Wednesday, 22 September 2021


 In this session, you learn about the scope of being a good EFL teachers. There are definition, ways and description about it. Therefore, this topic provides material for Educational students who will implement their knowledge and practice as teacher in school environment. To learn more about it, you could open this link. Please give your opinion in this comment column about a good EFL teacher in pandemic situation.


  1. Indah Ainun Salsabila

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in pandemic situation is a teacher who uses interesting teaching methods, provides a pleasant atmosphere and communicates well with his students, especially during a pandemic because students do learning at home, where they do not meet the teacher and their friends directly so that it can make students feel bored and not interested in learning.

  2. Name : Marhany
    Class : Tbi 5D
    Nim : 191230129

    In my opinion,a good teacher EFL is we must do this:
    The ability to communicate well is arguably the single most important skill a teacher needs to have. If you don’t have good communication skills it doesn’t matter if you have a PhD in teaching and know more about the English language than anyone else on earth – that knowledge is only useful to your students if you are able to communicate it effectively.
    Empathy is essential to building connections with others. This is a skill that should not be underestimated – the empathetic teacher understands their students and this helps to make them a better communicator.
    If you’re teaching a class of students it’s unrealistic to expect all of them to learn in the same way and at the same speed. Some students face unseen challenges that can impact their ability to learn as well as their behaviour in the classroom, so it’s important for a teacher to make these students feel understood.
    Sometimes things don’t go to plan. Technology fails, your lesson plan doesn’t fill the whole lesson, or an exercise simply takes a lot more time than you expected. As a teacher you need to learn how to navigate the unexpected and keep control of a lesson.

    Even more so in the world of EFL,adaptability is key.If you’re moving jobs then you’ll quickly realise that no two schools or employers are the same, which is even more the case if you’re moving country as well!
    Everyone learns in different ways and at different speeds. Some students will make the same mistakes over, and over, and over again and at times it might feel like it will never click with them.Never show frustration – there are many reasons why a student might be struggling to learn something. Give them time to process information, the opportunities to practice, and remember that what comes easy to you can be a real challenge for someone else.
    *A love of learning
    Good teachers are always learning. It’s not a field where it’s possible to reach a point where you know it all and have completely mastered your craft. A good teacher knows there’s always room for improvement and strives towards that.

  3. Nurmala Hayati

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in this pandemic situation is one who is energetic, compassionate, involved, and cares about students. Those who are able to know the condition of their students, for example if there are students who do not understand English, the teacher does not use English when explaining the material, and explains the material clearly and easily. And one more thing, don't give a lot of tasks.

  4. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    ID Number: 191230132
    Class: TBI 5D

    In my opinion a good EFL teacher in a pandemic situation is a teacher who thinks more about the success of his students than himself. so even during the pandemic, teachers remain professional in managing time to teach and achieve EFL learning goals. then able to face EFL learning trials during a pandemic such as technology limitations and signal crises. and the EFL class is always active, creative, innovative even though the learning is online/virtual.

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  6. Widia Nurhadini Utami
    TBI 5D

    During covid 19, almost all schools switched to digital schools, this became a challenge for teachers in mastering computers and technology. In my opinion, to be a good teacher is not far from being like an offline school, but there are some things that make the difference.
    1. Knowledge. Teachers must mastering the material presented to students, and also involve students in learning, such as creating discussion groups, student-center learning, and others.
    2. Communicative. In this digital era, teachers must be able to well-communicate with students or parents. Communicative in delivering material in various situations, discussing student development, and teachers must also understand local and global issues and be responsive to changes in the evolving digital culture.
    3. Creative.
    One of the demands in this digital school is to mastering the tools to support learning. In this case the teacher is also able to design, develop, and evaluate online learning.
    4. Fun. Based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding online learning, teachers can create a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere so that students can enjoy the learning process.

  7. Name : Novi Puji Lestari
    NIM : 191230144
    Class ; 5 E TBI

    In this Pandemic era, as we know that the learning teaching process should be changed into online system. Therefore, the interaction between student and teacher is limited. But it can't be Excuse for teacher to not to be a good teacher. In my own opinion, a good teacher is a teacher who can deal every situation in delivering the topic towards student. Therefore a good teacher is a teacher who can makes the student keep enjoy in learning by providing some of medias and inovative strategies to support the teaching process. Then, the student can accept each content of material subject in the syllabus even though the interaction between student and teacher is not as easy as usual. And addition, a good teacher is not only have a good competence in understanding the topic and material subject but also have a good skill to deliver it to the students (pedagogy competence) because a teacher is differ with a learner who only study for themselves but they have to teach what they have already studied towards the student.

  8. Name: Alfiah Dwi Rahayu
    Nim: 191230157
    Class: TBI 5E

    In my opinion, Good EFL teachers during the covid 19 pandemic are those who use teaching methods or strategies that are acceptable to students to capture material well, namely using methods that do not make students bored quickly, and also provide material with interesting methods, and also we as teachers when we explain about a material can be interspersed with questions and answers to make the interaction between the teacher and students more lively, and also students don't get bored quickly because they just keep listening to the explanations, and can also be interspersed with games so that learning activities become more fun that makes students comfortable learning.

  9. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 5 D

    In my opinion about a good EFL teacher , moreover in this current situation, pandemic, the teacher must always motivate students to always be enthusiastic about learning foreign languages, especially in situations like this, many students are lazy to study because of the effects of the covid-19 pandemic situation, and also as a good EFL teacher, they must always facilitate students such as giving material, effective way of learning, and always willing if students ask questions when having difficulty learning a foreign language. Although teaching and learning activities are currently not face-to-face, as a good EFL teacher, you must still be able to control students so that they are always willing to learn foreign languages.
    And as a good EFL teacher, must have good knowledge, good communication skills, interest, and always respect for the students.

  10. Name : Talitha Zuleika
    NIM : 191230161
    TBI 5E

    I think being a good teacher is a teacher who is capable of nurturing his students. As good teachers we should understand each other's characteristics. A friendly and pleasant teacher will readily remember the material being presented.. A teacher must pay more attention to the ordinances of his learning, since each disciple has his or her own method of learning.. And a teacher must always appreciate everything a student does and always give the children motivation

  11. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    ID Number: 191230106
    Class: TBI 5D

    In the current situation, access to education is carried out online through technology-based media. In my opinion, good teachers at this time are teachers who want to educate their students by providing learning facilities that are in accordance with the needs of students. Teachers who develop appropriate learning methodologies, who can convey material clearly and easily so that students can easily understand the material presented. As well as teachers who have a creative, innovative. and the teacher who can make the classroom
    management techniques of peace and fairness are often over-looked, but they can be crucial to effective teaching

  12. Eka Malika

    I believe, a good EFL teacher in pandemic era is teacher who able delivered material by provides inovative learning model through digital media. Furthermore, a good teacher in this pandemic era is who able attentding more tolerant that staying at home made student focus was split to 'home work'. Hence, the teache shoul be more compensanting for all student, because not all the student compentencies are the same. The teacher should approach the student who feels has not yet met the target of the assessment instead of leaving, besides the focus of the student who is fragmented at home.

  13. Name : Rifal Nurkholis
    NIM : 191230167
    Class : TBI 5E

    in my opinion a good EFL teacher
    in the pandemic era, it is the use of online networks, because this can make students creative with things around the house, and in my opinion teachers also don't need to give material too seriously, because learning like this is even less effective because students will feel bored and too monotonous, therefore it must be interspersed with entertainment that aims to refresh the students' brains.

  14. Name : Lala Rosdiana
    NIM : 191230163
    CLass : TBI 5E

    In this pandemic period, in my opinion teachers have many challenges in carrying out teaching activities and must have the right creativity to condition learning according to the pandemic situation.
    Therefore, in my opinion, being a good teacher must be able to make good and targeted strategies so that students can easily get knowledge and material even though they do not study face to face with the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher must tolerate student information. Because in this pandemic situation learning only relies on networks and not all areas where students live are facilitated by sufficient networks.
    Furthermore, the teacher must also be able to convey the material more simply and attractively so that students are more interested in the teacher's learning.
    The teacher must also create a relaxed learning atmosphere so that students are not too stiff and tense when participating in learning. Furthermore, the teacher must also think about interactive and communicative learning. so that even in the covid 19 pandemic, students still have good interactions and cooperation between their study friends so that foreign language learning continues to run more interactively and communicatively even through online classes. Lastly, to be a good teacher the teacher must be smart in managing learning and making sure every student understands the material provided and always evaluates himself to be better from day to day.

  15. Name : Mohamad Adam Firdaus
    NIM : 191230154
    Kelas : TBI 5E

    I think to be a teacher who must be able to understand the characteristics of the students we teach in order to be able to determine the appropriate method in the learning process, because that way both teachers and students will be comfortable when in class, when students feel comfortable then they will be easier to understand the material taught so that the learning process can run well.

  16. Name : Ade Wirdatus Sholihah
    NIM : 191230149
    Class : TBI 5 E

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in the pandemic era is a teacher who can interact actively with students, be closer to students, and can use appropriate learning methods for this pandemic situation. Because of this online learning, teachers must be more energetic, enthusiastic, and motivate students. Because with that students will be more enthusiastic and can understand the lessons delivered by the teacher well. Teachers can also adjust the learning methods delivered according to the characteristics of the students being taught. Teachers can also respond to chat messages from students who ask questions and guide students who don't understand in a time that doesn't distrub
    the teacher either. With that students will be helped and know where to ask when something is not understood.

  17. Name : Serlin Sarah Maulani
    NIM : 191230160
    Class : TBI 5 E

    A good EFL teacher in a pandemic era situation is able to stimulate interest and motivation to learn among students language learners, this is because we cannot meet directly with the teacher so that it makes students feel bored and not interested in learning. In addition, the teacher must also mindful and helpful if there are some questions from students that are not understood and invite students to think critically if there are problems. communication skills of teachers to students, being fair, supporting students and interesting in conveying material, those are also included in a good teacher.

  18. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim : 191230158
    Class: TBI E

    In the pandemic era a teacher's skill was necessary because he remembered so many activities that he could not perform in a classroom. The teacher's approach to the student has a profound effect on the learning activity. When a teacher is close to a student, there is certainly no awkwardness when a student wants to ask or discuss something. Interesting learning methods are also needed to keep learners interested and not bored with learning. Just as when we want to practice our listening and speaking skills, we can show a short film and the students have to listen carefully to and listen to what is in the film, after which we have each student's vocal opinion to practice their conversation. Which basically requires innovation in a method that can wrap matter easily to be understood. At the teacher's online learning is required to be more active by holding a question and answer session or asking students so that the class can come alive.

  19. Name: syarifah (191230152)
    Class: TBI 5E

    In my perspective A good teacher is a teacher who can understand the condition of his students, a teacher who can be responsible for the knowledge that must be given to students. In times of pandemic like this, there are indeed challenges faced by students and teachers, these limitations and shortcomings must be used as enthusiasm for learning even with new teaching and learning conditions and methods, good teachers must be able to overcome these shortcomings and must be able to deliver learning materials despite their limitations. distance because face-to-face learning is not allowed. Teachers must also be able to motivate students to continue to be enthusiastic about learning, because basically students will be lazy when they don't study directly and teachers cannot control students directly but virtual.

  20. Name : Intira Maharani
    NIM :191230121
    Class :TBI 5D

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher during this pandemic is a teacher who has the following qualities :
    1. Knowledge
    A good teacher must have extensive knowledge. Teachers must be able to explain, exemplify and motivate students. In this pandemic period, good teachers must be able to provide good explanations and be able to motivate students to continue learning even though learning is not done face-to-face.
    2. Communication Skill
    In this pandemic period, a good teacher must have a way to always be able to communicate with his students.
    3. Interest
    Good teachers must be able to find teaching methods that can make students interested and enthusiastic in this online learning process. Thus, the learning process continues to run smoothly and students can still understand the material well even though learning is carried out from home.
    4. Respect for the student
    This pandemic period requires the learning process to be carried out remotely using the internet. There are some students who have difficulty signaling. Teachers must understand this and look for other methods so that all students can still get learning materials.

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  22. Name : Sarniti
    NIM : 191230159
    Class : TBI 5 E

    In my opinion, this pandemic situation encourages a teacher to be more creative and innovative in providing English language materials, and learning media that are suitable and easily accessible to students.
    And a good EFL in the pandemic era, teachers must be able to apply interesting learning methods and media, so students don't feel bored, and can increase students' motivation to learn English to learn online.
    Because during the pandemic teaching and learning activities are carried out online, teachers can also apply techniques and make the best use of teaching media so as to create a more pleasant learning atmosphere.

    Teachers can take advantage of online learning facilities such as the Zoom platform, Google Classroom, Edmodo, Quizizz, Google Drive, blogs and others to deliver materials and assignments for students. And can also apply learning with songs, watching movies, reading, or using social media as learning media.

  23. Name : Riska Amalia
    Class : TBI 5 E
    NIM : 181230159

    A good teacher in pandemic situation for English teachers must be more creative and innovative in providing suitable and easy-to-access learning for students, and currently there are many digital technologies used for online learning such as zoom, google meeting, google classroom that can be chosen by the teacher to carry out learning. but the effectiveness of learning is not only determined by the media but also the way the teacher delivers learning materials must be interesting so that students do not get bored when online learning begins, for example, teachers make learning videos accompanied by animated animations, teachers make games about English or so on. and teachers must also be able to control students' daily learning activities with a pragmatic approach or with soft data in the form of student desires by considering what they can do.

  24. Name : Nuva avita
    Nim: 191230122
    Class: TBI 5D

    In my opinion , a good EFL teacher in the pandemic era is a teacher who can makes the student keep enjoy in learning by providing some of medias and inovative strategies to support the teaching process. Then, the student can accept each content of material subject in the syllabus even though the interaction between student and teacher is not as easy as usual. And addition, a good teacher is not only have a good competence in understanding the topic and material subject but also have a good skill to deliver it to the students (pedagogy competence) because a teacher is differ with a learner who only study for themselves but they have to teach what they have already studied towards the student.

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  26. A good EFL teacher in pandemic situation is the teacher who khows the characteristic of the learners. Teacher needs to be aware of how he/she is connecting learners to the language content using different teaching styles. Example, the teacher combine different learning styles with multiple intelligences. Because, if the teacher doesn't use different teaching style, the class will be boring, and the learners/students will not pay attention to the lesson.

  27. Iim Khoirunnisa
    191230130/TBI 5D

    In a pandemic situation like this, it forces teachers to be more creative to attract students' interest in learning in their respective homes. The challenge is how English teachers are able to provide fun learning for students at home so that they can be motivated to learn English independently.
    1. Learn English using songs because songs can increase children's enthusiasm to learn. Besides that, the teacher can ask children to record 5 vocabularies per day from the songs they hear. Teachers can also open discussion forums on the Zoom application to dissect the meaning of each student's favorite English song and ask them to sing it to practice English pronunciation.
    2. Watching movies is by watching English movies. Watching Hollywood movies or movie trailers on Youtube can be a fun learning activity. Students can learn new vocabulary and pay attention to the use of various types of English sentences in everyday life.
    3. Reading is reading. During this pandemic, teachers need to encourage students to increase the quantity and quality of their English reading.

    Students are not only required to read texts in printed books, but also need to read English stories on the internet as well as authentic readings such as news texts and online advertisements in English. The teacher can ask the student to write down an outline of what he or she reads each day.

  28. Risda Amalia Putri
    TBI 5E

    Teacher and good teacher are quite different. As I got from the material, to be a good teacher we should have some criterias. a good teacher has to be attentive and mindful, to synthesize as they listen. They also have to be critical in thinking about the information they have learned. Not only good technique but also more helpful. Orlando said that good teaching is more to do with "attitude towards students" than with knowledge and skills. They also should ensure a balance of principle, knowledge, and skills.

  29. Name : Muhammad Ikhwan
    ID : 191230156
    Class : TBI 5E

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in Pandemic situation is a teacher who can make students interested in the lessons they are learning. As we know, many students have difficulty in learning foreign languages, one of the contributing factors is because the learning methods used by the teacher seem monotonous and boring.
    The teacher is one of the keys to success in learning. Learning will also not run effectively when the teacher cannot teach well. Therefore, effective learning is strongly influenced by the character of a good and effective teacher. Especially in foreign language learning. In addition, a foreign language is also a language that will certainly be needed both for purposes in education and outside education.
    A good foreign language teacher must also have an effective character that is balanced both from socio-affective skills, pedagogical knowledge, subject matter knowledge, as well as personality characteristics.

  30. Rina Nurdianti
    TBI 5D

    In this pandemic situation, it is aware of the importance of the teacher's role in carrying out learning. Because the limited interaction between teachers and students in teaching and learning activities makes learning ineffective, so teachers are required to adapt in teaching. There are several things that teachers must know to become great teachers in this pandemic situation, such as: teachers must know the superior points of their students by recognizing the characteristics and interests and talents of each student, teachers must motivate so that students stay enthusiastic about learning, teachers must provide opportunities for students to try to practice/explain the material they have learned, and the teacher must also give positive labels to students such as mentioning the word great, intelligent and so on.

  31. Name : Tresna febriani
    NIM : 191230170
    Class : TBI 5E

    Pandemic makes us oblige study at home/online learning, that which the teacher be able to have a good idea for the students in order to the lesson that had been given with the teacher can be understood with the student well. Actually many things that we can do as the teacher/lecturer giving the material. In my opinion to face this pandemic situation that can do with the good EFL teacher is to begin with the teacher have to know the characteristic each student, i mean between young or adult learners. If young learners that we can do with many exercises such as visual media which can do by picture or fun video that make the students interesting and did not feel bored, can also using khinestetic that we can give easy motion, and the last is we can study EFL by using singing in order to the student happy and the material can be understood easier. And if for adult we can give with many comprehension because adult need more explanation.

  32. Name: Rifatul Muftiah
    NIM: 191230171
    Class: 5E TBI

    in this pandemic era has changed the learning process, into an online learning system, it is not easy to face learning like this, both teachers and students, I think a good teacher is a teacher who can understand the characteristics of student learning, so that teachers can provide learning as interesting as possible with innovations and methods the new one, before giving assignments the teacher must check whether the students understand the material, so that students feel enjoy when receiving the material. And also a good teacher, pays attention to and familiarizes children with morals in every treatment.

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  34. Name : Ulfa Nadya
    Class : TBI-5D
    NIM : 191230108

    One of the requirements to become a good foreign language teacher is that more or less he must understand the socio-cultural and customs of the residents of a country being taught. Of course the person concerned does not have to live in that country. All about the culture, customs, customs and language, can be learned through books and lectures. great' here not only from an academic point of view, but also from a non-academic perspective. From an academic point of view, a foreign language teacher must master as many aspects of language as possible and be able to communicate well with his students. that a good foreign language teacher must have 4 characteristics, namely having technical knowledge, teaching skills, interpersonal skills, and personal qualities. Good technical knowledge means understanding the mechanisms of language, such as phonology and grammar. Teaching skills (Pedagogical Skills) include a contextual approach to language instruction, the ability to stimulate interaction, presentation skills and so on. While interpersonal skills (interpersonal skills) are the ability to involve students through enthusiasm and humor, being able to appreciate the abilities of students and always looking for opportunities to exchange ideas with students or with colleagues. Finally, personal quality concerns the attitude of teachers who must be flexible if there are activities in the classroom that are not orderly, always looking for new methods and have a goal to develop professionalism. The teacher must also know the technique of correcting a mistake made by his student. The important thing as a teacher must be sure that teaching is something fun.

  35. Name : Herlina Wati
    Nim : 191230115
    Class: TBI 5D

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher during this pandemic is a teacher who has the following qualities:
    1. Knowledge
    A good teacher must have extensive knowledge. Teachers must be able to explain, exemplify and motivate students. In this pandemic period, good teachers must be able to provide good explanations and be able to motivate students to continue learning even though learning is in the system for a long time
    2 . Respect and Understanding Students
    This pandemic period requires the learning process to be carried out remotely using the internet. There are some students who have difficulty giving. Teachers must understand this and find other ways so that all students can still get learning materials.

  36. Linda Muflihah

    Personally, in my opinion, a good EFL teacher in this current pandemic is able to know how to teach in difficult conditions, knows how to make students not bored to learn and not bored with the assigned tasks. teachers must also be able to see the condition of each student, can be a friend for complaints, especially students. Students usually have a lot of complaints that they want to convey, as teachers we must be able to listen, advise, provide explanations, not just give assignments to students to do. so it's boring and tired.

  37. Sarah lidya balqis
    TBI 5D

    In my opinion, to be a good teacher by getting to know the students and finding the students' superior points. Every student is gifted with advantages as well as weaknesses. And also provide opportunities to explore and show their strengths in front of other students. During learning, the teacher must prepare a special session for students to conduct research on the material provided. Holding discussion sessions and presentations can also give students the opportunity to show their strengths.

  38. Nurul Aida

    I think a good EFL teacher
    during the pandemic, the use of online networks, where teachers must be able to make students productive and creative, and in my opinion teachers also don't need to be too serious in providing material, because this kind of learning is even less effective because students will feel bored and too monotonous, therefore they must interspersed with entertainment that aims to refresh the students' brains. The teacher must know what students need and not make students feel bored.

  39. Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    TBI 5D

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in a pandemic situation is a teacher who must follow the 4 qualities of a good teacher, including knowledge, communication skills, interest, and respect for students. Because by following the 4 qualities of a good teacher, a teacher is enough to become a good teacher.

  40. Jihan Alifah
    TBI 5D

    During the implementation of online learning during this pandemic, teachers must have extra patience. Teachers must be passionate about delivering material, by making various innovations and varied creativity in preparing learning media such as making learning videos, doing online learning, looking for interesting online learning resources and others. High commitment becomes the teacher's grip to create intelligent children.

  41. Name : iin anis setiawati
    Class : TBI 5E
    NIM : 191230150

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in the pandemic must be attentive and mindful. In addition, teachers are required to be creative and professional during a pandemic, teachers must be able to make the best use of technology, so that learning continues wherever and whenever. Examples of teaching carried out in a pandemic by teachers making interesting learning videos, using google classroom, WA groups and so on. Teachers must also be able to understand and care about the conditions and characteristics of each student. In a pandemic condition, teachers must often motivate students, teachers must not be selfish or impose their own will so that teaching goals can be completed quickly with the target time. Teachers must respect and understand the abilities of each student and not forget the time limit.

  42. Erna Erawati
    TBI 5 E

    This pandemic situation, require for teachers and students to online study, it's make teachers for doing an alteration of learning strategy that matches with situation and convenience. Teachers must able to keep a responsibility in learning. Before pandemic situation one of a challenge for teachers is ability utilization techniques, and it is also undeniable that in this pandemic situation teachers must be able to master technology because the distance learning process uses several online applications. In my opinion teachers must able to develope a good learning strategy and must be create the opportunity to students for training their language skill. During the face-to-face learning process in class, the teacher can make various games to avoid feeling bored. But in this pandemic situation, it is difficult for teachers to make games, so to make the learning process interesting and not bored the teacher can ask questions and answer to build interactive communication with students. Teachers must also be able to understand or respect some of the obstacles experienced by students such as signals, mastery of technology, etc.

  43. Name : Arli Salsabila
    Name: 191230153
    Class : TBI 5 E

    In my opinion, a good EFL teacher in a pandemic situation like now is a teacher who can make students interested in a learning process and increase student interest in learning. To achieve this, the teacher must be more creative so that students feel comfortable during the learning process. As we know, many students find it difficult and bored in the learning process, especially foreign language learning, one of the contributing factors is because the learning methods used by the teacher seem monotonous and boring. Therefore, effective and creative learning is strongly influenced by the understanding of the material and students' interest in learning.

  44. Alfina Nurhasanah
    TBI 5D

    there are some disadvantages of teaching online: the learners become undergo contemplation, remoteness, as well as lack of interaction or relation, less effective than the traditional method of learning because the offer of explanations, as well as interpretations, the learners though might have excellent knowledge in academics, they may not possess the needed skills to deliver their acquired knowledge to others, it is difficult to control or regulate sinful activities like cheating in the test for assessment, misled to piracy and plagiarism, deteriorate the role of instructor,purely scientific fields that include practical cannot be properly studied through e-learning, the heavy use of some websites bring about unanticipated costs both in time and money.

  45. Nazhifatullailah
    TBI 5B

    Teacher and good teacher are quite different. As I got from the material, to be a good teacher we should have some criterias. a good teacher has to be attentive and mindful, to synthesize as they listen. They also have to be critical in thinking about the information they have learned. Not only good technique but also more helpful. Orlando said that good teaching is more to do with "attitude towards students" than with knowledge and skills. They also should ensure a balance of principle, knowledge, and skills.

  46. mega tias nur afnia
    TBI 5 D

    The effectiveness of learning is not only determined by the media, but rather on digital literacy. Digital literacy is an individual's interest, attitude, and ability to use digital technology, and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyze, evaluate information, build new knowledge, and communicate with others effectively. So, with digital literacy, English teachers can manage English learning more effectively and efficiently. This is indicated by the students' active communication skills using English. This digital literacy can create an atmosphere of student independence in choosing the material to be studied. As well as, the target of completeness of the material that can be managed by yourself in accordance with the learning objectives that have been set. Teachers also need to realize that digitally independent learning cannot be time-limited, so it is better to emphasize the mastery concept approach.
