Monday, 31 October 2022


The students could open this link to do the mid term test. They have to submit the answers in this blog's comment column. Then, they have to sent it max on tuesday, 8 November 2022 at 23.59. 


  1. Name : Dhiza Yulia Sangkarini
    Class : TBI 5B
    NIM 201230064

    3. The way teachers adopt methods in learning situations is to look at the situation and also the needs of students in learning situations. Moreover, the provision of lessons must be adjusted to the ability and stage of development of children so that they can choose the right method to be implemented.As the Times of teaching methods change, teachers must be able to adapt to technology because today the education system in Indonesia is starting to implement a digitization system. Therefore, in choosing a learning situation method, a teacher must be able to improvise and determine their own bottom up method which can be determined by the level of student learning, mood, practice, environment, knowledge background, and also the needs of students in learning situations.Based on that, in using the right method for learners as far as they are involved and motivated to be involved in the process of learning situation then the method is successful to be applied. An example is that nowadays students love different gadgets and they are more tech savvy. So we as teachers can apply in the learning process using a digitization system when learning reading comprehension or reading using various digital applications so that the learning process is interactive so that the situation in learning is controlled which students are interested in following in the learning process. Therefore, any method and activity that we give to children most importantly can create a pleasant atmosphere and can be enjoyed by children so that children are happy and always miss the activities that we will give them. Learning is joyful and having fun.

  2. Name : Dhiza Yulia Sangkarini
    Class : TBI 5B
    NIM 201230064

    Lesson Plan
    School : Turkish International School
    Class : Kindergarten
    Theme : My Favorite
    Topic : Sing and Dance
    Allocation time : 45 minutes
    A. Competence Basic :
    1. Understand and know various related movements with member body.
    2. Know difference motion dance and song
    Indicator :
    2.1 Distinguish fast and slow motion of a limb in a rate motion through a song.
    2.2 Demonstrating motion fast and slow member body in something motion dance.
    B. Purpose :
    1. Student capable distinguish 15 moves song
    2. With using 15 different songs student could express various movement that has heard with right .
    3. Student could imitating various movement so that student could imitating with motion fast and slow in member body so that grow level trust self .
    4. With activity dance that followed by various song student could with active practice so that student active move and imagine in dance .
    5. Student could know various member body through movement.
    C. Material
    1. Express movements via youtube video “I Can Do It with 15 More Action Songs for children ( Miss Patty Compilation)”
    D. Approach and Method
    • Approach : Scientific
    • Strategy : TPR ( Total Physical Response)
    • Technique : Dance and Sing
    • Method : Practice
    E. Activity Learning
    • Activity Introduction :
    1. Class started with opened regards , ask news and check presence students .
    • Activity Core
    1) Teacher starts dance more formerly through various song .
    2) Teacher invites student for follow dance together
    3) Student imitating the movements that have been conducted by a teacher is 15 movements with different song . _
    4) Student could identify various dance fast or slow through a the song playing .
    5) Student could demonstrate various dance the in front of class .
    6) Student could know various type dance like jump like bunny , shake your hand.
    7) Student could know share member body through dance and song song .
    • Activity Closing
    1. Student with teacher guidance can conclude results learning on meeting day this .
    2. Teacher gives opportunity to a number of student for convey his opinion about learning that has been followed .
    3. Teacher gives strengthening to a learning that has been done .
    4. Pray together after lesson finished .
    F. Evaluation
    Evaluation Learning :
    • Attitude : Observation During activity
    • Knowledge : test oral
    • Skills : Practice
    Instrument Evaluation Skills :
    Singing Criteria
    Imitate song
    G. Media, Tools and Source learning
    1. Media/ tools : YouTube videos
    2. Sources :

  3. Name : KHAERUN
    NIM : 201230047
    Class : TBI 5 B
    UTS : EYL

    1. My opinion from that video what i have watched the role of the teacher very interesting in management the class until the student can be interactive to following the teacher doing, and from that video the teacher appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher , Teachers should have the ability to master the material and manage the class well so that students are also happy.

    2. The teacher from the video using Method teaching speaking and listening to her students, because from the video students can speaking and listening and will doing like the teacher did.

    3.The teacher can adopt the method of teaching 1. Teachers and students must have the technical skills to use e-learning tools, in which case resources are readily available on the Internet.
    2. Teachers should redesign their programs to incorporate e-learning effectively into pedagogy.

    4. My lesson plan to teach young learners like the video above
    1. Say greating to student
    2. Ask their condition
    3. Ask the subjek of learning
    4. Make good material
    5. Using the speaking and listening Method
    6. The teacher will sing and the student following the teacher
    7. Evaluation after learning like give some question, choosing some student to show their knowledge, singing together with student
    8. Giving motivation before exit from the class
    9. Closing

  4. Name : Suvi Arriffatu Zaein
    SIN : 20123005
    Class : 5B
    1. Teachers are directors and facilitators in the school environment to provide material to their students. The teacher determines what will be learned and who plays the subject matter. I think the teacher has entered into the criteria of a good teacher, because he always has energy for his students, has clear goals for the lesson, has effective discipline skills, and has good.
    2. The method used by the teacher is Total Physical Respond because the teacher is a director and facilitator in the school environment to provide material to students. The teacher determines what will be learned and who plays the subject matter. provide students with materials The teacher decides what will be taught and who will play the subject matter. provide students with materials The teacher decides what will be taught and who will play the subject matter. Students in this TPR method play the primary roles of listeners (listeners) and actors (actors). Students pay close attention and then respond physically to the teacher's instructions, both in groups and individually. The success or failure of using the TPR method to teach English is inextricably linked to the teacher's fluency in English pronunciation and activeness in practicing movement/action.
    3. The teacher uses song media to implement the TPR method, with the teacher acting as a facilitator who gives instructions and the students as participants.
    4. .

    Name of School : SDN 7 CIJAKU
    Subject : English
    Class/semester : III/1
    Days/date : Saturday, 2 october 2022
    Time allocation : 2 x 35 minutes

    I. Competency Standards
    1. Understand very simple instructions with actions in the context of class
    II. Basic Competencies
    1.1 Learners can respond by taking actions according to instructions in an acceptable manner in the context of the classroom in various games

    III. Indicator
    1. Imitating the teacher's instructions correctly
    2. Responding to the teacher's words correctly
    3. Taking action according to the teacher's instructions correctly
    IV. Learning Objectives
    By using the TPR method, it is expected that
    1. Students can imitate the instructions they hear with the correct pronunciation
    2. Students can respond to the teacher's words correctly
    3. Students can take action according to the teacher's instructions correctly
    Type of text: Oral instructions (oral instructions)
    Aspect/ skill: listening
    Expected student character: Trustworthiness
    Respect and attention
    Responsibility Responsibility
    V. Learning Material
    Language function: make, raise, jump, stand, sit, clap, step, nod, shout, turn,
    Vocabulary: circle, hand, feet, head, around, line, big, little

  5. VI. Learning Method: Total Physical Response (TPR)
    VII. Activity Steps
    1. Opening Activities (5 minutes)
    Teacher (T): "Good morning, children."
    Students (S): "Good morning, Mr."
    Teacher (T): "How are you today?"
    Students (S): "We are fine, thank you. And you?"
    Teacher (T): "I'm fine, thanks."
    Checking attendance
    Teacher (T): "Everybody's here today?"
    1. Students (S): "Yes, Mr."
    Teacher (T): "OK, Good!"
    2. Students (S): "No, Mr."
    Teacher (T): "Who is absent today?"
    Students(S) : "..........."
    Teacher (T) : "OK children, before we begin our lessons today, let's pray together. Pray to begin."
    Students (S): "……………………"
    Teacher (T): Thanks.
    Lead in
    Teacher (T): "OK, children, look at me, I have some pictures, and we will learn how to do it.
    2. Main Activities
    b. Exploration
    Q: "OK. Now, listen to me. Don't repeat after me. Just listen."
    Students are asked to do the instructions from the teacher
    T: "Now, everybody, please repeat after me."
    c. Elaboration
    Students carry out instructions from the teacher
    The teacher introduces the song "I CAN DO IT";
    Q: "Ok children, I have a song for you want to sing? Let's have more fun by singing a song. Everybody stand up, please. Repeat after me."
    d. Confirmation
    The teacher gives instructions while demonstrating the movement.
    Students respond to what the teacher instructed.
    The teacher evaluates the actions taken by the students.
    The teacher gives comments by saying "well done, good job, excellent, very good, etc. to students who respond correctly to instructions."
    3. Closing Activities
    a. Summarizing
    T: "OK, class. What have you learned today?"
    S: "............................................................... ." (students mention the instructions from the teacher).
    b. Further guidance
    "Please memorize this lesson. Practice at home, and next meeting, I'll check it"
    c. Reflection
    Q: "Are you enjoying?"
    S: "Yes, we are."
    Q: "OK, students, time is up. Let's close our class today by reciting havdalah together. Thank you for your attention and your participation today. See you next time."

    VIII. Learning Tools/Resources
    1. music audio
    2. Song script

    IX. Assessment
    a. Technique: oral
    b. Form: action
    c. Examples of instruments:
    make, raise, jump, stand, sit, clap, step, nod, shout, turn
    Competency Achievement Indicators
    Imitating the words heard with the correct pronunciation
    Responding to the teacher's words correctly
    Taking action according to the teacher's instructions correctly

    Appraisal Techniques
    • Oral Tests
    Instrumental Forms of
    • Respond with actions according to teacher instructions
    • The teacher gives instructions "raise your hand, etc..." and students respond to what the teacher instructed.

  6. Name : Aida Rahmawati
    Name : 201230071
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. The role of the teacher in the learning video is to teach vocabulary to young learners with a singing method that can make it easier for the child to memorize and how to write it. With this singing method, young learners don't feel bored during learning because together with playing, they don't just sit on chairs which can make them bored and lazy to study.
    I think the role of the teacher in the video includes the characteristics of a good teacher, because the method used by the teacher can make children more enthusiastic about memorizing vocabulary without having to be burdened with memorizing.

    2. From the video the teacher uses the Total Physical Response method where this method can be applied to young learners. Total physical response is a method that uses gestures to interpret words. The TPR method is one of the methods for teaching language in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.
    The purpose of holding training using this method is to help teachers teach English and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere.

    3. So that teachers can adopt the method when learning is
    a. The teacher must master the material to be explained
    b. Define learning objectives
    c. Choose a learning method that fits the material and characteristics
    d. Using learning resources can be in the form of props or videos so that the child can listen and repeat it.

    4. Lesson Plan

    In my lesson plan there are steps :
    1. Learning Objectives
    In it the teacher can take cognitive and psychomotor goals directly from those determined by the government, namely KI 3 (cognitive) and KI 4 (psychomotor).

    2. Learning Steps
    In it By doing this step, the teacher will be helped to know (1) what materials will be brought to students,
    (2) what teaching methods will be used, as well as
    (3) how is the learning timeline

    3. Learning Assessment
    In this stage, there are three things that the teacher must design: (1) what form the summative assessment will take; whether it's a quiz, creating a product, completing a project, or answering questions;
    (2) what are the assessment criteria; the teacher must create a rubric to then distribute it to students at the beginning of the lesson; final,
    (3) what formative assessments will help students complete summatives well, and when they will be given.

  7. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    N.I.M: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    1. The role of the teacher in the video is as a person who guides as well as provides direction to his students. That is one of the characteristics of a good teacher. Because a teacher must be able to be an example for his students.
    2. The learning method used in the video is the Eurhythmics Method, which teaches music through motion, with the aim of being able to feel the elements of the music being taught. This method is also used by the teacher to convey learning material by singing and moving according to the vocabulary style mentioned in the lyrics.
    3. The teacher adopts the method and implements it into learning. This is useful for training and improving the abilities of students.
    4. Learning objectives: To increase the vocabulary of students and hone their motor skills.
    Learning activities: Listening to music, singing and demonstrating it with movement.
    Learning assessment or assessment: Judging from the ability of students to imitate the teacher.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Name : Ayu unzila
    Nim : 201230068
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video fulfills the characteristics of a good teacher. Singing an action song is not only a great way to incorporate music into a child's life, but also helps develop motor skills.
    From songs also children can learn new vocabulary and expressions as well as pronunciation.
    In the video, I think using songs helps teachers create a fun learning atmosphere for their students
    Bringing songs into the classroom allows students to enjoy stress-free learning situations. and helps develop concentration, memory and coordination.

    2. from the video, I think the teacher uses the Total Physical Response method where the teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher did in the video. movement according to instructions and how to respond well.
    Aims for language teaching in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.

    3. The first teacher must condition the students then the next learning step
    (1). The teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher does
    (2).The teacher creates situations in which he gives gestures/examples of movement according to instructions and how to respond both verbally and in action
    (3). The teacher evaluates the actions taken by students
    (4). The teacher provides reinforcement to students who are correct in responding to instructions.

    4. The steps in designing learning skills for opening and closing lessons become basic skills that are very important to have in order to achieve effective, efficient, interesting and fun learning. Although it looks trivial, it can bring the learning process well. Though this has a major influence on the success and enthusiasm or interest of students in learning.
    How to open the lesson with
    1. Greet Students with Enthusiasm.
    2. Attract Students' Attention
    3. Motivate Students.
    4. Explaining the Material and Related Matters Previously
    5.b Reviewing the Meeting Materials.
    6. Evaluation of Good Learning
    Giving Social Push

  10. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video is very good because basically a good teacher is not just teaching but guiding the students as well. Moreover, the methods taught must also be in accordance with what students need and not monotonous so that students can enjoy following the learning methods that have been made by the teacher. And a good teacher can provide a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere for the students being taught.

    2. In the video using the Eurhythmics Method to teach music through motion, with the aim of being able to feel the elements of the music being taught. Dalcroze uses motion elements so that students can understand the musical elements being taught. In this way students can easily remember the movements taught by the teacher.

    3. The teacher adopts the eurhythmics method and implements it in learning and also the method is useful for training and improving students' abilities easily. And taught in a group setting so that students can develop sensitivity to musical mood, structure, and rhythm through the methods shown in the video.

    4. - Learning objectives: so that students are able to add vocabulary in the music, and can develop skills in learning.
    - Learning activities: listening and moving the body according to the music and make students' concentration good.
    - Student assessment: The teacher assesses students from the way students follow the movements that are exemplified by the teacher.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Name: Puspita Purnama
    Class: TBI 5C
    NIM: 201230096

    3. From my point of view, a teacher need to apply diverse methods to his students, and the most funny possible. Now it’s possible to use digital tool to rise to possibilities of educational methods and ways. And technology offers more and more gamification way, and recent survey show that people memorize better and faster, than with traditional methods. An other good point is to define how each student memorize better : by reading, listening, writing, etc. and adapt in consequence the educational methods for each one.

    School : British School
    Class : Kindergarten
    Theme : My Body
    Topic : Sing and Dance
    Allocation time : 60 minutes

    Learning Objectives
    -Students will be able to identify some common body parts.

    Materials and preparation
    -Chart paper the size of each student
    -Your Body worksheet
    -Body Parts Song for Kids video

    -My Body (PDF)

    Introduction (10 minutes)
    -Tell the students you are going to listen to a song to help them review their body parts.
    -Play the Body Parts Song for Kids video. Repeat the video if needed.

    Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (10 minutes)
    -Review body parts with the students. Go over parts that you feel weren't gone over in the body part song.
    -Introduce the body tracing activity to the students.

    Guided Practice (20 minutes)
    -Have a student trace you on a piece of paper and help you label your body parts.
    -Display you outline and review each body part—head , arms, legs, chest, hands, and feet—with the

    Independent working time (15 minutes)
    -Have students work in pairs and trace each other.
    -Once they have traced each other, have them label their bodies.

    -Enrichment: Have advanced students use the backs of their worksheets to write descriptions for what
    each body part does.
    -Support: Give struggling students one-on-one assistance with identifying the different body parts.

    Assessment (10 minutes)
    -Have students complete the Your Body worksheet.
    -Collect the worksheet once they're done working. Review it to assess their understanding.

    Media, Tools and Source learning
    -Media/tools: YouTube video

    Review and closing (5 minutes)
    -Display students' work on the walls of the classroom.

    NIM: 201230049

    1. The role of the teacher in the video is as a person who guides as well as provides direction to his students and the role of the teacher in the video also provides interesting and fun learning. That is one of the characteristics of a good and creative teacher. Because a teacher can be an example and set a good example for his students.
    2. The learning method used in the video is using the Eurhythmics method, expressing music through movement, developing musical skills through kinetic exercises. Students learn rhythm and structure by listening to music and expressing what they hear through spontaneous body movements. This method is also used by the teacher to convey learning material by singing and moving according to the vocabulary style mentioned in the lyrics of the song. because using songs can improve memory and understand vocabulary more effectively. Songs can also help to develop Pronounciation Skills with good intonation.
    3. The teacher adopts the method and implements it into learning. This is useful for training and improving students' listening and speaking skills.
    4. Learning objectives: develop all language skills in an integrative way, including improving students' pronunciation skills. Song is an affective/psychological resource. Besides being fun, songs are also able to motivate students as well as foster a positive attitude towards English.
    learning activities: Listening to music, singing and demonstrating it with movement.
    Assessment of learning: students' ability of speech, word stress and correct intonation.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. NAMA : DAMI
    NIM : 201230063
    CLASS : TBI 5B


    1. The role of the teacher in the video fulfills the characteristics of a good teacher. Singing an action song is not only a great way to incorporate music into a child's life, but also helps develop motor skills.
    From songs also children can learn new vocabulary and expressions as well as pronunciation.
    In the video, I think using songs helps teachers create a fun learning atmosphere for their students
    Bringing songs into the classroom allows students to enjoy stress-free learning situations.

    2. In my opinion that, I think the teacher uses the Total Physical Response method where the teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher did in the video.

    Aims for language teaching in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.

    3. The first teacher must condition the students then the next learning step
    (1). The teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher does
    (2).The teacher creates situations in which he gives gestures/examples of movement according to instructions and how to respond both verbally and in action
    (3). The teacher evaluates the actions taken by students
    (4). The teacher provides reinforcement to students who are correct in responding to instructions.

    4. The steps in designing learning skills for opening and closing lessons become basic skills that are very important to have in order to achieve effective, efficient, interesting and fun learning. Although it looks trivial, it can bring the learning process well. Though this has a major influence on the success and enthusiasm or interest of students in learning.
    How to open the lesson with
    1. Greet Students with
    4. Explaining the Material and Related Matters Previously
    5.b Reviewing the Meeting Materials.
    6. Evaluation of Good Learning
    Giving Social Push

  16. Name : Wulan Suciana
    Nim : 201230044
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the role of a teacher in this video is quite interesting because using music in learning can attract children's interest in learning and in this method of learning with music I have come to know that learning to use music can increase children's vocabulary, new expressions and pronunciation of words. different. In this video I think that using songs that children like can make it easier for teachers to teach and teachers can also create a fun atmosphere.

    2. from the video, I think the teacher uses the Total Physical Response method where the teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher did in the video. movement according to instructions and how to respond well. Aims for language teaching in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.

    3. The first teacher must condition the students then the next learning step
    (1). The teacher says and demonstrates the commands and the students carry out the orders by listening to the teacher and by doing what the teacher does
    (2).The teacher creates situations in which he gives gestures/examples of movement according to instructions and how to respond both verbally and in action
    (3). The teacher evaluates the actions taken by students.

    4. The steps in designing learning skills for opening and closing lessons become basic skills that are very important to have in order to achieve effective, efficient, interesting and fun learning. Although it looks trivial, it can bring the learning process well. Though this has a major influence on the success and enthusiasm or interest of students in learning.
    How to open the lesson with
    1. Greet Students with Enthusiasm.
    2. Attract Students' Attention
    3. Motivate Students.
    4. Explaining the Material and Related Matters PPrevious.
    5. Evaluation of Good Learning Giving Social Push.

  17. Name : Khofifah Aulia Permatasari
    NIM : 201230076
    Class : 5B

    1. In my opinion the teacher in the video is very good, because he teaches with a good and correct method, by singing while moving what is sung so that students easily understand the material being conveyed.The role of the teacher in the video is to give students a definite understanding of the material being taught.

    2. Traditional teaching patterns that only emphasize the ability of logic (mathematics) and language given in the form of possible lectures Boring students. The multiple intelligence theory suggests some way. That allow lesson materials to be delivered in the learning process more effective.
    Ways of teaching materials to be used by teachers
    As follows:
    - words (intelligence)
    - Numbers or logic (references -mathematical intelligence)
    - image (visu-intelligence)
    - music (musical intelligence)
    - bodily-kinetic intelligence.
    - social experience (interpersonal intelligence)
    - insubordination intelligence.
    - naturalist intelligence experience.
    - event (intelligence)
    For example, if you teach economics about the law of demand market (law of supply and demand), and so students are expected to read material that will be presented, to study mathematical formulas for knowing the calculations of any number of requests or supply Mathematical), create charts illustrating the law of request The (visual and observations), observe directly on Naturalist markets, observe the commerce systems of the peopl people in general are interpersonal.

    3. Invite students to sing while dancing or imitate movements that match the lyrics of the song to make it easier for students to understand the meaning and meaning of the material provided.

  18. Name : Khofifah Aulia Permatasari
    NIM : 201230076
    Class : 5B

    4. these elements, typically in this
    • Title of the lesson
    • Time required to complete the lesson
    • List of required materials
    • List of objectives, which may be behavioral objectives
    (what the student can do at lesson completion) or
    knowledge objectives (what the student knows at lesson completion)
    • The set (or lead-in, or bridge-in) that focuses students on the lesson's skills or concepts—these include showing pictures or models, asking leading questions, or reviewing previous lessons
    • An instructional component that describes the sequence of events that make up the lesson, including the teacher's
    instructional input and guided practice the students use to try new skills or work with new ideas
    • Independent practice that allows students to extend skills or knowledge on their own
    • A summary, where the teacher wraps up the discussion and answers questions
    • An evaluation component, a test for mastery of the
    instructed skills or concepts—such as a set of questions
    to answer or a set of instructions to follow A risk assessment where the lesson's risks and the steps
    taken to minimize them are documented.
    • Analysis component the teacher uses to reflect on the lesson itself —such as what worked, what needs
    • A continuity component reviews and reflects on content
    from the previous lesson
    • A well-developed lesson plan reflects the interests and needs of students. It incorporates best practices for the educational field. The lesson plan correlates with the teacher's philosophy of education, which is what the teacher feels is the purpose of educating the students.
    • Secondary English program lesson plans, for example, usually center around four topics. They are literary theme, elements of language and composition, literary history, and literary genre. A broad, thematic lesson plan is preferable, because it allows a teacher to create various research, writing, speaking, and reading assignments. It helps an instructor teach different literature genres and incorporate videotapes, films, and television programs. Also, it facilitates teaching literature
    and English together. Similarly, history lesson plans focus on content (historical accuracy and background information), analytic thinking, scaffolding, and the
    practicality of lesson structure and meeting of
    educational goals. School requirements and a teacher's personal tastes, in that order, determine the exact requirements for a lesson plan.
    • Unit plans follow much the same format as a lesson plan, but cover an entire unit of work, which may span several days or weeks. Modern constructivist teaching styles may not require individual lesson plans. The unit plan may include specific objectives and timelines, but lesson

  19. Name : Sari Herawati
    NIM : 201230117
    Class : TBI 5C
    Dosen Pengampu : Dr.Hj Selnistia Hidayani, M.Pd

    1.) In my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video is as a very creative and active teacher as a model that aims to instruct students, he can condition young learners who are very active with the more action a song learning method, which in the process a lot of learning such as vocabulary, command sentences contained in the song. Of course they are in accordance with the characteristics of good teachers because they are able to condition the activeness of their students and keep learning by using more action a song, able to demonstrate and teach material creatively so that it fosters student interest in learning.

    2.) According to my opinion, the learning method contained in the video is the songs base learning method or learning that uses fun song lyrics to improve students' English skills, especially listening and speaking skills. The steps for method songs base learning in learning are followas : The teacher prepares and chooses songs that are interesting and easy to understand by students and students are welcome to prepare sheets of paper to write down how much vocabulary they can catch from listening to the song. The teacher plays the song according to the students' abilities, the teacher asks the students to write down the words or sentences they have got on the blackboard. The teacher says words or sentences that have been written on the blackboard and students imitate with correct pronunciation and pronunciation. The teacher says words or sentences and asks students to demonstrate them. The teacher plays the song, the students imitate and demonstrate the song together.

    3.) To adopt a learning method, the teacher should pay attention to the components in learning, including: a) learning objectives; b) the nature of the subject matter; c) availability of facilities; d) condition of students; e) available time allocation. For example, when we face COVID-19, teachers are required to adopt learning methods from home (online), among others, teachers conduct online distance learning methods: teachers conduct class sessions online, not via email or telephone. This usually does not require face-to-face meetings between students and teachers either in class or via video during the course. Method Blended learning: teachers combine elements of online distance learning and traditional learning to replace multiple classroom sessions with virtual sessions.

  20. 4. LESSON PLAN
    Young Learners

    A. Basic Competencies:
    1. Know the vocabulary of Part of Body, and imperrative sentence
    2. Respond to instructions with actions regarding parts of the body and imperrative sentence
    3. Recognize the vocabulary of command sentences.
    4. Respond to instructions with action and dance regarding command sentences.

    B. Indicators:
    • Follow the instructions with action a song on the vocabulary part of the body and imperrative sentence
    • Mention the vocabulary part of the body with action a song.
    • Follow the instructions with action a song regarding the command line.
    • Mention the vocabulary of the command sentence with action a song

    C. Learning Objectives:
    At the end of the lesson, students can:
    • Understand and follow instructions with action a song regarding part of body vocabulary and the magic words stop and go.
    • Mention the vocabulary part of the body with action a song.
    • Understand and follow instructions with action a song regarding command sentences.
    • Mention the vocabulary of the command sentence with action a song

    D. Learning Materials: Stand up and Sit down!, Part of body( Imperative Sentences )
    E. Time Allocation: 2 Hours
    F. Methods: Integrated Skills (listening, speaking, assignments, demonstrations, singing songs, saying aloud).
    G. Media/ Source: The source of the song via youtube made by Patty Shukla Kids Tv entitled I can do it with 15 more actions a songs for children.

    H. Learning Activities:
    1. Keg. Introduction - The teacher starts the class by greeting. How Are You Today? "
    - The teacher conditions the class while checking student attendance.
    - The teacher reviews the material from the previous meeting.
    - The teacher prepares students to enter into learning by asking questions related to the material: Do you know about nose and mouth function?

    2.Keg. Inti - The teacher invites students to open a printed book on page 64 and look at the picture of the part of the body. Then, the teacher asked “Where is the nose? Yes? No?” (points to nose) Yes, that is nose.Show me where your nose are. This is my nose mrs. (Student points his nose according to the teacher's instructions)
    - The teacher repeats the same procedure by pointing at a different picture). After that, the teacher asked the students to sing and demonstrate and mention the vocabulary part of the body aloud. By saying "Everyone, let's dancing, sing and say the vocabulary part of body out loud" (Students follow the teacher's instructions and demonstrate the movements). For example, in the song mentioning the word nose, students hold their nose.
    - The teacher asks students to pay attention to what the teacher demonstrates about the command sentence, for example "stand up!" "Sit down!" " Open the door!" " Open the book! ".
    Then the teacher tests the students' concentration and ability to understand what the teacher has demonstrated before. " Everyone, if I command stand up, you must stand up. if I order sit down, you have to sit down "
    - After that, the teacher invites students to sing and demonstrate the commands in the song. If the song says "Everybody sit down one two three" (Students follow the instructions in the song and demonstrate the movement).

    3. Keg. Closing - Teachers and students reflect on today's learning activities.
    - The teacher gives assignments in the form of matching vocabulary and command sentences with pictures.
    - The teacher and students close the meeting.

    I. Evaluation :
    Type Description :
    -Written Match the pictures with the right captions.
    -Memorize the vocabulary contained in the part of the body.
    -Oral Describes the picture.

  21. *Name* : Nurhalyza Nabila Putri
    *Register Number*: 201230041
    *Class* : TBI-5B
    *Answers Mid Examination EYL*
    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video is very interactive, interesting, and fun so that the children also enjoy participating in various activities that must be carried out with different themes in each meeting. The existence of the song and movement method strongly supports learning activities, especially the teacher's ability to sing, play music, dance and insert various materials such as vocabulary in each song, making the children excited to follow the lesson. Yes, they have characteristics as good teachers, especially in the international arena. The reason is because they have to try to combine the material with songs, songs, music and movements that not everyone can do. This is also related to children's growth and development which is in line with several theories from experts such as: Psychosocial theory from Erik Erikson about 8 stages of psychosocial development that depend on the existence of social interaction and conflict, if we connect with the video there are several social interactions that can we see that is the interaction of teachers with students and students with other students. Then this is also related to Jean Piaget's theory which discusses cognitive theory about child development and focuses on a person's mindset, if it is linked to a video, the teacher must have characteristics, one of which is helping students to form their mindset into students who have a mindset can solve problems even when he is young. In the video, students are required to be able to follow the directions and orders that the teacher gives.

  22. *Name* : Nurhalyza Nabila Putri
    *NIM* : 201230041
    *Class* : TBI-5B
    *Answers Mid Examination EYL*
    2. The kinds of method used in that video is Total Physical Response (TPR) uses physical movement to respond to vocal input b in order to teach language or vocabulary topics. The method lowers stress levels in students and replicates how young children learn their first language. The goal of TPR is to improve language and vocabulary development by forging a neural connection between voice and action.
    The use of this method can be seen from several parts of the video that the teacher mentions vocabulary such as Rabbit by showing bent hands, instructing close your eyes and students responding with their eyes closed, instructing students to dance and students responding by dancing. Not only that, they also learn about situations that occur in various themes such as practicing the triangle shape with their fingers and some of the events they have to face.
    3. The teacher would be better off adopting the material with this method if the conditions and situations of the children were getting bored with learning that only listened to the teacher talking while they could not participate in practicing it while the nature of young learners was bored quickly but their curiosity was high, therefore they used Total Physical Response method to increase children's motivation and interest in learning vocabulary is highly recommended. The Total Physical Response method created by James Asher has proven its success in making children more interested in learning vocabulary, but this method is indeed difficult to combine the material with various movements, music, instruments and songs so that it is easier for students to memorize it. Therefore, if a teacher wants to use this method, the thing that must be prepared is creativity and the ability to move and speak.

  23. *Name* : Nurhalyza Nabila Putri
    *NIM* : 201230041
    *Class* : TBI-5B
    4. *Lesson Plan on Kindergarten School at Amazon*
    *Participants*: Students aged 2-7 at Kindergarten School at Amazon
    *Time*: 90 minutes
    *Topic*: If I were an animals

    *Learning objectives*:

    *Students are able to understand some vocabulary and its description as objects, human movements, shapes, animals and so on.
    *Students are able to respond to movements that are in accordance with what the teacher commands such as scream, close your eyes and so on.
    *Students are able to use vocabulary in several contexts correctly and appropriately.
    *Students are able to pronounce vocabulary fluently and correctly.
    Learning materials:

    *Study Material*: Can Do It with 15 Action Songs for Children
    Procedure for teaching and learning activities:

    *Opening activity*:
    *The teacher starts by inviting students to sing and play music.
    *Teachers carry out commands through movements, songs and songs.
    *Teachers tell students about the topics they will study through songs.
    *The teacher practices the movements according to the animal being discussed.
    *Main activity*:
    *Students are given some moves and commands.
    *The teacher gives students the opportunity to repeat and respond to these commands and movements.
    *The teacher explains through the song what the students have to do.
    *The teacher asks students to describe the animal whose movements are being imitated.
    *The teacher concludes all the material at the end of the song while practicing the movements.
    *The teacher ends the song and ends the class.

    *Teacher corrects some vocabulary
    *The teacher asks students to say the vocabulary that has been learned
    *The teacher asks students about their impression of learning while accompanied by songs, instruments and imitating the movements that have been taught by the teacher.

  24. Name : Fakhira Anisa Maharani
    NIM : 201230070
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video is good, the teacher is able to make students happy, and the teacher makes movements that students can follow. The teacher already has good characteristics because it makes lessons more fun and exciting so that students can follow what the teacher is doing. Learning by using songs and dances that are done is able to make everyone not bored, because they use music and dance.

    2. The learning method used is the Total Physical Response method. Because in the video the teacher uses gestures when pronouncing vocabulary. The teacher makes students understand. This method relates to the coordination of commands, speech and movement so that it is easier for a child to master a language in learning. The Total Physical Response method is a method that uses gestures to interpret words, and according to what is in the video where the teacher uses music and interprets the music using body movements.

    3. The teacher adopts the method in a learning situation, namely when students feel bored with the usual learning method, the teacher looks for which method can make students no longer feel bored with learning and looks for the right method. When you have found the right method, the teacher makes a lesson plan for the lesson to be studied, for example using the Total Physical Response method, the teacher must prepare music and make dance moves that match the song and make sure students don't feel bored. When using this method, the learning that was initially very boring and unpleasant became more exciting and fun because of interpreting words using music and body movements.

  25. Name : Fakhira Anisa Maharani
    NIM : 201230070
    Class : TBI 5B

    4. Lesson Plan
    I. Standard Competency
    • To understand the basic command with action in the context of the classroom.
    II. Base Competency
    • Respond with body movements according to the teacher's instructions.
    III. Objective
    At the end of the lesson the children will be able to:
    • To understand vocabulary by using gestures.
    • To understand and follow with the body movements and actions of the teacher.
    IV. Indicator
    • Knowledge :
    1. Students will have initial knowledge of vocabulary, after which they will be able to recognize and pronounce it with body movements.
    2. Students understand more about vocabulary and understand the meaning of the vocabulary.
    • Attitude :
    1. The students may be have curious from the learning study.
    2. The students may be have critical, courage and excited while learning process.
    3. The students may be have knowledge of vocabulary.
    V. Object Material
    Object : Music, body movement, song
    Material : Youtube Video about part of body vocabulary
    VI. Teaching Method
    Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical (motor) activity
    VII. Strategies Presentation
    1. Introduction (10 minutes)
    • Greetings, pray and checking the attendance being process.
    • At the beginning convey the aim lesson today.
    • Ask student to identify the part of body. After that ask student to mention and point part of body.
    • Teacher show off the basic command action related of the part of body, ask student to listen carefully and follow it.
    Ex. Head Eye
    Shoulder Ear
    Knees Mouth
    Toes Nose
    • Encourage the students to pay games or sing a song, “guess the word” start with the question “what is it?”
    Ex: Students what is it? It starts with “M”… (mouth) please spell.
    2. Essence Activity (15 minutes)
    Before continue the lesson, give the ice breaker by sing a song “If you’re happy and you know it”.
    • Elaboration (25 minutes)
    a. Start lesson by play music
    b. Start moving the body when the music has started
    c. Touching body parts when there is vocabulary in the song
    • Confirmation (10 minutes)
    • Ask the question from the games and ask student to listen the instruction from teacher and repeat it.
    3. Closing (5 minutes)
    Ask the students if the think that still there question about the lesson and discuss together.
    VIII. Evaluation

    SRN : 201230061
    CLASS : TBI-5B
    1. Based on the video, the teacher played an active role in stimulating students to be able to take part in learning in a fun situation. The teacher acted as an instructor who invited students to sing and dance while learning, so that students become more enjoy and interested in the learning process. They were very appropriate with the characteristics of a good young learner teacher, because they are energetic, creative, and have a very pleasant disposition for children.
    2. The method used in the video is Total Physical Response combined with songs. In this method the teacher acted as a facilitator and creator of interesting class activity. Students acted as listeners and followers of the teacher's instruction. This method was applied very well so that students could avoid stress and have a good learning mood as well.
    3. The teacher adapted her method of using songs by singing and dancing as a way of conveying the various instructions that are part of the TPR process. The teacher packed the learning material in simple and easy-to-heard songs. Students gave some responses by practicing movements in songs that match the rhythm. This makes the learning process easier and more enjoyable.

  27. DEDE IRMA (201230061) TBI-5B

    4. Lesson Plan:
    A. Standard Competency
    Understanding simple instructions with an action in the class context.
    B. Basic Competency
    Students are able to respond by taking actions according to instructions.
    C. Indicator
    1. Imitate the teacher's instructions correctly.
    2. Respond to the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Take action according to the teacher's instructions correctly.
    D. Objective of the Study
    By using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, it is expected that:
    1. Students are able to imitate the teacher's instructions correctly.
    2. Students are respond to the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Students are take action according to the teacher's instructions correctly.
    Material Type : Oral Instruction
    Skill : Listening
    Expected student character : Trustworthiness
    E. Classroom Material
    Language Function : stop, go, run, dance, wave, crawl.
    Vocabulary : listen, another side, move , hands, body.
    F. Learning Method
    Total Physical Response (TPR)
    G. Steps of the Study
    1. Opening Activities (10’)
    • Teacher greets her students.
    • Teacher checks the student’s attendance.
    • Teacher ask for praying together.
    • Teacher states the material to be learned.
    2. Main Activities (30’)
    a. Exploration
    • Teacher shows a picture of STOP sign.
    • Teacher asks students to observe the picture shown.
    • Teacher asks students to explain the picture they see and what instructions are contained in the picture.
    • Students are asked to follow instructions from the teacher
    b. Elaboration
    • Students are appointed one by one to carry out instructions from the teacher.
    • Teacher introduces the song “S.T.O.P” by Patty Shukla.
    Song script:
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, go, go, go
    Stop, go, go, go
    Stop, go, go, go
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, run, run, run
    Stop, run, run, run
    Stop, run, run, run
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, crawl, crawl, crawl
    Stop, crawl, crawl, crawl
    Stop, crawl, crawl, crawl
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, Dance, dance, dance
    Stop, Dance, dance, dance
    Stop, Dance, dance, dance
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, wave your hands,
    Stop wave your hands,
    Stop wave your hands
    This is a special song
    You have to put your ears on
    And listen for that magic word
    S.T.O.P says what you should do
    It’s something that you may have heard
    Stop, go, go, go
    Stop, go, go, go
    Stop, go, go, go
    c. Confirmation
    • The teacher gives instructions while demonstrating the movement.
    • Teacher gives instructions such as“dance, let,s move to another side, run, stop, go, wave your hands, crawl, ....etc”
    • Students respond to what the teacher instructed.
    • The teacher provides an evaluation of the actions taken by students.
    • Teacher gives appreciation to students who are correct in responding to instructions by saying “well done, good job, excellent, very good, etc.”
    3. Closing (10’)
    • Summarizing
    Teacher reviews the material that has been studied.
    • Further Guidance
    Teacher asks students to repeat at home the lessons that have been given in class.
    • Reflection
    Teacher ask the students about their feeling after learning the topic.
    Teacher close the meeting by greeting and praying.
    H. Source and Media
    Word wall
    Song script
    Audio/ musical instrument
    I. Evaluation
    Technique : Oral
    Form : Action
    Instrument : Run, stop, go, wave your hands, crawl

  28. Name : Nuraeni
    NIM : 201230057
    Class : TBI 5B
    MID-TERM TEST English for Young Learner

    1. The role of the teacher in the video is as an instructor and commando who determines and exemplifies body movements as instructed in the song.
    In my opinion, the teacher is appropriate with the characteristics of a good teacher, especially for young learners. According to Shamin 2004, a good teacher is one who can understand how their students learn and can vary learning activities to increase the knowledge and abilities of the students. The teacher in the video understands how the character of young learners learn, he understands that young learners get bored easily and like fun activities. therefore, he makes learning fun using songs and body movements.

    2. The method used is the Total Physical Response (TPR) method combined with action songs.
    Total Physical Respon is a method of teaching language that focuses on the coordination of speech and action. Action songs promote dance or acts while singing. Total physical response is the most appropriate method, and it is widely used by young learner teachers. However, this method has a flaw in that students cannot express their own thoughts, so they will be lazy to do what the teacher instructs them to do. The combination of the TPR method and action songs, in which children can sing and dance while following the teacher's instructions, is an excellent way for young learners to learn.

    3. The teacher adapts the TPR method by turning the material into a song that contains instructions that are in accordance with the teaching material. they try to cover the weakness of this method by combining it with the action songs method so that learning activities are more effective and interactive.

    4. Lesson Plan

    - School : Dancing In The Rain Kindergarten
    - Students : aged 3-6
    - Time Allocation : 60 minutes
    - Topic : Colors

    # Learning Objectives
    1) Students are able to understand some color vocabulary and some simple instructions
    2) Students are able to respond to commands with appropriate body movements
    3) Students are able to use vocabulary in several contexts correctly and appropriately.
    4) Students are able to pronounce vocabulary fluently and correctly.

    # Learning Materials
    - Study materials : Color dance

    #Learning Activities
    • Opening
    1) The teacher invites students to do a simple game as a warm-up
    2) The teacher tells the students about the topic to be studied
    3) The teacher reviews the color vocabulary that has been taught in the previous meeting

    • Main activities
    1) The teacher gives some simple instructions
    2) The teacher introduces the teaching materials that will be used
    3) The teacher asks students to name the color of the clothes they wear
    4) The teacher starts singing the song "Color dance" accompanied by music through the CD
    5) The teacher asks students who wear clothes with the colors in the song to dance
    6) The teacher asks the dancing students to sit back
    7) The teacher ends the song and lesson

    • Evaluation
    1) The teacher asks the students to name the color while showing the object with the color mentioned
    2) The teacher asks students about the impression of learning activities using the chili dance song

  29. Name : Nia Kurniawati
    NIM : 201230067
    Class: TBI-5B

    1. The role of a teacher is not limited to only the classroom but their different roles can be seen even outside the classroom. In the video, the teacher acts as facilitators of student learning and creators of productive classroom environments, in which students can develop the skills. The teacher also serves as a motivator throughout the video.instructing students to perform movements in accordance with instructions and engaging them in learning through exciting gymnastics approaches. Apart from being a facilitator and motivator, the teacher also acts as a demonstrator and assessor in the teaching given.
    In my opinion,from the video I believe the instructor in the video embodies the qualities of a good teacher, one of which is that the teacher is knowledgeable about the subject and can guide pupils to become interactive, which makes learning more enjoyable.
    2. Progressive Method
    This progressive method is a way of teaching that breaks down training materials or skills into several units or parts involving one part and a skill so that it displays movement pattern exercises and in this video the teacher is a demonstration with style as a demonstration accompanied by songs and musical instruments as support for harmony. the material being taught.
    3. Teachers can pragmatically modify learning environments using instructional strategies that are in line with the methodologies being taught; in the video, the teacher adopts the outside world as a place to learn and creates learning that will give students experiences without making them feel tutored. Gymnastic techniques and songs are used to equip participants with abilities so that learners won't become bored and may have fun while learning.
    4. lesson plan based on the video
    Subject : Physical Education
    Topic : individual balance
    Physical Fitness: Educational Gymnastics
    Class Level : kindergarten
    Strand Unit : Movement
    Day : 02/11/2022
    Time: 2 x 20 minute
    Curriculum Objectives :
    The child should be enabled to
    • Create and perform sequences of movement to develop body awareness with appropriate variations of direction, pathways, levels, shape and balances.
    • Select and link a range of movement actions to travel on the floor.
    • Develop good body tension and posture through gymnastics positions and movements.
    • Observe and practicing movements.
    Gr.1 a. Explores the three different static support position (front support, hangs and balances)
    Gr.2: b. Perform statics with supports (e.g. bunny hops).
    Gr.3: a. Perform static on one / two /three / four body parts.
    b. Perform co-operative balance activities (e.g. leaning against each other, leaning as far away from each other as they can).
    Lessone procedure
    • Warm-up (Jogging, Stretching and Pair stretch)
    • Hand walk
    1. Make pairs and a student hold up the pair’s knees. check the figures
    2. After getting ready, walk to the line while keeping the shape. : Teaching point
    - Both students straight the arms and look forward.
    - Just move the arms and walk, don’t move the hip and feet.
    • Hand stand
    1. Make 3 student groups and a ‘hand walk’ shape each group.
    2. Raise the legs gradually with a strong support of the other 2 students. :
    • Teaching point
    - Straight the arms and body. Don’t bend around the butt(hip).
    - A teacher should not force to do it, but let the try as possible as they can.
    • Cool down
    1. the teacher evaluates student movements with the suitability of teaching materials
    2. Guiding and directing students properly and correctly

  30. Name: Atikah Firdayanti
    NIM : 201230086
    Class: 5C
    1. The role of the teacher in the video is very cool and makes the children not bored with what they are taught. I think this video reflects a good teacher, because it can build a good atmosphere.
    2. The video uses demonstration and role-play methods. Because in the video the teacher demonstrates the meaning of the word and the students are invited to dance so that they know what the word means and with that they will remember well what they have learned.
    3. In such conditions, the teacher acts as a learning resource for students. Students will learn what comes out of the teacher's mouth. Therefore, teachers must be smart in choosing the right method for their students so that what is conveyed is understood.
    Teacher : Atikah Firdayanti
    Subject : English
    Class : Kindergarten
    Theme : Color Dance
    Time Allocation : 60 minutes

    Learning Objectives
    -Students will be able to identify color.
    - Students can increase vocabulary

    Learning Method
    Sing and Dance

    Step Learning Activity:
    Introduction (3 minutes)
    -Teacher checks students attendance
    -Teacher ask students to pray

    Core Activities (22 minutes)
    - The teacher tells the students about the color by using colored cloth
    -Then let the student to repeat it together. If there is a faulty pronounciation, provide opportunities for other students to answer
    - Then, the teacher repeats again but with a song, and asks the students to sing together
    - The teacher distributes the cloth to the students and asks them to make a circle
    - After making a circle, the teacher instructs the students when they say the color, for example "red" the student holding the red cloth must stand up and dance.
    - After that, repeat the song that was while in practice.

    Closing Event (5minutes)
    -Teachers ask students to repeat back at home the lesson that has been given in class

    Tools /Learning Resource:
    -Colored Cloth

  31. Name : Ikhfasya Ichi Daynia
    Class : TBI 5 B
    Nim : 201230060

    1. I think a teacher in this video really mastered his role. He can show the role in every movement to his students. Because there are several characteristics of a good teacher, including:
    - always has energy for his students: well in this video it is very clear that this teacher is very active.
    - have a clear goal for the lesson: the teacher in this video can fulfill his goal clearly in each class.
    - have effective disciplining skills: the students in this video are very disciplined in their every movement, they also seem to be able to explore their respective roles, because the teacher in this video can make students actively follow all the movement methods with the voice that he exemplifies.

    2. In my opinion, the learning method in this video is the "role playing" method and the "Total Physical Response" (TPR) method. TPR is a method that uses gestures to interpret words. Usually the purpose of using this method is to help teachers teach English and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere. In the role playing method, role playing learning involves students in the drama or role method. Because this video explains about an active teacher by teaching students to explore the role of acting with the strains of a song as a character in certain situations and showing the response that must be done. This learning method can train interaction and express yourself in a real way like the one in this video.

    3. The teacher adopts the method and applies it to learning. It is useful for training and improving students' listening and speaking skills. Teachers will also be better off adopting material with this method if the conditions and situations of children are getting bored with learning that only listens to the teacher talking while the nature of young students gets bored quickly but their curiosity is high, therefore they use the Total Physical Response method so that It is highly recommended to increase children's motivation and interest in learning vocabulary.
    4. lesson plan :
    A. Standard Competency
    • To understand the basic command with action in the context of the classroom.
    B. Basic Competency
    Students are able to respond by taking actions according to instructions.
    C. Objective
    by using the role playing method it is expected that:
    able to foster enthusiasm and a sense of togetherness through fun learning.
    and By using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, it is expected that:
    1. Students are able to imitate the teacher's instructions correctly.
    2. Students are respond to the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Students are take action according to the teacher's instructions correctly.
    D.. Indicator
    1. Imitate the teacher's instructions correctly.
    2. Respond to the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Take action according to the teacher's instructions correctly
    E. Object Material
    Object : Music, body movement, song
    Material : Youtube Video about part of body vocabulary
    Skill : listening
    F. Learning Method
    Total Physical Response (TPR) and Role Playing.
    G. Learning Activities
    - Opening
    Teacher greets her students.
    • Teacher checks the student’s attendance.
    • Teacher ask for praying together.
    • Teacher states the material to be learned.
    - Main activities
    1) The teacher gives some simple instructions
    2) The teacher introduces the teaching materials that will be used
    3) The teacher asks students to name the color of the clothes they wear
    4) The teacher starts singing the song "Color dance" accompanied by music through the CD
    5) The teacher asks students who wear clothes with the colors in the song to dance
    6) The teacher asks the dancing students to sit back
    7) The teacher ends the song and lesson
    H. Evaluation
    1) The teacher asks the students to name the color while showing the object with the color mentioned
    2) The teacher asks students about the impression of learning activities using the chili dance song

    NIM: 201230080

    1. in my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video already fits a teacher who should teach for young learners. most of young learners when studying will feel bored quickly, the alternative is to use songs, so that children can enjoy and enthusiastically participate in learning. The teacher in the video is very active, and fun, this is evident when the teacher is enthusiastic about inviting students to follow the directions in the song. one of the characteristics to be a teacher is, the teacher must be friendly to students. by saying good job to students as in the video, it will make students feel appreciated and make students excited to learn. The teacher's selection of songs is also good, because the song makes students active.

    2. The method used by the teacher in the video is Total Physical Response. TPR is a method that has the concept of learning by using physical movements to react or move to commands given by the teacher, so that students can be more understand about the language in their learning and reduce the stress felt by students. it is evident when the teacher give instruction to the students to move such as jumping, shaking the body, doing movements like the animals mentioned such as climbing etc

    3. The application of TPR is by command, speech, and gesture. but in the video the teacher adjusts his students by using song as the media, so that children can be more enthusiastic and not bored during learning.

    4. Lesson Plan for Kindergarten
    Time: 30 minutes
    Topic: Follow the words

    #Learning Objectives
    - Students understand the story
    -Students can practice the movements that are told by teacher
    -Students can add new vocabulary
    - Students understand the meaning of new vocabulary

    #Study Material
    Song title Walking one day

    -The teacher gives instructions to students to follow what is done to the story in the song
    -The teacher starts telling stories while singing
    -The teacher directs the students to move according to the story in the song, which is to move as if they were walking, freezing, running
    -Students follow what the teacher directs
    -The teacher asks what movements are in the story of the song
    -The teacher tells the story again while doing the movements
    -The teacher say good job as form appreciate the students
    -The teacher ends the class

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  35. Name : Windy Agustin
    Nim : 201230093
    Class :TBI 5C
    Midtest EYL
    1. In the video, it can be seen that the teacher’s role is as a mentor, which is in addition to being an educator the teacher can also be a fun learning partner for students, then the teacher’s role as a trigger for imagination and creativity for students is that the teacher can design fun and creative learning, then the teacher as a value character and teamwork, in the video the teacher can learn while collaborating with others and also instill positive character values in students, from this explanation it can be concluded that the teacher has covered the characteristics of a good teacher.
    2. The method used in the learning is the tpr song, which uses the song method as a medium and music as a learning medium, then there is the play method, where students are invited to learn while playing outside the classroom. This aims to make the learning process not boring and students will feel interested in the learning.
    3. Seeing from the students who turned out to be more understanding and interested the material could be conveyed through movements and songs, the teacher used the song method for learning.
    1st meeting
    Subject : English
    Main material : animal names
    Class : kindergarten
    Time allocation : 45 minutes
    Learning method : TPR Song

    Preliminary activity
    • greeting
    “hello, good morning students” “ “how are you”
    • Introduce yourself to students before the lesson begins.
    • Provide brainstorming in the form of games related to the material to be taught.
    • The teacher asks students to follow the games and song provided. With the aim of knowing the names of the students one by one.
    • Explain the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved.
    • Delivering material coverage and explanation of activity descriptions in accordance with the syllabus.
    • Answering the teacher’s greeting
    • Students pay attention to the teacher
    • students are enthusiastic about participating in the game. (10 minutes)

    Main activities :
    • The teacher shows a video about animal names
    • the teacher asks the students the relevance of the content of the video with the material to be taught.
    • The teacher Singing a song about animal names
    • The teacher asking students to follow the song sung by the teacher. ( 30 minutes)

    . the teacher provides feedback on the process and learning outcomes
    “Thank you very much for your participation today. You did a good job. I’m very happy with your activity in this class”
    . Inform the lesson plan for the next meeting. (5 minutes)

  36. Name : Nur Azizah Amalia Ramadhani
    Name : 201230106
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. I think the teacher in the video teaches very creatively, making students happy and following what the teacher teaches. The teacher is very smart in implementing the learning system. The teacher's song is very understandable by the students and students also get new vocabulary and good expressions when pronouncing the word. By bringing singing, the students also do not feel awkward and instead feel very comfortable and feel free to express themselves.
    2. From the video, the method used by the teacher in the video, namely Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method of teaching language concepts or vocabulary by using physical movements to react to verbal input. The process mimics the way babies learn their first language, and it reduces student barriers and lowers stress. The goal of TPR is to create a brain connection between speech and action to enhance language and vocabulary learning.
    3. teaching methods consist of the principles and methods used by teachers to enable student learning. These strategies are determined partly by the subject matter to be taught and partly by the nature of the learner. In order for a particular teaching method to be appropriate and efficient, the method has taken into account the learner, the nature of the subject matter, and the type of learning that should be produced.
    Class: Dancing In The Rain Kindergarten
    Student: ages 3-7
    Time : 60 minutes
    Topic: Color
    • Learning Objectives
    -Students will be able to identify color.
    - Students can increase vocabulary
    - Students understand the story
    -Students can practice the movements that are told by teacher
    • Learning Steps
    In it By doing this step, the teacher will be helped to know (1) what materials will be brought to students,
    (2) what teaching methods will be used, as well as
    (3) how is the learning timeline
    • learning activities: Listening to music, singing and demonstrating it with movement.
    Assessment of learning: students' ability of speech, word stress and correct intonation.
    • Core Activities
    -The teacher starts by inviting students to sing and play music.
    -Teachers carry out commands through movements, songs and songs.
    -Teachers tell students about the topics they will study through songs.
    -The teacher practices the movements according to the animal being discussed.
    • Main activity:
    - Students are given some moves and commands.
    - The teacher gives students the opportunity to repeat and respond to these commands and movements.
    - The teacher explains through the song what the students have to do.
    - The teacher asks students to describe the animal whose movements are being imitated.
    - The teacher concludes all the material at the end of the song while practicing the movements.
    - The teacher ends the song and ends the class
    • Evaluation
    1) The teacher asks the students to name the color while showing the object with the color mentioned
    2) The teacher asks students about the impression of learning activities using the chili dance song.

  37. Name : Bahjatul Laila
    NIM : 201230094
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. In this video, the teacher acts as a learning resource, facilitator, learning manager, demonstrator, mentor, motivator and assessor for students. In this video, this teacher can also be said to be a good teacher because he is always enthusiastic in the learning process, has skills, and is able to manage learning in a fun method.
    2. The learning method used in this learning video is the Sing A Song method or can be referred to as the singing method. As an early childhood teacher, we must be able to use fun learning methods, so that the material being taught can be easier to understand and not make students bored. One of the fun methods for early childhood learning is the singing method.
    3. The teacher must first understand the material to be explained, determine learning outcomes, and understand the characteristics of students. Then, the teacher adjusts the learning method according to the material to be delivered and according to the characteristics of the dominant students.
    4. Learning Implementation Plan (RPP)
    Education Unit : Elementary School
    Subjects : English
    Class/semester : I/I
    A. Competency Standards:
     Communicate in simple discourse that is presented in an atmosphere of physical or verbal play.
    B. Basic Competencies:
     Pronounce the words or phrases that have been taught.
    Indicators of Competence Achievement:
     Students are able to pronounce the names of organs in English correctly and correctly.
    C. Learning Objectives:
     Provide responses related to material (names of body organs).
     Students can name examples of body organs.
     Students can speak with appropriate intonation.
    Expected character of students:
     Respect
     Diligence
    D. Learning Methods:
    Practice speaking and singing.
    E. Learning Activities
    1. Preliminary activities:
    ØThe teacher starts the class by greeting.
    2. Core Activities
     The teacher invites students to sing related to the learning material.
     The teacher invites students to say the words according to the lyrics of the song.
     The teacher invites students to practice body language according to the lyrics of the song.
    3. Closing Activities
     Teachers and students reflect on today's learning activities.
     Teachers and students close the meeting.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Nama / Nim : Indri Yuliani / 201230099
    Class / prodi : 5C / TBI
    Subject : English Young Learners (UTS)

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video includes the characteristics of a good teacher, because it makes children enthusiastic and interested in learning to dance and sing, the songs given also contain lessons, one of which is spelling letters.

    2. In my opinion, the teacher uses the singing method, because children prefer to sing dances rather than listening to formal material, so this method is very suitable so that children are more interested in learning and easier to remember because it is not boring.

    3. -Understand the material you want to explain
    -Set learning goals
    -Understand student characteristics .
    -Choose alternative learning methods according to the material and dominant characteristics
    -In one meeting, apply several learning methods
    -Pay attention to student responses
    -Do an evaluation

    4. RPP
    School: Permata Hati PAUD
    Subjects : English
    Class/Semester : Early Childhood 1 / 2
    Time Allocation : 1 x 20 minutes (1 meeting)
    A. Competency Standards: 1. Understand the meaning in the song.
    B. Basic Competence: Learn the alphabet and numbers in singing.
    C. Learning Objectives:
    At the end of the lesson:
    -Students can recognize the alphabet
    -Students recognize the alphabets
    -Students recognize numbers 1-10 in English
    D. Learning Materials: Alphabets, Numbers, Fruits.
    E. Learning Model/Method: Singing Method
    F. Steps of Learning Activities
    a. First, the teacher greets and checks student attendance.
    b. The teacher introduces the alphabets and numbers in English with the singing method.
    c. The teacher gives examples of some songs in English.
    a. Teacher and students sing together about alphabets, numbers, and fruits repeatedly.
    b. Teacher introduces various fruits in English
    a. The teacher reviews the lessons that have been taught

  40. Name : Erin Windi Ayuni
    Nim : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5-C
    1. In my opinion the teacher's role in the video is as an observer and creative The role as an observer is carried out by educators during the implementation of the learning process. He made observations, meaning that these observations were made while being involved in children's activities and interacting with them and then also being creative and interesting, so that children became happy and did not get bored following various activities that had to be carried out with different themes in each meeting. I also think "Yes" the teacher is included in the characteristics of a good teacher because in the video the teacher also trains children's musical intelligence, then can develop children's verbal and emotional intelligence, children's imagination power, creative ability, imitation ability, and good memory skills. can also be trained through songs.
    2. In my opinion, the video uses the TPR song learning method which is a technique in learning that allows students to acquire new English vocabulary by listening and carrying out command sentences. In TPR activities, students are not required to speak. The teacher gives the commands and by continuously repeating them and reviewing them until the students can carry out the commands without difficulty.
    3. The way the teacher adopts the method and immediately applies it in the learning process. This is useful for training students' listening and speaking skills responses. By adopting this method, students will also feel happy, and this method can be a real mover inside or outside the classroom, then also with physical activity will get a comprehensive meaning effectively so that all students are able to understand and apply the target language, and in in this case too, as long as we are able to master what is going to be practiced and practice first, it won't take much time to get started.

  41. Name : Erin Windi Ayuni
    Nim : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5C
    Answer Number 4
    4. RPP
    School : kindergarten in British
    Class : kindergarten
    Topic : Body parts
    Times : 30 minutes
    Competency Standards: Understanding very simple instructions with actions.
    Basic Competencies: Students are able to respond by taking actions according to the instructions presented in a song.
    1. Correctly imitate the teacher's instructions
    2. Respond to the teacher's words correctly
    3. Take actions according to the teacher's instructions correctly.
    Learning objectives: Students can identify some common body parts.
    -Tell students that you will be listening to a song to help them review their body parts.
    Main activity
    1. The teacher gives some simple instructions
    2. The teacher introduces the teaching materials that will be used
    3. The teacher asks students to name body parts
    4. The teacher starts singing the song “parts of the body” accompanied by music on a CD.
    1. The teacher asks students to name the body part while pointing which part will be mentioned
    2. The teacher asks students about the impression of learning activities using the song "I can do it"

  42. Name : Delfi Tri Nuryani
    NIM : 201230100
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. In my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video is already a good teacher. Because the teacher makes the way of learning more active but fun. So that the learners become more happy in learning. However, if a teacher does this method continuously without any evaluation, everything will still be boring again. Because there may be some learners who don't like this way so they feel unhappy in the learning.
    2. In my opinion, the teacher uses TPR song learning. Because he teaches his students through song, singing, swaying and doing things or practicing it with songs. So they can capture, understand and listen formally yet pleasantly. So that students understand faster because they feel happy in learning.
    3. In adopting methods in learning. Teachers must first understand the teaching material, then design the teaching material and then apply it to learning with students. However, a teacher must know the circumstances, situations and characteristics of his learners. Because in the classroom not all students have the same abilities and characteristics. Therefore, a teacher must first look at the students. So that learning can be more effective.
    School : PAUD BIAS Assalam
    Subject : English
    Class/Semester : Paud 1/2
    Time allocation : 1 x 20 minutes (1 meeting)
    A. Competency Standards:
    1. Understanding meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversations is very simple to interact with the immediate environment
    B. Basic Competencies
    1.2 Responding to meaning in
    transactional (to get things done and interpersonal (socializing) conversations that use a variety of spoken language are very simple accurately, fluently, and gratefully to interact with the immediate environment involving simple conversations.
    C. Learning Objectives:
    At the end of the lesson:
    -Students can get to know fruits in English
    -Students know alphabets in English
    -Students knows numbers 1-10 in English
    D. Learning Materials: Alphabets, Numbers, Fruits
    D. Dissuggestopedia Learning Model / Method
    F. Steps of Learning Activities
    Apersepsi :
    • The teacher first gives greetings and checks the student's attendance.
    • The teacher introduces alphabets and numbers in English by the method of singing.
    • The teacher exemplifies several songs in English. Exploration:
    • Teachers and students sing together about alphabets, numbers, and fruits over and over again.
    • The teacher introduced various fruits in English. Elaboration
    • Teachers review lessons that have been taught

  43. Name : Rika Apriyanti
    NIM : 201230116
    Class : TBI 5 C

    1. In this vidio teachers play a role in improving the quality of learning by harnessing students' creativity for hands-on practice and by using music and movement. Teachers ability to master the material and manage the class well so students are also happy. And teachers are included in the characteristics of good teachers, because they are able to present a more fun and effective teaching.
    2. From the video, the method used by the teacher in the video is Total Physical Response (TPR) The TPR method is one of the methods for teaching language in early childhood because its application is related to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning. TPR is a method that uses gestures to interpret words. This method helps teachers teach English and creates a pleasant classroom atmosphere. The learning method in the video is very in accordance with the TPR learning method. in the video using a movement that means a word, such as a triangular shape using hands, jumping with a jump motion and so on, and the definition of the TPR learning method also mentions the characteristics of learning that are in accordance with the learning activities in the video.
    3. The teacher adopt the method and applied in learning. Adapting learning methods is important for teachers to make adjustments to teaching and learning activities. With the existence of learning methods that are appropriate to the situation, it can create better quality of teaching and learning and can be well received by students. For this reason, the teacher analyzes the situation in order to determine the appropriate learning method, such as using the TPR method where learning uses responses to teacher movements that are imitated by students.
    4. Lesson Plan :
    Subject : English
    Class/ Semester : Kindergaten
    Aspect / Skill : Speaking, Listening
    Time Allocation : 1 x 45 Minutes

    A. Standard Competency
    - The ability to listening, speaking, and imitate the movements made by the teacher
    B. Basic Competency
    - Movements made by the teacher
    C. Leaning Objective
    at the end of the lesson student can:
    - Student can add vocabulary through music
    - Students can add listening skills
    - Students can imitate the teacher's movements
    D. Learning Method : TPR Total Physical Response and Role Playing
    F. Learning Material : Use Song with the tittle ‘ I can do it’ with 15 more action songs
    G. Closing
    - The teacher closes the teaching and learning activity with an ending that matches the melody in the music that accompanies the learning movement, when the music is finished, the learning activity is also finished.

  44. Name : Juhrotul Aini
    NIM : 201230085
    Class : TBI 5C
    Middle Examination English For Young Learners

    1. The teacher is a motivator, the learning process will be successful if students have high motivation in learning. The videos are very expressive, lots of movement, make learning fun and not boring. With movement allows students to express themselves.

    2. The methods taught are TPR (Total Physical Response) and Role-play. With the movement, it can help students to move freely to express themselves, growing high spirits because this method is very fun, especially if it is applied to young students. The child in the video is indeed an age who likes to play. Teachers must be smart to find the right method.

    3. Material adoption is carried out according to class conditions. For example, tell about color at an early age. Mention basic colors not foreign colors. In addition, use language that is relaxed and not too formal, so that they understand what we are explaining.

    4. Lesson Plan
    Subject: English
    Theme: Parts of Body
    Class/Semester: kindergarten/ I
    Time Allocation: 55 minutes
    Meeting: 12th meeting
    Competency Standard:
    The ability mention name of body parts and with in the proper pronunciation
    Basic Competent:
    Getting to know name of body parts in English
    Learning objection:
    -Knowing the name of body parts
    -Mention the name of body parts with proper pronunciation
    Teaching materials: Parts of body
    Teaching Methods:
    Singing and dancing
    Pictures and Video
    Step Learning Activity:
    -Introduction (5minutes)
    -Teacher checks students attendance -Teacher ask students to pray
    Core Activities (45 minutes)
    -The teacher tells students about the pronunciation of body parts using photos
    -Students repeat it together. If there are students who make mistakes in pronunciation, the teacher gives directions
    - The teacher repeats again but with the song on the video. Then
    ask students to sing along while pointing at body parts
    -After the song is finished playing, the teacher appoints one of the students to name the part of the body that the teacher points to
    -Mention the word eyes then the teacher gives the opportunity to students who want to try.
    Closing Event (5 minutes)
    -Teacher asks students to repeat what has been taught at home

  45. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. The role of the teacher in the learning video is to teach elementary school students vocabulary by singing, which can help children memorize and write. With this singing method, elementary school students won't get bored while studying because besides playing, they don't just sit on chairs, which will make them feel bored and lazy to study.
    I think the role of the teacher in the video includes the qualities of a good teacher because the teacher uses methods that allow children to memorize vocabulary without burdening them with memory.

    2. The learning method used in the video is TPR (Total Physical Response). Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method of teaching language or lexical concepts that uses body movements in response to spoken input. The process mimics the way babies learn their first language, reducing student inhibition and relieving stress. The TPR method is very simple and easy to understand in language, and also contains motor elements that are convenient for children to learn, especially when children learn foreign languages, so that children can react faster. Therefore, listening and responding with movements and gestures has two meanings: to provide children with a quick and efficient way to understand the language they are learning, and a way to learn the structure of the language itself. It has a heavy purpose.

    3. The method that teachers must use in learning situations is to look at the situation and also see the needs of students in the learning situation. In addition, the delivery of the curriculum must be adjusted to the abilities and stages of child development in order to choose the right method to be applied. The Indonesian system is starting to implement a digital system. Therefore, when choosing a learning situation approach, the teacher must be able to improvise and determine a bottom-up approach based on the student's learning level, mood, practice, environment, background knowledge, and student needs. study. learning situation. On this basis, when using appropriate methods for students, these methods can be successfully applied as long as they are involved and motivated to participate in the process of learning situations.

  46. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C

    Name of School : SD LAB UPI
    Subject : English
    Class/ Semester : II/ 1
    Topic : Sing and Dance
    Allocation Time : 45 Minutes

    A. Standard Competency
    1. Students understand simple instructions with actions in a classroom context.

    B. Basic Competency
    1. Students are able to respond by taking actions according to the instructions that have been shown.

    C. Indicators of Competence Achievement:
    1. Correctly imitate the teacher's teachings.
    2. Answer the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Follow the teacher's instructions to act properly.

    D. Learning Objectives
    By using the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, it is expected that:
    1. Students can imitate the teacher's teaching correctly.
    2. Students answer the teacher's words correctly.
    3. Students do the right actions as instructed by the teacher.

    E. Class Material
    Language function: stop, walk, run, dance, wave, crawl.
    Vocabulary: listening, each other, moving, hands, body.

    F. Learning Method
    Total Physical Response (TPR)

    G. study steps
    1. Opening Activities (10’)
    2. Main Activities (30’)
    3. Closing (10')

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Name : Manda Rohmania
    Nim : 201230113
    Class : TBI 5C
    Midterm English For Young Learner


    1 . My opinion about the video is that the teacher's role is very creative and makes young learners not feel bored and sleepy because I think that's what makes children interested and comfortable with the teacher in learning, besides that the teacher can also keep young learners conducive for the learning process to take place in the classroom. the material he conveys even with this way of learning. and in learning as in the video, the characteristics of a good teacher are already because the teacher becomes a character who instills commendable values ​​for students and the teacher has a positive character.

    2 . The learning method used is song because we teach young learners and must know what young learners need in order to learn with pleasure. The song method is also a valuable resource for developing students' abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing by means of the song learning method also providing a happy and not tense atmosphere in English material. In addition, this song learning method is able to teach various language items such as sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, and adverbs.

    3 . the way teachers adopt methods in learning situations is to understand the material to be delivered, determine learning objectives, understand the characteristics of students, and choose learning methods that are in accordance with the dominant characteristics so that what is taught to students can be understood and useful, so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively. effective and efficient.

    4 . Lesson plan

    Education units : SD Harapan Bangsa
    Subject : English
    Class/Semester : IV/I
    Location time : 45minutes

    I . Competency Standars
    1 . Understanding simple instructions with actions in a school context

    II . Basic Competencies
    1 . Responds to simple instructions with actions in a school context
    2 . Express simple instructions by answering Vocabulary in learning

    III . Indicators
    a) Students are able to respond to simple instructions in class
    b) Students are able to respond to simple instructions by answering Vocabulary in learning
    c) Students are able to remember the material presented

    IV . Learning Objectives
    a ) students can have good discussions with friends and teachers about learning methods

    V . Basic Material
    Song learning method

  49. Name : Sinta Rida Nuriyati
    Nim : 201230081
    Class : TBI-5C
    Course: EYL


    1. In my opinion the role of the teacher from the video is as a good guide and teacher to his students, and can bring a happy and cheerful atmosphere, so that the children do not feel boring or look, and the children follow what the teacher does happy and cheerful without hesitation and fun.
    And in my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video has entered or is included in the characteristics of a good teacher, because in that way the students do not feel bored and bored but the students are happy and happy in doing the learning.

    2. Mybe the method used by the teacher in the video is Total Physical Response. TPR is a method that has the concept of learning by using physical movements to react or move to commands given by the teacher, so that in the video the teacher demonstrates the meaning of the word and the students are invited to dance so that they know what the word means and with that they will remember well what they have learned.

    3. One sign of a teacher's success in teaching is that students are very enthusiastic in learning and students' understanding in capturing the material being taught. And the teacher must be able to find the right method so that students can catch the material well including: a) Prepare material properly and completely b) Passion in teaching c) Choose appropriate media and learning methods d) There are rules that educate e) Give appreciation to students who are diligent and enthusiastic about learning towards students.

    4. Lesson plan
    Subject : English Language
    Class : Pra SD
    Entrolment : 20
    Date : 11 March 2022
    Duration : 30 minutes
    Time : 09:00-09:30
    Theme : learn vocabulary by singing
    Topic : Vocabulary
    Focused: Listening
    Content Standard: By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, child will be able to understand and respond to oral text in a variety of contexts.
    Learning Standard: 1.3.1 : Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding or oral texts by:
    a) Asking simple Wh-Questions
    b) Answering simple Wh-Questions
    c) Giving true/false replies
    Behavioral Objectives: At the end the lesson, students Should be able to :
    a) Listen and enjoy the Chants about vocabulary
    b) Rearrange the jumled sequence of the song correctly.
    c) Answer the work sheet consists of 5WH-Questions correctly
    Assessment : Questioning, Observation, Worksheet.

  50. Nama: Ananda Istiqomah
    Kelas : TBI 5 C
    Nim : 201230090
    Uts EYL

    1. in my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video is a teacher who is very creative and very active in demonstrating to his students, he is able to create learning activities and the atmosphere in the learning process becomes fun in various ways, he has unique potential for these students. he can provide teaching that students like by students. in the video, teachers and students play an active role in learning, so students become enjoy and interested. with songs, children will quickly learn how to memorize properly and correctly, songs can also help develop skills with good intonation, and the character of the teacher in the video is very active, creative, patient, caring, and compassionate.

    2. The method used in the video is the Total Physical Response (TPR) method, a method that uses body movements. very good and simple, easy in terms of language and also uses elements of movement that make it easier for children to learn.

    3. The teacher adopts a method in a learning situation that is used in implementing learning. Simply put, the learning method is a flow of teaching and learning activities to convey material to students. When you have found the right method, the teacher makes a study plan for the students to be studied.

    School:british school
    Time Allocation :45 minutes
    Topic : sing and dance

    1. understand and know the movement according to the song in the rhythm of the music
    2.Able to listen, and imitate movements

    1. Understand factual knowledge by observing [hearing, seeing, reading] and asking questions based on curiosity about himself
    2. Presenting factual knowledge in clear and logical language, in aesthetic works, in movements that reflect healthy children.


    1.By reading the lyrics of the song, students can identify expressions of affection for parents appropriately.
    2. By singing the song, students can re-express the expression of affection in the song's lyrics appropriately.
    3. Through discussion activities about the movement of fallen leaves and flying birds, students can distinguish the fast and slow movements of the limbs in a dance movement correctly.
    4.By imitating natural movements, students can demonstrate the fast and slow movements of the limbs in a dance move accurately and confidently.

    1. Students with the guidance of the teacher conclude the learning outcomes at today's meeting.
    2. The teacher gives an opportunity to several students to express their opinion about the learning that has been followed.
    3. The teacher evaluates the written test and conducts an assessment
    4. Together after the lesson is over

    1. Learning Assessment
    Attitude: observation during activities
    Knowledge: written test
    Skills: practice

    2. Skills Assessment Instrument

    Sing a song
    Demonstrating motion

  51. Name: Udoh Mahfudoh
    Nim : 201230095
    Class: TBI 5C

    1. In my opinion about the role of the teacher in the video, it is very professional in its learning method because professional teachers are able to make their students happy when being taught and are able to receive lessons well, especially in the video the teacher looks so enthusiastic about teaching him and it makes children not bored with it. They move a lot and then they are happy with singing. I saw in the video that the children had fun. Then, in my opinion, the teacher is in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher because the teaching style already looks fun, the teacher can guide and be able to educate his students with pleasure.

    2. The method used in the video is using the TPR (Total Physical Respond) method because with this method it is easier for children to understand the material that the teacher teaches and can motivate them to practice listening skills because this method is very entertaining for them in following the learning process in the classroom and help children understanding of learning English effectively. And in the video, techniques or activities that can be used to train children's ability to listen to English are imperative drill and action songs.

    3. Teachers adopt the methods in learning situations by using learning strategies for children oriented towards goals that lead to development, adapted to the characteristics of children, methods that are varied, active, innovative, fun, and activities that are appropriate, safe, comfortable and interesting, Thus the children can participate in teaching and learning activities well. Where the learning will encourage students to be more enthusiastic about participating in teaching and learning activities.

    4. Lesson plan
    Subject: English
    Class: kindergarten
    Time Allocation: 1x 44 minutes

    A. Competency Standards : Understand what the teacher is saying and follow the teacher's movements.
    B. Basic Competence : Respond to the words spoken by the teacher during learning and follow the instructions the teacher gives.
    C. Learning Objectives
    -Students can recognize colors in English
    -Students recognize animals in English
    -Students know dance
    D. Learning Materials: Colors, animals, dance
    E. Learning Model/Method : Dissuggestopedia
    F. Steps of Learning Activities
    Apperception :
    -First of all, the teacher warms up before learning begins
    -The teacher introduces colors and animals in English with the sound method
    -The teacher gives examples of some songs in English with dance
    Exploration :
    -Teacher and students sing together about colors and animals over and over
    -The teacher introduces the movements with dance
    Elaboration :
    -The teacher reviews the lessons that have been taught

  52. Name : Asri Humairoh
    NIM : 201230089
    Class : TBI 5C
    1. The role of the teacher in the video is very great and interesting for children. The teacher's method of teaching is very suitable to be applied to children. Seen in the video, the children are enthusiastic and enjoy following the movements and instructions from the teacher. I think the video reflects a good teacher, because she can create a great and interesting atmosphere
    2. In that video, the teacher use demonstration and role – play method. Because in the video, the teacher teaches the meaning of vocabulary and she invites the students to learn while dancing. The teacher first demonstrates the movement, then the students imitate it. By this method too, help the students to have self-confidence. Role play and Practical Demonstration offer access to pupils of all abilities; access gives confidence
    3. The teacher have to master the material to be delivered and the teacher also needs to know the conditions and needs of the students, so that they can determine which method is suitable for the student's condition.
    Teacher : Asri Humairoh
    Subject : English
    Class : Kintergarden
    Theme : Sing and dance
    Time Allocation : 60 minutes

    Learning Objectives
    - Students will be able to respond the instructions in class
    - Students are able to remember the material presented
    Learning method :
    Sing, dance and memorize vocabularies
    Step Learning Activity :
    Introduction (3 minutes)
    - Teacher checks students attendance
    - Teacher asks students to pray
    Core activities
    - The teacher tells the students about the vocabularies
    - The teacher dance and sings the song of vocabularies and asks the students to follow it
    - After all, repeat the song that was while in the practice
    Tools of Learning :
    - Paper of vocabularies and music

  53. Name : Nana Fathiatulliana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082

    1.) in my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video is totally helpful for students in applying the movements in each of their music, Because the teacher makes the learning attractive and fun, starting from one movement to another, it is continuous and in accordance with the song. And the answer is exactly yes they appropriate with the characteristics of a good teacher which are communication, creativity and enthusiasm, the teacher is very creative in making appropriate movements and in each song, as in the follow me song where the teacher practices some high movements and low, left and right, and some applause and from there indirectly young learners can know the difference between left and right, high and low, with interesting movements, making learning fun, and i thought this one is very creative teacher, besides enthusiasm, the teacher is also very enthusiastic in practicing some movements that are in accordance with the song and the lyrics, so that young learners are excited too. and I think all of these, good communication is also needed between students and teachers so that learning is interesting and fun.

    2.) According to my opinion, the teacher uses TPR Total Physical Respond (TPR) because in every songs the teacher give some instruction through some movements of the music like stand up, sit down, jump, left, right, hight and low and students do as instructed.

    3.) The teacher adopting the method in the learning situations must understand the different characteristics of each child, master the material to be taught, because to produce appropriate and compact movements, good communication and patience are needed to deal with students with different characters, resulting in a learning process, effective learning.

  54. Name : Nana Fathiatulliana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082


    School : Oxford International School
    Class : Kindergarten
    Collection/ Semester : Early Childhood 1 / 2
    Topic : Sing and Dance
    Theme : Follow me
    Time allocation : 45 Minutes

    A. Competency Standards :
    Understanding various antonym in english through movements of dance.

    B. Learning Objectives End of learning
    - Students can recognize some of antonym in English
    - Students recognize the Movements of body through the song
    - Students can differentiate antonym in english through movements like left and right, high and low

    C. Learning Materials: Sound System, CD, and Laptop

    D. Learning Model/Method : Total Physical Response (TPR)

    E. Steps of Learning Activities Apperception:
    - First, the teacher greets and checks student attendance
    - The teacher ask students to pray together
    - The teacher introduces some of movements and lyrics of the song
    - The teacher practice the movements and sing together with the students.

    Exploration :
    - Teacher and students sing together about the song follow me
    - The teacher introduces various of movements and lyrics of the song
    - The teacher practice the movements and sing together with the students.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Name : Hanifah Amaliah
    Name : 201230097
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. The role of the teacher in the video is as a teacher, he tries to make his students feel happy and comfortable while learning and tries to build a fun class by building interactions with students in turn.
    Yes, the teacher is in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher because I think the teacher in the video uses the right method, he teaches his students while singing and dancing, he also interacts with students in turn so that students feel comfortable and happy while studying .
    2. TPR song method, because in the video the teacher teaches using songs as a learning tool. The teacher teaches while singing and dancing and there is an animated image as a video background. This is done so that students do not feel bored and can train students' imagination.
    3. The teacher uses learning techniques using songs so that students feel happy when learning takes place. In addition to songs, the teacher also performs some body movements so that learning is more fun and builds interaction with students in turn. The teacher also adds animated images to the song video so that students can imagine and not feel bored.
    The first meeting
    Subject: English
    Main Material: Stand up and Sit down
    Class: Kindergarten
    Time allocation: 60 minutes
    Learning Method : TPR Song

    Preliminary activities:
    • Greetings
    “hello, good morning students” “how are you”
    • take attendance
    • review the lessons that have been discussed last week.
    • Provide brainstorming in the form of games related to the material to be taught.
    • Explain the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved.
    • Delivering material coverage and explanation of activity descriptions in accordance with the syllabus.
    • Students pay attention to the teacher
    • students are enthusiastic about participating in the game. (15 minutes)

    Main activity:
    • The teacher shows a video about stand up and sit down
    • the teacher asks students the relevance of the video content to the material to be taught
    • Teacher Sings a song about stand up and sit down
    • The teacher asks the students to follow the song sung by the teacher
    • Imitating expressions about stand up and sit down
    • Practice saying expressions about stand up and sit down
    • Practice conversation in the form of dialogue. (35 minutes)

    • The teacher asks students to repeat the words they have learned at home
    • Summarizing the material
    • Closing the lesson by saying thank you
    “Thank you very much for participating today. you guys did a good job. I am very happy with your activities in this class”
    • Inform the lesson plan for the next meeting. (10 minutes)

  57. Name : Ihsan Maulana Febriani
    Class : TBI 5B
    Nim : 201230062

    1. In my opinion, from the video that I have watched, the role of the teacher here is very exciting and quite cool in my opinion because in giving command or leading the class, so that students can comfortably follow the class that this teacher teaches. and the orders or instructions made by the teacher in the video are not complicated so that students can follow what the teacher is doing.
    and for the characteristics of the teacher in the video, it is in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher, where the teacher can organize and make the class live or active.

    2. the method used by the teacher is a role play method, or a motion game method in which there is a system, purpose and also involves an element of fun.

    3. The way that a teacher must do when adopting a method in a learning situation is by understanding what material will be conveyed, knowing where the learning objectives are going, and choosing a learning method that suits the characteristics of the students.

    4. My lesson plan for young learners is like the video above.

    1. Greet our students first
    2. Attend class, then ask if there are students who are sick or have permission? and ask what is the reason for this student permission.
    3. make good and relevant material
    4. using the role play method, speaking and listening
    5. using the singing method, and when the teacher sings the students follow him.
    6. provide motivation before the class closes.
    7. Closing

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Name : Siti Nurjanah 201230109
    Class : TBI5C

    1. Yes, in my opinion, what a teacher does in the video is included in the characteristics of a good teacher. Able to master the class, or be able to manage the class well, have creative ideas to make the class lively, of course can master the material and collaborate with the learning method.
    2. In the video, the teacher applies the TPR method. It was seen that the teacher made active movements accompanied by English pronunciations that matched the movements. The TPR method is one of the methods for teaching language in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and movements so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.
    3. In this context, the teacher makes the teaching more interesting by accompanied by singing or songs and movements. The teacher invites the students to remember by singing and having fun. and this can be applied when learning in class, when the class is deemed useless to apply this method.
    4. Lesson Plan Class : 2nd grade Elementary School Method : TPR A. The teacher prepares material about public transportation. B. The teacher provokes the students and asks about any vehicles in the surrounding environment. C. The teacher explains the importance of vehicles, and mentions some vehicles in English D. The teacher provides material direction in the form of songs and movements E. Students follow and memorize what the teacher says. F. The teacher plays games by singing while holding an object. When the music starts, the object surrounds all the students. And when the music stops, students who find objects must be able to answer about the various vehicles that have been described previously. G. The teacher evaluates, by asking the students "What have the children learned earlier?" "What are the vehicles around us?" "What's the function for?", etc.

  60. Name : Nurfatiah
    NIM : 201230098
    Class : TBI 5C
    Subject : EYL
    Date : Tuesday, 01 November 2022

    Mid Test

    1. The role of the teacher in the video
    The role of the teacher in the English teaching video is the teacher as a demonstrator, as a mediator, as a class manager, and as a facilitator.
    • As a demonstaror, in the video the teacher teaches by giving examples of what he does to young learners through his singing. The teacher gives instructions to young learners through the songs he sings, this is included in the teacher's role as a class manager because the teacher manages the class and teaching through the instructions contained in the song that is sung.
    Teachers as mediators are required to be able to make learning fun or not boring, a teacher is required to have sufficient knowledge and understanding of teacher media as a communication tool in the learning process. In the role of the teacher as a mediator, he must also be skilled in choosing and being a media (intermediary) in his teaching. in the English teaching video the teacher uses a teaching method by singing and also using several musical instruments and also dancing with the students, in this teaching video the teacher chooses music media in the teaching that is carried out, and the teacher in the video acts as an intermediary to interact and communicate through songs which is sung.
    The teacher as a facilitator, the teacher is tasked with facilitating the learning that is carried out, so that students get a real learning experience. As a facilitator, the teacher must be able to provide facilities that allow ease of learning in order to achieve optimal learning objectives and processes. In the teaching video, the teacher facilitates students with teaching methods used with tools and media, namely songs and dances, students learn by using the songs and dances they do.
    The teaching carried out in the video is very appropriate to be applied in teaching young learners because it creates a fun learning process, in general teaching to young learners will be very tiring if the selection of teaching methods is not appropriate and effective, because teaching young learners is difficult because they are still young learners. the age of children, whose characteristics are usually easily bored. so the selection of the use of teaching methods must be appropriate in its application so that the objectives of the learning process can be achieved optimally.

    • In the teaching video, the teacher is included as a good teacher, because the teacher's role in the learning process has been fulfilled; namely the teacher as a demonstrator, as a class manager, as a mediator, and as a facilitator. The selection of the right and correct method in teaching young learners is the key to achieving optimal learning, in the teaching video the teacher applies the teaching method by singing and dancing so that the learning process can attract students to participate and of course create a pleasant atmosphere in the ongoing learning process.
    The teacher's character in the video is a good teacher character, starting from the teacher dancing and singing with the students, this indicates that the teacher always has energy for his students and it can also be seen in the video that the teacher is very energetic. And also in the video the teacher has skills in managing his class, it can be seen that young leraners follow what the teacher instructs through the songs they sing and dances performed.
    Maybe there are many more characteristics to be a good teacher, many criteria to be said to be a good teacher. However, through the teaching video, the teacher can also be called a good teacher because he already has several things or criteria that can be said to be a good teacher and also seen from the aspect of the teacher's role in teaching that has been fulfilled in the video. so that the teacher in the teaching video can be said to be a good teacher.


  61. 2. Learning method
    The learning method used in the teaching video is the method of using learning media, which media are in the form of songs or music and dances. The function of the learning media itself is to support the smooth learning process so that students can take part in learning well and meaningfully so that optimal learning can be achieved.
    In the teaching video the teacher teaches while singing and dancing and is followed by the students, through the songs sung and dances performed by the teacher in the video being an intermediary in transferring knowledge or knowledge to their students. This method also creates a pleasant learning atmosphere and environment so that the children in the video become interested and participate in the learning process carried out.
    The teaching method used by the teacher in the video has been appropriately applied in teaching students, and moreover, the students in the video are still young or young learners, in general young learners can get bored quickly and may not even be interested in learning at all. , so that it becomes an important task for a teacher in the selection of learning methods that will be carried out in teaching.

    3. How teachers adopt methods in learning situations
    Learning methods vary, but in practice educators must be able to choose which method is considered the most appropriate and effective for teaching. So, in choosing the right learning method, educators or teachers must consider several things.
    1) Understand the material you want to explain, By understanding the material to be delivered, the teacher can find out what type of method is considered the most appropriate to explain the material
    2) Determine learning objectives, If you know the purpose of learning, the teacher can know the learning method you want to apply appropriately.
    3) Understand the characteristics of students, Recognizing student characteristics can help determine the approach to take when teaching.
    4) Choose alternative learning methods according to the material and dominant characteristics.
    If you already recognize the student's character, and know the dominant character, at least the teacher can apply learning methods that are expected to be accepted by many students. However, there must also be alternative learning methods to meet the needs of students.
    5) In one meeting apply several learning methods, In the application of learning methods the teacher can combine several learning methods, this is done to meet the needs of students in the learning process.
    6) Pay attention to student responses
    In teaching teachers are required to be sensitive, whether students can follow the lesson well or not. This is to find out whether the method used is appropriate in learning, so that the teacher can change the method he applies because in the learning process it is considered not optimal and ineffective.
    7) Evaluation, To find out whether the learning objectives have been achieved or not, an evaluation needs to be carried out

  62. 4. Making Lesson Plans

    Lesson Plan

    School : -
    Subject : English
    Class/Semester : 2 Primary School
    Years : 2022
    Time Allocation : 1 day
    Subject matter : Giiving Intruction
    Day/Date : -

    1. Learning Objectives
    1) Introducing a lot of vocabulary to students
    2) Identifying verbs related to instruction
    3) Identify social functions, text structures and linguistic elements of spoken and written interpersonal interaction texts that involve the act of ordering, and responding to them, according to the context of their use.

    2. Learning Steps
    A. Teaching Tools and Materials
    • Song and Dance
    • Animated Videos

    B. Learning Activities
    • Teacher Says Greetings
    • Teachers and Students praying
    • The teacher conducts learning outside the classroom and introduces the verbs that are included in the instructions to students with the media song "I can Do it", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movement
    • The teacher introduces the verbs included in the instructions to the students with the media song "S T O P", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movements.
    • The teacher conducts learning outside the classroom and introduces animals to students with the media song "Bunny Hop", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movement
    • The teacher conducts learning on the beach and intro.duces vocabulary to students with the media song "Twist", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movement.
    • The teacher introduces the verbs included in the instructions/invitation to students with the media song "Follow me", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movements.
    • The teacher invites students to play with musical instruments and the media song "Play with Me Sing Along", then the teacher and students sing and dance as a class action so that the class atmosphere is not boring.
    • The teacher introduces the verbs included in the instructions to the students with the media song "Stand Up, Sit Down", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movements.
    • The teacher conducts learning outside the classroom and introduces colors to students with the media song "Colors dance", then the teacher and students sing and dance and the students follow the teacher's movements
    • The teacher introduces vocabulary to students with the media song “Walking One Day” or an animated video where the teacher sings and dances in a video that is made like telling a story.
    • Teachers and students Say Hamdalah
    • The teacher reviews the material that has been studied using quizzes, with prizes back home early for students.
    • Teacher closes the meeting

    C. Conclusion
    • Teachers and students together conclude learning

    D. Rating
    • Knowledge : Written
    • Skills : Performance

    E. Learning Resources
    Buku belajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Bernyanyi

    English for Young Learners

    NAME : Hadifa Maulidya Haya
    NIM : 201230043
    MAJOR : English Education Departement
    CLASS : TBI 5B

    1. The role of Teacher in the video as far as I watched, the teacher be central in this learning and in this video teacher fullfil all characteristic of english young learner tearcher, like the teacher use simple language when she command the instruction, friendly, pleasant and likes to give credit for the success of student’s effort, she also loves humor and give the students energy to spirit to follow hers command and also the teacher have a high spirit and a high creative spirit to foster student interest in learning. From the description before I think the teacher appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher.

    2. The kind of learning method being used in that video is learning listening using a song. That using chant where the learning can combined with expression and action. Like teacher drive the activities to listen the music ask the children to follow the action and expression that there on sentence of song.

    3. The teacher adopt the method in learning situation is using music for their learning by combine the music with expression dan action. In this learning the teacher give command to follow the instruction in the music. This method teach the students to respond what they listen and to hone their mind in listening.

    4. Lesson Plan (RPP)

    School : Dreamy Kindergarten
    Class : Kindergarten
    Semester : Early Chilhood
    Topic : Listen and Follow
    Theme : I Can Do It
    Time allocation : 45 minutes

    A. Standard Competency:
    Children understanding in respon of sense and speed respons in listening

    B. Learning Objectives :
    - Students can listen celarly
    - Student can follow the instruction
    - Student have attantion in the activities

    C. Learning Material :
    Laptop, CD, Sound System

    D. Method :
    Total Physical Respond

    E. Learning Activities and Exploration :
    - The teacher give a greating to sudent
    - Ask them to prepare theirself
    - Keep their attantion to the teacher or to the music
    - You demonstrate what in the music
    - The teacher give a sign to dance appropriate with music instruction
    - The teacher also be Instructur of the learning
    - The teacher make sure the student happy, active and enjoy the activities
    - Do the activities till the end of music

  64. Name/NIM : IMELDA NURLAELI/201230118
    Class : TBI 5C

    Answers :

    1. I find the teacher role in the video very interactive, interesting and fun. As such, children also enjoy participating in the different activities that take place at each meeting on different topics. The presence of song and movement methods greatly supports learning activities. In particular, the teacher's ability to sing, play music, dance, and insert various materials such as vocabulary into each song make children enthusiastically participate in the lessons. Yes, they have excellent teaching qualities, especially on the international stage. The reason is that you have to try to combine material with songs, songs, music, movements that not everyone can do. This is also related to child growth and development and is consistent with several theories by experts. And this is also related to Jean Piaget's theory, which discusses cognitive theories of child development and focuses on how people think. If linked to a video, the teacher must have qualities that help students form their own way of thinking Students who have a way of thinking can solve problems even when they are young. In the video, students must be able to follow the teacher's instructions and instructions.

    2. In my opinion, the learning methods involved in the videos are those that use song-based learning methods or funny song lyrics to improve students' English skills, especially listening and speaking skills. Here are the basic song learning steps:
    Teachers prepare and select songs that are interesting and easy for students to understand. The teacher will play the song according to the student's ability, and the teacher will ask the student to write the words or phrases they find on the blackboard. The teacher says the words and phrases written on the board and the students imitate them with correct pronunciation and pronunciation. Teachers say words and phrases and ask students to demonstrate them. The teacher plays the song and the students imitate the song together.

  65. Name/NIM : IMELDA NURLAELI/201230118
    Class : TBI 5C

    Answers :
    3. How teachers apply methods to learning situations I need to be able to. Therefore, an educator or teacher should consider several things when choosing an appropriate learning method.
    • Understand what you want to explain. By understanding the material being taught, teachers can identify what methods are considered most appropriate for presenting the material.
    • Determine learning goals. Knowing the purpose will help the teacher know which learning method they want to use accordingly.
    • Understanding student characteristics Recognizing student characteristics helps determine teaching methods.
    • Select alternative learning methods depending on the material and dominant features.
    If one already recognizes the student's personality and knows the dominant personality, then at least the teacher can apply a learning method that is expected to be accepted by many students. However, we also need alternative learning methods that meet the needs of our students.
    • Using multiple study methods in one session. When applying learning methods, teachers can combine

    4. Lesson Plan (RPP)

    School: Tadika mesra Kindergarten
    Class: Kindergarten
    Semester: Early Childhood
    Subject: Listening and Follow
    Subject: Let's Do It
    Time: 45 minutes

    Children comprehend through sensory perception and rapid response when listening

    B. Learning Objectives:
    - Students can listen carefully
    - Students can follow instructions
    - Students are active Pay attention to

    C. Learning Materials:
    Laptop, Sound System, and Projector

    D. Method:
    Total Physical Response

    E. Learning Activities and Exploration:

    - Teacher greets student
    - Asks student to prepare
    - Keeps student's attention on teacher or music
    - Demonstrates musical content Music lesson with sign dance
    - Teachers are also masters of learning
    - Teachers ensure students are happy, active and enjoying the activity
    - Perform the activity until the end of the music

  66. 1. In My opinion from video that i have watched the role of the teacher very interesting in management the class until the student can be interactive to following the teacher doing, and from that video the teacher appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher.Teachers should have the ability to master the material and manage the class well avocabulary to young learners with a singing method that can make it easier for the child to memorize and how to write it. With this singing method, young learners don't feel bored during learning because together with playing, they don't just sit on chairs which can make them bored and lazy to study. They will feel like they are playing, not learning. In addition, the material taught is contextual. The content of the children's song is in accordance with their circumstances and there is a lesson in the song.
    2. The learning method used in the video is TPR (Total Physical Response) because this method performs dancing and song activities so that a teacher performs several examples of movements so that students follow the movements performed by a teacher in the video. The teacher determines what will be learned and who plays the subject matter. Provide students with materials The teacher decides what will be taught and who will play the subject matter. Students pay close attention and then respond physically to the teacher's instructions, both in groups and individually. The success or failure of using the TPR method to teach English is inextricably linked to the teacher's fluency in English pronunciation and activeness in practicing movement/action.
    3. The teacher used song in learning process,and the learners especially the kid will be have fun and enjoy what teacher do. And the teacher implement the TPR method, with the teacher acting as a facilitator who gives instructions and the students as participants.
    4. According From what I see on the video, I think I have to make my own lesson plan just like on thee video it will be fun and happy just like in the video, so :
    1. First, I meet and say hello to the kids
    2. Second, I Asking about the condition to the kids and make some little games before to the core subject of learning
    3. After that, I will show the video and the music and explain to the kids that they have to see and follow what I move.
    4. After learning like that I wil give some question, choosing some student to show their knowledge, singing together with student
    5. Before to closing, I want giving motivation and pray before finish the class and let the kids to go home carefully.

  67. Nama : Eka Oktaviyanti
    Kelas : TBI_5B
    NIM : 201230078
    Middle Test Of English Young Learners

    1. In my opinion, about the teacher in the video for the learning that applied is very good and interesting, because the song that’s bring is easy to understand by the children then it encourages the child’s enthusiasm to catch an instruction what they hear and then practice it well, This method will make children confident when performing in front of the crowd. This video illustrates that a teacher must have a strong enthusiasm in order to invite students to continue to be active in learning, besides that the teacher should not be stingy to always give appreciation to students when children do things that make them able and dare to appear confident with their creativity respectively.
    2. The method shown in the video is using TPR ( Total Physical Respon ) learning method. TPR is a method that has the concept of learning by using physical movement to react or move to commands given by the teacher. In the video the teacher is very creative and active how to give movement instructions to students, so students are easy to catch and enjoy practicing. Then the impact on students will find out more vocabulary that is found in the use of TPR songs.
    3. The teacher applies the method in the situation of learning songs and movements must understand the characteristics of the child first, then master the material to be taught, this material aims to train children to listen, then respond to what they hear to produce appropriate and compact movements, in command extensive practice and patience to deal with different childrens characters, resulting in an effective learning process.
    4. Lesson Plan ( RPP )
    School : British scholl
    Class : Kindergarten
    Collection/ Semester : Early Childhood 1 / 2
    Topic : learn vocabulary by singing
    Focussed : listening
    Time allocation : 45 Minutes

    A. Competency standards
    • Understand simple instructions with actions in the context of a song

    B. Basic competencies
    • Responds to simple instructions with actions in a school context
    • Practice simple instructions by listening to what's in the video
    • Knowing new vocabulary in learning

    C. Indicator
    • Students are able to respond to simple instructions in class
    • Students are able to respond to simple instructions by listening to vocabulary in song learning
    • Students are able to practice the movements well according to the song commands
    D. Learning objectives
    • students can respond with the spirit of direction that the teacher loves, and practice it well
    • Basic material
    • The method of learning songs through using TPR (Total Physical Respon )

    F. Learning Activity Steps
    • First of all the teacher does the opening and tidying up the line before the start of learning - warming up before learning begins
    • Teacher gives examples of some songs in English with gestures
    Exploration :
    • The teacher reviews the lessons that have been taught

  68. Name : Fikah Agustin
    Nim : 201230083.
    Class : TBI 5C
    1. I think in the video the teacher has a pretty good role, one example of the teacher's role is the teacher as the initiator, the teacher as the culminator, the teacher as a mediator, in the video the students are very happy, not bored, and really enjoy the teacher's way of learning. With the method that has been applied students really enjoy what is taught by the teacher.
    2. The method used by the teacher is Total Physical Response (TPR) teaching language concepts or vocabulary by using physical movements to react to verbal input.
    And also TPR songs perform actions related to each vocabulary word.
    3.because by using the method a student will be easier to understand what is conveyed by the teacher. The main purpose of the learning method is to further facilitate the process and student learning outcomes so that what has been planned can be achieved as well and as easily as possible by students.
    Subject: English
    Main material: animal names Class: Kindergarten
    Time allocation: 45 minutes Learning method: TPR Song

    Standar competency
    the ability to imitate and follow the teacher's movements

    Basic Competency
    students are able to listen and know the vocabulary taught by the teacher.

    Learning objective
    At the end of the lessons:
    - students are able to know the character of the rabbit.
    - students can practice the power of focus

    Learning method :
    Total Physical Response

    Learning Material : Animal

    Closing :
    The teacher closed the meeting by singing with all the students and having fun

  69. Name : Aisyah Khansa Salsabila
    NIM : 201230072
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. The role of the teacher is very fun, active, full energy. The teacher can make the students enthusiastic and interested in the song, follow directions, movements from the teacher, sing along, and not feel bored. The teacher acts as a facilitator, motivator, demonstrator and assessor in the learning.
    2. The teacher uses TPR (Total Physical Response) method because according to Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers in his book that TPR is a language teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action, his attempt to teach language through physical (motor) activity. TPR method is very suitable for children's characters because they like to move around and feel bored quickly if they just sit on a chair.
    3.She uses songs as a media for learning the material being studied. By using songs as a learning media, children are more enthusiastic, interested, not bored and understand the learning material. The teacher demonstrates the movement and the song, then the students follow it
    Subject: English
    Material: Animal
    Class: Kindergarten
    Time: 45 minutes
    Method: Total Physical Response

    Standar Competency:
    Students understanding the types of animals and their habits

    Basic Competency:
    -Students can pay attention the teacher, the music, the movements

    Learning Objective:
    -Students are able to know the character of the animals
    -Students are active and can follow the instructions

    Steps of Learning Activities:
    -The teacher greet and check students attendance
    -The teacher demonstrate the movements and the song, and the students pat attention
    -The students follow the instructions from the teacher

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Name : Anisa Alqonaah
    NIM : 201230092
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. I think beside the video, teachers played an active role in stimulating students to be able to take part in learning in a fun situation. The teacher acted as an instructor who invited students to sing and dance while learning, so that students become more enjoy and interested in the learning process.
    2. In my opinion, the learning method in this video is the role playing method and the (TPR) method. TPR means Total Physical Response. It is an approach to teaching language based on the idea that if you have to do something physical in response to language, then learning is more meaningful, and you learn faster. The learners are looking at action verbs.
    3. The teacher adopts a method in a learning situation that is looking for which method can make students not feel bored with the learning method and the teacher's task is to find and make an interesting learning plan as possible. When the teacher uses the Total Physical Response method, the teacher must prepare lessons such as interesting music and dance so that students do not feel bored. And the teacher must also know what students want in a lesson.
    School : PAUD
    Subjects : English
    Collection/ Semester : Early Childhood 1 / 2
    Time Allocation : 1 x 20 minutes (1 meeting)
    A. Competency Standards:
    Understanding the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversations is very simple to interact with the immediate environment.
    B. Basic Competence
    Responding to meaning in transactional (to get things done) and interpersonal (socializing) conversations using a variety of very simple spoken language accurately, fluently, and acceptable to interact with the immediate environment involving simple conversations.
    C. Learning Objectives
    End of learning
    - Students can recognize fruits in English
    - Students recognize the alphabets in English
    - Students recognize numbers 1-10 in English
    D. Learning Materials: Alphabets, numbers, fruits
    E. Learning Model/Method : dissuggestopedia
    F. Steps of Learning Activities
    - First, the teacher greets and checks student attendance
    - The teacher introduces the alphabets and numbers in English with the sound method
    - The teacher gives examples of some songs in English
    Exploration :
    - Teacher and students sing together about alphabets, numbers, and fruits repeatedly
    - The teacher introduces various fruits in English
    - The teacher reviews the lessons that have been taught

  72. Name: Zahra Annisa Fitriani
    NIM: 201230104
    Class: TBI 5C
    1. the roles of the teacher in the video are coach, performer, role model and teacher itself. the teacher have to lead the student to what they want to teach. and however the student must copy the gesture, expression, body language, and song they sing in the whole learning process. the teacher is appropriated enough for being a role model for the young learners, but hopefully the content they serve in the song is safe and suitable for young learners.
    2. the learning process in the video is using TPR (Total Physical Response) which is the most suitable method for young learners, where the teacher using song and dance move in the learning process.
    3. the teacher adopts the method by making the song or composing the song so, creating the dance move which are suitable with the lyrics in the song, and make it suitable for the young learners.
    4. ABC Cowboy Duel
    Through fun activities, your students will get to repeatedly see, hear, and say letters. This can be adapted and used to teach or review all the letters in the alphabet.
    Learning Objectives
    Students will be able to recognize and read the letters A, B, and C.
    Materials and preparation
    3 Balloons with strings (write A on one balloon, B on another one, and C on the other one)
    9 Small word cards (write 3 words that start with A, 3 words that start with B, and 3 words that start with C, attach to balloon strings)
    Large alphabet cards (A, B, and C)
    Small alphabet cards (A, B, and C, 1 set per student)
    Introduction (5 minutes)
    Show students the ABC Song.
    Bring out the balloons and explain to your students that they will focus on three letters today.
    Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (10 minutes)
    Hand out the small alphabet cards. Show your students the A balloon.
    Read A, and ask your students to repeat after you a few times.
    Read the word cards attached to the balloon strings, and have your students repeat after you.
    Ask your students to find and raise up the small card that has A on it.
    Do the same with the letters B and C.
    Guided Practice (10 minutes)
    Hold up the large alphabet cards. Show students the A card, and ask your students to say A and raise up the small A card in their hands.
    Do the same with B and C.
    Repeat this process many times until you feel that the students are familiar with the 3 letters.
    Related books and/or media
    GAME: Alphabet Hopper
    Enrichment: Give your students any of the Letter Maze worksheets.
    Support: Have your students complete any Color the Animal Alphabet worksheet, and read the letters with the students a few more times.
    Assessment (5 minutes)
    Hold up the large alphabet cards, and ask your students to identify the letter.
    Have students read the letters aloud.
    Review and closing (5 minutes)
    Divide the class into pairs or small groups, and ask them to practice saying the letters with one another.

    NIM : 201230050
    CLASS: TBI 5 B
    1. 1. In my opinion, the role of the teacher in the video is highly active in asking students to learn while playing by singing and moving the body to the rhythm of the song. This can increase students ' learning motivation so that they can learn in an exciting way. I think, yes, the teacher can already be categorized as a good young learner teacher according to the characteristics of young learner teachers, which include the characteristics of young learner teachers having fun, having high creativity, developing student interest and being able to maintain student fun.
    2. In my opinion, in the video, the teacher uses the total Physical Response learning method, which places a strong emphasis on the development of language skills. The method is used by the teacher singing and moving the body according to the rhythm of the song and then followed by the students, the teacher also said the words according to the song so that students can follow her in a fun way
    3. In my opinion, in the video, the way the teacher adopts the method in learning situations is by analyzing the needs of students and learning situations. The teacher is able to introduce new ways to students to learn in a fun way by using song and movement as a learning method. Teachers are able to follow the developmental stages and adjust students ' interest in learning by using songs. This can make students more active in learning and motivated to learn.
    4. Lesson Plan that I will apply based on the video;
    School: TADIKA MESRA kindergarten
    Grade: kindergarten
    Theme: I can do it
    Allocation time: 35 minutes
    A. Basic Competencies :
    1. Know and understand the various movements of the limbs.
    B. Purpose:
    1. Students can recognize and identify their limbs through songs
    C. Material:
    Previous postprevious I Can Do it with 15 more Action Songs For Children ( Miss Patty Compilation)
    Singing and dancing
    1. the teacher begins to sing first according to the rhythm of the song
    2. the teacher invites students to sing and dance together to the accompaniment of the song
    3. students can know their various limbs by dancing and singing
    Learning Evaluation :
    Skill : practice
    Knowledge: observation based on practice

  74. Name: Destie Nurul Azizah
    NIM: 201230087
    Class TBI 5 C
    1. The teacher's role in the video is, in my opinion, observer and creative. The role of observer is performed by the educator during the implementation of the learning process. he made an observation. This means that these observations were made while engaging and interacting with children's activities. It was also creative and interesting to keep the kids happy and not bored after doing different activities with different activities. I also think video teachers are one of the qualities of a good teacher because they can develop children's musical intelligence, children's verbal and emotional intelligence, children's imagination, creativity and imitation ability. . good memory. You can also train with songs.
    2. Regarding the method that the teacher uses in class, in other words, the teacher uses the TPR (Total Physical Respond) method in class. Children learn faster and easier when it comes to using the techniques teachers use, namely her TPR songs and fingerplay techniques. A funny children's song that the teacher told. Children can also follow the songs and songs told by the teacher.
    3. Teachers can practically change the learning environment using teaching strategies that match the way they are taught. In this video, a teacher embraces the outside world as a learning space, creating learning that gives students an experience without making them feel like they are being coached. Using gymnastic techniques and songs, participants teach skills in a way that keeps learners engaged and fun.
    4. Subject: English
    Class/Duration: Kindergarten
    Aspects/Skills: Speaking, Listening
    Timing: 45 minutes

    A. Standard Ability
    Students’ ability to listen, speak and imitate teacher movements
    B. Basic Competencies
    Students are able to listen and speak
    C. indicator of competence achievement
    1. Students can add vocabulary through music
    2. Students can add listening skills
    3. Students can follow the teacher's movements Imitation
    D. How to Learn:
    TPR Total Physical Response and Role Playing
    F. Learning Material:
    Activity Song and dance.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Name : Ananda Aulia Salsabila
    NIM :201230110
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. In my opinion the teacher has played a very good role as a teacher. Because he brought the material very pleasantly, so the students also followed the action that was exemplified by the teacher with enthusiasm as well. Students can follow orders and actions from a teacher have made the teacher successful in learning.
    2. After I saw the video, the teacher use TPR method, which is TPR method is uses actions and movements to demonstrate spoken words. The teacher used music to tell the children how to memorize a words through action, dancing, and music. It engages the students and allows them to comprehend the teacher’s words. It is a very effective way to young children to teach them new vocabulary words. It is also used with adults who are learning a new language, as it can help them quickly associate words with actions. It is especially good for beginner learners who may not understand the language. This suits all types of learners and helps simplify the language.
    3. The teacher adopts the method by means of action, movement, dance, music. Because most children learn to learn by singing and dancing so that they are easy to remember words through actions.

    Student : Young Learner
    Subject : Action songs for children
    Standard of Competence
    Memorize a vocabularies through singing, dancing, and action that children can memorize vocabularies easily
    Basic competence
    Memorize a short words through singing, dancing, listening to music, and action.
    1. Say a short words
    2. Say a words with action
    3. completing a words through music

    Learning objectives
    1. Students can memorize a words
    2. Students are able to give example of the word
    3. Students can analyze the example of a short, so they can make a sentence
    4. students can create a short sentence.

    Song list
    Stand Up, Sit Down 24:34
    I Can Tango 27:13
    Color Dance 30:07 Jump 33:00
    Walking One Day 35:53
    If I Were an Animal 37:59
    Shake and Move 40:41

    Skill : Speaking, vocabulary
    Time allocation : 10-20 minutes
    Text type : Song action and to know the vocabularies

  77. Name : Safanatul khoiriah
    Number : 201230045
    Class : TBI 5b
    1. in my opinion. This method is very effective for children because by learning while singing the students will feel learning happily and relaxed. teachers also play an active role in stimulating students to be able to follow learning with this method.
    2. The method used is the role playing method
    3. The teacher can look for which method can make students interested in the learning. The teacher must have prepared the methods and materials that will be used before the learning takes place. so that students can feel comfortable and interested in the lesson. for example like what is in the video with singing and rocking.
    A. Learning Objectives End of learning
    - Students can recognize fruits in English
    - Students recognize letters in English
    - Students recognize numbers 1-10 in English
    B. Learning Materials: Alphabets, numbers, fruit
    C. Model/Method Learning :dissuggestopedia
    D. Steps for Apperception Learning Activities:
    - First, the teacher greets and checks student attendance
    - The teacher introduces letters and numbers in English with the voice method
    - The teacher gives examples of some songs in English
    - Teacher and students sing together about the alphabet, numbers, and fruits over and over
    - The teacher introduces various fruits in English Elaboration
    - The teacher reviews the lessons that have been taught

  78. Name : Anisa Fitriani
    NIM : 201230056
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. In my opinion the teacher's role in the video is very creative and fun. She teaches young learners by singing, dancing and other physical activities, so that students don't get bored easily and are active in learning, they even feel happy because of the fun learning style. I think the teacher are appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher.
    2. I think the method used in this study is the TPR (Total Physical Response). This method encourages active participation from teachers in every class, which might increase students physical skills. This TPR method includes elements of round game play such that it may be used to Relieving stress on students because of the problems that are carried out in their lessons, especially when learning a foreign language, can also create a positive mood for students and can facilitate educators to have an active and persistent attitude when using this technique. The primary roles of the learners in the TPR are those of listeners and actors. Learners listen attentively and respond physically to commands called educators either individually or in groups. There are several benefits to using TPR as a teaching method, such as the ability to increase student's understanding of concepts, make them more active, and reduce stress.
    3. The teacher adopts the method with action, singing and dancing. it is very useful for children because they will more easily remember when something is practiced with movement.
    4. Learning objectives: To increase students' vocabulary.
    Learning activities: Listening to music, singing, dancing and practicing vocabulary.
    Learning assesment: Judging the ability of students to recite and practice the movements

  79. Name : Mira Agustina
    Nim : 201230075
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video is good, because the teacher is able to teach students by interpreting words using body movements by dancing, and it makes students not bored in learning because it is fun.
    And I think they fit the criteria of a good teacher.
    2. Total physical response method, because the video uses physical or body movements to interpret words.
    3. Teachers must be able to deliver teaching materials with various methods and use multimedia so that the teaching materials delivered can be easily absorbed by students.

    School : SDN 1 MEKARSARI
    Subjects : English
    Class : V

    A. Competency Standards
    1. Understand the words or sentences spoken in a music or video.
    B. Basic Competence
    1.1 Respond to words or sentences spoken in a music or video by using body movements to interpret the words in the music or video.
    C. Learning objectives
    • Students can understand the words or sentences in the music or video
    • Students can apply the meaning of words by using body movements

  80. Name : Adelia Meisya Maulidini
    NIM : 201230079
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think in this video the role of the teacher in the video is as a very creative and active teacher as a model that aims to instruct students, he can condition young learners who are very active with the more action a song learning method, which in the process a lot of learning such as vocabulary, command sentences contained in the song. Of course they are in accordance with the characteristics of good teachers because they are able to condition the activeness of their students and keep learning by using more action a song, able to demonstrate and teach material creatively so that it fosters student interest in learning. The existence of the song and movement method strongly supports learning activities, especially the teacher's ability to sing, play music, dance and insert various materials such as vocabulary in each song, making the children excited to follow the lesson.
    2. In the video using Total Physical Response (TPR) is one method that can be applied. TPR is a method that uses gestures to interpret words. The purpose of holding training using this method is to help teachers teach English and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere. In the video the teacher uses the TPR method by using her body movements that are given to students. Language in early childhood because its application relates to the coordination of commands, speech and motion so that a child is easier to master a language in learning.
    3. In here the teacher uses the TPR method, the teacher applies his method using songs by singing and dancing as a way of conveying various instructions because this is part of the TPR process. The teacher packs learning materials in simple and easy-to-heard songs. So that students give some responses by practicing movements in songs that match the rhythm by capturing the presenter more easily. So that teachers and students can understand each other and the learning process is more fun and does not make students bored.
    4. Lesson Plan

    Level               : Kindergarten

    Time               : Approximate  45 minutes

    Theme             : Human Body

    Teaching Points

    1.    Vocabulary : The part of Human Body on a picture

    2.    Skill : Listen and imitate the part

    3. Song : “One little two little finger” and “You can see with your eyes”.


    1.    The children will be able to recognize a part of human body in English.

    2.    The children will be able to listen and imitate the word about the part of human body with a good pronunciation.

    3.    The children will be able to match the picture with the word on their working sheets. 


    1.    A Picture.

    2.    Flash Card.

    Lesson Steps in Sequence

    1.    Praying and greeting.

    2.    Sing a song “One little two little finger” together. This is a warm to help the children’s concentration, and is a means of alerting their attention to details which will be focused on later.

    3.    The teacher shows a picture of human body on the white board to the children and asks them to repeat together.

    4.    The teacher sings “You can see with your eyes” and asks the children to follow her.

    5.    The teacher show the flash cards which have a part of human body and ask some children one by one to say “what the human body is?” and ask her/ him to imitate it together.

    6.    The teacher hands out the worksheets and asks the children to match the picture of a part of human body with the word. Then she asks them to collect their sheets if they have finished doing it.

    7.    Before ending up the lesson, the teacher and the children sing a song “You can see with your eyes” again.

  81. Name; Damarati Raksa Alifa

    N I M; 201230112

    Class; TBI 5 C

    EYL’s Answer

    In the video describes she roles when learning, how a teacher becomes a demonstator and a facilitator for learners. The teacher understands the needs of the trainees and knows how to explain to their children the material they are learning. They appropriated with all characteristics of teacher.
    In that video used The Kinesthetic Method that Kinesthetic learning is a learning activity that moves, works and touches. As shown in the video, the teacher teaches them firsthand by physical exertion so that they can easily assimilate the material
    In applying the method in the learning situation the teacher must first understand the characteristics of the learner, then adjust with the materials or materials to be used
    Lesson Plan

    School ; SD Negri Jayaraya

    Lesson; Bahasa English

    Class/Semater; IV/1

    Them; Nursery Rhymes

    Meeting; 10 meetings

    Time Allocation; 20 X 2 minutes

    Competency Standarts ;

    The ability to remember and mention nursery rhymes and say it with a proper pronounciation.


    Knowing nursery rhymes
    Mention The nursery ryhme
    Explaining The contents of nursery rhymes

    Learning Objection
    The students are able to mention about many kinds of nursery rhymes
    The students are able to explain what ia The content of The nursery rhymes

    Teaching Material
    Nursery rhymes


    Kinesthetic Method

  82. *Name* : Muhammad Fathul Huda
    *Register Number*: 201230102
    *Class* : TBI-5C
    *Answers Mid Examination EYL*

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the video is very interactive, interesting, and fun so that the children also enjoy participating in various activities that must be carried out with different themes in each meeting. The existence of the song and motion method is very supportive of learning activities, especially the teacher's ability to sing, play music, dance and insert various materials such as vocabulary in each song, making children excited to follow the lesson. Yes, they have the characteristics of being a good teacher, especially in the international arena. The reason is because they have to try to combine the material with songs, songs, music and movements that not everyone can do. This is also related to child development which is in line with several theories from experts such as Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory about 8 stages of psychosocial development that depend on the existence of social interactions and conflicts, if we connect with videos there are some social interactions that we can see namely the interaction of teachers with students and students with other students.
    2. The method used by the teacher is Total Physical Respond because the teacher is a director and facilitator in the school environment to provide material to students. The teacher determines what will be learned and who plays the subject matter. provide students with material The teacher decides what will be taught and who will play the subject matter. provide students with material The teacher decides what will be taught and who will play the material.
    3. The teacher adapts the TPR method by turning the material into a song that contains instructions that are in accordance with the teaching material.

    School : MTs AS-Shafiiyah 04
    Subject : Indonesian
    Class/ Semester : VII/Odd
    Title/Chapter : Introduce myself and others/ Hello, my name is
    Main Materials: Get to know, introduce yourself/others.
    Time Allocation : 160 Minutes (meeting 3 & 4)A. Learning Objectives
    After following the learning process with the Problem Based Learning model, students are able to
    classification of social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements in self-introduction and
    others, and can use these expressions politely, confidently and responsibility
    B. Learning Methods and Learning Resources
    • Problem Based Learning
    • Passport to the world package 7 pages 4-7 , HP and internet.

    C. Learning Steps
    Introductory Activity (20 minutes)
    The teacher opens the learning activity by saying greetings and prayers.
    The teacher asks the news and checks the students' attendance.
    • The teacher conveys the learning objectives to be achieved
    • The teacher gives apperception and motivation
    • The teacher conveys the scope of the material, learning steps, and assessment techniques.
    Core Activities (120 minutes)

    • Students listen to video shows in the teaching materials in E-Learning
    • Students identify Get to know, introduce yourself/others.
    • Together with the teacher, students discuss in the E-Learning timeline about the video shows that students have made
    • Students rewrite the introductory expressions, introduce themselves/others in the forum
    E-Learning timeline
    • Through Zoom Meetings, students repeat the introductory expressions, introduce themselves
    Closing Activities (20 minutes)

    • Teachers and students convey conclusions and reflections on learning.
    = The teacher provides feedback and moral messages from learning.
    • The teacher gives assignments to students
    The teacher delivers the next learning material.
    The teacher closes the learning activities by saying greetings and prayers.
    Attitude assessment: Observation in the learning process
    Skills assessment : Performance test (Zoom/GMeet)

  83. Name:Deviana Astuti
    Class:5C TBI

    1. I think the role of the teacher in the youtube video is a teacher who is very passionate about teaching with full expression and a smile, that's why I see the children are very enthusiastic in following their lessons. A good teacher like this according to the best teacher.

    2. learning Style Type #1: Visual Learners.
    Learning Style Type #2: Auditory Learners,For learning knowledge, videos were about as good as existing teaching methods, increasing student scores by about 2 points.

    3.Engage the student in conversation about the subject matter.
    Question students about the material.
    Ask for oral summaries of material.
    Have them tape lectures and review them with you.
    Have them tape themselves reviewing material and listen to it together.
    Read material aloud to them.

    4.*Basic competencies*

    Practicing the basic movements of walking, running and jumping in simple games, as well as the values ​​of sportsmanship, honesty, cooperation, tolerance and self-confidence
    Practicing every movement from the teacher who exemplifies every movement, both dance gymnastics or others

    *Main Material and Material Description*

    I Can Do It! 0:04
    S.T.O.P 2:30
    Bunny Hop 5:19
    Do Si Do 7:19
    Follow Me 12:46
    I Like to Dance 14:52
    My Shadow 18:07
    Play with Me, Sing Along 20:53
    Stand Up, Sit Down 24:34
    I Can Tango 27:13
    Color Dance 30:07
    Jump 33:00
    salking One Day 35:53
    If I Were an Animal 37:59
    Shake and Move 40:41

    *Learning Experience*

    students can do the movements that are done and exemplified by the teacher

    *Indicators of Competence Achievement*

    Performing walking movements with various directions and steps
    Walk with the front and back legs
    Carry out running movements in various directions
    Perform various running movements
    Doing jumps in various directions
    Do a variety of jumping movements

    CLASS : TBI 5C
    NIM : 201230107
    Mid-Test EYL
    1. The role of the teacher in the video is an art and dances teacher. I think she is a good and fun teacher, because when she sings, does gymnastics, dances and jumps, all the students look so happy and follow her movements. It’s so amazing for me.
    2. The method used in the video is a visual art learning method.
    Types of Special Learning Methods for Fine Arts Learning methods are divided into 2, namely: 1. Learning Theory
    a. Expository learning: lectures, questions and answers and demonstrations.
    b. Learning group activities: discussion, role playing, etc
    c. Learning to do: problem solving experiments etc
    2. Practical learning
    a. Practical learning at school
    b. Practical learning in the work environment
    And what the teacher does in the video is the second part, namely practical learning.
    3. The teacher adopt the method in learning situation is using music, dances for their learning by combine the music with expression and action. very good for practicing patience also when teaching art to early childhood, by dancing, singing, jumping left and right, playing musical instruments. and learning outside the classroom is very fun and will make students catch on quickly with extensive knowledge. Such learning methods are very effective for students at golden age.
    4. Making lesson plan
    School : Kindergarten School
    Class : Combined
    Topic : I can do it
    Subject : Listening and Follow
    Time : 44 minutes

    A. Competency :
    Children knew to listen and follow when teacher doing something in front of them

    B. Method :
    Total physical Respons listen, watch and follow

    C. Learning Material :
    Sound system, Youtube

    D. Learning Objective :
    - Students can listen carefully
    - Students can follow instructions
    - Students are active Pay attention

    E. Learning Activities and Exploration :
    - The teacher give a greating to sudent
    - Ask them to prepare theirself
    - Keep their attantion to the teacher or to the music
    - You demonstrate what in the music
    - The teacher give a sign to dance appropriate with music instruction
    - The teacher also be Instructur of the learning
    - The teacher make sure the student happy, active and enjoy the activities
    - Do the activities till the end of music

  85. Nama: Putri Anggiyani
    NIM: 201230103
    Class: TBI 5C

    1. I think that the method taught by the teacher for young learners is interesting, young learners usually tend to be interested in fun things, especially at the age as shown in the video, that is the age when they really like to play. So this learning method is very effective for teaching young learners. the teacher is in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher

    2. Games and songs with action. In the video, it can be seen that the teacher sings several songs accompanied by movements and words that are followed by young learners. In my opinion, this method is the most preferred by young learners because they can play while learning.

    3. The first is to understand the material you want to explain. By knowing the material presented in depth, the teacher can find out the type of learning method that is considered the most appropriate to explain the material. To increase creativity, also study the learning methods used by others for similar material. the second is Determine learning objectives Knowing the learning objectives is the main thing to be able to know the right learning method. Is the purpose of learning only limited so that students can master certain materials? Or there are other goals such as mastery of certain soft skills which are expected to emerge through teaching and learning activities. Knowing the characteristics of students is one of the responsibilities of every educator. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses can help determine the approach to take when teaching. The next step is to pay attention to student responses. When teaching, teachers are required to be sensitive to student responses. Pay attention to whether students can follow the lesson well or vice versa. The ignorance of students towards the teacher's explanation is an initial reflection that the delivery of the material is not able to attract their attention. Therefore, try to apply a different type of learning method than before.

    4. Lesson Plan
    Subject: English
    Class/Semester: 1/1
    Theme: Animals
    Time Allocation: 1x30 menit
    Competency Standards: The ability to mention names of animals and say it with the proper pronunciation
    Basic Competence: getting to know names of animals in English.
    -knowing the name animals
    -Mention the name of animals with the proper pronunciation
    Learning Objection:
    -The student are able to mention about many kinds of animals
    Teaching Material: Animals
    Method: games and song with action

  86. Name : Syifa Anggraeni
    Nim : 201230122
    Class : TBI 5C
    1. In this video the teacher's role is very complex, since the teacher's role is so influential to students, let alone the teacher who can give an interesting and nonmonotonous role of the student. And here I see a method of learning using music, which could be an interesting example of teaching. Not only is acdemic taught but art and culture need to be taught as well. Students should also be able to follow the teacher's instruction, although there are now many media that may be the learning material but the teacher's role is most important because if a teacher's role is lacking direction.
    2. Here I see a lesson that can be called modern, because of singing, especially if that song in English would benefit more from honing students' English skills. Especially if a teacher knows more about digital media then the methods of learning are more modern and less old-fashioned
    3. How to apply methods
    - Preparation before teaching, and mastering the methods of learning
    - Should be able to know each student's character and personality
    - Must have a learning purpose because with a definite purpose it is more organized
    4. Lesso plane
    Scholl : kelompok merak Sindangsari
    Class : English club
    Topic : family
    Time : 45. Minutes
    - Students should know the family member's vocabulary confidently after receiving the teacher's direction
    - Students could confidently recite the family member's vocabulary
    - Determining a word that indicates family members by underlining the word in a dialog
    - By observing a picture, students can write and recite the names of family members in English.
    - With the teacher's instructions, the student can sing my family song on the beat.
    Learning materials:
    - Draw names of family members in English Names of family members in English:
    - Names of family members in English:
    Father: father
    Mother: mother
    Grandpa: shithead
    Brother: brother
    Older sister:

  87. Name: Meida Putri Maulida
    Nim: 201230108
    Class: TBI 5C

    1. The role of the teacher in the video is as a
    facilitator, and also as someone who knows better to convey the material well to her students. In my opinion, the teacher in the video includes the characteristics of a good teacher because she looks so mastered at what he wants to convey and it can also be seen from the responses of students who are very happy in following their learning.

    2. The teacher in the video use total physical response (TPR) method. It is a method of teaching language or vocabulary concepts by using physical movement to react to verbal input. In the video the teacher practice the teaching material and students follow the instructions given by the teacher.

    3. a teacher need to apply diverse methods to his students, and the most funny possible. Now it’s possible to use digital tool to rise to possibilities of educational methods and ways. And technology offers more and more gamification way, and recent survey show that people memorize better and faster, than with traditional methods.

    4. Making lesson plan
    School : Kindergarten School
    Class : III
    Topic : vegetables
    Subject : Listening and Follow
    Time : 30 minutes

    A. Competency :
    Children knew to listen and follow when teacher doing something in front of them

    B. Method :
    Total physical Respons listen, watch and follow

    C. Learning Material :
    Youtube, video

    D. Learning Objective :
    - Students can listen carefully
    - Students can follow instructions
    - Students are active Pay attention

    E. Learning Activities and Exploration :
    -Say greeting to student
    -Ask their condition
    - Ask them to prepare their self
    - turn on music
    - Keep their attention to the music
    - The teacher will sing and the student following the teacher
    - The teacher give a sign to sing appropriate with music instruction
    - Make sure the student happy and enjoy while practice it
    - Do the activities till the music end
    - Closing

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Name: Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri
    NIM: 201230111
    Class: TBI V C
    Mid Test English for Young Learners
    1. What do you think of the roles of the teacher in the video? Are they appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher?
    From the video that I watched, I think that the role of teacher is must be able to develop all aspects of development according to the child's age. They appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher because teacher need to create many interesting activities that can arouse curiosity and motivate children to think and be creative. Children support being active learners, doing learning activities on the child's ideas, not following the instructions or directions of the teacher. When a child is an active learner, all of the child's five senses, limbs, and thought processes are also active.
    2. What kinds of learning method being used in that video? Explain your answer!
    The method applied is the method Total Physical Response (TPR). TPR is a method that uses gestures to interpret words. The purpose of holding training using this method is to help teachers teach English and create a pleasant classroom atmosphere. Moving the body, singing, dancing all work very well in this method as it helps the learner cement the action and the meaning with its association in their heads.
    3. How does the teacher adopt the method in the learning situation?
    teacher adopt the method in learning situation with uses singing as a medium for children's learning, music can play a major role in brain development and the formation of the human spirit, character, and body, also play an important role for the cognitive development of children's intelligence.
    4. Create your lesson plan based on the video above.
    I. Competency Standards
    Understand basic commands with actions in a classroom context.
    2. Basic Competence:
    a. Knowing the body's vocabulary, and the Imperative sentence
    b. Responds to instructions with the action of body parts and the Imperative sentence
    c. Know the vocabulary of the command sentence.
    d. Responding instructions with action and dance about the command sentence.
    3. Learning objectives
    a. Students are able to understand some vocabulary and description as objects, human movements, shapes, and so on.
    b. Students are able to respond to the movements that match the teacher's commands such as shouting, closed the eyes and so on.
    c. Students are able to use vocabulary in some context properly and appropriately.
    d. Students are able to say vocabulary smoothly and correctly.
    4. Indicators
    a. Students would have an early knowledge of vocabulary, after which they would be able to recognize and pronounce it with gestures.
    b. The student better understood the vocabulary and understood the meaning of the vocabulary.
    5. Object Material
    Object : Music, body movement, song
    Material : Youtube Video about part of body vocabulary
    6. Teaching Method
    Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method that uses gestures to interpret words, application with command coordination, speech and for the children's easier mastering a language in learning.
    7. Learning Activities
    - Opening
    - Teacher greets her students.
    - Teacher checks the student’s attendance.
    - Teacher ask for praying together.
    - Main activities
    a. The teacher gives some simple instructions
    b. The teacher introduces the teaching materials that will be used
    c. The teacher starts singing the song "Color dance" accompanied through the music
    d. The teacher directs the students to move according to the story in the song
    e. Students follow what the teacher directs
    f. The teacher concludes all the material at the end of the song while practicing the movements.
    g. The teacher ends the song and lesson
    8. Evaluation
    - the teacher asks students about the impression of learning activities using the chili dance song

  90. 1).I think the role of the teacher in the video is very good. Because basically good teachers don't just teach, they guide their students. Furthermore, the methods taught should meet the needs of the students, should not be monotonous, and should allow students to enjoy following the learning methods created by the teacher. Also, a good teacher can create a comfortable and comfortable atmosphere in which students are taught.
    2). The purpose of conducting training in this way is to help teachers teach English and to create a comfortable atmosphere in the classroom. In the video, the teacher uses her TPR method using body movements given to her students.
    3).Teachers apply this method to learning situations, use music and dance for learning, and combine music with expression and action. Dancing, singing, jumping left and right, playing musical instruments, etc., are very suitable for practicing patience even in early childhood art classes. Learning outside the classroom is a lot of fun and students gain a wide range of knowledge quickly. This kind of learning method is very effective for Golden Age students.
    4). Lesson Plan
    School : SDN Cikande 1
    Class : 6
    Topic : Gardening
    Subject : Practice And Listening
    Time : 60 Minutes
    Competency Standarts "
    Activities that expanding their knowledge on veggies, eat healtiher and the benefits
    Indicators :
    - Students learning about many vegetables name
    learning objective :
    -Students understand what part that is to eat and part that is do not.
    -Students understand benefits from planting veggies and what veggies do to our body

  91. Name : Ulhiyati
    NIM : 201230066
    Class : TBI 5B

    1. I think the teacher in the video fits the criteria of a good teacher because he understands the characteristics of young learners that they get bored easily, by learning while singing and playing like that, young learners won't feel bored. They will feel like they are playing, not learning. In addition, the material taught is contextual. The content of the nursery rhymes is according to their circumstances and there is a lesson in the songs.

    2. The teacher in the video uses the Audio-lingual method combined with the Dalcroze math method.
    The audio-lingual method is a method in teaching foreign languages ​​that emphasizes listening comprehension. Students are trained to practice using grammar spontaneously. While the Dalcroze Eurithmic method is a music learning method that is suitable for children at an early age. This method does not require students to have basic skills in singing or playing a musical instrument. Simply by listening and moving, students can already learn it.
    In Indonesia, the Eurithmic Dalcroze method is also called the singing method. The singing method is a learning method that uses songs that are sung. Usually the poems are adapted to the material that will be taught by the teacher. According to some experts, singing makes the learning atmosphere cheerful and passionate so that children's development can be stimulated more optimally. (Fadlillah, 2012:175).

    3. The teacher adapts the method in learning situations by adapting the material to the song. The teacher forbade material using singing, he made the learning material in a song then students were asked to sing along and follow the movements directed in the song. This helps students understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the song, improves students' ability to respond to commands, stops listening, and can arouse students' enthusiasm for learning.
    In Elisabeth's journal (2005) singing is part of music. Singing serves as a tool to protect thoughts and feelings to communicate. In essence singing for children is as:
    a) Emotional Language, where by singing children can express their feelings, pleasure, funny, admiration and emotion.
    b) Tone Language, because listening can be heard, can be sung, and communicated.
    c) Movement Language, the movement in singing is reflected in the bar (regular movement/beat), in rhythm (long, short, irregular movement/beat), and in the melody (high and low movement).

    Satuan Pendidikan : SDN CINTA KASIH
    Kelas / Semester : 2/1
    Pelajaran : Color
    Sub Pelajaran : Song
    Pertemuan : 4
    Alokasi waktu : 90 menit

    1. Menerima, menjalankan, dan menghargai ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
    2. Memiliki perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, santun, peduli, dan percaya diri dalam berinteraksi dengan keluarga, teman, guru, dan tetangganya.
    3. Memahami pengetahuan faktual dengan cara mengamati [mendengar, melihat, membaca] dan menanya berdasarkan rasa ingin tahu tentang dirinya, makhluk ciptaan Tuhan dan kegiatannya, dan benda-benda yang dijumpainya di rumah, sekolah, dan tempat bermain.
    4. Menyajikan pengetahuan faktual dalam bahasa yang jelas, sistematis, dan logis, dalam karya yang estetis, dalam gerakan yang mencerminkan anak sehat, dan dalam tindakan yang mencerminkan perilaku anak beriman dan berakhlak mulia.
    Kompetensi Dasar
    3.1 Memahami teks bahasa inggris tentang Color
    3.1.1 Mengetahui lirik lagu tentang color yang berjudul Color Dance
    3.1.2 Mengidentifikasi lirik lagu Color Dance
    3.1.3 Menganalisis lirik lagu Color Dance
    4.1 Mempraktekkan pembacaan teks bacaan yang berkaitan dengan Color 4.1.1 Menghafalkan lirik lagu Color Dance
    4.1.2 Menyanyikan lagu Color Dance
    4.1.3 Mempraktikkan lagu Color Dance dengan ucapan yang benar beserta gerakannya
    1. Siswa mampu mengetahui lirik lagu Color Dance.
    2. Siswa mampu menghafal lirik lagu Color Dance.
    3. Siswa mampu mennyanyikan lagu Color Dance dengan lafal yang benar beserta gerakannya.
    1. Lirik lagu Color Dance.
    Pendekatan : Scientific
    Strategi : Cooperative Learning
    Teknik : Bernyanyi
    Metode : Audio Lingual Method dan Metode Nyanyian
    (Pengamatan, Diskusi, Praktek, Tanya Jawab dan Penugasan)
    1. Kelas dimulai dengan dibuka dengan salam, menanyakan kabar dan melakukan absensi siswa
    2. Kelas dilanjutkan dengan do’a yang dipimpin oleh salah ketua kelas atau yang mewakili.
    3. Siswa mengamati dan guru menjelaskan tentang lirik lagu Color Dance serta bagaimana menyanyikan lagu tersebut sekaligus dengan gerakannya. (Remembering, Understanding)
    1. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya tentang materi yang disampaikan
    2. Siswa menanyakan penjelasan guru yang belum di pahami tentang langkah- langkah menyayikan lagu bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar.
    3. Guru menjawab pertanyaan siswa (Communcation)
    1. Siswa mencoba menyanyikan lagu tentang Introduction dan Body bersama teman sebangku.
    2. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk maju dan mempraktikkan cara menyanyikan lagu tentang Introduction dan Body yang benar.
    3. Guru memberikan pembenaran dan masukan apabila terdapat kesalahan atau kekurangan pada siswa.
    4. Setelah siswa dirasa mampu untuk menyanyikan lagu tersebut, kemudian siswa diberikan kertas warna warni (kertas origami) yang sebelumnya sudah dipersiapkan oleh guru.
    5. Guru menjelaskan kembali gerakan dari lagu tersebut. Apabila ada yang memegang warna sesuai dengan lirik lagu, maka siswa tersebut diminta untuk berdiri.
    6. Guru melakukan sebuah game, apabila siswa tidak melakukan sesuai instruksi, maka siswa tersebut diperintahkan untuk maju ke depan untuk menyanyikan lagu itu seorang diri. (melatih konsentrasi dan meningkatkan percaya diri)
    7. Guru menyatakan bahwa siswa telah paham tentang materi yang telah disampaikan. (Creativity and Innovation) (Remembering, Understanding)

  93. Mencoba
    1. Guru memberikan kesempatan beberapa siswa untuk menyanyikan lagu tentang Introduction dan Body dengan bahasa yang benar di depan kelas.
    2. Guru meminta siswa untuk menghafalkan lirik lagu yang telah di pelajari.
    3. Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa untuk menyanyikan lagu yang telag di hafal. (Critical Thinking and Problem Formulation)
    1. Siswa mempraktikkan menyanyikan lagu tentang Introduction dan Body dengan bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar.
    2. Siswa menyampaikan manfaat menyanyikan lagu tentang Introduction dan Body secara lisan di depan teman dan guru. (Communication)

    1. Guru memberikan penguatan materi dan kesimpulan dari materi yang telah disampaikan.
    2. Guru menunjuk setiap siswa secara acak untuk menyebutkan arti dari kosa kata tentang warna yang diucapkan guru dengan lantang (kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan cepat).
    3. Gurugapresiasi hasil kerja siswa dan memberikan motivasi.
    4. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengulang kembali di rumah pelajaran yang telah diberikan di kelas.
    5. Guru menyampaikan pesan moral hari ini dengan bijak Salam dan do’a penutup.(Religious)
    Penilaian terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran dilakukan oleh guru untuk mengukur tingkat pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik. Hasil penilaian digunakan sebagai bahan penyusunan laporan kemajuan hasil belajar dan memperbaiki proses pembelajaran. Penilaian terhadap materi ini dapat dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan guru yaitu dari pengamatan sikap, tes pengetahuan dan praktek/unjuk kerja sesuai dengan rubrik penilaian sebagai berikut;
    1. Buku Pedoman Guru Kelas 1 dan Buku Siswa Kelas 1 (Buku Tematik Terpadu Kurikulum 2013, Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016).
    2. Kamus bahasa Ingris – Indonesia.
    3. Kamus bahasa Indonesia – Inggris
    4. Video youtobe : Patty Shukla Kids TV – Children’s songs (Lagu ke-11 di video tersebut)

  94. Name : Salsabila Shila maulida
    NIM : 201230040
    Class : TBI 5 B
    UTS : EYL

    1. My opinion from that video what i have watched the role of the teacher very interesting in management the class until the student can be interactive to following the teacher doing, and from that video the teacher appropriate with the characteristics of good teacher , Teachers should have the ability to master the material and manage the class well so that students are also happy.

    2. The teacher from the video using Method teaching speaking and listening to her students, because from the video students can speaking and listening and will doing like the teacher did.

    3.The teacher can adopt the method of teaching 1. Teachers and students must have the technical skills to use e-learning tools, in which case resources are readily available on the Internet.
    2. Teachers should redesign their programs to incorporate e-learning effectively into pedagogy.

    4. My lesson plan to teach young learners like the video above
    1. Say greating to student
    2. Ask their condition
    3. Ask the subjek of learning
    4. Make good material
    5. Using the speaking and listening Method
    6. The teacher will sing and the student following the teacher
    7. Evaluation after learning like give some question, choosing some student to show their knowledge, singing together with student
    8. Giving motivation before exit from the class
    9. Closing

    CLASS : TBI 5B
    NIM : 201230059
    Mid-Test EYL
    1. The role of the teacher in the video is an art and dances teacher. I think she is a good and fun teacher, because when she sings, does gymnastics, dances and jumps, all the students look so happy and follow her movements. It’s so amazing for me.
    2. The method used in the video is a visual art learning method.
    Types of Special Learning Methods for Fine Arts Learning methods are divided into 2, namely: 1. Learning Theory
    a. Expository learning: lectures, questions and answers and demonstrations.
    b. Learning group activities: discussion, role playing, etc
    c. Learning to do: problem solving experiments etc
    2. Practical learning
    a. Practical learning at school
    b. Practical learning in the work environment
    And what the teacher does in the video is the second part, namely practical learning.
    3. The teacher adopt the method in learning situation is using music, dances for their learning by combine the music with expression and action. very good for practicing patience also when teaching art to early childhood, by dancing, singing, jumping left and right, playing musical instruments. and learning outside the classroom is very fun and will make students catch on quickly with extensive knowledge. Such learning methods are very effective for students at golden age.
    4. Making lesson plan
    School : Kindergarten School
    Class : Combined
    Topic : I can do it
    Subject : Listening and Follow
    Time : 44 minutes

    A. Competency :
    Children knew to listen and follow when teacher doing something in front of them

    B. Method :
    Total physical Respons listen, watch and follow

    C. Learning Material :
    Sound system, Youtube

    D. Learning Objective :
    - Students can listen carefully
    - Students can follow instructions
    - Students are active Pay attention

    E. Learning Activities and Exploration :
    - The teacher give a greating to sudent
    - Ask them to prepare theirself
    - Keep their attantion to the teacher or to the music
    - You demonstrate what in the music
    - The teacher give a sign to dance appropriate with music instruction
    - The teacher also be Instructur of the learning
    - The teacher make sure the student happy, active and enjoy the activities
    - Do the activities till the end of music

  96. Name : Nida Haifa
    Class : TBI 5C
    NIM : 201230088

    1. My opinion about the teacher in the video is that the way the learning method iss applied is very good, because automatically the child will not be bored and bored, and clever or happy to sing will make the student confident when performing in front of many people, and if he does a lot of movement and the child can also focus when the teacher says an instruction so that he can listen and make the next move, in my opinion, according to the characteristics of a good teacher, namely guiding his students and not neglecting or forgetting his responsibilities as a teacher.

    2. about the method used by the teacher for teaching, namely that the teacher in teaching uses the TPR (Total Physical Respond) method, because it is seen that the children in the video are more responsive or easier to understand by the way the teacher gives an instruction. Regarding the technique used by the teacher, namely using the TPR Songs and finger plays technique, so children are faster and easier to understand learning such as interesting children's songs spoken by the teacher, so children can also follow the songs or songs spoken by the teacher.

    3. The teacher adopts the eurhythmics method and implements it in their learning and also the method is useful for training and improving students' abilities and agility, so that students can easily digest what the teacher teaches. And it is taught in a group setting so that students can develop sensitivity to mood and accompanying music, structure, and rhythm. through the method in the video.

    4. RPP (Learning Implementation Plan)

    Subject : english
    Class/semester : kindergaten
    Time allocation : 1 x 45 minutes

    competency standards: understand and follow the movements exemplified by the teacher

    basic competence: responding and understanding the instructional words spoken by the teacher when learning takes place.
    learning objectives:
    1. students can increase vocabulary in English
    2. students can practice the power of focus
    3. Students can practice self-confidence when in front of people.
    Learning method : practice speaking and singing
    learning material: body movement
    The teacher closed the meeting by singing a song called "I Can Do It" with all the students and having fun

  97. Name : Muhammad Husein
    NIM: 201230120
    Class: TBI V C
    1. I think the teacher in the video fits the criteria of a good teacher because he understands the characteristics of young students who get bored easily, by learning while singing and playing like that, students will not feel bored. They will feel like they are playing, not learning. In addition, the material taught is contextual. The content of the children's song is in accordance with their circumstances and there is a lesson in the song.
    2. The teacher in the video uses the Audio lingual method combined with the Dalcroze method of Eurythmic.
    Audio lingual method is one of the methods in foreign language teaching that emphasizes listening comprehension. Students are built to practice the use of grammar spontaneously. While the Dalcroze Eurythmic method is a music learning method that is suitable for children at an early age. This method does not require students to have basic skills in singing or playing musical instruments. Enough to hear and move, students can learn it.
    In Indonesia, the Dalcroze Eurythmic method is also called the singing method. The singing method is a learning method that uses sung poems. Usually the poems are adapted to the materials that will be taught by educators. According to some experts, singing makes the learning atmosphere cheerful and passionate so that children's development can be stimulated more optimally. (Fadlillah, 2012:175).
    3. The teacher adapts the method in the learning situation by adapting the material to the song. The teacher teaches the material using singing, she makes the learning material in a song then students are asked to sing along and follow the movements instructed in the song. This is to help students understand the meaning of the vocabulary in the song, improve students' ability to respond to commands, teach listening, and can raise students' enthusiasm for learning.
    In the journal Elisabeth (2005) singing is part of music. Singing serves as a tool to express thoughts and feelings to communicate. In essence, songs for children are as follows:
    a) Emotional language, where with singing children can express their feelings, feelings of pleasure, humor, admiration and emotion.
    b) Tone language, because singing can be heard, sung, and communicated.
    c) Motion language, the movement in singing is reflected in the bars (regular motion/beats), on the rhythm (short, irregular long movements/beats), and on the melody (high and low movements).
