Thursday 27 May 2021


Language skills relates to people knowledge and experience on language features and language use. Language features refer to Language form and knowledge including theories. But, language use represents how people apply their language knowledge as competence into practice as performance.  Therefore, language skills are learnt in this subject. They involve language process and language capacity as discussed in SLA theories. I take some ideas talking this topic including Chomsky, Hymes, etc. see the following presentation to learn more about this topic and do the practice in this blog comment. 


  1. My name is entol arie soffanuddien (18120035) , let me answer mrs:
    1)in my opinion, of course, it is closely related to the input of material sources in mastering language skills, for example when we remember what we get from new vocabulary, of course it adds a lot of material to apply to these language skills.
    2) because it relates to training the ability of the brain which affects memory, the ability to process and convey material

  2. Hayu Amalia
    TBI 6 A

    1. Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed any link between memory and language skill in hippocampus as a part of brain that has role to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.

    2. According to Chomsky, language skill as a biologically based cognitive capacity known as cognitive revolution that disscuses in psycholinguistics. Hence, it has been one of topics in psycholinguistics.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lida Maulida
    TBI 6E

    ● How does memory relate to language skills?
    It is because in language skill there's a production. Production of language, and and its production involved memory. We memorize all the input to our brain, what we got, and then there'll be a production, and the results is output, such speaking and writing.

    ● Why does language skill include as a topic in Psycholinguistics?
    Because there is a relationship between language skills and Psycholinguistics that comes from the theory of SLA. Based on Chomsky, he stated that language as a biologically based cognitive capacity known as cognitive revolution. Furthermore, Hymes (1972) argues that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used. Therefore, both proposed competence and performance. So that's why language skill include as a one of the Psycholinguistic topic.

  5. Name : Rahmah Antika Zahraa
    NIM : 181230181
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. Memory related to language skills can receive input, both oral and written, passive and active. Then provide an interpretation of the input to understand. People pay more attention to the meaning of the words. Therefore, one preserves not the words heard or read but the content or meaning of the entire word. When people want to restate the newly heard or read thing, they will not use the exact words that they receive.
    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  6. Dewi Sri Wahyuni 181230024
    TBI 6A

    1. memory is one of the characters possessed by living things in the form of the ability to remember what is already known. With this transformation, humans can think about an object, even though the object was not sensed when the thought process was carried out by him. Related to the above, it can be said that humans can actually think without using language, but language makes learning and memory easier, solving problems and drawing conclusions.
    With language, it is easier for humans to express their thoughts. that's why memory and language skills are related.

    2. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science.
    Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  7. Name : Muhlis
    NIM : 181230186
    Class : TBI-6E

    Well, the way to do this is to think about day-to-day things we do and see how they naturally involve different skills.

    For example, imagine you are organising a work trip or a social excursion with some friends. Perhaps you first read an email proposing the trip; next, you write a response. Then maybe you speak about the trip or listen to a phone message about a change of plan. You negotiate the details of the trip, either writing or speaking, and then tell someone about your planned trip. During that process you read, write, listen and speak.

  8. Uswatun Aisyah (181230021)
    TBI 6A

    1. Memory and language skills are related because language skills can affect memory. and language is known as a means of communication or a tool of memory because with the language messages are conveyed from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message. As in memory there is a word that we have remembered. therefore, if we can't remember, our language skills will decrease because the words are stored in memory.
    2. Because language skills and psycholinguistics have a relationship that comes from SLA theory. C. Language is the ability to produce and understand spoken and written words (and in the case of sign language, signed words). Understanding how language works means spanning many branches of psychology - from basic neurological functions to higher-order cognitive processes. therefore language belongs to the topic of psycholinguistics.

  9. Name : Sithi Alfiqaroh Suarti
    SRN : 181230172
    TBI 6-E

    1.The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.

    2. And the relationship between language skills and Psycholinguistics comes from the theory of SLA. Chomsky states that language as a biologically
    based cognitive capacity known as cognitive
    revolution. Then, Hymes (1972) argues that
    using language does not only capacity but also
    how and why it have been used. Therefore, both proposed competence and performance as a part of language practices. And the four of language skills to helps understand the difficult for pshycholinguistic for students.

  10. NIM : 181230075
    Kelas : 6B

    1. because in my opinion, language never escapes from daily habits and becomes a definite means of communication .. therefore things that are spoken can easily be absorbed by the brain and become a memory.
    Hand and writing are the areas that control the right hand. Speech and face are regions that control the speech channel nerves. Auditory is the area that processes spoken language in the right ear. The tactile is an area that processes sensory information through the skin, nerves and right hand. Meanwhile, visual is an area that processes written language.

    2. The main goal of a psycholinguist is to find the structures and processes that underlie the human ability to speak and understand language. Psycholinguists are not interested in language interactions among speakers of languages. Their main focus is to explore what happens when individuals speak the language.

  11. SRN : 181230136
    NAME : Rahmania aulia
    CLASS : TBI 6 D

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?
    answer : memory can be internal factor and dominated in language and learning and in memory we receive everything about information,language and study. when someone have high memory will easily to cconvey and express what is in their memory
    2. why does language skill include as a topic in psycholinguistic
    answer : because we as human communicate with the other through language also there are four language skill and psycholinguistic provide and make easier to learn this. there are memory,brain and explain about relation between language and memory

  12. Nama : Salma Aida Maftuhah
    Kelas : 181230068 (TBI 6B)

    In general, the acquisition of a second language according to experts

    language such as Noam Chomsky, means impossibility, cause

    according to him, the language acquisition is only for the first language
    (mother), not in the second language. But Stephen Krashen thought
    otherwise; the argument states that a second language is possible
    obtained like the first language. Krashen was not the only time
    different opinions and disagreements, even in terms of language learning
    Stephen Krashen has the opposite opinion with linguists
    another. If most linguists attach importance to language rules
    Grammatical Rules at the time of learning the language, Krashen even rejected it. In
    eyes, the essence of language learning is the ability to be
    speak and communicate (communication) the target language.

  13. Siti Nurkholipah 181230036 6A

    1. Memory is considered the key to acquiring words and familiarizing oneself with grammar patterns in a new language. The brain does the same with language. The role of the hippocampus is to connect incoming words from stored sematic knowledge to understand and produce sentence meanings.
    2. Because in psycholinguistic discuss about the cognitive process that support the acquisition of the language. According to Chomsky argues that language is biological
    cognitive capacity based which is known as cognitive revolution

  14. Nurafia Widianingsih (181230015) – TBI 6A
    1. In my opinion, memory is related to language skills because the language process that is carried out will be repeated and remembered in memory.
    2. In my opinion, language skills are included as a topic in psycholinguistics because they relate to a person's speaking, listening, reading and writing processes.

  15. Annisa Ayundi Prastiwi
    TBI 6A

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?
    I think, both are related because memory is a place to store all information, and language skills are the ability to produce and receive language. The relation is, the information contained in human memory will be transferred into a response in the form of language.

    2. why does language skill include as a topic in psycholinguistics?
    In my opinion, it is because psycholinguistics investigates the psychological and neurological aspects that enable individuals to acquire, use, and understand language, which is a part of language skills.

  16. Mimin 181230011 6A

    *How is memory related to language skills?
    Language skills and memory are of course closely related to our memory, language can actually be used to help someone's memory. With language we can remember better, orderly, and systematically. So, language helps us to be able to sharpen our memory of something, but language does not control our thinking.

    *Why are language skills covered as a topic in psycholinguistics?
    because the main goal of a psycholinguist is to find the structures and processes that underlie the human ability to speak and understand language. Psycholinguists are not interested in language interactions among speakers of languages. Their main focus is to explore what happens when individuals speak the language.

  17. Name: Melani Agustini
    Nim: 181230168
    Class: TBI 6E

    1. Language and memory have historically been studied apart, as unique cognitive abilities, and with distinct research traditions and methods. Over the past several decades, however, a growing body of evidence suggests that language and memory are heavily intertwined and may even rely on shared cognitive
    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  18. Name : Syiva Ana Eka Putri
    NIM : 181230004
    Class : TBI 6A

    1. Language is memory. Or perhaps more completely, language is two types of memory.

    Whenever we are ready to speak/write/(use language), it is in the context of a maelstrom of memory in the two hemispheres of the brain. Whatever triggered us to use language also triggered activation of lots of memories, based on the trigger. This maelstrom is not consciously felt (by most of us); it occurs unconsciously, and it provides the syntactic and emotional content expressed in the words.

    2. The relationship between language skills and
    Psycholinguistics comes from the theory of SLA.
    Chomsky states that language as a biologically
    based cognitive capacity known as cognitive
    revolution. Then, Hymes (1972) argues that
    using language does not only capacity but also
    how and why it have been used. Therefore, both
    proposed competence and performance as a
    part of language practices.

  19. Name: Moh Faiz
    Class: TBI 6B

    in my opinion language is indeed a theory that we can learn more deeply depending on what language we want to learn, of course there are many ins and outs that we do not necessarily know from each language, because language is unique and has its own character

  20. Name : Latifia Khoirunnisa
    NIM : 181230019
    class : TBI 6A

    1. In my opinion, the relationship between memory and language skills because memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. Most of what we know about this world does not come from when we were born but we get through the experiences we store in our memory, especially in language skills.

    2. why language skills are one of the topics in psycholinguistics because it is based on the theory of chomsky states that language as a biologically based cognitive capacity known as cognitive revolution. so, language is something that will develop. Moreover, language is a human language that continues to experience development in accordance with the human context, both in speaking, writing, reading and etc.

  21. Reni Mutiara
    TBI 6B

    1. Memory is closely related to language skills because memory really determines a person in further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech.
    2. The role of psycholinguistics in language learning or in languahe skill is very important because by understanding psycholinguistics a teacher understands the processes that occur in students when students listen, speak, read, or write so that when the ability in language skills is problematic, rake can see from a psychological point of view as an alternative solution.


    1. The native speakers of Left Branching found that languages had significantly better working memory capacity for items presented early in a memory task, and that native speakers of Right Branching languages had far better memory for items presented later. In other words, the way we speak affects the way we think.
    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  23. Eva alawiyah / 181230115 / 6C

    1. In my opinion, Memory has a very important role in language learning because when we learn a language it means we have to recognize new vocabulary which we have to remember in order to speak using the language we are learning.

    2. Psycholinguistics as a study of the psychology of language is realized in language teaching. It helps to study the psychological factors that are possibly involved in languages learning.
    Psycholinguistics focuses on the application of the actual language and communication.
    Students are considered as people that always involve the three domains of psychology -cognitive, affective, and psychomotor in their daily activities.
    The psycholinguistics approach focuses upon what humans know when they talk and how they acquire that knowledge and how that knowledge is put to use. Matlin (1994) states that the central approach of psycholinguistics theory is how people learn a language biologically and what transformational rules that enable people understand the language. This means that developmentally appropriate instruction must be considered in language learning.

  24. Syelvina Apriliani
    TBI 6 C

    • How does memory related to language skills?
    Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed this link between language and memory via the hippocampus. The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning. Memory is the faculty of the brain by which data or information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed. It is the retention of information over time for the purpose of influencing future action.

    • Why does language skills include as a topic in psycholinguistics?
    Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. And language skills include as a topic in psycholinguistics because to know humans as language users. In this aspect, psycholinguistics provides it as a form of acquiring a language. And listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  25. Dzakiyatun Naqia
    181230101 - 6/C

    Alhamdulillah... I have understood the material that was presented. I'd like to answer the questions according to the material.

    1. Memory is powerfully relates to language skills. Memory is part of a neological factor for humans in the development of language skills. With memory, A man can process the acquisition of language and the development of its skill so that humans can store various knowledge and memories of the language being learned.

    2. Language skill becomes one of the topics in psycholinguistics because language skills becomes the aim of learning psychoolinguistics. The ability begins with how students acquire language and all the factors that support and prohibit from within the students.

  26. Nur Annisa Saputri
    TBI 6C

    The relationship between psychology and linguistics is that they both examine material as a formal object, only the material is different, linguistics examines the structure of language while psychology studies language behavior or language processes. Their language behavior is a reflection of their culture. So psychology as a science about the soul, in relation to language skills.

  27. Nur Annisa Saputri
    TBI 6C

    How does memory relate to language skills?
    I think It is because in language skill there's a production. Production of language, and and its production involved memory. We memorize all the input to our brain, what we got, and then there'll be a production, and the results is output, such speaking and writing.

    while Language skill becomes one of the topics in psycholinguistics because language skills becomes the aim of learning psychoolinguistics. The ability begins with how students acquire language and all the factors that support and prohibit from within the students.

  28. Kartika Chandra Kirana
    Tbi 6C

    1. Bahasa dan ingatan memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat, karena dengan bahasa maka mampu mengubah maupun mempengaruhi ingatan. Bahasa dikenal sebagai alat komunikasi atau alat dari pemikiran (tool of though), karena dengan bahasalah pesan-pesan disampaikan dari pengirim pesan (sender) ke penerima pesan (receiver).
    2. Karena Peran Psikolinguistik dalam pembelajaran bahasa sangat penting karena dengan memamahami psikolinguistik seorang guru memahami proses yang terjadi dalam diri siswa ketika siswa menyimak, berbicara, membaca, ataupun menulis sehingga manakala kemampuan dalam keterampilan berbahasa bermasalah, garu dapat melihat dari sudut pandang psikologi sebagai alternative solusinya.

  29. Dian Herawati

    1. Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed this link between language and memory via the hippocampus. The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning. Short-term memory is an on-line capacity for processing and elaborating new information,this is why it is responsible in language learning and development. Verbal short-term memory abilities,words memorisation,words repetition and vocabulary learning are related in some way.

    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  30. Name : Hayanun
    SRN : 181230041
    Class : 6B

    I want to answer the questions,
    • About memory and language skills are related,
    Our verbal memory's ability to be actively present and process information simultaneously is very limited. This limitation leads to a functional requirement for a language understanding system in which comprehension must take processed items to fully integrate new information into evolving interpretations. Usually, limitations on storage and memory retrieval are important determinants of language skill. In addition, language systems must interact with linguistic and conceptual knowledge to create meaning.
    • Psycholinguistics is the study of humans as language users, namely the study of language systems that exist in humans that can explain how humans can capture other people's ideas and how they can express their own ideas through language, both orally and in writing. If it is related to language skills that must be mastered, this is related to language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing, psycholinguistics also studies the acquisition of language by humans so that humans are able to speak. Furthermore, it can communicate with other humans, including the stages that a person goes through when she/he learns language. According to Palmatier, he stated that psycholinguistics is a science that studies children's language development. All acquired languages are essentially necessary for communication.

  31. Fika mahfudotun nisa
    TBI 6 C

    1. Memory is very important in language skills. Because to be able to speak requires us to remember vocabulary. If your memory is low, your language skills will be impaired.

    2. because Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. This is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain.

  32. Name : Nur Rasmayanti
    SRN : 181230066
    Class : TBI-6B

    I would like to answer the question

    1. Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are three major processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval. The memory is important for our whole life. Without memory in the past, we cannot work in the present or think about the future. We do not remember what we did yesterday, what we did today or what we want to do tomorrow. We could not discover anything without a reminder.

    2. Psycholinguistic is looking for mental aspects of language and language. This is mainly the way the language is presented and treated in the brain. Directorate of Linguistics and Psychology, psycholinguistic is part of the territory of cognitive science. Listen, read, talk and write are called four language skills. In particular, psycholinguistic helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills difficulties of internal difficulties and external difficulties. Psycholingeringinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that the students do in language learning.

  33. Shafira Rizky Maulidya
    181240108 / TBI 6C

    1. Memory is an integral part of human existence. Most of what we know about this world does not come from the time we were born but we gain through the experiences we store in our memories. Language is a human medium to think abstractly which allows factual objects to be transformed into abstract symbols. With this transformation, humans can think about an object, even though the object was not sensed when the thought process was carried out by him. With language, it is easier for humans to express their thoughts. whether it's solving problems, thinking lightly, just chatting with family and friends or so on. With language, humans are also able to abstract their experiences and communicate them with others because language is an infinite system of symbols or symbols capable of expressing all thoughts. Memory has a very important role in the use of language. which is a place where sounds and words (meaning of words) are stored, and here is also a place where ideas (concepts) and ideas are formed. Based on its location, memory is divided into three parts: sensory register, short term memory, and long term memory.

    2. Because theoretically, the main goal of psycholinguistics is to find a theory of language that is appropriate and superior in terms of linguistics and psychology that is able to explain the nature of language and its acquisition.

  34. Syifa Qotrun Nada
    TBI 6B

    Language definitely has 4 basic skills. These basic skills are also often used as a benchmark in assessing a person's language skills.In addition, these 4 basic skills are also quite important for communicating in English. The 4 basic English skills are Listening, speaking, reading and writing.


  35. Arista Miratun Nufus

    1. Language and memory have historically been studied apart, as unique cognitive abilities, and with distinct research traditions and methods. Over the past several decades, however, a growing body of evidence suggests that language and memory are heavily intertwined and may even rely on shared cognitive and neural mechanisms. Cutting across theoretical and methodological approaches, these findings offer novel insights into the interactions and interdependencies of language and memory. These advances also have considerable theoretical and clinical implications for the neurobiology of language and memory, their development, representation, and maintenance across the lifespan, the intervention and rehabilitation of disorders of language and memory, and the evolution of these two quintessential human abilities.

    2. relationship between language skills and Psycholinguistics that comes from the theory of SLA. Based on Chomsky, he stated that language as a biologically based cognitive capacity known as cognitive revolution. Furthermore, Hymes (1972) argues that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used. Therefore, both proposed competence and performance. So that's why language skill include as a one of the Psycholinguistic topic.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Name : Siti Ifat Fatimah
    SRN : 181230076
    Class : TBI-6B

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?
    Memory and language skills are related because language skills can affect memory and language is known as a means of communication or a tool of memory because with the language messages are conveyed from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message. As in memory there is a word that we have remembered. therefore, if we can't remember, our language skills will decrease because the words are stored in memory.

    2. Why does language skills include as a topic in Psycholinguistics?
    Because language skills and psycholinguistics have a relationship that comes from SLA theory. C. Language is the ability to produce and understand spoken and written words (and in the case of sign language, signed words). Understanding how language works means spanning many branches of psychology - from basic neurological functions to higher-order cognitive processes. therefore language belongs to the topic of psycholinguistics.

  38. Name : Susilawati
    SRN : 181230073
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. Memory relate to language skill it because memeory are centrally involved in a wide variety of cognitive activities, from simple daily skills, such as remembering a list of groceries, to more complex cognitive activities, include language skill (reading, speaking, listening and writing).

    2. I think language skill include in phsycolinguistic because in secifically psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of language skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  39. Name : khusniyah
    SRN : 181230048
    Class : TBI 6 B
    I think language skills should be trained from an early age, through reading stories to children and rewriting the stories.

  40. Name: Nur 'Afifah Zafa
    SRN: 181230077
    Class : TBI 6B
    In my opinion Reading and Listening are called receptive skills because when we listen and read something we receive the language, understand it and decode the meaning. Speaking and writing are called productive skills because we use the language to produce a message through speech or written text.

  41. Syifa Qotrun Nada
    TBI 6B

    1. Memory related to language skills can receive input, both oral and written, passive and active. Then provide an interpretation of the input to be understood. People pay more attention to the meaning of the words. Therefore, someone does not save the words heard or read but the content or meaning of the whole word. When people want to restate something they have just heard or read, they will not use the exact words they received.
    2. Because in psycholinguistics discusses cognitive processes that support language acquisition. According to Chomsky,language is biological based on cognitive capacities known as cognitive revolution

  42. Name : Sri sulastri
    Nim : 181230046
    Class : TBI 6B

    1. Language and memory have historically been studied apart, as unique cognitive abilities, and with distinct research traditions and methods. Over the past several decades, however, a growing body of evidence suggests that language and memory are heavily intertwined and may even rely on shared cognitive and neural mechanisms. Cutting across theoretical and methodological approaches, these findings offer novel insights into the interactions and interdependencies of language and memory.

    2. relationship between language skills and Psycholinguistics that comes from the theory of SLA. Based on Chomsky, he stated that language as a biologically based cognitive capacity known as cognitive revolution. Furthermore, Hymes (1972) argues that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used. Therefore, both proposed competence and performance. So that's why language skill include as a one of the Psycholinguistic topic.

  43. Name. : Divia Rahma Yulianti
    Nim. : 181230051
    Class : tbi 6 B

    For me, first, The hippocampus acts like a router to link related memories. Let’s take an orange for example. The color, shape, texture, taste of an orange let us know that it’s an orange. These are all different associations our brain remembers to help us understand that it is in fact an orange.They found that verbal working memory was a strong predictor of both informal and formal skills. ... The more complex skills (e.g., those that require multiple steps) are likely to have stronger relations to working memory than more basic skills
    Second, Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science. It helps to study the psychological factors that are possibly involved in languages learning. Psycholinguistics focuses on the application of the actual language and communication. It is necessary to make a decision in applying various methods that allow students to easily understand a language.

  44. Name: Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN: 181230055
    Class: TBI 6B

    1. Memory and language are very clearly connected. Memory is an important aspect of the formation of language. A language can be said to be 'permanent' if it is used repeatedly and goes through the process of remembering to remember. The brain is the main center of memory in terms of names, times, events or language.

    2. Hymes (1972) argues that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. Psycholinguistics also helps explain mistakes students make in language learning that is represented and processed in the brain. As a branch of linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the cognitive science field (reading, listening, writing and speaking).

  45. Name: Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN: 181230055
    Class: TBI 6B

    1. Memory and language are very clearly connected. Memory is an important aspect of the formation of language. A language can be said to be 'permanent' if it is used repeatedly and goes through the process of remembering to remember. The brain is the main center of memory in terms of names, times, events or language.

    2. Hymes (1972) argues that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. Psycholinguistics also helps explain mistakes students make in language learning that is represented and processed in the brain. As a branch of linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the cognitive science field (reading, listening, writing and speaking).

  46. Name: Nafa Saniati SRN: 181230057 Assalamualaikum. Miss, i wanna share my opinion about this topic. In my opinion, the brain portion of the cerebral cortex is white and is the largest part of the human brain system. This section regulates or manages cognitive processes in humans, and one of them of course is language. This cartilage-like structure in the left hamisphere of the brain plays a role in conveying information between the two hemispheres so that communication and language can occur. And why this topic includes in psycholinguistic topic? I think because language has a grammar setting, formulas, and other complicated things that of course involve the brain to work. In addition, psycholinguistics is a branch of linguistics that combines psychology and linguistics. In linguistics we recognize vocabbulary, language structure, and ways of communicating. The study of how people use language as a system and studying language is the scope of psycholinguistic studies. According to Noam Chomsky about competence (competence or language skills) and performance (appearance or use of language in real situations). According to him, competence refers to "language formulas that have been mastered and stored by language users" (the implicit rules of the language stored in the mind of the speaker). So it is clear that the language skills topic includes in this subject. Thank You.

  47. Name : Agtrisya Tamara Putri
    SRN/Class : 181230043/TBI 6B

    How does memory relate to language skills?
    I think memory and language skills are closely related because the language or messages we receive will be received and entered into the working memory system. If we can remember that means our language skills are more.

    Why does language skill include as a topic in Psycholinguistics?
    because with us as social beings there is often an interaction that must have language skills, and it is related to the previous question that our language skills work through the memory system and the memory can remember words, information and knowledge in the brain. therefore language skills are included in the topic of psycholinguistic.

    TBI 6B

    1. Memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech. Related to this, brain disorders can inhibit a person's speech disorders and other symptoms of language.

    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  49. Name : Esti Rahayu Pratiwi
    NIM : 181230040
    Class: TBI-6B

    1. It seems obvious that speaking and understanding language draw upon our memories – of words, context, people, etc. – but psychologists have typically studied language and memory as separate functions of the brain, essentially ignoring any interconnection.

    A new experiment conducted by University of California, Berkeley, psychologists shows that memory and language are in fact deeply linked, via the hippocampus, which plays a key role in memory associations.

    The hippocampus, nestled in the center of the brain, acts like a router to link related memories – the color, shape, feel, scent and taste of an orange, for example – so that we are able to make associations. The brain region’s new role in relating incoming words to stored semantic knowledge is necessary in understanding and generating sentence meaning, the researchers say.

    memory contributes as a sentence is evolving in time; it is a real-time part of our language system, not a slave to the language system.

    2. Because the relationship between language skills and
    Psycholinguistics comes from the theory of SLA.
    Chomsky states that language as a biologically
    based cognitive capacity known as cognitive
    revolution. Then, Hymes (1972) argues that
    using language does not only capacity but also
    how and why it have been used. Therefore, both
    proposed competence and performance as a
    part of language practices.

  50. Muzdalifah
    TBI 6B

    1. A person is said to have speaking skills when the skill involved is capable of selecting language sounds (consisting of words, sentences, and stresses and tones) correctly and formulating them correctly to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas, facts, actions in a particular context of communication. Then, one is said to be skillful in listening (listening) when it involves the ability to interpret the meaning of language sounds (consisting of words, sentences, pressures, and tones) that the speaker conveys in a specific context of communication. In turn, it is said that a person has writing skills when it comes to choosing written forms of language (consisting of words, sentences, paragraphs) and using appropriate rhetoric (written organization) to express thoughts, feelings, ideas, facts. Finally, it is said that a person is skilled in reading where it is concerned that he can interpret the meaning and written forms of the language (consisting of the words, sentences, paragraphs, written organization) that he reads. And everything that is done is recorded through the brain and stored in the memory therefore the language skills are closely related to memory

    2. Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly. Psycholinguistics mainly helps teachers to consider the use of appropriate method to teach that four language skill.

  51. Name : Kikin Sakinah
    NIM : 181230059
    Class :TBI 6B

    1. Memory skills are centrally involved in a wide variety of cognitive activities, from simple daily skills, such as remembering a list of groceries, to more complex cognitive activities, such as reading or mathematics. and memory is closely related to language learning. when we learn language (reading, writing, speaking, listening) it will immediately enter into our memory. whether it goes into short-term memory or long-term memory

    2. has been confirmed and can be seen from the understanding of Psycholinguistics.
    Psycholinguistics is a science which studies language behavior, both visible and invisible behavior. For more details, regarding the following understanding of Psycholinguistics, several definitions of Psycholinguistics are presented. Aitchison (Dardjowidojo, 2003: 7) argues that psycholinguistics is the study of language and soul. Field (2003: 2) suggests psycholinguistics explores the relationship between the human mind and language. Psycholinguistics discusses the relationship between the human brain and language. The soul or brain operates when language is used.

  52. Name : Rizki Nur Azizah
    NIM : 181230044
    TBI 6B

    1. Language assessment tasks that place dual demands on language and memory abilities reflect the authentic demands of curricular discourse processing, but they present challenges of interpretation. Without further assessment, it may be impossible to know whether an error on a particular language task was due to inadequate skill in the primary language trait assessed or weakness in a general processing capacity such as verbal short-term or working memory. For purposes of differential diagnosis and intervention planning, it would be helpful to know whether any problems are better explained by deficits in a student's existing language skills, such as phonemic awareness, vocabulary knowledge, and syntactic ability or deficits in verbal short-term or working memory processes used to access that knowledge in the context of a particular task.
    2. Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. Psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. Language perception refers to listening and reading, while the language production refers to speaking and writing. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly. Psycholinguistics mainly helps teachers to consider the use of appropriate method to teach that four language skill.

  53. Nama : Manda
    Nim : 181230045
    Kl : TBI 6B

    1. Language is a system of human symbols the most complete language so that it can used as a symbol of a culture an ethnic group (ethnoculture) based on the existence of a dialect or accent language wide variety of variations.
    2. Psycholinguistics includes cognitive processes that can produce meaningful and grammatically correct sentences from vocabulary and grammatical structures, including processes that make expressions, words, writing, and so on be understood.

  54. Annisa Riyana Hamdani
    TBI 6B

    1. Memory and language skills are related because language skills can affect memory and language is known as a means of communication or a tool of memory because with the language messages are conveyed from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message. As in memory there is a word that we have remembered. therefore, if we can't remember, our language skills will decrease because the words are stored in memory.

    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  55. Nama : murdevi (181230156)
    Class : TBI 6D

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?

    Memory and language are an inseparable unit. The two of them are related. Memory has a very important role in language skills, which is a place where sounds and words (meaning of words) are stored, and here is also a place where ideas (concepts) and ideas are formed.

    2. Why does language skill include as a topic in Psycholinguistics?

    Because one of the goals of studying psycholinguistics is to find a theory of language that is appropriate in terms of linguistics and psychology that is able to explain the nature of language and its acquisition. I think that's why language skills include as a topic in Psycholinguistics.

  56. Ade Putri Astini

    1. Memory and language are very clearly connected. Memory is an important aspect of the formation of language. A language can be said to be 'permanent' if it is used repeatedly and goes through the process of remembering to remember. The brain is the main center of memory in terms of names, times, events or language.

    2. Language skill becomes one of the topics in psycholinguistics because language skills becomes the aim of learning psychoolinguistics. The ability begins with how students acquire language and all the factors that support and prohibit from within the students.

  57. Siti Nurkomariyah (181230074)

    1. The relationship between language and memory, the brain does the same with language. The role of the hippocampus is to connect incoming words from stored sematic knowledge to understand and produce sentence meanings.
    2. Because in particular, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of the four language skills, namely (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps explain mistakes students make in language learning.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Name : Usrotul Hiyaroh
    Nim : 181230067
    Class : TBI 6B
    In my opinion, language (language) is a means of communication between individuals and other individuals. Chomsky argues that language is a part of the mind which is expressed in accordance with the working power of the mind and the human congenital system. Meanwhile, one of the linguistic figures, Leonard Bloomfield, stated that language allows a person to make a response (R) when someone else gets a stimulus (S).
    In Chomsky's theory of generative transformation, it can be implemented into Arabic in all its patterns, especially the two patterns. However, in Arabic grammar, especially Arabic Koran, these patterns are very diverse and varied. For example, there is a change in harakat caused by differences in the position of i ‟râb, the al-ziyâdah pattern which has many patterns or ways, as well as the placement pattern (al-ihlâl) and the i‟ âdat al-tartîb pattern, especially in taqdîm wa ta. 'Khîr and hadzf.
    This proves that the language of the Koran is much more universal than the languages ​​of the other world. It is proven by the number of studies that are never quiet about it, including the theory of generative transformation. This also proves its majesty and privilege as a holy book that sâlih li kulli zamân wa makân even with the latest theory which nota bene comes from non-Muslims though.

  60. Azriel Sani Akbar

    1. Memory really determines a person in conducting further communication. Communicating requires language. As it is known that the state of one's memory depends on the human brain which consists of the right and left hemispheres. It also determines a person's ability to perform everyday speech. Related to this, brain disorders can inhibit a person's speech disorders and other symptoms of language.

    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  61. Dhea Putri Herdiani
    TBI -6E
    1. Memory and language skills are related because language skills can affect memory and language is known as a means of communication or a tool of memory because with the language messages are conveyed from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message. As in memory there is a word that we have remembered. therefore, if we can't remember, our language skills will decrease because the words are stored in memory.
    2.Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science.

  62. Kafiatus Syiriah
    TBI 6E

    1- The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.
    What’s interesting is researchers reported patients with hippocampal damage displayed symptoms with problems relating word meanings to each other, which would now support this new finding that memory is linked to language learning.
    This is a significant finding that is going to help us understand how we speak and understand language. It’s going to bring about a whole new area of studying language and the brain’s involvement in understanding language. This could also be the reason why my wife is way off when it comes to filling in the blank. Her hippocampus might be slightly damaged.

    2- Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language,
    produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of
    language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching
    methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistic approach views learning as a
    cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension.
    As an approach, there are some methods which were developed based on psycholinguistics theories
    such as natural method, total physical response method, and suggestopedia method. These methods
    apply psycholinguistic principles that how a person acquires his/her mother tongue or first language
    (First Language Acquisition), learns his/her second or third language (Second Language Learning),
    perceives a language (Language Perception), and produces language (Language Production).
    Language perception refers to listening and reading, while the language production refers to speaking
    and writing. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills.
    Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic
    difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in
    the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that
    affect language learning performance such as agraphia and aphasia which must be treated properly.
    Psycholinguistics mainly helps teachers to consider the use of appropriate method to teach that four
    language skills.

  63. Name: sarmidawati 181230193
    Class: TBI 6 E

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?

    It is because language and memory via the hippocampus. The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.

    2. Why does language skill include  as a topic in Psycholinguistics?

    Because, psycholinguistics as a study of the psychology of language is realized in Specific abilities thought to predict success in language learning have been studied Psycholinguistics helps to find interesting topic to write.
    knowledge about linguistics that is really needed to study the next topics in beside having language skills, the language teachers has to have.

  64. Name : Anisa Fauziah
    Nim : 181230164
    Class : TBI 6 E

    1. Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed this link between language and memory via the hippocampus. ... The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.
    2. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  65. Name : martagati zahratul jannah
    NIM : 171230174

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's theory emphasizes the dependence of human thought on language.

    Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed this link between language and memory via the hippocampus.
    The hippocampus acts like a router to link related memories. Let’s take an orange for example. The color, shape, texture, taste of an orange let us know that it’s an orange. These are all different associations our brain remembers to help us understand that it is in fact an orange.

    knight said in his research
    "This study shows that memory contributes as a sentence is evolving in time; it is a real-time part of our language system, not a slave to the language system,"

    2. what does language skill include as a topic in psycholinguistics?

    Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech.

    psycholinguistics, Specifically, helps to understand the difficulties of four language skills (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  66. Name : Ika nur ‘amalina putri
    NIM : 181230169 TBI 6 E

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?

    Language is a means of communication between humans used to describe the thoughts, feelings, and intentions of the heart. It also distinguishes between humans and animals because language is a special capability unique to humans. With language skills humans are called hayawanun nathiq (speaking animals), this predicate and interpreting similar abilities in animals and also shows that human society is always bound together by the language they use because each society is formed, alive, and growing in it. Hence, languages besides having communicative functions also have cognitive and emotional functions.

    2. Why does language skill include  as a topic in Psycholinguistics?

    Because through psychology we can learn about how a student's attitude and behavior in the acquisition and learning of language while through linguistics we can learn about the concepts and structure of language. At the language mastering stage are found four phases of language encoding in children: (1) sensory deficiencies (birth to 2 stages 3 years old (2) preoperational stages (ages 3 to 6 or 7), (3) concrete operations (ages 6/15 to 11 or 12 years), (4) formal operational stages (ages 12 to adulthood). Whereas learning a language is done formally in formal Settings, such as classroom learning.

  67. Nama: Dede Rapli
    Kelas:Tbi 6-E

    1.How does memory relate to language skill?
    memory and language have a significant relationship, because we will reveal what we have remembered, and if we forget it will not be said.

    2. Why does language skill include as a topic in psycholinguistics?

    because Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science.

  68. Anggun Al-Fariatunnisa
    181230163 TBI-6E

    1. How does memory relate to language skills?

    languages had significantly better working memory capacity for items presented early in a memory task, and that native speakers of Right Branching languages had far better memory for items presented later. In other words, the way we speak affects the way we think.

    2. Why does language skill include as a topic in psycholinguistics?

    Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Name : Ati Darojatarrofiah
      Nim : 181230196
      Class : TBI VI-E
      1) memory is linked to language learning.
      This is a significant finding that is going to help us understand how we speak and understand language. It’s going to bring about a whole new area of studying language and the brain’s involvement in understanding language.
      2) A psycholinguistic perspective on reference focuses on the mental representations and processes that underlie people's ability to use language, both as speakers and writers and as listeners and readers.
      Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science.

  70. Name : Siti Nuraini
    Nim : 181230171
    Class : TBI 6E

    1). Because memory has an important role to play in the language skills process. With memory we can know what we will say or write in language skills. Memory also moves in the process of language skills.

    2). Because language skills are involved the ability of language production, such as speaking and writing. When you are speaking we actually think or making form in our mind about what we have to say and what we should to avoid. It is based on Hymes (1972) argue's that using language does not only capacity but also how and why it have been used.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Agits Fikri Mumtazi

    - Of course memory is possible with language skills, because memory is very important in language skills. According to Sarlito (1982: 55-56) Giving is an act of saving
    things you've been known to at another time issued and
    reused. Without memory, then almost impossible a person
    learn something.

    -Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Name: Dita Aurellia
    SNR. : 181230185
    Class.: TBI 6 E

    1. Learning and memory are closely related concepts. Learning is the acquisition of skill or knowledge, while memory is the expression of what we’ve acquired. If we acquire the new skill or knowledge slowly and laboriously, that’s learning. If acquisition occurs instantly, that’s making a memory.
    Language is memory. Or perhaps more completely, language is two types of memory.
    Whenever we are ready to speak/write/(use language), it is in the context of a maelstrom of memory in the two hemispheres of the brain. Whatever triggered us to use language also triggered activation of lots of memories, based on the trigger. This maelstrom is not consciously felt (by most of us); it occurs unconsciously, and it provides the syntactic and emotional content expressed in the words.
    Whenever we hear language, a similar maelstrom of memories is activated, again in both hemispheres. Some part our executive function extracts meaning(s) from the maelstrom and prioritizes them for decision making.
    The hemispheres contribute differently to the maelstrom. The left hemisphere concerns itself with the syntax, grammar, and explicit meaning of the words. The right hemisphere pays attention to the tempo, inflection, double-entendre, emotional content, and other implicit meaning of the words. Upon hearing/reading speech the respective hemispheres use their interests to activate memories. When the intention to speak/write appears, both hemispheres use their respective memories to cooperate in creating the stream of words.

    2. Psycholinguistics is the study of relations between our needs for expression and communications and the means offered to us by language learned in one’s childhood and later.
    Through psychological we can learn about how the attitudes and behavior of students in Acquiring and learning the language while through linguistic whereas we can learn about the concept and structure of the language it self.
    At this stage of language acquisition are found four Phases of language acquisition in children, namely:
    (1) Time of Babblings (starting from age 0 Sampai1 year),
    (2) Time of Holofrase (beginning at age 1 to 2 years),
    (3) Time of Speech Two Words (beginning at age 2 up to 2 years and 6 months)
    (4) Time of starts Grammar (beginning at Age 2 years and 6 months – up to 3 years of age).
    And four advanced stages, namely; (1) Stage of sensorimotor (birth until the age of 2–3 years), (2) the pre-operational stage (ages 3 to 6 or 7 years), (3)The Operational Discipline stage (ages 6/7 years to 11 or 12 years), (4) Operations formal stage (age 12 to adult). While the formal process of learning a language in a formal setting as well, such as language learning in the classroom. Not important to learn anywhere though not in The classroom during the learning process directed at the mastery of the language rule is Recognized by educators and learners, its process is called learning. In the process of formal and Informal learning the psycholinguistic process works to acquire knowledge through learning languages. This interdisciplinary so can lead educators to understand the processes that occur Within each learners face when they try to understand and provide the missing understanding of Language learning material presented in the class.

  75. Name: Robiatul Adawiah
    NIM : 181230192
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. Because one of the workings of the brain is to remember things that humans have learned, then what comes to their mind, then learning theories and one of them is language skills. when they remember the memorization will be stored automatically in the brain itself. so it is certain that someone's memory must have an effect on their language skills.

    2.Psycholinguistics means trying to describe the psychological processes that take place if someone utters the sentences he hears when communicating, and how the language skills are acquired by humans. One of the important things in the psycholinguistic relationship with language skills is knowing humans as language users. In this aspect, psycholinguistics provides it as a form of acquiring a language. What is being learned here is the language systems that exist in humans such as how humans perceive other people's ideas and how these people express their own ideas using language, whether in writing or not.

  76. Name: Robiatul Adawiah
    NIM : 181230192
    Class : TBI 6E

    1. Because one of the workings of the brain is to remember things that humans have learned, then what comes to their mind, then learning theories and one of them is language skills. when they remember the memorization will be stored automatically in the brain itself. so it is certain that someone's memory must have an effect on their language skills.

    2. Psycholinguistics means trying to describe the psychological processes that take place if someone utters the sentences he hears when communicating, and how the language skills are acquired by humans. One of the important things in the psycholinguistic relationship with language skills is knowing humans as language users. In this aspect, psycholinguistics provides it as a form of acquiring a language. What is being learned here is the language systems that exist in humans such as how humans perceive other people's ideas and how these people express their own ideas using language, whether in writing or not.

  77. Name: Syahrini Sovia
    Nim: 181230150
    Class: TBI 6D

    1. Memory is one factors which can be used predict the perfomance of a human in learning language or a language skill.
    There are two kinds of memory: short term memory and long term memory. Short term memory or better known as working memory playstore three important roles before the messages are being transfered to the long term memory or permanent memory. There are three important roles of working memory in learning language, the language processing namely language comprehension, language production and vocabulary acquisition.
    2. Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning. Moreover psycholinguistics also defines some kinds of brain disorders that affect language learning performance.

  78. Name : Nurul Arini (181230167)
    Class : TBI 6E

    Whenever we are ready to speak/write, it is in the context of a maelstrom of memory in the two hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere concerns itself with the syntax, grammar, and explicit meaning of the words. The right hemisphere pays attention to the tempo, inflection, double-entendre, emotional content, and other implicit meaning. Upon hearing/reading speech the respective hemisphere use their interests to activate memories. Psycholinguistics is the study of relations between our needs for expression and communications and the means offered to us by language learned in one's childhood and later.
    It is a study of how the attitudes and behavior of students in Acquiring and learning the language are learned. Through linguistic we can learn about the concept and structure of the language it self, whereas we can also learn about its structure and structure. . "Theory of language" by Richard Dawkins and Mark O'Mara.

  79. Alifah
    Tbi 6e

    1. How is memory related to language skills?
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's theory emphasizes the dependence of human thought on language.

    2. What is included in language skills as a topic in psycholinguistics?

    Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech.

    Psycholinguistics, in particular, helps to understand the difficulties of four language skills (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning.

    1. How is memory related to language skills?
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's theory emphasizes the dependence of human thought on language.

    2. What is included in language skills as a topic in psycholinguistics?

    Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech.

    Psycholinguistics, in particular, helps to understand the difficulties of four language skills (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning.

    1. How is memory related to language skills?
    Wilhelm von Humboldt's theory emphasizes the dependence of human thought on language.

    2. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech.
    Psycholinguistics, in particular, helps to understand the difficulties of four language skills (Listening, reading, speaking and writing) both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties. Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the mistakes that students make in language learning.

  80. Robi'atul Addawiyyah
    181230083/ TBI 6C

    1. Researchers from the University of Berkley conducted a new experiment that confirmed this link between language and memory via the hippocampus. The hippocampus acts like a router to link related memories. Let’s take an orange for example. The color, shape, texture, taste of an orange let us know that it’s an orange. These are all different associations our brain remembers to help us understand that it is in fact an orange. The brain does the same thing with language. The hippocampus role is to relate incoming words from the stored sematic knowledge to understand and generate sentence meaning.

    2. Psycholinguistics has provided numerous theories that explain how a person acquires a language, produces and perceives both spoken and written language. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as the basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as psycholinguistics approach. Psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. As an approach, there are some methods which were developed based on psycholinguistics theories such as natural method, total physical response method, and suggestopedia method. These methods apply psycholinguistic principles that how a person acquires his/her mother tongue or first language (First Language Acquisition), learns his/her second or third language (Second Language Learning), perceives a language (Language Perception), and produces language (Language Production). Language perception refers to listening and reading, while the language production refers to speaking and writing. Listening, reading, speaking and writing are called as the four of language skills. Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties.

  81. Siska Maulida Fitria 181230105-TBI6C

    Language could not exist without memory, in all its forms: working memory for sequential production and understanding, implicit memory for grammatical rules, semantic memory for knowledge, and episodic memory for communicating personal experience.
    2.Psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process happening within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. As an approach, there are some methods which were developed based on psycholinguistics theories such as natural method, total physical response method, and suggestopedia method. These methods apply psycholinguistic principles that how a person acquires his/her mother tongue or first language (First Language Acquisition), learns his/her second or third language (Second Language Learning), perceives a language (Language Perception), and produces language (Language Production). Language perception refers to listening and reading, while the language production refers to speaking and writing

  82. Faathir Muhammad Amanullah (181230124)
    Whenever we're prepared to speak/write, it's far withinside the context of a maelstrom of reminiscence withinside the hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere issues itself with the syntax, grammar, and express that means of the words. The proper hemisphere will pay interest to the tempo, inflection, double-entendre, emotional content, and different implicit that means. Upon hearing/studying speech the respective hemisphere use their pastimes to prompt memories. Psycholinguistics is the observe of members of the family among our desires for expression and communications and the manner provided to us through language found out in one's formative years and later.
    It is a observe of ways the attitudes and conduct of college students in Acquiring and getting to know the language are found out. Through linguistic we are able to find out about the idea and shape of the language it self, while we also can find out about its shape and shape. . "Theory of language" through Richard Dawkins & Mark O'Mara

  83. Siti Inaya
    TBI 6 C

    1. Short-term memory is an on-line capacity for processing and elaborating new information,this is why it is responsible in language learning and development. ... Verbal short-term memory abilities,words memorisation,words repetition and vocabulary learning are related in some way.
    2. Psycholinguistics is the study of the mental aspects of language and speech. It is primarily concerned with the ways in which language is represented and processed in the brain. A branch of both linguistics and psychology, psycholinguistics is part of the field of cognitive science. Adjective: psycholinguistic.
