Students of Islamic Education Management department have studied several topics provided in the RPS among this semester. This week they have to do a mid term test as one of the requirements to pass my subject. To do the test, you have to open this link, Then, the students have to put their answers in this blog comment column today at 11.59 p.m. I do not tolerate who send the answers out of the time line. Good luck
1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik.
ReplyDeleteSpecific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel.
2. Simple sentences:
- The tree was full of red apples.
- The farmer was riding his brown horse.
- He stopped under the tree.
- He bit into the raw apple.
- He enjoyed the apple.
- The horse ate the raw apple.
- The horse enjoyed the apple.
- He put the horse in the barn.
- He walked into his house.
- He sat down on the sofa.
Compound sentence:
- He reached out and picked an apple off a branch. (menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
- The farmer picked another apple off the tree, and he gave it to the horse. (menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
- The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag, and he rode the horse back home. (menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
- She cooked the raw apples, and she made an apple pie. (menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
- They had hot apple pie for dessert, and they both enjoyed the apple pie. (menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
His wife came home.
3. Simple sentences adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu klausa independen (independent clause) yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat, seperti "The tree was full of red apples." atau "He enjoyed the apple," Sedangkan compound sentences adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih klausa independen yang digabungkan dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "and", "but", atau "or". Contohnya, "The farmer was riding his brown horse and he stopped under the tree." atau "His wife came home, and she cooked the raw apples."
Meskipun beberapa kalimat dalam paragraf hanya terdiri dari satu klausa independen dan tidak menggunakan conjunction, konteks kalimat tersebut masih terhubung dengan baik dengan kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya. Oleh karena itu, antar kalimat dalam paragraf terorganisir dengan baik dan membentuk alur cerita yang koheren.
4. Kalimat pertama dalam paragraf tersebut, yaitu "The tree was full of red apples.", menunjukkan topic sentence karena memberikan gambaran utama tentang apa yang akan dibahas dalam paragraf tersebut, yaitu pohon apel yang penuh dengan buah-buah apel merah.
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ReplyDelete1. The farmer was riding his brown horse
ReplyDeleteThe cat rubed up agains this leg
The enjoyed the apple
The horse ate the raw apple
2. His horse turned its head to look at him
The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
-compound senteces
They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
For, is, and, he,
3.Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. •The tree was full of red apples.
Karena topic sentences terletak di awal kalimat dan di nyatakan sebagai main idea(gagasan utama) dari suatu paragraf.
1. Referensi umum pada kuantitas dalam teks tersebut adalah "a dozen apples" yang menunjukkan jumlah yang pasti dari buah apel yang telah dipetik oleh petani. Selain itu, tidak ada referensi kuantitatif yang spesifik dalam teks ini.
ReplyDelete2. Simple sentences: "He stopped under the tree." "He enjoyed the apple." "The horse ate the raw apple." "The horse enjoyed the apple." "He walked into his house."
Compound sentences: "The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag, and he rode the horse back home." "They ate bread and hot soup for dinner, and they had hot apple pie for dessert." Antara kalimat-kalimat tersebut digabungkan dengan conjunction "and".
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "He enjoyed the apple" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. Topic sentence dalam teks ini tidak terlalu jelas karena tidak ada kalimat yang secara eksplisit menyatakan topik. Namun, paragraf ini dapat dikategorikan sebagai deskripsi tentang kegiatan sehari-hari petani dan keluarganya, terutama tentang memetik dan menikmati apel yang sudah dipanen. Oleh karena itu, dapat dianggap bahwa kalimat pertama "The tree was full of red apples" dapat berfungsi sebagai topik kalimat secara tersirat.
1. "the tree was full of red apples", "the farmer put a dozen apples into a bag"
ReplyDelete2. simple sentences : "he bit into the raw apple", "the farmer put dozen apples", "he put the hourse". compound sentences : "he reached and picked an apple", they ate bread and hot soup for dinner".
3. Kalimat di atas sudah bisa di katakan koheren karena memilik hubungan sematis dalam teks dan tuturan yang terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. "THE TREE WAS FULL OF RED APPLE", Karena topic senten terletak di awal kalimat, dan di sebut sebagai gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf.
Nama : Fajar Wisnu Yogi Saputra (221250063)
ReplyDeleteKelas : MPI 2 B
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2.Simple Sentences :
• The tree was full of red apples.
• The farmer was riding his brown horse.
• He stopped under the tree.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• He enjoyed the apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• He rode the horse back home.
• He put the horse in the barn.
• He walked into his house.
• The cat rubbed up against his leg.
• He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
• He sat down on the sofa.
• His wife came home.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• She made an apple pie.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
• They enjoyed the bread and soup.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
• They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences :
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa di katakana koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kita menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
1. The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
ReplyDeleteThe Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
"They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
2. Simple sentences:
He stopped under the tree
He enjoyed the Apple
He gave it into the horse
Compound sentences
He reached out "and" picked an Apple of a branch
The Farmer put a dozen apples "into" a bag
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas, dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut, dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic sentences atau kalimat utama dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
mpi 2b
1.'the tree was full of red apples","the farmer put a dozen apples into a bag"
2. Simple sentences: "He stopped under the tree." "He enjoyed the apple." "The horse ate the raw apple." "The horse enjoyed the apple." "He walked into his house."
Compound sentences: "The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag, and he rode the horse back home." "They ate bread and hot soup for dinner, and they had hot apple pie for dessert." Antara kalimat-kalimat tersebut digabungkan dengan conjunction "and".
3.Simple sentences adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu klausa independen (independent clause) yang dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah kalimat, seperti "The tree was full of red apples." atau "He enjoyed the apple," Sedangkan compound sentences adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih klausa independen yang digabungkan dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "and", "but", atau "or". Contohnya, "The farmer was riding his brown horse and he stopped under the tree." atau "His wife came home, and she cooked the raw apples."
Meskipun beberapa kalimat dalam paragraf hanya terdiri dari satu klausa independen dan tidak menggunakan conjunction, konteks kalimat tersebut masih terhubung dengan baik dengan kalimat sebelum dan sesudahnya.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
Nama: Anida zuhair 221250001
ReplyDeleteKelas :MPI 2A
General: his wife come home
Specific quantity:
an apple
A dozen
A bag
A bowl
A book
An apple pie
A branch
2. Simple sentences:
The farmer was riding his brown horse.
She made an apple pie.
He enjoyed the apple.
Compound sentences:
They enjoyed bread and hot soup.
He reached out and picked an apple of a brunch.
3. 3. Kalimat di atas sudah bisa di katakan koheren karena memilik hubungan sematis dalam teks
dan tuturan yang terhubung. Simple sentence adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Compound sentences adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. An apple. Karena topik tersebut yang menjadi main idea dalam paragraf tersebut.
Hesti Akila jahra
ReplyDelete( MPI 2A )
1) A. General
- His wife came home
B. Spesific quantity
- He Put a dozen apples into a bag
- an Apple. - a branch
- a bag. - an Apple pie
- a bowl
- a book
2. A. Simple sentence
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The cat rubbed up against his leg
-They ate bread
-He enjoyed the apple
- she Made an Apple pie
- the former was riding his brown horse
B. Compound
- He reached out and picked an Apple off a branch
- the former picked another Apple of the tree
- the farmer put a dozen apples into a bag
- they ate bread and hot soup for dinner
- they enjoyed the bread and soup
C. Conjuntion
- and
- but
3. The sentence above can be said to be coherent because it has a semantic relationship in the text
and connected speech. A simple sentence is a sentence that only has one independent clause. A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more clauses
4. Topic sentence : Apple
Karena Kata Apple terdapat pada kalimat pertama di awal kalimat yang menyatakan main idea (gagasan utama) dari suatu paragraf.
Prodi: MPI
ReplyDeleteSemester dan Kelas: 2A
1. The General References to Quantity
Red Apples
An Apple off A Branch
Another Apple off The Tree
A Bowl of Warm Milk
A Book
An Apple Pie
The Spesific References to Quantity
A Dozen Apples
The Tree
The Farmer
The Raw Apple
The Apple
The Horse
The Cat
The Sofa
The Raw Apples
The Bread and Soup
The Apple Pie
The tree was full of red apples
The farmer was riding his brown house
He stopped under the tree
He bit into the raw
The farmer picked another apple off the tree
He gave it to the horse
The horse ate the raw apple
The horse enjoyed the apple
The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag
He rode horse back home
He put the horse in the barn
He walked into his house
The cat rubbed up againist his leg
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
He sat down on the sofa
His wife came house
She cooked the raw apples
She mad an apple pie
He reached out and picked an apple off A branch
Conjunction: and
His horse turned its head to look at him
Conjunction: to
They are bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjunction: and, for
They enjoyed the bread and soup
Conjunction: and
They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjunction: for
He opened book to read
Conjunction: to
3. Simple Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject + verb + object/keterangan atau disebut juga dengan satu klausa independen
Contoh: The horse ate the raw apple
Compound Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu subject/verb/object yang terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen, dan dihubungkan dengan conjunction
Contoh: They had hot apple for dessert
Conjunction: For
Teks diatas masih koheren karena masih terdapat keterkaitan konteks alur aktivitas petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir cerita
Walaupun ada beberapa kalimat yang tidak menggunakan conjunction, isi konteks teks tersebut masih koheren
4. Topic Sentences: The tree was full of red apples
Karena umumnya, topic sentences berada di awal teks dan sebagai titik awal pembahasan
1. - general : His wife came home
ReplyDelete- spesifik : an Apple
a branch
a bag
a book
a bowl
2. - Simple sentence :
- he enjoyed the apple
- the former was riding his brown house
- the horses enjoyed the apple
- he opened a book to read
- he rode the horse back house
- he the horse in the barn
- she cooked the raw apple's
- she made an Apple pie
- compound sentence :
- he reached out and picked an apple's of branch
- they ate bread and hot soup for dinner
- they enjoyed the bread and soup
- conjunction : and, but
3. Pada kalimat yang no 2 telah di katakan Koheren sebab mempunyai hubungan yang sistematis pada teks dan adanya tuturan yang terhubung. Kalimat yang sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas, sedangkan kalimat kompleks ialah suatu kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk kompleks ialah yang menggabungkan keduanya
4. An Apple,because that is mind idea.
Karena topi sentence di awal paragraf
Malinda Irma Husna 221250004
Delete1. General (Indefinite article: a, an, any, another, other, what, whatever & Quantifiers: all, few, many, some)
ReplyDelete-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
Specific (• Definite article: the • Possessives: me, your, her, his, its, our, their, whose • Demonstratives: that, this, those, these • Interrogatives: which )
- He stopped under the tree.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-His wife came home.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
2. Simple sentence (S+V+Complement/Object)
-The farmer was riding his brown horse
-He stopped under the tree.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-He enjoyed the apple.
-His horse turned its head to look at him.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He walked into his house.
-The cat rubbed up against his leg.
-He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
-He sat down on the sofa.
-He opened a book to read.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-She made an apple pie.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They had hot apple pie for dessert.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound sentence (S+V+O/ Complement+Coordinate Conjunction{for, and, nor but, or, yet, so}+S+V+O/ Complement)
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
3. I think the sentences above are coherent because they are interrelated and tell about the activities of a farmer from picking apples to making apple pie and eating it with his wife.
4. (She made an apple pie),
So topic Sentence is (an apple pie). Karma Kalimat topik adalah kalimat yang paling penting dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadang-kadang disebut sebagai kalimat fokus, kalimat topik membantu mengatur paragraf dengan meringkas informasi dalam paragraf.
Nama: Ratu Ananda Diana Putri
ReplyDeleteNim: 221250057
Kls : MPI 2B
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2.Simple Sentences :
• The farmer was riding his brown horse.
• He enjoyed the apple.
• He stopped under the tree.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
The tree was full of red apples.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• He rode the horse back home.
• She made an apple pie.
• He walked into his house.
• The cat rubbed up against his leg.
• He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
• He sat down on the sofa.
• His wife came home.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
• He put the horse in the barn.
• They enjoyed the bread and soup.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
• They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences :
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa di katakana koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kalimat menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup semua pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
1. • The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
ReplyDelete• The Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
• "They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
• He oppened a book to read (General)
2. Simple sentences:
• He stopped under the tree
• He enjoyed the Apple
• He gave it into the horse
Compound sentences
• He reached out "and" picked an Apple of a branch
• The Farmer put a dozen apples "into" a bag
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic sentences atau kalimat utama dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
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ReplyDelete1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
ReplyDelete2. Simple Sentences, example :
a. The tree was full of red apples.
b. The farmer was riding his brown horse.
c. He stopped under the tree.
d. He bit into the raw apple.
e. He enjoyed the apple.
f. The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
g. He gave it to the horse.
h. The horse ate the raw apple.
I. The horse enjoyed the apple.
j. The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
k. He rode the horse back home.
l. He put the horse in the barn.
m. He walked into his house.
n. The cat rubbed up against his leg.
o. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
p He sat down on the sofa.
q. His wife came home.
r. She cooked the raw apples.
s. She made an apple pie.
t. They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
u. They enjoyed the bread and soup.
v. They had hot apple pie for dessert.
w. They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences, example :
x. He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
y. His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
z. He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa dikatakan koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kita menggunakan kata ''di samping itu'' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences, example : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraf yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
Ratu Aulia (221250013)
ReplyDeleteMPI 2A
1. General and specific references to quantity
- An apple off a branch.
- The farmer put a dozen Apples into a bag.
- He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
- He opened a book.
- She made an Apple pie.
2. Simple Sentences
- He bit into the raw apple.
- The horse ate the raw apple.
- The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
- He put the horse in the barn.
Compound Sentences
- He reached out and picked an apple off a branch. (menggunakan Coordinating conjunction ‘and’)
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner. (menggunakan Coordinating conjunction ‘and’)
3. Kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut bisa dikatakan koheren karna memliki alur yang jelas dan berhubungan antar kalimatnya. Meskipun kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut sudah dikatakan koheren, namun paragraph tersebut sebaiknya ditambahkan beberapa conjunction di beberapa kalimat yang tepat.
4. “The Tree was Full of red apple” dikatakan Topic Sentence karena salah satu ciri dari topic sentence berada di awal paragraf, kalimat tersebut juga sudah menggambarkan secara umum pembahasan dari teks paragraf.
Nama:Bakhtiar Septiawan Dwi Secara
ReplyDeleteNIM : 221250051
Kelas : MPI B
1. The tree is full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2. Simple sentences:
He stopped under a tree
He enjoys Apples
He gave it to the horse
• compound sentences
• He reaches out and takes an apple from the branch. (using the conjunction "and" and there are 2 verbs/verbs)
• The horse turns to look at him.(there are 2 subjects “hours of work” and “he”)
• He opens the book to read. (has 2 verbs)
3. The paragraph above cannot be said to be coherent because a paragraph is said to be coherent if the sentences are well connected. To achieve this, we often use conjunctions. In the example above, we used the word 'in addition' to signal to the reader that facts similar to the previous facts will be provided.
4. The topic sentence in this text is not very clear because there is no sentence that explicitly mentions the topic. However, this paragraph can be related as a description of the daily activities of farmers and their families, especially about picking and enjoying harvested apples. Therefore, it can be assumed that the first sentence "The tree was full of red apples" can function as an implicit topic sentence.
1. -he reached out and picked an apple (specific)
ReplyDelete-The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
-he oppened a book to read (general)
-The Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
-"They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
2. -Simple sentences:
-The farmer was riding his brown hourse
-he bit into the raw apple
-He stopped under the tree
-He enjoyed the Apple
-He gave it into the horse
-Compound sentences
-He reached out "and" picked an Apple of a branch
The Farmer put a dozen apples "into" a bag
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas, dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut, dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic sentences atau kalimat utama dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
ReplyDelete-The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
- he oppened a book to read (general)
-The Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
-"They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
2. Simple sentences:
*He stopped under the tree
*He enjoyed the Apple
*He gave it into the horse
Compound sentences :
*He reached out and picked an Apple of a branch
Conjungtion : and
*The Farmer put a dozen apples into a bag
Conjungtion : into
*They enjoyed the bread and soup
Conjungtion : and
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas, dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut, dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic sentences dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
1. General: his wife come home
ReplyDeleteSpecific quantity:
an apple
A dozen
A bag
A bowl
A book
An apple pie
A branch
2. Simple sentences:
-The farmer was riding his brown hourse
-he bit into the raw apple
-He stopped under the tree
-He enjoyed the Apple
-He gave it into the horse
3. Kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut bisa dikatakan koheren karna memliki alur yang jelas dan berhubungan antar kalimatnya. Meskipun kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut sudah dikatakan koheren, namun paragraph tersebut sebaiknya ditambahkan beberapa conjunction di beberapa kalimat yang tepat.
4. (She made an apple pie),
So topic Sentence is (an apple pie). Karna Kalimat topik adalah kalimat yang paling penting dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadang-kadang disebut sebagai kalimat fokus, kalimat topik membantu mengatur paragraf dengan meringkas informasi dalam paragraf.
ReplyDelete1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik.
Specific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel.
2. Simple sentences:
He stopped under the tree
He enjoyed the Apple
He gave it into the horse
Compound sentences
He reached out "and" picked an Apple of a branch
The Farmer put a dozen apples "into" a bag
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "He enjoyed the apple" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. (She made an apple pie),
So topic Sentence is (an apple pie). Karma Kalimat topik adalah kalimat yang paling penting dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadang-kadang disebut sebagai kalimat fokus, kalimat topik membantu mengatur paragraf dengan meringkas informasi dalam paragraf.
1. The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
ReplyDeleteThe Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
"They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
2. Simple sentences:
- He stopped under the tree
- He enjoyed the Apple
- He gave it into the horse
- The horse ate the raw Apple
- They bread and hot soup for dinner
Compound sentences
- He reached out "and" picked an Apple of a branch
- The Farmer put a dozen apples "into" a bag
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas, dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut, dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic sentences atau kalimat utama dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
(221250049) MPI 2B
ReplyDelete1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2.Simple Sentences :
• The farmer was riding his brown horse.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• He stopped under the tree.
• The tree was full of red apples.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He rode the horse back home.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• He enjoyed the apple.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• She made an apple pie.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
• He gave it to the horse.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• He put the horse in the barn.
• The cat rubbed up against his leg.
• He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
• They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences :
•He rached out and picked an Apple of a branch. (Terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb dan menggunakan conjungtion"and")
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( Memiliki 2 subject yaitu “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.(memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf tersebut belum bisa dikatakan koharen apabila kalimat-kalimat tidak berhubung dengan baik. Harus menggunakan kata sambung (conjungtion) agar dapat dikatakan koharen. Seperti contoh diatas menggunakan kata "disamping itu" untuk memberitahu pembaca tentang fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebenarnya akan dijelaskan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena berada di awal kalimat dan kata "Apple" dalam paragraf tersebut merupakan topic yang sering dibahas/sering muncul dalam setiap paragraf nya).
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
ReplyDelete2. Simple Sentences :
- He enjoyed the apple.
- The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
- He gave it to the horse.
- The horse ate the raw apple.
- He rode the horse back home.
- He put the horse in the barn.
- They enjoyed the bread and soup.
- They had hot apple pie for dessert.
Compound Sentences :
- He reached out and picked an apple off a branch. Menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb.
- His horse turned its head to look at him. (terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
- He opened a book to read (memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3. Belum bisa di katakan koheren karena paragraf bisa dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat sudah terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita sering kali menggunakan kata-kata sambung.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples. Sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yakni membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada.
1. General: his wife come home
ReplyDeleteSpecific quantity:
an apple
A dozen
A bag
A bowl
A book
An apple pie
A branch
2.Simple Sentences :
• The tree was full of red apples.
• The farmer was riding his brown horse.
• He stopped under the tree.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• He enjoyed the apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• He rode the horse back home.
• He put the horse in the barn.
• He walked into his house.
• The cat rubbed up against his leg.
• He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
• He sat down on the sofa.
• His wife came home.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• She made an apple pie.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
• They enjoyed the bread and soup.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
• They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences :
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3. Kalimat di atas sudah bisa di katakan koheren karena memilik hubungan sematis dalam teks
dan tuturan yang terhubung. Simple sentence adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Compound sentences adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. (She made an apple pie),
So topic Sentence is (an apple pie). Karna Kalimat topik adalah kalimat yang paling penting dalam sebuah paragraf. Kadang-kadang disebut sebagai kalimat fokus, kalimat topik membantu mengatur paragraf dengan meringkas informasi dalam paragraf.
1. "the tree was full of red apples", "the farmer put a dozen apples into a bag"
ReplyDelete2. His horse turned its head to look at him
The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
-compound senteces
They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
For, is, and, he,
3. Kalimat di atas sudah bisa di katakan koheren karena memilik hubungan sematis dalam teks
dan tuturan yang terhubung. Simple sentence adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Compound sentences adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya
4. Topic sentences atau kalimat utama dalam paragraf tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
ReplyDelete2.Simple Sentences :
- The tree was full of red apples.
- The farmer was riding his brown horse.
- He bit into the raw apple.
- The horse enjoyed the apple.
- He put the horse in the barn.
Compound Sentences :
- He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
- His horse turned its head to look at him.
- He opened a book to read.
3. Paragraf diatas tidak dapat dikatakan koheren karena suatu paragraf dapat dikatakan koheren apabila kalimat-kalimatnya tersusun dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita sering menggunakan konjungsi. Dalam contoh di atas, kami menggunakan kata "tambahan" untuk memberi tahu pembaca bahwa fakta yang mirip dengan yang sebelumnya sedang diajukan.
4. Topic Sentences: The tree was full of red apples
(Karena kalimat ini sudah mengandung percakapan yang terdapat pada kalimat berikutnya, membahas tentang apel. Selain itu, kalimat ini berada di awal paragraf, dimana kita biasanya menemukan topic sentences.
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
ReplyDelete2.Simple Sentences :
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa di katakana koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kita menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
Eltiana Sofita (221250041)
ReplyDeleteMPI 2B
1. •He reached out and picked an apple of a brach.
•The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag ( General ).
•The farmer picked another Apple the tree.
• He oppened a book to read.( Spesific ).
2. Simple sentences :
•The tree was full of red apples
•The farmer was riding his brown house
•The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
•He stopped under the tree.
•He bit into the raw.
Compound Sentences :
They are bread and hot soup for dinner
Menggunakan conjunction " and , for:"
They enjoyed the bread and soup
Menggunakan conjunction " and "
They had hot apple pie for dessert
Menggunakan conjunction " for "
He opened book to read
Menggunakan Conjunction " to "
3.The sentence above can be said to be coherent because it has a semantic relationship in the text
and connected speech. A simple sentence is a sentence that only has one independent clause. Compound sentences are sentences that contain an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Compound-complex sentences combine both.
4.Topic Sentences: ( The tree was full of red apples )
" Because this sentence already includes the discussion contained in the next sentence, namely discussing apples. In addition, this sentence is at the beginning of the paragraph where the Topic Sentences are usually located "
1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik.
ReplyDeleteSpecific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel.
2. Simple sentence (S+V+Complement/Object)
-The farmer was riding his brown horse
-He stopped under the tree.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-He enjoyed the apple.
-His horse turned its head to look at him.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He walked into his house.
-The cat rubbed up against his leg.
-He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
-He sat down on the sofa.
-He opened a book to read.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-She made an apple pie.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They had hot apple pie for dessert.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound sentence (S+V+O/ Complement+Coordinate Conjunction{for, and, nor but, or, yet, so}+S+V+O/ Complement)
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas, dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut, dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
Nama: Aceng Wildan Jaelani
ReplyDeleteNim: 221250067
Kls : MPI 2B
1. The tree was full of red apples. He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2.Simple Sentences :
• The farmer was riding his brown horse.
• He enjoyed the apple.
• He stopped under the tree.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• He gave it to the horse.
The tree was full of red apples.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• He rode the horse back home.
• She made an apple pie.
• He walked into his house.
• The cat rubbed up against his leg.
• He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
• He sat down on the sofa.
• His wife came home.
• She cooked the raw apples.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
• He put the horse in the barn.
• They enjoyed the bread and soup.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
• They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound Sentences :
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa di katakana koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kalimat menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup semua pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
Samsudin (221250059)
ReplyDelete1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik.
Specific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel.
2. His horse turned its head to look at him
The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
-compound senteces
They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
For, is, and, he,
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "He enjoyed the apple" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. "THE TREE WAS FULL OF RED APPLE", Karena topic senten terletak di awal kalimat, dan di sebut sebagai gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf.
1. General : the farmer picked "another" Apple of the tree
ReplyDeleteSpesific : he out "a dozen" apple's into a bag
he have the cat "a bowl" of warm milk
2. Simple sentence :
-his wife came home
-she Made an Apple pie
-he bit into the raw Apple
Compound sentence :
- he reached out "and" picked an Apple off the branch
- they ate bread "and" hot soup for dinner
Conjunction yang dipakai "and"
3. Kalimat dalam paragraf tersebut bisa dikatakan Koheren, karna terdapat keterkaitan konteks didalamnya
4. Topic sentence : the tree was full of the red apple's
Karena berada diawal paragraf yang biasanya topic sentence berada dan menjadi pokok utama atau pokok pikiran.
1. General: his wife come home
ReplyDeleteSpecific quantity:
an apple
A dozen
A bag
A book
A bowl
An apple pie
A branch
2. Simple Sentences :
-The farmer was riding his brown horse
-He bit into the raw apple.
-He stopped under the tree.
The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He enjoyed the apple.
-His horse turned its head to look at him.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-The cat rubbed up against his leg.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He walked into his house.
-He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
-He sat down on the sofa.
-He opened a book to read.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-She made an apple pie.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They had hot apple pie for dessert.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound sentences : for, and, nor but, or, yet, so
3. Kalimat yang terdapat pada jawaban nomor 2 dapat dikatakan koheran karena alur cerita nya jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik, serta memiliki hubungan yang sistematis dalam teks tersebut dan saling terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Sedangkan kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dari satu atau lebih klausa independen. Dan kalimat majemuk kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. topic sentence : karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
SITI MARDIANA (221250048 / MPI 2B)
ReplyDelete1. The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
The Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
"They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
2.Simple Sentences :
• The tree was full of red apples.
• He gave it to the horse.
• His wife came home.
• They had hot apple pie for dessert.
Compound Sentences :
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.( menggunakan conjunction “and” dan terdapat 2 kata kerja/verb )
• His horse turned its head to look at him.( terdapat 2 subject “his hourse” dan “him”)
• He opened a book to read.( memiliki 2 verb/kata kerja)
3.Paragraf di atas belum bisa di katakana koheren karena sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kita menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
4.Topic Sentences : The tree was full of red apples.
( Karena dalam kalimat tersebut sudah mencakup pembahasan yang terdapat pada kalimat selanjutnya, yaitu membahas tentang Apel. Selain itu kalimat tersebut berada di awal paragraph yang dimana biasanya Topic Sentences berada ).
ReplyDelete1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik.
Specific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel.
2. His horse turned its head to look at him
The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
-compound senteces
They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
For, is, and, he,
3. Simple sentence adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Compound sentences adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "He enjoyed the apple" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. "THE TREE WAS FULL OF RED APPLE", Karena topic senten terletak di awal kalimat, dan di sebut sebagai gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf.
Nama: Asih Solihah
ReplyDeleteNim: 221250005
Kelas: MPI 2-A
1. The general and spesific references to quantity
-red apples
-an apple pie
-An Apple off A Branch
-He put a dozen apples into a bag
-The Sofa
-The Raw Apples
-The Bread and Soup
2. Simple sentences dan compound sentences
-He enjoyed the apple.
-He horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
3.Simple Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject + verb + objectobject/ keterangan atau disebut juga dengan satu klausa independen
Contoh: The horse ate the raw apple
Compound Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu subject/verb/object yang terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen, dan dihubungkan dengan conjunction
Contoh: They had hot apple for dessert
Conjunction: For
Teks diatas masih koheren karena masih terdapat keterkaitan konteks alur aktivitas petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir cerita
Walaupun ada beberapa kalimat yang tidak menggunakan conjunction, akan tetapi isi konteks teks tersebut masih di bilang koheren
4. sesuai dengan teks atau kalimat di atas menurut saya jawabannya adalah “The tree was full of red apples.” karna terletak diawal kalimat dan menjadi gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf
1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples."
ReplyDeleteSpecific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag."
2. Simpel sentence :
She made an apple pie.
He enjoyed the apple.
Coumpound sentence :
He reached and pickedan Apple of branch
Conjuction : and
3. Sudah Koheren karena kalimatnya saling berkaitan satu sama lain.
4. Topic Sentences: The tree was full of red apples
Karena umumnya, topic sentences berada di awal teks dan sebagai titik awal pembahasan
1. The general references to quantity
ReplyDelete- A book
- An apple of a branch
- An apple pie
- Another apple of the tree
- A bowl of warm milk
The specific references to quantity
- The sofa
- The tree
- The apple pie
- The cat
- The apple
- The bread and soup
- The raw apples
- The farmer
- A dozen apples
- The horse
2. Simple sentences
- She cooked the raw apples
- He stopped under the three
- He bit into the raw apple
- He gave it to the horse
- He put the horse in the barn
- He sat down on the sofa
- She made an apple pie
- He walked into his house
- He rode the horse back home
- The cat rubbed up against his leg
*Compound sentences
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjuntion : and, for
- He opened book to read
Conjunction : to
- His horse turned it head to look at him
Conjunction : to
- They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjuntion : for
3. Simple sentences : kalimat yg terdiri dari satu subject + Verb+ object (menggunakan satu klausa independent)
Compound sentences : kalimat yg menggunakan lebih dari satu klausa independent dan dihubungkan dengan conjuntion
Dalam teks diatas masih koheren karena masih keterkaitan dengan alur aktivitas seorang petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir.
4. Topic sentences was full the red apple (karena biasanya topic sentences berada diawal teks dan menjadi pokok pembahasan)
Nama: Evi Sulastri
ReplyDeleteKls: MPI 2B
Nim: 221250043
1. General (Indefinite article: a, an, any, another, other, what, whatever & Quantifiers: all, few, many, some)
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
Specific (• Definite article: the
• Possessives: me, your, her, his, its, our, their, whose • Demonstratives: that, this, those, these • Interrogatives: which
- He stopped under the tree.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-His wife came home.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
2. Simple sentence (S+V+Complement/Object)
-The farmer was riding his brown horse
-He stopped under the tree.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-He enjoyed the apple.
-His horse turned its head to look at him.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-He gave it to the horse.
-The horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-He rode the horse back home.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He walked into his house.
-The cat rubbed up against his leg.
-He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
-He sat down on the sofa.
-He opened a book to read.
-She cooked the raw apples.
-She made an apple pie.
-They enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They had hot apple pie for dessert.
-They both enjoyed the apple pie.
Compound sentence (S+V+O/ Complement+Coordinate Conjunction{for, and, nor but, or, yet, so}+S+V+O/ Complement)
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
3. I think the sentences above are coherent because they are interrelated and tell about the activities of a farmer from picking apples to making apple pie and eating it with his wife.
4. (She made an apple pie),
So topic Sentence is (an apple pie).
1. The general references to quantity
ReplyDelete- A book
- An apple of a branch
- An apple pie
- A bowl of warm milk
The specific references to quantity
- The sofa
- The tree
- The apple pie
- The cat
- The apple
- The bread and soup
- The farmer
- A dozen apples
- The horse
2. Simple sentences
- She cooked the raw apples
- He stopped under the three
- He bit into the raw apple
- He gave it to the horse
- He sat down on the sofa
- She made an apple pie
- He walked into his house
- He rode the horse back home
- The cat rubbed up against his leg
*Compound sentences
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjuntion : and, for
- He opened book to read
Conjunction : to
- His horse turned it head to look at him
Conjunction : to
- They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjuntion : for
3. Simple sentences : kalimat yg terdiri dari satu subject + Verb+ object (menggunakan satu klausa independent)
Compound sentences : kalimat yg menggunakan lebih dari satu klausa independent dan dihubungkan dengan conjuntion
Dalam teks diatas masih koheren karena masih keterkaitan dengan alur aktivitas seorang petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir.
4. Topic sentences was full the red apple (karena biasanya topic sentences berada diawal teks dan menjadi pokok pembahasan)
1. The general references to quantity
ReplyDelete- A book
- An apple of a branch
- An apple pie
- Another apple of the tree
- A bowl of warm milk
The specific references to quantity
- The sofa
- The tree
- The apple pie
- The cat
- The apple
- The bread and soup
- The raw apples
- The farmer
- A dozen apples
- The horse
2. Simple sentences
- She cooked the raw apples
- He stopped under the three
- He bit into the raw apple
- He gave it to the horse
- He put the horse in the barn
- He sat down on the sofa
- She made an apple pie
- He walked into his house
- He rode the horse back home
- The cat rubbed up against his leg
•Compound sentences
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjuntion : and, for
- He opened book to read
Conjunction : to
- His horse turned it head to look at him
Conjunction : to
- They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjuntion : for
3. Simple sentences : kalimat yg terdiri dari satu subject + Verb+ object (menggunakan satu klausa independent)
Compound sentences : kalimat yg menggunakan lebih dari satu klausa independent dan dihubungkan dengan conjuntion
Dalam teks diatas masih koheren karena masih keterkaitan dengan alur aktivitas seorang petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir.
4. Topic sentences was full the red apple (karena biasanya topic sentences berada diawal teks dan menjadi pokok pembahasan)
1. - The farmer picked another apple of the tree ( general )
ReplyDelete- He put adozen apple into a bag ( spesific )
2. Simple sentence :
- He stopped under the tree
- He enjoyed the Apple
Compound :
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
- They enjoyed the bread and soup
3. Menurut saya kalimat-kalimat di atas koheren karena saling berkaitan dan menceritakan tentang kegiatan seorang petani dari memetik apel hingga membuat pie apel dan memakannya bersama istrinya.
4. Menurut saya kalimat di atas jawabannya adalah “The tree was full of red apples.” karna terletak diawal kalimat dan menjadi gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf
1. - farmer picked *another* apple off the tree. dari kalimat tersebut ada kata another yang menunjukkan general yang bersifat umum
ReplyDelete- He bit into *the* raw
apple. dari kalimat tersebut menunjukkan specific yang bersifat khusus
2. *simple sentences*
- the farmer was riding his brown horse
- the cat rubbed up against
- the horse ate the raw Apple
*Compound Sentences*
- He reached out *and* picked an Apple off a branch
- they ate bread and hot soup *for* dinner
- they had hot Apple pie *for* dessert
Yes, between sentences use conjunctions, namely and, for
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "Dia menikmati apel" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan konjungsi seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. Topic sentences *the three was full of red apples* kalimat tersebut menunjukkan topic sentences karena berada di awal kalimat dan menjadi topik utama pada paragraf tersebut
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete1.The Farmers picked "another" Apple of the tree (General)
ReplyDeletehe oppened a book to read (general)
The Farmer put " a dozen apples " into a bag (specific)
They both" enjoyed the Apple pie (specific)
he reached out and picked an apple (specific)
2. -Simple sentences:
The farmer was riding his brown hourse
he bit into the raw apple
He stopped under the tree
He enjoyed the Apple
He gave it into the horse
-Compound sentences
He reached out and picked an Apple of a branch
They enjoyed the bread and soup
His horse turned it head to look at him
They had hot apple pie for dessert
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Urutan logis namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik
4. Topic sentences tersebut yaitu " The tree was full of red apple's " karena merupakan gagasan utama (pokok pikiran) atau main idea dari paragraf tersebut, serta memenuhi syarat topik sentence
Yamsi mahendra purnama putra
Mpi 2 a
1. General reference: "The tree was full of red apples." General reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang tidak spesifik. Specific reference: "He put a dozen apples into a bag." Specific reference merujuk pada kuantitas yang spesifik, yaitu sebanyak satu lusin atau dua belas buah apel. 2. His horse turned its head to look at him The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk -compound senteces They ate bread and hot soup for dinner Conjuntion For, is, and, he, 3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "He enjoyed the apple" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti "then" atau "after that". 4. "THE TREE WAS FULL OF RED APPLE", Karena topic senten terletak di awal kalimat, dan di sebut sebagai gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf.
Fariz irawan
Mpi 2 a
1. - petani memetik apel *lain* dari pohon. dari kalimat tersebut ada kata lain yang menunjukkan general yang bersifat umum
- He bit into *the* raw
apple. dari kalimat tersebut menunjukkan spesifik yang bersifat khusus
2. *kalimat sederhana*
- petani menunggangi kuda cokelatnya
- kucing bergesekan
- kuda memakan apel mentah
*Kalimat majemuk*
- Dia mengulurkan tangan *dan* mengambil sebuah apel cabang
- mereka makan roti dan sup panas *untuk* makan malam
- mereka makan pai apel panas *untuk* pencuci mulut
Ya, di antara kalimat gunakan konjungsi, yaitu dan, untuk
3. Secara keseluruhan, paragraf ini koheren karena alur cerita yang jelas dan terstruktur dengan baik. Ada urutan logis dari tindakan yang dilakukan petani dan keluarganya, dengan hubungan yang jelas antara setiap kalimat. Namun, beberapa kalimat dapat ditingkatkan untuk mencapai koherensi yang lebih baik, misalnya, "Dia menikmati apel" dapat dihubungkan dengan kalimat sebelumnya dengan menggunakan konjungsi seperti "then" atau "after that".
4. Kalimat topik *the three was full of red apples* kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kalimat topik karena berada di awal kalimat dan menjadi topik utama pada paragraf tersebut
1. -He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
ReplyDelete-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-He opened a book to read.
2. Simple sentence
-The farmer was riding his brown horse.
-He stopped under the tree.
-He enjoyed the apple.
-His walked into his house.
-He bit into the raw apple.
Compound sentence:
-He sat down on the sofa, and he opened a book to read.
-They ate bread and hot soup for dinner, so they enjoyed the bread and soup.
-They had hot apple pie for dessert, and they both enjoyed the apple pie.
-He road the horse back home, and he put horse in the barn.
Conjunction: And, the, so, a, for, on, of, to.
3. In this example, there are sentences that are supporting so that they are related to each other In the example above there are wordings (independent clauses and dependent clauses) that are supportive so that they are related to one another.
4. The tree was full of red apples.
In my opinion the topic sentence is usually at the beginning of the paragraph, the topic sentence also states the main idea of a paragraph. Not much detail in the topic sentence. However, this sentence is able to introduce the whole idea that you want to discuss later in the paragraph.
Sri Yulianah (221250010)
ReplyDeleteMpi, 2A
1. >>General quantity:
The tree was full of red apple.
>>Spesific quantity:
-Farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
-He opened a book to read.
•The farmer was riding his brown horse.
•His horse turned its head to look at him.
•The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
•The horse ate the raw apple.
•The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
•The cat rubbed up against his leg.
°He reached out and picked an apple off a branch. (conjuntion: and)
°They ate bread and hot soup for dinner. (conjuntion: for)
°They had hot apple pie for dessert. (conjuntion: for)
3. Kalimat tersebut sudah dapat dikatakan koheren, karena terdapat keterkaitan satu sama lain.
4. Topic sentence dari teks tersebut yaitu : "The tree was full of red apples". Kalimat tersebut dikatakan sebagai topic sentence, karena pembahasan pada kalimat selanjutnya berkaitan dengan 'apples' dengan kata lain kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat umum, selain itu biasanya topic sentence terdapat diawal paragraf.
Nama: Siti Santia
ReplyDeleteNim: 221250034
1. The phrase "a dozen apples" is an example of general and specific reference to quantity. "A dozen" is a specific quantity, indicating exactly 12 apples, while "apples" is a general reference to the type of fruit. However, there are also other examples of this type of reference in the paragraph, such as "a bowl of warm milk" and "hot apple pie for dessert." "A bowl" and "hot" are specific references to quantity, while "milk" and "apple pie" are general references to the type of food.
2. *Simple sentences:
a. The farmer was riding his brown horse.
b. He stopped under the tree.
c. He bit into the raw apple.
d. His horse turned its head to look at him.
e. The horse ate the raw apple.
f. The farmer put the horse in the barn.
g. He walked into his house.
h. The cat rubbed up against his leg.
i. He sat down on the sofa.
*Compound sentences:
a. He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
b. The farmer picked another apple off the tree, and he gave it to the horse.
c. They enjoyed the bread and soup, and they had hot apple pie for dessert.
Yes, there are conjunctions used to connect some of the sentences:
•"and" is used to connect the actions of picking and giving the apple to the horse
•"but" is implied in the sentence "He enjoyed the apple, but his horse turned its head to look at him" as it presents a contrast or difference between the farmer and the horse's reactions.
•"and" is used to connect the enjoyment of the bread and soup and the dessert.
3. In general, the paragraphs above are coherent because all the sentences are related to the main topic, which is about a farmer harvesting apples and bringing them home. Each sentence is complementary and provides additional information about the activities and actions carried out by the farmer and his family. In this paragraph, each sentence is also well structured so as to form a logical sequence that is easily understood by the reader. There is an introduction to the initial situation, namely the farmer under the apple tree, then the activities of harvesting apples, giving apples to the horse, bringing apples home, giving milk to the cat, reading a book, until finally dinner consists of bread, hot soup and apple pie. Therefore, paragraphs can be said to be coherent because they have a logical order of topics and sequences in guiding information.
4. There are no sentences that clearly indicate the topic sentence in the text. However, we can identify that the main topic of the text is "The tree was full of red apples". This is because it starts the paragraph and provides initial information about the main subject of the paragraph, which is an apple tree full of red apples. However, the topic sentence should provide the main idea of a paragraph more clearly and specifically.
Name : Hudisa Maulahamdi
ReplyDeleteNim : 221250028
1. A.General references
- the tree
- the farmer
- the horse
- the cat
- the bread and soup
B. Specific references
- brown horse.
- red apples.
- an apple off a branch
- a dozen apples
- a bowl of warm milk.
- She made an apple pie
- His wife came home
2. A. Simple sentences
- The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
- He put the horse in the barn.
B. Compound sentences
- He reached out and picked an apple off a branch
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
- They enjoyed the bread and soup.
- They had hot apple pie for dessert.
- (and ) They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
- ( and ) They enjoyed the bread and soup.
- ( for ) They had hot apple pie for dessert.
3. No, the sentences are'nt coherent because
A paragraph is said to be coherent if the sentences are well connected. To achieve this, we often use conjunctions. In the example above, we used the word 'in addition' to signal to the reader that a fact similar to the previous one will be provided.
In other words, it can be said that a paragraph is said to be coherent if: 1. there are elements that make up the subject, predicate, object, and description; 2. these elements are usually not stated explicitly, but according to the context; 3. have a unity of ideas; 4. is communicative.
4. Topic sentences harvesting season and the life of an apple farmer
Nama : Alvina Nur Qolbie
ReplyDeleteNim : 221250008
1. The general and spesific references to quantity
1. General
• The tree was full of red apples
• She made an apple pie
• They had hot apple pie for dessert
2. Spesific
• He put a dozen apples into a bag
2. Simple sentences dan compound sentences
1. Simple
• He enjoyed the apple.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• He put the horse in the barn.
2. Compound
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
3.Simple Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject + verb + object/keterangan atau disebut juga dengan satu klausa independen
Contoh: The horse ate the raw apple
Compound Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu subject/verb/object yang terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen, dan dihubungkan dengan conjunction
Contoh: They had hot apple for dessert
Conjunction: For
Teks diatas masih koheren karena masih terdapat keterkaitan konteks alur aktivitas petani dan keluarganya dari awal hingga akhir cerita
Walaupun ada beberapa kalimat yang tidak menggunakan conjunction, isi konteks teks tersebut masih koheren
4. saya tidak menemukan kalimat atau teks yang menunjukan topic sentences namun jika yang menjadi kesimpulan untuk menjadi topic sentences menurut saya adalah “petani memanen apel yang di buat pai bersama keluarga” akan tetapi jika harus sesuai dengan teks atau kalimat di atas menurut saya jawaban yang pasti adalah “The tree was full of red apples.”
Mumu tri meilina(221250011)
ReplyDelete1. ~General reference
(The tree was full of red apples)
(The tree was full of red apples)
~ Specific reference
(He put a dozen apples into a bag)
2. ~simple sentence
- they eat bread
- farmer have apple pie
-he enjoy the apple
~compoun sentance
-they eat bread and hot soup
- the farmer enjoy the apple
(Conjuction: the)
3. In my opinion, the sentance in the paragraf are koheren because one sentance with another sentancebis related/has met the suutability standart
4. The topic sentance the sentance in the text is that the tree is full of red apple and the farmer eats the apple and the farmer rides hie brown horse, in my opinion the sentance in the text because the farmer life by making apples and the horse
Lusi Lestari
1.general :
- the tree was full of red apples.
- the farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
- he gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
- he opened a book to read.
2. simple sentence :
- the farmer was riding his brown horse.
- he stopped under the tree
- he bit into the raw apple
- he enjoyed the apple
- he walked into his house
compound sentence :
- he reached out and picked an apple off a branch
- they had hot apple pie for dessert
- the ate bread and hot soup for
conjunction : for, and
3. The sentences in the paragraph above can be said to be coherent because there are supporting sentences so that they are interrelated.
4. topik sentence : " the tree was full of red apples"
because the topic sentence is the main idea in a sentence and the main idea is located at the beginning of the sentence or the main sentence.
shefyta putri maitsa
1. The general and spesific references to quantity
-red apples
-an apple pie
-An Apple off A Branch
-He put a dozen apples into a bag
-The Sofa
-The Raw Apples
-The Bread and Soup
2. Simple sentences dan compound sentences
-He enjoyed the apple.
-He horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-He put the horse in the barn.
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
3.Simple Sentences adalah kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject + verb + objectobject/ keterangan atau disebut juga dengan satu klausa independen
Contoh: The horse ate the raw apple
Compound Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu subject/verb/object yang terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen, dan dihubungkan dengan conjunction
Contoh: They had hot apple for dessert
Conjunction: For
Teks diatas sudah koheren karena masih terdapat keterkaitan konteks alur dari awal hingga akhir cerita Walaupun ada beberapa kalimat yang tidak menggunakan conjunction.
4. sesuai dengan teks atau kalimat di atas menurut saya jawabannya adalah “The tree was full of red apples.” karna terletak diawal kalimat dan biasanya menjadi gagasan utama dari suatu paragraf
Nama : Lilis Sumyati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 221250017
Kelas : MPI 2A
1. A. General quantiti
The tree was full of read apple
B. Specific quantity
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
2. His horse turned its head to look at him
The farmer put a dozen aples into a bagian
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
-compound senteces
They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
For, is, and, he
3.Simple Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri dari satu subject + verb + objectobject/ keterangan atau disebut juga dengan satu klausa independen
Compound Sentences: kalimat yang terdiri lebih dari satu subject/verb/object yang terdapat lebih dari satu klausa independen, dan dihubungkan dengan conjunction
Teks diatas masih koheren karena kalimat nya saling berkaitan antara mengenai petani dan keluarganya
4. topic sentence : karena topic sentences terletak pada awal kalimat dan dapat dinyatakan sebagai gagasan utama atau main idea dari sebuah paragraf.
Rani Nurcahyani 221250019
ReplyDeleteMPI 2A
1.* The general
- His wife came home
* Specific references to quantity
- An Apple
- A dozen
- A Bowl
- A Book
- An Apple pie
- A Bag
- A Branch
2. * Simple sentences
- The farmer was riding his brown horse
- He enjoyed the apple
- She made an apple pie
- The horse enjoyed the apple
- She cooked the raw apple
- He opened a book to read
- He rode the horse back home
- He put the horse in the barn
- She cooked the raw apples
* Compound sentences
- He reached out and picked an apple of a branch
- They ate bread and hot soup for dinner
- They enjoyed the bread and soup
* conjuction : but,and
3. Kalimat di atas bisa dikatakan koheren karena memiliki hubungan sematis dalam teks dan tuturan yang terhubung. Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. An Apple because mind of idea
Nama: Febbi paizal (221250020)
ReplyDeleteKelas: MPI 2-A
The general and spesific references to quantity
1. General
-The tree was full of red apples
-She made an apple pie
-They had hot apple pie for dessert
2. Spesific
-He put a dozen apples into a bag
Simple sentences dan compound sentences
1. Simple
-He enjoyed the apple.
-He horse ate the raw apple.
-The horse enjoyed the apple.
-He put the horse in the barn.
2. Compound
-He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
-He bit into the raw apple.
-The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
-The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
-They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
3. Conjuntion
1) pada kalimat “He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.” and di fungsikan untuk menyambung dua kalimat simple, (koheren/berhubungan karna masih satu pembahasan)
2) But menjadi pembeda antara makanan pembuka dan penutup untuk kalimat “They ate bread and hot soup for dinner, but they had hot apple pie for dessert.” (berhubungan karna masih merujuk pada sebuah hidangan)
saya tidak menemukan kalimat atau teks yang menunjukan topic sentences namun jika yang menjadi kesimpulan untuk menjadi topic sentences menurut saya adalah “petani memanen apel yang di buat pai bersama keluarga” akan tetapi jika harus sesuai dengan teks atau kalimat di atas menurut saya jawaban yang pasti adalah “The tree was full of red apples.”
Nama : Siti Arifah
Mpi 2a
1. -General references
An Apple off A Branch
A Bowl of Warm Milk
A Book
An Apple Pie
-General Spesific
The Apple
The Horse
The Cat
The Sofa
The Raw Apples
He stopped under the tree
He bit into the raw
The farmer picked another apple off the tree
She cooked the raw apples
She mad an apple pie.
They are bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjunction: and, for
They enjoyed the bread and soup
Conjunction: and
They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjunction: for
He opened book to read
Conjunction: to
3. The text above is still coherent because there is still a connection between the context of the activities of the farmer and his family from the beginning to the end of the story. Although there are several sentences that do not use a conjunction, the contents of the context of the text are still coherent.
4. "The tree was full of red apple's" because the topic sentences are located at the beginning of the sentence and can be expressed as the main idea or main idea of a paragraph.
Nama : JAKARIA 221250033
ReplyDeleteKelas : MPI 2A
1. General Reference :
- Apple
- Mug
- A dozen
- Farmer
- Bread
Specific / Special:
- He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
- The farmer picked apples
2. Simple:
- They enjoy bread and soup
- He picks apples from other trees
- She makes apple pie
- He put his horse in the barn
Compound :
-They have apples for dessert
Conjunctions :
3. In my opinion, the sentence is coherent because, from the sentence it shows that the sentence is related to each other (combined) systematic words.
4. In my opinion, the topic sentence above is, The Tree was full of red applause, because that is the topic of discussion.
ReplyDeleteMPI 2A
*1. The general and specific reference to quantity dalam paragraf di atas terdapat pada kalimat*
¹. the tree was full AF red apple's.
². He enjoyed the Apple.
³. The horse enjoyed the Apple.
⁴. He put the horse in the barn.
⁵. He walk into his house.
⁶. He give a cat a bowl of warm milk.
⁷. He satdown on the sofa.
⁸. He opened the book to read.
⁹. She cooked the raw Apple.
*2. Berikut adalah simple dan compound sentence pada paragraf di atas.*
A. Simple sentence
¹. the farmer was ridding his brown horse.
². He bit into the law Apple.
³. The farmer pick another Apple of the tree.
⁴. The horse aet the raw Apple.
⁵. He walk into his house.
⁶. He satdown on the sofa.
⁷. He opened a book to read.
⁸. She cooked the raw Apple.
⁹. They are bread and hot soup for dinner.
B. Compound sentence
¹ he reached out and picked an Apple of a branch.
² they are bread and hot soup for dinner.
³ they enjoyed the bread and soup.
*3. Kalimat koherens*
Sebuah paragraf dikatakan koheren jika kalimat-kalimat terhubung dengan baik. Untuk mencapai ini, kita seringkali menggunakan kata-kata sambung. Dalam contoh di atas, kita menggunakan kata 'di samping itu' untuk memberi tanda pada pembaca bahwa fakta sejenis dengan fakta sebelumnya akan diberikan.
Jadi ada beberapa kalimat yang sudah koherens dan ada juga kalimat yang belum berhubungan dengan baik seperti pada kalimat "the cut rubbed up again his leg" (luka itu bergesekan dengan kakinya) kalimat tadi bahkan keluar dari topik pembahasan, dan pada kalimat "he Rode the horse back home" (dia menunggang kuda kembali ke rumah) pasti ada yg berfikir bahwa yg kembali kerumah adalah kudanya bukan petaninya, jd kalimat tersebut belum bisa dikatakan kalimat koherens.
*4. Topik sentence*
Pada paragraf di atas yang menjadi topik sentence nya terdapat pada kalimat "the farmer enjoyed the Apple and ridding his brown horse" and "the farmer and hisnwife enjoyed the Apple pie"
Karena sebetulnya paragraf di atas menjelaskan tentang aktivitas petani mulai dari memetik, memakan sampai memasak apel yang dia ambil.
Nama : Dea putri damayanti
ReplyDeleteNim : 221250003
Mpi 2a
1. The general reference
• an apple of a branch
• a bowl of warm milk
• an apple pie
• she made and apple pie
The specific reference
• the sofa
• the apple pie
• the farmer
• the raw apple
• the horse
• the cat
• the bread and soup
2. Simple
• he stooped under the tree
• the farmer was riding his borong house
• he bit into the raw
• he gave itu to the horse
• he rode horse back home
• he satu download on the sofa
Compound sentence
• his horse turned its head to look at him
Conjuntion: to
• they are bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjuntion: and, for
• they enjoyed the bread and soup
Conjuntion: and
• they had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjuntion: for
3. In my opinion, the sentence above can be said to be coherent because it has a relationship in the text and related utterances. Simple sentences are sentences that have only one clause. while complex sentences are sentences that contain independent sentences or more than one clause and complex compound sentences combine the two.
4. In my opinion, what is included in the topic sentence in that paragraph is "the tree was full of the apple's" because the topic sentence is at the beginning of the sentence and can be stated as the main idea of a paragraph.
Rahfa Fadilatin Widya 221250006
ReplyDeleteMPI 2A
1. The general and spesific references to quantity
1. General
• The tree was full of red apples
• She made an apple pie
• They had hot apple pie for dessert
2. Spesific
• He put a dozen apples into a bag
2. Simple sentences dan compound sentences
1. Simple
• He enjoyed the apple.
• The horse ate the raw apple.
• The horse enjoyed the apple.
• He put the horse in the barn.
2. Compound
• He reached out and picked an apple off a branch.
• He bit into the raw apple.
• The farmer picked another apple off the tree.
• The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag.
• They ate bread and hot soup for dinner.
3.Kalimat sederhana adalah kalimat yang hanya terdiri dari satu klausa bebas. Kalimat kompleks adalah kalimat yang mengandung klausa independen dan satu atau lebih klausa dependen. Kalimat majemuk-kompleks menggabungkan keduanya.
4. •The tree was full of red apples.
Karena topic sentences terletak di awal kalimat dan di nyatakan sebagai main idea(gagasan utama) dari suatu paragraf.
1. The general reference
ReplyDelete• an apple of a branch
• a bowl of warm milk
• an apple pie
• she made and apple pie
The specific reference
• the sofa
• the apple pie
• the farmer
• the raw apple
• the horse
• the cat
• the bread and soup
The tree was full of red apples
The farmer was riding his brown house
He stopped under the tree
He bit into the raw
The farmer picked another apple off the tree
He gave it to the horse
The horse ate the raw apple
The horse enjoyed the apple
The farmer put a dozen apples into a bag
He rode horse back home
He put the horse in the barn
He walked into his house
The cat rubbed up againist his leg
He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk
He sat down on the sofa
His wife came house
She cooked the raw apples
She mad an apple pie
He reached out and picked an apple off A branch
Conjunction: and
His horse turned its head to look at him
Conjunction: to
They are bread and hot soup for dinner
Conjunction: and, for
They enjoyed the bread and soup
Conjunction: and
They had hot apple pie for dessert
Conjunction: for
He opened book to read
Conjunction: to
3. In my opinion, the sentence is coherent because, from the sentence it shows that the sentence is related to each other (combined) systematic words.
4. In my opinion, the topic sentence above is, The Tree was full of red applause, because that is the topic of discussion.
1. -General : His wife came home.
Delete-Spesifik : He gave the cat a bowl of warm milk.
2.- Simple sentence : The tree was full of red apples.
-Compound sentence : They ate bread and hot soup for dinner. (Menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
They enjoyed the bread and soup. ( Menggunakan coordinating conjunction "and")
3. Paragraf di atas itu sudah Koheren. Karena, alur ceritanya yg jelas dan tata bahasa perkalimatnya sudah tepat yg terdiri dari Simple sentence dan compound sentence.
4. Topic sentence nya adalah "The tree was full of red apples." Karena kalimat ini yg terletak pada awal paragraf dan menjadi salah satu pokok pembahasan/ gagasan utama dalam paragraf tersebut.