Tuesday 2 April 2024


    The students learn about various topics related to teaching English to young learners. They gain knowledge and experience on how to effectively teach young learners. To assess their progress in this course, they are required to answer the questions provided in this link. They must post their answers in the comments section of this blog, and indicate the lecture time, their name, NIM, and class. Please make sure to follow these instructions carefully. Have a great time!. Have a great time doing it.


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  2. Name : Sefti Alifhiani
    NIM :211230059
    Class : EYL 6B/TBI
    1. I think the important role of teachers at school is very important. Teachers not only deliver material but they also shape students' character, values and attitudes. Teachers also help students develop important social, emotional and life skills for the future. In my school, only a few teachers fit the characteristics of a good teacher and fulfill the role of a teacher. There are some teachers who lack communication with their students, so students do not understand the material delivered by the teacher. Many teachers are also in accordance with good characteristics, such as being creative in delivering material so that students are not bored, there are always new innovations, carrying out good communication with students so that the closeness of students and teachers can help students if there is a misunderstanding of the subject matter or assignments that are not understood.

    2. The type of learning method that has been carried out by the teacher during learning is visual learning where the teacher when explaining uses pictures for more understanding for students. Auditory learning, English teachers use this learning method during the listening exam. Kinesthetic learning method is used by teachers in math lessons, students may use manipulative materials such as building blocks or cards to understand number or geometry concepts. Those are just some of the methods that I mentioned, there are many more methods that teachers do in school in learning.

    3. Lesson Plan: Introducing the Alphabet

    Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify and name all the letters of the alphabet.

    Grade Level:Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 2)

    Estimated time: 45 minutes

    Materials Needed:
    1. Alphabet chart or poster
    2. Flashcards with individual letters
    3. Whiteboard and markers
    4. Worksheets with alphabet tracing exercises
    5. Storybooks featuring alphabet themes

    Prerequisite Skills:

    • Basic understanding of spoken language.
    • Ability to differentiate between shapes and symbols.

    Lesson Procedure
    Introduction (5 minutes):

    • Show the alphabet chart or poster to the class.
    • Explain to the students that today they will be learning about the alphabet, which is a set of letters used to write words.
    • Encourage students to repeat the alphabet after you, emphasizing each letter clearly.

    Main Activity
    Letter Recognition Activity (10 minutes):

    • Introduce the flashcards with individual letters.

    • Hold up each flashcard, one at a time, and ask students to name the letter.
    • For each letter, provide a word that starts with that letter to help reinforce its sound. For example, "A is for apple."

    4. Alphabet Tracing (10 minutes):

    • Distribute worksheets with alphabet tracing exercises.
    • Demonstrate how to properly trace each letter, emphasizing correct stroke order and direction.
    • Allow students to practice tracing each letter independently. Provide assistance as needed.

    Alphabet Storytime (10 minutes):

    • Read a storybook featuring alphabet themes, such as "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.
    • As you read, point out each letter as it appears in the text and discuss its sound.
    • Encourage students to participate by identifying familiar letters.

    Closing (5 minutes):

    • Review the alphabet with the class one more time, encouraging students to say the letters aloud.
    • Ask students to share one thing they learned about the alphabet today.
    • Conclude the lesson with a closing activity, such as singing the alphabet song together.


    • Observe students during the activities to assess their ability to recognize and name letters.
    • Review completed worksheets to gauge their proficiency in tracing the alphabet.

    Extension Activities:

    • Play alphabet games such as "I Spy" or "Alphabet Bingo."
    • Have students create their own alphabet books, drawing pictures of objects that start with each letter.
    • Incorporate alphabet-themed crafts or songs into future lessons to reinforce learning.

  3. Name: Hanifa Maudy Nursyahida
    Nim: 211230055
    Class: EYL/TBI 6B

    1. I think the role of teachers in my school is very good and in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher, because in addition to the way of teaching that is in accordance with the standards, it also always makes students active and think critically during learning. And also dress very neatly and politely, because my teacher once said that teachers are examples for their students.
    There is only one drawback in my opinion, the lack of discipline in punctuality, so there is a cut in class hours which I feel makes the class less efficient and conducive.
    2. Problem-based learning: students are asked to get into groups of 5, then the teacher gives pieces of answer paper, from the pieces of answer paper students are asked to sort the correct answers to the questions given by the teacher. Then present it in front of the class.
    Scientific Approach: students are asked to find, collect and analyze 5 kinds of leaf shapes around the school (fingered, pinnate, curved, parallel and branched leaves) classify them, write the name of the leaf and its characteristics, and give reasons.
    3. * Topic: Family Tree
    * Level: Grade 5 Elementary School
    * Duration: 45 minutes
    * Objective:
    - Students can say family names in English.
    - Students can introduce family in English.
    * Props:
    - Family tree poster
    - YouTube animation video
    - Whiteboard and markers
    - Projector
    Learning Activities:
    * Introduction Activity (10 minutes)
    - The teacher greets the students in English and asks how they are.
    - The teacher shows a family tree poster and asks the students to mention it in English.
    * Core Activity (30 minutes)
    The teacher shows an animated video about family tree to the students.
    The teacher asks the students to mention what is in the family tree.
    Students are asked to introduce their family in front of the class.
    * Closing Activity (5 minutes)
    The teacher sings a song about family tree with the students.
    Teacher gives rewards to students who are active and participate in learning.
    The teacher says goodbye to the students.
    * Assessment:
    - The teacher observes students' activeness and participation during the lesson.
    - The teacher assesses the students' ability to mention their family names and introduce their family.

  4. Nama: Septi Qinqin
    NIM: 211230002
    Kelas: TBI6A

    1. Yes, my teacher has fulfilled the characteristics of a good teacher. because they have a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, They are able to communicate clearly and involve students in the learning process through various teaching methods, They can adapt their teaching styles to accommodate different learning styles and abilities in the classroom, They show empathy for students' struggles and have the patience to provide support and encouragement when needed, They also maintain a positive and productive learning environment by effectively managing classroom dynamics and behavior.
    2. The method my teacher usually uses is
    - Lecture Method: In this traditional method, teachers deliver information to students through spoken words. It's often used for introducing new concepts or providing an overview of a topic.
    - Discussion Method: This method involves engaging students in active discussions to promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration. Teachers facilitate discussions, ask probing questions, and encourage students to share their opinions and ideas.
    - Collaborative Learning: Students work together in groups to solve problems, complete tasks, or discuss ideas. This method fosters teamwork, communication skills, and peer learning.
    3. Lesson Plan: Introduction to Animals

    Grade Level: Elementary (3rd grade)

    Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify different animals and describe their characteristics.

    Materials Needed:
    Pictures or flashcards of various animals
    Whiteboard or flip chart
    Storybook about animals
    Worksheet with animal pictures for each student

    Duration: 45 minutes

    1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: animals.
    Engage students by asking questions such as: "What are some animals you know?" "What do animals do?" "How are animals different from each other?"
    2. Animal Introduction (10 minutes):
    Show pictures or flashcards of different animals one by one.
    Ask students to identify each animal and name it aloud.
    Write the names of the animals on the whiteboard or flip chart.
    Discuss basic characteristics of each animal (e.g., where they live, what they eat, how they move).

    3. Storytime (10 minutes):
    Read a storybook about animals to the students.
    Pause at key points to ask questions and encourage discussion about the animals in the story.
    Relate the animals in the story to those introduced earlier.

    4. Group Activity: Animal Matching (10 minutes):
    Divide the students into small groups.
    Distribute worksheets with pictures of animals to each group.
    Instruct students to match each animal with its name by drawing lines connecting them.
    Circulate among the groups to provide assistance and encouragement.

    5. Closing (5 minutes):
    Review the animals discussed in the lesson.
    Ask students to share one interesting thing they learned about animals today.
    Summarize the key points of the lesson and reinforce the importance of learning about animals.
    Homework: Assign students to draw their favorite animal and write a short description of it. Encourage them to share their drawings and descriptions in the next class.
    Assessment: Observe students' participation during group activities and their ability to identify animals and describe their characteristics. Review completed worksheets for accuracy and understanding.

  5. Name : Yana Amalia
    SRN : 191230030
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. The roles of teacher in my school
    The roles of teacher are subjective for helping students in achieving their learning goal. English teachers in elementary schools play a vital role in helping students develop essential language skills for connecting and implementing in students’ daily life. Using language instruction and classroom expression are basic roles that must be implemented by teacher, in order to the young learners can apply the expressions in their daily life. In line with that, as an EYL teacher it’s also important to master pronunciation before teaching the EYL, because they have tough memory in memorizing the words that the teacher said.
    There are some of characteristics of good teacher that I’ve been concluded. They are, passion for teaching and knowledgeable, effective communicator, innovative, and creative. Meanwhile, my experienced teacher is not majoring in English, that’s why no wonder if he is not really mastered in teaching English, especially for young learner.

    2. Kinds of learning method being used in my school
    I was still remembered, there was only one kind of learning method being used when I studied English in elementary school. The method is so monotonous and no engagement, the teacher stood in the front of the classroom and delivered information for an extended period without much interaction or engagement from students, it became monotonous for young learners. Monotonous learning methods can hinder engagement and enthusiasm among young learners.
    Instead of using the method, the teacher can apply other creative learning method that also provide kinesthetic ways and gives much interaction (being active) for gaining students’ engagement and enthusiasm.
    3. Lesson plan
    Grade Level: 2nd Grade
    Subject: English
    Theme: My Home
    Source : Hangout Book 2
    Time Allocation: 90 Minutes
    Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    Know home’s vocabularies
    Describe their favorite room using simple sentences.

    Materials Needed:
    • Large pictures or drawings of different rooms in a house (living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom)
    • Chart paper or whiteboard
    • Markers
    • Paper and pencils for each student
    Learning steps:
    Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Teacher greets and asks the student about their condition
    • Pray together
    • Ask students related questions: "What is a home?" Allow a few students to share their thoughts.
    • Show pictures or drawings of different rooms in a house, such as the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom.
    • Explain what will they study and the objective of learning.
    Main Activity (70 minutes)
    • Discuss each room briefly, asking questions like:
    "What do we do in the living room?"
    "Where do we sleep in the house?"
    "Where do we cook our food?"
    "Where do we take a bath?"
    • Write the names of the rooms on the chart paper or whiteboard as students identify them.
    • Have students raise their hands and share which room is their favorite and why.
    • Distribute paper and pencils to each student.
    • Instruct students to draw a picture of their favorite room at home. Encourage them to include furniture and objects they see in that room.
    • After they finish drawing, ask students to write a short description of their favorite room. Encourage them to use simple sentences.
    • Model an example description using simple language. For example: "My favorite room is the living room. I like it because it has a comfy sofa and a big TV."
    Closing (10 minutes)
    • Give students chance to ask
    • Wrap up the lesson by summarizing what students learned about the rooms in their homes, why they're special, and review the vocabulary
    • Remind students to take their drawings and descriptions home to share with their families.
    • Closing Prayer
    Assess students' understanding based on their participation in class discussions, the mastering vocabulary, the quality of their drawings, and the clarity of their written descriptions.

  6. Nama: Resty Nur Apriani
    NIM: 21230049
    Class: TBI 6B/EYL

    1. The role of teachers in my school is very good and in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher, because my teacher is very patient and closely motivates his students.

    2. (Collaborative Based Learning): Students work together in groups to complete a task or project, allowing them to learn from each other and develop social skills.
    (Problem-Based Learning): Students solve authentic problems or challenges, which require the application of knowledge and creative problem solving.

    3. Lesson Plan: Introduction to Animals
    Estimated Time: 55 Minute
    Grade 3 elementary school

    - To introduce elementary grade 3 students to different types of animals and their characteristics.
    - To develop students' vocabulary related to animals.
    - To promote observation and critical thinking skills.

    Materials Needed:
    - Pictures or flashcards of various animals
    - Whiteboard or chart paper
    - Markers
    - Animal books or encyclopedias
    - Worksheets or coloring pages with animal themes
    - Animal sound recordings (optional)

    Lesson Structure:
    1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
    - Greet the students and engage in a brief discussion about their favorite animals.
    - Play a quick game like "Simon Says" using animal movements (e.g., hop like a rabbit, crawl like a turtle).

    2. Introduction (10 minutes):
    - Show pictures or flashcards of different animals and ask students to identify them.
    - Discuss the characteristics of each animal (e.g., where they live, what they eat, how they move).
    - Write down key vocabulary words related to animals on the whiteboard or chart paper.

    3. Animal Classification (10 minutes):
    - Introduce the concept of classification by grouping animals based on common characteristics.
    - Divide the class into small groups and provide each group with a set of animal pictures.
    - Ask the students to categorize the animals into groups based on similarities (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles).

    4. Animal Sounds (10 minutes):
    - Play recordings of various animal sounds or imitate them yourself.
    - Have the students guess the animal based on the sound.
    - Discuss why animals make different sounds and how they use them.

    5. Creative Activity (15 minutes):
    - Distribute worksheets or coloring pages with pictures of animals.
    - Encourage students to draw their favorite animal and write a short description about it, including where it lives and what it eats.
    - Allow time for students to share their drawings and descriptions with the class.

    6. Review and Closure (5 minutes):
    - Review the key vocabulary words related to animals.
    - Ask students to summarize what they learned about animals during the lesson.
    - Provide positive reinforcement and praise for their participation.

    - Informal assessment through observation of student participation and engagement during class activities.
    - Review students' worksheets or drawings to assess understanding of animal characteristics and vocabulary.

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  8. Name : Aulia Suciawati
    Nim : 211230001
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. During my school journey, there are many kinds of teachers that I have met. of course, not all teachers can be said to be good and not also said to be bad. According to my point of view, each teacher has his principles and methods of teaching. During my school journey, it is likely that 90% of teachers have been good teachers for me. And the remaining 10% doesn't mean it's not good, it's just that it's a bit difficult to digest what their principles, methods, and ways of teaching mean to me personally. The teachers I say 90% have been good teachers, because they have interesting learning methods, apply strict and responsible classroom concepts, give good and easy-to-understand examples, and often provide motivation.
    2. During my time in elementary school, my teachers used a lot of project-based learning methods. By producing projects based on what we learned. We were led to think critically work together with a group and produce a project that could be presented. During my time in middle and high school, my teachers used a lot of scientific approach methods, namely methods of observing, asking, trying, analyzing, and communicating. Both between students and students and students and teachers.

    1. 3. Lesson Plan

      Author : Aulia Suciawati
      Institution: SD Jaya Makmur
      School level: Elementary school
      Class/Semester: V/I
      Theme: The Price of Food and Beverages
      Estimated times: 1 x 45 minutes

      • Understand and express simple information in a classroom context.
      • Reading functional texts is very simple with proper speech and intonation.
      • Spelling and transcribing simple English writing in a classroom context.’

      • Know the vocabulary of food and beverages and their prices.
      • Identify food and beverage prices.
      • Make simple sentences about the price of food and beverages.
      • Creating posters about menus in restaurants.

      • Students are able to use words about food and beverages related to price.
      • Students are able to tell prices of foods and beverages.
      • Students are able to make sentences to tell the prices of foods and beverages.
      • Students are able to create a poster about a restaurant menu.

      • Students are able to make simple sentences regarding food and beverage price lists.
      • Students are able to create restaurant menu posters.


      Method: Project-Based Learning

      1. Students and teachers greet each other in English, then orderly prepare themselves for learning.
      2. Students who take turns lead prayers to begin the learning process.
      3. Students answer questions from the teacher about their feelings and their health condition for the day while the teacher conducts a presentation.
      Main Activity
      1. The teacher asked students to name food and beverage names to dig into their basic knowledge.
      2. The teacher presented a picture that had been prepared containing the price list of food and beverages.
      3. The teacher said the name of the food and beverages along with the price and asked the students to imitate
      4. The teacher asked students to observe and mention the price of food and beverages in the picture.
      5. The teacher creates groups of students of 3-4 people.
      6. The teacher asks students to fill in the questions in groups about the price of food and beverages.
      7. Students create posters about restaurant menus.
      8. Students present their poster to the class.

      1. The teacher invites students to re-mention all previously learned vocabularies related to the material.
      2. Students who take turns lead prayers to close the learning process.
      3. Students say hello and thank you, then together with the teacher say goodbye to each other.

      Accuracy of students' answers between groups and group creativity in poster-making.

      • Dictionary
      • Textbook ( My Next Words Grade 5 – Student’s Book Elementary School Author: EYLC Team)
      • Picture of the price list of food and beverages.
      • Paperboard, scissors, styrofoam, coloring tools.

  9. Name : Triana Ramadhanti
    Nim : 211230054
    Class : TBI 6B
    1. Teachers have a very important role in schools, especially for their students. Every teacher has the same role such as: teaching a teaching material that is adjusted to the applicable curriculum, guiding and assessing students in learning, being a role model for students in behaving and imitating positive things and being someone who can motivate and encourage students in learning.
    From my experience at school, in general, many teachers have carried out their roles as they should. However, there are also some teachers who do not carry out their duties and roles properly, such as teaching at will, always coming late to class for no apparent reason, there are even teachers who rarely go to class, and sometimes there are also teachers who can underestimate their students by giving words that are not motivating but instead discourage their students.
    2. From my experience, the learning methods that are usually used by teachers in schools are direct method, project-based learning, problem-based learning, collaborative learning and game-based learning.
    - Direct Method: Teachers usually apply this method directly with the aim of developing students' speaking and listening skills.
    - Project Based Learning: students are assigned real-life projects that require research, collaboration and problem solving to achieve specific learning objectives.
    - Problem based learning: Students are given a case study to solve using the knowledge and skills they have learned.
    - Collaborative learning: Students work together in groups to achieve learning objectives, share ideas and learn from each other.
    - Game based learning: usually teachers also apply this method for student assessment, so that students are not bored with the classroom situation.
    3. Topic Material: Kinds of Transportation
    Grade Level : Elementary (3rd Grade)
    Goal: Students will learn about kinds of transportation
    Objectives: Students will be able to identify and describe different modes of transportation, understand their uses, and compare their characteristics.
    Estimated time: 45 minutes
    Materials Needed:
    1. Media: PowerPoint and Picture
    2. Tools: Gadgets, internet data, laptop
    3. Resources: Internet, book and picture.
    Prerequisite Skills : Learners should have the ability to communicate.
    Lesson Procedures:
    1. Introduction: ( 5 minutes)
    - The teacher opens the lesson with greetings and prayers
    - The teacher checks the students' attendance
    - Apperception (linking the material already known or experienced with the material to be learned and asking students about the modes of transportation they like and why they like them).
    2. Main Activity (35 minutes)
    Teacher do:
    - Teacher introduce the topic of transportation by discussing how people travel from one place to another using different vehicles.
    - Teacher show flashcards or pictures of different modes of transportation (car, bus, train, bicycle, etc.) one by one on the power point.
    - Teacher say each transportation name clearly and ask students to repeat it.
    - Teacher write the names of the modes of transportation on the board and briefly discuss their use.
    Students do:
    1. Students listen to what the teacher explains
    2. Students answer when the teacher asks them about their preferred means of transportation.
    4. Students follow back what the teacher says related to vocabulary.
    3.Closing(5 minutes)
    - Ask students to share one thing they learned or found most interesting about transportation today.
    - The teacher reflects on the results of the learning process that has been carried out.
    - The teacher gives appreciation to all students who have cooperated well in the learning process.
    - The teacher closes the lesson with greetings and prayers.
    Summative: For the summative assessment, students will individually write the known means of transportation, matching each picture with the name of the means of transportation.

    Lesson Extension: Assign a simple homework task, such as drawing their favorite mode of transportation and writing a short description of it.

    SRN: 211230034
    1. In my opinion, the roles of the teacher in my school is multifaceted and goes beyond just imparting knowledge. Teacher are supposed to be mentors, counselors, external parents, role models, and learning facilitators for their students. In addition to academic knowledge, they are in charge of imparting to students problem-solving and character-building abilities. It is also expected of teachers to foster a supportive learning environment in the classroom that promotes student engagement and independent thought. Of course my teacher at school have a good charactheristics and appropriate at school.

    2. There are some kinds of learning method that have been used. For example, project-based learning, cooperative learning, technology- based learning, and group learning. I'm having best experience in learning method called Technology-Based Learning. Because as a 21st century students, we need interactive leraning method use this kind of technology. Especially Gamified learning environments or instructional games that improve student engagement and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

    GOAL: Through examples, learners can understand the text of the name of the day, the name of the time of the day, the time of the day in numerical form into English writing.

    After following a series of learning activities, students are able to:
    1) Imitate model expressions about the name of the day, the name of the time of day, and time in numeral form.
    2) Use appropriate question sentence according to the context about the name of the day, and time in numerical form.

    ESTIMATED TIME: 2 x 40 minutes

    1) Media: Laptop, projector, LCD, worksheets
    2) Tools: Markers and speakers
    3) Source Material: When English Rings a Bell, Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs kelas 7. 2014. Page. 25- 40.

    1) The vocabulary related to cardinal and ordinal numbers.
    2) Know the name of the month
    3) Know about the name of the day

    Learning Activity Steps Initial Activity (10 minutes)
    1) The teacher gives a greeting
    2) The teacher check the student’s attendance
    3) The teacher motivates the students
    4) The teacher asks the students about their readiness for the lesson
    5) The teacher asks questions that relate previous knowledge to the material to be learned
    6) The teacher explains the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved
    7) The teacher conveys the scope of material and description of activities according to the syllabus

    Main Activities:
    STUDENT: Observe the names of the days in
    English on the slides
    TEACHER: The teacher asks the students to listen and
    imitate what the teacher says about the
    names of the days in English.

    Closing Activity (5 minutes)
    1) Students and teacher reflect on learning activities and their benefits
    2) Students and teacher give feedback on the learning process and results

    1) Assessment Technique: Written Test
    2) Instrument Form: Matching questions and making conversation
    3) Scoring guidelines: Each correct answer is given a score of 1

  11. Name: Alfi fithrotul 'aini
    NIM: 211230048
    Class: 6 TBI B

    1. Yes, I think the role of teachers in schools is very important because teachers are one element in the educational circle, especially in schools. Even though in an era like this, students can learn autodidactically via the internet, which can even be accessed more easily and contains a variety of knowledge, the role of the teacher cannot be replaced by technology, because learning with a teacher will be more fun and we can develop in terms of knowledge, emotional, social, and even psychological.
    It would be much better if we studied with teachers at school and were accompanied by sophisticated technology so that we would really optimize our way of thinking and the knowledge we gain by keeping up with the times. But again, teachers also play an important role here. Teachers must continue to accompany and supervise their students when accessing material from the internet because there are concerns that their students will access something that is not material or even misunderstand the explanation contained in it and must immediately correct the misunderstanding.
    Therefore, the role of the teacher is very important, even though times are very advanced like now, teachers are still teachers who teach knowledge to their students and being a teacher is a noble job.
    The characteristics of someone who wins are different, as are the
    Characteristics of a teacher at school. In my opinion, most of the teachers in my schools are in line with the characteristics of a good teacher, such as teachers always explaining the material clearly, and mastering the material so that when a student asks a question the teacher can answer it correctly without demeaning a student, then the teacher doesn't show favoritism, give grades according to students' abilities, always provide motivation, reprimand students if something is wrong without having to corner them, and always accept it if students comment on it.
    2. At school I use the auditive method, namely a method that prioritizes the Auditive Method: Prioritizing hearing and listening comprehension through activities such as listening to songs, lectures, or recorded conversations. Here the teacher explains the material using the lecture method and the students listen carefully. During listening lessons, the teacher usually plays songs or audio to train our hearing, and we guess what is being said in the audio. Apart from that, schools also use the question-and-answer method when discussing, or even role-playing to involve students in learning so they don't get bored and monotonous.
    3. Lesson plan for elementary school
    • Title: Telling Time
    • Goal: Students were given material about “Time”, they were able to understand and apply it during the class and in the assignment about how to tell the time with 80% correctness.
    • Objective:
    a. Student can apply understanding of “telling time” For telling some activities such as daily activities.
    b. Students can develop confidence and fluency in expressing time-related concepts verbally and in writing.
    • Estimated time: 45 minutes
    • Material needed: video clips, o’clock, marker, material book (LKS).
    • Prerequisite skill: students should know about numeric vocabularies and simple present tense.
    • Lesson procedures
    • Introduction (5 minutes)
    - Preparing students to be ready to carry out learning.
    - Asking questions to provoke students to relate to the material.
    • Main activities (35 minutes)
    - The teacher tells the vocabulary about how to tell the time.
    - The teacher explains the material about telling time using a tools and book
    - The teacher displays video conversations about the daily activities related to the material (telling time).
    - Students work in pairs to do the conversation related to the video that was given by the teacher and practice it.
    • Closing: 5 minutes
    - Ask students about their understanding of the material.
    - Conclusion and provide motivational word
    - Praying
    • Homework
    Watch the video on YouTube with the link:
    - https://youtu.be/zHWtWOIn3RY?feature=shared

  12. Name : Annisa Navira
    NIM : 211230047
    Class : TBI 6B
    Lecture Time : 13:50 – 17:30

    1. The role of a good teacher in school is crucial, as it encompasses a wide range of responsibilities and impacts several aspects of students’ lives. I believe that a good teacher plays a pivotal role in shaping students not only in academic learning but also in supporting their personal development. The qualities that define a good teacher are numerous and diverse, including pedagogical skills, interpersonal skills, and other personal attributes, but foremost, a good teacher must demonstrate the ability to engage and motivate the students through passion and generosity. Thus, through what I have experienced during my early school years, I would proudly admit the outstanding qualities of the teachers I met back then.

    2. Throughout my school years, the Problem-based learning teaching approach is the most used by teachers among the other teaching strategies. Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogical approach that encourages active engagement, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. Students play a central role in the learning activities and solving real-world problems individually or collaboratively. Additionally, another teaching method used by the teacher is the traditional method, where the teacher is the primary source of knowledge during the learning activity. Moreover, Project-based learning was also one of the most used teaching methods during science class, as it allows the students to investigate deeper issues, and apply complex knowledge and skills from various disciplines to develop solutions or products.

    3. LESSON PLAN (3rd Grade):

    A. Goal: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to differentiate kinds of weather patterns.
    B. Objectives: Students will be able to identify and describe different weather patterns.
    C. Materials: Picture cards of various types of weather patterns (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy). Drawing materials (crayons, markers, paper). Whiteboard. Weather themed-books, songs, or videos.
    D. Estimated time: 50 minutes.

    E. Introduction (10 minutes):
    1. The teacher greets the students.
    2. The teacher checks the attendance list.
    3. Ask the class to recite “Basmallah” before starting the lesson
    4. Brainstorming: begin by discussing the concept of weather with the students: “What is the weather? How is the weather today? How many kinds of weather are there?”
    5. Introduce the objectives of the lesson: “Today, we are going to learn about the different types of weather”.

    F. Main Activities:
    1. Weather chart activity (15 minutes)
    • Display picture cards of the weather (sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy, and snowy).
    • Invite students to take turns placing the picture cards based on the current weather conditions.
    • Discuss each type of weather and ask students to describe what they know about it.
    2. Weather drawing (15 minutes):
    • Provide drawing materials for the students.
    • Encourage students’ creativity and imagination by aiding them to draw their favorite weather.
    • Allow them to share their creations with the class by describing the weather they have drawn.

    G. Closing (10 minutes):
    1. Review the key concept of the weather.
    2. Assign the students a simple journal about the weather today and how they feel about the weather.

    H. Lesson Extension:
    1. Watch a short video about the weather phenomena.
    2. Learn a song about the weather to help the students memorize the different kinds of weather easily.

    I. Assessment:
    1. Formative assessment: assess students’ understanding by observing their participation, responses to questions, and completion of tasks.

    NIM: 211230017
    1. In my opinion, the role of teachers in the school environment is very important because the role of teachers in school is to teach the subject matter well, provide guidance and support to students, plan and evaluate learning, and act as mentors and good role models for students. Yes, they are in accordance with the characteristics of a good teacher, namely by mastering learning materials, motivating students, guiding, being creative and being able to manage the classroom to be effective in learning.

    2. The learning methods used are:
    • Active learning, where we involve students who are active in learning, for example group discussions or role playing.
    • Technology-based learning, in this school provides a computer lab to utilize technology to help students understand learning, for example through the internet which is used to open YouTube or others.
    • Learning through stories, this method is used for students to be more active in reading and understanding the text.

    Theme: Hobbies
    Grade 2 elementary school

    Learning Objectives:
    - Students can identify and name some types of hobbies.
    - Students can express their own hobbies with simple sentences.
    - Students can participate in a simple conversation about hobbies.

    Duration 1 hour

    Materials and Media:
    - Pictures depicting different types of hobbies (such as reading, swimming, gardening, playing music, etc.)
    - Word cards containing words related to hobbies.
    - Storybooks about hobbies (optional).
    - Whiteboard and markers.
    - Songs or nursery rhymes about hobbies (optional).

    Opening (5 minutes):
    - Welcome the students and create a comfortable atmosphere.
    - Ask the students if they know what "hobby" means.
    - Illustrate with simple examples (e.g. reading a book, playing soccer) if needed.

    Introductory Activity (10 minutes):
    - Display pictures of different types of hobbies on the board or screen.
    - Ask students to identify the hobbies.
    - Discuss the hobbies together. Give a simple definition for each hobby.

    Main Activity (25 minutes):
    - Distribute word cards to the students. The cards contain words related to hobbies.
    - Instruct students to go around the class and look for a friend who has a word card related to the same hobby.
    - After finding their partner, ask them to share with their partner about their hobby using simple sentences (e.g., "I like swimming." or "I like reading books.").
    - The teacher observes and helps students who need additional assistance.

    Application Activity (10 minutes):
    - Distribute a worksheet containing questions about hobbies to each student.
    - Ask the students to fill in the worksheet with their own answers.
    - Once finished, some students can read their answers in front of the class.

    Closure (5 minutes):
    - Invite students to share what they have learned today about hobbies.
    - Give positive feedback to students for their participation.
    - Let students know that learning about hobbies will be continued in the next lesson.

    students are given an assignment to create a dialog with the theme "hobbies"

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1.The role of teachers in my school is very important and also diverse, there are roles of teachers in schools, namely: first, teachers guide: Teachers are people who are responsible for conveying knowledge and skills to students in accordance with the established curriculum.
    Yes, all the characteristics already exist in this teacher, the characteristics of which are as follows: Good teaching ability, Able to guide and provide support to students, Communicate well with students, etc.
    2.The learning method used in my school is direct learning, such as: the teacher divides the students into several groups to convey the lesson material, and the students convey the material through presentations and question and answer sessions as well.
    Yes, because the teacher can see the students' abilities in learning in class.
    3.Lesson plan for young learners in the level of elementary school

    Grade level : elementary school [ grade 3 ]
    Subject : language arts lesson focusing on reading comprehension and vocabulary building. focus on a short story titled "The Little Red Hen".

    -Students will be able to demonstrate reading comprehension skills by retelling the story of "The Little Red Hen".
    -Students will expand their vocabulary by identifying and defining key words from the story.

    -Copy of "The Little Red Hen" story
    -Whiteboard and markers
    -Flashcards with vocabulary words
    -Worksheet with comprehension questions

    1. Introduction (10 minutes):
    -Greet the students and engage them in a brief discussion about farm animals.
    -Introduce the story of "The Little Red Hen" and its characters.
    -Show the cover of the storybook and ask students to predict what the story might be about.

    2. Reading the Story (15 minutes):
    -Read the story of "The Little Red Hen" aloud to the class, pausing occasionally to ask comprehension questions and ensure understanding.
    -Encourage students to listen carefully and follow along with the text in their own copies of the book.

    3. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes):
    -Write key vocabulary words from the story on the whiteboard (hen, wheat, flour, bake).
    -Use flashcards to show pictures and definitions of each word, and ask students to repeat after you and identify the word in the story.
    -Discuss the meanings of each word and use them in sentences to reinforce comprehension.

    4. Comprehension Activities (20 minutes):
    -Distribute a worksheet with comprehension questions related to the story.
    -Ask students to work individually or in pairs to answer the questions, referring back to the text as needed.
    -After completing the worksheet, review the answers together as a class, discussing each question and encouraging students to explain their reasoning.

    5. Extension Activity (10 minutes):
    -To reinforce vocabulary, play a game like "Vocabulary Bingo" where students have to match the vocabulary words with their definitions on the bingo board.
    -Alternatively, students can act out scenes from the story in small groups, using the vocabulary words in context.

    6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    -Review the key concepts and vocabulary words covered in the lesson.
    -Ask students to summarize the story of "The Little Red Hen" in their own words, highlighting the main events and characters.

    -Teacher observation during class discussions, reading, and comprehension activities.
    -Evaluation of completed worksheets and participation in extension activities.

    Homework = Encourage students to retell the story to a family member or friend at home, using the vocabulary words they learned in class.

  16. Name : Ainaya Rahayu
    NIM : 211230052
    Class : TBI 6B
    1. In my opinion, the role of teachers in my school is very important and they have shown the characteristics of good teachers. Here are some of my opinions: As a teacher: Teachers at my school convey the lesson material and ensure that all students understand it. They use various interesting and interactive learning methods to make the teaching and learning process more fun and effective. As a mentor: Teachers not only teach but also guide students in various aspects of life. They provide advice and support to students when they face learning difficulties or personal problems. As a motivator: Teachers at my school always encourage and motivate students to achieve their best potential. They provide positive and constructive feedback to help students improve and learn from their mistakes. As a role model: Teachers at my school show good and appropriate behavior to students. They serve as positive examples for students in terms of discipline, responsibility, and morality.
    Based on the description above, I can conclude that the role of teachers in my school is very important and they have shown the characteristics of good teachers. I feel fortunate to have teachers who are highly qualified and dedicated to helping me learn and develop.
    2. My school uses various learning methods to support the teaching and learning process. Here are some frequently used methods:
    Lecture Method: This method is used to convey information directly to students. Teachers usually use this method to explain new concepts or provide complex information.
    Discussion Method: This method allows students to exchange information and ideas with their classmates. Discussions can be held in small groups or as a whole class.
    Question and Answer Method: This method is used to test students' understanding of the material that has been presented. Teachers can ask questions directly to students or ask students to ask each other questions.
    Demonstration Method: This method is used to show students how to do something. Teachers can do demonstrations themselves or ask students to demonstrate what they have learned.
    Practice Method: This method allows students to practice what they have learned. Practice can be done in the laboratory, in the field, or other learning environments.
    For example, in science lessons, teachers can use the lecture method to explain basic concepts, and then continue with the demonstration method to show students how to carry out experiments. After that, students can carry out experimental practice in groups.
    3. English Learning Plan for Young (Primary) Learners
    Topic: Color Recognition
    Objective: Students can name the basic colors in English. Students can identify objects around them based on their color. Students can use colors to express themselves creatively. Duration: 45 minutes
    Materials: Colored paper, Crayon, Color flashcards, and Color poster
    Beginning (10 minutes): The teacher greets students using English and introduces the lesson topic. The teacher shows color flashcards and says the names of the colors in English. Students are asked to repeat the names of the colors.
    Middle (25 minutes): Teacher and students play a color guessing game. The teacher shows colored objects and students have to guess the name of the color in English. Students are divided into groups and asked to make collages from colored paper. Each group presents their collage and explains the colors they used. The teacher plays a song about colors and the students are asked to sing together.
    End (10 minutes): The teacher gives coloring worksheets to students. Students color the pictures according to the instructions given in English. Teachers provide feedback to students on their work.
    Assessment: The teacher observes student participation in learning activities. The teacher assesses students' ability to name colors and identify objects based on their color. The teacher assesses students' work on coloring worksheets.

  17. Name : Mariyam Syahana Ardi Permata
    NIM : 211230050
    Class: 6B TBI

    1. It has played a very good role, but there are some teachers who do not reflect good characteristics, one example is that the teacher will give a greater value to students who give souvenirs, while in the criteria for teacher characteristics, they should not do such actions.
    2. There are many teaching methods in my school, one of which is the teaching method by dividing several groups then each group is required to find answers studied by the teacher, then work together after that they are presented together. There is also a method with a memorization system, namely students are required to memorize and deposit the memorization at the next meeting.
    3. Lesson Plan
    Grade level : Grade 1 elementary school
    Theme : Surrounding plants

    * Objectives :
    • After reading the text, students can name plants that live in water
    • After reading the text, students can name at least two plants that
    live in water correctly.
    • After reading the text, students can name at least two plants that live on land correctly.
    • After observing the surrounding environment, students can name the types ofplants based on where they live correctly.

    * Learning Materials
    • Land Plants and Water Plants

    * Learning Method
    • Approach: Scientific.
    • Methods: Games/simulations, discussions, questions and answers.
    * Duration : 90 menit

    * Learning Activities
    1. Introduction :
    • The teacher gives greetings and invites all
    students to pray according to their religion and beliefs
    • The teacher checks readiness by filling in attendance sheet and checking the tidiness of clothing, position and seat adjusted with learning activities.
    • Informing the theme that will be taught which is about "Objects, Animals and Plants in Around".
    • The teacher conveys the stages of the activity which including observing, questioning, explore, communicate and conclude.
    2. Activity :
    • Students are invited to observe the surrounding environment.
    This activity is very effective if there is a pond/swamp around
    school environment there is a pond / swamp. If not possible, ask students to observe the picture in the book. (Observing)
    • Students observe that someplants can live on land and some live in water.
    • Students name some examples of land plants and water plants that they know. (Exploring)
    • The activity then continues in class. Students are asked to read the text in the student book.
    • Students are divided into groups. Each group gets a card containing
    names of plants with various places where they live. Provide additional explanation for plants that live attached to other plants.(Exploring)
    • Over a period of time, ask students categorize the plants
    based on where they live.
    • Student representatives present the results of their grouping results. Other students listen and check each other's work. (Associating)
    • Students write and draw some examples of land plants and water plants in student book.(Communicating)
    3. Conclusion :
    • Together with students make a conclusion / summarize the learning outcomes for the day.
    • Ask questions about the material that has been learned (to determine the achievement of material).
    • The teacher gives students the opportunity to express their opinions about learning that has been followed.
    • Assessing learning outcomes.
    • Invite all students to pray according to their respective religions and beliefs.

    * Assessment :
    • Students can understand the lesson and can categorize the different kinds of plants.
    • Students can present their work correctly and confidently.

  18. Name: Nita Noviyanti Rahayu
    NIM: 211230046
    Class: TBI 6B
    Mid-Test English for Young Learners
    1. My teachers at school from elementary to high school certainly have some who have the criteria for good teacher characteristics and some who don't. It is true that every teacher has their own way of teaching, but that does not mean that a teacher can teach as s/he pleases. I liked my teachers in elementary school because they had enthusiasm for teaching their students. they can teach and nurture according to the different criteria of their students. But I didn't like my teachers in middle school and high school, because I thought their way of teaching was too harsh for teaching middle school and high school students. They do not have patience and empathy in teaching. However, they have creativity and high expectations for their students. Because after all, a teacher definitely wants their students to be successful in the future. Therefore, even though I don't like the way they teach, I can get to this stage because of them. I managed to adapt to their way of teaching which allowed me to be at this stage.
    2. While studying from elementary to high school, the teachers at my school used various learning methods including:
    - Direct Method, the teacher provides physical objects about the lesson he is teaching. Like when studying biology, we are shown to see plants and animals directly when studying outside the classroom.
    - Audio lingual method, teachers like to provide audio in the form of dialogue or music in English listening lessons.
    - Cooperative learning, the teacher gives group assignments to students to make artistic products such as paintings and handicrafts in arts, culture, and skills lessons.
    3. Lesson Plan
    • Goal:
    Students will be able to understand and apply the concept of "Describing Objects" in daily activities correctly.
    • Objectives:
    By the end of the lesson, students will:
    - Understand the concept of describing objects using adjectives.
    - Apply descriptive language in describing various objects.
    - Expand their vocabulary by learning new adjectives.
    - Practice collaborative learning by working with partners.
    • Estimated Time: 25 minutes (1 class session)
    • Materials Needed:
    - Visual aids (pictures of various objects).
    - Paper.
    - Pencils or crayons.
    • Prerequisite Skills:
    - Basic reading and writing skills.
    - Familiarity with common objects and their names.
    - Ability to work cooperatively in pairs or small groups.
    • Lesson Procedures:
    Introduction (5 minutes):
    1. Greet students warmly as they enter the classroom.
    2. Review the names of common objects with the students.
    3. Introduce the concept of "Describing Objects" using adjectives.
    4. Show examples of descriptive language using pictures of objects.
    Main Activities (15 minutes):
    1. Divide students into pairs.
    2. Distribute pictures of different objects to each pair.
    3. Instruct students to describe the object in the picture using adjectives (e.g., color, size, shape).
    4. Encourage students to discuss and brainstorm descriptive words together.
    5. Have students write down their descriptions on paper.
    6. Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.
    Closing (5 minutes):
    1. Ask each pair to share their descriptions with the class.
    2. Discuss the different adjectives used to describe the objects.
    3. Summarize the key points learned about describing objects using adjectives.
    4. Assign homework related to practicing descriptive language at home (e.g., describing objects in their room).
    • Assessment:
    Assessment will be based on the following indicators:
    - Ability to describe objects using appropriate adjectives.
    - Collaboration and participation in pair work.
    - Accuracy and creativity in using descriptive language.
    - Engagement during class discussion and sharing.
    • Lesson Extension:
    Create a mini poster with drawings or magazine cut-outs of various objects. Write descriptive sentences using adjectives to describe each object.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Name : Nurul Hijah Iliatul Aulia
    Nim: 211230053
    Class: TBI 6B
    1. In my opinion the role of teachers in my school is very important and even still feel the figure of an educator, for me, they are not only educators but also become a guide, motivator, and example for students. Even at any time, the role of the teacher cannot be replaced by anything, both along with the development of the times and the many advanced technologies, but the role of the teacher cannot be replaced. Because, the teacher is a facilitator in the classroom, and from my observation, the role of teachers in my school has been very good because they have developed the curriculum and applied it to the suitability of students in school, and have also become role models for students in school. Although some teachers label some students, as far as I can see, it has been very good and very, very instrumental in it.
    2. Inquiry-based learning, is a learning activity that facilitates learners to ask questions, conduct investigations or searches, experiments, or research independently to obtain the knowledge they need.
    The traditional method is, that teachers provide direct instruction to students, focusing on explanation and training in basic skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
    Project-based learning is an approach to learning where students learn through challenging and contextually relevant projects.
    Problem-based learning is an approach to learning in which students learn through active problem-solving.
    3. Lesson plan: Exploring flower
    Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
    1. Students will learn about different parts of a flower and their functions.
    2. Students will understand the life cycle of a flower.
    3. Students will appreciate the importance of flowers in nature.
    Materials Needed :
    1. Pictures or diagrams of different types of flowers.
    2. Real or artificial flowers for hands-on exploration.
    3. Paper and crayons/markers for drawing.
    4. Chart paper and markers for group activities.
    Books or online resources about flowers.
    Lesson Outline:
    1. Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Start with a brief discussion about flowers. Ask students what they know about flowers and their importance.
    • Show pictures or diagrams of different types of flowers and discuss their diversity in colors, shapes, and sizes.
    • Introduce the objectives of the lesson: to learn about the parts of a flower, its life cycle, and why flowers are important.
    2. Parts of a Flower (15 minutes):
    • Introduce the main parts of a flower: petals, sepals, stamens, pistil, and receptacle.
    • Use real or artificial flowers for a hands-on exploration. Let students examine the parts of a flower closely.
    • Explain the function of each part: petals attract pollinators, sepals protect the flower bud, stamens produce pollen, pistil contains the ovary, etc.
    3. Life Cycle of a Flower (15 minutes):
    • Discuss the life cycle of a flower: seed, germination, growth, flowering, pollination, fertilization, and seed production.
    • Use diagrams or illustrations to visually represent each stage of the life cycle.
    • Explain the role of pollinators (bees, butterflies, etc.) in the pollination process.
    4. Group Activity (15 minutes):
    • Divide the students into small groups.
    • Provide each group with a large sheet of paper and markers.
    • Instruct them to draw and label a diagram of a flower, including all the parts learned in the lesson.
    • Encourage creativity and accuracy in their diagrams.
    5. Conclusion and Reflection (5 minutes):
    • Recap the key points of the lesson: parts of a flower, life cycle, and importance.
    • Ask students what they enjoyed learning the most and what new things they discovered about flowers.
    • Encourage them to observe flowers in their environment and appreciate their beauty and significance.
    informal assessment through class discussions, group activities, and student participation.
    Observation of students' understanding during hands-on exploration of flower parts.
    Reviewing students' diagrams of flowers for accuracy and completeness.

  22. Name : Neli Amaliyah
    NIM : 211230032
    Class : TBI 6B

    1) In my opinion, the roles of a teacher in a school are important for the overall growth and development of students include educator motivator, mentor, assessor, communicator facilitator, and manager. I think they are good teachers because they have characteristic like knowledgeable, Patient, Passionate, Adaptable, Empathetic, Organized, and Concinuous Learner.

    2) There are kinds of learning method in my school:
    1. Traditional or Lecture-based Method: Teachers deliver information to students through presentations, discussions, and demonstrations. Students are expected to listen, take notes, and later practice or apply the knowledge learned.
    2. Project-based Learning: Students working on real-world projects, often in collaboration with their peers. They apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems and present their findings.
    3. Inquiry-based Learning: Students are encouraged to ask questions, explore, and discover answers through research or experimentation. Teachers act as facilitators, guiding students in their learning process.

    3) Lesson Plan "Introduction the Family"
    Grade Level: Elementary School (Age 6-8)
    To introduce the concept of family members and their roles in a fun and engaging manner.
    1. Flashcards with pictures of family members (mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, etc.)
    2. A family tree template or worksheet
    3. Pictures of different family activities (e.g., eating dinner, playing games, going on vacation)
    4. A storybook or pictures about families
    5. Whiteboard or blackboard and markers
    6. Handouts with vocabulary and sentences related to the family
    1. Warm-up (10 minutes)
    • Greet the students and ask them about their families. Encourage them to share one interesting thing about their family.
    • Play a simple game where students have to identify family members by showing the flashcards.
    2. Introduction (10 minutes)
    • Explain the topic for the day, which is "Introduction the Family."
    • Show the family tree template and briefly explain what a family is and the different members that can be part of a family.
    3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
    • Introduce key vocabulary related to family, such as mom, dad, brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, cousin, etc.
    • Use flashcards to help students remember the words and their pronunciation.
    • Encourage students to practice saying the words with you.
    4. Family Activities (15 minutes)
    • Show the pictures of family activities and discuss what families do together.
    • Ask students to share examples of activities they do with their families.
    • Use the whiteboard or blackboard to create a list of family activities.
    5. Storytime (15 minutes)
    • Read a storybook or show pictures about different families.
    • Encourage students to point out family members and discuss what they are doing in the story.
    • Ask open-ended questions to promote discussion, such as "How do you think the characters in the story feel?" or "What would you do if you were in their situation?"
    6. Family Tree Activity (20 minutes)
    • Distribute the family tree worksheet or template.
    • Guide students through filling out the family tree, helping them with any unfamiliar vocabulary.
    • Encourage students to draw their own family members and add their names.
    7. Conclusion (10 minutes)
    • Recap the main points of the lesson (introduction the family).
    • Ask students to share something they learned about families today.
    • Remind them to practice the new vocabulary words and share their family tree with their classmates.
    8. Homework (5 minutes)
    • Provide handouts with vocabulary and sentences related to family for students to practice at home.

  23. Name : Fidela Anindya
    NIM : 211230033
    Class : TBI 6B
    Subject : English for Young Learners

    1. In my opinion, teachers play an important role in educating, guiding, and motivating students. teachers are not only responsible for delivering material, but teachers are also responsible and play an important role in shaping student character, student morals, and student values. Teachers must also create a safe, comfortable, and pleasant learning environment and atmosphere.
    Yes, they are appropriate with the characteristics of a good teacher. Because they care about students' development, have good teaching skills, deliver teaching materials clearly and interestingly, use appropriate learning methods, inspire, provide support and motivation, and collaborate with parents in monitoring children's development.

    2. The learning method used in my school is Traditional Classroom Learning. Using this approach, pupils receive instruction from a teacher in a classroom environment. Lectures, group discussions, and practical exercises are frequently included. Textbooks and other printed materials are usually the primary source of education for students.

    Grade: 2 Elementary School
    Theme: Colors and Shapes
    Duration: 45 minutes
    Objectives :
    1) Students will be able to identify and name colors in English.
    2) Students will be able to identify and name basic shapes in English.
    3) Students will be able to describe objects based on their colors and shapes in English.
    Materials Needed :
    1) Flashcards with pictures of colored and shaped objects.
    2) Whiteboard and markers.
    3) Worksheets
    4) Real objects such as balls, books, boxes, etc., that have different colors and shapes.
    Introduction (5 minutes) :
    1) The teacher opens the class with an opening greeting and guides the learners to pray.
    2) The teacher takes attendance of students
    3) The teacher introduces today's learning topic: "Colors and Shapes".
    4) The teacher shows some real objects that have different colors and shapes and asks the students to name the colors and shapes in English.
    Main Activities (30 minutes) :
    1) The teacher introduces the names of colors in English (red, blue, yellow, green, etc.) by showing flashcards and real objects that correspond to the colors.
    2) Students are asked to repeat the color names and identify the colors of objects around the classroom.
    3) The teacher then introduces the names of basic shapes in English (circle, square, triangle, etc.) by showing flashcards and real objects that have these shapes.
    4) Students are asked to repeat the names of the shapes and identify the shapes on objects around the classroom.
    5) The teacher introduces some colored and shaped objects shown in flashcards.
    6) Students are asked to identify the color and shape of each object in order in English.
    7) The teacher gives the worksheets to the students and asks them to complete the name of the corresponding color and shape for each object shown in the picture.
    Closing (10 minutes) :
    1) The teacher repeats the material learned today by asking the students to name the colors and shapes learned.
    2) The teacher praises the students for their participation and achievement in today's learning.
    3) The teacher gives a light homework assignment, which is to mention the names of colors and shapes for every object they encounter at home or around their environment.
    Assessment :
    1) The teacher conducts a formative assessment during the activity, paying attention to student's participation and their ability to identify and name colors and shapes in English.
    2) The teacher gives assignment tasks in the form of worksheets to evaluate students' understanding of the material that has been learned.

  24. Name : Fatmiati
    NIM : 211230058
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. I thought, teachers at my school have a very important role in the teaching and learning process. They are not only teachers, but also mentors, motivators and second parents to students. Some of the teachers at my school are very good. They master the learning material well, have effective and creative teaching skills, are patient, patient and able to communicate well, have a positive attitude and also care about students' needs and development. Apart from that, there are also teachers at my school who don't care about students. They sometimes only give assignments to students without explaining the learning material first, so that students do not understand the learning given.
    2. I thought the teachers at my school, when teaching they use various learning methods, such as the lecture method, where the teacher explains the subject matter to students directly, then uses the discussion method. The teacher divides students into several groups to discuss certain topics. Apart from that, there are also those who use the question and answer method with the aim of testing their understanding of the lesson material.
    3. Lesson Plan
    Theme: Introduction to Animals
    Grade: Elementary School Grade 2

    Goal: students are able to understand the types and physical characteristics of animals and differentiate between types of animals based on their physical characteristics.
    1. Students can identify several types of animals based on their physical characteristics.
    2. Students can explain the physical characteristics of several types of animals.
    3. Students can appreciate the diversity of animals around us.
    Estimated Time: 2 x 60 minutes
    Material needed:
    1. Animal pictures
    2. Animal videos
    3. Guessing cards
    Prerequisite Skills: Students can identify several types of animals based on their physical characteristics and can appreciate the diversity of animals around us
    Learning methods:
    1. A short lecture about types of animals and their physical characteristics.
    2. Group discussions about animals they know.
    3. Direct observation of animals in the school environment or pictures of animals.
    4. Role play pretending to be a certain animal.
    5. Creative activities such as drawing or making animal crafts.
    Introduction (15 Minutes):
    The teacher introduces the topic of animal recognition to students.
    The teacher explains why it is important to know the types of animals around us.
    Main Activities (60 Minutes):
    1. The teacher introduces the types of animals and their physical characteristics.
    2. Students are invited to discuss animals they know and their physical characteristics.
    3. Students make direct observations of the animals provided by the teacher or pictures of animals.
    Conclusion (15 Minutes):
    1. The teacher reviews what the students have learned.
    2. Students are asked to draw their favorite animal and describe its physical characteristics.
    3. Teachers provide positive feedback to students.
    Teacher observations of student participation in discussions and activities.
    Assessment of student work results such as drawings of animals and explanations of their characteristics.

  25. Name: Dinda Fatimah
    NIM: 211230031
    Class: TBI 6B
    1. The role of teachers in my school
    As I observed during my school days, teachers in my school are very enthusiastic in teaching, especially in helping students when they have difficulties in following the learning in the classroom. English teachers in elementary schools often invite their students to sing to make it easier to memorize lessons, especially in memorizing English vocabulary. The use of language teaching through the singing-while-memorizing method in the classroom is a basic role that must be carried out by teachers, so that young learners can repeat and apply the lessons conveyed by the teacher easily, especially applied in everyday life. Therefore, as an EYL teacher, it is also important to master pronunciation and have many vocabulary references before teaching EYL, because children have a sharp memory in remembering the words spoken by their teachers.
    In conclusion, for me, good teachers are those who can channel their passion for learning to their students, so that students also have a high learning spirit and have a great sense of enthusiasm in learning what the teacher is teaching, good teachers are also teachers who have a great sense of empathy for their students, capable, creative, and innovative.
    2. Types of learning methods used at school
    The English teacher when I was in elementary school used the TPR and Ice Breaking type of learning methods that were used when I was learning English in elementary school. The method is very good and certainly does not make students feel bored, the teacher stands in front of the class and conveys information and then the teacher will ask questions about what has been explained, or play games related to what he said as a form of involvement from students, this is a special excitement for young learners. Fun learning methods can increase engagement and enthusiasm among young learners.
    3. Learning Plan
    Grade Level: Grade 3
    Subject: English
    Theme: Birthday Invitation Card
    Time Allocation: 100 minutes
    Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    Know the vocabulary contained in birthday invitation cards and
    Describe them using simple sentences and produce interesting birthday invitation cards.

    Materials needed:
    - Various interesting pictures about invitation birthday cards provided by the teacher.
    - Cardboard paper
    - Colorful markers
    - Colorful woolen yarn

    Learning steps:
    Introduction (10 minutes):
    - Teacher greets and checks attendance.
    - Pray together.
    - Shows a video of various pictures and how to make invitation birthday cards.
    - Explains what they will learn and the learning objectives.

    Main Activity (80 minutes)
    - Ask students questions about the teaching material, for example:
    "Have you ever received a birthday invitation?" or
    "Have you ever invited your friends for your birthday?"
    - List the vocabulary needed in writing Invitation Birthday Card and its structure.
    - Instruct students to take out the tools they were instructed to use last week.
    - Instruct students to make Invitation Birthday Card according to the example given (with teacher assistance).
    - After they finish making, the teacher asks students to collect the results of the invitation birthday cards they have made.

    Closing (10 minutes)
    - Ask students about their understanding of the material presented and provide opportunities for students to ask questions.
    - End by giving a brief explanation of what has been learned. lesson with
    - Give additional assignments to be collected next week
    - Instruct students to pray

    Assess students' level of understanding based on their enthusiasm in class discussion, vocabulary mastery, their skills, and the structure and sentences in making "Invitation Birthday Card".

  26. Name : Nazini
    Nim : 211230057
    Class : 6B TBI
    1. In my opinion a good teacher is someone who understands the lesson, teaches in an engaging way, cares about students' feelings and needs, provides consistent learning and discipline, uses creative methods, communicates well, and serves as a role model. In an Islamic boarding school, good teachers also obey religious teachings, promote a love of learning, show patience, are open to opinions, and exhibit simplicity in daily interactions.

    2. The method used by my school is the Guided Learning Method, namely when the teacher provides direction, guidance and support to students in understanding the learning material. Teachers provide a clear and supportive structure, but also provide opportunities for students to think independently and develop their own understanding. This method involves the use of questions, discussions, and practical exercises to help students understand the concepts being taught.
    For example, in the past I had an amaliyah or micro teaching lesson and in that lesson, the teacher explained how to teach, and how to make a lesson plan, then the students made a lesson plan and taught it by teaching to other students according to the teacher's guidance. It helps students understand the material better through hands-on experience with teaching practice.

    SUBJECT: English
    GRADE: Elementary School
    TOPIC: Family Members
    OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name different family members in English.
    - Flashcards with pictures of family members
    - Whiteboard and markers
    - Worksheet with family tree for each student
    - Storybook about families
    LESSON DURATION:45 minutes
    PROCEDURE:Warm-up (5 minutes):
    - Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling.
    - Play a quick game of "Simon Says" using English commands related to body parts (e.g., "Simon says, touch your nose").
    INTRODUCTION (5 minutes):
    - Show the students pictures of different family members (e.g., mother, father, brother, sister) and elicit the words from them.
    - Write the words on the board and explain their meanings.
    PRESENTATION (10 minutes):
    - Use flashcards to introduce more family members (e.g., grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, cousin).
    - Pronounce the words clearly and have the students repeat after you.
    PRACTICE (15 minutes):
    - Divide the students into pairs or small groups.
    - Give each group a worksheet with a family tree and ask them to fill in the names of the family members based on the pictures.
    - Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance as needed.
    STORY TIME (10 minutes):
    - Read a storybook about families aloud to the class.
    - Pause occasionally to ask comprehension questions (e.g., "Who is the main character's sister?").
    CLOSURE (5 minutes):
    - Review the names of the family members with the class.
    - Ask each student to say one family member in English.
    - Thank the students for their participation and remind them of the next lesson.
    - Informal assessment during the practice activities to gauge students' understanding.
    - Observation of students' participation and ability to identify family members during the lesson.
    - Review of completed worksheets to assess individual comprehension.

  27. Name : Ana Rosita Alizah
    NIM : 211230013
    Class : 6A TBI
    1. In my opinion, a teacher is someone who has the main task of educating, guiding, teaching, training, directing. Teachers are an example for students at school. And of course the teacher has a better understanding of the material he is presenting.
    2. According to my personal experience, my teacher teaches using several teaching methods. One example is the lecture method, the teacher explains the material presented after explaining the teacher closes the lesson with a question and answer session. Apart from the lecture method, teachers sometimes use game methods to arouse interest in learning.
    3. Lesson Plan
    Title : Work and Profession

    - Students will identify and describe various professions using English.
    - Students will practice present simple tense to talk about jobs and professions.

    Grade Level: Elementary School (SD)

    Duration: 45 minutes

    Materials Needed:
    - Pictures or flashcards of different professions
    - Whiteboard and markers

    • Prerequisite skills :
    - Basic English Vocabullary
    - Listening Comprehension
    - Speaking, writing, reading skills
    - Group work skills

    • Introduction (5 minutes):
    - Discuss with students what they want to be when they grow up.
    - Introduce the topic of professions and explain they will explore different jobs today.

    Main Activities
    • Exploration Activity (15 minutes):
    - Show pictures/flashcards of professions.
    - Divide students into small groups.
    - Ask students to categorize professions and discuss them in English.
    • Guided Practice (10 minutes):
    - Review categorizations as a class.
    - Discuss each profession's tasks and workplaces.
    - Practice pronunciation of key vocabulary.
    • Independent Practice (10 minutes):
    - Distribute a worksheet with fill-in-the-blank sentences about professions.
    - Students complete the worksheet individually.

    • Conclusion (5 minutes):
    - Review worksheet answers as a class.
    - Summarize what they learned about different professions.
    - Encourage thinking about future career interests.

    • Assessment:
    - Informal observation during group discussions.
    - Review completed worksheets for understanding.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Name: Shinta Audri Fitriah
    Nim: 211230027/Tbi 6A

    1. The teachers at my school have a very positive attitude. They are always cheerful and create a fun and supportive learning environment for us, the students. They not only help us to increase our interest in learning, but also motivate us to actively participate in the learning process. In addition, their cheerfulness creates a friendly and open classroom atmosphere that makes us feel comfortable while learning. These cheerful teachers are considered good teacher qualities because they are considered valuable assets in supporting our academic and socio-emotional development as students.

    2. ⁠The learning approach at my school combines play and learning, which has proven to be very effective and beneficial for student development. Play is a natural way for children to learn and explore the world around them. By integrating learning with play, students become more motivated, actively engaged, and enjoy a fun learning experience. Through play, students can develop social skills such as sharing, cooperating, and communicating with peers. They can also improve fine and gross motor skills through a variety of physical and manipulative activities.

    3. Lesson Plan
    *⁠Theme:* Body Limbs

    *Sub-theme:* Body Limbs Introduction
    *Level:* Grade 3

    *Learning Objectives:*
    1. Students will be able to identify and name their body parts.
    2. Students can explain the primary function of each body part.
    3. Understand the importance of maintaining healthy body parts.

    *Duration:* 1 hour

    *Teaching Method:*
    1. Short lecture
    2. Group Activity
    3. Role Play
    4. Simple quiz

    - Pictures or posters of the human body
    - Paper and stationery
    - Props for the roles in the role play

    *Lesson Plan
    1. Introduction (5 minutes)
    - The teacher welcomes the students and introduces the topic of learning about body parts.
    - The teacher asks the students to pay attention because today they will learn about important body parts.

    2. Explanation (10 minutes)
    - The teacher briefly explains the names of the body parts while showing pictures or posters of the human body.
    - The teacher also explains the main function of each body part and why it is important to keep the body parts healthy.

    3. Group Activity (15 minutes)
    - The students are divided into small groups.
    - Each group is given paper and pencils.
    - They are asked to draw the human body and write the names of the body parts and their main functions.
    - The teacher goes around to give help and direction as needed.
    4. Role Play (15 minutes)
    - The teacher will divide the students into groups.
    - Each group is assigned a different role in a situation where one of the body parts has a problem or injury.
    - Students act out their roles in a short scene, demonstrating how to react appropriately in the situation.

    5. Simple Quiz (10 minutes)
    - The teacher gives a simple quiz on the names of the body parts and their main functions.
    - Students answer individually or in groups.

    6. Conclusion (5 minutes)
    - The teacher summarizes today's lesson and reviews some of the body part names and functions.
    - The teacher gives positive feedback to the students and reminds them to keep their limbs healthy.

    - The teacher can conduct formative assessment during the learning activity by observing students' participation in discussions, activity in group activities, and roles in role plays.
    - Teachers can also give a simple quiz as a form of final assessment to measure students' understanding of the learning material.

  30. Nama : Ratu Virdy
    NIM : 211230006/TBI A
    1. The teacher at my school is very appropriate with the caracterustic of good teacher. Because they have impart knowledge that mean they are responsible for teaching students according to a specific curriculum and ensuring they understand the material. They also can be role model, they influencing their behavior and character development. They often act as an external parent, guiding students and offering advice and support.

    2.The learning methods used in my school may include the visual Learning: This method involves using images, diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to help students understand and retain information. Visual learners prefer to see and observe the things they are learning.
    Auditory Learning: This method focuses on listening and speaking. Auditory learners prefer to hear information and relate it to sound. They may also think out loud and speak through a concept to understand it better.
    Reading/Writing Learning: This method emphasizes text-based input and output, such as reading and writing. Reading/writing preference learners enjoy reading and performing well on written assignments. They may also express themselves through writing.

    3. •Lesson plan•
    Title: "Exploring the World of Animals"
    Grade Level: Elementary
    Subject: English
    Duration: 45 minutes

    1. Students will be able to identify and name different animals.
    2. Students will be able to understand the importance of animals in our lives.
    3. Students will be able to appreciate the diversity of the animal kingdom.

    1. Picture cards of different animals.
    2. Colored pencils and paper.
    3. Whiteboard and markers.
    4. Video clips about different animals.


    Introduction (5 minutes):
    1. Begin the lesson by asking students about their favorite animal and why.
    2. Show picture cards of different animals and ask students to identify them.
    3. Discuss the importance of animals in our lives and how they help us.

    Activity 1: Identifying Animals (10 minutes):
    1. Divide students into small groups.
    2. Provide each group with picture cards of different animals.
    3. Ask students to identify and name as many animals as they can.
    4. Encourage students to discuss the differences and similarities between the animals.

    Activity 2: Animal Habitats (10 minutes):
    1. Show video clips about different animal habitats, such as the Amazon Rainforest and the Arctic.
    2. Discuss the importance of animal habitats and how they help animals survive.
    3. Ask students to draw and label their favorite animal habitat on a piece of paper.

    Activity 3: Creating an Animal Collage (10 minutes):
    1. Provide students with colored pencils and paper.
    2. Ask students to create a collage of their favorite animal or animal habitat.
    3. Encourage students to use the colors of the rainbow to make their collages more vibrant.

    Conclusion (5 minutes):
    1. Gather students together and ask them to share their collages.
    2. Discuss the importance of appreciating and learning about the diversity of the animal kingdom.
    3. Thank students for their participation and encourage them to continue exploring the world of animals.

    1. Observe students during activities to assess their understanding of the topic.
    2. Review students' collages to assess their creativity and ability to identify and name different animals.
    3. Ask students questions about the topic to assess their comprehension.

  31. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 211230024
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. So far, in my personal opinion, the lecturers who teach me have played a good role according to the standards that have been determined, they carry out their role well as facilitators in the process of studying, and also direct us to achieve the learning objectives that have been stated in the lesson plan for one semester

    2. The method that is often used on my campus is the Project Based Learning Model. In this learning model, students are taught to be a consultant team consisting of 2-3 people who will work together to complete a project according to what is stated in the lesson plan that has been given, such as making papers and PPTS which we will then present.


    Topic : Comparative Adjectives

    Grade Level :5th elementary grades

    Estimated Time : 45 minutes

    • Students can understand and use comparative adjectives correctly.
    • Students can make comparative sentences using comparative adjectives.
    • Students can practice using comparative adjectives in conversation.

    • Comparative adjectives
    • Examples of comparison sentences with comparative adjectives

    Material Needed :
    • White board
    • Marker
    • Posters or pictures showing comparisons
    • Word cards with comparative adjectives

    Lesson Procedures :

    Introduction (5 minutes):
    • The teacher greets students in English and asks how they are doing.
    • The teacher conducts a brief review of the previous material, namely adjectives.
    • The teacher explains the learning objectives for today.

    Main Activities (35 minutes):

    a. Presentation (10 minutes)
    • The teacher explains comparative adjectives using posters or pictures.
    • The teacher gives examples of comparative sentences using comparative adjectives.
    • The teacher explains how to make comparative sentences using comparative adjectives.

    b. Exercise (20 minutes)
    • The teacher divides students into several groups.
    • The teacher gives word cards with comparative adjectives to each group.
    • Each group is asked to make comparison sentences using the word cards given.
    • Each group presents their comparison sentences in front of the class.

    c. Game (5 minutes)
    • The teacher plays guessing words using comparative adjectives.
    • The teacher gives a clue about an object and students have to guess the object using comparative adjectives.

    Conclusion (5 minutes):

    • The teacher provides conclusions about the material that has been studied.
    • The teacher gives assignments to students to make comparative sentences using comparative adjectives at home.


    • Formative Assessment: Teachers assess student understanding through observations during learning activities.
    • Summative Assessment: The teacher assesses students' work results from the assignments given.

  32. Sheefmy Natawila Puteri
    2112300566B TBI
    Midd Term EYL
    1. Yes, in my school experience, the teachers have adapted to be a good teacher in their own right. because they have many qualities of a good teacher, as I knew, they have a deep understanding of the subjects they teach, share information with their students, they can adapt their teaching strategies to meet the different needs and learning styles of students, they remain calm and persistent even when students struggle to get information, so they provide support to help students overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

    2. The learning methods that I have known to use in my school are:- Experiential Learning: Because this approach emphasizes learning through direct experience, it often includes real-world activities.- Active Learning: This method requires students to actively participate . the learning process, an example is probably group discussions, solving activities. So because used this methode related to critical thinking the student.

    3. Lesson Plan of Elementary School “Crafted Invitation”
    1. Goal
    -Student Define the key elements of a well-crafted invitation, And student can be Cultivate confidence in extending invitations in both formal and informal settings.
    2. Objectives
    - students will be able to engage in a conversation on a given topic the art crafting invitation in verbal or non-verbal
    - student demonstrate effective communication skills
    - express their opinions by use vocabulary and grammatical structures.
    Estimated Time
    - 2 x 40 Minutes
    Materials Needed
    - Whiteboard and markers
    - Printed
    - Audio or video resources demonstrating invitation scenarios
    - Handouts with key phrases and vocabulary related to invitations
    - Rubric for assessment groups.
    3. Prerequisite Skills
    - Students should have a foundational understanding vocabulary related to events and social gatherings.
    - using basic grammatical structures
    - Students ability to comprehend spoken language, will be engaging in conversations related to invitations.
    -Comfort with expressing thoughts and ideas verbally
    - Previous exposure to role-playing activities in invitation scenarios.
    - work collaboratively in pairs or small groups
    - Students capability to understand written invitationsand related materials to enhance overall comprehension.
    - Students Encouraging students to think critically about the invitations and how it varies in different social contexts.
    - students developing the ability to express personal preferences, availability, and gratitude in a clear
    4. Lesson Procedures
    - Before start the lesson, the teacher says Greeting and asked how his students were today, then recite "basmalah" together
    - so the teacher tells the students the material they want to study today,
    - start by giving an example first how to explore the essence of effective communication in conveying
    - leaves it to students to create groups and students try to dialogue with their partners.
    Main Activities
    - pairs or small groups, taking turns extending and responding to invitations for different events.
    - Students individually create their own invitations for a specific event.
    - Utilize audio clips of various invitation scenarios. Students listen and then respond appropriately, demonstrating their understanding of spoken invitations and practicing their conversational skills.
    - Distribute scenario cards depicting different social situations requiring invitations.
    - Divide the class into groups and assign each group a specific aspect of invitation etiquette to discuss.
    - Assign groups a specific event to work together for design and present a detailed event invitation.
    5. Closing
    - the teacher give feedback to the students who studied, practiced and discussed
    - The teacher makes sure that the students understood what they have learned so far
    - end the lesson by reading "alhamdulillah" together.
    6. Assessment
    - provide handouts to create an invitation card independently, and conversations with their partners about invitations..

  33. Name : Amelia Putri
    SRN : 211230015
    Class : TBI 6A


    1. In my opinion, the role of teachers in schools is extremely vital for the development of their students. From my experience attending school when I was still in the young learners stage, I benefited greatly from the role of my teachers. They were not only a source of knowledge, but also served as mentors, learning facilitators, and were able to effectively manage the classroom so as to become active collaborators in the learning process. Because at the young learners stage, or during elementary school, there is usually only one teacher, it made it easier for me as a student to get to know and adapt well to my teacher. From my experience, I observed that they always took responsibility for delivering lesson materials in an engaging manner that was easily understood by all their students, including myself. Additionally, they could also act as mentors who consistently inspired and guided all their students in facing various academic and personal challenges. They also played a role as learning facilitators by creating an interactive and inclusive learning environment where all students, including myself, felt comfortable to ask questions and engage in discussions.
    Apart from all of that, the role of teachers at the young learners level includes implementing discipline and consistently creating a conducive learning atmosphere. Therefore, I believe that this aspect can serve as a collaborator for parents or other parties in supporting the overall success of their students. Thus, based on all the roles performed by my teacher, I can evaluate that my teacher has possessed and can be categorized as a good teacher.

    2. When I was in school, my school used the discussion method, which typically involved students actively engaging in conversations with classmates and teachers to explore ideas, analyze information, or develop critical thinking skills. In addition, the school often implemented Project Based Learning (PjBL) to develop students' skills and creativity in real life. Therefore, after discussing topics in the discussion, we would exchange opinions or hone the material learned. During the PjBL phase, real research or practice would be conducted. It was not uncommon for my teachers to use the demonstration method to show skills to their students, such as using specific tools or materials to create a craft.
    Sometimes, my teachers also applied group work methods to train teamwork in problem-solving, which resulted in satisfying outcomes. I believe this method had a positive impact because students did not feel bored learning and practicing alone, as working with friends was usually more enjoyable. And equally enjoyable was when learning using Game-Based Learning methods, which definitely didn't make the students, bored.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 3. Lesson Plan: Learning About Animals

      A. Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and describe different animals, including their habitats and characteristics.
      B. Grade Level: Elementary (2nd Grade)
      C. Duration: 45 minutes

      D. Materials:
      1. Pictures or flashcards of various animals
      2. Whiteboard or chart paper
      3. Markers or chalk
      4. Animal sounds recordings
      5. Animal habitat worksheets

      E. Procedure:
      - Warm-up (5 minutes):
      1. Greet the students and review any previous lessons related to animals.
      2. Play a short game of "Simon Says" using animal actions (e.g., hop like a rabbit, flap your arms like a bird) to energize the students and get them engaged.
      -Introduction (10 minutes):
      1. Show pictures or flashcards of different animals and elicit their names from the students.
      2. Discuss where each animal lives (habitat) and some basic characteristics of each animal.
      3. Introduce any new vocabulary related to animals that students may not be familiar with.
      -Main Activity: Animal Sorting (15 minutes):
      1. Divide the class into small groups.
      2. Provide each group with a set of animal pictures or flashcards and a large piece of paper.
      3. Instruct the groups to sort the animals into categories based on their habitats (e.g., farm animals, zoo animals, forest animals).
      4. Circulate among the groups to provide assistance and monitor their progress.
      -Group Presentation (10 minutes):
      1. Ask each group to present their sorted animals to the class.
      2. Encourage students to describe the animals they've sorted and explain why they placed them in specific categories.
      3. Use this opportunity to reinforce vocabulary and correct any misconceptions.
      -Wrap-up and Review (5 minutes):
      1. Review the key concepts learned in the lesson, including animal names, habitats, and characteristics.
      2. Ask students questions to assess their understanding, such as "Can you tell me one animal that lives in the forest?" or "What sound does a cow make?"
      3. Assign a simple homework task, such as drawing their favorite animal and writing a sentence about it.

      F. Extension Activities:
      1. Play animal sounds recordings and have students guess which animal each sound belongs to.
      2. Provide animal habitat worksheets for students to complete individually or in pairs.
      3. Read a storybook about animals and discuss it with the class.

      G. Assessment: Observation during group activities, participation in class discussions, and completion of homework assignments.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Name: Yati Nurhayati
    Nim: 211230029
    Class: TBI 6 A

    1.When I was in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school, I encountered many different kinds of teachers, such as those who taught monotonously, only gave assignments, and so on. When I was in junior high school and senior high school, it had not yet entered the digital era, which caused us to only learn by writing books summarizing etc. Maybe I think the teachers at the time I went to school included the characteristics of a good teacher, but there are also many who are not included in the characteristics of a good teacher.

    2. Conventional Learning: learning methods done through lectures, discussions, and written assignments.

    3.Lesson plan

    Subject: English
    Teacher: Yati Nurhayati S.pd
    Theme: Recognizing numbers
    Class: 1 (One)

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Students can identify numbers 1-10.
    2. Students can write the numbers 1-10.
    3. Students can count the number of objects according to the numbers shown.

    Learning Duration: 60 minutes

    Tools and Materials:
    1. Pictures of numbers 1-10.
    2. Stationery.
    3. Small objects to count.

    Learning Steps:

    Introduction (10 minutes):
    1. The teacher introduces himself/herself and presents today's learning objectives.
    2. The teacher shows pictures of numbers 1-10 and asks the students to say the numbers.

    Core Learning (30 minutes):
    1. The teacher shows the number 1 and explains the meaning and shape of the number.
    2. Students are asked to imitate writing the number 1 in their notebooks.
    3. The teacher continues by teaching the numbers 2-10 gradually in the same way.

    Group Activity (15 minutes):
    1. Students are divided into small groups.
    2. Each group is given small objects that must be counted according to the numbers indicated by the teacher.

    Closing (5 minutes):
    1. The teacher asks the students to repeat the numbers 1-10 in turn.
    2. The teacher gives praise to students who can identify and write numbers well.

    The teacher can evaluate by giving simple problems on numbers 1-10 to the students and monitoring their ability to identify and write the numbers well.

  36. Name : Widda Agustina
    NIM : 211230018
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. The teachers at my school play a crucial role in the learning process. They exhibit good teacher characteristics and are highly competent in teaching. The role of teachers is not only crucial within the school environment but also in education as a whole, as they are the primary facilitators in the learning process, imparting knowledge, skills, and values to us as students. Additionally, teachers serve as motivators, guides, and role models for students. They assist us in developing our potentials and provide guidance. And this is evidence that my teachers have fulfilled the characteristics of a good teacher.
    2. The methods employed by my teachers at that time align with those in the K13, involving active, collaborative, and project-based learning approaches.
    - Active Learning Method: This means students don't just sit quietly while the teacher talks, but they also actively participate in learning. They might discuss, try to solve problems, or do experiments.
    - Collaborative Learning Method: This means students work together in groups to learn.
    - Project-Based Learning: This means students learn by creating real projects or products.
    3. Lesson Plan Title: Fun with TPR Songs and Finger Plays
    Students will engage in Total Physical Response (TPR) activities through songs and finger plays, improving their language skills while actively participating in movements.
    Materials Needed:
    - "Head and Shoulders" finger-play lyrics (printed or displayed)
    - Audio recording or live performance of "Head and Shoulders"
    - Visual aids illustrating body parts (optional)
    - Space for movement
    Lesson Procedure:
    1. *Introduction (10 minutes):*
    - Explain to students that they will be learning a fun finger-play called "Head and Shoulders" and will be using their hands and fingers to point to different body parts.
    - Demonstrate the finger-play while saying the words aloud and moving your fingers accordingly.
    - Encourage students to watch and listen carefully.
    2. *Learning the Finger-Play (15 minutes):*
    - Display or distribute the lyrics of "Head and Shoulders" to the students.
    - Chant the finger-play slowly, pointing to each body part as you say it (head, shoulders, knees, toes).
    - Have students repeat after you while mimicking the finger movements.
    - Repeat the finger-play several times, gradually increasing the speed as students become more familiar with the movements and words.
    3. *Practice with Music (15 minutes):*
    - Play an audio recording of the "Head and Shoulders" song or sing it live with the students.
    - Encourage students to follow along with the song, using their hands and fingers to point to the correct body parts as they sing.
    - Join in the singing and movements with the students, creating a lively and engaging atmosphere.
    4. *Extension Activity: Body Parts Review (10 minutes):*
    - Use visual aids or drawings to review the names of the body parts featured in the finger-play (head, shoulders, knees, toes).
    - Ask students to identify and point to each body part as you say its name.
    - Encourage students to use complete sentences, such as "This is my head" or "These are my knees."
    5. *Performance and Sharing (10 minutes):*
    - Invite each group to perform their finger-play for the class.
    - Encourage classmates to participate by following along with the movements and chanting along with the performers.
    - Applaud each group's efforts and creativity.
    6. *Closure (5 minutes):*
    - Recap the lesson by asking students to share what they enjoyed most about the finger-plays and TPR activities.
    - Emphasize the importance of using movements and actions to enhance language learning.
    - Observe students' participation and engagement during the finger-plays and TPR activities.
    - Evaluate students' ability to accurately follow along with the movements and words of the finger-plays.

  37. Name: Siti Nurhakiki
    NIM: 211230028
    Class: TBI 6A

    1. I think, role of teachers in my school is certainly very important. Teachers act as someone who provides understanding to students and provides guidance to students in understanding lessons and teachers also encourage students to overcome challenges when students get challenges or obstacles in the learning process. They can also be considered as good teachers because they always teach the material to their students patiently. Then, although not all, they also always motivate students to continue to develop their abilities so that students feel motivated and continue to improve and develop their abilities. They are also teachers with broad insights so that they inspire students and are able to create learning environment to be more interesting. In my opinion, they can be said as good teachers.

    2. Learning methods that are often applied in my school include: group discussion, problem-based learning, project-based learning and traditional methods depending on the material being taught. Group Discussion is a method of learning where students discuss issues and ideas together. In Group discussion, students work in groups to solve problems. When I was in school, my teachers liked to divide us into groups to discuss the topic. However, the teacher also sometimes applies the traditional method and project-based learning is also applied.

    3. Lesson Plan for Elementary School

    A. Identity
    Subject: Bahasa Inggris
    Grade: 5 (Elementary school)
    Unit/Theme: 1/Taste of Food and Drinks
    Estimated time: 2 x 35 minutes

    B. Basic competence
    Identify the taste of food and drinks

    C. Indicators
    - Students are able to identify the types of taste (sweet, bitter, salty and sour) of food and drinks in English
    - Students are able to categorize foods and drinks based on their taste

    D. Objectives
    - Students are able to mention the taste of different foods and drinks in English
    - Students are able to identify the types of taste of food and drink in English
    - Learners are able to categorize different foods and drinks based on their taste

    E. Materials needed
    Cards with pictures of food and drinks

    F. Learning activities
    Introduction (10 minutes):
    1. The teacher greets the students
    2. The teacher asks the class leader to lead the prayer before learning
    3. The teacher reads the students' attendance list
    4. The teacher asks questions related to the topic to be learned which is food taste.

    Main activities (50minutes)
    1. The teacher introduces the four basic tastes, namely sweet, salty bitter and sour.
    2. The teacher shows pictures of food and asks the students to mention how each food tastes.
    3. Students mention the taste of each food picture shown by the teacher
    4. The teacher asks the students to follow the sentences she says related to the food and its taste
    "Mangoes are sweet"
    "coffee is bitter"
    "limes are sour"
    "cheese is salty"
    5. Students imitate what the teacher says
    6. The teacher divides students into several groups
    7. The teacher gives an assignment in the form of some food pictures and asks each group to categorize each food based on its taste.
    8. The teacher monitors the students during the work
    9. The teacher asks the students to collect their work

    Closing (10 minutes)
    1. The teacher asks the learners to recall the four basic flavors of food and beverages that they have learned.
    2. The teacher closes the lesson

    G. Assessment
    Assess students' understanding of the four basic tastes through their participation in the taste test activity and their ability to categorize foods based on taste

    H. Lesson extension
    Encourage students to try identifying the tastes of different foods at home and to share their findings in the next lesson.

  38. Name : Nabila Salsabila
    SRN    : 211230010
    Class  : TBI 6A

    1. Based on my experience, the teachers I've had from elementary to high school mostly meet the standards of a good teacher, but some do not quite meet those criteria. Some teachers are very proficient in teaching and increase enthusiasm for learning with high motivation, but others do the opposite. In my opinion, a good teacher is someone who can convey their knowledge to students in a good manner, such as being fair, collaborative, patient, and firm.

    2. Overall, from elementary school to high school, my teachers have used almost all types of teaching methods. However, in terms of elementary school, my teachers often use teaching methods such as direct instruction where the teacher explains the material and students listen, then there is cooperative learning where students are asked to work in groups, then there is game-based learning where students play while learning, and the last, there is project-based learning, for example, I still remember when we were each given the task to make salted eggs.

    1. 3. LESSON PLAN (Nabila Salsabila)

      Subject                      : English Language
      Class/Semester      : Grade 1/Semester 1
      Theme/Subtheme : Exploring Colors
      Time Allocation      : 1 × 60 minutes
      Skill                            : Listening and Speaking

      A. Core Competencies:
      - KI 1: Internalizing and practicing the teachings of the religion they believe in.
      - KI 2: Internalizing and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring (mutual cooperation, collaboration, tolerance, peace), polite, responsive, and proactive behaviors and showing an attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with social and natural environments and in positioning oneself as a reflection of the nation in world society.
      - KI 3: Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge based on curiosity about knowledge, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with humanistic, national, state, and civilization insights related to the causes of phenomena and events, and applying procedural knowledge in specific study fields according to their talents and interests to solve problems.
      - KI 4: Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract realms related to the development of what they have learned at school independently, and able to use methods according to scientific principles.

      B. Competency Standards:
      1. Responding to simple instructions with actions in the classroom context.
      2. Expressing simple instructions and information in the classroom context.

      C. Basic Competencies:
      1.1. Identifying colors spoken in English.
      2.1. Naming colors in English.

      D. Learning Indicators/Goals:
      1. Students are able to identify and imitate colors spoken in English.
      2. Students can mention at least five color names in English.

      E. Learning Materials:
      - Social Function: Understanding and using color vocabulary in English in everyday contexts.
      - Text Structure: Simple sentence models to introduce colors in English: "This is red." "The sky is blue."

      Learning Methods:
      - Cooperative Learning: Students work in small groups to practice identifying and naming colors in English.
      - Games: Using games such as "Color Bingo" or "Simon Says" to practice color vocabulary.

      Learning Steps:

      1. The teacher greets the students and asks how they are.
      2. The teacher then informs the lesson material and shows pictures of colors to the students.
      3. The teacher asks the students about the colors they see.

      Main Activities:
      1. The teacher divides the students into several groups.
      2. The teacher starts the color matching game:
         - Students match colors with appropriate pictures.
         - They mention color names in English while playing Bingo/Simon says games.
      3. Students Start Coloring Activity:
         - Students color pictures and mention colors in English.
      4. The teacher reads Colorful Stories:
         - The teacher reads a story containing interesting colors.
         - Students listen and mention color names in English that appear.

      5. Review and Reflection:
         - The teacher repeats the color vocabulary learned.
         - Students are asked to mention the colors they have learned during the lesson.

      6. Assignment:
         - The teacher assigns students to list as many colors as possible around them.

      - Teacher Observation: Observing students' ability to identify and mention colors in English during learning activities.
      - Written Test: Giving a simple test to assess students' understanding of color vocabulary in English.

  39. Name : Rizka Juliana Pribadi
    Nim : 211230039
    Class : TBI 6B
    Lecture time: 15.50 - 17.30
    1.The role of teachers had a significant impact on me, particularly regarding how I view the subjects they teach. For instance, I can even say I started to like English because of a teacher I had in Elementary School made the learning English process enjoyable. In my experience, this teacher excelled at teaching English. They possessed a deep understanding of the subject matter, allowing them to convey information accurately and address students' questions effectively. Moreover, they demonstrated excellent communication skills and were consistently enthusiastic in class. From my experience, I can conclude that the role of a teacher is extremely important for their students.
    2. My teacher employed several innovative teaching methods to enhance English education. Firstly, they integrated songs into lessons to foster vocabulary acquisition and listening skills development, songs like "Old MacDonald" and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" made learning engaging. Secondly, they introduced role-playing and games, such as animal charades, to make learning interactive. These activities not only enriched vocabulary but also honed pronunciation skills. Lastly, storytelling served as a conduit for introducing new vocabulary and grammar concepts, embedding cultural understanding through folklore tales.
    3. Lesson Plan: Telling Time
    Goal: To enable elementary school students to understand and tell time accurately using both analog and digital clocks.
    1. Students will be able to identify the hour and minute hands on an analog clock.
    2. Students will be able to read time to the nearest hour and half-hour on both analog and digital clocks.
    3. Students will be able to practice telling time through various interactive activities.
    Estimated Time: 45-60 minutes
    Materials Needed: Analog clocks (one per small group or pair of students), digital clocks (one per small group or pair of students), worksheets with clock faces and questions about time, whiteboard and markers, and flashcards with time expressions (e.g., "half past," "quarter to")
    Prerequisite Skills: Understanding of numbers up to at least 60, basic understanding of counting by fives, and knowledge of the concept of hours and minutes.
    Lesson Procedure:
    Begin with a discussion about why telling time is important in daily life. Show students examples of analog and digital clocks and explain the difference between them and review the parts of the clock: hour hand, minute hand, and numbers.
    •Main Activities:
    Demonstration: Use a large analog clock to demonstrate how to tell time to the nearest hour and half-hour. Allow students to practice reading the time with guidance. Small Group Practice: Divide students into small groups or pairs and provide each group with an analog and digital clock. Give them worksheets with clock faces and questions about time. Allow students to work together to answer the questions and check their answers. Interactive Activities: Use flashcards with time expressions to play games such as "What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?" or "Time Bingo" to reinforce time-telling skills in a fun way.
    Have a brief discussion to review what students have learned about telling time. Summarize key points and clarify any misconceptions.
    1. Observation: Monitor students' participation and understanding during group activities and discussions.
    2. Worksheet: Evaluate students' ability to read and write time accurately on the provided worksheets.
    3. Verbal Assessment: Ask individual students to tell the time using both analog and digital clocks to gauge their understanding.
    Lesson Extensions: Real-life Applications: Encourage students to practice telling time in different contexts outside of the classroom.

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  41. 3. Lesson Plans for young students at primary school level focusing on the theme "My Family":

    Subject English as a Second Language (ESL)
    Grade Level: Elementary (6-10 years old)
    Duration 45 minutes
    Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe their family members and talk about their relationships using basic English vocabulary and simple sentences.
    Materials needed:
    - Flashcards or pictures of family members (parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.)
    - Whiteboard and markers
    - Worksheets with family-related activities
    - Storybook about family
    1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
    - Greet students and ask how they are feeling today.
    - play a short game like "Simon Says" using family-related actions (e.g., "Simon says,'Show me how you hug your mom'").

    2. Introductions (5 minutes):
    - Show pictures of different family members using flashcards or pictures on the board.
    - Introduce new vocabulary related to family members (e.g., mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather).
    - Practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary with the students.
    3. Vocabulary Practice (10 minutes):
    - Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
    - Give each group a set of flashcards with family members.
    - Ask students to take turns describing the family member on their card to their partner using the vocabulary they have learned.
    4. Story Time (10 minutes):
    - Read the storybook about the family aloud to the class.
    - Stop occasionally to ask comprehension questions or discuss the characters and their relationships.
    - Encourage students to make connections between the story and their own families.
    5. Group Activity (10 minutes):
    - Hand out worksheets containing family-related activities, such as drawing their family or completing sentences about their family members.
    - Move around the classroom to help students and provide guidance if needed.
    6. Closure (5 minutes):
    - Review the vocabulary and key concepts covered in the lesson.
    - Ask students to share one thing they learned about families today.
    - Give homework, such as practicing describing their family members to family members at home.
    - Informal assessment through observation of student participation and engagement during the activity.
    - Review completed worksheets for accuracy and understanding of vocabulary and concepts covered.
    Extension Activities:
    • Role-play scenarios involving family interactions.
    • Sing songs or chants related to family members and relationships.
    • Create a class collage or family tree displaying students' families.

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  43. Name: Mumun Munjiah
    Class: TBI A
    NIM: 211230022

    1. The role of teachers in my school is very good and fulfills the characteristics of a good teacher starting from teachers mastering the subject matter that will be delivered to students, teachers monitoring students through evaluation both by observing behavior and test results, teachers also have a commitment to students and their learning process, and teachers at my school not only deliver material but cover all aspects of students' needs such as motivation to learn, providing learning materials and so on. although there are still some teachers who do not meet the characteristics of a good teacher in school.
    2. At my school, most subjects use the lecture method, where the teacher gives and explains the material to students orally. The discussion method that some teachers apply is where students are instructed to discuss and explain the material being studied and the teacher's job is only to pay attention to the progress of the discussion.

    .3.lesson plan

    Subject : Parts of the Body
    Concept / Topic to teach: Introducing the names of the body in English

    General Goal(s):
    • The student can identify and remember the name of the body in English, and be able to recall them.
    Specific Objectives:
    • Students are able to identify and tell the name of the body in English.

    Required aids:
    • Picture of the Body
    • Chalk
    • Envelopes and paper
    Step-By-Step Procedures:

    1. Duration: 2 Minutes
    Activity: Greetings and Introduction of the lesson for example: “Good Morning children, how are you today?”.

  44. 2. Duration: 20 Minutes
    Activity: Sharing the knowledge of the Body between students and teacher
    • The teacher shows the picture of the Body, asks the students the names of the Body in Indonesian and introduces the name in English (Nose, Hand, Foot, Chin, Cheek, etc).
    • The teacher writes the names of the Body parts and how to pronounce
    the words.The students are encouraged to imitate.
    • The teacher writes the vocabulary, which is difficult to remember like
    Nose, Chin, Head,etc.
    • The students do the exercise on the book page 11 part A and B.

    3. Duration: 20 Minutes
    Activity: Drilling
    • The teacher mention 5 parts of the face and drill the student to remember and recall the names of the face.
    • The teacher stand in front of the class and carry out like in the picture, and asks the student to tell what it is.
    • Give praise if the student is correct and help the student remember if he is wrong.
    4. Duration: 20 Minutes

    Activity : Games The students are divided into five groups. Each group consisted of five students.
    The teacher gives five envelopes with Parts of the Body paper in it to the five groups.
    The students must do which is written in the envelopes and the other groups must guess what it is. The other groups must listen to their friend and appreciate them by giving applause at the end.
    Every group gets a bar of chocolate as a reward for their effort in these games.
    5. Duration: 10 MinutesActivity: Closure

    The teacher gives a short opinion about the students ‘ Parts of the Body and encourages the students to do it more.

    Assessment Based on Objectives: The students can tell the Parts of the Body.
    Plan for the Independent Practice: Tell the student to do it at home to remembers the Name of the Body and next week there is a Quiz.

  45. name : adzra billaizah
    nim : 211230016
    class : 6A TBI

    1. in my opinion the role of teachers in my school is as educators, mentors, trainers, facilitators and motivators. at school my teachers in addition to transferring knowledge they are also able to make themselves a good role model so that their students can emulate them, this can build student characteristics besides that my teacher is able to provide a motivation which can help, guide and direct me to become a better student. of course, I think my teacher already has the characteristics of a good teacher.

    2. the learning method used in my school is the demonstration method because students are given the opportunity to explain some material (role play). besides that, the lecture method is also used in my school where the teacher gives an overall explanation. the group discussion method is also used in class. this makes students active in learning because it gives students the opportunity to express their opinions in learning.

    3. 3. lesson plan for elementary school

    Sub-theme: Domestic Animals

    Grade: Grade 3

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Students will be able to identify the names of domestic animals in English.
    2. Students will be able to describe the physical characteristics of the domestic animals they learn about.
    3. Students will be able to use simple sentences to describe these domestic animals.

    Duration:1 hour

    Teaching Method:
    1. Brief lecture
    2. Group activity
    3. Role play
    4. Simple quiz

    1. Pictures of domestic animals
    2. Whiteboard and markers
    3. Flashcards with the names of domestic animals
    4. Worksheets for students
    5. Small prizes for quiz winners

    Lesson Plan:

    1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    - The teacher introduces today's topic, "Domestic Animals."
    - The teacher shows pictures of domestic animals and asks the students if they recognize them.

    2. Explanation (10 minutes):
    - The teacher gives a brief explanation of some domestic animals that will be learned today, such as cat, dog, fish, bird, rabbit, etc.
    - The teacher also explains the physical characteristics of each animal.

    3. Group Activity (15 minutes):
    - Students are divided into small groups.
    - Each group is given a picture of a domestic animal.
    - They are asked to discuss the physical characteristics of the animal and make simple sentences to describe it.

    4. Role Play (15 minutes):
    - Each group will play the role of pet owners.
    - They will interact with each other and exchange information about their pet animals, such as name, color, favorite food, etc.

    5. Simple Quiz (10 minutes):
    - The teacher will give a simple quiz about the domestic animals learned.
    - Students will compete in their groups to answer the questions correctly.
    - The group with the most correct answers will receive small prizes.

    6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    - The teacher summarizes today's learning and reminds students of the importance of taking good care of their pets.
    - The teacher provides brief feedback on the students' performance during the lesson.

    - The teacher will assess students' participation during group activities and role plays, as well as their ability to use English to describe domestic animals.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Name : Sajidah Qurotu Aini
    Nim : 211230036
    Class : Tbi_6B

    1. I think in general, the role of teachers in school is very important and highly valued. Teachers have a significant impact in shaping students' academic, social and emotional development. They not only provide academic learning, but also become mentors and role models for students in all aspects of life.
    And teachers in my school are expected to: make learning interesting, encourage active learning, provide emotional support, assess and provide feedback, act as behavioural models, act as learners.
    By fulfilling these roles, teachers at my school can have a positive impact on student development and the overall school environment.

    In my opinion, there is only one drawback, which is the lack of discipline in punctuality, resulting in the cutting of lessons, which in my opinion makes the class less efficient and conducive.

    2. I think the learning methods used at my school are academic and project-based and use the education system according to 2013, which we learnt group discussions, problem-based projects, and project-based learning, to enable students to participate in social interaction and gain a better understanding of concepts.

    3. Lesson Plan Subject: Indonesian Language
    Grade: 1 (One) Elementary School
    Subject Matter: Recognizing Vowel Letters A, I, U, E, O

    - Opening of class (5 minutes)
    - Attendance check (5 minutes)
    - Greetings and prayer (5 minutes)

    A. Learning Objective:

    Students can recognize the vowel letters A, I, U, E, O.
    Students can read and write vowel letters A, I, U, E, O.
    Students can identify vowel letters A, I, U, E, O in words.

    B. Learning Materials:

    Introduction of vowel letters A, I, U, E, O.
    Introduction of how to read and write vowels A, I, U, E, O.
    Recognition of words containing the vowels A, I, U, E, O.

    C. Learning Method:

    Short lecture.
    Small group discussion.
    Group activity.

    D. Learning Steps:

    The teacher introduces the vowels A, I, U, E, O to the students.
    Students repeat together with the teacher the pronunciation and writing of vowel letters A, I, U, E, O.
    The teacher reads some words containing the vowels A, I, U, E, O.
    Students listen and try to write the words on the board or in their own notebooks.
    Students discuss in small groups to identify more words containing the vowels A, I, U, E, O. The teacher and students role-play by creating a story.
    Teacher and students role-play by creating short stories containing words with vowels A, I, U, E, O.
    Students individually or in groups write their own short stories containing words with vowels A, I, U, E, O.

    E. Tools and Materials:

    Indonesian language textbook.
    Whiteboard and markers.
    Notebook and pencils.
    Word cards.

    F. Assessment:

    The teacher monitors students' participation during the learning process.
    The teacher gives immediate feedback to the students as they write and read words with the vowels A, I, U, E, O. The teacher may give written or oral assignments to evaluate the students' understanding of the vowels A, I, U, E, O.
    The teacher can give written or oral assignments to evaluate students' understanding of the vowel letters A, I, U, E, O.

    G. Closing:

    The teacher summarizes today's learning and motivates the students to continue practicing reading and writing words with vowels A, I, U, E, O at home.

  48. Name : Annisa Waghfirliyana
    NIM : 211230023
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. In my school the roles of is teacher is very important, it is because the teachers have various duties and responsibilities that contribute to student success. The teacher plan and deliver lessons, assess student performance, create inclusive learning environments, collaborate with colleagues and also students parents, monitor student progress, and engage in professional development activities.
    And yes, they (the teacher) in my school is already fit the characteristics of a good teacher.

    2. In my school is use a variety learning methods throughout the day and week to keep students engaged and ensure they are learning effectively. And the method are :
    a. Active learning method, such as group work, discussion and debates.
    b. Modern approach, such as technology based learning.
    c. Traditional learning method, such as textbooks and also reading.

    3. Lesson Plan: My Colors
    Subject: Art
    Target Grade Level: 1st grade elementary school
    Learning Objectives:
    •Students will be able to identify two basic colors, for example: yellow and green.
    •Students will be able to participate in a simple color recognition activity.
    •Students will be able to create a yellow and green artwork.
    •Large yellow and gree construction paper for each student
    •Yellow and green paint that washable and finger paints work well
    •Paper plates (optional, for paint)
    •Baby wipes or wet cloths for clean-up
    •Introduction (5 minutes):
    -Color Show: The teacher hold up a yellow piece of construction paper and say "Yellow!" in a cheerful voice, then students have to repeat "Yellow!". Do the same with the blue construction paper.
    •Activity 1: Color Touch (10 minutes):
    -Instructions: Blindfold one student at a time (gently!) and have them reach out and touch a piece of construction paper.
    -Feeling the Color: ask the student, "Is it yellow or green?" If they guess correctly, give them a high five! And if not, have them feel again and help them guess. Repeat with other students.
    •Activity 2: Colorful Hands (20 minutes):
    -Setting Up: Spread out the construction paper on the floor or tables. If using paint, pour a small amount of yellow and green paint onto separate paper plates.
    -Painting Fun: Instruct students to choose a color (yellow or green) and dip their hand in the paint
    -Creating Art: Encourage them to make handprints on their chosen colored construction paper.
    -Clean Up: Have wet wipes or cloths ready for cleaning hands after painting.
    •Wrap up (5 minutes):
    -Show and Tell: Have students hold up their colorful creations and let them share their favorite color.
    -Goodbye Song & Pray: Sing a short and simple goodbye song together & Pray before leaving the class
    -Observe students' participation in activities and their ability to identify yellow and green
    -Briefly look at their artwork to see if they used yellow or green paint or even both.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Name : Putri Datin Hulliyany
    NIM : 211230060
    Class : 6B TBI
    1). The teacher I had in Elementary School had a profound impact on my perception of certain subjects, particularly English. Their teaching approach made learning English enjoyable for me, and as a result, I developed a genuine liking for the subject. This teacher excelled in their role by demonstrating a strong understanding of the subject matter, effectively conveying information, and addressing student inquiries with clarity. Furthermore, their exceptional communication skills and unwavering enthusiasm in the classroom further enhanced the learning experience. Through my personal experience, I came to realize the significant importance of teachers in shaping students' attitudes and experiences toward learning.

    2). At school I use a variety of diverse learning methods to ensure that each student can learn in a way that suits his or her learning style. One method that is often used is lecture-based learning, where teachers provide information through structured lectures. This helps us understand new concepts in a clear and organized way.
    In addition, we also often use discussion-based learning, where we are invited to actively participate in discussions with the teacher and classmates. This helps us develop critical thinking and communication skills while considering different points of view.
    There is also collaborative learning where we work together in groups to complete tasks or projects. This helps us develop skills of cooperation and support between friends.

    3). Lesson Plan: Introduction to Colors
    Grade Level: Elementary (Grades 1-3)
    Subject: English
    • Students will learn the names of basic colors in English.
    • Students will be able to identify and correctly name colors in English.
    • Students will practice using color vocabulary in sentences.
    Materials Needed:
    1. Color flashcards or pictures
    2. Whiteboard or chart paper
    3. Markers
    4. Color worksheets
    5. Crayons or colored pencils
    Lesson Duration: 45 minutes
    1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Begin the lesson by greeting the students and introducing the topic: Colors.
    • Show a few color flashcards or pictures and ask the students what they see. Encourage them to name the colors they recognize.
    2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):
    • Present a set of color flashcards or pictures, one at a time.
    • Pronounce each color clearly and have the students repeat after you.
    • Write the name of each color on the whiteboard or chart paper.
    3. Color Identification Activity (15 minutes):
    • Hold up different color flashcards or show pictures of objects in various colors.
    • Ask students to identify and name the colors they see.
    • Encourage students to use complete sentences when naming colors (e.g., "The apple is red").
    4. Color Mixing Experiment (10 minutes):
    • Introduce the concept of color mixing using primary colors (red, blue, yellow).
    • Show how mixing different colors can create new colors (e.g., red + blue = purple).
    • Conduct a simple color mixing experiment using colored water or paint if resources allow.
    5. Worksheet Activity (10 minutes):
    • Distribute color worksheets to each student.
    • Instruct students to color the objects according to the color names written on them.
    • Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and support as needed.
    6. Wrap-Up and Review (5 minutes):
    • Review the names of colors with the class.
    • Ask students questions related to the lesson, such as "What color is the sky?" or "Can you name something that is yellow?"
    • Encourage students to use color vocabulary in their responses.
    Homework (Optional):
    • Assign students to find and bring in objects of different colors from home. They can then present their objects to the class and name the colors in English.
    • Informal assessment through observation of students' participation and understanding during activities.
    • Review completed color worksheets to assess students' ability to identify and correctly name colors in English.

  51. Name: Nayla Fadlia Chozin
    Nim: 211230038
    Class: 6b tbi
    1. In my opinion the role of teachers in my school is quite good, the teachers really guide their students patiently, always motivate their students and advise them, but there are some teachers who always nag or are strict during their lessons so that the students they teach are a little afraid of the teacher, but from this incident it makes their students become disciplined.
    2. the methods used at my school were lectures, where the teacher explained the material. there were also discussions, where students were formed into groups to discuss the day's material. and there was also Project Based Learning, where students were told to apply what the teacher explained.
    3. Lesson Theme: Parts of the Body
    Level: Elementary School (Grades 1-3)
    1) Objective
    • Students can identify the names of body parts in English.
    • Students can name their own body parts.
    • Students can use simple sentences to talk about body parts.
    2) Estimated Time
    1 hour 20 minutes
    3) Material needed
    • Laptop
    • Projector
    • Audio speakers
    • Pictures of body parts (such as head, hands, feet, eyes, mouth, nose, etc.).
    • Whiteboard and markers.
    • YouTube video: A nursery rhyme about body parts (https://youtu.be/1io44ucVgtI?si=cEx8X-vX5OTA2o1n)
    • Flashcards or picture cards for each body part.
    4) Lesson Procedure
    • The teacher greets the learners.
    • The teacher asks the learners about their general health condition.
    • Students and teachers pray together.
    • The teacher checks the attendance of the learners.
    • play a song about body parts and start by singing the song while doing simple physical movements involving body parts (such as touching the nose, head, etc.).
    • Ask students questions about body parts they recognize in English.
    Main Activities
    • Display pictures of body parts on the board or through flashcards.
    • Say the names of the body parts in English while pointing to the pictures.
    • Encourage students to repeat the names after you.
    • Divide the students into small groups.
    • Give each group picture cards with the names of body parts in English.
    • Ask each group to find the pictures that match the names and put them on the board.
    • Give each student a worksheet with pictures of body parts that they have to label by writing the English names.
    • Accompany students who need extra help and give positive reinforcement to those who can complete the task well.
    5) Closing
    • Ask the students some questions about the body parts they have learned today.
    • Provide opportunities for students to share what they have learned and what they liked most about this lesson.
    • Praise the students for their participation and effort.
    6) Assessment
    make a video about the parts of the body that we have learned and post it in the class group.

  52. Name : Ainur Rohmah
    Nim : 211230019
    Class : 6A TBI

    1. I think the role of teachers in schools is very important. Because they don't just teach, but also act as second parents, good role models, able to guide students to reach their best potential and are also required to be good class managers, namely creating a conducive and enjoyable learning environment.
    There are several qualities that a teacher must have. 1. Teachers must have extensive knowledge. 2. Teachers must be able to communicate well (to students and parents) so that the messages conveyed can be understood well. 3. Teachers must be able to motivate and inspire students, so that they are motivated to learn and develop. So, if the role of a teacher in school reflects these characteristics, then in my opinion it is in accordance with the description of a good teacher. However, if there are deficiencies, it means that the school needs to carry out evaluations and improvements to improve the quality of its teaching.

    2. The method used at my school is Lecture, because with this method the teacher provides direct explanations to students about the subject matter. Then there are also Group Discussions, so students are divided into small groups to discuss certain topics. So students can share ideas, experiences and knowledge with other group members. Lastly there is a Project, with this method we as students can apply knowledge and skills. Students also usually work in groups to complete these projects.

  53. Name : Wanda Octaviani Putri
    NIM : 211230003
    smt/prodi : 6 TBI A

    1. During my educational journey at school I felt the role of a good teacher during school because of course I gained a lot of knowledge, not only academic but non-academic knowledge, now that I am in college I have learned many things about how to be a good teacher. I think my teacher who taught me at school used to implement everything well

    2. Based on my experience when I was in elementary school, some of my teachers implemented project-based learning and game-based learning methods. As far as I know, project based learning (PBL) or project-based teaching is a learning approach designed to provide opportunities for students to develop knowledge. and skills through interesting projects based on challenges and problems they may face in the real world. As young students of course there is a phase where we get bored with learning, that's when my teacher implemented game-based learning, and as far as I know, game-based training is a training method that uses games and other interactive activities to teach new skills and abilities to students knowledge.

    Subject: Science
    Grade Level: 3rd Grade
    Topic: Plant Life Cycle

    Students will be able to identify and describe the stages of a plant's life cycle.

    Materials Needed:
    - Pictures or diagrams of plant life cycle stages
    - Real plants or plant parts (optional)
    - Drawing paper
    - Crayons or markers


    Introduction (10 minutes):
    1. Begin by asking students what they know about plants. Encourage them to share their observations and experiences.
    2. Introduce the concept of a plant's life cycle by explaining that all plants go through different stages of growth, similar to how humans grow from babies to adults.
    3. Show pictures or diagrams of the different stages of a plant's life cycle (seed, sprout, seedling, mature plant, flower, fruit, and seed again).

    Activity 1 - Plant Life Cycle Sorting (15 minutes):
    1. Provide students with pictures or diagrams of the different stages of a plant's life cycle.
    2. Ask students to work in pairs or small groups to arrange the pictures in the correct order of the life cycle stages.
    3. Circulate around the classroom to provide assistance and answer any questions.

    Activity 2 - Plant Life Cycle Drawing (20 minutes):
    1. Distribute drawing paper, crayons, and markers to each student.
    2. Instruct students to choose one stage of the plant life cycle and draw it on their paper.
    3. Encourage students to include labels and descriptions of the stage they chose.
    4. Once students have completed their drawings, ask volunteers to share their work with the class, explaining their chosen stage.


    Conclusion (10 minutes):
    1. Review the different stages of the plant's life cycle with the class, emphasizing key points.
    2. Discuss the importance of each stage in the life cycle of a plant and how it contributes to the growth and reproduction of plants.
    3. Encourage students to observe plants in their environment and identify the stages of the life cycle they have learned about in class.

    Observation of student participation during activities, accuracy of plant life cycle sorting, and completeness of plant life cycle drawings.

    Take students on a nature walk around the school grounds to observe different plants and identify the stages of their life cycles in real-life settings.

  54. Name : Ainur Rohmah
    Nim : 211230019
    Class : 6A TBI

    3. Lesson Plan

    Theme : Introduction to Colors
    Grade : 2 Elementary School
    Duration: 45 minutes

    - Students will be able to identify and name basic colors in English.
    - Students will practice speaking and listening skills through color-related activities.
    - Students will engage in hands-on activities to reinforce their understanding of colors.

    Materials Needed:
    - Color flashcards (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, purple, black, white)
    - Construction paper in various colors
    - Crayons or colored pencils
    - Worksheets with color-related activities
    - Whiteboard and markers

    1. Introduction (5 minutes):
    - The teacher greets the students and introduces today's topic: colors.
    - The teacher shows the colored flash cards one by one and asks the students for the names of the colors.

    2. Vocabulary Presentation (10 minutes):
    - The teacher reviews the colors with the students by pointing to each flash card and saying the name of the color out loud.
    - Use the chalkboard to write down the color names and their spellings.
    - The teacher trains students' pronunciation by saying the names of colors together in class.

    3. Activity 1: Matching Colors (10 minutes):
    - The teacher divides the class into small groups.
    - The teacher distributes construction paper and crayons or colored pencils to each group.
    - The teacher names a color in English, and students have to find and draw that color on their paper.
    - Teachers monitor and help when needed.

    4. Activity 2: Colorful Story Time (10 minutes):
    - The teacher reads simple story books with colorful illustrations in front of the class, such as "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" by Bill Martin Jr.
    - The teacher pauses on each page to show colors and get responses from students.
    - Students are asked to repeat colored words after the teacher.

    5. Activity 3: Worksheet (10 minutes):
    - The teacher distributes worksheets with activities to match colors to objects or complete sentences with colored words.
    - Students are asked to work individually or in pairs to complete the worksheet.
    - The teacher moves around the class to provide help and feedback.

    6. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    - Review the colors studied in class by asking students to name their favorite color.
    - Recap the lesson by summarizing what they have learned about colors in English.
    - Give homework, such as coloring pictures using different colors learned in class.

    - Informal assessment through observation during activities to ensure students' understanding and participation.
    - Review worksheets and homework assignments for accuracy and completion.

    - Encourage students to continue practicing color vocabulary at home by identifying colors in their surroundings and naming them in English.
    - Integrate colors into other lessons, such as math (sorting objects by color) or art (creating a colorful collage).

  55. Nama : Putri Ramadanti
    NIM : 211230051/TBI 6B
    1. The roles of teachers at my school are very diverse. They not only impart knowledge but also act as mentors, facilitators, and sometimes even counselors. These roles fit the characteristics of a good teacher, which include being knowledgeable, caring, adaptable, and dedicated to student success.

    2. At my school, a variety of learning methods are used to meet different learning styles and needs. These methods include traditional lectures, group discussions, project-based learning, hands-on activities, and the use of educational technology. This diverse approach ensures that students are engaged and able to understand concepts effectively.

    3. Lesson Plan for Primary School Students: Topic - Plants

    Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the basic parts of plants and explain their functions.

    - Images of different plants
    - Real or model plant specimens
    - Poster paper and markers
    - Worksheets about plant parts

    Introduction (10 minutes):
    - Show pictures of different plants and ask students what they know about plants.
    - Discuss the importance of plants in our daily life.

    Contents (30 minutes):
    - Introduce the basic parts of plants: roots, stems, leaves and flowers.
    - Use real or model plant specimens to show each part and explain its function.
    - Engage students in group activities where they match plant parts to their functions.
    - Discuss the process of photosynthesis briefly.

    Activity (20 minutes):
    - Hand out worksheets about plant parts and ask students to label them.
    - For a hands-on activity, let students plant seeds in small pots and observe their growth over time.

    Conclusion (10 minutes):
    - Review the main points of the lesson.
    - Let students share what they learned and ask if they have questions.

    Evaluation :
    - Collect and review completed worksheets to assess student understanding of plant parts.
    - Observe students during hands-on activities to assess their participation and understanding.

  56. NAME: Andini Eka Prastiwi
    NIM: 211230014

    1. Teachers in the classroom convey their knowledge and their instruction helps students learn, but they also serve as role models, mentors. When I was in elementary school or level, teachers were my future supervisors at school, and at that time they were someone who was very great, he said, and all his attitudes.

    2. When I was in elementary school, teachers who taught English learning always applied the method of memorizing vocabulary by singing, or it could be called using the drill method. With the teacher giving some vocabulary, we can call it 20 vocabulary words, then the students are given orders to memorize all the vocabulary that have been given. We can imagine, for elementary class students, memorizing so many vocabulary is not an easy thing, therefore my teacher provides memorization techniques using songs, here are the vocabulary given such as: Magazine, Flower, Shirt, Picture, Cup, Plate, Spoon, Fork, Knife, etc. With the Indonesian song entitled 'Tinggal Kenangan' then when the vocabulary is combined with the song it becomes such as: "Magazine majalah, Flower bunga, Shirt kemeja, Picture gambar, Cup cangkir, Plate piring~ Spoon itu sendok, Fork itu garpu, Knife itu pisau~" So with the use of this method students can easily memorize the vocabulary given by the teacher.

    3. “Vocabulary” (2-4 grades)
    a. GOAL
    Develop learners understanding knowledge and courage to speak english through vocabulary in song method
    - Learners will be able to understand and remember English vocabulary.
    - Learners will be able to use English vocabulary in everyday situations, both formal and informal.
    - Learners will be able to have the courage to speak English.
    25 minutes
    - English vocabulary
    - blackboard
    - blackboard marker and eraser
    - video ( https://youtu.be/ErGPz6XaHto?si=tqW25RhhV677iFzf )
    Profieciency learners have the ability to understand and remember English vocabulary that is important for speaking and writing English.
    * The teacher greets the Learners
    * The teacher tells the topic of the material that will be presented
    * The teacher asks the learners what they know about that material to be presented
    * The teacher explains material about vocabulary
    * The teacher ask to learners about song that will use for the activities
    * The teacher shows an example of video abaout memorize vocabulary using songs
    * The learners are given the task to memorize the vocabulary that has been prepared by the teacher to be memorized using the songs that the teacher has determined
    * The teacher randomly appoints students to practice in front of the class
    * The teacher asked the learners about today's material
    * The teacher asks students what they don't understand or whether difficulties
    * The teacher give the lesson extensions for today's material
    * The teacher closes the lesson
    i. CLOSING
    Teacher concludes for all the material and ask the learners about what they know from the material, ask their learners difficulties or understanding. Give learners Lesson
    Extensions about the material.
    Learners memorize the vocabulary that has been prepared by the teacher in whiteboard to be memorized using the songs that the teacher has determined and pratice in front of the class.
    Learners complete the missing letters in the existing vocabulary the blank column on the assignment paper that has been prepared by the teacher then memorize it with a another song that has been determined by the teacher

  57. Nama : Sintia Wati
    NIM : 211230040/TBI 6B

    1. The role of teachers in schools is very important, they not only act as teachers but also as mentors, motivators, and good examples for students. Teachers are responsible for imparting knowledge and skills to students, guiding them in their learning, providing emotional support, and helping them grow and develop holistically. The characteristics of a good teacher generally include the ability to inspire, support and motivate students, having a broad knowledge of their field, and being able to create an inclusive and safe learning environment.
    2. The learning methods frequently utilized in my school encompass various approaches, such as group discussions, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and the implementation of traditional methods tailored to the taught material. In group discussions, students collaboratively delve into various topics and ideas, while in problem-based learning, they are encouraged to seek solutions to given problems. Additionally, in project-based learning, students engage in projects that require problem-solving and creativity. Nevertheless, teachers also adopt traditional methods as needed.
    - Students can identify the names of animals and their habitats using English.
    - Students can describe the physical characteristics of animals and the characteristics of their habitats.
    - Students can use simple sentences to talk about animals and their habitats.
    DURATION: 60 minutes
    # Ice Breaker (10 minutes):
    - The teacher introduces themselves and asks each student to talk about their favorite animal in English.
    # Vocabulary Introduction (15 minutes):
    - The teacher introduces vocabulary about animals and their habitats using picture cards.
    - Students pronounce the names of animals and habitats in English after the teacher.
    # Matching Game (10 minutes):
    - The teacher distributes cards with animal pictures to each student.
    - Students find a match for each animal with its corresponding habitat picture.
    # Group Activity: Habitat Exploration (15 minutes):
    - Students are divided into small groups.
    - Each group is given a different habitat picture (forest, grassland, river, and ocean).
    - Each group discusses which animals might be found in their habitat and draws them.
    # Presentation (5 minutes):
    - Each group presents their discussion outcomes and drawings to the class.
    - Students use simple sentences to explain why the animals are suitable for the chosen habitat.
    # Review and Closing (5 minutes):
    - The teacher reviews the vocabulary learned and asks students to mention one fact about an animal or habitat they learned today.
    - The teacher praises students for their participation and gives homework to ask them to make sentences about an animal and its habitat.
    - The teacher will observe students' active participation in class activities, their ability to identify animals and habitats in English, and their ability to use simple sentences to talk about animals and habitats.

  58. NAME : M.Syauqi Octavari
    SRN : 211230009
    CLASS : 6A EED

    At school, I think that my teacher plays a very important role in a school. Teachers are responsible for providing quality education to students, inspiring them, helping them develop their potential, and guiding them in their learning.

    The characteristics of a good teacher can vary, but some common things I get from my teachers are

    1. they have a deep understanding of the subject being taught in order to provide clear explanations and solve problems that arise.

    2. they also have good communication skills to convey the subject matter clearly and effectively to the students. They are also able to listen and respond to students' questions and needs.

    3. they are actively involved in the teaching and learning process. They encourage student participation, provide constructive feedback and create a positive learning environment.

    4. they can inspire and motivate students to learn. They develop students' interest and enthusiasm in learning the subject matter.

    5. then teachers in my school can adapt their teaching methods to students' needs. They can accommodate different learning styles and provide appropriate challenges according to students' ability levels.

    - Teachers in my school tend to use the lecture method more as the main approach in the learning process i.e. the traditional approach where the teacher gives verbal explanations to students on a particular topic. The teacher plays a central role in transferring knowledge to students verbally. This method is often used in teacher-centered teaching.

    - Lesson Plan: Names of Body Parts in English

    Level: Elementary School
    Materials: Names of Body Limbs in English
    Duration: 1 hour

    Learning Objectives:
    1. To recognize the names of body parts in English.
    2. Be able to identify and say the names of body parts in English.
    3. Improve communication skills in English.

    Session 1: Introduction (15 minutes)
    - Introduce myself to the students and establish a pleasant learning atmosphere.
    - Explain the learning objectives and the usefulness of learning English.
    - Presenting today's learning topic, which is the names of body parts in English.

    Session 2: Presentation (20 minutes)
    - Using pictures or posters with body parts clearly labeled in English.
    - Introduces the names of body parts in English one by one to the students.
    - Pronounces and shows examples of correct pronunciation.
    - Encouraging students to repeat the names of body parts in English.

    Session 3: Practice (20 minutes)
    - Provide worksheets or picture cards containing pictures of body parts in English that have been learned.
    - Invite students to say the names of body parts in English based on the given pictures.
    - Provide help and feedback to students individually or in small groups.

    Session 4: Games (15 minutes)
    - Organize games based on the names of body parts in English, such as "Simon Says" or "Guess the Body Part."
    - Ensure students actively participate in the game and use the names of the body parts in English.

    Session 5: Evaluation and Closure (10 minutes)
    - Evaluate students' understanding by asking oral questions about the names of body parts in English.
    - Giving positive feedback to students.
    - Invite students to share their learning experience and remind them of the importance of learning English.

    - Ensure students are actively involved in each session by engaging them in discussions and exercises.
    - Use visual media, such as pictures or posters, to help students understand and remember the names of body parts in English.
    - Pay attention to the pace and level of difficulty of the material presented to match the students' level of understanding.
    - Provide positive reinforcement and immediate feedback to motivate students to learn English.

    Estimated total time: 1 hour

  59. Name: hayatun nufus
    Nim: 211230021
    Class: TBI6A
    1. Yes, it was very appropriate, because at that time the curriculum taught was K13 where technology was also starting to be implemented. The English teacher at my school plays an important role in helping students achieve their learning goals by helping them develop important language skills that can be applied in everyday life.
    2. At that time the teacher applied the following methods:
    - Communicative Method: a teacher encourages students to communicate in English through activities that allow them to interact actively.
    - Role-Playing Method: a teacher can use Role-Playing to help students practice speaking and interacting in real life situations.
    - Play and Learn Method: when teachers use games and fun learning activities to help students learn English in a fun way.
    - Technology-Based Methods: when I was at school, teachers allowed their students to use technology such as learning software, applications and websites to enrich their students' learning experience in English.
    3. Lesson Plan: Getting to Know Names of Transportation Vehicles
    Grade Level: 6th Grade Elementary School

    - Students will be able to identify and name various modes of transportation in English.
    - Students will be able to describe the characteristics and uses of different transportation vehicles.

    Materials Needed:
    - Pictures or flashcards of different transportation vehicles
    - Whiteboard and markers
    - textbook
    - Dictionary
    - Worksheet with pictures of transportation vehicles for students to label

    Lesson Duration: 45 minutes
    • Introduction (5 minutes):
    - Begin the lesson by asking students about their favorite mode of transportation and why they like it.
    - Explain that today they will be learning the names of different transportation vehicles in English.

    • Introduction (10 minutes):
    - Show pictures or flashcards of different transportation vehicles one by one.
    - Say the name of each vehicle out loud and have students repeat after you.
    - Write the names of the vehicles on the whiteboard and ask students to spell them.

    • Activity (10 minutes):
    - Distribute the worksheet with pictures of transportation vehicles for students to label.
    - Have students match the pictures with the correct names of the vehicles.
    - Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and check students' progress.

    • Discussion (10 minutes):
    - Divide the class into small groups and ask each group to choose a transportation vehicle to discuss.
    - Encourage students to describe the characteristics and uses of the chosen vehicle in English.
    - Each group will present their chosen vehicle to the class.

    • Closure (5 minutes):
    - Review the names of the transportation vehicles learned in the lesson.
    - Ask students to share one new thing they learned about transportation vehicles today.
    - Summarize the lesson by emphasizing the importance of knowing different modes of transportation.

    - Informally assess students' understanding by observing their participation in activities and their ability to correctly identify and name transportation vehicles.
    - Collect and review completed worksheets to check for accuracy in labeling the vehicles.

  60. Name : Syifa Fauziah
    SRN : 211230012
    Class : 6A TBI

    بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

    1. In my experience during school, the teachers who have taught me have been quite good and have high pedagogical, personality, professional, and social competence. because with this it really helps me to learn. Because teachers who have pedagogical competence can help students to practice the knowledge received, teachers who have personality competence will make students have a good and responsible attitude, teachers who have professional competence will make students get the right and best education and so do teachers who have social competence will make students able to develop good relationships with school and social. because that is indeed his job as a teacher. so far what I see my teacher already has quite good traits when teaching.

    2. The methods I use while studying at school are lecture method, problem based learning method, project based learning method, online learning method & active learning method. my experience at the lecture level is of course very different from the previous level. when I have entered the lecture period I often use active learning methods, where students are faced with real problems and are expected to find solutions through research and problem solving. I also often get problem based learning methods which aim to produce students who are able to solve problems actively. As we have experienced when we first entered college we were faced with COVID 19, where we had to learn by using online learning methods. but before I entered the lecture level, I always got classes that used the lecture method where the teacher always gave material to students verbally.

    Lesson : English
    Grade : 5th grade Elementary School
    Theme : Things around school
    Estimated Time : 35 minutes
     Material:
    • Objects around the school
    • Names of objects around the school
    • Words related to objects around the school
     Objective:
    • Students can understand the objects around the school.
    • Students can understand the names of objects around the school.
    • Students can understand words related to objects around the school.
     Learning Method :
    • Lecture
    • Media-based Learning
    • Project Based Learning
     Learning Tools :
    • English book
    • Paper and Pen
    • Laptop and Projectors (materials to watch the learning video)
    • Glue and Scissors (materials to create artworks)

     Activity:
    1) Introduction (7 minutes)
    • The teacher greets the student
    • Reciting the prayer before learning
    • The teacher asked about the material that had been taught last week.
    • The teacher tells the topic of the material that she will be presented
    2) Main Activities (20 minutes)
    • Students are instructed to mention the names of objects around the school.
    • The teacher explains about the material that will be discussed (e.g. mentioning English about the names of objects around the school)
    • Teacher provides Learning Video in English about objects around the school
    • Students are instructed to make English-based works (e.g. attach as creative writing as possible in English to the object referred to in the writing so that students can easily memorize it)
    3) Closing (8 minutes)
    • The teacher asks students what they don't understand or whether they are experiencing difficulties.
    • The teacher gives homework on the material discussed earlier.
    • The teacher concludes the material.
    • Reciting the prayer after learning.
    • The teacher closes the lesson.

     Assessment
    • Making handicrafts during class time.
    • Multiple choice and Essay worksheets to do at home as lesson extensions
     Evaluation :
    • Comprehension Measurement
    • Reading and comprehension skills measurement of words related to objects around the school
    • Measurement of Ability to Create English-based Artwork
    • Measurement of the ability to fill in the questionnaire

  61. Name : Zaennisa kamilah ramadhan
    Class : 6A/TBI
    Nim : 211230026

    1, The experience at an Islamic boarding school will also involve learning about discipline, responsibility and togetherness. Students will learn to be independent and manage their own time, while also learning to collaborate with their peers in daily activities. Apart from that, the experience at the Islamic boarding school will also include interactions with ustadz and ustadzah who will guide them in understanding the teachings of the Islamic religion and developing good moral and ethical values.
    2,Lecture Method: The teacher conveys information verbally to students. Suitable for material that requires detailed explanations. Group Discussion: Students discuss in small groups. Encourages active learning and critical thinking.
    Hands-on Activities: Students are directly involved in activities or assignments. Improve understanding through direct application.
    Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Students work on real-world problems. Encourages cooperation, critical thinking, and problem solving.
    Project Based Learning (PBL): Students work on projects to explore a topic in depth. Encourages creativity, research skills and collaboration.

    3,Grade Level: Elementary
    Theme: Animals
    Identify different animals and their characteristics.
    Learn new vocabulary related to animals.
    Pictures or flashcards of animals
    Chart paper, markers
    Lesson Duration: 45-60 minutes
    Homework (Optional):
    Draw and label a favorite animal

  62. Name : Yel Yel Iffatunnisa
    SRN : 211230004
    Class : 6A TBI

    1. Based on my experience, my opinion about teachers in the schools I have attended is that they have extensive knowledge in the fields they teach. Also, they continue to develop their teaching skills. In addition, they can understand and appreciate the differences in students in helping them understand the material. Aware of some things that I took from my experience, these teachers are included as teachers who have good effectiveness and characteristics for their students because, in addition to what I have mentioned above, they also have other characteristics such as giving clear directions to students, creativity in developing interesting teaching methods, active involvement with colleagues and parents, Enforce fair discipline in the rules, and another important thing is those who have a high commitment to education and student success.

    2. As in general and based on my experience, the methods taught by these teachers use varied and common learning methods for each teacher such as giving direct explanations to students, group discussions, project-based learning, active, collaborative, technology-based learning, demonstrations, flipped learning, individual, to those that use game-based learning methods to teach material to students. The creation of these methods is chosen by teachers based on learning objectives, material taught, and student learning needs.

    3. RPP
    Subjects: English - Daily Vocabulary
    Tema: Everyday Words
    Learning Objectives: students can identify and use everyday vocabulary in English, such as the names of family members, objects in the house, and daily activities.
    Duration: 45 minutes

    Learning Steps:
    1. Opening (5 minutes):
    •Give greetings in the form of greetings and warm-ups by guessing words about objects around the classroom.
    2. Vocabulary Introduction (10 minutes):
    •The teacher introduces vocabulary used in daily activities such as "mother" "father," "bedroom," "bathroom," "eat," "drink," and so on.
    •Asked students to repeat the pronunciation of the vocabulary.
    3. Singing and Movement Activities (10 minutes):
    •The teacher leads the students to sing songs about everyday vocabulary while moving according to the words mentioned.
    4. Speaking and Listening Activities (10 minutes):
    •Encourage students to exchange stories with each of their spouses by telling them about the daily activities they do at home to
    5. Writing Activity (5 minutes):
    •Provide worksheet students with pictures of objects in the house and appropriate vocabulary.
    •Ask students to write down the names of these objects using the vocabulary they have learned.
    6.Role-playing Activities (5 minutes):
    •Students pair up and role-play as family members, talking about daily activities at home.
    7. Closing (5 minutes):
    •Teacher repeats the vocabulary learned and asks students to name simple example sentences using the vocabulary.
    •Ask students to sing back the song that has been sung together in the delivery of the previous material on daily vocabulary as a closing lesson.
    Assessing students' understanding in identifying and using everyday vocabulary through active participation in learning activities.
    Give tasks in the form of writing as much vocabulary in English as possible

  63. Name: ida yuliyanti
    Nim : 211230035
    1. I think it's, because the teachers at my school are good. expert in subject matter, good communication skills, patience, empathy for students, willingness to continue learning and developing, and the ability to motivate and inspire students.
    2. Usually teachers at my school use a method to teach, namely. visual method, auditory method kinesthetic method, listening method, storytelling method. and finally the roll play method.
    3. GOAL
    To enhance students' speaking skills through engaging activities and structured practice.
    •By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    •Speak clearly and fluently on a given topic.
    •Demonstrate improved pronunciation and intonation.
    •Engage in effective communication by expressing ideas coherently.
    60 minutes
    •Topic cards or prompts
    •Audio or video recording device (optional for self-assessment
    Basic understanding of the topic being discussed, familiarity with vocabulary related to the chosen topic.
    •Greet the students and introduce the topic of the day's speaking practice.
    •Explain the importance of effective speaking skills in communication.
    •Review key vocabulary or concepts related to the chosen topic.
    •Warm-up (10 minutes): Conduct a quick icebreaker activity to relax students and get them speaking. For instance, a short discussion on a familiar topic or a "Pair and Share" activity where students discuss a prompt with a partner for a few minutes.
    • Speaking Practice (30 minutes):
    •Divide students into pairs or small groups.
    •Provide each group with a topic card or prompt related to the lesson's theme.
    •Instruct them to engage in a structured conversation/discussion on the given topic for a specified duration (e.g., 5 minutes per group).
    •Circulate among groups to offer support, correct pronunciation, and provide guidance as needed.
    •Feedback and Improvement (10 minutes): After the speaking practice, gather the class and discuss common challenges faced or successful strategies used during the activity. Provide constructive feedback and encourage peer feedback to promote a supportive learning environment.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Name: Della Fadiana
    Nim : 211230042
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. In my opinion, a teacher at school has a very important role in educating, guiding and shaping the character of students. They are not only teachers, but also mentors, coaches and role models for their students. In their role, a teacher is responsible for delivering subject matter clearly and engagingly, facilitating active and meaningful learning for students. They also play a role in guiding students in facing academic, emotional, and social challenges. In addition, teachers also act as evaluators who regularly assess students' learning progress and use the results of these evaluations to devise learning strategies that suit students' individual needs.
    The role of a teacher also involves building students' character, where they not only teach subject matter, but also moral values, ethics and positive attitudes.

    2. The learning method that is often applied in my school is group discussion where students are given the opportunity to discuss the subject matter that has been learned. These group discussions encourage active participation, sharing of ideas, and listening to the viewpoints of their peers. We also often use problem-based learning, where students are given a real problem or simulated case that requires them to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to find a solution.

    3. LESSON PLAN (4th Grade)
    Theme: Everyday Activities
    Grade: 4 (Elementary School Students)
    Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes
    Competency Standards:
    1. Understand the meaning of functional oral texts and short monologues in the form of descriptive, narrative, and procedure in the context around the learners.
    2. Express meaning in functional oral texts and short monologues in the form of descriptive, narrative, and procedure in the context around the learners.
    Basic Competencies:
    1. Understand short spoken texts in English related to daily activities.
    2. Express meaning in short spoken texts in English related to daily activities.
    Indicators of Competence Achievement:
    1. Students can understand short spoken texts in English about daily activities.
    2. Students can express meaning in short spoken texts in English about daily activities.
    Learning Objectives:
    1. Students can understand and identify daily activities in short spoken texts in English.
    2. Students can express meaning and respond to short spoken texts in English about daily activities.
    Learning Steps:
    First Meeting:
    1. Introduction (10 minutes):
    - The teacher introduces the learning topic about "Everyday Activities" in English.
    - The teacher asks the students to share their experiences about their usual daily activities
    2. Understanding Oral Text (25 minutes):
    - The teacher plays an audio recording containing short spoken texts about daily activities, such as waking up, bathing, having breakfast, going to school, etc. The students listen carefully to the recording and take notes on the activities they hear.
    - Students listen carefully to the recording and take notes on the activities they hear.
    - The teacher provides explanations on the meaning and vocabulary that may be new to the students.
    3. Discussion and Practice (10 minutes):
    - The teacher leads a discussion about the activities heard in the oral text.
    - Students participate in the discussion by asking and answering the teacher's questions about the spoken texts they hear.

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  67. Siti Afifah Faziah
    TBI 6A

    1. Yes, they are. They provide not only lessons but also how we behave and deal with relationships in the outside environment or school. They are also very responsible with their duties as teachers.
    2. At that time it was still k13 where the use of devices such as ppt was still rare so they still used traditional learning, namely using books and blackboards. Besides that, there are also teachers who use pjbl, pbl methods, which train our ability to solve problems independently.
    3. Lassob plan Grade level : elementary (5th grade)
    Theme: My Famil
    Learning Objectives:
    • Students can name family members in English.
    • Students can make simple sentences about family members using the verbs "be" and "have".
    • Students can participate in speaking activities in front of the class.

    • Package book: Smart English for Young Learners
    • Family member picture flashcards
    • Video song about family
    • Simple family picture
    • Family poster
    Time : 30 minutes
    Learning Activities:

    1. Opening (5 minutes):

    • The teacher starts by singing the song "Family" or "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" with the lyrics changed to the family theme.
    • The teacher shows flashcards with pictures of family members and invites students to say the names of family members in English.

    2. main Activity (20 minutes):
    • Learning from books: The teacher opens the textbook on the page that talks about family. Students read the text together and observe the pictures.
    • Group activity: Students are divided into groups. Each group creates a simple family poster using pictures and words in English.
    • Presentation: Each group presents their family poster in front of the class.
    3. Closing (5 minutes):
    The teacher praises the students' work.
    The teacher invites students to make simple sentences about their own families.

  68. Name:Maulana Fakhrizal
    Class:TBI 6B

    1. my opinion, the role of teachers in my school is quite good, but there are still shortcomings, namely in the way of delivering the material, in the way of explaining the material, the students still don`t understand it, because most of the teachers use standard language, so there are some students who don't understand. what the teacher explained

    2. In this case, teachers apply the following methods: - Communicative method: teachers encourage students to communicate in English through activities that allow them to interact actively.
    -Role-playing method: teachers can use role-playing to help students practice speaking and interacting in real-life situations.
    -Play-based learning method: when teachers use games and fun learning activities to help students learn English in a fun way.
    -Technology-based method: When I was in school, teachers allowed students to use technology such as learning software, apps, and websites to enrich their English learning experience.

    3. - Lesson plan: Names of body parts in English Level: Elementary Materials: Names of body parts in English Duration: 1 hour Learning objectives:
    1.Recognize the names of body parts in English.
    2.Be able to recognize and say the names of body parts in English.
    3.Improve English communication skills.
    Session 1: Introduction (15 minutes) - Introduce yourself to students and create a fun learning atmosphere.
    - Explain the learning goals and benefits of learning English.
    - Introducing today's learning topic which is the names of body parts in English.
    Part 2: Presentation (20 minutes) - Use pictures or posters that clearly label body parts in English.
    - Introduce the names of body parts in English to students one by one.
    l- Pronounce and give examples of correct pronunciation.
    - Encourage students to repeat the names of body parts in English.
    Session 3: Exercises (20 minutes) - Provide worksheets or picture cards with pictures of body parts learned in English.
    - Invite students to say the names of body parts in English based on the given pictures.
    - Provide support and feedback to individual students or in small groups.
    Session 4: Games (15 minutes) - Organize games based on English body part names such as “Simon Says” or “Guess the Body Part”.
    - Ensure students are actively participating in the game and using English body part names.
    Session 5: Assessment and Conclusion (10 minutes) - Assess students' understanding by asking oral questions about English body part names.
    - Provide positive feedback to students.
    - Invite students to share their learning experiences and remind them of the importance of learning English.
    Note: - Ensure students are actively participating in each lesson by engaging them in discussions and exercises.
    - Use visual aids such as pictures or posters to help students understand and remember the names of body parts in English.
    - Pay attention to the pace and level of difficulty of the presented material to match the student's level of understanding.
    - Provides positive reinforcement and immediate feedback to motivate students to learn English.
