Friday 30 October 2020


     Teachers recently face many obstacles while doing online teaching in blended situation. They have to choose materials, set their goals or teaching instructions and strategies in the online framework. Furthermore, teachers will be more difficult if they have not engaged their teaching process to the technology and their students' real life situation. Schleider from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2018 stated that there are three global challenges. They are environmental challanges, economic challanges, and social challanges. Global citizen through World Economic Forum (WEF) also presented about “Schools of the future, Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (2020). The forum proposed 8 characters including creative and innovative, global, collaborative, interpersonal communication, technology mastery, and life long education. The characters should involve in the teaching process if the students are being able to compete globally. 

    Considering the discussion above, teachers have to redefine their teaching process. The process does not only contain a set of curriculum enactment but also is about how their students are ready facing the future era. Teaching process is a part of curriculum. It consists of the teachers' plan, process, assessment, and evaluation. The teaching plan includes how the teachers manage their goals, instructional design, materials, strategy, and activity for a course. Then, a process involves how the teachers apply their plan in learning situation. The process has to be in line with the plan. If not, the teachers can't give appropriate assessment and do evaluation for a whole program. It means that teachers have to apply the same ideas on their plan, process, assessment, and evaluation.

    While writing a teaching plan, the teachers have to operationalise their words. The words have to represent how teachers apply the teaching planning in classroom situation. To formulate it, teachers could analyse what the students' needs are for their real works. Teaching process is not defined as a curriculum document but it is done as learning acts. This concept brings the students real life into learning process and it helps the students to realise their knowledge into experience. Consequently, they feel comfort to learn all topics in the classroom.

    To determine the teaching process, the teachers have to apply theories from the text book, journals, or articles that are internationally indexed. The teachers connect their process to the vision and mission of schools and to the profile of graduation. In national qualification framework, the teaching process should be oriented on outcome, standard, competency, and quality assurance and controls (ISO) (Handoyo, in curriculum workshop 2020). Outcome refers to what your students' performance are in the end of the course. Meanwhile standard relates to the qualification of education users (people, government, or industry). Competency means the students' skills being independent or integrated skills. To learn more about this topic, you might open this link.  


  1. If we want to be a teacher, we have to ready and brave for facing the problems in this era?

  2. Assalamualaikum Mrs
    Name : Liyanti
    NIM : 191230027
    Class : TBI 3A

    During this pandemic, especially for educators or teachers, of course, requires the right strategy strategy to adapt to current conditions
    The question is .. What your opinion, what strategies are suitable especially for teachers, so that they can adapt to current conditions and will be implemented as well as applied to our students? and how to implement the strategy?

    Thanks Mrs

  3. Sonia and Liyanti, COVID 19 recently becomes a global problem. It is world disease that could attack any body. Therefore, we should do the health protocol while interacting with others including teaching practice in the classroom. To solve the problem of online teaching situation, people could modify their ways of learning. The ways include the use of technology and interpersonal communication in which they could teach what they have in the real life situation. They adopt the activities, the material which comes from the students' life. It means that the teacher could connect their teaching process to the students' real life through technology such as video, digital pictures, etc.

  4. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabbaraktuh miss,my name is rahmania aulia from TBI 5 D my student number 181230236. I want to ask how to apply teaching and learning method that suitable for stundent? What is the aspect? Thank you miss

  5. Rahma,the teachers should understand their students' condition either academically and psychologically. It is better to do such pre-test to map your students' ability. afterthat, you could start your teaching based on the result of that mapping. Today, you have big chance to create your own teaching plan independently than previous time through our national educational concept of 'Merdeka belajar'. Then, you have to prepare the proper materials and activities to their ability level. Don't forget to assess and give feedback about their works. Last, you make your teaching reflection to evaluate your teaching program. I wish you could understand my answers. if there is still unclear answer, your friend could help you in understanding my ideas in this comment column.

  6. thank you for asking any topics learned in this blog.
