Wednesday 11 November 2020



Instructional Design:

The students have to be able to differentiate between active and passive sentences. After that, they could formulate the patterns of passive (Murphy, 2019) based on their context of use which is past or present time. Finally, the students could apply this topic to present their ideas relating to their real life situation.


The teacher applies task-based teaching for this topic by giving her students some tasks to help their understanding. She also uses communicative-based teaching to accommodate her students' learning process through this blog. Every student could actively communicate with her in the comment column.


The topic is taken from Murphy (2019) as one of grammar handbook that mostly used by people. The topic consists of the formulations, the uses, and the meanings of active and passive forms. Therefore, the topic is based on Murphy (2019). He divides the passive into 3 types that related to the active formulation. The types refer to the types of tenses that had been discussed previously. Type 1 of passive relates to simple tense. Type 2 of passive relates to infinitive, perfect infinitive, perfect, and continuous. Then, Type 3 of passive relates to to a specific use of verbs that have two object as being explained in this PPT. If you want to learn more about this topic, you could open this PPT. If you have any problems about this topic, you could write your questions there. At last, you have to send your work and may discuss in this blog through the comment column.     


  1. Name : Rizky Amalia
    NIM : 191230033
    Class : TBI 3A

    #Sentence of passive type 1:
    1. The book was taken by the student
    2. The food Was eaten by your brother
    3. The floor was cleaner by the mother
    4. The milk is drunk by the baby
    5. The cat was beaten by the children

    #Paragraph about covid 19 Using type 2:

    World community was annoyed by covid 19. Lots of worked has been lost by the workers. Also billions of people around the world where died in this year. The vaccine research were done by more than half of the country in this world. Hopefully covid 19 was lost and ended by the vaccine and pray.

  2. Name : Suherni
    Nim : 191230002
    Class : TBI 3 A

    Type 1

    1. The Dress is washed by my self
    2. The movie are watched by his familly
    3. The cake is cooked by the Chef
    4. The history is told by the teacher
    5. The fish was caught by my Uncle

    Type 2

    In this pandemic era, we should be able to make ourselves and our families better, not just lying on the bed and watching Netflix, the innovations must have been by us. Such as selling online shop or something like that. The internet quota must have been bought by our own money.

  3. Annisa Laila Cahyani
    191230023 - TBI 3A
    Intermediate English Grammar

    Practice 1 : 5 Pasive Sentences Type 1
    - The table is set by us.
    - Are you picked up by your mom?
    - The letter is not written by you.
    - They were not told by me.
    - I was hit by somebody.

    Practice 2 :
    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The world faces an unprecedented global health and socio-economic crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Heavily shaken by the corona pandemics, many of us are currently thinking about how we could contribute to overcome this unprecedented situation. Many of us should wear the mask everywhere we go, everyone who not wear mask will be get penalized by the law.

  4. Name : Nurma Yunita
    NIM : 191230004
    Class : TBI 3A

    Example 5 Sentences passive types 1
    1. The cake was cooked by my sister
    2. The book was bought by John in this morning
    3. The car was washed by my father
    4. The piano was played by Nuha
    5. The house is cleaned by Naura every morning


    Covid-19 is a contagious virus that was discovered since 2019. Many people are infected by Covid-19. Several months ago several places in Indonesia locked down so that the spread of Covid-19 would not increase. physical distancing and social distancing are other efforts made so that the spread of Covid-19 does not increase. The government given us rules to comply with health protocols. But in reality, many people don't obey the rules. and since covid-19 was discovered we studied at home.

  5. Lintang Rodhiyatul Maulina
    TBI 3 A

    Passive voice types 1:
    -My bedroom was cleaned by Eva
    -The tea was drunk by my brother
    -Her heart is broken
    -My noodle was eaten by my mother
    -My handphone was broken by my brother

    Passive voice types 2:
    In the current pandemic we must maintain our health, move out of the house and use handsinitizer, When we take a vacation example of a weekend at the pool, Public swimming pools should be cleaned daily to spread the virus, and the mask must be worn before swimming

  6. Name : Didi Hudaya
    NIM :191230034
    Class : TBI 3A

    Practice 1
    #sentence of pasivve
    - the fish is cooked by the maid
    - the paper was burned by James
    - the clothes was bought by Robert
    - the bike is stolen by the thief
    - the paper was written by the studen

    Practice 2
    #paragraph about covid 19
    The plague of the corona virus was a deadly one and has recently jolted the whole world beyond Indonesia. _The impact must be felt by Indonesian Country_ , limiting all public activity to reduce the spread of the plague, shutting down offices, shops, and tourist facilities.
    Since the rise of the new world economy, Indonesia has suffered catastrophic losses, with more than its share of bankruptcy. And education is no exception to all educational activities.

  7. Name: Asha febriyanti
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230021

    Decribing passive type 1:
    1. Passive type 1 is used V3
    2. Add the word "by " or "is done/done"
    3. Use be' (am is are/was were )
    4. Use was for (i
    -he -she -it)
    5. Use were for (they--you we )
    At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by me.

    The book was read by my dad yesterday.

    Pratice 2 :

    Covid-19 (Corona) is a virus from China. by the bat make the deadly virus covid 19 makes the world shake and feel a pandemic in modern times.
    There is no the vaksin from this virus. But there is way to avoid Covid-19. We have to use a mask when on the move outdoors, especially when on the move in public places. Rountinely wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer contains alcohol after outdoor activities. Avoid contact with animals and persons. Make sure to cook the meat until it is completely cooked before consumption.
    And COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.
    Most common symptoms:
    dry cough
    Less common symptoms:
    aches and pains
    sore throat
    loss of taste or smell

  8. Name: Sekar Ayu Asari
    Class: Tbi 3A
    Nim: 191230016

    1. Type 1

    1. A novel is written by Ahmad
    2. The vegetable was cooked by the Mother
    3. The show is started by Rita
    4. The picture was created by Anggi
    5. A massage was read by Ny.Ilma

    2. Type 2

    The covid 19 virus has many negative effects from this virus, job losses due to this virus, articles are printed by journalists and other media, over time the virus lost by vaccines and everything will come back.

  9. Novita Maharani
    191230062 TBI-3B

    Practice 1
    - the water is drunk by my self
    - the book was readied by my sister
    - are you known by me?
    - I was chosen by my friends
    - the movie is seen by my brother

    Practice 2

    During the covid-19 pandemic, economic needs became increasingly uncontrolled, spending increased but incomes decreased due to the large number of jobs being cut or bankrupted, as well as increasingly uncontrolled learning due to school closures and forcing its students to study at home.

  10. Nama : Rana Salwa
    Kelas : TBI 3A.
    NIM :191230032.

    Practice 1 :
    1. This shoes was bought by me yesterday.
    2. They were sing by prom night.
    3. The duck was caught by lia.
    4. I was called everyday by her after that incident.
    5. I was sent a message by her around 9 pm.

    Practice 2 :

    The corona virus is an infectious and deadly disease Until now the school has been shut down. many people was kill by Corona virus, From old to young.This virus was found by 2019 .Until now, a cure has not been found, and the doctors are still testing it.It is vital to maintain health and cleanliness,Wearing masks,Washing hands,Keep a distance,and Regular exercise.

  11. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    NIM : 191230019
    Class : TBI 3A

    PRACTICE 1 :
    1. The house was cleaned by my mother(Passive)
    2. The water was cooked by Dewo (passive)
    3. This bag was bought by me 1 year ago(passive)
    4. A novel was written by Nurul yesterday (passive)
    5. A motorcycle was driven by my father (passive)

    PRACTICE 2 :

    The whole world is abuunded by the corona virus. The virus is from China. Corona virus was found in Indonesian. Indonesian society was come by Corona virus, And it's still spreading in Indonesia.
    The virus disrupts human activity from start to work, vacations, and even educational activities that interfere with it, all that would normally be done outside the home is now home activity. I have a hard time studying at home because I have a hard time understanding material, and sometimes a signal is inadequate. But now there are communities being cured by medical teams. The medical team is making the most of covid's care.

  12. Name: Salsabila Azizah
    Class: TBI 3A

    Practice 1:
    5 sentences by passive types 1
    - The coffee was drunk by my father
    - The car is driven by my brother
    - The laptop was played by the student
    - The book is read by the teacher
    - The letter is written by my uncle

    Practice 2
    The virus was being begun by the long time. And until now not yet the vaccine but the government was attamped for this situation. Because almost of the world was being infected by this virus. And all of the scientist in this world trying to get and to make the solution for this situation.

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  14. Name : Nur Isnaeniah
    Nim : 191230044
    TBI 3B

    Practice 1:
    1. All of my shoes are washed every month
    2. The book was edited by its editor
    3. Dinner is being cooked by nurul
    4. The new shoes is bought by my sister this morning
    5. I was sent flowers by him this morning

    Practice 2 :
    The covid 19 virus has been introduced into Indonesia for nine months, until now many victims have been affected by it. The schools, the college and all kinds of studies are still doing the study online since covid 19. The virus originated in China and is now expanding across the country, covid is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to personin respiratory droplets from someone who is infected. The web site WHO defined the pandemic as "the spread of a new disease across the world."

    During the initial spread in Indonesia the virus made everyone work and do things at home. Even people have been brought to a terrible toll by this pandemic. And it's 444 thousand cases today, with 13,761 thousand dead, and it's 376 thousand people recovered from this virus. It's caused by a type of corona Virus.

  15. Name : Fitriyatul Janah
    NIM : 191230017
    Class : TBI 3A

    Exercise 1
    1. A pencil is bought by them
    2. The coffee was drunk by my father
    3. A book was reading by the student
    4. The biscuits were eaten by the cat
    5. Badak bercula is protected by the government

    Exercise 2
    Covid-19 is still going on in various parts of the world. No effective vaccine has been found by the scientist until now, many people was killed by this virus.Even so, scientist worldwide continue to work on a series of vaccine tests to suppress the spread of the corona virus.Applying preventive measures is a one of important to do and WHO have been suggested this preventive measure.The first thing that can be done to counteract the corona virus is wash your hands diligently, the second is the way we are wearing mask, and the third is physical distancing.

  16. Name: Eci Ayumi
    Class: TBI 3A
    NIM: 191230003

    Decribing passive type 1:
    1. Passive type 1 is used V3
    2. Add the word "by " or "is done/done"
    3. Use be (am is are/was were )
    4. Use was for (i he she it)
    5. Use were for (they you we )

    -The car was repaired by Doni yesterday

    Covid-19 (Corona) is a virus from China. There is no the vaksin from this virus. But there is way to avoid Covid-19. We have to use a mask when on the move outdoors, especially when on the move in public places. Rountinely wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer contains alcohol after outdoor activities. Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. Make sure to cook the meat until it is completely cooked before consumption.

  17. Name : Annisa Febriyani
    NIM : 191230006
    Class : 3A

    Practice 1 :
    1. The clothes were washed by Rara
    2. The rice was planted by the farmer
    3. The letter is written by me
    4. The car is drived by Mario
    5. The Bag is bought by my sister

    Practice 2 :
    Covid-19 is caused by a corona virus. This virus attacks the respiratory tract in the human body and can spread through droplets from coughs or sneezes from someone infected with Covid-19. This virus spreads very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy was implemented to suppress the spread of this virus.

  18. Name : Nurul Alfiah
    NIM 191230031
    Class : TBI 3A

    Practice 1
    1. The rice is cooked by my friend
    2. A novel was read by me
    3. These flowers were broken by my cousin
    4. Is your task done by her?
    5. When was the car washed by your brother?

    Practice 2
    COVID 19 is a deadly virus that has been identified by WHO as a dangerous virus. This virus was imported from China, spreading rapidly. many countries impose social distancing on their citizens, so as not to increase the spread of this virus. Residents are also advised to always maintain cleanliness and not leave the house.
    Many countries have been harmed by this virus, one of which is Indonesia. This has a negative impact on the economy of the people.

  19. Annisa Aulia Rahmani
    TBI 3B

    Type 1
    1. The brownies was made by my mom
    2. The journal is written by David
    3. The letter is sent by Ali
    4. The paper was cut by Arfan
    5. The mountain was drawn by Niko

    Type 2
    Covid-19 was first found out by people in Wuhan, China. one person was attacked by this virus for the first time then spreaded so fast to other people and actually most of the countries was attacked by this virus. Covid-19 has made us to stay at home for the last 9 months. the value of the country's economy also fell because of covid-19 and this pandemic made us can't do activity as normal as we used to be. And the researcher still try so hard to find the right vaccine.

  20. Name : Eva aprilia
    NIM : 191230005
    Class :TBI 3A

    1. My milk was drunk by my cat
    2. The doll is player by the childern
    3. Her pen is lost by my friend
    4. My meat was eaten by lintang
    5. The ball was taken by my brother

    COVID 19 is an epidemic that makes people feel uneasy, a type of virus that is invisible but deadly makes people unable to carry out activities freely as before, as for health protocols that we can do to prevent the spread of the corona virus, such as diligently washing hands every time you travel, such as using a Handsinitizer, keeping a distance from the crowd, and wearing a mask when traveling anywhere.
    There have been many victims of the spread of this virus, by preventing the spread it will be a good thing so that the number of victims who die from this virus does not continue to increase, stay healthy and follow the existing protocol is the best way.

  21. Name : Siti Amelia Lailatul Mukaromah
    Nim 191230025 - TBI 3A/IEG

    Practice 1 :
    1. Some pencils are bought by them
    2. A bag is bought by the child
    3. The radio was repaired by Agus yesterday
    4. The plate was brought by Ani
    5. The invitation card was spread by tomi

    Practice 2 :
    The covid 19 vaccine has been handled by the government. And the covid 19 vaccine has been tested by the medical team on volunteers located at the Padjajaran Bandung university laboratory, many media have spread that the vaccine is ready to be distributed. Covid 19 has been declared a national disaster by the president since April 13, 2020, so the government hopes that this vaccine can reduce the number of patients affected by the virus. And Covid 19 has been declared a global disaster by the world health organization since March 11, 2020, the WHO announcement regarding the pandemic as a global disaster has been responded to by Kadinkes Misranda E.U Nalole M.SI. He appealed to the public to remain calm and always follow preventive steps to prevent Covid-19 transmission and to report to health workers if they experience symptoms with a travel history from an infected country or area.

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  23. Name : Villy Al Viyani
    Class : TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230010
    Practice 1
    5 Sentences with passive type
    1. The novel was read by me yesterday
    2. The letter is received by Amel
    3. The material of presentation was discussed by group 4. The show are begun by the host at 07.00 P.M
    5. Intermediate English Grammar is taught by Mrs. Selnistia
    Practice 2
    Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) is a disease caused by the Corona virus previously named 2019-nCov, short for 2019 Novel Coronavirus. Then it was given the official name on February 11 as Covid-19 by WHO. This disease was identified as being caused by the corona virus which attacks the respiratory tract. It was detected for the first time in Wuhan, China in December 2019. It is suspected that this virus also originated from the extreme eating habits of the people there. Interaction with wild animals can cause the virus to mutate so that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. This virus can be transmitted by an infected person through bodily fluids when sneezing and / or coughing. The discharge contains viruses and can infect healthy people.
    Now the Covid-19 case has become a global pandemic, there are recorded 214 countries that have been infected, one of which is Indonesia. Thousands of people have tested positive, hundreds have died. Many activities have been suspended temporarily, public places are closed and must apply social-distancing to each other and all activities are carried out from home. I don’t know how long this pandemic will end and now Indonesia has implemented a new normal life. I hope this pandemic will end soon and we can live life as usual.

  24. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    Class TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230035

    - the exercise is given by the teacher
    - the task was done by the student
    - the letter is writen by anna
    - the bokk was bought by anna

    Indonesia is one of country that invected by corona virus disease or Covid19. At the end of 2019, Corona Virus is already detected. But, it invected Indonesia on the beginning of 2020(february/march).
    Many new rules was made by the goverment to stop the spread of this virus.

  25. Name : Annisa Husnul Khotimah
    Class TBI 3A
    NIM : 191230035

    - the exercise is given by the teacher
    - the task was done by the student
    - the letter is writen by anna
    - the bokk was bought by anna

    Indonesia is one of country that invected by corona virus disease or Covid19. At the end of 2019, Corona Virus is already detected. But, it invected Indonesia on the beginning of 2020(february/march).
    Many new rules was made by the goverment to stop the spread of this virus.

  26. Name : Ainun Nadiroh
    NIM : 191230038
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. This morning a new car is bought by my parents
    2. Chair was broken by lisa
    3. Clothes and shoes is washed by me in the river
    4. The letter was sent by postman to my father
    5. The waiter asked by my mother for brought an ice cream

    Covid-19 originates from the city of Wuhan in China and has spread in several countries. This virus has spread in Indonesia and many humans are infected with this virus. From babies to adults. The current corona virus vaccine has been found, every day people who are infected with the virus increase, the possibility of those infected with this virus is not having good immunity and when they leave the house they do not wear a mask. So the government made regulations for people who do not wear masks to be subject to sanctions

  27. Name: Annisa Nurul Ramadhanti
    NIM: 191230058
    Class: TBI - 3B

    - The ball are played by my friends
    - The book was bought by Yasmine
    - A journal was written by my self
    - The car is washed by my father
    - Fried rice was cooked by my mom

    The world has been experienced by a pandemic for approximately 9 months to date, the corona virus has been spread by almost the entire world. Many activities have been hampered due to this pandemic, schools have been closed since the beginning of the pandemic, many people have been exposed by this virus, many economic losses, there are many mass layoffs so that many people are currently unemployed. I hope the world will recover quickly and everything can improve as before.

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  29. Name : Ficka Defani
    Nim : 191230036
    Class : TBI 3 B

    - Fried rice is ate by Oyen in the morning
    - The waiter is asked by my little sister to bring a orange juice
    - A chiken is grilled by my father yesterday
    - That fruits are washed by Dewi in the river
    - The new bicycle is bought by my parents this morning
    The Corona virus entered Indonesia in early March, many recommendations have been made by the government starting from the PSB, it is advisable to stay at home, work from home and many more. So what should we do to avoid this dangerous virus? There are 3 important things that we must underline. the first thing is we have to keep a distance from other people at least 1 meter. second, we must always wear masks when outside the home, third always wash our hands and don't forget to bring antiseptic for hands.

  30. Name: Moch Falda Rama Akbar
    Nim: 191230057
    Class: TBI 3B

    -The fried rice was being cooked by falda
    -The television was repaired by bagas
    -This job will be finished by me
    -The house was cleaned by us
    - The movie was being watched by us when you sleep

    Covid 19 is caused a virus corona and Corona virus was originally a virus that infects animals, but this virus has evolved and spread to infect humans, with initial symptoms of cough, runny nose, fatigue, fever to shortness of breath and in other cases the corona virus itself does not cause symptoms or can be called asymptomatic.
    The virus which was said to have been first discovered in the Wuhan region of China, has now spread to Japan, Korea, the United States, Italy, Malaysia, Singapore to Indonesia.
    The government maximizes the control of the corona virus by limiting social interaction or social distancing. This step is considered one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease.

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  32. Name : Liyanti
    Nim 191230027
    Class : TBI 3A/IEG

    Practice 1 :
    1. The book was bought by the teacher
    2. Some books are borrowed by them
    3. The article was read by me
    4. The cake is cooked by my mother
    5. Is your send done by him ?

    Practice 2 :

    The World Health Organization has been declared COVID-19 a pandemic.
    The covid 19 vaccine has been handled by the government. And the covid 19 vaccine has been tested by the medical team.
    Talk About epidemic. An epidemic has been outbreak over a larger by geographic area. When people in places outside of Wuhan began testing positive for infection with SARS-CoV-2 (which causes the disease known as COVID-19), epidemiologists knew the outbreak was spreading, a likely sign that containment efforts were insufficient or came too late. This was not unexpected, given that no treatment or vaccine is yet available. But widespread has been cases of COVID-19 by China, meant that the Wuhan outbreak had been growned by epidemic.
    which may be fundamentally different than the broader concerns of governments or international health organizations.

    For weeks, epidemiologists like me have been calling the coronavirus a pandemic. From an epidemiological perspective, the WHO’s declaration is overdue. As of March 11, the official numbers count an excess of 120,000 cases in at least 114 countries. Eight countries, including the U.S., have more than 1,000 cases each, and community spread has been documented in several U.S. states.

    Pandemic is the highest level of global health emergency and signifies widespread outbreaks affecting multiple regions of the world. However, the WHO statements remain hopeful that the pandemic can be controlled and the damage minimized by taking immediate aggressive steps.

    The formal declaration of COVID-19 or any other infectious disease as pandemic tells governments, agencies and aid organizations worldwide to shift efforts from containment to mitigation. It has economic, political and societal impacts on a global scale, and the WHO takes extreme care when making this determination.

    This formal declaration needn’t incite fear or cause you to stockpile surgical masks. It doesn’t mean the virus has become more infectious or more deadly, nor that your personal risk of getting the disease is greater. And it doesn’t mean that efforts to fight COVID-19 are being abandoned. But it is an historical event.

  33. Nama : Nisrina Nurhikmah
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230049

    1. The ball was kicked by my friend
    2. My bananas were eaten by my sister
    3. The beautiful dress was made by my mother
    4. The Handphone was brought by me two weeks ago
    5. The house was built long ago


    Corona virus is a new type of virus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can attack anyone, such as the elderly , adults, children and babies, including pregnant women and nursing mothers.
    Corona virus infection is called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months.

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  35. Name : Uswatun Hasanah
    NIM. : 191230007
    Class. : TBI 3A

    Intermediate English Grammar
    Practice 1
    #Passive Sentence
    1. My brother wae driven to the movie
    2. The money was stolen by the thief
    3. The floor was cleaned by clinning servise

    Practice 2
    #Paragraph about (Covid-19)
    Covid 19 is a very deadly virus, which appeared at the end of 2019, until the end of 2020 this virus has not been extinct.
    the virus that originated in Wuhan (China) is very difficult to find a vaccine. Indonesia itself has not been able to find the right vaccine to kill this virus.
    From this 1-year cycle, the Corona Virus has claimed millions of lives. Indonesia is one of the largest countries for Corona Virus victims.
    The beginning of the Corona Virus, to reduce the death rate, Indonesia has implemented PSBB regulations. However, over time, the people's economy weakened. Until finally, a new regulation was created, namely New Normal, in this regulation, people can live normally again, but still comply with health protocols, so that the death rate from the Corona Virus is reduced.

  36. Nama : Uun Unaeni
    NIM : 191230029
    TBI : 3A

    Example 1
    1. A noodle is cooked by me
    2. A book is read by Gina yesterday
    3. A house is bought by my uncle
    4. Our house was cleaned yesterday
    5. All flights were cancelled because of fog

    Example 2
    The news on TV has been given headline news, it was explained about the corona virus, The planning has been prepared by me to go to my grandmother's house in Malaysia was being losed. But to my horror, the corona virus had been invaded my home village, I was so frightened, I have been feared that I would lose some of my loved ones with my family, I had feared losing my family's friends and close friends. When the corona virus had been spread, it was only remain at home by me, but it wasn't losed my ability to reproduce something
    Although at home has been bored all my Family, but here, there are something positive had been done and explained by me in this situation
    Some of these are:
    1. I constantly remind my family, friends, and friends to wear a mask when they leave the house
    2. Telling those around me how to wash my hands well under the corona virus, and much more.

  37. Name : Magfiroh
    Nim : 191230018
    Class : TBI3A

    Example 1
    - some books are wrotten by her every day
    - this clothes was bought by me yesterday
    - the phone was bought by her yesterday
    - The milk is drinked by her in the morning
    - the rice was eaten by the farmer

    Example 2

    Covid 19 is a virus that has claimed many victims. This has recently occurred in China and has spread throughout the world, to Indonesia.covid 19 is caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory tract. Covid 19 has long been spreading in various countries, many efforts have been made by various countries to deal with this virus, and now there have been many casualties.

  38. Name : Siti Zakiyatul Mahmudah
    Nim : 191230012
    Class : TBI 3A

    Example passive voice sentence
    1. The book is read by her in the library.
    2. The new car is bought by my parents this morning.
    3. The waiter is asked by my little sister to bring a water.
    4. Fried rice is ate by gembul in the morning.
    5. That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river.

    The covid 19 virus is a virus that originates from Wuhan China, this virus is caused by bacteria from bats. At first the community didn't care but because there were more victims who fell, eventually everyone panicked and became more careful about this virus. The characteristics of being exposed to the Covid 19 virus are cough, shortness of breath, fever, and flu. This virus is very dangerous because it can cause death. especially if the infected are parents and children. They are more susceptible to this disease. To deal with the spread of Covid 19, the Indonesian government implemented the PSBB. Residents are asked to always maintain cleanliness, wash their hands, wear masks and keep their distance from the crowd.

  39. Name : Vita Fatimatuz Zahro
    NIM : 191230090
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1 :

    1. The book was bought by Vita
    2. The dress is worn by Risma
    3. Is the letter written by him?
    4. The door is knocked by her
    5. This house was built by my grandfather

    Practice 2 :

    Since March 2020, Indonesia has been stricken by the Covid-19. The virus was started by China, then spread to other countries. Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. Covid-19 can cause minor disorders of the respiratory system, severe lung infections, and death. We are advised by the government to wear masks when leaving the house. Wearing a mask will prevent someone from contracting and infecting others. To emphasize the number of Covid-19, PSBB and work from home are implemented by the government.

    The addition of cases from day by day is a reflection of the transmission process that continues to occur. There are still positive cases in the community. Because of that, the discipline of wearing a mask, keeping your distance, washing your hands regularly with soap must be consistently done. I think we also need to consume vitamins to boost immunity and eat healthy foods to keep our bodies fit and stable. Don't forget to workout because it's very important and very influential for the health of the body.

  40. Name : Siti Fatimatuzzahra
    NIM : 191230081
    Class : Tbi – 3c

    Practice 1
    1. The book is written by fiersa besari
    2. The car is driven by my father
    3. The soup is cooked by safira
    4. The ball is kicked by munji
    5. The nokia’s phone is made by indonesia

    Practice 2
    Pandemic of covid-19 was made a human panic, one of the problem because of many hoax news that currently in the sosiety.

    Therefore, as a result of the pandemic which is still developing in indonesia until now, educational institutions in various regions have limited their activities, including the uin smh banten which enforces teaching and learning activities on the campus and all of the activities made by online.

  41. Name : Afny Azzahro
    NIM : 191230096
    Class : TBI 3C

    1. The house is cleaned by my little sister once a week
    2. Right now, the novel is being written by Eva
    3. The car was repaired by Rizal last week
    4. Is the fried rice recipe used by many mothers in the world?
    5. The newspaper was read by Rifki yesterday

    COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person to person in respiratory droplets from someone who is infected. It's was first found out by people in Wuhan, China. Covid-19 caused by a type of coronavirus. One person was attacked by this virus for the first time then spreaded so fast to other people and actually most of the countries was attacked by this virus. This virus attacks the respiratory tract in the human body and can spread through droplets from coughs or sneezes from someone infected with Covid-19. Covid-19 has made us to stay at home for the last 9 months. The value of the country's economy also fell because of covid-19 and this pandemic made us can't do activity as normal as we used to be. And the researcher still try so hard to find the right vaccine.
    This virus spreads very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months.

  42. Name : wulan kurniasari
    Nim : 191230041
    Class : TBI 3B

    Practice 1

    1. The new car is bought by my father this morning
    2. Some flowers are watered by arya everyday
    3. The fried chicken was cooked by my sister last night
    4. The newspaper is read by reza every morning
    5. My room was cleaned by me yesterday

    Practice 2

    Corona virus is a deadly virus. Many deaths around the world have been caused by this virus. The beginning of the emergence of this virus was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus spreads very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. With this virus, there have been many policies issued by the government to prevent the spread of the virus. The policies carried out by the government are such as Social Distancing and Physical Distancing, limiting social interactions with other people, reducing activities outside the home and staying at home. Limitation of social interaction in society can hamper the rate of growth and progress in various fields of life, including the education sector which is also affected by this policy.


  43. Name:Ratu Viola Nurindah
    Class:TBi 3C

    Practice 1

    1. The ceremony was presented by Wardah
    2.Shoes bought by Zareen
    3. the window was damaged by him
    4. The flower was watered by dea
    5. reports are being worked on by him

    Practice 2:

    2020 is a very year for all humans on earth, where a virus called covid-19 is very dangerous to attack the human respiratory and immune systems. virus originating from Wuhan (China) spreads very quickly to Indonesia and other countries Currently, Indonesia is still unable to overcome the virus. Therefore, the government urges the Indonesian people not to carry out activities that can transmit the virus and to maintain health and cleanliness by wearing masks when they are active.

    TBI 3C

    Type 1
    1. The poster is taken by me
    2. The baby shop was closed by its owner
    3. A bowl of soup was eaten by mother
    4. A cup of tea is drunk by Sultan
    5. Every single email is replied by me

    COVID 19
    This virus has been spreading trough the world for almost 8 months. When 'Work and learning from home' actualised, i guess the virus is being spreaded widely. So that's why work and learning from home is a must.
    I know that the virus has been studied by many researches around the world, but still needed long time to get the vaccine of virus. The infected people must quarantined by paramedics.

  45. Nama : wardah makhrofatul jannah
    N.i.m : 191230097
    Kelas : TBI 3-C

    Task 1
    1.the room was cleaned by house maid
    2.the homework was done by me
    3.the phone was fixed by technician
    4.the task is collected by lecture
    5.lisa is watered a flower now.
    Task 2
    Covid-19 was arrived in indonesia since december 2019 last year. corona virus in Indonesia is a viruses that has a high risk for the people. So, many people who are cough, cold, breathing difficulty, and die because of coronavirus. All I have to do when corona virus happened in Indonesia or another countries is only stay at home and avoid to go to crowded places like a mall or supermarket. And, I will always remember to wash our hands. I hope that everyone was safe from corona virus and everyone is always being healthy everyday.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Name: ila karmelia 191230087
    Class: tbi 3c

    1. The new sliper is bought by my sister this morning.
    2. Fried rice is ate by gugun in the morning. 
    3. That cloth are washed by Bambang in the river.
    4. Some flowers are planted by my boyfriends.
    5. English is spoken by students.

    2020 where everyone is affected by the Covid 19 virus from Sabang to Merauke, all of them feel difficulties due to the virus, because of the virus we find it difficult to activate outside the home, such as working, and the covid workers are fired from their jobs , we feel devastated and sad, all covid will end soon and the earth returns to normal

  48. Lulu Nabila
    TBI 3 C

    Practice 1:
    1. This exam was done by them
    2. The gift is supposed by my father
    3. The motorcycle was rider by my mother
    4. The punishment was supposed by their teacher
    5. The library was visited by student

    Practice 2:
    Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. It can affect anyone, such as the elderly, adults, children, and infants. Covid-19 was first found in the city of wuhan, China in late December 2019. The virus spreads rapidly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months. In Indonesia PSBB policies were implemented to suppress the spread of the virus.

  49. Maftuhah
    TBI 3C

    Practice 1

    1. The pajamas was worn by Icha
    2. The house is locked by him
    3. This bedroom was cleaned by my mother
    4. The shoes was washed by icha
    5. the book was bought by him

    Practice 2

    2020, Indonesia mourns with the arrival of Covid 19. This virus first appeared in Wuhan China, and spread to various countries including Indonesia. Many of the symptoms caused by Covid 19 include coughing, flu, and various other symptoms. In Indonesia, many people have been affected and even have died due to this virus. Therefore, the government implements a social distancing system or maintains a distance, and maintains health protocols such as diligently washing hands with soap, wearing masks, maintaining body immunity by diligently exercising, drinking vitamins and so on. So that our bodies are not susceptible to viruses and are well maintained.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Siti Masitoh

    Practice 1~
    1. Catering food is bought by Ita.
    2. The minerals are drunk by Tati.
    3. The dictionary is brought by khusnul
    4. The rice is cooked by my mom
    5. Grammar book was bought by me

    Practice 2~

    This the pandemic made me bored. All activities must be carried out at home. Like online learning, work from home, etc. So, I try new things that will make my day colorful. The book I bought yesterday at online shop has been read by me.

    In addition, this pandemic has been reduced income. So, I save money not to buy things that are not needed. Hopefully this pandemic will end soon, so that things can quickly return to normal.

  53. Name : Dinda Salsabila Aghnia
    Tadris Bahasa Inggris 3 C

    Practice 1 :

    1. The toy was fixed by my uncle yesterday
    2. The room is cleaned by mommy every day
    3. That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river.
    4. The new car is bought by my parents this morning.
    5. Fried rice is ate by gembul in the morning

    Practice 2
    In 2020 there is a virus that has hit this country, not only in Indonesia, all countries are infected by this virus, COVID-19 frightens all citizens of the world. Symptoms are very common, have claimed many victims around the world, doctors, volunteers, relatives, babies are also infected.
    Until now, all citizens of the world are required to comply with government protocols that have been made.

  54. Nama :Hena Hopipah
    NIM :191230105

    Practice 1

    1. The park is cleaned by Ika
    2. The book was borrowed from library by Samsul
    3. A comic is bought by Somad
    4. The letter was posted by my father
    5. An umbrella is brought to the school by soleh

    Practice 2

    coronavirus has never been identified
    previously in humans. This virus was known and reported by the WHO china country office on December 31, 2019. symptoms of the virus have been reported mostly fever, with some cases have difficulty breathing, and X-rays show an infiltrate widespread pneumonia in both lungs.

    March 2, 2020, President Jokowi and his staff announced the first positive case of COVID-19 in Indonesia. It was stated that there were two Indonesian citizens who were infected with the Corona virus.

  55. Name : Anjelita Dea Farida
    NIM :191230093
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1
    1. The story was written by me
    2. That shirt was bought by me
    3. The house is occupied by the newlyweds 4. The scarf is sewn by my mother
    5. The cake was eaten by my friend

    Practice 2
    Indonesia is one of the countries which affected by Covid-19. For several months Indonesia has been fighting against the Covid-19, several fields have collaborated in educating people to wear masks in carrying out their daily activities. As in the field of fashion, the combination of clothes and masks made by designers. In the field of education, learning tailored to the online system by lecturers or teachers. Even though many things have been affected by COVID-19, the whole world is struggling to recover and get back to normal. Hope everything gets better soon.

  56. Name : Fadhilah Maulidia
    NIM : 191230078
    Class : 3 C
    English Education Department


    1. The lion was killed by the hunter.
    2. He was looked after by his grandmother.
    3. The meeting was organised on Saturday at 3pm by our team.
    4. The money was counted by the cashier.
    5. The squirrel was chased by the dog.

    Indonesia is one of the ongoing worldwide part of this pandemic disease (COVID-19).
    This virus was caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was confirmed to have spread to Indonesia on 2 March 2020, after a dance instructor and her mother tested positive for the virus. Both were infected from a Japanese national.
    By 9 April, the pandemic had spread to all 34 provinces in the country. Jakarta, East Java, and West Java are the worst-hit provinces, together accounting almost 48% of the national total cases. The largest increase of new cases in a single day occurred on 8 October.
    As of 12 November, Indonesia has reported 452,291 cases, the highest in Southeast Asia, ahead of the Philippines. In terms of death numbers, Indonesia ranks third in Asia and 15th in the world however, indicated that the number of deaths may be much higher than what has been reported as those who died with acute COVID-19 symptoms but had not been confirmed or tested were not counted in the official death figure.

  57. Name : Nurul Kholifah
    NIM : 191230100
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1.
    1. The problem cannot be solved by me.
    2. All lessons should be learnt by students.
    3. The plant is watered by Sindy every two days.
    4 .A party will be held by Rendi.
    5. The book was read by Gina yesterday

    Practice 2.
    paragraphabout corona virus (covid 19).
    Talking about the corona virus was all it did was make me kind of demoralized. Since this corona virus has left me with nothing to do other than study online or just to help you with your work at home, of course that makes me very bored because all my immediate learning is just gonna be online ora face-to-face via zoom or Google meet. I feel like a fool who has to lose a lot of knowledge because even if I rely online my thinking ability is limited, my imagination is not wild. But more than that it is the will of god, we must be grateful for every thing the Lord has given, and perhaps the lesson of this edict is that I can be closer and more harmonious with my parents and siblings.

  58. Siti Najwa

    Practise 1
    1. They were met by me in the park.
    2. He was punched by me after he mock me.
    3. I was called everyday by her after that incident.
    4. Fried chicken was ate by me last night.
    5. This shoes was bought by me yesterday.

    Practise 2
    The origins of the Corona virus (COVID-19) may never be discovered or reach a definite conclusion that is said by researchers. Previously a team was sent to China by WHO to investigate the origin of the Corona virus.
    Quoted from the South China Morning Post, how, where and when the pathogen entered humans is an unsolved mystery. The theory that has been circulating is that the Corona COVID-19 virus probably originated from bats.
    Coronavirus has found its way to other animals, shifting its genetic shape along the way and allowing it to attach to human cells, while pinpointing the route the Corona virus first spread to humans is called by experts is unlikely, says David Heymann, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

  59. Nama: Nurmala Putri
    Nim: 191230092
    Kelas: TBI 3C

    The sentences:

    • This book is bought by me
    • This apple is eaten by Killua
    • The car was cleaned by them last week
    • This picture is taken by him
    • This pen was used by me last night

    The paragraph:
    Covid 19 has occurred since march, and to this day, many have been exposed to the virus, causing death, many patients are falling, medical workers are overwhelmed by the constant presence of patients at the hospital, but many are also recovering from the covid virus, The patient was cured by a doctor, And medical care during the self-imposed quarantine, for all our friends, let's take care of our health, always social distancing and don't forget to wear masks and hand sanitizer, and don't forget to take a vitamin, it's usually distributed by medics or you can buy it at the pharmacy. May we all stay healthy and be able to avoid the virus. Keep happy and keep healthy guys, you all are loved by me

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  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Rini sri wahyuni
    Tbi 3c

    Practice 1

    1. The table was cleaned by my sister
    2. A pen is being bought by rina
    3. The poem was written by me
    4. Rina is studying archery at the moment
    5. My grandmother checks up to the doctor once a week

    Practice 2

    It's been almost 8 months that I've only spent my days at home, studying at home, playing at home only with family, yes, the presence of the corona virus makes me and everyone else we can only do all activities in a limited way like I used to go to college going to the campus now just sitting there staring at cellphones while studying, the existence of covid 19 has caused several countries to implement policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the corona virus, for that we should keep our health and comply with all protocol rules such as wearing masks every time we go out, and keep track of other people in interacting, we have to do all of this so that the corona will end quickly and we can carry out activities normally again.

  63. Name : Shinta Awaliatus Sa’adah
    NIM : 191230053
    Class : TBI 3B

    Practice 1 :
    1. My Bag was borrowed by my friend
    2. A book was read by her
    3. The marker is filled by teacher
    4. The fruits are bought by my mother
    5. A mask was used by me

    Practice 2 :
    Talking about the Covid 19 virus, as the name implies, this virus appeared in 2019. Covid-19 is a virus originating from Wuhan China. The virus is claimed to be caused by bacteria from bats. Corona virus is a new type of virus that is transmitted to humans through sneezing, coughing and saliva. People exposed to the corona virus will experience shortness of breath, coughs, flu, and fever which can have an impact on death. This virus is dangerous and can attack anyone. Initially this virus only existed in China, then quickly it has spread throughout the world, and more and more victims have contracted the virus. Until finally, many countries experienced lockdown to overcome the spread of this virus. Until now, the Covid 19 virus was hanled by governments around the world to find a vaccine for this virus. We can also help to stop the spread of the virus and fight the virus, by always maintaining our cleanliness and health, especially by washing hands, wearing masks, keeping our distance and avoiding large crowds.

  64. Name : Siti Azizah
    Nim : 191230082
    Lesson : I E G

    Exercise 1
    -the book is read by her in the library
    -fried rice is ate by azizah in the morning
    -that fruits are washed by her in the river
    -she is loved by me at the first sight
    -i was called everyday by her after that incident

    Exercise 2

    Banyak orang yang terjangkit virus corona, dikarenakan tidak memenuhi protokol kesehatan yang sudah di acc oleh pemerintah setempat, dan kurang sadarnya bahwa penting sekali untuk selalu mencuci tangan setelah berpergian, memakai masker, dan menjaga jarak.

    disaat pandemic ini, sebaiknya kita selalu menjaga kesehatan, harus rajin berolahraga dan memakan makanan yang sehat dan mengandung banyak vitamin, patuhilah semua aturan yang sudah di tetapkan oleh pemerintah.
    Many people have contracted the corona virus, because they do not comply with health protocols that have been approved by the local government, and are unaware that it is very important to always wash their hands after traveling, wear a mask, and maintain a distance.

    During this pandemic, we should always take care of our health, have to be diligent in exercising and eat healthy foods and contain lots of vitamins, obey all the rules that have been set by the government.

    _Alhamdulillah done_❤️

  65. Name : Vina Soraya Andini
    Nim : 191230075
    Class: TBI 3C

    1. A letter is sent by Hamid
    2. We were given a special present
    3. The Package was mailed by Bob
    4. A story was being written by her
    5. He was refushed admission by the principal

    Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness
    A whole world Was being invaded by Coronavirus. not only Indonesia.
    Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans.

    Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.

    Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

  66. Name: Monika Nuraini
    NIM: 191230095
    Class: TBI 3C

    Practice 1
    1) The juice is drunk by my brother
    2) These machines are used to mix the ingredients.
    3) The restaurant was renovated in 2004.
    4) The students were informed that the class had been cancelled.
    5) The plate was washed by my mother

    Practice 2
    Many victims around the world are infected by Covid-19, and Many deaths around the world are caused by Covid-19. The global economy has also been affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. Everyone is ordered to wash their hands with an antiseptic gel to kill the Covid-19 germs. The vaccine was immediately made by scientists to prevent the Covid-19 attack. Indonesian people drink this mixture of herbs routinely to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and also doing to exercise for being health body.

    CLASS : TBI 3C
    Nim. : 191230083

    Practice 1:
    1- I have already met them in the park, They have already been met me in the park.
    2- My little sister have forgotten her homework, Homework have been forgotten by my little sister.
    3- We have sent a message to Mr Dakir, A message has been sent to Mr Dakir by us.
    4- Gembul ate fried chicken last night, Fried chicken was ate by Gembul last night.
    5- My mother cooked rendang last Eid, rendang cooked by my mother last Eid.

    Practice 2:
    Since December 2019, the world has been shocked by the discovery of a new virus in China. The virus is known as the corona virus.There're many people are infected by coronavirus and caused death in China. Many of them are just infected and recovered. But this virus is moving from place to place, spreading from one country to another. Symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believes that Corona Virus patients can experience these symptoms 2 from 2 days to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

  68. Nama : Sahrul romadoni
    Class : Tbi 1 b

    1. Fried chicken was ate by Sahrul last night
    2. Rendang cooked by my mother last Eid.
    3. The bike is rode by me in the morning.
    4. That fruits are washed by ludi in the river.
    5. She is loved by me at the first sight.


    The corona or covid-19 virus has already entered Indonesia and will even claim massive loss of life. According to data released by the expedited task force for the covid-19 republic of Indonesia, the number of positive confirmation cases through November 11, 2020, is 444,348 with the death toll of 14,761. Covid-19 mortality rate is about 3.3%. I think this is due to a lack of strict precautions from the government. For that reason his expansion has been so rapid to date. The real or major factor is societies that tend to be nonchalant to government policies. Therefore, there will still be Indonesian citizens infected with this virus or even victimized. The government should be even more critical in the covid treatment of 19, since the virus is very dangerous

  69. Name : NIHAYAH
    Nim : 191230077
    Class : TBI 3C

    Practice 1
    1. We are often helped by him
    2. The bag is brought by me
    3. A story is written by her everyday
    4. A message to my best friend in Tangerang is sent by me
    5. Chicken satay with soy sauce addition is made by my mother

    Practice 2
    Corona is a virus that has a negative impact on human life. Corona itself is a virus that originates from animals, namely bats and mice. At first it was known that the Corona virus existed, namely in Wuhan China. The spread of this virus continues to increase and causes many cases of death. Not only in China, but in other countries also experienced the same case, Including Indonesia, for that, various ways have been taken by the government to prevent the spread of the corona virus, such as social distancing and having to wear masks.

  70. Name : Rizky Fauziah Salsabilah
    NIM : 191230086
    Class : TBI 3c

    Task 1 :
    1. the window was opened by my sister
    2. this office was built by my uncle
    3. the cake is eaten by lala
    4. the tea is drunk by my mother
    5. the novel was written by me

    Task 2 :
    2020 has been the most difficult year possible for some of us. The beginning of a year full of disasters, followed by the outbreak of the corona virus disease around the world that resulted in layoffs of workers, then overflowed with state problems that troubled the people. but we were great, could have come this far. enduring for the people we love, also enduring for ourselves of course. 2020 is only a few days left, hopefully at the end of the year, we will find true happiness. passion for all of us !!

  71. Name : Firdha Laila Ramadhanti
    Class:TBI 3 B
    NIM. : 191230060

    1.The menu is cooked by this boy.
    2.Vegetabl are watered by my little sister.
    3.A red shirt is bought by Aliana every Chinese New Year.
    4.Some novels are written by her every year.
    5.You are always loved.

    No sensible person can dispute that Covid-19 is a great tragedy for humanity — a tragedy even in the ancient Greek sense, as defined by Aristotle, with the disastrous ending contingent on some prideful flaw in the protagonist. This time it’s not Oedipus or Agamemnon. This time it’s we who are that cocky protagonist, having brought disaster on ourselves. The scope and the devastation of the pandemic reflect bad luck, yes, and a dangerous world, yes, but also catastrophic failures of human foresight, communal will and leadership.

    But look past that record of human failures for a moment, and consider this whole event from the point of view of the virus. Measure it by the cold logic of evolution: The career of SARS-CoV-2 so far is, in Darwinian terms, a great success story.

  72. Name : Siti Fatihatul Makiyyah
    Nim : 191230040

    Task 1 :

    1. A message to my best friend in Bandung is sent by me
    2. The tv in the living room is watched by you
    3. My laptop is forgotten by me
    4. Every morning I am called by her
    5. I am punished by my teacher because I forget to collect my homework

    Task 2 :
    Corona virus or COVID-19 is a virus that attacks the human respiratory system. It is known that this virus is spread by animals and is capable of transmitting from one species to another, including humans.

    Based on research, the danger of Corona virus can cause death. Until now there has not been found a drug to treat the Corona virus. However, there have been recorded some people who have recovered from the Corona virus after undergoing isolation and hospitalization.

    The virus was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. The virus is transmitted quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia. Virus Corona can infect anyone, but the effect will be more dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant women, people who are sick, or people who are weak immune system.

  73. Linda Muflihah

    Practice 1.
    1. The burger was eaten by my sister
    2. The book was borrowed by my uncle
    3. I was gone on my house today
    4. The television was repaired by technician
    5. Anna was brought helmet for ride

    Pracitce 2.
    Covid-19 is a new virus that is similar to the coronavirus. This virus caused several million people in the world to die, for almost 8 months the world was not well because of this pandemic. everyone work, school, and others can not normally and must be done from home. And until now it is the end of 2020, Covid-19 has not been able to be handled and has not found a cure. And the world is intensively testing several vaccines to cure people affected by COVID-19.

  74. Name: Irma Eka Pratiwi
    NIM: 191230106
    Class: TBI 3D

    Exercise 1

    1. The son was naughty, he was punished by his parents.
    2. A coconut fell from the tree by a monkey.
    3. The flowers in front of home are seized by butterflies.
    4. Ministers are elected by the president, and the president is elected by public.
    5. The hotel building was rented by my school 1 month ago.

    Exercise 2

    In the end of 2019 the world was shocked by the emergence of the corona virus or covid-19. This virus originates from the bamboo curtain country (China). Before this virus, there were already deadly viruses such as: SARS, Pneumonia, etc. These viruses attack the human respiratory system so that humans who are exposed to the virus will feel short of breath.

    The virus quickly spread throughout the world, one of which is Indonesia. Covid-19 entered Indonesia around the beginning of 2020 this was due to the lack of fast action from the government to prevent the spread of the virus. And now the virus has become a pandemic which causes enormous losses to the world and Indonesia. the disadvantages cover all fields, the biggest being the economic sector (economic crisis).

  75. Name : Rina
    Class : TBI 3C
    NIM : 191230071

    Contoh passive voice type 1 :
    1. My car was been stolen.
    2. Some flowers are planted by my parents.
    3. The noodle is eaten by the children.
    4. My handphone was taken by my father.
    5. All the cookies has been eaten.

    About covid 19 :
    Coronavirus infection is a disease caused by the corona virus and causes the main symptoms of respiratory problems. This disease is in the spotlight because of its appearance at the end of 2019 for the first time in Wuhan, China. The location of its appearance for the first time, made the coronavirus also known as the Wuhan virus.
    Coronavirus symptoms range from the common cold to severe respiratory problems like pneumonia.

  76. Intira Maharani
    TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    1. The article was written by John.
    3. That meatball was eaten by Norma.
    4. The novel was read by Sheila.
    5. A letter was written by me.
    6. The material was given by teacher.

    Practice 2
    Covid-19 is a disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus, sars-cov-2. This virus has been discovered by the inspectors since last year. This virus has been spread all over the country. The virus spreads via droplet sparks from the respiratory tract. One way to stop the spread of the covid-19 is to stay home. We have to do all activities in our house. The command to do all activities in our house was found in the new rules. The rule was given by the government. and the rules have been enforced by society.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Name : Eva Apriyanti
    Nim : 191230085
    Class : TBI 3-C
    Course : IEG

    Practice 1

    1). A short story is written by Annisa
    2). The floor is swept by Hana
    3). The window is closed by Hilya
    4). The fried rice was cooked by Gina
    5). A magazine was bought by him

    Practice 2

    In 2019, the world was in an uproar with many people who died in a short period of time. This was caused by a type of corona virus. The corona virus or commonly called Covid-19 has made many people uneasy.

    Because COVID-19 is thought to be spread mainly through close person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets from an infected person, the government inevitably implements an appeal for residents to stay at home. The patients who are positive for this virus are handled by doctors who are experts in their fields as well as doctors who have noble hearts. Because not a few doctors died while treating patients.
    And more sadly, this pandemic is still ongoing today and we don't know when it will end.

  79. Jihan Alifah
    TBI 3D

    practice 1
    1. the assignments are finished by the student quickly
    2. the lessons are explained by the lecturer
    3. the room was cleaned by my sister
    4. the picture was taken by my brother
    5. the paint are made by me

    Practice 2
    Covid 19 is a disease caused by the new corona virus, which is new
    was discovered in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. The disease is called Coronavirus Disease 19.
    The virus that causes this disease is called the 2019 Novel Corona Virus or another name is SARS Coronavirus.
    For people, both adults and children, masks should be used when they are sick symptoms of cough, cold, flu, while being in an infectious area such as in a health facility, and when being in a crowd or densely populated area (crowded area). Hand sanitizers are also good for preventing transmission of COVID-19, which contains alcohol at least 70%, simply grease the surface of the hand, and use it for at least 20 seconds. Very frequent use may cause dryness of the skin. Use of hand sanitizers in the right way is still safe for children, but it is advisable to keep washing hands with soap and running water at regular intervals.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. chintya setiawati
    TBI 3C

    Practice 1
    1. The children was played a football
    2. The noodle is made by flour
    3. Real Madrid was beaten by Barcelona
    4. The ice is melted
    5. The glasses was broken by me

    Practice 2
    Coronovirus are still experiencing the addition of new cases either for Indonesia or other countries around the world. The impact of the corona virus pandemic is currently being felt by many countries, the economy is one of the factors that has been hit due to the presence of the Covid 19 virus.

    Not only that, the corona virus has killed many lives. Therefore, the government continues to force all of people to be discipline for health protocol terms in order to break the chances of spreading the corona virus.

  82. Naufa auliyatul faizah
    Tbi 3a

    Practice 1

    1. The noodle is cooked by me
    2. The house is cleaned by my sister
    3. The novel is read by Ira
    4. The movie are wached by us
    5. The article is written by nazla

    Practice 2

    Covid-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) has been new strain caused by avirus of the coronavirus class.

    in the city of wuhan, China, has been first took place of the disease late December 2019. After that, the dozens of countries has been covid 19 rapidly and spread.including Indonesia, in just a few months.
    Lockdown has been adopted to policy some countries adopt a policy to prevent the spread of the corona virus. large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) has been Indonesia goverment have implemented policies to suppress the spread of the virus. Until now no cure has been found, only preventive measures have been taken by communities to prevent the corona virus from spread

  83. Name: Berlian Chyntia Fakih
    NIM: 191230098
    Class: TBI 3C

    •Practice 1
    1.)The newspaper was read by Cassie
    2.)The pizza was eaten by me
    3.)The shawl was taken by bawang putih in the river
    4.)The bedroom was tidy by Caesar before I sleep
    5.) Birthday cake is bought by my boyfriend

    •Pactice 2
    The Corona pandemic or the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) provides valuable lessons in every aspect of life. Most of the employees carry out work from home (WFH) and students also “move” home learning activities online. This is all in line with the government's efforts to reduce the impact of the spread of the corona virus. And as has been determined, this transfer of learning activities from campus to home, as an effort to maintain social distancing, studying at home makes the atmosphere discouraged and there is a lot of security that you feel when you are brave like the internet is slow, there is no signal, it is difficult to understand but on the other hand, we are still very supportive of this method of learning so that there is no expansion of the spread of this virus.

  84. Name:Fitri
    Nim. :191230070
    Class. :Tbi 3b

    -The house is cleaned by Rita once a week
    -The car was repaired by Doni yesterday
    -The food is going to be cooked by Melly tonight.

    The corona virus outbreak that has recently spread throughout the world, we can't helped but stay at home. Just at home for an indefinite period of time certainly makes us uncomfortable. How could we not, revise us to change our routine. Instinctively, change is the least, it is even the thing most feared by humans. So, it's only natural that we feel restless because of this change.

    However, it is a good thing if you get depressed and sad. Therefore, as a young child I tried to fit in and enjoy the days that I lived. At first it was not easy, but as time went on, I started to get used to living the normal life that I am currently experiencing.

  85. Name : Erna Herawati
    Nim : 191230103
    Class : TBI 3c

    1 • The book was read by Nayla yesterday
    • A party will be held by Nayla
    • The plant is watered by Nayla every two days
    • The beach has been visited by many tourist
    • The food is going to be cooked by Nayla tonight

    2. Until the middle of March 2020 according to data from the World Health Organization, WHO, the number of infections is around 250,000 cases with more than 10,000 deaths, according to data as of Friday.
    The three countries with the most cases outside China - where the plague originated - are South Korea, Iran and Italy.
    As of March 19, China for the first time had not experienced a new case of Covid-19 in Wuhan, the first city to develop a corona virus.
    Indonesia is not the country with the most cases, but has the highest fatality rate of around 8%. When the corona virus began to spread rapidly in China in the last week of January 2020, we raised various questions around the outbreak, including the spread and whether the affected can be cured.
    The symptoms of Covid-19 are similar to those of a cold or flu.

  86. Name: Devi Nuraeni
    Class: Tbi 3A
    NIM: 191230022

    Practice 1
    1. a books is bought by Ira
    2. Today's menu was cooked by me
    3. The house is clean by my brother
    4. The bread has been eaten by little sis
    5. It was corrupted by kiki

    Decribing passive type 1:
    1. Passive type 1 is used V3
    2. Add the word "by " or "is done/done"
    3. Use be (am is are/was were )
    4. Use was for (i he she it)
    5. Use were for (they you we )
    Practice 2
    Covid-19 (Corona) is a virus from China. There is no the vaksin from this virus. But there is way to avoid Covid-19. We have to use a mask when on the move outdoors, especially when on the move in public places. Rountinely wash your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer contains alcohol after outdoor activities. Avoid contact with animals, especially wild animals. Make sure to cook the meat until it is completely cooked before consumption.

    Every time I come home from school I get picked up by dad

  87. Name : Fujiatul Ulufiyah
    Nim. : 191230068
    Class.: TBI 3B

    Practice 1 :

    - The tasks will have been completed before the deadline
    - The cake would always be made by my mother.
    -The house is going to be sold

    As an overseas student, I am rarely at home with my family. Communication with family is usually only through voice telephone, and sometimes via video call. That is rathered rare, even one day my mother was furious because I did not pick up the phone from her.

    Because of this epidemic, my family tolded me to go back home. It was awkward at first. Moreover, there are lots of new 'unwritten rules' that apply to the house. Originally living alone, now have to share with family members at home. The responsibilities that had been taken over by others during my absence have now been returned to me.

  88. Name : Sela Vira Septiani
    NIM : 191230056
    Class: TBI 3 B

    Practice 1 :

    1. The photo was taken by myself
    2. The egg was cooked by my mother
    3. The mirror was broken by my brothers
    4. The coffee is drunk by my father
    5. The food was eaten by myself

    Practice 2 :

    At the time of the pandemic we will have to take good care of our health, eat nutritious and exercise diligently, to keep our bodies healthy. During this pandemic, too, if we're going to go out of our homes, it's mandatory to follow health protocols like masks and hand sanitizer, and it's best if the business isn't important and still be done at home.

  89. name : Ani Nuraeni Silfani
    nim : 191230039
    class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1
    1. the car is driven by the driver.
    2. My book was broken by my friend last night.
    3. is the motorcycle ridden by you ?
    4. the letter was written by me 2 days ago.
    5. was my friend's mango stolen by two thieves ?

    practice 2
    during this pandemic I do my activity is like usually. many things must be studied by us, we have to learn to make space to each other, keep our body become healthy, keep our nutrition and use mask in everywhere and every time. all happen is enjoyed by me.

    we are still doing our learning by online. the subject is learned by us, and for the media we use wag, facebook, zoom, classroom, google meet, and e-learning. i do that with my pleasure, i just hope this corona will end until in the last of this year.

  90. Name : Deviyanti Lestari
    Nim : 191230052
    Class : TBI 3B

    Practice 1 whom is sinta met ? are well kept by me
    3. A latter was written by her yesterday wacth is broken
    5. Her heart is broken

    Practice 2
    We can prevent the corona virus by washing our hands frequently, as a result of the corona virus everyone has been worried about going out of their homes to be infected with corona virus, not to let it infect our fathers and mothers, cope with the corona virus by keeping clean, money that can spread the corona virus, so many people die from the corona virus, pray to god that it will be done right away, Avoid crowded places because of the source of the corona virus, which is crowded.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Name : AHmad Fadli Robby
    NIM : 191230069
    Class : TBI 3B

    Practice 1
    1. the shoes was bought by Naji
    2. the car was washed by my brother
    3. All of my shoes are washed every week
    4. The bread is cooked by my mother
    5. My handphone is broken by my little brother

    Practice 2
    Covid-19 is a contagious virus that was discovered since 2019. Many countries impose social distancing on their citizens, so as not to increase the spread of this virus. This virus has many negative effects from this virus. for example is the economy is out of control, many people lost their job. Because there is no vaccine to protect themselves from infection with this virus, everyone needs to seek personal hygiene to prevent the spread of this virus. The trick is to wash your hands frequently until they are clean, not touching the eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands, and avoiding close contact with sick people.

  93. Name : Ulfa Nadya (191230108)
    TBI 3D

    5 sentences of passive voice type 1
    1. Mobile legend is played by million people
    2. My friend's motorcycle was hold by a police last week
    3. My instagram was hacked by an anonymous yesterday
    4. The podcast is filled by membee of division
    5. An enjoy language of skript is made by topic

    To tell about corona virus using passive voice
    Covid-19, this virus was spread from wuhan city, china. The pandemic exist almost a years. The coronavirus is actually not one type of virus. It is a large family of viruses that also includes SARS and other minor to major respiratory illnesses. Coronaviruses can be spread between animals and people, as we have seen with this current strain

  94. Name : Anissa Siti Nurhalisa
    Class : TBI 3D
    NIM : 191230110
    Practice 1
    • the news car was bought by my parents
    • the book is read by her in the library
    • my handphone was lost by thief in this morning
    • the house was cleaned by me now
    • when was my room painted by father?
    Practice 2
    Until now, the number of Corona Covid-19 was cases in Indonesia continues to increase significantly every day. Based on the Covid-19 Handling Task Force (Task Force) report, there were an additional 4,106 people who was confirmed positive for Corona today, Sunday (11/15/2020). the total was accumulative to date of 467,113 people in Indonesia has tested positive for Corona Covid-19. Then, the number of cured cases increased by 3,897 people today. The total accumulative in Indonesia so far there are 391,991 Corona Covid-19 patients who have recovered successfully and tested negative. Meanwhile, today there are an additional 63 people who died. So, the accumulative total of 15,211 people has died in Indonesia to date due to the Corona Covid-19 virus. The data for the Covid-19 patient update has been recorded since 12.00 WIB, Saturday, November 14, 2020 until today at 12.00 WIB

  95. Name : Mafazatul Awaliyah
    NIM : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    Passive sentences :
    1. The coffee is drunk by me
    2. My friend stepped on a duck
    3. The cake is made by him
    4. The book was written by my father
    5. The childrens are taught by my mother

    Covid 19 has recently been troubling for the people due to the reduced economy for residents and the disconnection of teaching and learning facilities which has caused negative things for students who should have had their right to be taught and get knowledge from educators but only tasks are always charged without the affixing of an explanation from the material inside the people are troubled by the current situation which changes civilization and all the daily activities of people around the world. For all these incidents, the government should provide solutions and policies for its people to replace lost facilities with other facilities

  96. Name : Mafazatul Awaliyah
    NIM : 191230037
    Class : TBI 3B

    Passive sentences :
    1. The coffee is drunk by me
    2. My friend stepped on a duck
    3. The cake is made by him
    4. The book was written by my father
    5. The childrens are taught by my mother

    Covid 19 has recently been troubling for the people due to the reduced economy for residents and the disconnection of teaching and learning facilities which has caused negative things for students who should have had their right to be taught and get knowledge from educators but only tasks are always charged without the affixing of an explanation from the material inside the people are troubled by the current situation which changes civilization and all the daily activities of people around the world. For all these incidents, the government should provide solutions and policies for its people to replace lost facilities with other facilities

  97. Name: Nazhifatullailah
    Nim: 191230051
    Class: TBI 3B

    Practice 1
    Passive Sentence
    1. Rice is eaten by him
    2. A gift is given by Herlin
    3. The book is read by her in the library.
    4. That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river.
    5. She is loved by me at the first sight.

    Practice 2
    In march 2020 Indonesian even the whole world was hitten by the covid 19 outbreak, where the plague was very dangerous for human, until the government advised to everyone to stay at home or it could be called a quarantine period, and to keep their distance when talking to other people schools, factories, offices, mini markets are all closed during this pandemic.
    So that the lecture was closed. Alhamdulillah, during the pandemic i was in a shack, and this outbreak has mode us always be at home or in a shack, both doing work and reciting the newspaper, while being lodged we are prohibited from leaving the cottage by the head of the lodge, because he is very worry about hos students and he also given a message to us, so that we always maintain health.
    Finally, the lecture entered but did not meet face to face between lecturers and students, but lectured online.

  98. Name : Adelia Bela Pertiwi
    Class : TBI 3B
    NIM : 191230059

    Practice 1
    #sentences of passive
    1. The new television is bought by my brother this night.
    2. Fried chicken is eaten by Adel this morning.
    3. He is loved by me at the first sight.
    4. The bike is ridden by me
    5. The car washed by me

    practice 2
    #paragraph about covid 19
    To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, we can do the following things, such as washing hands and not leaving the house when you are sick, not touching facial areas such as eyes or nose, washing clothes that have been used when leaving the house, taking a shower or cleaning the body using anti-bacterial soap. We also have to maintain health by maintaining a diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and taking vitamins or body supplements. So that our bodies are maintained, its resistance and disease is difficult to enter into our bodies.

  99. Name: Citra Suci Amalia
    Nim: 191230132
    Class: TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    1. The bag is bought by me.
    2. The book "A communicative grammar" was written by Saleh Muhammad.
    3. This agenda was given by you.
    4. I was called by my mother.
    5. A Box is broken by Roni.

    Practice 2
    This virus was begun by China. This problem has not been done. All people was fought for outdone this virus. Coronavirus was slain up to 1.320.000 peoples in the world.
    Tips for fighting this virus was sought by all experts in the world. There are several ways to protect yourself from this virus. This information was on the preached to all people by medical personnels and they are like: washing hand, wearing a mask, and keep a distance.

  100. Ahmad Najiullah
    Tbi 3B

    Practice 1

    1.I was hit by somebody.
    2.The water is drunk by my friend
    3.The fish were eaten by cat
    4.A bag is bought by child
    5.A car is washed by my father

    Practice 2

    Corona itself is a virus that originates from animals, namely bats and mice. At first it was known that the Corona virus existed, namely in Wuhan China. The spread of this virus continues to increase and causes many cases of death. Because COVID-19 is thought to be spread mainly through close person-to-person contact through respiratory droplets from an infected person, the government inevitably implements an appeal for residents to stay at home.

  101. Name : Marhany
    Nim : 191230129
    Class : TBI 3 D

    Practice 1 :

    1. The Dress is washed by my mother
    2. The movie are watched by my familly
    3. The cake is cooked by me
    4. The history is told by the student
    5. The fish was caught by my causin

    Practice 2 :

    The corona virus is an infectious and deadly disease Until now the school has been shut down. many people was kill by Corona virus, From old to young.This virus was found by 2019 .Until now, a cure has not been found, and the doctors are still testing it.It is vital to maintain health and cleanliness,Wearing masks,Washing hands,Keep a distance,and Regular exercise.

  102. Name : Rina Nurdianti
    NIM : 191230111
    Class : TBI 3D

    Practice 1
    1. The house is cleaned by me and my mother.
    2. The movie was watched by my brother.
    3. The book was read by me tonight.
    4. The cat was bathed by me this morning.
    5. The ball was kicked by Desi.

    Practice 2
    On March 2 2020, President Joko Widodo has confirmed the first case of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Since the emergence of this virus in Wuhan, several other countries have anticipated Covid-19. Indonesia is one of the countries affected by Covid-19. Therefore, the government has appealed to the public to always carry out social distancing and wear masks when they are outdoors.

  103. Name : Nuva Avita
    Class: TBI 3D
    Nim: 191230122

    Practice 1
    1. Pak Bambang read the book in front of the class
    2. Andi was punished by the teacher for being late
    3. The house door was opened by the younger brother
    4.The car has been washed by my brother
    5. Ani wears that shirt

    Practice 2
    Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In most cases, this virus causes only minor respiratory infections, such as the flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia).
    This virus is transmitted through sputum droplets from the respiratory tract, for example when in a crowded closed room with poor air circulation or direct contact with droplets.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. This comment has been removed by the author.

  106. name : mega tias nur afnia
    class : tbi 3 d
    nim : 191230125

    practice 1
    The house is cleaned by Rita once a week
    Right now, the novel is being written by Deni
    The car was repaired by Doni yesterday
    That beach has been visited by many tourists.
    Many cars had been repaired by Romi before he received his mechanic’s license.

    practice 2

    A new virus called the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was identified as the cause of a disease outbreak that began in China in 2019. The disease is called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

    In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Public health groups, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and WHO, are monitoring the pandemic and posting updates on their websites. These groups have also issued recommendations for preventing the spread of the virus.

  107. Name : Hatada Azkiya
    NIM : 191230064
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1

    1. The rice is eaten by me on morning
    2. My pen was taken by my friend last night
    3. Is the book given by you?
    4. The milk is drunk by my little brother
    5. The food was eaten by my sister

    Practice 2

    During this pandemic we as a People must obey the healthy, if i want going anywhere i wear the mask, make space between us, keep our body from the bad food, by eatinf vegetables or fruit to make nutrition for our healthy, i do that based on my awareness, like ussualy i also studying by using via zoom, goggle meet, whatsapp group, and etc.

    I have some story when i going home to bogor city, in the station many Peoples that i saw protocol of healthy, all passenger wear a mask and in the train on sitting place there is sign "X" to make distance, and when have arrived must wash the hand, maybe only that my story.

    From there we should make our mind, that healthy is very important in our life, let's we obey the goverment by using the mask, wash your hand and make space between us, Thank You so much:)

  108. Name : Herlina
    NIM : 191230042
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1

    1. The coffe is drunk by grand father
    2. The car is driven by lina
    3. The milk is drunk by caca
    4. My mother given money by father
    5. The pen is stolen by my friend

    Practice 2

    Covid-19 Now, Only become Name on my country, why i said that, because no one that i see who ejected that virus in my sight, but event thought that i still wear healthy protocol, by wearing mask, wash my hand when want go anywhere, bring hand sanitizer, and if i on the road go any place, many People make space between other, and every time i also still study online acces, such as zoom, goggle meet, WAG, and Etc. I ever going to station overhere tha place for sitting there is sign "X" for distance between others, actually I spend my time everyday only in boarding school. Thank you:)

  109. Name : M Khoirul Mauludi
    NIM : 191230048
    Class : TBI 3 B

    1. All lessons should be learnt by students
    2. The house is cleaned by my mother every morning and evening
    3. The tasks will have been completed before the deadline.
    4. The plant is watered by my father every two days
    5. The rice was being cooked by me

    As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, many schools and colleges were closed and replaced by online study. With online learning systems, many of the students complain that their learning is ineffective and difficult to inflate and enough Internet data. Authorities want to share Internet data with students but have not been distributed. We as students need a great deal of help.

    As of now, nothing on the covid-19 increase in casualties. All community activities began to return to their normal activities. The government expects students to have face-to-face study back in January.

  110. Name : Noni Emelia Putri
    NIM : 191230046
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1

    1. The coffe is drunk by grand father
    2. The car is driven by lina
    3. The milk is drunk by caca
    4. My mother given money by father
    5. The pen is stolen by my friend

    Practice 2

    Covid-19 Now, Only become Name on my country, why i said that, because no one that i see who ejected that virus in my sight, but event thought that i still wear healthy protocol, by wearing mask, wash my hand when want go anywhere, bring hand sanitizer, and if i on the road go any place, many People make space between other, and every time i also still study online acces, such as zoom, goggle meet, WAG, and Etc. I ever going to station overhere tha place for sitting there is sign "X" for distance between others, actually I spend my time everyday only in boarding school. Thank you.
    As of now, nothing on the covid-19 increase in casualties. All community activities began to return to their normal activities. The government expects students to have face-to-face study back in January.

  111. Name : Nawiroh
    Nim : 191230047
    Class: Tbi 3b

    Passive sentences:
    1. Tea is drunk by me
    2. My brother stepped on an ant
    3. The cake was made by me
    4. The book was written by my brother
    5. The children were taught by my father

    As a result of the Covid 19 around the world. Recently, it has been shocking and unsettling for the community because of the reduced economy of the community and the disconnection of teaching and learning facilities which have caused negative things for students who should have the right to be taught and get knowledge from educators but only always have tasks. was charged without affixing an explanation of the material inside society troubled by the current situation that changes civilization and all the daily activities of people around the world. For all these incidents, the government must provide solutions and policies to its citizens to replace the missing facilities with other facilities. I hope this pandemic will end soon.

  112. Name : zian lestari
    NIM : 191230050
    Class : TBI 3 B

    Practice 1

    1. The coffe is drunk by grand father
    2. The car is driven by lina
    3. The milk is drunk by caca
    4. My mother given money by father
    5. The pen is stolen by my friend

    Practice 2

    Covid-19 Now, Only become Name on my country, why i said that, because no one that i see who ejected that virus in my sight, but event thought that i still wear healthy protocol, by wearing mask, wash my hand when want go anywhere, bring hand sanitizer, and if i on the road go any place, many People make space between other, and every time i also still study online acces, such as zoom, goggle meet, WAG, and Etc. I ever going to station overhere tha place for sitting there is sign "X" for distance between others, actually I spend my time everyday only in boarding school. Thank you:)

  113. Name: Yusny Fadilah
    Class: TBI-3D
    Nim: 191230139

    Practice 1
    1. A bar of white chocolate is eaten by father
    2. A cheesy sandwich is made by my boyfriend for me
    3. The glasses is not worn by her
    4. My phone is charged for two hours by my boyfriend
    5. My pen is not borrowed by sister

    Practice 2
    The number of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia currently reaches 474,455 people, starting from the announcement of the first patient on March 2, 2020, which was reported by Kompas. Each person has a different response to COVID-19. Most people who are exposed to the virus will experience mild to moderate symptoms and will recover without the need to be hospitalized.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Name :Nuraisyah
    NIM :191230055
    Class :TBI 3B

    Practice 1
    1. Right now, the novel is being written by Asma Nadia
    2. The car was repaires by Doni yesterday
    3. A food is eaten by me now 
    4. The cake would always be made by mother
    5. That beach has been visited by many tourists

    Practice 2
    Until now the corona virus is still a topic of discussion, even though the government has implemented a new normal, but the activities of workers, students, and so on are still limited, facilities and infrastructure are still in lockdown. And the appeal to prevent the transmission of the corona virus is still being applied, such as wearing a mask, maintaining distance, washing hands, and so on. The reason is that the number of victims affected by the corona virus is increasing. And the implementation of the PSBB was carried out in order to reduce the transmission of the corona virus. However, residents seem to be getting used to it, to shopping at the market, they are willing to jostle, but still have to pay attention to health protocols.


    Pasive Type 1
    1. Modern English was written by Marcella Frank.
    2. The Transmart corporate or CT Corp was established by Chairul Tanjung.
    3. My shoes was bought by my friend.
    4. The Ayam Bumbu Rujak is cook by Jerry the winner of Master chef Indonesia season 7.
    5. Indonesia was proclaimed by Soekarno at 17th of august 1945.

    The world still ongoing hit by a pandemic of Covid-19. Since 15th of March 2020 all activities are located at home, work from home and study from home. It was extremely bad year I have ever faced. There’re a lot of difficulties for study from home to me, such as learning by internet is need more quota and need good signal, and the most difficult is to manage my mood to study. I am quite hard to learn at home, because there’s nothing support such as learn at school that we have to learn the material and to do the tasks on time.

    In 2021 we still hit by a pandemic, I wish I could learn more all the material in this semester and do the tasks on time. Hopefully this pandemic would be quickly end by ebey the rules of health protocol.
