Thursday 4 April 2024


    For the mid-semester exam, students are required to answer the questions provided via this link. The answer to the first question will be posted on the blog column by 11:00 pm. In addition to this, students should work on the second question in the WhatsApp group. which will be due by next Tuesday at 23:00. I hope you enjoy the exam!. Have a great time doing it 


  1. Name : Aidah Rohmawati (232623102)
    Class : Pasca Regular 1

    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in language learning is becoming increasingly popular as it offers a range of benefits to teachers and learners. Although its existence is still new, it has great potential to improve the quality of education in the country.
    Here are some examples of how artificial intelligence can be used in education in Indonesia, such as; Personalize learning, improve access to education, help teachers' work become easier, make learning more interesting.
    In addition to the benefits in Education, we must also overcome various challenges that need to be overcome so that artificial intelligence can be used effectively in education in Indonesia:
    1) Internet access: Not all students in Indonesia have adequate internet access to use artificial intelligence in education.
    2) Digital skills: Teachers and students in Indonesia need to be equipped with the necessary digital skills to use AI in education.
    3) Data availability: Artificial intelligence needs data to work properly. In Indonesia, there is still a lack of quality data for use in education.
    4) Device availability: Not all students have AI-compatible devices.
    5) Cost: AI technology can be expensive to implement.
    So, as artificial intelligence users and educators, we must be able to combine our ideas that are assisted by artificial intelligence instead of just relying on artificial intelligence. The government also needs to work with various parties, such as technology companies, academics, and civil society organizations, to overcome these challenges and ensure that artificial intelligence can be used to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

  2. siti masitoh (232623107)
    Pasca TBI Reg 1

    These days, I think AI has gained great attention in English language teaching, offering innovative approaches to enhance the learning experience. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in English learning has some benefits including AI can provide a personalized learning experience, and tailor learning materials, and methods according to the needs and ability level of each student. This helps maximize learning efficiency and effectiveness AI can provide instant feedback to students as they practice English skills, whether in terms of grammar, vocabulary, or pronunciation. This helps students correct their mistakes directly and improve their language skills faster. AI can make English learning more accessible to a wide range of people, including those who live in remote areas or have limited access to traditional educational resources. Students can access AI learning materials and tools online from anywhere and anytime. With the help of AI, students can get more opportunities to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English. AI can provide conversation simulations, listening exercises, reading texts, and diverse writing tasks, helping to strengthen all aspects of language skills.
    The use of AI itself in Indonesia is well known because internet access that has entered several remote areas is one of the factors that accelerate the use of AI as a means of making it easier for students to learn to use AI. Foreign language lessons have an important position in education in Indonesia, one of which is English. This lesson is expected to be able to form humans who can communicate with foreigners through languages from other countries.

    However, the use of AI in English learning should be done wisely. While AI can provide many benefits, it does not substitute for empathetic and understanding human interaction. Therefore, a learning approach that uses AI technology will be better if human teaching continues to collaborate to produce something that is to student expectations and goals.

  3. Name : Nasihatul Ummah (232623104)
    Class : Post Graduate TBI Regular 1
    In this case, I have two perceptions. The first is as a learner/student the second is as a teacher. So, let me give some points according to my opinion.
    First, in my point of view when AI is used by students in learning language
    AI can make learning more interesting and interactive, by playing games that can expand knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. When learning is interactive and engaging, it makes students happy in the learning process, which can help students remember information better. Students can also access and use AI-powered language apps easily via mobile or computer. That way, they can learn anywhere. This convenience can help busy people who are unable to go to learning centers like tutoring to learn languages.

    And second, in my point of view when AI is used by teacher in presenting teaching materials.
    For a teacher, creating a conducive and pleasant learning atmosphere is one of the best achievements, and being able to foster students' interest and interest in learning a foreign language is also the best achievement. The existence of AI makes teachers realize everything, although the level of success depends on each teacher in delivering the teaching material. However, AI can help with things that are difficult for teachers to do. Some examples are finding various references to quality and appropriate teaching materials. In addition, by using AI as a tool, it can also help teachers in making lesson planning easily and selecting quality materials. Overall, AI can empower teachers to be more efficient in using their time and energy in completing administrative tasks. So that teachers can focus more on the important things, such as creating an effective learning environment and classroom for their students.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. As who is living in the industrial revolution 4.0, foreign learner of English that will also focus on delivering material in class must see tremendous beneficial offered by AI, especially in language education as well as the context of Indonesia's diverse linguistic landscapes.

    AI technology provides many learning experiences for not only students, but also teachers, gives direct feedback, all of which are very crucial for affective language acquisition. Like Indonesia, where the country has diverse languages of archipelago, AI can help to bridge language barriers and facilitate understanding among diverse languages. Indeed, the accessibility of AI platform eases learning education where it can also figure out to access multimedia learning content and interactive. Nevertheless, culture and linguistic sensitivity are to be considered in Indonesia, now that equitable access to technology and internet connectivity, particularly in rural and underserved areas of Indonesia is completely becoming problem.

    To sum up, I believe in that the use of AI technology is appropriate and holds great positive impact to whole the world, specifically to Indonesian education. However, it should be implemented thoughtfully, with a focus on culture and linguistic sensitivity, in order that AI can play a valuable role in advancing language education and promoting communication and understanding in Indonesia.

  6. Name: Nisa Khoiriyah
    Students number: 232623101

    In my opinion, artificial intelligence (AI) has both positive and negative effect on education. In the positive side, it can help both learners and educators to work more efficiently. AI can help us constructing ideas as well as creating sentences when we face difficulties.

    On the other hand, too often using AI without involving our own ideas I think can make our brain blunt because it isn't trained well as when we are used to think without using AI.

    In conclusion, AI can be both useful and threatening for our education.

  7. Name : Siti Anugrah Muharomah

    In my opinion about that is AI can be a very useful tool in language education, offering engaging learning experiences, immediate feedback, and very broad search access. In Indonesia, where language learning is important due to diverse language acquisition, AI can help overcome challenges such as access to education that cannot be achieved in the classroom and some lessons that may be poorly understood in the classroom. However, it is important to ensure that AI does not know our social culture and we must adapt it to the needs and context of Indonesian learners. Additionally, addressing the issue of the digital divide and ensuring balanced access to technology are important considerations for effective learning implementation.

    SN : 232623106
    Pascasarjana Reguler 1

    In my opinion, the use of AI in language education has many advantages while there are also concerns (but in this section I will only explain some of the advantages).
    As time progresses, we are required to be adaptive to progress and developments so that we can optimize technology to support the learning process. AI is almost always used by most academics, including students, teachers and lecturers for various purposes such as asking and solving questions, checking grammatical errors, checking plagiarism, paraphrasing, reviewing literature and so on. AI has made a big contribution to language learning, the following are some of the advantages of AI in language education:
    • The main advantage of using AI in language learning is its ability to provide rapid feedback and evaluation. With AI, language learning apps can analyze student responses instantly and provide specific feedback, in terms of pronunciation, grammar or comprehension.
    • AI can be used to provide exercises tailored to a student's individual ability level. Every student has a different learning pace and different needs in developing their language skills.
    • AI can help in the development of speaking skills through speech recognition technology. In language learning, good pronunciation is an important aspect that needs to be emphasized. This helps students to improve their pronunciation gradually and develop better speaking skills.
    • Apart from that, AI can also be used in developing writing skills. With the help of natural language processing technology, AI can provide grammar and writing suggestions and corrections to students.
    Although AI offers many benefits in language learning, it must be remembered that the role of the teacher is still very important. AI cannot replace the role of teachers as facilitators, motivators and sources of inspiration.

    Furthermore, is the use of AI appropriate to the educational context in Indonesia? In my opinion, yes of course. AI technology can strengthen and help realize the learning objectives in the Independent Curriculum, for example AI can be used to analyze student data quickly and accurately. By collecting and analyzing data about students' learning progress, strengths and weaknesses, AI can help teachers better understand students' individual needs. AI can also help teachers develop and manage learning content. AI can facilitate collaboration and communication between teachers and students. With platform AI-powered learning, teachers can assign assignments and monitor student progress efficiently.


  9. ST EFRI 4 April 2024 at 10:30
    Name: Naseef Efriza Al Hazimi
    Class: Pascasarjana reguler 1
    The presence of Al technology is a breakthrough in the field of education, to make learning easier. The use of technology in a "wise and controlled" manner can accelerate the acceleration of education. The emergence of artificial intelligence technology can also foster an independent nature in students. The teacher does not take such a dominant role, but is described specifically in the scope of providing enlightenment with substantial keywords. Here students can independently get language education with artificial intelligence- assisted self-study. Here students can learn knowledge without having to have a teacher, but to form morals and ethics there still has to be a teacher. Why? Because artificial intelligence is very poor at absorbing human emotions and feelings. Therefore, in using artificial intelligence, students and teachers must be wise in using it. Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence can be used in learning foreign languages such as English. For beginners, it is recommended that there be assistance when learning to use artificial intelligence. It is feared that if there is no help and direction, this could backfire on them because they will not be able to use it wisely.
    The use of artificial intelligence in Indonesia is quite in line with the easy, practical and efficient learning style of Indonesian children. Judging from the learning styles of children in Indonesia, they really want to learn something complicated easily, and that's where artificial intelligence comes into play to help make something complicated simple. Indonesian students also really like the speed of learning, because if they study for a long time, today's children will easily get bored and always complain. The presence of artificial intelligence helps them learn faster. Indonesian students really like time efficiency in studying, compared to schools abroad where the school is not long but the quality is good. This means that even though the learning is gradual, time is still used as a reference so that children do not get bored while learning. What must be cultivated now is joy in learning because they are cheerful during holidays. It must be understood that artificial intelligence does not have an emotional perspective that allows the opinion or answer of the artificial intelligence to be in accordance with its wishes, they still have to modify the answer to what they ask the artificial intelligence.
