. This disorder is caused by damage to the central nervous system. This disorder is clearly related to psycholinguistics because psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes in the use of language. Psycholinguistics describes the psychological process when a person pronounces the sentences he hears when communicating, and how language skills are acquired by humans.
    b. Language evolution is a change in human language over time and involves language divergence caused by social, cultural, and cognitive influences. Language evolution can also be interpreted as part of language acquisition caused by social and cultural influences. The relationship between language evolution and psycholinguistics is the science that explains the psychological processes that occur when a person issues a sentence and understands the sentence he hears when communicating with others and how human language skills are acquired.
    2. Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. Primarily concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to produce, use, understand, and create language. Psycholinguistics is concerned with cognitive abilities and processes needed to produce grammatical constructions of language. It is also related to the perception of this construction by the listener.
    The reason related to biological is because each individual is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain categories of language and grammatical abilities that are inborn. Humans have always been biologically bound to learn language. Then, related to social language, every human being comes from a different social environment so that affect the development of communication. Social environment such as parents, adults, teachers, etc. Which has a positive impact on learning the language well.

  53. Name : Rizkia Nabilah
    Class: TBI 6D

    1. a. A language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language skills that are well below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings. Language disorders can occur because of barriers to children with autism in acquiring and absorbing language in the surrounding environment. Autism language disorder is one of the studies in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics applies basic patterns in one's language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, mental or psychological symptoms can be found affect a person's speaking ability. One of them is a symptom mental or psychological well-being in people with autism.

    b. The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. Language can evolve from a series of culturally transmitted signals, poor vocalizations or manual movements into symbolic and grammatical words through selective genetic adaptation, given the relative social utility of such communication. Cultural evolution leads to universal grammatical adaptations. Psycholinguistics focuses primarily on language acquisition. It aims to provide a fairly universal theory of how our brain acquires language and understands it. So the way spoken language works is the main relationship. Also, written language and its mental processes can be considered a part of psycholinguistics.

    2. Because the development of human language is closely related to its biological development. The growth of language in humans follows the schedule of genetic development so that language appears that cannot be forced. A very important factor in language acquisition is a neurological factor, namely the relationship between the human brain and language. The structure and organization of the human brain to explain the problems of acquiring, understanding, and using language.
    The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of the human has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatially based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Moreover, Broca's function is to generate language, and Wernicke's function is to understand language.

  54. Name : Fidella Nur Arofah
    SRN : 181230016
    Class : TBI 6A

    1.) a. Language Disorders is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (oral, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language skills that are well below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings. People with language disorders have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. It is not related to hearing problems. Causes of language disorders include: Medical conditions or disabilities, such as autism, brain injury, stroke or tumor.
    b. Language Evolution is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. The evolution of language operates on many levels and timescales: from the evolution of language as a communicative system, lasting tens or hundreds of thousands of years, to the evolution of particular languages ​​across generations and within language communities.

    2.) Individual have a biological and social basis of language, because every child born has been equipped with natural abilities that enable him to master language and even the human brain is the cause of the emergence of the biological basis of humans even if they want to do everything that is controlled by the brain. The potential contained in the biological device is Language Acquisition Devives. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at certain times and in certain ways. To acquire language skills, a child needs other people to interact and communicate. Social basis of language is needed, even the two are very close, inseparable. Losing one of these two will result in the child being unable to speak. The biological and social basis of language is closely related to psycholinguistics, because psycholinguistics also studies language and is related to language.

  55. Name : Nurafia Widianingsih
    SRN : 181230015
    Class : TBI - 6A

    1. a. Language disorder is a type of communication disorder. Language disorders are about difficulty using and understanding spoken language. A language disorder is also a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty in learning and using various forms of language such as spoken, written, and sign language.
    b. Language evolution is the process of changing the form of language over a long period of time, then developing into what it is today.
    Therefore, language disorders and language evolution have a relationship with psycholinguistics.
    2. In my opinion, humans are biological beings who can carry out various activities and humans are social creatures who cannot live alone so that they convey their ideas and thoughts to others. This happens because of the surrounding environment and culture, so that the social basis of language is a process of using language in social life so that someone gains information, knowledge, and experience. Therefore, it is included in the context of psycholinguistics.

  56. Name: Annisa Ayundi Prastiwi
    SRN: 181230017
    Class: TBI 6A

    1. (a) Language disorder is a disorder experinced by a person where she/he has difficulties in processing a language, either spoken or written. The disorder can occur in terms of grammar, semantics, or other aspects of language. It is related to psycholinguistics since psycholinguistics explores the nature of language, how a person acquires language, and how language is used.

    (b) Language is always changing and evolving because language adapts to the times which also affect humans as language users. Language evolution is related to psycholinguistics which is the study of how humans can produce, understand and use a language that always change and evolve over time.

    2. Humans have a biological and social basis of language because since birth, humans have organs for speech such as the mouth, throat, pharynx, larynx, etc, those support them to produce language. Even so, humans need to interact with the surrounding environment to engage and adapt to a language, for example, human infants who like to pay attention to the faces of people who are talking, or when human infants like to babble before they can speak clearly. Furthermore, Social interaction is very important for language acquisition because it will support the cognitive development in a person's language ability. It is related to psycholinguistics which investigates how human behaviors in producing, understanding, and using a language.

  57. Name: Nur Annisa Saputri
    NIM : 181230097
    Class : TBI 6C

    1. a. Psycholinguistics, however, is arguably the most fundamental of all the interdisciplinary fields. Psycholinguistics focuses primarily on language acquisition. It aims to provide a fairly universal theory to how our brains acquire language and comprehend it. Studying those who have aphasia, a language disorder that limits speech and language comprehension, in contrast to those unaffected has been instrumental in understanding the relationship between psychology and language. So, Language disorder is a type of communication disorder. Language disorders are about difficulty using and understanding spoken language. A language disorder is also a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty in learning and using various forms of language such as spoken, written, and sign language.

    b. Language evolution can also be interpreted as part of language acquisition caused by social and cultural influences. The relationship between language evolution and psycholinguistics is the science that explains the psychological processes that occur when a person issues a sentence and understands the sentence he hears when communicating with others and how human language skills are acquired.

    2. Structural language development is the process of the ability to use language, from simple utterances to the ability to use words, sentences and language. The development of the ability to use language is the object of the field of developmental psychology. This is due to the systematic and structural observations of changes at each stage of development. The emergence of language problems which in fact are often found in children, especially in the Western world. This further stimulates developmental psychologists to know the gradual and gradual processes of the factors that influence the development of this language. That's why every individual has a biological and social basis related to psycholinguistics.

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  59. Name: Septi indi Anggraeni
    Nim: 181230013
    Class:TBI 6A
    1 a. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. There are three main types of language disorder:
    Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk.
    Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying.
    Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.
    Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. This change can occur as a result of selection if members of a population with certain alleles get eaten by predators more often, for example, those alleles will become rarer but this is not the whole story. Random variation in the frequencies of alleles that get transmitted between generations can also lead, ultimately, to big changes. This is known as drift. language disorders as
    causes of windows on language evolution. For instance, it has been suggested that aphasic speech offers information concerning a putative stage of protolanguage and that its recovery parallels early language evolution in the species This would eventually mean that language disorders are, or can be construed as, atavisms that can shed light on the evolution of language in modern humans

    2. The sets basis of language have been associated with psycholinguistic. First, a biological factor, both specific to pre-term birth, e.g., weight at birth, gestational age, weight considering gestational age, and aspecific such as gender. The second factor is social and includes socio-economic status and mother’s education level. language development as being a good early proxy for other areas of developmental (behavioral, social and cognitive) disorders. In my opinion basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort

  60. Siti Mariam
    TBI VI D

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.

    The Causes of language disorders have a strong genetic component, and individuals with language disorders are more likely to have family members with a history of language impairment. Language disorder is also strongly associated with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as specific learning disorder (literacy and numeracy), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental coordination disorder. In addition Psychotherapy can also be a helpful tool to manage the emotional and behavioral issues that may arise in children with language disorder.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language and it is far too vast and complex (and vague) a concept for anyone to say anything sensible about it.
    Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. But biological evolution isn't the only kind of evolutionary process because the biological evolution of humans (saving the odd minor development like the spread of lactose tolerance or proneness to sickle-cell anemia) has, to all intents and purposes, stopped also. What is happening (and has been happening for perhaps as many as a hundred thousand years) is cultural change (sometimes misleadingly described as ‘‘cultural evolution’’);

    2. Because the biological aspects of language include brain function, age and gender. About the human brain, about the location of the function. Each part of the human brain has its own specific tasks, and then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres. The left part is dedicated to analysis and processing based on time. The right hemisphere participates in the overall processing of space. The language function is located in the left hemisphere. In addition, Brock has the ability to create languages, while Wernicke has the ability to understand languages.

  61. Nama : Nur Hanifa
    SRN : 181230030
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. A. Language disorder is a type of communication disorder. People who don't know the term might think it has something to do with speech. But language disorders are all about difficulty using and understanding spoken language. When children are about one year old and start learning to walk, language development in children usually begins to show. The first words will begin to be issued by children at that age. However, this is different in children who suffer from language disorder from birth; they cannot establish good communication and have an impact on children's developmental disorders.

    B. Language evolution refers to changes in human language or can be called as language acquisition that occur as a result of biological, social, cultural, and cognitive factors.

    2. Because humans are born into the world with brains. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, right and left. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Moreover, Broca's function is to generate language, and Wernicke's function is to understand language.
    Meanwhile, social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

    Psycholinguistics within the scope of language studies is a discipline that examines the relationship between behavior, reason, and language. The development of children with each other differs in language acquisition. Therefore, basis of language are part of the psycholinguistics context.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Name: Mimin
    NIM: 181230011
    Class: TBI 6A

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics.
    a. Language disorders
    A language disorder is a disorder that involves processing linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced may concern grammar, semantics (meaning) or other aspects of language. These problems may involve impaired language comprehension, involving language production. Language disorders can affect spoken and written language and can also affect sign language.
    Language impairment in a child is caused by a variety of contextual language disorders that underlie language. For example, pragmatics of language impairment, namely the difficulty of using language in context, usually occurs in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities. In psycholinguistics, it is explained a lot about how to study psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use and understand language, while language disorders are part of the damage to understanding a language.

    b. Language evolution
    The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. One would tend to think of evolution as a process that affects biological populations. Language is a shared mental and physical (sound and kinetic) construction. We cannot imagine human society without forms of communication and language. language is also often said to have ephemeral properties and linguistic markers. The first forms of recorded expression are considered to have evolved along with technological innovations. So as time goes by, language changes a lot. The relationship with psycholinguistics is that the use of language in humans is based on the expression and population frequency of two genes for brain growth and development and fortunately the human brain can evolve over time.

    2. Because the biological basis of personality is a collection of brain systems and mechanisms that underlie human personality. Human neurobiology, especially as it relates to complex traits and behaviors, is not well understood. Because humans as social beings need a means of communication to maintain their survival in the community. The existence of a language as a means of communication makes it easier for humans to convey messages and intentions to others.

  64. Name:: Alikha Istiqhomah Japarunissa
    Class :: TBI6A (181230006)

    1. - Language disorders mean obstacles, obstacles, and
    something that makes it difficult for someone to pronounce articulation sounds, or words to express, say, and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Psycholinguistics can be said as interdisciplinary between Linguistics and Psychology. Psycholinguistics is the development of these two fields of science. Psychology is a science which studies human behaviour, namely their interactions with the world around them, such as with fellow humans, animals, the environment, culture, etc.

    - The evolution of language is closely related to the science of Psycholinguistics because language always evolves according to human interaction and the ever-evolving environment

    2. Language has an important role in human life because it is the main communication tool. As a means of communication, language includes words, collections of words, clauses and sentences that are expressed orally or in writing. Current views on language states that language is a biological phenomenon, especially a developmental biology. The direction and schedule for the appearance of a language element is genetic problems. People can't speed up or slow down appearance a language element. In my opinion, socially and biologically, human language is a voice that is very closely related to psycholinguistics which examines two points of view, namely psychologically and linguistically.

  65. Name : Andini Amaliyah Fitri
    SRN : 181230001
    Class : TBI 6 A

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics
    a. Language disorders are obstacles, obstacles, and something that makes it difficult for a person to pronounce articulation sounds, or words to express, say, and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings.
    Many of these disorders occur due to several diseases or disorders of neurodevelopment that give rise to
    impact on the way and ability of a person in language. Keep in mind, that the brain is the center of various human activities, including speech or language. Disorders in language is a study in one branch of macro linguistics, namely psycholinguistics. Language disorders
    is one of the focuses of discussion in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes in language use. Psycholinguistics describes the psychological processes when a person pronounces the sentences he hears when communicating, and how language skills are acquired by humans (Chaer, 2015).
    Psycholinguistics discusses various kinds of language disorders, namely dyslexia, anomia aphasia, apraxia, alexia, and autism.
    b. Language is considered as a mechanism for transmitting information in the mind. Language will always change and develop with the times. The evolution of language is related to psycholinguistics. Because psycholinguistics is a science that studies language behavior, both visible and invisible language behavior (Natsir, 2017). In his study, psycholinguistics also discusses the relationship between the human brain and language, how humans can produce, understand and use language that is always changing and evolving from time to time.

    2. Some linguists see the remarkable similarities in how children acquire language around the world despite the wide variation in the language input they receive as strong evidence that language has a biological and social basis for language.
    Despite biological influences, children clearly do not learn language in a social vacuum. Children are not exclusively biological linguists and not exclusively social architects of language either. Biologically, children are ready to learn and will develop if there is interaction with their caregivers (parents or significant other). Children will benefit when parents and teachers engage them in conversations such as: asking questions, and emphasizing interactive communication rather than directives.
    Of course this is related to psycholinguistics because in psycholinguistics it investigates how human behavior in producing, understanding, and using language.

  66. ‌Name : Syiva Ana Eka Putri
    SRN : 181230004
    Class : TBI 6A
    1. A. language disorder is an impairment that makes it hard for someone to find the right words and form clear sentences when speaking. It can also make it difficult to understand what another person says. A child may have difficulty understanding what others say, may struggle to put thoughts into words, or both.
    Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language.
    ‌Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    B. Language evolution
    Language evolution is evolutionary theory to the study of language. evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. This change can occur as a result of selection – if members of a population with certain alleles get eaten by predators more often, for example, those alleles will become rarer – but this is not the whole story. Random variation in the frequencies of alleles that get transmitted between generations can also lead, ultimately, to big changes.

    ‌2. Individuals biological language, every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools. which are a biological bond that allows children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human language. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language.

    ‌Individual social basis of language, Language is both a system of communication between individuals and a social phenomenon. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. Social context recognises that people use language and that language is a part of society. Social context tries to describe, and account for, the different ways that different people use language. Social context looks at relationships between language and society and looks at language as people use it. It considers the relationship between a person’s language and their social identity.

  67. Nisa Nuranisa
    TBI 6B
    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Language disorder can affect all kinds of linguistic communication: spoken, written, and gesture, and it can affect both a child’s ability to comprehend language and produce it. Children with this disorder do not have problems producing speech sounds. Language disorder is distinct from speech disorder, which involves difficulties in producing speech sounds, but not necessarily difficulties in producing language.

    B. Language evolutionary is of profound interest largely because of our deep-seated curiosity about the past, about how things were, and how they have become what they are. Thanks in part to the revolution that Darwin sparked, including his ideas and methods, we now have many fine examples in which theoretical predictions about the origins and subsequent evolution of a phenotype have been described in great detail, including analyses of genomes, anatomy, and behavior. And yet some phenotypes remain poorly understood, and may remain so due to inadequate methods and impoverished evidence. The evolution of our language phenotype may remain stubbornly resistant to empirical inquiry, and yet, as indicated , there are potential empirical prospects, some near term, others quite remote. We conclude with a brief discussion of potential paths forward. Animal communication systems have thus far failed to demonstrate anything remotely like our systems of phonology, semantics, and syntax, and the capacity to process even artificially created stimuli is highly limited, often requiring Herculean training efforts. Should new methods reveal more richly structured systems of communication or more powerful, spontaneous abilities to process strongly generated stimuli, then comparative data would gain greater interest and relevance to evolutionary understanding. For example, we can imagine that in the not so distant future, it will be possible to non-invasively obtain neural recordings from free-ranging animals, and thus, to provide a more fine grained and quantitative measure of spontaneous processing of different stimuli.

    2. The human anatomy that allowed the development of language emerged six to seven million years ago when the first human ancestors became bipedal—habitually walking on two feet. Most other mammals are quadrupedal—they move about on four feet. This evolutionary development freed up the forelimbs of human ancestors for other activities, such as carrying items and doing more and more complex things with their hands. It also started a chain of anatomical adaptations. One adaptation was a change in the way the skull was placed on the spine. The skull of quadrupedal animals is attached to the spine at the back of the skull because the head is thrust forward. With the new upright bipedal position of pre-humans, the attachment to the spine moved toward the center of the base of the skull. This skeletal change in turn brought about changes in the shape and position of the mouth and throat anatomy. Humans have all the same organs in the mouth and throat that the other great apes have, but the larynx, or voice box (you may know it as the Adam’s apple), is in a lower position in the throat in humans. This creates a longer pharynx, or throat cavity, which functions as a resonating and amplifying chamber for the speech sounds emitted by the larynx.

    TBI 6D

    1. a. Language Disorder is impairment in comprehension or use of spoken, written, or other symbol system.
    May involve the form, content, or use of language.
    Most infants or toddlers can understand what you’re saying well before they can clearly talk. As they get older and their communication skills develop, most children learn how to put their feelings into words.
    But some children have language disorders. They may have:
    Receptive language disorder. A child has trouble understanding words that he or she hears and reads.

    Expressive language disorder. A child has trouble speaking with others and expressing thoughts and feelings.
    Children with receptive language disorder have trouble understanding language. They have trouble grasping the meaning of words they hear and see. This includes people talking to them and words they read in books or on signs. It can cause problems with learning. It needs to be treated as early as possible.
    b. Language allows us to share our thoughts, ideas, emotions, and intention with others. Over thousands of years, humans have developed a wide variety of systems to assign specific meaning to sounds, forming words and systems of grammar to create languages. Many languages developed written forms using symbols to visually record their meaning. Some languages, like American Sign Language (ASL), are an entirely visual language without the need for vocalizations. Although languages are defined by rules, they are by no means static, and evolve over time. Some languages are incredibly old and have changed very little over time, such as modern Icelandic, which strongly resembles its parent, Old Norse. Other languages evolve rapidly by incorporating elements of other languages. Still other languages die out due to political oppression or social assimilation, though many dying languages live on in the vocabularies and dialects of prominent languages around the world.

    2. Because biological and social basis language in human be affected Gene variants underlie individual language skills. Genetic predisposition might favour the evolution of structural features of languages. Humans have a unique natural ability to develop highly complex linguistic systems — an ability that lies in our genes but is also shaped by our different environments.

  69. Name: Wielda Hudaeby
    Student Identity Number: 181230155
    Class: TBI 6 D
    1. Describe the following terms' connection with psycholinguistics
    a. Language disorders
    Language disorders is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics, a person applies an archetype in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, one's ability to speak can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms.
    Mental or psychological symptoms can cause barriers experienced by someone in language, it is what we call a 'language disorder'. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (.e., spoken, written, sign language).
    b. Language evolution
    Psycholinguistics covers three main points; language production, language perception and language acquisition. Language acquisition refers to process of acquiring language which is related to language evolution. That is because evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families.
    2. Why does individual have a biological and social basis of language? Give some reasons and how they do involve in the context of psycholinguistics?
    >>> Individual have a biological aspect of language because it is involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language. Adult can learn sign language but it less efficiently than learn in childhood age, it showed age influence spoken language and cognitive development. Sex also influence of language competence, based on X-ray showed that in the use of interruption, men do more than women, and women are more likely to be interrupted than men. It showed on a narrow beam the brain.
    It is involved in the context of psycholinguistics because in psycholinguistics we learn language acquisition and how brain works on language.
    >>> Individual have a social aspect of language because social interaction serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.
    Social interaction affects language acquisition and development, so it is involved psycholinguistics.

  70. Name :Ifazatun Najah
    SRK :181230002
    Class:TBI 6A

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    B. Language evolution is the theory of evolution for the study of language. Evolution is a process that affects biological populations, so it would be good to start with that definition. Biological evolution is by default defined as changing frequency in the population over time. These changes can occur as a result of selective-if a population member with a certain el is more frequently eaten by predators, for example, the allele-but this is not the whole story. Random variations in frequency transmitted across generations can also cause, in the end, big changes.

    2. Since children are born into the world with language acquisition tools, which is a biological bond that enables children to detect certain language categories and is the innate grammatical capability that underlie all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a particular time and way. And social support for infants and children for language development can be made by simplifying language upbringing and mapping, such as the way mothers and adults often speak to infants; Phrases that have the same meaning of sentences in different ways; Repeating what the child would say to us; And restate what children say in advanced linguistics. In this regard parents and teachers are highly expected, for they are highly effective.

  71. Name : Entol Arie soffanuddien
    NIM : 181230035
    Class: TBI 6 A
    1.Language disorder is inability of language process. The issue such as memory disorder, etc. Usually we got the distaction concern language structure (sentence structure and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other viewpoints of accents. Language disorder happend because we cant expression and implied the accent. Accent disorders in young children may occur as a result of variations accents from the normal within the relevant accent areas that underline dialect.

    2.To developing and solution indeed make a child's accent abilities, needed to mentoring require a way of teaching the child that's in understanding with the level of accent capability and the process and improvement of the child's language.

    2.we have to changed in allele frequencies in the population over time. These changes can prove as a result of selection – if other people in society with certain alleles are eaten more often by treats, for example, those alleles have to less frequent – ​​but this is not the whole story. Random variations in allele frequencies transmitted between generations can also cause, ultimately, large changes.

    they be necessary in the language they use everyday, with their style of speech and style of speech that is got from what they say, if the genetical factors is not good then what he will messy like there is a brain disorder, so that he talks will be irregular or may be inconsistent.
    If environments factors are damaged, it could be that he does not understand the standard language, only understands everyday language and their social groups because he just know the language they language use. So that they got the culture shock in foreign language.

  72. Name: Fatima Ayu Ajzahra
    Nim : 181230194
    Class : TBI6 E

    1. Language disorder is described by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) as an impairment in "comprehension and or use of spoken, written, and or other symbol system."
    The condition could be caused by
    (1) the way people communicate.
    (2) the content of language (phonologic, morphologic, and syntactic system)
    (pragmatic system), and or
    (3) the role of language in communication (semantic system). in any combination” (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 40) (1993). (Rao, 2007: 3).

    Language disorder, according to the descriptions above, is a specific problem in understanding and conveying concepts and ideas that involves the processing of linguistic information. The term "language disorder" is frequently used as a blanket term. anomalies in a person's mother tongue or native language.

    Language evolution is concerned with how language has changed throughout history, from antiquity to the present. The notion is that language acquisition evolves with time and is linked to changes in biological elements that influence culture in order to complement the language itself.

    The architecture of the vocal apparatus and the brain have an impact on human communication.

    2. language acquisition process provide an overview of development of one of the most important functions in humans and the study of them is the main topic in psycholinguistics.

  73. Nama: Yanti Apriyani
    Nim: 181230027
    Class: TBI-6A
    Subject: Psycholinguistics
    1. A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. There are three main types of language disorder: Expressive language disorder, Receptive language disorder, Mixed receptive-expressive. Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people. The treatment for language disorder primarily consists of speech and language therapy in order to improve expressive and receptive language skills. Psychotherapy can also be a helpful tool to manage the emotional and behavioral issues that may arise in children with language disorder.
    B. Language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician. For young children, the formal evaluation is highly play based with some structured tasks. For older children and adolescents, more formal measures are administered. The different assessments that are administered will compare your child’s communication skills to same aged peers. Following the evaluation, the speech-language pathologist will have the information needed to guide goal development for effective therapy for your child.
    2. Because as a means of communication, language is used in society. Speakers of a language are bound by social rules that apply in the speech community. The language spoken cannot be separated from the social context, and therefore language has a social function. The development of human language is closely related to its biological development. Language growth in humans follows the schedule of genetic development so that an element of language cannot be forced. A very important factor in language acquisition is a neurological factor, namely the relationship between the human brain and language. The structure and organization of the human brain to provide a light on the problems of acquiring, understanding, and using language. language is considered as a social institution, namely language as a form of social practice, or language in its capacity as a means to actualize knowledge. So important is the function of language, so that this function continues from generation to generation. Language learning is inseparable from what linguists say about language. People who think of language as a phenomenon that can be divided into separate parts will pay more attention to how to understand the division of each. While people who think that language is related to culture and is a tool of social interaction, will use a learning methodology that is thick with sociolinguistic and communicative strategies.

  74. Name: Nur Haliza
    SRN: 181230005
    Class: TBI 6A

    1) A. Psycholinguistics is the study of mental aspects of languages and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is repsented and processed in the brain. In this case Language Disorder is present when an individual has difficulties in learning and using various forms of language consisting of spoken, written, and sign language.

    B.The relationship between Language Evolution and Psycholinguistics is the science that explains the psychological processes that occur when a person issues a sentence and understands the sentence he hears when communicating with others and how human language skills are acquired.

    2. Biological involves brain function, age and gender. One of them is that gender can affect language competence, such as girls who have greater vernal abilities than boys. Social basis of language is owned by every individual because it refers to the process how people's brain will work on the available information based on their own cultures. In others words, what they make either in spoken or written text might be contributed by their brains and cultures. 

  75. Name : Fitria Sukmawati
    NIM : 181230146
    Class : TBI 6D

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.

    B.Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Language allows us to share our thoughts, ideas, emotions, and intention with others. Over thousands of years, humans have developed a wide variety of systems to assign specific meaning to sounds, forming words and systems of grammar to create languages. Many languages developed written forms using symbols to visually record their meaning. Some languages, like American Sign Language (ASL), are an entirely visual language without the need for vocalizations.
    2. Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.

  76. Name : Usrotul Hiyaroh
    ID : 181230067
    Class : TBI 6B
    Answer : 1
    A. Answer
    One of the language disorders related to human mentality is autism. In simple terms, autism can be interpreted as a disorder that occurs in children who do not experience normal development, especially in relationships with other people (Winarno, 2015).
    Children with autism have imaginations and often perform repetitive behaviors or body movements. Autism affects a person's nerves in giving instructions to his senses. This can be seen when a person with autism is given a stimulus in the form of sound, he will hear. However, he did not respond to these stimuli.
    According to (Winarno, 2013, 13), the main signs or symptoms of autism appear most prominent and clear when children are under 3 years old (toddlers). These signs are as follows: 1) Never pointed with at the age of 1 year; 2) Not babbling at about 1.5 years of age; 3) Never uttered two words at 2 years of age; 4) language skills can be lost at any time; 5) Never pretend to play and don't react when his name is called; 6) Not indifferent to other things; 7) Repetitive movements of the body or limbs; 8) Attention is only focused on certain objects; 9) Usually strongly resists changes to routine things; 10) Very sensitive to certain textures and smells
    B. Answer
    Psycholinguistics in Language Learning Suwarno (2002:18) states that learning is a conscious effort to master linguistic rules (about the language or language usage), language learning is knowing about language, or formal knowledge of a language. Language learning is done formally in a formal setting, for example language learning in the classroom.
    However, formal language learning does not have to be done in a place that is limited by space, or does not have to be done in the classroom. Learning activities anywhere as long as the learning process is directed at the conscious mastery of linguistic rules, then the process is called learning. Now in the formal and non-formal learning process, the psycholinguistic process works to acquire language through such learning.
    In the context of language learning, the understanding of one of the language skills, writing for example, is realized by producing texts continuously. That is, educators carry out continuous writing activities based on enthusiasm, because the ideas or ideas to be written do not necessarily appear from the human brain, they need a self-contemplative process which is also not instant.

  77. Sabilah Rahmatika
    TBI 6D

    1. A.Language disorders are obstacles, obstacles, and something that makes it difficult for a person to pronounce articulation sounds, or words to express, say, and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. There are several diseases or disorders that can affect a person's language skills. Many of these disorders occur due to several diseases or disorders in neurodevelopment that have an impact on the way and ability of a person in language. Disorders in language is a study in one branch of macro linguistics, namely psycholinguistics. Language disorders are one of the focuses of discussion in psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is the study of mental processes in language use. According to Chaer 2015 says that psycholinguistics describes psychological processes when a person pronounces the sentences he hears when communicating, and how language skills are acquired by humans. Psycholinguistics also discusses various kinds of language disorders, namely dyslexia, anomia aphasia, apraxia, alexia, and autism. One of the language disorders is the language disorder in autism. Autism or also called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that continues to affect a person's ability to communicate and interact with people around him (American Psychiatric Association 1994). This disorder can affect a person's ability to speak, because people with autism can’t even say a single word at the age of one year.
    B. Language evolution is inherently diverse and interdisciplinary, and has relied on input from psychology, linguistics, biology, archaeology, and complex systems science, among others. Language evaluation is systematic gathering of information for purposes of making decision. It is the collection, analysis and interpretation about any aspects of a programs of language education and training as part of a recognized process of judging is effectiveness. In language skills evaluation we can find the Students problems in language. Scientist and psychologists Steven Pinker and Paul Bloom argue that language as a mental faculty shares many likenesses with the complex organs of the body which suggests that, like these organs, language has evolved as an adaptation, since this is the only known mechanism by which such complex organs can develop.

    2. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, the localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and Wernicke has function to understand the language. Social basic of language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes. A primary social relationship is critical to language learning. A language is composed of conventional symbols shaped by their social-communicative functions. Children acquire these symbols, both lexical and syntactic, in the context of culturally constituted event structures that make salient these functions. In the acquisition process children rely on cultural learning skills (i.e., imitative learning). The development of communicative competence as a whole, including not only lexical and syntactic skills but also various pragmatic skills, depends largely on feedback about communicative efficacy that children receive from different interact ants. This feedback is used by children to make further inferences about the conventional functional significance of particular linguistic expressions. This social-pragmatic view of language acquisition obviates the need for a priori, specifically linguistic, format constraints on the language acquisition process.

  78. Name: Siti Nurkholipah
    SRN: 181230046
    Class: 6A
    1. A. Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. The problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired. Examples include specific language impairment and aphasia, among others.
    B. In terms of brain, language, thought, and physical human beings evolved. Therefore human language is developing. The human language system depends on the brain layer of the dominant hemisphere. The language evolution includes the question of how the language gradually flourish over time recently. This means that the language acquisition and language evolution of interconnected languages that both involve biological and cultural aspects of complementary in completing the language.
    3. Because humans are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, namely biological bonds that allow children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages to communicate with others in the environment in which they are located. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. The language acquisition process itself involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects.

  79. Name : Latifia Khoirunnisa
    NIM : 181230019
    CLASS : TBI 6A

    1. a. Language disorders are disorders of the ability to produce or understand concepts conveyed through language. Someone who has language disorders produces language that is not clearly conceptualized for the listener or he grasps concepts that are different from the language he hears or reads. However, the speech disorder was not related to the concept of language he had. However, in this case, he was unable to say what was on his mind with normal speech. In Psycholinguistics there are various kinds of language disorders, namely dyslexia, anomia aphasia, apraxia, alexia, and autism.

    b. Language evolution is not only essential for understanding language, but essential to understanding what it means to be human. It is a growing and vibrant field with vital contributions from a variety of disciplines and methodologies, The extent to which biological and cultural factors contributed to the evolution of language is a subject of active debate in the field, but there is broad consensus that an interaction between individuals, culture, and biology hold the key to a better understanding of how language evolved. This understanding requires a joint effort across a variety of disciplines, which has grown in particular over the last thirty years and continues to expand today.

    2. Because the language is rooted in the biology of the brain. Therefore understanding the biology of language is critical to understanding language itself. The vast majority of research on the biological bases of language has focused on brain anatomy, mainly attempting to identify which parts of the brain underlie which language functions, such as lexical or grammatical abilities. Moreover, the study of all these aspects of biology must be complemented by psycholinguistic studies. Next for the social basis of language is interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation.

  80. Robi'atul Addawiyyah
    181230083/ TBI 6C

    1. a . Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants. There are two reasons. The first is that understanding the biological evolution of the human language capacity may not be enough to understand how we got from there (non-linguistic chimps) to here (humans with thousands of complex languages); there is a growing field of work suggesting that the gap between modern human brains and modern human languages needs to be bridged by culture. Understanding this better is about better understanding what it means to be human. The second reason is that language evolution is happening now, all around us. Penn has long been leading the way in investigating this process; understanding it better helps us better understand how our world works.

    2. The Biological basis of language
    The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language. Sex also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task (Kolb & Whishaw, 1996).

    - The Social Basis of Language
    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

    - how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?
    Cognitive hypothesis stated that cognitive development drives linguistic development, Even Sincliar-de-Zwart (1969) explained language training on has small effect or does no affect basic cognitive process and only help in description to focus relevant aspect of task.

  81. Suza Atha Ulayya
    TBI 6A

    1. A. Language Disorder: Psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary field of linguistics and psychology. Psycholinguistics is the study of language behavior, but psycholinguistics also discusses the relationship between the human brain and language. Language disorder is a study in psycholinguistic linguistics. Language disorder can be defined as an obstacle or something that makes it difficult to say, and convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings. According to Hikmawati, language disorder is caused by experiencing several causes and consequences of difficulties in acquiring language and learning language. A person's language begins with the acquisition of the first language or known as the mother tongue, in the process of acquisition it can be found mental or psychological symptoms that affect a person's ability to speak. These symptoms can refer to several diagnoses of a person's mental illness or disorder in language. Therefore, psychocholinguistics is closely related to language disorder because psycholinguistics can provide studies and discussions on language disorder problems.

    B. Language Evolution: Culotta and Hanson said that Language evolution has not stopped, of course; in fact, it may be progressing more rapidly than ever before. In relation to the evolution of language, Mahon stated that language evolution is a process of changing the form of language over a long period of time, developing naturally from its initial form to its final form as it is today with various variations and adaptations. Also language acquisition and language evolution are connected in which both involve the change of biological aspect and culture in completing their languages.

    2. Because language is a set of mental mechanisms and processes operating largely independently of other cognitive systems. To do , it breaks language abilities down into major subcomponents and examines each subcomponent individually. This treatment of language follows from the modularity tradition. Fodor proposed that language was a mental module, which he defined as a mental ability that is domain specific, genetically determined, with a distinct neural structure, and computationally autonomous. That's why language abilities developed in the human evolutionary line requires us to analyze the language abilities of ancestors long dead. We need to understand how we are similar or to and different from evolutionary ancestors in terms of both language and non-language characteristics.
    How do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics? Because Language is a form of communication that is used to transfer information between individuals who speak the language, as well as serving other functions, such as social bonding. While language is a form of communication, it has special properties that are not present in other forms of communication, including semanticity, arbitrariness, discreteness, displacement, generativity, and duality of patterning. This is also in line with the meaning of psycholinguistics, namely the study of language behavior, also discusses the relationship between the human brain and language.

  82. NIM : 181230024
    Name : Dewi Sri Wahyuni
    Class : TBI/6A

    1. A. Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics Language disorders can hinder a person in language. Language disorders can occur if a person's communication deviates far from the language used by normal children. The causes of speech and language disorders are many and extensive, all disorders ranging from the process of hearing, transmitting impulses to the brain, brain, muscles or organs that make sounds. One example of a language disorder is autism. Autism is a behavioral disorder due to neurodevelopment that affects the a person's ability to communicate and interact. The main symptoms caused by people with autism is a language disorder. Autism have problems and difficulties in speaking and other language activities. This language disorder can occur because of the child's barriers autism in acquiring and absorbing the languages ​​that exist in the surrounding environment. Autism language disorder is one of the studies in psycholinguistics.
    B. language evolution as a process of changing the form of language in the long term, developing naturally from the initial form to the final form as it is today with various variations and adaptations. Changes and developments in language both nationally (ethnic languages) and internationally (racial languages) are difficult to avoid. This happens as a result of cultural acculturation which is preceded by the process of moving speakers of one language to the environment of speakers of other languages, resulting in changes in new dialects, the creation of new words, and even frequent changes in the syntactic structure. However, language can change and develop by itself slowly, because it adapts to developments and changes in the patterns and life systems of the speaking community, such as the level of education, social, culture and even mastery of science and technology.
    a single sign of communication is called language. There are approximately 5445 natural languages ​​in the world. These languages ​​are used as communication cues between members of the community who use them. In addition to natural phenomena, language is also a human phenomenon. It is said to be human because humans communicate with various kinds of signs. One of the signs of communication is called language. Animals also use certain signs to communicate, but animal communication systems cannot be called language because animal communication cues are static. Meanwhile, the human communication system is productive, immanent, and creative. Language can develop, increase (qualitatively and quantitatively), disappear, and change.
    2. In physical/biological reality, language is used to report content or intent as a result of observations made by speakers/writers. What is reported is whatever is in and around the speaker/writer.
    In social reality, language is used to perform the roles performed by speakers/writers towards listeners/readers. This role can be seen in the fact that language is a tool for establishing and at the same time establishing relationships
    As it is known that psycholinguistics is the study of psychology and linguistics or language when someone uses language as communication. This is where it relates to biological reality where speakers report things related to self or physical and this is related to psychology. While the relation to social reality is related to relationships with other individuals or other groups with language or the same as speaking and communicating, this is related to language/linguistics.

  83. Rinda Maraqonita
    TBI 6D

    a. A language disorder can arise from impairment(s) at many distinct levels of a processing hierarchy composed nominally of input, output, and word meaning. For example, failure to name an object (i.e., anomia) might result from perceptual deficits in visual object identification (i.e., agnosia), degradation of the core concept that underlies object meaning (i.e., semantic impairment), or failure to accurately link a word form to a target concept (i.e., lexical bretrieval deficits). One way of isolating the particular cause of a language disorder is to first pursue a broad, psycholinguistic modeling approach. Figure 1 represents a highly stylized model of some of the key systems that support language, and the discussion that follows focuses on the selective vulnerability of these systems.
    The study of language disorders represents a nexus among many disciplines, both theoretical and applied. The development of effective treatments for language disorders requires a mechanistic understanding of the problem(s) at hand. Thus, applied clinical disciplines that address language disorders often dovetail with classically theoretical fields, such as developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, and linguistics. The study of language disorders now also falls under the purview of biological psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and neurobiology. Thus, the contemporary study of language disorders is highly multidisciplinary, with psychological methods and psycholinguistic theories offering prominent and essential contributions.

    The emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that radically changed the character of human society. The process of "word formation" allows a language to encode an essentially unlimited number of objects. Next, analyze how words can be combined into sentences and determine the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time.

    2. Psychological Theory in Language Learning ability and language are the main distinguishing characteristics humans with other creatures. Because it has both, it is often called Humans are noble and social creatures. With his mind humans explore every phenomenon that appears even those that have not yet appeared. With language, humans communicate to socialize and convey their thoughts. social success of group members social and to enter into their social rights depending on the level organization of their language messages. The role of language here is very important, because without language it is impossible for them to express their hearts or ideas. Because language is a biological phenomenon, especially a phenomenon developmental biology. The direction and schedule for the emergence of a language element is genetic problems. The structure and organization of the human brain for provide a light on the problem of acquiring, understanding, and using language. learn a language carried out formally in a setting that formal too, for example language learning in class. However, learning the language formally does not have to be done in a a place bounded by space, or not must be done in class. Study activities provided that the learning process is directed at mastering the mastery of the language realized, then the process is called learning

  84. Name : Nanda Siti Radela
    NIM : 181230054
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. (A)language disorder is a condition that affects the processing of language. According to experts, language processing, along with social engagement, social cognition, and pragmatics, is a key component of social communication. Language problems are typically linked back to language development, which begins in childhood and continues throughout maturity. According to specialists, one of the variables that impact communication and social communication functions is language development. As a result, a person's language problems might affect their social communication abilities or social communication disorders.

    (B) Language development is simply too large and complicated (and ambiguous) a notion for anyone to say anything meaningful about it.
    To gain a grasp on it, it is critical to first isolate it and then clearly define what the major concerns are.
    On the subject of isolation, here's a classic How-Not-To from Science, no less: Of course, language development has not slowed; in fact, it may be accelerating faster than ever before.

    2. Experts believe that biological evolution shaped humans into linguistic beings. Unlike birds, which are born with the ability to sing songs, human children experience modifications in the brain, neurological system, and vocal system over hundreds of thousands of years. Children are born with Language Acquisition Tools, which is a biological link that allows them to recognize specific language categories and is an inborn grammatical skill that underpins all human languages. Humans are physiologically programmed to learn language at a specific time and in a specific manner. The left hemisphere of the brain plays an essential part in the production of language, although there is interconnectedness between the two hemispheres of the brain in some tasks. As with reading, the left hemisphere of the brain recognizes syntax and grammar, while the right hemisphere perceives intonation and emotion in the tale.

    The primary differentiating features are thinking and linguistic abilities.
    Humans interacting with other animals Because it possesses both, it is frequently referred to as Humans are noble and sociable beings. Humans use their minds to investigate every visible and unseen phenomena. Humans interact with language to socialize and share his views on language as the Realization of Social Context. The mutualism or reciprocity link between one system and another is shown by the direction of the arrow.
    On the one hand, language is exposed as a text, namely the language in use, or the language whose purpose is to produce meaning; on the other hand, language is viewed as a social institution, namely language as a kind of social activity, or language in its ability to actualize knowledge.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Name : Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN: 181230055
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. A). It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    B). Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.

    2. The process of language acquisition in children involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

  87. Nur 'Afifah Zafa
    SRN: 181230077
    Class: TBI 6B

    1. *language disorders* is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics a person applies an archetype in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, one's ability to speak can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms.

    Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. ... If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.

    2. *The Biological basis of language*

    The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    Sex also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task (Kolb & Whishaw, 1996). But to finding the different where the brain is difficult, it tend to cultural factors than biological causes. Based on X-ray showed that in the use of interruption, men do more than women, and women are more likely to be interrupted than men. It showed on a narrow beam the brain.

    *The Social Basis of Language*

    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  88. Name : Siti Dila Fadillah
    SRN :181230038
    Class :TBI6A

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language).
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language.
    language evolution is to explain why language is the way it is and how it came to be that way.
    2. Biological involves brain function, age and gender of humans. One of them is that gender can affect language competence, such as in girls who have greater vernal abilities than boys. And the social basis of language is owned by each individual because it refers to the process of how people's brains will work on available information based on their own culture. In other words, what they create in either spoken or written texts may be contributed by their brains and culture.

  89. Name : martagati zahratul jannah
    SRN : 171230174
    Class : TBI 6E
    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics
    a. Language disorders
    Language disorder is disorder which involves the linguistic information process.
    Problem that may be experienced can involve phonology, syntax, semantics, or
    pragmatics (Carroll, cited in Rofi, 2011: 13). People with language disorder may
    have problems in their daily conversations. Field (2004: 93) argues the problems of
    language disorder may be receptive (impaired language comprehension), expressive
    (language production), or a combination of both. This case is usually experienced by
    the children who has a mental disorder, such as autism.

    b. Language evolution
    Language evolution is the development of abilities and physical maturity, especially those related to the speech process, the communication is increasing and expanding, for example with people around the environment and developing with other people who are just known.
    Factors influencing language evolution are age, first language, environment
    In the evolution of language, culture also plays an important role in determining the language tools needed in people's lives.

    2. Why does individual have a biological and social basis of language? Give some reasons and how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?

    Individuals have a biological and social basis for language because it is influenced by heredity genes as well as their environment. Mothers usually give the most influence on language to their children and then get influenced by a dynamic environment.

    The biological and social basis of language is involved in the psycholinguistic context because it involves psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language.

  90. Nama : Salma Aida Maftuhah
    Nim : 181230068

    1. a. Psycholinguistics is a branch of macro linguistics. Research
    psycholinguistics emphasizes the psychological process of acquiring and
    use of human language (Nurjanah, 2018). Field of study from psycholinguistics
    Among other things, comprehensive, namely the ability to catch what people say
    others and understand their meaning; production, namely the ability to be able to say
    as one would like to say; the biological and neurological foundations that make
    humans can speak; language acquisition, how each child acquires
    language. The seeds of this knowledge actually appeared at the beginning of the 20th century when
    German psychologist Wilhelm Wundth stated that language can be explained
    based on psychological principles (Kess, 1992) in (Dardjowidjojo, 2012).
    In applying this knowledge, you will be faced with disturbances
    language that can mentally affect it. Psycholinguistics
    apply basic patterns in one's language acquisition. Acquisition
    a child's language can be through parents or families who then
    The first language of a child is called the mother tongue, which is the first language
    introduced or understood by someone.

    b. Through
    psychology we can learn about how students' attitudes and behavior in
    acquire and learn language while through linguistics we can learn
    about the concept and structure of language. At the stage of language acquisition, there are four phases:
    language acquisition in children, namely (1) Babbling Level (starting from 0 to 1 year old),
    (2) Holophrase Period (starting at age 1 to 2 years), (3) Two-word Speech Period (beginning
    at age 2 to 2 years 6 months) (4) Beginning of Grammar (beginning at age 2 years 6
    months ± up to 3 years and above). And four further stages, namely; 1. Sensorimotor Stage
    (birth to age 2±3 years), (2) Preoperational Stage (age 3 to 6 or 7 years), (3)
    Concrete Operational Stage (ages 6/7 to 11 or 12 years), (4) Operational Stage
    Formal (12 years old to adult). Meanwhile, language learning is carried out formally in
    formal settings as well, such as language learning in the classroom. It's not important to study
    anywhere, even if not in the classroom as long as the learning process is directed at mastering the rules
    language is realized by educators and also students, then the process is called
    learning. In the formal and non-formal learning process, the psycholinguistic process
    work to acquire language knowledge through learning. until
    This interdisciplinary approach can lead educators to understand the processes that occur within each individual
    students encounter when they try to understand and provide understanding
    material in language learning presented in class.

    2. Because the basis of cognitive theory is the growing intelligence of children and their desire to express intentions together with language input from parents which encourages language acquisition. Expressions of children at an early age seem to show knowledge of semantic categories rather than linguistics. As the implication that a five year old child may be able to detect the inaccuracy of a sentence. Another evidence is the study of deaf children. Deaf children had no comments on either written language or sign language. They show the same abilities as children who have hearing. Another argument is what we already know about language and how it developed. According to some estimates, language evolved from 10,000 to 100,000 years ago. From an evolutionary perspective, cognition is much older than human language. Language is at least a product of cognition, and not only determined by specific linguistic abilities. So important is the relationship between language and cognition, that it led to the formulation of the wisdom sentence "Language is the clothing of the mind".

  91. NIM :181230075
    Kelas : TBI 6B

    a. it is expected to know about the kinds of language disorders especially expressive language disorder. Moreover, this study can lead the next researchers to conduct a research on the native language disorder of woman or children with autism in the purpose of enriching the understanding of psycholinguistics.

    b. tests of stability and change of vocabulary items have been conducted on small sets of words where diachronic change is imputed from cladistics studies. Here, we show for a substantially larger set of words that stability and change in terms of documented borrowings of words into English and into Dutch can be predicted by psycholinguistic properties of words that reflect their representational fidelity.

    2. The development of human language is closely related to its biological development. language development in humans follows the schedule of genetic development so that a language emerges that cannot be forced. The most important factors in language acquisition are neurological factors, namely the relationship between the human brain and language. structure and organization of the human brain to provide a light on the problems of acquiring, understanding, and using language.

  92. Name : Ega Susmita
    SRN : 181230033
    Class : Tbi 6 A

    A.Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    B. language evaluation is the measurement of a person's communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician. The speech-language clinician gathers information by asking questions about your child and testing the child.
    2.Language for individuals is a biological heritage and social environment because biological evolution shapes humans into linguistic beings. Humans have undergone changes in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system over hundreds of thousands of years. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, which are a biological bond that allows children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn languages at a certain time and in a certain way. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development. like the manner in which mothers and adults frequently converse with babies; making phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child will tell us; and stating what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form

  93. Name : Sri sulastri
    SRN: 181230046
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. A). This is called the psycholinguistic approach. Psycholinguistics helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning. In addition, psycholinguistics also defines several types of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia that must be handled properly.

    B). Psycholinguistic theory has explained the mental processes that occur in the human brain as long as a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes listening and reading activities, while language production includes speaking and writing activities.

    2.The process of language acquisition in children involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatially based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

  94. Name : Lilis Rosita Jamil
    Nim : 181230140
    Class : TBI 6D

    1.Language disorder and language evolution
    - Language disorders is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics a person applies an archetype in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, one's ability to speak can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorder is a brain damage which causes the patient difficult to communicate with others.
    - The evolution of language is thought to have occurred so far. In the past, and in the process requires evidence of the origins that led to the change. so little can be inferred about the evolution of language from current language information. There is no explanation of how and why computing and linguistic representation developed. But this view is not necessarily devinitive. Recently, large databases have been collected which allow us to study the implications of linguistic diversity in quantitative terms.

    2. Individual have a biological and social basis of language.
    The biological basis of personality is the collection of brain systems and mechanisms that underlie human personality. While, on the social basis in the form of communication.
    The psycholinguistic approach looks at individual cognitive processes that occur within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. Psycholinguistics is a philosophical and educational field, in modern psycholinguistic research using biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, and information science to study how the mind-brain processes language, as well as using social science, human development, communication theory, and infant development. the mind-brain processes language, and less so the known processes of social sciences, human development, and communication theories.

  95. Siti Nurkomariyah

    1. a) Language disorder is
    present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a
    spoken, written, or other symbol system. Language disorders are the most prevalent type of communication
    impairment affecting children. When professionals identify a language disorder, they
    do so by considering the extent to which a child's language difficulties (a) have an
    adverse impact on social, psychological, and educational functioning, (b) may
    represent a language difference (rather than a disorder), and (c) are significant enough
    to be considered disordered.

    b) Language evaluation is the measurement of a person's communication skills, it is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician.

    2. Because the development of human language is closely related to the development of biology.
    The growth of language in humans follows the schedule of genetic development
    so that there is an element of language that cannot be forced.
    The Social Basis of Language is a social behavior learned in a social context, it is a means for interacting. Social relations are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.
    Factors that
    very important in language acquisition is a neurological factor, namely the relationship between
    between the human brain and language as well as in the context of psycholinguistics. The structure and organization of the human brain for
    provide a light on the problem of obtaining, understanding, and using

    TBI 6B

    1. A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language.
    Causes of language disorders include: Medical conditions or disabilities, such as autism, a brain injury, stroke or tumor. Birth defects such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21), fragile X syndrome, or cerebral palsy.

    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language.

    2.The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.
    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  97. Rizki Nur Azizah
    TBI 6-B

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments. Language disorder is also strongly associated with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as specific learning disorder (literacy and numeracy), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental coordination disorder.
    b. Evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms.

    2. The neurobiological bases of three linguistic subsystems have been studied, specifically phonology (sound system of the language), semantics (vocabulary and word meanings), and syntax (grammar). This research shows that brain responses to language at early ages are predictive of later language proficiency. And language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes.

  98. Ade Putri Astini

    1. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.

    - Evolutionary psychology of language is the study of the evolutionary history of language as a psychological faculty within the discipline of evolutionary psychology. It makes the assumption that language is the result of a Darwinian adaptation.
    There are many competing theories of how language might have evolved, if indeed it is an evolutionary adaptation. They stem from the belief that language development could result from an adaptation, an exaptation, or a by-product. Genetics also influence the study of the evolution of language. It has been speculated that the FOXP2 gene may be what gives humans the ability to develop grammar and syntax.

    2. Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language. Psycholinguistics is concerned with the cognitive faculties and processes that are necessary to produce the grammatical constructions of language. It is also concerned with the perception of these constructions by a listener.

  99. Name : Khaulia Hanifa
    SRN : 181230007
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics: Language disorders, Language evolution.
    a. Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics. Language disorders can hinder a person in speaking. Language disorders can be in the form of disorders experienced by someone where he has difficulty in processing a language, both spoken and written.
    b. the language evaluation is closely related to the science of Psycholinguistics because language always develops according to the interaction of humans and the environment that continues to develop.
    2. Humans have a biological and social basis for language because from birth, humans have the organs to speak. Language has an important role in human life because it is a means of communication. Humans need to interact with the surrounding environment to engage and adapt to a language. I think socially and biologically. Language is closely related to life and also in psycholinguistics because both have a point of view both psychologically and linguistically.

  100. Nama: moh faiz
    Kelas: TBI 6B

    1. Language disorders are disorders that involve processing linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced may concern grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired understanding of language), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of the two. Examples include certain language disorders, better defined as developmental language disorders, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect spoken and written language, [1] and can also affect sign language ; usually, all forms of language will be disturbed.
    Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language.

    We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that.

    2. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

  101. Arista Miratun Nufus
    TBI 6B

    1. A). It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    B). Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.
    2. Because language is a set of mental mechanisms and processes operating largely independently of other cognitive systems. To do , it breaks language abilities down into major subcomponents and examines each subcomponent individually. This treatment of language follows from the modularity tradition. Fodor proposed that language was a mental module, which he defined as a mental ability that is domain specific, genetically determined, with a distinct neural structure, and computationally autonomous. That's why language abilities developed in the human evolutionary line requires us to analyze the language abilities of ancestors long dead. We need to understand how we are similar or to and different from evolutionary ancestors in terms of both language and non-language characteristics.
    How do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics? Because Language is a form of communication that is used to transfer information between individuals who speak the language, as well as serving other functions, such as social bonding. While language is a form of communication, it has special properties that are not present in other forms of communication, including semanticity, arbitrariness, discreteness, displacement, generativity, and duality of patterning. This is also in line with the meaning of psycholinguistics, namely the study of language behavior, also discusses the relationship between the human brain and language.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Name : Nafa Saniati
    SRN : 181230057
    TBI 6 B

    A. The Connection Language Disorder with psycholinguistic Language disorder is a condition where there are deviations (deviations) in acquiring and/or developing language structures (phonology, grammatical, semantic) and functional language (pragmatics). Because this disorder can cause autism in children or be abnormal, Cherkassky, Keller and Minshew (cited in Simanjuntak (2009: 254) state that “the causes of language impairment in autism sufferer is the demage of low functioning correlation in the cortex area as processing of the language and cognition". The autistic children have impairments in nervous system in the brain. The nervous system of autistic sufferer has low correlation in cortex area in the brain. The autism sufferer has abnormal convolution in cortex area, the position of sulcus cortex in autistic sufferers are different from normal people (Hilgetag, CC and H. Barbas, 2009). Psycholinguistics is a branch of the linguistics which concerns language and psychology, it deals with the psychology process in human to acquire and use the language. Psycholinguistic deals with three concerning there are speech production or language processing (how people construct and produce language), language acquisition (how people acquire and learn language), and language comprehension (how people perceive and understand spoken and written language) (Carroll, 2008 ). From the answers above, it can be concluded that Language Disorder has a connection with psycholinguistics.

    B. The Connection Language Evolution with psycholinguistic Language evolution is the change of language from time to time. Language is culture. Culture comes from the mind or the mind of the human brain. If the brain functions well then culture and language will be created well. The change over time in language is evidence of cultural development. Of course, this is closely related to psycholinguistics which brings understanding of language with the ability to process language by humans in terms of language processing (in the brain).

  104. Name : siti nuraini
    nim: 181230171
    class : TBI 6E

    1. a.A language disorder is an impairment that makes it hard for someone to find the right words and form clear sentences when speaking. It can also make it difficult to understand what another person says. A child may have difficulty understanding what others say, may struggle to put thoughts into words, or both. A language disorder can cause issues with the comprehension and/or use of spoken, written, and other forms of language. Students with a language disorder may struggle with the form, content, or function of language. Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. The main problems which may be experienced by a learner can involve grammar (syntax or morphology), semantics or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive in nature such as impaired language comprehension or the expressive which involves the language production or a combination of both. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language among the learners.

    b. language acquisition and language evolution are connected in which both involve the change of biological aspect and culture in completing their languages. Therefore, the processes of human communication depend on their anatomy of vocal devices and brains as our belief that Allah gives more knowledge to people living now than long time ago. Thus, Qur'an as God divine revelation is the most completed book than previous. It shows that language both words and meaning have been developed time to time including people's brains.

    There are two major issues in language evolution: the symbolic units such as words or manual signs and syntax (Bickerton, 2007) since they are as the real originality in human communication. Whereas the minor issues are the questions of did language begin with speech or signs, of did language develop gradually as means of communication?, and of did language begin in one place or several? To answer those issues, we have to know how language develop in line with human development which involve different knowledge and experience.

    2. languages is a tools in communication, humans brain function, age and gender are all considered biological factors, one of them is gender that girls have higger vernal ability than boys in linguistic competency. and each individual owns the social basis of language because it refers to how people's brains will absorb available information based on their culture.

  105. Anggi agusti
    181230110/TBI 6C

    a . Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants. There are two reasons. The first is that understanding the biological evolution of the human language capacity may not be enough to understand how we got from there (non-linguistic chimps) to here (humans with thousands of complex languages); there is a growing field of work suggesting that the gap between modern human brains and modern human languages needs to be bridged by culture. Understanding this better is about better understanding what it means to be human. The second reason is that language evolution is happening now, all around us. Penn has long been leading the way in investigating this process; understanding it better helps us better understand how our world works.

    2. The Biological basis of language
    The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language. Sex also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task (Kolb & Whishaw, 1996).

    - The Social Basis of Language
    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

    - how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?
    Cognitive hypothesis stated that cognitive development drives linguistic development, Even Sincliar-de-Zwart (1969) explained language training on has small effect or does no affect basic cognitive process and only help in description to focus relevant aspect of task.

  106. Sopia Ranti
    TBI 6 A

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (spoken, written, sign language). People with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional environment.
    Language disorder is about the damage that occurs in the brain that affects language abilities which connects with psycholinguistics that focuses on discussing the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain.
    b. Language evolution is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origins and divergence of languages ​​and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms. It connects with psycholinguistics which also discusses about the development of language.

    2. Because biological basis and social basis of language are the foundation of language. Those two aspects affect the acquisition and development of human language. The biological basis of language involve brain function, age, and gender. While the social basis of language is social interaction that has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The biological basis and social basis of language relate to the formation of human language or the way in which language is produced and understood. They are in accordance with the discussion in psycholinguistics so that they involve in the context of psycholinguistics.

  107. Name: Divia Rahma Yulianti
    Sin. : 181230051
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. a). Language disorders is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics a person applies an archetype in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, one's ability to speak can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms. A language disorder can cause issues with the comprehension and/or use of spoken, written, and other forms of language. Students with a language disorder may struggle with the form, content, or function of language. 1. 6-8 million People in the U.S. have some form of language impairment.
    Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.
    b). Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    Evolutionary linguistics or Darwinian linguistics is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Evolutionary linguists consider linguistics as a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology. Language evolved from the human need to communicate with each other in order to hunt, farm and defend themselves successfully from their harsh environment. The ability to communicate using language gave the human species a better chance at survival.

    2. The oft-cited biological basis of language is new proof of how linguists have come to reshape and redefine their considered topics of inquiry. (Even when a person doesn't speak, the representation of tacit knowledge a speaker has about one's language must sit in a physical configuration in the brain). The physical substrate responsible for the representation and processing of human language is the human brain; more specifically, certain portions of telencephalic cortex and possibly some subcortical structures. Though the cerebral hemisphere which is responsible for language varies in different subgroups of the adult human population, the area responsible for language is thought to be relatively circumscribed within the relevant hemisphere in the normal adult human population. The existence of a restricted neocortical area responsible for language is known as the localization of language functions; the location of this area within one telencephalic hemisphere is known as the lateralization of language functions. A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.
    The Social Basis of Language
    It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. ... In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. Language is a social behavior learned in a social context; it is a means for interacting. Social relationships are basic to the language learning and language teaching processes. A primary social relationship is critical to language learning.

  108. Name : Susilawati
    SRN : 181230073
    CLass : TBI 6B

    1. a). Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders is a in a child are caused by abnormalities in the contextual language fields that underlie language. For example, the pragmatics of language impairment, namely the difficulty of using language in contexts that often occurs in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities.
    Language disorders in a child are caused by abnormalities in the contextual language fields that underlie language. For example, the pragmatics of language impairment, namely the difficulty of using language in contexts that often occurs in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities.

    b. The evolution of language is a theory that believes that language has changed and that human language depends on special developments in the outer layers of the brain (the cerebral cortex). One of them is lateralization, or the creation of two hemispheres of the brain that complement each other. One hemisphere, usually the left, is the center of language skills.

    On the other hand, language can then be viewed as a device for sharing thoughts and experiences rather than as a vehicle for those mental contents themselves.
    language derives from mental processes with gradual evolutionary trajectories, including the generative capacities to travel mentally in time and space and into the minds of others. What may be distinctive in humans is the means to communicate these mental experiences along with knowledge gained from them.

    2. The individual have a biological of language because there are aspects of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    Beside that, a biological of language also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task.

    Then the individual have social basis of language because social interaction is affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment.

    An individual biological and social basis of language, they involve in the context of psycholinguistics with the relation between language and thought, that though development affecting social context, but language and though have different ways. Though give ways to produce social speech as communication. Therefore both of them is process of learning language. So both of involve in the context of psycholinguistics.

  109. Name : Hayanun

    SRN : 181230041

    Class : 6B


    1.      Part:

    a.      Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language skills that are well below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings. Individuals with language disorders usually speak with grammatical errors, have a scanty vocabulary, and may have difficulty finding the right words at times. When engaged in conversation, they may not be able to provide adequate information about the important events they are discussing or tell a coherent story. Because children with language disorders may have difficulty understanding what others are saying, they may have tremendous difficulty following directions.

    b.      The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. Biological models of language evolution often begin with populations of individuals communicating through their particular language, which is broadly defined as the mapping between form and meaning. Certain fitness measures are introduced, which in turn differentially affect the transmission of language to the next generation of individuals.

    These evolutionary dynamics are believed to explain the emergence of human language and its associated traits. Under the adaptationist assumptions of modeling language evolution, languages ​​that facilitate more efficient communication are more successful in transmission to the next generation. But there is no evidence of a communicative advantage for the more general typologies, and thus more successfully transmitting languages ​​such as those that have an Object-Subject-Verb sequence (e.g., English) compared to the rarer word order of a Subject-Verb (e.g., Malagasy). Likewise, cross-language studies of language acquisition show a largely uniform developmental trajectory, with no evidence to suggest that some languages ​​are easier to learn than others.

    2.      Because language is human speech in an artificial system of signs and symbols with rules to form comprehensible communication.  Each part of the human has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language.  The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic and spatially based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere. Moreover, Broca's function is to generate language, and Wernicke's function is to understand language.

    Social interaction also affects language acquisition and development.  It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a meaningful social situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment.  Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social setting.  Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development.

    They are involved in the context of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistics itself includes cognitive processes that can produce meaningful and grammatically correct sentences from vocabulary and grammatical structures, including processes that make utterances, words, writings, and so on.

  110. Name : Aan Nazova
    Nim : 181230050
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. A. People with language disorder have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder, formerly known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in young children.
    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that.
    2. Because understanding the biological evolution of the human language capacity may not be enough to understand how we got from there (non-linguistic chimps) to here (humans with thousands of complex languages); there is a growing field of work suggesting that the gap between modern human brains and modern human languages needs to be bridged by culture. Understanding this better is about better understanding what it means to be human. Language as an Element of Culture Almost the whole inside human life is surrounded by language so language is the part that is not inseparable from cultural development human. All activities carried out by humans in their lives not
    regardless of the language element in it. A researcher who will understand culture of a society First, you have to master development language of a society because through one's language can participate and understand a language.

  111. Nurul Arini (181230167)
    TBI 6E
    1. Answer
    a. The essential feature of expressive language disorder is an impairment in expressive language development in a child as determined by scores on standardized individually-administered tests which measure both nonverbal intellectual capacity and receptive language development. The difficulties may occur in communication involving both verbal language and sign language. The conection with psycholinguistic is In further development, there is a change in orientation and object of study of psychology. Psychology emphasizes its study on the observable aspects of humans, such as their behavior and attitudes. Bruno put forward the notion of Psychology in three interrelated parts related to the spirit, mind and behavior.
    b. Hence, a language-specific, genetically encoded UG can be ruled out, on evolutionary grounds. Instead, we argue that language is primarily a culturally evolved system, not a product of biological adaption. Psychology is the study of observable aspects of humans, such as their behavior and attitudes. In further development, there is a change in orientation and the object of study of psychology. Psychology is the science of behavior it is not just about the soul - it is also about the spirit.
    2. Because Humans have all the same organs in the mouth and throat that the other great apes have, but the larynx is in a lower position in the throat. This creates a longer pharynx, or throat cavity, which functions as a resonating and amplifying chamber for the speech sounds. Speech is produced by exhaling air from the lungs, which passes through the larynx. The voice is created by the vibration of the vocal folds in the throat when they are pulled tightly together. The different positions and movements of the articulators produce different speech sounds.

  112. Lida Maulida
    TBI 6E

    1. a. Language disorders
    Language disability caused by imperfections of the organ of hearing or speech, limited cognitive abilities and psychogenic disorders, and difficulty in processing linguistic information.
    b. Language evolution
    Language was built step by step and it was built by a population without a linguistically prewired brain. The incipient speakers did not have access to constituted language. The only linguistic material to which they had access was what they were creating. And the creating was done through two mutually fertilizing processes. The left hemisphere was solicited to produce linguistic material for the construction of a linguistic system and the production of linguistic material was consolidating the role of the left hemisphere in linguistic

    2. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Reason: Each human part has specialize task. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.
    Psycholinguistics is the study of how language influences human psychological features and how language is processed in our brains before being employed in social situations.

  113. Name: Umi Athiyah
    Nim : 181230087
    Class: 6C TBI

    1. A. Language disorders: Language disorders are a form of abnormality or disturbance in communication with an indication that the client has difficulty or loss in the symbolization process. It can also be said that a language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics.

    B. The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. Language evolution is the development of language that occurs over time in language learning. Evaluation of language learning is an attempt to interpret (interpret) the language learning process based on some assessment information. The assessment information can be in the form of measurements through tests or non-tests in language learning.

    2. The development of human language is closely related to its biological development.
    The growth of language in humans follows the schedule of genetic development so that an element of language emerges that cannot be forced very important in language acquisition is a neurological factor, namely the relationship between the human brain and language. The structure and organization of the human brain for
    provide a lamp for problems of acquisition, understanding, and use
    language. Therefore the human brain is very important in the biology of language because it can affect socialization in speech. In conclusion, social settings are important for linguistic development to produce feedback from adults to children and from people around to strangers as an important role in language development itself.

  114. Name : muzdalifah
    SRN : 181230072
    Class :6B

    1. a. Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Examples include specific language impairment, better defined as developmental language disorder, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired.

    b. Language evolution operates over many levels and time-spans: from evolution of language as a communicative system, which took place over tens or hundreds of millennia, to evolution of specific languages across generations and within speech communities. Our research aims to link the cognitive capacity of individuals and how they process language to the use of language as a public and social product in a specific cultural and ecological context. This will therefore integrate our understanding of how language works at the level of the individual with the level of the community or nation.

    2. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

    The reason : No child fails to learn a native tongue and it is mainly learned before the age of five. Children are
    not taught language formally, but they all reach the same level of proficiency in using their native tongue
    by the time schools begins. Therefore psycholinguistics approach supports the idea that language
    acquisition is innately determined and it is rewired by birth since both acquisition and improvement in
    language are a biological process. Acquiring a language requires perception skills, cognition abilities, and
    other mechanism that are related with language.
    The psycholinguistics approach focuses upon what humans know when they talk and how they
    acquire that knowledge and how that knowledge is put to use. Matlin (1994) states that the central approach
    of psycholinguistics theory is how people learn a language biologically and what transformational rules
    that enable people understand the language.

  115. Name : Esti Rahayu Pratiwi
    NIM : 181230040
    Class: TBI-6B

    1. (a) Psycholinguistics is a combined approach through psychology and linguistics for the study or the study of language knowledge, language use, language change, and the things associated with it, which is not easily achieved or approached through one of the two sciences separately or individually. (Lado, 1976:220).

    According to Van Dulm (2002:111) Psycholinguistic approach has been adopted by many linguists and clinicians. Within the field of psycholinguistics, an attempt is made to interpret the phenomena of both normal and disordered language according to models of language processing. Phenomena of language disorder is present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a spoken, written, or other symbol system.

    Language disorders are the most prevalent type of communication impairment affecting children. When professionals identify a language disorder, they do so by considering the extent to which a child's language difficulties (a) have an adverse impact on social, psychological, and educational functioning, (b) may represent a language difference (rather than a disorder), and (c) are significant enough to be considered disordered.
    (b) The interest in meaning or signification manifest in both structuralist and functionalist theory can be traced back to the influence of the birth of psychology in the mid- l 800s on the linguists of that period. The study of signification, although a preoccupation of Port-Royal grammarians, had been displaced during the early 1800s by comparative, evolutionary studies of changes in the form of language. However, through their comparative studies some linguists (e.g., Grote, 1871; Steinthal, 1881) became interested in the relationship between the language and the psychology of a given people
    (ethnopsychology). This ultimately led them to consider semantics as the bridge between an understanding of the language and of the "spirit" of a culture.

    1. 2. - The Biological Basis of Language
      The physical substrate responsible for the representation and processing of human language is the human brain; more specifically, certain portions of telencephalic cortex and possibly some subcortical structures. Though the cerebral hemisphere which is responsible for language varies in different subgroups of the adult human population, the area responsible for language is thought to be relatively circumscribed within the relevant hemisphere in the normal adult human population. The existence of a restricted neocortical area responsible for language is known as the localization of language functions; the location of this area within one telencephalic hemisphere is known as the lateralization of language functions. Many authorities believe that localization of function extends to subcomponents of a language processing mechanism, and a variety of theories of the further extent of localization of language functions has been proposed. Similarly, many workers believe that aspects of the language system can be differentially lateralized. This chapter will present a review of the concepts of localization and lateralization of language functions, focussing upon the identification of the ‘language areas’ of the brain, their internal organization with respect to language functions, and the genetic and environmental determinants of their location and internal organization.

      The.psycholinguistic.perspective seems to be 
      congruent with the idea that.there is a large innate or biological component to human language. According to the.psycholinguistic.perspective 
      the human brain possesses a language acquisition device.and language is acquired through the operation of this device and interactions with the environment. The work of the scientists and neuropsychiarrists.discussed in this.paper  certainly support many of the ideas of the psycholinguistic perspective.The.intemctionistic perspective is also congruent with the idea thatthere is a.large innate or biological component to human language, because interactionists recognizes the importance of both the learners  innate or biological abilities and the.learners linguistic environment.While the biological  foundations of language are.well documented, thelearners environment has a vital role. Research conducted by.Curtiss et al(1974).on Genie the  girl who was isolated until the age of 13, certainly.suggests that language does not  develop in a linguistic vacuum.

      -The Social Basis of Language

      Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one. Processes such as mutual gaze, when the adult and child look at the same thing, may be important in enabling the child to discover the referents of words.

  116. Nama : Nurul Azmi Agisni
    Nim : 181230071
    Kelas : TBI 6B

    1.Language disorders and language evolution
    a. Language disorders could be a disorder that involves process linguistic information. issues that will be intimate may concern descriptive linguistics syntax or morphology, semantics, or different aspects of language. These problems additionally be|is also} receptive: involving impaired understanding of language, expressive: involving language production, or a mix of the two. Examples embrace bound language disorders, higher outlined as biological process language disorders, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can have an effect on spoken and written language, and might also affect signing ; usually, all kinds of language are disturbed. Language disorders tend to manifest in two completely different ways: receptive language disorders (where an individual cannot perceive language well) and communicative language disorders (where a person is unable to speak the supposed message correctly).
    b. Language evolution
    • Features of human language
    • Evidence for a universal grammar : Language development, Language disorders, Pidgeons and creoles
    • Animal language experiments
    • Fossil evidence
    • ESS approaches to language evolution
    2. The biological aspects of language involve brain operate, age, and gender. regarding the human brain, Localization of functions. every a part of humans contains a special task, then that part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is split into 2 hemispheres, the left thinks about with analytical, time-based processing. the proper hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized within the left hemisphere. In addition, Broca' function is to supply language, and Wernicke' function is to know language. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. Social interaction starts from the primary interaction with mother, family, adults, alternative people, and also the environment. Therefore, for effective learning to require place in an exceedingly social setting. Social interaction is additionally required in language acquisition to support psychological feature development. The social context contains a young woman (Language Acquisition Socialization System) function. In short, social settings are important for linguistic development to produce feedback from adults to youngsters as an important role in development.

  117. Name : Adha Muthia Rahmah
    Class : TB 6C
    NIM : 181230107
    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Which is Psychological theorists explain the processes that take place in the human brain as long as one generates and understands language. Perceptions of language include listening and reading activities, while language production includes periodic speaking and writing activities in acquisition language
    2. because from any reasonable measure, we are a spectacularly successful species. An obvious candidate is the fact that we are able to share and accumulate knowledge. Our understanding of the world, and consequently our ability to shape that world, is not limited to the knowledge and skills which we can acquire in our own lifetimes. Specifically in psycholinguistic involves that language has a set of structural design features such as duality of patterning. that allow us to generalise from instances of language use that we have observed to novel instances. For example, it is the fact that language exhibits duality of patterning that means we can construct a large meaningful vocabulary from recombination and reuse of a relatively small collection of meaningless elements. Similarly, we can recombine and reuse these words in novel sequences to construct phrases whose meanings are composed of the meanings of their parts.

    181230092 / TBI 6C
    Individual work

    1. Describe the following terms’ connection with psycholinguistics
    a. Language disorders
    - A language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics. Language disorders are generally traced through language development that begins in childhood to adulthood. This is because language development is one of the factors that affect communication and social communication functions according to experts. Therefore, the language disorder experienced by a person can have an impact on his social communication skills or social communication disorders.
    b. Language evolution
    - Judging from the history of science, there is only 1, namely A, and that science has developed into several sub-disciplines which are then independent as separate disciplines, for example B, C, D, E. B develops, C develops, D develops and so on into H, I, J, K and so on. In the 19th century, in western countries, there have been many psychologists who studied in depth language and the phenomenon of its use. On the other hand, I am also a linguist who studies psychology so that the understanding of language as an object of study gets better, the thoughts of the experts then meet at a point, namely that language can be used as an object of joint study, of course with different perspectives. Linguistics contributes in the form of thinking related to mental processes that occur when people use language.

    2. Why does individual have a biological and social basis of language? Give some reasons and
    how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics?
    - A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggests that the basic template for all human language is embedded in our genes. because If a child is not surrounded by people who speak language, the child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort or even they don't know how to communicate.

    In addition Psycholinguistic theory has explained the mental processes that occur in the human brain as long as a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes listening and reading activities, while language production includes speaking and writing activities.

  119. Shafira Rizky Maulidya
    181230108 / TBI 6C

    1. a. Language disorders are also known as a speech development disorder and expressive language. Abnormalities or disorders language is a type of disorder in communication with indication someone has an internal disorder symbolic process. This causes people with language disorders not be able to communicate with others perfectly. Language disorders can occur if a person's communication deviates too far from the language used in general. The causes of language disorders are medical factors such as the lack of functioning of the central nervous system caused by injuries or bruises, physiological conditions such as the condition of the hearing organs and speech organs whether they are able to carry out their functions to support fluency in language or communication, the last cause is environmental conditions that should create a situation conducive to making a positive contribution to the development of language and communication skills. Language disorder is one of the discussions in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics one applies basic patterns in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, a person's ability to speak can be affected by mental or psychological symptoms.

    b. The evolution of language is the development of language from early pre-linguistic systems during the course of human evolution. Some scholars view language as the beginning of cognitive development to serve the communicative purposes that followed later in human evolution

    2. Because language has three main functions, namely the ideational function, interpersonal, and textual functions. These three functions are called metafunctional, and the three functions represent a different reality different. Under the ideational function, language is used for express the physical-biological reality as well as with regard to interpretation and representation of experience. Under the interpersonal function, language used to express social reality and relate to interaction between speaker/writer and listener/reader. In addition, language is a construction of reality physical/biological reality, social reality, and symbolic reality, which together become the foundation upon which the ideational, interpersonal, and textual work. In physical/biological reality, language is used to report the content or intent as a result of observations made by speaker/writer. The thing that was reported was whatever was inside and around the speaker/writer. In social reality, language used to perform the role performed by the speaker/writer to listeners/readers. This role can be seen in the fact that Language is a tool for establishing and at the same time establishing relationships social.

  120. Rosila Septiani
    TBI 6C

    1a. Language disorder is the illness that cause the patient lost some neural function in using or producing language in general. Actually it has a relation to the psycholinguistic, as we know that psycholinguistic is the discipline of knowledge that discuss about how is the way of human language production related to his mental condition. According to Matthew J.Trakler he said that psycholinguistic is the knowledge that discuss about mental and neural process as well as behaviors associated with language. From here we got the relation both of them, language disorder is some matter that have to be discussed in psycholinguistic because it talks about the weakness of neural or peace in human brain that have specific function in language ability and of course it affects the production of human’s language as the core of psycholinguistic material.
    b. Language evolution is happen equal as the human growth, in the other words human ability to utilize language is improving in the same time with their maturity because when human growth they could think and understand more complex and efficient , beside it they get many effect from external such as their family, community, school. That could improve their language naturally trough their life habits. this concept is suitable with psycholinguistic that point out the language production associated with human’s mental or neural ability.
    2. Human has a biological basis of language because human brain is designed as the tool in language use that consist of three parts are Broca that contain neurons in motor speech function, Wernicke area aids in comprehension of speech, and arcuate fasciculus area to connect language relevant parts of the brain. Therefor human has natural skill in language acquisition supported by brain function for thinking and control most of process in human’s body. In the other side social basis appears based on human natural action that called “ zoon politicon” or we can say human is the creature that lives in community or population. Of course when creature lives together they influence each other and always there are interactions among people it process definitely support the language use and acquisition. Both of that things involve in the context of psycholinguistic trough some content like the understanding of language itself, how to correct the errors of language use, getting solution of the obstacles in L2 understanding by considering human’s mental condition, knowing language disorder, and soon.

  121. Annisa Nabila Rizqa
    181230047 (TBI 6B)

    A.) Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics. Language disorders can hinder a person in language. One of the language disorders is the language disorder in autism. Autism or also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that continues to affect a person's abilities in communicating and interacting with the people around them (American Psychiatric Association 1994). This disorder can affect the ability someone in language, because people with autism can't even say a single word at the age of one. Language disorders in autism can be treated with various communication therapies and other supportive therapies so that it can improve language skills for sufferers. Through In psycholinguistic studies, various mental and psychological symptoms can be identified experienced by people with autism related to language disorders and various treatment that can be done to develop their ability to communicate with the environment.
    B.) Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.

    2. Every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth, every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth.

  122. Name : Yasmin Aulia Mumtaz
    Nim : 181230018
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. a. The function of brain and good speech organ will make easy to communicate well. But, they who have the impairment of brain function and speech; definitely it has been difficulty to produce the language, either receptive or productive. It is known as language disorder. Linguistically, language disorder is “inability of acquiring and processing the information”. They point to two failures both acquiring and processing the information which can affect his basic language skills while communing with others. Language disorder is inability of acquiring and processing linguistic information. language disorder can be divided into two categories; First, language disorder which
    is developed. It means that the disorder which is caused by deviation which is acquired since newborn. Some children, they get difficulties in their language acquisition because of deviation of development. Second, language disorder which is acquired, it means that the disorder is cause by something impaired after operation, stroke, getting an accident, or aging. Language disorders are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language, and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired.

    b. Evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms. Meanwhile, psycholinguistics focuses primarily on language acquisition about how our brain acquires language and understands it. So, the connection between language evolution and psycholinguistics is cognitive influence in language acquisition.

    2. The biological basis of language involve brain function, age, and gender. While the social basis of language is social interaction that has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. The process of language acquisition involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects.

  123. Name : Fitri Hoyrun Nisa
    NIM : 181230178
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. a. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. Many people think maybe it has something to do with speech. But a true language disorder can be defined as difficulty using and understanding spoken language. The relationship between language disorders and psycholinguistics is because psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech, especially with regard to the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. For this reason, language disorders are one of the things discussed in psycholinguistics.

    b. The evolution of language includes the question of how language evolved over time in the world from ancient times to the present. The point is the acquisition of a language that undergoes evolution and is interrelated with changes in biological and cultural factors to complement the language itself. The evolution of language occurs because society tries to adapt to new needs, circumstances and conditions that arise in line with the growth of society. Therefore, the changes that occur through the evolution of language occur naturally, without any particular plan or will.

    2. Because every individual already has the memory to absorb every word and language since childhood. In addition, language in its development is influenced by biological and environmental factors, either alone or together. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. Language development requires social involvement as well as a child's natural tendency to learn language. The existence of parents, teachers and other adults means a lot to children's language development. The relationship with psycholinguistics is because psycholinguistics discusses a language though, for that it can be related.

  124. Name: Sepri Baihaqi
    NIM : 181230176
    Class: TBI 6E

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). can be defined as difficulty using and understanding spoken language. Because psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language, it is related with this disorder.
    Communication disorders have a strong genetic component, and individuals with language disorder are more likely to have family members with a history of language impairment. Language disorder is also strongly associated with other neurodevelopmental disorders, such as specific learning disorder (literacy and numeracy), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and developmental coordination disorder.
    The treatment for language disorder primarily consists of speech and language therapy in order to improve expressive and receptive language skills. Psychotherapy can also be a helpful tool to manage the emotional and behavioral issues that may arise in children with language disorder.

    B). Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. Languages evolve due to social, cultural, and cognitive influences. The origin of language must consider the psycholinguistic factors and understanding the biological evolution of the human language capacity may not be enough to understand how we got the language. Language evolution is happening now, all around us. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms.

    2. A). Biological Basis od Language
    The physical substrate responsible for the representation and processing of human language is the human brain. Though the cerebral hemisphere which is responsible for language varies in different subgroups of the adult human population, the area responsible for language is thought to be relatively circumscribed within the relevant hemisphere in the normal adult human population. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. The process of language acquisition involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects.

    B). Social Basis of Language
    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation.

  125. Kartika Chandra Kirana
    TBI 6C
    1. a. Language disorders are often also called
    as a speech development disorder and
    expressive language. Abnormalities or disorders
    language is a type of disorder
    in communication with indication
    someone has an internal disorder
    symbolic process. This trouble
    make someone unable
    to give a symbol or emblem
    accepted and vice versa unable
    change the concept of understanding to
    symbols that can be understood by
    other people. If someone can't
    communicate with each other
    perfect, they can be said
    have a language disorder or disability. Language disorder is a form of abnormality or disturbance in communication with an indication that the client has difficulty or loss in the symbolization process.
    Language disorders generally consist of receptive language disorders and expressive language disorders. A child with a language disorder will have difficulty understanding the meaning of what is said (receptive language problems). Or he may have difficulty communicating his own thoughts (expressive language problems).
    Imagine a child who has good pronunciation and can pronounce words correctly. However, he may have poor language, which is difficulty putting words together to express himself or difficulty understanding what is being said to him.
    b. Language evaluation is a measurement of a person's communication skills. This is done to find out if someone has a communication problem. The evaluation was carried out by a speech language doctor. Speech language doctors collect information by asking questions about your child and testing the child. assessment of communication function to determine if there is a speech-language disorder that affects the individual's functioning for the home, school, or community. While there are specific areas to examine, these tests are highly individualized.
    2. Biological links in language have a long history, starting from unicellular organisms to primates to humans. The uniqueness that lies in the genetic similarity between humans and apes shows the Creator's extraordinary power
    ordinary. With this blessing, humans are faced with possibilities
    that one day along with the development of technology and science
    there may be new discoveries that show the abilities of other creatures
    equal to humans, when this happens then what truly distinguishes the human race from the rest. In psycholinguistics, the stages
    language acquisition in children is very important because it is not only a matter of language
    At this stage the child also learns about his world. Therefore, attention and pattern
    Parental care plays a big role in the success of children at this stage. And in the social form of humans, it is their destiny to socialize with each other in order to develop their language.

    NIM : 181230153
    CLASS : TBI 6 D
    1.- Language disorder is a condition that make a child disablilty to develop or produce a language. First cause because of biological, genetics. Second cognitive, disability in process of phonology and memory. And last causes environment, low education. There are 3 of language disorder :

    1. expressive language disorder: disability to formulate an idea or use words and sentences
    2. receptive language disorder : disability to understand a sentences
    3. combination of expressive and receptive

    -language evolution is applying of evolutionary theory to the study of language and the process of transformation form of language in long term and it develop naturally.

    2.Psycholinguistics also learn about mind, behavior and linguistics that every human have it except they who has disability in language. Every human already have abilty to produce a language that unite with brain process and culture also come from environment. And as we know human is social creature that need each other to communicate

  127. Name : Siti Anugrah Muharomah
    SRN : 181230010
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. a. Within the field of psycholinguistics, an attempt is made to interpret the phenomena of both normal and disordered language according to models of language processing. Phenomena of language disorder is present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a spoken, written, or other symbol system
    b. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. Thus, language could evolve from a rudimentary set of culturally transmitted signals, impoverished vocalisations or manual gestures to symbolic words and grammar via selective genetic adaptation, given the relative social utility of such communication, Cultural evolution leads to the adaptation of a universal grammar.

    2. - Because A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.
    - Because The neurobiological bases of three linguistic subsystems have been studied, specifically phonology (sound system of the language), semantics (vocabulary and word meanings), and syntax (grammar). This research shows that brain responses to language at early ages are predictive of later language proficiency.
    - Because Languages and variations within languages play both a unifying and a diversifying role in human society as a whole. Language is a part of culture, but culture is a complex totality containing many different features, and the boundaries between cultural features are not clear-cut, nor do they all coincide.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. Eva alawiyah
    Tbi 6c

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    1.b. The application of evolutionary theory to the study of language is known as language evolution. Biological evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of alleles in populations through time. Cultural evolution is the change in the frequency of cultural variants in a population over time, whereas biological evolution is the change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time.

    2. biological : Brain function, age, and sex all play a role in the biological aspect of language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, with the left hemisphere being responsible for analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is preoccupied with spatially based, holistic processing. The left hemispheres are responsible for language.
    Broca also has the ability to make language, while Wernicke has the ability to understand it. Language competency is also influenced by gender; girls have stronger verbal ability than boys, but boys perform better in mathematics and spatial tasks (Kolb & Whishaw, 1996).

    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment.
    As a result, successful language learning requires a social setting. In order to facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. LASS has a social function setting (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  130. Name   : Miftah Nur Falah (181230161)
    Class    : TBI 6-E
    Subject : Psycholinguistic

    1. A. Psycholinguistic Relationships in Language Acquisition and Learning. We can learn about students' attitudes and behavior in acquiring and learning languagethrough psychology, and we can learn aboutlanguage concepts and structures throgh linguistics. Language disorders can arise as a result of children with autism's difficulties in learning and absorbing the languages that exist in their surroundings.One of the research in psycholinguistics is autism language dysfunction. Basic patterns in language acquisition are applied by psycholinguistics. Mental or psychological problems that impair a person's capacity to communicate can be discovered throughout the language learning process.

    B. evolution in the context of language. “Human language depends on special developments in the outer layers of the brain (the cerebral cortex). One of them is lateralization, or the creation of two hemispheres of the brain that complement each other. However human language developed, it is clear that there has been a shift in the control of communication by the limbic system of the evolutionarily old brain. The reason why humans can talk so easily is that an extensive biological basis has evolved that makes such learning endeavors easy and almost inevitable.
    Perhaps the most important implication, particularly for our understanding of human social life, is that the process of thinking, the use of concepts, is a separate gift from etiquette to language and is much older. “Symbolic behavior generally has nothing to do with language, but is a normal function of the mammalian brain."

    2. ● Social interaction has an impact on language learning and development in social basic language. It serves as a context when a certain utterance is effectively transmitted, as well as a way to create words, phrases, and sentences in a real-life situation. Because language is a socially significant circumstance, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. In brief, social settings are crucial for linguistic development because they provide feedback from adults to youngsters.
    ● The Biological Base: HumansLanguage in humans is clearly dependent on their society in which they could learn it with other people, other humans to speak to, to be motivated emotionally and to be intelligence who beings physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up Human are among people who speak to them.

  131. Syelvina Apriliani
    TBI 6 C

    1). a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Language disorder is present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a spoken, written, or other symbol system. People with language disorder have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder, formerly known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in young children.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants. According to the argument of language evolution as a gradual adaption in human society from genetic assimilation and culturalization, the underlying genetic substrate of language enables a Universal Grammar, which is a set of grammatical principles that applies across all human languages.

    2). A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort. The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    How do people involve in context of psycholinguistics is because psycholinguistics is the study of human language processing, involving a range of abilities, from cognition to sensorimotor activity, that are recruited to the service of a complex set of communicative functions. One example that we can encounter in our daily life is learning to ride a bicycle. The first time, a person has not been able to ride or ride a bicycle. The person learns to pedal his bicycle. Even though at first he fell, but he still tried to try to practice riding a bicycle.

  132. Sekar Septiani
    TBI 6 D

    1. Correlation these terms with psycholinguistics
    a. Language Disorders, Psycholinguistics is a study of mental processes in language use. Where psycholinguistics describes psychological processes when someone says sentences that have been heard or in other words psycholinguistics are psychological processes that affect a person's language skills. In psycholinguistics, there is a branch of linguistics, namely macro linguistics which discusses the study of disorders in language. Psycholinguistics discusses several kinds of language disorders such as dyslexia, anomia, aphasia, alexia, and autism. Therefore, psycholinguistics is related to language disorder.

    b. Language Evolution, Language evolution is a process of changing the form of language over a long period of time, where language changes and develops naturally from its original form to its final form which has adapted to the development and changes in the patterns and life systems of the speaking community, this results in the language being varied. Language evolution occurs across generations and within language communities. Language changes and developments occur because of a cultural acculturation marked by the process of moving language speakers from one environment to another, because this is what results in the emergence of new dialects, the creation of new words, or even changes in syntactic structures. In line with Lado's statement (1976) which states that Psycholinguistics is a combined approach through psychology and linguistics for the study or study of language knowledge, language in use, language change, and matters related to it, which are not easily achieved or approached through either one of the two sciences separately or separately. So it can be proven that psycholinguistics is related to language evolution.

    2. Language is a system of words or signs that people use to express their thoughts and feelings to one another. Every individual has a biological basis because humans are born with four language skills such as listening, writing, reading, and speaking or in other words humans are born with language acquisition tools that can be used so that someone can understand language. It also includes the social basis of language where there are factors why human language in humans clearly depends on the society where they can learn it with other people, other humans to talk to, to be emotionally motivated and become intelligent. Humans who are physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up among the people with whom they speak. Different social environment will greatly affect the development of one's communication.

  133. Name : Rahmah Antika Zahraa
    NIM: 181230181
    Class: TBI 6E

    1. A. Language disorders is a correspondence issue portrayed by steady troubles in the procurement and utilization of language. These challenges can incorporate issues preparing a scope of various types of etymological data, including vocabulary, sentence construction, and discourse.

    B. Evolution of language is the continuous change in human language over the long run. It includes the beginning and dissimilarity of dialects and language families, and can be considered similar to organic development, in spite of the fact that it doesn't really happen through similar instruments.

    2. - According to The nativist hypothesis, otherwise called the organic hypothesis, holds that language is inherently gotten from a progression of hereditarily customized structures. A critical presumption of this hypothesis is that youngsters are brought into the world with certain natural language procurement structures.

    - The Social of Language is correspondence is fruitful if the speaker is interpreted as meaning what he needs to be interpreted as meaning. What is required is definitely not a bunch of shared guidelines yet that speaker and audience have the option to associate the speaker's reactions with the event of a common boost in their normal world.

  134. Name: Annisa Riyana Hamdani
    NIM : 181230078
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. Psycholinguistic relationship with language disorders and language evolution;
    a). Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language. Language Disorders or we can say Language conditions, often known as language impairments, are disorders that affect how linguistic information is processed.

    The cause of language disorders usually occurs due to health problems or disabilities, namely brain disorders, brain tumors. Furthermore, it can occur due to problems in pregnancy or birth such as poor nutrition or premature birth. Then, it can happen because of heredity.

    b). Language evalution, also known as Darwinian linguistics, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Evolutionary linguists view linguistics to be a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology. This strategy is used in evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics. Because it studies languages as natural products, it is interested in their biological origins and development. Evolutionary linguistics is pitted against humanistic techniques, particularly structural linguistics.

    2. The reason related to the basis of biological is because the human biological basis, namely communication, is a basic human biological need. Humans as a social language. And every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time. Also, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language.

  135. Ade Irma Suryani
    TBI 6D

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication condition in which a person has chronic problems learning and using different types of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). This disorder affects people's ability to grasp and produce language, sentence structure, and conversation. People with language disorders usually have a poor knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, which limits their ability to engage in conversation.
    B. Language evolution is a long-term process in which a language evolves and develops spontaneously from its initial form to its ultimate form, which has adapted to changes in the patterns and living systems of the speaking society, resulting in a variety of languages. Within linguistic groups and over generations, language evolves. Language changes and developments occur as a consequence of cultural acculturation, which is defined as the process of shifting language speakers from one context to another and resulting in the formation of new dialects, the production of new words, and even changes in syntactic structures.

    2. Language is an arrangement of words or signs that individuals use to communicate their considerations and sentiments to each other. Each individual has an organic premise since people are brought into the world with four language abilities like tuning, recorded as a hard copy, perusing, and talking or all in all people are brought into the world with language obtaining instruments that can be utilized so somebody can get language. It likewise incorporates the social premise of language where there are factors why human language in people unmistakably relies upon the general public where they can learn it with others, different people to converse with, to be sincerely propelled and get savvy. People who are physiologically and mentally unblemished will secure the language of everyone around them in the event that they grow up among individuals with whom they talk. Diverse social climate will significantly influence the improvement of one's correspondence. Because social contact has an impact on language acquisition and development, every individual must understand the social basis of language. Because language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional and social loss. Family, adults, other people, and the environment all have a role in social interaction.

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. Name:Dita Aurellia
    NIM: 181230185
    Class: TBI VI E

    1. Language Disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    Linguistic language disorder was one of the focus discussions in psycholinguistics. Psychoolinguistics describes the psychological processes in which a person speaks sentences that he hears in communication, and how the linguistic abilities are acquired by humans.

    B. Language Evaluation is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.

    2. Biological
    The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    Sex also influence of language competence, Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task. But to finding the different where the brain is difficult, it tend to cultural factors than biological causes. Based on X-ray showed that in the use of interruption, men do more than women, and women are more likely to be interrupted than men. It showed on a narrow beam the brain.

    A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.

    Language is mostly used in a social setting. We use it to communicate with others. We depend on others when learning language, and we constantly borrow one another's uses of expression. Language helps us perform various social functions, and many of its uses have become institutionalized.

    The social function of language refers to the way we relate language to our relationships with other people. The cultural function of language is that language serves to pass on and shape culture, and culture shapes language in return.

    Language a social factors (Language is par excellence a social phenomenon. Language cannot arise unless there are social groups. While society is a necessary condition for the origin of language, it is not a sufficient condition for it, as will be evident from non-human societies which have no language).

    -Psycholinguistics is concerned with the cognitive faculties and processes that are necessary to produce the grammatical constructions of language. It is also concerned with the perception of these constructions by a listener.

    Initial forays into psycholinguistics were in the philosophical and educational fields, due mainly to their location in departments other than applied sciences (e.g., cohesive data on how the human brain functioned). Modern research makes use of biology, neuroscience, cognitive science, linguistics, and information science to study how the mind-brain processes language, and less so the known processes of social sciences, human development, communication theories, and infant development, among others.

  138. Mia Amelia Serapati
    TBI 6E
    a. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    What's language disorder? People with language disorder have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder, formerly known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in young children
    b. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language.
    2. Human language is unique because it is generative, recursive, and has displacement.
    Biological Creatures

    Humans are called biological creatures for having a body that can do physical, grow and thrive, requires food, reproduce, and so on. The essence of humans as biological creatures can end and experience death

  139. Agits Fikri Mumtazi
    TBI 6E

    a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language. Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation. Children with language disorder will typically be delayed in learning or speaking their first words and phrases. When they do speak, their sentences are shorter and less complex than would be expected for their age. Language disorders aren't caused by a lack of intelligence. People who have them are just as intelligent as the rest of us.

    b. language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician. The range of communication problems observed in children of different ages is great, and the need to assess and provide appropriate therapies for such children is increasing by large proportions. A practical model of language function and human communication emphasizes the developmental sequence of language abilities.

    2. Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time. Also, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. Every individual have to social basis of language because social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It also involve emotional and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation.

  140. Nama : Asriati
    Nim : 181230106
    Kelas : TBI 6C

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.

    Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. ... If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants. Evolutionary linguistics encompasses the origins of language, the change within and across different languages, and the acquisition of language and languages by children and adults (Gong, Shuai, & Zhang, 2014).

    2.Because each individual born is undoubtedly equipped with a language enrichment tool, a biological union that allows them to detect certain language categories and grammatical abilities that are brought from birth. Humans are always biologically bound to learn language at any given time.

  141. Name : Liana Pristia Sianturi
    NIM : 181230174
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder, namely someone who has learning difficulties that continue (continuously) using various forms of language, namely written, spoken, and sign language.
    Children with language disorder usually have delays in learning or have difficulty pronouncing a word in their first phrase. When they do speak, the sentences they speak tend to be fewer and less complex than would be expected at their age. Children who suffer from language disorders are also often wrong in using correct grammar and also have limited vocabulary.

    b. The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. in the evolution of language there are two important things in which these two things are intertwined in the evolution of language. The first is biological evolution, the second is cultural evolution.
    biological evolution is the change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, whereas cultural evolution is the change in the frequency of cultural variants. By culture we mean socially inherited traits, not genetics. Natural hair color comes from genetics; dyed hair is a culture. The dividing line isn't always this clear – biology and culture interact and evolve together in interesting ways. Gait, for example, is – like language – the product of complex cultural and biological constraints. Lactose tolerance is a well-known case of interaction between biological evolution and cultural evolution in food and livestock practices. (In fact, the spread of pastoralism, and other non-linguistic cultural practices, can play an important role in the spread of language.) So just as biological evolution shapes us to fit our environment, cultural evolution shapes language to suit us. And, as with biological evolution, both deviation and selection play an important role.
    Why does the cultural evolution of language matter? There are two reasons. The first is that understanding the biological evolution of the human language capacity may not be enough to understand how we got from there (non-linguistic chimps) to here (humans with thousands of complex languages); there is a growing field of work suggesting that the gap between modern human brains and modern human languages needs to be bridged by culture. Understanding this better is about better understanding what it means to be human. The second reason is that language evolution is happening now, all around us. Penn has long been leading the way in investigating this process; understanding it better helps us better understand how our world works.

    2. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language. Gender also affects language competence. Girls have greater verbal abilities than boys, but boys are better at math and spatial tasks and social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children. children as an important role in development. It also has the role of facilitating the task of learning grammar instantly, usually parents repeat more imprecise utterances than well formed ones.

  142. Nama : Maria Ulfah El Rahman
    NIM : 181230182
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language. Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation. Children with language disorder will typically be delayed in learning or speaking their first words and phrases. When they do speak, their sentences are shorter and less complex than would be expected for their age. Language disorders aren't caused by a lack of intelligence. People who have them are just as intelligent as the rest of us.

    2. Language is an arrangement of words or signs that individuals use to communicate their considerations and sentiments to each other. Each individual has an organic premise since people are brought into the world with four language abilities like tuning, recorded as a hard copy, perusing, and talking or all in all people are brought into the world with language obtaining instruments that can be utilized so somebody can get language. It likewise incorporates the social premise of language where there are factors why human language in people unmistakably relies upon the general public where they can learn it with others, different people to converse with, to be sincerely propelled and get savvy. People who are physiologically and mentally unblemished will secure the language of everyone around them in the event that they grow up among individuals with whom they talk. Diverse social climate will significantly influence the improvement of one's correspondence. Because social contact has an impact on language acquisition and development, every individual must understand the social basis of language. Because language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional and social loss. Family, adults, other people, and the environment all have a role in social interaction.

  143. Dzakiyatun Naqia
    181230101 6/C

    1. A. People with language disorder have difficulty expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder, formerly known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in young children.
    Within the field of psycholinguistics, an attempt is made to interpret the phenomena of both normal and disordered language according to models of language processing. Phenomena of language disorder is present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a spoken, written, or other symbol system.

    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. ... If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    In evolutionary linguistics, language emergence is the process from essentially no language to a language having features resembling those in modern languages. To be specific, this term has two distinct senses: (i) ontogenetically, it refers to language acquisition; (ii) phylogenetically, it refers to language origin.

    2. Individual needs a biological basis of language because, A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.
    And the social function of language is that it helps us communicate in socially acceptable ways with different groups of people or individuals, even if we're trying to say the same thing to all of them.

  144. Desita Rina Ramdhani
    TBI 6C

    a. A language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics. Language disorders are generally traced through language development that begins in childhood to adulthood. This is because language development is one of the factors that affect communication and social communication functions according to experts. Therefore, language disorders experienced by a person can have an impact on their social communication skills or social communication disorders.
    As for which includes language disorders in communication are as follows:
    • Aphasia
    Aphasia is a language disorder that affects the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read and write.
    • Agnosia
    Agnosia is a language disorder caused by an inability to process sensory information.
    • Spoken language disorders
    Oral language disorder or spoken language disorder is a language disorder in terms of acquiring and using language as a means of communication through various modes such as speech, sign language, or both.
    • Specific language disorders
    Specific language disorders occur when a child's language does not develop normally, is delayed, or disorganized for no apparent reason.

    b. Steinberg (1982:149-157) describes three stages in language acquisition, namely (1) naming and holophrasis, (2) telegraphic, and (3) transformational and morphemic. This stage of language acquisition is closely related to linguistic performance. Atchison (1976) describes the relationship between the stages of language acquisition and linguistic performance as follows.
    The stage of language acquisition or language development of children is seen from the rules of language including phonological, semantic, and syntactic components. The development of children's phonology includes the development of phonetics, phonemics, and phonotactics. The fingering stage, for example, is an activity for children to (a) adapt the sounds they hear to what they have inherited, (b) pronounce vowel sounds as a statement of pleasure, (c) look for possible contrastive sounds. Semantic development shows children's language functionally. Children begin to recognize denotative meanings to connotative meanings. In semantic development, the number of children's vocabulary is found according to their age development.

    2. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, namely biological bonds that allow children to detect certain language categories and is a grammatical ability that is innate from birth that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way.
    Social forces urge people to develop abstract reasoning and create economic systems for communicating with others. Language development requires social involvement as well as a child's natural tendency to learn language. The existence of parents, teachers and other adults means a lot to children's language development. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development.
    ) Social interaction and language development Recently it has become increasingly clear that language functions are well developed outside of cognitive thought and memory structures. Here it appears that social constructivists emphasize the functional perspective. Language is essentially used for interactive communication

  145. Winah Nurbaini Anisa 181230100
    Tbi 6c

    language disorder is a disorder that involves language processing. Language processing itself is one of the important components in social communication according to experts in addition to social interaction, social cognition, and pragmatics. Language disorders are generally traced through language development that begins in childhood to adulthood. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    A.Social psycholinguistics is often also referred to as speaking psychosociolinguistics
    about the social aspects of language, for example, language attitudes, cultural acculturation,
    culture shock, social distancing, cultural critical period, language exposure, education,
    length of education, and so on.
    B. Biology talks about the relationship between language and the human brain.
    For example, which side of the brain is related to language skills?
    What nerves are damaged when a person is affected by Broca's aphasia and nerves?
    Which one is damaged by Wernicke's aphasia? Is that language really?
    lateralized? When does lateralization occur? Is that critical period really
    related to the flexibility of the nerves of the brain.

  146. Nama : Sulthon Aulia Syah Alam
    Nim: 181230188
    Kelas : TBI 6E
    Mata Pelajaran : Psikolinguistik 

    1.Salah Satu gangguan bahasa atau disabilitas dialek dapat berupa gangguan yang mencakup penanganan data etimologis. Masalah yang akan dialami dapat menyangkut struktur bahasa (struktur kalimat dan/atau morfologi), semantik (makna), atau sudut pandang dialek lainnya. Isu-isu ini mungkin terbuka (termasuk pemahaman dialek yang terhambat), ekspresif (termasuk generasi dialek), atau kombinasi keduanya. Ilustrasi-ilustrasi menggabungkan disranranges dialek tertentu, superior dicirikan sebagai disarranges dialek formatif, dan afasia, antara lain. Kekacauan dialek dapat mempengaruhi dialek lisan dan komposisi, [1] dan lebih jauh lagi dapat mempengaruhi dialek tanda ; lebih sering daripada tidak, semua bentuk dialek akan menjengkelkan. Kekacauan dialek pada seorang anak disebabkan oleh variasi dari norma dalam wilayah dialek yang relevan yang mendasari dialek. Misalnya, pragmatik impedansi dialek, khususnya kesulitan penggunaan dialek dalam setting yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak dengan introver ekstrim atau individu dengan disabilitas mental 

    . Yang Disebut Evolusi bahasa adalah penerapan hipotesis kemajuan pada pemikiran dialek.Pengamanan dialek dapat diperoleh sejak lahir dan harus diteruskan oleh wali pada masa kanak-kanak. Dengan kata lain, ada anak yang memiliki kemampuan dialek yang bawaan sejak lahir, tetapi ada juga yang dikembangkan baik dalam lingkungan keluarga maupun lingkungan sekolah. Hal ini terlihat pada anak kembar yang pengadaan dialeknya, terutama perbaikan morfologinya, diikuti selama satu bulan. Untuk mengembangkan dan memajukan atau memang membuat kemampuan dialek anak, wali membutuhkan cara mengajar anak yang sesuai dengan tingkat kapasitas dialek dan pengadaan dan peningkatan bahasa anak. 

    2. Perkembangan bahasa manusia erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan biologisnya.
    Pertumbuhan bahasa pada manusia mengikuti jadwal perkembangan genetik sehingga muncul unsur bahasa yang tidak dapat dipaksakan yang sangat penting dalam pemerolehan bahasa adalah faktor neurologis yaitu hubungan antara otak manusia dengan bahasa. Struktur dan organisasi otak manusia untuk 
    menyediakan lampu untuk masalah akuisisi, pemahaman, dan penggunaan 
    bahasa. Oleh karena itu otak manusia sangat penting dalam biologi bahasa karena dapat mempengaruhi sosialisasi dalam berbicara.Kesimpulannya, setting sosial penting bagi perkembangan linguistik untuk menghasilkan umpan balik dari orang dewasa kepada anak-anak dan dari orang-orang sekitar kepada orang asing sebagai peran penting dalam perkembangan bahasa itu sendiri.

  147. Name: Susilawati
    Nim : 181230165
    Class: TBI 6 E

    1. a. A language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language skills that are well below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings.

    Relation to psycholinguistics is which studies the relationship between language, behavior, and human reason.

    Children's development in language acquisition varies from one another.

    b. The evolution of language started from linguistic monogenesis called proto-humans and from there all the vowels in the language were derived.

    2. - Individuals have a biological basis in language because,
    first, humans need to maintain their survival,
    Second, need to adapt to their environment.
    based on biology, explains the behavior of human language, examines the role of the left and right brain. -Individuals have a social basis for language because they communicate directly with the surrounding community with the variety of languages ​​used. Both are involved in a psycholinguistic context because language acquisition is of biological and social origin.

  148. Name :Radhika Putri Febriyadi
    SRN :181230031
    Class :TBI 6A

    1.(a) Language disorder occurs when an individual exhibit impaired comprehension or expression of spoken, written, and other symbol systems. People with language disorder have a problem in their daily conversation and have limitation to communicate. The sufferers do not know how to share the ideas and also being polite to others. The phenomena of language disorder can be found from the patient of Broca Aphasia (stroke patient) and autistic people who are more related to mental disorder.

    (b) language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician.

    2. Because the biological aspect of language involve brain functionage. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.

    Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System). In short, social setting are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adult to children as vital role in development. It also has role to facilities the task of learning grammar for instant usually parent repeat more ill-formed utterances than well-formed one.

  149. Name: Robiatul Adawiah
    NIM : 181230192
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. A. Causes of language disorders is very many and wide, all disturbances ranging from the process of hearing, transmission of impulses to the brain, brain, muscles or sound-producing organs. Some research indicate the cause of speech disorders is a dominant hemisphere disorder. According to the quoted Efendi Nurhidayati, et al (2013:4) there are several cause of disturbance or delay talk is as follows.
    medical factors, physiological conditions, environmental conditions. Treatment of speech disorders begins with patient identification (Literature, 2011:30) such as, medical history, ability speaking, listening skills, cognitive abilities, and abilities communicate. Then handling proceed with the diagnosis of the disorder experienced by the patient. After the results of the diagnosis obtained, then the appropriate therapy is applied right for the patient.

    Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language.
    Language disorder, formerly known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in young children. Language disorder is often noticed in childhood first. Your child may overuse “um” and “uh” because they cannot recall the right word.
    Other symptoms include:
    reduced vocabulary in comparison to other children of the same age
    limited ability to form sentences
    impaired ability to use words and connect sentences to explain or describe something
    reduced ability to have a conversation
    There are three main types of language disorder:
    1. Expressive language disorder
    2. Receptive language disorder
    3. Mixed receptive-expressive language issues

    Treatment of language disorders begins with patient identification (Literature, 2011:30) such as, medical history, ability speaking, listening skills, cognitive abilities, and abilities communicate. Then handling proceed with the diagnosis of the disorder experienced by the patient. After the results of the diagnosis obtained, then the appropriate therapy is applied right for the patient.

    B. language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done
    to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician.
    The evaluation language clinician gathers information by asking questions about your child and testing
    the child. Depending upon the age and attention span of the child, the evaluation may be completed in one session. Or, it may be spread over several sessions. The length of the evaluation will vary
    with the amount of testing that needs to be done.

    2. Language is considered a social product or cultural product, even a part which cannot be separated from culture. As a social product and culture, of course, language is a place for social aspirations, activities and behavior society, a forum for cultural expression, including the technology created the language-speaking community as his creations and works. Language in time certain acts as a container for what occurs in society (Sumarsono, 2007: 20). This is the reason why from childhood he has understood the language he is learning, because he is already used to the environment and then the language is applied in everyday life. The reason is because when they start talking, that's where the process of speaking and thinking is going. he thinks about what should be issued in issuing speech using polite and effective language so that it is easily understood by the other person. That's where the role of the brain runs between psycholinguistics and language.

  150. Anggi Maulidya
    181230081/ 6C
    Final test of psycholinguistic

    1. a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    b. language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician. The range of communication problems observed in children of different ages is great, and the need to assess and provide appropriate therapies for such children is increasing by large proportions. A practical model of language function and human communication emphasizes the developmental sequence of language abilities. Problems involved in the identification of communication-handicapped children are discussed, and questions to be asked about communicative skills are presented as aids to the pediatrician in referring children with language disorders to the most appropriate evaluation and therapy services.
    2. because every individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly influences the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language well.

  151. Siska Maulida Fitria

    1) a. Psycholinguistics is a study the science that studies the relationship between language, behavior, and human reason. And as for the problem of language disorders, it is a form of abnormality or disturbance in communication with an indication that the client has difficulty or loss in the symbolization process.
    According to Tarmansyah quoted
    Nurhidayati, et al (2013:5-10) "there is a form"
    language disorders, including delays
    in language and aphasia development.
    1. Delay in Development
    Aphasia is a type of disorder language caused by damage to language centers in Cerebral Cortex.
    3. Speech Organ Disorders
    These disorders include a short tongue,dental and mandibular deformities(lower jaw), lip abnormalities cleft palate (palatoschizis/cleft palate),nasal septal deviation, adenoid or laryngeal abnormalities.
    4. Autism
    Severe speech and language disorders can be caused by autism.

    b. A speech and language evaluation is the measurement of a person’s communication skills. It is done to find out if a person has communication problems. The evaluation is done by a speech-language clinician.

    2. A person's language can be influenced by his family, environment, school and with whom he plays. Biological That humans have the ability to speak naturally and the basic of language is the basis of the language they use because there are people who are used to speaking Indonesian in their environment because their parents often use Indonesian in daily conversation or some also use two languages, namely Indonesian and regional languages ​​according to the basic language they get from their environment.

  152. Saniyah (181230099)
    6C (TBI)

    1. A. Language refers to the whole system of words and symbols — written, spoken or expressed by gestures and body language — to communicate meaning.
    Language disorders generally consist of receptive language disorders and expressive language disorders.  A child with a language disorder will have difficulty understanding the meaning of what is said (receptive language problems).  Or he may have difficulty communicating his own thoughts (expressive language problems)

    B. Language is closely related to development individual thinking.  The development of the individual mind is visible in the development of the language, namely the ability form understanding, form opinions, and attract
     conclusion.  Comprehension, namely the ability to understand meaning
     other people's words.
     Development of vocabulary, and Arrangement of words into sentences
    2. Besides the structure of the human mouth which is biologically different from
     the structure of the mouth of animals, language is also related to biology in other ways.  This matter
     seen in the language acquisition process.
     Wherever in the world, children acquire language through
     same process.
    Because every person has a different personality. Even though they are born twins, each individual always has differences, both in terms of nature and behavioral characteristics.

  153. Sarah nurazizah
    TBI 6C

    1. A. Language refers to the whole system of words and symbols written, spoken or expressed with gestures and body language to communicate meaning.
    Language disorders greatly affect language acquisition. With a language disorder a person will find it difficult to communicate and difficult to understand the meaning of what is said.

    B. Language evaluation is a measurement of one's language skills. This is very closely related to psycholinguistics because it is to find out whether there is a language disorder or not.

    2. Because everyone has a different personality and environment, so they have different language acquisition. Although born twins, each individual always has differences, both in terms of nature and behavioral characteristics. Environmental factors greatly influence such as parents, friends, teachers and others

  154. Name : Anisa Fauziah
    Nim : 181230164
    Class : TBI 6 E

    1. A. Language Disorders: Language conditions, often known as language impairments, are disorders that affect how linguistic information is processed. Grammar issues, semantics, and other components of language can all be problematic. These issues could be receptive, expressive, or a combination of both. Specific language disability and aphasia are only a few examples. Language problems can affect both spoken and written language, as well as sign language; in most cases, all modes of communication are compromised.

    B. Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.
    The first reason is according to The nativist theory, also known as the biological theory, holds that language is innately derived from a series of genetically programmed structures. A key assumption of this theory is that children are born with certain innate language acquisition structures.

    2. The second reason is the Social of Language
    Is communication is successful if the speaker is taken to mean what he wants to be taken to mean. What is needed is not a set of shared rules but that speaker and listener be able to correlate the speaker's responses with the occurrence of a shared stimulus in their common world.

  155. Name : SITI INAYA
    NIM : 181230116
    Class : TBI 6 C

    ANSWER :
    No. 1
    a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language.

    No. 2
    Because language acquisition in children process involve biological, cognitive, and social aspect.
    - The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres. In addition, Broca has function to produce language, and wernicke has function to understand the language.
    - Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.
    - Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language.

  156. Name : Farhan
    SRN : 181230191
    Class : TBI 6E

    1) a. Language Disorder
    Language disorders, known as aphasias, are presumed to have as their cause some form of damage to some specific site in the hemisphere where language is located. The damage causes problems in spontaneous speech, as well as in the understanding of speech and writing (Steinberg, 1993: 186).
    Psycholinguistics is the study of human language –language comprehension, language production, and language acquisition (E.M. Hatch)
    It can be concluded from the above understanding that the relationship between Psycholinguistics and language disorders is something that can be connected, that language disorders are an obstacle that occurs in someone in language learning which can then be studied properly using methods from Psycholinguistics.
    b. Language Evolution
    Evolutionary linguistics or Darwinian linguistics is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Evolutionary linguists consider linguistics as a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology
    Psycholinguistics is that the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. it's primarily involved with the ways that during which language is described and processed within the brain. Thus, language may evolve from a rudimentary set of culturally transmitted signals, impoverished vocalisations or manual gestures to symbolic words and synchronic linguistics via selective genetic adaptation, given the relative social utility of such communication, Cultural evolution results in the variation of a universal grammar.
    2) Language acquisition in children process involve biological, cognitive, and social aspect. The development of human language is unique, how those aspect affecting the acquisition and development.
    = Because As Noam Chomsky said in his book entitled "Language and Mind" that basically all languages in humans are embedded in our genes, which is if a child grows up from a young age without any social culture and is not surrounded by language in a culture. Gradually, a child will lose the ability to acquire language naturally without any effort
    = Furthermore, that due to the neurobiological basis of three linguistic subsystems has been studied, in particular phonology (language sound system), semantics (vocabulary and word meaning), and syntax (grammar). This research shows that the brain's response to language at an early age is predictive of language ability later in life.

  157. Name : Febriyanti Indah safitri
    Class : TBI- 6C
    NIM : 181230091
    Subject : Pshycolinguistic


    A. Language or language disorders are disorders that involve processing linguistic information or it can be said that language disorders are a type of communication disorder. So, language disorder is a disorder regarding difficulties in using and understanding spoken language.
    A person with a communication disorder will find it difficult to continually learn and use various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). A person with a language disorder is likely to have language skills that are well below that expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or participate effectively in many social, academic, or professional settings.
    Language disorders are often developmental. They start in childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or an intellectual disability language disease. The person who owns it is as smart as anyone else. But having a language disorder can make it difficult to learn and relate to others.
    B. the evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. the evolution of language as a gradual adaptation in human society from genetic and cultural assimilation, the genetic substrate underlying language makes possible the Universal Grammar, which is a set of grammatical principles applicable in all human languages.
    According to the above, it can be said that language develops as a tool for communicating information between individuals.

    2. Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. The biological aspect of language involves brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. The biological reason related to language is because in one of these biological aspects is the brain, which through the human brain, humans can translate or express something that is in their minds through communication. Therefore communication is very important and becomes a necessity for humans.
    A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If a child is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort. Every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain categories of language and grammatical abilities that are inborn. Humans have always been biologically bound to learn a language at any given time. In addition, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly affects the development of communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn the language.
    Social interaction also affects the acquisition and development of language. Social interaction serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, in order to acquire and develop good language, it must be accompanied by social interaction.

  158. Dhafa Dwi Yuliani
    6 C

    1. A) Language Disorder is a developmental disorder that distorts understanding and use of spoken, written, and other symbol systems. These disorders can include such things as language form (phonological, morphological, and syntactic systems), language content (semantic systems), and language function in communication (pragmatic systems) in any combination (American Specch and Hearing Association, 1982). Speech and language disorders refer to problems in communication and related areas such as oral motor function. These delays and impairments range from simple voice replacement to an inability to understand or use language or use oral-motor mechanisms for functional speech and eating. Some causes of speech and language disorders include hearing loss, neurological mental retardation, drug abuse, physical impairment, brain injury, such as cleft lip or palate, and vocal abuse or abuse. In certain cases, this had a market effect upon their ability to communicated at speech or in writing.
    B) Evolutionary linguistics is part of a wider framework of Darwin.
    Evolutionary linguists consider linguistics as a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology.
    Evolutionary linguistics is often divided into fungtionalism and formalism, concepts which are not to be confused with fungtionalism and formalism in the humanistic reference.

    2. Language has a biological component which includes brain function and age. Each part of the human body has a specific function, so which area of ​​the brain produces language. Acquisition and development are influenced by social interaction. Since language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. Therefore, successful language learning requires a social framework. To facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. It also makes the job of learning grammar easier because, for example, parents repeatedly repeat incorrect statements more than they make well.

  159. Nama : Iroh masruroh (181230190)
    Class : 6E
    Language disorder : communication disorder in which a person have a persistent difficulities in learning and using various forms of language( i.e spoken,written, and sign)
    Language evalution : According to Wang, 1991 cited by T.Gong et al. there are three timescales for tracing the evauation of language
    1. Microhistory timescale, covering a very thin slice of time. Language acuistion often takes place
    2. Mesohistory timescale, similar to diachronic in historical linguistic diachronic changes and language contact can compete in this timescale
    3. Macrohistory timescale, this timescale is similar with phylogenetic originally define in biology. language origin can be define in this timescale
    Individual have social and biological basis of language in order to communicate thoughts and feelings to other individual through the systematic of combination of sounds, gestures, and symbols.
    The biological basis needed to constructed sensorial signals while
    the social basis is need to social interactions
    How the social and biological basis involve in psycholinguistic context :
    • Production and comprehension comprise a multiplicity of cognitive units
    • Share elaboration level, relative to discourse structure and conceptual system
    • In social basis have control to behaviours there may be other associated signals of attention

  160. Name : Mochamad Baharudin Yusuf
    SN : 181230118
    TBI 6C

    1. A. language disorders is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. The purpose of this journal is to provide data relating to the relationship between psycholinguistics and disability in language in autistic children. The method is in the form of library research by collecting data from various scientific references. Based on data from several scientific references that are collected, analyzed, and studied, and get results that children with autism are influenced by the ability to interact and communicate because there is a behavior disorder caused by nerve development.
    language disorders is a study of discussion in psycholinguistics. In psycholinguistics a person applies an archetype in language acquisition. In the process of language acquisition, one's ability to speak can be influenced by mental or psychological symptoms.
    B. Understanding the evolution of language requires evidence regarding origins and processes that led to change. In the last 40 years, there has been an explosion of research on this problem as well as a sense that considerable progress has been made. We argue instead that the richness of ideas is accompanied by a poverty of evidence, with essentially no explanation of how and why our linguistic computations and representations evolved. We show that, to date
    (1) studies of nonhuman animals provide virtually no relevant parallels to human linguistic communication, and none to the underlying biological capacity
    (2) the fossil and archaeological evidence does not inform our understanding of the computations and representations of our earliest ancestors, leaving details of origins and selective pressure unresolved
    (3) our understanding of the genetics of language is so impoverished that there is little hope of connecting genes to linguistic processes any time soon.
    Based on the current state of evidence, we submit that the most fundamental questions about the origins and evolution of our linguistic capacity remain as mysterious as ever, with considerable uncertainty about the discovery of either relevant or conclusive evidence that can adjudicate among the many open hypotheses. We conclude by presenting some suggestions about possible paths forward.

    2. Because, the acquire sign language normally as well as non-impaired children. They need language sign to interact with family and social interaction. In the other issue. Autism children has difficulties in social communication which arise lack of a theory of mind about how the other think and feel. Moreover, their speech very different from or limitation of language ability normal children is known as SLI (Specific Language Impairment). And also social basic of language because, It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System).

  161. name : suci putri pertiwi
    nim : 181230128
    class : TBI D

    1. (A) language disorder is a condition that affects the processing of language. According to experts, language processing, along with social engagement, social cognition, and pragmatics, is a key component of social communication. Language problems are typically linked back to language development, which begins in childhood and continues throughout maturity. According to specialists, one of the variables that impact communication and social communication functions is language development. As a result, a person's language problems might affect their social communication abilities or social communication disorders.

    (B) Language development is simply too large and complicated (and ambiguous) a notion for anyone to say anything meaningful about it.
    To gain a grasp on it, it is critical to first isolate it and then clearly define what the major concerns are.
    On the subject of isolation, here's a classic How-Not-To from Science, no less: Of course, language development has not slowed; in fact, it may be accelerating faster than ever before.

    2. Psychological Theory in Language Learning ability and language are the main distinguishing characteristics humans with other creatures. Because it has both, it is often called Humans are noble and social creatures. With his mind humans explore every phenomenon that appears even those that have not yet appeared. With language, humans communicate to socialize and convey their thoughts. social success of group members social and to enter into their social rights depending on the level organization of their language messages. The role of language here is very important, because without language it is impossible for them to express their hearts or ideas. Because language is a biological phenomenon, especially a phenomenon developmental biology. The direction and schedule for the emergence of a language element is genetic problems. The structure and organization of the human brain for provide a light on the problem of acquiring, understanding, and using language. learn a language carried out formally in a setting that formal too, for example language learning in class. However, learning the language formally does not have to be done in a a place bounded by space, or not must be done in class. Study activities provided that the learning process is directed at mastering the mastery of the language realized, then the process is called learning

  162. Yulistria Amanda Dewi
    TBI 6B

    1. A. Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics. Language disorders can hinder a person in speaking.

    One of the language disorders is a language disorder in autism. Autism or also called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that continues to affect a person's ability to communicate and interact with people around him (American Psychiatric Association 1994). This disorder can affect a person's ability to speak, because people with autism can not even say a single word at the age of one year. Language disorders in autism can be treated with various communication therapies and other supporting therapies so that they can improve language skills for the sufferer. Through psycholinguistic studies, it can be seen the various mental and psychological symptoms experienced by people with autism related to language disorders as well as various treatments that can be done to develop their ability to communicate with the environment.

    B. Through psychology we can learn about the attitudes and behavior of students in acquiring and learning language, while through linguistics we can learn about the concepts and structures of language. At the stage of language acquisition, there are four phases of language acquisition in children, namely (1) Sensorimotor Stage (birth to ages 2–3 years), (2) Preoperational Stage (ages 3 to 6 or 7 years), (3) Concrete Operational Stage (ages 6/7 to 11 or 12 years), (4) Stage Formal Operations (12 years old to adulthood).

    The shift or change in understanding which of course has consequences on the object of Psychology itself is of course based on the development of the minds of the devotees. Bruno (Syah, 1995: 8) describes in detail the notion of Psychology in three parts which are in principle interconnected. First, Psychology is the study of the spirit. Second, psychology is the science of mental life. Third, Psychologyof is the science of the behavior of organisms.

    2. Language is seen as a language that has a distinctive and unique structure. Weiss, a well-known American psychologist of behaviorism and a contemporary of Watson, has described the close cooperation between psychology and linguistics. Weiss admits that there is a mental aspect of language, but because the mental aspect is abstract (intangible) it is difficult to study or demonstrate. Therefore, Weiss considers language as a form of behavior when a person adapts himself to his social environment. As a form of behavior, language has biological, physiological, and social characteristics. As a means of expression, language has mental power. According to Weiss, the duties of a psycholinguist as a researcher trained in two disciplines, namely psychology and linguistics, are as follows. (1) Explain how language behavior produces a substitute realm for the real world that is practically not limited by time and place. (2) Shows how language behavior manifests a kind of social organization that can be characterized as a collection of many small organizations. (3) Explain how to produce a form of organization and in that organization the senses and muscles of a person can be placed so that they can be used and utilized by others. (4) Explain how language behavior produces a form of behavior that is a function of every event in nature that has occurred, is happening, or will occur, in the future.

  163. Iin Fatimah
    TBI 6E

    1. Answers
    A. . Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language. Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language. Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B.Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. ... If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.In evolutionary linguistics, language emergence is the process from essentially no language to a language having features resembling those in modern languages. To be specific, this term has two distinct senses: (1) ontogenetically, it refers to languagea acquisition; (2) phylogenetically, it refers to language origin.

    2. The process of language acquisition in children involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a specific task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing.
    -Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.
    - Psychology of language is the study of the interrelation between linguistic factors and psychological aspects. The discipline is mainly concerned with the mechanisms by which language is processed and represented in the mind and brain; that is, the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend, and produce language

  164. Name : Alda Najunda (181230111)
    Class : TBI 6C
    Course : Psycholinguistic

    Answers :
    A. Language alludes to the entire framework of words and images composed, talked or communicated with motions and body language to communicate meaning. Language clutters significantly influence language securing. With a language clutter a individual will discover it troublesome to communicate and troublesome to get it the meaning of what is said.
    B. Language evaluation could be an estimation of one's language aptitudes. Typically very closely related to psycholinguistics since it is to discover out whether there's a dialect clutter or not.

    2. Everybody contains a diverse identity and an environment, so they have diverse language procurement. In spite of the fact that born twins, each person continuously has contrasts, both in terms of nature and behavioral characteristics. Natural components incredibly impact such as guardians, companions, instructors and others

  165. Name : Umi Habibah
    SRN: 181230061
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. A). Psycholinguistics helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Psycholinguistics defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    B). Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading.

    2. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment.

  166. 1. A. Dialect insinuates to the complete system of words and pictures composed, talked or communicated with movements and body dialect to communicate meaning. Dialect clutters essentially impact dialect securing. With a dialect clutter a person will find it troublesome to communicate and troublesome to urge it the meaning of what is said.

    B. Dialect assessment might be an estimation of one's dialect aptitudes. Ordinarily exceptionally closely related to psycholinguistics since it is to find out whether there's a lingo clutter or not.

    2. Language has a biological component which includes brain function and age. Each part of the human body has a specific function, so which area of ​​the brain produces language. Acquisition and development are influenced by social interaction. Since language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. Therefore, successful language learning requires a social framework. To facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. It also makes the job of learning grammar easier because, for example, parents repeatedly repeat incorrect statements more than they make well.

  167. M. Erlan supiyani
    Tbi 6c
    a. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.

    1.b. The application of evolutionary theory to the study of language is known as language evolution. Biological evolution is defined as a change in the frequency of alleles in populations through time. Cultural evolution is the change in the frequency of cultural variants in a population over time, whereas biological evolution is the change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time.

    2. biological : Brain function, age, and sex all play a role in the biological aspect of language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, with the left hemisphere being responsible for analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is preoccupied with spatially based, holistic processing. The left hemispheres are responsible for language.
    2. Biology is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a broad scope but has several unifying themes that tie it together as a single, coherent field. The biological aspect of language involves brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. The biological reason related to language is because in one of these biological aspects is the brain, which through the human brain, humans can translate or express something that is in their minds through communication. Therefore communication is very important and becomes a necessity for humans.

  168. Name : Agung Satria
    Class : TBI VI D
    NIM 181230129
    1. A. Language disorder and language evolution
    A. Language disorder
    Language disorders in a child are caused by abnormalities in the language fields of the context that underlie language. For example, pragmatic language impairment, namely the difficulty of using language in context sering which often occurs in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities. Simanjuntak explains that grammar, especially syntax, the language of people with autism is very limited, strange, as well as the sound is a bit disturbing to the ears, hoarse, like whispering, and so on. It also often happens excessive repetition of words or stops suddenly in the middle of a conversation as if losing something understanding that is hard to find again.
    B. Language evolution
    First and perhaps most important is that ‘‘the evolution of language’’ is far too vast and complex (and vague) a concept for anyone to say anything sensible about it. In order to get a handle on it, it is vital first to isolate it, and then to clearly delineate what are the main issues. On the isolation issue, here is a classic How-Not-To, courtesy of Science, no less: Language evolution has not stopped, of course; in fact, it may be progressing more rapidly than ever before. (Of course it has stopped, because the biological evolution of humans (saving the odd minor development like the spread of lactose tolerance or proneness to sickle-cell anemia) has, to all intents and purposes, stopped also. What is happening (and has been happening for perhaps as many as a hundred thousand years) is cultural change (sometimes misleadingly described as ‘‘cultural evolution’’); within the envelope of the language faculty, languages are recycling the limited alternatives that this biological envelope makes available. It should always be a warning signal when writers engage in the kind of sleight-of-hand that persistently switches between ‘‘language’’ and ‘‘languages’’. But language evolution and changes in languages operate on different time scales, involve different factors, and follow different courses to different ends (or rather, to the end of a complete language faculty in the first case and to no particular end in the second).

  169. 2. - Why does individual have a biological and social basis of language? Because The growth of language in humans a follows his genetic development schedule so that an element of language emerges that cannot be forced very important in language acquisition is a neurological factor, namely the relationship between between the human brain and language. The structure and organization of the human brain for provide a light on the problems of acquiring, understanding, and using language. And Social psycholinguistics is often also referred to as speaking psychosociolinguistics about the social aspects of language, for example, language attitudes, cultural acculturation, culture shock, social distancing, cultural critical period, language exposure, education, length of education, and so on.
    - Give some reasons and how do they involve in the context of psycholinguistics? a baby will grow along with the growth of the language. From age one to half year a baby starts to take shape -form of language we can identify as a word. This one-word utterance grows into two-word utterances and eventually become complex sentences by the age of it's been four or five years that we make a sound-the sound called language. However, if we think deeply, we will feel that the use of language is a reflection of abilities that only humans can do it. countryman gorilla dan chimpanzees are primates similar to humans In non. primates -human chimpanzee tongue has a thin size and long but all in the oral cavity. This kind of shape suitable as a tool for non-vocal needs such as fingering, licking and swallow prey. Comparatively, the ratio of the tongue to the size of the mouth is also narrow so there is not much room to move the tongue up, down, down front, and back. This extremely limited range of motion is impossible animals to modify air currents into different sounds -different and distinctive.

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. Name : Hafizh Prasetyo Wibowo
    NIM : 181230149
    Class: TBI-VI D (TBI-6D)

    1). A. Language disorders are a type of communication disorder. People who don’t know the term might think it has to do with speech. But language disorders are about trouble using and understanding spoken language. There are three main types of language disorder:
    1. Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. They often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense.
    2. Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. Because of this, they often respond in ways that don’t make sense.
    3. Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.

    Language disorders are often developmental. They start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. But they can also be caused by a brain injury or illness. Language disorders aren’t a matter of intelligence. People who have them are as smart as other people. But having a language disorder can make it challenging to learn and to connect with other people.

    B. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is a subset of the field of cognitive science. Changes in language due to social, cultural, and cognitive influences. The emergence of language was a defining moment in the evolution of modern humans. It was an innovation that radically changed the character of human society. The process of "word formation" allows a language to encode an essentially unlimited number of objects. Next, analyze how words can be combined into sentences and determine the conditions for the evolution of very simple grammatical rules.

    2. because the biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. Gender also affects language competence. Girls have greater verbal abilities than boys, but boys are better at math and spatial tasks and social settings are important for linguistic development to provide feedback from adults to children. children as an important role in development. It also has a role to facilitate the task of learning grammar for an instant usually parents repeat more bad utterances than well formed ones and every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language. categories and grammatical abilities that are inborn. Humans have always been biologically bound to learn language at any given time. In addition, each individual comes from a different social environment and this greatly affects the development of their communication. The social environment, namely the presence of parents, teachers, other adults has a positive impact on them to learn a language.

    NIM: 1812301131
    CLASS : TBI-6D
    1) A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    Symptoms of language disorder first appear in the early developmental period when children begin to learn and use language. Language learning and use relies on both expressive and receptive skills. Expressive ability refers to the production of verbal or gestural signals, while receptive ability refers to the process of receiving and understanding language.
    Individuals with language disorder may have impairments in either their receptive or expressive abilities, or both. Overall, people with this condition have deficits in understanding and producing vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Because people with language disorder typically have a limited understanding of vocabulary and grammar, they also have a limited capacity for engaging in conversation.
    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. We tend to think of evolution as being mainly a process that affects biological populations, so it's worth starting with a definition of that. Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time.
    This change can occur as a result of selection if members of a population with certain alleles get eaten by predators more often, for example, those alleles will become rarer but this is not the whole story. Random variation in the frequencies of alleles that get transmitted between generations can also lead, ultimately, to big changes. This is known as drift.
    But biological evolution isn't the only kind of evolutionary process. Even if the only question you care about in language evolution is the (huge and very important) question of how we got from being non-linguistic chimp-like things to being slightly-less-chimp-like things with languages, then you still need to take two evolutionary processes into account. The first is biological evolution; the second is cultural evolution.
    2. The process of language acquisition in children involves biological, cognitive, and social aspects. The development of human language is unique, how these aspects affect its acquisition and development. The biological aspects of language involve brain function, age, and gender. About the human brain, Localization of functions. Each part of humans has a special task, then which part of the human brain produces language. The human brain is divided into two hemispheres, the left is concerned with analytical, time-based processing. The right hemisphere is concerned with holistic spatial-based processing. Language function is localized in the left hemisphere of the brain. Social interaction affects language acquisition and development. It serves as a context when certain utterances are conveyed well and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situations. It also involves emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is a socially meaningful situation. Social interaction starts from the first interaction with mother, family, adults, other people, and the environment. Therefore, for effective language learning to take place in a social environment. Social interaction is also needed in language acquisition to support cognitive development

    NIM: 181230122
    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has chronic problems learning and using different types of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorders have language abilities that are much lower than those predicted for their age, limiting their ability to communicate and engage effectively in a variety of social and academic situations. Language disorders in children are caused by abnormalities that occur in the brain and in the contextual language field that underlies language. For example, pragmatics of language disorders, namely difficulties in using language in contexts that often occur in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities.
    B. Language evolution has not stopped, of course; in fact, it may be progressing more rapidly than ever before BY Culotta and Hanson
    language evolution and changes in languagES operate on different time-scales, involve different factors, and follow different courses to different ends (or rather, to the end of a complete language faculty in the first case and to no particular end in the second).
    2. Human have a biological and social basis of language. In biological basis of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Sex also influence of language competence, according toh Kolb & Whishaw (1996) Girl have greater verbal ability than boys, but boys better in mathematical and spatial task. And also age, it affects to language acquisition.
    In social basis of language involve Social interaction, it is affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development.
    A theory developed by linguist Noam Chomsky suggesting that a basic template for all human languages is embedded in our genes. If someone from childhood is not surrounded by people who are using a language, that child will gradually lose the ability to acquire language naturally without effort.
    Both of these things are related to psycholinguistics (language behavior caused by its interaction with human thinking), because basically language is related to culture and is a tool of social interaction, as well as related related to biology such as the brain in processing and producing language.

    TBI 6B
    1. A. Language disorders may be rlated to other disabilities such as mental retardion, autism, or cerebral palsy. It is estimated that communication disorders (including speech, language, and hearing disorders) affect one of every 10 people in the US. Language disorders can be developmental (i.e. present from early childhood) or they can be acquired as they can be acquired as the result od surgery, a stroke, an accident or old age. In certain cases, this had a market effect upon their ability to communicate in speech or in writing.
    B. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in the human brain during a person’s production and perception of language. Language perception includes listening and reading activities, while language production includes speaking and writing activities.
    2. Humans are unique in their ability to acquire language. But how? A new study published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences shows that we are in fact born with the basic fundamental knowledge of language, thus shedding light on the age-old linguistic "nature vs. nurture" debate. While languages differ from each other in many ways, certain aspects appear to be shared across languages. These aspects might stem from linguistic principles that are active in all human brains. A natural question then arises: are infants born with knowledge of how the human words might sound like? Are infants biased to consider certain sound sequences as more word-like than others? "The results of this new study suggest that, the sound patterns of human languages are the product of an inborn biological instinct, very much like birdsong," said Prof. Iris Berent of Northeastern University in Boston, who co-authored the study with a research team from the International School of Advanced Studies in Italy, headed by Dr. Jacques Mehler. The study's first author is Dr. David Gómez.
    The Relationship of Psycholinguistics with Language Acquisition:
    -Directing the use of good language
    -Analyze deviant speech errors
    -Explain the process of acquiring a second language (L2)
    -Mastering the rules of language
    -Knowing cognitive readiness
    -Knowing humans as language users
    -Language is an expression

  175. Name: Muhamad Farhan Munawar Yanjung
    NIM: 181230127
    Class: TBI 6D
    Subject: Psycholinguistics

    1. Language disorder is the handling of etymological data may be dialect disabilities. Issues that are taught may concern the structure of the language (sentence structure and/or morphology), semantia, or other points of view of the dialect. These problems may be open (including impaired dialect comprehension), expressive (including the generation of dialect), or a combination of both. Illustrations include certain disorders of the dialect, superior dialects, and aphasia, inter alia. Dialect agitation could influence the spoken and compound dialect and could, in addition, influence the sign dialect; all forms of the dialect are irritating more often than not. Dialect clutters are caused within the respective dialect areas underlying dialect by variations from the standard. For example, the practical aspects of dialect impedance in children with extremely introverting conditions or individuals with mental impairments, in particular dialect use problems in settings that regularly occur.
    The evolution of language is to apply the hypothesis of progress to the dialect ponderer. Securing dialects can be acquired from birth, and guardians must be promoted throughout childhood. In other words, some children have dialectal skills, which are intrinsic to the birth of children, but in the family or school environment are also developed. This can be seen in twins whose dialect acquisition was followed for a month, particularly their morphological improvement. In order to develop, or indeed make the dialect capacities of a child, guardians need a way to teach the child to be able to understand the level of dialect and the language of the boy.

    2. Because Due to changes in the population's allle frequencies over time. These changes may result from selection – for instance, when depredators consume members of a population with certain allies more frequently – but this is not the whole of the story. Random variations in all transmitted frequencies among generations may ultimately also cause major changes. It's called drift. The development and implementation of both first (B1) and second-language (B2) learning cannot separate from the development, specifically for language learning or, as a whole, adaptable models, strategies, approaches, methods, techniques and tactics.If the biological factor is not good, then what he says will be messy as well, like the brain disorder, so if the talk will be irregular or may be non-compatible, then the language they use everyday, with the style of speech and the style of speech they use. If it is damaged by social factors, he cannot understand the common language, he understands only everyday language and its groups in society.

  176. Maurizka Adilla
    TBI 6 D

    1. a. 1. People who have language disorder have issues when it comes to communicating, where the brain and the speech organs can’t process and produce the same outcome to the people who don’t have language disorder. Therefore, people who have this issue are unable to acquiring and process an information. To trace and ‘handle’ language disorder, experts a.k.a doctors need to trace into a person’s language development to look for the cause of the issue and the process needs psycholinguistics study, since psycholinguistics is a combined approach through psychology and linguistics, and it studied about human language, language, its comprehension, its production, and acquisition.

    b. 2. Language evolution studies about how culture and society of the human race changed time to time, language also changed hands in hands. The biological aspects also have some development. Psycholinguistics studies about the development of language in human, which also happen in language evolution

    2. As an individual, we need both biological and social basis of language. In communicating, the process in it involving both biological and social basis of language. On the biological side, it’s involving the activity of our speech organs, for example: our brain process a language activity and our mouth, gesture, etc produce the reaction. Social basis of language involve in a process where we interpret the message that we receive, how we communicate, socializing, etc.

  177. Name: Pipit Evie Ana
    Nim: 181230139
    Class: TBI 6 D

    1. A. People who have language disorder usually feel difficult expressing themselves and understanding what others are saying. This is unrelated to hearing problems. Language disorder isfis known as receptive-expressive language disorder, is common in children.
    Within the field of psycholinguistics, an attempt is made to interpret the phenomena of both normal and disordered language according to models of language processing. Phenomena of language disorder is present when an individual exhibits impaired comprehension or expression of a spoken, written, or other symbol system.

    B. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    In evolutionary linguistics, language emergence is the process from essentially no language to a language having features resembling those in modern languages. To be specific, this term has two distinct senses: (i) ontogenetically, it refers to language acquisition; (ii) phylogenetically, it refers to language origin.

    2. Language has a biological component which includes brain function and age. Each part of human body has a specific function, so which area of ​​the brain produces language. Acquisition and development are influenced by social interaction. Since language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. Therefore, successful language learning requires a social framework. To facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. It also makes the job of learning grammar easier because, for example, parents repeat incorrect statements more than they make well.

  178. Sarah Fauziah

    a. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    b. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing.

    2. The Biological Base: Humans Language in humans is clearly dependent on their society in which they could learn it with other people, other humans to speak to, to be motivated emotionally and to be intelligence. Human beings who are physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up among people who speak to them. The Relationship of Psycholinguistics with Language Acquisition:
    -Directing the use of good language
    -Analyze deviant speech errors
    -Explain the process of acquiring a second language (L2)
    -Mastering the rules of language
    -Knowing cognitive readiness
    -Knowing humans as language users
    -Language is an expression

  179. Syeha Nabila Azzahra
    TBI 6D
    1. psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    2.Human beings who are physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up among people who speak to them. The Relationship of Psycholinguistics with Language Acquisition:
    -Directing the use of good language
    -Analyze deviant speech errors

  180. Name : Hedi Indra Lesmana
    Class : VI A
    SRN : 181230032
    1. 1. Language disorders are disorders that involve processing linguistic information or it can be said that language disorders are a type of communication disorder. So a person with a communication disorder will find it difficult to continually learn.
    2.The evolution of language is the application of the theory of evolution to the study of language. If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.
    2. Language has a biological component which includes brain function and age. And every part of body has a specific function, so like a brain the place of to think or to produce a language. language is a socially significant condition include emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. On learning language should have a social framework To facilitate cognitive growth.

  181. Name : evie tri utami
    SRN :181230119
    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder characterized by persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B. Evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms.

    2.. Language has a biological component which includes brain function and age. Each part of human body has a specific function, so which area of ​​the brain produces language. Acquisition and development are influenced by social interaction. Since language is a socially significant condition, it also involves emotional, nutritional, and social deprivation. Therefore, successful language learning requires a social framework. To facilitate cognitive growth, social engagement is also required during language acquisition. It also makes the job of learning grammar easier because, for example, parents repeat incorrect statements more than they make well.

  182. name : yusril muin
    nim : 181230117
    class : TBI 6C

    1. Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language) marked by language that is slow to develop and the way in which language is developing does not reflect the normal sequential developmental pattern. While, language evolution include the question how languages gradually developed over time into the world recently. It means language disorder and language evolution connected with psycholinguistics because it can be defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly and psycholinguistics is diverse populations such as children and adult learners.

    There are three main types of language disorder:
    - Expressive language disorder : People have trouble getting their message across when they talk. They often struggle to put words together into sentences that make sense.

    - Receptive language disorder : People struggle to get the meaning of what others are saying. Because of this, they often respond in ways that don’t make sense.

    - Mixed receptive-expressive language issues: People struggle with both using and understanding language.

    2. Language for individuals is a biological and social basis environment because biological evolution shapes humans into linguistic beings. Humans have undergone changes in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system over hundreds of thousands of years. Children are born into the world equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, which are a biological bond that allows children to detect certain language categories and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn languages at a certain time and in a certain way. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development. like the manner in which mothers and adults frequently converse with babies; making phrases of the same meaning from a sentence in different ways; repeating what the child will tell us; and stating what the child has said in a sophisticated linguistic form.

  183. Name: Faathir Muhammad Amanullah
    ID: 181230124
    Class: TBI 6D
    Subject: Psycholinguistics
    1.A. Language disorder is a verbal exchange disease characterised with the aid of using chronic problems in the purchase and use of language. These problems can encompass troubles processing a variety of various styles of linguistic information, together with vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B. Evolution of language is the sluggish alternate in human language over time. It entails the starting place and divergence of languages and language families, and may be taken into consideration analogous to organic evolution, even though it does now no longer always arise thru the identical mechanisms.
    2.Language for Individual could be a biological associated social basis atmosphere as a result of biological evolution shapes humans into linguistic beings. Humans have undergone changes within the brain, nervous system, and vocal system over many thousands of years. kids are born into the globe equipped with Language Acquisition Tools, that are a biological bond that enables children to find certain language classes and is an inborn grammatical ability that underlies all human languages. Humans are biologically certain to learn languages at an explicit time and in a very certain way. The condition of the social environment gives|that gives|that has} positive support can provide optimum achievement in children' language development. just like the manner within which mothers and adults often converse with babies; creating phrases of an equivalent which means from a sentence in numerous ways; continuance what the kid can tell us; and stating what the child has aforementioned in a very refined linguistic form.

  184. Kikin Sakinah
    TBI 6B

    A.) Language disorders are one of the studies discussed in psycholinguistics. Language disorders can hinder a person in language. One of the language disorders is the language disorder in autism. Autism or also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that continues to affect a person's abilities in communicating and interacting with the people around them (American Psychiatric Association 1994). This disorder can affect the ability someone in language, because people with autism can't even say a single word at the age of one. Language disorders in autism can be treated with various communication therapies and other supportive therapies so that it can improve language skills for sufferers. Through In psycholinguistic studies, various mental and psychological symptoms can be identified experienced by people with autism related to language disorders and various treatment that can be done to develop their ability to communicate with the environment.
    B.) Darwinian linguistics, often known as language evolution, is a sociobiological approach to the study of language. Linguistics is considered a subfield of evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology by evolutionary linguists. Evolutionary anthropology, cognitive linguistics, and biolinguistics are all tied to this method. It is interested in the biological origins and development of language because it studies languages as natural products. Humanistic approaches, particularly structural linguistics, are pitted against evolutionary linguistics.

    2. Every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth, every individual born into the world is equipped with language acquisition tools, namely biological bonds that allow them to detect certain language categories and grammatical ability that was innate from birth.

  185. Name : Deliana Yuniar
    SRN : 181230025
    TBI 6A
    1. a. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly. b. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing. 2. The Biological Base: Humans Language in humans is clearly dependent on their society in which they could learn it with other people, other humans to speak to, to be motivated emotionally and to be intelligence. Human beings who are physiologically and psychologically intact will acquire the language of those around them if they grow up among people who speak to them. The Relationship of Psycholinguistics with Language Acquisition: -Directing the use of good language -Analyze deviant speech errors -Explain the process of acquiring a second language (L2) -Mastering the rules of language -Knowing cognitive readiness -Knowing humans as language users -Language is an expression

  186. 1. -Language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulties in learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Individuals with language disorder have language abilities that are significantly below those expected for their age, which limits the ability to communicate or effectively participate in many social, academic, or professional environments.
    -Language Evaluation​ is an assessment of communication functioning to determine if there is a speech-language disorder affecting an individual’s functioning for home, school, or the community. While there are particular areas to examine, this testing is highly individualized.

    2.The biological aspect of language involve brain function, age, and sex. About human brain, The localization of function. Each human part has specialize task, then which part of human brain to produce language. Human brain is divided into two hemispheres, left part concern with analytic, time-based processing. The right hemisphere concern with holistic, spatially based processing. Language function localized in the left hemispheres.
    -Social interaction affecting language acquisition and development. It has function as context when certain utterance conveyed properly and to develop words, phrases, sentences in real situation. It also involve emotional, malnutrition, and social deprivation, because language is social meaningful situation. Social interaction start from first interaction with mother, family, adult, other people, and environment. Therefore, for effective language learning must take place in social setting. Social interaction also is needed in acquisition language to support cognitive development. The social has function context of LASS (Language Acquisition Socialization System).

  187. Psikolinguistik

    Nama : siti iin musta’inah
    Kelas :Tbi 6 c
    Nim : 181230109
    A.Language disorders or language impairments are disorders that involve the processing of linguistic information. Problems that may be experienced can involve grammar (syntax and/or morphology), semantics (meaning), or other aspects of language. These problems may be receptive (involving impaired language comprehension), expressive (involving language production), or a combination of both. Examples include specific language impairment, better defined as developmental language disorder, or DLD, and aphasia, among others. Language disorders can affect both spoken and written language,[1] and can also affect sign language; typically, all forms of language will be impaired

    Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language. ... If biological evolution is change in the frequency of genetic variants in a population over time, then cultural evolution is change in the frequency of cultural variants.

    2. Language, in the sense of Functional Systemic Linguistics (LSF), is a form of social semiotics that is working in a situational context and cultural context, which is used both orally and in writing. In this view, language is a construct that is formed through functions and systems simultaneously. There are two important things that need to be underlined

    Psycholinguistics includes cognitive processes that can produce meaningful and grammatically correct sentences from vocabulary and grammatical structures, including processes that can make expressions, words, writing, and so on

  188. Nama : Manda
    Nim : 181230045
    Class : TBI 6B

    Answer :

    a. A language disorder is a communication disorder in which a person has persistent difficulty learning and using various forms of language (i.e., spoken, written, sign language). Language disorders in children are caused by abnormalities in the language field of the underlying context of language. For example, pragmatics of language disorders, namely difficulties in using language in contexts that often occur in children with autism or people with intellectual disabilities.
    b. Language evolution is the application of evolutionary theory to the study of language.Biological evolution is standardly defined as change in allele frequencies in populations over time. This change can occur as a result of selection – if members of a population with certain alleles get eaten by predators more often, for example, those alleles will become rarer – but this is not the whole story. Random variation in the frequencies of alleles that get transmitted between generations can also lead, ultimately, to big changes. This is known as drift.

    2. People in general do not feel that using language is an extraordinarily complex skill. The use of language feels normal because without being taught by anyone a baby will grow along with the growth of his language. Basically the development of human language is closely related to biological factors. Factors that are also very important in language acquisition are neurological factors. Besides body shape and other physical characteristics that distinguish humans from animals is the brain. Cows and elephants obviously have brains that are bigger than human brains, but still these creatures cannot speak. Although humans and animals cannot be equated in terms of language, they can feel through their behavior so that animals understand what humans mean and vice versa.

  189. Final exam
    Laila jaha / 181230098 Tbi 6C

    1. A. Language disorder is a type of communication problem marked by chronic difficulties with language acquisition and use. These difficulties can include problems processing a range of different kinds of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse.
    B. Evolution of language is the gradual change in human language over time. It involves the origin and divergence of languages and language families, and can be considered analogous to biological evolution, although it does not necessarily occur through the same mechanisms.

    2. Every human being is born with a Language Acquisition Tool, which is a biological bond that allows one to detect specific language categories and is an inborn grammatical skill that underpins all human languages. Humans are biologically bound to learn language at a certain time and in a certain way. In the process of language, the left hemisphere of the brain has an important role, but in certain activities there is an interrelatedness between the two hemispheres of the brain. As in reading, the left hemisphere of the brain understands syntax and grammar, while the right hemisphere is better at understanding the intonation and emotion of stories. That is the biological evolution that shaped humans into linguistic creatures because a person can change in the brain, nervous system, and vocal system for hundreds of thousands of years. And on the social power of language urges humans to develop abstract reasoning and create economic systems for communicating with other people. Language development requires social involvement as well as a child's natural tendency to learn language. The existence of parents, teachers and other adults means a lot to children's language development. The condition of the social environment that provides positive support will provide optimal achievement in children's language development.

  190. Ahmad Miftahul Hadi
    TBI 6C

    1. A. Language disorder is a communication disorder with persistent difficulty in acquiring and using language. These difficulties can include problems processing various types of linguistic information, including vocabulary, sentence structure, and discourse. Language disorders can affect all types of linguistic communication: spoken, written, and gestures, and can affect a child's ability to understand language and produce it. Children with this disorder have no problems producing speech sounds. Language disorders differ from speech disorders, which involve difficulty in producing speech sounds, but not necessarily difficulties in producing language.
    B. language evaluation is the systematic collection of information for decision-making purposes. It is the collection, analysis and interpretation of every aspect of a language education and training program as part of a recognized process for assessing its effectiveness. In the evaluation of language skills we can find students' problems in language.

    2. Because every human being in this world is born equipped with a language acquisition tool, namely a biological bond that allows them to detect certain language categories and grammatical abilities that are inborn, every individual born into the world is equipped with a language acquisition tool, namely a biological bond. which allows them to detect certain categories of language and grammatical abilities that they are born with. Humans are biologically obligated to learn language all the time. Furthermore, everyone comes from a different social environment, which has a significant impact on how their communication develops. The presence of parents, teachers and other adults in their social context has a positive impact on their ability to learn a language.

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