Wednesday 18 October 2023


 The theory and practice of CDA can be seen in people's daily life. The students have to do the mid-term test to measure their understanding. You have to put the answers in this blog's comment column. They have to be collected at least yesterday in 23.59.


  1. Riza Nizamudin
    NIM : 212236007
    This is a news text that describes how sad the residents of Plainfied, Illinois Chicago are. News about the cruel murder of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a 6 year old child because she was an American–Palestinian citizen and because she was a Muslim.
    In the news, it is described how residents who sympathized with this tragedy occurred by attending a funeral ceremony held at the basketball court in Plainfield, Illinois.
    Her father, Oday Al-Fayoume, explained how deeply sad he felt when Wadea was still around by saying that he taught her many things in English. His father said "With Wadea gone, I don't think there is any room left for me to speak English".
    Cynthia Glass, the mother of Wadea Al-Fayoume's best friend, also felt sad about the same thing. He said that “It's about two boys who will never be able to play together again. They would never be able to sit next to each other in class again. They will never be able to ride the bus together again," closing the conversation he said "We need to learn from these two sweet, sweet little guys,"
    The American government also condemned the tragedy, Dilawar Syed of the US Small Business Administration, who was also present on Tuesday and spoke on behalf of the president. “President Biden has been very, very clear. There is no place for hate in America,” Syed told the audience. “The President has and will continue to do everything in his power to combat Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in our country.”
    This news also explains how the incident occurred. The incident occurred on Saturday at his home. His mother also experienced the same thing, but was saved. Wadea was stabbed 26 times by someone named Joseph M. Czuba, the suspect in Wadea's murder who was a family friend. The mother and child are victims of racism in America. This happened because of the ongoing conflict in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel.
    This incident is the result of racist attitudes which are relatively high in America. The increasing tension after Hamas attacks on Israel resulted in Islamophobia occurring in America. The pros and cons of Hamas attacks have divided the American people in two. Joseph M. Czuba is an American citizen who is exposed to Islamaphobia and considers Obay Al-Fayoume's family to be part of the terrorists. In Islamophobia's understanding, he believes that all Muslims are terrorists, as a result, Joseph M. Czuba considers Obay Al-Fayoume's family to be his enemies.
    However, what is of concern in this news is the description of Wadea Al-Fayoume, a child in general playing with his friends, playing ball and coloring. He was a warm and kind-hearted boy who loved his family and friends without any of the racist oppression he had previously experienced and was well received by the citizens of Plainfield, Illinois.
    A touching incident for Wadea Al-fayoume was the last time she said to her mother "ma'am, I'm fine"

  2. Name : Suminih
    SRN : 222623102
    Mid-Term : Discourse Analysis

    Critical Discourse Analysis of the CNN news article titled "I am not a threat’: Hundreds gather for vigil mourning 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy who was stabbed to death near Chicago,"

    1. Discursive Strategies and Power Relations: The title, "I am not a threat," reflects the discursive strategy of challenging stereotypes and addressing the power dynamics associated with the portrayal of individuals from marginalized communities, such as Palestinians. It suggests an attempt to counteract the negative perceptions and stigmas often associated with the Palestinian identity.

    2. Construction of Victimhood and Innocence: The article constructs the 6-year-old boy as a victim through the use of emotionally charged language, such as "stabbed to death" and "vigil mourning," evoking a sense of tragedy and sympathy among the readers. This construction of innocence and victimhood serves to highlight the vulnerability of the Palestinian-American community and challenges any potential negative preconceptions about their perceived threat.

    3. Intersectionality and Identity Politics: The inclusion of the term "Palestinian-American" in the title and throughout the article highlights the intersectionality of the victim's identity. This choice emphasizes the marginalized position of Palestinians in the context of broader geopolitical conflicts, encouraging readers to consider the implications of identity politics and discrimination within the local community.

    4. Humanization and Solidarity: The reference to "hundreds" of people gathering for the vigil emphasizes the solidarity and empathy within the community. By humanizing the collective response to the tragedy, the article encourages readers to empathize with the Palestinian-American community and fosters a sense of shared grief and support.

    5. Geopolitical Context and Localized Narratives: The article's focus on the incident occurring "near Chicago" demonstrates a localized narrative, which could serve to distance the tragedy from broader geopolitical conflicts. However, the article's emphasis on the victim's Palestinian background suggests an underlying geopolitical context, potentially inviting readers to consider the impact of global conflicts on local communities and individuals.

    By critically analyzing the language choices and discursive strategies employed in the CNN article, we can better understand how the media constructs narratives around marginalized communities, challenges negative stereotypes, and encourages empathy and solidarity within society.

  3. Name: Anida Susanti
    SRN: 222623104
    Mid-term CDA

    Critical discourse analysis of tittle "Sampaikan "Dissenting Opinion", Hakim Saldi Isra Bingung Putusan MK Berubah Dalam Sekejap"

    Power relation: MK is a powerful institution in the legal system, and the title suggests that its decisions have the power to change quickly "putusan MK berubah dalam sekejap". The use of the term "dissenting opinion" indicates that different perspectives and power dynamics may be at play within the court itself. Those with dissenting opinions may have less influence on the final decision. Power relations can also be analyzed by considering how the target audience interprets the news. The framing of the title may influence how the audience perceives the judge, the court, and the decision.

    Framming: "Dissenting opinion" in the title of the news refers to a different or contradictory view or opinion expressed by a judge in the decision-making process at the Constitutional Court (MK) or similar court institution. In this context, "dissenting opinion" indicates that Judge Saldi Isra has expressed an opinion that is not in line with the majority or an opinion that differs from his fellow judges regarding a decision that has been taken by the Constitutional Court. Usually, an opinion like this is submitted by a judge to express his disagreement with a decision and provide arguments or reasons that support his different view.

    Social cultural: the news implies that judges are held accountable for their decisions and that there is a level of transparency within the legal system, which is culturally significant in many democracies. The choice of language and communication norms in the news may reflect cultural conventions and expectations related to how news is reported and how legal matters are discussed in the media. In this news it was also stated that Judge Saldi felt it was strange that the Constitutional Court changed the law for the age limit for Indonesian presidential and vice presidential candidates from 40 years old to 35 year old and this was a strange thing. This news suggests that the public is engaged with legal matters and the actions of judges, indicating a cultural interest in legal affairs and their impact on society.

    Ideology: The use of words like "bingung" (confusion) and "berubah dalam sekejap" (changed in an instant) can shape the narrative and suggest a particular viewpoint. The choice of these words may reflect the ideological position of the news outlet or its editorial team. this news related to a constitutional court can carry political implications. The news may align with the political ideology of democracy and the rule of law. It suggests that public opinion can be influenced by the actions and expressions of judges, emphasizing the importance of the public's role in monitoring and evaluating the judiciary.

    Critical value: The critical value in this news emphasizes the importance of the Constitutional Court's transparency in the legal decision-making process. This critical value raises questions about whether this news provides sufficient understanding of the ideology and legal principles underlying the justice system, such as aspects of freedom of expression and judicial independence. This news shows how the Constitutional Court makes decisions regarding the age limits for presidential and vice presidential candidates.

  4. Nurul Harisha (222623107)
    Mid Term CDA

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Excused miss, I want to collect my task for CDA mid term. I choose Critical Discourse Analysis of the CNN news article titled "I am not a threat’: Hundreds gather for vigil mourning 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy who was stabbed to death near Chicago.

    Values: When analyzing the news, potential critical values to consider might include the identity and representation like analyzing how the title portrays the 6-year-old boy in terms of his identity, emphasizing his Palestinian-American background. This can reveal how identity is constructed in the news. In addition there is geopolitical context like considering the geopolitical implications of the event by mentioning the location ("near Chicago") and the victim's identity. This reflects how discourse is influenced by larger sociopolitical contexts.

    Power relations: after I analyzing the news, several power relations can be identified like power Over the Victim, it means that the title's assertion that the 6-year-old Palestinian-American boy "is not a threat" implies that there may be a presumption or stereotype that he or others like him could be seen as threats. This suggests a power dynamic where certain groups are marginalized or perceived as dangerous. Then also the power of media Representation as this news is presented by CNN, one of the major news networks, it holds power in shaping public opinion and disseminating information. The way the story is told can influence how the incident is perceived at a broader societal level. Also about the identification of the boy as "Palestinian-American" raises questions about how cultural and racial identities can play a role in power relations within the narrative.

    Social and Cultural Context: Multiculturalism like the title connects with the broader cultural context of multiculturalism. The existence of a Palestinian-American identity within the story aligns with the multicultural fabric of the United States. Also there is Cultural Tensions like the mention of the boy's Palestinian-American identity also hints at cultural and political tensions related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has a strong cultural dimension. Understanding this cultural context is essential to interpreting the news.

    Ideologies: Anti-Stereotyping Ideology like The title implies that there are stereotypes or preconceived notions about individuals with backgrounds similar to the boy's being perceived as threats. The ideology here is against stereotyping and the unfair characterization of specific communities. Then the use of "vigil" and "mourning" in the title emphasizes the humanization of the victim and elicits empathy. The ideology of promoting empathy and compassion for victims of violence is evident. In addition the mention of the tragic stabbing death reflects an ideology against violence and an emphasis on the need for safety and protection, especially for children.
    The last the choice of words and framing in the news title may reflect an ideology of media responsibility, with an aim to report on sensitive issues in a way that promotes awareness and discussion while avoiding further harm or discrimination.

  5. According to Fairclough & Wodak(1997), critical discourse analysis can be carried out by exploring three parts, namely microstructural, mesostructural and macrostructural. Microstructural analysis explores markers that represent the content of the text, the use of diction and sentences in the text. Mesostructural analysis deals with how discourse practices are presented in the text. The last one is macrostructural analysis which reveals the analysis of sociocultural practices. The following are the results of critical discourse analysis of the news text contained above.
    1. Microstructural Analysis
    There are three tools that mark the representation of themes and figures involved in the news, namely diction, use of cause and effect sentences and selection of sources in direct quotations. In the title, the name of the figure being discussed immediately appears, namely Judge Saldi Isra, who is one of the judges at the Constitutional Court. The situation is also expressed in the writing, represented by a title that shows cause and effect, namely through the sentence "Confused" and the sentence "The Constitutional Court's Decision Changed in an Instant". Then the figure of constitutional judge Saldi Isra became the main figure used as a source in direct quotations. So readers are directed to find out the opinion expressed by Judge Saldi Isra
    2. Mesostructural Analysis
    As national media, is an online media that can influence Indonesian public opinion quite widely. The text production process at is not just an independent series, but is an institutional series involving journalists, newsrooms, editors, and others. The realization of the text made by in the report "Conveying "Dissenting Opinion", Judge Saldi Isra Confused that the Constitutional Court's Decision Changed in an Instant" is considered to be in line with the aim of Kompas mentioned above, namely to be present among readers as journalism that gives meaning and becomes a reference for good journalism amidst the rapid flow of information whose truth is unclear.
    3. Macrostructural Analysis
    Macro level analysis is based on the opinion that the social context outside the media actually influences how discourse occurs in the media.
    - Situational level, the situation discussed in the news is the occurrence of "Dissenting Opinion" between the decision of the Constitutional Court which previously did not grant the request for a review of changes to the age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates submitted by various parties but in the end the MK granted that regional heads who were not yet 40 You can become a presidential or vice presidential candidate as long as you have experience as a regional head
    - In the text, the institution featured in the news is the Institutional Court. The Constitutional Court's decision to grant a change in the age of presidential and vice presidential candidates who are under 40 years old has become controversial among society. So very deliberately looked at this reality to make news material.
    - The social relations built by by raising this title are to reveal and provide opinions that can be trusted by the public based on situations occurring in society. In this case, is trying to raise the image of the Constitutional Court by conveying that there has been a "Dissenting Opinion" among the Constitutional Judges so that decisions can be changed quickly.

    Fairclough, N., & Wodak, R. (1997). Critical Discourse Analysis. in T.A. Van Dijk (Ed), Discourse as Social INteraction: Discourse Studies 2 (A Multidiciplinary Introduction) (pp.258-284). London: Sage.

  6. Siti Sulhah (222623103)
    This Criitical Discourse Analysis (CDA) concerns news taken from online media, namely Kompascom. at October 16th, 2023. The news title is “Sampaikan "Dissenting Opinion", Hakim Saldi Isra Bingung Putusan MK Berubah dalam Sekejap”. The CDA used is the Van Djik Model which has three framework dimensions, namely text, social cognition, and social context (Eriyanto, 2009).

    Text Structure in News
    1. Macro Structure (Theme/topic) of News
    This news has a general theme or idea, namely regarding the Constitutional Court's decision which changes in an instant.
    2. Superstructure (Schematic)
    The scheme elements first describe the title, namely " Sampaikan "Dissenting Opinion", Hakim Saldi Isra Bingung Putusan MK Berubah dalam Sekejap”. Meanwhile, the lead element explained that Constitutional Justice, Saldi Isra admitted that he was confused about the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) which granted the lawsuit in case number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the minimum age for presidential candidates (capres) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. For the content structure, the Constitutional Court explains that it allows people who are not yet 40 years old to run for president or vice president as long as they have experience as regional heads or other positions elected through general elections. And closing news is Saldi Isra's opinion, regarding the impact of the Constitutional Court's decision, namely that there will be applications for other public positions to the Constitutional Court regarding the minimum age limit requirements for office.
    3. Microstructure (Syntax: Sentence Form, Coherence, and Pronouns)
    This news has a form single sentences and compound sentence forms built by deductive sentences in general. This can be seen from writing news texts that outline the main points first, followed by supporting descriptions. Coherence in each story using repetition of words and phrases. The pronouns found are saya, and the person's name (Saldi).
    4. Microstructure (Rhetorical: Graphics, Metaphors, Expressions)
    The element of expression explains that Saldi Isra feels confused about the Constitutional Court's decision, which can be seen from the phrase "Baru kali ini saya mengalami peristiwa 'aneh' yang 'luar biasa' dan dapat dikatakan jauh dari batas penalaran yang wajar”. And the graphic element is the presentation of data by including the law, ayat, and pasal.

    Social Cognition
    Based on my analysis, the author wants to convey his meaning to public that the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the minimum age requirements for presidential and vice presidential candidates seems odd and confusing. Each news item is produced with a valid data source with the aim of informing about the Constitutional Court's decisions which change in an instant.

    Social Context
    In a social context, I think this news only spreads among certain circles, namely politicians and some educational circles. This news is likely to cause controversy among the public. With this news, of course there are more negative comments than positive ones, and not only that, public trust in the Constitutional Court is decreasing.
    Eriyanto. 2011. Analisis Wacana. Yogyakarta: PT LKiS Printing Cemerlang.

  7. Name : Siti Nurlaela
    SRN : 212623011
    Mid-Term : Discourse Analysis

    This Critical Discourse Analysis (SDA) is from online media the National Kompas, the news title is " “Dissenting-opinion” hakim-saldi-isra-bingung-putusan-mk-berubah".
    According to Damayanti (2012), newspaper’s editorial is divided into four types, they are: to inform or to interpret, to criticize, to persuade, and to praise. From this news there are the interpretive editorial and the critical editorial. The interpretive editorial is an editorial which interpret or inform an idea or phenomenon which is based on facts. This editorial is the most effective if it gives the clarification of place, with detailed description of the causes of an issue and illuminate the importance of the topic. The critical editorial is an editorial that focuses on a certain action or situation which is supposed to be mistaken.
    -Text structure
    1. Macrostructure: The topic of this news is the dissenting opinion from Hakim Saldi Isra confused by the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).
    2. Supersturcture: The news was telling the confused Hakim Saldi Isra, why MK change the decision. which granted lawsuit number 90/PUU-XXI/2023 regarding the minimum age of presidential candidates (capres) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres) in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. This decision was read out in the late afternoon this morning, after the Constitutional Court rejected three decisions regarding the age limit for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from 40 years to 35 years in the morning.
    3. Microstructure: This news has element of expression from hakim Saldi Isra and his opinion of the MK’s decision. Hakim Saldi Isra said: Regarding the new meaning of the norm of Article 169 letter q of Law 7/2017, I am confused and really confused about where to start with this dissenting opinion.
    -Social Cognition
    Social cognition analysis sees how social events are understood, analyzed, and interpreted by a mental awareness. From my analysis this news is about the confused of the MK’s decision. And make some speculation from it. Why Mk;s change in instant the decision, is there the correlation between the today government or not? Based on Hakim Saldi said: Saldi said that this was the first time he had experienced an extraordinary strange event since he stepped in as a Constitutional Judge in the Constitutional Court building on April 11 2017, or around 6.5 years ago.
    -Social context
    Based on my analysis, there are some pressure from one of elements to the MK, so that MK should change the decision in instant. Based on the news, Previously, in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 29-51-55/PUU XXI/2023 which was rejected this morning, the Constitutional Court explicitly, straightforwardly and firmly stated that the age norm in Article 169 letter q of Law 7/2017 is the authority to form laws. invite to change it. However, in the new decision, the Constitutional Court granted that regional heads who are not yet 40 years old can become presidential or vice presidential candidates as long as they have experience as regional heads. Last, Is there any political interest in the institutional court's decision this time?

  8. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    SRN : 222623106
    Mid-term CDA
    Assalamu’alikum wr.wb
    For CDA mid-term assignment, I will analyze the statement of the Minister of Education and Culture regarding the bullying case which have become a concer n to the government especially in eduction. This news was published by on Thursday, February 20th 2020, with the tittle “Nadiem Bicara 3 "Dosa" di Sekolah: Radikalisme, Kekerasan Seksual, dan "Bullying".
    Fairclough and Wodak (1997) the main concepts of Critical Discourse Analysis as follows: First, Critical Discourse Analysis discuss socials and politics problems. Second, power relations are erratic (discursive). Third discourse is a form of society and culture. Fourth, discourse carry out ideological works. Fifth, discourse is historical, Sixth, the link between society and text are mediated. Seventh, Critical Discourse analysis is interpretative and explanatory. The last, Critical Discourse Analysis is a form of social proceeding or action.
    JAKARTA, - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim said that there are three "sins" in schools that should not be tolerated. The three big sins are education that leads to radicalism, sexual violence and bullying. He conveyed this when he received a question about handling bullying cases in schools from members of Commission X DPR. "I strongly agree that these negative things cannot only be done by strengthening character. There must be firm action. There must be very severe consequences for the perpetrators of what can be called sins in our school. These sins are personal, there are three sins that must be dealt with." said Nadiem at the Parliament Complex. Senayan. Jakarta . "One, is the radicalism taught to our children. Second, is sexual violence, and third is violence, namely bullying."

    Critical Discourse Analysis as follows:
    1. Social and politics problems : The problem of bullying is so disturbing at various social levels that policy makers have made bullying an important topic of discussion in the world of politics because it will affect national security.
    2. Power relations : Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim said he strongly agrees that these negative things cannot only be done by strengthening character. There must be firm action. There must be very severe consequences for perpetrators of what can be called sins in our schools.
    3. Society and Culture : Bullying (violence still often occurs in the world of education which is carried out by those in power to get their own satisfaction, usually this is done by seniors against their juniors or is referred to as seniority. Bullying is a form of child abuse which is carried out to gain certain benefits or satisfaction, This bullying will happen many times and has even become a culture that is passed down from generation to generation. This will certainly have an impact on the quality of education, so we need to be serious about dealing with bullying.
    4. Social proceeding or Action : I think it’s way to prevent bullying is returning to the school environment, where there will be no changes to refute all forms of bullying, as long as the government budget for educational facilities (counseling, intervention programs, etc.) cannot be increased.

  9. There are a number of signs that can be found in the news that I will evaluate from the angles of values, power relations, society and cultural, and ideology that impact the Constitutional Court's judgment about the maximum age for presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
    1. Value
    The Constitutional Court's ruling lacks values in the regard of values. The first choice of the morning was to reject the proposal to raise the age requirement for presidential and vice-presidential candidates from 35 to 40. In the afternoon, however, it was decided that regional leaders under the age of 40 might propose themselves for president and vice president if they had opinions on the importance of constitutional principles.
    2. Power Relations
    The Constitutional Court's judgment also demonstrates a shift in the balance of power. The Constitutional Court specifically noted in its original ruling that it had the power to change the age restriction. The Constitutional Court eventually decided to amend its position, nevertheless. This might be taken as a warning indicator that the Constitutional Court's ruling is subject to pressure or undue influence. Politics, interpersonal relationships, and public opinion all play a role in power in this sense.

    3. Social cultural
    Changes in the Constitutional Court's ruling also reflect changes in Indonesia's sociocultural landscape. Age has historically been seen as a significant indicator of maturity in society, and the rule reflects the shifting views of Indonesian society on the potential of the younger generation to lead the nation. The fact that young people are getting more involved in politics and occupying significant positions is another factor influencing this trend.
    4. Ideology
    The Constitutional Court's rulings can be analyzed from an ideological standpoint. Does the Constitutional Court encourage a more inclusive philosophy by allowing young people to run for office? Or does using age and experience as the gold standard for leadership indicate that it has a rather conservative ideology? This question has to be addressed in this analysis.
    The Constitutional Court declared that there was a change in an
    essential fact in society that generated a change in the viewpoint of society in addition to the four categories mentioned above. However, the problem doesn't go into specifics on the modification.
    Conclusion: The Constitutional Court's ruling on Indonesia's presidential and vice-presidential candidates' age restrictions is contentious and indicative of a decrease in values, power dynamics, social culture, and ideology. An knowledge of Indonesia's political and legal landscape may be generated by ongoing research of the factors that changed the Constitutional Court's judgment.

  10. Name : Mohammad Irfan Zidni
    SRN : 222623101
    This Critical Discourse Analysis (SDA) is from online media the National Kompas, the news title is " “Dissenting-opinion” hakim-saldi-isra-bingung-putusan-mk-berubah". Research on political discourse first requires the term politicsto be clarified. According to Chilton (2004), there are two broad branches of political research (if one
    considers the implicit and explicit concepts found in both the conventional study of politics and political discourse studies) that are in direct opposition to one another: one conceptualizes
    politics as a conflict between those with power and authority and those who seek to take it away (the micro level); the other views politics as an effort by various sectors of society and the
    state to strike an equitable balance between aspects such as wealth, power, and individual freedom (the macro level).
    A. Attitude analysis
    the attitude resources of appraisal theory consist of affect
    (emotional responses, social judgments, and aesthetic evaluations), which concentrate on the evaluator of the discourse in question with
    whom the receiver may or may not identify and may or may not be directed.
    1. Emotional responses
    "Berkaitan dengan pemaknaan baru terhadap norma Pasal 169 huruf q UU 7/2017 tersebut, saya bingung dan benar-benar bingung untuk menentukan harus dari mana memulai pendapat berbeda (dissenting opinion) ini," kata Saldi Isra saat membaca pendapat berbeda di Gedung MK, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (16/10/2023).

    2. Social Judgements
    "Baru kali ini saya mengalami peristiwa 'aneh' yang 'luar biasa' dan dapat dikatakan jauh dari batas penalaran yang wajar. Sadar atau tidak, ketiga putusan (tadi pagi) tersebut telah menutup ruang adanya tindakan lain selain dilakukan oleh pembentuk undang-undang," ucap Saldi.

    3.aesthetic evaluations
    "Selain itu, jika Mahkamah menentukannya maka fleksibilitasnya menjadi hilang dan dapat memicu munculnya berbagai permohonan terkait dengan persyaratan batas minimal usia jabatan publik lainnya ke Mahkamah Konstitusi," ujar Saldi, Senin pagi.

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