Thursday 5 November 2020



Instructional design: 

Students identify and analyse the components of essay's introductory from the paragraphs of academic essay. Then, they write paragraphs' introductory based on those components. The topic for practising writing is related to their fields, English teaching practices.    


Teacher use written discussion through PPT and blog comment column and applies task-based learning to give her students more practices the topic. 


The topic discusses about the scope, the contents, and the steps of writing introductory based on Bailey's handbook of academic writing (2011). The topic is appropriate for the students who want to begin writing academic essay. They have to understand this materials if they write the essay. This topic guide the students from the analysis process of introductory's components until the steps how to write it. To learn more about this topic, you could open this PPT and do the analysis from this article. Then, you could discuss your works of the topic in this blog. 


  1. Name: Syarifah
    Class: TBI 3E

    Practice 1:
    I have been analysed using bailey's analysis in a paragraph from the article above, it is the second paragraph in "2. The theoretical base of classifying aviation English into ESP" this below is the result:
    *The topic sentence: The research base for aviation English for ESP is still in its infancy.
    *The example: Especially in a developing country like China.
    *The reason: One of the reasons is the rapid development of aviation industry in the world.
    *The summary: Aviation English (for ESP) is linguistic processing of language corpus in the field of aviation industry and register analysis and/or discourse analysis (with a focus on phonetics and the English language proficiency) ! targeted on learners of English in aviation colleges and universities of China.

    Practice 2:
    The corona virus pandemic or commonly known as covid-19 has been going on for more than 7 months, the pandemic almost changing everything. One of the changes that occurred is in terms of education, almost all educational institutions have been closed in order to reduce the chain of the spread of the corona virus. Therefore, to continue the teaching and learning process, the government also recommends all parties related to education to replace the learning system becomes daring or online. This resulted in many pro and contra of the newly implemented system, both psychologically and materialistically. Especially learning English, in the midst of a pandemic like this, it is actually less effective, because of the many obstacles such as bad internet signal in some areas, the material provided through online media little bit more hard to understand, difficult assignment and many assignments given are also very influential on students' psychology. In this case, students and teachers should interact more or exchange opinions about how the learning system is appropriate and efficient during a this pandemic.

  2. Name: Putri Sadiah
    Nim: 191230158

    Practice 1
    I have been analysed using bailey's analysis in a paragraph from the article Above
    *The Topic sentence:
    ESP teaching and research started late in China but have developed quickly over the
    past years.
    *The Example:
    In China, there is a huge market for the aviation industry. Being itself a part of glob-
    alization in nature, the industry requires its pilots, air-traffic controllers (ATC), cabin
    attendants, crew members, engineers, and service staff to be able to use the English language.
    *The Reason:
    The Reason for ESP teaching is very important not restricted to controller and pilot
    communications, aviation English can also include the use of English relating to any other
    aspect of aviation: the language needed by pilots for briefings, announcements, and flight
    deck communication; language used by maintenance technicians, flight attendants, dis-
    patchers, or managers and officials within the aviation industry.
    *The Summary:
    There are many perspectives of the ESP curriculum in teaching that we can use.
    Such us Grammar-translation has been the dominating methodology of ESP teaching in China. The benefit of the ‘‘grammar-translation’’ method is
    that ESP students can have a good understanding and memory of the text. The defect
    is that this method is teacher centered and students’ roles are rather passive. There is also a curriculum Methodology is best considered an ongoing process, involving experimentation, data
    collection, and evaluation, and informed by constant reference to target objectives and
    to research on underlying learning and communicative processes.
    By teaching aviation lin-
    guistics and thereby continuing to develop aviation English courses, we should be able to
    steadily improve systematic and comprehensive curricula of aviation English with the joint
    efforts of fellow language practitioners.

    Practice 2
    Generation Z is the name millennial today, which is not separated from technology and communication. With this pandemic, of course, the use of communication technology has increased. Coupled with the intensification of Work From Home (WFH), the use of technology is increasing. just like work that must be done at home, of course learning is done at home as well or we call learning online. many online learning methods have been used and in my opinion the most suitable method to be used in this pandemic era is the Flipped Classroom method. Flipped classroom is a blended learning method through face-to-face and virtual or online interactions that combines synchronous learning with Asynchronous independent learning. The benefits of using this method will certainly make it easier for students to interact directly with the teacher, make it easier for students to understand the explanation directly and it is easy to ask questions if students do not understand the material presented.

  3. Practice 1
    I have been analysed using Bailey's analysis in a paragraph from the article Above.
    The Topic sentence:
    ESP teaching and research started late in China but have developed quickly over the
    past years.

    The Example:
    In China, there is a huge market for the aviation industry. Being itself a part of globalization in nature, the industry requires its pilots, air-traffic controllers (ATC), cabin attendants, crew members, engineers, and service staff to be able to use the English language.

    The Reason:
    The Reason for ESP teaching is very important not restricted to controller and pilot
    communications, aviation English can also include the use of English relating to any other aspect of aviation: the language needed by pilots for briefings, announcements, and flight deck communication; language used by maintenance technicians, flight attendants, dis-patchers, or managers and officials within the aviation industry.

    The Summary:
    There are many perspectives of the ESP curriculum in teaching that we can use.
    Such us Grammar-translation has been the dominating methodology of ESP teaching in China. The benefit of the‘‘grammar translation’’ method is that ESP students can have a good understanding and memory of the text. The defect is that this method is teacher centered and students’ roles are rather passive. There is also a curriculum Methodology is best considered an ongoing process, involving experimentation, data
    collection, and evaluation, and informed by constant reference to target objectives and
    to research on underlying learning and communicative processes. By teaching aviation lin-guistics and thereby continuing to develop aviation English courses, we should be able to
    steadily improve systematic and comprehensive curricula of aviation English with the joint
    efforts of fellow language practitioners.

    Practice 2
    Generation Z is the name millennial today, which is not separated from technology and communication. With this pandemic, of course, the use of communication technology has increased. Coupled with the intensification of Work From Home (WFH), the use of technology is increasing. just like work that must be done at home, of course learning is done at home as well or we call learning online. many online learning methods have been used and in my opinion the most suitable method to be used in this pandemic era is the Flipped Classroom method. Flipped classroom is a blended learning method through face-to-face and virtual or online interactions that combines synchronous learning with Asynchronous independent learning. The benefits of using this method will certainly make it easier for students to interact directly with the teacher, make it easier for students to understand the explanation directly and it is easy to ask questions if students do not understand the material presented.

  4. Nama : Iin Anis Setiawati
    NIM : 191230150
    Practice 1
    my analysis from the article using Bailey’s analysis of paragraph
    The Topic : In China, there is a huge market for the aviation industry.
    The example : Being itself a part of globalization in nature, the industry requires its pilots, air-traffic controllers (ATC), cabin attendants, crew members, engineers, and service staff to be able to use the English language.
    The reason : According to the rules of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), an English examination is a must for the majority of aviation professionals if they want to get a professional promotion.
    The summary :therefore, learners are well motivated and greatly interested in ESP. The boom of ESP teaching both in college education and continuing education is rightly the result of social demand of the English language, rapid development of linguistics, and educational psychology.

    Practice 2
    In March 2020, the Indonesian government began to decide to close learning activities at schools and instructed students to study from home using phones or laptops, in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Not only in Indonesia, several countries such as South Korea, Iran, Japan, France and other countries have decided to temporarily close their schools from teaching and learning activities due to the corona virus pandemic. The online learning method is one of the solutions used to deal with inconvenience due to this pandemic. This method is by utilizing gadgets, teaching can be done through google classroom media, zoom, whatsapp groups, e-learning, and other media. therefore, the teaching process continues even though the students are at their respective homes.

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  7. Name : Erna Erawati
    Nim : 191230164
    Class : TBI 3 E

    Practice 1
    Analysis a article :
    a. The topic sentences : The development and necessity a of teaching aviation English as ESP in the Chinese context has come into being

    b. The examples : 1) Grammar-translation has been the dominating methodology of ESP teaching in Chinese. 2) Collection, and evaluation, and informed by constant reference to target objectives. 3) Phonetics. 4) A dual language program is designed to achieve such a result in classroom teaching Chinese context.

    c. The reason : Because English is important to controller and pilot communications, aviation English can also include the use of English relating to any other aspect of aviation: the language needed by pilots for briefings, announcements, and flight communication; language used by maintenance technicians, flight attendants, dispatchers, or managers and officials within the aviation industry

    d. The summary : Aviation English (for ESP) = linguistic processing of language corpus in the field of aviation industry + register analysis and/or discourse analysis (with a focus on phonetics and the English language proficiency): targeted on learners of English in aviation colleges and universities of Chinese. Developing ESP courses in the Chinese context is necessary if we really want to be involved in the international community.

    Practice 2
    Pandemic era is disease that has spread a wide area, example almost all countries. According to Wikipedia The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China.
    Then WHO has laid down covid 19 as pandemic because covid 19 is harmful and bring about death. Because the infection of Corona virus is quickly, almost all countries make new wisdom such as work from home, study from home and all activities doing from home in order to less transmission covid 19. The purpose of this essay is explaining the method or manner that using as English teaching in pandemic era and to facilitate student in learning. Then now in education, teacher and student using online learning or e-learning method, online learning is learning without doing face to face in live and should using application. In this pandemic era, more student and teacher using application such as zoom meeting, whatsapp, google classroom for learning all courses. Similarly English course, when the student will be presenting, it can be easy using application such as zoom meeting and google meet, and also when teacher will give the material, it can be using youtube, google classroom and blog. However, learning in pandemic era has negative and positive, student can gain time but student more be charged to study and practice by themselves.

  8. Name: Alfiah Dwi Rahayu
    Nim: 191230157
    Class: TBI 3E

    Practice 1:
    -Topic of the sentence: Computers can best supplement our classroom instruction.

    - The example 1: Assignments can be created for our students to work with in the Multimedia Lab. This is the easiest and least time consuming way to get started, but also the least flexible, since we must conform to the structure dictated by the program.

    - The example 2: PowerPoint can be used to make slides to accompany lectures and presentations, and to stimulate conversation in the target language.Each slide can present content, or images to describe, or questions for reflection.

    - The reason: Presentations can be projected onto a large screen for whole-class viewing, or students can view them on individual computers in the Multimedia Lab at their own pace.

    - The summary: In addition, language of air communication is recorded on disks to help students acquire it through various forms like dialogues, vocabulary, cloze, dictation, and multiple choice. This program is targeted at students to use in their free time as self-study.

    Practice 2:
    The global corona virus pandemic changes all activities, including education. In Indonesia, education in particular teaches at school must be at home or online. Learning through online media applications to support learning activities. Including English practice, learning English from home during the covid-19 pandemic hasa high level of effectiveness. Learners have more time to learn a foreign language and to increase creativity at home. With the help of smartphones, laptop, computer, or other tools, teachers can direct learners' learning through an educational content. Learners can also listen to English music at any time, watch English movies, read ebook or English book, use such English apps as duolinggo, display, bahasotalk, and so on, and the presence of youtube also help learners continue to increase their speaking ability, in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Therefore, we as students must always study well, even in the face of the current pandemic.

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  10. Name : Sarniti
    NIM : 191230159
    Class : TBI 3-E

    Practice 1 :
    ESP teaching and research started late in China but have developed quickly over the past years(1). This is because of the fact that all trades and professions need composite talents who have not only a good grasp of English skills, but also a conscious command of pro-fessional knowledge(2). in educational psychology shows that learners may foster different interests due to various needs of their work (Li, 2001)(3). Business English has long been an ESP course in China. It highlights the great achievement of ESP teaching in China and sets a good example for the development of ESP in aviation industry, which is a rich new field(4) Accordingly, the combination of ESP theory with aviation English teaching will likely be of interest to ESP professionals both domestically and around the world(5).

    The sentence of number one refers to topic sentence.
    The sentence of number two refers to example 1.
    The sentence of number three refers to example 2.
    The sentence of number four refers to reason.
    And the sentence of number five refers to summary.

    And than the word Because of, but also and accordingly refers to phrases and conjunction which Linked the paragraphs.

    Practice 2 :
    covid-19 outbreak had spread rapidly all over the world, impacting on the education system(1). To keep the learning activities going, teacher try using some strategies, such as applying only online chat, using video conference, and combining both online chat and video conference in online teaching and learning proccess(2). And to support the implementation of the strategy, teachers use several applications such as zoom meetings, Google meet, whatsapp, youtube, blogs, and etc(3). The teacher uses the strategy and some of the support applications so that the learning process can be carried out effectively(4).
    Thus, although at the time of the covid 19 pandemic, we can continue to undertake the learning activity by taking advantage of technological progress(5).

    The sentence of number one refers to topic sentence.
    The sentence of number two refers to example 1.
    The sentence of number three refers to example 2.
    The sentence of number four refers to reason.
    And the sentence of number five refers to summary.

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  12. Name : Arli Salsabila
    Nim :191230153
    Class: TBI 3E

    Practice 1:
    i have analyzed using bailey analysis, i analyzed from in the second paragraph in "2. The theoretical base of classifying aviation English into ESP" this below is the result:

    -- The topic sentence: The research base for aviation English for ESP is still in its infancy.
    -- The example: Especially in a developing country like China.
    -- The reason: One of the reasons is the rapid development of aviation industry in the world.
    -- The summary: Aviation English (for ESP) is linguistic processing of language corpus in the field of aviation industry and register analysis and/or discourse analysis (with a focus on phonetics and the English language proficiency) ! targeted on learners of English in aviation colleges and universities of China.

    Practice 2:
    in the midst of the current pandemic conditions, which does not allow face-to-face learning is certainly a limitation of the English learning process. Because of these limitations, lecturers and students should try their best when giving the material. for example, like by using a zoom meeting or google meet, and if constrained by a signal that makes the sound cut off, of course we have to try other ways, such as using the WA application to send material and read it through voice notes or discussion videos that have been prepared, can also send material via YouTube or if the lecturer can send it via e-learning that has been provided by the campus

  13. Name: Rifatul Muftiah
    Nim: 191230171/TBI 3 E

    1. Practice 1
    *The topic sentence:
    The research base for aviation English for ESP is still in its infancy.
    especially in a developing coun-
    try like China
    *The reason:
    . One of the reasons
    is the rapid development of aviation industry in the world
    *The summary:
    . RTFE for English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) has only recently
    started to be taught in aeronautical colleges and universities for the training of ATC
    and pilots.
    * Conjuction:
    Meanwhile there has been a corresponding steady increase in the development
    of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. The teaching of EAP falls within the
    framework of what is generally called ESP, taking place in essence, and as its name sug-
    gests, in an educational environment (Dominguez & Rokowski, 2002). The aviation Eng-
    lish course taught in colleges and universities can generally be regarded as ESP.

    2. Practice 2
    English teaching pratices in pandemic era

    The appeal of the government to prevent the transmission of school activity has been avoided. Not only that, education institutions and courses including English courses also bring the meetings to a close in the classroom. One of the English courses that belays activity in a classroom is eph kids & teens. Eph kids & teens have an online learning program with technology support so that students keep learning English effectively and fun. Eph online practice is accessible through and a special program of grammar skills for eph students. Eph standard English test (efset), free English test that anyone can access age 14 and up with a site that has been provided. The reason they can still experience learning as much as being in a classroom even if it is from a home, the system has proved to be effective, and it will also be applied in Indonesia in support of government direction and in keeping students in mind health and safety

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  15. Name : Siti Komariah Ulfayati
    Nim : 191230142
    Class : TBI 3E

    Practice 1
    2. The theoretical of classifying aviation English into ESP
    Topic sentence : Aviation English can be defined as a comprehensive but specialized subset of English
    related broadly to aviation.
    Example : The language of international air-traffic control could be regarded as ‘‘special’’, in the
    sense that the repertoire required by the controller is strictly limited and can be accurately determined situationally, as might be the linguistic needs of a dining-room waiter or airhostess. However, such restricted repertoires are not languages, just as a tourist phrase book is not grammar. Knowing a restricted ‘‘language’’ would not allow the speaker to communicate effectively in a novel situation, or in contexts out side the vocational environment. (pp. 4–5)
    Reason : RTFE for English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) has only recently
    started to be taught in aeronautical colleges and universities for the training of ATC
    and pilots. Meanwhile there has been a corresponding steady increase in the development
    of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. The teaching of EAP falls within the
    framework of what is generally called ESP, taking place in essence, and as its name suggests, in an educational environment (Dominguez & Rokowski, 2002). The aviation English course taught in colleges and universities can generally be regarded as ESP.
    Summary : The aviation english course taught in colleges and universities can generally be regarded as ESP

    Practice 2
    The Covid-19 pandemic is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The new virus and the diseases it causes were unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Covid-19 is now a pandemic that has occurred in many countries, including Indonesia. Covid 19 paralyzes all existing activities, one of which is in the education sector. The existence of the corona virus outbreak hampers teaching and learning activities that usually take place face-to-face to be carried out in a bold or long distance manner. Online learning is in fact a model of learning activities carried out using a remote (internet) network, with the help of intermediary tools such as (gadgets, laptops). With learning, students have flexibility in learning time.

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  17. ***Practice 1
    -I have been analysed using bailey's analysis in a paragraph from the article Above 

    ---The Topic sentence:
    ESP teaching and research started late in China but have developed quickly over the
    past years.

    ---The Example: 
    been an ESP course in China. It highlights the great achievement of ESP teaching in China
    and sets a good example for the development of ESP in aviation industry, which is a rich
    new field.

    ---The Reason:
    English has been generally accepted as a de facto medium of communication as a result of
    long time usage in this industry.

    ---The Summary:
    There are many perspectives of the ESP curriculum in teaching that we can use. 
    Such us Grammar-translation has been the dominating methodology of ESP teaching in China. The benefit of the ‘‘grammar-translation’’ method is
    that ESP students can have a good understanding and memory of the text. The defect
    is that this method is teacher centered and students’ roles are rather passive. There is also a curriculum Methodology is best considered an ongoing process, involving experimentation, data
    collection, and evaluation, and informed by constant reference to target objectives and
    to research on underlying learning and communicative processes.
    By teaching aviation lin-
    guistics and thereby continuing to develop aviation English courses, we should be able to
    steadily improve systematic and comprehensive curricula of aviation English with the joint
    efforts of fellow language practitioners.

    ***Practice 2

    -The Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia has instructed schools to carry out online learning since 17 March 2020 for
    COVID-19 affected areas (Mendikbud, 2020b). Soon after that, the Minister
    of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia has ordered all education units to run online learning from 24 March 2020 due to the increasing spread of COVID-19 and maintaining the health of students, teachers, and all educational staffs (Mendikbud, 2020a). These policies lead students to learn
    from home and teachers to work from home, too. It fully replaces face-to-face learning in classroom setting into online learning which possibly lasts till the end of semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It becomes a new challenge for both students and teachers to run online learning. According to Cao et al. (2020), these actions certainly give impact on education, particularly students’ growth.
