Thursday 27 May 2021


The topic includes the job opportunity that you have to understand through the video. The goals of this session, you have to know how people accommodate the opportunity available around them. I also provide a video consisting an advertisement about sales promotion as one of opportunity for young people get involve in recent competition. Moreover, they become the biggest users of digital media. The knowledge of these opportunity is needed to face real competition. After listening the video 1 taken from Explorist Channel on You Tube and video 2 taken form Audioversity You Tube Channel, you should try to answer these following questions as your practices:
1. What is the main idea in the video 1 and video 2? are they connected each other?
2. What are the supporting ideas in the video 1 and video 2? Do the speakers in each video present their ideas well? give your reasons?
3. What kind of advertisement is appropriate with video 1 or video 2?  


  1. NIM : 201230031
    Name : Hilmy Aulia Rahman
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. The main idea :
    Video 1 : Jobs that will be hired in 2020
    Video 2 : The Definition of Sales Promotion
    Of course they connected each other, because Sales ( Video 2) is one of Jobs that will be hired in 2020 (Video 1).

    2. Supporting Ideas :
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    I think the speakers from both of videos already explain the theme clearly and very detail. Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    3. I think it was kind of Broadcast Advertising ( both of video).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. name : Annisa cikal mujahidah
    nim : 201230013
    class : tbi 2A
    1. the main idea in video 1 is job needed in 2020, meanwhile the main idea in video 2 is how to sales promotion.
    actually the video 1 and 2 connected each other due to sales job will be needed in 2020.
    2. the supporting details in video 1 job is growing, this is because technology is increasingly sophisticated so that it can make it easier for humans.
    and the supporting details in video 2 is sales promotion includes many activities in communicating
    in my opinion the both speakers deliver the video with good communication, the both speakers deliver the video with a good tone of voice and also informative it makes listener easy listening.
    3. the both video using the type of advertisement that attracts attention, both in terms of delivery and content.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. SRN : 181230136
    NAME : Rahmania Aulia
    CLASS : TBI 6 D
    1. VIDEO 1 :job category job will be hiring in 2020 based on world economic
    VIDEO 2 : what is sales promotion
    yes it relate because some job need promotion to improve consumers interest
    2. VIDEO 1: job will be hiring in 2020 based on world economic. data analysts,computer and mathematical job,architect and engineering job,sales people is growing need include governments,consumer,senior manager,product designer being creativity work,human resources and organizational development specialist,regulatory and government relation expert.
    VIDEO 2 : Sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and use both media and non media marketing communication to improve consumer demand. example include contest,coupons,freebies,premium,prizes,product sample.
    yesss, in my opinion both of videos tell the topic detail and provide information that useful
    3.both of video : non commercial advertisement

  7. Name: soraya farlika salsabila
    Nim: 201230002
    Clas: Tbi 2A

    1) main idea:
    -video 1: about the job opportunities needed in 2020
    -video 2: describes a promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because in 2020 architectural & engineering jobs need a sales promotion

    2) supporting ideas:
    - video 1: Technological & socio-economic changes will result in complete job losses. However, creatives still need people.
    -video 2: promotions offered to sales to attract customers.

    I think the two videos can convey information that is clear and easy to understand

    3) In my opinion, the ad type in video 1 is like a demand ad, while in video 2 it is like an offer ad

  8. Name : Muhammad khaerul rizqi
    NIM : 201230029
    Class : 2 A TBI

    1. The first video tells about job opportunities in the fields of science and technology, while the second video tells about self-promotion in doing business and the two videos have a relationship, namely about work and doing business
    2. supporting ideas :
    The first video: states that in today's era, many jobs require technological expertise in their work
    second video: states how in marketing using media and non-media communication promotion
    The speakers in both videos are very able to present the material, because it is supported by opinions and data that can be understood by the audience
    3. the first video was about advertising commercial work and the second was about advertising how to self-promote

  9. Name:Tatu Maftuhah
    Class:TBI 2A

    1) main idea:
    -video 1: about the job opportunities needed in 2020
    -video 2: describes a promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because in 2020 architectural & engineering jobs need a sales promotion

    2). Supporting Ideas :
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    I think the speakers from both of videos already explain the theme clearly and very detail. Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    I think the two videos can convey information that is clear and easy to understand

    3) I think video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisements and commercial advertisement

  10. Name : Ipah Latipah
    Nim : 201230015
    Class :Tbi_2a

    1. The main idea video 1 "8 jobs that will be recruited by every company in 2020".
    video 2 "sales promotion is one promotion mix in sales promotion. Yes, video 1 and 2 is related to each other because both of them discuss job.

    2. Supporting ideas
    Video 1 " analysts, 2. computer and mathematicak jobs, 3. Architects and engineering jobs, 4. more specialized salespeople, 5. senior managers, 6. product designers, 7. human resources and organizational development specialists, 8. demand for regulatory and goverment relations experts".
    video 2 "sales promotion includes several communication activities that seek to attract customer attention"
    Yes, I think the video presents in detail and well, but in my opinion Video 2 is less interesting because it is monotonous.

    3.I think, both of video : non commercial advertisement

  11. Name : maharani
    Nim : 201230017
    Class: tbi 2a

    1) main idea:
    -video 1: about the job opportunities needed in 2020
    -video 2: describes a promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because in 2020 architectural

    2). Supporting Ideas :
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    I think the speakers from both of videos already explain the theme clearly and very detail.

    I think the two videos can convey information that is clear and easy to understand

    3) I think video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisements

  12. Name : Siti Yuliana Tantri
    Nim : 201230007
    Class : TBI 2A

    1) main idea:
    -video 1: about the job opportunities needed in 2020
    -video 2: describes a promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because in 2020 architectural & engineering jobs need a sales promotion

    2). Supporting Ideas :
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    I think the speakers from both of videos already explain the theme clearly and very detail. Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    I think the two videos can convey information that is clear and easy to understand

    3) I think video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisements and commercial advertisement

  13. Name : Mafrodatunnufus
    Nim : 201230034
    Class : TBI 2A

    1) main idea:
    -video 1: about the job opportunities needed in 2020
    -video 2: describes a promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because in 2020 architectural & engineering jobs need a sales promotion

    2). Supporting Ideas :
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    I think the speakers from both of videos already explain the theme clearly and very detail. Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    I think the two videos can convey information that is clear and easy to understand

    3) I think video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisements and commercial advertisement

  14. Name: Zakia Umami
    Class: TBI 2A
    NIM: 201230014

    1).Main Idea:
    Video 1: Sales promotion is one of the elements of the promotional mix sales promotion uses both media and none media marketing Communications,sales promotions targeted at retailers in wholesale are called trade sales promotions.
    Video 2: Sales promotion sales promotions can be directed at either the customer sales staff or distribution Channel.

    2). Supporting Ideas:
    Video 1: Sales promotion includes several Communications activities that attempt to provide added value or incentives to Consumers wholesalers retailers or other organizational customers to stimulate media sales.
    Video 2: Sales promotion implemented to attract new customers to hold present customers to counteract competition and to take advantage of opportunities that are revealed by market research.

    3).I think the kind of advertisement video 1 is sites sales promotion activities include advertising publicity public relations activities and special sales event,outside and inside activities to enhance company.

    And the advertisement of video 2 is about sales promotion is implemented to attract new customers to hold present customers to counteract competition and to take advantage of opportunities that are revealed by market research.

  15. Name : Asmawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230039

    1. Main idea :
    Video 1 : 8 jobs every company will be hiring for by 2020.
    Video 2 : Sales promotion.

    2. Supporting ideas :
    Video 1 : 1) Data analysts will be in demand; 2) Computer and mathematical jobs will also continue to get a boost; 3) Architects and engineering jobs will remain stable; 4) More specialized sales people will be needed; 5) Senior managers will be needed to lead companies through period of transformation; 6) Product designers aren't going anywhere; 7) Human resources and organizational development specialists will also be needed; 8) Demand for regulatory and government relations experts Will continues to increase.

    Video 2 : Sales promotion uses both media and non media marketing communications for a predetermined limited time to increase consumer demand stimulate market demand or improve product availability, example include contest coupons freebies los leaders point of purchase displays premiums prizes product sample and rebates.

    Yess. In the video, the speaker conveys its own clear and detail.

    3. In my opinion the two videos include non commercial advertisement.

  16. Name : Hedi Indra Lesmana
    Class : 6A
    Srn : 181230032
    The main idea
    Video 1: describe about opportunities job or hiring job in 2020.
    Video 2: describe about sales promotion.
    The both of video are related to each other because the video has a related theme like job with sales promotion.

    Supporting ideas
    Video 1: according to report publish world economic from the report estimate 7.1 million job gonna be lost and there is 8 jobs every company will be hiring for by 2020 start by data analist will be in demand, computer and mathematical jobs will also continue to get a boost, architects and engineering jobs will reamain stable, more specialized sales people will be needed, senior managers will be needed to lead companies through periods of transformation, product designers aren’t going anywhere, human resources and organizational development specialist will also be needed, demand for regulatory and goverment relation experts will continue to increase .
    Video 2: sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and sales promotion use both media and non media merketing communication for improve consumer demand.
    yes the both of video has a ideaswell and very useful for job seekers.

    In my opinion the type of advertisement that appropriate for video 1 is commercial advertising bacause it can be used to promote a product and can generate profits for advertisers then for video 2 is non-commercial advertising because it just only be used to convey a moral message, appeal or motivation. and is not suitable for use as commercial advertising.

  17. Name : Adelia Rizky
    Class :TBI_2A
    Srn : 201230006

    video 1
    1. oportuninies job
    2. the fact conveyed. yes because it is aompanied by facts.
    3. social media ads

    1. about sales promotion
    2. factual explanation. yes because it is acompanied by fact.
    3. newspapers and magezine, or social media ads.

    the conected

    -> video 1 it's about job oportunity, video 2 it's talk about sales promotion. they have a relationship because convey somthing related to the world of work.

  18. Name : Melinda Hestiana
    NIM : 201230037
    Class : TBI 2A

    1) Main idea:
    -Video 1: About the jobs opportunities and companies will be hiring 8 Jobs by 2020
    -Video 2: Describes promotion in sales.
    in video 1 & 2 are interconnected because the companies hiring specialised people in sales promotion field

    2). Supporting Ideas:
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created. Further more, there are higher demanded jobs, highest paying jobs for future, stable jobs and also there are jobs with radical changes in job landscape and its expanding.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    As far as I'm concerned, the speakers from both of videos already explain their ideas and presented their subjects in detailed Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    3) As far as I can see video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisement and commercial advertisement

    The first video is described about the revolutionary changes on job opportunities because of the invention, Science and technology, Artificial intelligence and robotics etc... with these changes vanished millions of jobs in this 21st century but created and replaced with new jobs opportunities but people needed highly knowledge and information to do jobs in these fields, that's why these jobs are highest paying jobs for future. and companies are hiring experts and talented people for their company. while the second video is the 4th point of the first video Exploring the sales promotions, It is an indispensable element for all field of companies.

  19. NAME: Siti Hayatun Nisa
    NIM: 201230001

    1). The main ideas in the videos:

    First video : Job opportunities in marketing media and technology in 2020.

    Second video : Telling about Promotion in sales.

    In my opinion, the two videos are related to each other. Where is the first video explaining job opportunities, one of which is sales promotion which is then explained in the second video.

    2). Supporting details in the videos:

    First video:

    1.Data analist will be in demand.
    2. Computer and mathematical jobs will also continue to get a boost.
    3. Architects and engineering jobs will reamain stable.
    4. More specialized sales people will be needed.
    5. Senior managers will be needed to lead companies through periods of transformation.
    6. Product designers aren’t going anywhere.
    7. Human resources and organizational development specialist.
    8. Demand for regulatory and goverment relation experts will continue to increase .

    Second video:

    Sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and use both media and non media marketing communication to improve consumer demand stimulate market demand on improve product availability.

    The speaker in the video very clear and understandable. Their descriptions are also very useful and accurate the data used for information is also very accurate, and complete data based on the results of data processing as expected.

    3). Both videos are non-commercial advertisements, because these advertisements contain moral messages or appeals to the public to do or avoid something.

    This ad will not offer services or goods in the advertisement at all. However, this ad invites people to pay more attention to the environment and have a better life.

  20. Name : Yana Amalia
    NIM : 191230030
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Main Idea
    a. Main idea of the first paragraph is ‘Job opportunities for highest demands in the future (2020)’
    b. Main idea of the second video is ‘Explanation of Sales Promotion’.
    In my opinion, there is connection between both of the video. Both of them explained about ‘job’. But in the second video, it’s more spesific job about sales promotion. Meanwhile, in the first video is explained more detail. The sales promotion is the third job that explained of the fist video.

    2. Supporting Ideas
    a. First Video
    In the first video there are several job opportunities that mentioned. I think they are very related to supporting ideas. They are :
    • Data analyst
    • Computer and mathematical jobs
    • Architects and engineering
    • Specialized sales people
    • Senior managers
    • Product designers
    • Human resources and organizational development
    • Demand for regulatory and govermnet relations.
    b. Second Video
    In the second video which talked about sales promotion, we can analyze the supporting ideas that suppot the main idea. Such as when the speaker described about the media that can use and the ways to do it. For example: There are two ways to do sales promotion. They are outside and inside. In my point of view, it can related to main idea that explained about sales promotion scope.
    In my thought, the speakers in each video present their ideas well. They described the information was very detail and clear. They delivered it with good word choices and easy to understand. In addition, they provided beneficial information.

    3. Kind of Advertisement (Video 1&2)
    In my point of view, kind of advertisement that will be appropriate for both of the videos are commercial and non-commercial adversiting. Especially in the second video about sales promotion. Its really appropriate with commercial advertisement which defined as a form of communication that aims to persuade a person to buy a product or use a service. For example advertisements for products like clothes, household, goods, etc. Meanwhile, the non-commercial advertisement provided information. Usually, it’s used to campaign slogans, information, invitations, or encouragemenet for the benefit of the community.

  21. Name : Ratu Shania
    Nim : 201230016
    Class : TBI 2A

    1.-Video1 main idea: there will be a lot of paperwork needed by 2020.

    -Video2 main idea: in this second video, explain how promotions are in sales. Video 1 and 2 are both linked to each other. In the first video we can know job opportunities, then in the second video we can know how to promote our work or sales.

    2.-Video1: technological changes have slightly affected social economies, leaving people out of work. -Video2 : sales promotions will help the seller to attract the attention or interest of the customers. I think they provide detailed, useful and informative material, so it is easy to understand.

    3. In my opinion both videos have the same type: non-commercial advertising

  22. Name: Dila irasanti
    Nim: 201230012
    Class: 2A TBI

    1). The main ideas in the videos:

    First video : Job opportunities in marketing media and technology in 2020.

    Second video : Telling about Promotion in sales.

    In my opinion, the two videos are related to each other. Where is the first video explaining job opportunities, one of which is sales promotion which is then explained in the second video.

    2). Supporting details in the videos:

    First video:

    1.Data analist will be in demand.
    2. Computer and mathematical jobs will also continue to get a boost.
    3. Architects and engineering jobs will reamain stable.
    4. More specialized sales people will be needed.
    5. Senior managers will be needed to lead companies through periods of transformation.
    6. Product designers aren’t going anywhere.
    7. Human resources and organizational development specialist.
    8. Demand for regulatory and goverment relation experts will continue to increase .

    Second video:

    Sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and use both media and non media marketing communication to improve consumer demand stimulate market demand on improve product availability.

    The speaker in the video very clear and understandable. Their descriptions are also very useful and accurate the data used for information is also very accurate, and complete data based on the results of data processing as expected.

    3). Both videos are non-commercial advertisements, because these advertisements contain moral messages or appeals to the public to do or avoid something.

    This ad will not offer services or goods in the advertisement at all. However, this ad invites people to pay more attention to the environment and have a better life.

  23. Name: Alfi Hidayat
    NIM: 201230030
    Class: TBI 2A

    1. The main idea of the first video is talking about "Job Opportunities". Second video is talking about "Promotion In Sales"
    According to myself, both of videos have a connection each other. Because, in promoting jobs, we need to know how and what the function from promoting is.

    2. Supporting details from first video is:
    a. Data Analyst
    b. Computer and mathematical jobs will get a boost
    c. More specialized sales will be needed by people
    d. Product designers are not going anywhere
    Supporting details from second video are:
    a. Use Media and Non-Media marketting communication to improve consumer
    b. Stimulate market demand on improve product availability

    3. Both of videos are such a Non-Commercials advertising videos

  24. Name: Zharifah Muthi'ah Zahra
    SRN: 201230028
    Class: TBI 2A

    1) Main Idea
    First video: About opportunities job or hiring job in 2020
    Second video: About promotion in sales.

    2)Supproting Details
    First Video: In this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created. Further more, there are higher demanded jobs, highest paying jobs for future, stable jobs and also there are jobs with radical changes in job landscape and its expanding.

    Second Video: Sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and sales promotion use both media and non media merketing communication for improve consumer demand.
    yes the both of video has a ideaswell and very useful for job seekers.
    As far as I'm concerned, both videos can convey clear and easy-to-understand information.

    3) The first video is commersial advertising and the second video is non-commercial advertising.

  25. Name : Alya Rifqoh Rahmawati
    NIM : 201230009
    Class : TBI - 2A

    1. Main idea
    Video 1 : The labor market is changing faster this job opportunity will be hiring for by 2020.
    Video 2 : Sales promotion is one of the elements of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and public relations.
    The both of video are connected because job need promotion to improve customers interest.

    2. Supporting ideas
    Video 1 : Data analyst, Computer & mathematical jobs, Architects & engineering jobs, Specialized sales people, Senior managers, Product designers, Human resources & organizational Development specialists, Regulatory & government relations experts.
    Video 2 : Sales promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communications for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability.
    In my opinion, the both of videos present the ideas well also clear and very useful for job speaker.

    3. I think the kind of advertisement that appropriate for video 1 is commercial advertising and for video 2 is non commercial advertising.

  26. Nama : Ana rosaliatul hasanah
    Nim : 201230036
    Kelas : TBI 2A

    1. Main idea
    V1 : Describe about opportunities job in 2020
    V2 : Describe about sales promotion
    In my opinion both of video are related each other because explain about job.

    2. Supporting detail
    V1 :there are several job opportunities such as data analyst,computer and mathematical job,product designer etc.
    V2 : sale promotion uses both media and non media marketing communication
    And I think the speakers from both video explained very clear in conveying information.

    3.both of video non commercial advertisement

  27. Name: Dwi Febriyanti
    NIM: 201230020

    1. 1st video talk about "Job opportunity".
    2nd video talk about "Sales promotion"

    2. 1st Video
    There are:
    • Data analyst
    • Computer and mathematical jobs
    • Architects and engineering
    • Specialized sales people
    • Senior managers
    • Product designers
    • Human resources and organizational development
    • Demand for regulatory and govermnet relations.
    2nd video is Sales Promotion uses of both. Media and non-media marketing communication.

    3. video 1st and 2nd are non-commercial advertisement and commercial advertisement.

  28. Name : Sriyanti
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230032

    1. The main Ideas :
    1st video :The Job categories that are expected to see this growth in 2020.
    2nd video : Sales promotion used the company to boost the sale of the product.
    In my opinion, both of video are connected,
    because in the first video there's some job uses sales promotion, for the example senior managers and product designers.

    2. Supporting Ideas :
    1st Video :
    8 job every company will be hiring for by 2020 :
    1. Data analysts will be in demand.
    2. Computer and mathematical jobs will also continue to get a boost.
    3. Architects and engineering jobs will remain stable.
    4. More specialized sales people will be needed.
    5. Senior managers will be needed in industries across the board to lead companies through periods of transformations.
    6. Product designers aren't going anywhere.
    7. Human resources and organizational development specialists will also be needed to help re-skill workers.
    8. Demand for regulatory and government relations experts will continue to increase. as companies embrace new technologies.
    2nd Video :
    A supportive thing to do sales promotion, first discounts impact the way consumers think behave when shopping, while bonus packs are deals in which the consumer receives more for the original price. So that can attracts consumers to buy their products.
    In my opinion, the speakers both of video presenting the video so clearly and detail to describes information about job and sales promotion.
    3. In my opinion, the both of video are non-commercial advertisement.

  29. Name:Neng Restiyana Dwiyanti

    1).Main Idea:
    FIRST VIDEO: Sales promotion is one of the elements of the promotional mix sales promotion uses both media and none media marketing Communications,sales promotions targeted at retailers in wholesale are called trade sales promotions.

    SECOND VIDEO Sales promotion sales promotions can be directed at either the customer sales staff or distribution Channel.

    2). Supporting Ideas:
    FIRST VIDEO : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created. Further more, there are higher demanded jobs, highest paying jobs for future, stable jobs and also there are jobs with radical changes in job landscape and its expanding.

    SECOND VIDEO: Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.
    As far as I'm concerned, the speakers from both of videos already explain their ideas and presented their subjects in detailed Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    3). Both videos are non-commercial advertisements, because these advertisements contain moral messages or appeals to the public to do or avoid something.

  30. Nama : Hayatun Nufus
    Nim : 201230019
    Class :2A-TBI

    1. Main idea
    Video 1 : thats talk about job opportunity
    Video 2 : thats talk about sales promotion
    2. Supporting ideas
    Video 1 :Because in this video there are some job opportunities such as :Data analyst, Computer and mathematical jobs, Architects and engineering, Specialized sales people,Senior managers,Product designers,Human resources and organizational development,Demand for regulatory and govermnet relations.

    Video 2 : because in this video describe sales Promotion used both media and non-media marketing communication.

    3.I think video 1 and 2 are non-commercial advertisement.

  31. Name : Mohammad Mizab Prasetyo
    Nim : 201230005
    Class : TBI 2A

    1. Main Idea Video 1 : "jobs that every company will be hiring by 2020"
    Main Idea Video 2 : "Sales promotion"
    Yes, because the two videos talk about job, the difference is that the first video is about office work while the second is about sales promotion

    2. Supporting Ideas:
    Video 1 : in this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created. Further more, there are higher demanded jobs, highest paying jobs for future, stable jobs and also there are jobs with radical changes in job landscape and its expanding.
    Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication. 
    The speakers from both of videos already explain their ideas and presented their subjects in detailed Because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    3. The first and second videos are commercial advertisements and non-commercial advertisement

  32. Name : Anisa Mailawati
    Class : TBI 2A
    NIM : 201230018

    1. Main Idea :
    - Video 1 : Job Opportunities in 2020
    - Video 2 : Sales Promotion
    In my opinion, They are very connected. Both talk about job, in the first video they talked about job opportunities, in the second video they talk about more spesific job (Sales Promotion)

    2. Supporting Ideas
    - Video 1 : In this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created.

    - Video 2 : Sales Promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communication.

    In my view, the speakers from both of videos explain their ideas in very detail and very well, because it’s very informative and easy to understand.

    3. They both are non-commercial advertisement.

  33. Name: Mutia Hernata
    Class: 2 A TBI
    NIM: 201230004

    1. Main Idea
    1st Video: The opportunities of jobs in 2020.
    2nd Video: Sales promotion make customers interested.
    Both videos connected each other because talk about job, economy, and trading stategy.

    2. Supporting ideas
    1st Video: Economic growth is growing rapidly along with the times and generates opportunities, one of the opportunities: Specialized sales peoples.

    2nd Video: Sales promotion needed to make customers interest. So, they used several ways and medias.
    From both videos I've watched, they delivered their ideas well. Because very detail.

    3. I think kind of advertisement is appropriate with 1st and 2nd video: non - commercial advertisement.

  34. Name : Huliyatul Jannah
    NIM : 201230022
    Class : TBI-2A

    1. The main idea:
    1st video talk about "Job opportunity".
    2nd video talk about "Sales promotion"

    2. 1st Video
    There are:
    • Data analyst
    • Computer and mathematical jobs
    • Architects and engineering
    • Specialized sales people
    • Senior managers
    • Product designers
    • Human resources and organizational development
    • Demand for regulatory and govermnet relations.
    2nd video is Sales Promotion uses of both. Media and non-media marketing communication.

    3. video 1st and 2nd are non-commercial advertisement and commercial advertisement.

  35. Name : Zalva Syah Fitri
    NIM : 201230026
    Class : TBI2A

    1) Main Idea
    First video: About opportunities job or hiring job in 2020
    Second video: About promotion in sales.

    2)Supproting Details
    First Video: In this era, technology is developing rapidly so that many jobs are replaced, and introducing the future job opportunities were created. Further more, there are higher demanded jobs, highest paying jobs for future, stable jobs and also there are jobs with radical changes in job landscape and its expanding.

    Second Video: Sales promotion is one of element promotional mix and sales promotion use both media and non media merketing communication for improve consumer demand.
    yes the both of video has a ideaswell and very useful for job seekers.
    As far as I'm concerned, both videos can convey clear and easy-to-understand information.

    3) The first video is commersial advertising and the second video is non-commercial advertising.
