Wednesday 2 June 2021


 The topic still relates to previous session which discuss about language skills that could be active or passive ones. The receptive language skills refer to people's language ability that do not need to produce any language features but they have to process and understand the messages or the information. The messages could be found not only in written text but also spoken text. People have to use their logical thinking and critical thinking to get much information. Therefore, language ability of young people is different with elder. We as English teacher have to consider the fact of psychical aspect of human influence their cognitive system of language. The researchers divide the receptive language skills into two being reading and listening. To learn more about this topic, you could open this presentation and give your analysis in its practice. Put your argument in comment column in this blog.   


  1. Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb

    My name is entol arie soffanuddien (181230035) TBI 6A

    I think the receptive language process is closely related to psycholinguistics because in it there are several activities that involve the ability to think and demonstrate brain abilities, for example, we read or read stories by the teacher, we can read to hone spelling skills or listen to sharpen the ability to absorb knowledge in memory

  2. Name: Septi Indi Anggraeni
    Class:TBI 6a
    In my opinion Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child's receptive language skills.

  3. Hayu Amalia
    TBI 6 A

    According to my opinion, receptive language skill is processing to create meaning when someone read or listen something that uses brain's memory to recall and received the object of receptive language skill. Hence, the relationship between them discusses in psycholinguistics.

  4. Name : Uswatun Aisyah
    Nim : 181230021
    Class : TBI 6A

    Receptive language skills are related to the area of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained mental processes that occur in the human brain over the course of time a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes listening and listening activities reading, while language production includes speaking and writing activities. Four activities referred to as the four language skills. Receptive skills are listening and reading,learners do not need to produce language to do this, they receive and understand it. These skills are sometimes known as passive skills. They can be contrasted with productive or active speaking and writing skills. Receptive language is language “input”, the ability to understand and understand spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (eg "put on your coat") depends on the child's receptive language skills.

  5. Alikha Istiqhomah Japarunissa TBI6A 181230006

    In my opinion, hey receive and understand it. The receptive skills are listening and reading, because learners do not need to produce language to do these. The example is building reading skills can contribute to the development of writing.

    1. ok but I don't find any connection between psycholinguistics and the receptive language skills in your opinion.

  6. Annisa Ayundi Prastiwi
    TBI 6A

    In my opinon, since psycholinguistics studies about psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language, receptive skills (reading and listening) are related to how a person understands the meaning of a language or sentence that has been read and listened.

    For example, when we read a text. We read through the eyes then the information in the text is processed in the brain and memory so that an understanding emerges.

  7. Deliana Yuniar
    TBI 6A

    According to my opinion, Receptive language skill have a relationship with psycholinguistics, can be defined as the ability to understand language by utilizing attention, active listening, and the ability to process information that can be presented in an auditory or visual modality. A child has to formulate meaning with what is heard and to create a response.

  8. Dewi Sri Wahyuni 181230024
    TBI 6A

    Receptive ability is where a person can receive the message conveyed by the interlocutor well and carry it out while psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics studies psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. For this reason,in my opinion the path that is passed between the two is using reading and listening which helps convey the content of the message which is then absorbed by the brain and then forms a meaning.

    Example: when we talk to the other person, that's where the receptive ability or accept what people say and then understand what is conveyed becomes a meaning. It stems that what we receive does not require the production of language first, it is enough to understand what we already know and then become a new meaning after we receive the new message conveyed.

  9. Siti Nurkholipah (181230036)
    TBI 6A
    Why receptive language skills related to the area of psycholinguistics? I think it is because receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that we hear or read. So it is related to psycholinguistics that also discussed about the process that investigated in psycholinguistics, such as, language comprehension and language acquistion.
    Examples of receptive language related to psycolinguistics are: reading and listening, because these two skills become types of receptive language.
    In reading, people’s understanding of what is read or of text. The comprehension of reading relates to critical and logical thinking. Meanwhile, listening is a highly integrative skill and research has demonstrated its crucial role in language acquisition.

  10. Nurafia Widianingsih (181230015) – TBI 6A
    Receptive language is an ability to understand spoken language that is read or heard, so this ability is an input. In my opinion, this receptive language skill is related to psycholinguistics because there is a process of receiving a language that is read or heard then the meaning of the language will be understood. For example, when a child listens to an instruction "take the book" and then follows the instruction, it is a child's receptive language skill.

  11. Dian Herawati

    Permission to argue Miss, I argue that one of the important things in the relationship of psycholinguistics with language acquisition is to recognize humans as language users. In this aspect, psycholinguistics provides it as a form of language acquisition. Students as agents of language learning have thoughts and processes that exist within them so that the language they learn cannot be understood by linguistics, but can be deepened with psychology. For this reason, the discipline of Psycholinguistics or Language Psychology emerged. The theoretical goal of psycholinguistics is to achieve a language that is linguistically acceptable and psychologically able to explain the nature of a language and its acquisition. Meanwhile, if it is associated with communication, psycholinguistics focuses on the modification of messages that take place as long as communication takes place with speech and acceptance or understanding of speech.
    Psycholinguistic Relationship with Language Learning:
    1. Direct the use of good language
    2. Analyzing deviant speech errors
    3. Explain the process of acquiring a second language (B2)
    4. Mastering the rules of language
    5. Knowing cognitive readiness
    6. Recognize humans as language users
    7. Language is an expression

  12. Syifa Qotrun Nada
    TBI 6B

    I think the Psycholinguistic theory has explained the mental processes that occur in the human brain as long as a person produces and perceives a language. Receptive language is "input" language, the ability to understand and understand spoken language that is heard or read. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (eg "put on your coat") depends on the child's receptive language skills.
    Receptive language skills are related to the field of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained the mental processes that occur in the human brain during the course of time a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes listening and reading activities, while language production includes speaking and writing activities.

  13. Name: Rizki Nur Azizah
    NIM: 181230044
    Class: TBI 6B
    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. Receptive language is important in order to communicate successfully. Children who have understanding difficulties may find it challenging to follow instructions at home or within the educational setting and may not respond appropriately to questions and requests. Within the school setting, difficulties in understanding may lead to attention and listening difficulties and/or behavioural issues. As most activities require a good understanding of language, it may also make it difficult for a child to access the curriculum or engage in the activities and academic tasks required for their year level of school. So, this is why related to area of psycholinguistic.

  14. Name : Hayanun
    SRN : 181230041
    Class : 6B

    Receptive language skills are the ability to understand spoken language that is heard or read. This ability is as input. Of course this is related to psycholinguistics. Judging from its understanding, psycholinguistics itself is a science that studies language behavior, both visible behavior and invisible behavior. Whether it is in the form of language production, language acquisition or language perception carried out by language speakers. Visible behavior in language is human behavior when speaking and writing or when he produces language, while invisible behavior is human behavior when understanding what is being listened to or read so that it becomes something he has or processes something he will say or write. An example of receptive language skill is when a child listens and follows instructions such as "Let's clean up the toys". This is a child's receptive language skills.

  15. Name : Hayanun
    SRN : 181230041
    Class : 6B

    Receptive language skills are the ability to understand spoken language that is heard or read. This ability is as input. Of course this is related to psycholinguistics. Judging from its understanding, psycholinguistics itself is a science that studies language behavior, both visible behavior and invisible behavior. Whether it is in the form of language production, language acquisition or language perception carried out by language speakers. Visible behavior in language is human behavior when speaking and writing or when he produces language, while invisible behavior is human behavior when understanding what is being listened to or read so that it becomes something he has or processes something he will say or write. An example of receptive language skill is when a child listens and follows instructions such as "Let's clean up the toys". This is a child's receptive language skills.

  16. Nurul Azmi Agisni
    TBI 6B

    Receptive ability is where a person can receive messages conveyed by the interlocutor well, while psycholinguistics studies psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. For that, I think the path between the two is reading and listening, which helps convey the content of the message which is then absorbed by the brain and then forms a meaning.
    when we talk to the other person, that's where the receptive ability or accept what people say and then understand what is conveyed becomes a meaning.

  17. Nama : Manda
    Nim : 181230045
    Class : TBI 6B

    Language is one of the most important joints
    ting in everyone's life. Each of them. Of course you can't be separated from language. Firsttimes a child acquires a language that heard directly from the father or mother when the child is born into this world. Then as time goes on and along the child's growth, they will acquire a language other than the language taught his father is good in the form of a second, third,foreign language or so called with language acquisition where it depends on the social environment and cognitive level possessed by the child through the learning process in their environment. Example Like a baby, only will
    respond to utterances that he often hears
    from the surrounding environment, especially the words from his mother which the child hears very often.Or someone who is always together with him.

  18. Name : Usrotul Hiyaroh
    Number : 181230067
    Class : TBI 6B

    In my opinion, in simple terms, receptive ability is the ability to receive language cues. In this process, it is expected that other people can and are able to respond to messages or intentions well, so that the interlocutor can respond and respond to the speaker's intentions.

    Therefore, receptive ability (decode) is a process that takes place in listeners who receive meaningful and useful language codes conveyed by speakers through articulation tools and received through listeners (Chaer, 2003: 45-46).

  19. Arista Miratun Nufus
    TBI 6B

    Receptive ability is where a person can receive the message conveyed by the interlocutor well and carry it out while psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics studies psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. For this reason,in my opinion the path that is passed between the two is using reading and listening which helps convey the content of the message which is then absorbed by the brain and then forms a meaning.

  20. Nama: Divia Rahma Yulianti
    Nim : 181230051
    Kelas: tbi 6B

    In my opinion, receptive language is a thing related to input, things like science that are entered into the memory section of our brain. These skills are also called passive skills because we only receive information and do not issue information or products (nothing output).
    For example, when we are visit to tourism place, the tour guide will explain about the history and state of the tour there while distributing brochures with tourist explanations for us to read.well, when we read brochures and listen to the guide speak, we are experiencing passive skills in receiving information (input).because at that time we just listen and read.

  21. Name : Siti Ifat Fatimah
    SRN : 181230076
    Class : TBI-6B

    In my opinion, receptive language are important to the understanding of a child’s overall language skills. Receptive language skills are related to the area of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained mental processes that occur in the human brain over the course of time a person produces and perceives a language. Typically, children with severe reading and reading comprehension problems show poor receptive language skills, and problems with receptive language also lead to problems with expressive language. In addition to studying the comprehension of the content of language (e.g., words), it is also important to study the child’s ability to comprehend other aspects of language, such as syntax and pronouns.

  22. Annisa Riyana Hamdani
    TBI 6B

    In my opinion, receptive language skills are related to psycholinguistics, can be defined as the ability to understand language by harnessing attention, listening actively, and the ability to process information that can be presented in a hearing or visual mode. The receptive ability is where one can receive and execute messages delivered by one's opponent well while psycholinguistics studies psychological and neurobiological factors that allow humans to acquire, use, and understand language.

  23. Name : Annisa Nurfadillah
    SRN : 181230055
    Class : TBI 6B

    Receptive language is important for successful communication. Children who have difficulty understanding may find it difficult to follow instructions at home or in an educational setting and may not respond to questions and requests appropriately.
    This is clearly related to psycholinguistics, especially in reading and listening. This is the essence of the beginning of a child or someone in language.

    Examples that can be taken in everyday life are:
    on a child's ability to listen and follow directions (eg: "put on your coat").

    This depends on the child's receptive language skills, where children who are used to being trained in receptive sentence structure will immediately take orders because they feel they understand what is meant.

  24. Reni Mutiara
    TBI 6B

    In my opinion, receptive language skills are closely related to psycholinguistics because they discuss the relationship between language and behavior where receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. This involves getting information and meaning from routines (e.g. we've finished breakfast so next it's time to get dressed), visual information in the environment (e.g. mom holding the keys means we're going to get a car, green light means leaving), sounds and words (e.g. e.g. siren means a fire engine coming down from the road, the word bola means the round rocking object we play with), concepts such as size, shape, color and time, grammar (e.g. regular plural: cat/s, regular past tense: fetch/ed ) and written information (eg signs in the environment such as “no climbing”, written stories).

    TBI 6B

    Receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. Some children who have difficulty understanding oral language (words and talking) may appear to be understanding because they may be able to pick up key words and get visual information from the environment or from gestures.Receptive language is important in order to communicate successfully. Children who have understanding difficulties may find it challenging to follow instructions at home or within the educational setting and may not respond appropriately to questions and requests. Within the school setting, difficulties in understanding may lead to attention and listening difficulties and/or behavioural issues. As most activities require a good understanding of language, it may also make it difficult for a child to access the curriculum or engage in the activities and academic tasks required for their year level of school.

  26. Name: Susilawati
    SRN: 181230073
    Class: TBI 6B

    I think receptive language skill is really relate with are of psycholinguistics because receptive language skill is the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that our hear or our read which is that ability are different between young people and elder. In other hand there are two types of receptive language skill, namely reading and listening which are both was processed using brain.

    For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put your book on the table”) relies on the child's receptive language skills.

    From the example above we will know that child able to understand or not understand about that instruction has given. So if that child do what the instruction it means that child has understand and if that child just silent or do it but not right, it means that child not understand that instruction and it come from the impact of receptive language skill themselves.

  27. Ade Putri Astini

    Receptive language refers to how your child understands language. Expressive language refers to how your child uses words to express himself/herself.

    Receptive language is important in order to communicate successfully. Children who have understanding difficulties may find it challenging to follow instructions at home or within the educational setting and may not respond appropriately to questions and requests.

    Receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. Some children who have difficulty understanding oral language (words and talking) may appear to be understanding because they may be able to pick up key words and get visual information from the environment or from gestures.

    Receptive language is essentially understanding the expressions and words of others. Children begin to develop this skill first. Expressive language is the child's ability to express themselves. As children improve their language skills, they tend to understand more than they can say.

  28. Sri sulastri
    TBI 6B

    The receptive skills are listening and reading, because learners do not need to produce language to do these, they receive and understand it. These skills are sometimes known as passive skills. Receptive language is important for successful communication. Children who have difficulty understanding may find it difficult to follow instructions at home or in an educational setting and may not respond to questions and requests appropriately.

  29. NIM : 181230075
    Kelas : 6B

    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. In typical development, children are able to understand language before they are able to produce it. Children who are unable to comprehend language may have receptive language difficulties or a receptive language disorder.

  30. Name: khusniyah 181230048 TBI 6 B
    I think age can also affect language development in children and adults, of course because age can also help them improve their language skills, and teachers must also know materials to teach them according to their needs.

  31. Name : Nafa Saniati
    TBI 6B

    My arguement about this topic is
    Language acquisition is an important part of one's life. Psycholinguistics teaches how our bodies learn language and communication. Especially receiptive language skills. Everyone has a different ability to receive language, it depends on our brain and body. In the study of language acquisition, language is studied from the point of ontogeny and polygeny, namely the development of language in different individuals and the development of language through its stages in history (Musfiroh, 2002: 92). In one study, revealed that receptive and expressive language skills show variance in development; individuals with speech and language delay fall below the norms set for their age group on account of their neuro-pathological conditions; and also that individuals who receive some forms of therapy had effect on language development. Of course, this topic is included in the psycholinguistic area because it is related to language absorption (brain) and how to express language. While the outline in psycholinguistics is to study the science that describes the psychological processes that occur when a person produces sentences and understands the sentences he hears when communicating and how human language skills are acquired (Simanjuntak, 1987: 1). Thank You

  32. Name: Agtrisya Tamara Putri
    Nim: 181230043

    Receptive language skills are related to the area of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained mental processes that occur in the human brain over the course of time a person produces and perceives a language.
    e.g : a child who reads and listens who processes language or is called "input" but doesn't produce language skills, where the child feels that it is enough to receive information alone doesn't produce language.

  33. Kikin Sakinah
    TBI 6B
    receptive language is very related with psycholinguistic. receptive language is reading and listening. What we already know is that psycholiguistics is a science that deals with language. reading and listening are 2 of 4 skills in language. For example, when we listen, it will automatically be absorbed into the brain and will enter into memory. of the brain will respond and store it. In reading, when someone reads it will automatically remember the letters that are learned. after that the brain will respond to the writing and critical reading appears. And age is really affects it.

  34. Name : Nur 'Afifah Zafa
    SRN : 181230077
    Class : TBI 6 B

    In my opinion Strong receptive language skills are important for education, as students are given many verbal and written instructions by their educators or teachers each day. For example, a teacher may ask a child to ‘get your hat, find your lunchbox and water-bottle and go outside into the playground’. This common instruction contains three steps:

    1.Get your hat
    2.Find your lunch box and water bottle
    3.Go outside to the playground

    For a child to complete the instruction, they first need to listen to the information and process what it means, hold this information in their working memory, and then remember the order that they need to complete the steps as they execute the instructions correctly.

  35. Nama : Salma Aida Maftuhah
    Kelas: Tbi 6B
    Nim : 181230068

    Skilled itself means capable or capable and agile, as the basic word of the word skill. While skills, means skills or abilities and dexterity. Language skills are the ability and dexterity to use language which includes reading, speaking, writing, and listening.

    Language skills can be divided into two, namely verbal and written. From the group of spoken language skills, including listening and speaking. Meanwhile, the group of written language skills includes reading and writing. When viewed from its nature, verbal language skills are receptive, namely receiving or understanding the message conveyed by the speaker or writer. Meanwhile, written language skills are productive, namely producing speech or writing.

  36. Name : Nur Rasmayanti
    SRN : 181230066
    Class : TBI-6B

    Receptive language is the ability to understand conceptual, spoken and read information. The child must understand the meaning of words and how words are used in the context.
    Receptive language can be defined as the ability to understand language by utilizing attention, active listening, and the ability to process information that can be presented in an auditory or visual modality.
    Receptive language refers to our ability to understand spoken language. Spoken language is our main form of communication and it can contain a number of structures such as questions and instructions. Language may be simple (e.g. ‘Can you shut the door?’) or complex (e.g. ‘After you place your book in your bag and put your desk next to the window, can you shut the door?’). Our understanding of any language used around us depends on our receptive language skills.

    TBI 6B

    this is my opinion about eceptive language skills for young children is receptive with strong language skills can point to simple pictures (such as dogs) in the book when they say Dog or Woof, can understand and respond to simple verbal conversations, and can also follow simple verbal instructions. Young children who are difficult to complete these tasks may have weak language receptive ability, and psychologists will be able to distinguish between receptive language delay or poor attention control or poor behavioral compliance.

    Older children with strong language skills follow complex, multi-step verbal instructions, accurately explain complex grammar, answer questions appropriately and participate in conversations, and perform well in teaching through verbal guidance. Older children who have difficulty completing these tasks may have weaker language receptivity, and psychologists will be able to distinguish between receptive language delays or poor attention control or poor behavioral compliance.

  38. I'm Sonia Oktaviani (181230145) 6D

    In my opinion, psycholinguistic is concerned with the relationship between the human mind and the language as it examines the processes that occur in brain while producing and perceiving language. Psycholinguistics covers three main points; language production, language perception and language acquisition. Language production refers to the processes involved in creating and expressing meaning through language. Language perception refers to processes involved in interpreting and understanding both written and spoken language. Language acquisition refers to processes of acquiring a native or a second
    According to ppt: Receptive language is the ability to accurately comprehend what is said, written, or signed by others. It is related to the three main points from psycholinguistic, there is language perception.
    Example, someone who has good reading and listening skills and manages the information very well.

  39. Name: Syahrini Sovia
    Nim: 181230150
    Class: TBI 6D

    In my opinion, receptive language skills relate to psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading. And receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. In typical development, children are able to understand language before they are able to produce it. And it will be very helpful to know the usual developmental stages a child goes through when learning speech and language. Individual babies, toddlers, and children achieve different skills at different times within the range.

  40. Yulistria Amanda Dewi
    Tbi 6b

    In my opinion, receptive language skills are related to the field of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained how mental processes occur in the human brain during the production and perception of language. and receptive language is language “input”, the ability to understand and understand spoken language that you hear or read.

  41. Nisa Nuranisa
    Tbi 6b
    I think Receptive language is the ability to accurately comprehend what is said, written, or signed by others. receptive language refers to the child’s ability to comprehend language. Typically, children with severe reading and reading comprehension problems show poor receptive language skills, and problems with receptive language also lead to problems with expressive language.

  42. Name : Rahmania Aulia
    Class : TBI 6 D
    SRN : 181230136
    Because in psycholinguistic explain 4 language skill and has ability to make easier in language and learning skill and receptive language is make easier to understand spoken language. Example when we follow the direction by someone or teacher in the class because listen it.

  43. 181230074
    Ini my opinion receptive language skills are related to the area of psycholinguistics because psycholinguistic theory has explained mental processes that occur in the human brain over the course of time a person produces and perceives a language.
    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. Forexample, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat” or "open your book please") relies on the child's receptive language skills.

  44. In my opinion the language skills are related to the psycholinguinguishable because prescriptive language skills refer to the language skills of people who do not need to produce any language feature but they must process and understand the message or information. These messages can be found not only in written texts but also in spoken texts. People must use logical thinking and critical thinking to get a lot of information. And psycholinguistics is the study of mental aspects of language and speech. It primarily relates to the ways in which language it is represented and processed in the brain.

  45. Sekar Septiani
    TBI 6 D

    Psycholinguistics is a science that studies how humans acquire, use, and understand a language. This is of course related to human receptive abilities, where humans have the ability to capture and understand information conveyed through spoken and written language (Listening response). Included in the receptive skills are listening and reading. An example that we can take is when a child listens to instructions from his parents who then the child follows the instructions. Example “Put the green marker into the blue glass”.
    The conclusion is that both receptive language skills and psycholinguistics are interconnected, where both have similarities in understanding or processing a language into a certain meaning.

  46. Name : Esti Rahayu Pratiwi
    NIM : 181230040
    Class: TBI-6B

    The psycholinguistic processes which go on when we perform receptively and expressively in the linguistic activities do not occur in isolation but in some sort of sequence of coordination. The efficient learning of reading may also involve writing or speaking. However, we must not fall into a confusion of ends and means.
    If the end is the ability to speak, this does not rule out receptive activity or exercise as a means to that end. Some exposure to language is necessary in order to discover its rules, and consequently some Iearning of receptive skills must logically precede productive activity. We must learn something of reading before we learn to write,something of comprehension before we Iearn to speak.

  47. Mimin 181230011 TBI 6A

    I think that Receptive language skill is a language input or ability to understand an spoken language that we hear or read. For example, a person's ability as a child to listen to a clue while paying attention to these and to understand it may depend on a child's skill.

  48. Name: Moh faiz
    Srn: 181230056
    Class: TBI 6B

    I think for the two types of learning to read and listen, between the two types from my own opinion, the direct listening type is more effective because listening directly we can immediately catch what we are listening to by directly practicing it, there is also an effective type of reading, how to learn everyone varies according to their respective abilities as well.

  49. Rizkia Nabilah
    TBI 6D

    The receptive language skills related to psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics theories have explained the mental processes that occur in human brain during a person produces and perceives a language. Language perception includes the activity of listening and reading, while the language production includes the activity of speaking and writing. The receptive skills are listening and reading, because learners do not need to produce language to do these, they receive and understand it. These skills are sometimes known as passive skills. They can be contrasted with the productive or active skills of speaking and writing.
    Often in the process of learning new language, learners begin with receptive understanding of the new items, then later move on to productive use.

  50. Name : hedi indra lesmana
    Srn : 181230032
    Class : 6A
    In my opinion receptive skills has some relate with psycholinguistic because in these skill there are speaking and listening skills as they in receiving information then language has is very important means of communication in psycholinguistic knowledge too

  51. Name : Anggun Al-Fariatunnisa
    Class : TBI 6E
    Nim : 181230163

    I think receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. In typical development, children are able to understand language before they are able to produce it. Children who are unable to comprehend language may have receptive language difficulties or a receptive language disorder.

  52. Ainun maulina m
    Tbi 6e
    On my opinion
    Language acquisition does not merely involve children’s first or second language development, but also temporer language disorder –which does not belong to permanent language disorder. Deviation on language development to some extent gets little attention from psycholinguists. Most references on psychology of language discuss language disorder in general, whereas the current issues on this area are still rarely found.

  53. Name:Dede Rapli
    Nim: 181230177
    Class:TBI 6-E
    Receptive language is the understanding of information given in various ways such as sounds and words; body movements, and signs or symbols. Receptive language is also the ability to understand spoken language that you hear or read.

  54. Name : Anisa Fauziah
    Nim : 181230164
    Class : TBI 6 E

    Receptive Language is the ability to understand spoken language that is heard or read. This ability is as input or input. An example is when a child listens and follows instructions such as "Let's take a shower". This is a child's receptive language skill.

  55. Name: Melani Agustini
    Nim: 181230168
    Class: TBI 6E
    Receptive language is essentially understanding the expressions and words of others. Children begin to develop this skill first. Expressive language is the child's ability to express themselves. As children improve their language skills, they tend to understand more than they can say. Receptive language refers to how your child understands language. Expressive language refers to how your child uses words to express himself/herself. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child's receptive language skills

  56. Name : Asifa Ramadhan
    Class : TBI 6-E

    Language skills, in my opinion, are linked to psycholinguinguishability since prescriptive language skills refer to the abilities of persons who do not need to produce any language features but must process and grasp the message or information. Not just in written texts, but also in spoken words, these signals can be discovered. To gain a lot of information, people must apply logical and critical thinking. Psycholinguistics is the study of how language and speech affect people's minds. It is largely concerned with how language is represented and processed in the brain.

  57. Lida Maulida
    TBI 6E

    In my opinion receptive language skill is process to build an idea after someone has read or listened something, this process surely use brain's memory to recall what we have done.
    Of course it's related to Psycholinguistic because its involve language and brain.

    For the example, teacher give us a task to read an article, we read the article, then the brain got new information and produce it so we have an output, as for the output is we can speak, we deliver what we got after read that article. So, there's an input and output as well.

  58. Name : Farhan
    SRN : 181230291
    Class : TBI 6E

    In my opinion about related between receptive language skill and Psycholinguisticts area is so that in receptive language isn't to produce the features of the language but the person must be to doing a process to understand that something informasi such as by reading or listening.
    So that absolutely we must be known the value of understanding from level of person like a child or adult person, of course the value of understanding is different. We must know how to manage that to given information in order to person understand and for process the information better

  59. Sithi Alfiqaroh Suarti
    TBI 6E

    I think The receptive skills are listening and reading, because learners do not need to produce language to do these, they receive and understand it. These skills are sometimes known as passive skills. They can be contrasted with the productive or active skills of speaking and writing. ( ex. Open your book) and Specifically, psycholinguistics helps to understand the difficulties of these four skills both intrinsic difficulties and extrinsic difficulties so Psycholinguistics also helps to explain the errors students do in the language learning.

  60. Azriel Sani Akbar

    Receptive language process is closely related to psycholinguistics because in it there are several activities that involve the ability to think and demonstrate brain abilities, for example, we read or read stories by the teacher, we can read to hone spelling skills or listen to sharpen the ability to absorb knowledge in memory.

  61. Dhea Putri herdiani
    TBI 6E

    Receptive language means the ability to understand information. It involves understanding the words, sentences and meaning of what others say or what is read.
    Ex: *Following simple to multistep directions “Pick up your toy and put it on the table,” *Answering comprehension questions (who/what/where/why) based on a picture or story *Understanding vocabulary words *Inferencing and making predictions based on a picture or story “What do you think the character will do next?”

  62. Hilwa Haniefah
    TBI 6C

    I think receptive language skills are a process that builds someone's ideas after reading or listening to something, this will certainly make us remember what we have just done and it requires brain memory. Things that involve the brain and language are included in psycholinguistics.

  63. Nur Annisa Saputri
    TBI 6C

    We know, Language is one of the most important things in everyone's life. Learn a language, as one complex human problems, language activities it doesn't just happen mechanistically, but also going on mentally. That is, the activity is related too with mental (brain) processes or activities. Therefore, in learning language needs, linguistic studies are equipped with interdisciplinary studies between linguistics and psychology, also known as psycholinguistics. Language regarding language acquisition is closely related to how humans can learn perceive and then understand speech other people. psycholinguistics is a science who studies the relationship between language with human behavior and reason as well as language skills can be obtained. in language process occurs the process of understanding and produce utterances,
    in the form of sentences. Psycholinguistics is a science that examines how the speakers/users of the language form/construct sentences of the language. If happy with skills language that must be mastered by students, This relates to language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and write. The opinion above is expressly states that Psycholinguistics also studies the acquisition of language by humans so that humans are able to speak. further away can communicate with other humans including the stages passed by a child when the child learns to speak.

  64. Syelvina Apriliani
    TBI 6C

    Receptive Language is the ability to understand spoken language that is heard or read. This ability is as input.
    The relationship between receptive language and psycholinguistics is to analyze deviant speech errors. Individuals are considered as subjects who can reach psychological aspects, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. These aspects are needed when we use language both at receptive times, namely listening and reading or productive times, namely speaking and writing.
    For example, when the child listens and follows instructions such as "Let's take a shower". This is a child's receptive language skill.

  65. Eva alawiyah 81230115 6c

    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. In typical development, children are able to understand language before they are able to produce it. Receptive language is very related with psychlinguistics because psycholinguistics focuses on the application of the actual language and communication. It is necessary to make a decision
    in applying various methods that allow students to easily understand a language

  66. Kartika Chandra Kirana
    Tbi 6C

    Bahasa reseptif adalah dimana seseorang bisa menerima pesan yang disampaikan lawan bicaranya dengan baik dan melaksanakannya. Sedangkan kemampuan ekspresif adalah dimana seseorang mampu mengungkapkan keinginan yang ingin disampaikan bisa melalui bahasa tubuh ataupun simbol-simbol yang sudah disepakati.
    Contohnya yaitu saat anak mendengarkan dan mengikuti instruksi seperti:
    “Ayo mandi”
    "Ayo makan"
    "Ayo tidur"
    Ini adalah keterampilan bahasa reseptif anak.

  67. Dzakiyatun Naqia
    181230101 - 6/C
    In my opinion, the relationship between receptive language skills and psycholinguistics is that reading and listening are the main things for humans to receive language. After reading and listening, the information is processed by the brain and becomes a memory. In studying psycholinguistics, humans can also analyze errors when receiving language. By processing receptive language skills, humans can produce productive language skills, namely the ability to speak and write. For example, a baby who is often invited to communicate or hears his parents talking will be able to speak faster than a baby who is rarely invited to communicate will experience delays in speaking because the information received by the baby will be more quickly and easily absorbed so that his memory becomes stronger.

  68. Ulfah Mariatul K
    TBI 6E
    Receptive Language is the ability to understand spoken language that is heard or read. This ability as input.
    The relationship between receptive language and psycholinguistics is to analyze deviant speech errors. Individuals are considered as subjects who can achieve psychological aspects, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor. These aspects are needed when we use language both at receptive times, namely listening and reading or at productive times, namely speaking and writing.
    For example, when an adult is talking, the child then listens and follows instructions such as "Let's take a shower." This is a child's receptive language skill.

  69. Name : Nurul Arini (181230167)
    Class : TBI 6E

    The receptive skills are listening and reading, because learners do not need to produce language to do these. Receptive language is important for successful communication. Children with difficulty understanding may find it difficult to follow instructions.

  70. Alifah
    Tbi 6e

    In my opinion, receptive ability is where a person can receive the message conveyed by the interlocutor well and carry it out while psycholinguistics Psycholinguistics studies psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. For that, I think the path between the two is reading and listening, which helps convey the content of the message which is then absorbed by the brain and then forms a meanin

  71. Name : Dita Aurellia
    SRN :181230185

    Receptive language skills consist of the abilities to successfully read and listen, and consequently comprehend a foreign language.
    Since nobody is born with theirs abilities, there's skills have to be learned and mastered. Even listening skills seems an obvious inborn ability, must be learned too.
    Individuals are required to process and understand information gathered from what they see and hear.

    Why is receptive language important? Because, in order to communicate successfully. Children who have understanding difficulties may find it challenging to follow instructions at home or within the educational setting and may not respond appropriately to questions and requests. Within the school setting, difficulties in understanding may lead to attention and listening difficulties and/or behavioural issues. As most activities require a good understanding of language, it may also make it difficult for a child to access the curriculum or engage in the activities and academic tasks required for their year level of school.

  72. Siska Maulida Fitria 181230105-TBI6C

    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child's receptive language skills.

    How to improve receptive language: Speech language therapy is highly effective in improving receptive language skills. A speech language pathologist will use a variety of informal and formal assessments to determine a child’s specific receptive language weaknesses. A comprehensive treatment plan is created for each child. Goals may focus on attention and concentration, vocabulary, understanding of grammar, figurative language, comprehension strategies and following directions. Speech therapy for receptive language is specific to each child’s unique needs. Improving receptive language skills will allow a child to fully and independently participate in their daily activities.

  73. Faathir Muhammad Amanullah (181230124) Receptive Language without a great memories would be the barrier, so we need to Improvise the memories first

  74. Umi Athiyah

    Receptive language is an understanding of language for children. where in this section the language is expressed with expressions and gives a few hints so that when children listen it is easier to understand.

  75. Intan permatasari
    18230092 / TBI 6C

    Language is the most important thing in life. Almost all living things have their own language. like a child when the first time a child acquires the language from his family environment, then over time and as the child grows they acquire the language from the environment around his home, and so on.

  76. Nanda Siti Radela

    The ability to successfully read and listen, and so comprehend a foreign language, is referred to as receptive language skills.
    Because no one is born with certain aptitude, skills must be learnt and mastered. Even listening abilities, which appear to be a natural quality, must be acquired.
    Individuals must be able to absorb and comprehend data gathered from what they see and hear.

    What is the significance of receptive language? Because, in order to effectively communicate. Children with learning disabilities may find it difficult to follow directions at home or at school, and they may not respond appropriately to queries and requests. In the classroom, challenges in understanding can lead to concentration and listening problems, as well as behavioural problems. Because most activities necessitate a good command of the English language, it may be difficult for a kid to access the curriculum or participate in the activities and academic objectives that are appropriate for their grade level.

  77. Annisa Nabila
    TBI 6B

    Receptive language is the ability to understand conceptual, spoken and read information. The child must understand the meaning of words and how words are used in the context.
    Receptive language can be defined as the ability to understand language by utilizing attention, active listening, and the ability to process information that can be presented in an auditory or visual modality.
    For the example, teacher give us a task to read an article, we read the article, then the brain got new information and produce it so we have an output, as for the output is we can speak, we deliver what we got after read that article. So, there's an input and output as well.

  78. Nurul Azmi Agisni

    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child’s ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child’s receptive language skills. In typical development, children are able to understand language before they are able to produce it. Children who are unable to comprehend language may have receptive language difficulties or a receptive language disorder.

  79. Siti Inaya
    TBI 6 C

    Receptive language is the “input” of language, the ability to understand and comprehend spoken language that you hear or read. For example, a child's ability to listen and follow directions (e.g. “put on your coat”) relies on the child's receptive language skills.
    Receptive language is important in order to communicate successfully. Children who have understanding difficulties may find it challenging to follow instructions at home or within the educational setting and may not respond appropriately to questions and requests.
