Tuesday 17 October 2023


 The students have to do the questions provided in the following link as their mid-term test requirement. Please put your ideas on them and collect the answers at least 23.59 in this blog's column. Do your best.


  1. Nama : Wilda Mufadillah
    NIM : 211230104
    Class : TBI - 5D

    Mid Examination
    1. In essence, the Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum that gives teachers greater control in designing learning materials that are relevant, interesting and appropriate to their students' needs, while still complying with the national curriculum framework. Usually the teacher will start by determining and identifying the learning objectives to be achieved during the lesson. The teacher also needs to understand the characteristics and needs of their students during the lesson. The teacher also plans a series of learning activities that will help achieve the learning objectives. This usually includes selecting teaching methods, materials to be used, and evaluation. So, the learning materials are designed to encourage active student participation. The most important thing is that teachers continue to monitor student progress and provide feedback. This can help adapt the material if necessary to suit the student's development.

    2. In implementing the Independent Curriculum, flexibility and adaptation of learning materials according to student needs is the main key. So we as teachers need to choose and combine the types of teaching materials that best suit the learning objectives and characteristics of their students. Here there are several types of teaching materials that are suitable, such as
    - Learning Module.
    - Learning Project.
    - Interactive Digital Materials.
    - Local Resources.
    - Field Activities.
    - Digital Literacy and Technology Skills.
    - Reading Library.
    Usually at the elementary level, project-based learning is prioritized for learning that is centered on a project or assignment that involves students in investigating, planning, implementing and evaluating a project that has relevance in the curriculum or in real life. This learning project also aims to increase students' understanding of a topic or concept in a practical and contextual way.

    3. Here teachers collaborate with fellow teachers to share ideas and best practices in implementing the Independent Curriculum. Apart from that, in its implementation they have adjusted to the needs of their students, such as at the elementary level to the middle level, maybe in this independent curriculum the teacher makes the students more active in learning, such as making independent assignments rather than just sitting in class and receiving material, the teacher here also only becomes a facilitator for the students, because it has become a provision in this independent curriculum, students are required to be more active, creative and innovative

    4. The number of approaches can vary and often teachers will combine several approaches according to learning needs and objectives. The main goal is to ensure that the learning materials selected and arranged are relevant, interesting and appropriate to student development, one of which is the "Student Interest-Based Approach". Here teachers need to consider students' interests and desires in selecting learning materials. So that the material chosen is in line with interests such as language or other competencies that students want to learn, so that they are more motivated to learn.

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  3. Name : Lisna Aulia Rahayu
    Nim : 211230102
    Class : TBI 5D
    Mid Term Test
    1. Merdeka curriculum is a curriculum that aims to give students more freedom and flexibility in learning. In Merdeka curriculum, teachers are responsible for designing and developing their own teaching materials.
    Here are some ideas for designing and developing materials in the Merdeka curriculum:
    - After having a clear understanding of the learning objectives, teachers can start thinking about what kind of materials and activities will help students to achieve them.
    - Consider students' needs, students' interests, their strengths and weaknesses, their learning styles.
    - Use a variety of resources, These can include textbooks, online resources, lesson plans and other teachers.
    - Be creative and innovative.
    2. In my opinion the most appropriate type of teaching material for the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum for the elementary level is project-based teaching materials. Project-based learning is a teaching method that allows students to learn by doing. This method involves students in working on real-world projects that are relevant to their interests and needs. This type of learning is very suitable for the Merdeka curriculum because it emphasizes student-centered learning and allows students to develop critical thinking skills, collaborative problem solving. This project-based teaching material is also suitable for the elementary level because project-based learning materials are designed to meet the needs and interests of individual students, they enable deep learning, they encourage collaboration and they are relevant to the real world.
    3. The Merdeka Curriculum is designed to be more flexible and adaptable than the previous curriculum and gives teachers greater autonomy in determining how to teach.
    In my district, Merdeka Curriculum was implemented in different ways. Some schools chose to implement the curriculum fully while others chose to implement it partially or gradually.
    Teachers in my district used Merdeka Curriculum in different ways. Some teachers use the curriculum to create a more personalized learning experience for their students while others use the curriculum to focus more on essential skills and concepts. They reduce the amount of time spent on memorization and focus more on activities that help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    Some teachers still have difficulty adapting to Merdeka Curriculum. They are used to following a more rigid curriculum, and they are not sure how to develop their own lesson plans and assessments. Other teachers are concerned about the amount of time and effort required to fully implement the curriculum.
    My view of the situation is that I support Merdeka Curriculum and believe in its potential to improve the quality of education in Indonesia and I admire the way teachers in my area have been able to adapt to the new curriculum and develop creative and innovative ways to teach their students.
    I want the government to provide more training and support for teachers to help them implement Merdeka Curriculum effectively and hope that Merdeka Curriculum will help create a generation of students who become critical thinkers, problem solvers and good learners.
    4. There are many approaches to selecting and organizing instructional content, including: Integrated, thematic, Chronological, Spiral and etc.
    One approach to selecting and organizing learning content in relation to an existing curriculum is to use a backward design process. This process starts with the desired learning outcomes and then works backwards to design instruction and assessment that will help students achieve those outcomes.
    Here are the steps for using the backward design process:
    1. Identify the desired learning outcomes.
    2. Assess prior knowledge and skills.
    3. Design the learning experience.
    4. Developing assessments.
    These steps can organize the learning content in a way that will help students achieve the desired learning outcomes.

  4. Mid Term-Curriculum and Material Development
    Name: Istifaiyatuddianah
    NIM: 211230079
    Class: TBI-5C

    The Answer:
    1). Teachers design and develop material in the independent curriculum by:
    1. Looking at learning outcomes, the aim is to find out what learning competencies students must achieve.
    2. Develop learning objectives that are in accordance with learning outcomes.
    3. Identify targets, seen from needs analysis which includes target needs, learning needs, subjective needs (participant likes), and objective needs.
    4. View/review previous learning and curriculum.
    5. Determine the tests that will be carried out in each teaching material, also adapting them to advances in technology. Teachers must be creative and utilize existing technology, so that the tests can utilize technology.
    6. Looking at the assessment rubric (theories), the aim is to determine whose theory we want to use to create the assessment rubric.
    7. Conduct trials on students.
    8. Ensure test standards are in line with learning targets & outcomes (goals and needs)
    9. Analyzing the test results, aims to find out whether the form of the test is appropriate based on the student's test results.
    10. Develop curriculum & teaching modules, aiming to develop teaching tools that guide educators in carrying out learning.
    11. Feedback
    12. Re-evaluate the learning and assessments that have been carried out, with the aim of finding out what is appropriate and what needs to be improved in the future.

    2). The types of teaching materials that can be used for elementary school level in implementing the independent curriculum are in the form of textbooks, teaching modules and project modules.
    - Textbooks: teaching tools in the form of textbooks that correspond to certain material.
    - teaching module: a form of teaching tool used by educators to carry out learning in an effort to achieve learning outcomes.
    - project module (project based learning): teaching tools must be arranged according to the phase or stage of student development, considering the theme and topic of the project.

    3). The implementation of the independent curriculum implemented by teachers in my area generally uses project based learning, where at the end of the learning process students have results/projects (such as papers, works of art, or perfume making experiments and so on), of course this is also adapted to subjects taught.
    In my opinion, there are advantages and disadvantages to using this independent curriculum.
    The advantage is that with the existence of an independent curriculum for creative and innovative teachers, it is very easy to develop teaching materials to adapt them to the conditions/needs of their students.
    However, the disadvantage is that for teachers who are less creative, it is very difficult to develop appropriate teaching materials, therefore there is a need for development training for teachers in the current era (technology) because with this training, teachers can adapt the development of teaching materials to the situation. Nowadays, everything is so easy with so much technology that teachers should be more creative and innovative in developing teaching materials.

    4). One of the approaches used to select and organize learning content with an independent curriculum is the contextual approach.
    In this contextual approach, the teacher as a facilitator will provide an overview of the lesson material which is then connected to events that occur in the real world or in the surrounding environment.
    The aim is to encourage students to find a connection between knowledge in subject matter and everyday life. This approach requires critical thinking from students so that it can indirectly help them discover their potential.
    Get an understanding that can last longer and is easy for students to remember, because apart from understanding it can also be applied. Another benefit that students get from this approach is that they become more sensitive to their surrounding environment in real life.

  5. Name: Fitriyana
    Nim: 211230075
    Class: TBI 5C
    Curriculum and Material Development
    1. I can provide general advice on how teachers can design and develop learning materials
    in any context, including new educational systems.
    • Understand Learning Objectives:
    Teachers should be clear about what they want to achieve in their teaching.
    Learning objectives should align with curriculum standards and student needs.
    • Know Your Students:
    Every class has students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Learning materials
    should be designed according to students' levels of understanding and interests.
    • Creativity in Teaching Methods:
    Teachers can employ various teaching methods such as discussions, projects,
    educational games, or practical experiments. A creative approach makes learning
    more engaging for students.
    • Integration of Technology:
    Utilizing technology in learning can make materials more interactive and
    interesting. There are many educational applications and platforms that can help
    teachers deliver content in creative ways.
    • Collaborative and Group Projects:
    Promoting collaboration and group projects can develop students' social skills while
    enhancing their understanding of the subject matter.
    • Continuous Assessment:
    Teachers should continually assess students' understanding through tests,
    assignments, or projects. Based on these assessments, teachers can adjust their
    teaching methods and materials to achieve greater effectiveness.
    • Encourage Student Creativity:
    Allowing students the freedom to explore their own creative ideas can increase their
    interest in learning.
    • Parental Involvement:
    Parental participation in the learning process is also crucial. Teachers can meet with
    parents regularly and provide updates on their child's progress and how parents can
    support their child at home.
    2. "Active learning is highly suitable for self-directed learning programs at the elementary
    school (SD) level, as it allows students to actively participate in the learning process.
    Several reasons why active learning aligns with the spirit of self-directed learning at
    the elementary level are:
    ▪ Explore Interests and Talents
    ▪ Encourages Creativity
    ▪ n-Depth Understanding
    ▪ Enhances Social Skills
    ▪ Boosts Learning Motivation
    ▪ Improves Problem-Solving
    ▪ Enriches Learning Experiences
    Therefore, with an emphasis on active student participation, fostering creativity,
    and empowering students in the learning process, active learning aligns well with
    the spirit of self-directed curriculum at the elementary level. It helps create a
    learning environment that encourages the full development of each student's
    3. In Cilegon, teachers ensure that the learning process does not always have to take place
    inside the classroom but can happen anywhere students learn, as long as they harness
    the potential of their students. Teachers have the freedom to develop and update
    themselves to enhance their skills. This self-directed learning system encourages
    teachers to improve their teaching processes and tap into the potential of their students,
    resulting in a different way of thinking compared to previous years.
    4. There are many different approaches that can be used to select and organize learning
    content within a program. One of the approaches related to the curriculum is the
    standards-based approach.
    Standards-Based Approach:
    In this approach, the curriculum is designed based on standards or learning objectives
    set by educational authorities at the national, regional, and school levels. These
    standards specify what is expected to be learned by students at a particular level.Learning content is selected and organized based on these standards so that students
    can acquire the specified skills.

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  7. 1. For designing and developing the merdeka curriculum, the teacher need to:
    - Developing Critical Thinking Skills: By engaging in thoughtful discussions, problem-solving activities, and experiential learning, students are empowered to develop their own perspectives and make informed decisions.
    - Fostering National Pride: By understanding and appreciating their heritage, students develop a sense of pride and belonging, which in turn strengthens their commitment to their nation.
    - Cultivating a Deep Understanding of National Values: By integrating these values across various subjects, students learn to apply them in their daily lives, fostering a harmonious and inclusive society.

    According to a study conducted by Abdullah et al. (2020), students who participated in a Merdeka curriculum reported higher levels of critical thinking skills compared to those following a traditional curriculum. This suggests that the Merdeka curriculum effectively promotes independent thinking.

    2. In the Merdeka elementary curriculum, it's suggested to use teaching materials that involve interaction and projects. These methods provide benefits like active engagement, hands-on learning, and teamwork. Teachers should adopt these approaches to create exciting learning environments, nurturing a passion for learning and helping students excel. Embracing these innovative methods is crucial for providing a comprehensive education that prepares elementary students for future success.

    3. From my observations on the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in the Serang City through the official website of one of the schools in that city, precisely at SMKN 5 Kota Serang through the In House Training (IHT) program. In House Training (IHT) involves improving the performance of the teachers. With a focus on student character building, especially in the soft skills aspect. The Head of SMK Negeri 5, Mr. H. Amin Jasuta, S.Pd, MM, emphasized the importance of being a school that is able to implement an independent curriculum to achieve the goals of the Pancasila Student profile and establish connections with industry. It is hoped that the continuous improvement of the teachers will make SMK Negeri 5 more reliable and beneficial for education in the Serang City area, especially in Banten.

    4. In line with the merdeka curriculum, one effective approach to select and organize instructional content is the project-based learning (PBL) method. PBL is a student-centered approach that allows students to engage in real-world problems and projects, enabling them to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical and meaningful way. One of the key principles of the Merdeka Curriculum is the integration of various subjects and competencies. PBL provides an excellent platform for this integration by designing projects that require students to draw upon knowledge and skills from different disciplines. By implementing project-based learning in the Merdeka Curriculum, teachers can provide students with a holistic and engaging learning experience. By selecting and organizing instructional content through PBL, students can develop not only subject-specific knowledge but also essential skills and attributes that will prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century.

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  9. Gunawan Wachjudin 211230093 TBI 5D
    1. Teachers can design and develop their materials in the Merdeka curriculum in a variety of ways, but here are some general ideas:
    • Start by understanding the curriculum and the needs of your students. What are the key concepts and skills that students need to learn in this subject area?
    • Gather resources. There are many resources available to help teachers develop their own materials, including online resources, textbooks, and other teachers' materials.
    • Be creative and think outside the box. The Merdeka curriculum encourages teachers to be creative and to develop materials that are tailored to the needs of their students. Don't be afraid to experiment with different approaches and to try new things.
    • Use a variety of materials and activities. The Merdeka curriculum emphasizes the importance of using a variety of materials and activities to help students learn. This could include hands-on activities, projects, group work, and independent study.
    • Make sure your materials are aligned with the curriculum. When developing your own materials, make sure that they are aligned with the key concepts and skills that students need to learn in this subject area.
    • Get feedback from your students. Once you have developed your materials, ask your students for feedback. This will help you to improve your materials and to make sure that they are meeting the needs of your students.
    2.The Merdeka Curriculum in Indonesia underscores the importance of flexibility and creativity in educational materials, particularly at the elementary level. An appropriate approach for its implementation is Project-Based Learning (PBL).
    3.In the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in my area, the teacher acts as a facilitator who facilitates students to carry out teaching, the facilities provided by the teacher are such as the material provided, explanation of the material and others, the role of students is to be central in the learning process. Through active decision-making, project-based learning, discussion and collaboration, and the development of life skills, students are directed to become independent, creative and initiative individuals.
    4.There are many approaches to select and organize instructional contents, but here are some of the most common:
    • Subject-centered approach:This approach organizes content into traditional subject areas, such as math, science, social studies, and language arts.
    • Theme-based approach:This approach organizes content around central themes, such as the environment, community, or culture.
    • Problem-based approach: This approach organizes content around real-world problems that students are interested in solving.
    • Project-based approach: This approach organizes content around projects that students design and complete.
    • Integrated approach: This approach integrates content from different subject areas into a single unit or course.
    The best approach to select and organize instructional content will vary depending on the subject area, the grade level, the learning objectives, and the needs of the students.
    One approach that relates to the existing curriculum is the theme-based approach. This approach is flexible and can be used to organize content in a variety of ways. Teachers can choose the themes that are most relevant to their students’ interests and needs. The theme-based approach is also a great way to promote interdisciplinary learning.

  10. Name: M. Alief Darma Winata
    NIM: 211230083
    Class: TBI 5C
    Course: Curriculum and Material Development

    Mid Term Test Curriculum and Material Development

    1. Teachers play a vital role in curriculum development as they bring their expertise, experience, and knowledge of their students to shape the curriculum. Like asking yourself what is the purpose of activity will be, just keep it simple no complexity, also personalize your content and try the materials to yourself or the students.

    2. For this new curriculum called "Curriculum Merdeka" there's several types material teaching that can be use appropriately: 1.) Audio like Cassette, microphone and podcast. 2.) Visual for examples; Charts, real objects, photographs, transparencies. 3.) Audiovisual: Slides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia.

    3. We use the technology like Audiovisual for our curriculum merdeka, not just the books but also we use handphones for search the internet about the materials, it was very easy to learn in the curriculum merdeka but also we use books.

    4. There are two main approaches to instruction in higher education: teacher-centered and student-centered. 

  11. Name: Aulia Zahroh Husen
    NIM: 211230069
    Class: TBI 5 C
    MK: UTS Curriculum Material Development

    1. How do the teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about it!
    The steps in designing and developing material in the Independent Curriculum include:
    a. Define learning objectives: Understand the ultimate learning goal for students.
    b. Identify main material: Select core concepts that are in accordance with the applicable
    c. Adapt to student needs: Modify materials to make them accessible to all students.
    d. Use diversified resources: Utilize a variety of learning resources.
    e. Integrate technology (when appropriate): Use technology to enrich learning.
    f. Create a learning plan: Create a plan with a time structure, sequence of material, and teaching
    g. Determine the evaluation method: Choose a way to measure student understanding.
    h. Adapt and evaluate materials: Evaluate and update materials according to student responses
    and performance.
    i. Linking to the Merdeka Curriculum: Ensure the start of teaching and assessment is in line with the Merdeka Curriculum principles.
    j. Reflect and adjust: Reflect on teaching to improve material in the future.
    To develop a curriculum, an educator needs to carry out three important stages: planning, implementation, and evaluation. Through the planning stage, teachers can more effectively achieve learning goals and identify and explore the potential abilities of students.

    2. Which one of the teaching material types that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level? Give your arguments!
    In implementing the Independent Curriculum at elementary school level, the appropriate teaching materials are "Thematic Integrated Teaching Materials". This is due to the Merdeka
    Curriculum's emphasis on combining various subjects and an emphasis on learning that is relevant to everyday life.
    By using this teaching material, teachers can combine various aspects of learning from various subjects into one theme or topic, for example "Environmental Nature". This allows students to see connections between subjects and apply concepts in everyday life, which in turn increases student interest and engagement in learning.
    This approach is also in line with the spirit of the Independent Curriculum which provides teachers with greater freedom and flexibility in designing interesting and meaningful learning experiences for students.

    3. How do the teachers use Merdeka curriculum in your district? What is your views on that situation?
    In the Independent Curriculum, teachers play a key role as drivers of independent learning. The teacher's role focuses more on being a facilitator. A teacher is expected to have a proactive and enthusiastic attitude, and be able to demonstrate creativity, innovation and expertise in facilitating change in the school environment.
    In my opinion, the way teachers use the independent curriculum is not very stable in my area. In an independent curriculum, teachers should act as facilitators and directors, but there are still many teachers who only explain from the beginning of the lesson to the end of the lesson without giving their students the opportunity to be active in learning. Things like this require a lot of guidance from the government to teachers to better understand the curriculum system.

    4. How many are approaches to select and to organize the instructional contents? Choose one of them that relates to the existing curriculum.
    There are various approaches to learning. One method related to the existing curriculum is the "Competency Based Approach." In this method, learning materials are designed based on the abilities or skills that students want to achieve. This allows a more intensive teaching focus on developing skills and knowledge in accordance with the educational targets set in the curriculum. A Competency Based Approach ensures that learning is more focused and relevant to students' needs in achieving academic goals and specific skills.

  12. Name : Uyun Putri
    NIM : 211230063
    Class : TBI 5C
    1. The way the teacher designs the material
    a) Analyzing Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives
    Learning Outcomes (CP) are learning competencies that students must achieve at each stage of development for each subject in early childhood education, primary education and secondary education units. Learning outcomes contain a set of competencies and scope of material which are arranged comprehensively in narrative form.
    b) Planning and implementing diagnostic assessments
    Diagnostic assessments aim to identify students' competencies, strengths and weaknesses. The results are used by educators as a reference in planning learning according to students' learning needs.
    c) Develop teaching modules
    The development of teaching modules aims to develop teaching tools that guide educators in carrying out learning. The teaching modules developed must be essential; interesting, meaningful, and challenging; relevant and contextual; and sustainable.
    d) Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students
    The new learning paradigm is student-centered. Therefore, this learning is adapted to the stages of achievement and characteristics of students. The scope of learning material is what educators will teach in class or what students will learn in class.
    e) Planning, implementing and processing formative and summative assessments
    When planning and carrying out an assessment, there are five assessment principles that should be considered.
    f) Reporting learning progress
    An effective form of reporting on learning outcomes is reporting that involves parents of students, students and educators as partners; reflect the values espoused by the school; comprehensive, honest, fair and accountable; clear and easy to understand by all parties.
    g) Evaluation of learning and assessment
    The learning and assessments that have been carried out are then evaluated. Educators carry out learning reflection and assessment in each teaching module. After that, educators identify what has been successful and what needs to be improved. By identifying this, the teaching module can be refined again.
    How to develop teaching materials:
    a) Identify various aspects contained in competency standards and basic competencies that must be achieved.
    b) Identify the type of learning material. This is an implication of the diversity of the learning material itself.
    c) Determine choices of alternative learning materials that are more effective and relevant to competency standards and basic competencies.
    d) Determine supporting sources and media for the successful delivery of learning material.
    2. The right teaching module for elementary school children is a textbook. Textbook consist of main textbooks and companion textbooks. The main textbook is a textbook used in learning based on the applicable curriculum. In the learning context, the main textbooks consist of student books and teacher guidebooks. The student book is a handbook for students, while the teacher's manual is a guide or reference for educators to carry out learning based on the student book. Because not all elementary school children are allowed to carry cellphones, so they can't use much technology.
    3. By looking at students' needs and understanding the students' character and abilities. I think this is good, because students' needs are met and it strengthens a culture of reflection, a culture of learning, and sharing among educators. The Merdeka Curriculum is designed to create a safe, comfortable, inclusive and enjoyable learning environment
    4. Constructivism approach, because to build students' knowledge the teacher acts as a facilitator, encouraging students to explore, ask questions, and find their own answers.

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  14. Name : Denisa Rizki Romadhona
    NIM : 211230066
    Class : TBI-5C

    1. In the independent curriculum there are stages of planning and developing learning materials. There are seven stages of planning and developing material in the independent curriculum, including:

    1. Analyze Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives.
    2. Planning and implementing diagnostic assessments.
    3. Develop teaching modules.
    4. Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students.
    5. Planning, implementing and processing formative and summative assessments.
    6. Reporting learning progress.
    7. And the last one is evaluating learning and assessment.

    Through the stages of planning and developing independent curriculum materials, teachers can more easily achieve the goals of the learning process and can explore the potential or abilities of their students. So that each student has his own potential or ability.

    2. The types of teaching materials in the Independent Curriculum for Elementary School (SD) level can use various types of teaching materials to suit the needs of students and the wishes of teachers. Because the Independent Curriculum gives teachers the freedom to choose which teaching materials to use, which are appropriate to the situation of the teacher and students. so that the learning process will become more relevant and interesting. The independent curriculum also prioritizes project-based learning in order to realize the Pancasila Student Profile.

    There are several types of teaching materials that can be used in the independent curriculum for elementary school (SD) level, including:
    1. Project based learning
    2. Project
    3. Textbooks and worksheets
    4. Digital Materials
    5. Module

    It is important to adapt the type of teaching materials to the learning objectives, student needs, and school context. The use of a variety of teaching materials can make learning more interesting and effective in implementing the Independent Curriculum at the elementary school level.

    3. The application of the independent curriculum that is widely used by teachers in my area is project based learning. The application of this independent curriculum is used in accordance with existing subjects, such as arts and culture and skills subjects, namely making crafts from used goods, and performing a regional dance or song. Science subjects such as planting green beans into sprouts, and other subjects.

    The implementation of this independent curriculum certainly has its own advantages and disadvantages. The shortcomings of implementing this independent curriculum include:
    1. Requires a lot of time.
    2. Requires quite a lot of money.
    Apart from the disadvantages, the advantages of implementing this independent curriculum include:
    1. Add creative and innovative ideas.
    2. Provide learning opportunities for students to develop according to real world conditions.
    3. Add a new atmosphere, so that learning can be interesting and not boring.

    4. Learning approaches related to the curriculum, namely: student-oriented or student-centered learning approaches. The student-centered learning approach is active learning where students solve problems, answer questions, formulate their own questions, discuss, explain during class, cooperative learning, where students work in teams on problems and projects.

    This learning approach gives students the freedom and facilities to explore their own knowledge. That way, students can have in-depth knowledge (deep learning) and be able to improve student quality. As well as encouraging students to want to try activities in learning. Teachers show interest in what students do and say, and admire them, so that children will experience their world.

  15. Name: Annisa Shulawati
    NIM: 211230065
    Class: TBI 5 C
    MK: UTS Curriculum Material Development

    1. In English, "Kurikulum Merdeka" is a curriculum approach that prioritizes flexibility and self-development of learners. Teachers play a crucial role in designing and developing learning materials in accordance with this approach.

    To be able to design and develop materials within the "Kurikulum Merdeka," a teacher or educator can prepare everything that can help facilitate the learning process by paying attention to important steps to ensure effective learning. Here are 5 important steps that a teacher should take to develop materials within the "Kurikulum Merdeka":
    1. Learning Outcomes (LO)
    2. Teachers provide diagnostic assessments
    3. Attention is given to the development of teaching modules with the aim of creating effective.
    4. Learning is adapted to the level of achievement and characteristics of the learners
    5. Teachers should be able to conduct both formative and summative assessments that adhere to important principles.

    2. In the implementation of the "Kurikulum Merdeka" for the Elementary School (SD) level, suitable teaching materials are those that support a flexible, diverse approach and enable students to learn actively. Here are examples of flexible and diverse "Kurikulum Merdeka" approaches:

    1. Interactive Teaching Modules: These modules can include text, relevant images, videos, assignments, and reflective questions.
    2. Diversified Textbooks: Diversity here refers to the customization of the curriculum at the regional or school level by expanding, enriching, deepening, adding, expanding, and modifying the national curriculum to accommodate local characteristics.
    3. Digital Learning Resources: The use of educational technology, such as educational software, apps, and online platforms, can help provide access to diverse and interactive learning resources.

    3. Banten (ANTARA) - The Head of the Education Quality Assurance Institute (BPMP) of Banten Province, Afrizal Sihotang, stated that the implementation of the "Kurikulum Merdeka" (Free Curriculum) can create an enjoyable learning environment.

    "The 'Kurikulum Merdeka' has strengthened the quality of education in Indonesia by giving teachers the freedom to implement deeper and more enjoyable learning," he said during a press tour organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Rangkasbitung, Banten, on Sunday.

    One of the schools that has implemented the "Kurikulum Merdeka" is SMKN 4 Pandeglang,
    "At SMKN 4 Pandeglang, teachers continue to innovate in their teaching methods to students. Many of them use videos to deliver content through TikTok and YouTube," said Dr. Susila M.M, the Principal of SMKN 4 Pandeglang.

    My View on the "Kurikulum Merdeka" in My Area:

    I was thrilled to learn that SMKN 4 Pandeglang, which happens to be my alma mater, is implementing the "Kurikulum Merdeka." I'm very happy and proud to see the progress in education at my former school.

    This positive change is not limited to just the Software Engineering department; I've heard that even the Automotive Engineering and Electrical Engineering departments have made innovations such as solar-powered electric cars, which were even showcased to the Governor of Banten, Al Muktabar. You can watch the full video here: [YouTube Link] https://youtu.be/CKwjZKXQrJ4?si=UusUJLvbAr57xtwz

    4. Certainly, effective learning approaches can continue to evolve with new discoveries in the field of education. In 2023, some potentially effective learning approaches could include:

    1. Project-Based Learning (PBL)
    2. Active Learning
    3. Collaborative Learning
    4. Technology-Based Learning
    5. Differentiated Learning
    The most effective approach will depend on the learning goals, subject matter, and the characteristics of the learners. Informed and flexible educators can choose and blend these various approaches to meet specific needs in the 2023 learning environment.

    And I choose Technology-Based Learning as the most relevant learning approach in 2023.

  16. Name: Fitria
    NIM: 211230073
    Class: TBI 5C
    1. In Merdeka curriculum, teachers design and develop learning materials with a more creative and flexible approach. They consider various aspects such as students' needs and interests, and integrate technology and other resources into the learning process. Teachers in Merdeka curriculum design learning materials by paying attention to content that is relevant and useful for students. They use project-based or discovery learning approaches, which allow students to actively engage in learning through exploration and experimentation. In addition, teachers also utilize information and communication technology (ICT) to make learning more interactive and interesting for students. In designing materials, teachers also pay attention to the diversity of students' learning styles, so that learning can be tailored to individual needs. They create learning situations that allow students to collaborate, discuss and develop social skills as well as 21st century skills such as problem solving, critical thinking and effective communication.
    2. In my opinion, in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum for the primary level, suitable teaching materials should include various types of materials that allow students to learn actively, creatively, and project-based. The following are some types of teaching materials that are suitable for the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for the primary level, along with supporting arguments:
    a. Project-Based Textbooks: Project-based textbooks allow students to engage in real projects that require problem solving, collaboration, and creativity.
    b. Interactive Materials in the Form of Educational Apps: Interactive educational apps present information in an engaging format, such as educational games, animations and interactive videos.
    c. Digital Resources and Multimedia Content: Digital resources such as learning videos, simulations and interactive modules can enrich students' learning experience.
    d. Collaborative Learning Materials: Learning materials that invite students to collaborate, such as group projects and discussion activities, develop social skills, teamwork and communication skills.
    3. Teachers in my area use Merdeka Curriculum by designing lessons that arouse students' interests, encourage active participation, and integrate relevant local content. They can utilize project-based learning methods, group discussions, and other collaborative activities to increase student engagement. The use of technology, such as interactive learning apps, can also be an integral part of teaching, allowing students to learn independently and engagingly. They also emphasize the development of 21st century skills, including critical, creative, collaborative and communication skills, in line with the vision of Merdeka Curriculum. They may design learning that supports students' understanding of local values, culture and the surrounding environment, enriching students' educational experience.
    4. There are several approaches used to select and organize learning content in the context of the curriculum. One relevant approach is the Competency-Based Approach. This approach focuses on developing students' skills and knowledge based on desired competencies or expertise. In the context of the curriculum, the competency-based approach allows the development of learning content that is oriented towards expected outcomes, providing a clear picture of what students are expected to know and be able to do after completing a level of education. With this approach, learning content is designed by considering the skills, knowledge and attitudes that students need to master. The curriculum is designed by detailing the desired competencies, and learning materials are structured to achieve them. The competency-based approach also allows for a more accurate assessment of student achievement based on the competencies that have been achieved

  17. Name : Mahesa Febriansyah
    NIM : 211230111
    Subject : Curriculum and Material Development

    1. Here are some steps that teachers can follow when designing and developing teaching materials for the Merdeka curriculum:

    1. Identify the learning objectives. What do you want students to be able to do by the end of the lesson or unit? Once you have identified the learning objectives, you can start to think about what materials you will need to help students achieve them.
    2. Consider the students' needs and interests. What do your students already know about the topic? What are they interested in learning? It is important to design materials that are appropriate for your students' level of understanding and that will engage their curiosity.
    3. Choose a variety of materials. There are many different types of teaching materials available, such as textbooks, workbooks, articles, videos, and online resources. Choose a variety of materials that will appeal to different learners and that will help students to understand the topic in different ways.

    My ideas about Merdeka curriculum teacher material design

    I think that the Merdeka curriculum's focus on teacher-designed teaching materials is a positive development. It gives teachers the opportunity to create materials that are tailored to the specific needs of their students and that reflect their own teaching style and philosophy.

    2. The most appropriate teaching material type for the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum for the elementary level is interactive and multimedia materials.

    The Merdeka curriculum is a student-centered curriculum that focuses on developing students' critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. It also emphasizes the importance of learning through hands-on activities and real-world experiences.
    Interactive and multimedia materials are well-suited to the Merdeka curriculum because they can provide students with engaging and immersive learning experiences. These materials can also be used to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all learners.

    3. The Merdeka Curriculum is a new educational framework in Indonesia that was launched in 2020. It is designed to give schools and teachers more autonomy and flexibility in determining teaching and learning approaches, while also focusing on developing students' character and competencies.
    In my district, teachers are using the Merdeka Curriculum in a variety of ways. Some schools have fully implemented the curriculum, while others are still in the process of transitioning.
    Teachers who have fully implemented the Merdeka Curriculum are using a variety of teaching methods and approaches, such as:

    • Differentiated instruction: Teachers are tailoring instruction to the individual needs and abilities of their students.
    • Project-based learning: Students are working on projects that are relevant to their interests and that allow them to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world problems.
    • Inquiry-based learning: Students are encouraged to ask questions and to explore their own learning interests.

    4. There are many approaches to selecting and organizing instructional contents. One approach that relates to the existing curriculum is the spiral approach.
    The spiral approach is a curriculum design strategy that organizes content in a way that allows students to revisit and learn more complex aspects of a topic as they progress through their education. This approach is based on the idea that students learn best when they are able to build on their prior knowledge and understanding.
    The spiral approach can be used to organize instructional content in any subject area. However, it is particularly well-suited for subjects that are complex and involve multiple levels of understanding, such as science, math, and social studies.

  18. Name: Siti Nuraida
    NIM: 211230064
    Class: TBI 5C
    Mid Term: Curriculum and Material Development

    1. To design learning in the Merdeka Curriculum:
    a. Teachers must analyze Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives.
    b. Plan and carry out diagnostic assessments.
    c. Develop teaching modules.
    d. Adapt learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students.
    e. Plan, implement and process formative and summative assessments.
    f. Making learning progress reports.
    g. Evaluating learning and assessments.
    To develop an Merdeka Curriculum, a teacher must plan, implement and evaluate the curriculum. Through curriculum planning, teachers can more easily achieve the goals of the learning process and can explore the potential or abilities of their students.

    2. In my opinion, teaching materials that are appropriate to the implementation of the independent curriculum at the elementary level are reference materials, because reference materials are the main foundation in the learning process. They need to be clearly structured, supported by visual elements, and adapted to the level of understanding of primary school students. These types of references can include textbooks, storybooks, video learning materials, or other sources of information that provide basic knowledge.

    3. In my district, the way teachers use the merdeka curriculum is that before learning, the teachers create teaching modules, share them with each other or receive input from fellow teachers.
    In my view, using an merdeka curriculum brings many benefits to schools, such as students learning more contextually and getting to know their environment because they are free to determine the learning they will carry out. Apart from that, the Independent Curriculum also allows children to be freer to explore their interests and talents with the help of teachers.

    4. There are various approaches to selecting and organizing learning content. One approach related to the existing curriculum is the "Curriculum Based Approach." This approach focuses on developing learning content in accordance with the objectives and curriculum structure set by educational institutions or the government. Learning content is prepared by considering competency standards, learning objectives and the applicable curriculum, so that students can achieve learning outcomes in accordance with the curriculum that has been prepared.

  19. Name: Arham Fakhrullah
    Class: TBI 5 D
    SRN: 211230109

    1. The Merdeka curriculum is a curriculum framework in Indonesia. Teachers typically design and develop their materials in the following ways:

    Aligning with National Standards: Teachers ensure that their materials align with the national education standards and goals set by the government.

    Understanding Student Needs: They take into consideration the diverse needs and abilities of their students when designing materials.

    Assessment Integration: Materials often include assessment tools and methods to evaluate student learning and adjust instruction accordingly.

    It's worth noting that the specifics of material design can vary between schools and regions, as the Merdeka curriculum provides a framework that allows some flexibility for adaptation to local needs and conditions. Teachers play a crucial role in this process to enhance the quality of education for their students. For the most current information on the Merdeka curriculum, you may want to consult educational authorities or resources in Indonesia.

    2. In the context of the Merdeka curriculum in Indonesia, which promotes a more student-centered and contextualized approach to education, the use of Project-Based Learning (PBL) materials is highly appropriate for the elementary level. Here are some arguments to support this choice:

    Promotes Critical Thinking: PBL encourages students to think critically, solve problems, and make decisions independently. This aligns with the Merdeka curriculum's emphasis on developing students' analytical skills.

    Active Engagement: PBL materials involve students actively in the learning process. This aligns with the curriculum's goal of active participation and engagement, which can be more effective in an elementary setting.

    It's important to note that the choice of teaching materials should still consider the specific context of the school, the needs of the students, and the resources available. However, PBL materials align well with the principles and goals of the Merdeka curriculum, making them a suitable choice for the elementary level.

    3.In my district, the Merdeka Curriculum is still in its early stages of implementation, but teachers are beginning to use it in a variety of ways. Some teachers are using it to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all learners. Others are using it to project-based learning and other hands-on activities. For example, one teacher in my district is using the Merdeka Curriculum to create a project-based learning unit on climate change. Students in the unit will research the different causes and effects of climate change, develop solutions, and create public awareness campaigns. I am positive about the Merdeka Curriculum and the way that teachers in my district are using it. I believe that the curriculum has the potential to significantly improve the quality of education for all students. It gives teachers the freedom to be creative and to develop learning experiences that are tailored to the needs of their students.

    4. According to the Merdeka program, an effective approach to selecting and organizing educational content is project-based learning (PBL). PBL is a student-centered approach that enables students to engage in real-world problems and projects, allowing them to apply their knowledge and skills in practical ways. economical and meaningful. One of the key principles of the Merdeka program is the integration of many different subjects and skills. PBL provides an excellent foundation for this integration by designing projects that require students to apply knowledge and skills from different subjects. By implementing project-based learning in the Merdeka curriculum, teachers can provide students with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. By selecting and organizing educational content through PBL, students can develop not only subject-specific knowledge but also the necessary skills and attributes that prepare them for challenges of the 21st century.

  20. Nama : Dina Agustina
    Nim : 211230121
    Class : 5 D TBI
    Subject : Curriculum Material Development
    1. The teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum are:
    Setting Learning Objectives: The instructor will support the students in achieving their learning objectives.

    Content Selection: Teachers will pick resources that complement the learning objectives and are suitable for the students' age and skill level.

    Developing Learning Activities: The instructor will create tasks that complement the class's learning goals.

    Assessment of student learning: The instructor will design assessments that gauge the extent to which students have attained the learning goals.

    Evaluation and modification: The instructor will evaluate the resources they have available and make any required modifications.

    2. The different elements that are necessary to guarantee that children learn in an efficient and thorough manner are included in the kinds of instructional materials that are appropriate for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum at the primary school level. In an attempt to provide educators and schools the flexibility to create curricula that meet the requirements and circumstances of their communities, the Merdeka Curriculum was developed. As a result, the instructional resources employed need to be varied, creative, and pertinent to the circumstances of the students.

    3. Teachers in my district are still figuring out different ways to implement the independent curriculum as it is still relatively new. However, some of the ways teachers are using to implement the independent curriculum include:
    • Giving students more flexibility and options in their learning. Teachers can, for example, give students the opportunity to choose their own research projects or subjects.
    • Concentrate on significant learning outcomes. Rather than trying to cover all the material, teachers are advised to concentrate on the most important material that students need to learn.
    • Using a variety of teaching approaches and activities. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative and utilize a variety of teaching approaches and activities to engage students and support their learning.

    The Merdeka curriculum's implementation in my district makes me happy. Because it is a more student-centered curriculum that focuses on important learning outcomes, gives students more flexibility and choice in their learning, and gives teachers the ability to differentiate instruction and materials to meet the needs of all students, I believe it has the potential to improve the quality of education for all students.

    4. Teaching using themes is one method that connects to the current curriculum. A unit or course's instruction is arranged according to a central subject in a method known as thematic teaching. This method can be applied to assist pupils in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of a subject. Students may also benefit from seeing the links between several disciplines. Teachers can utilize the following procedures to organize instructional content using thematic teaching:
    • Select a theme. The theme need to be pertinent to the experiences and areas of interest of the students. Additionally, it must to support a range of educational activities.
    • Determine the essential knowledge and abilities that students need to acquire.
    • Look for sources that bolster the idea. Teachers have access to a wide range of resources, including other teaching materials, textbooks, and internet resources. To construct their own instructional materials, educators have access to a wide range of resources.
    • Arrange the educational activities. The learning exercises must to be interesting and pertinent to the main ideas and abilities.
    • Evaluate the knowledge that students have acquired. Instructors have access to a range of assessment tools, including examinations, projects, and quizzes.

  21. Name : Putri Dyanita Nur Faatihah
    Nim : 211230078
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. Before developing a teaching module, the teacher knows the strategy for developing the teaching module and must fulfill two minimum requirements, namely meeting existing criteria and learning activities in the teaching module in accordance with the principles of learning and assessment.
    At this stage the teacher can identify problems that arise in learning, the teacher can analyze the conditions and needs of students in learning so that the teaching module is designed to be accurate with the problems that exist in learning.
    b) Carry out diagnostic assessments on students regarding conditions and needs in learning.
    At this stage the teacher identifies students' readiness before learning. Teachers carry out this assessment specifically to identify students' competencies, strengths and weaknesses.
    c) Identify and determine the Pancasila student profile entity to be achieved.
    At this stage the teacher can identify student needs and refer to character education. The Pancasila student profile can essentially be achieved with a project, therefore teachers must be able to design the time allocation and dimensions of the Pancasila student profile program.
    d) Develop teaching modules that originate from the Learning Objectives Flow, the flow is based on Learning Achievements.
    The essence of this stage is developing material, the same as developing material in the learning implementation plan (RPP).
    e) Designing types, techniques and assessment instruments.
    At this stage the teacher can determine the instruments that can be used for assessment which refer to three national assessment instruments, namely minimum competency assessment, character survey, and learning environment survey.
    f) Teaching modules are arranged based on planned components
    Teachers can determine several components that are essential to suit learning needs. Several existing components can be used according to students' needs in learning. Essential components can be elaborated in learning activities after the previous stages have been implemented, then the module is ready for use
    g) Module evaluation

    2. In my opinion, the right type of teaching material for elementary school children is learning videos. Because elementary school children are very vulnerable to boredom. Then, if the learning is given by the teacher in the form of videos/animations, children are happier and don't get bored easily. The content of the video must also be in line with what must be learned and then displayed in the form of animation that can attract elementary school children to learn. Teachers must also participate in guiding and understanding the character of each student because basically not all students have the same learning model.

    3. In the independent curriculum, the teacher is the driver of independent learning. The teacher is more dominant as a facilitator. A teacher is expected to be able to be active and enthusiastic, creative, innovative and skilled in order to become a facilitator driving change in the school.
    In my environment, the teaching materials used by teachers are textbooks and a few learning videos. In my opinion, the teaching materials used are sufficient because they can train students to continue reading and using books. Then, if students feel bored with the same teaching materials, the teacher changes the model of teaching materials by providing interesting learning videos.

    4. Constructivism Approach
    Students develop what they know through the process of gaga attunement

  22. Name : Siti Bariyah Alfina
    Nim : 211230068
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. The Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum with ekstrakurikuler learning with varied content so that students can be more optimal and have enough time to deepen concepts and strengthen competencies. There are several stages of learning planning in the merdeka curriculum, including:

    1. Analyze Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives.
    2. Planning and implementing diagnostic assessments.
    3. develop teaching modules.
    4. Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students.
    5. Planning, implementing and processing formative and summative assessments.
    6. Reporting learning progress.
    7. Learning evaluation and assessment.

    2. in my opinion, one of the types of independent curriculum materials on the basic level is the teaching module. The teaching module is a Merdeka Curriculum Learning device used by educators to implement learning in achieving Pancasila's student profile and learning achievement (CP). The teaching module is made as a detailed description of the learning objective. In the independence curriculum, the concept of teaching modules is more defined as a systematic, designed method and guidelines and become the implementation of the flow and the objectives of learning implementation which is the result of the development of learning achievements and pancasila student profiles as its main objective.

    3. In Tangerang, now the Merdeka Curriculum has 100% implemented in Tangerang City. That is, there has been to it on all educational units. Implementation of the Merdeka curriculum brings many benefits for schools, such as learned more contextual learning and knowing their environment because they are free to determine learning they will do. In addition, the independent curriculum also forms a child to become more free to explore the interests and talents with the help of teachers.

    4. Student Centered Approaches
    Student approach to student oriented learning or Student Centered Approaches is a student-centered learning approach. This learning approach has begun to apply since the 2013 curriculum and continues until the independence curriculum because it is more suitable to be applied to the current development of the time. In this learning approach, students play a single study subject to be required to be more active in learning activities. This learning approach also provides students a wide opportunity to perform activities and develop self-potentials that suits their desire. Meanwhile, teachers play a facilitator and supervisor so that student learning activities become more director. Unfortunately, this student-oriented learning approach has a weakness of time of allocation of time where becomes less efficient and teachers can not know the expected competence, as well as the syllabus demands that are filled with the time set in the academic calendar.

  23. Name : Siti Nandiah
    SRN : 211230076
    Class : TBI 5C

    *My Answer*

    1. How the teacher design and develop materials in Merdeka Curiculum.

    A ) Some teacher ways to design material in the Merdeka Curriculum are:
    a) Analyze Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives. Learning Outcomes (CP) are learning competencies that students must achieve at each stage of development for each subject in early childhood education, basic education and secondary education units.

    b) Planning and implementing diagnostic assessments Diagnostic assessments aim to identify students' competencies, strengths and weaknesses. The results are used by educators as a reference in planning learning according to students' learning needs.

    c) Develop teaching modules. The development of teaching modules aims to develop teaching tools that guide educators in carrying out learning. The teaching modules developed must be essential; interesting, meaningful, and challenging; relevant and contextual; and sustainable.

    d) Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students. The new learning paradigm is student-centered. Therefore, this learning is adapted to the stages of achievement and characteristics of students.

    e) Planning, implementing and processing formative and summative assessments.

    f) Reporting learning progress. An effective form of reporting on learning outcomes is reporting that involves parents of students.

    g) Evaluation of learning and assessment The learning and assessments that have been carried out are then evaluated. Educators carry out learning reflection and assessment in each teaching module.

    B) There are several ways to develop teaching materials in the Independent Curriculum, namely giving educators the freedom to develop modules in 2 ways:
    a) Select or modify teaching modules that have been provided by the government for adapting teaching modules to the characteristics of students.

    b) Develop your own teaching modules according to the characteristics of the students Criteria for Developing Merdeka Curriculum Teaching Modules.

    2. Based on the research results, it shows that the Merdeka Curriculum aims to optimize the spread of education in Indonesia with diverse intracurricular learning. The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum at the elementary school level prioritizes project-based learning in order to realize the Pancasila Student Profile. This is also very relevant to 21st century learning which equips students with the 4C skills needed to answer the challenges of the times. There are 3 (three) options in implementing the merdeka curriculum (IKM) at the SD/MI level, namely: Independent Learning Category, independent change category and independent sharing category at class I and class IV SD/MI levels starting in the 2022/2023 school year.

    3. To be honest, the teachers in my district have not implemented teaching methods according to the independent curriculum, such as several schools that I have encountered still use the old curriculum and do not refer to the independent curriculum. So it can be differentiated in terms of school development which is far behind other schools.

    4. Based on my opinion that actually there are many approaches used to select and organize learning content, so one of the best approaches that relates with curriculum which is the inquiry approach, where the inquiry approach is a learning approach that directs students to discover knowledge, ideas and information through their own efforts. This means that the teacher plans the situation in such a way that students are encouraged to use the procedures that research experts use to identify problems, ask questions, put forward research steps, make predictions, and explain explanations that support the experience.

    That's all thanks a lot.

  24. Lia Fauziah_5C_211230070
    1.) When talking about designing and developing materials in the independent curriculum, we must first understand the principles within the concept of independent curriculum development. By understanding the principles within the concept of independent curriculum development, we can conclude how to design and develop materials in the independent curriculum, which includes:
    1. Creating a learning plan and objectives to develop the materials to be taught.
    2. Engaging students actively in lesson participation by asking questions, discussing, and collaborating with other students.
    3. Using project-based lessons: Students can work in groups to complete projects that involve research, analysis, and problem-solving. This allows students to present their project results to the class, enhancing their communication and skills.
    4. Utilizing technology: By using online learning platforms and educational apps and multimedia, we can make learning more engaging.
    5. Varied teaching methods: Conducting group discussions to stimulate the exchange of ideas and perspectives.
    2.) In my opinion, the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum for elementary school emphasizes creativity, intelligence, character, and entrepreneurship. Therefore, suitable teaching materials may include:
    1. Modules or textbooks that support the understanding of basic concepts.
    2. Content that integrates project activities to foster students' creativity.
    3. Technology-based support resources.
    4. Character education materials, including values such as honesty, responsibility, and cooperation.
    5. Teaching materials that promote digital literacy and critical thinking skills.
    3.) In my area, teachers have adopted the Merdeka curriculum using various methods. They focus on fostering students' creativity through collaborative projects that encourage critical thinking. They also utilize technology and digital resources in their teaching. I view this initiative as a positive step in preparing students for an increasingly digital and changing future. However, the challenges that still exist include the adaptation and training required for teachers to effectively implement the Merdeka curriculum. In my view, this effort is a progressive step that needs continuous support and enhancement to improve the quality of education in our area.
    4.) There are several approaches to selecting and organizing learning content. There are:
    1. Competency-based approach.
    2. Project-based approach.
    3. Skill-based approach.
    4. Values-based approach.
    5. Technology-based approach.
    6. Experience-based approach.
    One of the approaches related to the existing curriculum is the project-based approach. In this approach, the learning content is developed based on the Merdeka curriculum established by the government or relevant educational institutions. This ensures that the learning material aligns with the educational objectives set forth in the current curriculum. This approach provides utilizing learning projects to integrate various subjects and encourage problem-solving.

  25. Name : Dita lintang
    SRN : 211230082
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. In the Merdeka program, teachers play an important role in designing and developing teaching materials.
    1. Analysis of learning outcomes (CP):
    Teachers need to have a clear understanding of the learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve at each stage of development and each subject. This will help teachers prepare learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives.
    2. Use creative learning methods:
    “Independent” learning must be done in a creative way. Teachers should use the latest learning methods, such as inquiry-based, project-based, problem-based, challenge-based and differentiated learning methods.
    3. Learning environment conditions:
    Teachers must create learning environmental conditions that meet students' needs. This includes adjustments to the learning process, learning outcomes and learning environment.
    4. Apply learning and assessment principles:
    Teachers must apply the five learning principles and five assessment principles set out in the Merdeka curriculum. These principles include assessment as an integral part of the learning process, facilitating learning and providing holistic information in the form of feedback.
    5. Formative and summative assessment:
    Teachers must plan, implement, and process formative and summative assessments. When planning and implementing assessments, teachers should pay attention to the five assessment principles that have been established.
    2. In my opinion, the type of teaching materials used in the independent curriculum and their application at the basic level are teaching modules. because teaching modules are a form of teaching tool used by educators to carry out learning in an effort to achieve the Pancasila Student Profile and Learning Achievements (CP). In this case, the teaching module is an elaboration of the Learning Objectives Flow (ATP) and is arranged according to the phase or stage of student development. Teachers must consider what will be learned and be based on long-term development. Teachers also have the right to choose or modify teaching modules that have been provided by the Government to adapt the teaching modules to the characteristics of students, or to compose their own teaching modules according to the characteristics of students.
    In developing teaching modules as teaching tools, educators and educational units can use various strategies as long as the resulting teaching modules meet predetermined criteria and the learning activities in the teaching modules are in accordance with learning and assessment principles.
    3. In my area, teachers use the Merdeka Curriculum to give students a more interesting, personalized and meaningful learning experience. They apply project-based learning, differentiated learning, and cooperative learning activities to help students develop soft skills and character based on the Pancasila student profile. Teachers also use various types of teaching materials, such as multimedia sources, hands-on activities. , and specific examples to provide diverse and optimal content for students.
    4. There are multiple approaches to select and organize instructional content. One approach related to the existing curriculum is "Curriculum Mapping." Curriculum mapping involves creating a visual representation or documentation of what is taught and when it is taught throughout the school year. This approach helps educators align content with curriculum standards, ensure a logical sequence of topics, and identify gaps or redundancies in instruction.

  26. Name: Rismatun uyun
    Nim : 211230097
    Class : TBI 5D

    1. How do the teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about it!
    Answer: The independent curriculum includes three types of learning activities, namely intracurricular learning, extracurricular learning, and the Pancasila learner profile strengthening project. my ideas about designing an independent curriculum are. teachers need to pay attention to learning objectives, use active learning approaches, use technology, and utilize local resources. And for this independent curriculum, teachers must adjust the needs, achievements, and context of students and the conditions of the students. And teachers must also be able to encourage innovation and change in the learning culture.

    2. Which one of the teaching material types that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level? Give your arguments!

    Answer: I think suitable teaching materials are materials that focus on essential content, encourage student competence, and provide flexibility and choice to students are very suitable for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school children.
    3. How do the teachers use Merdeka curriculum in your district? What is your views on that
    In my area, some teachers use the independent curriculum by using a project-based learning approach to provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents. For example, the teacher becomes a facilitator in the class, the teacher instructs students to create works, instructs students to be more active.
    My response to this is that I see that teachers in my area are very enthusiastic about the Merdeka Curriculum. They feel that this curriculum gives them the flexibility to create more meaningful and relevant learning for students. But there are also some parents of students who still do not understand the current independent curriculum, they think that the current curriculum is too complicated. However, my view on the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in my area is that this Merdeka Curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn according to their interests and talents. This is important because each student has different potential.
    4. How many are approaches to select and to organize the instructional contents? Choose one of them that relates to the existing curriculum.
    There are four approaches to selecting and organizing learning content. One of them is the scientific approach: This approach is used in Curriculum 2013, this approach refers to the steps of scientists in building knowledge through the scientific method. Learning using this approach will make students more capable in observing, questioning, trying, associating, and communicating knowledge.

  27. Ivania Cinta Artanti
    TBI 5D / 211230092

    1. In the Merdeka Curriculum, teachers have freedom in designing and developing learning materials. This is in accordance with Merdeka's characteristics which are student-centered, flexible, and focused on essential material. In general, the steps that teachers can take in designing and developing learning materials in the Merdeka Curriculum are as follows:

    • Analyze learning achievement (CP)
    • Planning and conducting diagnostic assessments
    • Mentions open modules
    • Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement of the characteristics and students

    In my opinion, these steps provide flexibility and familiarity for teachers in designing and developing learning materials. Teachers can choose learning materials that suit students' needs and interests. Teachers can also use various learning approaches and methods that suit students' learning styles. This will certainly have a positive impact on learning. Learning will be more meaningful and relevant for students. Students will also be more active and enthusiastic in learning.

    2. The type of teaching materials that are appropriate to the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school level are teaching modules.

    Teaching modules are teaching materials that are designed systematically and purposefully to help students achieve the expected competencies. Teaching modules can contain various components, such as learning objectives, learning materials, learning activities, learning assessments, and learning resources.

    Some of my arguments for why teaching modules are suitable for implementing the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school level:

    • Because teaching modules can help teachers in preparing student-centered learning. Teaching modules can be prepared by taking into account the needs and characteristics of students, so that learning can be more effective. The teaching module can also help students develop critical and creative thinking skills. Teaching modules can contain various learning activities that can encourage students to think critically and creatively.

    Apart from teaching modules, other types of teaching materials that can also be used in implementing the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school level are:

    • Textbook
    • Student worksheets (LKPD)
    • Learning media (images, videos, audio, etc.)
    • Learning resources from the internet.

    3. In my area, teachers in Serang City, Banten have implemented the Merdeka Curriculum in various ways, including:

    • Implement differentiated learning
    • Using projects as a learning method
    • Give students freedom to choose learning methods
    • Use various learning sources such as books, the internet, or sources from the real world.

    I consider this situation to be a positive thing. This shows that teachers in Serang City are committed to implementing the Merdeka Curriculum well. I hope that these challenges can be overcome well so that the Merdeka Curriculum can be implemented optimally in Serang City, Banten.

    4. There are two approaches to selecting and organizing learning content, namely:

    • Competency-based approach

    This approach focuses on achieving the expected competencies in students. The competency in question is a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes that students must master. In the Merdeka curriculum, the competencies expected of students are formulated in the form of Learning Outcomes (CP).

    • Content-based approach

    This approach focuses on selecting and organizing learning content based on the content or subject matter. In the Merdeka curriculum, content or subject matter is formulated in the form of Basic Competencies (KD).

    The approach related to the Merdeka curriculum is a competency-based approach. This is because the Merdeka curriculum emphasizes developing students' competencies holistically, not just on mastering content or subject matter.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Name : Dede Gustiroh
    Nim : 211230105
    Class : TBI 5 D

    1. How do the teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about it!

    Answer: The Plomp development model and the Educational Design Research (EDR) method have been used in these studies to design and develop teaching materials and textbooks. The development process typically involves three stages: preliminary research, development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Data is collected through validity and practicality questionnaire sheets given to validators, teachers, and students. The results of these studies show that the teaching materials and textbooks developed are valid, practical, and effective in supporting the Merdeka curriculum.
    It is important to note that the Merdeka curriculum is an independent learning curriculum that was introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting learning loss among students in Indonesia. The curriculum aims to provide students with more flexibility and autonomy in their learning, and teachers are expected to design and develop materials that support this approach.
    Overall, it seems that teachers in the Merdeka curriculum design and develop their materials using a rigorous and research-based approach that involves multiple stages of development and assessment. The use of the Plomp development model and the EDR method ensures that the materials are valid, practical, and effective in supporting student learning.

    2. Which one of the teaching material types that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level? Give your arguments!


    there are several types of teaching materials that have been developed for the Merdeka curriculum at the elementary level. Here are some examples:
    a. E-books created using the Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application
    b. Teaching materials using the DRTA (Directed Reading Thinking Activity) strategy for improving reading prediction skills
    c. Mathematical learning media in the form of Bamboo Fraction for teaching fractions
    d. Social studies curriculum management improvement plans
    e. Management of implementation of religious moderation in the independent curriculum for Islamic education learning
    It is important to note that the appropriate type of teaching material for the Merdeka curriculum at the elementary level may depend on the specific subject matter and learning objectives. Teachers may need to consider the needs and abilities of their students, as well as the resources available to them, when designing and developing teaching materials.

    3. How do the teachers use Merdeka curriculum in your district? What is your views on that situation?
    Implementation of the Merdeka curriculum at SDN UNYUR Serang City is carried out by involving teachers, principals and supervisors in curriculum development

    4. How many are approaches to select and to organize the instructional contents? Choose one of them that relates to the existing curriculum.
    The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model, which is a systematic approach to instructional design that involves analyzing the needs of learners, designing and developing instructional materials, implementing the materials, and evaluating their effectiveness.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Name : Ajeng Wihelmina
      Nim : 211230087
      Class: TBI 5 C

      1). Teachers plan and develop independent curriculum materials:
      1. In studying learning outcomes, the aim is to find out what learning skills students should achieve.
      2. Develop learning objectives that are in accordance with learning outcomes.
      3. Identification of objectives is seen from needs analysis which includes target needs, learning needs, subjective needs (participant preferences) and objective needs.
      4. Review previous learning and curriculum.
      5. Determining the tests that will be carried out on each subject matter is also adjusted to technological developments. Teachers need to be creative and utilize existing technology to utilize technology in exams.
      6. When looking at a rubric (theory), the goal is to determine whose theory we want to use when creating the rubric.
      7. Give the test to students.
      Om 8. Ensure test standards are aligned with learning objectives and outcomes (goals and needs).
      9. Analyzing test results, wanting to know whether the form of the test is appropriate based on the student's test results.
      10. The aim of developing curriculum and teaching modules is to develop learning tools that serve as pedagogical guidelines in implementing learning.
      11. Feedback
      12. Reevaluate learning and assessments to determine what was appropriate and what needs improvement in the future.
      2). The types of teaching materials used in implementing the independent curriculum in elementary schools are textbooks, learning modules and project modules. - Textbooks: teaching aids in the form of textbooks that correspond to certain material. - teaching modules: learning tools that teachers use in learning to achieve learning outcomes. - project module (project learning): learning material must be arranged according to the stage or stages of student development, taking into account the theme and topic of the project.
      3). In implementing the independent curriculum carried out by teachers in my area, they usually use project learning, where at the end of the lesson students have results/projects (such as reports, works of art, perfume experiments, etc.), the form of which is of course also adapted to their eyes. they. I think there are pros and cons to using this independent curriculum. The advantage is that thanks to the teacher's creative and innovative independent curriculum, it is very easy to develop teaching materials that suit the students' circumstances/needs. However, the weakness is that it is very difficult for teachers who are less creative to develop appropriate teaching materials, so in this (technological) era teacher development training is needed, because this training allows teachers to adapt to these developments. . study material for this situation. Nowadays, with the abundance of technology, everything has become easier so teachers have to be more creative and innovative in developing teaching materials.
      4). One way to select and organize learning content with an independent curriculum is a context-based approach. In this contextual approach, the teacher as a facilitator provides an overview of the lesson material, which is then linked to events that occur in the real world or the surrounding environment. The goal is to encourage students to find connections between material knowledge and everyday life. This approach requires students to think critically so that it indirectly helps them discover their potential. Obtaining an understanding that lasts longer and is easy for students to remember because apart from being able to understand it can also be applied. Another benefit that students gain from this approach is that they become more sensitive to real-world environments.

  30. Eidelwijs Zulfaya Choiri (211230062)
    1. What the teacher can do to design a curriculum and develop is they have to observe the needs analysis of the students in the class. If they know what students need it will be easier for teachers to design and develop the material.
    2. The material that is appropriate for elementary school is the introduction to the alphabet and reading because reading is the basic thing that students have to learn. By reading students can explore more information including other material such as history.
    3. The implementation of curriculum Merdeka in my district is there are no examinations it changes to the project of course is a good sign because the project means the students’ creativity increases and they know the importance of the school is how to live not about your score.
    4. There are 2 approaches to selecting and organizing instructional design: content approaches and student approaches. But the one related curriculum Merdeka is the student approach. It means that all the activities in the class the purpose of the learning and what the teacher does in the class are the center of all of is students. So student is the main center.

  31. Nama : Muhammad Bowman Muttaqin
    Nim : 211230074
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. The Merdeka Curriculum itself is a curriculum approach designed to reduce students' burdens, develop their creativity and diverse intelligence, and build strong character. One of the main aspects of the Merdeka Curriculum is providing flexibility to teachers in designing and implementing learning according to student needs and local characteristics.

    The Role of Teachers in the Independent Curriculum:

    A. Exploring Student Potential

    B. Designing Personalized Learning

    C. Developing Active Learning

    D. Encouraging Creativity and Innovation

    E. Strengthening Character and Ethics

    F. Linking Learning to Local Context

    G. Developing Student Independence

    H. Teachers' Contribution to a Better Future

    2. Teaching materials suitable for the elementary level in the context of the Independent Curriculum may include textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture, technology-based learning resources, interactive learning materials, research projects, and more. The selection of teaching materials must consider the diversity of students, learning styles, and the learning objectives to be achieved.

    3. A. Understand the Guidelines: Teachers need to understand the official documents regarding the Independent Curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

    B. Coordinating with Schools: Teachers need to coordinate with the schools where they teach and understand how the schools will implement the Independent Curriculum.

    C. Identifying Core Competencies: Teachers must identify core competencies that must be taught according to the curriculum.

    D. Development of Teaching Materials: Teachers can develop or adapt teaching materials that are in accordance with the Independent Curriculum.

    E. Supporting Student Independence: The Merdeka Curriculum encourages a more independent learning approach.

    F. Evaluation and Monitoring: Teachers must design appropriate evaluation methods and monitor student development according to the competencies that must be achieved.

    G. Communicate with Parents and Students: Teachers need to communicate with parents and students regarding changes in the curriculum and involve them in the learning process.

    4. Constructivist Approach

    Students are empowered to construct their own knowledge. Teachers act as facilitators, encouraging students to explore, ask questions, and find answers for themselves.

    Application Example: When teaching mathematics, teachers can give them a problem for which they have not yet learned the solution and ask them to find a solution with the knowledge they already have.

  32. Name : Rahma Nadia
    NIM : 211230088
    Class : TBI 5C

    Answer :
    1). In developing and designing a curriculum, a teacher must achieve the following activities, namely: planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum.
    Through curriculum planning, teachers can more easily achieve the goals of the learning process and can explore the potential or abilities of their students.
    Designing and developing an Independent Curriculum involves a series of steps that enable teachers to create an educational approach that is more flexible and suited to student needs. The following are steps that teachers can take in designing the Merdeka curriculum:

    1. Determine first what you want to achieve with this curriculum. What students should learn and develop. Focus the curriculum on aspects of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

    2. Get to know students well and understand their learning styles, interests, needs, and current level of knowledge.

    3. Choose an approach method in learning that suits the goals and characteristics of students.

    4. Select appropriate learning resources. This could be a textbook, online resource, app, or other relevant resource.

    5. Plan the evaluation method that will be used to measure goal achievement. This could include assignments, projects, exams, or portfolios.

    6. Always monitor and evaluate the curriculum. Was the goal achieved. Are there any changes needed in learning methods or materials.

    7. Ensure the curriculum covers all students, including those with special needs or diverse backgrounds.

    8. Utilize relevant educational technology to improve learning and accommodate student needs.

    9. Provide encouragement to students to think critically, creatively, and develop skills relevant to an ever-changing world.

    The Merdeka Curriculum gives teachers more freedom in designing learning approaches that suit their classroom situations. This means the curriculum can be better adapted to students' needs and circumstances, creating a more relevant and engaging learning experience.

    2). In my opinion, the types of teaching materials that can be used at the elementary school level are: learning textbooks (LKS), pictures, audio, learning videos, story books, educational learning and many more that can be used as teaching materials. I hope that by using these teaching materials, students at the elementary school level can understand and understand the material explained by the teacher.

    3). In my area, in implementing the independent curriculum, teachers teach using a learning approach to students by providing opportunities to explore their own learning interests and recognize potential in their students so that students can choose and optimize their learning.

    4). There are several approaches to selecting and organizing learning content. One of them is a contextual approach. A contextual approach in education is a method that emphasizes the importance of linking learning to students' real life contexts or situations.
    In this approach, learning does not only focus on abstract knowledge and skills, but also encourages students to understand how that knowledge can be applied in their daily lives. The contextual approach aims to make learning more relevant, meaningful and applicable for students. This helps students connect what they learn at school to the world outside the classroom, which in turn increases their motivation and understanding.

  33. Name : Puspita Wiranti
    Class / NIM : TBI 5D / 211230101
    Mid Examination

    1. According to me, here are steps to guide the development and design of materials in Merdeka Curriculum:

    a.) Teachers have to understand the goals: What knowledge, skills, and values are the curriculum designed to impart to students? This understanding will guide the development process.
    b.) Teachers have to Identify Learning Outcomes: Determine the specific learning outcomes or competencies that students are expected to achieve.

    c.) Teachers have to design Engaging Activities: Create activities that encourage active learning and engagement. These can include group discussions, hands-on projects, problem-solving exercises, and interactive assignments.

    2. Storytelling and literature : we can
    Coordinate narrating and writing into the educational modules. And we can give storybooks and perusing materials that adjust with the curriculum's objectives and values, empowering understudies to investigate and appreciate their social legacy.

    -Thematic Modules: Develop thematic modules that integrate multiple subjects around a central theme or topic. These modules can include various learning materials like lesson plans, worksheets, and assessments. The thematic approach encourages interdisciplinary learning.
    -Real-World Applications: Incorporate real-world examples and applications in teaching materials. This helps students connect what they learn in the classroom to practical situations, making learning more meaningful.
    - Art and Creative Materials: Encourage artistic expression through teaching materials that involve drawing, painting, crafts, and music. Artistic activities promote creativity and self-expression.

    3. Few teachers in my district are interested to use merdeka curriculum, but most of them are not interested because they are still comfortable to use 2013 curriculum. These need process and adaptation to move from 2013 curriculum to merdeka curriculum. In 2024 all teachers will be obligated to use merdeka curriculum based on government instruction about merdeka curriculum application.

    4.The Backward Design Process is a valuable framework for educators to ensure that instructional planning is focused on clearly defined learning outcomes and student understanding. It encourages a more purposeful and goal-oriented approach to education. Here are some of the steps :

    a. Identify Learning Objectives:
    Begin by defining clear and specific learning objectives or outcomes. What should students know, understand, and be able to do by the end of the instruction? Ensure that these objectives align with curriculum standards and educational goals.

    b. Determine Assessment Criteria:
    Establish how you will measure whether students have achieved the defined learning objectives. Design assessments (such as tests, projects, or presentations) that are directly linked to these objectives and are authentic, meaningful, and aligned with the objectives.

    c. Plan Instruction:
    After determining the assessment criteria, plan the instructional activities and experiences that will help students reach the learning objectives. Think about the sequence and structure of these activities. Consider how to engage students in active learning.

    d.Develop Learning Materials:
    Create or select instructional materials, resources, and content that support the learning objectives. These materials should be chosen based on their relevance, quality, and appropriateness for the objectives.

  34. Azra Nur Izzati Aziz (5D)
    1. The preparation and development of teaching materials in the independent curriculum are as follows:
    A. Needs analysis
    With the aim of knowing the extent of students' understanding of the material to be taught. By measuring the level they are capable of, the appropriate objectives and preparation of material will be made later.
    B. Curriculum framework
    Creating an outline that will be discussed in the learning later, what topics are discussed.
    C. Learning objectives
    Be clear. What students should know and what abilities are expected of them to be able to do at the end of learning.
    D. Content selection
    Search for materials that fit the discussion and framework that has been created.
    E. Lesson planning
    Of course a lesson plan is required. A detailed description of what will be covered in each meeting and how it will be delivered, whether presentation or shower.
    F. Assessment and evaluation
    Once the learning has taken place, it is necessary to conduct assessment and evaluation to review whether improvements are needed or if it is as expected.
    G. Differentiation
    Determining various ways of learning that suit the various characters of students in learning.
    H. Integration of Technology
    Using and incorporating technology in learning will be very helpful for teachers and students if used wisely.
    I. Professional development
    By organizing professional teacher training, it will be helpful for educators to evaluate themselves together and arrange for possible better development.
    J. Continues improvement
    Keep improving.
    From the answers above that I have described, this independent curriculum is very detailed and directed. Coupled with the concept of character development which makes the independent curriculum even better. It only takes practice and experience for prospective educators to go into the field and meet situations that require preparation that may be outside the independent curriculum system.
    2. Possible learning approaches that would suit elementary school children are as follows:
    A. Manipulative
    Not in a bad context, but rather shifting their minds about their stigma that math is an unpleasant and even scary learning to something fun like playing a game. For example, counting blocks. Or science lessons by providing facilities such as biology statues that can remove organs as learning media. And so on.
    B. Visual approach
    This will be very effective for students whose learning type is by seeing. Such as providing diagrams, illustrations and so on.
    C. Audiobook/storybook
    This will be very helpful for elementary school children, especially those whose learning type is auditory.
    3. In my area, the implementation of the independent curriculum has started to have the concept of character development such as routine dhuha every Monday and tadarus every time before learning starts. I think this is good for building good habits.
    4. The approach that is most likely to suit a variety of curricula is the thematic approach. It can be collaborative and customized according to each individual's understanding at various levels. Discussing a problem according to what they already know and building on the skills taught by the educator.

  35. Name : Chintia Rosianti
    Nim: 211230090
    Class : TBI 5C
    Subject: CMD

    1. The Merdeka Curriculum, which is an initiative of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, gives teachers more freedom in designing and developing learning materials. Teachers play a central role in this process. In order to be able to design and develop material in the "merdeka Curriculum," a teacher or educator must prepare everything necessary to ensure smooth learning by paying attention to key steps that support efficient learning achievement. Below, there are steps that can help teachers in designing material in the context of the Independent Curriculum:
    Internalizing Competency Standards, Determining Learning Goals, Selecting Learning Approaches, Selecting Learning Resources, Designing Learning Plans, Developing Learning Materials, Learning Adaptations, Technology Integration, Student Involvement, Evaluation and Assessment, and Reflection and Improvement

    2.Types of teaching materials to be used at elementary school level, actually the freedom to choose according to the needs of students and educators. There are several types of teaching materials that can be used in the independent elementary school (SD) curriculum, including:
    1. Project based learning
    2. Projects
    3. Textbooks and worksheets
    4. Digital Materials
    5. Module
    However, in my opinion,teaching materials for elementary school level are more efficient using textbooks and worksheets, because textbooks and worksheets are important for elementary school because they are important tools in the learning process. Textbooks provide structured knowledge and study guides, while worksheets help students to practice and master skills. Both support teachers in delivering material effectively and maintaining consistency with the established curriculum. Thus, textbooks and worksheets become the foundation in forming the basic knowledge and skills needed for students in the basic education stage.

    3. In my area, education already uses an merdeka curriculum in the initial stages, but teachers try to increase students' activeness in learning, before conducting learning, teachers make learning modules and teachers also accept criticism from students and educators. In my opinion, the independent curriculum in my area is structured and systematic so it is easy for students to understand the learning process

    4. *sequential approach* ,
    The sequential approach is a method often used in various contexts, such as programming and project management, in which tasks or elements are arranged and executed sequentially, following a predetermined order. Implementing this approach aims to ensure the completion of each task before moving on to the next, thereby creating tight control and a clear understanding of the ongoing process. However, there are situations where other methods, such as parallel or priority-based approaches, can be more efficient, depending on the needs of the project or the problem at hand.

  36. Name : Siti Sopiah
    Nim :211230110
    1.Seven Stages of Planning Learning in Merdeka Curriculum
    a.Analyzing Learning Outcomes (CP) to develop objectives
    b.Learning and flow of learning objectives
    c.Planning and conducting diagnostic assessments
    d.Developing teaching modules
    e.Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of learners
    f.Planning, implementation, and processing of formative and summative assessments
    g.Reporting learning progress
    h.Evaluation learning and assessment
    planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum. Through curriculum planning, teachers can more easily achieve the goals of the learning process and can explore the potential or abilities of their students.
    In my response, all of these stages are an integral part of planning, developing, and implementing effective learning in order to achieve the learning objectives set out in the Merdeka Curriculum or other curricula. A good understanding of objectives, assessments, and student needs will help teachers develop appropriate and effective learning materials.
    2.All of the above types of teaching materials can be appropriate for the primary level, depending on the learning context and the material being taught. However, some of them may be more appropriate than others for primary school students.
    3.Using Merdeka Curriculum in rural areas involves customizing learning approaches and using resources that are appropriate to the rural context. Here are some ways how teachers can use the Merdeka Curriculum in rural areas:
    a.Understanding the Local Context
    b.Use of Local Resources
    c.Linking Learning to Daily Life
    d.Problem-based Teaching
    e.Collaboration with the Community
    f.Multidisciplinary Approach
    g.Curriculum Adjustment
    h.Use of Technology
    i.Respect for Local Culture
    It is important to continuously analyze and evaluate your learning approaches in rural areas and collaborate with fellow teachers and local stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of Merdeka Curriculum in rural environments. Alignment with curriculum principles and objectives is key to success.
    I think this situation shows that rural education needs a more holistic approach that focuses on community engagement. Rural teachers must become agents of change who promote relevant and inclusive education to advance the quality of life in rural areas. Tailoring the approach to the needs and characteristics of rural areas is an important step towards achieving success in implementing Merdeka Curriculum.
    4.There are eight approaches to the process of curriculum development and lesson planning. Learning Theory-Based Approach: The learning content is organized around a particular learning theory, such as constructivism or active learning theory. The aim is to create learning experiences that are in line with the adopted learning theory.

  37. Name: Marsya Nurul Kamilah
    NIM: 211230099

    1. How do the teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about it!
    Teachers design and develop materials for the Merdeka curriculum by conducting educational development research using various models. There are various approaches to designing and developing teaching materials for this curriculum, including the Plomp development model and the ADDIE approach. To design and develop their materials, teachers are encouraged to use a student-centered approach. This means that teachers should focus on the needs and interests of their students and design materials that are relevant and interesting. Teachers are also encouraged to use various teaching methods, such as project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and collaborative learning.

    Teachers design and develop their materials in the Merdeka Curriculum by conducting educational development research using various models and instruments to ensure the materials are valid and practical. The development process includes the initial investigation stage, the development or prototyping stage, and validation and practicality tests. The resulting teaching materials are proven to increase student learning motivation and understanding and make it easier for teachers and students to participate in the learning process of the Merdeka curriculum.

    2. Which one of the teaching material types that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level? Give your arguments!
    Perhaps, in my opinion, the most suitable teaching materials for elementary school children are printed and non-printed teaching materials, where printed teaching materials contain articles, comics, and infographics and non-print materials contain audio and video.
    Elementary school children are more likely to enter knowledge into the brain when shown something interesting (something exciting, fun, and cool).

    3. How do the teachers use Merdeka curriculum in your district? What is your views on that situation?
    In my area, teachers have started to use the independent curriculum, where they start developing soft skills and character in students.
    In my opinion, it is quite good because, with the development of soft skills in students, it can give them a lot of knowledge to enter the world of work.

    4. How many are approaches to select and to organize the instructional contents? Choose one of them that relates to the existing curriculum.
    Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach, which can improve students' ability to solve real-life problems

  38. Nama : SALWA NAQI
    Nim : 211230107
    Kelas : 5D TBI

    1. The Merdeka Curriculum provides flexibility for teachers to design and develop their own learning materials. This aims to encourage teacher creativity and innovation in creating meaningful learning and according to the needs of students. Usually teachers will start by determining and identifying the learning objectives to be achieved during learning, They can identify the competencies that students must have after completing a material. Teachers also need to understand the characteristics and needs of their students during learning. Teachers can design materials that are relevant to students' daily lives, so that learning is more related to their reality. Then the teacher also needs to have the flexibility to adjust the material to student development and class needs. Finally, teachers should also design assessments that reflect students' actual understanding of the material, such as projects, presentations, or problem-based assignments.

    2. Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum concept that allows schools to be more flexible in determining teaching materials. For the primary level, teaching materials that are suitable for implementing Merdeka Curriculum can vary depending on the needs and objectives of the school. Some types of teaching materials that can be considered include:
    - project-based teaching materials
    - Experience-based teaching materials
    - Creative teaching materials
    - Digital materials
    - Relevant textbooks
    My response is that Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum concept that allows schools to be more flexible in determining teaching materials For the primary level, it is very important to design teaching materials that support student development and integrate the competency-based approach embraced by Merdeka Curriculum. It is also important to collaborate with fellow teachers and understand the specific needs of the school and students.

    3. Here, teachers collaborate with fellow teachers to share ideas and best practices in implementing self-directed learning. In addition, the implementation is tailored to the needs of the students, for example from primary to secondary level. Perhaps in this independent program, teachers can make students more proactive in learning, such as doing their own homework rather than doing homework alone. Only sitting in class receiving material, the teacher here is only a guide for students, because it is a requirement of this independent program that students must be active, creative and innovative.

    4. There are several kinds of approaches including:
    -curriculum approach
    -constructivist approach
    -project approach
    problem-based approach
    skills-based approach
    theme-based approach
    -adaptive approach
    The number of approaches can vary and often teachers will combine several approaches according to learning needs and objectives. The main goal is to make the learning materials selected and organized relevant, interesting and developmentally appropriate, one of which is the "Student Interest-Based Approach". Here teachers need to consider students' interests and desires in choosing learning materials. So that the material chosen is in accordance with interests such as language or other competencies that students want to learn, so that they are more motivated to learn.
    The choice of approach depends on the learning objectives, the students, and the specific educational context.

  39. Name: Eko Suprianto
    Nim: 211230072
    Class: TBI 5C

    1. Teachers play a vital role in curriculum development as they bring their expertise, experience, and knowledge of their students to shape the curriculum. They provide valuable input in identifying learning objectives, selecting content, and designing appropriate instructional strategies for their students.
    Creating your own materials to use in class
    - Start by asking yourself what the purpose of the activity will be.
    - Keep it simple.
    - Personalize your content.
    - Invest more time and thought into content than appearance.
    - Try the materials out yourself.
    - Try the materials with your students.

    2. types of instructional materials
    print: Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts, study guides, manuals.
    Audio: Cassettes, microphone, podcast.
    visual: Charts, real objects, photographs, transparencies.
    Audiovisual: Slides, tapes, films, filmstrips, television, video, multimedia.
    Electronic Interactive: Computers, graphing calculators, tablets.

    3. To implement a curriculum effectively, staff must understand how to use it responsively, intentionally, and with fidelity. Programs must develop a system of training and professional development that supports education staff in their efforts.
    A good curriculum sets measurable outcomes and tracks progress throughout the year.

    4. there are six curriculum approaches are Behavioral Approach, Managerial Approach, Systems Approach, Academic Approach, Reconceptualist Approach, and Humanistic Approach.

  40. Name: Ladzina Agusti Priatna
    Nim: 211230115
    Class: TBI 5D

    1. Designing and developing the merdeka curriculum:
    - Developing Critical Thinking Skills: By engaging in thoughtful discussions, problem-solving activities, and experiential learning, students are empowered to develop their own perspectives and make informed decisions.
    - Fostering National Pride: By understanding and appreciating their heritage, students develop a sense of pride and belonging, which in turn strengthens their commitment to their nation.
    - Cultivating a Deep Understanding of National Values: By integrating these values across various subjects, students learn to apply them in their daily lives, fostering a harmonious and inclusive society.

    In the developing merdeka Curriculum, schools and teachers are given the freedom to determine the curriculum and learning methods that suit students' needs.

    2. In my opinion, when implementing the primary curriculum of Merdeka, appropriate teaching materials should include a variety of materials that enable active, creative and project-based learning for students. Below is a list of some study materials suitable for the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum at the primary level, with rationale:
    -Project-based textbooks: Project-based textbooks allow students to participate in real-world projects that require problem solving, collaboration, and creativity.
    - Interactive materials in the form of educational applications: Interactive educational applications present information in an interesting format, such as educational games, animations and interactive videos.
    - Digital resources and multimedia content: Digital resources such as educational videos, simulations and interactive modules can enrich students' learning.
    -Collaborative Materials: Learning materials that invite students to work together, such as group projects and discussion activities, develop social skills, teamwork and communication skills.

    3. The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum seeks to restore learning in order to realize the transformation of education in Indonesia in a better direction. In the Merdeka Curriculum, teachers can recognize the potential of students more deeply to create relevant learning. The Merdeka curriculum also allows teachers to apply fun learning because it can be done through project-based learning.
    My view of this situation is that I have high hopes for the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, namely the realization of students who have noble character, are honest, intelligent, superior, innovative, creative, have an Indonesian character, are highly competitive, and have a good spirit of nationalism and are able to adapt to global life.

    4. There are several approaches to selecting and organizing instructional content, one of which is related to the existing curriculum is the curriculum-based approach. In this approach, the selection and arrangement of instructional content is based on curriculum components that have been determined by educational institutions or educational authorities. This involves identifying learning objectives, competency standards, and achievement indicators that have been compiled in the curriculum.
    A curriculum-based approach ensures that the instructional content selected and arranged is relevant to the learning objectives set in the curriculum, so that students can achieve the expected competencies. Additionally, this approach allows teachers to integrate instructional content into their lesson plans according to existing curriculum frameworks.

  41. Name: Ratu Putri Intan Shafira
    NIM: 211230106
    Class: TBI/5D

    1. The new Merdeka Curriculum is marked by an innovation of providing flexibility and freedom to the students in learning. To apply the idea, the teachers can assign the students tasks and conduct lesson activities that require creative and critical thinking and analysis. Besides that, how teachers design the material needs to be practical in implementation. Tasks and lesson activities should be those that stimulate their brains to think. For example, the student should be able to actively speak out their ideas during the lesson, be able to retell stories, be able to practice their grammar directly, and also be able to practice listening with the assistance of the teacher. All of those designations can be found in a Merdeka Curriculum textbook. Thus, the teacher is positioned more as a catalyst and facilitator, rather than having to exhaustively elaborate the lesson or so-called lecturer.

    2. The appropriate teaching material type for elementary school students is the materials that are focused on the theme, or so-called thematic, with simple directions and many practices. The responses of the students to the teacher's instruction during the learning activity should be much shorter and less complicated than those of higher levels. This is because they are still in the preliminary stages and need a simple introduction to English, so simple directions and instructions with 'Yes' or 'No' answers are good, by also introducing some new key vocabularies to understand the context of what the teacher is saying.

    3. If I'm being honest, I've never seen anyone from my district when using the Merdeka Curriculum. However, I myself am an online teacher who uses the Merdeka Curriculum textbook as a module. I teach an 8th grader who resides in Tangerang. When using it during the learning activities, I utilize the Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing sections optimally and always ask the student questions to stimulate his thinking. Usually, the Reading section is turned into speaking session as I ask him to read it aloud. Speaking is also exercised by retelling stories. The hardest part of the study said the student is writing, because he needs some time to get used to grammatical accuracy of English.

    4. There roughly 10 ways to select and organize instructional content. I choose one of those ways which is categorical organization. The contents compiled in an instructional book of the existing curriculum are most commonly categorical. There is no hierarchy, no sequence and all of the topics are more or less at the same level of difficulty with no prerequisites. The content organization is then done in a non-linear structure, also known as categories. The content is organized based on it's category, for example, if it's about Past Tense then contents about past tense then put close to or next to each other in a book.

  42. Name: Navis Muchtar Agniya
    Nim: 211230081
    Class: TBI 5C
    1.)The Merdeka curriculum is a curriculum model that gives teachers the flexibility to choose different teaching tools so that learning can be tailored to students' needs and learning preferences. When designing and developing materials for the Merdeka program, teachers use different methods and models. Here are some examples:
    -Full development model:
    This model is used in research to develop teaching materials to support learning the Merdeka program on the system Periodic learning materials system for phase E. Model related to the type of instructional design research (EDR) .
    Overall, the Merdeka program gives teachers the freedom to define and shape the learning environment without having to complete complex learning materials, giving teachers and students the opportunity to extensively researched documents.
    2.) Based on the research results, there are several types of teaching materials suitable for implementing the Merdeka program at the elementary level. Here are some of them along with arguments:
    1. Ebooks:
    Kvisoft Flipbook Maker application can be used to create valid and relevant educational materials can be used as an e-book. E-books can be a great choice for the Merdeka program because they are interactive, engaging, and accessible from anywhere. Students can also study at their own pace and review material as many times as they like.
    2. Instructional materials developed through instructional design research (EDR):
    The full development model, which is a type of EDR research, was used to develop materials Teaching materials to support the learning of the Merdeka program periodically for system hardware for phase E. This model includes a systematic process of designing, developing, and evaluating instructional materials to ensure that they are effective and meet the needs of students.
    3. Educational materials that stimulate students' feelings of joy, enthusiasm, imagination, critical thinking and creativity:
    According to an article, materials used in the The Merdeka program must involve students' sense of excitement, enthusiasm, imagination, critical thinking and creative thinking.
    3.)There are some general assessments of the implementation of the Merdeka program in Indonesia. Here are some of them:
    - The Merdeka program is a flexible educational framework that focuses on essential material and the development of students' character and skills. The program provides autonomy and independence to students and schools, allowing students to explore their respective interests and talents.
    - The Merdeka program emphasizes project-based learning to develop soft skills and personality profiles of Pancasila students.
    In my opinion, the Merdeka program is a positive step towards improving the quality of education in Indonesia. The program offers more flexibility and autonomy for teachers and students, allowing them to explore their interests and talents.
    4.)There are several approaches to selecting and organizing educational content. Here are some of them:
    1. Organize by level, area, unit or essential questions:
    Once goals are selected and written down, they must be organized in a orderly way. This ordering can be achieved in many ways: by level, by subject area, by unit, by sequential teaching level, through essential questions, or a combination of these.
    2. Start with learning objectives:
    One way to approach course design is to start with the learning objectives, then move on to the remaining two components and revisit the cycle iteratively as needed. Clearly defining learning objectives will help select and organize course content as well as determine appropriate assessments and teaching strategies.
    Based on the existing curriculum, a related approach is to organize by level, area, unit or essential questions. This approach is often used in curriculum guides, which are structured documents that describe philosophy, goals, objectives, learning experiences, teaching resources, and assessments.

  43. 1. The role and methods of teachers in designing learning materials according to the independent curriculum, first is to pay attention to learning principles. Then the role of the teacher as a facilitator is really necessary, as a note in this case the teacher must avoid teaching using the lecture method to avoid students getting bored with the teaching material, teachers must apply the latest learning methods to realize student competence. For example, inquiry, project, problem-based, challenge-based and differentiated learning methods. teachers must teach 21st century skills, not just test or assess these skills in a lesson.
    My opinion about the teacher methods in independent curriculum it is important to note that the success of an independent curriculum depends on the effective implementation and ongoing support and training for teachers. Additionally, the specific approach and methods may vary between schools, regions, and educational systems. The aim of such curricula is to empower students to become lifelong learners, capable of critical thinking and problem-solving, and to better prepare them for the complexities of the modern world. However, the success of these methods often depends on the commitment and expertise of teachers and the support of the educational system.
    2. Based on the findings many research and discussion in the some research, the following types of learning that approaches of merdeka curriculum, at the stage of this implementation of Merdeka curriculum in the teaching and learning process the teacher has implemented differentiation learning based on the knowledge and readliness of student learning. The examples of instructional materials were used in teaching that implemented in this curriculum they are:
    a) Traditional resources: text books, reference books, lesson plans, workbooks, flashcard, and supplemental reading materials.
    b) Graphic and interactive materials: physical objects, photographs, illustrations, charts, graphs, multimedia, movies and games.
    c) Used the variety of news technology of education (LMS).
    d) Choose materials that present information in a variety of ways. Using mixed media such as video, images, real word examples, etc.
    My opinion about this context each implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum must be adapted to the needs and characteristics of students as well as specific educational goals. Helping students develop independence, critical thinking, and collaboration skills is at the heart of this approach, and the selection of learning materials should support these goals.
    3. According to the BPMP Banten article: the independent curriculum creates enjoyable learning. The news released on June 18 2023 explained that one of the schools implementing the independent curriculum was SMKN 1 Rangkasbitung. One of the student explained that there was one teacher who was active in making learning videos who was active in making interesting learning videos, a teacher in the subjects of editing and creative products and entrepreneurship (PKDK).
    My response to this situation, perhaps in some of the research I have read there are some schools or institutions that implement this curriculum and some that have not. So it affects each student whose school implements it or not. Maybe the obstacle in this problem is teachers who do not pay enough attention to students and also don't take too much of a role in this curriculum.
    4. Here are several common approaches to select and organize instructional content:
    a) Subject-Centered Approach
    b) Skills-Based Approach
    c) Interdisciplinary Approach
    d) Project-Based Approach
    e) Problem-Based Approach, ect.
    I think Problem-Based Approach the more effective bcs this method Similar to project-based learning, problem-based learning focuses on organizing content around authentic problems or scenarios. Students work to solve these problems, drawing on content from various sources as needed.

  44. NAME : Iqomatul Salamah
    NIM : 211230116
    CLASS : TBI - 5D
    => (MID-Exam CMD) <=

    1. How do teachers design and develop materials in the Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about this!
    To realize a new learning paradigm that is differentiated and focused on students, educational units must carry out stages of learning planning and intracurricular assessment. There are seven stages of learning planning and intracurricular assessment, as follows:
    1. Analyze Learning Achievements (CP) to develop learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives.
    2. Planning and implementing diagnostic assessments.
    3. Reading open modules.
    4. Adjustment of learning to the stage of achievement and characteristics of students.
    5. Planning, implementing and processing formative and summative assessments.
    6. Reporting learning progress
    7. Learning evaluation and assessment.

    2. Which types of teaching materials are appropriate for implementing the Independent Curriculum for elementary school level? Give your argument!
    The types of teaching materials that can be used at the elementary school level in implementing an independent curriculum are in the form of textbooks, teaching modules and project modules.
    - Textbooks: teaching tools in the form of textbooks that correspond to certain material.
    - teaching module: a form of teaching tool used by educators to carry out learning in an effort to achieve learning outcomes.
    - project modules (project-based learning): teaching tools should be structured according to phases or stages of student development, taking into account the themes and topics of the project.

    3. How do teachers use the Independent Curriculum in your area? What is your view on the situation?
    In the Independent Curriculum, teachers can recognize students' potential more deeply in order to create relevant learning. The Merdeka Curriculum also allows teachers to implement fun learning because it can be done through project-based learning.

    4. How many approaches are there to selecting and organizing learning content? Choose one that is related to the existing curriculum.
    One effective approach to selecting and organizing learning content is the project-based learning (PBL) method. PBL is a student-centered approach that allows students to engage in real-world problems and projects, enabling them to apply their knowledge and skills in practical and meaningful ways. By implementing project-based learning in the Merdeka Curriculum, teachers can provide students with a holistic and interesting learning experience. By selecting and organizing learning content through PBL, students can not only develop subject-specific knowledge but also important skills and attributes that will prepare them to face future challenges.

  45. Name: Zafira Rahmah
    NIM: 211230061
    Class: TBI 5 C

    1) The Merdeka curriculum gives teachers the freedom to plan and implement learning according to students' characteristics, interests, and talents. The benefit for teachers is to explore the potential in assessing students and focus more on essential material and developing student competencies in each phase. Students are trained to express opinions, and be more critical, creative, and motivated in solving every learning challenge they face.

    2) In my opinion, discovery learning is good for implementing the independent curriculum at the elementary school level. Elementary school students still need guidance and improve their thinking skills, build self-confidence, and be creative and active in the learning process.

    3) Teachers allow their students to think more creatively and independently in completing learning. My view in this case is that teachers are also obliged to provide media or organize efficient learning models for students.

    4) Student-oriented approach A student-centered approach is a learning method that is student-centered. This learning method has been implemented since the 2013 Curriculum and will continue until the Merdeka Curriculum because it is more relevant to current developments. With this learning method, students act as learning subjects so they need to be more active in learning activities. This learning method also provides many opportunities for students to be active and develop their potential according to their wishes and the teacher acts as a supporter and guide so that student learning activities are more focused.

  46. Name: Aktar Rayi Meirizky/211230085
    Class: TBI 5C
    1. Some of the preparation and development of teaching materials in the independent curriculum usually begins with a Needs analysis,
    With the aim of measuring the level they are capable of, then the appropriate objectives and material preparation will be made. Second, create a Curriculum framework, what topics will be discussed later. Third, learning objectives, what students should know and what abilities are expected of them to be able to do at the end of learning. Fourth, Lesson planning, selecting the content and determining the lesson plan required. Fifth, Assessment and evaluation, Once the lesson is underway, it is necessary to review and evaluate whether improvements are needed or sufficient. Sixth, Identifying students' learning styles, Finding out how to learn in accordance with the diverse characters of students in learning. Seventh, use technology in learning to help student more understand.
    2. The appropriateness of teaching materials for the implementation of the "Merdeka curriculum" at the elementary level would depend on the specific goals, objectives, and guidelines of that curriculum.

    A. Digital Resources : In today's educational landscape, digital resources, including interactive websites, educational apps, and e-books, can enhance the learning experience and engage students.

    B. Educational Games: Board games, card games, and educational software designed for learning can make lessons more enjoyable and interactive.

    C. Teacher-Created Materials: Teachers often develop their own materials, including worksheets, flashcards, and lesson plans tailored to the curriculum's specific objectives.
    3. The implementation of the independent curriculum that I see in my area is that there is a curriculum framework and lesson planning, so that students have an idea of ​​what the next week's lesson will cover and what they need to read or prepare for the learning topic.
    4. The approach most often found in many independent curricula is usually presentations and discussion activities. With the aim that students can develop their critical thinking and learn to express their opinions in a structured manner.

  47. Name : Ulil Azmi
    Nim : 211230071
    Class : TBI 5 C

    1. How do the teachers design and develop their materials in Merdeka curriculum? Explain your ideas about it!
    The teacher's steps in designing and developing materials include the following:
    1). Analyzing Learning Results to formulate learning objectives and design the flow of learning objectives.
    2).Plan and carry out diagnostic assessments aimed at identifying competencies.
    3). Making teaching modules is an effort to create learning materials that serve as guidelines for teachers in carrying out the learning process.
    4). Adjusting the learning process.
    5). Plan, carry out and analyze formative and summative assessments When we plan and carry out the assessment process.
    6). Learning Evaluation and Assessment.
    7). Learning Progress Reporting.

    2. Which one of the teaching material types that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level? Give your arguments!
    These are the essential things of the Merdeka Curriculum at the elementary level:
    a. Strengthening basic competencies and understanding of logistics
    • To understand the surrounding environment, science and social studies subjects are combined as Natural and Social Sciences (IPAS) subjects.
    • Integration of computational thinking in Indonesian, Mathematics and Natural
    Sciences subjects
    • English as an optional subject
    b. Project-based learning to strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile is carried out at least twice in one academic year

    3. How do teachers use the Independent Curriculum in your area? What is your view on the situation?
    Based on the results of my literature on the independent curriculum policy in my area, namely Serang, specifically at SMA Negeri 2 Serang City which carried out in-house training activities on the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum (IKM) which was carried out for three days, which was to increase teacher competence in understanding the Independent Curriculum in Serang City State High School. Through this Merdeka Curriculum Implementation activity, teachers understand that as teachers, they do not always only provide material in front of the class to students, but can also provide projects to students so that they are able to implement the material the teacher provides in class. So that with this, children can understand and practice the positive values ​​of education and the materials taught by the teacher in class.
    According to me on the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation Approach received by SMA Negeri 2 Serang City, with three days of in-house training, seems to have given positive results. because teachers are starting to realize that learning is not only about providing material in front of the class, but also giving projects to students. which allows students to apply the material they learn. This activity also provides space for the development of creativity and deeper understanding for students, which is also in line with the Independent Curriculum to improve the learning process.

    4. How many approaches are there to selecting and organizing learning content? Choose one that is related to the existing curriculum.
    There are 6 approaches to selecting and organizing learning, that is:
    -Expository Approach
    -Investigation/Discovery Approach
    -Social Interaction Approach
    -Behavioral Approach
    -Constructivist approach
    -In my opinion, the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)
    approach is an approach that is closely related to the current curriculum, the independent curriculum is an inquiry/discovery approach because this approach is a teaching approach that tries to lay the foundation and develop scientific thinking. so that, it is in line with the independent curriculum

  48. Name : Lia Herlina
    NIM : 211230089
    Class : TBI 5C

    1. In the Merdeka curriculum, teachers and students have freedom to think so that teachers are able to innovate in conveying knowledge to students. Apart from that, students are also given the freedom to innovate and be creative in the learning process. The following are several things that teachers need to pay attention to when designing and developing material in the Merdeka curriculum:
    • Alignment of Merdeka Curriculum Policy with the Culture of Educational Institutions
    • Collaboration in Learning Planning
    • Preparation of Learning Materials
    • Selection of learning tools
    • Teacher's Role
    In designing and developing materials in the Merdeka curriculum, teachers need to pay attention to the alignment of Merdeka curriculum policies with the culture of educational institutions, collaborate in learning planning, prepare learning materials that are appropriate to the conditions of the student's learning environment, choose appropriate learning tools, and understand the role of the teacher as a facilitator.

    2. Several types of open materials that are suitable for the Independent Curriculum at elementary school level are:
    • Customized textbooks: Textbooks that are adapted to local and cultural needs provide teachers with the convenience to integrate content that is relevant to the student's context. This allows for more meaningful teaching.
    • Experience-Based Learning Materials: Visits to places related to the lesson such as museums, zoos, or local historical sites so that students can learn directly and in more depth.
    • Interactive Teaching Materials: Interactive teaching materials, such as educational games or simulations, can make learning more interesting and help students understand concepts in a more practical way.

    3. Teachers in my area are looking for various strategies to implement the new independent curriculum. However, they have used the following methods in implementing self-paced curriculum: • Giving students more freedom and options in their learning. For example, teachers give students the opportunity to choose research projects or subjects that interest them.
    • Focus on achieving significant learning outcomes. Instead of trying to cover all the material, teachers are advised to focus on the most important material that students must learn.
    • Use a variety of teaching approaches and activities. Teachers are encouraged to be innovative and utilize a variety of different teaching approaches and activities to engage students and support their learning.

    4. There are several approaches that can be used to select and organize learning content.
    • Specific Curriculum Approach
    • Competency Based Approach
    • Project Based Approach
    • Problem Based Approach
    • Theme Based Approach
    • Technology-Based Approach
    • Life Skills Based Approach
    • Student Choice Based Approach
    In my opinion, the approach is most related to the Technology-Based Approach because technology is used to present learning material, such as through e-learning, videos and educational software.

  49. Name : Salwa Salsabilla Naimah
    NIM : 211230077
    Class : 5C TBI

    1. Teachers can design and develop material in the Merdeka curriculum using the following steps:
    a. Identify Learning Goals: Determine clear goals for each subject or topic to be taught.
    b. Choose Learning Resources: Teachers can choose various learning resources, such as textbooks, online materials, learning videos, or other relevant resources.
    c. Personalize Learning: Tailor materials to individual student needs.
    d. Evaluation and Monitoring: Establish relevant and fair evaluation methods to measure student understanding.
    e. Technology Integration: Utilize educational technology to support the learning process.
    f. Flexibility: Be flexible, changes in the learning process may emerge over time.
    g. Reflection: After each unit or learning period, reflect on the results and lessons learned to improve future learning.
    In my opinion, designing and developing an independent curriculum provides an opportunity for teachers, schools and regions to be more independent in designing a curriculum that suits local needs and student characteristics. In my view, an independent curriculum could be a solution to overcome several problems in the current education system. This allows educators to be more flexible in adapting learning materials to current developments and community needs.

    2. Several types of teaching materials that are suitable for elementary school level in implementing the Independent Curriculum include:
    a. Latest Textbooks: The use of relevant and up-to-date textbooks in accordance with the applicable curriculum content is very important.
    b. Digital Materials: The use of technology in learning, such as learning applications or interactive online resources, can be interesting teaching material.
    c. Collaborative Projects: Incorporate collaborative projects in which students work together to explore a specific topic and develop their understanding.
    d. Local Resources: Utilize local resources, such as visits to historical or natural places, to enhance students' understanding of the real world.
    e. Creative: Using creative tools such as art, music, and games to facilitate more engaging learning and play.
    In my opinion, it is important to ensure that the teaching materials selected are in line with curriculum objectives and meet students' learning needs. Teaching materials must include a variety of learning methods, including problem solving, experimentation, and the use of technology in learning. In addition, teaching materials should reflect national values ​​and respect Indonesia's cultural diversity.

    3. Teachers in my area are looking for various methods to implement a relatively new independent curriculum. Some of the strategies used by teachers in implementing an independent curriculum include giving students more freedom and choice in the learning process, using technology in the learning process, and using a variety of teaching approaches and activities to engage students and support their learning process.

    4. There are several approaches that can be used to select and organize learning content in the curriculum, such as:
    a. Subject-based approach
    b. Thematic approach
    c. Competency-based approach
    d. Indisciplinary approach
    e. Competency-based approach
    f. Project based approach
    g. Problem-based approach
    h. Student needs-based approach
    I think the approach that best relates to their curriculum is the project-based approach because with this approach, students learn through real action, collaborating with their peers, and developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In addition, the project-based approach also aims to increase students' understanding of lesson content, relate it to everyday life, and prepare them to face real-world situations.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Name : gilang alvito hardian dinova
    NIM : 211230086
    CLASS : 5 TBI C

    ANSWER :

    1. my ideas about teachers design and develop their materials in merdeka curriculum is :

    1. Inclusivity: Create materials that are accessible and inclusive, addressing the needs of diverse learners, including those with disabilities or different language backgrounds.

    2. Real-World Relevance: Make content relevant to students’ lives and the world around them. Highlight real-world applications of the curriculum concepts.

    3. Student-Centered Activities: Design lessons that engage students actively, such as group projects, debates, and problem-solving exercises, fostering independence and a love for learning.

    4. Cultural Sensitivity: Include content that reflects the cultural diversity and heritage of the region or country. This could involve stories, history, and art from different cultures.

    5. Assessment Tools: Develop assessment tools that align with the curriculum’s
    6. Professional Development: Teachers should continuously develop their skills and stay updated on best practices in curriculum design and teaching methods.

    7.Feedback and Iteration: Regularly gather feedback from students and colleagues to refine and improve your teaching materials.

    8. Curriculum development is often an iterative process.

    9. Use of Technology: Utilize technology effectively, incorporating digital resources, online collaboration, and educational apps when applicable.

    10. Community Engagement: Consider involving the local community in the curriculum design, such as guest speakers or field trips related to the curriculum’s themes.

    2. in my opinion
    student must use critical think to handle a problem solve as they study or work on their project or education.

    3. in my area, teachers use an indepent curicculum with methods such as group peesentasions and textbook, teachers also adapt the video media learning system so that student dont get bored when they are full of material

    4. spiral Curriculum:

    In a spiral curriculum, topics and concepts are revisited and built upon in a cyclical or spiral manner over multiple grade levels or units. This approach acknowledges that students may not fully grasp a complex concept with a single exposure and that learning is an ongoing process. Key points related to the spiral curriculum approach include:

    1. Repetition: Topics are introduced and then revisited in later grades or units, allowing students to reinforce and deepen their understanding over time.
    2. Progressive Complexity: As students revisit topics, they encounter them at more advanced and complex levels, building upon their prior knowledge.
    3. Scaffolding: The curriculum provides support and guidance to help students as they encounter concepts again, gradually reducing support as students become more proficient.
    4. Deep Understanding: The goal is to promote a deeper and more enduring understanding of key concepts.
    5. Alignment with Development: The curriculum considers the cognitive development of students, ensuring that topics are age-appropriate.

  52. Name: Vica Regina Aulia
    Nim : 211230098
    Class : TBI/ 5D


    1. The Merdeka curriculum is a flexible approach to instructional materials that grants teachers the freedom to design and develop content in accordance with students' needs and local contexts. Here are some ideas on how teachers can design and develop materials in the Merdeka curriculum:
    ● Understanding Student Needs: Teachers need to understand their students' knowledge levels and learning needs.
    ● Customizing Materials: Teachers should organize content that aligns with the national curriculum but allows flexibility to customize it based on students' interests, talents, and specific needs.
    ● Active Learning Approaches: Encouraging students to actively engage in learning by incorporating methods that enable discussion, projects, and experiments.
    ● Using Technology: Integrating modern technology into learning to support broader access to information and resources.
    ● Ongoing Evaluation: Teachers should conduct continuous assessment to measure students' progress and adjust materials as needed.

    2. In implementing the Merdeka curriculum for elementary school level, the most appropriate type of teaching material is "Project Based Learning (PBL)". According to my argument, there are several things that can support this:
    ● Active Learning: Project-based learning encourages active participation and engagement among students. It involves hands-on, real-world projects that require them to apply knowledge and skills, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

    3. In my area, the Merdeka curriculum is implemented with activities such as discussions and then how students solve a problem by not sticking to the text. The merdeka curriculum which is equipped with an independent teaching platform that focuses on how we make more meaning of learning from reasoning, literacy and numeracy. In my area, Serang city, schools usually carry out the learning process according to the needs and abilities of students to improve the quality of the teacher's relationship with their students, because the teacher is a facilitator in learning. My opinion of Merdeka Curriculum is that this approach has great potential to increase flexibility in education, allowing teachers to better adapt learning to student needs and local contexts. However, challenges may arise in terms of consistent implementation and monitoring of this curriculum, as well as sufficient teacher training to implement it effectively. In addition, there needs to be special attention to equity in education so that all students have equal access to quality educational opportunities.

    4. There are several approaches to selecting and organizing learning content. One approach related to the existing curriculum is the "Standards Based Approach". The Standards Based Approach involves selecting and organizing teaching content in line with curriculum standards set by educational authorities. Curriculum standards usually define competencies, learning objectives, and subject matter that must be covered in the teaching and learning process. This approach provides a clear framework for what should be taught in the classroom and ensures that education is directed towards achieving predetermined goals and standards.

  53. Name: farhan hikmatul azmi
    Class: 5C

    1. The Merdeka curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes independence, competence, and flexibility, allowing for in-depth learning and innovative curriculum development at the unit level. Teachers have the flexibility to choose various teaching tools so that learning can be adapted to the learning needs and interests of students.
    2. Based on the search results, there is no specific type of teaching material that is appropriate with the implementation of Merdeka curriculum for elementary level. However, teachers have the flexibility to choose various teaching tools so that learning can be adapted to the learning needs and interests of students. In addition, the Merdeka Curriculum emphasizes independence, competence, and flexibility, allowing for in-depth learning and innovative curriculum development at the unit level.
    3. Based on the search results, there is no specific information about how teachers use the Merdeka curriculum in a particular district. However, the Merdeka Curriculum is designed to be a more flexible curriculum framework, while simultaneously focusing on essential materials and developing students’ character and competencies.
    4. approaches to select and organize instructional contents. One of them is related to the existing curriculum. Here are some of the approaches: - **Aligning with curriculum standards**: In public schools, instructional content must align with curriculum standards to ensure learners achieve educational standards. For example, the Common Core State Standards serves as the benchmark of what students Grades K-12 should know in English and math for many states. - **Subject matter significance**: The subject matter or content of the curriculum should be significant and relevant to the learners. Modern curriculum experts are after current trends, relevance, and authenticity of the curriculum.

  54. Name : Silvana Nurhaliza (211230112)
    Class : TBI 5D

    1. Merdeka curriculum is a curriculum with diverse intracurricular learning where the content will be more optimal so that students have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competencies.
    The things that need to be considered in designing learning are:
    A. Learning Outcomes (CP)
    Learning outcomes are learning competencies that students must achieve in each phase, starting from the foundation phase in PAUD.
    B. Learning Objectives (TP)
    Learning outcomes are broken down into operational and concrete learning objectives. The formulation of learning objectives includes competency and scope of material.
    C. Learning Objective Flow (ATP)
    The learning objectives are then sorted into a flow of learning objectives.
    D. Learning Plan
    The process of designing learning includes pre-made learning objectives, learning steps, and learning assessments which are prepared in the form of flexible, simple, and contextual documents.

    2. Based on the technology used, the Directorate of School Development Upper Middle School (2008: 11) groups teaching materials into four categories, that is:
    (1) printed teaching materials include handouts, books, modules, sheets student activities, brochures, leaflets, wall charts, photos drawings, and models/mockets.
    (2) Listening teaching materials (audio) include cassettes, radio, vinyl records, etc audio compact disk.
    (3) Audio visual teaching materials such as video compact disks, and
    (4) Interactive multimedia teaching materials such as CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction), multimedia compact disk (CD). interactive learning and web-based teaching materials (web-based learning material).

    In my opinion, the types of teaching materials that are suitable for implementing the independent curriculum at the elementary level are printed teaching materials such as illustrated modules, and audio and audio-visual teaching materials.

    3. Implementation of the merdeka curriculum in mathematics learning in class VII SMP Negeri 3 Serang City is quite good, in :
    (1) Independent curriculum planning in mathematics learning in Class VII SMP Negeri 3 Serang City this is done by adapting the resulting teaching module MGMP collaboration based on student potential.
    (2) Implementation of the merdeka curriculum in intracurricular learning in mathematics subjects in Class VII of SMP Negeri 3 Kota Serang is implemented based on the principles of implementing merdeka curriculum learning. However, the implementation of differentiated learning strategies has not been carried out optimally as appropriate, and
    (3) Independent curriculum assessment in mathematics learning in class VII SMP Negeri 3 Serang City, it is carried out by the subject teacher for the students by carrying out formative and summative assessments.

    4.Teachers must also be able to understand what students' needs are so they know what approach is most appropriate to take. The outline of the types of approaches used in learning activities is divided into:

    A. Contextual Approach
    This approach focuses on connecting subject matter with events or situations in the real world.
    Application Example: When teaching about ecosystems, teachers can take students to parks or forests near the school for direct observation.

    B. Constructivism Approach
    Here, students are empowered to build their own knowledge. Teachers act as facilitators, encouraging students to explore, ask questions, and find answers for themselves.
    Application Example: When teaching mathematics, teachers can give them a problem for which they have not yet learned the solution and ask them to find a solution with the knowledge they already have.

  55. Name: Kholifatut Ta’ziah
    NIM: 211230119
    Class: 5D TBI

    1. Teachers can innovate in designing and developing learning materials in the Merdeka curriculum. With creativity and professionalism, teachers can create learning that is more meaningful and relevant to the lives of students.
    Here are some steps teachers take in designing and developing learning materials in the Merdeka curriculum:
    analyze learning outcomes. Teachers need to analyze the learning outcomes that students want to achieve. Learning outcomes can be found in the Learning Outcomes (CP) provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).
    formulate learning objectives. Learning objectives are statements that describe what learners are expected to achieve after taking part in learning.
    Planning learning activities. Learning activities are a series of activities carriedout by teachers and learners to achieve learning objectives.
    planning assessment. Assessment is the process of collecting data to measure learner achievement.
    Here are some examples of teaching materials that can be developed by teachers in the Merdeka curriculum:
    Project-based learning materials can help students develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and teamwork skills.
    Contextual learning materials can help students to understand the material more deeply and make the material relevant to everyday life.
    Based learning materials can be used as a medium to develop more interesting and interactive learning materials.
    2. The Merdeka Curriculum provides flexibility for teachers to choose the type of teaching material that suits the needs and context of students. However, in my opinion, the types of teaching materials that are generally in accordance with the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum for elementary school level, namely:
    Project-based teaching materials, can help learners to develop critical thinking, problem solving, and collaboration skills.
    Contextual-based teaching materials, can help learners to understand the material more deeply and relevant to everyday life.
    Textbooks can be used as the main teaching material in implementing Merdeka Curriculum.
    Learning media, such as images, videos, or audio, can be used to make learning more interesting and interactive.
    3. My district's teachers employ the Merdeka curriculum in a variety of ways. They employ project-based, contextual, and technology teaching resources. They also employ enjoyable, engaging, and active learning. They also give pupils the chance to pursue their hobbies and talents while learning.
    I view this situation positively. I think that students can greatly benefit from the Merdeka curriculum. With the help of this curriculum, teachers may create more engaging and successful lessons for their students.
    Here are a few of my thoughts on the matter:
    The Merdeka Curriculum gives educators the chance to be innovative and creative and create lessons that are tailored to the requirements and circumstances of their students.
    The Merdeka Curriculum can aid students in acquiring 21st-century abilities since it places a strong emphasis on engaging, active learning.
    4. There are several approaches to select and organize instructional content, and these approaches can vary depending on educational goals, subject matter, and the needs of learners. One approach that relates to the current curriculum is "Competency-Based Curriculum". This approach emphasizes organizing learning content based on specific competencies or learning outcomes that students are expected to achieve. Competency-based curriculum allows the existing curriculum to be reorganized with a focus on the competencies to be mastered by students. This allows for the tailoring of the curriculum to the actual needs of students and the development of a curriculum that is more relevant to the real world. A competency-based approach is often used in today's curriculum to ensure that students acquire the skills and knowledge needed for success in today's society and work environment.

  56. Name : Nazwa Aurelia Faradisa
    NIM : 211230118
    Class : TBI 5 D

    1. In the Merdeka curriculum, teachers take on a much more active role in designing and developing their own teaching materials. They have much more flexibility and autonomy compared to more traditional curriculums. Teachers need to be well-versed in the core principles of the Merdeka curriculum, and also can design and develop materials in multiple ways. By understanding the principles, utilizing resources, and employing creativity, teachers can effectively design and develop engaging and impactful materials for the Merdeka curriculum, fostering a more personalized and effective learning experience for their students.
    2. Choosing the ideal teaching material type for the Merdeka curriculum at the elementary level depends on several factors, including the specific learning objectives, student interests, grade level, and available resources. one of the best teaching material types that is appropriate is Project-based learning materials: Engage students in real-world projects that require them to research, collaborate, problem-solve, and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. These materials can involve experiments, community service projects, creative performances, or building something tangible.
    3. ⁠Teachers are using the curriculum framework as a guide, adapting and creating materials based on their students' needs and interests. They're incorporating project-based learning, inquiry-based activities, and differentiated instruction to cater to diverse learning styles and paces. Many teachers are collaborating with colleagues and utilizing online resources to share ideas and best practices for implementing the curriculum effectively.
    4. competency-based approach
    The goal of this strategy is for pupils to acquire the required competencies. The set of skills, information, and attitudes that students need to master is called the competency in question. The competencies that are required of students are outlined in the Merdeka curriculum as Learning Outcomes (CP).

    • A content-based approach
    With this method, learning materials are chosen and arranged according to their substance or subject matter. In the Merdeka curriculum, content or subject matter is expressed in the form of Basic Competencies (KD).

    The Merdeka curriculum is built on a competency-based approach. This is due to the Merdeka curriculum's emphasis on overall competency development rather than just material or subject matter mastery.
