Tuesday, 14 February 2023


 The students could see the RPS of functional grammar here. To understand the concept of functional grammar, you have to the analysis of the theory found in SFL(Systemic Functional Language) as mentioned in session 2 in the RPS. Please send your answers in this column comment. 


    (221250026) MPI 2A
    "SFL" is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.
    but this SFG is very complicated compared to the previous approach, why? because this SFG has a lot of terms.

  2. Anida zuhair 221250001 MPI 2A
    In systemic functional linguistics, three strata make up the linguistic system: meaning (semantics), sound (phonology), and words or lexicogrammar (syntax, morphology, and lexis).

    Systemic functional linguistics treats grammar as a source of meaning and emphasizes the relationship between form and meaning

  3. shefyta putri maitsa (221250024) MPI 2A
    Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system.

  4. Hesti akila jahra
    SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday social interactions, both in spoken and written form.
    systemic means as a whole, whereas functional is something that can be used or applied in various scientific fields.
    So, SFL can be appointed as a multifunctional overall analysis of discourse in the form of sentences and writings

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a Linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. Text refers to all linguistic phenomena, in any medium, which can be understood by people who know the language used by the text.

  7. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also commonly called Functional Grammar. This knowledge is different from previous grammars which commonly regard language as a series of form rules.

  8. Functional systemic linguistic analysis does not only focus on analysis linguistic sources (words, morphemes, sentences or texts) but also focus on analyzing social, cultural and ideological meanings.

  9. SFL stands for Systemic Functional Linguistics in Indonesian known as Functional Systemic Linguistics. When defined simply, SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday social interactions, both in the form of speech and writing.

    (221250015) MPI 2 A
    Systemic Functional Linguistics (LSF), or Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text constructs its meaning in a context

  11. Ratu Aulia_221250013 (MPI 2A)
    Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also commonly called Functional Grammar. This knowledge is different from previous grammars. This science looks at language with a broader perspective. Language is seen as a resource for making meaning.

  12. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also commonly called Functional Grammar. This knowledge is different from previous grammars which commonly regard language as a series of form rules. This science looks at language with a broader perspective. Language is seen as a resource for making meaning.
    And SFG is a theory of grammar that places more emphasis on the function or role of language itself.

  13. Mumu tri meilina 221250011 (MPI2A)

    •Systemic functional Linguage (SFL) is a linguage approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.
    SFG is a grammar theory that places more emphasis on the function or role of language itself.

  14. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system.

  15. Systemic Functional Linguistics (LSF), or Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text constructs its meaning in a context. while functional grammar is better known as systemic functional grammar, which is a theory of language use that focuses on language analysis in conveying information, both in spoken and written form.

  16. Lilis Sumuati (221250017) MPI 2 A
    Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.

  17. SFL (System' Fungsional Linguistics), is a approach to understanding a text format hangs format the meaning the context

  18. Sri Yulianah (221250010) MPI 2A
    SFL stands for Systemic Functional Linguistics. SFL is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. Text refers to all linguistic phenomena in any medium that can be understood by people who know the language used in the text. LSF divides the contexts in which language appears into two types: situational contexts and cultural contexts.
    SFG is Systemic Functional Grammar.

  19. Linguistik Sistemik Fungsional (LSF), atau Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), merupakan pendekatan Linguistik yang bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana sebuah teks membentuk maknanya dalam sebuah konteks. Teks merujuk pada semua fenomena kebahasaan, dalam media apapun, yang dapat dimengerti oleh orang yang mengetahui bahasa yang digunakan oleh teks tersebut.


  20. SFL is systemic functional linguistics. which aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. so SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday interactions, both in the form of speech and writing.

  21. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context

    A central notion is stratification, such that language is analysed in terms of four strata Context, Semantics, Lexico-Grammar and Phonology-Graphology.
    The Lexico-Grammar concerns the syntactic organisation of words into utterances. Even here, a functional approach is taken, involving analysis of the utterance in terms of roles such as Actor, Agent/Medium, Theme,
    Mood, etc.

  22. Siti Arifah (221250030) MPI 2A
    Functional Linguistics (SFL) is widely used in teaching and learning English. In SFL there is an understanding that linguistics distinguishes functions in the context of paradigms and functions in the context of syntax. The first is generally known as a system, while the second is known as a language structure.

  23. (SFL) known as functional grammar is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. and the study of the relationship between language and its function in social settings

  24. Systemic functional grammar is concerned primarily with the choices the grammar makes available to speakers and writers.
    Three strata make up the linguistic system in SFL: meaning (semantics), sound (phonology), and wording or lexicogrammar (syntax, morphology, and lexis).


  25. Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. Text refers to all linguistic phenomena in any medium that can be understood by people who know the language used in the text. To assist its analysis, LSF divides the context in which language appears into two types: situational context and cultural context.Situation context refers to three things in a language action: who is involved, what situation is happening, and what function does language have in that situation.[2] The cultural context in LSF refers to various elements that can be used or carried out by a member of a particular culture to make meaning, for example through gestures, vocal qualities, facial expressions, etc.

  26. sfl is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how texts have meaning in context,
    The context in question
    refers to three things in an act of language: who is involved, what situation is happening, and what function the language has in that situation.


    System Functional Linguistics, commonly known as (SFL), is one of the sciences that examines how to translate Indonesian, as well as teach grammar, SFL is very easy to analyze so that it becomes a source of meaning, because it is easy to understand and can be practiced by an audience of people, and this SFL is very practical in nature.

    This linguistic flow pioneered by Michael Alexander Kirkwood Halliday began to get a place on the world linguistic map in the early 1960s.

  28. Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.[1] Text refers to all linguistic phenomena in any medium that can be understood by people who know the language used in the text.

  29. Functional grammar is a linguistic theory that states all constituents, whether affixes, words, phrases, or sentences, have semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic functions.

  30. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a linguistics stream that was developed by an English linguist, namely Michael Halliday, which focuses on the relationship between language, text, and context.

  31. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a school of linguistics originally developed by the British linguist Michael Halliday. Its basic concern is to develop analytic categories for language that capture “the relationship between language and social structure” (Halliday & Hasan, 1985, p. 10).

  32. Systemic functional linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its functions in social settings. Also known as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics

  33. systemic functional
    language is the study related to language and its function in social regulation. And generally referred to as functional grammar. There are three aspects in Systemic Functional Language, namely: Ideational, Interpersonal, and Textual.

  34. Systemic Functional Linguistics is a theory of language which highlights the relationship between language, text and context.

  35. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system.

    Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a school of linguistics originally developed by the British linguist Michael Halliday. Its basic concern is to develop analytic categories for language that capture “the relationship between language and social structure” (Halliday & Hasan, 1985, p. 10).

  36. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a school of linguistics originally developed by the British linguist Michael Halliday. Its basic concern is to develop analytic categories for language that capture “the relationship between language and social structure” (Halliday & Hasan, 1985, p. 10).Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system.

  37. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system.
    It was devised by Michael Halliday, who took the notion of system from J. R. Firth, his teacher (Halliday, 1961).

  38. SFL stands for Systemic Functional Linguistics in Indonesian known as Systemic Functional Linguistics. When defined simply, SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday social interactions, both in the form of speech and writing. In this definition, systemic is defined as a whole, while functional is something that can be used or applied in various scientific fields. Thus, SFL can be categorized as a multifunctional overall analysis of discourse in the form of speech and writing. SFL was developed by M.A.K Halliday and colleagues in the 1960s. His thoughts on SFL were heavily influenced by his teacher, namely J.R. Firth, a British linguist who argues that language is a system and the importance of a context to explain meaning. In SFL, there are 3 metafunctions that form the basis for analysis, namely 1. Ideational (related to knowledge about the discourse to be analyzed), 2. Interpersonal (related to interpersonal relationships or people around the discourse to be analyzed), and 3. Textual (Related to how the discourse is structured and forms meaning in the form of speech or writing).

  39. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also commonly called Functional Grammar. This knowledge is different from previous grammars which commonly regard language as a series of form rules. This science looks at language with a broader perspective. Language is seen as a resource for making meaning (everything that allows us to be able to communicate).

  40. Nama: Siti Santia
    Nim : 221250034
    SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday social interactions, both in spoken and written forms. In this definition, systemic is defined as a whole, while functional is something that can be used or applied in various scientific fields. In SFL, there are 3 metafunctions that form the basis for analysis, namely 1. Ideational (related to knowledge about the discourse to be analyzed), 2. Interpersonal (related to interpersonal relationships or people around the discourse to be analyzed), and 3. Textual (related to how the discourse is structured and forms meaning in the form of speech or writing).

  41. •Systemic Functional Linguistics (LSF), or Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text constructs its meaning in a context.

    •Systemic Functional Linguistics has three metafunctions: Ideational, Interpersonal, and Textual.

  42. SFL merupakan singkatan dari linguistik fungsional sistemik atau di kenal dengan linguistik fungsional sistemik.secara bahasa SFL merupakan pendekatan kata yang di gunakan untuk menganalisis bahasa yang di gunakan dalam berbagai konteks interaksi sosial.

  43. Mochammad Gibran Fuhaedy
    Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also commonly called Functional Grammar. This knowledge is different from previous grammars which commonly regard language as a series of form rules. This science looks at language with a broader perspective. Language is seen as a resource for making meaning (everything that allows us to be able to communicate).

  44. Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.
    Situational context refers to three things in a language action: who is involved, what situation is happening, and what function does language have in that situation.

  45. Systemic Functional Language or can be abbreviated (SFL) is aimed at understanding a text in forming meaning in the form of context.

  46. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) views
    language as a social semiotic resource people use to accomplish their purposes by expressing
    meanings in contex
    a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.

  47. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context

  48. SFL is an abbreviation of systemic functional linguistics or known as systemic functional linguistics. SFL is a word approach used to analyze the language used in various contexts of social interaction.

  49. Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) treats grammar as a source of meaning and emphasizes the relationship between form and meaning.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. 221250049 MPI 2B
    Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a text that refers to all linguistic phenomena, in any media, which can be understood by people who know the language used by the text. SFL pays more attention to aspects outside language, namely context.

  52. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.
    A central notion is 'stratification', such that language is analysed in terms of four strata: Context, Semantics, Lexico-Grammar and Phonology-Graphology.

  53. system functional language is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text constructs its meaning in a context.

  54. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centered on understanding language functions. While SFL takes into account the syntactic structure of the language, it places the function of the language at the center (what the language does, and how it does it).

  55. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the science of language (linguistics) which is also general (Functional Grammar). This knowledge is different from previous grammars which commonly regard language as a series of form rules. This science also looks at language with a broader perspective. Language is seen as resources for making meaning (everything that allows us to be able to communicate).

  56. Central to SFL is the use of 'system networks', an inheritance network used to represent the choices present in making an utterance. The 'choices' in this network are called 'features'. e.g., a simplified lexico-grammatical network. So Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.

  57. Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.

  58. Systemic Functional Linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its function in social settings. Also known as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics.

  59. Systemic functional linguistic (SFL) is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text shapes its meaning in a context.
    Text refers to all linguistic phenomena in any medium that can be understood by people who know the language used in the text

  60. To help its analysis, LSF divides the context in which language emerges into two types: the context of the situation and the cultural context.The context of the situation refers to three things in a language action: who is involved, what situation is happening, and what function language has in that situation.

  61. Systemic Functional Linguistics, or simply "Systemic Functional Linguistics," is a way of thinking about language that tries to figure out how a text takes on meaning in a given situation.

  62. Azra Nur Izzati Aziz
    TBI 4D
    Analysis of the theory found in SFL(Systemic Functional Language) :

    Teori linguistik fungsional sistemik (LFS atau Systemic Functional
    Grammar) memandang bahasa sebagai fenomena sosial, yaitu bahasa cenderung
    sebagai alat berbuat (doing) daripada mengetahui (knowing) sesuatu (Sinar, 2008: 19).

    From the theory mentioned above, the analysis that I can explain is that SFL (Systemic Functional Language) is a social phenomenon, which is more inclined to the purpose of doing something than knowing something. According to my personal analysis, what is meant by "doing" is speaking, with a functional or sequential system and seen from the usefulness of information, conveying information with coherence and clear intentions. Meanwhile, "knowing" means listening to information. Social interaction where there are those who speak and listen, systemic functional language is one method of conveying information with structured language so that it is easily understood according to the purpose of the conversation.

  63. Nim : 211230112
    Class : TBI 4D
    Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.
    A central notion is 'stratification', such that language is analysed in terms of four strata: Context, Semantics, Lexico-Grammar and Phonology-Graphology.

  64. Dede Gustiroh
    TBI 4 D

    SFL (System Functional Linguistics) is a language approach that analyzes how language is used in various contexts that occur in everyday social interactions, both oral and written.  In SFL, there are 3 metafunctions that form the basis for analysis, namely 1. Ideational 2. Interpersonal 3. Textual

  65. Nazwa Aurelia Faradisa (211230118)
    TBI 4D

    Systemic-Functional Linguistics also called critical linguistics. SFL is closely related to with sociology; it explores how language is used in social contexts to achieve particular goals. SFL does not address how language is processed or represented within the brain, but rather looks at the text produced (whether spoken or written) and its contexts. As it concerns with language use, SFL places more emphasis on language function (what it is used for) than on language structure (how it is composed).

  66. Marsya Nurul Kamilah
    Nim: 211230099
    TBI 4D

    SFL is a linguistic strategy that examines how language is utilized in a variety of spoken and written contexts in regular social interactions. In this definition, functional refers to something that can be employed or applied in a variety of scientific subjects, whereas systemic refers to the totality.

    Three metafunctions
    1. Idetional (connected to knowledge about the discourse to be examined),
    2. Interpersonal (related to interpersonal connections or persons around the discourse to be investigated), and
    3. Textual serve as the foundation for analysis in SFL (related to how the discourse is structured and forms meaning in the form of speech or writing).

  67. Alvina Nur Qolbie (221250008)
    MPI 2A

    Systemic functional linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its function in social settings.
    Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.[1] Text refers to all linguistic phenomena in any medium that can be understood by people who know the language used in the text.

  68. Puspita Wiranti
    TBI 4 D

    SFL stands for Systemic Functional Linguistics in Indonesian and is referred to as Functional Systemic Linguistics. In short, SFL is a language approach that analyzes how language is used in various contexts that occur in everyday social interactions, both spoken and written

  69. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics that considers language as a social semiotic system (Halliday, 1978). Functional systemic linguistics explains the syntactic elements of language. This theory places the function of language at its center (what is the nature of language itself and how it works). Unlike the structural approach which puts language elements and their combinations at the center, functional systemic linguistics starts from the social context and looks at how language acts and is limited by the social context.

    Functional systemic linguistics analysis does not only focus on analyzing linguistic resources (words, morphemes, sentences or texts) only, but alsofocuses on analyzing social, cultural and ideological meanings. In the analysis of functional systemic linguistics, the pattern of language structure and language meaning is seen as a cogenetic relationship with the social and cultural factors in which the language is used.

  70. Wilda Mufadillah
    Tbi 4 D

    Systemic functional linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its function in social settings. Also known as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics. In systemic functional linguistics, three strata make up the linguistic system: meaning (semantics), sound (phonology), and words or lexicogrammar (syntax, morphology, and lexis).

  71. Ladzina Agusti Priatna
    Tbi 4 D

    according to me, SFL is a language approach that is used to analyze how language is used in various contexts that exist in everyday social interactions, both in spoken and written form.
    systemic means as a whole, whereas functional is something that can be used or applied in various scientific fields.
    So, SFL can be appointed as a multifunctional overall analysis of discourse in the form of sentences and writings

  72. Rismatun Uyun (211230097) TBI 4D

    SFL stands for Functional Linguistics, which is a linguistic study that discusses the relationship between language and its functions in various contexts in social interaction. Systemic-Functional Linguistics is also called Critical Linguistics. This analysis focuses on the analysis of social, cultural, and ideological meanings. where the aim is to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context.

  73. Name : Vica Regina Aulia
    Nim : 211230098
    Class : TBI/ 4D

    A linguistic method called Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) tries to comprehend how a document develops its meaning in a context. Text is any linguistic phenomenon that can be comprehended by those who are familiar with the language being employed, regardless of the medium. Situational context and cultural context are the two categories into which LSF divides the contexts in which language appears to aid in its interpretation. In a language action, situation context relates to three things: who is participating, what circumstance is occurring, and what role does language play in that situation. [2] The term "cultural context" in LSF refers to a variety of aspects that can be employed or performed by a person from a specific culture to convey meaning, such as gestures, vocalizations, facial expressions, etc.

  74. Dependent clause is a group of words containing subject and verb (verb) or clauses that cannot stand alone as a single sentence or complete sentence
    An example : She is still working on that company though it is hard

    independent clause can stand alone as a whole sentence and its meaning can already be understood and has the potential to become a whole and complete sentence
    An example : I wash my towels every week.

  75. Name: Ratu Putri Intan Shafira
    SRN: 211230106
    Class: TBI 4D

    Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centred around the notion of language function. While SFL accounts for the syntactic structure of language, it places the function of language as central (what language does, and how it does it), in preference to more structural approaches, which place the elements of language and their combinations as central. SFL starts at social context, and looks at how language both acts upon, and is constrained by, this social context.

    A central notion is 'stratification', such that language is analysed in terms of four strata: Context, Semantics, Lexico-Grammar and Phonology-Graphology.

    Context concerns the Field (what is going on), Tenor (the social roles and relationships between the participants), and the Mode (aspects of the channel of communication, e.g., monologic/dialogic, spoken/written, +/- visual-contact, etc.).

    Systemic semantics includes what is usually called 'pragmatics'. Semantics is divided into three components:

    Ideational Semantics (the propositional content);

    Interpersonal Semantics (concerned with speech-function, exchange structure, expression of attitude, etc.);

    Textual Semantics (how the text is structured as a message, e.g., theme-structure, given/new, rhetorical structure etc.The Lexico-Grammar concerns the syntactic organisation of words into utterances. Even here, a functional approach is taken, involving analysis of the utterance in terms of roles such as Actor, Agent/Medium, Theme, Mood, etc. (See Halliday 1994 for full description).

  76. Name : lisca aulia hanafi
    class : TBI 3 D
    Nim : 211230103

    SFL is a linguistic strategy that examines language use in a variety of spoken and written contexts that are present in our everyday social interactions. As a result, SFL can be described as an all-encompassing multifunctional study of discourse in both speech and writing.

  77. Name: Lisna Aulia Rahayu
    SRN: 211230102
    Class: TBI 4D

    Systemic Functional Linguistic is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is also an approach to linguistics, among the functional linguists who consider language as a social semiotic system.
    SFL adopts the paradigmatic axis as its starting point. Systemic puts forward the "paradigmatic axis". SFL maps the options available in any language variety using its representation tool from the "system network". Functional signifies the proposition that language evolves under the pressure of the functions that the language system has to serve. Functions are taken to leave their mark on the structure and organization of language at all levels, which is achieved through metafunctions. Metafunction is uniquely defined in SFL as "the organization of the functional framework around the system", i.e. choices. This is a significant difference from other "functional" approaches, such as Dik's functional grammar (FG, or as it is now often called, functional discourse grammar) and lexical functional grammar.

  78. Kholifatut Ta'ziah
    TBI 4 D
    Systemic functional linguistics is the study of how language and its uses in social contexts interact is known as systemic functional linguistics. Systemic linguistics is also referred to as SFL, systemic functional grammar, Hallidayan linguistics, and systemic linguistics.
    The linguistic system of SFL is composed of three strata: lexicogrammar, phonology, and semantics (syntax, morphology, and lexis).
    Grammar is used as a tool for meaning construction in systemic functional linguistics, which also stresses the relationship between form and meaning. British linguist M.A.K. Halliday (b. 1925) created this field of study in the 1960s after being influenced by the Prague School's and British linguist J.R. Firth's work (1890-1960).

  79. Name: Dina Agustina
    Nim: 211230121
    Name: 4D TBI

    The study of the connection between language and its social roles is known as systemic functional linguistics. Also referred to as SFL, Hallidayan linguistics, systemic linguistics, and systemic functional grammar
    The British linguist Michael Halliday is credited with founding the school of linguistics known as Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL). Its primary goal is to create language analytical categories that reflect "the link between language and social structure" (Halliday & Hasan, 1985, p. 10).

  80. Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a linguistic approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. SFL divides the context in which language is divided into two types: situational and cultural contexts. Situational context refers to three things in language features: who is involved, what situation occurs and what role language plays in that situation. Cultural context in SFL refers to various elements that can be used or applied by members of a particular culture to convey meaning through gestures, vocal characteristics, facial expressions, etc. Systemic Functional Linguistics stems from the assumptions of J.R. Firth about language that language returns to him (Language turned back on itself). J.R. Firth (circa 1930-1950) believed that language would return to its natural state, which was directly related to the philosophical position of the language itself. Systemic Functional Linguistics stands from the views of many linguistic figures. This includes M.A.K Halliday and J.R. Firth. Halliday is credited as an academic who further developed this theory.

  81. Nama : Siti Sopiah_211230110_TBI 4D

    - Systemic Functional Linguistics is a theory of language which highlights the relationship between language, text and context. Its scope is wide in that it sets out to explain how humans make meaning through language and other semiotic resources, and to understand the relationship between language and society.
    - Creating systematic relations between choices and forms within the less abstract strata of grammar and phonology, on the one hand, and more abstract strata such as context of situation and context of culture on the other.

  82. Name : Iqomatul Salamah
    Nim : 211230116
    Class : 3-D/TBI

    According to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), functional is seen in terms of function. In addition, the functional meaning also has other meanings, namely based on position. The word functional is often used to describe something that prioritizes function, for example, home appliances.
    Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) is a theory of language centered on the notion of language function. While SFL takes into account the syntactic structure of language, it places the functions of language at the center (what the language does, and how to do it), in preference to a more structural approach, which places the elements of language and their combinations at the center. SFL starts from the social context, and looks at how language acts on, and is limited by, this social context.
    Functional Grammar is actually the name of a group of linguistic theories which in general can be classified into functional linguistics (linguistic functionalism), including functional discourse grammar.
    The central notion is 'stratification', so language is analyzed in four strata: Context, Semantics, Lexico-Grammar and Phonology-Graphology.


    Systemic Functional Linguistics (LSF), or Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL), is a Linguistics approach that aims to understand how a text forms its meaning in a context. Text refers to all linguistic phenomena, in any medium, which can be understood by people who know the language used by the text.

    TBI 4D

    A linguistic method called SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistic) tries to understand how a document develops its meaning in context. A text is any linguistic phenomenon that can be understood by those who know the language used, regardless of the environment. Situational context and cultural context are two categories in which LSF divides contexts in which language appears to aid interpretation.


  85. Systemic functional linguistics is the study of the relationship between language and its functions in social settings. Systemic functional linguistics treats grammar as a meaning-making resource and insists on the interrelation of form and meaning.

  86. Gunawan wachjudin
    TBI 4D
    A linguistic method called Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) tries to comprehend how a document develops its meaning in a context. Situational and cultural contexts are the two categories into which SFL divides the context in which language is used. Situational context in linguistic features relates to three things: who is involved, what circumstance arises, and what function language serves in that setting. In SFL, the term "cultural context" refers to a variety of factors that members of a given culture can utilize or use to communicate meaning through gestures, vocal tics, facial expressions, etc. J.R. Firth's beliefs about language, which state that language "returns to him," are the foundation of systemic functional linguistics (Language turned back on itself). Around 1930–1950, J.R. Firth thought that language would revert to its original state.
