Thursday 20 May 2021


    In this session, the students learn about main ideas and supporting ideas in a spoken context. The conversation used in this session (part 1) is taken from a market or of a shop context. This topic is very important for English students to know and to practise their knowledge and experience in their life. The students could learn how people build and communicate their ideas in spoken context by identifying the main ideas and supporting ideas. Thus, the students' mastery in the topic could contribute to their listening ability. 

    Main ideas refers to the topic or the theme of the speakers' utterances while supporting ideas relates to specification of the main ideas. Therefore, the main idea is more general than supporting ideas being detailed. To understand this topic, you have to listen to the following video from YouTube Channel of BBC learning English. After that you analyse main ideas and supporting ideas found in the dialogues. 


  1. Name: Siti Hayatun Nisa
    NIM: 201230001
    Class: TBI 2A

    In my opinion:

    1. Main idea:

    Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet for buying and selling goods and services.

    2. Supporting Idea:

    The woman bought a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction with the seller of the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that his watch was not working properly so after that he went back to the market to exchange it for the cash he had previously given to the seller.

  2. Name : Annisa Cikal Mujahidah
    NIM : 201230013
    Class : TBI 2A
    According to the dialog in the video, I think the main idea is a seller of Clocks and Watches in a market.
    And the supporting idea is the buyer bought the clock but when it got to the home the clock was broken, then she returned it back to the seller and asked him for the money back.

  3. NIM : 201230031
    Name : Hilmy Aulia Rahman
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Main Idea
    a Transaction in the Market
    2. Supporting Idea
    a woman bought a watch for 10 pounds, but she returned it because it was broken and then asked the seller for refund.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI 2A

    1). Main Idea
    Main Idea of the dialogue is about buying and returning clock

    2). Supporting Details
    We can listen some dialogue that show about spesific detail of main idea. Such as when the seller said:
    “That clock for ten pounds”
    It's spesific information for buying.

    Moreover, we can listen when the buyer said : “Excuse me, this clock doesn't work”
    In other spesific detail, we can listen when the seller said : “Your money back? Huh.. Well, as it broken. Here you are”.
    From the both dialogues we can understand that the buyer return the clock because it doesn't work. Thus, the spesific information truly appropriate with the main idea.

  6. Name:Tatu Maftuhah
    Class :TBI 2A
    Nim :201230003
    1)Main idea of the dialogue is about Transaction in the market

    2)a woman bought a watch but when she got home,his watch was not working she returned then asked the seller for refund

  7. Name: Soraya Farlika Salsabila
    Nim: 201230002
    Class:Tbi 2A

    Main idea:
    In the video, the main idea is to sell clocks & watches

    -supporting detail:
    In the dialogue in the market, the clock offered by the trader is broken and the buyer asks for her money to be returned

  8. Nama : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230007

    1. Main idea
    The main idea of ​​the text above is the market, which means a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.

    2. Supporting Ideas:

    The woman buys a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction by buying the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that the clock was not working properly so after that he returned to the market to exchange it back for that hour, and took the money back.

  9. Name : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Class : Tbi_2A

    After I saw the dialogue video, in my opinion
    1. The main idea is to sell clocks and Watches in the market.
    2. The supporting idea is the cloks and watches seller offers his wares, then there is a buyer, then the buyer buys the watch at a price of 10 pounds, but after coming home the clock is broken, then the buyer takes the clock back to the market and exchanges it by asking for his money back.

  10. Nama : Mafrodatunnufus
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230034

    1. Main idea
    The main idea of ​​the text above is the market, which means a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.

    2. Supporting Ideas:

    The woman buys a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction by buying the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that the clock was not working properly so after that he returned to the market to exchange it back for that hour, and took the money back.

  11. Name : maharani
    Nim : 201230017

    1. Main idea of the dialogue is the the transaction in the market and returning a clock
    2. Sporting idea ia a women a bought a watch but when she got the home the clock was broken after that he went back to the market to excange for the cas

  12. Name : Siti Mahdiah
    NIM : 201230024

    1. Main idea
    Main idea of the dialogue is about Transaction in the Market and Return an Item (a clock).

    2. Supporting ideas
    According to the dialogue the women bought a clock in the market, we can listen when she said "How much is this clock?"
    But, when she got the home the clock was not working. We can listen from the dialogue "The clock doesn't work, can I have money back?"
    The dialogue shows the returning of an item (a clock).

  13. Name : Melinda Hestiana
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230037

    1. Main Idea
    The main idea of this dialogue is a seller of Clocks and Watches and customers about buying and returning the clocks that are happening in the Market.

    2. Supporting Ideas
    A woman who bought a clock for ten pounds, but she returned the clock because it broke when she used it maybe after a day she bought it or more because of in the video was not explained in detail. She returned to the market with the aim of informing the seller that the clocks she had bought were doesn't work. Usually every we buy an item such as phone, clock, tv or other we always get a warranty of the items. Based on my experience, I get a warranty from the watch I bought for at least 2-4 months. Usually, a seller will offer the warranty with a new item as was done by the seller of clocks and watches in the video. But the customer asks for a warranty from a seller by asking to return the money back for the price of the clocks that she has given to him.

  14. Nama: Ana rosaliatul hasanah
    Nim: 201230036
    Kelas: TBI 2A

    1.main idea
    Main idea of the dialogue is about buying and returning clock

    2.supporting details
    the clock that the woman had bought did not work and she wanted to get the money back. and the seller agreed

  15. Nama : muhammad khaeirul rizqi
    Class : 2A TBI
    NIM : 201230029
    1. the main idea of the discussion above describes buying and selling in the market between sellers and buyers
    2. Supporting Details
    In a dialogue where the buyer buys a wall clock from a clock shop for 5 pounds, and they agree, but when brought home the buyer sees the wall clock he just bought he realizes that the wall clock is damaged and will return it to the seller.
    but the seller offers to replace it with a new one and the buyer stands out and wants his money back and the seller agrees.

  16. Name: Zakia Umami
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230014

    1. The Main Idea
    A woman who visits a market stall to buy a clock and asks a sales man for the clock, he sells the clock for ten pounds then the woman agrees to buy the clock.

    2. Supporting Ideas
    on the other hand, when the woman has bought her watch and put the clock in her house, suddenly when she looks back at the clock it was not working well,and doesn't work. And after that the woman thinks of going back to the market stall. When she arrives at the market stall the woman says to the sales man that the clock is not working properly and the sales man will replace it with another clock, but the woman does not agree about that she wants to exchange it for money alone, and the sales man agreed to exchange it because it was true that the clock was already broken.

  17. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. The main ideas
    Buying and returning the clock in the market.

    2. Supporting ideas
    In the video, the woman bought the clock, when she had been in the house was broken and she returned the clock to the market and asked for the money back.

  18. Name : Wafa Mawaddah
    Class: 2A TBI
    NIM: 201230023

    1. Main idea
    This conversation is contain about interactiom of seller and buyer in the market.

    2. Supporting idea
    The seller sells watch and clock then there is buyer want to buy the clock. But after buy it evidently the clock was broke. So the buyer return it to that seller.


    1)Main idea of the dialogue is about Transaction in the market

    2)a woman bought a watch but when she got home,his watch was not working she returned then asked the seller for refund

  20. Nama : Anna sulistiana
    Nim : 201230011

    1. Main idea
    The main idea of ​​the text above is the market, which means a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.

    2. Supporting Ideas:

    The woman buys a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction by buying the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that the clock was not working properly so after that he returned to the market to exchange it back for that hour, and took the money back.

  21. Nama : Eko Saputra
    Nim : 201230008

    1. Main idea
    The main idea of ​​the text above is the market, which means a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.

    2. Supporting Ideas:

    The woman buys a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction by buying the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that the clock was not working properly so after that he returned to the market to exchange it back for that hour, and took the money back.

  22. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim: 201230016
    Class : TBI2A

    Main idea: the market, because the background of the scene is the market. The marketplace itself is a place where a seller and a customer make transactions or exchange items (money and items of interest)

    Supporting idea: at a market a woman bought a clock at the clock shop for the price (10 Pounds) and then when she got home, it did not work properly. The woman then went back to the market to tell the seller that the clock she had bought was not working. Then she asked for the money back. And the seller reluctantly agreed.

  23. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032

    Main ideas :
    Buying, complain and returning on the purchase of a clock at the market.

    Supporting ideas :
    The woman buying a clock at the market, then after she back at home the clock is doesn't work, so she is back to the market and she returning a clock and ask to her money back to seller.

  24. Nama : Anisa Mailawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230018

    - Main Idea
    Main Idea of the dialogue is about Transaction in the Market

    - Supporting Idea
    Supporting Idea that I found in the dialogue is a woman who makes transactions in the market by buying a clock for 10 pounds, but after buying the clock is broken and she returns it to the seller.

  25. Nama: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Kelas: TBI 2 A

    1. Main idea
    The main idea of ​​the text above is the market, which means a place where buyers and sellers meet to buy and sell goods and services.

    2. Supporting Ideas:

    The woman buys a watch at the watch shop in the market. He made a transaction by buying the watch. But when he got home, it turned out that the clock was not working properly so after that he returned to the market to exchange it back for that hour, and took the money back.

  26. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    ID student number : 201230026
    Class : TBI 2A

    ㅇ> The Main Idea is about Purchasing And Returning a clock

    ㅇ> Supporting Ideas :
    We can listen to some dialogue that demonstrates a specific detail of the main idea. For example, when the seller stated, "That clock for ten pounds"
    It is specific information for purchasing.
    Furthermore, The seller also said "Your money back? Well, as it is broken. Here you are"
    We can deduce from both dialogues that the buyer returned the clock because it did not work.

  27. Name: Mutia Hernata
    ISN: 201230004
    Class: 2 - A TBI

    A. The main idea of the dialogues:
    Transaction in the market between seller and buyer in Watch and clock market. The transaction : payment, agreement, returning the broke clock and buyer's money.

    B. Supporting detail of the dialogues:

    At a market a woman bought a clock for 10 Pounds and then when she got home, the clock did not work properly. The woman then went back to the market to told to the seller that the clock she had bought was broken. Then she asked for her money and the seller gave it back.

  28. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. In my opinion, main ideas of the dialogue is buying and returning a clock at the market.

    2. Supporting ideas is A woman bought a clock for 10 pounds. But when she got home, it was not work. Then she returned it back to the market and asked to seller for the money back.

  29. Name : Dwi Febriyanti
    NIM : 201230020
    TBI 2A

    1. Main idea of the dialogue is about buying and returning clock.

    2. A woman bought a clock but when she arrived at home, his clock was not working she returned then asked the seller for refund.

  30. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    TBI 2A
    1. Main idea of the dialogue is about the seller and buyer in buying and returning a clock at a market.
    2.the woman bought a clock at the clock shop. But when she got home the clock wasn't working, then she back to clock shop and Askes the seller for his money back.

  31. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    NIM: 201230028
    Class: TBI 2A
    1. The main idea of ​​this story is the transaction of a clock in the market.
    2. The woman bought a watch in the market for ten pounds, but when she got home the clock was not working properly, then she went back to the market intending to exchange the watch for her money back, then the seller agreed with the reason the watch was broken.

  32. Robi'atul Addawiyyah
    181230083/ TBI 6C

    1. Seller and buyer transactions in the market

    2. A woman bought a watch for 10 pounds, but when she brought it home, it either didn't work or was broken. The woman returned to the market and asked the watch seller to return her money because the watch she bought did not work.

  33. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti

    Main Idea: watch sale and watch purchase in market.

    supporting details: There was a woman who bought a watch in a shop, but after returning home the clock was broken, then the woman sold the watch again.

  34. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    NIM : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. The main idea is "Market" where the seller sells the clock and the buyer returns the clock because it's broken

    2. Supporting detail when the seller stated, "That clock for ten pounds"
    It is specific information for purchasing.
    Furthermore, The seller also said "Your money back? Well, as it is broken. Here you are"
    We can deduce from both dialogues that the buyer returned the clock because it did not work.

  35. Name : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI-2 A

    1. Main idea of the dialogue is about buying and returning clock.

    2. Supporting detail in the dialogue isA woman bought a clock but when she arrived at home, his clock was not working she returned then asked the seller for refund.
