Wednesday 4 November 2020



Instructional Design:

Students study this topic through my PPT. They have to identify and to use the topic in their life practices. To achieve this, they have to do the tasks in the PPT. Then, they actively discuss their works in the blog's comment. 


Teacher applies communicative approach through PPT and this blog to explain about the topic. Then, she enacts task-based approach to examine her students competencies on this topic.


The topic is part of grammar session. It consists of explanation about the meaning, the formula, and the uses of the combination of future: future perfect and future continuous. You could apply this topic in your life either spoken or written communication. Therefore, this topic is important for intermediate level students who want to develop their language ability. To learn more about this topic, you could open my PPT. 


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  3. Assalamualaikum Mrs
    I'm Liyanti from TBI 3A
    Sorry Mrs, I wanna ask about this exercise.
    We only choose 1 tenses or We mix between future perfect and future continuous Mrs?

    Thank You Mrs

    1. Please read the tasks carefully. in the first task, you give examples of sentences using future perfect. while second task, you have to apply both tenses to make some paragraphs with any interesting topic of yours.

  4. My name is Suherni ( 191230002) from TBI 3 A I wiil collect my practice.

    Example of future perfect tanse
    i will not have forgiven your mistakes.

    i will have frozen the beef

    i will have met you to night

    i will have rewritten my assighment

    i will have sung a song

    Example of future continious tanse

    Today ,i will be going to the tradisional market, i will be eating meat ball there. because that is my favorite food, and then if we eat some meat ball we must drink with ice tea. After i eat. I will be buying the beef, because my mom will be cooking it, and that is favorit food of my mom.

    1. suherni, please see how you link the sentences to be more complex sentence. consider your way and pattern on choosing conjunction, phrases, or linking verb.

  5. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    Future perfect =
    I will have completed my courses.
    I will have finished University
    I will have worked my assignment
    Perfect continuous=
    In November exactly the 28th, I will be going to bandung with my friends, and not forget that while there I will be wearing a protective mask, in order to avoid the corona virus, my friends and I will go on the bus, like the years before that, we will be leaving at 23:00 at night And it will be by 6:00 a.m., I will be taking a picture there, vent all my saturation at home, And don't forget I will be buying souvenirs for my family.

    1. Lintang, read more the instructions in PPT. then, see how grammar connects all sentences as a unit of your ideas.

  6. Name : eva aprilia
    Nim : 191230005
    Class : TBI 3A

    Example from Future Perfect Tense
    I will have studied english lesson for two hours
    I will have cooked rice in this morning
    I will have cleaned the windows

    Story by Future Continuous Tense
    I will so happy because this semester i get a good scores, i pleasure will be increasing because during a week i spend the holiday at grandparent's home in bandung, and because of that i will be recharging my energy until now.

    1. eva, see more about the grammar pattern in connecting the words in a good sentence. check their types of the words whether they are verbs or adjectives such as pleasure (it is a verb or adjective).

  7. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 3A

    Practice Make Sentences Using Future Perfect Tense
    1.they will have finished their work by thursday
    2. they won't have gone to Singapore this month's
    3. in the next week, i'll have declared my wedding
    4. by the time my mom go to the market, i will have swept all room in my home
    5. i won't have gone to school by tomorrow

    Paragraphs by Modifying Future perfect tense and Future perfect continuous


    Before pandemic i have any plan for go to some place. At the first semester my plan is, i will gone to Pare for study by third semester. but this pandemic come to indonesian and i won't have gone to Pare, because this situation isn't fine and dangerous. And i will be going to Pare next year, Insyaa Allah may this pandemic lost in our country and this situation will be fine.

    in this situation on the week days i have study at home. sometimes the lectures just send the material then we will have self studied, and we have chance to ask question what we don't understand for the material. i hope next year will be learning at university. and i will have met with my beloved friends.

    1. Nurma, your problems now are being global problems facing COVID 19. It is better if you are active in this blog to discuss and share your learning problems here. I am pleased to know it and try to find out any answer for you. Your work in this topic is very good but you have to attend on your text and context such as using I than i.

  8. Nama : fahmi amirudin
    Nim : 191230026
    Kelas : TBI 3A

    Practice 1
    I will have finished my homework by the time I go out on a date tonight.

    Practice 2
    My Dreams
    I have a hobby of playing games, I have been playing various games for almost 7 years. and I have a dream to become a pro game player. And I believe in 2 years from now I will be a pro player.
    Today I'm still training but next week I'll be participating in a few tournaments. besides that, I also have to finish my studies. and I will finish my college in 2 years then focus on achieving my dreams.

    1. Fahnmi, you need to learn more about the use of conjunction. how to use it correctly. don't start your sentence by 'and'. it is better to use 'then' or 'after that', etc

  9. Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033
    Class : TBI 3A

    Practice 1

    Sentences of future perfect :
    1. I Will have studied tomorrow
    2. I Will not have come tomorrow
    3. I shall have waited for a reply for two weeks
    4. I shall have worked in my uncle's factory
    5. I Will have finished my study at this year

    Practice 2

    At the end of the month, My friend and I Will be choosing to spend our holiday at Sawarna beach. Which located at Bayah, Lebak-Banten. When we are Will be arriving at the beach, we Will be very surprising to see the beautiful view of the beach. Mau be we Will be taking place for stay overnight around the beach. Of course, we Will spend a lot of time on vacation from college fatigue. So may be we Will be going back home in the next three days.

    1. Rizky, please check how the use of dependent clause such as your work . Which located at Bayah. it is better if you directly write which without any full stop. So, the sentence becomes ' Sawarna beach which/ that located at Bayah...Then, don't use 'may be' after so. it is better to say that...So, we think we will be going back there next three days.

  10. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    191230023 - TBI 3A
    Intermediate English Grammar

    Sentece example of Future Perfect :
    - Annisa will have completed her Bachelor’s Degree by June.
    - By this time next month, I hope they will have finished building the access centre.
    - They won’t have left Indonesia by next week.
    - We won’t have eaten breakfast before we get to the airport tomorrow morning
    - Will it have got hotter at 12 PM?

    Paragraph using Future Perfect :

    One of Nia’s hobby is planting. She really love flowers and other plant. But recently she have no time to take care of it because of her busy schedules. The plant won’t have grown well because she didn’t watering them routinely. So Nia ask her sister to take care of them. Will the plant have grown by then when Nia finished her busy schedules? She hope so.

  11. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    NIM: 191230011
    Class: TBI 3A

    -I will gone to my grandparent's house at this week (future perfect tense)

    -Sometimes when my sister on holiday, she will visit our grandparent's house. And I will be visiting also on Sunday because I have some affairs. And my parent also will be there but only a while because they are so busy. (Future continuous tense)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Nama : Rana Salwa
    NIM : 191230032.
    Kelas : TBI 2A.

    Future perfect tenses
    Dream job.

    Her name is salwa. She Will have plan job. One of her plan job is trainee SM entertainment Korea. In her opinion, became girlband Korea it is so interesting. Other than that she Will have go to study in university of Korea and get scholarship in for it.

    Future continuous tense.
    Holiday gift.

    She Will so happy because next semester, she Will get good scores . Her pleasure Will be increasing during a weak. Because her scores good, dad give him a holiday gift to the beach with the family.

    1. Rana, please concern on recent topic discussing about future perfect and future continuous. Don't forget to relate between text and context.

  14. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    NIM : 191230031
    Class : TBI 3A

    Future Perfect
    1. I will have finished my study by 3 years
    2. I will go to your house, will you have come to house by 10 minute from now?
    3. Pick me up, please. I won't have staying here by this weekend
    4. She will have arrived to Bandung by next month
    5. The school will have closed by the pandemic

    Paraghraf using Future Continuous
    My Desire To Go To Jogja

    After a few days I was troubled by posts of people on social media who shared their joy on vacation in Jogja. It all made me want to go to joga, before that I had planned to go there on vacation. There, I will be staying for 3. I will be visiting many places such as Malioboro Street, temples, palaces and others within 3 days. I will be taking lots of pictures and buy lots of merchandise there. However, all my wishes had to be erased because of the pandemic. But I be will planning it back in the next 1 year, after the pandemic. I will be going to Jogja in the next year

  15. Villy Al Viyani
    TBI 3A

    Practice 1
    -Villy has read this novel by the end of this week
    -I will not have painted the window
    -By the end of this week I will have finished my paper for group presentation
    -Will Shania has accepted the message from me?
    -Nanda will has continued her study before she gets married

    Practice 2
    I’m Villy and now I’m an English student in the 3rd semesters. I will have reached my bachelor degree in 3 more years. Insyaallah. But sometimes I think I can’t to be a good English teacher because my English still not good and I’m not sure I will be a teacher in future. But I didn’t give up there, In the three years time I will have studied in my college and improved my skills to be better and better. So that I want to continue my study until I deserve to be an English teacher. Keep it going for me and all my friends to learn in our majority, we will have got new lesson in this semester although we have learn from home not in our class. Keep spirit..

    1. Villy, please see the forms of sentence. you should to know how to formulate a good sentence including simple or complex one. Then, you should know about the idea, text and context relationship to create meaningful paragraphs.

  16. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    Nim : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A

    Future perfect :
    - I will have graduated from university in the next two years.
    -They will have finished their duty by next week.

    Future continous :
    -She will be reading a book at the library when you arrive.
    -They will not be listening music at 06.00 a.m tomorrow.

    Today my friends came over to my house, they asked me to go to the beach for a little vacation, because my friends and I are in different parts of the city maybe they want to quality time with me. Well, I was very interested in their invitations, but I'm doing my teacher's duties and Deadlin duty till 12 PM. I was confused, so I tried to refuse my friends' invitations and told them to go to the beach without me, but they didn't and they preferred to wait for me to finish my job. One of my friends asked me: Will you have finished your duty in 3 hours? And I said: Yes, I'will have finished my duty in 3 hours. My friends are waiting while I'm doing my working. They will be listening music at 10.00 a.m.

  17. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : TBI 1A

    - paragraph using future perfect

    Wednesday is fun

    Today I'm going to the market to buy Scout equipment. I will be accompanied by my two friends, her name is uswah and Nia. We will go by using public transportation. We will walk first before getting on an angkot because there are no angkot that pass through our boarding house. As soon as we were in the market, we were looking for Scout equipment, going around the market to see. We also refreshed because we stayed in the boarding house for too long heheheeeee ...
    After finishing shopping, we will continue our journey to campus. Then after arriving at campus, we rushed to carry out the Dzuhur prayer. Then lunch and practice. After the training was over, we rushed back to the boarding house and rested.

    1. zakiya, I haven't seen your practice on future perfect and future continuous.

  18. Name : Sekar Ayu Asari
    Class : Tbi 3A
    Nim : 191230016

    Example of future perfact tanse

    1. I will have finished dinner at 20.00
    2. I will have worked to night
    3. I will have presented tomorrow

    Example of future continuous tanse

    Tomorrow I and my Family going to beach, we will visiting beach at 6 o’clock tomorrow because we will be together looking view sunrise, because sunrise is a very beautiful view and favorite view my family.

  19. Name : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Class : TBI3A

    Example : future continous
    -She will be waiting for you when you come
    -They will be eating pizza at 6 tonight
    -I will be sleeping when my parents arrive at the airport.

    example : future perfect and future continous

    watching movie

    After finishing college today and doing my assignment I will watch my favorite film, and there are lots of films that will be showing this month, I can't wait to watch those films, and now when I have no college or nothing is done I watch movies, or go out to find food and play with my friends, and I have friends who like to watch movies of the same genre as me, so when I have new films I always invite my friends to watch together, because of the pandemic now I can't go out to watch so we will watch a movie in theaters this pandemic is ending.

  20. Name: sausan indah nur amelia
    NIM: 191230001
    Class: TBI 3A

    Examples of Future Perfect sentences:
    - Sausan will graduate this year.
    - will you have come back from Bandung by the end of this month?
    - We'll go when Siwon choi comes at nine.
    Future Continuous sentence example:
    - I'll be doing my homework when she arrive tonight.
    - Tonight at 7 pm, I will be haveing dinner with my friends.

    Paragraph using the Future Perfect:
    Makkah is my first place abroad that I will visit. I am very happy about that. Today we will have taking passports. So, after going to the immigration office I had to buy a book to study prayer which I would read later while in Mecca.
    Paragraph using Future Continuous:
    When i arrive at the reunion, everybody is going to be talking, some will be having dinner, and a few people will be standing in line to meet the teacher.

  21. Name Asha Febriyanti
    Class TBI 3A
    Nim 191230021

    Future continuous :

    In this morning
    My brother will be wearing new shoes this morning, because he always speak about his new shoes, my father and my mother will be saying 'calm down boy you will be wearing your shoes this morning' and im only look they with smile.

    example sentences of tense future continuous :
    1. I will be studying at campus

    Future perfect :

    In this morning
    My brother will has worn new shoes this morning, because he always speak about his new shoes, my father and my mother will has said 'calm down boy you will have worn your shoes this morning' and im only look they with smile.

    example sentences of tense future perfect :
    1. My brother will has played football

  22. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    Class TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230035

    Example sentence of future perfect :
    - in a week’s time, my brother will have worked in new office

    Example paragraph of future continuous :
    - tomorrow morning i will be stay at home. If you come to my home, i will be serving you a delicious food. Then we will be watching films with a bowl of popcorn and a glass of coke.

  23. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    I have changed. Because i like reading book now. You know, before i don't like reading. But after that i realize that i have to changed. I started from reading a novel, it feels hard because reading is make me bored. And i try to read fiction book, i know it will be very hard but i have to trying. Over time i got used to reading. And then now i also started to write a story, poem etc. I will have read many books for add my vocabulary. And i hope i can will be a writer in the future.

    Future perfect:
    1. She will has cooked for tomorrow
    2. I will have washed the clothes

    Future Continuous:
    1. I will be following the example
    2. I will be playing basketball

  24. Assalamualaikum Mrs

    Name : Liyanti
    NIM : 191230027
    Class : TBI A - Third Semester

    Excercise 1
    Future Perfect :
    1. I will have finished teach by 12 pm.
    2. I will have studied SEFt by this weekend
    3. will not have finished breakfast by 06 pm?

    Future Continuous :
    1. You will be writing a letter at 09 pm
    2. I won't be having teaching at 10 tomorrow morning
    3. Will You be studying at 8 o'clock tomorrow ?

    Exercise 2
    Topics : "My Activity Is My Life "

    Today, I will have met with my community by zoom aplication at 05 pm.
    I will have imagined that feel sleepy because this meet so early morning. And honestly, this is the first time to meet online in the early morning.
    And after finished, I will be teaching my private student at my home.
    Start from 09 PM until 12 PM.
    After that, I will have eatten and prayed. And next... I will be following the classroom on Zoom, Whatsapp and Learning Management System at 1 AM.
    After this, I will be writing an article on my note for one hour at my room.
    And after this, I will be helping my parents to keep father's store while study.

    Thank You Mrs

    1. Liyanti, your work is good. please you attend on the form of sentence that is needed verb signal after subject and before adjective or adverb such as this meet is so early morning or the meet is done in so early morning. don't forget to relate between text and context while writing your paragraphs.

  25. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006
    Class : 3A

    Sentence using a future perfect :

    - They will have gotten to the Jogja by this time the next year.
    - I will have finished my homework in the evening
    - My sister will have married in 2022

    Paragrapah using a future continuous tense :

    I and my family will be going to holiday next month. It will be about one week. My family and i are going to Malang. We have planned a trip to Malang since one year ago. Malang is the first city in East Java that I will be visiting. I am so excited about it.

  26. Nama : Devi Nuraeni
    Nim : 191230022
    Class : Tbi 3A

    (Practice 1 example : Future Perfect)
    - I will have gone school when you arrive
    - I will have finished our work tomorrow morning
    - we will have on vacation next month

    (Practice 2 example : Future Continuous)
    Every Sunday or holiday I spend with my family doing sports. Family sports are a delight, apart from improving bodily health, quality time with loved ones can also be found. Sometimes my family and I exercised in front of the complex or in a stadium.

  27. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim : 191230025 - 3A

    Practice 1
    1. I will have finished organizational orientation at the end of this month
    2. The electronics repairman will have repaired my computer tomorrow
    3. They will have completed the observation next month
    4 Next month, he will have completed his immigration documents
    5. On Sunday, we will have brought the psychology book
    6. By next month, we will have studied about entrepreneurship
    7. On November 15th, we will have completed our community service assignment

    Practice 2
    Visit the grand mosque of banten and stone quran for spiritual tourism.

    My parents will have several wished if the large-scale limitation period is over, one of which is spiritual tourism. and next week I will be visiting the great mosque of Banten and the stone of the Qur'an with my family and also invite some of my neighbors. Actually, this spiritual tour was planned last April by my parents. due to the pandemic, this plan was postponed. We will be going there with a travel car, if the clock shows 8.30 am then we will be going to the great mosque of Banten and the stone of the Qur'an. I would of course be very happy to be able to revisit this place because it had been a long time since I visited that place before.

  28. My name is Fitriyatul Janah
    Nim : 191230017

    * Practice 1
    - He will have stayed at the hotel until tuesday
    - I will have finished my task tomorrow
    - They will have arrived in this class in the morning
    - She will have gone to school tomorrow.

    * Practice 2
    Susi will have graduated at his year.after graduated, she will have started her studied in a university.she will have studied with a new friends and i will have supported her.I miss her, i will be coming susi's home at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.I will be making her favourite cake and i will be bringing to her and her family.

  29. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM : 191230007
    Class : 3A

    Practice 1
    1. I will have reading the message from mother this morning
    2. My sister will have vacation to Bali with friends next week
    3. My mother will have cook a good meal this afternoon

    Practice 2
    Next week, my high school friends and I will carry out an activity at one of the tourist attractions in our city. There, we will do a lot, because this event was held for the reason of a class reunion. I hope everyone can meet their best friends back in high school.
    In order for the activity to be more enjoyable, I and other committee members have arranged some entertainment and games, so that this reunion meeting will be more memorable.

  30. hello, each student have done his/ her works well. But, some of you do not do well based on the instruction on the slides. please read carefully and try the practices to enrich your experience in this topic.

  31. Name : Didi Hudaya
    NIM :191230034
    Class : TBI 3A

    Practice 1
    - You will be done assignment of grammer tomorrow
    - Next week, he will be given me a job
    - I will have married with you this year
    - I will have gone to surabaya this week

    Practice 2
    Next week, i and my friends will holiday to the island. We will be spending time to holiday in sangiang island. At there we will be playing and snowkrling

  32. Name: Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    NIM: 191230958
    Class: TBI - 3B

    Practice 1 (Sentences Using Future Perfect)

    - My mother will have cooked fried rice when my father come this night
    - I will have finished my college at the end of this year

    Practice 2 (Paragraphs - Future Continuous)

    History Class Program

    Next month my brother and I will be joining the history class program and going on a tour to Turkey. The program lasts one month, so my brother and I will be staying in Turkey for a month. The program was created to study history and to take the legacy left by the Utsmani Khilafah, especially Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih, in Istanbul, Turkey.

  33. Name : Nur isnaeniah
    Nim :191230044
    TBI 3B

    Practice 1

    1. Nana will have eaten
    2. She will have worked in south korea
    3. I will have finished my homework by dinner time.

    Practice 2

    Me and my friends are about to have a reunion after the virus pandemic is over, we will going to be so happy to see each other so long, we will be playing games when meet and when we meet each other we will talk about our days, and after its we will go for a walk and get some food to eat together. And don't forget we will be taking a lot of pictures together.

  34. Name: Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Nim: 191230057
    Class: TBI 3B

    Practice 1

    1. I will have breakfast at 7am
    2. I will have gone to jakarta tomorow father will have worked in english

    Practice 2

    1.My brother and I will be going on holiday next month. My brother and I are going to the mountains. We have planned a trip to Mountain for one year. There we will camp and I am so excited about it.

  35. Nama : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    Class : TBI 3A

    Exercise 1
    Example of Future Perfect:
    1. We will have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month.
    2. Bowo won’t have gone office when you arrive.
    3. My father will have broken your house when you come this afternoon.

    Example Of Future Continuous:
    1. When you come home, I will be watching TV.
    2. When they walk in front of me, I Will be running to the home.
    3. Will you be driving to my office when the ceremony begins?

    Exercise 2
    "My day"

    I Will have an appointment with my friend to go to the soccer field, but my mother Will have scolded me to go there, because she asked me to help her to go to the market.
    When I will have gotten to the market I had purchased my mother's order. After that I go to home with the things my mother had ordered, I say to my mother, that I will be playing with my friend out of the house, I will be meeting with my friend to do my chores and of course, I speak to my mother that I will be coming to the home on time after playing with my friends.

  36. Practice 1
    Future perfect
    1. We will graduate 3 years from college.
    2. I will vacation to turky next year.
    3. She will cook tomorrow morning.

    Practice 2
    1.Future perfect
    I won't have written all the reports by next week.
    By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to bed. I'll have finished in an hour and then we can watch a film. In three years' time, I'll have graduated from university.
    2. Future continuous
    When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.
    Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match.
    You can visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then.

  37. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    Tbi 3a

    # paractice 1

    *Syifa will have graduated from University in the next five years.
    * My mother will have made dinner by 8 p.m. tonight.
    * Two years from now, I will have been in tareem,yamen.
    * azid will have fallen asleep by 10 p.m. tonight.

    # paractice 2

    * Won't stock prices still be falling in the morning?
    * I will be eating at 7 o’clock tonight.
    * He will be coming to my birthday party next month
    * Will I be sleeping in this room?

    # example paragraf future perfect

    I naufa. I have a long holiday this semester next month. My holiday will be about Two months . My friends and I are going to mount big, we've planned a trip to mount big since October. I can't wait for that vacation!
    Great mountain is the second goal after the lofty mountain that I will visit with friends. You can't imagine how happy we are! This month we'll be discuss and arrange our trip itinerary. I'm gonna go over some tracks in every station.
    Lunar square. A 50-hectares field covered with edelweiss. At an altitude of 2,750 m. DPL at 11.8 km (20.6 mi) or 6 hours' drive from cibodas. Is a place will be put in our first list. And there are still plenty of nice placed like the peaks and craters of big mountains, blue water and other. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun there. So, how about you guys? Where will you go on a long holiday?

    # example paragraf future Continuous

    Hi naila!
    How are you doing now? Here, my family and me is so well though i am busy with my script right now. Iam still waiting for you friend. What a good friend!

  38. Nama : Deviyanti Lestari
    TBI 3B

    1.paractice 1
    Example of Future Perfect:
    1.I will have finished my homework by the time I go out on a date to night
    2.andy will have married for two weeks
    3.They will have moved Kim by this time tommorow.

    I will have some plan if I meet my idol. He is D.O ( doh kyung so ) . DO is a member of exo. He will have multitalented person, he can singing, dance and also acting. I love him very much. I hope I will meet him. And if I can meet him I will have many plan that I to do with him.

    paractice 2
    1. I will be studying when you come
    2.Right now I'm sitting in class. Ath this same time tomorrow, I will be sitting in class
    3. Don't get impatient. She will be coming soon

  39. Name: Dewi Ramayanti
    TBI 3A
    Hi, my name is Tasya . I am going to have a long holiday next month. It will be about two weeks. My family and I are going to go to Hongkong. We are going to spend five days there. We have planned a trip to Hongkong since January. Have you been there?
    Hongkong is my first place abroad that I will travel to. I am so excited about it. This month we will arrange our trip itineary. So, after school I’ll browse some places to visit. I’ll also watch some Hongkong travel videos.

    Hongkong Disneyland is a place that will be put in our first list. I love almost all of Walt Disney’s movies. Besides, we’ll also go to Macau because my mother really wants it. I am sure we’ll have so much fun there. What about you, where are you going to go when you have a long holiday?

    Sentence future perfect
    1. He will have been studying in Cairo for a year by the end of next month.
    2.Andra will have been waiting for three months when the corn is ready to harvest.
    3. Will you have been writing the report before the branch manager observes

    1. Tasya, please check your grammar use and see my materials in this blog. if you state'..will have been studying..', you srite a future perfect continuous not a future perfect. if you want to change into future perfect, it could be 'will have studied..'.

  40. Name : Novita Maharani
    Nim :191230062
    TBI 3B

    Practice 1
    -I will have washed the dirty dishes
    -Najla will have worked All of homework
    -The Washing machine will have dried the shirt very wet

    Practice 2

    Today, I will have finished the all my jobs, there is the college assignment, washed the shirt, cooked the food at breakfast. And than in evening I will be continuing to teaching the AL qur'an in brayn's house. After it I will be sleeping at night.

    1. Novita, you should be consistent to choose types of time period in grammar rules. it means that a sentence should have parallel time; present or past.

  41. Name : Ahmad Fadli Robby
    NIM : 191230069

    - I Will have an meeting with my client to go to the restaurant, but my boss said i have to come earlier there, because she asked me to not make my client waiting for me.

    - My brother will be discharged from the hospital in 2 days.

  42. Siti Masitoh

    Practice 1~

    1. Today, I will have watched the movie.
    2. On afternoon, I will have written fiction story..
    3. We will have bought a Grammar book in Grammedia
    4. I won't lie in bed every time
    5. Will you deliver my book on time?

    Practice 2~


    I will be going to market on thursday.
    I will have bought fruits, spinach, carrot, cabbage and many more. And after that, I will have cooked the soup for my mom's.

    1. good job. you could write more ideas to practise your grammar skill, particularly this topic.

  43. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1 :

    1. Ihwan will have done his homework by 8 p.m. tonight.
    2. Dafa will have cut his hair by next week.
    3. Dea will have collected one hundred seventy nine books in three years time.
    4. I will have left Cilegon by nine o'clock.
    5. Lina will have submitted her task as soon as possible.

    Practice 2 :

    Next week, I and my family will be having a vacation to the mount bromo. This holiday will be a very precious moment. If the clock still at 7 a.m. I and my family will be going to mount bromo. We will be going there by a car. We will not be bringing so much food, because we will be buying food there. I will staying at a hotel with my family for a week. Surely I will be enjoying the holiday. Don't forget, I will be taking photos as memories.

    1. good Vita. you could practise more applying this topic to any skills.

  44. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. My uncle will have built his dream house two years from now.
    2.Rifki will not have finished his paintings by tomorrow morning.
    3. Will afny have moved to New York next year?

    Budi is thinking of studying abroad. Since he always knows what he wants and what to do in his life. Budi got all things well-planned and perfectly prepared. Within a year, he will have had English bachelor degree in Modern Languages. After that, he will be working as a translator in Jerman for a year and applying for a scholarship to continue his postgraduate study in America

    1. Afni, please see again your conjunction use in this paragraph. If you don't attend on this part, the readers could not understand well your ideas. good job

  45. Name :Hena Hopipah
    NIM :191230105

    Practice 1

    Next month, I will have finished my diet program

    I won't have visited my grandma's house this year

    Will i have met my best friend next year

    Practice 2

    Dear my friend

    I will be taking online Turkish class this week, I can't wait with the explanation from the speaker. I will be joining the Turkish Youth Forum next month and i am excited about it. Would you like to join too? If so, you will have registered next year.

    1. hena, please pay attention on the linking sentences in a paragraph. please make it more meaningful.

  46. Name : dinda salsabila
    Nim : 191230079
    TBI 3 C

    practice 1
    1. Before he comes, the table will have been prepared.
    2. We will gather on the road at 8. We will have gone when you come at 9.
    3. The mechanic will have repaired my car tomorrow.
    4. Meri will have moved out tomorrow.

    Practice 2

    Sunday I will have go on vacation to Bandung with my family. I have plan to visiting 4 places. until there I will definitely be very happy

    1. Dinda, I saw you haven't understood this topic. please ask for this materials and instructions to other students.

    TBI 3C

    - I will have been here on your birthday
    - she will has kept her heart just for you until you comeback from south korea
    - they will have prepared everything that needed for the next monthly meeting

    Today i wake up late, my mom yelled at me and the alarm beside me has been ringing, but still i felt sleepy. My mom got angry with me and i promise her that tomorrow i will be have waken at the exact time.

    1. ok khusnul. please concern on your sentences' pattern. don't make too long sentences. it causes lost meaning for the readers' views.

  48. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    Class : 3 C
    English Education Department
    IEG TASK :

    •• In three years' time, I'll be studying art and culture.
    In five years' time, I'll have finished studying art and culture.

    •• The guests are coming at 9 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then.
    On 15th May we'll have been married for 50 years.
    Will you have gone to bed when I get back?

    •• When you come out of school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.
    Try to call before 10 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match.
    You can visit us during the first week of June. I won't be working then.

    1. good Fadilah. you have to make a connection between your text and context to realise your ideas in writing.

  49. Name: ila karmelia 191230087
    Class: TNI 3c

    1. I will have gotten to the Bandung by this time the next month.
    2. We will have taken your book when you come this morning
    3. My sister will have given your t-shirt when you come this week

    Thursday I will go to Lampung with my family, because we haven't visited my grandmother in Lampung for a long time, until in Lampung we will let go of our miss

    1. Ila, you have to write more sentences to practise your grammar pattern.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Rini sri wahyuni
    Tbi 3c

    Practice 1
    My sister will have stayed at home by time tomorrow
    Rini will have studied by ten o’clock
    Mom will have cooked our favorite meal
    I will have finished my homeworks at the end of this week.

    Practice 2
    on school holidays later, i will be going to Sulawesi to visit my grandmother there, I will go with my parents. In preparation for going to Sulawesi, my father and mother have bought the necessities that we will provide for grandmother, me, mother and father can't wait want to come soon

    1. your case is like Zahra in which you do not read carefully my materials and instructions in my blog. Please learn together with your friends who had known about it

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Name : Siti Fatimatuzzahra
      NIM : 191230081
      Class : TBI - 3C

      Practice 1
      An example from future perfect tenses

      1. Zahra will have eaten the rice when her mother come this morning.
      2. I will have done it this evening
      3. Tomorrow, i will have finished my task

      Practice 2
      Paragraph example from future : perfect and continuous

      Today, my Dad say to me if He will come to Banten with all of my family and He ask me to come to there. Actually, I have to make a paper with my friends, the task given by my lecture. So, I say to my friends if I can not make it today, but I promise to them if I will have finished that task tomorrow before going to University.

    2. Zahra, please read again my materials and instructions in this session. So, you could work better. You also could ask your friends to imply that.

  54. Siti Najwa

    Practice 1
    Example of future perfect tenses:
    1. I will have shopped at that market before they come.
    2. I will not have attended the program because of my busy schedule.
    3. I will have helped him to do the task before the class starts.

    Practice 2
    Two months ago I did a self-reboot program to recover my body from bad habits, this self-rebooting aims to create a system in the body that will be instilling a new better habits and will be geting rid of bad habits were before. This self-rebooting program must be done for 69 days and now I am on the 53rd day and this program will have finished in 16 days. Hopefully this self-reboot program will have worked and my bad habits will have gone and i will be feeling better person then before.

  55. Name: Maftuhah
    NIM: 191230091
    class: TBI 3C

    Practice 1

    -I will have finished my assignment at the end of this work
    - I will have finished my homework by the time I go out on a dinner tonight
    -Will the shop have closed by 11 o'clock tonight ?

    Practice 2

    My dream
    My name is zunaira. I have many dreams, one of those dreams is to have a big restaurant in my city. Because I think being a business woman will be very attractive to me. Now I'm studying at Unpad campus. For further education I will take it at Gadjah Mada University. After graduating I will learn about anything

    1. I haven't seen your works in the topic: future perfect and future continuous. please read carefully the tasks in my PPT. if you still do not understand you may ask me.

  56. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salsabilah
    NIM : 191230086
    Class : TBI 3c

    i will have opened the shop on Monday
    i won't have opened the shop on Monday
    will i have opened the shop on Monday?

    we will have become influencer next year
    we won't have become influencer next year
    will we have become influencer next year?

    azka will have bought a new bag tomorrow
    azka won't have bought a new bag tomorrow
    will azka have bought a new bag tomorrow?

    someday, my friend ask me a question, "what will you be when you grow up?". so i said, "don't you mean, what will i become? eumm, i will have become an influencer after graduate. so, will you have become an influencer too?". and she said, "no i won't have become an influencer. i will have become a doctor after graduate."

  57. Nama: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    Practice 1:
    I will have finished a camping on sunday

    Practice 2:
    Me and my friends will going to serang banten by bus, because i have an agenda of scouting in my university. Beside, my brother getting sick so I permit to the leader of scouting if I cannot joining an agenda. And I believe if my brother will have got health tomorrow.

    1. check your writing in the area of conjunction use such as ' And...

  58. Nama : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Kelas :TBI 3C

    Practice 1:
    1.I will have graduated from this school by the end of June next year.
    2.The mechanic will have checked before i drive it tomorrow
    3. He will have moved to Serang by the end of this month.

    Practice 2:
    the students are coming at 10 p.m. and i'll have finished teaching by then. and when you come out school tomorrow, i'll be boarding a plane.

    1. Vina, do not put two conjunction in the similar clause such as '...and when..' it is better if you choose one of them.

  59. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah
    Class:TBI 3C

    Practice 1:
    1. I will go to Bandung at the end of May next year servicing will clean my apartment before i leave tomorrow
    3. I will meet him later this month

    Practice 2:
    tomorrow is my 19 year old birthday, and my family gave a surprise by celebrating it in Anyer. where we stayed for a week while on vacation I thought I was very happy and can't wait to go tomorrow.

    1. Ratu, please be consistent in using grammar rules for your writing. use similar types of time period in a sentences.

  60. Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG

    Practice 1
    Future Perfect
    1. Azka will have collected six hundreds pieces of stamps in three years time
    2. Rizka will have done her homework by 10 p.m. tonight
    3. Farhan won't have finished his paintings by tomorrow morning
    4. Will Dina and Rena have visited the Golden Temple next week?
    5. Will we have arrived in Bandung tomorrow afternoon?

    Practice 2
    Her name is Liana, She will have graduated at this year and she will be working at university next year. Before she work in there, she will have planned to study again at boarding school, in there she wanted to memorize the Qur'an first. Because in her opinion just became a teacher of English language its not enough. Therefore, She will have studied again at another place to increase about religious knowledge.

    1. Eva, please check again your way to use adverbial. if it is there or here, I assume that it does not use in before it. e.g. in may change 'she want to memorise the quran there'. good job

  61. Name: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    TBI 3C

    Practice 1:
    1. In a weeks, i Will have stayed on my grandmother house for research and observation.
    2. Novi Will have finished her homework at night
    3. Raka Will have graduated at this month.

    Practice 2:
    On Saturday, my little sister will have seven years old. My parents are Will have made a little party for her. The party will start at night on Saturday. Not many people will have attended to the party, only family and relatives. she will have so much fun. my parents Will be going bring rainbow cake with candle on the top. last but not listed, all of relatives bring her some gift.

    1. Monika, while writing, you only need to choose one of verb as auxilariy or modality. therefore, It does not need to write '...are will...'. you could write 'my parents will have ...good job

  62. Name:Nihayah
    Nim: 191230077
    Class:Tbi 3C

    Practice 1

    -I will have finished my projects at the end of this week
    -I will have finished the homework by the time my mom gets home
    -She will have left work at 4.45 pm

    Practice 2

    -Next month i will be going to bali. i will be enjoying a great holiday with my friends. so i need a prepare a perfect plan. we will be going to bali for three days by motorbike and boat. our trip will be starting from surabaya to ketapang, about 250 kilometers by motobike, and from ketapang to bali island by boat.

    1. Nihayah, you should concern on your text and context. if you understand them, you could create your written ideas better than now. Keep practising your skill

  63. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM : 191230093
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1
    => I will have washed my clothes tomorrow at the morning.
    => We will have watched a movie together today at 9 AM

    Practice 2
    Me and my friends will be going to beach by a boat so it will take 30 minute on the way. When arriving at the beach, me and my friends will be taking a picture of beautiful view with a white sand. I will be swimming at the beach so i can enjoy the clean water there.

    1. anjelita, you have to identify subject or object pronouns such as me and I. if you use subject pronouns, it means that you use it to begin a sentence. So, your sentence will be 'I and my friend...' not 'me and my friend'. good.

  64. Name: Nurul Kholifah
    Nim: 191230100
    Class: TBI 3C
    #practice 1
    1. I will have eaten meatball at the end of thus month
    2. She won't have done her work tonight
    3. will u have brought my shirt to the campus?
    #practice 2.
    I will have some plan if I meet my friend. I will friend and his name is Raffi. Raffi is my best friend since we'r inelementary school. I love him very much, and I hope this friendship will continue untill we'r grow old.

    1. Nurul, you have read and learn more about this topic. you could ask to your friends and discuss about it. I haven't seen any pattern of the topic in your sentences in practice 2. please continue your grammar practice.

  65. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI 3 B

    Practice 1

    ➡ I will have watched new videos of my favorite idol at 10 pm tonight.
    ➡ I will have studied English today.

    Practice 2

    Next week, i and my friends will be having a vacation to the beach. This vacation will be a gift becuase two days before my friends celebrate his birthday. At five o 'clock i and my friends will be going to carita beach To watch the sunset, since the distance from my home to the beach is about 30 minutes. In the beach We will be celebrating birthday my friend, see sunset, the sunset is so beautiful, and we had so much fun.

    1. sela, your sentences are oftenly repeated. To flow your paragraph, you need to determine your topic sentence. The, you continue to supporting sentence as your examples, reasons, or summary. please look at your conjunction use also. good Sella

  66. after the use of 'after that', put comma. it becomes 'after that, we....' good job

  67. Name : Rina
    Class : TBI 3C
    NIM : 191230071

    1. I will have played a football
    2. I won't have played a football
    3. Will i have played a football ?

    My name is rina, i will have planed a job. One of my plan job is to be come a teacher teaching english languange of senior high school or etc. Because became a teacher of english language it's so interesting. And i will have go to study in university of sultan maulana hassanudin banten.

  68. Linda Muflihah

    1. I will have graduated of 2023
    2. I will have anything if deligented of my work
    3. I will have bought laptop on 2021
    4. I will have worked in government agency
    5. i will have translated french language tomorrow

    On November exactly 10th this month I will be going to Jogja to return home. even though in the current pandemic era, my family and I will be going to Jogja because my grandmother is sick and no one takes care of it there. I will going to Jogja to adhere to health protocols to prevent the Covid-19 virus from spreading like i will wearing mask, handsanitizer or etc and still obey traffic rules.

  69. Widia Nurhadini Utami
    TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    - I Will finished my works at the end of this week
    - I Will have moved to Serang next year

    Practice 2

    At the end of this year,my father will be deciding to spend our holiday in my aunty's home. My aunty's home gas beautiful view, because it is near from beach. When we will be arriving there, we will be cooking together, swimming in the beach, and etc. Maybe we will be going home after 2 days.

  70. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    Class: TBI 3D
    NIM: 191230106

    1. We will have submitted the task at the end of 3rd semester.
    2. Roy will have answered the question after you ask him.
    3. Mrs. Smith have allowed us to interview when we get a permission.

    Economic Crisis
    Talking about the economy is an interesting thing to find out. In previous years, Indonesia experienced an increasing economy from various aspects. but now this has changed drastically since the corona virus entered the territory of Indonesia, the economy has declined due to the decline in state revenue. The goverment will have given social assistance at the end of desember. this is a breakthrough to improve the economy again. So the society won't complain this economic situation. Indonesian economic will be increasing step by step.

  71. Intira Maharani
    TBI 3D

    •She will have finished her study this year
    •She will have visited several places in Yogyakarta by Saturday
    •My niece won't have finished her homework by the time I gets home
    • My neighbour will have moved out by Monday
    • I will have eaten by the time my mom gets home

    My family and I will be going to Bandung next week. We will have visited several places in Bandung by Tuesday. We will go there by car. And we will staying at my uncle's home for 5 days. In there we will be celebrating my cousin's birthday.

  72. Lulu Nabila
    TBI 3 C

    Practice 1:
    (+) I will have met my friends at the end of this year
    (-) I won't have met my friends at the end of the year
    (?) Will I have met my friends at the end pf the year?

    I can lend you the book next week because by that time i will have finished reading it.The book is very interesting. You should read it too. Next week you will be coming to my house. Happy reading!

  73. Name : Maftuhah Hanum
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM :191230065
    Practice 1.
    1. We will have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month.
    2. Eva will have gone office when you arrive.
    3. I will have finished my study by the end of next year.
    Practice 2.
    Gerrardo is thinking of studying abroad. Since he always knows what he wants with his life. He's got all things well-planned and prepared. Within a year, he will have had his bachelor degree in Modern Languages. Then, he will be working as a tour guide in Barcelona for a year and applying for a scholarship to continue his postgraduate study in Moscow. As he has learned the system and pattern for the accepted students, he's been working on his method on it and he will have been accepted in one of his target scholarship to take Russian studies. Furthermore, he will have done his thesis a year after. Hopefully, he will have a chance to work in Russia and will have spent the rest of his life there due to his great interest in that country.

  74. Name : Ficka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI 3 B

    - Practice 1

    1. Rifky will have done his homework by 7 p.m tonight.
    2. We will have gotten to the Bandung by this time the next month.
    3. I will have finished my works at the end of this week.

    - Practice 2

    When I was a child, my mom sometimes asked me, "What will you be when you grow up?" , I always answered "I will be a teacher" and Mom just smiled. and now I go to college to pursue a dream that I wanted since I was a child, it is true that he said the words were prayer.

  75. Name : Wulan Kurniasari
    Nim : 191230041
    Class : TBI 3B

    Practice 1

    1. Reza will have built the store next month
    2. I will have decorated the house on sunday
    3. She will have finished this work before you leave

    Practice 2

    I and my family will be visiting my grandmother in Bogor next week. We will be going there by car. I will have made a cake for my grandmother, and l will be giving a gift for her. Because next week is my grandmother's birthday. When we will be arriving at grandmother's house, we will be making a surprise for her.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    Nim : 191230039
    Class : TBI 3 B

    practice 1
    "future perfect tense"
    1. they will have gone to united kingdom for next month.
    2. will she have driven the car tonight?
    3. tania and ataka will have invited to come to rani's party for the day after tomorrow.

    "future continuous tense"
    1. the students will be studying math in the class at 07.00 am.
    2. my uncle will be visiting me after buying some fruits in the mall.
    3. rani's friend will be finishing the duty today.

    practice 2
    "my drean will be coming true soon"

    I always dream in every single time, if I will be studying for magister in abroad, after that I will be teaching and I will be exploring my knowledge to each others. but, I realize many things that I have to do for preparing to go abroad. May be i will be preparing for my essay, my IELTS/TOEFL, motivation letter and another. but, the most important one is English language, beacuse I will be speaking english all the time to make easy communication with my friends and easy to adaption with the society in abroad environment.

  78. Name :Siti Fatihatul Makiyyah
    Nim :191230040
    Class :TBI 3B

    Practice 1

    (+) I will go to college this morning
    (-) I won't go to college this morning
    (?) will i have going to college this morning?

    Practice 2

    Next weekend my cousin, Hana, will visit Surabaya for 3 days. She will arrive at 11 pm on Friday. She will stay at my home. But I will not be able to pick her up because I will sleep at 10 pm. I will be sleeping when she arrives here. But, it's not a big deal because we can spend our weekend together. She will have visited many places in Surabaya by the time she goes home.

    On the first day, we will go to Surabaya Zoo at 10 o'clock in the morning. We will have eaten breakfast by the time we arrive at the zoo. We will walk around and take many pictures. My sister will join us too. She will meet at 12 pm because she has another business on that day. My cousin and I will have been walking around the zoo for 2 hours when my sister arrives. After that, we will go to Galaxy mall. We will be there until dinner time and will go home at 8 pm.

    On the second day, we will visit Tugu Pahlawan. After that, we will go to Tunjungan Plaza mall to have lunch. My mother will catch us up after lunchtime. We will have had lunch by the time my mother arrives. She will take us to Zangrandi Ice Cream. In the evening, we will go to Surabaya Night Carnival at 6. We will play many rides there. My sister will catch us up at 7. So, we will have been playing for 1 hour when my sister arrives. On the last day, we will not go anywhere because my cousin has to go to the airport in the morning.

  79. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    Nim: 191230132
    Class: TBI/ 3D

    Sentence using future perfect:
    1. Will The students have read all the lessons by ten o'clock tonight?
    2. The servant will have opened all the windows before I get up.
    3. When I see you again, I shall have buy a new car.

    I will be writing the task tonight. and I will be staying at home tomorrow. how about you? Will you be writing your task for tomorrow? when my mother come tonight, I shall have done my tasks. i shall have cooked by the time her get back. because my mother will have asked about all before i sleep. i shall be feeling excited about it. i will be working hard in this week. i shall have done the tasks before my lecture ask for it. Task, task, task, that's all I have in mind now. Because I will have graduated from university two more years.

  80. Alfina Nurhasanah
    TBI 3D
    Pratice 1
    (+) in two months' time, I will have went to Magelang
    (-) in two months’s time, I won’t went to Magelang
    (?) will you went to Magelang, in two months’s time?
    Pratice 2
    After my sister graduated, my sister will have been starting her working at Junior High School, and she will have been happy, because she will have worked with many people and she will have meet many people, because she will have been a Teacher. And she will be teaching. However she will have been not forsake her family and friend, and she will be making our family happy.

  81. Nama : Mia atmiati
    Nim. : 191230063
    Kelas: TBI 3B

    Pratice 1:
    (+) l would have been listening to the music for 15 minutes
    (-) l would not have been listening to the music for 15 minutes
    (?) would you have been listening to the music for 15 minutes?

    Oratice 2:
    On Sunday, I will going with my mother to shop for our needs at home, we plan to go to Giant Attack because that's the closest place to our house, I will shop for vegetables, fruits, and other foods. Not only that, my mother will also teach me to cook after I go home shopping, I really can't wait that Sunday will come

  82. Name:Fitri
    Nim :191230070
    Class:TBI 3b

    Practice 1
    future perfect tense.

    -doni will have gone office when you arrive.
    -We will have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month.
    -I won’t have finished my works at the end of this week
    -We will have gotten to the Korea by this time the next month.

    Future continuous tense

    -I will not be exercising at the gym tomorrow afternoon.
    -devi and diva will not be using their car tonight.
    -dafa will not be coming to the graduation ceremony next week because of the accident.

    Practice 2
    Today is 9 nov and tomorrow is my sister’s birthday. Her name is desi. I want to give her a surprise. I have talked to some of her friends. They have helped me to prepare a surprising party. We have discussed it since July.

  83. Name: atikotul muafakoh
    Class : TBI 3c
    1. Example from future perfect tense:
    - I will have finished the homework by the time my mom gets home
    2. Paragraph about future perfect tense:
    -Her name is Tina. She will have pland job. One of her pland job is she want to be teacher korean language. In her opinion, become a teacher of korean language it is so interesting. She will have go to study in University of korea and get scholarship for it.
    Thanks you...

  84. Name: atikotul muafakoh
    Class : TBI 3c
    1. Example from future perfect tense:
    - I will have finished the homework by the time my mom gets home
    2. Paragraph about future perfect tense:
    -Her name is Tina. She will have pland job. One of her pland job is she want to be teacher korean language. In her opinion, become a teacher of korean language it is so interesting. She will have go to study in University of korea and get scholarship for it.
    Thanks you...

  85. Name: sahrul romadoni
    Class: TBI 3 B

    1. Example sentence to future perfect tense

    -Khusnul will have cleaned the kitchen by the time we arrive at her house.
    -Sahrul will have done his homework by 8 p.m. tonight.

    2. Paragraph sentence to future continuous

    My name is Sahrul Romadoni, I shall have been living in Serang for 1 year by next years. I shall have been studying here at the State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten since one year ago. I chose to major in English at this university, because I like English, and also because of my dream, which is to become an English lecturer. Now I am still in smester 3, and next month I will enter smester 4. I hope to get good grades and a lot of knowledge at the State Islamic University of Banten.

  86. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    Sentence using future perfect
    + I will have finished work tomorrow.
    - I won’t have finished work tomorrow.
    ? Will I have finished the work tomorrow?

    Paragraph by modifying future perfect and future continuous
    In mid-November, I will cleaned my grandmother's house to greet my aunt and her husband from out of town. The end of November is my aunt's schedule to have her child, so starting next week maybe I will be taking some baby equipment.

  87. Name: Sarah lidya balqis
    Nim: 191230133
    Class: TBI 3D

    pratice 1
    - i will be a good teacher at 5 years later.
    - i will be watching movie when you come to night
    - she will have finished her works at the end of this week

    pratice 2
    Trip next holiday

    After pandemic and i will have been going to trip next holiday. I will have been a great holiday with my bestfriend and also with my family. So, i need a prepare a perfect plan. We are going to jogja for three days by train.
    after we get there we will explore the city of jogja and try jogja specialties. it's sure to be a very nice getaway!

  88. Name : Shinta Awaliatus Sa’adah
    Nim : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1:
    “Future Perfect tense”
    I will have finished a camping on Monday
    They will have done my homework tonight
    We will have gone to Bandung for next week.

    "future continuous tense"
    They will be studying biology in the class at 09.00 am.
    I will be visiting my friend after watching a movie.
    I will be reading a book today.

    Practice 2:
    I will be going to my friend’s house tonight, I will be staying at his home tomorrow. I will be studying with her to practice my English and we will be speaking English all the time with her to make my English well. Also, We will be watching a movie to refresh our brain. And then, I will have gone to my house for next week.

  89. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    Class : TBI 3 B
    NIM : 191230049
    Practice 1

    "Future perfect tense"

    I Will have finished my home work before the meeting begins tomorrow
    I will have slept when my homework is done
    We Will have gone to Bandung when holiday is coming

    Practice 2

    "Future continuous tense"

    After I graduate I shall have been continued my education at a famous university. I want to go to college with many people and in a team. I will have been done my best from the start and reach the top with my own hard work and the prayers of the parents. However, I will not have left my family and friends. I will have kept my family & friends as close to me as possible, because without them I wouldn't even be able to graduate.

  90. Name : Titin Sumiyati
    NIM : 191230120
    Class : TBI 3D
    Hi, my name is Laura. I am going to have a long holiday next month. It will be about two weeks. My family and I are going to go to Hongkong. We are going to spend five days there. We have planned a trip to Hongkong since January. Have you been there?
    Hongkong is my first place abroad that I will travel to. I am so excited about it. This month we will arrange our trip itineary. So, after school I’ll browse some places to visit. I’ll also watch some Hongkong travel videos.

    Hongkong Disneyland is a place that will be put in our first list. I love almost all of Walt Disney’s movies. Besides, we’ll also go to Macau because my mother really wants it. I am sure we’ll have so much fun there. What about you, where are you going to go when you have a long holiday?
    The sentences:
    . He will have been studying in Cairo for a year by the end of next month.
    . Bryan will have been waiting for three months when the corn is ready to harvest.
    . Will you have been writing the report before the branch manager observes?

  91. Name: Siti Kamilah
    NIM: 191230109
    Class: TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    • Future perfect
    1. I Will have played basketball tomorrow
    2. Jessica and Richard Will have married next year
    3. I Will have graduated from the university in three years
    • Future continuous
    1. I Will be watching a movie tonight
    2. My teacher Will be calling my mother tomorrow
    3. The lecture Will be teaching at 07.00 a.m

    Practice 2
    My name is ana, I have a little brother. He is a student of junior high school. He Will have graduated from his school in two years. His hobby ia playing games with the friends. He is a lazy boy. If he got some homework from the teacher he always thought that he Will have finished his homework next time. When I ordered him to do the homework he Will be playing games with his friends. He doesn't care about his homework.

  92. Name: Jihan Alifah
    NIM: 191230136
    Class: TBI 3D

    practice 1
    - my cousin will have married by the end of this year
    - my friend and I will have some holiday in two days
    - I'll have to do nothing everyday

    Practice 2
    My friend and I have been studying in the same school for 6 years. We've been so closed each other but because the pandemic we'not met each other yet, so we will be having a vacation to the city by the end of this year, we will be going to caffe,mall etc to spent a time together.

  93. Name : Ulfa Nadya
    Class : TBI 3D
    Nim 191230108

    Make 3 sentences using perfect tense
    1. By Maret 2021 my sister will have married
    2. The covid-19 issue will have finished in the next time.
    3. Will the covid-19 issue have finished in the next time?

    Make paragraph using future perfect and future continous tense

    Well, i'm either happy and also sad. My sister will have married by maret 2021, i was gratefull for her, my sister will be living with her love eternity bisides even not fully i will have lost her and definitly among us will be having life ownself. If the covid-19 virus still exist the wedding will have followed the protocols , the guests will bounded. The most i interested in my sister's weeding is it will be providing photobooth so, the guests will be having photo print while they going home.

  94. Name: Nuva Avita
    Class: TBI 3D
    Nim: 191230122

    Practice 1
    -My mother will have booked the tickets by next week.
    -I will have finished my paper by the deadline
    -By 2019 , I will have graduated from senior high school.

    Practice 2

    Then in the following days, i would have been visiting my friend’s home to study and to do fun things together. We would have been finishing studying, then we cycled arround the area to see new things together.

  95. Name : Herlina Wati
    class : TBI 3D
    Nim. : 191230115

    1. I will make cake twi hours again
    2. My mother come to home tomorrow
    3. I will finish my assignment before the deadline

    today i have homework,i will be doing my homework when my mother arrives tonight and my mother will have promised to buy me a gift when she comes.

  96. Practice 1
    1. i will have cooked before you come home
    2. it will have stopped raining
    3. my father will have booked villa for holiday

    Practice 2
    my friend and I will have make planning for a vacation, we are planning a vacation to Jogja during the semester break, we will be on vacation for a week.

  97. Name: Wardatul Jannah
    NIM: 191230126
    Class: TBI 3D

    Practice 1

    1. I will have finished cooking at 11 am.
    2. My younger sister will have break my phone when she see it.
    3. He will have graduated from senior high school by nex month.

    Practice 2

    Next week, my family and i will be deciding to spend our holiday in grandmother's house. When we are will be arriving in grandmother's house, we will be suprising to see the beautifull view of there and before leaving, maybe we will be taking some snacks for the car later.

  98. Agustin Nuraini Bilqis
    TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    1. I will have moved boarding house before entering college.
    2. By this time next month, i'll have lived in lebak for 20 years.
    3. I will have finished my assignment by the deadline.

    Practice 2
    My name is Agustin Nuraini Bilqis, you can call me Bilqis. I studied at the State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten and majored in English. By 2022, I will have graduated from college. I will have been planning to work as an English teacher and open a business in 2022. I will have worked hard for my future and save my money to buy a house, car, motorcycle, necessities of life and other things. I will have gived the best facilities for my parents before I get married, such as a car and a better home for them when they are old later. I will have invited them to go to Mecca (hajj) and go to a lot of places.

  99. Name : Sucita Ramdani
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230116

    1. I will have cooked food at this morning.
    2. By this night, I will have finished the practice one.
    3. I will have prepared test toefl from now.

    This morning I am asking about ready stock t-shirt to my friend but tomorrow she will be answered my asking t-shirt, I hope my favorite t-shirt is still there.
    Oyaa by this time, i will have finished the practice two and i hope it went well.

  100. Name : Mikhael Tirta Kusuma
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Nim : 191230134
    Practice 1
    (+) I will have avhieved my destination at 7. Am
    (-) I won't have achieved my destination at 7. Am
    (?) Will i have achieved my destination at 7. AM
    Practice 2
    Today i will have gone to coffe shop at bogor the name of coffe shop is daong for archieving my destination need a 4 or 5 hours, i have been going to daong since 7. Am and arrived there at 11.30 Am.

  101. Name : Devina Prissyla
    NIM : 191230135
    Class : TBI 3 D

    Practice 1
    1. Michael Will have played football at 7 p.m tonight.
    2. In four years time, i will have studied in Oxford University.
    3. Siti Will have washed her clothes by next week.

    Practice 2
    I together with my family will be walking on Sawarna Beach tomorrow morning. I can't wait for tomorrow because I imagine tomorrow is a good day, that is vacation with my family. I will have played banana boat tomorrow on the beach. I Will have also prepared food supplies to take to the beach tomorrow.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Name : Anissa Siti Nurhalisa
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM: 191230110

    • I will make a noodle now
    • My sister will come to bandung
    • I will finished mu house work
    I am so exatied with my organisation. Because I will learn about how become to journalist, announcer, and writter. I have any people in another countries. And I will doing my task. In the middle of busy life

  104. EKA MALIKA/3D

    1. Future Perfect Tense
     I will have written this novel by the end of this year.
     Within 3 years, I will have online business company.
     The surgery will have completed within two hours.

    2. Paragraph
    I will visiting my nephew at Pakupatan after work next day, if you want to know his name is Azfa, this morning he had an accident when he was running down the stairs and his leg was injured. Her injury wasn’t too severe, so he will have recovered by the nextweek.

  105. TYPO :
    1. Within 3 years, I will have created online business company.
    2. His injury (last sentence of paragraph)

  106. Name: Marhany
    Class : TBI 3 D
    Nim : 191230129

    Practice 1
    1. I will have played a basket ball
    2. I won't have played a basket ball
    3. Will i have played a basket ball?

    Practice 2
    Two months ago I did a self-reboot program to recover my body from bad habits, this self-rebooting aims to create a system in the body that will be instilling a new better habits and will be geting rid of bad habits were before. This self-rebooting program must be done for 69 days and now I am on the 53rd day And this program will have finished in 16 days.

  107. Nama : Mega Tias Nur Afnia
    Kelas: TBI 3 D
    NIM : 191230125

    1. Susi will have finished her work at 3.30 p.m.
    2. He will have arrived by 6.00 a.m.
    3. By the time I finish this English course, I will have taken a TOEFL test.

    Hi, my name is Megty. I am going to have a long holiday next month. It will be about two weeks. My family and I are going to go to Hongkong. We are going to spend five days there. We have planned a trip to Hongkong since January. Have you been there?

    Hongkong is my first place abroad that I will travel to. I am so excited about it. This month we will arrange our trip itineary. So, after school I’ll browse some places to visit. I’ll also watch some Hongkong travel videos.

    Hongkong Disneyland is a place that will be put in our first list. I love almost all of Walt Disney’s movies. Besides, we’ll also go to Macau because my mother really wants it. I am sure we’ll have so much fun there. What about you, where are you going to go when you have a long holiday?
