Friday 6 November 2020



Instructional Design:

The students could differentiate between language theory and language research. They could apply both in the process of materials development. The process includes how to make instructional design relating to materials development. The students also could analyse a textbook based on language theory and language research in order to develop their materials.


The teacher uses written discussion in the blog. The students could interact with the teacher through the comment column in this blog.


The topic is about a way how to relate between language theory and language research in English materials development. Therefore, the students of English Educational program should understand the way. The way consists of procedures to select, to organize, and to develop teaching materials through an instructional design. The discussion of the topic in the PPT contributes on their knowledge and experiences of materials development. Thus, each student has to analyse any text book's content using Tomlinson's view (2018). To learn more about the topic. you could open this PPT. Please do the instruction there and discuss in this blog's comment column.


  1. Bismillahirahmannirrahim,i'm rahmania aulia from TBI 5 D (181230136)What if when we develop the material there are a problem when teacher apply it to student,must we remake or re arrange the material

  2. of course Rahma, teachers as material developers have to consider their students ability. Therefore, it is important to know the proper materials based on language theory and research.

  3. Assalamu'alaikum
    I'm Siti Khodijah Nurhalisa from TBI 5D (181230133( what will happen if a teacher not understand both language theory and research?
    Thank you

    1. every teacher who have studied in English educational department should know what is language theory and language research. I told this topic in my PPT. Then, we also have to read more international journals that consist many language theories and researches.

  4. I'm Lida Maulida (181230170) TBI 5E. I'd like to ask. In types of language there is Behaviorism Theory. How do we use behaviorism in the class in this kind of situation? I mean we are in a time of pandemics and almost all activities are done virtually. Thank you, Miss.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb., i am Maurizka Adilla 181230154 TBI 5 D. i would like to ask, so based on the ppt that you’ve given us, there’s text book in delivering materials if i am not mistaken, is it possible for any teacher to teach without any text book? by text book, i mean the text book that was written in the ppt. thank you Mrs.

  8. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
    Good morning everyone. I'm Aulia Rahma from TBI 5D Nim (181230157). Before, I want to ask
    in the fifth slide ppt which is related to research epistemology or typology, the first and fifth points there are posthumanism and postmodern, what this meaning about it miss and what is the difference? thank you 🙏

  9. Assalamu'alaikum Mrs, my name is Ade Irma Suryani (181230148) TBI 5D.
    Based on the ppt, topic "criteria of text book materials" point 3. Cater for learner expectations or try to change them. What does the words "change them" mean mrs? Is it mean like we have to challenge them with the materials of the textbook or maybe something else?
    Thank you Mrs 🙏

  10. bismillahirrahmanirrahim I am Mohammad Rosyid Rido (181230147) TBI 5 D wants to ask, whether the online learning system will have a bad impact on students who want to develop insight into English? Because, it has been known that, visually learning is much easier than virtual, thank you

  11. Bismillahirrahmannirrahim. I'm Syahrini Sovia (181230150) from TBI 5D. I would like to ask about behaviorism theory in language theory. What the main focus of behaviorism theory in English Material Development?

  12. Assalamualaikum miss, I'm Melani Agustini (181230168) from TBI 5E. I want to ask, What are the differences between cognitive constructivism and social constructivism, with some examples?

  13. Assalamualaikum Miss i am Pipit Evie Ana Nim 181230139 from TBI 5D, based on ppt chapter 4, about research epistemology/typology, in poin 3 there is "emancipation", i would like to ask what is the correlation between emancipation and research epistemologi/typology?

  14. Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim. I'm syeha nabila azzahra (181230237)from TBI 5D. I would like explain a text book of high school student.. That a textbook provides an effective language model and input. In addition, it helps students to prepare what to learn next and to review what they have learned.

    1. Syeha nabila azzahra nim (181230137) no 181230237

  15. Assalamualaikum
    I'm Euis Asterina (181230120) from TBI 5 D. I want to ask Can you explain what the stages of instructional design are and how they help in instructional education?

  16. Assalamualaikum. Good morning.. I'm Dita Aurellia (181230185) TBI 5 E. I'd like to ask. What are the advantages and disadvantages of behaviorism theory?

    Thank you miss

    1. I am Rahmah Antika Zahraa 181230181 TBI 5E would like to answer dita's question "the advantages and disadvantages behaviourism theory". The advantages are shape behavior quickly, the learner adapts to the environment, behavior can be measured. while disadvantages are internalized reasoning may not be an outcome, the learner adapts to a poor environment, behavior measured may not be a true picture of understanding.

  17. assalamualaikum miss, my name muhamad farhan munawar tanjung (181230127) from TBI 5D i want to ask, at the sixth slide you explain about how languages can be effectively learned and focus on. in 3th point you said : ' what can be done with it to
    promote language learning'. can U explain us detaily ??

  18. I'm syeha nabila azzahra nim 181230137.. I wanne try to answer 🙏 melani's question about cognitive constructivsm and social constructivsm and some examples above them..
    Cognitive constructive states knowledge is something that is actively constructed by learners based on their existing cognitive structure.. The example are experiences and knowledge it means children benefit only from experiences that they can relate to what they already know.. So cognitive based on own or knowledge of individual
    Social contructtivsm is a sociological theory of knownledge according to which human develoment is socially situated and knownledge is constructed through interaction with others.
    The example are collaboratove learning actives are group problem solving, group inquiry, simulations and debates.

  19. assalamualikum, i'am Asifa Ramadhan from TBI 5E i would ask about how we creat the best intructional design and material development in this online learning era?

  20. Name/SN : Bernica Salsabila/181230158

    Hi gud mownin everybody, here i'd like to try to analyze the textbook that used in high school students. This book is usually studied by students at the tutoring place. Wanna know deeper bout this book? Let's check it out!

    > Task
    Choose one of textbook used by the high school students. Then, you analyze its content based on the Tomlinson's material criteria.

    • The tittle of book : Side by side 3rd edition (International Edition)
    • The Writer : Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Bliss
    • Publisher : Prentice Hall Regents
    • Side by side 3rd edition is a book that all of its content is driven by theory and practice because it consists of all skills program such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is also driven by learner and market needs because there are around 400 million people worldwide who speak English and this is a language that truly opens up doors of opportunity, both in terms of travel as well as job prospects. This book is able to cater for teacher needs and wants. It aims for personal and educational development. It aims to contribute to student development as well as language learning. It caters for learner expectation that speaking english is easy and fun to do cause it completed by some features below.

    Features of the SBS 3rd Edition :
    > Vocabulary Preview sections in every chapter introduce key words in a lively picture dictionary format.
    > "How to Say It!" lessons highlight communication strategies.
    > Pronunciation exercises provide models for practicing authentic pronunciation, stress, and intonation.
    > Side by Side Gazette "magazine-style" pages offer feature articles, fact files, vocabulary expansion, cross-cultural topics through photos, authentic listening activities, e-mail exchanges, and humorous cartoons for role-playing.
    > All-new illustrations are lively, light-hearted, and richly detailed to offer students language practice that is contextualized and fun.

  21. Iroh masruroh 181230190 5E
    Assalamualaikum miss, as the material developer what the importance skill that teachers must to improve? Cause I think when we develop the material it's mean we do the creative teaching in order students understand well the material. Thank you Miss

  22. Rahmah Antika Zahraa 181230181 TBI 5E.
    I would like to ask about What is the role of instructional materials in different language teaching approaches? and how it creat in distance learning or this online learning era.

  23. Rahmania aulia purwagunifa/tbi 5 d /181230136
    'Materials' refers to anything which can be used to facilitate a language learning. Their forms can be linguistic, visual, auditory or kinesthetic. It is both theoretical & practical studies of the principles and procedures of the design, implementation and evaluation of language teaching materials (Tomlinson, 2018)
    The book : bahasa inggris SMA/MA/ SMK/MAK KELAS XI
    ISBN 978-602-427-106-0 (Jilid Lengkap) ISBN 978-602-427-108-4 (Jilid 2)
    Author : Mahrukh Bashir
    Year : 2017
    In accordance with the demands of the National Curriculum,students are invited to dare to explore looking for learning sources stretches around it, without losing the cultural context inside his own country. The teacher's role in increasing and adjusting power Absorb students with the availability of activities in this book is very important. Teacher also expected to be able to enrich it with relevant activities based on their respective creativities. In chapter 1: implementing social functions, text structure, linguistic elements, which involves giving, asking for information related to suggestions and offers (should, can). After that students do the task and complete the conversation in the book. Students use thinking technique “THINK PAIR SHARE” to offer and suggest the solution. They can work with their friend and put the ideas on the poster that they make by themselves. For the evaluation,its already appropriate with their level,they required to work with their friend,make creativity,and brainstorming with their friend.
