Thursday 22 October 2020



Instructional Design:

Students have to identify and to analyse how teacher develop the material written in the text book through the theories and researches. They have to apply this topic in their works.


written discussion trough PPT. The teacher also gives practice to explore the students' critical thinking in doing the analysis.


The topic describe about the concept, the framework, and the criteria of teaching materials development. The concept of teaching materials development gains between the theory and the practice. Therefore, the role of the teacher is very important in planning and developing teaching materials. Tomlinson (2013) proposes that there are two frameworks of materials development. The framework are text-driven and task-driven. the Text-driven is appropriate for developing a course book but the task-driven is useful for learning autonomy. To learn more about this topic, you could open the PPT


  1. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
    I'm Wielda Hudaeby (181230155) from TBI 5 D
    Miss, i would like to ask...
    In this session, i found that the publisher also have voices in the intstructional design. They even provide 3 factors to shape the teaching instructional materials of the writers. So, are the publishers of coursebooks also called developers? Who is publisher? I don't really understand it.
    Thank you, Miss.
    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

    1. Wielda, I do agree with Tomlinson's idea that both publisher and teacher could be called as materials development since they work with language field being needed by their readers or learners

  2. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    I'm Aulia Rahma Nim (181230157) TBI 5D.
    Miss,I would like to ask about...
    What's function and purpose of teaching materials development? 🙏
    Thank you so much, Miss.
    Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

  3. aulia, the function of teaching materials development is to help students of educational program know the stages how to develop their materials based on language theories while teaching practices. then, the purposes of teaching materials development is to introduce the educational students about the language materials and their development ways.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Rahmania aulia 181230136 TBI 5 D
    Author : Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rahmah and Furaidah
    Year : 2015
    ISBN : 978-602-282-000-0
    Materials development is both a field of study and its practice. In a field of study, it has the principles and procedures of the design, implementation, and evaluation of language teaching materials. As practice, it includes the production, evaluation and adaptation of language teaching material (Tomlinson, 2001)

    Principle :
    1. Be grateful for the opportunity to learn a language English as a language of communication International which is implemented with the spirit of learning.
    2. Courteous and caring behavior carry out interpersonal communication with the teacher and friends.
    3. Being honest, disciplined, confident behavior and responsible for implementing transactional communication with teachers and friends
    4. Analyzing social functions, text structure, and elements linguistic to state and ask about presuppositions followed by commands / suggestions,according to the context of its use.
    Procedure of the design:
    The teacher asks students to work in pairs. The teacher gave a chance students to discuss places they would like to visit when visiting a city that has never been visited. This discussion is a preparation for students to understand the text next about the places to visit in the city of Seattle, United States of America. The teacher asks students to give suggestions to friends who want visit a place the student has visited. In order advice given correctly, the teacher asks students to write it down first in the space provided. At the end of submitting suggestions, students asked to offer assistance to his friend related to visits to be made.

    Implementation :
    Before asking students to read the text, the teacher can ask questions student where is the Seattle position. The teacher asks students to read the text briefly for 5 minutes. the teacher asks students to identify new vocabulary and pay attention to the vocabulary written in the vocabulary builder, then look for the equivalent in the dictionary. The teacher shows how to pronounce certain vocabulary, asks students pay attention to it and then imitate it. Teacher ask students to do reflection and question and answer to measure students comprehension
    Evaluation :
    The teacher guides students to examine learning objectives and assess whether they have achieved these goals. If anything not yet, then students are advised to repeat the activity who still feel difficult and can consult with the teacher or friends who can.
