Friday, 31 March 2023


    The subject provides materials that can help students understand the meaning of text. To practice more about it, the students have to do the test and send to the blog's comment column at 11.59 p.m. One of them is mid term test. To see the test, please open this link. Good luck


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  4. Name: Dina Agustina
    Nim: 211230121
    Class: 4 D TBI

    1. Systemic functional grammar is a theory of language use that focuses on language analysis on attracting information, both in spoken and written forms

    2. the roles of SFG in EFL context while the the students apply their
    speaking skills
    - Proper sfg will produce clear sentences and paragraphs.
    - Sentences and paragraphs are arranged neatly. So, what is meant in sentences and paragraphs can be understood.
    - Efl helps students over 16 years to improve their English skills


    1. - Fifa has officially removed indonesia
    - It did not make any mention
    - A new host will be announced
    - The cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license

    2. - Fifa has officially removed indonesia
    Theme: Fifa
    Rheme: has officially removed indonesia

    - A new host will be announced
    Theme: A new host
    Rheme: will be announced

    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    Theme: the federation
    Rheme: decided to revoke Indonesia’s license

    3. The messege: Indonesian license revoked by PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup
    Argument: From the case of Indonesia being the host in FIFA, it was concluded that Indonesia did not want Israel to take part in the 2023 World Cup, in my opinion it was an inappropriate action, because the world cup is public in nature but Indonesia instead brought up its personal problems with Israel, which where the problem is related to Israel's anarchist attitude towards the palette

  5. Name : lisca aulia hanafi
    Nim : 211230103
    Class : 4 TBI D
    Subject : middle term


    1. Before the existence of SFL, we only knew what is called traditional grammar. In my opinion, having sfl is very good because we are not only fixated on the structure of the sentence, but we can understand or examine the meaning in a context both in clauses or sentences in written form or oral. Although many learners think that linguists do not preserve traditional grammatical concepts, on the contrary, the fact is that experts actually develop traditional concepts that already exist by adapting to today's civilization, now known as SFL. For example, in traditional grammar there is a subject predicate object, and in sfl we are familiar with theme and rheme.
    2. -Sentences according to the grammatical structure
    -And students can understand the meaning of a clause or sentence from a context.


    1. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    - The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    - Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2. -FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia

    -The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    Theme : The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI)
    Rheme : following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino

    -A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : A new host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    3. The message: Indonesia's license has been revoked by PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup, the new host will be announced as soon as possible, and the tournament date remains unchanged.
    my argument: There was news that shocked all Indonesian people, especially the Indonesian national team, which made everyone feel sad and disappointed about their decision, because this is one of Indonesia's dreams, especially since all parties have been preparing and working hard since 2021, so many have let go of this to do with politics, even though football has no religious relationship, everyone can enjoy watching the game without any differences.
    If football and politics side by side, Indonesian football will not progress. Examples of many Palestinian coaches from Israelis, in fact football has changed all countries, where they can play fairly, respect each other, so don't just because of religious differences can hinder our country's dreams.

  6. Name: Ladzina Agusti Priatna
    Nim: 211230115
    Class : TBI 4D

    1.Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is a grammar based on the view that language is a system for making meaning. Systemic refers to the fact that when we use language, we make choices from sets of available options. This is contrary to the traditional view of grammar as sets of rules.
    2.- Students can better assess each sentence
    - Paragraphs and spoken sentences become clearer

    1.- Fifa has officially removed indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20
    - a new host will be announced as soon as possible
    - the cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    - the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    - the dates of the tournament currently remaining unchanged

    2.Fifa has officially removed indonesia.
    Fifa is (Theme)
    has officially removed indonesia is (Rheme)
    - a new host will be announced 
    new host is (Theme)
    will be announced is (Rheme)
    - the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s
    licensethe federation is (Theme)
    decided to revoke Indonesia’s license is (Rheme)

    the message contained in the text above is to inform that Indonesia's license has been revoked by PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup, while the new host will be announced as soon as possible, and the tournament date remains unchanged.


  7. Name : Kholifatut Ta'ziah
    NIM : 211230119
    Class : 4D TBI
    Subject : Systemic Functional Grammar (Mid Term)

    The answer:
    1. Functional grammar focuses on the way language is put together so that meaning is communicated for particular purposes, and looks at a language as a system of meaning, while traditional grammar is concerned with the ways words are organized within sentences and looks at a language as a set of rules.
    In my opinion, with systemic functional grammar (SFG) we not only understand the grammar, but we can understand the function of the grammar, and we can understand about the meaning of word, clause or senteces.

    2. Basically, Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) in EFL is helps students to improve their grammar knowledge, in the context of speaking. And make students to understand the meaning of the words they convey when speaking.

    1.- FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible,
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    - Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
    - Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2.- FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup

    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : A new host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    Theme : The federation
    Rheme : decided to revoke Indonesia’s license

    3. The message that can be taken from the article is that Indonesia must be professional in accepting a decision.
    Indonesia should not refuse the Israeli team to attend the 2023 U-2023 FIFA world cup, as for Indonesia not accepting Israel to attend the FIFA world cup this year because Indonesia has a conflict with Israel, it should not link it in this context.

  8. Name : Wilda Mufadillah
    NIM : 211230104
    Class : TBI-4D
    Subject : Systemic Functional Grammar

    Answer :

    1. where the functional term indicates that language is part of almost every thought of our live in real life. Systemic Functional Grammar is designed to help students understand and develop an understanding of English patterns that can be used to describe or interpret meaning in linguistic social interactions.

    2. In an EFL context, SFG can be used to help students develop their speaking skills by providing a framework for analyzing and producing language in different social and cultural contexts. By understanding how language functions in different social situations, students can learn to use language more effectively to achieve their communicative goals. For example, students can learn how to use language to establish and maintain social relationships, express opinions and attitudes, negotiate meanings, and persuade others. By analyzing authentic texts and conversations, students can also develop their ability to understand and use different discourse structures and features, such as theme-rheme organization, cohesion, and coherence. Overall, SFG provides a powerful tool for helping students develop their communicative competence and become more effective speakers of English.

    1. Clausa
    - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    - The world soccer Governing body by Erick Thohir
    - The chief of the Soccer Assoviation of Indonesia (PSSI)
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible

    2.FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia

    The federation dediced to revoke Indonesia's license
    Theme : The federation
    Rheme : dediced to revoke Indonesia's license

    A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : A new Host
    Rheme : Will be announced as soon as possible

    3. Message : FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20.
    The text reports on FIFA decision to revoke Indonesia's license to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup, following protests against the participation of the Israeli national team. The text is objective in reporting the decision, without taking a stance on whether the decision was justified or not. The absence of any mention of the protests against Israel may suggest that FIFA does not want to get involved in political controversies and prefers to focus on sports. However, the decision may also be interpreted as a lack of support for Indonesia's position on the matter. Overall, the text informs the reader about a decision that may have significant implications for the hosting of international sports events in Indonesia and the region.

  9. Gunawan wachjudin
    TBI 4D

    1.A method of linguistic description that seeks to give a thorough explanation of the ways in which language is employed in context for communication. The method sees language as a resource that is fundamentally shaped by the uses people make of it. As a result, it aims to explain language forms in terms of the meanings they express and develop a grammar that will “allow one to say sensible and useful things about any text, whether spoken or written.”

    2.the role of sfg in efl students to develop their speaking skills is
    -to facilitate their understanding of the elements in a sentence
    -sfg also makes students curious about the arrangement of sentences, whether they are correct or not.


    1.FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host.
    - Erick Thohir the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia.
    -Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on Wednesday
    -the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to host the youth tournament
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament

    2.theme : Erick Thohir
    Rheme : the chief of the soccer Association of Indonesia.

    -Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia as host.

    -Theme : Erick
    Rheme : and FIFA president Gianni infantino in Doha on Wednesday.

    3.In my opinion, Indonesia must focus on its goal, which is to host the 2023 World Cup, but because Indonesia does not focus on that one thing, other things will be like the revocation of the license to host this world cup.

  10. Mahesa Febriansyah
    TBI 4D

    1. Systemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics that considers language as a social semiotic system (Halliday, 1978). Functional systemic linguistics explains the syntactic elements of language. This theory places the function of language at its center (what is the nature of language itself and how it works). Unlike the structural approach which puts language elements and their combinations at the center, functional systemic linguistics starts from the social context and looks at how language acts and is limited by the social context.

    2. In an EFL context, SFG can be used to help students develop their speaking skills by providing a framework for analyzing and producing language in different social and cultural contexts. By understanding how language functions in different social situations, students can learn to use language more effectively to achieve their communicative goals. For example, students can learn how to use language to establish and maintain social relationships, express opinions and attitudes, negotiate meanings, and persuade others. By analyzing authentic texts and conversations, students can also develop their ability to understand and use different discourse structures and features, such as theme-rheme organization, cohesion, and coherence.

    1. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host.
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    - Erick Thohir the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia.
    -. Potential sanctions against the PSSI
    -. A new host will be announced as soon as possible

    2. -Theme : Erick Thohir
    Rheme : the chief of the soccer Association of Indonesia.

    -Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia as host.

    -Theme : Erick
    Rheme : and FIFA president Gianni infantino in Doha on Wednesday.

    3. In my opinion, Indonesia should not mix politics with sports, let sport stand alone without politics, if they are interrelated, there will be people's dislike of sports, Indonesia should let Israel participate in the U-20 World Cup, focus on its goals, namely sports.

  11. Name : Lisna Aulia Rahayu
    Nim : 211230102
    Class : TBI 4D

    1. In language teaching, functional grammar has more applications to speaking and writing. Functional Grammar emphasizes the way spoken and written language operates in different social situations. It is very useful in showing how texts work beyond the level of the sentence, how different texts are structured, and how language varies to suit the purpose of the users. Functional grammar also is very useful for describing and evaluating how language can be used to write and speak more appropriately and effectively. Functional grammar focuses on the way the language is put together so that the meaning can be communicated for the particular purposes, and it looks at language as a system of meaning and focuses on language as a meaning-making resource rather than as a set of rules. It is meaning initiated learning where the language has a strong focus on the context of a text. It emphasises the way in which the language functions to assist meaning. And functional grammar also is concerned with how the various bits of language in a text work together as part of a larger system in order to construct meaning.
    2. SFG in the EFL context for students who want to apply their speaking skills acted to analyze the text that will be presented when students speak English through the relationship identification of meaning and form in a different context and situation in the English grammar system. And we need to learn grammatical rules because that vocabulary knowledge and grammatical knowledge are complementary for speaking a language. So Grammar is an essential part of learning English. Understanding proper grammar allows someone to communicate more effectively in English. Grammar also plays a vital role in building confidence when speaking in the language. So SFG can make your sentences more meaningful and easier to understand with good grammar.

    1. There are 8 Clauses in the text above.
    - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    - It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.
    - could be decided at a later stage.
    2. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    FIFA (Theme)
    has officially removed Indonesia (Rheme)

    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    The federation (Theme)
    decided to revoke Indonesia's license (Rheme)

    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    A new host (Theme)
    will be announced as soon as possible (Rheme)

    3. From the incident of Indonesia canceling to host the U-20 world cup, there are many parties who are disappointed because of this and Indonesia could be sanctioned if it canceled to host. One of the sanctions is that Indonesia can be suspended, which means that Indonesia can no longer participate in events held by FIFA until the freeze is lifted, even severe punishment Indonesia can be dropped from FIFA membership. From this incident, a lesson can be learned that in the future Indonesia must be more tolerant because the field of sports (soccer) cannot be united with political elements between Palestine and Israel even though Indonesia is pro-Palestine. Even the Palestinian Ambassador tolerated Israel's presence in the World Cup because the Israelis who came were not soldiers, not the government, but representatives of athletes who had no interest in politics.

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  13. Name : Dede Gustiroh
    Nim : 211230105
    Class : TBI 4 D


    1. Describe your ideas about the nature of Systemic Functional Grammar

    Answer: Definition
    A systematic functional grammar takes into account the types of language systems available to native speakers of a language and the choices people make when using that language. These options are chosen from the semantics of the grammar, not from the syntax, and thus represent the speaker/writer's choice of meaning to express.

    2. What is the role of SFG in the context of EFL while students apply it speaking skills?

    By understanding how language works in different social situations, students can learn how to use language more effectively to achieve their communication goals.



    1. How many clauses found in the text above? Mention the clauses min 5!
    a. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    b. A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament
    c. The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to host the youth tournament
    d. The cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    e. Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2. Write theme and rheme found in the text above, each of them min 3

    a. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia, theme : Fiva, Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia,

    b. A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament
    Theme : A new host will
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament

    c. The cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    Theme : The cards
    Rheme : and could be decided at a later

    3. After reading the text, what do you think of its message? Tell your
    arguments about it!

    The message : The example of many Palestinian coaches in Israel does change all countries where they can play fair, respect each other, so it's not just because of religious differences that can hinder our country's dreams.

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  15. Name : Salwa Naqi (211230107)
    Class : 4D TBI
    Subject : Middle Term-functional grammar

    1. Systemic Functional Grammar is designed to help students understand, and develop a thorough understanding of English patterns that can be used to describe, describe or interpret meaning in linguistic social interaction, also known as communication. Functional Grammar is actually the name of a set of linguistic theories that can generally be classified into functional linguistics (linguistic functionalism).

    2. the role of sf in efl students to develop their speaking skills is :
    - to facilitate their understanding of the elements in a sentence
    - sf also makes students curious about the arrangement of sentences, whether they are correct or not.

    1.- FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup.
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
    - Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2.- FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia

    -The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    •Theme : The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) •Rheme : following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    -A new host will be announced as soon as possible

    •Theme : A new host
    •Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    3.The message contained in the text above is to inform that Indonesia's license has been revoked by the PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup, The text is objective in reporting the decision, without taking a stance on whether the decision is justified or not. The absence of any mention of the protest against Israel may indicate that FIFA does not want to get involved in political controversies and prefers to focus on sports. However, the decision could also be interpreted as a lack of support for Indonesia's position on the matter. Meanwhile, the new host will be announced as soon as possible, and the tournament date remains unchanged.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Name : Siti Sopiah
    Nim : 211230110
    Class : TBI_4D
    1).Systemic functional grammar is primarily concerned with the grammatical choices available to speakers and writers. These choices link the intent of the speaker and writer to the concrete form of a language. Traditionally, "choice" is seen in terms of the content or structure of the language used. In SFG, language is analyzed in three different ways (strata): semantics, phonology and lexicograms. SFG presents views on language both in terms of structure (grammar) and words (lexis). The term "lexicogrammar" describes this combined approach.

    2).in the context of EFL presents its own challenges as students have more limited opportunities to speak English both inside and outside the classroom. They have fewer urgent needs to use English (immediate English needs). This situation, they require regular practice and exposure to abundant spoken language over time. On the other hand, the learning process should ideally be able to develop hard skills and soft skills in an integrated manner to become life skills, the provision for a person to develop properly in society later.

    1).-FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    -The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    -Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
    -Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2). -FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    -Theme: FIFA
    -Rheme: has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup

    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    -Theme: A new host
    -Rheme: will be announced as soon as possible

    -The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    -Theme: The federation
    -Rheme: decided to revoke Indonesia's license

    3). In my opinion, don't run away from the responsibility that has been mutually agreed on by both parties because it can also have a bad impact, it can become a serious threat to accompany Indonesia if it happens that Indonesia is canceled from hosting the U-20 World Cup. Don't play around with the agreement made with FIFA."

  18. Name : Iqomatul Salamah
    Nim : 211230116
    Class : 4 TBI D
    Subject : Mid. Term Funcional Grammar


    1. Before the existence of SFL, we only knew what is called traditional grammar. In my opinion, having sfl is very good because we are not only fixated on the structure of the sentence, but we can understand or examine the meaning in a context both in clauses or sentences in written form or oral. Although many learners think that linguists do not preserve traditional grammatical concepts, on the contrary, the fact is that experts actually develop traditional concepts that already exist by adapting to today's civilization, now known as SFL. For example, in traditional grammar there is a subject predicate object, and in sfl we are familiar with theme and rheme.
    2. -Sentences according to the grammatical structure
    -And students can understand the meaning of a clause or sentence from a context.


    1. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    - The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    - Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2. -FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia

    -The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    Theme : The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI)
    Rheme : following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino

    -A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : A new host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    3. The message: Indonesia's license has been revoked by PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup, the new host will be announced as soon as possible, and the tournament date remains unchanged.
    my argument: There was news that shocked all Indonesian people, especially the Indonesian national team, which made everyone feel sad and disappointed about their decision, because this is one of Indonesia's dreams, especially since all parties have been preparing and working hard since 2021, so many have let go of this to do with politics, even though football has no religious relationship, everyone can enjoy watching the game without any differences.
    If football and politics side by side, Indonesian football will not progress. Examples of many Palestinian coaches from Israelis, in fact football has changed all countries, where they can play fairly, respect each other, so don't just because of religious differences can hinder our country's dreams.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    NIM: 211230097
    CLASS: TBI 4 D

    1. Describe your ideas about the nature of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)?
    Answer: Systemic functional grammar is a grammatical approach that treats language as a source of meaning
    2. How are the roles of SFG in EFL context while the the students apply their
    speaking skills?
    Answer: provide opportunities for SFL students to recognize the linguistic features of language

    1. How many clauses found in the text above? Mention the clauses min 5!
    Answer: -- FIFA has officially removed Indonesian
    - The federation decided to revoke indonesia’s licence
    - Erick thori, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesian
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible, with the dates of the tournament
    - The cards and could be decided at a later stage.

    2. Write theme and rheme found in the text above, each of them min 3
    Answer :
    - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    • FIFA (Theme)
    • has officially removed Indonesia (rheme)
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license.
    • Theme : The federation
    • Rheme : decided to revoke Indonesia’s license
    - Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia
    • Theme: Eric thorir
    • RHEME : the Soccer Association of Indonesi

    3. After reading the text, what do you think of its message? Tell your Arguments about it!
    Answer: From the news above, it can be concluded that this news informs that Indonesia's license has been revoked by PSSI for rejecting Israel in the 2023 world cup, and from the above news it causes Indonesia to cancel hosting the U-20 World Cup, and Indonesia could be subject to sanctions if it cancels being host, in my opinion this has caused a lot of disappointment from the Indonesian people, especially the Indonesian national team players. The point is that you shouldn't mix politics with sports.

  21. Name : Ivania Cinta Artanti / 211230092
    TBI 4D

    1. Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) , Language is used to express meanings and perform various functions in different contexts and situations of our daily lives.

    2. So Grammar is an important part of learning English. Understanding proper grammar enables one to communicate more effectively in English. So SFG can make your sentences more meaningful and easier to understand with good grammar.


    1. Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesiam.
    2. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia.
    3. A new host will be announced as soon as possible,
    4. The cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    5. The federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license.

    • Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia.
    Theme : Erick Thohir
    Rheme : the chief of the soccer Association of Indonesia.

    • FIFA has officially removed Indonesia.
    Theme: FIFA
    Rheme: has officially removed Indonesia.

    • A new host will be announced as soon possible.
    Theme : A new Host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon possible.

    3.From the incident Indonesia was canceled from hosting the U-20 world cup, many parties were disappointed because of it and Indonesia accumulated a lot of losses afterward. we also have to fall because of the polemic that exists.

  22. Name: Marsya Nurul Kamilah
    Nim: 211230099


    1. Systematic Functional Grammar (SFG) discusses explaining how individuals use language and how language in hamlets is used for different purposes. Compared to regular grammar, the context of this SFG is more expansive. In SFG, it is mostly applied to speaking and writing. SFG views language as a system of meanings and emphasizes language as a source of meaning-making rather than a set of rules, focusing on the ways in which language is put together so that meaning can be communicated for particular purposes.

    2. In the EFL context, if students use SFG when speaking, it will certainly help them develop their speaking skills. In SFG, students will learn grammar that is broader than the grammar usually taught in school. Students will certainly analyze the texts they learn to communicate by identifying the relationship between meaning and form in different contexts and situations. Students will speak English more effectively after they comprehend the grammar. Students' words will become clearer and more meaningful as a result of learning SFG.


    1. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    - The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    - Potential sanctions against the PSSI

    2. -FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia

    -The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI) following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino
    Theme : The chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI)
    Rheme : following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino

    -A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : A new host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    3. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as the host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup.
    In my opinion, seeing the news title alone has made the Indonesian people, especially the Indonesian National Team and football fans, feel sad and disappointed. Hosting the World Cup is one of the dreams of Indonesians, especially the Indonesian national team and football fans, especially when viewed from the hard work in preparing to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup since 2021. 
    When viewed in the context of the news, the FIFA World Cup is associated with politics. Why are politics involved in sports affairs, especially for the U-20 World Cup? If sports, especially football, are associated with politics, Indonesian football is difficult to advance. Maybe the political intention is to see an opportunity from Indonesia to host the FIFA U-20 World Cup, and politics will develop like that? No!   Politics also has its place; don't associate everything with politics. 
    By protesting against the participation of the Israeli national team, Indonesia has become a country that is not sporting. The absence of any mention of protests against Israel may be FIFA's way of showing that it does not want to get involved in political controversy. 

  23. Name / NIM : Puspita Wiranti / 211230101
    Class : TBI 4D

    1. Functional grammar emphasizes how spoken and written language works in different social situations. In language teaching, functional grammar continues to be applied to speaking and writing. Functional grammar is also very useful in explaining and assessing how we use language to write and speak more appropriately and effectively. Functional grammar is also concerned with how different parts of the language within a text work together as part of a larger system for constructing meaning.

    2. Because these vocabulary and grammatical skills complement each other to speak the language.
    Therefore, grammar is an essential part of learning English.
    Understanding correct grammar can help someone communicate more effectively in English.
    Grammar also plays an important role in building confidence in speaking the language.

    1. - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World cup
    - the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to
    host the youth tournament.
    - It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.
    - “A new host will be announced as soon as possible,
    - it said in a statement issued on its website.
    - “Potential sanctions against the PSSI” were also in the cards
    - and could be decided at a later stage

    2. - Theme : FIFA
    - Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup

    - Theme : The federation
    Rheme : decided to revoke Indonesia’s license

    - Theme : The federation decision (it)
    Rheme : did not make any mention of the recent
    pushback against Israel.

    3. Of course, we have to respect this decision. I know this decision disappointed many people. I feel the same way. Disappointed and sad. But let's not waste our energy blaming each other. As a great nation, we must look forward, not backward. This is a valuable lesson for all of us for Indonesian football.
    But overall It is not surprising that Indonesia's status as a host of the U-20 World Cup will be lifted.
    We are still traumatized by the heartbreaking tragedy that occurred in October 2022. The tragedy claimed the lives of hundreds of supporters in Kanjurhan.

  24. Name : Vica Regina Aulia
    Nim : 211230098
    Class : TBI/ 4D



    1. According to my idea functional grammar is our activity how to understand a text to form the meaning that gives rise to the contents of systemic functional grammar.

    2. The role of SFG in the context of EFL has the opportunity for students to gain confidence to practice and develop themselves, especially for those who learn English but have their own challenges because students have limited opportunities to speak and listen to English.


    1. •FIFA has officially removed Indonesian
    • Erick Thohir the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia
    •FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on Wednesday
    •The federation decided to revoke the Indonesian license
    • A new host will be announced as soon as possible

    2. ● FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host
    - FIFA [ Theme ]
    - has officially removed indonesia as host [ Rheme ]
    ● FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on Wednesday
    - FIFA [ Theme ]
    - president Gianni Infantini in Doha on Wwdnesday [ Rheme ]
    ● Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer
    - Eric Tohir [ Theme ]
    - the chief of the soccer [ Rheme ]

    3.In my opinion after reading the text that FIFA has officially removed Indonesia from hosting the world cup, even so Erik Tohir was still lobbying by meeting FIFA president Gianni infantino in Doha, but the results of the federation stated that Indonesia was not the host and the host was it will only be announced ahead of the tournament date which has not changed, in my opinion many are disappointed about this including the national team players who have prepared.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Hadid Adrian Maulana Husen
    TBI 4D

    1. Systemic Functional Grammar is one of the linguistics proposed by Halliday, which applied and focused on understanding language according to its function. Because fundamentally, some people in society use the same language and sentences, but people have different points of view depending on the context of the speaker and the listener. Functional linguistics is understood as a linguistic movement that assumes that phonological, grammatical and semantic structures are determined by the functions they perform in society. It aims to understand how a text shapes its meaning within a context.

    2. learners can determine and compare the function of a sentence or expression, by understanding the various contexts and purposes from/to whom the sentence or expression is conveyed.

    - FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup.
    - The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's license to host the youth tournament.
    - It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.
    - A new host will be announced as soon as possible.
    - It said in a statement issued on its website.
    - Theme: FIFA
    Rheme: has officially removed Indonesia as host.
    - Theme: The Federation
    Rheme: decided to revoke Indonesia's license to host.
    - Theme: A new host
    Rheme: will be announced as soon as possible.
    3. This message conveyed the announcement or news conveyed by FIFA regarding the removal of host of the U-20 world cup in 2023. In this announcement, FIFA did not mention at all that the cause of this removal of host was due to the rejection of Israel's participation in this tournament. and FIFA will also inform about the new host and the changed match schedule.

  28. Name : Nazwa Aurelia Faradisa
    NIM : 211230118
    Class : TBI 4 D

    1. Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is a theory of language that is strongly oriented to the description of how language makes meaning in context. The term "systemic" refers to the view of language as "a network of a system, or interrelated sets of options for making meaning". The term "functional" indicates that the approach is concerned with the contextualized, practical used to which language is put, as opposed to formal grammar, which focused on compositional semantics, syntax and world classes such as nouns and verbs.

    2. In EFL context, SFG can be used to help students understand, and develop an understanding of English patterns that can be used to describe or interpret meaning in linguistic social interactions. And also can help them to explore how the grammar of a language serves as a resource for making and exchanging meaning in evaluating both spoken and written discourses in connection with context.

    1. – FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as a host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    – Following a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on wednesday
    – the federation decided to revoke Indonesia's licence to host the youth tournament
    – a new host will be announced as soon as possible
    – it said in a statement issue on it's website

    2. – FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as a host of the 2023 U-20 world cup
    Theme : FIFA
    Rheme : has officially removed Indonesia as a host of the 2023 U-20 world cup

    – A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme : a new host
    Rheme : will be announced as soon as possible

    – The federation decided to revoke Indonesia's licence to host the youth tournament
    Theme : the federation
    Rheme : decided to revoke Indonesia's licence to host the youth tournament.

    3. In my opinion it's a such bad news for Indonesia football team and also the football fans, they had been expecting to be the host for a long time, but it turned out that FIFA removed Indonesia as the host because Indonesia rejected the Israel team. They were clearly disappointed with this, the Indonesian football team had been training for a long time but in fact they were removed by FIFA. As i know, this happened because there was also interference with politics, politics and sports should not be mixed. This tournament can be a way to introduce Indonesia to the world.

  29. Name: Ratu Putri Intan Shafira
    SRN: 211230106
    Class: D4

    1. SFG and SFL are terms coined that can be used interchangeably. The nature of SFG is semantic, systemic, and functional as a social semiotic. SFG focuses on semantic context in which a language is used, rather than the structural context of the language. Semantically, words in a language come with their meaning and grammar as they are used. While in the traditional view, the structure has already been fixed by a set of rules (tenses), we just need to apply those rules into use. Despite the language is analyzed semantically, it has categorization that can be used to recognize parts of language which can be confused as rules in SFG. Nevertheless, the concepts emerged in SFG are developed from and not leaving completely the preceding traditional view.

    2. The SFG style of learning speaking, I think, is supposedly communicative and direct. Learning speaking should successfully be done by having to communicate real meaning. This will allow learners to learn speaking with their natural strategies of language acquisition. The role of SFG in speaking, thus, should be to train learners to position words or phrases or clauses classes into words as they are naturally accustomed to with self or other-supervised assessment and correction and continued grammar learning.

    3. In SFG also known as SFL, functionally there are terms known as “theme” and “rheme”. Theme is simply what the clause is about, and it comes in the front of the clause. The rheme is the rest of the clause part following the theme, and it serves a cohesive function to the theme.
    1. Clause: FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    Theme: FIFA has officially removed Indonesia
    Rheme: as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    2. Clause: a surge of resistance against the participation of the Israeli national team
    Theme: a surge of resistance
    Rheme: against the participation of the Israeli national team
    3. Clause: a last-ditch attempt to lobby the world soccer governing body by Erick Thohir
    Theme: a last-ditch attempt
    Rheme: to lobby the world soccer governing body by Erick Thohir
    4. Clause: the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
    Theme: the chief
    Rheme: of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI).
    5. Clause: a meeting between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on Wednesday
    Theme: a meeting
    Rheme: between Erick and FIFA president Gianni Infantino in Doha on Wednesday
    6. Clause: the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to host the youth tournament.
    Theme: the federation
    Rheme: decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to host the youth tournament
    7. Clause: It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.
    Theme: It did not make any mention
    Rheme: of the recent pushback against Israel.
    8. Clause: A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    Theme: A new host
    Rheme: will be announced as soon as possible
    9. Clause: the dates of the tournament currently remaining unchanged
    Theme: the dates
    Rheme: of the tournament currently remaining unchanged
    10. Clause: it said in a statement issued on its website.
    Theme: it
    Rheme: said in a statement issued on its website.
    11. Clause: "Potential sanctions against the PSSI" were also in the cards
    Theme: Potential sanctions
    Rheme: against the PSSI were also in the cards
    12. Clause: could be decided at a later stage.
    Theme: could be decided
    Rheme: at a later stage
    (There are 12 clauses found in the text).
    From the passage it is implied that Indonesian people are mostly anti-semitic which is brought by religious reasons. But in my honest opinion, regardless of the religious views, Indonesian people should be more diplomatic as this occasion includes miscellaneous kinds of cultures, as long as Israelis don’t violate the laws in Indonesia, as peace is taught by our very own prophet, Rasulullah Muhammad saw. As Indonesians, we also feel dejected with the decision FIFA has made. But maybe FIFA thinks this would be the best decision to avoid any act of anarchy in the field.

  30. Nama : Silvana Nurhaliza
    Class : 4 D TBI
    Nim : 211230112


    1. 1. Put simply, Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is a grammar based on the view that language is a system for making meaning. Systemic refers to the fact that when we use language, we make choices from sets of available options. This is contrary to the traditional view of grammar as sets of rules. Functional grammar focuses on the way language is put together so that meaning is communicated for particular purposes, and looks at a language as a system of meaning, while traditional grammar is concerned with the ways words are organized within sentences and looks at a language as a set of rules.

    2. 2. The teachers are expected to play a key role in imparting quality education in ELT classrooms, both in
    ESL/EFL settings, especially in teaching language skills. To achieve this quality, teachers should use their skills,
    knowledge and various techniques to motivate the learners towards the learning of language skills. In this
    context, teachers should act as facilitators, motivators, organizers, monitors, participants, assessors, models,
    observers, and so on. When it comes to teaching speaking skills, the role of teachers is essential because
    speaking skills can be taught effectively by teachers applying various techniques such as interaction,
    motivation and encouragement.
    In order to develop the speaking skills of the learners, the English language teachers have to put their
    focus mainly on vocabulary and grammar and then on speech sounds, stress, intonation patterns and finally on
    patterns of sentences. To enable the learners to enrich good vocabulary and to have a good command over grammar, the teachers should concentrate more on speech sounds, stress and intonation patterns which are the fundamental elements required for speaking skills.


    1. There is 6 clause from this text :

    A. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20

    B. World Cup
    following a surge of resistance against the participation of the Israeli national

    C. despite a last-ditch attempt to lobby the world soccer governing

    D. Erick Thohir, the chief of the Soccer Association of Indonesia (PSSI)

    E. the federation decided to revoke Indonesia’s license to
    host the youth tournament

    F. It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.

    2. A. FIFA has officially removed indonesia

    FIFA : theme
    has officially removed indonesia

    B. Erick Thohir, the chief of the soccer Association of Indonesia

    Erick Thohir : theme
    The chief of the soccer Association of indonesia : rheme

    C. A new host will be announced as soon as possible

    A new host : theme
    Will be announced as soon as possible : rheme

    3. In my opinion, Indonesia should not be related between sports and politics. Because sport is free, there is no political or religious element. If sport is related to religion or politics, then sport in Indonesia in particular will not progress and develop. Hopefully with this incident, sports in Indonesia will be even better.

  31. Azra Nur Izzati Aziz

    A. Answer these following questions briefly
    1. Describe your ideas about the nature of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)?
    2. How are the roles of SFG in EFL context while the the students apply their speaking skills?
    Answer :
    1. the nature of systemic functional grammar in my understanding is a modern way to adjust to today's fast-paced civilization, so including how to speak is made how to be understood efficiently, quickly and precisely because it prioritizes the purpose of speaking and conveys a clear meaning or clear purpose efficiently.
    2. The role and application of SFL to students is so that when we speak, the person we are addressing can clearly catch the point. can also convey a point clearly by composing words based on the purpose of the conversation so that it is straight to the point and does not make the interlocutor confused.

    Questions :

    1. How many clauses found in the text above? Mention the clauses min 5!
    2. Write theme and rheme found in the text above, each of them min 3
    3. After reading the text, what do you think of its message? Tell your arguments about it!
    Answer :
    1. there is about 15 clauses I think.
    a. FIFA has officially removed Indonesia as host of the 2023 U-20 World Cup
    b. It did not make any mention of the recent pushback against Israel.
    c. A new host will be announced as soon as possible
    d. “Potential sanctions against the PSSI” were also in the cards and could be decided at a later stage.
    e. The ensuing FIFA decision has upset soccer fans across the nation,

    2. a. The decision marks an abrupt end to Indonesia's ambition to host another world-class sports competition, which the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has identified as an opportunity to expand Indonesia’s global appeal.
    Theme : The decision marks an abrupt end to Indonesia's ambition to host another world-class sports competition
    Rheme : 1. which the administration of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has identified as an opportunity to expand Indonesia’s global appeal.
    b. The ensuing FIFA decision has upset soccer fans across the nation, many of whom were nervously waiting for news of Erick’s eleventh-hour push in Qatar.
    Theme : The ensuing FIFA decision has upset soccer fans across the nation
    Rheme : many of whom were nervously waiting for news of Erick’s eleventh-hour push in Qatar.
    c. “They must beg the Indonesian people for forgiveness for costing us the opportunity to make history, for failing to follow through on an enormous task and for violating our own commitments. They must beg forgiveness to all our young players whose dream to play at the World Cup has been quashed,”
    theme : They must beg the Indonesian people for forgiveness
    Rheme : for failing to follow through on an enormous task and for violating our own commitments.
    Theme : They must beg forgiveness to all our young players
    Rheme : whose dream to play at the World Cup has been quashed

    3. The cancelation of Indonesia to host the 2023 U-20 World Cup, caused disappointment for Indonesian citizens, FIFA fans from Indonesia to players who have dreams of playing in the World Cup. the next world cup host is still in the search stage and this conversation continues.
