Monday, 24 October 2022



Language and learning are interconnected. They work altogether theoretically and practically. Therefore, teachers have to know both language theory and its application through the research. To know more about the cases of EYL teaching, the students of EYL subject have to report their weekly assignment in this comment column. Each student interviews a young learner related to the problems in each topic ( see the lesson plan/ RPS). Please put your names, NIM, class name, and work number such as work 1, 2 or 3. Sent your works in a week  after presenting the class. It is used as your scores for daily/ self assessment.


  1. Name : Sari Herawati
    NIM : 201230117
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 3

    Observation of teaching speaking and listening to 3rd grade elementary school students at their school.

    On Thursday, October 6, 2022, I observed my private student named Casey Rahma Berlianda who studies at SDN Kedaleman IV Cilegon, to explain how to teach speaking and listening at the school. Casey explained that teaching speaking and listening at his school was not interesting. Teachers who teach only use the lecture method and assign assignments, without any action and games to attract students' interest in learning English speaking and listening. So that students get bored quickly and sleepy while learning. The hope of the students is that the teacher is expected to be creative in conveying and explaining speaking and listening material, students want the material to be conveyed through audio or visual and games so that students easily understand and don't get bored easily during learning.

  2. Name : Sari Herawati
    NIM : 201230117
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 4

    Observation of Reading and Writing teaching to 3rd grade elementary school students at his school.

    On Thursday 13 October 2022, I observed my private student named Casey Rahma Berlianda who studies at SDN Kedaleman IV Cilegon, to explain how Reading and Wirting is taught at the school. Casey explained that teaching Reading and Writing at his school was not interesting. Teachers who teach only use the lecture method and assign assignments, without any action and games to attract students' interest in learning English Reading and Writing. So that students get bored quickly and sleepy while learning. The hope of the students is that the teacher is expected to be creative in conveying and explaining reading and writing material, students want the material to be conveyed through audio or visual and games. For example, guessing and rereading a word in a flashcard spoken by the teacher. so that students easily understand and do not get bored quickly during learning.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Name : Sinta Rida Nuriyati
    Nim : 201230081
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number: 2
    The Direct of Theorie :
    Piaget :
    The area of the thesis: -Sensorimotor intelligence
    -Preoperational thinking
    -Concrete operational thinking.
    Categorization :
    Concrete operational iaget also studied children’s ability to classify objects – put them together on the basis of their color, shape etc. The theory has brought a change in the way people view a child’s world. Piaget’s theory has encouraged more research in cognitive development. .
    Implementation: A focus on the process of children’s thinking, not just its products. In addition to checking the correctness of children’s answers, teachers must understand the processes children use to get to the answer. Appropriate learning experiences build on children’s current level of cognitive functioning, and only when teachers appreciate children’s methods of arriving at particular conclusions are they in a position to provide such experiences.

    Vygotxy : There are:

    • culture is significant in learning,
    • language is the root of culture, and
    • individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    Children can categorize based on shape, color, texture, number, gender, facial features, speech, musical tones, movement patterns, broad ontological information (such as animacy), non-obvious information (such as internal parts),
    Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the use of cultural tools in the process of children's cognitive development.
    Vygotsky’s theory on social constructivism was the theory that often is compared to Piaget. However, his theory has provided education with key fundamentals and skills that needs to be implemented into our daily lessons across all subject areas.
    Vygotsky believed that children learn more efficiently in a social environment. That is why learning to use social development theory in a classroom can help your students understand ideas more quickly. Furthermore, social interaction for Lev plays an integral role in learning and promotes a reciprocal teaching style.

    The strengths of Bruner’s intellectual development theory are as follows: Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes. To have a better understanding of the link between behavior and age, Bruner’s theory emphasized on mental structures. Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications.
    The weaknesses of Bruner’s cognitive development theory are:

    1. The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations.
    2. Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development.
    3. Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences.
    4. Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation.
    5. Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate.

    Referensi :,placed%20in%20the%20same%20category,promotes%20a%20reciprocal%20teaching%20style

  5. Name : Dede Irma
    NIM : 201230061
    Class : TBI-5B

    Observations were made on an 11 year old 5th grade elementary school student.
    Work 3: Speaking and Listening
    Students are given the opportunity to practice speaking in pairs with their friends. However, in learning activities, teachers rarely use English as the language of communication in the classroom. In addition, the teacher never uses audio, video, stories, or games in learning.
    Conclusion : Based on the observation, Teacher tend to dominate more than students. So that students are not stimulated by their listening and speaking skills and students get bored easily.

    work4: Reading and Writing
    In learning activities, teachers never use flashcards or other similar media, games, and do not use interesting reading media. The teacher only presents the material through the blackboard and provides practice questions for students.
    With the lack of use of interesting media, students tend to get bored easily and have difficulty understanding the material.

    Work 5: vocabulary and grammar
    Students are given vocabulary according to the letters of the alphabet. Students are introduced to basic grammar in writing. However, in its delivery, the teacher does not use learning support media, so students cannot understand optimally and get bored easily.

  6. Name  : Siti Nurjanah
    NIM : (201230109)
    Class  : TBI 5C
    Work Number 2
    1.  Piaget
    •  The area of the theories : Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children
    •  Categorization :  Sensorimotor intelligence, Preoperational thinking, Concrete operational thinking, and Formal operational thinking.
    •  Strength : The teacher teaches using language that is in accordance with the child's way of thinking; Children will learn better if they can deal with the environment well; Teachers must help children to interact with the environment as well as possible; Materials that children must learn are new but not unfamiliar; In the classroom.
    •  Weakness :  Stating that Piaget's theory is not able to explain the structure, process and function of cognitive clearly; The absence of true existence of the four levels of cognitive development recommended by Piaget; Clinical methods used in Piaget's research where clinical research methods are difficult to repeat.
    •  Implementation: A focus on the process of children’s thinking not just its products; Recognition of the crucial role of children’s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities; and A deemphasis on practices aimed at making children adultlike in their thinking.
    2.  Vigotsky
    •  The area of theories: Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    •  Categorization: The sensorimotor stage, The preoperational stage, The concrete operational stage, and The formal operation stage.
    •  Strength: Children get ample opportunity to develop their zone of proximal development or potential through learning and development; Learning is more directed at using strategies to develop their intermental abilities rather than intramental abilities; and Children are given ample opportunity to integrate the declarative knowledge they have learned with procedural knowledge that can be done for tasks or problem solving.
    •  Weakness : In the learning process, the teacher's role as an educator is less supportive, the scope of meaning studied is wider and difficult to understand.
    •  Implementation : A contemporary educational application of Vygotsky's theory is "reciprocal teaching," used to improve students' ability to learn from text. In this method, teachers and students collaborate in learning and practicing four key skills: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.
    3.  Bruner
    •  The area of theories : Cognitive development entails the acquisition of SYMBOLS
    •  Categorization : Enactive representation (action-based), Iconic representation (image-based), and Symbolic representation (language-based).
    •  Strength : Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes; To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age; Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures; Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications; Bruner’s cognitive development theory also emphasizes on learning by discovery;
    •  Weakness : The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations; Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development; Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences; Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation;
    •  Implementation: Instruction must be appropriate to the level of the learners; The teachers must revisit the material to enhance knowledge; and Students should be involved in using their prior experiences and structures to learn new knowledge.
    References :

  7. Name : Anisa Alqonaah
    Nim : 201230092
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number 4
    Reading and Writing
    Nazwa explained that the reading and writing learning carried out by the teacher is that the teacher always instructs students to read a book and after reading the book the teacher assigns to write or summarize from a book. In addition to summarizing the teacher assigns students to search for vocabulary in the book.
    Nazwa revealed that the difficult thing to understand when learning to read and write at school is when looking for vocabulary in books that students have read, because there are many words that students do not know, reading learning that is difficult for students is when pronouncing accents and learning reading and writing is very boring. The thing that teachers must do when learning reading and writing is that teachers need to combine reading and writing learning with other strategies to be relevant and so that the implementation of learning becomes more interesting and effective. The teacher must provide various items that can help the child's reading ability, make a game and allow the child to try to write on his own. Teachers must be able to teach using varied techniques.
    It can be concluded that young learners when learning reading and writing, teachers must be able to dilute the atmosphere of the classroom so that students do not feel bored, when learning reading and writing teachers must teach using different techniques. When students search for vocabulary in a book, the teacher must explain what the student does not know and does not understand.

  8. Name : Anisa Alqonaah
    Nim : 201230092
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number 5
    Grammar and Vocabulary
    Nazwa explained that grammar and vocabulary learning in schools is carried out by means of students being able to understand single noun forms and simple sentences, while vocabulary learning uses teaching games when in the classroom, students can more easily understand and remember vocabulary during the teaching and learning process, the effectiveness of teaching and learning activities can be monitored by teachers and students can follow high learning and material that delivered interestingly by the teacher. Obstacles or things that are difficult for young learners to understand in grammar and vocabulary learning are that it is difficult to understand the structure or formula of English, shame when starting practice, and the learning media for learning grammar and vocabulary in the classroom is inadequate. The thing that students must do to make it easy to learn grammar and vocabulary is that the teacher must be able to use grammar and vocabulary learning methods that can be accepted by students, and teachers should not teach in a hurry. The teaching should be focused on understanding daily conversation for vocabulary and grammar learning or basic learning. It can be concluded that, when teaching grammar and vocabulary to young learners, it should be taught slowly and not in a hurry, do teaching that is liked by students, such as basic conversations with accurate grammar to supervise students' grammar and vocabulary.

  9. Name : Erin Windi Ayuni
    Nim : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5-C
    Work Number : 2
    The direct of Theory
    1. The area of the thesis : The child's initial experiences will be determined by these sensorimotor schemata. In other words, only events that can be assimilated into the schemata can be responded to by the child, and therefore those events will define the boundaries of the child's experience. But through the experiences of the child, these initial schemata are modified.
    2. Categorization : This theory examines how children learn the characteristics and functions of objects such as toys, furniture, and food as well as social objects such as self, parents, and friends.
    3. Strength : Piaget's focus on qualitative development had an important impact on education especially in the field of guidance and counseling. Although Piaget did not initially apply his theory specifically in this way (to education as it is today), many educational programs today are built on the belief that children should be taught at the level they are ready for development. In addition, a number of instructional strategies have been derived from Piaget's work.
    4. Weakness : Cross-cultural studies show that the stages of development (except the formal operational stage) occur in the same order in all cultures suggesting that cognitive development is a product of a biological process of maturation.
    5. Implementation : Piaget's theory focuses on children, from birth to adolescence, and describes various stages of development, including language, morals, memory, and thinking.

    1. The area of the thesis : Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: culture is significant in learning, language is the root of culture, and individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    2. Categorization : sensorimotor stage, The preoperational stage, The concrete operational stage, and The formal operation stage.
    3. Strength : - Reducing the gap between students. Help students understand learning materials more easily. - Provide more opportunities for students to interact with each other. 4. Weakness : This theory is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that are less visible are difficult to observe directly.
    5. Implementation : - The teacher must actively accompany every activity of the children.
    -If a student makes a mistake in working on a question, the teacher should not immediately tell where the error is.

  10. Name : Erin Windy Ayuni
    Name : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5-C
    Work Number : 3
    Observation of a 9 year old child in an English tutoring center. Name : Ridho Sembada.
    In teaching English listening and speaking at the tutoring site, the teaching system is memorization. Then in these two things (Listening and speaking) this child has problems in speaking English, because he has a limited tongue that cannot be clear in speaking, then also this child is very difficult to memorize the vocabulary that the teacher loves. According to the observations I made, I think the reason why this child has difficulty speaking English is the lack of vocabulary that he memorizes, because in the memorization system in this tutoring place, every meeting must memorize 20 vocabularies. There are 2 meetings a week, every Wednesday and Saturday. I think it's too much for children who have difficulty memorizing, then in this tutoring place it is very rare and even doesn't show videos at all for children to learn and practice their listening skills.

  11. Name : Erin Windi Ayuni
    Name : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5-C
    Work Number : 4
    Conducting follow-up observations on the 3rd EYL assignment, Name : Ridho Sembada, 9 years old. In teaching Reading and writing in one of the English tutoring places. In teaching Reading and Writing, this child likes to write the most, because the teaching system is very interesting and not boring, so the teaching system is a kind of describing objects that are around so the child is actively moving to explore the places around him, then also play their imagination to describe an object that the teacher gives. Then in learning Reading in the tutoring is more about reading story books and reading the results of writing (descriptions of the objects they encounter), then there are also activities to read fairy tale books available at the tutoring place. The books provided at the tutoring place are also very interesting, many colors and pictures are presented so that it attracts children to open and read the book.

  12. Name : Siti Nurjanah
    NIM : 201230109
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 4

    The task of observing young learners, where here I am still observing my young sister who is currently still in 5th grade. If previously the discussion was about difficulties in Speaking and Listening. So this time the discussion is about learning English in Reading and Writing. My sister's name is Zahwa, she admits that she is not interested in learning English because she thinks it is difficult and has many rules. Especially when it comes to writing in English. I asked him if he could write the sentence "I'm reading a book in the library" but he couldn't put the words together well. He admitted that at school his teachers never taught him how to make good and correct sentences in English, or even taught the basic present tense, so at school he was only taught to remember vocabulary that was around him. To learn writing at school, he only practiced writing what his teacher wrote on the blackboard, Zahwa also admitted that he didn't understand what he wrote, just re-copying it in his textbook. Similar to Reading, at school he is taught to read sentences or words in plain English. Like the teacher said first, then the students followed his speech. I asked about "Did your teacher explain about pronunciation or accent?" Zahwa said no, he didn't know what it was, and only heard the word pronounciation when I asked. Zahwa is also less interested in reading the readings in his thematic books, according to him it is not interesting and boring because he can't read and is confused about the pronunciation.

    In conclusion, my sister has difficulty practicing her pronunciation and reading in English pronunciation, because she is not taught or briefed on what pronounciation is by her teacher. He can only read a word or sentence in English, if someone guides him first. And it requires repeated pronunciation in order to pronounce properly and correctly. In this case, a teacher must be smart to make his students understand the material he teaches, and make children interested in learning English, especially in Writing and Reading.

  13. Bruner’s theory of learning manages three representations of reality. Each of these corresponds with different developmental moments. 1. Enactive representation (0–1 years) During the first months of life, babies learn through enactive representation. Their learning comes from their direct interaction with objects. For example, using silverware, shaking a rattle, etc. 2. Iconic representation (1–6 years) Iconic representation is one of the techniques recommended by Bruner’s theory of education. Children learn through different visual elements that don’t have any symbolic significance attached, but are recognizable. The technique is perfect for ages three and up, which is when children achieve a greater level of cognitive development. 3. Symbolic representation (7 years and up) Symbolic representation is learning that children obtain through language, words, imitations, abstractions and concepts. In this case, they must have a much more developed intellectual level than in the two previous stages. Bruner created a categorization system that makes it possible to classify external information more effectively. The goal is to facilitate understanding and comprehension of reality. The strengths of Bruner’s intellectual development theory are as follows: 1.Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes.2.To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures.3.Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications.4.Bruner’s cognitive development theory also emphasizes on learning by discovery.5.Bruner’s theory makes use of objective and scientific research.6.Bruner emphasized on the learners’ experiences instead of rote learning.7.Bruner suggested the application of existing knowledge for construction of new knowledge. The weaknesses of Bruner’s cognitive development theory are as follows: 1. The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations.2.Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development.3.Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences.4.Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation.5.Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate. 6.Different learners have different learning abilities due to which the theory may not be applicable for all learners alike, The major criticism of Bruner’s theory is that it cannot be observed directly.

  14. Name : Delfi Tri Nuryani
    NIM : 201230100
    class : TBI 5C
    3rd Task on Listening & speaking EYL

    I have done research on grade 3 elementary school students on how to learn in listening and speaking in the classroom with their teachers. He learned a lot of new knowledge through listening and speaking lessons in the classroom with his teacher. In its implementation, according to him, it is very enjoyable, because his teachers use new ways and methods by utilizing learning applications such as audio-visual, animated videos, videos in telling stories and others. So he thinks that way he is very easy to catch his hearing well. But it is very unfortunate because the teacher only uses the multimedia without any fixed application to the learning.

  15. Name : Delfi Tri Nuryani
    NIM : 201230100
    Grade : TBI 5C
    4rd Task EYL reading & writing

    Based on the results of research at SD grade 3 in the process of learning English during the writing session, the teacher starts learning with a review of the learning material that was explained yesterday then sometimes the teacher prepares a manuscript that becomes a new reading learning material after entering the new material, one example is the task of writing a few paragraphs as described by the teacher as an exercise. However, sometimes teachers ask to discuss in advance what students have read. In addition, regarding reading learning, the strategy used by teachers today when teaching is to use digital applications as a reading learning medium on various platforms that are in accordance with the topic being discussed, such as reading in stories, and animated videos. Siswa is tasked with finding a new vocabulary then a group is created and after that learn by being supervised when reading it. Although, the Reading method of each reading section meeting adapts the material taught and then connects with the method according to the English reading text. Therefore, the concept of measuring students' understanding of English learning about reading. Then, the teacher will give a consultation to the front desk to ask about the writing that has been made by the students, that is, the difficulty in vocabulary that has not been understood. Then, the teacher's habit when they first enter the classroom is to always review the learning material that has been taught last week and then always provide a warm-up about the material to be discussed by talking before proceeding to the new material.

  16. Name / Nim : Indri Yuliani / 201230099
    Class / Study Program : 5C / TBI
    Subject : EYL (task 2)

    1. (Theory Piaget)
    -The Area of theories : According to Piaget, cognitive development in children is broadly divided into four periods, namely: a) the sensorimotor period (0-2 years); b) preoperational period (2-7 years); c) concrete operational period (7-11years); d) formal operating period (11-15) years.
    -Categoritation : a) Sensorimotor intelligence; b) Preoperational thinking; c) Concrete operational thinking, and; d) Formal operational thinking
    -Strength : a) Make it easier for students to understand teaching materials; b) Make students more independent and creative; c) Improving the ability to solve problems in students; d) Increase motivation
    -Weakness : a) Difficult to apply at an advanced level; b) Cannot be applied to all virtual lessons;
    -Implementation : In general, the application of Piaget's Theory is as follows: a). Determine learning objectives. b). Choose the subject matter. c). Determine the topics that students may actively study.

    2. (Theory Vygotsky)
    -The Area of theories : Bruner's learning theory is almost similar to Piaget's theory, Bruner suggests that children's intellectual
    development follows three successive stages of representation, namely: a) enactive, all children's attention depends on their response;
    b) iconic, children's thinking patterns depend on their sensory organization and
    -Categoritation :
    a) The sensorimotor stage, b) The preoperational stage, c) The concrete operational stage, and d) The formal operation stage.
    -Strength : a) Reducing the gap between students. b) Help students understand learning materials more easily. c) Provide more opportunities for students to interact with each other
    -Weakness : This theory is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that are less visible are difficult to observe directly.
    -Implementation : a) Cooperative learning between students is well organized. so they can interact with friends. When the interaction with friends is smooth then when one of them has a problem, so they can solve the problem together.
    b) This scaffolding approach is by providing support to students who do not understand in learning. So when students do not understand the material presented by the teacher, the teacher must be fast and responsive in dealing with the student's problems. It can be with
    support in the form of motivation, in a way or technique so that the student understands.

    3. (Theory Brunner)
    -The Area of Theories : Vygotsky's theory assumes that learning occurs when children work or learn to handle tasks that have not been studied but the tasks are still within the range of their abilities (zone of proximal development), namely the development of students' abilities slightly above the abilities they already have.
    -Categoritation : a) Enactive representation (action-based)
    b) Iconic representation (image-based)
    -Strength : a) Discovery learning can be used to test whether learning is meaningful. b) The knowledge gained by the learner will be left behind and easy to remember. c) Discovery learning is very necessary in
    problem solving because it is desired in learning so that the learner can demonstrate the knowledge received.
    -Weakness : a) This learning theory requires students to have mental readiness and maturity. Students must be brave and willing to
    know the circumstances around them. If you don't have the courage and desire, the learning process will fail. b) Learning theory like this takes a long time and if it is not guided or not directed it can cause chaos and confusion over the
    material being studied.
    -Implementation : its application includes environmental-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of caring for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can directly socialize and adapt to their environment. The learning process will run well if the subject matter can be sustainable or interrelated with the cognitive already possessed by students.

  17. Name / Nim : Indri Yuliani / 201230099
    Class / Study Program : 5C / TBI
    Subject : EYL (Task 3)

    In this observation assignment, I researched my nephew who is in high school. After I interviewed, the English teacher at his school when teaching LISTENING used English voice recording as a tool to test students, when the recording was played by the teacher, the students had to write what they heard, then when the SPEAKING material the teacher used the story technique. telling, Students may briefly summarize the story or stories they hear from the teacher, or they may make up their own stories to tell their classmates. According to the resource persons, the materials and techniques taught by the teacher were quite easy and made students interested, it's just that the voice recordings given by the teacher were too quick to pronounce.

  18. Name / Nim : Indri Yuliani / 201230099
    Class / Study Program : 5C / TBI
    Subject : EYL (task 4)

    In this observation assignment, I interviewed my friend's younger brother who was in junior high school. According to the resource person, when writing and reading materials, the teacher always uses techniques that are still commonly used by other teachers, for example, WRITING material is by copying or writing what the teacher says, then the READING material reads the English book that the teacher has given in front of the class. . According to the resource person, the technique was very boring for him, did not make the students interested in the way the teacher taught them.

  19. Name : Sari herawati
    NIM : 201230117
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 5

    Observation of the teaching of Grammar and Vocabullary to 3rd grade elementary school students at his school.

    On Thursday 06 October 2022, I observed my private student named Casey Rahma Berlianda who studies at SDN Kedaleman IV Cilegon, to explain how Grammar and Vocabullary is taught at the school. Casey explained that teaching Grammar and Vocabullary at his school was not interesting. Teachers who teach only use the lecture method and assign assignments, without any action and games to attract students' interest in learning English Grammar and Vocabullary. So that students get bored quickly and sleepy while learning. The hope of the students is that the teacher is expected to be creative in conveying and explaining reading and writing material, students want the material to be conveyed through audio or visual and games. For example, guessing and rereading a word in a flashcard spoken by the teacher. so that students easily understand and do not get bored quickly during learning.

  20. Name : Windy Agustin
    Nim : 201230093
    Class : TBI 5C

    The affects of theories piaget, vygotsky, and burner
    1. The area of the theories :
    - piaget : Two kinds of development can occur as a result of activity, namely assimilation and accommodation. A development is called assimilation if the activity occurs without producing changes in the child, while accommodation occurs when the child adapts to the things in his environment.
    -vygotsky : Vygotsky saw the importance of language and other people in the world of children
    -burner : According to Bruner, language is the most important tool for children’s cognitive growth.
    2. Categories:
    - piaget :Sensori-motor period (0 – 2.0 years)
    b) Pre-operational period (2.0 – 7.0 years)
    c) Concrete operational period (7.0 – 11.0 years)
    d) Formal operational period (11.0 – adult)
    -vygotsky :
    • Pre Intellectual Speech (0 – 3 years)
    • Egosentric Speech (3 – 7 years)
    • Inner Speech (7+ years)
    - burner :
    • Enactive rating (0 – 2 years)
    • Iconic rating (2 – 4 years)
    • Symbolic rating (5 – 7 years)
    3. Strength :
    - Piaget’s Strengths: Improve the ability to solve problems in students
    -Vygotsky’s strengths: Children get broad opportunities to develop their zone of proximal development or potential through learning and development;
    -Burner advantages: Improves the learner’s reasoning and ability to think freely.
    4. Weakness :
    -Piaget’s Weaknesses: it is difficult to measure achievement goals because you have to look at the abilities of all participantsEducate
    Weaknesses of the burner: Learning theory like this takes a long time and if it is not guided or not directed it can cause chaos and confusion over the material being studied.
    Vygotsky’s weaknesses: the drawbacks are that it is limited to visible behavior, less visible learning processes such as concept formation, learning from various learning sources, problem solving and thinking skills are difficult to observe directly. (
    5. Implementation :
    -piaget : The teacher must understand the child’s way of thinking, not the other way around, the child adapts to the teacher.For child-centred learning to be effective, teachers do not leave children to learn alone, but they assign specific assignments designed to guide students in finding and solving problems on their own.
    -vygotsky : Children are still involved in active learning, teachers must actively accompany children’s activities. In theoretical terms, this means that children work in the zone of proximal development and the teacher provides scaffolding for the child during the ZPD.
    -burner :Children learn through experience. With that, teachers need to provide opportunities for children to see, hold, smell and feel
    6. References :

  21. Name : Windy Agustin
    Nim : 201230093
    Class : TBI 5C
    Observation of young learners in learning listening and speaking

    On Friday, October 7, 2022, I made an observation regarding the speaking and listening learning method for children aged 6 years who had previously studied with me several times, I taught about various colors and body parts in English through drawing techniques, I gave the freedom to draw and give it to him and then he will give an answer from the pictures and colors that have been made, but it turns out that the technique I use is less effective and less understandable to him, he feels bored and has difficulty regarding tpr drawing, for that I tried to replace the teaching technique with tpr songs and yes or not card and it turns out that he really likes that way of learning,
    the material I teach is enough to give him a new understanding of speaking and listening skills, so the method I use is the audio lingual method and communicative language teaching, I combine 2 Methods te This is to support the teaching techniques that I use, I feel happy and satisfied if what I teach can be understood quite well by students, I hope I can continue to feel happy by giving a little of my knowledge to others.

  22. Name : Windy Agustin
    Nim : 201230093
    Class : TBI 5C
    Observation of young learners in learning reading and writing

    Still with Muhammad Rio Pahlevi as my student who is always enthusiastic, for this week I tried to ask him about how his teacher teaches writing and reading English, but he is not interested in English lessons, for that I try little by little to teach he writes and reads English, at first he was bored when I used the analogy phonetic method, when I changed to using the Phonics through spelling method he was less enthusiastic than before, it wasn’t easy but I slowly taught him, I also taught him how to write in English, and he likes when I teach starting with various games so that he is not bored and interested in what I teach.
    Even though he doesn’t fully understand what he’s learning, I’m happy because he feels comfortable and enjoys learning, because the understanding process for each child is different. I’m sure if I consistently teach and encourage him, he will continue to grow.

  23. Nama : Nur Azizah Amalia Ramadhani
    Nim : 201230106
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 3

    Observation of teaching speaking and listening to 3rd grade elementary school students at their school.

    According to what I researched on my sister whose school is at SMP, namely Ayla Azzura, according to him, the listening taught by the teacher uses speakers or through audio visuals. While the speaking taught by the teacher uses the story completion technique so all students are required to form a circle, the teacher will tell a fairy tale with truncated sentences. The task of the students is to complete the sentence with their ideas, can add a character, role, and description.

    According to him, listening is a bit difficult because it's too fast and it's a bit difficult to understand. If speaking, the pronunciation is a bit difficult, sometimes it's wrong, sometimes it's wrong.

    According to him, the reason he did not understand the material was because the teacher's delivery was unclear and not understood by this child and also the teacher rarely came in and instead gave assignments and made this child not like English lessons.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Nama : Nur Azizah Amalia Ramadhani
    Nim : 201230106
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 4

    Observation of teaching speaking and listening to 3rd grade elementary school students at their school.

    I observed my sister named Ayla Azzura who studies at SMP 1 Ciruas, to explain how Reading and Writing are taught in schools. Ayla explained that teaching reading and writing at her school was not very interesting. Because the teacher who teaches it only uses the lecture method and gives a lot of assignments which makes students feel lazy and uninterested. so that students get bored and sleepy while learning. How to make students not feel bored, that is by using the one approach method
    quite popular is the emergence of discourse (emergent literacy). In
    In this approach, children are considered to be able to read without being taught formally. When child read a lot of texts from interesting books, some of them started recognize the regularity of the relationship between spoken and written language. Only this approach don't considered as a complete methodology because it only occurs in some children, while some need more help from other adults who are more capable.

  26. Name : Aisyah Khansa Salsabila
    NIM : 201230072
    Class: TBI 5B
    Work number : 3

    At SMP Rahmaniyah, English lessons are divided into two subjects, namely English Regular Reading and Writing, and English Course Speaking.
    Method: usually the teacher explains the material and gives examples to the students, then students are asked to answer questions, give assignments and once a month or two months after the material is finished students will be tested for speaking
    With the method applied by the teacher, Shafa can understand the material being given, and she said the difficulty is only in the lack of vocabulary mastery.

  27. Name : Aisyah Khansa Salsabila
    NIM : 201230072
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work number : 4

    At SDIT Al Haraki, English lessons are divided into two subjects, namely English Regular Reading and Writing, and English Course Speaking.
    Method: usually the teacher explains the material, then students are asked to answer questions, and the teacher give assignments
    With the method applied by her teacher, Shafa can understand the material being studied and she has no difficulty.

  28. Name : Erin Windi Ayuni
    Name : 201230105
    Class : TBI 5-C
    Work Number 5.
    Vocabulary and grammar.
    Observing vocabulary and grammar Name : Amalia. She explained learning vocabulary and grammar at his school, there were many obstacles in the learning, especially in learning grammar, he sometimes had difficulty understanding vocabulary, also the way the teacher delivered which was not easy for him to understand, the language conveyed was very difficult to understand, so he felt bored in class so it made him feel bored. its out of focus. Then also in learning grammar and vocabulary is the difficulty of understanding the structure or formula of English, shy when starting the exercise, and the learning media for learning grammar and vocabulary in class is inadequate. In my opinion, you should teach grammar the way you and your teacher have done so far in a language that is easy for students to understand and give as detailed examples as possible. Then give students a written exercise and ask students to practice using the grammar they have learned. Practice preferably verbally to provide reinforcement.

  29. Nama : Nur Azizah Amalia Ramadhani
    Nim : 201230106
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 5

    Observation of teaching grammar and vocabulary to 3rd grade elementary school students at their school.

    I observed my sister named Ayla Azzura who studies at SMP 1 Ciruas, to explain how vocabulary and Grammar are taught in schools. Ayla explained that teaching vocabulary and grammar at her school was not very interesting. Because the grammar taught by the teacher is difficult for students to understand and many of the vocabulary are not understood by students because according to students it is difficult. Therefore, teachers must use effective learning methods, namely visual/graphic media, audio media, projection media (audio-visual). Visual/graphic media, are media
    which can only be seen. This type of visual media that seems most often used by teachers in educational institutions early childhood. Some examples of graphic media are pictures/photos, sketches, diagrams, charts/charts, graphs, cartoons, posters, maps and globes, flannel boards, and boards bulletin (bulletin board) Audio media, is media related to hearing. The message conveyed is contained in auditive symbols, both verbal and non-verbal. Projection media (audio-visual). Basically this type of media resembling graphic media, but the difference is that Graphic media can interact directly with the relevant media message. Several types of projection media are frame films, serial films, transparency media, projectors opaque, microscopic, film, bracelet film, television, video, games and simulations.

  30. Name : Sinta Rida Nuriyati
    Nim : 201230081
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number: 4
    Observation of children in teaching Reading and Writing

    Fahrul Maulana, 10 years old he is my younger brother, he really likes to write and read, because he is the type of child who has a learning style to remember his writing by writing and reading it, so that method is suitable for him. Namely writing and reading to improve his memory of what his teacher or parents have taught him, and gradually he will get used to it until he grows up.
    In this case, it can be concluded that reading and writing to the child has a good impact, besides being trained in good, good, and correct writing, he will also be able to read fluently and not stutter because the more he gets used to it, the faster he will remember. what letters he reads.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Name: Hanifah Amaliah
    Nim: 201230097
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work number 3
    Observation of young learners in learning listening and speaking

    I did research in teaching English in the aspect of listening and
    talk to my sister named Alya Fadhilatun Nisa. A student at SDN KBS 1 Cilegon. She is able to understand listening and speaking lessons at school because she often listens to English songs, watches cartoon videos in English and plays games about English. In learning English, she can easily understand and remember various vocabulary. After I observed my sister, she could easily speak English and was listening. However, her speaking skill is slightly better than his listening skill. Because listening is limited in school compared to speaking. Constraints experienced when learning speaking: there are some words that are difficult for Alya to pronounce. Obstacles when learning listening: sometimes there are some words that are missunderstanding because of the similar pronunciation.

  33. Name: Hanifah Amaliah
    Nim: 201230097
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work number 4
    Observation of young learners in learning reading and writing

    I did research again this week, still with the same student Alya Fadhilatun Nisa. Last week I researched speaking and listening, and for this week I'm doing research on reading and writing. After I did my research, I concluded that the right method for Alya in learning reading and writing is to use the Phonics through spelling method, because Alya understands faster when learning to use the spelling system than other methods. When learning to use the spelling method, Alya was very enthusiastic and her curiosity grew rapidly. He was very active asking if the spelling he wrote and read was correct? and if not correct, what should he fix. Meanwhile, with other methods, it is difficult to understand what the teacher is explaining. Therefore, using the spelling method in addition to learning writing can also be used to learn reading. So Alya can learn writing and reading at the same time

  34. Name: Hanifah Amaliah
    Nim : 201230097
    Class :TBI 5C
    Work number 2
    The Effect of Theories Piaget,Vygotsky, Burner

    Piaget :
    - The area of the thesis:
    Piaget proposed four major stages of cognitive development, and called them (1) sensorimotor intelligence, (2) preoperational thinking, (3) concrete operational thinking, and (4) formal operational thinking.
    - Categorization: Classification. Piaget also studied children’s ability to classify objects – put them together on the basis of their color, shape etc. Classification is the ability to identify the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to use categorical information to solve problems.
    - Strength: -Fresh perspective to developmental psychology, Change in the way people view, Encouraged more research.
    - Weakness: Issues in formal operations, No take the imfluence of social and cultural development
    - Implemation: -A focus on the process of children’s thinking, not just its products, Recognition of the crucial role of children’s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities, A deemphasis on practices aimed at making children adultlike in their thinking
    Vygotsky :
    - The area of the thesis:
    As such, Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    - Categorization:
    By preschool age (and often earlier), children can categorize based on shape, color, texture, number, gender, facial features, speech, musical tones, movement patterns, broad ontological information (such as animacy), non-obvious information (such as internal parts), and more
    - Strength: -Practical applications e.g peer scaffolding teaching, Empirical evidence, Sides with nurture
    - Weakness: -Vague and general: how do you ‘measure’ the zone of promimal development, Not always easy to apply in practice
    - Implemation: Vygotsky’s theory has profound implications for classroom learning. Teachers guide, support and encourage children, yet also help them to develop problem-solving strategies that can be generalised to other situations.
    Burner :
    - The area of the thesis:
    Bruner (1966) states that a theory of instruction should address four major aspects: (1) predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner, (3) the most effective sequences in which to present material, and (4) the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments. Good methods for structuring knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions, and increasing the manipulation of information.
    - Categorization:
    Bruner maintained that people interpret the world in terms of similarities and differences which are detected among objects and events. Objects that are viewed as similar are placed in the same category.
    - Strength: -New mental process, Mental structures for linking behavior and age Practical and applicable, Emphasizes on learning by discovery.
    - Weakness: - It has specific fokus only, Neglected individual differences, Lack of self-expression
    - Implemation: For Bruner (1961), the purpose of education is not to impart knowledge, but instead to facilitate a child’s thinking and problem-solving skills which can then be transferred to a range of situations. Specifically, education should also develop symbolic thinking in children.

  35. Name : Atikah Firdayanti
    NIM : 201230086
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work 3
    Obsevation English Young Learners Listening and Speaking

    The forerunner learns English using the visual method, so what is taught must have a picture or there must be an item, that way it will be easier for him to memorize it. And must be repeated several times so that he can remember well, but must show the goods.
    Cikal is difficult in learning speaking, he still uses a Javanese accent every time he says a word in English and in his pronunciation it always sounds like English pronunciation

  36. Name : Nurfatiah
    NIM : 201230098
    Class : TBI 5 C

    Identify Theory from Peyget, Vygostky, and Burnern
    1) Peaget
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    The study focuses on children’s perceptions of their understanding of nature/object, numbers, time, displacement, space, and geometry. It analyzes the mental operations used by children, their symbolic and logical ways of thinking
    • Categorization
    Cognitive Psychology, development of constructivism
    • Strength
    Learning is brain-contred. Students learn according to their stage of development can improve students ability to solve problems
    • Weakness
    Not able to explain the structure, processes and functions of cognitive clearly. The absence of true existence of the four levels of cognitive development recommended by pieget
    • Implementation
    Describes cognitive development largely determined by the manipulation and active interaction of children with the environment.
    2) Vygostky
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    The influence of the social environment on the development of knowledge in children
    • Categorization
    Cognitive Psychology
    • Strength
    1. Think
    In the process of building new knowledge, students think, to solve problems, come up with ideas and make decisions.
    2. Got it
    Because students are directly involved in fostering new knowledge, they will understand better and be able to apply it in all situations.
    3. Remember
    Because students are directly involved actively, they will remember longer all the concepts they have learn. Through this approach, students build their own understanding they. With this, they will be more confident in facing and solve problems in new situations.
    4. Social skills.
    Social skills are obtained when interacting with friends or teachers in building new knowledge.
    5. Happy.
    Because students are constantly involved they understand, remember, believe and interact in a healthy way, then they will feel more happy to learn in building new knowledge.

    • Weakness
    Can be seen that in the learning process, the teachers role as an educator is less supportive , the scope of meaning being studied is wider and difficult to understand.
    • Implementation
    by increasing the interaction carried out by educators and students from starting to guide, letting students learn with peers until students are able to learn independently and are able to solve problems or tasks without the guidance of others. Place teaching in a meaningful context, and it is very useful if children are trained to use thinking tools, namely: children are able to solve problems, make it easier for them to act, expand their way of thinking, and are able to do things.
    3) Burner
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    Environmentally focused and structured learning by discovery.
    • Categorization
    Discovery learning
    • Strength
    emphasizing learning on concepts, developing children's skills and making discoveries of concepts and structures of learning materials, the purpose of learning is to develop children's intellectual skills.
    • Weakness
    there are no stages of improving students' thinking.
    • Implementation
    in the child's learning process it's good to be given the opportunity to manipulate objects or props specifically designed and can be used by students to understand a concept.

  37. Name : Atikah Firdayanti
    NIM : 201230086
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work 4
    Observation English for Young Learners Writing and Reading

    Dawiyah said she didn't understand during writing lessons, because every time she wrote something wrong, her teacher didn't tell her how to write correctly. After I researched, it turned out that he did not get the attention of his teacher, because when I taught him he immediately liked it. And for reading he can understand it and he thinks it's fun because reading is his hobby. And even at school when reading must be directed by the teacher. Not like when writing.

  38. *TASK 3
    Name : Nurfatiah
    ID : 201230098
    Class : 201230098
    Subject : EYL

    Research Observations on Children in Teaching Listening and Speaking
    The teaching is like a listening class, carried out like a class in general, by using the help of tools and media. The teacher prepares media and tools for the listening class, distributes practice sheets and listens to a recording and instructs the children to write down what they hear on the question sheet.
    For the speaking class using the direct practice method, students are asked to find partners for their interlocutors. then ordered to make a dialogue within the scope of a tourist or a place. Students are expected to increase vocabulary about tourists or talk about tourists.
    Then students are instructed to come forward to the front of the class to see the results of the assignments that have been done and grow the students' courage so that they can appear in front of the class.
    Observation Results :
    Most of the students in listening class and almost all of them are less capable in this listening practice class.
    While students in speaking class have many students who are brave and confident to come forward even though their speaking skills are still standard, their pronunciation is quite good and this class is able to add vocabulary to these students. although not all students are like that.
    Reason :
    • Many Vocabulary that children do not know
    • Lack of clear pronunciation of each word on the recording or while listening
    • Lack of student confidence
    • Lack of teacher attention to students who do not dare to come forward

  39. *TASK 2
    Name : Nurfatiah
    NIM : 201230098
    Class : TBI 5 C

    Identify Theory from Peyget, Vygostky, and Burnern
    1) Peaget
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    The study focuses on children’s perceptions of their understanding of nature/object, numbers, time, displacement, space, and geometry. It analyzes the mental operations used by children, their symbolic and logical ways of thinking
    • Categorization
    Cognitive Psychology, development of constructivism
    • Strength
    Learning is brain-contred. Students learn according to their stage of development can improve students ability to solve problems
    • Weakness
    Not able to explain the structure, processes and functions of cognitive clearly. The absence of true existence of the four levels of cognitive development recommended by pieget
    • Implementation
    Describes cognitive development largely determined by the manipulation and active interaction of children with the environment.
    2) Vygostky
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    The influence of the social environment on the development of knowledge in children
    • Categorization
    Cognitive Psychology
    • Strength
    1. Think
    In the process of building new knowledge, students think, to solve problems, come up with ideas and make decisions.
    2. Got it
    Because students are directly involved in fostering new knowledge, they will understand better and be able to apply it in all situations.
    3. Remember
    Because students are directly involved actively, they will remember longer all the concepts they have learn. Through this approach, students build their own understanding they. With this, they will be more confident in facing and solve problems in new situations.
    4. Social skills.
    Social skills are obtained when interacting with friends or teachers in building new knowledge.
    5. Happy.
    Because students are constantly involved they understand, remember, believe and interact in a healthy way, then they will feel more happy to learn in building new knowledge.

    • Weakness
    Can be seen that in the learning process, the teachers role as an educator is less supportive , the scope of meaning being studied is wider and difficult to understand.
    • Implementation
    by increasing the interaction carried out by educators and students from starting to guide, letting students learn with peers until students are able to learn independently and are able to solve problems or tasks without the guidance of others. Place teaching in a meaningful context, and it is very useful if children are trained to use thinking tools, namely: children are able to solve problems, make it easier for them to act, expand their way of thinking, and are able to do things.
    3) Burner
    • The Direct Of Theoritis
    Environmentally focused and structured learning by discovery.
    • Categorization
    Discovery learning
    • Strength
    emphasizing learning on concepts, developing children's skills and making discoveries of concepts and structures of learning materials, the purpose of learning is to develop children's intellectual skills.
    • Weakness
    there are no stages of improving students' thinking.
    • Implementation
    in the child's learning process it's good to be given the opportunity to manipulate objects or props specifically designed and can be used by students to understand a concept.

  40. Name : Nana Fathiatulliana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082
    Work number : 2

    Jean Piaget Theory
    - The Area of the theories : Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages of learning.
    - Categorization : Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years, Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7, Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11, Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up.
    - Strength : Brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology, Brought a change in the way people view a child’s world, Encouraged more research in cognitive development.
    - Weakness : Faces some issues when it comes to formal operations, Many research studies dispute the theory stating that not all children develop from one stage to another.
    - Implementations : This stage occurs between birth and two years, This stage (ages 2 to 4) teaches that the child is beginning to conceptualize better and classify objects by physical appearance, This stage occurs between the ages of 7 and 11.

    Lev Vygotsky
    - The Area of the theories : Vygotsky's sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving.
    - Categorization : Pre Intellectual Speech (0 – 3 years), Egosentric Speech (3 – 7 years), Inner Speech (7+ years)
    - Strength : Reducing the gap between students, Help students understand learning materials more easily, Provide more opportunities for students to interact with each other.
    - Weakness : Lack of Empirical Evidence, Offers Limited Solutions, Lack of Conscious Awareness.
    - Implementation : Stacking blocks, Telling stories, Dramatic game, Journal writing

    Jerome Seymour Bruner
    - The Area of the theories : Bruner theory proposes that learners construct their own knowledge and do this by organizing and categorizing information using a coding system.
    - Categorization : Enactive (0-1 year), Iconic (1- 6 years), Symbolic (7 years onwards)
    - Strength : New mental processes, Emphasized on mental structures for linking by discovery, Practical and applicable.
    - Weakness : It has specific focus only, Did not focus on individual differences, Lack of self-expression.
    - Implementation : Instruction must be appropriate to the level of the learners, The teachers must revisit the material to enhance knowledge, The material must be presented in a sequence.

    References :

  41. Name : Rika Apriyanti (201230116)
    Class : TBI 5C
    Piaget’s Theory
    - The area of the thesis : children learn from the environment around them. Children learn by developing what they already have and always interacting with what is around them, including how to solve problems encountered in their environment.
    - Categorization : there are four stages of development, namely the following. 1. Sensorimotor stage: from birth to two years of age. 2. Preoperational stage: from two to eight years of age. 3. Concrete operational stage: from eight to eleven years old. 4. Formal stage: from eleven years to fifteen years or more.
    - Strength : Fresh perspective to developmental, change in the way people view, encouraged more research, better Understanding and enhance educational programs.
    - Weakness : Issues in formal operations, not take the influence of social and cultural development, a continuous process not stages, environmental factors can influence and observation of a few children
    - Implementation : Learning is an active process, thinking becomes more systematic and integrated over time, use disequilibrium to motivate, use social interactions
    Vygotsky’s Theory
    - The direct of Theories : Vygotsky, a Russian psychiatrist, also argues that children are active learners, but have a different view from Piaget, especially on the process of learning language in children.
    - The area of the thesis : The theory developed is known as a theory that focuses on social aspects. Vygotsky believed that social interaction with other people would lead to the occurrence of new ideas and enhance the intellectual development of learners.
    - Categorization : 1. The ability to think (intellectual) develops when people are faced with new ideas and full of problems, then connected with what has been known before (prior knowledge). 2. Interaction with other people will spur intellectual development / way of thinking. 3. The main role of a teacher is as a helper who helps children in the learning process.
    - Strength : Focused on assessing child potential via the ZPD, offered new perspective on ways to teach children, increased focus on cultural variation and historical influence
    - Weakness : Not clear how interactions between partners shift over the course of development, not clear how other areas of development contribute to the types of contexts that are made available to children, measurement of ZPD is difficult.
    - Implementation : Arrange the blocks, telling stories, dramatic play children should be able to encourage and articulate what they are going to do in the game before they start, journal writing/group study
    Burner’s Theory
    - The area of the thesis : Bruner (1983, 1990) argues that the most important for cognitive development is language. For this, he investigates how adults use language to connect the real world to children and help them solve problems. Talking to children in carrying out activities is a verbal form of assistance to children. This kind of helping activity is transferred to the classroom in speaking activities between teachers and students.
    - Categorization : 1. Get the kids interested in their work. 2. Simplify tasks, for example by dividing them into smaller tasks or stages. 3. Always remind what the goal. 4. Show the child which part is important to do and tell other ways to do parts of the task the. 5. Keep the child's frustration when doing the task. 6. Demonstrating an ideal form of task, for example how to "sorry", "goodbye".
    - Strength : New mental process, mental stuctures for linking behavior and age, practical and applicable, emphasizes on learning by discovery, usage of objective and scientific research.
    - Weakness : It has a specific focus only, neglected Individual differences, lack of self-expression, lack of uniformity in stages, chances of inaccuracy in stages
    - Implementation : Allows students to proceed according to their abilities. teacher acts as a facilitator in constructing concepts. learners are encouraged to think logically. learners are intrinsically motivated because he is learning actively.

  42. Nama : Rika Apriyanti
    NIM : 201230116
    Kelas : TBI 5 C
    Tugas 3

    Observations on young learners about the teaching given by their teachers in their schools about speaking and listening.

    On Wednesday, October 5, 2022,
    I made observations on children aged 7 and 10 years. They are Syifaul Qolbiyah and Ahmad Taufik Hidayat. Syifa and Taufik both attend SDN Tunjung Teja 1, in Petir. I observed them about how their teacher gave lessons, and also their understanding of speaking and listening. The first explanation from Syifa, Syifa still has difficulty understanding speaking and listening, because of factors from the environment and the teacher. The factor is, because Syifa's school is located in a village area, English is not a very prominent subject at school, and sometimes the English teacher comes into class just to tell stories, not giving material. And the material provided does not provide a clear 'explanation', only an outline which makes it difficult for Syifa to understand teaching about speaking and listening. Not much different from Syifa's explanation, Taufik's ability in speaking and listening is still lacking, due to the same factors as experienced by Syifa, but Taufik's explanation is added to him who always feels dizzy, because the teacher continues to explain the material without stopping or giving free time to his students understand the material. What they both don't understand in speaking and listening, Syifa and Taufik still don't understand how to pronounce sentences in English correctly, they still need a lot of practice from the teacher and themselves, also they are still a bit unfamiliar with English sentences, from there they so it takes a long time to catch the verbal explanation given by the teacher. What they both want is a teacher who understands how to deliver teaching about listening and speaking in English that is not boring, there is very little use of English in this village area, therefore the teacher must be extra to attract students' interest so that they want to learn english by themselves.

  43. Name : Nana Fathiatul Liana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082
    Work number : 3

    Observation of Young Learners in Learning Listening and Speaking

    Khaliza Isna Aliyah, 10 years old she's my little sister, she is very suitable with listening learning techniques using the TPR Story Telling method and TPR songs and fingers plays because she is a student who has an auditory learning style, she loves listening to english music all of her days, She also participated in a story telling competition at her school and she was trusted by her teacher as one of the student representatives who participated in a story telling competition. In addition, he is also suitable for the YES or NO card learning method because he likes to learn by looking at various pictures, when she sees pictures his imagination will develop, because his learning style is also visual.

    In learning speaking, she fits the find the differences learning method because finding the differences in the two objects requires serious accuracy, this technique can train patience and discipline, besides that it is also suitable for the picture describing learning method, because she has a visual learning style, This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners as well as their public speaking skills.

  44. Name : Rika Apriyanti
    NIM : 201230226
    Class : TBI 5 C
    Tugas 4

    Observations on young learners about the teaching given by their teachers in their school about reading and writing.

    Continuing from the second observation, the subject I chose to conduct the second observation was still the same as the first observation, namely a 5th grade elementary school student, Syifaul Qolbiyah, and a 2nd grade elementary school student, Ahmad Taufik Hidayat. This time it discusses the teaching that teachers do in schools regarding reading and writing for young learners. From Syifa herself, at school it is quite easy for her to write things in English, such as taking notes in English, because the teacher is used to writing on the blackboard, plus she always buys colored books in English with pictures and underneath there are the fields that need to be filled in to explain the image above. She often practiced writing English sentences with it. In reading she also has no difficulties, although with a different language from the language she always uses, Syifa likes to read sentences in English, because reading is also her hobby. But the pronunciation of words is still not perfect, and understanding of what she reads is still lacking, still needs to be trained by her teacher at school. Taufik's explanation is the same, because they are brothers and sisters, Syifa always teaches the same thing from what she experienced to Taufik, and Taufik often imitates Syifa as his older sister. Taufik often practices with picture books like syifa to practice his writing skills. And for reading, Taufik finds it easy to read in English sentences, but he is still not confident enough to read if heard by many people. Although there are many obstacles from those described in the second observation, Syifa and Taufik are smart children, they can adapt to English at their school, practice a lot not only at school is the way they take to understand English.

  45. Name: Udoh Mahfudoh
    Class: TBI 5C
    Nim: 201230095
    Work Number: 2

    1. Peaget
    -The area of the theories:
    1.sensorimotor intelligence 2.preoperational thinking 3.concrete operational thinking 4.formal operational thinking.
    -Categorization: That infants’ rely on their senses and motor skills until two years of age – but the last forty years of research on this issue has revealed a startlingly different picture of infants’ perceptual and cognitive abilities.
    -Strength: The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    -Weakness: 1.The theory faces some issues when it comes to formal operations. 2.Many research studies dispute the theory stating that not all children develop from one stage to another. 3) Few researchers state that development takes place in a continuous process and not in stages.
    -Implementation: 1.A focus on the process of children’s thinking, not just its products. 2.Recognition of the crucial role of children’s self-initiated, active involvement in learning activities. 3.A deemphasis on practices aimed at making children adultlike in their thinking;
    2. Vygotsky
    -The area of the theories: 1.Culture is significant in learning. 2.language is the root of culture. 3.Individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    -Categorization: He is most famous for creating the four stages of cognitive development, which include the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operation stage. -Strength: Theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the use of cultural tools in the process of children's cognitive development.
    -Weakness: Children’s development could be artificially accelerated.
    -Implementation: Teachers guide, support, and encourage children while helping them develop problem-solving strategies that can be generalized to other situations.
    3. Burner
    -The area of the theories: Bruner's theory is a theory of learning mathematics which consists of three stages, namely the enactive, iconic and symbolic stages. The enactive stage is the learning stage where students are given the opportunity to manipulate concrete objects directly.
    -Categorization: That people interpret the world in terms of similarities and differences which are detected among objects and events. -Strength: 1.Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes. 2.To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures. 3.Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications.
    -Weakness: 1.The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations. 2.Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development. 3.Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences.
    -Implementation: Bruner's theory is often known as discovery learning which in its application includes environment-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of caring for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can directly socialize.


  46. Name : Udoh Mahfudoh
    Nim: 201230095
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work Number: 3
    Observation of Young in Learners Listening and Speaking

    Khanza sofiatu rizkiyah, 8 years my cousin. She is more suited to speaking using the story method this activity will lead him to tell a story he has heard before. Might as well come up with his own story to tell because those days he likes to tell them. Storytelling requires a high level of creativity. In learning listening she is more suited to the listening method and invites listening and listening activities because with this method she always focuses and looks at the pictures that I prepared by showing a picture card and then clearly pronouns in English. Using this method can train efficiency, accuracy and speaking skills.

  47. Name: Udoh Mahfudoh
    Nim: 201230095
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work Number:4
    Observation of Young Learners in Learning Reading and Writing

    I did the same research on my cousin but this is in reading learning in my opinion a suitable method for learning Reading is by using the Spell method because with this method we can introduce the letters of the alphabet first and the introduction of these letters can be started by singing about the letters alphabet continues to the next stage by spelling to produce syllables, in my opinion this is the most effective method to apply.

    In learning Writing, using The Silent Way method in this method gives freedom to be creative and get used to writing a diary, so during that learning I am not allowed to speak except when giving material, with this method to make learning Writing easy and focused.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. *TASK 4
    Name : Nurfatiah
    ID : 201230098
    Class : 201230098
    Subject : EYL

    Research Observations on Children in Teaching Reading and Writing

    Teaching in Reading and writing classes is done by using a text that will be used as a tool in this teaching, one of which is using narrative text. (The teaching method is using text sample media)
    By using this text, teaching reading and writing will be more understandable by students. because the media/tools used are “example text” media which in general can be easily understood by students so that effective learning can be achieved.

    Observation Results:
    In teaching reading and writing classes, the main problems that arise are the lack of enthusiasm and motivation for student learning, lack of feedback from students in class to conduct effective learning. The teaching of reading and writing is done using narrative text, before the teacher gives an example of a narrative text and gives an explanation to the students. Then students are given the task of looking for a narrative text that will be their assignment material, students are given orders to read the text, then write the main sentence discussed from the text or the conclusion of the text. This method is used for reading and writing classes in the class under study.

  51. Name : Juhrotul Aini
    NIM : 201230085
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number: 2

    A. The Area of The Theories: Theory of cognitive development
    B. Categories: Sensorimotor Intelligence,
    Preoperational Thinking,
    Concrete Operational Thinking, And
    Formal Operational Thinking.
    C. Strength: Make it easier for students to understand the material taught by the teacher
    Learners become more independent, creative, able to solve problems, and increase the motivation that exists within themselves
    D. Weakness: Piaget's theory cannot be applied at an advanced level, and cannot be applied to all subjects
    Cannot measure student achievement because it must focus on all student abilities
    Unable to explain the structure, process and function of cognitive clearly.
    Absence of the true existence of the four levels of cognitive development recommended by Piaget
    E. Implementation: The teacher invites students to discuss and experiment in class, the class is used as a place to explore. In addition, the teacher must find the subject matter interesting and challenging. Because Piaget thought that children learn best when they are active and independent.

    A. The Area of The Theories: Focus on culture in developing mental abilities, such as speaking and reasoning, where children's cognitive development engages in challenging and meaningful activities.
    B. Categories: The sensorimotor stage,
    The preoperational stage,
    The concrete operational stage,
    The formal operation stage.
    C. Strength: Teaching materials are easy to understand easily, giving students more interaction with each other and reducing the gap between students 1 and others
    D. Weakness: The scope of the material is wider, making it difficult for students to understand it.
    The teacher's role is less supportive in the learning process
    E. Implementation: Teachers accompany student activities but students must be active in seeking knowledge.

    A. The Area of The Theories: (Free Discovery Learning)
    Environmentally focused structured learning and discovery
    B. Categories: Jerome Bruner identified three stages of cognitive representation, namely :
    Enactive, namely the representation of knowledge through action.
    Iconic, that is, through a visual summary of the image.
    Symbolic representation, which uses words and symbols to describe experiences
    C. Strength: Easy to remember, raises motivation to learn because it uses discovery.
    Able to think freely because it improves reasoning
    D. Weakness: This theory is less effective if the child's intelligence is lacking.
    Cause chaos because it takes a long time to organize.
    E. Implementation: Carried out with environment-based learning so that students have a sense of care for the environment, carried out outdoors so that they can quickly adapt. In addition, children are faced with confusing situations/problems, so they can adjust their ideas to achieve self-balance.


  52. Name : Ila Zulfa Laela
    Class : TBI 5C
    Nim : 201230107
    Work 2

    Identify Theory from Piaget, Vygotsky and Burner

    A. The Area of The Thesis
    1. Piaget : Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children.
    2. Vygotsky : As such, Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    3. Burner : Power stations are the facilities responsible for producing power, mainly speaking boilers, and due to the huge amount of constantly changing parameters: pressure, temperature, air to fuel ratio, fuel types. it is really hard to do any experimental studies or tests, the improvement of combustion efficiency could greatly influence the energy consumption and will make the boiler more efficient and cleaner.
    B. Categorization
    1. Piaget : Piaget also studied children's ability to classify objects – put them together on the basis of their color, shape etc. Classification is the ability to identify the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to use categorical information to solve problems.
    2. Vygotsky : By preschool age (and often earlier), children can categorize based on shape, color, texture, number, gender, facial features, speech, musical tones, movement patterns, broad ontological information (such as animacy), non-obvious information (such as internal parts), and more.
    3. Burner : According to the more detailed classification standard, fuel oil combustion can be further divided into light oil burner, heavy oil burner, etc.; gas burner can be further divided into natural gas burner, liquefied gas burner, biogas burner, etc. he split burner is mainly
    C. Strength
    1. Piaget : The strengths of Piaget's cognitive development theory are as follows: The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    2. Vygotsky : The strength of course is the stimulation, new information and socialization that creates a reason for cognitive development and higher thinking. However there is the reality that some people are so dependent on other people to “just be there” because they can’t handle being alone. These people will sacrifice their safety and health just so they can have someone there.
    3. Burner : Burners can be done to help you burn fat through using intense exercises and interval training. So if you’ve worked areas earlier in your workout you wouldn’t mind losing fat from, adding a metabolic Burner at the end could be a great way to make spot reduction work for you as much as possible!
    D. Weakness
    1. Piaget : Thomas (2005) describe some of the weaknesses of Piaget's theory, which include the fact that he often underestimated the ability of a child's intellect. Furthermore, most of his research subjects were from a middle-class background, so therefore he failed to take into consideration children from other backgrounds.
    2. Vygotsky : While some philosophers assume that learning occurs naturally and fluidly, Vygotsky believed that leaners actively engage in the acquisition of knowledge. The criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that it does not account for the slower rate of cognitive growth in some children.
    3. Burner : There is some truth to the four burners theory. If you look back into your past to recall a personal major achievement in your academics, sports, career and so on, you probably sacrificed one or more of the major areas of your life.
    E. Implementation
    1. Piaget : Piaget put forward the theory of active learners for young learners.
    2. Vygotsky : Vygotsky proposed the theory of child development which formulated the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which is about social development.
    3. Burner : Brunner put forward the theory of child learning that is about scaffolding and routine.

  53. Name : Ila Zulfa Laela
    Class : TBI 5C
    Nim : 201230107
    Work 3

    Research Observations on Children in Teaching Listening and Speaking

    I teach in grade 3 junior high school, the number of students is 30 students. They took speaking and listening lessons with enthusias, but when I gave the lessons they still didn't understand how to pronounce and listen well. There are words that must be spoken with one of the letters hidden, namely "silent word" Example words from speaking! • Knife It should be read (naively) but they still read the original letters. An example of listening! The error they get when hearing a stranger speak, which he said was too fast and not easy to hear clearly with what was said. They are still slow about learning listening. And my actions when hearing complaints from a student about speaking and listening, of course a teacher must help and correct what happened to his students. Like teachers, they have to practice their pronunciation every day and give videos about listening and speaking in class. And it will be very helpful for students who have difficulty understanding both.

  54. Name : Ila Zulfa Laela
    Class : TBI 5C
    Nim : 201230107
    Work 4

    Research Observations on Children in Teaching Reading and Writing

    Reading lessons for grade 1 junior high school students are still the same as elementary school children. They still have difficulty with reading correctly because the writing from English is still read like reading Indonesian writing. It is very difficult to get used to students who are used to reading the original writing, but I as a teacher have a way so that they can read properly and correctly, namely by giving learning videos to read on youtube every day. And that helps a little for them. And when I get writing lessons, I try to dictate a sentence or a word. To assess how far the students' English development is in writing. But there are still many mistakes because the reason is that English from pronunciation and writing is very much different. Then I try to explain and give directions so they understand. I dictate a sentence with readings that match the writing and when the students finish writing, that's where I as the teacher explain with the actual reading. So that students can understand and remember what they wrote. Then give the students to read their writings after I give an example like this.

  55. Name : Juhrotul Aini
    ID: 201230085
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number: 3
    The results of interviews with 5th grade elementary school students are that their listening and speaking are not good, when I try to hear their pronunciation from 1-10, which is 5. Many teachers don't pay attention to their pronunciation and in practice the teacher only explains without practicing in class. In terms of listening, the teacher does not tell that there are familiar accents, namely British and American. In terms of speaking the teacher teaches through an American accent but in learning to listen through a British accent. This is confusing, because the English accent is not taught by the teacher. This problem arises from two directions between teachers and students. Teachers are less familiar with British accents, and many of them can't tell the difference between British and American accents. The factor of students receiving all information without asking because they think the teacher is a source of information and is never wrong.

  56. Name : Rika Apriyanti
    NIM : 201230226
    Class : TBI 5 C
    Tugas 5

    Observations on young learners about the teaching given by their teachers in their school about vocabulary and grammar.

    Continuing from the third observation, the subject I chose to conduct the second observation was still the same as the first observation, namely a 5th grade elementary school student, Syifaul Qolbiyah, and a 2nd grade elementary school student, Ahmad Taufik Hidayat. This time it discusses the teaching that teachers do in schools regarding vocabulary and grammar for young learners.

    In interacting with the two students, they explained that the English teacher at their school carried out teaching and learning activities for vocabulary and grammar by discussing ‘stories of children’ in English where the vocabulary was obtained by interpreting word for word in each sentence while for learning grammar it was obtained by finding each word. sentences in the paragraph of the story, thus the child knows the story as well as adds and knows grammar and vocabulary.

    Syifa is more pointed in the grammar section which according to her is more difficult to understand due to changes in word order in every situation and there are word affixes in some circumstances, while in vocabulary it is easier to understand because Syifa can easily look up vocabulary in the dictionary and Syifa can determine it by easy, easy the right meaning for the sentence. While taufik is better able to understand grammar because taufik can determine the right affix for words in grammar and can better understand formulas in several different circumstances but in vocabulary Taufik is not good at learning because taufik is difficult to find the meaning of words in the dictionary and it is difficult to determine the right meaning for the sentence.

  57. *Researcher name*: Nurhalyza Nabila Putri
    *Class* : TBI-5B
    *Work Number*: 1
    *Assignment Observation English for Young Learners*

    *Comparison between teaching English to elementary and junior high school children*
    *The result can explain the characteristics*
    *Source Person* : M. Rafli Al-Ghani
    *Class* : 3 Elementary School
    *School* : Kebaharan 2 Elementary School.
    *The Result of Observation* (1):
    *Children prefer lessons in elementary school compared to other schools, for example religious schools.
    *Because there is no English in elementary school, children don't really like English.
    *For teachers, children prefer teaching in religious schools because the teachers are good.
    *According to him, the lessons are more difficult in elementary school than in religious schools.
    *Of all the subjects he is interested in, he prefers Mathematics with take-away material over other subjects.
    * For Religious Schools, he prefers lessons related to the names of the Prophets.
    *If one day he enters Junior High School, he wants to learn Vocabularies in English.

    *Source Person*: Raisya Yulia Fajriani
    *Class* : 3 Junior High School
    *School* : Junior High School 3 Serang City.
    *The Result of Observation* (2):
    *Children don't like English lessons.
    *According to him, English is difficult to understand.
    *Sometimes it is difficult to understand the material because they feel they have not been able to.
    *Besides, he is trying to learn better than before.
    *The subject matter that he thinks is easier than others is the Text Procedure material.
    *Conclusion*:The characteristics of children can be seen from the results of the survey that they are not too interested in learning English but if they continue to be honed with fun learning they will do it according to their abilities.

  58. Name: Raudatul Jannah
    NIM: 2001230049
    Class: TBI 5B
    (Observation of Young Learners in Learning Listening and Speaking)
    Khairunisa is usually called Icha, a 14-year-old student, grade 2 of Bojonegara State Junior High School. icha is one of my female cousins. In using the listening method, she is very suitable to use the learning method through singing and stories, because she likes to sing and listen to stories. she listens and sings songs in English every day. Thus, she always remembers and learns new vocabulary. Learning to sing and tell stories also makes learning more interesting and less boring. she has a better sense of hearing and is more focused and is able to understand things better by listening, which is also related to the process of memorizing, reading, and others. The speaking learning method is also very good because after listening to the song, she can also sing back about what she has learned or what she hears every day even though her English pronunciation is not completely correct. Therefore, her learning style tends to like to talk.

  59. Name : Juhrotul Aini
    NIM: 201230085
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work Number: 4

    Students are often confused between writing and pronunciation, because in English the writing and pronunciation are different. The reading results of the 5th graders I interviewed were good but there were still many errors, and vice versa.
    Advice from me teachers often give about writing and reading. For example giving a writing test, the teacher dictates about body parts/colors. The questions given should not be far from the material being taught, because this will make students accustomed to it.
    Provide a Reading test, in which students make descriptions of the objects around them and then read the text they have created, thereby honing their writing and reading skills at the same time. The thing that makes students lazy to read and write is the teacher's monotonous method, the teacher should prepare a film for example about animals, then students write down what animals are in the video. listening to audio/music, where students write lyrics/dialogue.

  60. Name: Raudatul Jannah
    NIM: 2012300049
    Class: TBI 5B
    (Observation English for Young Learners Writing and Reading)
    I conducted research this week with Khairunnisa, the same pupil. I conducted study on speaking and listening last week, and this week I'm focusing on reading and writing. Icha learns to read and write more quickly when using the spelling system than when using other techniques, therefore after doing some study, I came to the conclusion that employing phonics through the spelling method is the best approach. Icha was eager to learn how to utilize the spelling technique, and her curiosity developed quickly. She is also a proactive woman who inquires as to whether the spelling she wrote and read was accurate and if not, what needs to be corrected. With other approaches, it can be challenging to comprehend what the teacher is trying to convey. As a result, spelling techniques can be employed to help you learn to read in addition to writing. So, Icha can simultaneously learn to read and write.

  61. Nama : Asri Humairoh
    NIM : 201230089
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 2
    1. Piaget
    - The area of the theories : Piaget believed that our present has evolved over time. The desire to learn and know is built in from infancy.
    - Categorization : Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational period.
    - Strength : The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    - Weakness : His theory does not discern between competency and performance
    - Implementation : The classroom environment settings are structured to support student’s thinking instead of focusing on certain learning assignments.
    2. Vygotsky
    - The area of the theories : An essentially social process in which the support of parents, caregivers, peers and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of higher psychological functions.
    - Categorization : The ability to think, interaction with other people, and the main role of a teacher
    - Strength : Emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the use of cultural tools in the process of children's cognitive development.
    - Weakness : Did not propose a detailed mechanism that explains the concept of scaffolding or the zone of proximal development.
    - Implementation : Zone of proximal development. It allows a teacher toknow what a student is able to achieve through the use of a mediator and thusenables the teacher to help the child attain that level by themselves.
    3. Bruner
    - The area of the theories : Bruner (1961) proposes that learners construct their own knowledge and do this by organizing and categorizing information using a coding system.
    - Categorization : Enactive, Iconic, and Symbolic representation
    - Strength : To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures.
    - Weakness : Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate.
    - Implementation : Bruner advocates that “a good teacher will design lessons that help students discover the relationship between bits of information. To do this a teacher must give students the information they need, but without organizing it for them”
    Refferences :'s%20sociocultural%20theory%20asserts%20that,development%20of%20higher%20psychological%20functions

  62. Name : Dhiza Yulia Sangkarini
    Class : TBI 5B
    NIM : 201230064

    Based on Observastion teaching Speaking and Listening 5th grade students of Elementary School October 10, 2022 Namira balqis.
    Based on the observation, when teachers deliver learning about listening, teachers usually use youtube media as learning in which students are instructed to pay attention properly and begin to respond when the teacher pronounces instructions to start following them periodically, for example regarding the theme of Transportation.Then the teacher explained it first. After the students see and hear the video then the teacher gives a picture to the students to guess what image is related to the video that has been watched and listened to. The difficulty he faced in knowing each listening session because it is not so understand only understand through the picture only. Meanwhile, the learning process of speaking students are asked to practice the pronunciation that the teacher explains on the board, for example, learning to introduce themselves students are asked to form groups and then the teacher instructs them to come forward after the teacher explains the teaching material, namely practicing English dialogue. In addition, the difficulty in pronouncing the sentences said by the teacher is because the foreign language is also so this student is not used to speaking but he really enjoyed every session of this English learning especially the teacher sometimes uses songs that they are happy and more receptive to the material because every meeting the song is often used then they.

  63. Name : Asri Humairoh
    NIM : 201230089
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 3
    Ila Salsabila, 10 years old, my little sister. she is very suitable with listening learning techniques using the TPR songs and finger plays. She loves listening to the music. Using fingerplays, songs and rhymes helps her learn language by increasing vocabulary, learning the sounds of words and hearing the rhythm of language.
    In learning speaking, she is suitable with the picture describing. she usually have a lot of fun trying to tell a partner how to draw what she see on a picture. This activity fosters the creativity and imagination of the learners

  64. Name : Dhiza Yulia Sangkarini
    Class : TBI 5B
    NIM : 201230064

    Based on observations of teaching vocabulary and grammar to Junior High School 1st grade students on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 Marisa.
    Based on the results of the study, Marisa said that when he first entered the class his teacher would greet him using English such as asking for news and so on and explaining back the material last week as brainstroming. After that, it is included in the learning process, as usual when the learning section is about increasing the vocabulary of the teacher likes to ask to translate the text in the book using google translate then write at least 20 vocabulary then the teacher asks to be memorized and then make sentences in each meeting which are different topics. Yesterday's material was asked to look for vocabulary related to adjectives, then students were told to write a full page in a notebook about the vocabulary. Thus, this will also be related to teaching grammar, in this section when the teacher will first write the material about “the simple present tense” on the board after the teacher will explain the material. Then the student will be asked to make a few sentences as an exercise after the teacher explains all the material. Therefore, when I did research whether he understood what his teacher taught even though currently various updates to methods or ways of teaching in the era of digitization have been widely applied in other schools, he said that sometimes he understood every material explained by his teacher and found difficulties when trying to make his sentence because sometimes teachers are too fast in explaining after that directly to be given an exercise task there is no pause to understand first.

  65. Name : Juhrotul Aini
    NIM: 201230085
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 5
    In learning vocabulary and grammar. The 5th graders I interviewed have a weakness in vocabulary, which is easy to forget.
    The teacher teaches vocabulary through the memorization method, where students only focus on memorizing to get grades from the teacher, not paying attention to how much vocabulary they memorize. The teacher should practice the word jump where students demonstrate the word jump, with this method students are easier to remember or use visual forms. The teacher says the word blackboard and points to the blackboard, mentioning the red dot to the red color.
    Grammar is English mathematics where the basics of writing, speaking do not really need grammar but in writing are required to use grammar.
    Many have difficulty in not being able to tell which form is past, present, or future. In this case the teacher must really focus / master the material he conveys.

  66. Name: Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri
    NIM: 201230111
    class: TBI 5C
    Work number: 2

    The area of the theories PIAGET
    Piaget’s theory, the sensorimotor stage occurs first, and is defined as the period when infants “think” by means of their senses and motor actions. Piaget created and studied an account of how children and youth gradually become able to think logically and scientifically. Piaget proposed that cognition developed through distinct stages from birth through the end of adolescence.
    1. Sensorimotor Stage (Age 18 - 24 months)
    2. Preoperational Stage (Age 2 - 7 Years)
    3. Concrete Operational Stage (Age 7 - 11 Years)
    4. Formal Operational Stage (12 years and over)
    1. The strengths of Piaget’s cognitive development theory are as follows:
    2. The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    3. The theory has brought a change in the way people view a child’s world.
    In terms of the weaknesses of this theory are: Stating that Piaget's theory is not able to explain the structure, processes and functions of cognitive clearly.
    The implications of Piaget's theory of cognitive development in learning english language include; emphasis on student activity, involving student participation, active learning, and the teacher acting as a knowledge facilitator, able to provide enthusiasm for learning, fostering and directing students.

    The area of the theories
    Vygotsky's sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.
    He is most famous for creating the four stages of cognitive development, which include the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operation stage.
    The advantages of Vygotsky's theory are as follows: Thinking In the process of fostering new knowledge, students think, to solve problems, look for ideas and make decisions.
    The shortcomings of Vygotsky's theory can be seen that in the learning process, the teacher's role as an educator is less supportive, the scope of meaning being studied is wider and difficult to understand.
    Vygotsky emphasizes how mental developmental processes such as memory, attention, and reasoning involve learning using societal inventions such as language, mathematical systems, and memory tools.

    The area of the theories
    Bruner's theory is a theory of learning mathematics which consists of three stages, namely the enactive, iconic and symbolic stages. The enactive stage is the learning stage where students are given the opportunity to manipulate concrete objects directly.
    1. The enactive stage
    2. The iconic stage
    3. The symbolic stage
    1. To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures.
    2. Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications.
    3. Bruner’s cognitive development theory also emphasizes on learning by discovery.
    1. The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations.
    2. Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development.
    3. Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences.
    4. Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation.
    Bruner's theory is often known as discovery learning which in its application includes environment-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of caring for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can directly socialize.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Name : Fikah Agustin
    Class : TBI 5 C
    Work : 3

    balqis, according to the TPR song learning method, I teach the alphabet with songs, usually he listens to me first then he follows what I say.
    He loved watching Cocomelon videos on YouTube until he finally memorized some Cocomelon songs.
    he is also suitable with the TPR drawing method, usually I tell Balqis to draw eyes, trees, bananas, I use English vocabulary, then he draws them.
    and from the picture he made, I made another practice, I showed him the picture and he answered in English.

  69. Name : Fikah Agustin
    Class : TBI 5 C
    Work : 4
    In reading learning, I usually use the Analytic phonics method, where the teacher reads a word and then the students are asked to analyze the sound of the letters one by one. For example, the teacher says the word "table", then the student analyzes the letters one by one, if it has been analyzed the students spell the letters.
    and when learning to write, I usually ask students to imagine and then make up stories, or write and retell about the films they have watched.

  70. Name : Manda Rohmania
    Nim : 201230113
    Class : TBI 5C

    Task Number 3

    Observation Young Learners of learing Listening and Speaking

    Observation of 9 year old elementary school students where a teacher teaches listening and speaking vocabulary methods by guessing, guessing, recognizing colors and objects, but that way students get bored and find it difficult because that way is monotonous and makes students tense, there is no entertainment. Then the teacher changed to using the audiovisual method and using the game and song method, it turned out that the students liked that way of learning because apart from liking the students, they were also entertained like there was entertainment, not only learning but the way of learning it can also make students not sleepy, active in class, and not monotonous towards listening and speaking learning. that way for teachers to feel happy and easy to understand by students at every meeting, the teacher also looks for ways so that students don't get bored with just that method, so for teachers alike, they learn to be better in listening and speaking learning.

  71. Name : Nida Haifa
    Class : TBI 5C
    NIM : 201230088
    Assignment 2
    1.) The aspects of theories (piaget)
    - The area of the theories (Piaget states that cognitive development is not only the result of maturation organisms, not only environmental influences, but also the results the interaction between the two.
    - Categorization Sensori-motor period (0 – 2.0 years), - Pre-operational period (2.0 – 7.0 years), - Concrete operational period (7.0 – 11.0 years), - Formal operational period (11.0 – adult).
    - Strength (1. Make it easier for students to understand teaching materials, 2. Make students more independent and creative, 3. Improving the ability to solve problems in students, 4. Increase motivation).
    - Weakness (1. Difficult to apply at an advanced level, 2. Cannot be applied to all virtual lessons, It is difficult to measure achievement goals because you have to look at the abilities of all participants educate).
    - Implementation (- classify objects by a single characteristic, such as color or shape, without acknowledging other qualities. - From ages 7 to 11, children are able to think logically about objects or events.
    2.) The aspects of theories (vygotsky)
    - The area of the theories (According to Vygotsky, children's cognitive and language development does not develop in empty social situation)
    - Categorization (- pre intellectual speech (0-3 years) - egosentric speech (3-7 years) - inner speech (7 years)
    - Strength (Think, Understand, remember, social skills)
    - Weakness (limited to visible behavior, less visible learning processes such as concept formation learning from various learning sources, problem solving and thinking skills are difficult to observe directly.
    - Implementation (The teacher must actively accompany every activity of the children).
    3.) The aspects of theories (bruner)
    - The area of the theories (Bruner agrees with Piaget that Children's cognitive development goes through certain stages)
    - Categorization - enactive (0 – 2 years), Iconic (2 – 4 years) Symbolic (5 – 7 years)
    - Strength (Discovery learning can be used to test whether learning is meaningful.
    - Weakness (Learning This discovery requires a child's high intelligence. If less intelligent, the results are less effective.
    - Implementation (mixing colors,orting blocks of various sizes and arranging beads by color or shape).

    References :,anak%20dapat%20langsung%20bersosialisasi%20dan

  72. Name : Manda Rohmania
    Nim : 201230113
    Class : TBI 5C

    Task Number 4

    Observation Young Learners of learning Writing and Reading

    Observation on a student named Muhammad Nurdaffa, in learning writing and reading he was bored because of the writing method, many students looked for reasons, one of which he said was sore and other reasons. and when using the reading method, students also have difficulty reading English, in such conditions the teacher must be creative and patient in building students so that they can be interesting in learning writing and reading. Because students' motor development is different, sometimes the obstacles faced in teaching children to write are the child's low level of will and lack of enthusiasm when asked to write. Of course, this will be an obstacle in itself, so the teacher must provide motivation first so that children want to write.

  73. Name : Asri Humairoh
    NIM : 201230089
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 4
    Ila Salsabila, 10 years old, Her teacher use the whole – word approach method in teaching reading, and she likes it. The whole-word approach focuses on a learner’s ability to recognize whole words. This method teaches reading at the word level. Because it skips the decoding process, she is not sounding out words but rather learning to say the word by recognizing its written form. This method is more effective for my sister’s learning. In learning writing, she likes writing fairytale which she had read before. Her teacher often gave the students opportunities to write what they want, like fairytale, myth and story of their daily life.

  74. Name : Nida Haifa
    NIM : 201230088
    Class : TBI 5C
    Assignment 3

    After observing on my own young brother, regarding the method used by her teacher for teaching listening and speaking, that her teacher in teaching listening and speaking uses the TPR (Total Physical Respond) method, because my young brother is more responsive or easier to understand by the way the teacher gives an instruction For example, sitting, standing, jogging and so on. Regarding the technique used by the teacher for teaching listening, namely using the TPR Songs and finger plays technique, so my young brother when understanding listening learning prefers interesting children's songs spoken by the teacher, so children can also follow the songs or songs spoken by the teacher.
    Then the technique in teaching speaking that the teacher uses is using the Talking and writing box technique, because my young brother prefers when the teacher gives an image that is seen as interesting or funny she will be happy, and on the other hand she can also focus more on thinking or matching multiple choice answers. with a picture that he thinks fits. What is difficult to understand or understand is when the teacher pronounces a word that is not too clear or audible and too fast. The reason is that when students do not understand a material, both listening and speaking, they do not dare to ask the teacher to ask/repeat a word spoken by the teacher, and there is a sense of shame or lack of confidence in the child.

  75. Name : Nida Haifa
    NIM : 201230088
    Class : TBI 5C
    Assignment 4

    After observing my own young brother, regarding the method used by her teacher for teaching reading and writing, that her teacher in teaching reading uses the phonic method, namely my sister likes to combine or combine two or three letters into one word only if my brother already knows and learns the sound of the letter. and made as interesting as possible by the teacher, and for the method in teaching writing the teacher uses the peer conferencing method so my young brother prefers this method because it is more fun and can be learning while playing. As well as for the technique in teaching reading that is applied by the teacher, namely the phonics through spelling technique, the teaching for this technique is more appropriate and suitable for my young brother, and for the technique of teaching writing to the teacher which is taught to my young brother, the teacher orders the children to imagine because by imagining children can more quickly catch in thinking about anything. What is difficult for my sister to understand is that sometimes she is bored and doesn't focus on learning because she is disturbed by the noise of other friends, and the cause is the material that is not understood, that is sometimes my young brother gets bored quickly with the teaching methods given by her teacher.

  76. Name : Sinta Rida Nuriyati
    Nim : 201230081
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number : 5
    Grammar and Vocabulary Observations

    A grade 1 junior high school student named Fahrul Maulana, he is 13, in the class he started studying Grammar and Vocabulary lessons in semester 2, at that time he was still in the early stages or basic stages in the introduction of Grammar and Vocabulary, when the first grammar was delivered, namely about nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Starting from giving an example of a noun, for example a table, then an adjective for example is beautiful, a verb for example learning, well there the child begins to try to understand and can know what adjectives and verbs are like. Then Vocabulary, the child at that time still knew the same as the grammar, such as memorizing vocabulary from nouns, verbs, adjectives like that so that later the child would easily remember making sentences, it would be easier if they knew about what vocabulary. what they want to say or say like, I'm eating (saya sedang makan) like that about those two things between grammar and Vocabulary to basic learning.

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  78. *TASK 5
    Name : Nurfatiah
    ID : 201230098
    Class : 201230098
    Subject : EYL

    Research Observations on Young Learners in Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
    Vocabulary is a basic provision in language class, while grammar is a rule in making words or sentences. These two things must of course be developed and or trained to students in language classes. In teaching vocabulary and grammar classes that are studied there are problems that really should have become basic things in learning, namely the lack of motivation and enthusiasm from students, it can be caused by several factors, first, students can feel English is a difficult thing, or methods less effective teacher in the class.
    Problems that often occur in learning English are limitations in mastering vocabulary and grammar by students, how students can master or memorize a lot of vocabulary and grammar, while students just don't like English classes. So the first thing that needs to be instilled is that the teacher must provide a lot of motivation and direction to the students to keep them motivated in learning, and most importantly the use of suitable and effective learning methods in the classroom.

    Observation Results
    A class where learning vocabulary and grammar is not effective is because the learning model applied is teacher centered so that students are less enthusiastic or bored in learning. The learning model carried out by the teacher is only by means of students repeating what the teacher reads, this causes students to feel bored, because students are only given the opportunity in class to repeat what the teacher reads, students are only instructed to memorize vocabulary.
    The learning carried out for young readers, especially in teaching vocabulary and grammar, should be done by involving the TPR (Total Physical Response) learning model, this can help students memorize and understand English vocabulary quickly and of course with enthusiasm. That way students will look more enthusiastic in learning vocabulary and grammar, the learning that can be done can be done by making small groups of students, or by learning while playing, maybe this way is done for an early age, and or other things.

  79. Nama : Bahjatul Laila
    NIM : 201230094
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work 3

    Learning Methods:
    Unintelligible Material:
    There are some vocabularies that they don't know yet, so they are confused about the meaning and need to ask the teacher.
    Disadvantages of Method:
    The student must ask something that is difficult for him to understand. So that causes these students need to ask the teacher. So this audio visual method must be combined with the question and answer method. So that children will more easily understand the material presented with this audio-visual method and can ask questions that are not understood.

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  81. Name : Ananda Aulia Salsabila
    NIM : 201230110
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. PIAGET
    - The area of the theories: Jean Piaget suggests a learning process will occur if there is an individual activity that interacts with the social environment and physical environment.
    - Categorization: This theories focused on the cognitive development of children, which means the way children process of information and problem solve. Refers to reasoning, thinking and understanding.
    - Strength: Fresh perspective to developmental psychology, change in the way people view, encourages more research, better understanding, enhance educational program.
    - Weakness: Issuees in formal operations, not take the influence of social and cultural development, a continuous-not stages, environmental factors can influence, observation of a few children.
    - Implementation: Sensorimotor can see, and hear, with physical motor actions. Pre-operational, at this age children begin to have motor skills to do things from what they see and hear. Concrete Operational, conserve, reserve their thinking, and classify objects, think logically. Formal Operational, use abstract reasoning about hypothetical events/situations, consider logical possibilities
    2. VGOTSKY
    - The area of the theories: The development and formation of abilities such as memory, learning, problem solving, and attention occurs through the role of culture as a mediator.
    - Categorization: involves the active internationalization of problem-solving processes as a result of mutual interaction between children and others, and children learn how to think through their interactions with others
    - Strength:Depits cognitive development as a social process, focuses on the social nature of learning, explains how social experiences structure thinking, widely applicable to learning and teaching.
    - Weakness: Lack of Empirical Evidence, Offers Limited Solutions, Lack of Conscious Awareness, Not a Scientific Approach, Not Realistic, Ignores biological factors, Ignores life span changes
    - Implementation: focuses on child-centered learning in the classroom. Vygotsky’s cognitive development theory enables learners to gain skills such as problem solving, inquiry, self determination, critical thinking, learning by discovery and exploration.Engage learners in socially-organized activities, provide scaffolding for learner
    3. BRUNER
    - The area of the theories: Bruner's theory of cognition emphasizes the way individuals organize what has been experienced and learned, so that individuals are able to discover and develop their own concepts, theories and principles through examples encountered in their lives. An environment called "discovery learning environment" is needed or an environment that supports individuals to explore and make new discoveries.
    - Categorization: The level of individual development according to Bruner is almost the same as Piaget's opinion. According to Bruner, children's intellectual development can be divided into three, namely: The pre-operational phase, until the age of 5-6 years, is called the pre-school period. The concrete operation phase, the formal operation phase.
    - Strength: Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications. Bruner’s cognitive development theory also emphasizes on learning by discovery, makes use of objective and scientific research, emphasized on the learners’ experiences instead of rote learning.
    - Weakness: Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences. Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation.
    - Implementation: According to Bruner, meaningful learning can only occur through learning discoveries that occur in the learning process. Teachers must create problematic learning situations, stimulate students with questions, seek answers on their own and conduct experiments. Another form of discovery learning is where the teacher presents examples and students work with the examples until they can find their own and conduct experiments.

  82. Name: Ananda Aulia Salsabila
    NIM: 201230110
    Class: TBI 5C
    TASK 3 (Listening, speaking)

    The object of my observation this time are Zalfa, Gia, Alya, both of whom are still in 5th grade elementary school. They said how to teach listening and reading at school was monotonous and uninteresting. In the book there is a text, then the teacher himself reads to the end. After that the teacher appointed some children to read the text. As for learning speaking through dialogue, the teacher gives an example of dialogue and then we follow sentence by sentence, this way makes us feel bored following the lesson.
    In listening lessons, they prefers to learn through out music.  They prefers to listen little by little words, because if the takes too long, they get bored and difficult to understand the context of the sentence or teks. They are a child who is easy and willing to talk to, when speaking lessons, and they are same had limitations on vocabularies, so it's hard for them to remember the sentence the teacher told him to do. In other hand learning to speak in a monotonous class only reads and memorize a conversation, after a while making sentences that have been spoken disappear. That way only makes students not understand and wastes time. The main cause is in the learning process that is not so interesting, so it is easy to feel bored when practicing it.

  83. In conclusion about 3 theories is :

    #Burner :
    In essence, the basis of his theoretical thinking considers that humans are processors, thinkers and creators of information. Bruner said learning is an active process that allows humans to discover new things beyond the information given to him.
    #Jean Piaget :
    Thus, Jean Piaget's theory of learning calls that cognitive structures are called Schemata or structures, that is, collections of schemes. This means that an individual can bind, understand, and respond to stimuli due to the work of the scheme. This scheme develops chronologically, as a result of the interaction of the individual with his environment.
    #Vygotsky :
    Vygotsky's theory emphasizes how mental development processes such as memory, attention, and reasoning involve learning using societal findings such as language, mathematical systems, and memory tools. He also emphasized how children are helped to develop with guidance from people who are already skilled in these fields.

  84. Name: Ananda Aulia Salsabila
    NIM: 201230110
    Class: TBI 5C
    TASK 4 (Reading, Writing)

    My object is still the same Gia, Alya, and Zalva. At school, their reading practice is not much different from the previous listening technique. The teacher reads the entire text, then the students reread it by dividing it into several parts. For writing practice, students are asked to understand the contents of the text in the elementary school manual. After finding the contents of the text written into the book, then answer some of the questions that have been provided in the manual. The obstacle they have is the lack of English vocabulary. So it is difficult to understand the meaning of the text, and also the way it makes them bored during the learning process. They want reading and writing learning that is more towards games, which can be a memory as well as an experience to remember for a long time.

  85. Name: Ananda Aulia Salsabila
    NIM: 201230110
    Class: TBI 5C
    TASK 5 (Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar to EYL)

    The object of my observation this time is my cousin, Naylah. Se is in the 2nd grade of middle school now. Teaching to increase vocabulary in English by discussing objects around the school environment, then writing English on the blackboard for those who know. To learn grammar, it starts with a brief introduction to the part of speech, then continues with simple tenses such as simple present, simple past, simple future. The teaching is pretty fun, but over time it gets boring. She has to know the vocabulary of the nouns around the school environment, while my cousin has a very minimal vocabulary. So that makes her and her friends who do not know the vocabulary just silently watching. Even complicated vocabulary makes memorization not last long. My cousin hopes that the learning method can be changed to a more fun way like games, which can hone memory and vocabulary that can stick around for a long time.

  86. Name : Asri Humairoh
    NIM : 201230089
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work number : 5
    In learning vocabulary and grammar, my sister I interviewed was studied by memories some vocabularies. The teacher order to write the vocabularies on the notebooks so that they can jot down new words and their meanings. So the teacher expalain about writing synonyms and antonyms beside each new word. my little sister had a weakness in memories the vocabularies, but she tried to repeat the new vocabularies to remember a little

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  88. Name : Nana Fathiatulliana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082
    Work number : 4

    Observation of Young Learners in Learning Writing and Reading

    Khaliza Isna Aliyah, 10 years old she's my little sister, she is suitable with listening learning techniques using the analogy phonics method and analytic phonics menthod because she is a student who has an visual learning style, she likes learning reading by saw some of various pictures in the book.
    Actually she kinda doesn't like writing and reading, she's prefer speaking and listening than writing and reading, in learning writing she's suitable with Draw on kids’ sense of play and imagination, because she likes imagine something that she think attractive.

  89. Name: Meida Putri Maulida
    Nim: 201230108
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work Number 2

    1. The area of the thesis
    • Sensorimotor Stage
    Sensorimotor stage characterizes the cognitive development of the children aged 0 to 2 and involves the concepts of a scheme defined as the behaviors applied by an infant for a purpose to study the objects around
    • Preoperational stage
    Preoperational stage happens between two and seven years of age. This stage is described by the children’s ability to employ symbols to represent objects.
    • Concrete Operational Stage
    This stage falls between seven and eleven years of age. The cognitive development of the children at this stage is more logical and less ego-centric than during the previous stage.
    • Formal Operational Stage
    The formal operational stage lasts from adolescence until early adulthood. During this period, the individual gains increasing ability to think abstractly.
    2. Categorization
    Catwgorization is the ability to identify the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to use categorical information to solve problems.
    3. Strength
    The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology. The theory has brought a change in the way people view a child's world. Piaget's theory has encouraged more research in cognitive development.
    4. Weakness
    The weaknesses of Piaget's theory, which include the fact that he often underestimated the ability of a child's intellect.
    Piaget suggested the teacher's role involved providing appropriate learning experiences and materials that stimulate students to advance their thinking.

    1. The area of the thesis
    Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    2. Categorization
    Zone of Proximal Development, Scaffolding, Bahasa dan Pikiran.
    3. Strength
    Lev Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the use of cultural tools in the process of children's cognitive development.
    4. Weakness
    Lack of Empirical Evidence, Offers Limited Solutions, Lack of Conscious Awareness, Not a Scientific Approach, Not Realistic, Ignores biological factors.
    5. Implementation
    Cooperative learning between students is well organized, understand that there are differences in understanding the material, each child must have a different way of understanding the material.

    1. The area of the thesis
    Cognitive development entails the acquisition of symbols.
    2. Categorization
    people interpret the world in terms of similarities and differences which are detected among objects and events. Objects that are viewed as similar are placed in the same category.
    3. Strength
    • To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures. • Bruner’s theory also makes use of practical applications. • Bruner’s cognitive development theory also emphasizes on learning by discovery.
    Bruner’s theory makes use of objective and scientific research.
    4. Weakness
    • The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations. • Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development. • Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences.
    5. Implementation
    Pada teori bruner ini seringkali dikenal dengan nama discovery learning yang pada penerapannya meliputi pembelajaran berbasis lingkungan yang dilakukan agar anak mempunyai rasa peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya yang pada prosesnya langsung dilakukan diluar ruangan agar anak dapat langsung bersosialisasi dan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungannya.


  90. Name : Nida Haifa
    Class : TBI 5C
    NIM : 201230088
    Assignment 5
    Observation of teaching grammar and vocabulary in children

    After observing my 7-year-old brother in teaching grammar and vocabulary lessons taught by his teacher at school, namely Inductive grammar, so the child reads a text and then can pick up new grammar and techniques taught by the teacher which is then suitable on my young brother, namely the technique of the game, because my young brother loves to play, so whatever it is related to the game she is happy.
    The technique taught by the teacher in learning vocabulary is the technique of playing. What is difficult to understand in the material is when the teacher explains it too quickly.

  91. Name : Eka Oktaviyanti
    Nim : 201230078
    Class : TBI_5B
    Work number : 2
    Assignment identification and classification theory piaget, pygotsky, and Burner
    *Theory piaget*
    1. Area of the theory ( age or level young learner ) :
    1. Sensori motor period : (0-2 years)
    2. Preoperasional period (2-7 years )
    3. Concrete operasional period ( 7-11 years )
    4. Period of formal operation (11-15 years ).
    2. Implementation =
    Shows that intelligence changes as children grow. The form of application is that the teacher must use language is easily accessible to student.
    3. Strength =
     - Make it easier for students to
    understand teaching materials
     - Make students more independent and creative
     - Improving the ability to solve problems in student
     - Increase motivation.
    4. Weakness =
     - Difficult to apply
    at an advanced
     - Cannot be applied to all virtual subjects
     - It is difficult to measure goals because I have to see the ability of all participant educate.
    5. Types Of Kognitif =
    Children’s cognitive development refers to the stages of the child’s ability to gain meaning and knowledge, from the experience and
    information he gets.
    *Theory pygotsky*
    1. Area Of the theory ( age or
    level young learner ) =
    “ Vygotsky’s theory has a
    level at the stage is proximal development, which is still within range of his abilities
    2. Implementation =
    That the learning process has
    two stafes, namely : The first stage occurs, the second stage is carried out individually occurs
    3. Strength =
     - Reduce between students.
    - Helping students understand learning materials more easily.
     - Provide more opportunities for
    students to interact with each other.
    4. Weakness =
    The shortcomigs in vygotsky’s theory are limited to visible behavior, and visible learning processes are less directly observed.
    5. Types Of Kognitif =
    This theory teaches that the role of parents and those arounds them has a major influence on the child’s learning process,
    *Theory Burner*
    1. Area Of the theory ( age or
    level young learner ) =
    “ Burners theory has a level at
    the age of 6 years in elementary school at the stage of learning where students manipulate image and math symbol”.
    2. Implementation =
    In the application of children’s
    intellectual development has three successive stages of representation namely :
    1. Enactive means that all children’s attention depands on their response
    2. Iconic means that children’s thinking patterns depend on their sensory organization
    3. Symbolic meaning, the child has a complete understanding of something so that the child is able to exspress his opinion in his own language
    3. Strength =
     - Discovery learning can be used to test whether learning is meaningful
     - Knowledge gained from learning will be always easy to
     - Learning discovery is very necessary in solving problems
     - Transfers can be improved that have been invented by themselves
     - The use of discovery
    learning has an influence in creating learning motivation
     - Improve reasoning to learn and the ability to think freely
    4. Weakness =
    - Lerning discovery requires a child’s high intelligence, if you are not smart, the result are less effective
     - Learning theory like this takes a long time and if it is nit guided or not directed it.
    5. Types Of Kognitif =
    Basically this theory develops about children getting their knowledge from experience and knowledge that is within them. Such as remembering storing, processing information, self problems, feelings, and other psychological aspects.

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  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Name: Putri Anggiyani
    NIM: 201230103
    Class: TBI 5C
    Assignment 2

    This theory brings a new and fresh slant to developmental mental make-up, Piaget's theory has resulted in more research in the field of cognitive development and Piaget's theory deepened our understanding of children, especially in the field of education.

    Many research studies challenge the theory that not all children progress from one stage to differently, Contrary to Piaget's theory, most studies show that children's language opportunities are facilitated through social interaction and Piaget's theory does not take into account the influence of social and cultural development on development.

    the area of the thesis:
    the sensorimotor stage (birth 2 years): Knowing the world through movement and sensation, Recognize that they are separate from the people and things around them, dll.

    the preoperational stage (2 to 7 years)

    The Concrete Operational Stage ( 7 to 11 years):

    The Formal Operational Stage (age 12 and up):

    Prior to mental representation, children are unable to classify objects. In the first year of life, children undergo a categorization of perceptions. For example, you can classify animal legs. Conceptual classification begins at the end of the first year. You can now group similar traits and behaviors. The active classification period begins at the beginning of Year 2.

    Conduct activities based on the sensorimotor level of Piaget theory. This stage occurs between birth and her second year and is best suited for those involved in early childhood education.


    the area of the thesis:
    Vygotsky had a revolutionary theory that language is the basis of learning. Among his arguments was that language supports other activities such as reading and writing.

    Vygotsky's theory of social development asserts that community and language play a central role in learning. Jean Piaget concluded that cognitive development in children occurs in stages

    Jean Piaget's four-stage developmental model provides a general framework for the continuum of cognitive development in children, Lev Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of social interaction and the use of cultural tools in the process of a child's cognitive development, dll.

    lack of emprical evidence, offers limited solutions, not a scientific approach, dll.

    Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development focuses on the importance of social interaction for cognitive development. Vygotsky argues that cognitive abilities are socially controlled and constructed, emphasizing the impact of cultural and social context on learning.


    the area of the thesis:
    Bruner's theory is a theory of learning mathematics which consists of three stages, namely the enactive, iconic and symbolic stages. The enactive stage is the learning stage where students are given the opportunity to manipulate concrete objects directly.

    cognitive learning theory in Educational psychology. According to Bruner (in Wibowo, H., 2020) meaningful learning can only occur through discovery learning. Knowledge gained through discovery learning lasts longer, and has a better transfer effect.

    To better understand the relationship between behavior and age, Bruner's theory emphasized mental structures, Bruner emphasized the learner's experience over memorization, dll.

    Bruner's theory of cognitive development does not take into account individual differences, Many researchers believe that stages of intellectual development are imprecise, Because different learners have different learning abilities, this theory may not apply equally to all learners, dll.

    Information stage, which is the initial stage to gain new knowledge or experience,
    Transformation stage, which is the stage of understanding, digesting and analyzing new knowledge and being transformed into new forms that may be useful for other things and Evaluation stage.

  95. Name: Putri Anggiyani
    NIM: 201230103
    Class: TBI 5C
    Assignment 3

    the method taught by the teacher to young learners for listening and speaking learning is to use guessing pictures according to the text given by the teacher, for example the teacher mentions "apple" students must show which picture "apple" is and together mention it. Or the teacher tells a short story and the students are asked to retell it in their own language. What makes it difficult for them is when the language used is also difficult so that they are also difficult to hear and distinguish from other words because they sound similar even though they have different meanings. Because they don't use it often so sometimes they forget how to pronounce it. For learning speaking, they are not confident in speaking, worried about their own opinion, worried about what their friends will say when they mispronounce a word or a sentence.

  96. Name: Putri Anggiyani
    NIM: 201230103
    Assignment 5

    methods taught by teachers in learning grammar and vocabulary for young learners. For vocabulary learning the teacher looks for what topics or materials are being liked by the age of the children, they tend to prefer to play so the teacher often says and asks students to repeat the things the teacher says, for example, the teacher says "what is badminton in English?" The students were asked to answer “badminton” because they tend to like it, so they slowly remembered that the English of badminton is badminton. In addition to things that students like, teachers also often say things that are often done by children such as sleeping, eating, drinking, playing, etc. And the teacher uses it to make sentences with proper grammar. Like I'm eating. The difficulty experienced is a lack of interest in learning, because children find it difficult usually they tend to be lazy, if they are lazy they have difficulty memorizing a word given by the teacher.

  97. Nama :Deviana Astuti
    Work number 2


    -The area of the thesis; Piaget proposed four major stages of cognitive development, and called them (1) sensorimotor intelligence, (2) preoperational thinking, (3) concrete operational thinking, and (4) formal

    operational thinking.

    - Categorization: Classification. Piaget also studied children's ability to classify objects - put them together on the basis of their color, shape etc. Classification is the ability to identify the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to use categorical information to solve problems.

    - Strength: -Fresh perspective to developmental psychology,

    Change in the way people view, Encouraged more research. - Weakness: Issues in formal operations, No take the influence of social and cultural development - Implemation: -A focus on the process of children's thinking, not

    just its products, Recognition of the crucial role of children's self initiated, active involvement in learning activities, A deemphasis on practices aimed at making children adultlike in their thinking

    Vygotsky: -The area of the thesis:

    As such, Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.


    By preschool age (and often earlier), children can categorize based on shape, color, texture, number, gender, facial features, speech, musical tones, movement patterns, broad ontological information (such as animacy), non-obvious information (such as internal parts), and more - Strength: -Practical applications e.g peer scaffolding teaching.

    Empirical evidence, Sides with nurture - Weakness: -Vague and general: how do you 'measure the zone of promimal development, Not always easy to apply in practice - Implemation: Vygotsky's theory has profound implications for classroom leaming. Teachers guide, support and encourage children, yet also help them to develop problem-solving strategies

    that can be generalised to other situations.


    -The area of the thesis:

    Bruner (1966) states that a theory of instruction should address four major aspects: (1) predisposition towards learning, (2) the ways in which a body of knowledge can be structured so that it can be most readily grasped by the learner, (3) the most effective sequences in which to present material, and (4) the nature and pacing of rewards and punishments. Good methods for structuring knowledge should result in simplifying, generating new propositions, and increasing the manipulation of information.

    - Categorization:

    Bruner maintained that people interpret the world in terms of similarities and differences which are detected among objects and events. Objects that are viewed as similar are placed in the same category.

    - Strength: -New mental process, Mental structures for linking

    behavior and age Practical and applicable, Emphasizes on learning by discovery. - Weakness: - It has specific fokus only. Neglected individual

    differences, Lack of self-expression

    -Implemation: For Bruner (1961), the purpose of education is not

    to impart knowledge, but instead to facilitate a child's thinking and problem-solving skills which can then be transferred to a range of situations. Specifically, education should also develop symbolic thinking in children.

  98. Nama :Deviana Astuti
    Work 3
    The listening and speaking learning method that I used when teaching at one of the Ibtidaiyah Madrasah schools was the theory where I said it over and over again and then my students followed me in a loud voice, at first many children didn't like English, they said it was difficult to pronounce, because Their basics are not common, so sometimes I sing interesting songs related to English to check their enthusiasm, and it turns out that after I researched the children liked the time to sing using English. Many children began to be enthusiastic about learning English. sometimes I also give various kinds of videos from youtube as well as Caucasians who are talking quickly and smoothly so that my children can be inspired and be more enthusiastic in learning.

  99. Name:Deviana Astuti
    Work 4
    Reading and writing learning methods teach me using analytic phonics which is first to pronounce the sound and then followed by the students because according to them this method is easier to understand and follow, when I make a sound or vocab then I pronounce it first and then my students follow the sound and they will analyze it with the sound of that one word. If the writing method is not much different, I use the same method as reading where this method students can better analyze the sound of the letters that I say then if I ask the student again to mention one by one the sound of the letters and then correctly, my students began to write down from each word they had analyzed from the pronunciation I had mentioned.

  100. Nurul Asyifah Madaniyah
    Nim : 201230050
    TBI 5 B
    Work 3
    Based on my observations of 8 year old children in grade 3 elementary school, the learning method used by the teacher for learning reading, students are asked to come to the front of the class and read sentences according to the teacher's instructions, and for learning writing, students are asked to read them first then the teacher and students translate the sentence, sometimes students are asked to make a sentence in English and come to the front of the class to say the sentence.

  101. Name : KHAERUN
    NIM : 201230047
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 04

    On Wednesday 12 October 2022, I observed my personal student named Muhammad Rafil who was studying at SMP Nur El Qolam Serang, to explain how Reading and Wirting were taught at that school. Rafil explained that teaching Reading and Writing at his school was not interesting. Teachers who teach only use the lecture method and assign assignments, without any actions and games to attract students' interest in learning English Reading and Writing. So that students get bored quickly and sleepy while studying. Students' expectations are teachers are expected to be creative in conveying and explaining reading and writing material, students want material delivered through audio or visual and games. For example, rereading a word on a flashcard spoken by the teacher. so that students easily understand and do not get bored quickly during learning.

  102. Nurul Asyifah Madaniyah
    NIM :201230050
    TBI 5 B
    Work 4
    Based on my observations of 8 year old children in grade 3 elementary school, the learning method used by the teacher for learning listening is by using songs according to the learning material, they like to learn to use songs, while learning speaking, the teacher pronounces sentences and then students are asked to recite the sentences the same one.

  103. Name : Ulhiyati
    Nim : 201230066
    Kelas : TBI 5B
    based on the observations I made of 11 year olds, reading and writing are difficult because they do not have sufficient vocabulary and do not know the correct pronunciation, they are also not interested in English because they think it is difficult. the method used by the teacher is not appropriate for young learners.

  104. Nurul Asyifah Madaniyah
    Nim : 201230050
    TBI 5 B
    Work 5
    Assignment 5 is based on my observations of 11 year old children in 5th grade. The learning method used by the teacher for learning grammar is the teacher first explains the correct sentence pattern and then the teacher asks students to make sentences according to the sentence patterns that have been taught. As for vocabulary, students are asked to pronounce the memorized vocabulary to improve their memory

  105. Nama : Eka Oktaviyanti
    Nim : 201230078
    Class : TBI_5B
    Work number : 4
    Assignment obeservation English young learner for reading and writing
    Source : mutiara ( in grade 7 junior high school )

    1. Are you have been learner reading writtung in your class ?
    = Yes I have been taught learn reading and writing
    2. What do you get from learning reading and writing?
    = I have many vocabulary, and i can know writte the grammatical
    3. What you get from the material of reading and writing, that you know ?
    = writing is my dialy activity and reading novel
    4. How the teacher teaches you reading and writing material ?
    = She teach me like i must written my weekend and then i read it.
    5. Are you enjoy learning material of reading and writing?
    = Yes, but sometimes i confused when i writte the text with grammatical i correctly.

  106. Name: Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri
    Nim: 201230111
    Class: TBI V C
    Work 3

    Observation Young Learners of learning listening and speaking

    I observed my twelve year old sister about listening and speaking learning in school with her teacher, she said learning was less interesting and her teacher's quick explanation when explaining made her so confused that she couldn't understand the content of the conversation and made her bored, and she wants is at least additional materials like listening song that can create an atmosphere and class circumstances in particular the student's mood to be enjoyed and in good mood to study listening.

  107. Name : Ila Zulfa Laela
    Class: TBI 5C
    Nim : 201230107
    Work 5

    Research Observations on Children in Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary

    To learn grammar for children, it should be better to learn from an early age, so that they can be directed in speaking, writing, listening and reading. But there are still children who still do not understand because grammar is the same as a formula when learned. Difficult and complicated said the children. But it's actually easy if we as teachers can guide and make it easier from how to teach it. And give directions to keep the kids excited. Starting from memorizing various grammars and making sentences in each word with the grammar formula. And make a song so that it is easy for children to memorize it. And when children struggle to write vocabulary, they usually make up a word. And for a teacher must guide properly and give directions such as: don't be afraid to make mistakes. Provides understanding of sentence patterns. Read more English sentences. And you have to practice writing English often, of course. So that it is easy for children to memorize how to write vocabulary.

  108. Name : Khaerun
    NIM : 201230047
    Class : TBI 5 B
    Work : number 03
    Observation of teaching speaking and listening to 8th grade junior high school students at Nur El Qolam school.
    Muhammad Rafil, he is my student, he really likes music and singing, if it is related to listening learning techniques he is very suitable to use the TPR Story telling method, because he is the type of child who has an auditory learning style. Since he likes to sing and listen to music, this method suits him. In addition, he is also suitable for the YES or NO card learning method because apart from liking music and singing, he also likes to draw or likes decorations that he finds interesting, because when he sees pictures or something he finds interesting. , his imagination will develop. and that method is called visual or visual style.
    And in terms of learning to speak it fits the learning method by looking for differences, why is that because, finding differences in objects or objects requires serious accuracy, and this technique can train patience and discipline, and is also suitable for drawing learning methods, because it has visualization and style. in learning requires creativity and imagination of children or students in speaking skills.

  109. Name : Zahra Annisa Fitriani
    NIM : 201230104
    Class : TBI 5C
    TASK 3
    I do research in teaching English in the listening and speaking aspect to my niece named Rubyza, a 5-years-old kindergarten student in depok. She's capable, efficient but quite noisy and active in the class. She’d like to watch youtube videos or youtube short videos about toys or games. In learning English, she’s quite easy to catch up with the material and memorize the vocabulary.
    According to my observation, she can easily speak english and listen to the english conversation or narration, but her study in english has been limited due to her variative study in the integrated kindergarten. Her obstacle in learning speaking and listening is when she can not be focused on what she is learning.

  110. Name : Zahra Annisa Fitriani
    NIM : 201230104
    Class : TBI 5C
    TASK 4
    This observation still talks about my niece named Rubyza, a 5-years-old daughter of my sister, but now i would like to talk about her progress in learning writing and reading English in her school. Firstly i want to say that she is studying english in her school and she can read the alphabet but i'm not sure she can read an english transcript, and she can write the alphabet too.
    If we talk about the difficulties in learning English, maybe there are some obstacles like she is in the step of just knowing how to write and read, so her process of learning English mostly is from her listening and speaking with her teachers. But I'm sure that she can memorize English vocabulary easily and fastly because her cognitive skills are above average.

  111. Name: Udoh Mahfudoh
    Nim: 201230095
    Class: TBI 5C
    Work Number: 5

    In learning vocabulary and grammar, my cousin was taught by his teacher in introducing English, especially vocabulary through songs as a medium, songs are also an alternative used by teachers to create fun learning, so for this method he feels interested in learning and improving English vocabulary and improve memory and understand vocabulary effectively.
    Meanwhile, in learning good grammar in helping children understand various learning materials and sentence structures, with practice methods to answer grammar questions so as to produce good written works. In the practice of working on these questions to help improve children's English grammar skills in supporting the daily learning process.

  112. Name: Zahra Annisa Fitriani
    NIM: 201230104
    Class TBI 5C
    TASK 4
    This time’s observation is about the grammar and vocabulary learning of young learners. As usual, I do research on my 5-years-old niece who is studying in a kindergarten in Depok City.
    For these things, she’s good at memorizing new things or knowledge, so in learning vocabulary, she got easier than others because of her cognitive ability in this section.
    But for English grammar, maybe she’s on point but her priority is Indonesian grammar. She learned how to arrange sentences well, not always say the main thing of what she meant. And her obstacles in learning grammar and vocabulary are still the same as before, she can not be focused on a thing while the others do a different thing.

  113. Name: Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri
    Nim: 201230111
    Class: TBI V C
    Work 4

    Observation Young Learners of Reading and Writing

    I am doing observation of my younger sister who is currently twelve years old, who sit on the elementary school bench of the elementary school. As long as she studied the reading and writing lessons, there are many vocabulary she got and this lesson was quite effective to improve her writing skill, beside that she loves to read books and write stories, one of the ways of learning that her teacher disciples is to be told to write down their wreaths and then read the results of the wreath they make

  114. Name: Puspita Purnama
    Class: TBI 5C
    NIM: 201230096

    TASK 2
    1. Piaget
    a) The area of the theories : Piaget's theory represents the cognitive development of children
    b) Categorization : Sensorimotor intelligence, preoperative thinking, concrete operational thinking, formal operational thinking.
    c) Strength : The teacher teaches in the language that fits the child's way of thinking. Children learn better when they can take care of their environment well. Teachers should help children interact with their environment as much as possible. The material that children need to learn is new, but not unfamiliar.
    d) Weakness : A statement that Piaget's theory fails to clearly explain the structure, processes, and functions of cognition. that his four levels of cognitive development that Piaget recommends do not actually exist. A clinical method used in Piaget research when it is difficult to reproduce the clinical research method.
    e) Implementation: This is focus on children's thinking processes, not just products. Recognize the important role of children's spontaneous and active participation in learning activities. Disregard conventions designed to mature children's thinking.
    2. Vigotsky
    a) The area of theories: Cognitive development: a. culture is significant in learning, b. language is the root of culture, c. individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    b) Categorization: Sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, formal operation stage.
    c) Strength: Through learning and development, children are given sufficient occasion to develop their next developmental zone or potential. Learning is aimed at using strategies to develop intermental rather than intramental skills. Children are then given ample opportunity to integrate the declarative knowledge they learn with procedural knowledge that they can use in their tasks and problem solving.
    d) Weakness : In the process of learning, the teacher's role as an educator is less supportive, and the range of meanings explored is broader and harder to understand.
    e) Implementation : Vygotsky's theory is used to improve a student's ability to learn from a text. In this method, the teacher and student work together to learn and practice his key skills of summarizing, questioning, clarifying and predicting.
    3. Bruner
    a. The area of theories : Cognitive development involve the acquisition of symbols
    b. Categorization : action-based, image-based, and language-based.
    c. Strength : Bruner's theory of cognitive development proposed a new mental process. Better understand the relationship between behavior and age, emphasized mental structure, has practical applications, and emphasizes learning by discovery.
    d. Weakness : Since the theory is concrete, it has certain limitations. Bruner's theory of cognitive development does not take into account individual differences. Learners may be reluctant to talk about their experiences. Not everyone can obtain intellectual development according to their three stages of representation.
    e. Implementation: Instruction should be appropriate to the learner's level. Teachers need to review material to increase knowledge. Students should be involved in acquiring new knowledge using previous experience and structure.

  115. Name: Puspita Purnama
    Class: TBI 5C
    NIM: 201230096

    TASK 3
    Bilqis Faiha Rifda Trisnawan is a grade 3 elementary school student in Al-Azhar, Serang. She is a cheerful person and includes people who are easy to accept a lesson at school. She said that the method the teacher taught at school was using the direct method and the audio-visual method in learning English in the speaking and listening sections. The teacher in her class uses media in the form of a CD in which there is a collection of animated stories and there are games in it. This method is very effective in learning English for young learners because at that age children tend to prefer things in the form of animations with colorful visualizations that will spoil the eyes of students and make them happy during the learning process. So far the difficulties experienced by students are in the listening section, the limited vocabulary they have is one of the shortcomings of young children. The limited vocabulary is caused by the infrequent interaction using English in everyday life. Children use their mother tongue more often in everyday life and use little English during learning.

    TASK 4
    Bilqis Faiha Rifda Trisnawan is a grade 3 elementary school student in Al-Azhar, Serang. She is a cheerful person and includes people who are easy to accept a lesson at school. In learning English reading and writing, the teacher in her class uses the media in the form of package books containing stories with various themes such as social and fictional fairy tales. Stories such as fictional fairy tales are easier for students to accept in class because there are visualizations in the form of images that match the storyline. It attracted the students because of the beautiful and colorful visualizations. As liked by young children in general. The students were trained to read the stories in the book so that the students were accustomed to speaking in English. The difficulty in learning reading in English is that the students have difficulty in pronunciation. Therefore, the teacher in his class reads the story first before asking students to read the story independently so that students know how to pronounce the vocabulary in the story. While in writing in English, the teacher gives an exercise assignment to the students containing pictures with various shapes or things, then the students write down in the answer column what picture it is. The difficulties experienced by students are in the writing section, namely, the limited vocabulary they have is one of the shortcomings of young children. The limited vocabulary is caused by the infrequent interaction using English in everyday life.

    Task 5
    Bilqis Faiha Rifda Trisnawan is a grade 3 elementary school student in Al-Azhar, Serang. She is a cheerful person and includes people who are easy to accept a lesson at school. In learning grammar and vocabulary in English, the teacher explains grammar material such as present tense, past tense, and future tense and gives examples of how to make sentences with these three tenses. To increase vocabulary in English, the teacher in her class gives questions containing words and sentences in English and then translated into Indonesian. The difficulties experienced by students are in the writing section, namely, the limited vocabulary they have is one of the shortcomings of young children. The limited vocabulary is caused by the infrequent interaction using English in everyday life.

  116. Name : Windy Agustin
    Class :TBI 5C
    Nim :201230093
    Task 5
    Observation of young learners in learning grammar and vocabulary

    In this study regarding grammar and vocabulary learning, I am still researching the same child in the previous study, namely Muhammad rio Pahlevi, who is 6 years old. Even at school, he still hasn't been taught, when I tried to introduce him, he was still confused, for that I only taught and introduced English to him by writing, reading, listening, and speaking. Grammar material itself is too difficult to teach to children who are only 6 years old, because children of his age if only material, they will feel bored and less effective, and even though they use other methods that are more interesting, they will still have difficulty, regarding patterns, formulas, and many other grammar terms. However, vocabulary material can still be taught by using surrounding objects as examples, such as pens, books, chairs, tables, and followed by simple conversations that are usually carried out every day, such as good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

  117. Name: Hanifah Amaliah
    Nim: 201230097
    Class: Tbi 5C
    Work number 5
    Observation of young learners in learning grammar and vocabulary

    I did my research again, still with the same student, Alya. Alya told me that for learning grammar and vocabulary in her class, the teacher would give an example of a simple sentence which the students in the class were then expected to be able to understand a few simple sentences that had been explained. Alya's class teacher will give examples of simple sentences in Indonesian then students in class are directed to rewrite these simple sentences in English. Where the learning is done so that students begin to recognize the use of grammar in a simple sentence. And for learning vocabulary, the teacher in her class uses the ask breaking system or games. Students will be easier to remember when learning vocabulary using the ask breaking system or games. The teacher in Alya's class will make a game about the names of objects that are around then students are expected to guess and the student who can shoot the most vocabulary will be given a prize. The method used by the teacher in Alya's class increases the curiosity of students which then makes students in the class enthusiastic in learning vocabulary in class.

    Constraints that are usually experienced by young learners are students who have difficulty understanding English lessons or formulas, some students who may not be interested in the learning system used so that their minds are not focused when studying, practices carried out by teachers, and inadequate tools and media.

  118. Name: Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri
    Nim: 201230111
    Class: TBI V C
    Task 5

    Observation Young Learners of Vocabulary and Grammar

    I am still observed the same person, my little sister, this time I observed about the vocabulary and grammar learning. She said Grammar lesson is quite difficult for her to understand, the way of teaching her teacher in presenting Grammar's lessons is writing down a few sentences on the board and explains grammar, beginning with the verb of the object and his predicate and explaining the theories of the grammar, and beside that by studying grammar lesson she can know the various vocabulary that she didn't know before.

  119. Name : Nana Fathiatulliana
    Class : TBI 5 C
    NIM : 201230082
    Work number : 5

    Observation of Young Learners in Learning Vocabulary and Grammar

    I observed my little sister, her name Khaliza Isna Aliyah, In learning Vocabulary she is suitable with drill method, by repeating a vocab for 3 times and showing an object that is explained, besides that in learning Vocabulary in English he usually also learns from conversation in English and then writes down some vocabulary that she thinks is foreign, from there she can got new insight of vocabulary
    in learning grammar, she quite understands some basic of parts of speech such as noun, adjective, and verb, he can identify a sentence by determining noun, adjective, and verb.

  120. Name : Manda Rohmania
    Nim : 201230113
    Class : TBI 5C

    task number 5

    Observation Young Learners of learing Grammar and Vocabulary

    In learning grammar and vocabulary for young learners, one of the problems that students encounter in learning language skills is the limitation of mastering English vocabulary, and the confusion of students in using good grammar of course it affects learning English and most students still lack vocabulary and vocabulary. In understanding English grammar or grammar, the teacher changes the group method so that students can simultaneously solve vocabulary and grammar learning problems. Thinking in groups allows students to find their knowledge through groups and there will also be an explanation from the teacher.

  121. Name : KHAERUN
    NIM : 201230047
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 02
    Area of the theory (age or level young learner)
    Vygotsky : Vygotsky's theory assumes that learning occurs when children work or
    learn to handle tasks that have not been studied but the tasks are still within the
    range of their abilities (zone of proximal development), namely the development
    of students' abilities slightly above the abilities they already have.
    Burner : Bruner's learning theory is almost similar to Piaget's theory, Bruner
    suggests that children's intellectual development follows three successive stages
    of representation, namely: a) enactive, all children's attention depends on their
    Piaget : 1. Maturity, as a result of the development of the nervous system;
    2. Experience, namely the reciprocal relationship between the organism and its world.
    Vygotsky : The implication of this theory is adults (can be parents, teachers or child's
    friend) should mediate what next it is the child can learn.
    Burner : Bruner's implication in the learning process is to expose children to an
    astonishing situation or a problem. With experience the child tries to adjust.
    Piaget : . Children's language and ways of thinking are different from adults. Therefore,
    teachers teach using language that is in accordance with the child's way of
    Vygotsky : Brain-centered learning.
    Burner : Students learn according to their stage of development
    Piaget : Students get guidance from the teacher while studying.
    Vygotsky : Students cannot find their own learning style.
    Burner : The quantity of cognition is emphasized more than the quality.
    Piaget : The ability of the cognitive function of each student is considered the same.
    Types of kognitif
    Vygotsky : (social cognition).
    Burner : (rote memorization).
    Piaget : knowledge of our understanding of the world in which we live.

  122. Name : KHAERUN
    NIM : 201230047
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 05
    Research on Children on Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary,
    On Friday, October 21, I asked Muhammad Rafil's brother about learning grammar and vocabulary. He felt that he didn't understand what the teacher had explained in class because the method taught by the teacher was very boring and Rafil was not enthusiastic about learning grammar and method vocabulary. taught by the teacher still uses the old method, namely GTM. and Rafil is not interested in that method

  123. Name : Bahjatul Lailah
    NIM : 201230094
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number 4

    Teaching method:
    The teacher uses a singing learning method, the children are asked to listen to songs in English then try to memorize them and sing together.
    Material that is difficult to understand and its causes and effects:
    When listening to songs, there are some unfamiliar vocabularies, as a result, students find it difficult to interpret and pronounce the sounds of the vocabulary.

  124. Name : Bahjatul Lailah
    NIM : 201230094
    Class : TBI 5C
    Work Number 5

    Teaching method:
    The teacher explains some tenses and then the students try to memorize some of the vocabulary in the examples of these tenses.
    Material that is difficult to understand and its causes:
    It is difficult for some students to understand tenses, because according to them these tenses are quite difficult to be explained several times. They prefer to memorize vocabulary.

  125. Name : Aida Rahmawati
    Nim : 201230071
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 02

    1. Area of the theory
    a). Piaget : Maturity, as a result of the development of the nervous system;
    Experience, namely the reciprocal relationship between the organism and its world.
    b). Vigotsky : Vygotsky's theory assumes that learning occurs when children work or
    learn to handle tasks that have not been studied but the tasks are still within the
    range of their abilities (zone of proximal development), namely the development
    of students' abilities slightly above the abilities they already have.
    c). Burner : Bruner's learning theory is almost similar to Piaget's theory, Bruner
    suggests that children's intellectual development follows three successive stages
    of representation, namely: a) enactive, all children's attention depends on their
    2. Implementation
    a). Piaget : Children's language and ways of thinking are different from adults. Therefore,
    teachers teach using language that is in accordance with the child's way of thinking.
    Children will learn better if they can deal with the environment well. Teachers
    must help children to interact with the environment as well as possible.
    b). Vigotsky : The implication of this theory is adults (can be parents, teachers or child's
    friend) should mediate what next it is the child can learn.
    c). Burner : Bruner's implication in the learning process is to expose children to an
    astonishing situation or a problem. With experience the child tries to adjust or
    reorganize the structures of his ideas in order to achieve balance in his mind.
    3. Strength
    a). Piaget : Students get guidance from the teacher while studying.
    b). Vigotsky : Brain-centered learning.
    c). Burner : Students learn according to their stage of development.
    4. Weakness
    a). Piaget : The ability of the cognitive function of each student is considered the same.
    b). Vigotsky : Students cannot find their own learning style.
    c). Burner : The quantity of cognition is emphasized more than the quality.
    5. Types of kognitif
    a). Piaget : knowledge of our understanding of the world in which we live.
    b). Vigotsky : (social cognition).
    c). Burner : (rote memorization).

  126. Name : Aida Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230071
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 03

    Research observations on children in listening and speaking learners

    I observed my younger brother, Irsyadul Ibad, who is twelve years old, about learning listening and speaking at school with his teacher. He said that his learning was not understood what the teacher explained was too difficult the words used when explaining the material therefore he could not understand it. Thus, to make it easier for him to learn listening and speaking, he needs media, be it books or audio-visuals to make it easier to learn listening and speaking.

  127. Name : Aida Rahmawati
    Nim : 201230071
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : Number 04

    Research observations on children learning reading and writing

    Based on the observations that I made to my younger brother named Irsyadul Ibad in grade 2 of junior high school, the method used by the teacher for learning reading and writing was by using a book which explained the material in advance and gave him practice questions. There are already questions in the book so that students can better understand them

  128. Name : Aida Rahmawati
    Nim : 201230071
    Class TBI 5B
    Work : Number 05

    Research observations on children learning grammar and vocabulary

    From the observations I made to my younger brother, he was less interested in grammar and vocabulary material. According to him, it is very boring because he has to memorize tenses and vocabulary to make it easier to learn, because of that he still finds it difficult to learn grammar and vocabulary and the impact if there is a task he still needs media to make it easier to fill it out.

    Date Observation : Sunday, 25th September 2022
    School : Mts MA Sukamaju
    Class Observation : VIII
    Source : Sifa Maftuhah
    Observer : Suvi Arriffatu Zaein (201230055 )
    1. Are you enthusiastic about learning English in 2022? Less, because English is difficult to learn.
    2. Do you fully follow the English learning process in 2022? Lack of enthusiasm to take part in learning, not eager to learn, not interested.
    3. Have you remained active in doing assignments/practices during the past year? Actively working
    4. Do you understand the material delivered by the teacher in 2022? Only some material can be understood
    5. Do you participate in other activities outside of school hours during 2022? Yes, such as Scouts, Paskibra, etc.
    6. What will you get in learning English in 2022? Increase vocabulary
    Date Observation : Sunday, 11th October 2022
    School : Mts MA Sukamaju
    Class Observation : VIII
    Source : Sifa Maftuhah
    Observer : Suvi Arriffatu Zaein (201230055 )
    1. Do you like listening and speaking study? Less, because is difficult to learn.
    2. In the two lesson material of English, there is listening and speaking, what do you like ? I think, I prefer Listening lesson than speaking, cause sometimes the material of listening it’s like waching vidio or movie.
    3. What do you think about listening and speaking learaning with picture ? I think, it can make me interest to learn, more simply and easy for learn english
    4. How the teacher teaching speaking and listening ? using vidio and books with picture like fabel, etc.
    5. Do you have opinion about learning english ? I want to learn, that is cool and easy to understand
    6. What will you get in learning listening and speaking, from your teacher ? I have more vocab and my pronounciation it’s better
    Date Observation : Sunday, 17 th October 2022
    School : Mts MA Sukamaju
    Class Observation : VIII
    Source : Sifa Maftuhah
    Observer : Suvi Arriffatu Zaein (201230055 )
    1. Do you like reading and writing study? Less, because is difficult to learn.
    2. In the two lesson material of English, there is reading and writing, what do you like ? I think, I prefer reading relesson than writing, cause sometimes the material of reading it’s like reading a fabel story or text with the picture.
    3. What do you think about reading and writing with the audio lingual method? I think, it can make me interest to learn, more simply and easy for learn english
    4. How the teacher teaching speaking and listening ? using books with picture like fabel, etc.
    5. Do you have opinion about learning reading and writing? I want to learn, but maybe if the methode make me interest it’s more better, like a new methode with using picture media.
    6. What will you get in learning reading and writing from your teacher ? I have more vocab and i can make a correct the gramatical word.

  130. Name : Farhan Chalid Shezada
    Class : TBI-5C
    NIM : 201230084
    Work Number : 2
    1. the area of thesis:
    A child's first experience is determined by these sensorimotor schemas. In other words, these events define the boundaries of the child's experience, since only events that can be assimilated into the schema can be responded to by the child. But these initial schemas are modified by the child's experience.
    2. Classification:
    This theory studies how children learn the properties and functions of objects such as toys, furniture, and food, as well as social objects such as themselves, parents, and friends.
    3. Strenght :
    Piaget's focus on quality development has had an important impact on education, particularly in the areas of guidance and counseling. Although Piaget did not initially apply his theory concretely in this way (to today's education), many educational programs today believe that children should be taught at a level at which they are developmentally ready. Built on the belief that In addition, many educational strategies were derived from Piaget's work.
    4. Weaknesses:
    Cross-cultural studies have shown that developmental stages (with the exception of formal surgical stages) occur in the same order in all cultures, suggesting that cognitive development is a product of the biological maturation process. suggests that there is
    5. Implementation:
    Piaget's theory focuses on children from birth to adolescence and describes different stages of development such as language, morality, memory and thinking.
    1. the are of thesis :
    (i) culture is related to learning, (ii) language underlies culture, (iii ) individuals learn and develop in their roles. Community/community.
    2. Classification:
    Sensorimotor stage, preoperative stage, specific surgical stage, formal surgical stage.
    3. Strengths:
    Through learning and development, children are given ample opportunity to develop the following developmental areas or potentials. Learning is aimed at using strategies to develop intermental rather than intramental skills. Children are then given ample opportunity to integrate the declarative knowledge they learn with procedural knowledge that they can use in their tasks and problem solving.
    4. Weaknesses:
    The teacher's role as an educator in the learning process is less supportive and the range of meanings learned is broader and less comprehensible.
    5. Implementation:
    A modern pedagogical application of Vygotsky's theory is 'inter-education', used to improve students' ability to learn from texts. In this method, teachers and students work together to learn and practice the
    core skills of summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.
    1. The area of thesis :
    Bruner's concept is a concept of mastering arithmetic which includes 3 stages, particularly the enactive, iconic and symbolic stages. The enactive degree is the mastering degree in which college students are given the possibility to govern concrete gadgets without delay.
    That humans interpret the sector in phrases of similarities and variations which might be detected amongst gadgets and events. -Strength:
    Bruner's cognitive improvement concept proposed new intellectual processes. To have a higher knowledge of the hyperlink among behaviour and age, Bruner's concept emphasized on intellectual structures. Bruner's concept additionally uses realistic applications.
    3.. Weakness:
    The concept is unique because of which it has sure limitations. Individual variations aren't taken into consideration in Bruner's concept of cognitive improvement. 3.Learners might not be inclined to be vocal approximately their experiences.
    4. Implementation:
    Bruner's concept is regularly called discovery mastering which in its utility consists of surroundings-primarily based totally mastering this is done in order that youngsters have a feel of worrying for the encompassing surroundings which withinside the manner is without delay done outdoor the room in order that youngsters can without delay socialize.

  131. Name : Ayuunzila
    Nim : 201230068
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : 2

    1. Area of the theory
    A). Piaget : Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development suggests that children move through four different stages of learning. His theory focuses not only on understanding how children acquire knowledge, but also on understanding the nature of intelligence.1 Piaget's stages are: Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years
    B). Vygotsky's : sociocultural theory asserts that learning is an essentially social process in which the support of parents, caregivers, peers and the wider society and culture plays a crucial role in the development of higher psychological functions.
    C).burner : In his research on the cognitive development of children, Jerome
    Bruner proposed three modes of representation: 1.Enactive representati on (action- based), 2.Iconic representati on (image- based), 3.Symbolic representati on (language- based)
    2. Implementation
    A).Piaget : Piaget put forward the theory of active learners for young learners
    B). Vygotsky : proposed the theory of child development which formulated the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which is about social development. C). Brunner put forward the theory of child learning that is about scaffolding and routine.
    3. Strength
    A). Piaget : The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    B). Vygotsky : was a key figure in Soviet Psychology who studied children and developed his own theories about how learning occurs. He believed that learningc happens in three different stages: cognitive, motoric, and sociocultural.
    C). Burners : Bruner emphasized on the learners' experiences instead of rote learning.
    4. Weakness
    A). Piaget : Weaknesses (weaknesses), are organizational activities that are not going well or resources needed by the organization but not owned by the organization.
    B). Vigotsky : Vygotsky's theory believes that cognitive functions are facilitated by social interactions due to which learners need to engage in the same.
    C).burners : The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations.

  132. Name : Farhan Chalid Shezada
    Class : TBI-5C
    NIM : 201230084
    Work Number : 3

    I was researching English lessons in terms of listening and
    try to communicate with my nephew Zeeya Azarain Shezadi She often listens to children song in english, watches cartoon videos in English, and plays games about English, so she can understand the listening and speaking lessons at school. She can easily understand and memorize different vocabulary. After watching her sister, she could speak and listen to English easily. However, her ability to speak is slightly better than his hearing. Because listening in school is limited compared to speaking. Limitations when learning to speak:
    There are some words in the aria that are difficult to pronounce. Listening Impairments:
    Similar words are sometimes misunderstood.

  133. Name : Ayu unzila
    Nim : 201230068
    Class : TBI 5B
    Wrok : 3

    Research observations on children in listening and speaking learners

    I made observations by asking my sister about how to learn to listening and speaking in class. And He said that he sometimes finds it difficult to learn to listening and speaking. when they learn to listen sometimes they are told to follow the words "the teacher has conveyed and that's where they sometimes have difficulty pronouncing the words"

  134. Name : Ayu unzila
    Nim : 201230068
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : 4

    Research observations on children learning reading and writing

    The results of the observations I made to my sister about how she learns to read and write in class. then he replied he felt happy when learning to read and write because when learning to write we often only wrote what the teacher wrote in front of the blackboard

  135. Name : Ayu unzila
    Nim : 201230068
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work : 5
    Research observations on children learning grammar and vocabulary

    The results of the observations I made to my sister about how she learns grammar and vocabulary. He replied that he was happy when he learned vocabulary because the teacher usually plays word guesses

  136. Name : Farhan Chalid Shezada
    Class : TBI-5C
    NIM : 201230084
    Work Number : 4
    This observation based on my nephew Zeeya azarain, she barely knew how to write word but already knowing how to write alphabetical, because of reading a book that contains meaning after that alphabetical but the most improvement that i can get is that she play video on phone that she copy and then write it on paper

  137. Name : Farhan Chalid Shezada
    Class : TBI-5C
    NIM : 201230084
    Work Number : 5
    I observed my cousin Siti Nur Aliyah, who is studying at SDN Cikande 1, explaining how to teach grammar and vocabulary in school. Casey explains that grammar and vocabulary classes at school are not fun. Teachers use only the method of reading and assigning assignments, without using actions or games, to stimulate students' interest in learning English grammar and vocabulary. I get bored quickly and fall asleep. Students expect teachers to be creative in communicating and interpreting reading and writing materials, and students want materials to be communicated through sounds, images, and games. For example, guess the word your teacher said on the flashcard and read it again. Make it easy for students to understand and not get bored while studying.

  138. Group 4
    Analysis KD/RPP (Curriculum 2013 and Curriculum 2022)
    Atikah Firdayanti (201230086)
    Damarati Raksa Alifa (201230112)
    Ila Zulfa Laila (201230107)
    Putri Anggiyani (201230103)
    Meida Putri Maulida (201230108)
    Nur Azizah Amalia Ramadhani (201230106)

    What we compare between the 2022 prototype curriculum and the 2013 curriculum is the difference in implementation which is much easier and more interesting, but the 2013 curriculum has a high level of complexity.

  139. Group 5 EYL
    Desti Nurul Azizah : 201230087
    Anisa Alqonaah : 201230092
    Puspita Purnama : 201230096
    Erin windi ayuni : 201230105
    Syifa Anggareni : 201230122
    English RPP Analyst (Greetings, Leave Taking, Apologizing and Thanking).
    From the results of our analysis, the KI and KD of the RPP are appropriate. Because students can understand social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of oral and written interpersonal interaction texts that involve greeting, saying goodbye, saying thanks, and apologizing, and responding to them, according to the context of their use. As well as compiling very short and simple oral and written interpersonal interaction texts that involve greeting, saying goodbye, thanking, and apologizing, and responding to them by paying attention to social functions, text structure, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.

  140. Analisis About KD and RPP English Language class 5 Semester 1

    Group 3 TBI 5C :
    Sinta Rida Nuriyati 201230081
    Farhan Chalid Shezada 201230084
    Udoh Mahfudoh 201230095
    Nadilla Destilia Eka Putri 201230111
    Manda Rohmania 201230113

    According to the RPP and KD, I read earlier that they are interrelated in the sense that the RPP is in accordance with the guidelines from the KD, but maybe in the current era, if you look at the RPP in terms of learning tools or resources, if it is adjusted in the current era other than books, texts, pictures, Cassette recordings or CDs and other relevant books can also be added now with the presence of gadgets or cellphones because now, in modern times, technological sophistication is automatically increasing, so it's normal for middle-high school levels to be able to use them, but one thing that must be considered is using it. Gajget well and use positive things as needed and for learning and under the supervision of parents or adults.
    School RPs and kd are generally interrelated but there are cases where teachers can improvise rpp from time to time, for example, teachers are more interactive and can apply positive principles to students. and also teachers are required to be able to use technology over time, because nowadays everything is digital.
    RPP and KD are interrelated if the KD contains attitudes, knowledge and skills that are sourced from the Core Competencies that students must have in the subjects for example in this English lesson, and in the basic competence component it also contains learning outcomes. while the RPP contains matters relating to learning activities to achieve mastery of basic competencies.
    RPP and KD are interrelated if KD is the details of learning to understand writing to express instructions on how to learn simple English pronunciation, such as learning the pronunciation that we use every day, while RPP is more like practice listening to conversations on cassettes or radio given by the teacher plus by asking and answering what the students did not understand.
    RPP and KD are interrelated, basic competencies themselves are important for educational devices, because through basic competencies, each learning process can be structured, and well planned so that learning objectives can be achieved properly, and RPP itself compiles very important indicators, so that we can find out the achievement of student competencies, both of which are interrelated to determine the cognitive abilities, attitudes, and skills of students more specifically so that they can be used as a reference in assessing the achievement of learning outcomes.

  141. Group 2 TBI 5C :
    Nana Fathiatul Liana (201230082)
    Juhrotul Aini (201230085)
    Nida Haifa (201330088)
    Asri Humairoh (201230089)
    Hanifah Amaliah (201230097)

    English RPP Analysis
    we analyzed the lesson plans for English subjects for grade 4 SD and national KI. Based on the analysis we obtained, the KI and KD from the lesson plan are appropriate, because students learn to start by praying, this is in accordance with the religious element. Students observe the material to be discussed, students ask for an explanation of the material that has not been studied, students read reading texts to practice understanding, then complete the tasks given by the teacher. These activities are part of the achievement of teacher learning in the classroom.
    The role of parents is as a facilitator in helping students do the homework given by the teacher. Students can discuss with their classmates, to obtain material that is not understood in this class is a social function.

  142. Analisis About KD and RPP English Language class 5 Semester 1

    Group 1 TBI 5C
    Sari Herawati 201230117
    Windy Agustin 201230093
    Fikah Agustin 201230083
    Deviana Astuti 201230119
    Muhamad Husein 201230120

    In analyzing KD, KI and RPP grade 2 SD in English lessons.
    There are some similarities and differences, especially in teaching methods.The similarity is that there is color recognition material in RPP, KD and KI but the teaching methods in KD and RPP are different. The teaching method in written KD uses songs but in RPP uses a visualization method that makes it easier for young learners to understand it. The RPP and KD also look different in the material. If in KD there is Yes/No Question material, but in the RPP there is no such material. If in KD there is Size/Shape material, but in the RPP there is no such material. So that it causes a difference between the suitability of KD, KI and RPP in grade 2 English because RPP can be changed and improvised by the teacher.

  143. Name: Delfi Tri Nuryani
    NIM: 201230100
    Class: TBI 5C
    The task 5 Grammar and Vocabulary

    In my interaction with a student named riffa, that he explained that the learning of grammar and vocabulary in school is done by the way students are able to understand single noun forms and simple sentences, while vocabulary learning using teaching games when in the classroom, students can more easily understand and remember vocabulary during the teaching and learning process, The effectiveness of teaching and learning activities can be monitored by the master and students can follow high learning and material delivered interestingly by the teacher. Obstacles or things that are difficult for young learners to understand in learning grammar and vocabulary are the difficulty of understanding the structure or formula of English, shyness when starting practice, and inadequate learning media for grammar and vocabulary in the classroom. The thing that students should do to make it easy to learn grammar and vocabulary is that the master must be able to use grammar and vocabulary learning methods that are acceptable to students, and teachers.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. Name : Atikah Firdayanti
    NIM : 201230086
    Class : 5C
    Task 2

    The Area of the Thesis
    1. Piaget : The field of childhood learning psychology.
    2. Vygotsky : Cognitive Apprenticeship
    3. Burners : Bruner's learning theory is one of the theories that has a major influence on the field of education, especially in learning mathematics and his thinking which then sparked discovery learning.
    1. Piaget: Classification. Piaget moreover considered children's capacity to classify objects – put them together on the premise of their color, shape etc. Classification is the capacity to recognize the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to utilize categorical data to illuminate issues.
    2. Vygotsky: Vygotsky's theory, which emphasizes culture, language, and internalization, arguably represents the most complete, original, and coherent view available. In Vygotsky's system, children's cognitive development is affected by culture in two ways.
    3. Burners: Bruner maintained that people interpret the world in terms of similarities and differences which are detected among objects and events. Objects that are viewed as similar are placed in the same category.
    1. Piaget: The following are Piaget's cognitive theory's strengths: The theory adds a new perspective to child psychology. The theory has altered people's perceptions of a child's world. Piaget's theory has sparked increased interest in cognitive development research.
    2. Vygotsky: Vygotsky's cognitive development theory means allowing learners to learn skills including. Solving problems Inquiry. Self-determination is essential. Thinking critically.
    3. Burners: The following are burner’s cognitive theory’s strengths: New mental process, Mental structures for linking behavior and age, Practical and applicable, Emphasizes on learning by discovery, and Usage of objective and scientific research.
    1. Piaget: The weaknesses of Piaget's theory of cognitive development exist: The theory faces some issues when it comes to formal operations, Many research studies dispute the theory stating that not all children develop from one stage to another.
    2. Vygotsky: The weaknesses of Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development are as follows : Lack of Empirical Evidence, Offers Limited Solutions, Lack of Conscious Awareness, Not a Scientific Approach, and Not Realistic
    3. Burners: The weaknesses of Bruner's theory of cognitive development are: The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations, Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development.
    1. Piaget: Piaget's theory is very relevant in the process of children's cognitive development, because by using this theory, humans can find out that there are certain developmental stages in children's thinking abilities at their level.
    2. Vygotsky: The role of social interaction in cognitive development, Dialectics of thought and language, concept development, and developmental areas.
    3. Burners: In Bruner's theory, it is often known as discovery learning which in its application includes environment-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of care for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can immediately socialize and adapt to their environment.

  146. Name : Atikah Firdayanti
    NIM : 201230086
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 5 Grammar an Vocabulary

    Dawiyah doesn't understand grammar lessons, because according to her, grammar is difficult and the teacher who teaches her doesn't explain it well, so she doesn't understand what she's learning. in learning vocabulary according to Dawiyah it is easy because she is easy to memorize, so that every time she learns the vocabulary she has is always increasing.

  147. Name_NIM : Imelda nurlaeli_201230118
    TBI 5C
    #TASK 2 (Identify Theory from Piaget, Vygotsky and Burner)

    >The Area of The Thesis
    A. Piaget : Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children.
    B. Vygotsky : As such, Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development: (i) culture is significant in learning, (ii) language is the root of culture, and (iii) individuals learn and develop within their role in the community.
    C. Burner : Power stations are the facilities responsible for producing power, mainly speaking boilers, and due to the huge amount of constantly changing parameters: pressure, temperature, air to fuel ratio, fuel types. it is really hard to do any experimental studies or tests, the improvement of combustion efficiency could greatly influence the energy consumption and will make the boiler more efficient and cleaner.

    A. Piaget : Piaget also studied children's ability to classify objects – put them together on the basis of their color, shape etc. Classification is the ability to identify the properties of categories, to relate categories or classes to one another, and to use categorical information to solve problems.
    B. Vygotsky : By preschool age (and often earlier), children can categorize based on shape, color, texture, number, gender, facial features, speech, musical tones, movement patterns, broad ontological information (such as animacy), non-obvious information (such as internal parts), and more.
    C. Burner : According to the more detailed classification standard, fuel oil combustion can be further divided into light oil burner, heavy oil burner, etc.; gas burner can be further divided into natural gas burner, liquefied gas burner, biogas burner, etc. he split burner is mainly

    A. Piaget : The strengths of Piaget's cognitive development theory are as follows: The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    B. Vygotsky : The strength of course is the stimulation, new information and socialization that creates a reason for cognitive development and higher thinking. However there is the reality that some people are so dependent on other people to “just be there” because they can’t handle being alone. These people will sacrifice their safety and health just so they can have someone there.
    C. Burner : Burners can be done to help you burn fat through using intense exercises and interval training. So if you’ve worked areas earlier in your workout you wouldn’t mind losing fat from, adding a metabolic Burner at the end could be a great way to make spot reduction work for you as much as possible!

    A. Piaget : Thomas (2005) describe some of the weaknesses of Piaget's theory, which include the fact that he often underestimated the ability of a child's intellect. Furthermore, most of his research subjects were from a middle-class background, so therefore he failed to take into consideration children from other backgrounds.
    B. Vygotsky : While some philosophers assume that learning occurs naturally and fluidly, Vygotsky believed that leaners actively engage in the acquisition of knowledge. The criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that it does not account for the slower rate of cognitive growth in some children.
    C. Burner : There is some truth to the four burners theory. If you look back into your past to recall a personal major achievement in your academics, sports, career and so on, you probably sacrificed one or more of the major areas of your life.

    A. Piaget : Piaget put forward the theory of active learners for young learners.
    B. Vygotsky : Vygotsky proposed the theory of child development which formulated the concept of Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which is about social development.
    C. Burner : Brunner put forward the theory of child learning that is about scaffolding and routine.

  148. Name_NIM : Imelda nurlaeli_201230118
    TBI 5C
    #TASK 3 (Research observations on children in listening and speaking learners)

    Name : Anindita, 6 years old
    Al-azhar Kindergarten

    In teaching English listening and speaking at Al-Azhar, the teaching system is memorizing and singing. Then in both cases (Listening and speaking) this child has difficulty in speaking English, because he has a limited tongue that cannot be pronounced clearly, then also this child is very difficult to memorize the vocabulary given by a teacher. According to my observation, the cause of this child's difficulty in speaking English is the lack of courage to try to speak in English, and the material taught by the teacher cannot be observed. In my opinion, the teacher generalizes all students too much, so that students who need special attention cannot develop.

  149. Name_NIM : Imelda nurlaeli_201230118
    TBI 5C
    #TASK 4 (Research observations on children in reading and writing learners)

    Name : anindita, 6 years old
    Al Azhar Kindergarten

    In teaching Reading and Writing, this child likes to write the most, because the teaching system is very interesting and not boring, so the teaching system is a kind of describing the objects around him so that the child actively moves to explore the places around her. Then also play their imagination to describe an object given by the teacher. Then in learning to Read at Al Azhar it is more about reading story books and reading writing (descriptions of the objects he finds), then there are also activities to read fairy tale books available in the Al Azhar library. The books provided in the al-Azhar library are also very interesting, many colors and pictures are presented so that they attract children's interest to open and read the book. In my opinion, if the learning method is added with video media, watching and listening, it will be more fun.

  150. Name_NIM : Imelda nurlaeli_201230118
    TBI 5C
    #TASK 5 (An observational study on children's vocabulary and grammar learners)

    Name : anindita, 6 years old
    Al Azhar Kindergarten

    Anindita explained that in learning vocabulary and grammar at school, there were many obstacles in her learning, especially in learning grammar, sometimes she had difficulty understanding vocabulary, and the way the teacher delivered was not easy to understand, thus making her unfocused and bored. Then also in learning grammar and vocabulary is the difficulty of understanding the structure or formula of English, shy when starting the exercise, and the learning media for learning grammar and vocabulary in class is inadequate. In my opinion, what students should do to make it easier to learn grammar and vocabulary is that teachers should be able to use grammar and vocabulary learning methods that are acceptable to students, and teachers should not rush to teach. Teaching should be focused on understanding everyday conversations for vocabulary and grammar learning or basic learning. It can be concluded that, when teaching grammar and vocabulary to young students, it should be taught slowly and not in a hurry, doing what students like, such as basic conversation with accurate grammar to monitor students' grammar and vocabulary.


    SRN : 201230061
    CLASS : TBI-5B

    WORK 1
    Mini Observation
    Sample : two young learners (11 y.o. and 15 y.o)
    Date : 25-26 September 2022
    Observations were made by asking several questions related to the theory of the characteristics of an English Young Learner.
    1. They tend to be imaginative and active. They are usually more motivated to learn English when using learning methods such as games, songs, or stories. (YES)
    2. Children tend to get bored easily, they have a short level of concentration. Therefore, teaching and learning activities at least need to be varied every 10-15 minutes.(YES)
    3. The child's life is full of color and playfulness. In general, they like to sing and listen to songs. (YES)
    4. They love the story as much as they love the game. Usually, they can be trained to focus on the context as a whole rather than word for word. (YES)
    In addition, based on my experience teaching several elementary school students aged 7-11 years old, they tend to have the same characteristics as the theory above. they tend to be active, like games, music and also video viewing as a learning method to overcome their boredom while studying.
    Based on the result of this observation and the experience indicate that there is a match between the characteristics described in theory and the reality.

    SRN : 201230061
    CLASS : TBI-5B

    WORK 2
    1) Area of The Theory
    Sensorimotor Stage (Age 18 – 24 months)
    Pre-operational Stage (Age 2 – 7 Years)
    Pre-operational Stage (Age 2 – 7 Years)
    Formal Operational Stage (Age 12 years and over)
    2) Implementation : we can provide appropriate treatment for children, for example in choosing how to deliver material for students according to the stage of development of thinking skills possessed by children.
    3) Strength : Piaget’s theory shows a preference for discovering and learning done by individuals themselves.
    4) Weakness : Piaget observed in detail how children’s learning works, but he didn’t highlight the role of a mentor or a teacher.
    5) Types of categories
    Sensorimotor Stage; Pre-operational Stage; Pre-operational Stage; and Formal Operational Stage.
    1) Implementation : Through cooperative learning methods and peer tutoring learning methods (peer tutors).
    2) Strength : Vygotsky’s theory is well applied to teaching strategies because provides more opportunities for students to interact with each other.
    3) Weakness : Vygotsky’s theory doesn’t observe the actual mental development, but rather discusses general acquisition of a new concept or skill.
    4) Types of categories :
    A child starts learning the new concept by imitating, then imitating and understanding, then internalizing the concept. The stages of internalization include:
    • Inability to complete tasks by self.
    • Ability to complete the task with verbal help from skilled peer (scaffolding.)
    • Ability to complete the task with guided assistance from peer (scaffolding.)
    • Complete internalization: the ability to complete the task by self without a peer (scaffolding removed.)
    1) Implementation : In Bruner's theory, it is often known as discovery learning which in its application includes environment-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of care for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can immediately socialize and adapt to their environment.
    2) Strength :
    • Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes;
    • To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures;
    • Bruner emphasized on the learners’ experiences instead of rote learning.
    3) Weakness :
    • The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations.
    • Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development.
    • Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences
    4) Types of categories : Enactive representation (action-based); Iconic representation (image-based); and Symbolic representation (language-based).

  153. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Work 3
    Observation of Young Learners Listening and Speaking

    Muhammad Fa'al Al Faris, 8 years old, 2nd grade elementary school (Young leaner). Fa'al is one of my cousins. In using the listening method, he is very suitable to use the Audiotori TPR learning method, because he likes listening to music and the memory of the music is quickly caught in the brain, he does such activities every day. Thus, he always remembers quite a lot of vocabulary when repeating the Audiotori lesson. With the auditory learning style, he has a better sense of hearing and is more focused and is able to understand things better by listening, which is also related to the process of memorizing, reading, and others. Usually children who have an auditory learning style rely on the sense of hearing because it can make them focus because they are able to understand something better, auditory learning style is closely related to the process of reading to memorizing.

    The speaking learning method is also very good because after listening to the music or the auditory learning, he is able to speak what he has learned or what he has listened to every day. Therefore, the learning style tends to like to talk, he has a problem that when the class atmosphere is noisy it can disturb him so he can't concentrate well.

  154. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work 4

    Observation of young people in learning to write and read

    Muhammad Fa'al Al Faris, 8 years old he is my cousin, he is suitable for listening techniques using the analytical phonics analogy method because he is a student who has a learning style like other students, namely a visual learning style. He likes to read and write, but he prefers to listen and talk. Because by listening and speaking, he immediately writes what he hears.

  155. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work 5

    Observation of young learning in learning vocabulary and grammar

    I watched my cousin, Muhammad Fa'al Al Faris. In learning vocabulary he is suitable to use the drill method, by repeating the vocab 5 times continuously using this method. But he is weak in learning grammar because it is difficult for him but he does not never give up to always learn grammar because the spirit in him is very high.

  156. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    NIM: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    Task 2
    Jean Piaget:
    Area of The Theory: Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years, Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7, Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11, Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up.
    Implementation: Piaget's theory assumes that all children go through the same developmental sequence but that they do so at different rates. Therefore, teachers must make a special effort to arrange classroom activities for individuals and small groups of children rather than for the total class group.
    Strength: The strengths of Piaget's theory of cognitive development are as follows: The theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology. The theory has brought a change in the way people view a child's world. Piaget's theory has encouraged more research in cognitive development.
    Weakness: Thomas (2005) describe some of the weaknesses of Piaget's theory, which include the fact that he often underestimated the ability of a child's intellect. Furthermore, most of his research subjects were from a middle-class background, so therefore he failed to take into consideration children from other backgrounds.
    Types of Cognitive: Piaget proposed four major stages of cognitive development, and called them: Sensorimotor intelligence, Preoperational thinking, Concrete operational thinking, and Formal operational thinking.
    Area of The Theory: Vygotsky saw child development as consisting of passing through a series of periods of stable development, namely, infancy, early childhood, pre-school age, school age and puberty. These periods of stable development are punctuated by periods of crisis: at birth and at the ages of 1, 3, 7 and 13.
    Implementation: Vygotsky believed that children learn more efficiently in a social environment. That is why learning to use social development theory in a classroom can help your students understand ideas more quickly. Furthermore, social interaction for Lev plays an integral role in learning and promotes a reciprocal teaching style.
    Strength: Lev Vygotsky's theory emphasizes the importance of social interactions and the use of cultural tools in the process of children's cognitive development.
    Weakness: Some weaknesses of the sociocultural theory include: It can't be applied to all cultures because not all cultures have social interaction. It only focuses on the interaction of people and their culture, but it doesn't focus on other factors such as genetics or biology. It does not account for individual differences.
    Types of Cognitive: He is most famous for creating the four stages of cognitive development, which include the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and the formal operation stage.

  157. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    NIM: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    Task 2
    Area of The Theory: Burner's Three Modes of Representation: Enactive (0 - 1 year), Iconic (1 - 6 years), Symbolic (7 years onwards)
    Implementation: The teachers must revisit the material to enhance knowledge. Building on pre-taught ideas to grasp the full formal concept is of paramount importance according to Bruner. Feel free to re-introduce vocabulary, grammar points, and other topics now and then to push the students to deeper comprehension and longer retention.
    Strength: The strengths of Bruner's intellectual development theory are as follows: Bruner's cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes. To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner's theory emphasised on mental structures. Bruner's theory also makes use of practical applications
    Weakness: Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences. Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation. Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate.
    Types of Cognitive: Jerome Bruner identified three stages of cognitive representation. Enactive, which is the representation of knowledge through actions. Iconic, which is the visual summarization of images. Symbolic representation, which is the use of words and other symbols to describe experiences.

  158. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    NIM: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    Task 3
    Siti Anisa Amelia, 15 years old, grade 3 at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Falah Kaducaang. Anisa is one of my cousins. In using the listening method, she is very suitable to use the learning method through singing and stories, because she likes to sing and listen to stories. She listens and sings songs in English every day. Thus, she always remembers and learns new vocabulary. Learning to sing and tell stories also makes learning more interesting and not boring. She has a better sense of hearing and is more focused and is able to understand things better by listening, which is also related to the process of memorizing, reading, and others.

    The speaking learning method is also very good because after listening to the song, she can also sing back about what she has learned or what she hears every day. Therefore, her learning style tends to like to talk.

  159. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    NIM: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    Task 4
    Siti Anisa Amelia, 15 years old, grade 3 Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Falah Kaducaang. Anisa is one of my cousins. In learning to write and read that was applied by the teacher at his school, she was only asked to read the conversation contained in the textbook and then translate it into Indonesian. She was also only asked to write back about what she had learned in the heart. So, according to her, the teacher did not apply interesting learning methods.

  160. Name: Dewi Kania Cahyani
    NIM: 201230042
    Class: TBI 5B

    Task 5
    Siti Anisa Amelia, 15 years old, grade 3 Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nurul Falah Kaducaang. Anisa is one of my cousins. The method used by the teacher to increase the students' vocabulary is by memorizing. So, students are asked to memorize some vocabulary and report it to the teacher. According to her, this method is not effective for improving vocabulary skills and also this method makes students easily bored. Meanwhile, there is no grammar learning in her school.

  161. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work 2

    1. Jeans Piaget
    - Area of the theory : According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children learn from the surrounding environment by developing what they have and interacting with what is around them, including solving problems encountered in their environment, the activities experienced by children are actually a learning process. In relation to learning English, it is important for the teacher to understand the thinking process of the child. So that teachers can provide learning activities that are tailored to the child's abilities such as the level of difficulty of teaching materials, delivery methods or teaching techniques, types of teaching and learning activities, and types of assessments that are adjusted to the stages of the child's development period.
    - Implementation : Implementing according to Piaget such as through discovery learning lasts longer, and has a better transfer effect. Discovery learning improves reasoning and the ability to think independently and trains cognitive skills to find and solve problems.
    - Strength : Advantages of Piaget's Theory:
    o Brain-centered learning
    o Students learn according to their stage of development
    o Can improve students ability to solve problems
    o Can increase motivation
    - Weakness : Disadvantages of Piaget's Theory:
    o The cognitive function ability of each student is considered the same
    o Students cannot find their own learning style
    o The quantity of cognition is emphasized more than the quality.
    - Types of cognitive : Piaget's stages are:
    o Sensorimotor stage: Birth to 2 years
    o Preoperational stage: Ages 2 to 7
    o Concrete operational stage: Ages 7 to 11
    o Formal operational stage: Ages 12 and up.
    Piaget believed that children take an active role in the learning process, acting much like little scientists as they perform experiments, make observations, and learn about the world.

  162. Name ; Nisa nur Padlah
    Class: TBi 5B
    Task 3
    I observed my little sister as the object of this observation. My sister is 13 years old, and now she is in the second grade of junior high school. Her name is Saskia Sabila or usually called Bila. In learning listening, Sabila prefers to use the method through songs because learning is more relaxed, but it can be received well, but apart from songs, Sabila also likes through listening to stories such as story telling or the teacher telling a film or book and then retelling it, this method is also well accepted because children can learn but are not forced.
    In learning Speaking, Sabila is usually trained with the classroom language method, although sometimes the pronunciation is not good, but according to him it is better because it adds to his daily vocabulary. But through songs and stories it's also good because they usually start singing after listening and it trains their speaking.

  163. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work 2

    2. Lev Vygotsky
    - Area of the theory : Vygotsky's theory focuses on the social aspect. Vygotsky believed that social interaction with other people would enhance the intellectual development of learners. In the context of language development and learning in children, Vygotsky argues that language development and learning occurs in a social context, namely the people around who interact with children. Their role is very important in helping children learn to use language. Through social interaction, adults help and act as intermediaries for what is around children so that children can understand and do more than they would do on their own. When a child points to an object, for example, adults not only explain about the object, but also how the child should behave towards the object.
    - Implementation : There are three implementations in learning, namely Cooperative learning between students is well organized. so they can interact with friends. Furthermore, there is a scaffolding approach to this approach, namely by providing support to students who do not understand in learning. So when students do not understand the material presented by the teacher, the teacher must be fast and responsive in dealing with the student's problems. And lastly, it understands that there are differences in understanding the material, each child must have a different way of understanding the material. it is reasonable. However, the way the child understands the material does not matter as long as the child can understand the material.
    - Strength : The advantages of this theory are:
    o Reducing the gap between students
    o Helping students understand learning materials more easily
    o Provide more opportunities for students to interact with each other.
    - Weakness : The drawback in this theory is that it is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that are less visible are difficult to observe directly.
    - Types of cognitive :
    o Pre Intellectual Speech (0 – 3 years)
    o Egosentric Speech (3 – 7 years)
    o Inner Speech (7+ years)

  164. Name : Amia Windy Fajrina
    Nim : 201230048
    Class : TBI 5B
    Work 2

    3. Bruner
    - Area of the theory : The theory of development of discovery learning and scaffolding by Bruner. According to Bruner, the most important for cognitive development is language. Talking with children in carrying out activities in a verbal form is an aid to children. This kind of helping activity that is carried out between teachers and students in speaking activities is called scaffolding. Scaffolding is done by the teacher in various ways. For example, giving advice, mentioning the importance of what is learned, reminding something, giving examples and so on and all of that can be done regularly. Bruner also explains that the same concept or theme can be given to children again or repeated. However, Bruner suggested that the repetition of the concept should raise new and more complex aspects.
    - Implementation : Using the enactive stage, the presentation that is carried out through the child's actions is directly seen in manipulating (tinkering with) objects. students carry out activities in an effort to understand the environment. Students also make observations by experiencing a reality. Implementing environmental-based learning is done so that children have a sense of caring for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can directly socialize and adapt to their environment. The learning process will run well if the subject matter can be sustainable or interrelated with the cognitive already possessed by students.
    - Strength : The advantages of Bruner's Learning Theory (Free Discovery Learning) are:
    o Discovery learning can be used to test whether learning is meaningful.
    o The knowledge gained by the learner will be left behind and easy to remember.
    o Learning discovery is needed in problem solving because it is desired in learning so that the learner can demonstrate the knowledge received.
    o Transfer can be enhanced where generalizations have been discovered by the learner rather than being presented in a finished form.
    o The use of discovery learning may have an influence in creating learning motivation.
    o Improve the learner's reasoning and ability to think freely.
    - Weaknesses of Bruner's Learning Theory (Free Discovery Learning) are:
    o Learning This discovery requires a child's high intelligence. If less intelligent, the results are less effective.
    o Learning theory like this takes quite a long time and if it is not guided or not directed it can cause chaos and confusion over the material being studied.
    - Types of cognitive :
    o Enactive rating (0 – 2 years)
    o Iconic rating (2 – 4 years)
    o Symbolic rating (5 – 7 years)

  165. Name;Nisa nur Padlah
    Nim: 201230073
    Tbi 5B
    Task 4
    Observation of young people in learning to write and read

    I observed my sister her name is Saskia Sabila she is suitable for listening techniques using the analytical phonics analogy method because she is a student who has a learning style like other students, namely a visual learning style. She likes to read and write, but she prefers to listen and talk. Because by listening and speaking, he immediately writes what she hears.

  166. Name:Nisa Nur Padlah
    Tbi 5b
    Task 5
    Observation of young learning in learning vocabulary and grammar

    I Observed my sister her name is Saskia Sabila she is second grade in junior high school.In learning vocabulary she is suitable to use the drill method, by repeating the vocab 5 times continuously using this method. But she is weak in learning grammar because it is difficult for him but she does not never give up to always learn grammar because the spirit in him is very high.

    NIM: 201230049

    Jean Piaget
    (Area of The Theory)
    - Birth through two years is the sensorimotor stage.
    - Ages 2 to 7 in the preoperational stage.
    - Ages 7 to 11 in concrete operating stage.
    - Ages 12 and older for the formal operating stage
    According to Piaget's hypothesis, although every child experiences the same developmental stages, they all do so at various rates. Teachers must therefore take extra care to set up classroom activities for individuals and small groups of kids rather than the entire class.
    Piaget's theory of cognitive development has the following advantages: The idea offers developmental psychology a novel and contemporary viewpoint. The theory has altered how people perceive a child's world. The hypothesis of Piaget has stimulated more study of cognitive development.
    Thomas (2005) describe some of the weaknesses of Piaget's theory, which include the fact that he often underestimated the ability of a child's intellect. Furthermore, most of his research subjects were from a middle-class background, so therefore he failed to take into consideration children from other backgrounds.
    (Types of Cognitive)
    Four major stages of cognitive development were proposed by Piaget, and they were
    1. Sensorimotor awareness,
    2. Preoperative reasoning,
    3. Practical operational reasoning, and
    4. Official operational thought.

    (Area of The Theory
    According to Vygotsky, a child's development entails going through a number of stable developmental phases, including puberty, early childhood, pre-school age, and school age. These phases of steady growth are interspersed with crises, which occur during birth, as well as at ages 1, 3, 7, and 13.
    Children learn more effectively in a social setting, according to Vygotsky. Because of this, teaching your pupils how to apply social development theory in the classroom will help them comprehend concepts more rapidly. Additionally, Lev believes that social connection is crucial to learning and encourages a style of teaching that is reciprocal.
    According to Lev Vygotsky's thesis, social interactions and the utilization of cultural resources are crucial to children's cognitive development.
    Some weaknesses of the sociocultural theory include: It can't be applied to all cultures because not all cultures have social interaction. It only focuses on the interaction of people and their culture, but it doesn't focus on other factors such as genetics or biology. It does not account for individual differences.
    (Types of Cognitive)
    The four stages of cognitive development, sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage, and formal operational stage, that he developed are what have made him most renowned.

    NIM: 201230049

    (Area of The Theory)
    Three Representational Techniques by Bruner
    - Enactive (0 - 1 year)
    - Iconic (1 - 6 years)
    - Symbolic (7 years onwards)
    To increase understanding, the teachers must review the content. According to Bruner, it is crucial to build on previously taught concepts in order to fully understand the formal concept. To encourage the kids to greater comprehension and lasting memory, feel free to periodically reintroduce vocabulary, grammar concepts, and other topics.
    The following are some of the advantages of Bruner's idea of intellectual development: The cognitive development theory by Bruner suggested new thought processes. Bruner's hypothesis focused on brain architecture to better understand how behavior and age are related. Applications from the real world are used in Bruner's theory as well.
    Weaknesses of Bruner's cognitive development theory:
    Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences. Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation. Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate.
    (Types of Cognitive)
    Three levels of cognitive representation were distinguished by Jerome Bruner. Enactive, also known as knowledge representation through behavior. The visual distillation of pictures is iconic. Symbolic representation is the process of describing events via the use of words and other symbols.

    NIM: 201230049

    In this study, I asked the same student as yesterday's research, namely my female cousin named khairunnisa, in learning about vocabulary she is suitable for using the drill method, which is repeating 3-5 vocabularies continuously, but she is weak in learning grammar because according to him it is quite difficult but until now she will continue to try to understand about grammar

    Nim : 201230059
    TASK 3
    According to the resource persons, speaking learning that is applied in the classroom is quite interesting because the English teacher in each speaking lesson is interspersed with watching videos so that we can learn how to speak English well by watching videos. Furthermore, in listening learning the teacher does not only apply theory but is also interspersed with songs, for example, the first meeting is listening about the lessons to be learned, the next meeting the students are asked to fill in the paper containing the song lyrics but there are still blanks, so we listen to the song while listening to it. lyrics

    Nim : 201230059
    Task 4
    According to my younger brother, in learning Reading in his class the teacher applies the learning method by reading carefully then repeating individually and then translating while for learning to write the teacher asks students to write free essays.

    Nim : 201230059
    Task 5
    According to my younger brother, the vocabulary learning applied by the teacher in the classroom is by memorizing every 5-10 vocabulary meeting and interspersed with games, this makes students not feel bored.

  173. Name: Ananda Istiqomah
    Nim :201230090
    Class: TBI 5 C
    Work Number : 2

    1. (Theory Piaget)
    -The Area of theories : According to Piaget, cognitive development in children is broadly divide d into four periods, namely: a) the sensorimotor period (0-2 years); b) preoperational period (2-7 years); c) concrete operational period (7-11years); d) formal operating period (11-15) years.
    -Categoritation : a) Sensorimotor intelligence; b) Preoperational thinking; c) Concrete operational thinking, and; d) Formal operational thinking
    -Strength : a) Make it easier for students to understand teaching materials; b) Make students more independent and creative; c) Improving the ability to solve problems in students; d) Increase motivation
    -Weakness : a) Difficult to apply at an advanced level; b) Cannot be applied to all virtual lessons;
    -Implementation : In general, the application of Piaget's Theory is as follows: a). Determine learning objectives. b). Choose the subject matter. c). Determine the topics that students may actively study.

    2. (Theory Vygotsky)
    -The Area of theories : Bruner's learning theory is almost similar to Piaget's theory, Bruner suggests that children's intellectual
    development follows three successive stages of representation, namely: a) enactive, all children's attention depends on their response;
    b) iconic, children's thinking patterns depend on their sensory organization and
    -Categoritation :
    a) The sensorimotor stage, b) The preoperational stage, c) The concrete operational stage, and d) The formal operation stage.
    -Strength : a) Reducing the gap between students. b) Help students understand learning materials more easily. c) Provide more opportunities for students to interact with each other
    -Weakness : This theory is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that are less visible are difficult to observe directly.
    -Implementation : a) Cooperative learning between students is well organized. so they can interact with friends. When the interaction with friends is smooth then when one of them has a problem, so they can solve the problem together.
    b) This scaffolding approach is by providing support to students who do not understand in learning.

    3. (Theory Brunner)
    -The Area of Theories : Vygotsky's theory assumes that learning occurs when children work or learn to handle tasks that have not been studied but the tasks are still within the range of their abilities (zone of proximal development), namely the development of students' abilities slightly above the abilities they already have.
    -Categoritation : a) Enactive representation (action-based)
    b) Iconic representation (image-based)
    -Strength : a) Discovery learning can be used to test whether learning is meaningful. b) The knowledge gained by the learner will be left behind and easy to remember. c) Discovery learning is very necessary in
    problem solving because it is desired in learning so that the learner can demonstrate the knowledge received.
    -Weakness : a) This learning theory requires students to have mental readiness and maturity. Students must be brave and willing to
    know the circumstances around them. If you don't have the courage and desire, the learning process will fail. b) Learning theory like this takes a long time and if it is not guided or not directed it can cause chaos and confusion over the
    material being studied.
    -Implementation : its application includes environmental-based learning that is carried out so that children have a sense of caring for the surrounding environment which in the process is directly carried out outside the room so that children can directly socialize and adapt to their environment.

  174. Name : Ananda Istiqomah
    Number : 201230090
    Class : TBI 5 C

    work number : 3

    on wednesday, 14 october I observed my personal student named m.zlatan, he is a student of Sdn rau, i asked about the difficulties he experienced when studying, speaking and listening zlatan revealed that things were difficult to understand when learning speaking and listening, because Zlatan himself has not been trained in speaking English and when I even asked Zlatan for reading and he was not interested in reading English, the teacher only explained the material, so the children were bored to learn, besides that the students also had to refresh not only to discuss the material. but the ice breaker is concerned with the english language.

  175. Name : Ananda Istiqomah
    Number : 201230090
    Class : TBI 5 C

    work number : 4

    On Monday, October 3, 2022 to be exact, I have observed my personal student named. Shaphire Alana Hafsyah, I asked about studying, Alana also answered, Alana is difficult to read and write in English because the teacher in her class only gives vocabulary and is not taught to write and read. Many of Alana find it difficult to understand, and things that must be learned. what the teacher does in learning is that the teacher must be relevant so that each lesson is more interested and not boring.

  176. Name : Ananda Istiqomah
    Number : 201230090
    Class : TBI 5 C

    work number : 5

    On Friday, October 7, 2022 to be exact, I observed a student named Velove Shafa in grade 3 SDT Al Azhar Serang, Shafa explained that learning grammar and vocabulary, and teaching should focus on understanding in everyday conversation so that they are used to it and a student should be taught slowly so that a student can enjoy learning grammar and vocabulary. and find an ice breaker so that the children are not too bored to learn it.

  177. Name : Siti Nurjanah
    NIM : 201230109
    Class : TBI5C
    Assigned this time, I observed young learners. Which is none other than my own sister. This time I asked about my sister named Zahwa in 4th grade about her learning in class in learning grammar and vocabulary. Zahwa said that he was never taught by his teacher in detail about grammar explanations nor did he even understand the basics of grammar like I you we they she it. Zahwa also admitted that he was only given a few questions from his textbook on grammar and sometimes he didn't understand and didn't know that his teacher was teaching grammar to his students, for his own vocabulary lessons Zahwa admitted that his teacher often taught or invited students to practice memorizing as much as possible from objects that are around the school and then memorizing objects at home in English and the teaching method is like simply giving words to students to follow and admit that they are bored with what the teacher assesses. Then in another example the teacher's teaching method gives questions in a teacher's book or a book that is held by students and students are expected to do what the students are given sometimes feel confused because the teacher does not give clear instructions about the tasks given.

    So the importance of us as a teacher must have a good method and preparation to teach our students or students. What else do we teach to young learners where teachers need more enthusiasm from the teachers so that they also understand and understand more quickly what is being taught besides we as their teachers have to prepare what we will give to students. -his students and in accordance with the existing material or curriculum as well as teaching Grammar in this grammar, there must be a teacher who teaches his students at least basic grammar so that students do not feel confused about what grammar is. And for vocabulary, the teacher must have a new method for teaching it so that students are more interested in memorizing the vocabulary that is around them. Don't just give and order work, but we must also be able to create new methods so that students are easier and more interested in learning vocabulary.

  178. Name: Destie Nurul Azizah
    NIM: 201230087
    Class: TBI 5 C
    2nd Task of EYL
    A. Piaget
    The area of the thesis: Piaget's stage theory describes the cognitive development of children.
    Categorization: Piaget also studied children's ability to categorize objects, to organize them by color, shape, and so on. Classification is the ability to identify properties of categories, assign categories or classes to specific categories, and use category information to solve problems.
    strength: The strengths of Piaget's theory of cognitive development are: This theory brings a new and fresh perspective to developmental psychology.
    Weakness: Thomas (2005) describes some weaknesses of Piaget's theory. This included the fact that he often underestimated the intellectual abilities of his children. Furthermore, he did not include children from other backgrounds, as most of his subjects were middle class.
    Implementation: Piaget introduced his theory of active learning for young learners.
    B. Vygotsky
    The area of the thesis: Vygotsky outlined three main concepts related to cognitive development:
    1. culture is related to learning,
    2. language is the root of culture,
    3. individuals learn and develop in their roles. within the community.
    Categorization: By preschool age (and often before), children develop shapes, colors, textures, numbers, gender, facial features, language, musical tones, movement patterns, and broad ontology. explicit information (such as animations), obvious information (such as internal parts), etc.
    strength: Strength, of course, is stimulation, new information, and socialization, which lay the groundwork for cognitive development and higher thinking. But the reality is that some people can't stand being alone and rely on others to "just be there." These people sacrifice their safety and health just so that they can have someone else.
    Weakness: While some philosophers postulate that learning occurs naturally and fluidly, Vygotsky believed that learners actively participate in the acquisition of knowledge. rice field. A criticism of Vygotsky's theory is that it fails to take into account the slow cognitive development of some children.
    Implementation: Vygotsky proposed a theory of child development that formulated the concept of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) involved in social development.
    C. Burner
    The area of the thesis: Power stations are the facilities responsible for producing power, mainly speaking boilers, and due to the huge amount of constantly changing parameters: pressure, temperature, air to fuel ratio, fuel types. it is really hard to do any experimental studies or tests, the improvement of combustion efficiency could greatly influence the energy consumption and will make the boiler more efficient and cleaner.
    Categorization: more detailed classification criteria, fuel oil combustion can be further classified into light oil burners, heavy oil burners, etc. Gas burners can be further divided into natural gas burners, liquid gas burners, biogas burners, etc. Split burners are mainly.
    strength: Burner helps you burn fat using vigorous exercise and interval training. So if you hit an area early in your workout where you don't mind losing fat, adding a metabolic burner at the end can help you maximize your point reduction!
    Weakness: 4 There is some truth to the Burner theory. If you look back and remember your personal accomplishments in school, sports, career, etc., you may have sacrificed one or more of the most important areas of your life.
    Implementation: Brunner presented a theory of child learning. This is about scaffolding and routines.

  179. Name: Destie Nurul Azizah
    NIM: 201230087
    Class: TBI 5 C
    3rd Task of EYL
    I watched my 7-year-old sister learn to listen and speak with her teacher at school. She said that her learning was not very interesting and that she was so confused by the teacher's quick explanations when explaining that she could not understand the content of the conversation. Boring, and she wants at least additional material such as listening to songs or watching movies that can create an atmosphere.

  180. Name: Destie Nurul Azizah
    NIM: 201230087
    Class: TBI 5 C
    4rd Task EYL
    Based on the research results of SD class 4 in the process of learning English in the writing session, the teacher started learning by reviewing the material explained yesterday, after that, the teacher occasionally wrote a manuscript, which became the new reading material. The new material will be an example of the task of writing a few paragraphs, as explained by the teacher as an exercise. However, teachers may ask students to discuss what they have read beforehand. When it comes to learning to read, today's teachers are using digital applications as a medium to learn to read on a variety of platforms that cater to their respective topics. Read stories and animated videos. students are tasked with finding a new vocabulary, forming into groups, and then supervised while reading. It is connected to the method according to the reading comprehension text. Thus, the concept of measuring a student's understanding of learning English through reading was born. After that, the teacher consults with the receptionist and asks what the student wrote, that is, about the difficulty of the vocabulary they do not understand. Also, when entering the classroom for the first time, it is a teacher's practice to always review the material that was taught last week and to always provide a warm-up on the material that will be discussed through conversation before moving on to new material.

  181. Name: Destie Nurul Azizah
    NIM: 201230087
    Class: TBI 5 C
    5th Task of EYL
    This study on grammar and vocabulary learning continues with the same child as the previous study, 7-year-old Nadhifa Anindia Hidayat. Even in school, she was not taught anything and when I tried to introduce her, she was still confused. The grammar material itself is too difficult to teach a 7-year-old. Because children her age find the materials alone boring and ineffective, and even with other, more interesting methods, they still have difficulty with patterns, and formulas. and many other grammatical terms. However, you can communicate vocabulary using surrounding objects such as pens, books, chairs, tables, and examples of simple, everyday conversations such as good morning, good morning, good evening, etc.

  182. Name : Suvi Arriffatu Zaein
    SNR : 201230055
    • Erlangga's book review
    SMP/ MTS: bright An English
    Author: Nur Zaida
    Characteristics of the book:
    1. Based on the revised 2013 curriculum
    2. Audio for listening to QR_Code
    3. Vocabulary related to the theme
    4. Grammar needed in dialogue and writing
    5. Stages of activity that guide students to actively speak independently
    6. Self-reflection on learning progress
    SD/MI : Erlangga Straight Point Series
    1. Arranged based on the revised 2012 curriculum
    2. Supported by digital media as a learning resource
    3. Questions and activities are presented to accommodate the assessment of aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
    4. Equipped with visual media for teachers
    5. Syllabus and lesson plans for teachers
    6. Answer key for the teacher
    7. More use of media images
    • Yudhistira's book review
    SD/MI: Basic English
    Author: S.B Sulaiman. Kenneth W. Ament
    Characteristics of the book:
    1. Based on the 2013 curriculum
    2. Contextual
    3. Authentic
    4. Fewer pictures than eagles

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. Nurul Asyifah Madaniyah
    TBI 5B
    Nim : 201230050
    Work 6
    1. Book : Student's book My Next Words for elementary school 5 grade
    Class: 5th elementary school
    Author : EYLC team
    Publisher: Pusat Perbukuan Badan Standar Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi.
    >systematic: there are no content competencies or basic competencies but there are learning frameworks for semesters 1 and 2 which include units, objectives and language focus
    > content: this book presents learning material that is interesting, full of color and repetition of vocabulary, uses simple language that students can understand according to student needs, there are exercises in the form of tables, draw lines according to pictures, and assess students' reflections at the end material

    TBI 5 B
    NIM : 201230050
    WORK 6
    2. "Student's book My Next Words for elementary school 5 grade" VS Buku Pintar Bahasa Inggris SD Untuk Kelas 4 5 dan 6 By SA Susana S.Pd, publisher : PT. Wahyu Media
    -The first book = presents the learning framework for semesters 1 and 2
    -Second book = presents direction for teacher and parents
    -The first book = presents colorful learning materials and dialogues, practice questions, and student reflections.
    -second book=presents learning material in the form of pictures and colors, exercises on essay and multiple choice questions

    TBI 5B
    Nim : 201230050
    WORK 6
    3. Book "Student's book My Next Words for elementary school 5 grade" VS English book "When English rings a bell", grade 8 junior high school, by Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan and others, publisher: Pusat kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud
    The first book: presents the learning framework for semesters 1 and 2
    -second book: presents useful tips before entering the learning material chapter
    -The first book: presents colorful and dialogue learning material, exercises in the form of tables and draws pictures of students' reflection assessments
    -second book: presents learning material in the form of dialogue and there is my journal at the end of the learning material.

  187. Name : Syifa Anggraeni
    Nim : 201230122
    Task 2
    # The piaget theory is the theory that the child's intelligence changes as the child grows. The development of the child is not only about knowledge but also about the child's mental development. As a child grows, the child will build knowledge of his world, a pattern that follows the same development. However, not all children share the same understanding or understanding, even though a child is of the same age and yet does not rule out the possibility of thinking differently about an object or the thing that they see. Because every child is unique in its own right, not all children have the same brilliant mind.
    Example: Learning through experiments involving students. This is used to give students ample opportunity to get ideas or experiences from the things they see. Still, it must take into account each student's circumstances.
    #The VYGOTSKY theory : Each child grows on its own unique. Such developments are influenced by the upbringing, education, and environment in which children grow. The development of children should be noted both physically and psychologically. Both equally important. Development in knowledge is also a primary for children. Parents should take note of a child's cognitive development because it is important to assess a child's knowledge.
    #The Brunner's theory: Bruner has given much thought to the cognitive development of humans, how they learn, or acquire knowledge and transform knowledge. The theoretical basis for thinking of humans as the processing, thought and creator of information. According to bruner, study is an active process that enables humans to discover new things beyond the information given to themselves. Bruner's theories about human learning are unrelated to the age or stage of development.
    1. Piaget's theories: Making learners more self-reliant and creative.
    2. Vygotsky's theories: Give students more opportunities to interact with each other
    3. bruner's theories : Learning inventions can be used to test whether study has any meaning.
    # Weakness
    1. Piaget's theories: It is difficult to measure the goals of accomplishment because of having to look at the potential of all participants educatio
    2. Vygotsky's theories : It is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that do not seem nearly as difficult to observe in person.
    3. Bruner's theories : This theory of learning requires learners to have mental preparedness and maturity. A learner must be bold and willing to know the circumstances around him. If you don't have the courage and desire, you're sure the learning process will fail.

  188. Name : Syifa Anggraeni
    Nim : 201230122
    Name student : Muhammad Azka mi'raj ( 5 years old )
    From the results of my study of educated children I have taught in private tutoring, the development of listening test by listening to the letters and children's songs in youtube while speaking progress includes reciting what they have already heard on youtube.

  189. Name : Syifa Anggraeni
    Nim : 201230122
    Task 4
    Name student : Muhammad Azka mi'raj (5th years old )
    The way I learned to write by stimulating the children's interest in speaking, practicing the sounds of language, enriching the vocabulary, introducing sentences through stories and songs, and introducing symbols of writing.
    Then how to learn to read in that child at such an early age is by introducing letters, then combining two example letters (ba-bi-bu), after which I will teach the vocabulary and be reread by the student.

  190. Name : Syifa Anggraeni
    Nim : 201230122
    Task 5
    Name student : Muhammad Azka mi'raj ( 5th years )
    Students' reaction to a grammatical lesson seems to usually be one of three types. Some students find grammar very interesting, some find it boring, and some find it useful but very difficult. To make grammar more attractive to students, I would try more inductive approach, which is for students to be allowed to find out the meaning and rules of grammar for him selves. In an explicit approach to vocabulary instruction, teachers should exemplify the skills and understanding needed to develop vocabulary knowledge. Examples (showing students how to recognize new words).

  191. Weakness
    Piaget :
    1. The cognitive function ability of each student is considered the same
    2. Students cannot find their own learning style.
    Vigotsky :
    This theory is limited to visible behavior, learning processes that are less visible are difficult to observe directly
    Burner :
    1. This learning theory requires students to have mental readiness and maturity. Students must be brave and willing to know the circumstances around them. If you don't have the courage and desire, the learning process will fail.
    2. Learning theory like this takes a long time and if it is not guided or not directed it can cause chaos and confusion over the material being studied

    Types of kognitif
    Piaget :
    1. Sensorimotor stage: from birth to two years old
    2. Preoperational stage: from two to eight years old
    3. Concrete operational stage: from eight to eleven years old
    4. Formal stage: from eleven years to fifteen years or more
    Vigotsky :
    1. Zone of Proximal Development/ZPD
    2. The Sosiocultural of Learning
    3. Cognitive Appreticeship
    4. Scaffolding
    Burner :
    1. Discovery Learning
    2. Scaffolding

  192. Nama : Eka Oktaviyanti
    Nim : 201230078
    Kelas : TBI_5B
    TUGAS KE 3
    Mutiara ( grade 7 junior high school )
    Speaking :
    Advantages : English vocabulary enough to master the vocab that is used every day, while pronounciation it is good because she is confident
    Disadvantages : she is lacks mastery of pronounciantion which is rarely heard in everyday life.
    Method : In this case, the research approached through several questions and adding an explanation of vocabulary through understanding the method used is problem based learning.
    Listening :
    Advantages :She is very happy to listen mendengarkan audio the song when learning, then follow the song be slowly.
    Disadvantages : she is doesn’t understand if a native speaker speaks directly, because its too fast in pronounciation.
    Method ; this method through is problem based learning.

  193. Nama : Eka Oktaviyanti
    Kelass : TBI_5B
    Nim : 201230078
    TUGAS KE 5
    Source person : Mutiara ( grade 7 junior high school )
    Advantages : She is quite good at understanding grammar and formulas in grammar
    Disdavantages : She is doesn’t understand how to put it in pronounciation using grammar.
    Method : This method using is problem based learning
    Vocabulary :
    Advantages : She is quite proficient in vocabulary because of the habit in his class of memorizing several vocabs to be submitted to the teacher, but vocabulary that is still in his environment and practice everyday.
    Disadvantages :
    She is lack of mastery vocabulary that is difficult and rarely used in everyday life.
    Method : This method is called a problem based learning method.

  194. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 2

    A. Piaget
    The area of the theories: Piaget's theory improves cognitive development to show the intelligence of children's growth.
    Categorization: Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational , Formal operational
    Strength: This theory brings the influence of a new perspective on the psychological development, This theory has brought changes to the world of children, This theory has encouraged many researchers for cognitive development.
    Weakness: This theory runs into a lot of problems when it comes to formal operations, Many research studies refute the existence of this theory saying that not all children can develop from one stage to another, Some researchers state that development takes place in a continuous and not gradual process.
    Implementation: This stage occurs between birth and two years of age and is ideal for those working in early childhood education. At this stage, the child begins to understand the difference between himself and other objects in the room. Using blocks and dolls is a great way to incorporate this stage into your lesson plan.

  195. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 2

    B. Vygotsky
    The are of the theories: One of the theories developed by Vygotsky, namely the cultural-historical theory, Vygotsky believes that the environment of friendship, culture and social interaction has a major and very important role for children.
    Categorization: The ensorimotor stage, The preoperational stage, The concrete operational stage, The formal operation stage
    Strength: The power of Vygotsky's theory; the theory acknowledges the importance of social context for cognitive development, which Piaget underestimated. There are clear cultural differences in the development process.
    Weakness: Lack of Empirical Evidence, Offers Limited Solutions, Lack of Conscious Awareness, Not a Scientific Approach, Not Realistic, Ignores biological factors, Ignores life span changes.
    Implementation: Vygotsky's theory focuses on the role of culture in intellectual development, such as children's speech and thinking. According to Vygotsky, adults in society encourage children's cognitive development by engaging them in challenging and meaningful activities.

    C. Burner
    The are of the theories: Jerome Bruner's theory belongs to constructivist learning theory, which assumes that learning is active. Bruner proposes four main aspects in his theory, namely: Learning tendencies. A way of building a body of knowledge in a way that is most accessible to learners.
    Categorization: Classification theory Jerome Bruner (1915 -) had a major influence on cognitive learning theory. Based on the idea of classification, Bruner's theory states: "Perception means classification, conceptualization means classification, learning means forming classifications, and decision making means classification.
    Strenght: The strengths of Bruner ’s intellectual development theory are as follows: Bruner’s cognitive development theory proposed new mental processes. To have a better understanding of the link between behaviour and age, Bruner’s theory emphasised on mental structures.
    Weakness: The theory is specific due to which it has certain limitations, Individual differences are not taken into account in Bruner’s theory of cognitive development, Learners may not be willing to be vocal about their experiences, Not everyone may be able to achieve intellectual development according to the three stages of representation, Many researchers consider the stages of intellectual development to be inaccurate, Different learners have different learning abilities due to which the theory may not be applicable for all learners alike, The major criticism of Bruner’s theory is that it cannot be observed directly.
    Implementation: The Theory Bruner’s theory of scaffolding emerged around 1976 as a part of social constructivist theory, and was particularly influenced by the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky . Vygotsky argued that we learn best in a social environment, where we construct meaning through interaction with others.

  196. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 3

    On October 10, I observed my younger sister named Zakia Intan Nuraini who was attending SD Lab UPI, I asked her sister about her difficulties when learning to speak and listen in learning English at her school, she revealed that she had a little difficulty listening and he spoke English because according to him when the teacher taught he revealed that his method was very boring and made him and his friends unable to understand the material the teacher gave.

  197. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 4

    based on the results of my research on my 11-year-old sister regarding her learning about writing and reading, I also asked if there were any difficulties during the lesson and she replied that she had difficulty writing in English vocabulary because if her teacher did not practice or give examples when write vocabulary in English, but it is easy to read or speak in English because at school the teacher always practices or directs his students to read stories in English

  198. Name : Salma Tri Budiarti
    NIM : 201230101
    Class : TBI 5C
    Task 5

    based on the results of my research on my 11-year-old sister regarding her learning about grammar and vocabulary at her school, she revealed that the learning she received about grammar and vocabulary in English from her teacher was quite understandable because her teacher always gave several examples and even practice it so that students can understand it.

  199. Name : Nurhalyza Nabila Putri Class : TBI 5 B.
    *Work Number* : 2 Subject : English for Young Learner. *Assignment Identification and Classification three theory, they are: Piaget theory, Vygotsky theory and Bruner theory.* *Theory*
    *Theory Piaget*
    *Area of the theory (age or level young learner) : according to (Moreno, 2010) said that Piaget's theory, he divides into 4 theories based on his developmental age, there are:
    -2 years = sensomotor period
    -2 to 7 = preopreational stage
    -7 to 11 = concrete operation
    - 12 and up = formal operational stage
    *Implementation: according to (DeVries,2000), she said that Piaget theory is Piagetian constructivist' recommendation of a cooperative learning. There are consist relationship between teacher with student or student with another student.
    *Strength : according to (Nurkholida, 2018) that Piaget theory explained, learning should be whole, authentic and "real" so that the theory helps us to understand that meaning.
    *Weakness : There's two problem or weakness of theory Piaget, they are:
    Firstly, regarding the selection of participants.
    Secondly, Piaget often utilized the clinical method to collect data.
    *Types of Kognitif : Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis.

    *Theory Vygotsky*
    *Area of theory (age or level young learner): according to (DeVries,2000), she said that Vygotsky himself describing many instructional strategies that he believed to be line with his theory.
    The age range 3 to 15 years.
    *Implementation: according to (DeVries, 2000), she breaks it down into many implementations, including:
    -Reciprocal teaching
    -Classifying grocery items
    -Taxonomic hierarchical classification.
    *Strength : according to (Nurkholida, 2018) that Vygotsky theory explained, learning in social interactions among individuals happens in the zone of proximal developmenr (ZPD).
    *Weakness : The flaws in Vygotsky theory can be seen in how the teacher's role as an educator is less helpful during the learning process and how the scope of meaning being investigated is bigger and more complex.
    *Types of Kognitif : Knowledge, Comprehention, Analysis, Application.

    *Theory Bruner*
    *Area of theory (age or level young leaener) : according to Bruner, there are three stages of cognitive development that are based on how children express themselves to the world around them : enactive (0-2 years), iconic (2-5 years), and symbolic (>5 years).
    *Implementation : according to (Takaya, 2008) although Bruner is not the only one to think this transition in epistemology is significant, it curriculum and culture in education.
    *Strength : to determine whether learning has value, employ discovery learning. The learned information will stick with the learner and be simple to recall. Learning with this theory must be emphasize to discovery learning use problem solving as the method.
    *Weakness : Students must be mentally mature and ready to learn in order to use this learning approach.
    *Types of Kognitif : Knowledge, Comprehension, Analysis, Application, and Evaluation.
    *References*: Alahmad, M.(2020). Strengths and Weakness of Cognitive Theory.
    Bruner, J.(1996). Toward and theory of instruction.
    DeVries, R.(2000).Vygotsky, Piaget, and education: A reciporal assimilation of theories and educational practices.
    Nurkholida, E. (2018). Developing Authentic Material of Listening on Higher Education Based on Constructive Learning of Jean Piaget and Vygotsky Theory.
    Takaya, K. (2008). Jerome Bruner's theory of education: From early Bruner to later Bruner.
