Wednesday 21 June 2023


    Students have to open this link to do the final test. They have to put the answer of question number 4 in the blog's comment column while the answers of questions number 1,2, and 3 are submitted at WA group. The students' works must be accepted maximally at 11.59 pm. Please fill the form of learning evaluation too as one of scoring in my subject. Good luck.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Name : Lisna Aulia Rahayu
    Nim : 211230102
    Class : TBI 4D
    Subject: Functional Grammar

    4. Based on the analysis of the text, the writer's ideas are presented in a clear and concise manner, making them easily readable. The article provides a brief overview of a new study that suggests taking daytime naps may help maintain brain health as we age. The writer also highlights the potential risks of excessive napping and the limitations of the study. The language used is straightforward and easy to understand, making the article accessible to a wide audience. Overall, the writer's ideas are well-presented and easily readable.

  3. Ability
    He was a very spiritual person, and often spent time meditating
    Mount Hira. A traditional Qur'anic story tells how one night in the year 610 he meditated

    a cave on a mountain when he was visited by the angel Gabriel who ordered him to recite the Koran. As soon as Gabriel mentioned the name Allah, Muhammad began to recite the words to which he came
    to believe are the words of God.

    Muhammad's popularity was seen as threatened by those in power in Mecca,

    Passive sentence
    when he was visited by the angel Gabriel who ordered him to recite the Koran. As soon as Gabriel mentioned the name Allah, Muhammad began to recite the words to which he came.

    Direct speech
    Muslims believe that Islam is a religion that has always existed and been passed down gradually
    to mankind by a number of prophets,

    Indirect speech
    to receive this revelation. Preaching, the words are memorized and recorded, and shaped

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Name : Dede Gustiroh
    Nim : 211230105
    Class : TBI 4D
    Subject: Functional Grammar

    4. Based on the text analysis, I think the article is easy to read and understand, there are no long-winded sentences or words and no sentences that are difficult to understand. It is presented briefly and clearly.

    This article on napping, not only focuses on the author's response but also attaches some reinforcements to the article's response, such as responses from Tara Spires-Jones, president of the British Neuroscience Association and deputy director of the Neuroscience Discovery Center at the University of Edinburgh and from Valentina Paz, a researcher at the University of the Republic of Uruguay and UCL.

  6. name : lisca aulia hanafi
    nim : 211230103
    class : tbi 4 D
    In this article the authors discuss the findings of a new study showing that napping can help keep the brain healthy as we age. They highlighted the link between napping habits, greater total brain volume, and a lower risk of dementia and other diseases. The authors also acknowledge previous research showing that excessive napping can be harmful.
    I think the ideas presented in the text are relatively clear and easy to understand. The author effectively conveys the main research findings and provides supporting statements from the researchers involved. And also quotes from experts add credibility and perspective to the discussion. the authors acknowledge the limitations of the study, particularly the reliance on self-reported napping habits, which may introduce potential bias. They cite Tara Spiers-Jones, a neuroscientist, who highlights this limitation. The authors also cite comments from lead study author Valentina Paz, who acknowledged the limitations of the study but expressed confidence in the methodology used.
    So Overall, the authors present ideas in a clear manner, combining relevant information and expert opinions to provide a balanced view of the findings and limitations of the study.

  7. Name : Ivania Cinta Artanti
    NIM : 211230092
    Class : TBI 4D

    After analyzing the text, I believe that the article is written in a simple and comprehensible manner. It does not contain any convoluted sentences or complex vocabulary that may pose difficulty in understanding. The article about napping not only presents the author's viewpoint but also includes additional support from experts such as Tara Spires-Jones, who is the president of the British Neuroscience Association and also serves as the deputy director of the Neuroscience Discovery Center at the University of Edinburgh, and Valentina Paz, a researcher at the University of the Republic of Uruguay and UCL.

  8. Name : Kholifatut Ta'ziah
    NIM : 211230119
    Class : TBI 4D
    Subject : Functional Grammar

    4. Based on the provided text, i think the ideas of the writer in the article are generally clear and easily readable. The writer presents the findings of a new study that suggests daytime naps may help maintain brain health as we age. They also acknowledge prior research that has shown excess napping can be harmful. The writer includes relevant information about the link between habitual napping and larger brain volume, which is associated with a lower risk of dementia and other diseases.

    Additionally, the article includes quotes from senior author Victoria Garfield and Tara Spires-Jones, providing expert opinions and perspectives on the study. The limitations of the study, such as self-reported napping habits, are also mentioned, providing a balanced view of the research.

    Overall, the writer effectively conveys the main findings of the study and presents different viewpoints, allowing readers to form their own opinions. The article appears to be well-structured and provides sufficient information to understand the study's implications regarding daytime naps and brain health.


  9. The ideas of the writer in the article are easy to read and understand. The article is well-organized and the information is presented in a clear and concise way. The writer uses simple language and avoids jargon, making the article accessible to a wide audience.

    The article begins by introducing the topic of the study, which is the relationship between daytime napping and brain health. The writer then summarizes the findings of the study, which show that habitual napping is linked with larger total brain volume. The writer then discusses the limitations of the study, such as the fact that napping habits were self-reported. However, the writer also points out that the study is still interesting because it adds to the data indicating that sleep is important for brain health.

    Overall, the article is well-written and informative. The ideas are easy to read and understand, and the information is presented in a clear and concise way. The writer uses simple language and avoids jargon, making the article accessible to a wide audience.

  10. Name: Dina Agustina
    Nim: 211230121
    Class: 4 D TBI
    Subject: Functional Grammar

    In my opinion the text consists of a few sentences that are clear and easy to understand. The structure is fairly simple, and the information conveyed is easy to understand in general terms. The text presents the results of a study on the relationship between napping and brain health, and highlights the difference between beneficial naps and excessive napping that can be harmful. The author also includes responses from the lead researcher that provide additional perspectives on the limitations of the study.

    Overall, the text is relatively easy to read and understand. The use of simple and clear language makes the text accessible to a wide range of readers. The information presented is also quite concise and not too complicated.

  11. Name : Nazwa Aurelia Faradisa
    NIM : 211230118
    Class : TBI 4 D

    4. Based on the analyzed text, the writer's ideas are clear, and easy to understand. Articles are written in simple language and do not use difficult language structures. The writer explain the good effect of daytime napas and provide differences in brain volume between nappers and non nappers. The writer also given sources that he took, and also explains the results of previous studies. And the writer includes quotes from senior author Victoria Garfield, a senior research fellow at UCL, Tara Spires-Jones, president of the British Neuroscience Association and deputy director of the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, and lead study author Valentina Paz, a researcher at the University of the Republic of Uruguay and UCL as a researcher that studied about daytime napping. Overall, the article is well written and easily to read.

  12. Hadid Adrian Maulana Husen

    Based on the text, the writer's ideas in the article indicate that daytime napping may have benefits for maintaining brain health as we age. The writer acknowledges that excess napping can also be harmful and highlights the importance of short daytime naps in preserving brain health.

    In terms of readability, the text is relatively clear and easy to understand. The information is presented in a straightforward manner, providing details about the study's findings and including quotes from the researchers involved. However, it is worth noting that the writer also acknowledges the limitations of the study, such as the reliance on self-reported napping habits.

    Overall, the ideas presented in the article are easily comprehensible and provide insights into the potential benefits of daytime napping for brain health, while acknowledging the limitations of the study.

  13. Gunawan wachjudin
    TBI 4D

    I think the author gives some intriguing thoughts on the potential advantages of daytime naps for preserving brain health as we age after carefully reading the article's text. The post is well-written and simple to read, with succinct sentences that effectively communicate the essential themes. To express various situations and ideas and to communicate with the reader, the author employs a range of clauses. The essential notions are clarified and support for the assertions made in the text is provided through the usage of clauses as messages and exchanges.
    Overall, I believe that the paper is a useful contribution to the topic of health and that the writer's opinions are ably backed by the data provided.

  14. Name : Siti Sopiah
    Nim : 211230110
    Class : TBI_4D

    4. This study showed that people with a genetic marker associated with napping experienced a small but significant increase in brain volume. The lead researcher, Valentina Paz, acknowledged the limitations of the study, but expressed confidence in the methods used.

    This statement shows that although this study has limitations, the results still add to the data that supports the importance of sleep for brain health. This suggests that sleep has an important role in maintaining brain health, although it should be noted that this study did not show a cause-and-effect relationship between napping and increased brain volume.

    In this context, it is important to view this research as an additional contribution to our understanding of sleep and brain health, and to maintain an open mind about the findings and limitations of such research.

  15. Marsya Nurul Kamilah
    TBI 4D

    After reading the material critically, it seems that the author's concepts are quite simple to read and comprehend. The researcher's findings are clearly communicated by the author, who also emphasizes the potential advantages of daytime naps for maintaining brain function as we age. The study's findings are succinctly summarized by the author, who also notes the correlation between habitual napping and greater brain capacity, which is linked to a lower risk of dementia and other disorders. In order to present a comprehensive view of the subject, the author clearly describes the study's findings, recognizes any potential limits, and incorporates expert perspectives.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Name: Ladzina Agusti Priatna
    Srn: 211230115
    Class: TBI 4D

    4. Based on the analyzed text, the writer's ideas are clear, and easy to understand. Articles are written in simple language and do not use difficult language structures. The writer explain the good effect of daytime napas and provide differences in brain volume between nappers and non nappers. The writer also given sources that he took, and also explains the results of previous studies. And the writer includes quotes from senior author Victoria Garfield, a senior research fellow at UCL, Tara Spires-Jones, president of the British Neuroscience Association and deputy director of the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences at the University of Edinburgh, and lead study author Valentina Paz, a researcher at the University of the Republic of Uruguay and UCL as a researcher that studied about daytime napping. Overall, the article is well written and easily to read.

  18. Nama : Iqomatul Salamah
    NIM : 211230116
    Kelas : TBI - 4D
    Mata Kuliah : Funcional Grammar

    4). Berdasarkan analisis teks, gagasan penulis disajikan secara jelas dan ringkas, sehingga mudah dibaca. Artikel tersebut memberikan gambaran singkat tentang studi baru yang menunjukkan bahwa tidur siang dapat membantu menjaga kesehatan otak seiring bertambahnya usia. Penulis juga menyoroti potensi risiko tidur siang yang berlebihan dan keterbatasan penelitian. Bahasa yang digunakan lugas dan mudah dipahami, membuat artikel dapat diakses oleh khalayak luas. Secara keseluruhan, ide-ide penulis disajikan dengan baik dan mudah dibaca.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Arham Fakhrullah
    TBI 4D

    In my opinion, this article is very helpful in providing information about the benefits of napping which has a good impact on brain health so that it can improve one's learning performance. and this article is also easy to understand and read as well as easy to apply for some people.

    NIM : 211230097
    CLASS : TBI 4D

    4. In my opinion, after I analyzed the text. The text has a simple structure that is easy to understand, the information in it is presented in a structured way that is easy to understand well. The research findings are clearly communicated by the author, who also emphasizes the potential benefits of napping to maintain brain function as we age. The text also uses simple language so that it is easy to understand for me whose English skills are still low.

  22. Name : Salwa Naqi
    Nim : 211230107
    Class : 4D TBI

    I personally think that the author's thoughts in the article are easy to read and understand. The article is well structured and the information is presented clearly and concisely. The author uses simple language and avoids jargon, making the article accessible to a wide audience.
    The article begins by introducing the research topic of the relationship between napping and brain health. The authors then summarize the research findings showing that napping is associated with greater total brain volume. After that, the authors discuss the limitations of the study, such as the fact that naps were self-reported. But the authors also note that the study is still interesting because it adds to the data showing that sleep is important for brain health.
    Overall, the article is well-written and informative. Ideas are easy to read and understand, and information is presented clearly and concisely. The author uses simple language and avoids jargon, making the article accessible to a wide audience.

  23. Name : Vica regina Aulia
    Nim : 211230098
    CLASS : TBI 4D

    4. The study showed that people with genetic markers associated with napping experienced small but significant increases in brain volume. Lead researcher Valentina Paz acknowledged the limitations of her study, but was confident in the methods used.

    The statement shows that despite the limitations of this study, the results further strengthen the data supporting the importance of sleep in brain health. This suggests that sleep plays an important role in maintaining brain health, but it should be noted that this study did not show a causal relationship between naps and increased brain volume.

    In this context, it is important to view this study as a further contribution to our understanding of sleep and brain health and to remain open to the findings and limitations of this study. 

  24. Name: Ratu Putri Intan Shafira
    NIM: 211230106
    Class: TBI 4D

    4. The text conveys about the benefits of taking nap, shown by genetic markers found in the study. It shows a good correleation between taking nap regularly and brain health. The brain volume in people who take naps regularly are bigger in volume than those who don't. However. prolonged naps are marks for dementia disease. It can make sense because in people with dementia, brain volume is at loss and thus needs prolonged time in napping.

    From my opinion I think the text is quite feasible and easy to comprehend while its scientific.

    NIM: 211230101

    4. In my opinion, the writer's ideas are effectively conveyed in the article. The writer presents the study's findings, discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of napping, and acknowledges the limitations of the research. By including statements from both the senior author and another expert in the field, the article provides a balanced perspective. The opinions of the researchers involved and the expert not involved in the study add credibility and depth to the discussion. Overall, the ideas in the article are clearly presented and supported by the information provided.

    The article discusses a study suggesting that daytime napping may help maintain brain health as we age. It highlights the potential benefits of short daytime naps for preserving brain health and reducing the risk of dementia. The article is easy to read.

  26. Name : Wilda Mufadillah
    NIM : 211230104
    Class : TBI D

    In my Opinion, Based on the information provided in the article, the writer presents the findings of a new study that suggests daytime naps may be beneficial for maintaining brain health as we age. The article acknowledges that prior research has shown that excessive napping can be harmful, highlighting the importance of moderation.

    The writer supports the study's findings by mentioning that habitual napping was linked to larger total brain volume, which is associated with a lower risk of dementia and other diseases. They also include a quote from the senior author of the study, Victoria Garfield, emphasizing that short daytime naps may play a role in preserving brain health in older individuals.

    Overall, the article presents the main findings of the study and provides a balanced view by including both the positive and potential limitations of the research. It gives readers a glimpse into the potential benefits of daytime naps for brain health while acknowledging the need for further research and consideration of other factors.

  27. Azra Nur Izzati Aziz

    Based on the provided text, the article appears to be relatively easy to read and understand for analyzing the clauses. The sentences are generally concise and straightforward, presenting information in a clear manner. The clauses are structured in a way that allows for easy identification and analysis of their content and purpose within the sentences. The article discusses the potential benefits and drawbacks of daytime napping, supporting the arguments with statements from researchers and experts. The information is presented in a logical sequence, making it easier for readers to follow the flow of ideas and comprehend the main points being conveyed. Overall, the article's readability facilitates the analysis of the clauses and their roles in expressing the different perspectives and findings related to daytime napping.

  28. Name : Silvana Nurhaliza
    Nim : 211230112
    Class : 4D TBI

    In my opinion, this article really provides clear and understandable information in terms of language so that readers can analyze the structure of the language used. The language used is very easy to understand and structured. And this article also does not only contain the author's research, but also involves arguments from experts so that this article becomes a very interesting article to read.
