Tuesday 16 April 2024


    After attending a lecture on textbook evaluation, students are tasked with analyzing a textbook. They should pay attention to the book's content, language level, skills included, types of assessment and feedback, and design and layout. The analysis should be based on the students' educational level. Once completed, the group should write down their findings. discussion in the comments column on this blog.


  1. GROUP 7 :
    1. Ainur Rohmah (211230019)
    2. Mauizatul Hasanah (211230020)

    Book Title: English in Mind
    Author: Iryanti & Yatini
    Publisher: Grasindo Publisher

    Education Level: Elementary and Junior High School


    Book Content:
    - The English materials are organized based on the Indonesian national curriculum for elementary and junior high schools.
    - The topics covered are relevant to students' daily lives, such as family, friends, school, and hobbies.
    - Each unit comes with integrated reading texts, dialogs, and activities to build all four English skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
    - Comes with a variety of supplementary materials such as songs, games, and projects to increase student engagement.

    Language Level:
    - The language used is adapted to the ability level of elementary and middle school students.
    - The sentences are simple and easy to understand.
    - New vocabulary is taught contextually and reinforced with practice activities.

    Skills Included:
    - This book helps elementary and middle school students develop various English skills, such as:
    - The ability to read a variety of texts with good comprehension.
    - The ability to write different types of texts, such as letters, stories, and descriptions.
    - The ability to speak confidently in a variety of situations.
    - The ability to listen to and understand English conversations.

    Types of Assessment and Feedback:
    - There are various formative and summative assessment activities in each unit to measure student progress.
    - Teachers can provide formative and summative feedback to help students understand their strengths and weaknesses.
    - The book also comes with an answer key to assist teachers in assessment.

    Design and Layout:
    - The book design is attractive and colorful with pictures and illustrations that attract students' attention.
    - The layout of the book is clear and structured, making it easier for students to follow the learning flow.
    - Clear use of color coding to separate types of activities and information.

  2. GROUP 3 :
    - Widda Agustina (211230018)
    - Annisa Waghfirliyana (211230023)

    Based on the textbook "When English Rings a Bell". Here's an evaluation of the book:

    1. Systematic and suitable for young learners: The book is designed to align with the principles of teaching English to young students, and its content is considered quite good, although some vocabulary must be evaluated.
    2. The skill are suitable for young learners: The book have covers four skills, there are reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and with a focus on writing and speaking.
    3. Approach used by the book: The book is teacher and student-centered, allowing students to learn after the teacher explains and spells the word.
    4. Design of the book: Because of the book's cover, font, and pictures, so it's interesting for children, especially in the first grade of junior high school. The layout and design are well presented, with unique fonts and attractive illustrations.
    And for the feedback, the book provides a solid foundation for teaching English following the curriculum. The variety of activities cater to all four language skills.The book offers engaging content that should make learning English enjoyable. The activities provide opportunities to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

    Overall, the book are appears to be systematic and suitable for young learners, with a focus on language skills that are appropriate for their age group. The approach used by the book is also likely to engage students and facilitate their learning. The design of the book is considered attractive and well-presented, which could help to maintain students' interest in the material.

  3. TBI 6A - Group:
    Andini Eka Prastiwi (211230014)
    Amelia Putri (211230015)

    Evaluation a textbook “When English Rings a Bell” grade 8 jhs.

    - Author’s: Siti Wachidah, Asep Gunawan, Diyantari, dan Yuli Rulani Khatimah.
    - ⁠Reviewer: Helena Indyah Ratna Agustien, Rd. Safrina Noorman, dan Wawan Gunawan.
    - ⁠Publisher: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud.

    A). Book's Content.
    “When English Rings a Bell" is a textbook that contains English materials for junior high school students. This book also describes the characteristics of literary text types in Indonesian subjects in junior high school, which illustrates that this book contains reviews that have an understanding, examine the structure and rules of reviews, and compile review texts. The book "When English Rings a Bell" is very positive and indicates that this book is an effective and useful material in English learning in junior high school.

    B). Language Level.
    The language level of the "When English Rings a Bell" textbook is not explicitly stated in the search results provided. The textbook is mentioned in the context of a study evaluating its appropriateness for eighth grade students, suggesting that it is likely suitable for eighth grade level or slightly higher. The textbook is organized systematically and follows the complexity of activities in each chapter, it is arranged from simple to complex activities and has a clear instruction for each activity, although some activities contain unclear or ambiguous instructions.

    C). Skills Included.
    The "When English Rings a Bell" textbook is designed for seventh-grade junior high school students in Indonesia and covers various English language skills, including:
    - Listening
    - Speaking
    - Reading
    - Writing
    These language skills, the textbook also focuses on developing life skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

    D). Types Of Assessment and Feedback.
    The "When English Rings a Bell" textbook includes various types of assessments and feedback for different language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The textbook uses a combination of imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive, and extensive speaking tasks to assess students' speaking skills. The textbook also includes reading and listening exercises to assess students' comprehension skills. The assessment and feedback provided in the textbook are designed to help students improve their language skills and provide teachers with information to evaluate students' progress.

    E). Design and Layout.
    The "When English Rings a Bell" textbook has a systematic design and layout, organized based on the complexity of activities in each chapter. It follows a consistent format throughout the book, with clear instructions for each activity. The textbook is divided into eleven chapters, each with a theme and subdivided into sections based on topics and activities. The textbook is designed to provide a clear framework for both teachers and students.

  4. Group 9

    Ana Rosita aliza 211230013
    Mumun munjiah 211230022

    "English in Mind" by Herbert Puchta is a English textbook for teenagers presenting relevant everyday-life material. Its language suits students' comprehension, and the skills taught include speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The book offers various types of assessments with feedback to help students improve their abilities. Its design is attractive and easy to navigate, making it an effective learning resource for students.

  5. Group 5
    Name: - afiatul hasanah 211230017
    - Wanda Octaviani 211230003
    Textbook: English ini Focus
    1. Book Contents: "English for Middle School" covers a variety of topics, from basic vocabulary to more complex grammar. The material is presented in contexts that are relevant to students' daily lives, such as family, school and daily activities. "English for Middle School" may be more tailored to local curricula or the needs of students in a particular region. Materials may place greater emphasis on cultural context or local situations.
    2. Language Level: These two books usually offer material appropriate to the language level of middle school students, usually starting at the basic level and increasing the language gradually.
    3. Skills Included: Both books teach reading, writing, listening, and speaking through a comprehensive English language learning approach.
    4. Types of Assessment and Feedback: Both "English in Focus" and "English for Middle School" typically use various types of tests, exercises, and projects to evaluate how well students understand and master the material. Teachers usually provide feedback through answer keys, solutions, or evaluations.
    5. Design and Layout: The design and layout of these two books may differ depending on the publisher and compiler, but they are usually designed in a way that is attractive and easy for students to understand. Both books offer a comprehensive approach to English learning for middle school students taking these factors into account. They also offer differences that may be related to local curricula and teacher preferences.

  6. group 6th
    syauqi oktavari_211230009
    adzra billaizah _211230016

    book title : English Primary 1 Pupil’s Daily Reader
    author : Katuura Catherine, Mutesi Maureen, Kayirangwa Mary Assumpta
    publisher: 2015 Rwanda Education Board

    educational level : elementary school


    a) book content:
    - The cover and content of this English Primary 1 Pupil's Daily Reader textbook contain 10 materials namely Greeting people, Describing classroom objects, People at home and school, Body Parts and Clothes, Describing food, Describing position, home, Domestic animals, Daily activities, and Story telling
    - However, to enhance student engagement, it may be beneficial to consider adding more interesting topics, such as a greater variety of short stories.

    b) language level
    - The language utilized is tailored to the comprehension level of primary
    - The sentences are straightforward and readily understandable, using everyday vocabulary.

    c) skill include
    - This book focuses on writing and reading skills, which are crucial for the early stages of learning English. However, to broaden communicative skills, it may be considered to include more oral activities, such as role-plays or discussions.

    d) assessment and feedback
    The type of assessment used in this book is fill in the blanks.

    e) layout and design
    the layout and design are colourful and appropriate for children. The book is designed with a clear structure

  7. Group 13
    1. Siti Nurhakiki (211230028)
    2. Ratu Virdy (211230006)
    Textbook: My Next Words 5

    Evaluated aspects:
    1. Book’s content
    The content of the book is appropriate to be taught to young learners at grade 5 level. This book makes learning student-centered. The book is designed with topics suitable for young learners where the topics are:
    1. What delicious Bakso
    2. I want an ice cream cone
    3. How much is it?
    4. I've got a stomachache
    5. What a nice skirt
    6. Parts pf our body that work together
    7. How tall are you?
    8. The geraffe is taller than the deer.
    9. The elephant is the biggest
    10. I like playing Balap Karung
    With this topic, students can recognize different flavors of food in English, ask and express the quantity of something, praise something, compare one thing to another, express what they feel and express what they like.

    2. Language level
    The language used in this book is suitable for young learners. However, in this book there are some shortened words such as "I've" which might make students at this level a little confused. Maybe it would be better if it is written in full like "I have". As for the word choice, it is simple and easy to understand, it makes this book is suitable for students at this level.

    3. Skills included
    This book contains all the students' language skills such as listening (this is obtained when the teacher explains or imitates the pronunciation of a word), speaking, reading and writing. It also includes activities to increase students' vocabulary and grammar skills. The book even includes critical thinking skills through assignments such as matching one picture to another, and other such activities.

    4. Types of assessment and feedback
    This book contains several types of assessments to find out the extent of students' abilities. In this book there is also a column for students to express how they feel after learning. Such as whether they are happy to learn the topic, how their understanding after learning the topic and so on. And there is also a self-reflection column for students to know their ability on the topic taught. Such as whether they can use the new vocabulary they got in their daily life and so on.

    5. Design and Layout
    The cover of the book is attractive enough to attract the attention of learners at this level, the layout and design of the book is very suitable for young learners because it is colorful and contains many pictures in the explanation. The organization is structured for each unit.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Group 12
    Aulia Suciawati 211230001
    Yel Yel Iffatunnisa 211230004
    Text Book : Students Book My Next World for Elementary School Grade 4

    Book content
    In the content of the "students book my next world" for elementary school for grade 4, it is very diverse and good. It contains material that is suitable for children of their age. The material presented is accompanied by games, songs, and examples of examples contained in the pictures. The material presented is also poured in real life situations that will bring students to be able to feel and apply it in real situations.

    Language level
    This book uses a Language that matches the expected language level for 4th graders. The sentences are clear and easy to understand, suitable for understanding English at a basic level. There are materials presented according to the abilities of 4th grade students.

    Skills included
    In this book, there is a lot of scientific approach. Where students can mobilize their ability to match the material with the picture, answer questions, equalize content, find answers in the picture, combine, and classify. In this book some media games can be played in groups so that it requires cohesiveness and cooperation between students, in the games that have been presented also encourage students to exchange ideas between group friends and think critically.

    Assessment and feedback
    the assessment techniques in this book are independent and group. in independent assignments, this book has presented many questions about grouping, context adjustment, and observation. in this method, what is assessed is the accuracy of students' answers. in group assessments, this book has also provided media games that students and teachers can play. in this method, what is assessed is group cohesiveness, suitability, speed, and dexterity, both within the scope of the group and individuals in the group.

    Design and layout
    The design of this book is interesting and in accordance with its target audience, 4th graders. The use of bright colors and interesting illustrations can enrich the student learning experience. The layout of the text and images in this book is also well structured, making it easier for students to understand the material presented. This is important to ensure the effectiveness of learning and also helps students to focus on the material being studied. The use of headings, subheadings, and key points also helps in guiding the reader through the contents of the book.

  10. Group 10;
    - Septi qinqin (211230002)
    - Hayatun nufus (211230021)

    Analysis of the textbook "My Next Words Grade 6 - Student's Book for Elementary School"

    • This book contains learning material that is in accordance with the curriculum for grade 6 students and covers topics with content such as those in chapter 1 with the objective: use of the simple past, as well as marking the language focus: Verb2, namely;
    Studied, Watched, Cooked, Called, Listened, Played, Danced, Washed, Talked, Looked, Visited, Kicked, Wrote, Slept, Read, Went.

    • The language used in this textbook is also in accordance with the understanding of grade 6 students. The language used is clear, simple and easy to understand by students at that level of education.
    This textbook also includes skills that are in accordance with the educational curriculum for grade 6 students, including reading, writing, arithmetic, critical thinking and other skills. as well as the assessment.

    • The design and layout of this textbook are very attractive, such as illustrations, graphics and layout. which makes it easier for students to learn.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Group 8
    - Uswatun Hassanah 211230024
    - Siti Afifah Faziah 211230025
    TBI 6A
    My Next Words Grade 3 - Student’s Book for Elementary School
    Unit Title: Do you like swimming?
    Class: 3

    1. Book's Content
    a) The concept of introducing hobbies is presented in a simple and easy-to-understand way for grade 3 students.
    b) New vocabulary and phrases are accompanied by interesting pictures or illustrations.
    c) The order of presentation of the material is logical, starting from the introduction of their hobby and their friend's hobby.

    2. Language Level
    • Difficulty level: Language used in Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook is appropriate for the English language level of 3rd-grade elementary school students. The sentences are simple and easy to understand, with vocabulary commonly used in everyday life.
    • Accuracy: Language used in Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook is accurate and conforms to the rules of good English. This can help students learn English properly.
    • Clarity: Explanation in Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook is clear and easy to understand. This is helped by the use of interesting pictures and illustrations.

    3. Skills Included
    • Speaking skills: Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook helps students in improving their English speaking skills. This is done through various exercises and activities contained in the unit, such as dialogue, role play, and presentations.
    • Reading skills: Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook helps students in improving their English reading skills. This is done through various reading texts that are interesting and appropriate to the student's ability level.
    • Writing skills: Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook helps students in improving their English writing skills. This is done through various writing exercises, such as writing stories.
    • Listening skills: Unit 4 "Do You Like Swimming?" This textbook helps students in improving their English listening skills. This is done through various audio recordings contained in the unit, such as songs, stories, and conversations.

    4. Assessment And Feedback
    • Short answer questions: students fill in yes or no tables.
    • Drawings or illustrations: in the textbook, students are asked to look at the illustrations and circle the word that corresponds to the activity.
    • Sentence completion or cloze activities: Students fill in blanks with correct sentences
    • oral assessment
    In each question in the textbook, the teacher checks and corrects by repeating the words given as feedback after the assessment.

    5. Design And Layout
    • Age Appropriateness: The illustrations and images are attractive and colorful but not too busy, making them appropriate for elementary school-age children. However, some characters or objects may be too detailed or abstract for students at certain levels to understand. The unit uses a good combination of illustrations, photos, and text.
    • Clarity and Simplicity: The illustrations and other design elements are easy for elementary students to understand. However, the backgrounds of some pages may be too busy and distract from focusing on the main content.
    • Organization: The order of presentation of the material is logical and makes it easy for students to follow the learning. however, the division instruction and activity text areas could be more clearly separated using colors, lines, or borders.
    • White Space: The distance between lines of text and illustrations is sometimes too tight, so the page feels full and crowded. on the other hand, there is enough space around the edges of the page to avoid the impression of tightness.
    • Readability: The fonts used are easy to read and the color contrast of the text with the background is generally good.

  13. GROUP 1 :
    1. Nabila Salsabila-211230010
    2. Yati Nurhayati- 211230029
    3. Pita Septi - 211230030

    Book Title: My next word (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=

    Author: EYLC Team
    Publisher: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan
    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan dan Perbukuan
    Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
    Level : Elementary School


    1. Book Content:
    Contains 12 contents that are very sequential in material, very good because it doesn't cause confusion in the teaching material, because it starts with material about easy questions such as "what are you doing?" and at the end learn about a quite complex sentence, namely "he goes to school by bike".

    2. Language Level:
    Because this is a handbook for language teachers, it is easy enough to understand to be passed on to their students.

    3. Skills Included:
    In this book the learning outcomes or achievements are listening and speaking, with the content of the material in the book being sufficient to achieve these achievements.

    4. Types of Assessment and Feedback:
    The assessment in this book is very adaptive to the material in the book, but in each chapter there are several assessments such as reading, writing, and speaking, and listening assessments, it is already very complete.

    5. Design and Layout:
    The design and layout of this book is quite attractive and colorful for young learners, but there are some words that seem to be written wrong (typo), and there are some colors that contradict the color of the text, it is better to avoid such as old brown paired with black.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Group 11
    • Syifa Fauziah_211230012
    • Zaenissa Kamilah_211230026

    Textbook : The Wonders of the Natural World: Exploring the Beauty of Earth
    Publisher : Bali Tourism Polytechnic Research and Community Service Center

     Book Content : A textbook that describes the wonders of the natural world. The book describes a wide range of natural worlds, including mountains, rivers and forests. The book also presents interesting pictures and contains useful information for beginners. This book is very useful for students who are learning geography or natural science.

     Language Level : The language level of the book "The Wonders of the Natural World: Exploring the Beauty of Earth" is English. This book is a textbook that uses a lot of pictures and illustrations to make reading easier. The book also uses graphics and 3-D terrain models to clarify the information described.

     Skills include : This book uses attractive images and contains useful information for beginners. The images used in this book are attractive and make reading easier. This book also uses 3-D terrain models and other images to make reading easier.

     Types of Assessment and Feedback : The assessment for this book is very good because it uses 3-D terrain models to clarify the information described.

     Design and Layout : The design and layout of the book "The Wonders of the Natural World: Exploring the Beauty of Earth" is a neat and structured design. The book uses a layout that is easy to understand, with structured and organized sections. The book also uses interesting pictures and contains useful information for beginners. The book uses colors that illustrate the theme of tourism and the universe. The colors used in this book are perfect colors and make reading easier. The book also uses an easy-to-read font, which makes reading easier.

  16. Group 8
    Maryatul Qibtiya 211230034
    Sefti Alifhiani 211230059

    Textbook title: Let's Sing a Song Bahasa Inggris Paket C Setara SMA
    1. Book contents: This book is about Unit 1 focuses on singing songs as a way to learn English, while Unit 2 focuses on narrating stories. The content likely includes reading passages, vocabulary exercises, listening activities, speaking practice, and assignments to reinforce learning. material of song lyrics and folk legends, learners can learn the vocabulary that has been provided in the "vocabulary activity" along with examples of its use and exercises to make their own sentences with the vocabulary that has been learned. The "structure" material is given below according to the "structure" used in each song and folklore. To understand the content of the story, learners can complete exercises related to the message contained in the folk legends and lyrics.

    2. Language Level: Based on the title "Let's Sing a Song Bahasa Inggris Paket C Setara SMA," it seems to be a textbook designed for high school level students (Setara SMA) in Indonesia. The language level appears to be intermediate to advanced, as it includes activities such as reading comprehension, vocabulary study, listening, speaking, and assignments related to singing, storytelling, and narration in English. So, the textbook likely targets students who have already acquired basic English skills and are now expanding their proficiency.
    3. Skills Included:
    * Reading: The textbook likely includes reading passages or texts for students to practice comprehension and develop their reading skills.
    * Vocabulary Building: There seems to be a dedicated section for vocabulary study, suggesting exercises or activities to expand students' vocabulary and improve their word knowledge.
    * Listening: It appears that there are listening activities included, which could involve listening to spoken English passages or dialogues to enhance listening comprehension.
    * Speaking: The textbook likely provides opportunities for students to practice speaking English, either through oral activities or speaking exercises, encouraging them to communicate in the language.
    * Assignments: Throughout the units, there are assignments provided, which could be in various formats such as written exercises, projects, or assessments, aimed at reinforcing and evaluating students' understanding of the material.

    4.Types of Assessment and Feedback
    1. Types of Assessement
    Because this textbook is focuses on "Sing a Song" the assessement form most likely for example, reading comprehension, listening, speaking and oral activity. Not only those parts, but also this textbooks used multiple choice for their assessement.
    2. Feedback
    Engaging Content: The incorporation of songs into language learning is an innovative and engaging approach. It not only makes the learning process enjoyable but also enhances retention and comprehension.
    Cultural Immersion: By integrating songs in English, the textbook provides students with exposure to authentic cultural elements. This immersion aids in understanding nuances of language use, idiomatic expressions, and cultural references.
    Language Proficiency: The selection of songs seems to cater to various proficiency levels, allowing for gradual progression in language skills. It's essential to include a mix of difficulty levels to accommodate different learning needs and abilities.

    5. The Design and Layout
    The design and layout of "Let's Sing a Song: Bahasa Inggris Paket C Setara SMA" are crucial elements that contribute to its effectiveness as a language learning resource. *Cover Design*: The cover likely features vibrant colors and dynamic imagery to appeal to high school students. It may include musical elements such as musical notes, instruments, or silhouettes of singers to convey the focus on songs and music in language learning.

  17. Group 7 6B
    * Triana Ramadhanti 211230054
    * Hanifa Maudy Nursyahida 211230055

    Author: Lala Intan Gemala, dkk
    Publisher: Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan
    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan dan Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
    Level: Elementary School

    * Book content: the book "my next word" enables learners to interact with others, both teachers and friends. teachers and their friends. As the rule of language acquisition, the ability to listen and respond should be prioritized at an early stage in the lower grades. "My Next Words" is developed with a model that begins the introduction of language contextually.
    * Language level: the language level of "my next word" uses language that is easy for students to understand because the language used is very simple for low-grade learners. And the language used can be interpreted in everyday life.
    * Skills included: The textbook "my next word" which is specialized for 1st grade learners includes several skills including:
    - listening
    - Reading
    - Speaking
    - Writing.
    The four skills are able to build students' critical thinking and creativity.
    * Assessment and Feedback: In the textbook, there are assessments that are mostly individual tasks and are Formative Assessments. The assessments in this book are related to vocabulary comprehension, also practicing reading dialogs, and equipped with games and of course there is feedback given by the teacher regarding the correction of the assessment results from young learners.
    * Design and Layout: The design and layout in this book is in accordance with the requirements of the textbook where the design presented must be attractive by presenting illustrative images, there are songs that are in accordance with the material because the textbook we analyzed is a textbook for young learners grade 1 elementary school level. And for the font size in this book is also easy to read. Which makes young learners will understand more about the design and layout displayed in the textbook.

  18. class : 6B TBI

    Ika Intan Nurul Wahidah: 211230041
    Nayla Fadlia Chozin: 211230038

    Tittle book : "Super Safari" by National Geographic Learning

    Super Safari is a colorful and engaging course that introduces young learners (ages 7-9) to English through the exciting world of animals and their habitats. Each unit takes students on a journey to a different continent where they learn about the animals that live there, their descriptions and the sounds they make.

    2.Language Level
    The language level is beginner-friendly, with a focus on basic vocabulary and grammar structures. Repetition is used throughout the units to help students solidify their learning.

    3.Skills Included
    Listening: Students develop their listening skills through exposure to English songs, chants, and dialogues.
    Speaking: Students are encouraged to participate in fun and interactive activities that get them speaking English from the very beginning.
    Reading: Students begin to recognize high-frequency words and simple sentences.
    Writing: Students practice writing skills through fun activities like filling in blanks and labeling pictures.

    4.Assessment and Feedback
    The book includes a variety of assessment tools, such as stickers, self-assessment checklists, and achievement tests. Teachers can also provide ongoing feedback through observation and interaction with students during activities.

    5.Design and Layout
    Super Safari features a bright and colorful design that is sure to capture the attention of young learners. The layout is clear and uncluttered, with large illustrations and plenty of white space. The book also includes interactive elements, such as flaps and pop-ups, to keep students engaged.

  19. Group 11
    Ainaya Rahayu 211230052
    Neli Amaliyah 211230032

    Book Title: Amazing English 1
    Publisher: Oxford University Press
    Education Level: Primary School Grade 1

    Book Content:
    This book contains various learning units that focus on themes of interest to 7-8-year-olds, such as family, friends, animals, and food.
    The material in this book is delivered creatively and interactively, using a variety of activities such as songs, games, stories, and practical activities.
    The book is also equipped with interesting and colorful pictures to help children understand the material more easily.

    Language Level:
    The language used in this book is appropriate for the language level of children aged 7-8 years.
    The sentences are short and simple, and the vocabulary is easy to understand.
    The book also uses a lot of everyday language that children often use.

    Skills Included:
    This book helps children develop a range of English skills, such as:
    1. Listening
    2. Speaking
    3. Reading
    4. Writing
    This book also helps children develop critical thinking, creativity, and cooperation skills.

    Types of Assessment and Feedback:
    This book provides a wide variety of assessment activities to help teachers measure students' learning progress.
    These assessment activities vary from oral questions, and written questions, to projects.
    The book also provides guidelines for providing constructive feedback to students.

    Design and Layout:
    The design of the book is attractive and colorful, and the layout is neat and easy to understand.
    The book uses many attractive pictures and illustrations to help children understand the material more easily.
    The font size is large enough and easy for children to read.

    Amazing English 1 is a good textbook for children aged 7-8 years old who are just learning English. The book contains interesting and appropriate material for children's language level and comes with a wide range of activities to help children develop their English skills. The book's attractive design and neat layout also help to make the learning process more enjoyable for children.

  20. GROUP 3
    Sintia Wati_211230040
    Siti Indah_211230045
    Title : "English Primary 1 Pupil's Daily Reader"
    Author : Katuura Catherine, Mutesi Maureen, Kayirangwa Mary Assumpta
    Published : Rwanda Education Board (2015)
    Text book analysis
    BOOK CONTENT: The book "English Primary 1 Pupil's Daily Reader" contains reading materials for students at the elementary level. Each unit contains lessons, exercises, and stories aimed at improving English language skills. Topics covered include greetings, descriptions of items, people at home and at school, body parts and clothing, food, daily activities, and storytelling.
    LANGUAGE LABEL: This book is written with English labels and is aimed at primary level students who are learning English as a second language or as part of their curriculum.
    SKILLS INCLUDED: The focus of this book is to improve basic English skills, such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. The content is designed to improve these skills through activities that increase vocabulary, practice, and comprehension. The purpose of adding stories and audio lessons is to improve listening and speaking skills.
    ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK: The book doesn't explicitly state whether it contains specific assessment or feedback methods, but the lesson materials are usually accompanied by teacher guides or additional resources that may contain assessment tools or recommendations for assessing student progress. It is not clear how assessment and feedback are incorporated into the book if there is no additional information.
    DESIGN AND LAYOUT: There is no detailed information about the design and layout of the book in its content. However, educational materials for young students often use attractive visual elements such as colorful illustrations, clear fonts, and organized page layouts to improve readability and attract students' attention. To support students' comprehension and vocabulary acquisition, the book may include diagrams, pictures, or visuals.

  21. GROUP 4
    Resti Nur Apriani_211230049
    Mariyam Syahana Ardi Permata_211230050

    Author: Ihsan Ramadhan
    Book title: Hard Work Leads To Success
    Level: Sixth grade elementary school

    Book Content:
    This book discusses the role and position of Indonesia in the economic field within the scope of ASEAN as stated in the book that students are instructed to watch a yt video in order to understand and be able to answer various questions sourced from the yt video.

    Skills Include:
    Understanding factual knowledge by observing (listening, observing, reading, and questioning) and questioning based on curiosity about himself, God's creatures and their activities, and the objects he encounters at home, school, and play.

    The book contains basic GPA competitions and learning objectives as well as materials and questions that will be tested by students.

  22. GROUP 9

    Rizka Juliana Pribadi (211230039)
    Annisa Navira (211230047)

    Book title: English Primary 2 Pupil’s Book
    Author: Catherine Katuura , Maureen Mutesi , Mary Assumpta Kayirangwa
    Publisher: Rwanda Education Board
    Education level: Elementary school

    1. Book's content: This book provides relevant topics for the students of the 2nd grade of primary school. According to the issue under discussion, an appropriate book's content must align with the needs and interests of the learners. Additionally, providing topics that resonate with students fosters deeper understanding and connection to the material.

    2. Language level: This book is appropriate and suitable for primary school students in terms of its level of language. Simple vocabulary or sentences ensure that the students can understand the material. A book with no complex language structure and a language level that matches students' current language proficiency, supports their language development.

    3. Skills included: An effective learning material shall not only support language development but also offer certain improvements in abilities and skills. This book offers multiple exercises through several practice sections that could foster students' critical thinking skills, memorizing skills, reading comprehension, writing skills, vocabulary expansion, and so on. Exercises such as, fill in the blanks, matching the following, identifying the pictures, written dialogues, and mathematics are multifaceted approach that ensures students must not only improve their language proficiency but also enhancing essential cognitive and academic skills necessary for academic success.

    4. Types of Assessment and Feedback: The book is divided into several units, each focusing on a specific topic, such as greetings, sports, food, storytelling, and mathematics. Each unit includes various types of assessments, including exercises, stories, and activities, to help children develop their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.

    The book is written following a learner-centered approach, which encourages children to actively engage in the learning process. It also includes a range of resources, such as alphabet charts, illustrations, and exercises, to support children's understanding of the concepts being taught. Along with reflecting the local culture and surroundings, the book is also designed to be culturally relevant through its exercises and examples. Pupils are better able to connect with the content and understand how important English is in their everyday lives as a result.

    Additionally, the book offers teachers and students options for feedback. For instance, students are asked to write about themselves, their age, and where they reside in the "Talking about oneself" portion of Unit 1. Teachers can take this as an opportunity to offer suggestions and direction on writing skills.

    5. The Design and Layout: The "English Primary 2 Pupil’s" book has an eye-catching layout and well-organized design. The book's layout is learner-centered and emphasizes students' active participation. It is simple to read and navigate because to the book's consistent use of color and typeface.The layout of the book includes a table of contents, a list of authors and advisors, and a section on textbook approval. Each unit begins with an introduction that explains the purpose of the unit. Overall, the design and layout of the "English Primary 2 Pupil’s Book" are well-suited to support children's English language development in a fun and engaging way.

  23. Group 12
    - Nita Noviyanti Rahayu (211230046)
    - Sheefmy Natawila Puteri (211230056)

    Book: "Grow with English 3"
    Publisher: Erlangga

    "Grow with English 3" is a textbook designed to teach English to children at a basic level. This book is often used in elementary schools, especially in third grade, as part of the English curriculum.

    Analysis results:
    1. Book's content: This book contains a variety of content, such as short stories, dialogues, interactive exercises, and picture-based activities. This content is designed to interest children and encourage them to actively participate in learning.

    2. Language level: This book displays a language level appropriate for readers who are still learning English. The use of vocabulary and sentence structure is adjusted to the level of understanding of children at that age. The sentences are clear and simple, making it easy to understand and learn English for developing readers.

    3. Skills included: This book presents a variety of English skills including listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Through various activities and exercises, readers will be invited to improve their understanding of vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure. In addition, this book also integrates critical thinking and problem-solving skills in an English context, helping readers develop their overall communication skills.

    4. Types of assessments and feedback: This book includes various types of assessments to measure a reader's progress and understanding in English. The assessments provided include listening and reading comprehension tests, writing exercises, and oral activities such as speaking roles. Apart from that, there are also project assignment exercises that integrate English language skills with real-life contexts, thereby helping readers apply what they learn in everyday situations. With these variations in assessment types, this book can comprehensively measure various aspects of readers' English abilities.

    5. Design and layout: These books come with interesting illustrations and pictures, which help clarify the content and make learning more fun for children.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Nurul Hijah Iliatul Aulia 211230053
    Putri Datin Hulliyani 211230060
    Fatmiati 211230058

    Author: Alfitriani Siregar
    Book title: metode pengajaran bahasa inggris anak usia dini
    Published: September 2018

    1.Content: The textbook covers a wide range of foundational concepts relevant to early childhood education, including child development stages, play-based learning, and inclusive teaching practices.
    2.Language Level: The language used is generally clear and accessible, although some technical terms could be explained more explicitly for readers with limited educational backgrounds.
    3.Skills Included: The textbook effectively emphasizes teaching skills such as fostering social-emotional development, promoting literacy and numeracy, and adapting activities for diverse learners.
    4.Types of Assessment and Feedback: Assessment strategies such as observation techniques and formative assessment are well-explained, and there are examples of providing constructive feedback to support children's learning.
    5.Design and Layout: The design is visually appealing and child-friendly, with a well-organized layout that makes it easy for educators and parents to navigate and locate information.

  26. Group 5 :
    - Della Fadiana 211230042
    - Ida Yuliyanti 211230035

    Book Title: Class IV theme 2 Always Save Energy
    Author: Angi St. Anggari, Afriki, Dara Retno Wulan, Nuniek Puspitawati, Lely Mifthachul Khasanah, Santi Hendriyeti



    Book Content:
    Always Save Energy might contain several main chapters, such as:
    1. Introduction to Energy
    Defining energy, its importance in daily life, and natural and man-made sources of energy.
    2. Renewable and Non-renewable Energy Sources
    Differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, examples of each, and the importance of transitioning to renewable energy.
    3. Ways to Save Energy
    Practical tips and techniques for saving energy at home and at school, including activities that children can do, such as turning off unused lights, using water wisely, etc.
    4. The Impact of Energy Conservation on the Environment
    How saving energy can reduce the carbon footprint, decrease pollution, and generally support the health of the planet.
    5. Energy Saving Projects
    Activities that engage students in direct involvement in energy-saving projects at school or in their communities.

    Language Level:
    The book likely uses simple and understandable Indonesian language with straightforward explanations. The language should be friendly for children aged 9-10, using illustrations and analogies to help them understand potentially complex concepts.

    Skills Included:
    - Critical thinking skills: Analyzing daily habits that affect energy consumption and how small changes can have a big impact.
    - Scientific skills: Understanding the basics of physics related to energy and its use.
    - Social and collaborative skills: Working in teams on class projects or group activities to implement energy-saving solutions.

    Types of Assessment and Feedback:
    - Written tests: To test theoretical understanding of key concepts.
    - Project reports: Evaluation of energy-saving projects carried out by students, either individually or in groups.
    - Ongoing observation and assessment: Teachers observe and provide feedback on student participation in class activities and discussions.

    Design and Layout:
    The design of this book is likely bright and engaging, with many pictures, diagrams, and infographics supporting the text. The layout should be child-friendly, with a clear division between theory and practical activities/exercises. Fact and tip boxes might be added to provide additional visually interesting information.

  27. Group 1:
    - Alfi Fithrotul Aini (211230048)
    - Fidela Anidya (211230033)

    Book Analysis

    Book Title: English For Young Learners
    Author: Suardi S.Pd M.M

    1. Book Content
    - This book is designed to help children learn English in a fun and interactive way.
    - The book material is organized coherently, starting from the introduction of the alphabet, pronunciation, words, sentences, to basic conversation.
    - Each material is equipped with interesting pictures that help children understand concepts and absorb information.
    - The book is also equipped with various activities and games that can help children practice the English they have learned.

    2. Language Level
    - The language used in this book is adapted to children's English level.
    - The sentences are short and easy to understand.
    - The vocabulary used is also chosen to be common and easy to learn by children.
    - Explanations are given in a clear and concise manner.

    3. Skills Included
    This book helps children develop various English skills, such as:
    - Reading
    - Writing
    - Listening
    - Speaking
    - Vocabulary
    - Grammar

    4. Types of Assessment and Feedback
    - This book comes with a variety of exercises and games that can be used to assess children's skills.
    - Feedback is given directly through the answers to the exercises and games.
    - Parents or teachers can also give verbal feedback to children.

    5. Design and Layout
    - The design of this book is attractive and colorful, so it can attract children's attention.
    - The layout of the book is neat and easy to read.
    - The pictures used in this book are also interesting and relevant to the material being studied.

    Overall, English For Young Learners by Suardi S.Pd M.M is a good book to help children learn English in a fun and interactive way. The book is equipped with various materials, activities, and games that can help children develop various English skills. The design and layout of this book is also attractive and easy to read, so that it can make children more enthusiastic in learning.

    - To improve the quality of this book, more interactive activities and games can be added.
    - The material can also be expanded to cover a wider range of topics.
    - In addition, this book can also be equipped with audio or video that can help children learn English better.

  28. Nazini: 211230057
    Sajidah quratul Aini: 211230036
    Dinda Fatimah: 211230031

    Author: EYLC Team
    Title: My New Words
    For Elementary School Grade 1
    Original Title: My Next Words/EYLC Team – Teacher's Book

    1). Book contents/material: In the book there are several units, namely: 1). How are you? ,2). Hi, I am KIMI. Meow. 3). My name is Joshua, 4). My number is ten .5). I have four books, 6). My garden is colorfull 7). It's a big circle
    (Semester 2), 8). I have pencils, 9). At Cici's farm 5, 10). She is Cici and he is Made 11). Aisyah's family, 12). She has some fruits, 13). I like fruits.

    2). Language level: The language level in this book is appropriate and good, to be taught at primary school education level grades 1, 2, 3 because the language is easy for children to understand.

    3). Skills: The skills from this book are reading and understanding what the teacher is explaining, after that you can practice dialogue between two people but using the words that the teacher explained earlier.

    4). Types of assessment & feedback: Formative Assessment: Assessment conducted during the learning process to monitor student progress and provide feedback that can help improve their understanding. Then the feedback is reflection between students and teachers regarding the learning that has been carried out.

    5). Design & layout: The design and layout are good & structured in each unit and are simple and easy to understand.

  29. Putri Ramadanti_211230051
    Siska Sari_211230043
    An English language textbook for 8th grade middle school students should be tailored to their level of comprehension at that age. Such a book may cover topics such as basic grammar, expanded vocabulary, reading and understanding more complex texts, and more advanced writing skills like crafting short essays or narratives.

    The skills included in the book might encompass listening and speaking comprehension, practicing speaking in various situations, understanding written texts at an appropriate difficulty level, and writing with more complex structure and richer language styles.

    Types of assessment in the book might include formative and summative tests, exercises within the book, as well as writing or speaking projects that allow students to demonstrate their understanding and application of the material they've learned.

    Feedback in the book might include model answers for exercises, clear assessment criteria for specific tasks, and guidance for improvement and development of English language skills for students.

    The design and layout of the book should be engaging and student-friendly, with relevant illustrations, easily understandable texts, and clear, easy-to-follow instructions. The provided subsections should be systematically and progressively organized, allowing students to build their knowledge gradually.
